
Subversion Repositories or1k

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1182 to Rev 1765
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1182 → Rev 1765

0,0 → 1,2081
'di ';
'ig 00 ';
# #
# File: texi2html #
# #
# Description: Program to transform most Texinfo documents to HTML #
# #
# @(#)texi2html 1.52 01/05/98 Written (mainly) by Lionel Cons,
# The man page for this program is included at the end of this file and can be
# viewed using the command 'nroff -man texi2html'.
# Please read the copyright at the end of the man page.
# #
# Constants #
# #
$DEBUG_DEF = 16;
$BIBRE = '\[[\w\/-]+\]'; # RE for a bibliography reference
$FILERE = '[\/\w.+-]+'; # RE for a file name
$VARRE = '[^\s\{\}]+'; # RE for a variable name
$NODERE = '[^@{}:\'`",]+'; # RE for a node name
$NODESRE = '[^@{}:\'`"]+'; # RE for a list of node names
$XREFRE = '[^@{}]+'; # RE for a xref (should use NODERE)
$ERROR = "***"; # prefix for errors and warnings
$THISPROG = "texi2html 1.52"; # program name and version
$HOMEPAGE = ""; # program home page
$TODAY = &pretty_date; # like "20 September 1993"
$SPLITTAG = "<!-- SPLIT HERE -->\n"; # tag to know where to split
$PROTECTTAG = "_ThisIsProtected_"; # tag to recognize protected sections
$html2_doctype = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 2//EN">';
# language dependent constants
#$LDC_SEE = 'see';
#$LDC_SECTION = 'section';
#$LDC_IN = 'in';
#$LDC_TOC = 'Table of Contents';
#$LDC_GOTO = 'Go to the';
#$LDC_FOOT = 'Footnotes';
# TODO: @def* shortcuts
# pre-defined indices
%predefined_index = (
'cp', 'c',
'fn', 'f',
'vr', 'v',
'ky', 'k',
'pg', 'p',
'tp', 't',
# valid indices
%valid_index = (
'c', 1,
'f', 1,
'v', 1,
'k', 1,
'p', 1,
't', 1,
# texinfo section names to level
%sec2level = (
'top', 0,
'chapter', 1,
'unnumbered', 1,
'majorheading', 1,
'chapheading', 1,
'appendix', 1,
'section', 2,
'unnumberedsec', 2,
'heading', 2,
'appendixsec', 2,
'appendixsection', 2,
'subsection', 3,
'unnumberedsubsec', 3,
'subheading', 3,
'appendixsubsec', 3,
'subsubsection', 4,
'unnumberedsubsubsec', 4,
'subsubheading', 4,
'appendixsubsubsec', 4,
# accent map, TeX command to ISO name
%accent_map = (
'"', 'uml',
'~', 'tilde',
'^', 'circ',
'`', 'grave',
'\'', 'acute',
# texinfo "simple things" (@foo) to HTML ones
%simple_map = (
# cf. makeinfo.c
"*", "<BR>", # HTML+
" ", " ",
"\n", "\n",
"|", "",
# spacing commands
":", "",
"!", "!",
"?", "?",
".", ".",
"-", "",
# texinfo "things" (@foo{}) to HTML ones
%things_map = (
'TeX', 'TeX',
'br', '<P>', # paragraph break
'bullet', '*',
'copyright', '(C)',
'dots', '...',
'equiv', '==',
'error', 'error-->',
'expansion', '==>',
'minus', '-',
'point', '-!-',
'print', '-|',
'result', '=>',
'today', $TODAY,
# texinfo styles (@foo{bar}) to HTML ones
%style_map = (
'asis', '',
'b', 'B',
'cite', 'CITE',
'code', 'CODE',
'ctrl', '&do_ctrl', # special case
'dfn', 'EM', # DFN tag is illegal in the standard
'dmn', '', # useless
'email', '&do_email', # insert a clickable email address
'emph', 'EM',
'file', '"TT', # will put quotes, cf. &apply_style
'i', 'I',
'kbd', 'KBD',
'key', 'KBD',
'math', 'EM',
'r', '', # unsupported
'samp', '"SAMP', # will put quotes, cf. &apply_style
'sc', '&do_sc', # special case
'strong', 'STRONG',
't', 'TT',
'titlefont', '', # useless
'uref', '&do_uref', # insert a clickable URL
'url', '&do_url', # insert a clickable URL
'var', 'VAR',
'w', '', # unsupported
# texinfo format (@foo/@end foo) to HTML ones
%format_map = (
'display', 'PRE',
'example', 'PRE',
'format', 'PRE',
'lisp', 'PRE',
'quotation', 'BLOCKQUOTE',
'smallexample', 'PRE',
'smalllisp', 'PRE',
# lists
'itemize', 'UL',
'enumerate', 'OL',
# poorly supported
'flushleft', 'PRE',
'flushright', 'PRE',
# texinfo definition shortcuts to real ones
%def_map = (
# basic commands
'deffn', 0,
'defvr', 0,
'deftypefn', 0,
'deftypevr', 0,
'defcv', 0,
'defop', 0,
'deftp', 0,
# basic x commands
'deffnx', 0,
'defvrx', 0,
'deftypefnx', 0,
'deftypevrx', 0,
'defcvx', 0,
'defopx', 0,
'deftpx', 0,
# shortcuts
'defun', 'deffn Function',
'defmac', 'deffn Macro',
'defspec', 'deffn {Special Form}',
'defvar', 'defvr Variable',
'defopt', 'defvr {User Option}',
'deftypefun', 'deftypefn Function',
'deftypevar', 'deftypevr Variable',
'defivar', 'defcv {Instance Variable}',
'defmethod', 'defop Method',
# x shortcuts
'defunx', 'deffnx Function',
'defmacx', 'deffnx Macro',
'defspecx', 'deffnx {Special Form}',
'defvarx', 'defvrx Variable',
'defoptx', 'defvrx {User Option}',
'deftypefunx', 'deftypefnx Function',
'deftypevarx', 'deftypevrx Variable',
'defivarx', 'defcvx {Instance Variable}',
'defmethodx', 'defopx Method',
# things to skip
%to_skip = (
# comments
'c', 1,
'comment', 1,
# useless
'contents', 1,
'shortcontents', 1,
'summarycontents', 1,
'footnotestyle', 1,
'end ifclear', 1,
'end ifset', 1,
'titlepage', 1,
'end titlepage', 1,
# unsupported commands (formatting)
'afourpaper', 1,
'cropmarks', 1,
'finalout', 1,
'headings', 1,
'need', 1,
'page', 1,
'setchapternewpage', 1,
'everyheading', 1,
'everyfooting', 1,
'evenheading', 1,
'evenfooting', 1,
'oddheading', 1,
'oddfooting', 1,
'smallbook', 1,
'vskip', 1,
'filbreak', 1,
'paragraphindent', 1,
# unsupported formats
'cartouche', 1,
'end cartouche', 1,
'group', 1,
'end group', 1,
# #
# Argument parsing, initialisation #
# #
%value = (); # hold texinfo variables, see also -D
$use_bibliography = 1;
$use_acc = 0;
$debug = 0;
$doctype = '';
$check = 0;
$expandinfo = 0;
$use_glossary = 0;
$invisible_mark = '';
$use_iso = 0;
@include_dirs = ();
$show_menu = 0;
$number_sections = 0;
$split_node = 0;
$split_chapter = 0;
$monolithic = 0;
$verbose = 0;
$usage = <<EOT;
To convert a Texinfo file to HMTL: $0 [options] file
where options can be:
-expandinfo : use \@ifinfo sections, not \@iftex
-glossary : handle a glossary
-invisible name: use 'name' as an invisible anchor
-Dname : define name like with \@set
-I dir : search also for files in 'dir'
-menu : handle menus
-monolithic : output only one file including ToC
-number : number sections
-split_chapter : split on main sections
-split_node : split on nodes
-usage : print usage instructions
-verbose : verbose output
To check converted files: $0 -check [-verbose] files
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
$_ = shift(@ARGV);
if (/^-acc$/) { $use_acc = 1; next; }
if (/^-d(ebug)?(\d+)?$/) { $debug = $2 || shift(@ARGV); next; }
if (/^-doctype$/) { $doctype = shift(@ARGV); next; }
if (/^-c(heck)?$/) { $check = 1; next; }
if (/^-e(xpandinfo)?$/) { $expandinfo = 1; next; }
if (/^-g(lossary)?$/) { $use_glossary = 1; next; }
if (/^-i(nvisible)?$/) { $invisible_mark = shift(@ARGV); next; }
if (/^-iso$/) { $use_iso = 1; next; }
if (/^-D(.+)?$/) { $value{$1 || shift(@ARGV)} = 1; next; }
if (/^-I(.+)?$/) { push(@include_dirs, $1 || shift(@ARGV)); next; }
if (/^-m(enu)?$/) { $show_menu = 1; next; }
if (/^-mono(lithic)?$/) { $monolithic = 1; next; }
if (/^-n(umber)?$/) { $number_sections = 1; next; }
if (/^-s(plit)?_?(n(ode)?|c(hapter)?)?$/) {
if ($2 =~ /^n/) {
$split_node = 1;
} else {
$split_chapter = 1;
if (/^-v(erbose)?$/) { $verbose = 1; next; }
die $usage;
if ($check) {
die $usage unless @ARGV > 0;
if (($split_node || $split_chapter) && $monolithic) {
warn "Can't use -monolithic with -split, -monolithic ignored.\n";
$monolithic = 0;
if ($expandinfo) {
$to_skip{'end ifinfo'}++;
} else {
$to_skip{'end iftex'}++;
$invisible_mark = '<IMG SRC="invisible.xbm">' if $invisible_mark eq 'xbm';
die $usage unless @ARGV == 1;
$docu = shift(@ARGV);
if ($docu =~ /.*\//) {
chop($docu_dir = $&);
$docu_name = $';
} else {
$docu_dir = '.';
$docu_name = $docu;
unshift(@include_dirs, $docu_dir);
$docu_name =~ s/\.te?x(i|info)?$//; # basename of the document
$docu_doc = "$docu_name.html"; # document's contents
if ($monolithic) {
$docu_toc = $docu_foot = $docu_doc;
} else {
$docu_toc = "${docu_name}_toc.html"; # document's table of contents
$docu_foot = "${docu_name}_foot.html"; # document's footnotes
# variables
$value{'html'} = 1; # predefine html (the output format)
$value{'texi2html'} = '1.52'; # predefine texi2html (the translator)
# _foo: internal to track @foo
foreach ('_author', '_title', '_subtitle',
'_settitle', '_setfilename') {
$value{$_} = ''; # prevent -w warnings
%node2sec = (); # node to section name
%node2href = (); # node to HREF
%bib2href = (); # bibliography reference to HREF
%gloss2href = (); # glossary term to HREF
@sections = (); # list of sections
%tag2pro = (); # protected sections
# initial indexes
$bib_num = 0;
$foot_num = 0;
$gloss_num = 0;
$idx_num = 0;
$sec_num = 0;
$doc_num = 0;
$html_num = 0;
# can I use ISO8879 characters? (HTML+)
if ($use_iso) {
$things_map{'bullet'} = "&bull;";
$things_map{'copyright'} = "&copy;";
$things_map{'dots'} = "&hellip;";
$things_map{'equiv'} = "&equiv;";
$things_map{'expansion'} = "&rarr;";
$things_map{'point'} = "&lowast;";
$things_map{'result'} = "&rArr;";
# read texi2html extensions (if any)
$extensions = 'texi2html.ext'; # extensions in working directory
if (-f $extensions) {
print "# reading extensions from $extensions\n" if $verbose;
($progdir = $0) =~ s/[^\/]+$//;
if ($progdir && ($progdir ne './')) {
$extensions = "${progdir}texi2html.ext"; # extensions in texi2html directory
if (-f $extensions) {
print "# reading extensions from $extensions\n" if $verbose;
print "# reading from $docu\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Pass 1: read source, handle command, variable, simple substitution #
# #
@lines = (); # whole document
@toc_lines = (); # table of contents
$toplevel = 0; # top level seen in hierarchy
$curlevel = 0; # current level in TOC
$node = ''; # current node name
$in_table = 0; # am I inside a table
$table_type = ''; # type of table ('', 'f', 'v', 'multi')
@tables = (); # nested table support
$in_bibliography = 0; # am I inside a bibliography
$in_glossary = 0; # am I inside a glossary
$in_top = 0; # am I inside the top node
$in_pre = 0; # am I inside a preformatted section
$in_list = 0; # am I inside a list
$in_html = 0; # am I inside an HTML section
$first_line = 1; # is it the first line
$dont_html = 0; # don't protect HTML on this line
$split_num = 0; # split index
$deferred_ref = ''; # deferred reference for indexes
@html_stack = (); # HTML elements stack
$html_element = ''; # current HTML element
# build code for simple substitutions
# the maps used (%simple_map and %things_map) MUST be aware of this
# watch out for regexps, / and escaped characters!
$subst_code = '';
foreach (keys(%simple_map)) {
($re = $_) =~ s/(\W)/\\$1/g; # protect regexp chars
$subst_code .= "s/\\\@$re/$simple_map{$_}/g;\n";
foreach (keys(%things_map)) {
$subst_code .= "s/\\\@$_\\{\\}/$things_map{$_}/g;\n";
if ($use_acc) {
# accentuated characters
foreach (keys(%accent_map)) {
if ($_ eq "`") {
$subst_code .= "s/$;3";
} elsif ($_ eq "'") {
$subst_code .= "s/$;4";
} else {
$subst_code .= "s/\\\@\\$_";
$subst_code .= "([aeiou])/&\${1}$accent_map{$_};/gi;\n";
eval("sub simple_substitutions { $subst_code }");
while ($_ = &next_line) {
# remove \input on the first lines only
if ($first_line) {
next if /^\\input/;
$first_line = 0;
# parse texinfo tags
$tag = '';
$end_tag = '';
if (/^\@end\s+(\w+)\b/) {
$end_tag = $1;
} elsif (/^\@(\w+)\b/) {
$tag = $1;
# handle @ifhtml / @end ifhtml
if ($in_html) {
if ($end_tag eq 'ifhtml') {
$in_html = 0;
} else {
$tag2pro{$in_html} .= $_;
} elsif ($tag eq 'ifhtml') {
$in_html = $PROTECTTAG . ++$html_num;
push(@lines, $in_html);
# try to skip the line
if ($end_tag) {
next if $to_skip{"end $end_tag"};
} elsif ($tag) {
next if $to_skip{$tag};
last if $tag eq 'bye';
if ($in_top) {
# parsing the top node
if ($tag eq 'node' || $tag eq 'include' || $sec2level{$tag}) {
# no more in top
$in_top = 0;
} else {
# skip it
# try to remove inlined comments
# syntax from tex-mode.el comment-start-skip
s/((^|[^\@])(\@\@)*)\@c(omment)? .*/$1/;
# non-@ substitutions cf. texinfmt.el
unless ($in_pre) {
s/([\w ])---([\w ])/$1--$2/g;
# analyze the tag
if ($tag) {
# skip lines
&skip_until($tag), next if $tag eq 'ignore';
if ($expandinfo) {
&skip_until($tag), next if $tag eq 'iftex';
} else {
&skip_until($tag), next if $tag eq 'ifinfo';
&skip_until($tag), next if $tag eq 'tex';
# handle special tables
if ($tag =~ /^(|f|v|multi)table$/) {
$table_type = $1;
$tag = 'table';
# special cases
if ($tag eq 'top' || ($tag eq 'node' && /^\@node\s+top\s*,/i)) {
$in_top = 1;
@lines = (); # ignore all lines before top (title page garbage)
} elsif ($tag eq 'node') {
$in_top = 0;
warn "$ERROR Bad node line: $_" unless $_ =~ /^\@node\s$NODESRE$/o;
$_ = &protect_html($_); # if node contains '&' for instance
($node) = split(/,/);
if ($split_node) {
push(@lines, $SPLITTAG) if $split_num++;
push(@sections, $node);
} elsif ($tag eq 'include') {
if (/^\@include\s+($FILERE)\s*$/o) {
$file = $1;
unless (-e $file) {
foreach $dir (@include_dirs) {
$file = "$dir/$1";
last if -e $file;
if (-e $file) {
print "# including $file\n" if $verbose;
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't find $file, skipping";
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad include line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'ifclear') {
if (/^\@ifclear\s+($VARRE)\s*$/o) {
next unless defined($value{$1});
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad ifclear line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'ifset') {
if (/^\@ifset\s+($VARRE)\s*$/o) {
next if defined($value{$1});
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad ifset line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'menu') {
unless ($show_menu) {
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($format_map{$tag}) {
$in_pre = 1 if $format_map{$tag} eq 'PRE';
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
$in_list++ if $format_map{$tag} eq 'UL' || $format_map{$tag} eq 'OL' ;
push(@lines, &debug("<$format_map{$tag}>\n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($tag eq 'table') {
if (/^\@(|f|v|multi)table\s+\@(\w+)/) {
$in_table = $2;
unshift(@tables, join($;, $table_type, $in_table));
if ($table_type eq "multi") {
push(@lines, &debug("<TABLE BORDER>\n", __LINE__));
} else {
push(@lines, &debug("<DL COMPACT>\n", __LINE__));
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad table line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'synindex' || $tag eq 'syncodeindex') {
if (/^\@$tag\s+(\w)\w\s+(\w)\w\s*$/) {
eval("*${1}index = *${2}index");
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad syn*index line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'sp') {
push(@lines, &debug("<P>\n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($tag eq 'setref') {
&protect_html; # if setref contains '&' for instance
if (/^\@$tag\s*{($NODERE)}\s*$/) {
$setref = $1;
$setref =~ s/\s+/ /g; # normalize
$setref =~ s/ $//;
$node2sec{$setref} = $name;
$node2href{$setref} = "$docu_doc#$docid";
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad setref line: $_";
} elsif ($tag eq 'defindex' || $tag eq 'defcodeindex') {
if (/^\@$tag\s+(\w\w)\s*$/) {
$valid_index{$1} = 1;
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad defindex line: $_";
} elsif (defined($def_map{$tag})) {
if ($def_map{$tag}) {
$tag = $def_map{$tag};
$_ = "\@$tag $_";
$tag =~ s/\s.*//;
} elsif (defined($user_sub{$tag})) {
$sub = $user_sub{$tag};
print "# user $tag = $sub, arg: $_" if $debug & $DEBUG_USER;
if (defined(&$sub)) {
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad user sub for $tag: $sub\n";
if (defined($def_map{$tag})) {
if ($tag =~ /x$/) {
# extra definition line
$tag = $`;
$is_extra = 1;
} else {
$is_extra = 0;
while (/\{([^\{\}]*)\}/) {
# this is a {} construct
($before, $contents, $after) = ($`, $1, $');
# protect spaces
$contents =~ s/\s+/$;9/g;
# restore $_ protecting {}
$_ = "$before$;7$contents$;8$after";
@args = split(/\s+/, &protect_html($_));
foreach (@args) {
s/$;9/ /g; # unprotect spaces
s/$;7/\{/g; # ... {
s/$;8/\}/g; # ... }
$type = shift(@args);
$type =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/;
print "# def ($tag): {$type} ", join(', ', @args), "\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_DEF;
$type .= ':'; # it's nicer like this
$name = shift(@args);
$name =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/;
if ($is_extra) {
$_ = &debug("<DT>", __LINE__);
} else {
$_ = &debug("<DL>\n<DT>", __LINE__);
if ($tag eq 'deffn' || $tag eq 'defvr' || $tag eq 'deftp') {
$_ .= "<U>$type</U> <B>$name</B>";
$_ .= " <I>@args</I>" if @args;
} elsif ($tag eq 'deftypefn' || $tag eq 'deftypevr'
|| $tag eq 'defcv' || $tag eq 'defop') {
$ftype = $name;
$name = shift(@args);
$name =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/;
$_ .= "<U>$type</U> $ftype <B>$name</B>";
$_ .= " <I>@args</I>" if @args;
} else {
warn "$ERROR Unknown definition type: $tag\n";
$_ .= "<U>$type</U> <B>$name</B>";
$_ .= " <I>@args</I>" if @args;
$_ .= &debug("\n<DD>", __LINE__);
$name = &unprotect_html($name);
if ($tag eq 'deffn' || $tag eq 'deftypefn') {
unshift(@input_spool, "\@findex $name\n");
} elsif ($tag eq 'defop') {
unshift(@input_spool, "\@findex $name on $ftype\n");
} elsif ($tag eq 'defvr' || $tag eq 'deftypevr' || $tag eq 'defcv') {
unshift(@input_spool, "\@vindex $name\n");
} else {
unshift(@input_spool, "\@tindex $name\n");
$dont_html = 1;
} elsif ($end_tag) {
if ($format_map{$end_tag}) {
$in_pre = 0 if $format_map{$end_tag} eq 'PRE';
$in_list-- if $format_map{$end_tag} eq 'UL' || $format_map{$end_tag} eq 'OL' ;
&html_pop_if('LI', 'P');
push(@lines, &debug("</$format_map{$end_tag}>\n", __LINE__));
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($end_tag =~ /^(|f|v|multi)table$/) {
unless (@tables) {
warn "$ERROR \@end $end_tag without \@*table\n";
($table_type, $in_table) = split($;, shift(@tables));
unless ($1 eq $table_type) {
warn "$ERROR \@end $end_tag without matching \@$end_tag\n";
if ($table_type eq "multi") {
push(@lines, "</TR></TABLE>\n");
} else {
push(@lines, "</DL>\n");
if (@tables) {
($table_type, $in_table) = split($;, $tables[0]);
} else {
$in_table = 0;
} elsif (defined($def_map{$end_tag})) {
push(@lines, &debug("</DL>\n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($end_tag eq 'menu') {
push(@lines, $_); # must keep it for pass 2
# misc things
# protect texi and HTML things
$_ = &protect_html($_) unless $dont_html;
$dont_html = 0;
# substitution (unsupported things)
# other substitutions
s/\@footnote\{/\@footnote$docu_doc\{/g; # mark footnotes, cf. pass 4
# analyze the tag again
if ($tag) {
if (defined($sec2level{$tag}) && $sec2level{$tag} > 0) {
if (/^\@$tag\s+(.+)$/) {
$name = $1;
$name =~ s/\s+$//;
$level = $sec2level{$tag};
$name = &update_sec_num($tag, $level) . " $name"
if $number_sections && $tag !~ /^unnumbered/;
if ($tag =~ /heading$/) {
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
if ($html_element ne 'body') {
# We are in a nice pickle here. We are trying to get a H? heading
# even though we are not in the body level. So, we convert it to a
# nice, bold, line by itself.
$_ = &debug("\n\n<P><STRONG>$name</STRONG></P>\n\n", __LINE__);
} else {
$_ = &debug("<H$level>$name</H$level>\n", __LINE__);
print "# heading, section $name, level $level\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_TOC;
} else {
if ($split_chapter) {
unless ($toplevel) {
# first time we see a "section"
unless ($level == 1) {
warn "$ERROR The first section found is not of level 1: $_";
warn "$ERROR I'll split on sections of level $level...\n";
$toplevel = $level;
if ($level == $toplevel) {
push(@lines, $SPLITTAG) if $split_num++;
push(@sections, $name);
$docid = "SEC$sec_num";
$tocid = "TOC$sec_num";
# check biblio and glossary
$in_bibliography = ($name =~ /^([A-Z]|\d+)?(\.\d+)*\s*bibliography$/i);
$in_glossary = ($name =~ /^([A-Z]|\d+)?(\.\d+)*\s*glossary$/i);
# check node
if ($node) {
if ($node2sec{$node}) {
warn "$ERROR Duplicate node found: $node\n";
} else {
$node2sec{$node} = $name;
$node2href{$node} = "$docu_doc#$docid";
print "# node $node, section $name, level $level\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_TOC;
$node = '';
} else {
print "# no node, section $name, level $level\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_TOC;
# update TOC
while ($level > $curlevel) {
push(@toc_lines, "<UL>\n");
while ($level < $curlevel) {
push(@toc_lines, "</UL>\n");
$_ = "<LI>" . &anchor($tocid, "$docu_doc#$docid", $name, 1);
push(@toc_lines, &substitute_style($_));
# update DOC
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
$_ = "<H$level>".&anchor($docid, "$docu_toc#$tocid", $name)."</H$level>\n";
$_ = &debug($_, __LINE__);
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
# update DOC
foreach $line (split(/\n+/, $_)) {
push(@lines, "$line\n");
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad section line: $_";
} else {
# track variables
$value{$1} = $2, next if /^\@set\s+($VARRE)\s+(.*)$/o;
delete $value{$1}, next if /^\@clear\s+($VARRE)\s*$/o;
# store things
$value{'_setfilename'} = $1, next if /^\@setfilename\s+(.*)$/;
$value{'_settitle'} = $1, next if /^\@settitle\s+(.*)$/;
$value{'_author'} .= "$1\n", next if /^\@author\s+(.*)$/;
$value{'_subtitle'} .= "$1\n", next if /^\@subtitle\s+(.*)$/;
$value{'_title'} .= "$1\n", next if /^\@title\s+(.*)$/;
# index
if (/^\@(..?)index\s+/) {
unless ($valid_index{$1}) {
warn "$ERROR Undefined index command: $_";
$id = 'IDX' . ++$idx_num;
$index = $1 . 'index';
$what = &substitute_style($');
$what =~ s/\s+$//;
print "# found $index for '$what' id $id\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_INDEX;
if (defined(\$$index\{\$what\})) {
\$$index\{\$what\} .= "$;$docu_doc#$id";
} else {
\$$index\{\$what\} = "$docu_doc#$id";
# dirty hack to see if I can put an invisible anchor...
if ($html_element eq 'P' ||
$html_element eq 'LI' ||
$html_element eq 'DT' ||
$html_element eq 'DD' ||
$html_element eq 'ADDRESS' ||
$html_element eq 'B' ||
$html_element eq 'BLOCKQUOTE' ||
$html_element eq 'PRE' ||
$html_element eq 'SAMP') {
push(@lines, &anchor($id, '', $invisible_mark, !$in_pre));
} elsif ($html_element eq 'body') {
push(@lines, &debug("<P>\n", __LINE__));
push(@lines, &anchor($id, '', $invisible_mark, !$in_pre));
} elsif ($html_element eq 'DL' ||
$html_element eq 'UL' ||
$html_element eq 'OL' ) {
$deferred_ref .= &anchor($id, '', $invisible_mark, !$in_pre) . " ";
# list item
if (/^\@itemx?\s+/) {
$what = $';
$what =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($in_bibliography && $use_bibliography) {
if ($what =~ /^$BIBRE$/o) {
$id = 'BIB' . ++$bib_num;
$bib2href{$what} = "$docu_doc#$id";
print "# found bibliography for '$what' id $id\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_BIB;
$what = &anchor($id, '', $what);
} elsif ($in_glossary && $use_glossary) {
$id = 'GLOSS' . ++$gloss_num;
$entry = $what;
$entry =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ unless $entry =~ /^[A-Z\s]+$/;
$gloss2href{$entry} = "$docu_doc#$id";
print "# found glossary for '$entry' id $id\n"
if $debug & $DEBUG_GLOSS;
$what = &anchor($id, '', $what);
if ($html_element eq 'DL' || $html_element eq 'DD') {
if ($things_map{$in_table} && !$what) {
# special case to allow @table @bullet for instance
push(@lines, &debug("<DT>$things_map{$in_table}\n", __LINE__));
} else {
push(@lines, &debug("<DT>\@$in_table\{$what\}\n", __LINE__));
push(@lines, "<DD>");
&html_push('DD') unless $html_element eq 'DD';
if ($table_type) { # add also an index
unshift(@input_spool, "\@${table_type}index $what\n");
} elsif ($html_element eq 'TABLE') {
push(@lines, &debug("<TR><TD>$what</TD>\n", __LINE__));
} elsif ($html_element eq 'TR') {
push(@lines, &debug("</TR>\n", __LINE__));
push(@lines, &debug("<TR><TD>$what</TD>\n", __LINE__));
} else {
push(@lines, &debug("<LI>$what\n", __LINE__));
&html_push('LI') unless $html_element eq 'LI';
push(@lines, &html_debug("\n", __LINE__));
if ($deferred_ref) {
push(@lines, &debug("$deferred_ref\n", __LINE__));
$deferred_ref = '';
} elsif (/^\@tab\s+(.*)$/) {
push(@lines, "<TD>$1</TD>\n");
# paragraph separator
if ($_ eq "\n") {
next if $#lines >= 0 && $lines[$#lines] eq "\n";
if ($html_element eq 'P') {
push(@lines, "\n");
$_ = &debug("</P>\n", __LINE__);
} elsif ($html_element eq 'body' || $html_element eq 'BLOCKQUOTE') {
push(@lines, "<P>\n");
$_ = &debug($_, __LINE__);
# otherwise
push(@lines, $_);
# finish TOC
$level = 0;
while ($level < $curlevel) {
push(@toc_lines, "</UL>\n");
print "# end of pass 1\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Pass 2/3: handle style, menu, index, cross-reference #
# #
@lines2 = (); # whole document (2nd pass)
@lines3 = (); # whole document (3rd pass)
$in_menu = 0; # am I inside a menu
while (@lines) {
$_ = shift(@lines);
# special case (protected sections)
if (/^$PROTECTTAG/o) {
push(@lines2, $_);
# menu
$in_menu = 1, push(@lines2, &debug("<UL>\n", __LINE__)), next if /^\@menu\b/;
$in_menu = 0, push(@lines2, &debug("</UL>\n", __LINE__)), next if /^\@end\s+menu\b/;
if ($in_menu) {
if (/^\*\s+($NODERE)::/o) {
$descr = $';
&menu_entry($1, $1, $descr);
} elsif (/^\*\s+(.+):\s+([^\t,\.\n]+)[\t,\.\n]/) {
$descr = $';
&menu_entry($1, $2, $descr);
} elsif (/^\*/) {
warn "$ERROR Bad menu line: $_";
} else { # description continued?
push(@lines2, $_);
# printindex
if (/^\@printindex\s+(\w\w)\b/) {
local($index, *ary, @keys, $key, $letter, $last_letter, @refs);
if ($predefined_index{$1}) {
$index = $predefined_index{$1} . 'index';
} else {
$index = $1 . 'index';
eval("*ary = *$index");
@keys = keys(%ary);
foreach $key (@keys) {
$_ = $key;
1 while s/<(\w+)>\`(.*)\'<\/\1>/$2/; # remove HTML tags with quotes
1 while s/<(\w+)>(.*)<\/\1>/$2/; # remove HTML tags
$_ = &unprotect_html($_);
tr/A-Z/a-z/; # lowercase
$key2alpha{$key} = $_;
print "# index $key sorted as $_\n"
if $key ne $_ && $debug & $DEBUG_INDEX;
push(@lines2, "Jump to:\n");
$last_letter = undef;
foreach $key (sort byalpha @keys) {
$letter = substr($key2alpha{$key}, 0, 1);
$letter = substr($key2alpha{$key}, 0, 2) if $letter eq $;;
if (!defined($last_letter) || $letter ne $last_letter) {
push(@lines2, "-\n") if defined($last_letter);
push(@lines2, "<A HREF=\"#$index\_$letter\">" . &protect_html($letter) . "</A>\n");
$last_letter = $letter;
push(@lines2, "<P>\n");
$last_letter = undef;
foreach $key (sort byalpha @keys) {
$letter = substr($key2alpha{$key}, 0, 1);
$letter = substr($key2alpha{$key}, 0, 2) if $letter eq $;;
if (!defined($last_letter) || $letter ne $last_letter) {
push(@lines2, "</DIR>\n") if defined($last_letter);
push(@lines2, "<H2><A NAME=\"$index\_$letter\">" . &protect_html($letter) . "</A></H2>\n");
push(@lines2, "<DIR>\n");
$last_letter = $letter;
@refs = ();
foreach (split(/$;/, $ary{$key})) {
push(@refs, &anchor('', $_, $key, 0));
push(@lines2, "<LI>" . join(", ", @refs) . "\n");
push(@lines2, "</DIR>\n") if defined($last_letter);
# simple style substitutions
$_ = &substitute_style($_);
# xref
while (/\@(x|px|info|)ref{($XREFRE)(}?)/o) {
# note: Texinfo may accept other characters
($type, $nodes, $full) = ($1, $2, $3);
($before, $after) = ($`, $');
if (! $full && $after) {
warn "$ERROR Bad xref (no ending } on line): $_";
$_ = "$before$;0${type}ref\{$nodes$after";
next; # while xref
if ($type eq 'x') {
$type = 'See ';
} elsif ($type eq 'px') {
$type = 'see ';
} elsif ($type eq 'info') {
$type = 'See Info';
} else {
$type = '';
unless ($full) {
$next = shift(@lines);
$next = &substitute_style($next);
chop($nodes); # remove final newline
if ($next =~ /\}/) { # split on 2 lines
$nodes .= " $`";
$after = $';
} else {
$nodes .= " $next";
$next = shift(@lines);
$next = &substitute_style($next);
if ($next =~ /\}/) { # split on 3 lines
$nodes .= " $`";
$after = $';
} else {
warn "$ERROR Bad xref (no ending }): $_";
$_ = "$before$;0xref\{$nodes$after";
unshift(@lines, $next);
next; # while xref
$nodes =~ s/\s+/ /g; # remove useless spaces
@args = split(/\s*,\s*/, $nodes);
$node = $args[0]; # the node is always the first arg
$sec = $node2sec{$node};
if (@args == 5) { # reference to another manual
$sec = $args[2] || $node;
$man = $args[4] || $args[3];
$_ = "${before}${type}section `$sec' in \@cite{$man}$after";
} elsif ($type =~ /Info/) { # inforef
warn "$ERROR Wrong number of arguments: $_" unless @args == 3;
($nn, $_, $in) = @args;
$_ = "${before}${type} file `$in', node `$nn'$after";
} elsif ($sec) {
$href = $node2href{$node};
$_ = "${before}${type}section " . &anchor('', $href, $sec) . $after;
} else {
warn "$ERROR Undefined node ($node): $_";
$_ = "$before$;0xref{$nodes}$after";
# try to guess bibliography references or glossary terms
unless (/^<H\d><A NAME=\"SEC\d/) {
if ($use_bibliography) {
$done = '';
while (/$BIBRE/o) {
($pre, $what, $post) = ($`, $&, $');
$href = $bib2href{$what};
if (defined($href) && $post !~ /^[^<]*<\/A>/) {
$done .= $pre . &anchor('', $href, $what);
} else {
$done .= "$pre$what";
$_ = $post;
$_ = $done . $_;
if ($use_glossary) {
$done = '';
while (/\b\w+\b/) {
($pre, $what, $post) = ($`, $&, $');
$entry = $what;
$entry =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ unless $entry =~ /^[A-Z\s]+$/;
$href = $gloss2href{$entry};
if (defined($href) && $post !~ /^[^<]*<\/A>/) {
$done .= $pre . &anchor('', $href, $what);
} else {
$done .= "$pre$what";
$_ = $post;
$_ = $done . $_;
# otherwise
push(@lines2, $_);
print "# end of pass 2\n" if $verbose;
# split style substitutions
while (@lines2) {
$_ = shift(@lines2);
# special case (protected sections)
if (/^$PROTECTTAG/o) {
push(@lines3, $_);
# split style substitutions
$old = '';
while ($old ne $_) {
$old = $_;
if (/\@(\w+)\{/) {
($before, $style, $after) = ($`, $1, $');
if (defined($style_map{$style})) {
$_ = $after;
$text = '';
$after = '';
$failed = 1;
while (@lines2) {
if (/\}/) {
$text .= $`;
$after = $';
$failed = 0;
} else {
$text .= $_;
$_ = shift(@lines2);
if ($failed) {
die "* Bad syntax (\@$style) after: $before\n";
} else {
$text = &apply_style($style, $text);
$_ = "$before$text$after";
# otherwise
push(@lines3, $_);
print "# end of pass 3\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Pass 4: foot notes, final cleanup #
# #
@foot_lines = (); # footnotes
@doc_lines = (); # final document
$end_of_para = 0; # true if last line is <P>
while (@lines3) {
$_ = shift(@lines3);
# special case (protected sections)
if (/^$PROTECTTAG/o) {
push(@doc_lines, $_);
$end_of_para = 0;
# footnotes
while (/\@footnote([^\{\s]+)\{/) {
($before, $d, $after) = ($`, $1, $');
$_ = $after;
$text = '';
$after = '';
$failed = 1;
while (@lines3) {
if (/\}/) {
$text .= $`;
$after = $';
$failed = 0;
} else {
$text .= $_;
$_ = shift(@lines3);
if ($failed) {
die "* Bad syntax (\@footnote) after: $before\n";
} else {
$docid = "DOCF$foot_num";
$footid = "FOOT$foot_num";
$foot = "($foot_num)";
push(@foot_lines, "<H3>" . &anchor($footid, "$d#$docid", $foot) . "</H3>\n");
$text = "<P>$text" unless $text =~ /^\s*<P>/;
push(@foot_lines, "$text\n");
$_ = $before . &anchor($docid, "$docu_foot#$footid", $foot) . $after;
# remove unnecessary <P>
if (/^\s*<P>\s*$/) {
next if $end_of_para++;
} else {
$end_of_para = 0;
# otherwise
push(@doc_lines, $_);
print "# end of pass 4\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Pass 5: print things #
# #
$header = <<EOT;
<!-- This HTML file has been created by $THISPROG
from $docu on $TODAY -->
$full_title = $value{'_title'} || $value{'_settitle'} || "Untitled Document";
$title = $value{'_settitle'} || $full_title;
$_ = &substitute_style($full_title);
s/\n$//; # rmv last \n (if any)
$full_title = "<H1>" . join("</H1>\n<H1>", split(/\n/, $_)) . "</H1>\n";
# print ToC
if (!$monolithic && @toc_lines) {
if (open(FILE, "> $docu_toc")) {
print "# creating $docu_toc...\n" if $verbose;
&print_toplevel_header("$title - Table of Contents");
&print(*toc_lines, FILE);
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write to $docu_toc: $!\n";
# print footnotes
if (!$monolithic && @foot_lines) {
if (open(FILE, "> $docu_foot")) {
print "# creating $docu_foot...\n" if $verbose;
&print_toplevel_header("$title - Footnotes");
&print(*foot_lines, FILE);
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write to $docu_foot: $!\n";
# print document
if ($split_chapter || $split_node) { # split
$doc_num = 0;
$last_num = scalar(@sections);
$first_doc = &doc_name(1);
$last_doc = &doc_name($last_num);
while (@sections) {
$section = shift(@sections);
if (open(FILE, "> $docu_doc")) {
print "# creating $docu_doc...\n" if $verbose;
&print_header("$title - $section");
$prev_doc = ($doc_num == 1 ? undef : &doc_name($doc_num - 1));
$next_doc = ($doc_num == $last_num ? undef : &doc_name($doc_num + 1));
$navigation = "Go to the ";
$navigation .= ($prev_doc ? &anchor('', $first_doc, "first") : "first");
$navigation .= ", ";
$navigation .= ($prev_doc ? &anchor('', $prev_doc, "previous") : "previous");
$navigation .= ", ";
$navigation .= ($next_doc ? &anchor('', $next_doc, "next") : "next");
$navigation .= ", ";
$navigation .= ($next_doc ? &anchor('', $last_doc, "last") : "last");
$navigation .= " section, " . &anchor('', $docu_toc, "table of contents") . ".\n";
print FILE $navigation;
# find corresponding lines
@tmp_lines = ();
while (@doc_lines) {
$_ = shift(@doc_lines);
last if ($_ eq $SPLITTAG);
push(@tmp_lines, $_);
&print(*tmp_lines, FILE);
print FILE $navigation;
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write to $docu_doc: $!\n";
} else { # not split
if (open(FILE, "> $docu_doc")) {
print "# creating $docu_doc...\n" if $verbose;
if ($monolithic || !@toc_lines) {
} else {
print FILE $full_title;
if ($monolithic && @toc_lines) {
print FILE "<H1>Table of Contents</H1>\n";
&print(*toc_lines, FILE);
&print(*doc_lines, FILE);
if ($monolithic && @foot_lines) {
print FILE "<H1>Footnotes</H1>\n";
&print(*foot_lines, FILE);
if ($monolithic || !@toc_lines) {
} else {
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't write to $docu_doc: $!\n";
print "# that's all folks\n" if $verbose;
# #
# Low level functions #
# #
sub update_sec_num {
local($name, $level) = @_;
$level--; # here we start at 0
if ($name =~ /^appendix/) {
# appendix style
if (defined(@appendix_sec_num)) {
&incr_sec_num($level, @appendix_sec_num);
} else {
@appendix_sec_num = ('A', 0, 0, 0);
return(join('.', @appendix_sec_num[0..$level]));
} else {
# normal style
if (defined(@normal_sec_num)) {
&incr_sec_num($level, @normal_sec_num);
} else {
@normal_sec_num = (1, 0, 0, 0);
return(join('.', @normal_sec_num[0..$level]));
sub incr_sec_num {
local($level, $l);
$level = shift(@_);
foreach $l ($level+1 .. 3) {
$_[$l] = 0;
sub check {
local($_, %seen, %context, $before, $match, $after);
while (<>) {
if (/\@(\*|\.|\:|\@|\{|\})/) {
$context{$&} .= "> $_" if $verbose;
$_ = "$`XX$'";
if (/\@(\w+)/) {
($before, $match, $after) = ($`, $&, $');
if ($before =~ /\b[\w-]+$/ && $after =~ /^[\w-.]*\b/) { # e-mail address
$seen{'e-mail address'}++;
$context{'e-mail address'} .= "> $_" if $verbose;
} else {
$context{$match} .= "> $_" if $verbose;
$match =~ s/^\@/X/;
$_ = "$before$match$after";
foreach (sort(keys(%seen))) {
if ($verbose) {
print "$_\n";
print $context{$_};
} else {
print "$_ ($seen{$_})\n";
sub open {
local($name) = @_;
if (open($fh_name, $name)) {
unshift(@fhs, $fh_name);
} else {
warn "$ERROR Can't read file $name: $!\n";
sub init_input {
@fhs = (); # hold the file handles to read
@input_spool = (); # spooled lines to read
$fh_name = 'FH000';
sub next_line {
local($fh, $line);
if (@input_spool) {
$line = shift(@input_spool);
while (@fhs) {
$fh = $fhs[0];
$line = <$fh>;
return($line) if $line;
# used in pass 1, use &next_line
sub skip_until {
local($tag) = @_;
while ($_ = &next_line) {
return if /^\@end\s+$tag\s*$/;
die "* Failed to find '$tag' after: " . $lines[$#lines];
# HTML stacking to have a better HTML output
sub html_reset {
@html_stack = ('html');
$html_element = 'body';
sub html_push {
local($what) = @_;
push(@html_stack, $html_element);
$html_element = $what;
sub html_push_if {
local($what) = @_;
push(@html_stack, $html_element)
if ($html_element && $html_element ne 'P');
$html_element = $what;
sub html_pop {
$html_element = pop(@html_stack);
sub html_pop_if {
if (@_) {
foreach $elt (@_) {
if ($elt eq $html_element) {
$html_element = pop(@html_stack) if @html_stack;
} else {
$html_element = pop(@html_stack) if @html_stack;
sub html_debug {
local($what, $line) = @_;
return("<!-- $line @html_stack, $html_element -->$what")
if $debug & $DEBUG_HTML;
# to debug the output...
sub debug {
local($what, $line) = @_;
return("<!-- $line -->$what")
if $debug & $DEBUG_HTML;
sub normalise_node {
$_[0] =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$_[0] =~ s/ $//;
$_[0] =~ s/^ //;
sub menu_entry {
local($entry, $node, $descr) = @_;
$href = $node2href{$node};
if ($href) {
$descr =~ s/^\s+//;
$descr = ": $descr" if $descr;
push(@lines2, "<LI>" . &anchor('', $href, $entry) . "$descr\n");
} else {
warn "$ERROR Undefined node ($node): $_";
sub do_ctrl { "^$_[0]" }
sub do_email {
local($addr, $text) = split(/,\s*/, $_[0]);
$text = $addr unless $text;
&anchor('', "mailto:$addr", $text);
sub do_sc { "\U$_[0]\E" }
sub do_uref {
local($url, $text) = split(/,\s*/, $_[0]);
$text = $url unless $text;
&anchor('', $url, $text);
sub do_url { &anchor('', $_[0], $_[0]) }
sub apply_style {
local($texi_style, $text) = @_;
$style = $style_map{$texi_style};
if (defined($style)) { # known style
if ($style =~ /^\"/) { # add quotes
$style = $';
$text = "\`$text\'";
if ($style =~ /^\&/) { # custom
$style = $';
$text = &$style($text);
} elsif ($style) { # good style
$text = "<$style>$text</$style>";
} else { # no style
} else { # unknown style
$text = undef;
# remove Texinfo styles
sub remove_style {
local($_) = @_;
sub substitute_style {
local($_) = @_;
local($changed, $done, $style, $text);
$changed = 1;
while ($changed) {
$changed = 0;
$done = '';
while (/\@(\w+){([^\{\}]+)}/) {
$text = &apply_style($1, $2);
if ($text) {
$_ = "$`$text$'";
$changed = 1;
} else {
$done .= "$`\@$1";
$_ = "{$2}$'";
$_ = $done . $_;
sub anchor {
local($name, $href, $text, $newline) = @_;
$result = "<A";
$result .= " NAME=\"$name\"" if $name;
$result .= " HREF=\"$href\"" if $href;
$result .= ">$text</A>";
$result .= "\n" if $newline;
sub pretty_date {
local(@MoY, $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
@MoY = ('January', 'Febuary', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time);
$year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900;
return("$mday $MoY[$mon] $year");
sub doc_name {
local($num) = @_;
sub next_doc {
$docu_doc = &doc_name(++$doc_num);
sub print {
local(*lines, $fh) = @_;
while (@lines) {
$_ = shift(@lines);
if (/^$PROTECTTAG/o) {
$_ = $tag2pro{$_};
} else {
print $fh $_;
sub print_ruler {
print FILE "<P><HR><P>\n";
sub print_header {
# clean the title
$_ = &remove_style($_[0]);
# print the header
if ($doctype eq 'html2') {
print FILE $html2_doctype;
} elsif ($doctype) {
print FILE $doctype;
print FILE <<EOT;
sub print_toplevel_header {
&print_header; # pass given arg...
print FILE $full_title;
if ($value{'_subtitle'}) {
$value{'_subtitle'} =~ s/\n+$//;
foreach (split(/\n/, $value{'_subtitle'})) {
$_ = &substitute_style($_);
print FILE "<H2>$_</H2>\n";
if ($value{'_author'}) {
$value{'_author'} =~ s/\n+$//;
foreach (split(/\n/, $value{'_author'})) {
$_ = &substitute_style($_);
s/[\w.-]+\@[\w.-]+/<A HREF="mailto:$&">$&<\/A>/g;
print FILE "<ADDRESS>$_</ADDRESS>\n";
print FILE "<P>\n";
sub print_footer {
print FILE <<EOT;
sub print_toplevel_footer {
print FILE <<EOT;
This document was generated on $TODAY using the
<A HREF=\"$HOMEPAGE\">texi2html</A>
translator version 1.52.</P>
sub protect_texi {
# protect @ { } ` '
sub protect_html {
local($what) = @_;
# protect & < >
$what =~ s/\&/\&\#38;/g;
$what =~ s/\</\&\#60;/g;
$what =~ s/\>/\&\#62;/g;
# but recognize some HTML things
$what =~ s/\&\#60;\/A\&\#62;/<\/A>/g; # </A>
$what =~ s/\&\#60;A ([^\&]+)\&\#62;/<A $1>/g; # <A [^&]+>
$what =~ s/\&\#60;IMG ([^\&]+)\&\#62;/<IMG $1>/g; # <IMG [^&]+>
sub unprotect_texi {
sub unprotect_html {
local($what) = @_;
$what =~ s/\&\#38;/\&/g;
$what =~ s/\&\#60;/\</g;
$what =~ s/\&\#62;/\>/g;
sub byalpha {
$key2alpha{$a} cmp $key2alpha{$b};
# These next few lines are legal in both Perl and nroff.
.00 ; # finish .ig
'di \" finish diversion--previous line must be blank
.nr nl 0-1 \" fake up transition to first page again
.nr % 0 \" start at page 1
'; __END__ ############# From here on it's a standard manual page ############
.TH TEXI2HTML 1 "01/05/98"
.AT 3
texi2html \- a Texinfo to HTML converter
.B texi2html [options] file
.B texi2html -check [-verbose] files
.I Texi2html
converts the given Texinfo file to a set of HTML files. It tries to handle
most of the Texinfo commands. It creates hypertext links for cross-references,
It also tries to add links from a reference to its corresponding entry in the
bibliography (if any). It may also handle a glossary (see the
.B \-glossary
.I Texi2html
creates several files depending on the contents of the Texinfo file and on
the chosen options (see FILES).
The HTML files created by
.I texi2html
are closer to TeX than to Info, that's why
.I texi2html
converts @iftex sections and not @ifinfo ones by default. You can reverse
this with the \-expandinfo option.
.TP 12
.B \-check
Check the given file and give the list of all things that may be Texinfo commands.
This may be used to check the output of
.I texi2html
to find the Texinfo commands that have been left in the HTML file.
.B \-expandinfo
Expand @ifinfo sections, not @iftex ones.
.B \-glossary
Use the section named 'Glossary' to build a list of terms and put links in the HTML
document from each term toward its definition.
.B \-invisible \fIname\fP
Use \fIname\fP to create invisible destination anchors for index links
(you can for instance use the invisible.xbm file shipped with this program).
This is a workaround for a known bug of many WWW browsers, including netscape.
.B \-I \fIdir\fP
Look also in \fIdir\fP to find included files.
.B \-menu
Show the Texinfo menus; by default they are ignored.
.B \-monolithic
Output only one file, including the table of contents and footnotes.
.B \-number
Number the sections.
.B \-split_chapter
Split the output into several HTML files (one per main section:
chapter, appendix...).
.B \-split_node
Split the output into several HTML files (one per node).
.B \-usage
Print usage instructions, listing the current available command-line options.
.B \-verbose
Give a verbose output. Can be used with the
.B \-check
By default
.I texi2html
creates the following files (foo being the name of the Texinfo file):
.TP 16
.B foo_toc.html
The table of contents.
.B foo.html
The document's contents.
.B foo_foot.html
The footnotes (if any).
When used with the
.B \-split
option, it creates several files (one per chapter or node), named
.B foo_n.html
(n being the indice of the chapter or node), instead of the single
.B foo.html
When used with the
.B \-monolithic
option, it creates only one file:
.B foo.html
.I texi2html
predefines the following variables: \fBhtml\fP, \fBtexi2html\fP.
.I texi2html
implements the following non-Texinfo commands (maybe they are in Texinfo now...):
.TP 16
.B @ifhtml
This indicates the start of an HTML section, this section will passed through
without any modification.
.B @end ifhtml
This indicates the end of an HTML section.
This is \fItexi2html\fP version 1.52, 01/05/98.
The latest version of \fItexi2html\fP can be found in WWW, cf. URL
The main author is Lionel Cons, CERN IT/DIS/OSE,
Many other people around the net contributed to this program.
This program is the intellectual property of the European
Laboratory for Particle Physics (known as CERN). No guarantee whatsoever is
provided by CERN. No liability whatsoever is accepted for any loss or damage
of any kind resulting from any defect or inaccuracy in this information or
CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
GNU Texinfo Documentation Format,
HyperText Markup Language (HTML),
World Wide Web (WWW).
This program does not understand all Texinfo commands (yet).
TeX specific commands (normally enclosed in @iftex) will be
passed unmodified.
texi2html Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: ChangeLog.gdb =================================================================== --- ChangeLog.gdb (nonexistent) +++ ChangeLog.gdb (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +2002-02-24 Elena Zannoni + + * ChangeLog.gdb: Renamed from ChangeLog. + +2002-01-20 Eli Zaretskii + + * rluser.texinfo (Sample Init File): Prevent overfull hboxes. + From Brian Youmans <>. + +2000-07-09 Elena Zannoni + + * Import of readline 4.1. + + Regenerated inc-hist.texinfo as copy of hsuser.texinfo, for + inclusion in the gdb manual. + + New file: rluserman.texinfo + +Tue Apr 18 15:43:52 2000 Andrew Cagney + + * readline.0: Delete. Generated by Makefile, deleted by distclean + rule. + +Tue Mar 28 16:06:22 2000 Andrew Cagney + + * inc-hist.texinfo, rluser.texinfo: Revert change Fri Mar 24 + 18:04:32 2000 Andrew Cagney . + Unconditionally provide @chapter and @node. + +Fri Mar 24 18:04:32 2000 Andrew Cagney + + * inc-hist.texinfo: When GDBN omit the chapter/node. + * rluser.texinfo (Command Line Editing): Ditto. + +1999-08-10 Elena Zannoni + + * hsuser.texinfo (Bash History Builtins): Comment out btindex + commands. + + * inc-hist.texinfo: New file. Same as hsuser.texinfo, but w/o + cross reference to GNU History Manual. + +Tue Dec 22 10:07:58 1998 Elena Zannoni + + * hsuser.texinfo (Bash History Builtins): comment out btindex + commands. + + * Import of Readline 2.2.1. + + New files: readline.0, readline.3, texi2dvi, texi2html. + +1998-12-17 Felix Lee + + * inc-hist.texi: @node line "Using History" was wrong. + +Thu Jul 9 17:03:26 1998 Edith Epstein + + * inc-hist.texi: one line change. + +Wed Sep 20 12:57:29 1995 Ian Lance Taylor + + * (maintainer-clean): New synonym for realclean. + +Tue Feb 2 11:40:04 1993 Roland H. Pesch ( + + * configurable (and useable) Makefile template + * Makefile: removed, replaced with configurable + * texindex.c texinfo.tex: remove, replacing w/refs to tools + elsewhere in distribution tree + * pro forma configure stub + * ChangeLog: new file Index: =================================================================== --- (nonexistent) +++ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +# This makefile for Readline library documentation is in -*- text -*- mode. +# Emacs likes it that way. + +# Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. + +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA. + +topdir = @top_srcdir@ +srcdir = @srcdir@ +VPATH = .:@srcdir@ + +prefix = @prefix@ +infodir = @infodir@ + +mandir = @mandir@ +manpfx = man + +man1ext = 1 +man1dir = $(mandir)/$(manpfx)$(man1ext) +man3ext = 3 +man3dir = $(mandir)/$(manpfx)$(man3ext) + +SHELL = @MAKE_SHELL@ +RM = rm -f + +INSTALL = @INSTALL@ +INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ + +BUILD_DIR = @BUILD_DIR@ +TEXINPUTDIR = $(srcdir) + +MAKEINFO = LANGUAGE= makeinfo +TEXI2DVI = $(srcdir)/texi2dvi +TEXI2HTML = $(srcdir)/texi2html +QUIETPS = #set this to -q to shut up dvips +PAPERSIZE = letter +PSDPI = 300 # I don't have any 600-dpi printers +DVIPS = dvips -D ${PSDPI} $(QUIETPS) -t ${PAPERSIZE} -o $@ # tricky + +RLSRC = $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo $(srcdir)/rluser.texinfo \ + $(srcdir)/rltech.texinfo $(srcdir)/manvers.texinfo \ + $(srcdir)/rluserman.texinfo +HISTSRC = $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo $(srcdir)/hsuser.texinfo \ + $(srcdir)/hstech.texinfo $(srcdir)/manvers.texinfo + +# This should be a program that converts troff to an ascii-readable format +NROFF = groff -Tascii + +# This should be a program that converts troff to postscript +GROFF = groff + +DVIOBJ = readline.dvi history.dvi rluserman.dvi +INFOOBJ = +PSOBJ = +HTMLOBJ = readline.html history.html rluserman.html +TEXTOBJ = readline.0 + +INTERMEDIATE_OBJ = rlman.dvi hist.dvi rluserman.dvi + +CREATED_DOCS = $(DVIOBJ) $(INFOOBJ) $(PSOBJ) $(HTMLOBJ) $(TEXTOBJ) + +.SUFFIXES: .0 .3 .ps .txt .dvi + +.3.0: + $(RM) $@ + -${NROFF} -man $< > $@ + +all: info dvi html ps text +nodvi: info html text + +readline.dvi: $(RLSRC) + TEXINPUTS=.:$(TEXINPUTDIR):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEXI2DVI) $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo + mv rlman.dvi readline.dvi + $(RLSRC) + $(MAKEINFO) --no-split -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) -o $@ $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo + +rluserman.dvi: $(RLSRC) + TEXINPUTS=.:$(TEXINPUTDIR):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEXI2DVI) $(srcdir)/rluserman.texinfo + $(RLSRC) + $(MAKEINFO) --no-split -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) -o $@ $(srcdir)/rluserman.texinfo + +history.dvi: ${HISTSRC} + TEXINPUTS=.:$(TEXINPUTDIR):$$TEXINPUTS $(TEXI2DVI) $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo + mv hist.dvi history.dvi + ${HISTSRC} + $(MAKEINFO) --no-split -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) -o $@ $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo + readline.dvi + $(RM) $@ + $(DVIPS) readline.dvi + rluserman.dvi + $(RM) $@ + $(DVIPS) rluserman.dvi + history.dvi + $(RM) $@ + $(DVIPS) history.dvi + +readline.html: ${RLSRC} + $(TEXI2HTML) -menu -monolithic -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) $(srcdir)/rlman.texinfo + sed -e 's:rlman.html:readline.html:g' rlman.html > readline.html + $(RM) rlman.html + +rluserman.html: ${RLSRC} + $(TEXI2HTML) -menu -monolithic -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) $(srcdir)/rluserman.texinfo + +history.html: ${HISTSRC} + $(TEXI2HTML) -menu -monolithic -I $(TEXINPUTDIR) $(srcdir)/hist.texinfo + sed -e 's:hist.html:history.html:g' hist.html > history.html + $(RM) hist.html + +info: $(INFOOBJ) +dvi: $(DVIOBJ) +ps: $(PSOBJ) +html: $(HTMLOBJ) +text: $(TEXTOBJ) + +readline.0: readline.3 + +clean: + $(RM) *.aux *.cp *.fn *.ky *.log *.pg *.toc *.tp *.vr *.cps *.pgs \ + *.fns *.kys *.tps *.vrs *.bt *.bts *.o core + +distclean: clean + $(RM) $(CREATED_DOCS) + $(RM) $(INTERMEDIATE_OBJ) + $(RM) Makefile + +mostlyclean: clean + +maintainer-clean: clean + $(RM) $(CREATED_DOCS) + $(RM) $(INTERMEDIATE_OBJ) + $(RM) Makefile + +installdirs: $(topdir)/support/mkdirs + -$(SHELL) $(topdir)/support/mkdirs $(infodir) $(man3dir) + +install: installdirs + if test -f; then \ + ${INSTALL_DATA} $(infodir)/; \ + else \ + ${INSTALL_DATA} $(srcdir)/ $(infodir)/; \ + fi + if test -f; then \ + ${INSTALL_DATA} $(infodir)/; \ + else \ + ${INSTALL_DATA} $(srcdir)/ $(infodir)/; \ + fi + if test -f; then \ + ${INSTALL_DATA} $(infodir)/; \ + else \ + ${INSTALL_DATA} $(srcdir)/ $(infodir)/; \ + fi + -if $(SHELL) -c 'install-info --version' >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ + install-info --dir-file=$(infodir)/dir $(infodir)/ ; \ + install-info --dir-file=$(infodir)/dir $(infodir)/ ; \ + else true; fi + -${INSTALL_DATA} $(srcdir)/readline.3 $(man3dir)/readline.3 + +uninstall: + $(RM) $(infodir)/ + $(RM) $(infodir)/ + $(RM) $(infodir)/ + $(RM) $(man3dir)/readline.3 Index: hist.texinfo =================================================================== --- hist.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ hist.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- +@c %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setfilename +@settitle GNU History Library +@c %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) + +@setchapternewpage odd + +@include manvers.texinfo + +@ifinfo +@dircategory Libraries +@direntry +* History: (history). The GNU history library API +@end direntry + +This document describes the GNU History library, a programming tool that +provides a consistent user interface for recalling lines of previously +typed input. + +Copyright (C) 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of +this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice +pare preserved on all copies. + +@ignore +Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission +notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph +(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). +@end ignore + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire +resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission +notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved +by the Free Software Foundation. +@end ifinfo + +@titlepage +@title GNU History Library +@subtitle Edition @value{EDITION}, for @code{History Library} Version @value{VERSION}. +@subtitle @value{UPDATE-MONTH} +@author Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation +@author Chet Ramey, Case Western Reserve University + +@page +This document describes the GNU History library, a programming tool that +provides a consistent user interface for recalling lines of previously +typed input. + +Published by the Free Software Foundation @* +59 Temple Place, Suite 330, @* +Boston, MA 02111 USA + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of +this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice +are preserved on all copies. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire +resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission +notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved +by the Free Software Foundation. + +@vskip 0pt plus 1filll +Copyright @copyright{} 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +@end titlepage + +@ifinfo +@node Top +@top GNU History Library + +This document describes the GNU History library, a programming tool that +provides a consistent user interface for recalling lines of previously +typed input. + +@menu +* Using History Interactively:: GNU History User's Manual. +* Programming with GNU History:: GNU History Programmer's Manual. +* Concept Index:: Index of concepts described in this manual. +* Function and Variable Index:: Index of externally visible functions + and variables. +@end menu +@end ifinfo + +@syncodeindex fn vr + +@include hsuser.texinfo +@include hstech.texinfo + +@node Concept Index +@appendix Concept Index +@printindex cp + +@node Function and Variable Index +@appendix Function and Variable Index +@printindex vr + +@contents +@bye Index: rluserman.texinfo =================================================================== --- rluserman.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ rluserman.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- +@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setfilename +@settitle GNU Readline Library +@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setchapternewpage odd + +@include manvers.texinfo + +@ifinfo +@dircategory Libraries +@direntry +* Readline: (readline). The GNU readline library API +@end direntry + +This document describes the end user interface of the GNU Readline Library, +a utility which aids in the consistency of user interface across discrete +programs that need to provide a command line interface. + +Copyright (C) 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of +this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice +pare preserved on all copies. + +@ignore +Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission +notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph +(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). +@end ignore + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire +resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission +notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved +by the Free Software Foundation. +@end ifinfo + +@titlepage +@title GNU Readline Library User Interface +@subtitle Edition @value{EDITION}, for @code{Readline Library} Version @value{VERSION}. +@subtitle @value{UPDATE-MONTH} +@author Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation +@author Chet Ramey, Case Western Reserve University + +@page +This document describes the end user interface of the GNU Readline Library, +a utility which aids in the consistency of user interface across discrete +programs that need to provide a command line interface. + +Published by the Free Software Foundation @* +59 Temple Place, Suite 330, @* +Boston, MA 02111 USA + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of +this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice +are preserved on all copies. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire +resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission +notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved +by the Free Software Foundation. + +@vskip 0pt plus 1filll +Copyright @copyright{} 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +@end titlepage + +@ifinfo +@node Top +@top GNU Readline Library + +This document describes the end user interface of the GNU Readline Library, +a utility which aids in the consistency of user interface across discrete +programs that need to provide a command line interface. + +@menu +* Command Line Editing:: GNU Readline User's Manual. +@end menu +@end ifinfo + +@include rluser.texinfo + +@contents +@bye Index: hsuser.texinfo =================================================================== --- hsuser.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ hsuser.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +@ignore +This file documents the user interface to the GNU History library. + +Copyright (C) 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Authored by Brian Fox and Chet Ramey. + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual +provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on +all copies. + +Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice +identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this +paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the +GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that +the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a +permission notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions. +@end ignore + +@node Using History Interactively +@chapter Using History Interactively + +@ifclear BashFeatures +@defcodeindex bt +@end ifclear + +@ifset BashFeatures +This chapter describes how to use the @sc{gnu} History Library +interactively, from a user's standpoint. +It should be considered a user's guide. +For information on using the @sc{gnu} History Library in other programs, +see the @sc{gnu} Readline Library Manual. +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +This chapter describes how to use the GNU History Library interactively, +from a user's standpoint. It should be considered a user's guide. For +information on using the GNU History Library in your own programs, +@pxref{Programming with GNU History}. +@end ifclear + +@ifset BashFeatures +@menu +* Bash History Facilities:: How Bash lets you manipulate your command + history. +* Bash History Builtins:: The Bash builtin commands that manipulate + the command history. +* History Interaction:: What it feels like using History as a user. +@end menu +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +@menu +* History Interaction:: What it feels like using History as a user. +@end menu +@end ifclear + +@ifset BashFeatures +@node Bash History Facilities +@section Bash History Facilities +@cindex command history +@cindex history list + +When the @samp{-o history} option to the @code{set} builtin +is enabled (@pxref{The Set Builtin}), +the shell provides access to the @var{command history}, +the list of commands previously typed. +The value of the @code{HISTSIZE} shell variable is used as the +number of commands to save in a history list. +The text of the last @code{$HISTSIZE} +commands (default 500) is saved. +The shell stores each command in the history list prior to +parameter and variable expansion +but after history expansion is performed, subject to the +values of the shell variables +@code{HISTIGNORE} and @code{HISTCONTROL}. + +When the shell starts up, the history is initialized from the +file named by the @code{HISTFILE} variable (default @file{~/.bash_history}). +The file named by the value of @code{HISTFILE} is truncated, if +necessary, to contain no more than the number of lines specified by +the value of the @code{HISTFILESIZE} variable. +When an interactive shell exits, the last +@code{$HISTSIZE} lines are copied from the history list to the file +named by @code{$HISTFILE}. +If the @code{histappend} shell option is set (@pxref{Bash Builtins}), +the lines are appended to the history file, +otherwise the history file is overwritten. +If @code{HISTFILE} +is unset, or if the history file is unwritable, the history is +not saved. After saving the history, the history file is truncated +to contain no more than @code{$HISTFILESIZE} +lines. If @code{HISTFILESIZE} is not set, no truncation is performed. + +The builtin command @code{fc} may be used to list or edit and re-execute +a portion of the history list. +The @code{history} builtin may be used to display or modify the history +list and manipulate the history file. +When using command-line editing, search commands +are available in each editing mode that provide access to the +history list (@pxref{Commands For History}). + +The shell allows control over which commands are saved on the history +list. The @code{HISTCONTROL} and @code{HISTIGNORE} +variables may be set to cause the shell to save only a subset of the +commands entered. +The @code{cmdhist} +shell option, if enabled, causes the shell to attempt to save each +line of a multi-line command in the same history entry, adding +semicolons where necessary to preserve syntactic correctness. +The @code{lithist} +shell option causes the shell to save the command with embedded newlines +instead of semicolons. +The @code{shopt} builtin is used to set these options. +@xref{Bash Builtins}, for a description of @code{shopt}. + +@node Bash History Builtins +@section Bash History Builtins +@cindex history builtins + +Bash provides two builtin commands which manipulate the +history list and history file. + +@table @code + +@item fc +@btindex fc +@example +@code{fc [-e @var{ename}] [-nlr] [@var{first}] [@var{last}]} +@code{fc -s [@var{pat}=@var{rep}] [@var{command}]} +@end example + +Fix Command. In the first form, a range of commands from @var{first} to +@var{last} is selected from the history list. Both @var{first} and +@var{last} may be specified as a string (to locate the most recent +command beginning with that string) or as a number (an index into the +history list, where a negative number is used as an offset from the +current command number). If @var{last} is not specified it is set to +@var{first}. If @var{first} is not specified it is set to the previous +command for editing and @minus{}16 for listing. If the @samp{-l} flag is +given, the commands are listed on standard output. The @samp{-n} flag +suppresses the command numbers when listing. The @samp{-r} flag +reverses the order of the listing. Otherwise, the editor given by +@var{ename} is invoked on a file containing those commands. If +@var{ename} is not given, the value of the following variable expansion +is used: @code{$@{FCEDIT:-$@{EDITOR:-vi@}@}}. This says to use the +value of the @code{FCEDIT} variable if set, or the value of the +@code{EDITOR} variable if that is set, or @code{vi} if neither is set. +When editing is complete, the edited commands are echoed and executed. + +In the second form, @var{command} is re-executed after each instance +of @var{pat} in the selected command is replaced by @var{rep}. + +A useful alias to use with the @code{fc} command is @code{r='fc -s'}, so +that typing @samp{r cc} runs the last command beginning with @code{cc} +and typing @samp{r} re-executes the last command (@pxref{Aliases}). + +@item history +@btindex history +@example +history [@var{n}] +history -c +history -d @var{offset} +history [-anrw] [@var{filename}] +history -ps @var{arg} +@end example + +With no options, display the history list with line numbers. +Lines prefixed with with a @samp{*} have been modified. +An argument of @var{n} lists only the last @var{n} lines. +Options, if supplied, have the following meanings: + +@table @code +@item -c +Clear the history list. This may be combined +with the other options to replace the history list completely. + +@item -d @var{offset} +Delete the history entry at position @var{offset}. +@var{offset} should be specified as it appears when the history is +displayed. + +@item -a +Append the new +history lines (history lines entered since the beginning of the +current Bash session) to the history file. + +@item -n +Append the history lines not already read from the history file +to the current history list. These are lines appended to the history +file since the beginning of the current Bash session. + +@item -r +Read the current history file and append its contents to +the history list. + +@item -w +Write out the current history to the history file. + +@item -p +Perform history substitution on the @var{arg}s and display the result +on the standard output, without storing the results in the history list. + +@item -s +The @var{arg}s are added to the end of +the history list as a single entry. + +@end table + +When any of the @samp{-w}, @samp{-r}, @samp{-a}, or @samp{-n} options is +used, if @var{filename} +is given, then it is used as the history file. If not, then +the value of the @code{HISTFILE} variable is used. + +@end table +@end ifset + +@node History Interaction +@section History Expansion +@cindex history expansion + +The History library provides a history expansion feature that is similar +to the history expansion provided by @code{csh}. This section +describes the syntax used to manipulate the history information. + +History expansions introduce words from the history list into +the input stream, making it easy to repeat commands, insert the +arguments to a previous command into the current input line, or +fix errors in previous commands quickly. + +History expansion takes place in two parts. The first is to determine +which line from the history list should be used during substitution. +The second is to select portions of that line for inclusion into the +current one. The line selected from the history is called the +@dfn{event}, and the portions of that line that are acted upon are +called @dfn{words}. Various @dfn{modifiers} are available to manipulate +the selected words. The line is broken into words in the same fashion +that Bash does, so that several words +surrounded by quotes are considered one word. +History expansions are introduced by the appearance of the +history expansion character, which is @samp{!} by default. +@ifset BashFeatures +Only @samp{\} and @samp{'} may be used to escape the history expansion +character. +@end ifset + +@ifset BashFeatures +Several shell options settable with the @code{shopt} +builtin (@pxref{Bash Builtins}) may be used to tailor +the behavior of history expansion. If the +@code{histverify} shell option is enabled, and Readline +is being used, history substitutions are not immediately passed to +the shell parser. +Instead, the expanded line is reloaded into the Readline +editing buffer for further modification. +If Readline is being used, and the @code{histreedit} +shell option is enabled, a failed history expansion will be +reloaded into the Readline editing buffer for correction. +The @samp{-p} option to the @code{history} builtin command +may be used to see what a history expansion will do before using it. +The @samp{-s} option to the @code{history} builtin may be used to +add commands to the end of the history list without actually executing +them, so that they are available for subsequent recall. +This is most useful in conjunction with Readline. + +The shell allows control of the various characters used by the +history expansion mechanism with the @code{histchars} variable. +@end ifset + +@menu +* Event Designators:: How to specify which history line to use. +* Word Designators:: Specifying which words are of interest. +* Modifiers:: Modifying the results of substitution. +@end menu + +@node Event Designators +@subsection Event Designators +@cindex event designators + +An event designator is a reference to a command line entry in the +history list. +@cindex history events + +@table @asis + +@item @code{!} +Start a history substitution, except when followed by a space, tab, +the end of the line, @samp{=} or @samp{(}. + +@item @code{!@var{n}} +Refer to command line @var{n}. + +@item @code{!-@var{n}} +Refer to the command @var{n} lines back. + +@item @code{!!} +Refer to the previous command. This is a synonym for @samp{!-1}. + +@item @code{!@var{string}} +Refer to the most recent command starting with @var{string}. + +@item @code{!?@var{string}[?]} +Refer to the most recent command containing @var{string}. The trailing +@samp{?} may be omitted if the @var{string} is followed immediately by +a newline. + +@item @code{^@var{string1}^@var{string2}^} +Quick Substitution. Repeat the last command, replacing @var{string1} +with @var{string2}. Equivalent to +@code{!!:s/@var{string1}/@var{string2}/}. + +@item @code{!#} +The entire command line typed so far. + +@end table + +@node Word Designators +@subsection Word Designators + +Word designators are used to select desired words from the event. +A @samp{:} separates the event specification from the word designator. It +may be omitted if the word designator begins with a @samp{^}, @samp{$}, +@samp{*}, @samp{-}, or @samp{%}. Words are numbered from the beginning +of the line, with the first word being denoted by 0 (zero). Words are +inserted into the current line separated by single spaces. + +@need 0.75 +For example, + +@table @code +@item !! +designates the preceding command. When you type this, the preceding +command is repeated in toto. + +@item !!:$ +designates the last argument of the preceding command. This may be +shortened to @code{!$}. + +@item !fi:2 +designates the second argument of the most recent command starting with +the letters @code{fi}. +@end table + +@need 0.75 +Here are the word designators: + +@table @code + +@item 0 (zero) +The @code{0}th word. For many applications, this is the command word. + +@item @var{n} +The @var{n}th word. + +@item ^ +The first argument; that is, word 1. + +@item $ +The last argument. + +@item % +The word matched by the most recent @samp{?@var{string}?} search. + +@item @var{x}-@var{y} +A range of words; @samp{-@var{y}} abbreviates @samp{0-@var{y}}. + +@item * +All of the words, except the @code{0}th. This is a synonym for @samp{1-$}. +It is not an error to use @samp{*} if there is just one word in the event; +the empty string is returned in that case. + +@item @var{x}* +Abbreviates @samp{@var{x}-$} + +@item @var{x}- +Abbreviates @samp{@var{x}-$} like @samp{@var{x}*}, but omits the last word. + +@end table + +If a word designator is supplied without an event specification, the +previous command is used as the event. + +@node Modifiers +@subsection Modifiers + +After the optional word designator, you can add a sequence of one or more +of the following modifiers, each preceded by a @samp{:}. + +@table @code + +@item h +Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving only the head. + +@item t +Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail. + +@item r +Remove a trailing suffix of the form @samp{.@var{suffix}}, leaving +the basename. + +@item e +Remove all but the trailing suffix. + +@item p +Print the new command but do not execute it. + +@ifset BashFeatures +@item q +Quote the substituted words, escaping further substitutions. + +@item x +Quote the substituted words as with @samp{q}, +but break into words at spaces, tabs, and newlines. +@end ifset + +@item s/@var{old}/@var{new}/ +Substitute @var{new} for the first occurrence of @var{old} in the +event line. Any delimiter may be used in place of @samp{/}. +The delimiter may be quoted in @var{old} and @var{new} +with a single backslash. If @samp{&} appears in @var{new}, +it is replaced by @var{old}. A single backslash will quote +the @samp{&}. The final delimiter is optional if it is the last +character on the input line. + +@item & +Repeat the previous substitution. + +@item g +Cause changes to be applied over the entire event line. Used in +conjunction with @samp{s}, as in @code{gs/@var{old}/@var{new}/}, +or with @samp{&}. + +@end table Index: readline.3 =================================================================== --- readline.3 (nonexistent) +++ readline.3 (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,1205 @@ +.\" +.\" MAN PAGE COMMENTS to +.\" +.\" Chet Ramey +.\" Information Network Services +.\" Case Western Reserve University +.\" chet@ins.CWRU.Edu +.\" +.\" Last Change: Tue Jun 1 13:28:03 EDT 1999 +.\" +.TH READLINE 3 "1999 Jun 1" GNU +.\" +.\" File Name macro. This used to be `.PN', for Path Name, +.\" but Sun doesn't seem to like that very much. +.\" FN +\fI\|\\$1\|\fP +.. +.SH NAME +readline \- get a line from a user with editing +.SH SYNOPSIS +.LP +.ft B +#include +#include +#include +.ft +.LP +.ft B +char *readline (prompt) +char *prompt; +.ft +.SH COPYRIGHT +.if n Readline is Copyright (C) 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. +.if t Readline is Copyright \(co 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc. +.SH DESCRIPTION +.LP +.B readline +will read a line from the terminal +and return it, using +.B prompt +as a prompt. If +.B prompt +is null, no prompt is issued. The line returned is allocated with +.IR malloc (3), +so the caller must free it when finished. The line returned +has the final newline removed, so only the text of the line +remains. +.LP +.B readline +offers editing capabilities while the user is entering the +line. +By default, the line editing commands +are similar to those of emacs. +A vi\-style line editing interface is also available. +.SH RETURN VALUE +.LP +.B readline +returns the text of the line read. A blank line +returns the empty string. If +.B EOF +is encountered while reading a line, and the line is empty, +.B NULL +is returned. If an +.B EOF +is read with a non\-empty line, it is +treated as a newline. +.SH NOTATION +.LP +An emacs-style notation is used to denote +keystrokes. Control keys are denoted by C\-\fIkey\fR, e.g., C\-n +means Control\-N. Similarly, +.I meta +keys are denoted by M\-\fIkey\fR, so M\-x means Meta\-X. (On keyboards +without a +.I meta +key, M\-\fIx\fP means ESC \fIx\fP, i.e., press the Escape key +then the +.I x +key. This makes ESC the \fImeta prefix\fP. +The combination M\-C\-\fIx\fP means ESC\-Control\-\fIx\fP, +or press the Escape key +then hold the Control key while pressing the +.I x +key.) +.PP +Readline commands may be given numeric +.IR arguments , +which normally act as a repeat count. Sometimes, however, it is the +sign of the argument that is significant. Passing a negative argument +to a command that acts in the forward direction (e.g., \fBkill\-line\fP) +causes that command to act in a backward direction. Commands whose +behavior with arguments deviates from this are noted. +.PP +When a command is described as \fIkilling\fP text, the text +deleted is saved for possible future retrieval +(\fIyanking\fP). The killed text is saved in a +\fIkill ring\fP. Consecutive kills cause the text to be +accumulated into one unit, which can be yanked all at once. +Commands which do not kill text separate the chunks of text +on the kill ring. +.SH INITIALIZATION FILE +.LP +Readline is customized by putting commands in an initialization +file (the \fIinputrc\fP file). +The name of this file is taken from the value of the +.B INPUTRC +environment variable. If that variable is unset, the default is +.IR ~/.inputrc . +When a program which uses the readline library starts up, the +init file is read, and the key bindings and variables are set. +There are only a few basic constructs allowed in the +readline init file. Blank lines are ignored. +Lines beginning with a \fB#\fP are comments. +Lines beginning with a \fB$\fP indicate conditional constructs. +Other lines denote key bindings and variable settings. +Each program using this library may add its own commands +and bindings. +.PP +For example, placing +.RS +.PP +M\-Control\-u: universal\-argument +.RE +or +.RS +C\-Meta\-u: universal\-argument +.RE +into the +.I inputrc +would make M\-C\-u execute the readline command +.IR universal\-argument . +.PP +The following symbolic character names are recognized while +processing key bindings: +.IR RUBOUT , +.IR DEL , +.IR ESC , +.IR LFD , +.IR NEWLINE , +.IR RET , +.IR RETURN , +.IR SPC , +.IR SPACE , +and +.IR TAB . +.PP +In addition to command names, readline allows keys to be bound +to a string that is inserted when the key is pressed (a \fImacro\fP). +.PP +.SS Key Bindings +.PP +The syntax for controlling key bindings in the +.I inputrc +file is simple. All that is required is the name of the +command or the text of a macro and a key sequence to which +it should be bound. The name may be specified in one of two ways: +as a symbolic key name, possibly with \fIMeta\-\fP or \fIControl\-\fP +prefixes, or as a key sequence. +When using the form \fBkeyname\fP:\^\fIfunction-name\fP or \fImacro\fP, +.I keyname +is the name of a key spelled out in English. For example: +.sp +.RS +Control\-u: universal\-argument +Meta\-Rubout: backward\-kill\-word +Control\-o: ">&output" +.RE +.LP +In the above example, +.I C\-u +is bound to the function +.BR universal\-argument , +.I M-DEL +is bound to the function +.BR backward\-kill\-word , +and +.I C\-o +is bound to run the macro +expressed on the right hand side (that is, to insert the text +.I >&output +into the line). +.PP +In the second form, \fB"keyseq"\fP:\^\fIfunction\-name\fP or \fImacro\fP, +.B keyseq +differs from +.B keyname +above in that strings denoting +an entire key sequence may be specified by placing the sequence +within double quotes. Some GNU Emacs style key escapes can be +used, as in the following example. +.sp +.RS +"\eC\-u": universal\-argument +"\eC\-x\eC\-r": re\-read\-init\-file +"\ee[11~": "Function Key 1" +.RE +.PP +In this example, +.I C-u +is again bound to the function +.BR universal\-argument . +.I "C-x C-r" +is bound to the function +.BR re\-read\-init\-file , +and +.I "ESC [ 1 1 ~" +is bound to insert the text +.BR "Function Key 1" . +The full set of GNU Emacs style escape sequences is +.RS +.PD 0 +.TP +.B \eC\- +control prefix +.TP +.B \eM\- +meta prefix +.TP +.B \ee +an escape character +.TP +.B \e\e +backslash +.TP +.B \e" +literal " +.TP +.B \e' +literal ' +.RE +.PD +.PP +In addition to the GNU Emacs style escape sequences, a second +set of backslash escapes is available: +.RS +.PD 0 +.TP +.B \ea +alert (bell) +.TP +.B \eb +backspace +.TP +.B \ed +delete +.TP +.B \ef +form feed +.TP +.B \en +newline +.TP +.B \er +carriage return +.TP +.B \et +horizontal tab +.TP +.B \ev +vertical tab +.TP +.B \e\fInnn\fP +the character whose ASCII code is the octal value \fInnn\fP +(one to three digits) +.TP +.B \ex\fInnn\fP +the character whose ASCII code is the hexadecimal value \fInnn\fP +(one to three digits) +.RE +.PD +.PP +When entering the text of a macro, single or double quotes should +be used to indicate a macro definition. Unquoted text +is assumed to be a function name. +In the macro body, the backslash escapes described above are expanded. +Backslash will quote any other character in the macro text, +including " and '. +.PP +.B Bash +allows the current readline key bindings to be displayed or modified +with the +.B bind +builtin command. The editing mode may be switched during interactive +use by using the +.B \-o +option to the +.B set +builtin command. Other programs using this library provide +similar mechanisms. The +.I inputrc +file may be edited and re-read if a program does not provide +any other means to incorporate new bindings. +.SS Variables +.PP +Readline has variables that can be used to further customize its +behavior. A variable may be set in the +.I inputrc +file with a statement of the form +.RS +.PP +\fBset\fP \fIvariable\-name\fP \fIvalue\fP +.RE +.PP +Except where noted, readline variables can take the values +.B On +or +.BR Off . +The variables and their default values are: +.PP +.PD 0 +.TP +.B bell\-style (audible) +Controls what happens when readline wants to ring the terminal bell. +If set to \fBnone\fP, readline never rings the bell. If set to +\fBvisible\fP, readline uses a visible bell if one is available. +If set to \fBaudible\fP, readline attempts to ring the terminal's bell. +.TP +.B comment\-begin (``#'') +The string that is inserted in \fBvi\fP mode when the +.B insert\-comment +command is executed. +This command is bound to +.B M\-# +in emacs mode and to +.B # +in vi command mode. +.TP +.B completion\-ignore\-case (Off) +If set to \fBOn\fP, readline performs filename matching and completion +in a case\-insensitive fashion. +.TP +.B completion\-query\-items (100) +This determines when the user is queried about viewing +the number of possible completions +generated by the \fBpossible\-completions\fP command. +It may be set to any integer value greater than or equal to +zero. If the number of possible completions is greater than +or equal to the value of this variable, the user is asked whether +or not he wishes to view them; otherwise they are simply listed +on the terminal. +.TP +.B convert\-meta (On) +If set to \fBOn\fP, readline will convert characters with the +eighth bit set to an ASCII key sequence +by stripping the eighth bit and prepending an +escape character (in effect, using escape as the \fImeta prefix\fP). +.TP +.B disable\-completion (Off) +If set to \fBOn\fP, readline will inhibit word completion. Completion +characters will be inserted into the line as if they had been +mapped to \fBself-insert\fP. +.TP +.B editing\-mode (emacs) +Controls whether readline begins with a set of key bindings similar +to \fIemacs\fP or \fIvi\fP. +.B editing\-mode +can be set to either +.B emacs +or +.BR vi . +.TP +.B enable\-keypad (Off) +When set to \fBOn\fP, readline will try to enable the application +keypad when it is called. Some systems need this to enable the +arrow keys. +.TP +.B expand\-tilde (Off) +If set to \fBon\fP, tilde expansion is performed when readline +attempts word completion. +.TP +.B horizontal\-scroll\-mode (Off) +When set to \fBOn\fP, makes readline use a single line for display, +scrolling the input horizontally on a single screen line when it +becomes longer than the screen width rather than wrapping to a new line. +.TP +.B input\-meta (Off) +If set to \fBOn\fP, readline will enable eight-bit input (that is, +it will not strip the high bit from the characters it reads), +regardless of what the terminal claims it can support. The name +.B meta\-flag +is a synonym for this variable. +.TP +.B isearch\-terminators (``C\-[C\-J'') +The string of characters that should terminate an incremental +search without subsequently executing the character as a command. +If this variable has not been given a value, the characters +\fIESC\fP and \fIC\-J\fP will terminate an incremental search. +.TP +.B keymap (emacs) +Set the current readline keymap. The set of legal keymap names is +\fIemacs, emacs-standard, emacs-meta, emacs-ctlx, vi, vi-move, +vi-command\fP, and +.IR vi-insert . +\fIvi\fP is equivalent to \fIvi-command\fP; \fIemacs\fP is +equivalent to \fIemacs-standard\fP. The default value is +.IR emacs ; +the value of +.B editing\-mode +also affects the default keymap. +.TP +.B mark\-directories (On) +If set to \fBOn\fP, complete) +Move to the end of the input history, i.e., the line currently being +entered. +.TP +.B reverse\-search\-history (C\-r) +Search backward starting at the current line and moving `up' through +the history as necessary. This is an incremental search. +.TP +.B forward\-search\-history (C\-s) +Search forward starting at the current line and moving `down' through +the history as necessary. This is an incremental search. +.TP +.B non\-incremental\-reverse\-search\-history (M\-p) +Search backward through the history starting at the current line +using a non-incremental search for a string supplied by the user. +.TP +.B non\-incremental\-forward\-search\-history (M\-n) +Search forward through the history using a non-incremental search +for a string supplied by the user. +.TP +.B history\-search\-forward +Search forward through the history for the string of characters +between the start of the current line and the current cursor +position (the \fIpoint\fP). +This is a non-incremental search. +.TP +.B history\-search\-backward +Search backward through the history for the string of characters +between the start of the current line and the point. +This is a non-incremental search. +.TP +.B yank\-nth\-arg (M\-C\-y) +Insert the first argument to the previous command (usually +the second word on the previous line) at point (the current +cursor position). With an argument +.IR n , +insert the \fIn\fPth word from the previous command (the words +in the previous command begin with word 0). A negative argument +inserts the \fIn\fPth word from the end of the previous command. +.TP +.B +yank\-last\-arg (M\-.\^, M\-_\^) +Insert the last argument to the previous command (the last word of +the previous history entry). With an argument, +behave exactly like \fByank\-nth\-arg\fP. +Successive calls to \fByank\-last\-arg\fP move back through the history +list, inserting the last argument of each line in turn. +.PD +.SS Commands for Changing Text +.PP +.PD 0 +.TP +.B delete\-char (C\-d) +Delete the character under the cursor. If point is at the +beginning of the line, there are no characters in the line, and +the last character typed was not bound to \fBBdelete\-char\fP, then return +.SM +.BR EOF . +.TP +.B backward\-delete\-char (Rubout) +Delete the character behind the cursor. When given a numeric argument, +save the deleted text on the kill ring. +.TP +.B forward\-backward\-delete\-char +Delete the character under the cursor, unless the cursor is at the +end of the line, in which case the character behind the cursor is +deleted. By default, this is not bound to a key. +.TP +.B quoted\-insert (C\-q, C\-v) +Add the next character that you type to the line verbatim. This is +how to insert characters like \fBC\-q\fP, for example. +.TP +.B tab\-insert (M-TAB) +Insert a tab character. +.TP +.B self\-insert (a,\ b,\ A,\ 1,\ !,\ ...) +Insert the character typed. +.TP +.B transpose\-chars (C\-t) +Drag the character before point forward over the character at point. +Point moves forward as well. If point is at the end of the line, then +transpose the two characters before point. Negative arguments don't work. +.TP +.B transpose\-words (M\-t) +Drag the word behind the cursor past the word in front of the cursor +moving the cursor over that word as well. +.TP +.B upcase\-word (M\-u) +Uppercase the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, +uppercase the previous word, but do not move point. +.TP +.B downcase\-word (M\-l) +Lowercase the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, +lowercase the previous word, but do not move point. +.TP +.B capitalize\-word (M\-c) +Capitalize the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, +capitalize the previous word, but do not move point. +.PD +.SS Killing and Yanking +.PP +.PD 0 +.TP +.B kill\-line (C\-k) +Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line. +.TP +.B backward\-kill\-line (C\-x Rubout) +Kill backward to the beginning of the line. +.TP +.B unix\-line\-discard (C\-u) +Kill backward from point to the beginning of the line. +The killed text is saved on the kill-ring. +.\" There is no real difference between this and backward-kill-line +.TP +.B kill\-whole\-line +Kill all characters on the current line, no matter where the +cursor is. +.TP +.B kill\-word (M\-d) +Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or if between +words, to the end of the next word. Word boundaries are the same as +those used by \fBforward\-word\fP. +.TP +.B backward\-kill\-word (M\-Rubout) +Kill the word behind the cursor. Word boundaries are the same as +those used by \fBbackward\-word\fP. +.TP +.B unix\-word\-rubout (C\-w) +Kill the word behind the cursor, using white space as a word boundary. +The word boundaries are different from +.BR backward\-kill\-word . +.TP +.B delete\-horizontal\-space (M\-\e) +Delete all spaces and tabs around point. +.TP +.B kill\-region +Kill the text between the point and \fImark\fP (saved cursor position). +This text is referred to as the \fIregion\fP. +.TP +.B copy\-region\-as\-kill +Copy the text in the region to the kill buffer. +.TP +.B copy\-backward\-word +Copy the word before point to the kill buffer. +The word boundaries are the same as \fBbackward\-word\fP. +.TP +.B copy\-forward\-word +Copy the word following point to the kill buffer. +The word boundaries are the same as \fBforward\-word\fP. +.TP +.B yank (C\-y) +Yank the top of the kill ring into the buffer at the cursor. +.TP +.B yank\-pop (M\-y) +Rotate the kill ring, and yank the new top. Only works following +.B yank +or +.BR yank\-pop . +.PD +.SS Numeric Arguments +.PP +.PD 0 +.TP +.B digit\-argument (M\-0, M\-1, ..., M\-\-) +Add this digit to the argument already accumulating, or start a new +argument. M\-\- starts a negative argument. +.TP +.B universal\-argument +This is another way to specify an argument. +If this command is followed by one or more digits, optionally with a +leading minus sign, those digits define the argument. +If the command is followed by digits, executing +.B universal\-argument +again ends the numeric argument, but is otherwise ignored. +As a special case, if this command is immediately followed by a +character that is neither a digit or minus sign, the argument count +for the next command is multiplied by four. +The argument count is initially one, so executing this function the +first time makes the argument count four, a second time makes the +argument count sixteen, and so on. +.PD +.SS Completing +.PP +.PD 0 +.TP +.B complete (TAB) +Attempt to perform completion on the text before point. +The actual completion performed is application-specific. +.BR Bash , +for instance, attempts completion treating the text as a variable +(if the text begins with \fB$\fP), username (if the text begins with +\fB~\fP), hostname (if the text begins with \fB@\fP), or +command (including aliases and functions) in turn. If none +of these produces a match, filename completion is attempted. +.BR Gdb , +on the other hand, +allows completion of program functions and variables, and +only attempts filename completion under certain circumstances. +.TP +.B possible\-completions (M\-?) +List the possible completions of the text before point. +.TP +.B insert\-completions (M\-*) +Insert all completions of the text before point +that would have been generated by +\fBpossible\-completions\fP. +.TP +.B menu\-complete +Similar to \fBcomplete\fP, but replaces the word to be completed +with a single match from the list of possible completions. +Repeated execution of \fBmenu\-complete\fP steps through the list +of possible completions, inserting each match in turn. +At the end of the list of completions, the bell is rung and the +original text is restored. +An argument of \fIn\fP moves \fIn\fP positions forward in the list +of matches; a negative argument may be used to move backward +through the list. +This command is intended to be bound to \fBTAB\fP, but is unbound +by default. +.TP +.B delete\-char\-or\-list +Deletes the character under the cursor if not at the beginning or +end of the line (like \fBdelete-char\fP). +If at the end of the line, behaves identically to +\fBpossible-completions\fP. +This command is unbound by default. +.PD +.SS Keyboard Macros +.PP +.PD 0 +.TP +.B start\-kbd\-macro (C\-x (\^) +Begin saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro. +.TP +.B end\-kbd\-macro (C\-x )\^) +Stop saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro +and store the definition. +.TP +.B call\-last\-kbd\-macro (C\-x e) +Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined, by making the characters +in the macro appear as if typed at the keyboard. +.PD +.SS Miscellaneous +.PP +.PD 0 +.TP +.B re\-read\-init\-file (C\-x C\-r) +Read in the contents of the \fIinputrc\fP file, and incorporate +any bindings or variable assignments found there. +.TP +.B abort (C\-g) +Abort the current editing command and +ring the terminal's bell (subject to the setting of +.BR bell\-style ). +.TP +.B do\-uppercase\-version (M\-a, M\-b, M\-\fIx\fP, ...) +If the metafied character \fIx\fP is lowercase, run the command +that is bound to the corresponding uppercase character. +.TP +.B prefix\-meta (ESC) +Metafy the next character typed. +.SM +.B ESC +.B f +is equivalent to +.BR Meta\-f . +.TP +.B undo (C\-_, C\-x C\-u) +Incremental undo, separately remembered for each line. +.TP +.B revert\-line (M\-r) +Undo all changes made to this line. This is like executing the +.B undo +command enough times to return the line to its initial state. +.TP +.B tilde\-expand (M\-&) +Perform tilde expansion on the current word. +.TP +.B set\-mark (C\-@, M-) +Set the mark to the current point. If a +numeric argument is supplied, the mark is set to that position. +.TP +.B exchange\-point\-and\-mark (C\-x C\-x) +Swap the point with the mark. The current cursor position is set to +the saved position, and the old cursor position is saved as the mark. +.TP +.B character\-search (C\-]) +A character is read and point is moved to the next occurrence of that +character. A negative count searches for previous occurrences. +.TP +.B character\-search\-backward (M\-C\-]) +A character is read and point is moved to the previous occurrence of that +character. A negative count searches for subsequent occurrences. +.TP +.B insert\-comment (M\-#) +The value of the readline +.B comment\-begin +variable is inserted at the beginning of the current line, and the line +is accepted as if a newline had been typed. This makes the current line +a shell comment. +.TP +.B dump\-functions +Print all of the functions and their key bindings to the +readline output stream. If a numeric argument is supplied, +the output is formatted in such a way that it can be made part +of an \fIinputrc\fP file. +.TP +.B dump\-variables +Print all of the settable variables and their values to the +readline output stream. If a numeric argument is supplied, +the output is formatted in such a way that it can be made part +of an \fIinputrc\fP file. +.TP +.B dump\-macros +Print all of the readline key sequences bound to macros and the +strings they ouput. If a numeric argument is supplied, +the output is formatted in such a way that it can be made part +of an \fIinputrc\fP file. +.TP +.B emacs\-editing\-mode (C\-e) +When in +.B vi +editing mode, this causes a switch to +.B emacs +editing mode. +.TP +.B vi\-editing\-mode (M\-C\-j) +When in +.B emacs +editing mode, this causes a switch to +.B vi +editing mode. +.PD +.SH DEFAULT KEY BINDINGS +.LP +The following is a list of the default emacs and vi bindings. +Characters with the 8th bit set are written as M\-, and +are referred to as +.I metafied +characters. +The printable ASCII characters not mentioned in the list of emacs +standard bindings are bound to the +.I self\-insert +function, which just inserts the given character into the input line. +In vi insertion mode, all characters not specifically mentioned are +bound to +.IR self\-insert . +Characters assigned to signal generation by +.IR stty (1) +or the terminal driver, such as C-Z or C-C, +retain that function. +Upper and lower case +.I metafied +characters are bound to the same function in the emacs mode +meta keymap. +The remaining characters are unbound, which causes readline +to ring the bell (subject to the setting of the +.B bell\-style +variable). +.SS Emacs Mode +.RS +.6i +.ta 2.5i +.sp +Emacs Standard bindings +.sp +"C-@" set-mark +"C-A" beginning-of-line +"C-B" backward-char +"C-D" delete-char +"C-E" end-of-line +"C-F" forward-char +"C-G" abort +"C-H" backward-delete-char +"C-I" complete +"C-J" accept-line +"C-K" kill-line +"C-L" clear-screen +"C-M" accept-line +"C-N" next-history +"C-P" previous-history +"C-Q" quoted-insert +"C-R" reverse-search-history +"C-S" forward-search-history +"C-T" transpose-chars +"C-U" unix-line-discard +"C-V" quoted-insert +"C-W" unix-word-rubout +"C-Y" yank +"C-]" character-search +"C-_" undo +"\^ " to "/" self-insert +"0" to "9" self-insert +":" to "~" self-insert +"C-?" backward-delete-char +.PP +Emacs Meta bindings +.sp +"M-C-G" abort +"M-C-H" backward-kill-word +"M-C-I" tab-insert +"M-C-J" vi-editing-mode +"M-C-M" vi-editing-mode +"M-C-R" revert-line +"M-C-Y" yank-nth-arg +"M-C-[" complete +"M-C-]" character-search-backward +"M-space" set-mark +"M-#" insert-comment +"M-&" tilde-expand +"M-*" insert-completions +"M--" digit-argument +"M-." yank-last-arg +"M-0" digit-argument +"M-1" digit-argument +"M-2" digit-argument +"M-3" digit-argument +"M-4" digit-argument +"M-5" digit-argument +"M-6" digit-argument +"M-7" digit-argument +"M-8" digit-argument +"M-9" digit-argument +"M-<" beginning-of-history +"M-=" possible-completions +"M->" end-of-history +"M-?" possible-completions +"M-B" backward-word +"M-C" capitalize-word +"M-D" kill-word +"M-F" forward-word +"M-L" downcase-word +"M-N" non-incremental-forward-search-history +"M-P" non-incremental-reverse-search-history +"M-R" revert-line +"M-T" transpose-words +"M-U" upcase-word +"M-Y" yank-pop +"M-\e" delete-horizontal-space +"M-~" tilde-expand +"M-C-?" backward-delete-word +"M-_" yank-last-arg +.PP +Emacs Control-X bindings +.sp +"C-XC-G" abort +"C-XC-R" re-read-init-file +"C-XC-U" undo +"C-XC-X" exchange-point-and-mark +"C-X(" start-kbd-macro +"C-X)" end-kbd-macro +"C-XE" call-last-kbd-macro +"C-XC-?" backward-kill-line +.sp +.RE +.SS VI Mode bindings +.RS +.6i +.ta 2.5i +.sp +.PP +VI Insert Mode functions +.sp +"C-D" vi-eof-maybe +"C-H" backward-delete-char +"C-I" complete +"C-J" accept-line +"C-M" accept-line +"C-R" reverse-search-history +"C-S" forward-search-history +"C-T" transpose-chars +"C-U" unix-line-discard +"C-V" quoted-insert +"C-W" unix-word-rubout +"C-Y" yank +"C-[" vi-movement-mode +"C-_" undo +"\^ " to "~" self-insert +"C-?" backward-delete-char +.PP +VI Command Mode functions +.sp +"C-D" vi-eof-maybe +"C-E" emacs-editing-mode +"C-G" abort +"C-H" backward-char +"C-J" accept-line +"C-K" kill-line +"C-L" clear-screen +"C-M" accept-line +"C-N" next-history +"C-P" previous-history +"C-Q" quoted-insert +"C-R" reverse-search-history +"C-S" forward-search-history +"C-T" transpose-chars +"C-U" unix-line-discard +"C-V" quoted-insert +"C-W" unix-word-rubout +"C-Y" yank +"\^ " forward-char +"#" insert-comment +"$" end-of-line +"%" vi-match +"&" vi-tilde-expand +"*" vi-complete +"+" next-history +"," vi-char-search +"-" previous-history +"." vi-redo +"/" vi-search +"0" beginning-of-line +"1" to "9" vi-arg-digit +";" vi-char-search +"=" vi-complete +"?" vi-search +"A" vi-append-eol +"B" vi-prev-word +"C" vi-change-to +"D" vi-delete-to +"E" vi-end-word +"F" vi-char-search +"G" vi-fetch-history +"I" vi-insert-beg +"N" vi-search-again +"P" vi-put +"R" vi-replace +"S" vi-subst +"T" vi-char-search +"U" revert-line +"W" vi-next-word +"X" backward-delete-char +"Y" vi-yank-to +"\e" vi-complete +"^" vi-first-print +"_" vi-yank-arg +"`" vi-goto-mark +"a" vi-append-mode +"b" vi-prev-word +"c" vi-change-to +"d" vi-delete-to +"e" vi-end-word +"f" vi-char-search +"h" backward-char +"i" vi-insertion-mode +"j" next-history +"k" prev-history +"l" forward-char +"m" vi-set-mark +"n" vi-search-again +"p" vi-put +"r" vi-change-char +"s" vi-subst +"t" vi-char-search +"u" undo +"w" vi-next-word +"x" vi-delete +"y" vi-yank-to +"|" vi-column +"~" vi-change-case +.RE +.SH "SEE ALSO" +.PD 0 +.TP +\fIThe Gnu Readline Library\fP, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey +.TP +\fIThe Gnu History Library\fP, Brian Fox and Chet Ramey +.TP +\fIbash\fP(1) +.PD +.SH FILES +.PD 0 +.TP +.FN ~/.inputrc +Individual \fBreadline\fP initialization file +.PD +.SH AUTHORS +Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation +.PP +Chet Ramey, Case Western Reserve University +chet@ins.CWRU.Edu +.SH BUG REPORTS +If you find a bug in +.B readline, +you should report it. But first, you should +make sure that it really is a bug, and that it appears in the latest +version of the +.B readline +library that you have. +.PP +Once you have determined that a bug actually exists, mail a +bug report to \fIbug\-readline\fP@\\fP. +If you have a fix, you are welcome to mail that +as well! Suggestions and `philosophical' bug reports may be mailed +to \fPbug-readline\fP@\\fP or posted to the Usenet +newsgroup +.BR gnu.bash.bug . +.PP +Comments and bug reports concerning +this manual page should be directed to +.IR chet@ins.CWRU.Edu . +.SH BUGS +.PP +It's too big and too slow. Index: rlman.texinfo =================================================================== --- rlman.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ rlman.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*- +@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setfilename +@settitle GNU Readline Library +@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@synindex vr fn +@setchapternewpage odd + +@include manvers.texinfo + +@ifinfo +@dircategory Libraries +@direntry +* Readline: (readline). The GNU readline library API +@end direntry + +This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility which aids +in the consistency of user interface across discrete programs that need +to provide a command line interface. + +Copyright (C) 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of +this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice +pare preserved on all copies. + +@ignore +Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission +notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph +(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). +@end ignore + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire +resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission +notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved +by the Free Software Foundation. +@end ifinfo + +@titlepage +@title GNU Readline Library +@subtitle Edition @value{EDITION}, for @code{Readline Library} Version @value{VERSION}. +@subtitle @value{UPDATE-MONTH} +@author Brian Fox, Free Software Foundation +@author Chet Ramey, Case Western Reserve University + +@page +This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility which aids +in the consistency of user interface across discrete programs that need +to provide a command line interface. + +Published by the Free Software Foundation @* +59 Temple Place, Suite 330, @* +Boston, MA 02111 USA + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of +this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice +are preserved on all copies. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire +resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission +notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved +by the Free Software Foundation. + +@vskip 0pt plus 1filll +Copyright @copyright{} 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +@end titlepage + +@ifinfo +@node Top +@top GNU Readline Library + +This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility which aids +in the consistency of user interface across discrete programs that need +to provide a command line interface. + +@menu +* Command Line Editing:: GNU Readline User's Manual. +* Programming with GNU Readline:: GNU Readline Programmer's Manual. +* Concept Index:: Index of concepts described in this manual. +* Function and Variable Index:: Index of externally visible functions + and variables. +@end menu +@end ifinfo + +@include rluser.texinfo +@include rltech.texinfo + +@node Concept Index +@unnumbered Concept Index +@printindex cp + +@node Function and Variable Index +@unnumbered Function and Variable Index +@printindex fn + +@contents +@bye Index: manvers.texinfo =================================================================== --- manvers.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ manvers.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +@set EDITION 4.1 +@set VERSION 4.1 +@set UPDATED 2000 January 19 +@set UPDATE-MONTH January 2000 + +@set LASTCHANGE Wed Jan 19 12:16:30 EST 2000 Index: rluser.texinfo =================================================================== --- rluser.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ rluser.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,1630 @@ +@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setfilename +@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setchapternewpage odd + +@ignore +This file documents the end user interface to the GNU command line +editing features. It is to be an appendix to manuals for programs which +use these features. There is a document entitled "readline.texinfo" +which contains both end-user and programmer documentation for the +GNU Readline Library. + +Copyright (C) 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +Authored by Brian Fox and Chet Ramey. + +Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice +identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this +paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual +provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on +all copies. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the +GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that +the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a +permission notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions. +@end ignore + +@comment If you are including this manual as an appendix, then set the +@comment variable readline-appendix. + +@ifclear BashFeatures +@defcodeindex bt +@end ifclear + +@node Command Line Editing +@chapter Command Line Editing + +This chapter describes the basic features of the @sc{gnu} +command line editing interface. +@ifset BashFeatures +Command line editing is provided by the Readline library, which is +used by several different programs, including Bash. +@end ifset + +@menu +* Introduction and Notation:: Notation used in this text. +* Readline Interaction:: The minimum set of commands for editing a line. +* Readline Init File:: Customizing Readline from a user's view. +* Bindable Readline Commands:: A description of most of the Readline commands + available for binding +* Readline vi Mode:: A short description of how to make Readline + behave like the vi editor. +@ifset BashFeatures +* Programmable Completion:: How to specify the possible completions for + a specific command. +* Programmable Completion Builtins:: Builtin commands to specify how to + complete arguments for a particular command. +@end ifset +@end menu + +@node Introduction and Notation +@section Introduction to Line Editing + +The following paragraphs describe the notation used to represent +keystrokes. + +The text @key{C-k} is read as `Control-K' and describes the character +produced when the @key{k} key is pressed while the Control key +is depressed. + +The text @key{M-k} is read as `Meta-K' and describes the character +produced when the Meta key (if you have one) is depressed, and the @key{k} +key is pressed. +The Meta key is labeled @key{ALT} on many keyboards. +On keyboards with two keys labeled @key{ALT} (usually to either side of +the space bar), the @key{ALT} on the left side is generally set to +work as a Meta key. +The @key{ALT} key on the right may also be configured to work as a +Meta key or may be configured as some other modifier, such as a +Compose key for typing accented characters. + +If you do not have a Meta or @key{ALT} key, or another key working as +a Meta key, the identical keystroke can be generated by typing @key{ESC} +@i{first}, and then typing @key{k}. +Either process is known as @dfn{metafying} the @key{k} key. + +The text @key{M-C-k} is read as `Meta-Control-k' and describes the +character produced by @dfn{metafying} @key{C-k}. + +In addition, several keys have their own names. Specifically, +@key{DEL}, @key{ESC}, @key{LFD}, @key{SPC}, @key{RET}, and @key{TAB} all +stand for themselves when seen in this text, or in an init file +(@pxref{Readline Init File}). +If your keyboard lacks a @key{LFD} key, typing @key{C-j} will +produce the desired character. +The @key{RET} key may be labeled @key{Return} or @key{Enter} on +some keyboards. + +@node Readline Interaction +@section Readline Interaction +@cindex interaction, readline + +Often during an interactive session you type in a long line of text, +only to notice that the first word on the line is misspelled. The +Readline library gives you a set of commands for manipulating the text +as you type it in, allowing you to just fix your typo, and not forcing +you to retype the majority of the line. Using these editing commands, +you move the cursor to the place that needs correction, and delete or +insert the text of the corrections. Then, when you are satisfied with +the line, you simply press @key{RETURN}. You do not have to be at the +end of the line to press @key{RETURN}; the entire line is accepted +regardless of the location of the cursor within the line. + +@menu +* Readline Bare Essentials:: The least you need to know about Readline. +* Readline Movement Commands:: Moving about the input line. +* Readline Killing Commands:: How to delete text, and how to get it back! +* Readline Arguments:: Giving numeric arguments to commands. +* Searching:: Searching through previous lines. +@end menu + +@node Readline Bare Essentials +@subsection Readline Bare Essentials +@cindex notation, readline +@cindex command editing +@cindex editing command lines + +In order to enter characters into the line, simply type them. The typed +character appears where the cursor was, and then the cursor moves one +space to the right. If you mistype a character, you can use your +erase character to back up and delete the mistyped character. + +Sometimes you may mistype a character, and +not notice the error until you have typed several other characters. In +that case, you can type @key{C-b} to move the cursor to the left, and then +correct your mistake. Afterwards, you can move the cursor to the right +with @key{C-f}. + +When you add text in the middle of a line, you will notice that characters +to the right of the cursor are `pushed over' to make room for the text +that you have inserted. Likewise, when you delete text behind the cursor, +characters to the right of the cursor are `pulled back' to fill in the +blank space created by the removal of the text. A list of the bare +essentials for editing the text of an input line follows. + +@table @asis +@item @key{C-b} +Move back one character. +@item @key{C-f} +Move forward one character. +@item @key{DEL} or @key{Backspace} +Delete the character to the left of the cursor. +@item @key{C-d} +Delete the character underneath the cursor. +@item @w{Printing characters} +Insert the character into the line at the cursor. +@item @key{C-_} or @key{C-x C-u} +Undo the last editing command. You can undo all the way back to an +empty line. +@end table + +@noindent +(Depending on your configuration, the @key{Backspace} key be set to +delete the character to the left of the cursor and the @key{DEL} key set +to delete the character underneath the cursor, like @key{C-d}, rather +than the character to the left of the cursor.) + +@node Readline Movement Commands +@subsection Readline Movement Commands + + +The above table describes the most basic keystrokes that you need +in order to do editing of the input line. For your convenience, many +other commands have been added in addition to @key{C-b}, @key{C-f}, +@key{C-d}, and @key{DEL}. Here are some commands for moving more rapidly +about the line. + +@table @key +@item C-a +Move to the start of the line. +@item C-e +Move to the end of the line. +@item M-f +Move forward a word, where a word is composed of letters and digits. +@item M-b +Move backward a word. +@item C-l +Clear the screen, reprinting the current line at the top. +@end table + +Notice how @key{C-f} moves forward a character, while @key{M-f} moves +forward a word. It is a loose convention that control keystrokes +operate on characters while meta keystrokes operate on words. + +@node Readline Killing Commands +@subsection Readline Killing Commands + +@cindex killing text +@cindex yanking text + +@dfn{Killing} text means to delete the text from the line, but to save +it away for later use, usually by @dfn{yanking} (re-inserting) +it back into the line. +(`Cut' and `paste' are more recent jargon for `kill' and `yank'.) + +If the description for a command says that it `kills' text, then you can +be sure that you can get the text back in a different (or the same) +place later. + +When you use a kill command, the text is saved in a @dfn{kill-ring}. +Any number of consecutive kills save all of the killed text together, so +that when you yank it back, you get it all. The kill +ring is not line specific; the text that you killed on a previously +typed line is available to be yanked back later, when you are typing +another line. +@cindex kill ring + +Here is the list of commands for killing text. + +@table @key +@item C-k +Kill the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line. + +@item M-d +Kill from the cursor to the end of the current word, or, if between +words, to the end of the next word. +Word boundaries are the same as those used by @key{M-f}. + +@item M-DEL +Kill from the cursor the start of the previous word, or, if between +words, to the start of the previous word. +Word boundaries are the same as those used by @key{M-b}. + +@item C-w +Kill from the cursor to the previous whitespace. This is different than +@key{M-DEL} because the word boundaries differ. + +@end table + +Here is how to @dfn{yank} the text back into the line. Yanking +means to copy the most-recently-killed text from the kill buffer. + +@table @key +@item C-y +Yank the most recently killed text back into the buffer at the cursor. + +@item M-y +Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. You can only do this if +the prior command is @key{C-y} or @key{M-y}. +@end table + +@node Readline Arguments +@subsection Readline Arguments + +You can pass numeric arguments to Readline commands. Sometimes the +argument acts as a repeat count, other times it is the @i{sign} of the +argument that is significant. If you pass a negative argument to a +command which normally acts in a forward direction, that command will +act in a backward direction. For example, to kill text back to the +start of the line, you might type @samp{M-- C-k}. + +The general way to pass numeric arguments to a command is to type meta +digits before the command. If the first `digit' typed is a minus +sign (@samp{-}), then the sign of the argument will be negative. Once +you have typed one meta digit to get the argument started, you can type +the remainder of the digits, and then the command. For example, to give +the @key{C-d} command an argument of 10, you could type @samp{M-1 0 C-d}. + +@node Searching +@subsection Searching for Commands in the History + +Readline provides commands for searching through the command history +@ifset BashFeatures +(@pxref{Bash History Facilities}) +@end ifset +for lines containing a specified string. +There are two search modes: @var{incremental} and @var{non-incremental}. + +Incremental searches begin before the user has finished typing the +search string. +As each character of the search string is typed, Readline displays +the next entry from the history matching the string typed so far. +An incremental search requires only as many characters as needed to +find the desired history entry. +To search backward in the history for a particular string, type +@key{C-r}. Typing @key{C-s} searches forward through the history. +The characters present in the value of the @code{isearch-terminators} variable +are used to terminate an incremental search. +If that variable has not been assigned a value, the @key{ESC} and +@key{C-J} characters will terminate an incremental search. +@key{C-g} will abort an incremental search and restore the original line. +When the search is terminated, the history entry containing the +search string becomes the current line. + +To find other matching entries in the history list, type @key{C-r} or +@key{C-s} as appropriate. +This will search backward or forward in the history for the next +entry matching the search string typed so far. +Any other key sequence bound to a Readline command will terminate +the search and execute that command. +For instance, a @key{RET} will terminate the search and accept +the line, thereby executing the command from the history list. + +Non-incremental searches read the entire search string before starting +to search for matching history lines. The search string may be +typed by the user or be part of the contents of the current line. + +@node Readline Init File +@section Readline Init File +@cindex initialization file, readline + +Although the Readline library comes with a set of Emacs-like +keybindings installed by default, it is possible to use a different set +of keybindings. +Any user can customize programs that use Readline by putting +commands in an @dfn{inputrc} file, conventionally in his home directory. +The name of this +@ifset BashFeatures +file is taken from the value of the shell variable @code{INPUTRC}. If +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +file is taken from the value of the environment variable @code{INPUTRC}. If +@end ifclear +that variable is unset, the default is @file{~/.inputrc}. + +When a program which uses the Readline library starts up, the +init file is read, and the key bindings are set. + +In addition, the @code{C-x C-r} command re-reads this init file, thus +incorporating any changes that you might have made to it. + +@menu +* Readline Init File Syntax:: Syntax for the commands in the inputrc file. + +* Conditional Init Constructs:: Conditional key bindings in the inputrc file. + +* Sample Init File:: An example inputrc file. +@end menu + +@node Readline Init File Syntax +@subsection Readline Init File Syntax + +There are only a few basic constructs allowed in the +Readline init file. Blank lines are ignored. +Lines beginning with a @samp{#} are comments. +Lines beginning with a @samp{$} indicate conditional +constructs (@pxref{Conditional Init Constructs}). Other lines +denote variable settings and key bindings. + +@table @asis +@item Variable Settings +You can modify the run-time behavior of Readline by +altering the values of variables in Readline +using the @code{set} command within the init file. Here is how to +change from the default Emacs-like key binding to use +@code{vi} line editing commands: + +@example +set editing-mode vi +@end example + +@ifset BashFeatures +The @w{@code{bind -V}} command lists the current Readline variable names +and values. @xref{Bash Builtins}. +@end ifset + +A great deal of run-time behavior is changeable with the following +variables. + +@table @code + +@item bell-style +@vindex bell-style +Controls what happens when Readline wants to ring the terminal bell. +If set to @samp{none}, Readline never rings the bell. If set to +@samp{visible}, Readline uses a visible bell if one is available. +If set to @samp{audible} (the default), Readline attempts to ring +the terminal's bell. + +@item comment-begin +@vindex comment-begin +The string to insert at the beginning of the line when the +@code{insert-comment} command is executed. The default value +is @code{"#"}. + +@item completion-ignore-case +If set to @samp{on}, Readline performs filename matching and completion +in a case-insensitive fashion. +The default value is @samp{off}. + +@item completion-query-items +@vindex completion-query-items +The number of possible completions that determines when the user is +asked whether he wants to see the list of possibilities. If the +number of possible completions is greater than this value, +Readline will ask the user whether or not he wishes to view +them; otherwise, they are simply listed. The default limit is +@code{100}. + +@item convert-meta +@vindex convert-meta +If set to @samp{on}, Readline will convert characters with the +eighth bit set to an ASCII key sequence by stripping the eighth +bit and prefixing an @key{ESC} character, converting them to a +meta-prefixed key sequence. The default value is @samp{on}. + +@item disable-completion +@vindex disable-completion +If set to @samp{On}, Readline will inhibit word completion. +Completion characters will be inserted into the line as if they had +been mapped to @code{self-insert}. The default is @samp{off}. + +@item editing-mode +@vindex editing-mode +The @code{editing-mode} variable controls which default set of +key bindings is used. By default, Readline starts up in Emacs editing +mode, where the keystrokes are most similar to Emacs. This variable can be +set to either @samp{emacs} or @samp{vi}. + +@item enable-keypad +@vindex enable-keypad +When set to @samp{on}, Readline will try to enable the application +keypad when it is called. Some systems need this to enable the +arrow keys. The default is @samp{off}. + +@item expand-tilde +@vindex expand-tilde +If set to @samp{on}, tilde expansion is performed when Readline +attempts word completion. The default is @samp{off}. + +@item horizontal-scroll-mode +@vindex horizontal-scroll-mode +This variable can be set to either @samp{on} or @samp{off}. Setting it +to @samp{on} means that the text of the lines being edited will scroll +horizontally on a single screen line when they are longer than the width +of the screen, instead of wrapping onto a new screen line. By default, +this variable is set to @samp{off}. + +@item input-meta +@vindex input-meta +@vindex meta-flag +If set to @samp{on}, Readline will enable eight-bit input (it +will not strip the eighth bit from the characters it reads), +regardless of what the terminal claims it can support. The +default value is @samp{off}. The name @code{meta-flag} is a +synonym for this variable. + +@item isearch-terminators +@vindex isearch-terminators +The string of characters that should terminate an incremental search without +subsequently executing the character as a command (@pxref{Searching}). +If this variable has not been given a value, the characters @key{ESC} and +@key{C-J} will terminate an incremental search. + +@item keymap +@vindex keymap +Sets Readline's idea of the current keymap for key binding commands. +Acceptable @code{keymap} names are +@code{emacs}, +@code{emacs-standard}, +@code{emacs-meta}, +@code{emacs-ctlx}, +@code{vi}, +@code{vi-command}, and +@code{vi-insert}. +@code{vi} is equivalent to @code{vi-command}; @code{emacs} is +equivalent to @code{emacs-standard}. The default value is @code{emacs}. +The value of the @code{editing-mode} variable also affects the +default keymap. + +@item mark-directories +If set to @samp{on}, completed directory names have a slash +appended. The default is @samp{on}. + +@item mark-modified-lines +@vindex mark-modified-lines +This variable, when set to @samp{on}, causes Readline to display an +asterisk (@samp{*}) at the start of history lines which have been modified. +This variable is @samp{off} by default. + +@item output-meta +@vindex output-meta +If set to @samp{on}, Readline will display characters with the +eighth bit set directly rather than as a meta-prefixed escape +sequence. The default is @samp{off}. + +@item print-completions-horizontally +If set to @samp{on}, Readline will display completions with matches +sorted horizontally in alphabetical order, rather than down the screen. +The default is @samp{off}. + +@item show-all-if-ambiguous +@vindex show-all-if-ambiguous +This alters the default behavior of the completion functions. If +set to @samp{on}, +words which have more than one possible completion cause the +matches to be listed immediately instead of ringing the bell. +The default value is @samp{off}. + +@item visible-stats +@vindex visible-stats +If set to @samp{on}, a character denoting a file's type +is appended to the filename when listing possible +completions. The default is @samp{off}. + +@end table + +@item Key Bindings +The syntax for controlling key bindings in the init file is +simple. First you need to find the name of the command that you +want to change. The following sections contain tables of the command +name, the default keybinding, if any, and a short description of what +the command does. + +Once you know the name of the command, simply place the name of the key +you wish to bind the command to, a colon, and then the name of the +command on a line in the init file. The name of the key +can be expressed in different ways, depending on which is most +comfortable for you. + +@ifset BashFeatures +The @w{@code{bind -p}} command displays Readline function names and +bindings in a format that can put directly into an initialization file. +@xref{Bash Builtins}. +@end ifset + +@table @asis +@item @w{@var{keyname}: @var{function-name} or @var{macro}} +@var{keyname} is the name of a key spelled out in English. For example: +@example +Control-u: universal-argument +Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word +Control-o: "> output" +@end example + +In the above example, @key{C-u} is bound to the function +@code{universal-argument}, and @key{C-o} is bound to run the macro +expressed on the right hand side (that is, to insert the text +@samp{> output} into the line). + +@item @w{"@var{keyseq}": @var{function-name} or @var{macro}} +@var{keyseq} differs from @var{keyname} above in that strings +denoting an entire key sequence can be specified, by placing +the key sequence in double quotes. Some @sc{gnu} Emacs style key +escapes can be used, as in the following example, but the +special character names are not recognized. + +@example +"\C-u": universal-argument +"\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file +"\e[11~": "Function Key 1" +@end example + +In the above example, @key{C-u} is bound to the function +@code{universal-argument} (just as it was in the first example), +@samp{@key{C-x} @key{C-r}} is bound to the function @code{re-read-init-file}, +and @samp{@key{ESC} @key{[} @key{1} @key{1} @key{~}} is bound to insert +the text @samp{Function Key 1}. + +@end table + +The following @sc{gnu} Emacs style escape sequences are available when +specifying key sequences: + +@table @code +@item @kbd{\C-} +control prefix +@item @kbd{\M-} +meta prefix +@item @kbd{\e} +an escape character +@item @kbd{\\} +backslash +@item @kbd{\"} +@key{"}, a double quotation mark +@item @kbd{\'} +@key{'}, a single quote or apostrophe +@end table + +In addition to the @sc{gnu} Emacs style escape sequences, a second +set of backslash escapes is available: + +@table @code +@item \a +alert (bell) +@item \b +backspace +@item \d +delete +@item \f +form feed +@item \n +newline +@item \r +carriage return +@item \t +horizontal tab +@item \v +vertical tab +@item \@var{nnn} +the character whose @code{ASCII} code is the octal value @var{nnn} +(one to three digits) +@item \x@var{nnn} +the character whose @code{ASCII} code is the hexadecimal value @var{nnn} +(one to three digits) +@end table + +When entering the text of a macro, single or double quotes must +be used to indicate a macro definition. +Unquoted text is assumed to be a function name. +In the macro body, the backslash escapes described above are expanded. +Backslash will quote any other character in the macro text, +including @samp{"} and @samp{'}. +For example, the following binding will make @samp{C-x \} +insert a single @samp{\} into the line: +@example +"\C-x\\": "\\" +@end example + +@end table + +@node Conditional Init Constructs +@subsection Conditional Init Constructs + +Readline implements a facility similar in spirit to the conditional +compilation features of the C preprocessor which allows key +bindings and variable settings to be performed as the result +of tests. There are four parser directives used. + +@table @code +@item $if +The @code{$if} construct allows bindings to be made based on the +editing mode, the terminal being used, or the application using +Readline. The text of the test extends to the end of the line; +no characters are required to isolate it. + +@table @code +@item mode +The @code{mode=} form of the @code{$if} directive is used to test +whether Readline is in @code{emacs} or @code{vi} mode. +This may be used in conjunction +with the @samp{set keymap} command, for instance, to set bindings in +the @code{emacs-standard} and @code{emacs-ctlx} keymaps only if +Readline is starting out in @code{emacs} mode. + +@item term +The @code{term=} form may be used to include terminal-specific +key bindings, perhaps to bind the key sequences output by the +terminal's function keys. The word on the right side of the +@samp{=} is tested against both the full name of the terminal and +the portion of the terminal name before the first @samp{-}. This +allows @code{sun} to match both @code{sun} and @code{sun-cmd}, +for instance. + +@item application +The @var{application} construct is used to include +application-specific settings. Each program using the Readline +library sets the @var{application name}, and you can test for it. +This could be used to bind key sequences to functions useful for +a specific program. For instance, the following command adds a +key sequence that quotes the current or previous word in Bash: +@example +$if Bash +# Quote the current or previous word +"\C-xq": "\eb\"\ef\"" +$endif +@end example +@end table + +@item $endif +This command, as seen in the previous example, terminates an +@code{$if} command. + +@item $else +Commands in this branch of the @code{$if} directive are executed if +the test fails. + +@item $include +This directive takes a single filename as an argument and reads commands +and bindings from that file. +@example +$include /etc/inputrc +@end example +@end table + +@node Sample Init File +@subsection Sample Init File + +Here is an example of an inputrc file. This illustrates key +binding, variable assignment, and conditional syntax. + +@example +@page +# This file controls the behaviour of line input editing for +# programs that use the Gnu Readline library. Existing programs +# include FTP, Bash, and Gdb. +# +# You can re-read the inputrc file with C-x C-r. +# Lines beginning with '#' are comments. +# +# First, include any systemwide bindings and variable assignments from +# /etc/Inputrc +$include /etc/Inputrc + +# +# Set various bindings for emacs mode. + +set editing-mode emacs + +$if mode=emacs + +Meta-Control-h: backward-kill-word Text after the function name is ignored + +# +# Arrow keys in keypad mode +# +#"\M-OD": backward-char +#"\M-OC": forward-char +#"\M-OA": previous-history +#"\M-OB": next-history +# +# Arrow keys in ANSI mode +# +"\M-[D": backward-char +"\M-[C": forward-char +"\M-[A": previous-history +"\M-[B": next-history +# +# Arrow keys in 8 bit keypad mode +# +#"\M-\C-OD": backward-char +#"\M-\C-OC": forward-char +#"\M-\C-OA": previous-history +#"\M-\C-OB": next-history +# +# Arrow keys in 8 bit ANSI mode +# +#"\M-\C-[D": backward-char +#"\M-\C-[C": forward-char +#"\M-\C-[A": previous-history +#"\M-\C-[B": next-history + +C-q: quoted-insert + +$endif + +# An old-style binding. This happens to be the default. +TAB: complete + +# Macros that are convenient for shell interaction +$if Bash +# edit the path +"\C-xp": "PATH=$@{PATH@}\e\C-e\C-a\ef\C-f" +# prepare to type a quoted word -- insert open and close +# double quotes and move to just after the open quote +"\C-x\"": "\"\"\C-b" +# insert a backslash (testing backslash escapes in sequences +# and macros) +"\C-x\\": "\\" +# Quote the current or previous word +"\C-xq": "\eb\"\ef\"" +# Add a binding to refresh the line, which is unbound +"\C-xr": redraw-current-line +# Edit variable on current line. +"\M-\C-v": "\C-a\C-k$\C-y\M-\C-e\C-a\C-y=" +$endif + +# use a visible bell if one is available +set bell-style visible + +# don't strip characters to 7 bits when reading +set input-meta on + +# allow iso-latin1 characters to be inserted rather than converted to +# prefix-meta sequences +set convert-meta off + +# display characters with the eighth bit set directly rather than +# as meta-prefixed characters +set output-meta on + +# if there are more than 150 possible completions for a word, ask the +# user if he wants to see all of them +set completion-query-items 150 + +# For FTP +$if Ftp +"\C-xg": "get \M-?" +"\C-xt": "put \M-?" +"\M-.": yank-last-arg +$endif +@end example + +@node Bindable Readline Commands +@section Bindable Readline Commands + +@menu +* Commands For Moving:: Moving about the line. +* Commands For History:: Getting at previous lines. +* Commands For Text:: Commands for changing text. +* Commands For Killing:: Commands for killing and yanking. +* Numeric Arguments:: Specifying numeric arguments, repeat counts. +* Commands For Completion:: Getting Readline to do the typing for you. +* Keyboard Macros:: Saving and re-executing typed characters +* Miscellaneous Commands:: Other miscellaneous commands. +@end menu + +This section describes Readline commands that may be bound to key +sequences. +@ifset BashFeatures +You can list your key bindings by executing +@w{@code{bind -P}} or, for a more terse format, suitable for an +@var{inputrc} file, @w{@code{bind -p}}. (@xref{Bash Builtins}.) +@end ifset + +Command names without an accompanying key sequence are unbound by default. +In the following descriptions, @var{point} refers to the current cursor +position, and @var{mark} refers to a cursor position saved by the +@code{set-mark} command. +The text between the point and mark is referred to as the @var{region}. + +@node Commands For Moving +@subsection Commands For Moving +@ftable @code +@item beginning-of-line (C-a) +Move to the start of the current line. + +@item end-of-line (C-e) +Move to the end of the line. + +@item forward-char (C-f) +Move forward a character. + +@item backward-char (C-b) +Move back a character. + +@item forward-word (M-f) +Move forward to the end of the next word. Words are composed of +letters and digits. + +@item backward-word (M-b) +Move back to the start of the current or previous word. Words are +composed of letters and digits. + +@item clear-screen (C-l) +Clear the screen and redraw the current line, +leaving the current line at the top of the screen. + +@item redraw-current-line () +Refresh the current line. By default, this is unbound. + +@end ftable + +@node Commands For History +@subsection Commands For Manipulating The History + +@ftable @code +@item accept-line (Newline, Return) +@ifset BashFeatures +Accept the line regardless of where the cursor is. If this line is +non-empty, add it to the history list according to the setting of +the @code{HISTCONTROL} and @code{HISTIGNORE} variables. +If this line was a history line, then restore the history line to its +original state. +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +Accept the line regardless of where the cursor is. If this line is +non-empty, add it to the history list. If this line was a history +line, then restore the history line to its original state. +@end ifclear + +@item previous-history (C-p) +Move `up' through the history list. + +@item next-history (C-n) +Move `down' through the history list. + +@item beginning-of-history (M-<) +Move to the first line in the history. + +@item end-of-history (M->) +Move to the end of the input history, i.e., the line currently +being entered. + +@item reverse-search-history (C-r) +Search backward starting at the current line and moving `up' through +the history as necessary. This is an incremental search. + +@item forward-search-history (C-s) +Search forward starting at the current line and moving `down' through +the the history as necessary. This is an incremental search. + +@item non-incremental-reverse-search-history (M-p) +Search backward starting at the current line and moving `up' +through the history as necessary using a non-incremental search +for a string supplied by the user. + +@item non-incremental-forward-search-history (M-n) +Search forward starting at the current line and moving `down' +through the the history as necessary using a non-incremental search +for a string supplied by the user. + +@item history-search-forward () +Search forward through the history for the string of characters +between the start of the current line and the point. +This is a non-incremental search. +By default, this command is unbound. + +@item history-search-backward () +Search backward through the history for the string of characters +between the start of the current line and the point. This +is a non-incremental search. By default, this command is unbound. + +@item yank-nth-arg (M-C-y) +Insert the first argument to the previous command (usually +the second word on the previous line). With an argument @var{n}, +insert the @var{n}th word from the previous command (the words +in the previous command begin with word 0). A negative argument +inserts the @var{n}th word from the end of the previous command. + +@item yank-last-arg (M-., M-_) +Insert last argument to the previous command (the last word of the +previous history entry). With an +argument, behave exactly like @code{yank-nth-arg}. +Successive calls to @code{yank-last-arg} move back through the history +list, inserting the last argument of each line in turn. + +@end ftable + +@node Commands For Text +@subsection Commands For Changing Text + +@ftable @code +@item delete-char (C-d) +Delete the character under the cursor. If the cursor is at the +beginning of the line, there are no characters in the line, and +the last character typed was not bound to @code{delete-char}, then +return @code{EOF}. + +@item backward-delete-char (Rubout) +Delete the character behind the cursor. A numeric argument means +to kill the characters instead of deleting them. + +@item forward-backward-delete-char () +Delete the character under the cursor, unless the cursor is at the +end of the line, in which case the character behind the cursor is +deleted. By default, this is not bound to a key. + +@item quoted-insert (C-q, C-v) +Add the next character typed to the line verbatim. This is +how to insert key sequences like @key{C-q}, for example. + +@ifclear BashFeatures +@item tab-insert (M-TAB) +Insert a tab character. +@end ifclear + +@item self-insert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...) +Insert yourself. + +@item transpose-chars (C-t) +Drag the character before the cursor forward over +the character at the cursor, moving the +cursor forward as well. If the insertion point +is at the end of the line, then this +transposes the last two characters of the line. +Negative arguments have no effect. + +@item transpose-words (M-t) +Drag the word before point past the word after point, +moving point past that word as well. + +@item upcase-word (M-u) +Uppercase the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, +uppercase the previous word, but do not move the cursor. + +@item downcase-word (M-l) +Lowercase the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, +lowercase the previous word, but do not move the cursor. + +@item capitalize-word (M-c) +Capitalize the current (or following) word. With a negative argument, +capitalize the previous word, but do not move the cursor. + +@end ftable + +@node Commands For Killing +@subsection Killing And Yanking + +@ftable @code + +@item kill-line (C-k) +Kill the text from point to the end of the line. + +@item backward-kill-line (C-x Rubout) +Kill backward to the beginning of the line. + +@item unix-line-discard (C-u) +Kill backward from the cursor to the beginning of the current line. + +@item kill-whole-line () +Kill all characters on the current line, no matter point is. +By default, this is unbound. + +@item kill-word (M-d) +Kill from point to the end of the current word, or if between +words, to the end of the next word. +Word boundaries are the same as @code{forward-word}. + +@item backward-kill-word (M-DEL) +Kill the word behind point. +Word boundaries are the same as @code{backward-word}. + +@item unix-word-rubout (C-w) +Kill the word behind point, using white space as a word boundary. +The killed text is saved on the kill-ring. + +@item delete-horizontal-space () +Delete all spaces and tabs around point. By default, this is unbound. + +@item kill-region () +Kill the text in the current region. +By default, this command is unbound. + +@item copy-region-as-kill () +Copy the text in the region to the kill buffer, so it can be yanked +right away. By default, this command is unbound. + +@item copy-backward-word () +Copy the word before point to the kill buffer. +The word boundaries are the same as @code{backward-word}. +By default, this command is unbound. + +@item copy-forward-word () +Copy the word following point to the kill buffer. +The word boundaries are the same as @code{forward-word}. +By default, this command is unbound. + +@item yank (C-y) +Yank the top of the kill ring into the buffer at the current +cursor position. + +@item yank-pop (M-y) +Rotate the kill-ring, and yank the new top. You can only do this if +the prior command is yank or yank-pop. +@end ftable + +@node Numeric Arguments +@subsection Specifying Numeric Arguments +@ftable @code + +@item digit-argument (M-0, M-1, ... M--) +Add this digit to the argument already accumulating, or start a new +argument. @key{M--} starts a negative argument. + +@item universal-argument () +This is another way to specify an argument. +If this command is followed by one or more digits, optionally with a +leading minus sign, those digits define the argument. +If the command is followed by digits, executing @code{universal-argument} +again ends the numeric argument, but is otherwise ignored. +As a special case, if this command is immediately followed by a +character that is neither a digit or minus sign, the argument count +for the next command is multiplied by four. +The argument count is initially one, so executing this function the +first time makes the argument count four, a second time makes the +argument count sixteen, and so on. +By default, this is not bound to a key. +@end ftable + +@node Commands For Completion +@subsection Letting Readline Type For You + +@ftable @code +@item complete (TAB) +Attempt to do completion on the text before the cursor. This is +application-specific. Generally, if you are typing a filename +argument, you can do filename completion; if you are typing a command, +you can do command completion; if you are typing in a symbol to GDB, you +can do symbol name completion; if you are typing in a variable to Bash, +you can do variable name completion, and so on. +@ifset BashFeatures +Bash attempts completion treating the text as a variable (if the +text begins with @samp{$}), username (if the text begins with +@samp{~}), hostname (if the text begins with @samp{@@}), or +command (including aliases and functions) in turn. If none +of these produces a match, filename completion is attempted. +@end ifset + +@item possible-completions (M-?) +List the possible completions of the text before the cursor. + +@item insert-completions (M-*) +Insert all completions of the text before point that would have +been generated by @code{possible-completions}. + +@item menu-complete () +Similar to @code{complete}, but replaces the word to be completed +with a single match from the list of possible completions. +Repeated execution of @code{menu-complete} steps through the list +of possible completions, inserting each match in turn. +At the end of the list of completions, the bell is rung and the +original text is restored. +An argument of @var{n} moves @var{n} positions forward in the list +of matches; a negative argument may be used to move backward +through the list. +This command is intended to be bound to @code{TAB}, but is unbound +by default. + +@item delete-char-or-list () +Deletes the character under the cursor if not at the beginning or +end of the line (like @code{delete-char}). +If at the end of the line, behaves identically to +@code{possible-completions}. +This command is unbound by default. + +@ifset BashFeatures +@item complete-filename (M-/) +Attempt filename completion on the text before point. + +@item possible-filename-completions (C-x /) +List the possible completions of the text before point, +treating it as a filename. + +@item complete-username (M-~) +Attempt completion on the text before point, treating +it as a username. + +@item possible-username-completions (C-x ~) +List the possible completions of the text before point, +treating it as a username. + +@item complete-variable (M-$) +Attempt completion on the text before point, treating +it as a shell variable. + +@item possible-variable-completions (C-x $) +List the possible completions of the text before point, +treating it as a shell variable. + +@item complete-hostname (M-@@) +Attempt completion on the text before point, treating +it as a hostname. + +@item possible-hostname-completions (C-x @@) +List the possible completions of the text before point, +treating it as a hostname. + +@item complete-command (M-!) +Attempt completion on the text before point, treating +it as a command name. Command completion attempts to +match the text against aliases, reserved words, shell +functions, shell builtins, and finally executable filenames, +in that order. + +@item possible-command-completions (C-x !) +List the possible completions of the text before point, +treating it as a command name. + +@item dynamic-complete-history (M-TAB) +Attempt completion on the text before point, comparing +the text against lines from the history list for possible +completion matches. + +@item complete-into-braces (M-@{) +Perform filename completion and insert the list of possible completions +enclosed within braces so the list is available to the shell +(@pxref{Brace Expansion}). + +@end ifset +@end ftable + +@node Keyboard Macros +@subsection Keyboard Macros +@ftable @code + +@item start-kbd-macro (C-x () +Begin saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro. + +@item end-kbd-macro (C-x )) +Stop saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro +and save the definition. + +@item call-last-kbd-macro (C-x e) +Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined, by making the characters +in the macro appear as if typed at the keyboard. + +@end ftable + +@node Miscellaneous Commands +@subsection Some Miscellaneous Commands +@ftable @code + +@item re-read-init-file (C-x C-r) +Read in the contents of the @var{inputrc} file, and incorporate +any bindings or variable assignments found there. + +@item abort (C-g) +Abort the current editing command and +ring the terminal's bell (subject to the setting of +@code{bell-style}). + +@item do-uppercase-version (M-a, M-b, M-@var{x}, @dots{}) +If the metafied character @var{x} is lowercase, run the command +that is bound to the corresponding uppercase character. + +@item prefix-meta (ESC) +Make the next character typed be metafied. This is for keyboards +without a meta key. Typing @samp{ESC f} is equivalent to typing +@samp{M-f}. + +@item undo (C-_, C-x C-u) +Incremental undo, separately remembered for each line. + +@item revert-line (M-r) +Undo all changes made to this line. This is like executing the @code{undo} +command enough times to get back to the beginning. + +@ifset BashFeatures +@item tilde-expand (M-&) +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +@item tilde-expand (M-~) +@end ifclear +Perform tilde expansion on the current word. + +@item set-mark (C-@@) +Set the mark to the current point. If a +numeric argument is supplied, the mark is set to that position. + +@item exchange-point-and-mark (C-x C-x) +Swap the point with the mark. The current cursor position is set to +the saved position, and the old cursor position is saved as the mark. + +@item character-search (C-]) +A character is read and point is moved to the next occurrence of that +character. A negative count searches for previous occurrences. + +@item character-search-backward (M-C-]) +A character is read and point is moved to the previous occurrence +of that character. A negative count searches for subsequent +occurrences. + +@item insert-comment (M-#) +The value of the @code{comment-begin} +variable is inserted at the beginning of the current line, +and the line is accepted as if a newline had been typed. +@ifset BashFeatures +The default value of @code{comment-begin} causes this command +to make the current line a shell comment. +@end ifset + +@item dump-functions () +Print all of the functions and their key bindings to the +Readline output stream. If a numeric argument is supplied, +the output is formatted in such a way that it can be made part +of an @var{inputrc} file. This command is unbound by default. + +@item dump-variables () +Print all of the settable variables and their values to the +Readline output stream. If a numeric argument is supplied, +the output is formatted in such a way that it can be made part +of an @var{inputrc} file. This command is unbound by default. + +@item dump-macros () +Print all of the Readline key sequences bound to macros and the +strings they ouput. If a numeric argument is supplied, +the output is formatted in such a way that it can be made part +of an @var{inputrc} file. This command is unbound by default. + +@ifset BashFeatures +@item glob-expand-word (C-x *) +The word before point is treated as a pattern for pathname expansion, +and the list of matching file names is inserted, replacing the word. + +@item glob-list-expansions (C-x g) +The list of expansions that would have been generated by +@code{glob-expand-word} is displayed, and the line is redrawn. + +@item display-shell-version (C-x C-v) +Display version information about the current instance of Bash. + +@item shell-expand-line (M-C-e) +Expand the line as the shell does. +This performs alias and history expansion as well as all of the shell +word expansions (@pxref{Shell Expansions}). + +@item history-expand-line (M-^) +Perform history expansion on the current line. + +@item magic-space () +Perform history expansion on the current line and insert a space +(@pxref{History Interaction}). + +@item alias-expand-line () +Perform alias expansion on the current line (@pxref{Aliases}). + +@item history-and-alias-expand-line () +Perform history and alias expansion on the current line. + +@item insert-last-argument (M-., M-_) +A synonym for @code{yank-last-arg}. + +@item operate-and-get-next (C-o) +Accept the current line for execution and fetch the next line +relative to the current line from the history for editing. Any +argument is ignored. + +@item emacs-editing-mode (C-e) +When in @code{vi} editing mode, this causes a switch back to +@code{emacs} editing mode, as if the command @samp{set -o emacs} had +been executed. + +@end ifset + +@end ftable + +@node Readline vi Mode +@section Readline vi Mode + +While the Readline library does not have a full set of @code{vi} +editing functions, it does contain enough to allow simple editing +of the line. The Readline @code{vi} mode behaves as specified in +the @sc{POSIX} 1003.2 standard. + +@ifset BashFeatures +In order to switch interactively between @code{emacs} and @code{vi} +editing modes, use the @samp{set -o emacs} and @samp{set -o vi} +commands (@pxref{The Set Builtin}). +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +In order to switch interactively between @code{emacs} and @code{vi} +editing modes, use the command M-C-j (toggle-editing-mode). +@end ifclear +The Readline default is @code{emacs} mode. + +When you enter a line in @code{vi} mode, you are already placed in +`insertion' mode, as if you had typed an @samp{i}. Pressing @key{ESC} +switches you into `command' mode, where you can edit the text of the +line with the standard @code{vi} movement keys, move to previous +history lines with @samp{k} and subsequent lines with @samp{j}, and +so forth. + +@ifset BashFeatures +@node Programmable Completion +@section Programmable Completion +@cindex programmable completion + +When word completion is attempted for an argument to a command for +which a completion specification (a @var{compspec}) has been defined +using the @code{complete} builtin (@pxref{Programmable Completion Builtins}), +the programmable completion facilities are invoked. + +First, the command name is identified. +If a compspec has been defined for that command, the +compspec is used to generate the list of possible completions for the word. +If the command word is a full pathname, a compspec for the full +pathname is searched for first. +If no compspec is found for the full pathname, an attempt is made to +find a compspec for the portion following the final slash. + +Once a compspec has been found, it is used to generate the list of +matching words. +If a compspec is not found, the default Bash completion +described above (@pxref{Commands For Completion}) is performed. + +First, the actions specified by the compspec are used. +Only matches which are prefixed by the word being completed are +returned. +When the @samp{-f} or @samp{-d} option is used for filename or +directory name completion, the shell variable @code{FIGNORE} is +used to filter the matches. +@xref{Bash Variables}, for a description of @code{FIGNORE}. + +Any completions specified by a filename expansion pattern to the +@samp{-G} option are generated next. +The words generated by the pattern need not match the word being completed. +The @code{GLOBIGNORE} shell variable is not used to filter the matches, +but the @code{FIGNORE} shell variable is used. + +Next, the string specified as the argument to the @samp{-W} option +is considered. +The string is first split using the characters in the @code{IFS} +special variable as delimiters. +Shell quoting is honored. +Each word is then expanded using +brace expansion, tilde expansion, parameter and variable expansion, +command substitution, arithmetic expansion, and pathname expansion, +as described above (@pxref{Shell Expansions}). +The results are split using the rules described above +(@pxref{Word Splitting}). +The results of the expansion are prefix-matched against the word being +completed, and the matching words become the possible completions. + +After these matches have been generated, any shell function or command +specified with the @samp{-F} and @samp{-C} options is invoked. +When the command or function is invoked, the @code{COMP_LINE} and +@code{COMP_POINT} variables are assigned values as described above +(@pxref{Bash Variables}). +If a shell function is being invoked, the @code{COMP_WORDS} and +@code{COMP_CWORD} variables are also set. +When the function or command is invoked, the first argument is the +name of the command whose arguments are being completed, the +second argument is the word being completed, and the third argument +is the word preceding the word being completed on the current command line. +No filtering of the generated completions against the word being completed +is performed; the function or command has complete freedom in generating +the matches. + +Any function specified with @samp{-F} is invoked first. +The function may use any of the shell facilities, including the +@code{compgen} builtin described below +(@pxref{Programmable Completion Builtins}), to generate the matches. +It must put the possible completions in the @code{COMPREPLY} array +variable. + +Next, any command specified with the @samp{-C} option is invoked +in an environment equivalent to command substitution. +It should print a list of completions, one per line, to +the standard output. +Backslash may be used to escape a newline, if necessary. + +After all of the possible completions are generated, any filter +specified with the @samp{-X} option is applied to the list. +The filter is a pattern as used for pathname expansion; a @samp{&} +in the pattern is replaced with the text of the word being completed. +A literal @samp{&} may be escaped with a backslash; the backslash +is removed before attempting a match. +Any completion that matches the pattern will be removed from the list. +A leading @samp{!} negates the pattern; in this case any completion +not matching the pattern will be removed. + +Finally, any prefix and suffix specified with the @samp{-P} and @samp{-S} +options are added to each member of the completion list, and the result is +returned to the Readline completion code as the list of possible +completions. + +If a compspec is found, whatever it generates is returned to the completion +code as the full set of possible completions. +The default Bash completions are not attempted, and the Readline +default of filename completion is disabled. + +@node Programmable Completion Builtins +@section Programmable Completion Builtins +@cindex completion builtins + +Two builtin commands are available to manipulate the programmable completion +facilities. + +@table @code +@item compgen +@btindex compgen +@example +@code{compgen [@var{option}] [@var{word}]} +@end example + +Generate possible completion matches for @var{word} according to +the @var{option}s, which may be any option accepted by the +@code{complete} +builtin with the exception of @samp{-p} and @samp{-r}, and write +the matches to the standard output. +When using the @samp{-F} or @samp{-C} options, the various shell variables +set by the programmable completion facilities, while available, will not +have useful values. + +The matches will be generated in the same way as if the programmable +completion code had generated them directly from a completion specification +with the same flags. +If @var{word} is specified, only those completions matching @var{word} +will be displayed. + +The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, or no +matches were generated. + +@item complete +@btindex complete +@example +@code{complete [-abcdefjkvu] [-A @var{action}] [-G @var{globpat}] [-W @var{wordlist}] +[-P @var{prefix}] [-S @var{suffix}] [-X @var{filterpat}] [-F @var{function}] +[-C @var{command}] @var{name} [@var{name} @dots{}]} +@code{complete -pr [@var{name} @dots{}]} +@end example + +Specify how arguments to each @var{name} should be completed. +If the @samp{-p} option is supplied, or if no options are supplied, existing +completion specifications are printed in a way that allows them to be +reused as input. +The @samp{-r} option removes a completion specification for +each @var{name}, or, if no @var{name}s are supplied, all +completion specifications. + +The process of applying these completion specifications when word completion +is attempted is described above (@pxref{Programmable Completion}). + +Other options, if specified, have the following meanings. +The arguments to the @samp{-G}, @samp{-W}, and @samp{-X} options +(and, if necessary, the @samp{-P} and @samp{-S} options) +should be quoted to protect them from expansion before the +@code{complete} builtin is invoked. + +@table @code +@item -A @var{action} +The @var{action} may be one of the following to generate a list of possible +completions: + +@table @code +@item alias +Alias names. May also be specified as @samp{-a}. + +@item arrayvar +Array variable names. + +@item binding +Readline key binding names (@pxref{Bindable Readline Commands}). + +@item builtin +Names of shell builtin commands. May also be specified as @samp{-b}. + +@item command +Command names. May also be specified as @samp{-c}. + +@item directory +Directory names. May also be specified as @samp{-d}. + +@item disabled +Names of disabled shell builtins. + +@item enabled +Names of enabled shell builtins. + +@item export +Names of exported shell variables. May also be specified as @samp{-e}. + +@item file +File names. May also be specified as @samp{-f}. + +@item function +Names of shell functions. + +@item helptopic +Help topics as accepted by the @code{help} builtin (@pxref{Bash Builtins}). + +@item hostname +Hostnames, as taken from the file specified by the +@code{HOSTFILE} shell variable (@pxref{Bash Variables}). + +@item job +Job names, if job control is active. May also be specified as @samp{-j}. + +@item keyword +Shell reserved words. May also be specified as @samp{-k}. + +@item running +Names of running jobs, if job control is active. + +@item setopt +Valid arguments for the @samp{-o} option to the @code{set} builtin +(@pxref{The Set Builtin}). + +@item shopt +Shell option names as accepted by the @code{shopt} builtin +(@pxref{Bash Builtins}). + +@item signal +Signal names. + +@item stopped +Names of stopped jobs, if job control is active. + +@item user +User names. May also be specified as @samp{-u}. + +@item variable +Names of all shell variables. May also be specified as @samp{-v}. +@end table + +@item -G @var{globpat} +The filename expansion pattern @var{globpat} is expanded to generate +the possible completions. + +@item -W @var{wordlist} +The @var{wordlist} is split using the characters in the +@code{IFS} special variable as delimiters, and each resultant word +is expanded. +The possible completions are the members of the resultant list which +match the word being completed. + +@item -C @var{command} +@var{command} is executed in a subshell environment, and its output is +used as the possible completions. + +@item -F @var{function} +The shell function @var{function} is executed in the current shell +environment. +When it finishes, the possible completions are retrieved from the value +of the @code{COMPREPLY} array variable. + +@item -X @var{filterpat} +@var{filterpat} is a pattern as used for filename expansion. +It is applied to the list of possible completions generated by the +preceding options and arguments, and each completion matching +@var{filterpat} is removed from the list. +A leading @samp{!} in @var{filterpat} negates the pattern; in this +case, any completion not matching @var{filterpat} is removed. + +@item -P @var{prefix} +@var{prefix} is added at the beginning of each possible completion +after all other options have been applied. + +@item -S @var{suffix} +@var{suffix} is appended to each possible completion +after all other options have been applied. +@end table + +The return value is true unless an invalid option is supplied, an option +other than @samp{-p} or @samp{-r} is supplied without a @var{name} +argument, an attempt is made to remove a completion specification for +a @var{name} for which no specification exists, or +an error occurs adding a completion specification. + +@end table +@end ifset Index: hstech.texinfo =================================================================== --- hstech.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ hstech.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ +@ignore +This file documents the user interface to the GNU History library. + +Copyright (C) 1988, 1991, 1994, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Authored by Brian Fox and Chet Ramey. + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual +provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on +all copies. + +Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice +identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this +paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the +GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that +the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a +permission notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions. +@end ignore + +@node Programming with GNU History +@chapter Programming with GNU History + +This chapter describes how to interface programs that you write +with the GNU History Library. +It should be considered a technical guide. +For information on the interactive use of GNU History, @pxref{Using +History Interactively}. + +@menu +* Introduction to History:: What is the GNU History library for? +* History Storage:: How information is stored. +* History Functions:: Functions that you can use. +* History Variables:: Variables that control behaviour. +* History Programming Example:: Example of using the GNU History Library. +@end menu + +@node Introduction to History +@section Introduction to History + +Many programs read input from the user a line at a time. The GNU History +library is able to keep track of those lines, associate arbitrary data with +each line, and utilize information from previous lines in composing new +ones. + +The programmer using the History library has available functions +for remembering lines on a history list, associating arbitrary data +with a line, removing lines from the list, searching through the list +for a line containing an arbitrary text string, and referencing any line +in the list directly. In addition, a history @dfn{expansion} function +is available which provides for a consistent user interface across +different programs. + +The user using programs written with the History library has the +benefit of a consistent user interface with a set of well-known +commands for manipulating the text of previous lines and using that text +in new commands. The basic history manipulation commands are similar to +the history substitution provided by @code{csh}. + +If the programmer desires, he can use the Readline library, which +includes some history manipulation by default, and has the added +advantage of command line editing. + +Before declaring any functions using any functionality the History +library provides in other code, an application writer should include +the file @code{} in any file that uses the +History library's features. It supplies extern declarations for all +of the library's public functions and variables, and declares all of +the public data structures. + +@node History Storage +@section History Storage + +The history list is an array of history entries. A history entry is +declared as follows: + +@example +typedef struct _hist_entry @{ + char *line; + char *data; +@} HIST_ENTRY; +@end example + +The history list itself might therefore be declared as + +@example +HIST_ENTRY **the_history_list; +@end example + +The state of the History library is encapsulated into a single structure: + +@example +/* A structure used to pass the current state of the history stuff around. */ +typedef struct _hist_state @{ + HIST_ENTRY **entries; /* Pointer to the entries themselves. */ + int offset; /* The location pointer within this array. */ + int length; /* Number of elements within this array. */ + int size; /* Number of slots allocated to this array. */ + int flags; +@} HISTORY_STATE; +@end example + +If the flags member includes @code{HS_STIFLED}, the history has been +stifled. + +@node History Functions +@section History Functions + +This section describes the calling sequence for the various functions +present in GNU History. + +@menu +* Initializing History and State Management:: Functions to call when you + want to use history in a + program. +* History List Management:: Functions used to manage the list + of history entries. +* Information About the History List:: Functions returning information about + the history list. +* Moving Around the History List:: Functions used to change the position + in the history list. +* Searching the History List:: Functions to search the history list + for entries containing a string. +* Managing the History File:: Functions that read and write a file + containing the history list. +* History Expansion:: Functions to perform csh-like history + expansion. +@end menu + +@node Initializing History and State Management +@subsection Initializing History and State Management + +This section describes functions used to initialize and manage +the state of the History library when you want to use the history +functions in your program. + +@deftypefun void using_history () +Begin a session in which the history functions might be used. This +initializes the interactive variables. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {HISTORY_STATE *} history_get_history_state () +Return a structure describing the current state of the input history. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void history_set_history_state (HISTORY_STATE *state) +Set the state of the history list according to @var{state}. +@end deftypefun + +@node History List Management +@subsection History List Management + +These functions manage individual entries on the history list, or set +parameters managing the list itself. + +@deftypefun void add_history (char *string) +Place @var{string} at the end of the history list. The associated data +field (if any) is set to @code{NULL}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {HIST_ENTRY *} remove_history (int which) +Remove history entry at offset @var{which} from the history. The +removed element is returned so you can free the line, data, +and containing structure. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {HIST_ENTRY *} replace_history_entry (int which, char *line, char *data) +Make the history entry at offset @var{which} have @var{line} and @var{data}. +This returns the old entry so you can dispose of the data. In the case +of an invalid @var{which}, a @code{NULL} pointer is returned. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void clear_history () +Clear the history list by deleting all the entries. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void stifle_history (int max) +Stifle the history list, remembering only the last @var{max} entries. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int unstifle_history () +Stop stifling the history. This returns the previous amount the +history was stifled. The value is positive if the history was +stifled, negative if it wasn't. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int history_is_stifled () +Returns non-zero if the history is stifled, zero if it is not. +@end deftypefun + +@node Information About the History List +@subsection Information About the History List + +These functions return information about the entire history list or +individual list entries. + +@deftypefun {HIST_ENTRY **} history_list () +Return a @code{NULL} terminated array of @code{HIST_ENTRY} which is the +current input history. Element 0 of this list is the beginning of time. +If there is no history, return @code{NULL}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int where_history () +Returns the offset of the current history element. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {HIST_ENTRY *} current_history () +Return the history entry at the current position, as determined by +@code{where_history ()}. If there is no entry there, return a @code{NULL} +pointer. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {HIST_ENTRY *} history_get (int offset) +Return the history entry at position @var{offset}, starting from +@code{history_base}. If there is no entry there, or if @var{offset} +is greater than the history length, return a @code{NULL} pointer. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int history_total_bytes () +Return the number of bytes that the primary history entries are using. +This function returns the sum of the lengths of all the lines in the +history. +@end deftypefun + +@node Moving Around the History List +@subsection Moving Around the History List + +These functions allow the current index into the history list to be +set or changed. + +@deftypefun int history_set_pos (int pos) +Set the position in the history list to @var{pos}, an absolute index +into the list. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {HIST_ENTRY *} previous_history () +Back up the current history offset to the previous history entry, and +return a pointer to that entry. If there is no previous entry, return +a @code{NULL} pointer. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {HIST_ENTRY *} next_history () +Move the current history offset forward to the next history entry, and +return the a pointer to that entry. If there is no next entry, return +a @code{NULL} pointer. +@end deftypefun + +@node Searching the History List +@subsection Searching the History List +@cindex History Searching + +These functions allow searching of the history list for entries containing +a specific string. Searching may be performed both forward and backward +from the current history position. The search may be @dfn{anchored}, +meaning that the string must match at the beginning of the history entry. +@cindex anchored search + +@deftypefun int history_search (char *string, int direction) +Search the history for @var{string}, starting at the current history +offset. If @var{direction} < 0, then the search is through previous entries, +else through subsequent. If @var{string} is found, then +the current history index is set to that history entry, and the value +returned is the offset in the line of the entry where +@var{string} was found. Otherwise, nothing is changed, and a -1 is +returned. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int history_search_prefix (char *string, int direction) +Search the history for @var{string}, starting at the current history +offset. The search is anchored: matching lines must begin with +@var{string}. If @var{direction} < 0, then the search is through previous +entries, else through subsequent. If @var{string} is found, then the +current history index is set to that entry, and the return value is 0. +Otherwise, nothing is changed, and a -1 is returned. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int history_search_pos (char *string, int direction, int pos) +Search for @var{string} in the history list, starting at @var{pos}, an +absolute index into the list. If @var{direction} is negative, the search +proceeds backward from @var{pos}, otherwise forward. Returns the absolute +index of the history element where @var{string} was found, or -1 otherwise. +@end deftypefun + +@node Managing the History File +@subsection Managing the History File + +The History library can read the history from and write it to a file. +This section documents the functions for managing a history file. + +@deftypefun int read_history (char *filename) +Add the contents of @var{filename} to the history list, a line at a +time. If @var{filename} is @code{NULL}, then read from +@file{~/.history}. Returns 0 if successful, or errno if not. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int read_history_range (char *filename, int from, int to) +Read a range of lines from @var{filename}, adding them to the history list. +Start reading at line @var{from} and end at @var{to}. If +@var{from} is zero, start at the beginning. If @var{to} is less than +@var{from}, then read until the end of the file. If @var{filename} is +@code{NULL}, then read from @file{~/.history}. Returns 0 if successful, +or @code{errno} if not. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int write_history (char *filename) +Write the current history to @var{filename}, overwriting @var{filename} +if necessary. If @var{filename} is +@code{NULL}, then write the history list to @file{~/.history}. Values +returned are as in @code{read_history ()}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int append_history (int nelements, char *filename) +Append the last @var{nelements} of the history list to @var{filename}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int history_truncate_file (char *filename, int nlines) +Truncate the history file @var{filename}, leaving only the last +@var{nlines} lines. +@end deftypefun + +@node History Expansion +@subsection History Expansion + +These functions implement @code{csh}-like history expansion. + +@deftypefun int history_expand (char *string, char **output) +Expand @var{string}, placing the result into @var{output}, a pointer +to a string (@pxref{History Interaction}). Returns: +@table @code +@item 0 +If no expansions took place (or, if the only change in +the text was the de-slashifying of the history expansion +character); +@item 1 +if expansions did take place; +@item -1 +if there was an error in expansion; +@item 2 +if the returned line should be displayed, but not executed, +as with the @code{:p} modifier (@pxref{Modifiers}). +@end table + +If an error ocurred in expansion, then @var{output} contains a descriptive +error message. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char *} history_arg_extract (int first, int last, char *string) +Extract a string segment consisting of the @var{first} through @var{last} +arguments present in @var{string}. Arguments are broken up as in Bash. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char *} get_history_event (char *string, int *cindex, int qchar) +Returns the text of the history event beginning at @var{string} + +@var{*cindex}. @var{*cindex} is modified to point to after the event +specifier. At function entry, @var{cindex} points to the index into +@var{string} where the history event specification begins. @var{qchar} +is a character that is allowed to end the event specification in addition +to the ``normal'' terminating characters. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char **} history_tokenize (char *string) +Return an array of tokens parsed out of @var{string}, much as the +shell might. The tokens are split on white space and on the +characters @code{()<>;&|$}, and shell quoting conventions are +obeyed. +@end deftypefun + +@node History Variables +@section History Variables + +This section describes the externally visible variables exported by +the GNU History Library. + +@deftypevar int history_base +The logical offset of the first entry in the history list. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int history_length +The number of entries currently stored in the history list. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int max_input_history +The maximum number of history entries. This must be changed using +@code{stifle_history ()}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar char history_expansion_char +The character that starts a history event. The default is @samp{!}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar char history_subst_char +The character that invokes word substitution if found at the start of +a line. The default is @samp{^}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar char history_comment_char +During tokenization, if this character is seen as the first character +of a word, then it and all subsequent characters up to a newline are +ignored, suppressing history expansion for the remainder of the line. +This is disabled by default. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} history_no_expand_chars +The list of characters which inhibit history expansion if found immediately +following @var{history_expansion_char}. The default is whitespace and +@samp{=}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} history_search_delimiter_chars +The list of additional characters which can delimit a history search +string, in addition to whitespace, @samp{:} and @samp{?} in the case of +a substring search. The default is empty. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int history_quotes_inhibit_expansion +If non-zero, single-quoted words are not scanned for the history expansion +character. The default value is 0. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Function *} history_inhibit_expansion_function +This should be set to the address of a function that takes two arguments: +a @code{char *} (@var{string}) and an integer index into that string (@var{i}). +It should return a non-zero value if the history expansion starting at +@var{string[i]} should not be performed; zero if the expansion should +be done. +It is intended for use by applications like Bash that use the history +expansion character for additional purposes. +By default, this variable is set to NULL. +@end deftypevar + +@node History Programming Example +@section History Programming Example + +The following program demonstrates simple use of the GNU History Library. + +@smallexample +main () +@{ + char line[1024], *t; + int len, done = 0; + + line[0] = 0; + + using_history (); + while (!done) + @{ + printf ("history$ "); + fflush (stdout); + t = fgets (line, sizeof (line) - 1, stdin); + if (t && *t) + @{ + len = strlen (t); + if (t[len - 1] == '\n') + t[len - 1] = '\0'; + @} + + if (!t) + strcpy (line, "quit"); + + if (line[0]) + @{ + char *expansion; + int result; + + result = history_expand (line, &expansion); + if (result) + fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", expansion); + + if (result < 0 || result == 2) + @{ + free (expansion); + continue; + @} + + add_history (expansion); + strncpy (line, expansion, sizeof (line) - 1); + free (expansion); + @} + + if (strcmp (line, "quit") == 0) + done = 1; + else if (strcmp (line, "save") == 0) + write_history ("history_file"); + else if (strcmp (line, "read") == 0) + read_history ("history_file"); + else if (strcmp (line, "list") == 0) + @{ + register HIST_ENTRY **the_list; + register int i; + + the_list = history_list (); + if (the_list) + for (i = 0; the_list[i]; i++) + printf ("%d: %s\n", i + history_base, the_list[i]->line); + @} + else if (strncmp (line, "delete", 6) == 0) + @{ + int which; + if ((sscanf (line + 6, "%d", &which)) == 1) + @{ + HIST_ENTRY *entry = remove_history (which); + if (!entry) + fprintf (stderr, "No such entry %d\n", which); + else + @{ + free (entry->line); + free (entry); + @} + @} + else + @{ + fprintf (stderr, "non-numeric arg given to `delete'\n"); + @} + @} + @} +@} +@end smallexample Index: inc-hist.texinfo =================================================================== --- inc-hist.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ inc-hist.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ +@ignore +This file documents the user interface to the GNU History library. + +Copyright (C) 1988-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Authored by Brian Fox and Chet Ramey. + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual +provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on +all copies. + +Permission is granted to process this file through Tex and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice +identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this +paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the +GNU Copyright statement is available to the distributee, and provided that +the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a +permission notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions. +@end ignore + +@node Using History Interactively +@chapter Using History Interactively + +@c @ifclear BashFeatures +@c @defcodeindex bt +@c @end ifclear + +@ifset BashFeatures +This chapter describes how to use the @sc{gnu} History Library +interactively, from a user's standpoint. +It should be considered a user's guide. +For information on using the @sc{gnu} History Library in other programs, +see the @sc{gnu} Readline Library Manual. +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +This chapter describes how to use the GNU History Library interactively, +from a user's standpoint. It should be considered a user's guide. +@c For +@c information on using the GNU History Library in your own programs, +@c @pxref{Programming with GNU History}. +@end ifclear + +@ifset BashFeatures +@menu +* Bash History Facilities:: How Bash lets you manipulate your command + history. +* Bash History Builtins:: The Bash builtin commands that manipulate + the command history. +* History Interaction:: What it feels like using History as a user. +@end menu +@end ifset +@ifclear BashFeatures +@menu +* History Interaction:: What it feels like using History as a user. +@end menu +@end ifclear + +@ifset BashFeatures +@node Bash History Facilities +@section Bash History Facilities +@cindex command history +@cindex history list + +When the @samp{-o history} option to the @code{set} builtin +is enabled (@pxref{The Set Builtin}), +the shell provides access to the @var{command history}, +the list of commands previously typed. +The value of the @code{HISTSIZE} shell variable is used as the +number of commands to save in a history list. +The text of the last @code{$HISTSIZE} +commands (default 500) is saved. +The shell stores each command in the history list prior to +parameter and variable expansion +but after history expansion is performed, subject to the +values of the shell variables +@code{HISTIGNORE} and @code{HISTCONTROL}. + +When the shell starts up, the history is initialized from the +file named by the @code{HISTFILE} variable (default @file{~/.bash_history}). +The file named by the value of @code{HISTFILE} is truncated, if +necessary, to contain no more than the number of lines specified by +the value of the @code{HISTFILESIZE} variable. +When an interactive shell exits, the last +@code{$HISTSIZE} lines are copied from the history list to the file +named by @code{$HISTFILE}. +If the @code{histappend} shell option is set (@pxref{Bash Builtins}), +the lines are appended to the history file, +otherwise the history file is overwritten. +If @code{HISTFILE} +is unset, or if the history file is unwritable, the history is +not saved. After saving the history, the history file is truncated +to contain no more than @code{$HISTFILESIZE} +lines. If @code{HISTFILESIZE} is not set, no truncation is performed. + +The builtin command @code{fc} may be used to list or edit and re-execute +a portion of the history list. +The @code{history} builtin may be used to display or modify the history +list and manipulate the history file. +When using command-line editing, search commands +are available in each editing mode that provide access to the +history list (@pxref{Commands For History}). + +The shell allows control over which commands are saved on the history +list. The @code{HISTCONTROL} and @code{HISTIGNORE} +variables may be set to cause the shell to save only a subset of the +commands entered. +The @code{cmdhist} +shell option, if enabled, causes the shell to attempt to save each +line of a multi-line command in the same history entry, adding +semicolons where necessary to preserve syntactic correctness. +The @code{lithist} +shell option causes the shell to save the command with embedded newlines +instead of semicolons. +The @code{shopt} builtin is used to set these options. +@xref{Bash Builtins}, for a description of @code{shopt}. + +@node Bash History Builtins +@section Bash History Builtins +@cindex history builtins + +Bash provides two builtin commands which manipulate the +history list and history file. + +@table @code + +@item fc +@btindex fc +@example +@code{fc [-e @var{ename}] [-nlr] [@var{first}] [@var{last}]} +@code{fc -s [@var{pat}=@var{rep}] [@var{command}]} +@end example + +Fix Command. In the first form, a range of commands from @var{first} to +@var{last} is selected from the history list. Both @var{first} and +@var{last} may be specified as a string (to locate the most recent +command beginning with that string) or as a number (an index into the +history list, where a negative number is used as an offset from the +current command number). If @var{last} is not specified it is set to +@var{first}. If @var{first} is not specified it is set to the previous +command for editing and @minus{}16 for listing. If the @samp{-l} flag is +given, the commands are listed on standard output. The @samp{-n} flag +suppresses the command numbers when listing. The @samp{-r} flag +reverses the order of the listing. Otherwise, the editor given by +@var{ename} is invoked on a file containing those commands. If +@var{ename} is not given, the value of the following variable expansion +is used: @code{$@{FCEDIT:-$@{EDITOR:-vi@}@}}. This says to use the +value of the @code{FCEDIT} variable if set, or the value of the +@code{EDITOR} variable if that is set, or @code{vi} if neither is set. +When editing is complete, the edited commands are echoed and executed. + +In the second form, @var{command} is re-executed after each instance +of @var{pat} in the selected command is replaced by @var{rep}. + +A useful alias to use with the @code{fc} command is @code{r='fc -s'}, so +that typing @samp{r cc} runs the last command beginning with @code{cc} +and typing @samp{r} re-executes the last command (@pxref{Aliases}). + +@item history +@btindex history +@example +history [@var{n}] +history -c +history -d @var{offset} +history [-anrw] [@var{filename}] +history -ps @var{arg} +@end example + +With no options, display the history list with line numbers. +Lines prefixed with with a @samp{*} have been modified. +An argument of @var{n} lists only the last @var{n} lines. +Options, if supplied, have the following meanings: + +@table @code +@item -c +Clear the history list. This may be combined +with the other options to replace the history list completely. + +@item -d @var{offset} +Delete the history entry at position @var{offset}. +@var{offset} should be specified as it appears when the history is +displayed. + +@item -a +Append the new +history lines (history lines entered since the beginning of the +current Bash session) to the history file. + +@item -n +Append the history lines not already read from the history file +to the current history list. These are lines appended to the history +file since the beginning of the current Bash session. + +@item -r +Read the current history file and append its contents to +the history list. + +@item -w +Write out the current history to the history file. + +@item -p +Perform history substitution on the @var{arg}s and display the result +on the standard output, without storing the results in the history list. + +@item -s +The @var{arg}s are added to the end of +the history list as a single entry. + +@end table + +When any of the @samp{-w}, @samp{-r}, @samp{-a}, or @samp{-n} options is +used, if @var{filename} +is given, then it is used as the history file. If not, then +the value of the @code{HISTFILE} variable is used. + +@end table +@end ifset + +@node History Interaction +@section History Expansion +@cindex history expansion + +The History library provides a history expansion feature that is similar +to the history expansion provided by @code{csh}. This section +describes the syntax used to manipulate the history information. + +History expansions introduce words from the history list into +the input stream, making it easy to repeat commands, insert the +arguments to a previous command into the current input line, or +fix errors in previous commands quickly. + +History expansion takes place in two parts. The first is to determine +which line from the history list should be used during substitution. +The second is to select portions of that line for inclusion into the +current one. The line selected from the history is called the +@dfn{event}, and the portions of that line that are acted upon are +called @dfn{words}. Various @dfn{modifiers} are available to manipulate +the selected words. The line is broken into words in the same fashion +that Bash does, so that several words +surrounded by quotes are considered one word. +History expansions are introduced by the appearance of the +history expansion character, which is @samp{!} by default. +@ifset BashFeatures +Only @samp{\} and @samp{'} may be used to escape the history expansion +character. +@end ifset + +@ifset BashFeatures +Several shell options settable with the @code{shopt} +builtin (@pxref{Bash Builtins}) may be used to tailor +the behavior of history expansion. If the +@code{histverify} shell option is enabled, and Readline +is being used, history substitutions are not immediately passed to +the shell parser. +Instead, the expanded line is reloaded into the Readline +editing buffer for further modification. +If Readline is being used, and the @code{histreedit} +shell option is enabled, a failed history expansion will be +reloaded into the Readline editing buffer for correction. +The @samp{-p} option to the @code{history} builtin command +may be used to see what a history expansion will do before using it. +The @samp{-s} option to the @code{history} builtin may be used to +add commands to the end of the history list without actually executing +them, so that they are available for subsequent recall. +This is most useful in conjunction with Readline. + +The shell allows control of the various characters used by the +history expansion mechanism with the @code{histchars} variable. +@end ifset + +@menu +* Event Designators:: How to specify which history line to use. +* Word Designators:: Specifying which words are of interest. +* Modifiers:: Modifying the results of substitution. +@end menu + +@node Event Designators +@subsection Event Designators +@cindex event designators + +An event designator is a reference to a command line entry in the +history list. +@cindex history events + +@table @asis + +@item @code{!} +Start a history substitution, except when followed by a space, tab, +the end of the line, @samp{=} or @samp{(}. + +@item @code{!@var{n}} +Refer to command line @var{n}. + +@item @code{!-@var{n}} +Refer to the command @var{n} lines back. + +@item @code{!!} +Refer to the previous command. This is a synonym for @samp{!-1}. + +@item @code{!@var{string}} +Refer to the most recent command starting with @var{string}. + +@item @code{!?@var{string}[?]} +Refer to the most recent command containing @var{string}. The trailing +@samp{?} may be omitted if the @var{string} is followed immediately by +a newline. + +@item @code{^@var{string1}^@var{string2}^} +Quick Substitution. Repeat the last command, replacing @var{string1} +with @var{string2}. Equivalent to +@code{!!:s/@var{string1}/@var{string2}/}. + +@item @code{!#} +The entire command line typed so far. + +@end table + +@node Word Designators +@subsection Word Designators + +Word designators are used to select desired words from the event. +A @samp{:} separates the event specification from the word designator. It +may be omitted if the word designator begins with a @samp{^}, @samp{$}, +@samp{*}, @samp{-}, or @samp{%}. Words are numbered from the beginning +of the line, with the first word being denoted by 0 (zero). Words are +inserted into the current line separated by single spaces. + +@need 0.75 +For example, + +@table @code +@item !! +designates the preceding command. When you type this, the preceding +command is repeated in toto. + +@item !!:$ +designates the last argument of the preceding command. This may be +shortened to @code{!$}. + +@item !fi:2 +designates the second argument of the most recent command starting with +the letters @code{fi}. +@end table + +@need 0.75 +Here are the word designators: + +@table @code + +@item 0 (zero) +The @code{0}th word. For many applications, this is the command word. + +@item @var{n} +The @var{n}th word. + +@item ^ +The first argument; that is, word 1. + +@item $ +The last argument. + +@item % +The word matched by the most recent @samp{?@var{string}?} search. + +@item @var{x}-@var{y} +A range of words; @samp{-@var{y}} abbreviates @samp{0-@var{y}}. + +@item * +All of the words, except the @code{0}th. This is a synonym for @samp{1-$}. +It is not an error to use @samp{*} if there is just one word in the event; +the empty string is returned in that case. + +@item @var{x}* +Abbreviates @samp{@var{x}-$} + +@item @var{x}- +Abbreviates @samp{@var{x}-$} like @samp{@var{x}*}, but omits the last word. + +@end table + +If a word designator is supplied without an event specification, the +previous command is used as the event. + +@node Modifiers +@subsection Modifiers + +After the optional word designator, you can add a sequence of one or more +of the following modifiers, each preceded by a @samp{:}. + +@table @code + +@item h +Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving only the head. + +@item t +Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail. + +@item r +Remove a trailing suffix of the form @samp{.@var{suffix}}, leaving +the basename. + +@item e +Remove all but the trailing suffix. + +@item p +Print the new command but do not execute it. + +@ifset BashFeatures +@item q +Quote the substituted words, escaping further substitutions. + +@item x +Quote the substituted words as with @samp{q}, +but break into words at spaces, tabs, and newlines. +@end ifset + +@item s/@var{old}/@var{new}/ +Substitute @var{new} for the first occurrence of @var{old} in the +event line. Any delimiter may be used in place of @samp{/}. +The delimiter may be quoted in @var{old} and @var{new} +with a single backslash. If @samp{&} appears in @var{new}, +it is replaced by @var{old}. A single backslash will quote +the @samp{&}. The final delimiter is optional if it is the last +character on the input line. + +@item & +Repeat the previous substitution. + +@item g +Cause changes to be applied over the entire event line. Used in +conjunction with @samp{s}, as in @code{gs/@var{old}/@var{new}/}, +or with @samp{&}. + +@end table Index: rltech.texinfo =================================================================== --- rltech.texinfo (nonexistent) +++ rltech.texinfo (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,1750 @@ +@comment %**start of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setfilename +@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.) +@setchapternewpage odd + +@ifinfo +This document describes the GNU Readline Library, a utility for aiding +in the consitency of user interface across discrete programs that need +to provide a command line interface. + +Copyright (C) 1988, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of +this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice +pare preserved on all copies. + +@ignore +Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the +results, provided the printed document carries copying permission +notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph +(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual). +@end ignore + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this +manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire +resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission +notice identical to this one. + +Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual +into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, +except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved +by the Foundation. +@end ifinfo + +@node Programming with GNU Readline +@chapter Programming with GNU Readline + +This chapter describes the interface between the GNU Readline Library and +other programs. If you are a programmer, and you wish to include the +features found in GNU Readline +such as completion, line editing, and interactive history manipulation +in your own programs, this section is for you. + +@menu +* Basic Behavior:: Using the default behavior of Readline. +* Custom Functions:: Adding your own functions to Readline. +* Readline Variables:: Variables accessible to custom + functions. +* Readline Convenience Functions:: Functions which Readline supplies to + aid in writing your own custom + functions. +* Readline Signal Handling:: How Readline behaves when it receives signals. +* Custom Completers:: Supplanting or supplementing Readline's + completion functions. +@end menu + +@node Basic Behavior +@section Basic Behavior + +Many programs provide a command line interface, such as @code{mail}, +@code{ftp}, and @code{sh}. For such programs, the default behaviour of +Readline is sufficient. This section describes how to use Readline in +the simplest way possible, perhaps to replace calls in your code to +@code{gets()} or @code{fgets ()}. + +@findex readline +@cindex readline, function +The function @code{readline ()} prints a prompt and then reads and returns +a single line of text from the user. The line @code{readline} +returns is allocated with @code{malloc ()}; you should @code{free ()} +the line when you are done with it. The declaration for @code{readline} +in ANSI C is + +@example +@code{char *readline (char *@var{prompt});} +@end example + +@noindent +So, one might say +@example +@code{char *line = readline ("Enter a line: ");} +@end example +@noindent +in order to read a line of text from the user. +The line returned has the final newline removed, so only the +text remains. + +If @code{readline} encounters an @code{EOF} while reading the line, and the +line is empty at that point, then @code{(char *)NULL} is returned. +Otherwise, the line is ended just as if a newline had been typed. + +If you want the user to be able to get at the line later, (with +@key{C-p} for example), you must call @code{add_history ()} to save the +line away in a @dfn{history} list of such lines. + +@example +@code{add_history (line)}; +@end example + +@noindent +For full details on the GNU History Library, see the associated manual. + +It is preferable to avoid saving empty lines on the history list, since +users rarely have a burning need to reuse a blank line. Here is +a function which usefully replaces the standard @code{gets ()} library +function, and has the advantage of no static buffer to overflow: + +@example +/* A static variable for holding the line. */ +static char *line_read = (char *)NULL; + +/* Read a string, and return a pointer to it. Returns NULL on EOF. */ +char * +rl_gets () +@{ + /* If the buffer has already been allocated, return the memory + to the free pool. */ + if (line_read) + @{ + free (line_read); + line_read = (char *)NULL; + @} + + /* Get a line from the user. */ + line_read = readline (""); + + /* If the line has any text in it, save it on the history. */ + if (line_read && *line_read) + add_history (line_read); + + return (line_read); +@} +@end example + +This function gives the user the default behaviour of @key{TAB} +completion: completion on file names. If you do not want Readline to +complete on filenames, you can change the binding of the @key{TAB} key +with @code{rl_bind_key ()}. + +@example +@code{int rl_bind_key (int @var{key}, int (*@var{function})());} +@end example + +@code{rl_bind_key ()} takes two arguments: @var{key} is the character that +you want to bind, and @var{function} is the address of the function to +call when @var{key} is pressed. Binding @key{TAB} to @code{rl_insert ()} +makes @key{TAB} insert itself. +@code{rl_bind_key ()} returns non-zero if @var{key} is not a valid +ASCII character code (between 0 and 255). + +Thus, to disable the default @key{TAB} behavior, the following suffices: +@example +@code{rl_bind_key ('\t', rl_insert);} +@end example + +This code should be executed once at the start of your program; you +might write a function called @code{initialize_readline ()} which +performs this and other desired initializations, such as installing +custom completers (@pxref{Custom Completers}). + +@node Custom Functions +@section Custom Functions + +Readline provides many functions for manipulating the text of +the line, but it isn't possible to anticipate the needs of all +programs. This section describes the various functions and variables +defined within the Readline library which allow a user program to add +customized functionality to Readline. + +Before declaring any functions that customize Readline's behavior, or +using any functionality Readline provides in other code, an +application writer should include the file @code{} +in any file that uses Readline's features. Since some of the definitions +in @code{readline.h} use the @code{stdio} library, the file +@code{} should be included before @code{readline.h}. + +@menu +* The Function Type:: C declarations to make code readable. +* Function Writing:: Variables and calling conventions. +@end menu + +@node The Function Type +@subsection The Function Type + +For readabilty, we declare a new type of object, called +@dfn{Function}. A @code{Function} is a C function which +returns an @code{int}. The type declaration for @code{Function} is: + +@noindent +@code{typedef int Function ();} + +The reason for declaring this new type is to make it easier to write +code describing pointers to C functions. Let us say we had a variable +called @var{func} which was a pointer to a function. Instead of the +classic C declaration + +@code{int (*)()func;} + +@noindent +we may write + +@code{Function *func;} + +@noindent +Similarly, there are + +@example +typedef void VFunction (); +typedef char *CPFunction (); @r{and} +typedef char **CPPFunction (); +@end example + +@noindent +for functions returning no value, @code{pointer to char}, and +@code{pointer to pointer to char}, respectively. + +@node Function Writing +@subsection Writing a New Function + +In order to write new functions for Readline, you need to know the +calling conventions for keyboard-invoked functions, and the names of the +variables that describe the current state of the line read so far. + +The calling sequence for a command @code{foo} looks like + +@example +@code{foo (int count, int key)} +@end example + +@noindent +where @var{count} is the numeric argument (or 1 if defaulted) and +@var{key} is the key that invoked this function. + +It is completely up to the function as to what should be done with the +numeric argument. Some functions use it as a repeat count, some +as a flag, and others to choose alternate behavior (refreshing the current +line as opposed to refreshing the screen, for example). Some choose to +ignore it. In general, if a +function uses the numeric argument as a repeat count, it should be able +to do something useful with both negative and positive arguments. +At the very least, it should be aware that it can be passed a +negative argument. + +@node Readline Variables +@section Readline Variables + +These variables are available to function writers. + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_line_buffer +This is the line gathered so far. You are welcome to modify the +contents of the line, but see @ref{Allowing Undoing}. The +function @code{rl_extend_line_buffer} is available to increase +the memory allocated to @code{rl_line_buffer}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_point +The offset of the current cursor position in @code{rl_line_buffer} +(the @emph{point}). +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_end +The number of characters present in @code{rl_line_buffer}. When +@code{rl_point} is at the end of the line, @code{rl_point} and +@code{rl_end} are equal. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_mark +The mark (saved position) in the current line. If set, the mark +and point define a @emph{region}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_done +Setting this to a non-zero value causes Readline to return the current +line immediately. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_pending_input +Setting this to a value makes it the next keystroke read. This is a +way to stuff a single character into the input stream. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_erase_empty_line +Setting this to a non-zero value causes Readline to completely erase +the current line, including any prompt, any time a newline is typed as +the only character on an otherwise-empty line. The cursor is moved to +the beginning of the newly-blank line. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_prompt +The prompt Readline uses. This is set from the argument to +@code{readline ()}, and should not be assigned to directly. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_already_prompted +If an application wishes to display the prompt itself, rather than have +Readline do it the first time @code{readline()} is called, it should set +this variable to a non-zero value after displaying the prompt. +The prompt must also be passed as the argument to @code{readline()} so +the redisplay functions can update the display properly. +The calling application is responsible for managing the value; Readline +never sets it. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_library_version +The version number of this revision of the library. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_terminal_name +The terminal type, used for initialization. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_readline_name +This variable is set to a unique name by each application using Readline. +The value allows conditional parsing of the inputrc file +(@pxref{Conditional Init Constructs}). +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {FILE *} rl_instream +The stdio stream from which Readline reads input. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {FILE *} rl_outstream +The stdio stream to which Readline performs output. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Function *} rl_startup_hook +If non-zero, this is the address of a function to call just +before @code{readline} prints the first prompt. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Function *} rl_pre_input_hook +If non-zero, this is the address of a function to call after +the first prompt has been printed and just before @code{readline} +starts reading input characters. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Function *} rl_event_hook +If non-zero, this is the address of a function to call periodically +when readline is waiting for terminal input. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Function *} rl_getc_function +If non-zero, @code{readline} will call indirectly through this pointer +to get a character from the input stream. By default, it is set to +@code{rl_getc}, the default @code{readline} character input function +(@pxref{Utility Functions}). +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {VFunction *} rl_redisplay_function +If non-zero, @code{readline} will call indirectly through this pointer +to update the display with the current contents of the editing buffer. +By default, it is set to @code{rl_redisplay}, the default @code{readline} +redisplay function (@pxref{Redisplay}). +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Keymap} rl_executing_keymap +This variable is set to the keymap (@pxref{Keymaps}) in which the +currently executing readline function was found. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Keymap} rl_binding_keymap +This variable is set to the keymap (@pxref{Keymaps}) in which the +last key binding occurred. +@end deftypevar + +@node Readline Convenience Functions +@section Readline Convenience Functions + +@menu +* Function Naming:: How to give a function you write a name. +* Keymaps:: Making keymaps. +* Binding Keys:: Changing Keymaps. +* Associating Function Names and Bindings:: Translate function names to + key sequences. +* Allowing Undoing:: How to make your functions undoable. +* Redisplay:: Functions to control line display. +* Modifying Text:: Functions to modify @code{rl_line_buffer}. +* Utility Functions:: Generally useful functions and hooks. +* Alternate Interface:: Using Readline in a `callback' fashion. +@end menu + +@node Function Naming +@subsection Naming a Function + +The user can dynamically change the bindings of keys while using +Readline. This is done by representing the function with a descriptive +name. The user is able to type the descriptive name when referring to +the function. Thus, in an init file, one might find + +@example +Meta-Rubout: backward-kill-word +@end example + +This binds the keystroke @key{Meta-Rubout} to the function +@emph{descriptively} named @code{backward-kill-word}. You, as the +programmer, should bind the functions you write to descriptive names as +well. Readline provides a function for doing that: + +@deftypefun int rl_add_defun (char *name, Function *function, int key) +Add @var{name} to the list of named functions. Make @var{function} be +the function that gets called. If @var{key} is not -1, then bind it to +@var{function} using @code{rl_bind_key ()}. +@end deftypefun + +Using this function alone is sufficient for most applications. It is +the recommended way to add a few functions to the default functions that +Readline has built in. If you need to do something other +than adding a function to Readline, you may need to use the +underlying functions described below. + +@node Keymaps +@subsection Selecting a Keymap + +Key bindings take place on a @dfn{keymap}. The keymap is the +association between the keys that the user types and the functions that +get run. You can make your own keymaps, copy existing keymaps, and tell +Readline which keymap to use. + +@deftypefun Keymap rl_make_bare_keymap () +Returns a new, empty keymap. The space for the keymap is allocated with +@code{malloc ()}; you should @code{free ()} it when you are done. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun Keymap rl_copy_keymap (Keymap map) +Return a new keymap which is a copy of @var{map}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun Keymap rl_make_keymap () +Return a new keymap with the printing characters bound to rl_insert, +the lowercase Meta characters bound to run their equivalents, and +the Meta digits bound to produce numeric arguments. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_discard_keymap (Keymap keymap) +Free the storage associated with @var{keymap}. +@end deftypefun + +Readline has several internal keymaps. These functions allow you to +change which keymap is active. + +@deftypefun Keymap rl_get_keymap () +Returns the currently active keymap. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_set_keymap (Keymap keymap) +Makes @var{keymap} the currently active keymap. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun Keymap rl_get_keymap_by_name (char *name) +Return the keymap matching @var{name}. @var{name} is one which would +be supplied in a @code{set keymap} inputrc line (@pxref{Readline Init File}). +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char *} rl_get_keymap_name (Keymap keymap) +Return the name matching @var{keymap}. @var{name} is one which would +be supplied in a @code{set keymap} inputrc line (@pxref{Readline Init File}). +@end deftypefun + +@node Binding Keys +@subsection Binding Keys + +You associate keys with functions through the keymap. Readline has +several internal keymaps: @code{emacs_standard_keymap}, +@code{emacs_meta_keymap}, @code{emacs_ctlx_keymap}, +@code{vi_movement_keymap}, and @code{vi_insertion_keymap}. +@code{emacs_standard_keymap} is the default, and the examples in +this manual assume that. + +Since @code{readline} installs a set of default key bindings the first +time it is called, there is always the danger that a custom binding +installed before the first call to @code{readline} will be overridden. +An alternate mechanism is to install custom key bindings in an +initialization function assigned to the @code{rl_startup_hook} variable +(@pxref{Readline Variables}). + +These functions manage key bindings. + +@deftypefun int rl_bind_key (int key, Function *function) +Binds @var{key} to @var{function} in the currently active keymap. +Returns non-zero in the case of an invalid @var{key}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_bind_key_in_map (int key, Function *function, Keymap map) +Bind @var{key} to @var{function} in @var{map}. Returns non-zero in the case +of an invalid @var{key}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_unbind_key (int key) +Bind @var{key} to the null function in the currently active keymap. +Returns non-zero in case of error. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_unbind_key_in_map (int key, Keymap map) +Bind @var{key} to the null function in @var{map}. +Returns non-zero in case of error. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_unbind_function_in_map (Function *function, Keymap map) +Unbind all keys that execute @var{function} in @var{map}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_unbind_command_in_map (char *command, Keymap map) +Unbind all keys that are bound to @var{command} in @var{map}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_generic_bind (int type, char *keyseq, char *data, Keymap map) +Bind the key sequence represented by the string @var{keyseq} to the arbitrary +pointer @var{data}. @var{type} says what kind of data is pointed to by +@var{data}; this can be a function (@code{ISFUNC}), a macro +(@code{ISMACR}), or a keymap (@code{ISKMAP}). This makes new keymaps as +necessary. The initial keymap in which to do bindings is @var{map}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_parse_and_bind (char *line) +Parse @var{line} as if it had been read from the @code{inputrc} file and +perform any key bindings and variable assignments found +(@pxref{Readline Init File}). +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_read_init_file (char *filename) +Read keybindings and variable assignments from @var{filename} +(@pxref{Readline Init File}). +@end deftypefun + +@node Associating Function Names and Bindings +@subsection Associating Function Names and Bindings + +These functions allow you to find out what keys invoke named functions +and the functions invoked by a particular key sequence. + +@deftypefun {Function *} rl_named_function (char *name) +Return the function with name @var{name}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {Function *} rl_function_of_keyseq (char *keyseq, Keymap map, int *type) +Return the function invoked by @var{keyseq} in keymap @var{map}. +If @var{map} is NULL, the current keymap is used. If @var{type} is +not NULL, the type of the object is returned in it (one of @code{ISFUNC}, +@code{ISKMAP}, or @code{ISMACR}). +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char **} rl_invoking_keyseqs (Function *function) +Return an array of strings representing the key sequences used to +invoke @var{function} in the current keymap. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char **} rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map (Function *function, Keymap map) +Return an array of strings representing the key sequences used to +invoke @var{function} in the keymap @var{map}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_function_dumper (int readable) +Print the readline function names and the key sequences currently +bound to them to @code{rl_outstream}. If @var{readable} is non-zero, +the list is formatted in such a way that it can be made part of an +@code{inputrc} file and re-read. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_list_funmap_names () +Print the names of all bindable Readline functions to @code{rl_outstream}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char **} rl_funmap_names () +Return a NULL terminated array of known function names. The array is +sorted. The array itself is allocated, but not the strings inside. You +should free () the array when you done, but not the pointrs. +@end deftypefun + +@node Allowing Undoing +@subsection Allowing Undoing + +Supporting the undo command is a painless thing, and makes your +functions much more useful. It is certainly easy to try +something if you know you can undo it. I could use an undo function for +the stock market. + +If your function simply inserts text once, or deletes text once, and +uses @code{rl_insert_text ()} or @code{rl_delete_text ()} to do it, then +undoing is already done for you automatically. + +If you do multiple insertions or multiple deletions, or any combination +of these operations, you should group them together into one operation. +This is done with @code{rl_begin_undo_group ()} and +@code{rl_end_undo_group ()}. + +The types of events that can be undone are: + +@example +enum undo_code @{ UNDO_DELETE, UNDO_INSERT, UNDO_BEGIN, UNDO_END @}; +@end example + +Notice that @code{UNDO_DELETE} means to insert some text, and +@code{UNDO_INSERT} means to delete some text. That is, the undo code +tells undo what to undo, not how to undo it. @code{UNDO_BEGIN} and +@code{UNDO_END} are tags added by @code{rl_begin_undo_group ()} and +@code{rl_end_undo_group ()}. + +@deftypefun int rl_begin_undo_group () +Begins saving undo information in a group construct. The undo +information usually comes from calls to @code{rl_insert_text ()} and +@code{rl_delete_text ()}, but could be the result of calls to +@code{rl_add_undo ()}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_end_undo_group () +Closes the current undo group started with @code{rl_begin_undo_group +()}. There should be one call to @code{rl_end_undo_group ()} +for each call to @code{rl_begin_undo_group ()}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_add_undo (enum undo_code what, int start, int end, char *text) +Remember how to undo an event (according to @var{what}). The affected +text runs from @var{start} to @var{end}, and encompasses @var{text}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void free_undo_list () +Free the existing undo list. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_do_undo () +Undo the first thing on the undo list. Returns @code{0} if there was +nothing to undo, non-zero if something was undone. +@end deftypefun + +Finally, if you neither insert nor delete text, but directly modify the +existing text (e.g., change its case), call @code{rl_modifying ()} +once, just before you modify the text. You must supply the indices of +the text range that you are going to modify. + +@deftypefun int rl_modifying (int start, int end) +Tell Readline to save the text between @var{start} and @var{end} as a +single undo unit. It is assumed that you will subsequently modify +that text. +@end deftypefun + +@node Redisplay +@subsection Redisplay + +@deftypefun void rl_redisplay () +Change what's displayed on the screen to reflect the current contents +of @code{rl_line_buffer}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_forced_update_display () +Force the line to be updated and redisplayed, whether or not +Readline thinks the screen display is correct. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_on_new_line () +Tell the update functions that we have moved onto a new (empty) line, +usually after ouputting a newline. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_on_new_line_with_prompt () +Tell the update functions that we have moved onto a new line, with +@var{rl_prompt} already displayed. +This could be used by applications that want to output the prompt string +themselves, but still need Readline to know the prompt string length for +redisplay. +It should be used after setting @var{rl_already_prompted}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_reset_line_state () +Reset the display state to a clean state and redisplay the current line +starting on a new line. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_message (va_alist) +The arguments are a string as would be supplied to @code{printf}. The +resulting string is displayed in the @dfn{echo area}. The echo area +is also used to display numeric arguments and search strings. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_clear_message () +Clear the message in the echo area. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_save_prompt () +Save the local Readline prompt display state in preparation for +displaying a new message in the message area with @code{rl_message}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_restore_prompt () +Restore the local Readline prompt display state saved by the most +recent call to @code{rl_save_prompt}. +@end deftypefun + +@node Modifying Text +@subsection Modifying Text + +@deftypefun int rl_insert_text (char *text) +Insert @var{text} into the line at the current cursor position. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_delete_text (int start, int end) +Delete the text between @var{start} and @var{end} in the current line. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char *} rl_copy_text (int start, int end) +Return a copy of the text between @var{start} and @var{end} in +the current line. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_kill_text (int start, int end) +Copy the text between @var{start} and @var{end} in the current line +to the kill ring, appending or prepending to the last kill if the +last command was a kill command. The text is deleted. +If @var{start} is less than @var{end}, +the text is appended, otherwise prepended. If the last command was +not a kill, a new kill ring slot is used. +@end deftypefun + +@node Utility Functions +@subsection Utility Functions + +@deftypefun int rl_read_key () +Return the next character available. This handles input inserted into +the input stream via @var{pending input} (@pxref{Readline Variables}) +and @code{rl_stuff_char ()}, macros, and characters read from the keyboard. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_getc (FILE *) +Return the next character available from the keyboard. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_stuff_char (int c) +Insert @var{c} into the Readline input stream. It will be "read" +before Readline attempts to read characters from the terminal with +@code{rl_read_key ()}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_extend_line_buffer (int len) +Ensure that @code{rl_line_buffer} has enough space to hold @var{len} +characters, possibly reallocating it if necessary. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_initialize () +Initialize or re-initialize Readline's internal state. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_reset_terminal (char *terminal_name) +Reinitialize Readline's idea of the terminal settings using +@var{terminal_name} as the terminal type (e.g., @code{vt100}). +If @var{terminal_name} is NULL, the value of the @code{TERM} +environment variable is used. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int alphabetic (int c) +Return 1 if @var{c} is an alphabetic character. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int numeric (int c) +Return 1 if @var{c} is a numeric character. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int ding () +Ring the terminal bell, obeying the setting of @code{bell-style}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_display_match_list (char **matches, int len, int max) +A convenience function for displaying a list of strings in +columnar format on Readline's output stream. @code{matches} is the list +of strings, in argv format, such as a list of completion matches. +@code{len} is the number of strings in @code{matches}, and @code{max} +is the length of the longest string in @code{matches}. This function uses +the setting of @code{print-completions-horizontally} to select how the +matches are displayed (@pxref{Readline Init File Syntax}). +@end deftypefun + +The following are implemented as macros, defined in @code{chartypes.h}. + +@deftypefun int uppercase_p (int c) +Return 1 if @var{c} is an uppercase alphabetic character. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int lowercase_p (int c) +Return 1 if @var{c} is a lowercase alphabetic character. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int digit_p (int c) +Return 1 if @var{c} is a numeric character. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int to_upper (int c) +If @var{c} is a lowercase alphabetic character, return the corresponding +uppercase character. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int to_lower (int c) +If @var{c} is an uppercase alphabetic character, return the corresponding +lowercase character. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int digit_value (int c) +If @var{c} is a number, return the value it represents. +@end deftypefun + +@node Alternate Interface +@subsection Alternate Interface + +An alternate interface is available to plain @code{readline()}. Some +applications need to interleave keyboard I/O with file, device, or +window system I/O, typically by using a main loop to @code{select()} +on various file descriptors. To accomodate this need, readline can +also be invoked as a `callback' function from an event loop. There +are functions available to make this easy. + +@deftypefun void rl_callback_handler_install (char *prompt, Vfunction *lhandler) +Set up the terminal for readline I/O and display the initial +expanded value of @var{prompt}. Save the value of @var{lhandler} to +use as a callback when a complete line of input has been entered. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_callback_read_char () +Whenever an application determines that keyboard input is available, it +should call @code{rl_callback_read_char()}, which will read the next +character from the current input source. If that character completes the +line, @code{rl_callback_read_char} will invoke the @var{lhandler} +function saved by @code{rl_callback_handler_install} to process the +line. @code{EOF} is indicated by calling @var{lhandler} with a +@code{NULL} line. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_callback_handler_remove () +Restore the terminal to its initial state and remove the line handler. +This may be called from within a callback as well as independently. +@end deftypefun + +@subsection An Example + +Here is a function which changes lowercase characters to their uppercase +equivalents, and uppercase characters to lowercase. If +this function was bound to @samp{M-c}, then typing @samp{M-c} would +change the case of the character under point. Typing @samp{M-1 0 M-c} +would change the case of the following 10 characters, leaving the cursor on +the last character changed. + +@example +/* Invert the case of the COUNT following characters. */ +int +invert_case_line (count, key) + int count, key; +@{ + register int start, end, i; + + start = rl_point; + + if (rl_point >= rl_end) + return (0); + + if (count < 0) + @{ + direction = -1; + count = -count; + @} + else + direction = 1; + + /* Find the end of the range to modify. */ + end = start + (count * direction); + + /* Force it to be within range. */ + if (end > rl_end) + end = rl_end; + else if (end < 0) + end = 0; + + if (start == end) + return (0); + + if (start > end) + @{ + int temp = start; + start = end; + end = temp; + @} + + /* Tell readline that we are modifying the line, so it will save + the undo information. */ + rl_modifying (start, end); + + for (i = start; i != end; i++) + @{ + if (uppercase_p (rl_line_buffer[i])) + rl_line_buffer[i] = to_lower (rl_line_buffer[i]); + else if (lowercase_p (rl_line_buffer[i])) + rl_line_buffer[i] = to_upper (rl_line_buffer[i]); + @} + /* Move point to on top of the last character changed. */ + rl_point = (direction == 1) ? end - 1 : start; + return (0); +@} +@end example + +@node Readline Signal Handling +@section Readline Signal Handling + +Signals are asynchronous events sent to a process by the Unix kernel, +sometimes on behalf of another process. They are intended to indicate +exceptional events, like a user pressing the interrupt key on his +terminal, or a network connection being broken. There is a class of +signals that can be sent to the process currently reading input from +the keyboard. Since Readline changes the terminal attributes when it +is called, it needs to perform special processing when a signal is +received to restore the terminal to a sane state, or provide application +writers with functions to do so manually. + +Readline contains an internal signal handler that is installed for a +number of signals (@code{SIGINT}, @code{SIGQUIT}, @code{SIGTERM}, +@code{SIGALRM}, @code{SIGTSTP}, @code{SIGTTIN}, and @code{SIGTTOU}). +When one of these signals is received, the signal handler +will reset the terminal attributes to those that were in effect before +@code{readline ()} was called, reset the signal handling to what it was +before @code{readline ()} was called, and resend the signal to the calling +application. +If and when the calling application's signal handler returns, Readline +will reinitialize the terminal and continue to accept input. +When a @code{SIGINT} is received, the Readline signal handler performs +some additional work, which will cause any partially-entered line to be +aborted (see the description of @code{rl_free_line_state ()}). + +There is an additional Readline signal handler, for @code{SIGWINCH}, which +the kernel sends to a process whenever the terminal's size changes (for +example, if a user resizes an @code{xterm}). The Readline @code{SIGWINCH} +handler updates Readline's internal screen size state, and then calls any +@code{SIGWINCH} signal handler the calling application has installed. +Readline calls the application's @code{SIGWINCH} signal handler without +resetting the terminal to its original state. If the application's signal +handler does more than update its idea of the terminal size and return (for +example, a @code{longjmp} back to a main processing loop), it @emph{must} +call @code{rl_cleanup_after_signal ()} (described below), to restore the +terminal state. + +Readline provides two variables that allow application writers to +control whether or not it will catch certain signals and act on them +when they are received. It is important that applications change the +values of these variables only when calling @code{readline ()}, not in +a signal handler, so Readline's internal signal state is not corrupted. + +@deftypevar int rl_catch_signals +If this variable is non-zero, Readline will install signal handlers for +@code{SIGINT}, @code{SIGQUIT}, @code{SIGTERM}, @code{SIGALRM}, +@code{SIGTSTP}, @code{SIGTTIN}, and @code{SIGTTOU}. + +The default value of @code{rl_catch_signals} is 1. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_catch_sigwinch +If this variable is non-zero, Readline will install a signal handler for +@code{SIGWINCH}. + +The default value of @code{rl_catch_sigwinch} is 1. +@end deftypevar + +If an application does not wish to have Readline catch any signals, or +to handle signals other than those Readline catches (@code{SIGHUP}, +for example), +Readline provides convenience functions to do the necessary terminal +and internal state cleanup upon receipt of a signal. + +@deftypefun void rl_cleanup_after_signal (void) +This function will reset the state of the terminal to what it was before +@code{readline ()} was called, and remove the Readline signal handlers for +all signals, depending on the values of @code{rl_catch_signals} and +@code{rl_catch_sigwinch}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_free_line_state (void) +This will free any partial state associated with the current input line +(undo information, any partial history entry, any partially-entered +keyboard macro, and any partially-entered numeric argument). This +should be called before @code{rl_cleanup_after_signal ()}. The +Readline signal handler for @code{SIGINT} calls this to abort the +current input line. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun void rl_reset_after_signal (void) +This will reinitialize the terminal and reinstall any Readline signal +handlers, depending on the values of @code{rl_catch_signals} and +@code{rl_catch_sigwinch}. +@end deftypefun + +If an application does not wish Readline to catch @code{SIGWINCH}, it may +call @code{rl_resize_terminal ()} to force Readline to update its idea of +the terminal size when a @code{SIGWINCH} is received. + +@deftypefun void rl_resize_terminal (void) +Update Readline's internal screen size. +@end deftypefun + +The following functions install and remove Readline's signal handlers. + +@deftypefun int rl_set_signals (void) +Install Readline's signal handler for @code{SIGINT}, @code{SIGQUIT}, +@code{SIGTERM}, @code{SIGALRM}, @code{SIGTSTP}, @code{SIGTTIN}, +@code{SIGTTOU}, and @code{SIGWINCH}, depending on the values of +@code{rl_catch_signals} and @code{rl_catch_sigwinch}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_clear_signals (void) +Remove all of the Readline signal handlers installed by +@code{rl_set_signals ()}. +@end deftypefun + +@node Custom Completers +@section Custom Completers + +Typically, a program that reads commands from the user has a way of +disambiguating commands and data. If your program is one of these, then +it can provide completion for commands, data, or both. +The following sections describe how your program and Readline +cooperate to provide this service. + +@menu +* How Completing Works:: The logic used to do completion. +* Completion Functions:: Functions provided by Readline. +* Completion Variables:: Variables which control completion. +* A Short Completion Example:: An example of writing completer subroutines. +@end menu + +@node How Completing Works +@subsection How Completing Works + +In order to complete some text, the full list of possible completions +must be available. That is, it is not possible to accurately +expand a partial word without knowing all of the possible words +which make sense in that context. The Readline library provides +the user interface to completion, and two of the most common +completion functions: filename and username. For completing other types +of text, you must write your own completion function. This section +describes exactly what such functions must do, and provides an example. + +There are three major functions used to perform completion: + +@enumerate +@item +The user-interface function @code{rl_complete ()}. This function is +called with the same arguments as other Readline +functions intended for interactive use: @var{count} and +@var{invoking_key}. It isolates the word to be completed and calls +@code{completion_matches ()} to generate a list of possible completions. +It then either lists the possible completions, inserts the possible +completions, or actually performs the +completion, depending on which behavior is desired. + +@item +The internal function @code{completion_matches ()} uses your +@dfn{generator} function to generate the list of possible matches, and +then returns the array of these matches. You should place the address +of your generator function in @code{rl_completion_entry_function}. + +@item +The generator function is called repeatedly from +@code{completion_matches ()}, returning a string each time. The +arguments to the generator function are @var{text} and @var{state}. +@var{text} is the partial word to be completed. @var{state} is zero the +first time the function is called, allowing the generator to perform +any necessary initialization, and a positive non-zero integer for +each subsequent call. When the generator function returns +@code{(char *)NULL} this signals @code{completion_matches ()} that there are +no more possibilities left. Usually the generator function computes the +list of possible completions when @var{state} is zero, and returns them +one at a time on subsequent calls. Each string the generator function +returns as a match must be allocated with @code{malloc()}; Readline +frees the strings when it has finished with them. + +@end enumerate + +@deftypefun int rl_complete (int ignore, int invoking_key) +Complete the word at or before point. You have supplied the function +that does the initial simple matching selection algorithm (see +@code{completion_matches ()}). The default is to do filename completion. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypevar {Function *} rl_completion_entry_function +This is a pointer to the generator function for @code{completion_matches +()}. If the value of @code{rl_completion_entry_function} is +@code{(Function *)NULL} then the default filename generator function, +@code{filename_completion_function ()}, is used. +@end deftypevar + +@node Completion Functions +@subsection Completion Functions + +Here is the complete list of callable completion functions present in +Readline. + +@deftypefun int rl_complete_internal (int what_to_do) +Complete the word at or before point. @var{what_to_do} says what to do +with the completion. A value of @samp{?} means list the possible +completions. @samp{TAB} means do standard completion. @samp{*} means +insert all of the possible completions. @samp{!} means to display +all of the possible completions, if there is more than one, as well as +performing partial completion. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_complete (int ignore, int invoking_key) +Complete the word at or before point. You have supplied the function +that does the initial simple matching selection algorithm (see +@code{completion_matches ()} and @code{rl_completion_entry_function}). +The default is to do filename +completion. This calls @code{rl_complete_internal ()} with an +argument depending on @var{invoking_key}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_possible_completions (int count, int invoking_key)) +List the possible completions. See description of @code{rl_complete +()}. This calls @code{rl_complete_internal ()} with an argument of +@samp{?}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun int rl_insert_completions (int count, int invoking_key)) +Insert the list of possible completions into the line, deleting the +partially-completed word. See description of @code{rl_complete ()}. +This calls @code{rl_complete_internal ()} with an argument of @samp{*}. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char **} completion_matches (char *text, CPFunction *entry_func) +Returns an array of @code{(char *)} which is a list of completions for +@var{text}. If there are no completions, returns @code{(char **)NULL}. +The first entry in the returned array is the substitution for @var{text}. +The remaining entries are the possible completions. The array is +terminated with a @code{NULL} pointer. + +@var{entry_func} is a function of two args, and returns a +@code{(char *)}. The first argument is @var{text}. The second is a +state argument; it is zero on the first call, and non-zero on subsequent +calls. @var{entry_func} returns a @code{NULL} pointer to the caller +when there are no more matches. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char *} filename_completion_function (char *text, int state) +A generator function for filename completion in the general case. Note +that completion in Bash is a little different because of all +the pathnames that must be followed when looking up completions for a +command. The Bash source is a useful reference for writing custom +completion functions. +@end deftypefun + +@deftypefun {char *} username_completion_function (char *text, int state) +A completion generator for usernames. @var{text} contains a partial +username preceded by a random character (usually @samp{~}). As with all +completion generators, @var{state} is zero on the first call and non-zero +for subsequent calls. +@end deftypefun + +@node Completion Variables +@subsection Completion Variables + +@deftypevar {Function *} rl_completion_entry_function +A pointer to the generator function for @code{completion_matches ()}. +@code{NULL} means to use @code{filename_completion_function ()}, the default +filename completer. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {CPPFunction *} rl_attempted_completion_function +A pointer to an alternative function to create matches. +The function is called with @var{text}, @var{start}, and @var{end}. +@var{start} and @var{end} are indices in @code{rl_line_buffer} saying +what the boundaries of @var{text} are. If this function exists and +returns @code{NULL}, or if this variable is set to @code{NULL}, then +@code{rl_complete ()} will call the value of +@code{rl_completion_entry_function} to generate matches, otherwise the +array of strings returned will be used. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {CPFunction *} rl_filename_quoting_function +A pointer to a function that will quote a filename in an application- +specific fashion. This is called if filename completion is being +attempted and one of the characters in @code{rl_filename_quote_characters} +appears in a completed filename. The function is called with +@var{text}, @var{match_type}, and @var{quote_pointer}. The @var{text} +is the filename to be quoted. The @var{match_type} is either +@code{SINGLE_MATCH}, if there is only one completion match, or +@code{MULT_MATCH}. Some functions use this to decide whether or not to +insert a closing quote character. The @var{quote_pointer} is a pointer +to any opening quote character the user typed. Some functions choose +to reset this character. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {CPFunction *} rl_filename_dequoting_function +A pointer to a function that will remove application-specific quoting +characters from a filename before completion is attempted, so those +characters do not interfere with matching the text against names in +the filesystem. It is called with @var{text}, the text of the word +to be dequoted, and @var{quote_char}, which is the quoting character +that delimits the filename (usually @samp{'} or @samp{"}). If +@var{quote_char} is zero, the filename was not in an embedded string. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {Function *} rl_char_is_quoted_p +A pointer to a function to call that determines whether or not a specific +character in the line buffer is quoted, according to whatever quoting +mechanism the program calling readline uses. The function is called with +two arguments: @var{text}, the text of the line, and @var{index}, the +index of the character in the line. It is used to decide whether a +character found in @code{rl_completer_word_break_characters} should be +used to break words for the completer. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_completion_query_items +Up to this many items will be displayed in response to a +possible-completions call. After that, we ask the user if she is sure +she wants to see them all. The default value is 100. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_basic_word_break_characters +The basic list of characters that signal a break between words for the +completer routine. The default value of this variable is the characters +which break words for completion in Bash, i.e., +@code{" \t\n\"\\'`@@$><=;|&@{("}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_basic_quote_characters +List of quote characters which can cause a word break. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_completer_word_break_characters +The list of characters that signal a break between words for +@code{rl_complete_internal ()}. The default list is the value of +@code{rl_basic_word_break_characters}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_completer_quote_characters +List of characters which can be used to quote a substring of the line. +Completion occurs on the entire substring, and within the substring +@code{rl_completer_word_break_characters} are treated as any other character, +unless they also appear within this list. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_filename_quote_characters +A list of characters that cause a filename to be quoted by the completer +when they appear in a completed filename. The default is the null string. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {char *} rl_special_prefixes +The list of characters that are word break characters, but should be +left in @var{text} when it is passed to the completion function. +Programs can use this to help determine what kind of completing to do. +For instance, Bash sets this variable to "$@@" so that it can complete +shell variables and hostnames. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar {int} rl_completion_append_character +When a single completion alternative matches at the end of the command +line, this character is appended to the inserted completion text. The +default is a space character (@samp{ }). Setting this to the null +character (@samp{\0}) prevents anything being appended automatically. +This can be changed in custom completion functions to +provide the ``most sensible word separator character'' according to +an application-specific command line syntax specification. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_ignore_completion_duplicates +If non-zero, then disallow duplicates in the matches. Default is 1. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_filename_completion_desired +Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be treated as +filenames. This is @emph{always} zero on entry, and can only be changed +within a completion entry generator function. If it is set to a non-zero +value, directory names have a slash appended and Readline attempts to +quote completed filenames if they contain any embedded word break +characters. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_filename_quoting_desired +Non-zero means that the results of the matches are to be quoted using +double quotes (or an application-specific quoting mechanism) if the +completed filename contains any characters in +@code{rl_filename_quote_chars}. This is @emph{always} non-zero +on entry, and can only be changed within a completion entry generator +function. The quoting is effected via a call to the function pointed to +by @code{rl_filename_quoting_function}. +@end deftypevar + +@deftypevar int rl_inhibit_completion +If this variable is non-zero, completion is inhibit +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +extern char *getwd (); +extern char *xmalloc (); + +/* The names of functions that actually do the manipulation. */ +int com_list (), com_view (), com_rename (), com_stat (), com_pwd (); +int com_delete (), com_help (), com_cd (), com_quit (); + +/* A structure which contains information on the commands this program + can understand. */ + +typedef struct @{ + char *name; /* User printable name of the function. */ + Function *func; /* Function to call to do the job. */ + char *doc; /* Documentation for this function. */ +@} COMMAND; + +COMMAND commands[] = @{ + @{ "cd", com_cd, "Change to directory DIR" @}, + @{ "delete", com_delete, "Delete FILE" @}, + @{ "help", com_help, "Display this text" @}, + @{ "?", com_help, "Synonym for `help'" @}, + @{ "list", com_list, "List files in DIR" @}, + @{ "ls", com_list, "Synonym for `list'" @}, + @{ "pwd", com_pwd, "Print the current working directory" @}, + @{ "quit", com_quit, "Quit using Fileman" @}, + @{ "rename", com_rename, "Rename FILE to NEWNAME" @}, + @{ "stat", com_stat, "Print out statistics on FILE" @}, + @{ "view", com_view, "View the contents of FILE" @}, + @{ (char *)NULL, (Function *)NULL, (char *)NULL @} +@}; + +/* Forward declarations. */ +char *stripwhite (); +COMMAND *find_command (); + +/* The name of this program, as taken from argv[0]. */ +char *progname; + +/* When non-zero, this global means the user is done using this program. */ +int done; + +char * +dupstr (s) + int s; +@{ + char *r; + + r = xmalloc (strlen (s) + 1); + strcpy (r, s); + return (r); +@} + +main (argc, argv) + int argc; + char **argv; +@{ + char *line, *s; + + progname = argv[0]; + + initialize_readline (); /* Bind our completer. */ + + /* Loop reading and executing lines until the user quits. */ + for ( ; done == 0; ) + @{ + line = readline ("FileMan: "); + + if (!line) + break; + + /* Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the line. + Then, if there is anything left, add it to the history list + and execute it. */ + s = stripwhite (line); + + if (*s) + @{ + add_history (s); + execute_line (s); + @} + + free (line); + @} + exit (0); +@} + +/* Execute a command line. */ +int +execute_line (line) + char *line; +@{ + register int i; + COMMAND *command; + char *word; + + /* Isolate the command word. */ + i = 0; + while (line[i] && whitespace (line[i])) + i++; + word = line + i; + + while (line[i] && !whitespace (line[i])) + i++; + + if (line[i]) + line[i++] = '\0'; + + command = find_command (word); + + if (!command) + @{ + fprintf (stderr, "%s: No such command for FileMan.\n", word); + return (-1); + @} + + /* Get argument to command, if any. */ + while (whitespace (line[i])) + i++; + + word = line + i; + + /* Call the function. */ + return ((*(command->func)) (word)); +@} + +/* Look up NAME as the name of a command, and return a pointer to that + command. Return a NULL pointer if NAME isn't a command name. */ +COMMAND * +find_command (name) + char *name; +@{ + register int i; + + for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++) + if (strcmp (name, commands[i].name) == 0) + return (&commands[i]); + + return ((COMMAND *)NULL); +@} + +/* Strip whitespace from the start and end of STRING. Return a pointer + into STRING. */ +char * +stripwhite (string) + char *string; +@{ + register char *s, *t; + + for (s = string; whitespace (*s); s++) + ; + + if (*s == 0) + return (s); + + t = s + strlen (s) - 1; + while (t > s && whitespace (*t)) + t--; + *++t = '\0'; + + return s; +@} + +/* **************************************************************** */ +/* */ +/* Interface to Readline Completion */ +/* */ +/* **************************************************************** */ + +char *command_generator (); +char **fileman_completion (); + +/* Tell the GNU Readline library how to complete. We want to try to complete + on command names if this is the first word in the line, or on filenames + if not. */ +initialize_readline () +@{ + /* Allow conditional parsing of the ~/.inputrc file. */ + rl_readline_name = "FileMan"; + + /* Tell the completer that we want a crack first. */ + rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *)fileman_completion; +@} + +/* Attempt to complete on the contents of TEXT. START and END bound the + region of rl_line_buffer that contains the word to complete. TEXT is + the word to complete. We can use the entire contents of rl_line_buffer + in case we want to do some simple parsing. Return the array of matches, + or NULL if there aren't any. */ +char ** +fileman_completion (text, start, end) + char *text; + int start, end; +@{ + char **matches; + + matches = (char **)NULL; + + /* If this word is at the start of the line, then it is a command + to complete. Otherwise it is the name of a file in the current + directory. */ + if (start == 0) + matches = completion_matches (text, command_generator); + + return (matches); +@} + +/* Generator function for command completion. STATE lets us know whether + to start from scratch; without any state (i.e. STATE == 0), then we + start at the top of the list. */ +char * +command_generator (text, state) + char *text; + int state; +@{ + static int list_index, len; + char *name; + + /* If this is a new word to complete, initialize now. This includes + saving the length of TEXT for efficiency, and initializing the index + variable to 0. */ + if (!state) + @{ + list_index = 0; + len = strlen (text); + @} + + /* Return the next name which partially matches from the command list. */ + while (name = commands[list_index].name) + @{ + list_index++; + + if (strncmp (name, text, len) == 0) + return (dupstr(name)); + @} + + /* If no names matched, then return NULL. */ + return ((char *)NULL); +@} + +/* **************************************************************** */ +/* */ +/* FileMan Commands */ +/* */ +/* **************************************************************** */ + +/* String to pass to system (). This is for the LIST, VIEW and RENAME + commands. */ +static char syscom[1024]; + +/* List the file(s) named in arg. */ +com_list (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + if (!arg) + arg = ""; + + sprintf (syscom, "ls -FClg %s", arg); + return (system (syscom)); +@} + +com_view (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + if (!valid_argument ("view", arg)) + return 1; + + sprintf (syscom, "more %s", arg); + return (system (syscom)); +@} + +com_rename (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + too_dangerous ("rename"); + return (1); +@} + +com_stat (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + struct stat finfo; + + if (!valid_argument ("stat", arg)) + return (1); + + if (stat (arg, &finfo) == -1) + @{ + perror (arg); + return (1); + @} + + printf ("Statistics for `%s':\n", arg); + + printf ("%s has %d link%s, and is %d byte%s in length.\n", arg, + finfo.st_nlink, + (finfo.st_nlink == 1) ? "" : "s", + finfo.st_size, + (finfo.st_size == 1) ? "" : "s"); + printf ("Inode Last Change at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_ctime)); + printf (" Last access at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_atime)); + printf (" Last modified at: %s", ctime (&finfo.st_mtime)); + return (0); +@} + +com_delete (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + too_dangerous ("delete"); + return (1); +@} + +/* Print out help for ARG, or for all of the commands if ARG is + not present. */ +com_help (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + register int i; + int printed = 0; + + for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++) + @{ + if (!*arg || (strcmp (arg, commands[i].name) == 0)) + @{ + printf ("%s\t\t%s.\n", commands[i].name, commands[i].doc); + printed++; + @} + @} + + if (!printed) + @{ + printf ("No commands match `%s'. Possibilties are:\n", arg); + + for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++) + @{ + /* Print in six columns. */ + if (printed == 6) + @{ + printed = 0; + printf ("\n"); + @} + + printf ("%s\t", commands[i].name); + printed++; + @} + + if (printed) + printf ("\n"); + @} + return (0); +@} + +/* Change to the directory ARG. */ +com_cd (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + if (chdir (arg) == -1) + @{ + perror (arg); + return 1; + @} + + com_pwd (""); + return (0); +@} + +/* Print out the current working directory. */ +com_pwd (ignore) + char *ignore; +@{ + char dir[1024], *s; + + s = getwd (dir); + if (s == 0) + @{ + printf ("Error getting pwd: %s\n", dir); + return 1; + @} + + printf ("Current directory is %s\n", dir); + return 0; +@} + +/* The user wishes to quit using this program. Just set DONE non-zero. */ +com_quit (arg) + char *arg; +@{ + done = 1; + return (0); +@} + +/* Function which tells you that you can't do this. */ +too_dangerous (caller) + char *caller; +@{ + fprintf (stderr, + "%s: Too dangerous for me to distribute. Write it yourself.\n", + caller); +@} + +/* Return non-zero if ARG is a valid argument for CALLER, else print + an error message and return zero. */ +int +valid_argument (caller, arg) + char *caller, *arg; +@{ + if (!arg || !*arg) + @{ + fprintf (stderr, "%s: Argument required.\n", caller); + return (0); + @} + + return (1); +@} +@end smallexample Index: texi2dvi =================================================================== --- texi2dvi (nonexistent) +++ texi2dvi (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +#! /bin/sh +# texi2dvi --- smartly produce DVI files from texinfo sources +# $Id: texi2dvi,v 2003-08-14 22:54:30 sfurman Exp $ +# +# Copyright (C) 1992, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) +# any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this +# program's maintainer or write to: The Free Software Foundation, +# Inc.; 59 Temple Place, Suite 330; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +# +# Commentary: +# +# Author: Noah Friedman +# +# Please send bug reports, etc. to +# If possible, please send a copy of the output of the script called with +# the `--debug' option when making a bug report. +# +# In the interest of general portability, some common bourne shell +# constructs were avoided because they weren't guaranteed to be available +# in some earlier implementations. I've tried to make this program as +# portable as possible. Welcome to unix, where the lowest common +# denominator is rapidly diminishing. +# +# Among the more interesting lossages I noticed among Bourne shells: +# * No shell functions. +# * No `unset' builtin. +# * `shift' cannot take a numeric argument, and signals an error if +# there are no arguments to shift. +# +# Code: + +# Name by which this script was invoked. +progname=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's/[^\/]*\///g'` + +# This string is expanded by rcs automatically when this file is checked out. +rcs_revision='$Revision: $' +version=`set - $rcs_revision; echo $2` + +# To prevent hairy quoting and escaping later. +bq='`' +eq="'" + +usage="Usage: $0 [OPTION]... FILE... +Run a Texinfo document through TeX. + +Options: +-b, --batch No interaction (\nonstopmode in TeX). +-c, --clean Remove all auxiliary files. +-D, --debug Turn on shell debugging ($bq${bq}set -x$eq$eq). +-t, --texinfo CMD Insert CMD after @setfilename before running TeX. +--verbose Report on what is done. +-h, --help Display this help and exit. +-v, --version Display version information and exit. + +The values of the TEX, TEXINDEX, and MAKEINFO environment variables are +used to run those commands, if they are set. + +Email bug reports to" + +# Initialize variables. +# Don't use `unset' since old bourne shells don't have this command. +# Instead, assign them an empty value. +# Some of these, like TEX and TEXINDEX, may be inherited from the environment. +backup_extension=.bak # these files get deleted if all goes well. +batch= +clean= +debug= +orig_pwd="`pwd`" +textra= +verbose=false +makeinfo="${MAKEINFO-makeinfo}" +texindex="${TEXINDEX-texindex}" +tex="${TEX-tex}" + +# Save this so we can construct a new TEXINPUTS path for each file. +TEXINPUTS_orig="$TEXINPUTS" +export TEXINPUTS + +# Parse command line arguments. +# Make sure that all wildcarded options are long enough to be unambiguous. +# It's a good idea to document the full long option name in each case. +# Long options which take arguments will need a `*' appended to the +# canonical name to match the value appended after the `=' character. +while :; do + test $# -eq 0 && break + + case "$1" in + -b | --batch | --b* ) batch=t; shift ;; + -c | --clean | --c* ) clean=t; shift ;; + -D | --debug | --d* ) debug=t; shift ;; + -h | --help | --h* ) echo "$usage"; exit 0 ;; + # OK, we should do real option parsing here, but be lazy for now. + -t | --texinfo | --t*) shift; textra="$textra $1"; shift ;; + -v | --vers* ) + echo "$progname (GNU Texinfo 3.12) $version" + echo "Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software +under the terms of the GNU General Public License. +For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING." + exit 0 ;; + --verb* ) verbose=echo; shift ;; + -- ) # Stop option processing + shift + break ;; + -* ) + case "$1" in + --*=* ) arg=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/=.*//'` ;; + * ) arg="$1" ;; + esac + exec 1>&2 + echo "$progname: Unknown or ambiguous option $bq$arg$eq." + echo "$progname: Try $bq--help$eq for more information." + exit 1 ;; + * ) break ;; + esac +done + +# See if there are any command line args left (which will be interpreted as +# filename arguments). +if test $# -eq 0; then + exec 1>&2 + echo "$progname: At least one file name is required as an argument." + echo "$progname: Try $bq--help$eq for more information." + exit 2 +fi + +test "$debug" = t && set -x + +# Texify files +for command_line_filename in ${1+"$@"}; do + $verbose "Processing $command_line_filename ..." + + # See if file exists. If it doesn't we're in trouble since, even + # though the user may be able to reenter a valid filename at the tex + # prompt (assuming they're attending the terminal), this script won't + # be able to find the right index files and so forth. + if test ! -r "${command_line_filename}"; then + echo "$0: Could not read ${command_line_filename}." >&2 + continue + fi + + # Roughly equivalent to `dirname ...`, but more portable + directory="`echo ${command_line_filename} | sed 's/\/[^\/]*$//'`" + filename_texi="`basename ${command_line_filename}`" + # Strip off the last extension part (probably .texinfo or .texi) + filename_noext="`echo ${filename_texi} | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'`" + + # Use same basename since we want to generate aux files with the same + # basename as the manual. Use extension .texi for the temp file so + # that TeX will ignore it. Thus, we must use a subdirectory. + # + # Output the macro-expanded file to here. The vastly abbreviated + # temporary directory name is so we don't have collisions on 8.3 or + # 14-character filesystems. + tmp_dir=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/txi2d.$$ + filename_tmp=$tmp_dir/$filename_noext.texi + # Output the file with the user's extra commands to here. + tmp_dir2=${tmp_dir}.2 + filename_tmp2=$tmp_dir2/$filename_noext.texi + mkdir $tmp_dir $tmp_dir2 + # Always remove the temporary directories. + trap "rm -rf $tmp_dir $tmp_dir2" 1 2 15 + + # If directory and file are the same, then it's probably because there's + # no pathname component. Set dirname to `.', the current directory. + if test "z${directory}" = "z${command_line_filename}"; then + directory=. + fi + + # Source file might @include additional texinfo sources. Put `.' and + # directory where source file(s) reside in TEXINPUTS before anything + # else. `.' goes first to ensure that any old .aux, .cps, etc. files in + # ${directory} don't get used in preference to fresher files in `.'. + TEXINPUTS=".:${directory}:${TEXINPUTS_orig}" + + # Expand macro commands in the original source file using Makeinfo; + # the macro syntax bfox implemented is impossible to implement in TeX. + # Always use `end' footnote style, since the `separate' style + # generates different output (arguably this is a bug in -E). + # Discard main info output, the user asked to run TeX, not makeinfo. + # Redirect output to /dev/null to throw away `Making info file...' msg. + $verbose "Macro-expanding $command_line_filename to $filename_tmp ..." + $makeinfo --footnote-style=end -E $filename_tmp -o /dev/null \ + $command_line_filename >/dev/null + + # But if there were no macros, or makeinfo failed for some reason, + # just use the original file. (It shouldn't make any difference, but + # let's be safe.) + if test $? -ne 0 || cmp -s $filename_tmp $command_line_filename; then + $verbose "Reverting to $command_line_filename ..." + cp -p $command_line_filename $filename_tmp + fi + filename_input=$filename_tmp + dirname_input=$tmp_dir + + # Used most commonly for @finalout, @smallbook, etc. + if test -n "$textra"; then + $verbose "Inserting extra commands: $textra." + sed '/^@setfilename/a\ +'"$textra" $filename_input >$filename_tmp2 + filename_input=$filename_tmp2 + dirname_input=$tmp_dir2 + fi + + # If clean mode was specified, then move to the temporary directory. + if test "$clean" = t; then + $verbose "cd $dirname_input" + cd $dirname_input || exit 1 + filename_input=`basename $filename_input` + fi + + while true; do # will break out of loop below + # "Unset" variables that might have values from previous iterations and + # which won't be completely reset later. + definite_index_files= + + # Find all files having root filename with a two-letter extension, + # determine whether they're really index files, and save them. Foo.aux + # is actually the cross-references file, but we need to keep track of + # that too. + possible_index_files="`eval echo ${filename_noext}.?? ${filename_noext}.aux`" + for this_file in ${possible_index_files}; do + # If file is empty, forget it. + test -s "${this_file}" || continue + + # Examine first character of file. If it's not suitable to be an + # index or xref file, don't process it. + first_character="`sed -n '1s/^\(.\).*$/\1/p;q' ${this_file}`" + if test "x${first_character}" = "x\\" \ + || test "x${first_character}" = "x'"; then + definite_index_files="${definite_index_files} ${this_file}" + fi + done + orig_index_files="${definite_index_files}" + orig_index_files_sans_aux="`echo ${definite_index_files} \ + | sed 's/'${filename_noext}'\.aux//; + s/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//;'`" + + # Now save copies of original index files so we have some means of + # comparison later. + $verbose "Backing up current index files: $orig_index_files ..." + for index_file_to_save in ${orig_index_files}; do + cp "${index_file_to_save}" "${index_file_to_save}${backup_extension}" + done + + # Run texindex on current index files. If they already exist, and + # after running TeX a first time the index files don't change, then + # there's no reason to run TeX again. But we won't know that if the + # index files are out of date or nonexistent. + if test -n "${orig_index_files_sans_aux}"; then + $verbose "Running $texindex $orig_index_files_sans_aux ..." + ${texindex} ${orig_index_files_sans_aux} + fi + + # Finally, run TeX. + if test "$batch" = t; then + tex_mode='\nonstopmode' + else + tex_mode= + fi + $verbose "Running $tex $filename_input ..." + cmd="$tex $tex_mode \\input $filename_input" + $cmd + + # Check if index files changed. + # + definite_index_files= + # Get list of new index files. + possible_index_files="`eval echo ${filename_noext}.?? ${filename_noext}.aux`" + for this_file in ${possible_index_files}; do + # If file is empty, forget it. + test -s "${this_file}" || continue + + # Examine first character of file. If it's not a backslash or + # single quote, then it's definitely not an index or xref file. + # (Will have to check for @ when we switch to Texinfo syntax in + # all these files...) + first_character="`sed -n '1s/^\(.\).*$/\1/p;q' ${this_file}`" + if test "x${first_character}" = "x\\" \ + || test "x${first_character}" = "x'"; then + definite_index_files="${definite_index_files} ${this_file}" + fi + done + new_index_files="${definite_index_files}" + new_index_files_sans_aux="`echo ${definite_index_files} \ + | sed 's/'${filename_noext}'\.aux//; + s/^[ ]*//;s/[ ]*$//;'`" + + # If old and new list don't at least have the same file list, then one + # file or another has definitely changed. + $verbose "Original index files =$orig_index_files" + $verbose "New index files =$new_index_files" + if test "z${orig_index_files}" != "z${new_index_files}"; then + index_files_changed_p=t + else + # File list is the same. We must compare each file until we find a + # difference. + index_files_changed_p= + for this_file in ${new_index_files}; do + $verbose "Comparing index file $this_file ..." + # cmp -s will return nonzero exit status if files differ. + cmp -s "${this_file}" "${this_file}${backup_extension}" + if test $? -ne 0; then + # We only need to keep comparing until we find *one* that + # differs, because we'll have to run texindex & tex no + # matter what. + index_files_changed_p=t + $verbose "Index file $this_file differed:" + test $verbose = echo \ + && diff -c "${this_file}${backup_extension}" "${this_file}" + break + fi + done + fi + + # If index files have changed since TeX has been run, or if the aux + # file wasn't present originally, run texindex and TeX again. + if test "${index_files_changed_p}"; then :; else + # Nothing changed. We're done with TeX. + break + fi + done + + # If we were in clean mode, compilation was in a tmp directory. + # Copy the DVI file into the directory where the compilation + # has been done. (The temp dir is about to get removed anyway.) + # We also return to the original directory so that + # - the next file is processed in correct conditions + # - the temporary file can be removed + if test -n "$clean"; then + $verbose "Copying DVI file from `pwd` to $orig_pwd" + cp -p $filename_noext.dvi $orig_pwd + cd $orig_pwd || exit 1 + fi + + # Generate list of files to delete, then call rm once with the entire + # list. This is significantly faster than multiple executions of rm. + file_list= + for file in ${orig_index_files}; do + file_list="${file_list} ${file}${backup_extension}" + done + if test -n "${file_list}"; then + $verbose "Removing $file_list $tmp_dir $tmp_dir2 ..." + rm -f ${file_list} + rm -rf $tmp_dir $tmp_dir2 + fi +done + +$verbose "$0 done." +true # exit successfully.
texi2dvi Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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