
Subversion Repositories openrisc_2011-10-31

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 352 to Rev 353
    Reverse comparison

Rev 352 → Rev 353

99,9 → 99,9
input ex_spr_read; // l.mfspr in EX
input ex_spr_write; // l.mtspr in EX
input [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] branch_op; // Branch operation
input [width-1:0] epcr; // EPCR0
input [width-1:0] eear; // EEAR0
input [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] esr; // ESR0
input [width-1:0] epcr /* verilator public */; // EPCR0
input [width-1:0] eear /* verilator public */; // EEAR0
input [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] esr /* verilator public */; // ESR0
input except_started; // Exception was started
output [width-1:0] to_wbmux; // For l.mfspr
output epcr_we; // EPCR0 write enable
110,7 → 110,7
output pc_we; // PC write enable
output sr_we; // Write enable SR
output [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] to_sr; // Data to SR
output [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] sr; // SR
output [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] sr /* verilator public */; // SR
input [31:0] spr_dat_cfgr; // Data from CFGR
input [31:0] spr_dat_rf; // Data from RF
input [31:0] spr_dat_npc; // Data from NPC
358,6 → 358,34
always @(sr_reg or sr_reg_bit_eph_muxed)
sr = {sr_reg[`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-2], sr_reg_bit_eph_muxed, sr_reg[`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-4:0]};
`ifdef verilator
// Function to access various sprs (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_sr;
// verilator public
get_sr = sr;
endfunction // get_sr
function [31:0] get_epcr;
// verilator public
get_epcr = epcr;
endfunction // get_epcr
function [31:0] get_eear;
// verilator public
get_eear = eear;
endfunction // get_eear
function [31:0] get_esr;
// verilator public
get_esr = esr;
endfunction // get_esr
// MTSPR/MFSPR interface
79,8 → 79,8
input clk;
input rst;
input id_freeze;
input ex_freeze;
input wb_freeze;
input ex_freeze /* verilator public */;
input wb_freeze /* verilator public */;
output if_flushpipe;
output id_flushpipe;
output ex_flushpipe;
90,7 → 90,7
input abort_mvspr ;
input [31:0] if_insn;
output [31:0] id_insn;
output [31:0] ex_insn;
output [31:0] ex_insn /* verilator public */;
output [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] ex_branch_op;
output [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] id_branch_op;
input ex_branch_taken;
155,9 → 155,9
wire ex_macrc_op;
reg [`OR1200_SHROTOP_WIDTH-1:0] shrot_op;
reg [31:0] id_insn;
reg [31:0] ex_insn;
reg [31:0] wb_insn;
reg [31:0] id_insn /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] ex_insn /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] wb_insn /* verilator public */;
reg [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addrw;
reg [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wb_rfaddrw;
reg [`OR1200_RFWBOP_WIDTH-1:0] rfwb_op;
373,6 → 373,35
assign rfe = (id_branch_op == `OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE) | (ex_branch_op == `OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE);
`ifdef verilator
// Function to access wb_insn (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_wb_insn;
// verilator public
get_wb_insn = wb_insn;
endfunction // get_wb_insn
// Function to access id_insn (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_id_insn;
// verilator public
get_id_insn = id_insn;
endfunction // get_id_insn
// Function to access ex_insn (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_ex_insn;
// verilator public
get_ex_insn = ex_insn;
endfunction // get_ex_insn
// Generation of sel_a
861,15 → 890,15
// l.maci
id_mac_op <= `OR1200_MACOP_MAC;
id_mac_op = `OR1200_MACOP_MAC;
// l.mac, l.msb
id_mac_op <= id_insn[2:0];
id_mac_op = id_insn[2:0];
// Illegal and OR1200 unsupported instructions
id_mac_op <= `OR1200_MACOP_NOP;
id_mac_op = `OR1200_MACOP_NOP;
1068,39 → 1097,39
// l.lwz
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LWZ;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LWZ;
// l.lbz
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LBZ;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LBZ;
// l.lbs
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LBS;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LBS;
// l.lhz
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LHZ;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LHZ;
// l.lhs
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LHS;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LHS;
// l.sw
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_SW;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_SW;
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_SB;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_SB;
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_SH;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_SH;
// Non load/store instructions
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_NOP;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_NOP;
151,12 → 151,12
// Internal regs and wires
reg [`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH-1:0] except_type;
reg [31:0] id_pc;
reg [`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH-1:0] except_type /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] id_pc /* verilator public */;
reg id_pc_val;
reg [31:0] ex_pc;
reg [31:0] ex_pc /* verilator public */;
reg ex_pc_val;
reg [31:0] wb_pc;
reg [31:0] wb_pc /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] dl_pc;
reg [31:0] epcr;
reg [31:0] eear;
166,10 → 166,11
reg [`OR1200_EXCEPTFSM_WIDTH-1:0] state;
reg extend_flush;
reg extend_flush_last;
reg ex_dslot;
reg ex_dslot /* verilator public */;
reg delayed1_ex_dslot;
reg delayed2_ex_dslot;
wire except_started;
wire except_flushpipe /* verilator public */;
reg [2:0] delayed_iee;
reg [2:0] delayed_tee;
wire int_pending;
293,6 → 294,41
`ifdef verilator
// Function to access wb_pc (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_wb_pc;
// verilator public
get_wb_pc = wb_pc;
endfunction // get_wb_pc
// Function to access id_pc (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_id_pc;
// verilator public
get_id_pc = id_pc;
endfunction // get_id_pc
// Function to access ex_pc (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_ex_pc;
// verilator public
get_ex_pc = ex_pc;
endfunction // get_ex_pc
// Function to access except_type[3:0] (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [3:0] get_except_type;
// verilator public
get_except_type = except_type;
endfunction // get_except_type
// PC and Exception flags pipelines
461,11 → 461,13
if (rsp.client_waiting)
//if (rsp.client_waiting)
if (rsp.client_waiting)
82,8 → 82,7
OR_DEBUG_PROXY_SRC = src/or_debug_proxy.c \
src/gdb.c \
src/usb_functions.c \
src/win_usb_driver_calls.c \
CXX = gcc
/trunk/docs/openrisc1200_supplementary_prm.odt Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
1,8 → 82,7
#define BUILD_VERSION "Mon Aug 23 20:04:04 CEST 2010"
#define BUILD_VERSION "Thu Sep 2 17:09:27 CEST 2010"
320,8 → 320,8
l.and r1,r1,r2
/* l.or r2, r1, r1 - remove this helped with odd UART output problem?!*/
l.movhi r3,hi(main)
l.ori r3,r3,lo(main)
l.movhi r3,hi(_main)
l.ori r3,r3,lo(_main)
l.jr r3
357,8 → 357,8
l.sw 0x70(r1), r30
l.sw 0x74(r1), r31
l.movhi r3,hi(tick_interrupt)
l.ori r3,r3,lo(tick_interrupt)
l.movhi r3,hi(_tick_interrupt)
l.ori r3,r3,lo(_tick_interrupt)
l.jalr r3
428,8 → 428,8
l.sw 0x70(r1), r30
l.sw 0x74(r1), r31
l.movhi r3,hi(int_main)
l.ori r3,r3,lo(int_main)
l.movhi r3,hi(_int_main)
l.ori r3,r3,lo(_int_main)
l.jalr r3
73,6 → 73,6
_fprog_addr = .;
. += 0x500;
src_addr = .;
_src_addr = .;
} > ram
27,7 → 27,8
CFLAGS += -Werror-implicit-function-declaration
#CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer
CFLAGS += -fno-strength-reduce -O2 -g -pipe -fno-builtin
CFLAGS += -mhard-mul -mhard-div -msoft-float -nostdlib
#CFLAGS += -mhard-mul -mhard-div -msoft-float
CFLAGS += -msoft-mul -msoft-div -msoft-float
CFLAGS += -nostdlib
51,7 → 51,7
.stack :
src_addr = .;
_src_addr = .;
} > ram
.monitor :
79,7 → 79,7
void memdump();
// Method used for monitoring and logging transactions on the system bus
void busMonitor();
//void busMonitor();
// Method to do simulator assisted printf'ing
void simPrintf(uint32_t stackaddr, uint32_t regparam);
38,8 → 38,10
class Vorpsoc_top_or1200_except;
class Vorpsoc_top_or1200_sprs;
class Vorpsoc_top_or1200_dpram;
// Main memory access class - will change if main memory size or other parameters change
class Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw__D20_A19_M800000;
// Main memory access class - will change if main memory size or other
// parameters change
//Old ram_wbclass: class Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw__D20_A19_M800000;
class Vorpsoc_top_wb_ram_b3__D20_A19_M800000;
// SoC Arbiter class - will also change if any modifications to bus architecture
class Vorpsoc_top_wb_conbus_top__pi1;
83,7 → 85,7
void set_mem32 (uint32_t addr, uint32_t data);
// Trigger a $readmemh for the RAM array
void do_ram_readmemh (void);
// Arbiter access functions
uint8_t getWbArbGrant ();
// Master Signal Access functions
97,7 → 99,7
bool getWbArbMastStbI (uint32_t mast_num);
bool getWbArbMastAckO (uint32_t mast_num);
bool getWbArbMastErrO (uint32_t mast_num);
107,9 → 109,9
Vorpsoc_top_or1200_except *or1200_except;
Vorpsoc_top_or1200_sprs *or1200_sprs;
Vorpsoc_top_or1200_dpram *rf_a;
/*Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw*/Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw__D20_A19_M800000 *ram_wb_sc_sw;
/*Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw*//*Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw__D20_A19_M800000*/ Vorpsoc_top_wb_ram_b3__D20_A19_M800000 *ram_wb_sc_sw;
// Arbiter
Vorpsoc_top_wb_conbus_top__pi1 *wb_arbiter;
//Vorpsoc_top_wb_conbus_top__pi1 *wb_arbiter;
}; // OrpsocAccess ()
328,7 → 328,8
memdump_start_addr = memdump_start;
memdump_end_addr = memdump_end;
if (bus_trans_log_enabled)
// Setup log file and register the bus monitoring function
344,10 → 345,11
cout << endl;
/* Couldn't open */
// Couldn't open
bus_trans_log_enabled = false;
if (bus_trans_log_enabled)
// Setup profiling function
355,6 → 357,7
sensitive << clk.pos();
} // Or1200MonitorSC ()
834,7 → 837,7
909,7 → 912,7
} // busMonitor ()
Or1200MonitorSC::simPrintf(uint32_t stackaddr, uint32_t regparam)
39,11 → 39,14
#include "Vorpsoc_top_or1200_sprs.h"
#include "Vorpsoc_top_or1200_rf.h"
#include "Vorpsoc_top_or1200_dpram.h"
//#include "Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb.h"
//#include "Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw.h"
#include "Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb__D20_A19_M800000.h"
#include "Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw__D20_A19_M800000.h"
#include "Vorpsoc_top_wb_conbus_top__pi1.h"
// Need RAM instantiation has parameters after module name
// Includes for wb_ram
//#include "Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb__D20_A19_M800000.h"
//#include "Vorpsoc_top_ram_wb_sc_sw__D20_A19_M800000.h"
// Include for wb_ram_b3
#include "Vorpsoc_top_wb_ram_b3__D20_A19_M800000.h"
// Bus arbiter include - but is for old arbiter, no longer used
//#include "Vorpsoc_top_wb_conbus_top__pi1.h"
//! Constructor for the ORPSoC access class
60,9 → 63,11
or1200_sprs = orpsoc_top->v->i_or1k->i_or1200_top->or1200_cpu->or1200_sprs;
rf_a = orpsoc_top->v->i_or1k->i_or1200_top->or1200_cpu->or1200_rf->rf_a;
// Assign main memory accessor objects
ram_wb_sc_sw = orpsoc_top->v->ram_wb0->ram0;
// For old ram_wb: ram_wb_sc_sw = orpsoc_top->v->ram_wb0->ram0;
ram_wb_sc_sw = orpsoc_top->v->ram_wb0;
// Assign arbiter accessor object
wb_arbiter = orpsoc_top->v->wb_conbus;
//wb_arbiter = orpsoc_top->v->wb_conbus;
} // OrpsocAccess ()
324,7 → 329,7
} // getSprEsr ()
//! Access for the arbiter's grant signal
//! @return The value of the wb_conmax_top.arb signal
450,3 → 455,4
} // getWbArbMastErrO ()
99,9 → 99,9
input ex_spr_read; // l.mfspr in EX
input ex_spr_write; // l.mtspr in EX
input [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] branch_op; // Branch operation
input [width-1:0] epcr; // EPCR0
input [width-1:0] eear; // EEAR0
input [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] esr; // ESR0
input [width-1:0] epcr /* verilator public */; // EPCR0
input [width-1:0] eear /* verilator public */; // EEAR0
input [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] esr /* verilator public */; // ESR0
input except_started; // Exception was started
output [width-1:0] to_wbmux; // For l.mfspr
output epcr_we; // EPCR0 write enable
110,7 → 110,7
output pc_we; // PC write enable
output sr_we; // Write enable SR
output [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] to_sr; // Data to SR
output [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] sr; // SR
output [`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:0] sr /* verilator public */; // SR
input [31:0] spr_dat_cfgr; // Data from CFGR
input [31:0] spr_dat_rf; // Data from RF
input [31:0] spr_dat_npc; // Data from NPC
358,6 → 358,34
always @(sr_reg or sr_reg_bit_eph_muxed)
sr = {sr_reg[`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-1:`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-2], sr_reg_bit_eph_muxed, sr_reg[`OR1200_SR_WIDTH-4:0]};
`ifdef verilator
// Function to access various sprs (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_sr;
// verilator public
get_sr = sr;
endfunction // get_sr
function [31:0] get_epcr;
// verilator public
get_epcr = epcr;
endfunction // get_epcr
function [31:0] get_eear;
// verilator public
get_eear = eear;
endfunction // get_eear
function [31:0] get_esr;
// verilator public
get_esr = esr;
endfunction // get_esr
// MTSPR/MFSPR interface
79,8 → 79,8
input clk;
input rst;
input id_freeze;
input ex_freeze;
input wb_freeze;
input ex_freeze /* verilator public */;
input wb_freeze /* verilator public */;
output if_flushpipe;
output id_flushpipe;
output ex_flushpipe;
90,7 → 90,7
input abort_mvspr ;
input [31:0] if_insn;
output [31:0] id_insn;
output [31:0] ex_insn;
output [31:0] ex_insn /* verilator public */;
output [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] ex_branch_op;
output [`OR1200_BRANCHOP_WIDTH-1:0] id_branch_op;
input ex_branch_taken;
155,9 → 155,9
wire ex_macrc_op;
reg [`OR1200_SHROTOP_WIDTH-1:0] shrot_op;
reg [31:0] id_insn;
reg [31:0] ex_insn;
reg [31:0] wb_insn;
reg [31:0] id_insn /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] ex_insn /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] wb_insn /* verilator public */;
reg [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rf_addrw;
reg [`OR1200_REGFILE_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wb_rfaddrw;
reg [`OR1200_RFWBOP_WIDTH-1:0] rfwb_op;
373,6 → 373,35
assign rfe = (id_branch_op == `OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE) | (ex_branch_op == `OR1200_BRANCHOP_RFE);
`ifdef verilator
// Function to access wb_insn (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_wb_insn;
// verilator public
get_wb_insn = wb_insn;
endfunction // get_wb_insn
// Function to access id_insn (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_id_insn;
// verilator public
get_id_insn = id_insn;
endfunction // get_id_insn
// Function to access ex_insn (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_ex_insn;
// verilator public
get_ex_insn = ex_insn;
endfunction // get_ex_insn
// Generation of sel_a
861,15 → 890,15
// l.maci
id_mac_op <= `OR1200_MACOP_MAC;
id_mac_op = `OR1200_MACOP_MAC;
// l.mac, l.msb
id_mac_op <= id_insn[2:0];
id_mac_op = id_insn[2:0];
// Illegal and OR1200 unsupported instructions
id_mac_op <= `OR1200_MACOP_NOP;
id_mac_op = `OR1200_MACOP_NOP;
1068,39 → 1097,39
// l.lwz
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LWZ;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LWZ;
// l.lbz
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LBZ;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LBZ;
// l.lbs
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LBS;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LBS;
// l.lhz
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LHZ;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LHZ;
// l.lhs
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_LHS;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_LHS;
// l.sw
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_SW;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_SW;
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_SB;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_SB;
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_SH;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_SH;
// Non load/store instructions
id_lsu_op <= `OR1200_LSUOP_NOP;
id_lsu_op = `OR1200_LSUOP_NOP;
151,12 → 151,12
// Internal regs and wires
reg [`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH-1:0] except_type;
reg [31:0] id_pc;
reg [`OR1200_EXCEPT_WIDTH-1:0] except_type /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] id_pc /* verilator public */;
reg id_pc_val;
reg [31:0] ex_pc;
reg [31:0] ex_pc /* verilator public */;
reg ex_pc_val;
reg [31:0] wb_pc;
reg [31:0] wb_pc /* verilator public */;
reg [31:0] dl_pc;
reg [31:0] epcr;
reg [31:0] eear;
166,10 → 166,11
reg [`OR1200_EXCEPTFSM_WIDTH-1:0] state;
reg extend_flush;
reg extend_flush_last;
reg ex_dslot;
reg ex_dslot /* verilator public */;
reg delayed1_ex_dslot;
reg delayed2_ex_dslot;
wire except_started;
wire except_flushpipe /* verilator public */;
reg [2:0] delayed_iee;
reg [2:0] delayed_tee;
wire int_pending;
293,6 → 294,41
`ifdef verilator
// Function to access wb_pc (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_wb_pc;
// verilator public
get_wb_pc = wb_pc;
endfunction // get_wb_pc
// Function to access id_pc (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_id_pc;
// verilator public
get_id_pc = id_pc;
endfunction // get_id_pc
// Function to access ex_pc (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [31:0] get_ex_pc;
// verilator public
get_ex_pc = ex_pc;
endfunction // get_ex_pc
// Function to access except_type[3:0] (for Verilator). Have to hide this from
// simulator, since functions with no inputs are not allowed in IEEE
// 1364-2001.
function [3:0] get_except_type;
// verilator public
get_except_type = except_type;
endfunction // get_except_type
// PC and Exception flags pipelines
76,27 → 76,25
wb_b3_trans <= 0;
// Burst address generation logic
always @(/*AUTOSENSE*/wb_ack_o or wb_b3_trans or wb_b3_trans_start
or wb_bte_i_r or wb_cti_i_r or wb_adr_i or wb_rst_i or adr)
always @*
if (wb_rst_i)
burst_adr_counter <= 0;
burst_adr_counter = 0;
else if (wb_b3_trans_start)
burst_adr_counter <= wb_adr_i[aw-1:2];
burst_adr_counter = wb_adr_i[aw-1:2];
else if ((wb_cti_i_r == 3'b010) & wb_ack_o & wb_b3_trans)
// Incrementing burst
if (wb_bte_i_r == 2'b00) // Linear burst
burst_adr_counter <= adr + 1;
burst_adr_counter = adr + 1;
if (wb_bte_i_r == 2'b01) // 4-beat wrap burst
burst_adr_counter[1:0] <= adr[1:0] + 1;
burst_adr_counter[1:0] = adr[1:0] + 1;
if (wb_bte_i_r == 2'b10) // 8-beat wrap burst
burst_adr_counter[2:0] <= adr[2:0] + 1;
burst_adr_counter[2:0] = adr[2:0] + 1;
if (wb_bte_i_r == 2'b11) // 16-beat wrap burst
burst_adr_counter[3:0] <= adr[3:0] + 1;
burst_adr_counter[3:0] = adr[3:0] + 1;
end // if ((wb_cti_i_r == 3'b010) & wb_ack_o_r)
else if (!wb_ack_o & wb_b3_trans)
burst_adr_counter <= adr;
burst_adr_counter = adr;
always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
192,7 → 190,7
assign wb_ack_o = wb_ack_o_r & wb_stb_i;
always @ (posedge wb_clk_i)
always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
if (wb_rst_i)
wb_ack_o_r <= 1'b0;
259,7 → 257,7
always @(wb_rst_i)
random_ack_negate <= 0;
random_ack_negate = 0;

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