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    from Rev 578 to Rev 1765
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Rev 578 → Rev 1765

0,0 → 1,41
(This file blatantly stolen from Tcl/Tk license and adapted - thus assume
it falls under similar license terms).
This software is copyrighted by Jeffrey Hobbs <>. The
following terms apply to all files associated with the software unless
explicitly disclaimed in individual files.
The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and
license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that
existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice
is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, license,
or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. government
is subject to the restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii)
of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause as DFARS
252.227-7013 and FAR 52.227-19.
This software also falls under the bourbon_ware clause:
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tkTable_license.terms Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: tkTable.n =================================================================== --- tkTable.n (nonexistent) +++ tkTable.n (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,1223 @@ +'\" The definitions below are for supplemental macros used in Tcl/Tk +'\" manual entries. +'\" +'\" .AP type name in/out ?indent? +'\" Start paragraph describing an argument to a library procedure. +'\" type is type of argument (int, etc.), in/out is either "in", "out", +'\" or "in/out" to describe whether procedure reads or modifies arg, +'\" and indent is equivalent to second arg of .IP (shouldn't ever be +'\" needed; use .AS below instead) +'\" +'\" .AS ?type? ?name? +'\" Give maximum sizes of arguments for setting tab stops. Type and +'\" name are examples of largest possible arguments that will be passed +'\" to .AP later. If args are omitted, default tab stops are used. +'\" +'\" .BS +'\" Start box enclosure. From here until next .BE, everything will be +'\" enclosed in one large box. +'\" +'\" .BE +'\" End of box enclosure. +'\" +'\" .CS +'\" Begin code excerpt. +'\" +'\" .CE +'\" End code excerpt. +'\" +'\" .VS ?br? +'\" Begin vertical sidebar, for use in marking newly-changed parts +'\" of man pages. If an argument is present, then a line break is +'\" forced before starting the sidebar. +'\" +'\" .VE +'\" End of vertical sidebar. +'\" +'\" .DS +'\" Begin an indented unfilled display. +'\" +'\" .DE +'\" End of indented unfilled display. +'\" +'\" .SO +'\" Start of list of standard options for a Tk widget. The +'\" options follow on successive lines, in four columns separated +'\" by tabs. +'\" +'\" .SE +'\" End of list of standard options for a Tk widget. +'\" +'\" .OP cmdName dbName dbClass +'\" Start of description of a specific option. cmdName gives the +'\" option's name as specified in the class command, dbName gives +'\" the option's name in the option database, and dbClass gives +'\" the option's class in the option database. +'\" +'\" .UL arg1 arg2 +'\" Print arg1 underlined, then print arg2 normally. +'\" +'\" SCCS: @(#) man.macros 1.8 96/02/15 20:02:24 +'\" +'\" # Set up traps and other miscellaneous stuff for Tcl/Tk man pages. +.if t .wh -1.3i ^B ^l \n(.l b +'\" # Start an argument description AP !"\\$4"" .TP \\$4 +.el \{\ +. ie !"\\$2"" .TP \\n()Cu +. el .TP 15 +.\} !"\\$3"" \{\ +.ta \\n()Au \\n()Bu +\&\\$1 \\fI\\$2\\fP (\\$3) +.\".b +.\} +.el \{\ !"\\$2"" \{\ +\&\\$1 \\fI\\$2\\fP +.\} +.el \{\ +\&\\fI\\$1\\fP +.\} +.\} +.. +'\" # define tabbing values for .AP AS )A 10n +.if !"\\$1"" .nr )A \\w'\\$1'u+3n )B \\n()Au+15n +.\" +.if !"\\$2"" .nr )B \\w'\\$2'u+\\n()Au+3n )C \\n()Bu+\\w'(in/out)'u+2n +.. +.AS Tcl_Interp Tcl_CreateInterp in/out +'\" # BS - start boxed text +'\" # ^y = starting y location +'\" # ^b = 1 BS ^y ^b 1u +.if n .nf +.if n .ti 0 +.if n \l'\\n(.lu\(ul' +.if n .fi +.. +'\" # BE - end boxed text (draw box now) BE +.ti 0 ^t n \l'\\n(^lu\(ul' +.el \{\ +.\" Draw four-sided box normally, but don't draw top of +.\" box if the box started on an earlier page. !\\n(^b-1 \{\ +\h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\l'\\n(^lu+3n\(ul'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\l'|0u-1.5n\(ul' +.\} +.el \}\ +\h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\h'\\n(^lu+3n'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\l'|0u-1.5n\(ul' +.\} +.\} ^b 0 +.. +'\" # VS - start vertical sidebar +'\" # ^Y = starting y location +'\" # ^v = 1 (for troff; for nroff this doesn't matter) VS +.if !"\\$1"" .br ^Y n 'mc \s12\(br\s0 +.el .nr ^v 1u +.. +'\" # VE - end of vertical sidebar VE n 'mc +.el \{\ +.ev 2 +.ti 0 ^t +\h'|\\n(^lu+3n'\L'|\\n(^Yu-1v\(bv'\v'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^Yu'\h'-|\\n(^lu+3n' +.sp -1 +.ev +.\} ^v 0 +.. +'\" # Special macro to handle page bottom: finish off current +'\" # box/sidebar if in box/sidebar mode, then invoked standard +'\" # page bottom macro. ^B +.ev 2 +'ti 0 +'nf ^t +.if \\n(^b \{\ +.\" Draw three-sided box if this is the box's first page, +.\" draw two sides but no top otherwise. !\\n(^b-1 \h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\l'\\n(^lu+3n\(ul'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\h'|0u'\c +.el \h'-1.5n'\L'|\\n(^yu-1v'\h'\\n(^lu+3n'\L'\\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^yu'\h'|0u'\c +.\} +.if \\n(^v \{\ ^x \\n(^tu+1v-\\n(^Yu +\kx\h'-\\nxu'\h'|\\n(^lu+3n'\ky\L'-\\n(^xu'\v'\\n(^xu'\h'|0u'\c +.\} +.bp +'fi +.ev +.if \\n(^b \{\ ^y ^b 2 +.\} +.if \\n(^v \{\ ^Y +.\} +.. +'\" # DS - begin display DS +.RS +.sp +.. +'\" # DE - end display DE +.RE +.sp +.. +'\" # SO - start of list of standard options SO +.SH "STANDARD OPTIONS" +.LP +.ta 4c 8c 12c +.ft B +.. +'\" # SE - end of list of standard options SE +.ft R +.LP +See the \\fBoptions\\fR manual entry for details on the standard options. +.. +'\" # OP - start of full description for a single option OP +.LP +.ta 4c +Command-Line Name: \\fB\\$1\\fR +Database Name: \\fB\\$2\\fR +Database Class: \\fB\\$3\\fR +.IP +.. +'\" # CS - begin code excerpt CS +.RS +.ta .25i .5i .75i 1i +.. +'\" # CE - end code excerpt CE +.RE +.. UL +\\$1\l'|0\(ul'\\$2 +.. +.TH table n 2.00 Tk "Tk Table Extension" +.HS table tk +.BS +.SH NAME +table \- Create and manipulate tables +.SH SYNOPSIS +\fBtable\fI \fIpathName \fR?\fIoptions\fR? +.SO +\-anchor \-background \-borderwidth \-cursor +\-exportselection \-font \-foreground +\-highlightbackground \-highlightcolor \-highlightthickness +\-insertbackground \-insertborderwidth \-insertofftime +\-insertontime \-insertwidth \-invertselected \-padx +\-pady \-relief \-takefocus \-xscrollcommand +\-yscrollcommand +.SE + +.SH "WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS" +.OP \-autoclear autoClear AutoClear +A boolean value which specifies whether the first keypress in a cell will +delete whatever text was previously there. Defaults to 0. +.OP \-batchmode batchMode BatchMode +If true, updates are not forced out at any point, the widget waits for Tk to +be idle before it repaints the screen. If false, flashes, variable updates +and the cursor changes are forced immediately to the screen. +Defaults to false. +.OP \-bordercursor borderCursor Cursor +Specifies the name of the cursor to show when over borders, a visual +indication that interactive resizing is allowed (it is thus affect by +the value of \-resizeborders). Defaults to \fIcrosshair\fR. +.OP "\-browsecommand or \-browsecmd" browseCommand BrowseCommand +Specifies a command which will be evaluated anytime the active cell changes. +It uses the %\-substition model described in COMMAND SUBSTITUTION below. +.OP \-cache cache Cache +A boolean value that specifies whether an internal cache of the table +contents should be kept. This greatly enhances speed performance when used +with \fB\-command\fR but uses extra memory. Can maintain state when both +\fB\-command\fR and \fB\-variable\fR are empty. The cache is automatically +flushed whenever the value of \fB\-cache\fR or \fB\-variable\fR changes, +otherwise you have to explicitly \fBflush\fR it. Defaults to false. +.OP \-colorigin colOrigin Origin +Specifies what column index to interpret as the leftmost column in the table. +This value is used for user indices in the table. Defaults to 0. +.OP \-cols cols Cols +Number of cols in the table. Defaults to 10. +.OP \-colseparator colSeparator Separator +Specifies a separator character that will be interpreted as the column +separator when cutting or pasting data in a table. By default, columns +are separated as elements of a tcl list. +.OP \-colstretchmode colStretchMode StretchMode +Specifies one of the following stretch modes for columns to fill extra +allocated window space: +.RS +.TP +\fBnone\fR +Columns will not stretch to fill the assigned window space. If the columns +are too narrow, there will be a blank space at the right of the table. This +is the default. +.TP +\fBunset\fR +Only columns that do not have a specific width set will be stretched. +.TP +\fBall\fR +All columns will be stretched by the same number of pixels to fill the +window space allocated to the table. This mode can interfere with +interactive border resizing which tries to force column width. +.TP +\fBlast\fR +The last column will be stretched +to fill the window space allocated to the table. +.TP +\fBfill\fR (only valid for \fB\-rowstretch\fR currently) +The table will get more or less columns according to the window +space allocated to the table. This mode has numerous quirks and +may disappear in the future. +.RE +.OP \-coltagcommand colTagCommand TagCommand +Provides the name of a procedure that will be evaluated by the widget to +determine the tag to be used for a given column. When displaying a cell, +the table widget will first check to see if a tag has been defined using the +\fBtag col\fR widget method. If no tag is found, it will evaluate the named +procedure passing the column number in question as the sole argument. The +procedure is expected to return the name of a tag to use, or a null string. +Errors occuring during the evaluation of the procedure, or the return of an +invalid tag name are silently ignored. +.OP \-colwidth colWidth ColWidth +Default column width, interpreted as characters in the default font when +the number is positive, or pixels if it is negative. Defaults to 10. +.OP \-command command Command +Specified a command to use as a procedural interface to cell values. +If \fB\-usecommand\fR is true, this command will be used instead of any +reference to the \fB\-variable\fR array. When retrieving cell values, +the return value of the command is used as the value for the cell. +It uses the %\-substition model described in COMMAND SUBSTITUTION below. +.OP \-drawmode drawMode DrawMode +Sets the table drawing mode to one of the following options: +.RS +.TP +\fBslow\fR +The table is drawn to an offscreen pixmap using the Tk bordering functions. +This means there will be no flashing, but this mode is slow for all but +small tables. +.TP +\fBcompatible\fR +The table is drawn directly to the screen using the Tk border functions. +It is faster, but the screen may flash on update. This is the default. +.TP +\fBfast\fR +The table is drawn directly to the screen and the borders are done with +fast X calls, so they are always one pixel wide only. As a side effect, +it sets \fB\-borderwidth\fR to 1. This mode provides best performance for +large tables, but can flash on redraw and is not 100% Tk compatible on the +border mode. +.TP +\fBsingle\fR +The table is drawn to the screen as in fast mode, but only single pixel +lines are drawn (not square borders). +.RE +.OP \-flashmode flashMode FlashMode +A boolean value which specifies whether cells should flash when their value +changes. The table tag \fBflash\fR will be applied to these cells for the +duration specified by \fB\-flashtime\fR. Defaults to 0. +.OP \-flashtime flashTime FlashTime +The amount of time, in 1/4 second increments, for which a cell should flash +when it is edited. \fB\-flashmode\fR must be on. Defaults to 2. +.OP \-height height Height +Specifies the desired height for the window, in rows. +If zero or less, then the desired height for the window is made just +large enough to hold all the rows in the table. The height can be +further limited by \fB\-maxheight\fR. +.OP \-invertselected invertSelected InvertSelected +Specifies whether the foreground and background of an item should simply +have their values swapped instead of merging the \fIsel\fR tag options +when the cell is selected. Defaults to 0 (merge). +.OP \-maxheight maxHeight MaxHeight +The max height in pixels that the window will request. Defaults to 600. +.OP \-maxwidth maxWidth MaxWidth +The max width in pixels that the window will request. Defaults to 800. +.OP \-resizeborders resizeBorders ResizeBorders +Specifies what kind of interactive border resizing to allow, must be one of +row, col, both (default) or none. +.OP \-rowheight rowHeight RowHeight +Default row height, interpreted as lines in the default font when +the number is positive, or pixels if it is negative. Defaults to 1. +.OP \-roworigin rowOrigin Origin +Specifies what row index to interpret as the topmost row in the table. +This value is used for user indices in the table. Defaults to 0. +.OP \-rows rows Rows +Number of rows in the table. Defaults to 10. +.OP \-rowseparator rowSeparator Separator +Specifies a separator character that will be interpreted as the row +separator when cutting or pasting data in a table. By default, rows +are separated as tcl lists. +.OP \-rowstretchmode rowStretchMode StretchMode +Specifies the stretch modes for rows to fill extra +allocated window space. See \fB\-colstretchmode\fR for valid options. +.OP \-rowtagcommand rowTagCommand TagCommand +Provides the name of a procedure that can evaluated by the widget to +determine the tag to be used for a given row. The procedure must be +defined by the user to accept a single argument (the row number), and +return a tag name or null string. This operates in a similar manner as +\fB\-coltagcommand\fR, except that it applies to row tags. +.OP "\-selectioncommand or \-selcmd" selectionCommand SelectionCommand +Specifies a command to evaluate when the selection is retrieved from a table +via the selection mechanism (ie: evaluating "selection get"). The return +value from this command will become the string passed on by the selection +mechanism. It uses the %\-substition model described in COMMAND SUBSTITUTION +below. +.OP \-selectmode selectMode SelectMode +Specifies one of several styles for manipulating the selection. The value +of the option may be arbitrary, but the default bindings expect it to be +either \fBsingle\fR, \fBbrowse\fR, \fBmultiple\fR, or \fBextended\fR; the +default value is \fBbrowse\fR. These styles are like those for the Tk +listbox, except expanded for 2 dimensions. +.OP \-selecttitle selectTitles SelectTitles +Specifies whether title cells should be allowed in the selection. +Defaults to 0 (disallowed). +.OP \-selecttype selectType SelectType +Specifies one of several types of selection for the table. The value of the +option may be one of \fBrow\fR, \fBcol\fR, \fBcell\fR, or \fBboth\fR +(meaning \fBrow && col\fR); the default value is \fBcell\fR. These types +define whether an entire row/col is affected when a cell's selection is +changed (set or clear). +.OP \-state state State +Specifies one of two states for the entry: \fBnormal\fR or \fBdisabled\fR. +If the table is disabled then the value may not be changed using widget +commands and no insertion cursor will be displayed, even if the input focus +is in the widget. Defaults to \fBnormal\fR. +.OP \-titlecols titleCols TitleCols +Number of columns to use as a title area. Defaults to 0. +.OP \-titlerows titleRows TitleRows +Number of rows to use as a title area. Defaults to 0. +.OP \-usecommand useCommand UseCommand +A boolean value which specifies whether to use the \fBcommand\fR option. +This value sets itself to zero if \fBcommand\fR is used and returns an error. +Defaults to 1 (will use \fBcommand\fR if specified). +.OP \-validate validate Validate +A boolean specifying whether validation should occur for the active buffer. +Defaults to 0. +.OP "\-validatecommand or \-vcmd" validateCommand ValidateCommand +Specifies a command to execute when the active cell is edited. This command +is expected to return a Tcl boolean. If it returns true, then it is assumed +the new value is OK, otherwise the new value is rejected (the edition will +not take place). Errors in this command are handled in the background. It +uses the %\-substition model described in COMMAND SUBSTITUTION below. +.OP \-variable variable Variable +Global Tcl array variable to attach to the table's C array. It will be +created if it doesn't already exist or is a simple variable. Keys used by +the table in the array are of the form \fIrow\fR,\fIcol\fR for cells and +the special key \fIactive\fR which contains the value of the active cell +buffer. The Tcl array is managed as a sparse array (the table doesn't +require all valid indices have values). No stored value for an index is +equivalent to the empty string, and clearing a cell will remove that index +from the Tcl array. +.OP \-width width Width +Specifies the desired width for the window, in columns. +If zero or less, then the desired width for the window is made just +large enough to hold all the columns in the table. The width can be +further limited by \fB\-maxwidth\fR. +.BE + +.SH DESCRIPTION +.PP +The \fBtable\fR command creates a 2\-dimensional grid of cells. The table +can use a Tcl array variable or Tcl command for data storage and retrieval. +The widget has an active cell, the contents of which can be edited (when +the state is normal). The widget supports a default style for the cells +and also multiple \fItags\fR, which can be used to change the style of a +row, column or cell (see TAGS for details). A cell \fIflash\fR can be set +up so that changed cells will change color for a specified amount of time +("blink"). Cells can have embedded images or windows, as described in +TAGS and "EMBEDDED WINDOWS" respectively. +.PP +One or more cells may be selected as described below. If a table is +exporting its selection (see \fB\-exportselection\fR option), then it will +observe the standard X11 protocols for handling the selection. See THE +SELECTION for details. +.PP +It is not necessary for all the cells to be displayed in the table window at +once; commands described below may be used to change the view in the window. +Tables allow scrolling in both directions using the standard +\fB\-xscrollcommand\fR and \fB\-yscrollcommand\fR options. They also support +scanning, as described below. +.PP +In order to obtain good performance, the table widget supports three drawing +modes, two of which are fully Tk compatible. + +.SH "INDICES" +.PP +Many of the widget commands for tables take one or more indices as arguments. +An index specifies a particular cell of the table, in any of +the following ways: +.TP 12 +\fInumber,number\fR +Specifies the cell as a numerical index of row,col which corresponds to the +index of the associated Tcl array, where \fB\-roworigin,\-colorigin\fR +corresponds to the first cell in the table (0,0 by default). +.TP 12 +\fBactive\fR +Indicates the cell that has the location cursor. +It is specified with the \fBactivate\fR widget command. +.TP 12 +\fBanchor\fR +Indicates the anchor point for the selection, which is set with the +\fBselection anchor\fR widget command. +.TP 12 +\fBbottomright\fR +Indicates the bottom\-rightmost cell visible in the table. +.TP 12 +\fBend\fR +Indicates the bottom right cell of the table. +.TP 12 +\fBorigin\fR +Indicates the top\-leftmost editable cell of the table, not necessarily +in the display. This takes into account the user specified origin and +title area. +.TP 12 +\fBtopleft\fR +Indicates the top\-leftmost editable cell visible in the table (this +excludes title cells). +.TP 12 +\fB@\fIx\fB,\fIy\fR +Indicates the cell that covers the point in the table window +specified by \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR (in pixel coordinates). If no +cell covers that point, then the closest cell to that +point is used. +.LP +In the widget command descriptions below, arguments named \fIindex\fR, +\fIfirst\fR, and \fIlast\fR always contain text indices in one of +the above forms. + +.SH TAGS +.PP +A tag is a textual string that is associated with zero or more rows, columns +or cells in a table. Tags may contain arbitrary characters, but it is +probably best to avoid using names which look like indices. There may be +any number of tags associated with rows, columns or cells in a table. There +are several permanent tags in each table that can be configured by the user +and will determine the attributes for special cells: +.RS +.TP 10 +\fBactive\fR +This tag is given to the \fIactive\fR cell +.TP 10 +\fBflash\fR +If flash mode is on, this tag is given to any recently +edited cells. +.TP 10 +\fBsel\fR +This tag is given to any selected cells. +.TP 10 +\fBtitle\fR +This tag is given to any cells in the title rows and columns. This +tag has \fB\-state\fR \fIdisabled\fR by default. +.RE +.PP +Tags control the way cells are displayed on the screen. +By default, cells are displayed as determined by the +\fBbackground\fR, \fBfont\fR, and \fBforeground\fR options for the +table widget. +However, display options may be associated with individual tags +using the ``\fIpathName \fBtag configure\fR'' widget command. +If a cell has been tagged, then the display options associated +with the tag override the default display style. +The following options are currently supported for tags: +.RS +.TP +\fB\-anchor \fIanchor\fR +Anchor for item in the cell space. +.TP +\fB\-background\fR or \fB\-bg\fR \fIcolor\fR +Background color of the cell +.TP +\fB\-font \fIfontName\fR +Font for text in the cell. +.TP +\fB\-foreground\fR or \fB\-fg\fR \fIcolor\fR +Foreground color of the cell. +.TP +\fB\-justify \fIjustify\fR +How to justify multi\-line text in a cell. +It must be one of \fBleft\fR, \fBright\fR, or \fBcenter\fR. +.TP +\fB\-image \fIimageName\fR +An image to display in the cell instead of text. +.TP +\fB\-relief \fIrelief\fR +The relief for the cell. +.TP +\fB\-showtext \fIboolean\fR +Whether to show the text over an image. +.TP +\fB\-state \fIstate\fR +The state of the cell, to allow for certain cells to be disabled. +This prevents the cell from being edited by the \fIinsert\fR or \fIdelete\fR +methods, but a direct \fIset\fR will not be prevented. +.TP +\fB\-wrap \fIboolean\fR +Whether characters should wrap in a cell that is not wide enough. +.RE +.PP +A priority order is defined among tags, and this order is used in +implementing some of the tag\-related functions described below. When a cell +is displayed, its properties are determined by the tags which are assigned +to it. Including the special tags, this order is \fBflash\fR, \fBactive\fR, +\fBsel\fR, \fBtitle\fR, \fBcelltag\fR, \fBrowtag\fR, \fBcoltag\fR, default. +.PP +If a cell has several tags associated with it, and if their display options +conflict, then the options of the highest priority tag are used. If a +particular display option hasn't been specified for a particular tag, or if +it is specified as an empty string, then that option will never be used; the +next\-highest\-priority tag's option will used instead. If no tag specifies a +particular display option, then the default style for the widget will be +used. +.PP +Images are used for display purposes only. Editing in that cell will still +be enabled and any querying of the cell will show the text value of the cell, +regardless of the value of \fB\-showtext\fR. + +.SH "EMBEDDED WINDOWS" +.PP +There may be any number of embedded windows in a table widget (one per +cell), and any widget may be used as an embedded window (subject to the +usual rules for geometry management, which require the table window to be +the parent of the embedded window or a descendant of its parent). The +embedded window's position on the screen will be updated as the table is +modified or scrolled, and it will be mapped and unmapped as it moves into +and out of the visible area of the table widget. Each embedded window +occupies one cell's worth of space in the table widget, and it is referred +to by the index of the cell in the table. Windows associated with the +table widget are destroyed when the table widget is destroyed. +.PP +Windows are used for display purposes only. A value still exists for that +cell, but will not be shown unless the window is deleted in some way. +.PP +When an embedded window is added to a table widget with the window +configure widget command, several configuration options may be associated +with it. These options may be modified with later calls to the window +configure widget command. The following options are currently supported: +.RS +.TP +\fB\-create \fIscript\fR +NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED. Specifies a Tcl script that may be evaluated to +create the window for the annotation. If no \-window option has been +specified for this cell then this script will be evaluated when the +cell is about to be displayed on the screen. Script must create a +window for the cell and return the name of that window as its result. +If the cell's window should ever be deleted, the script will be evaluated +again the next time the cell is displayed. +.TP +\fB\-background\fR or \fB\-bg\fR \fIcolor\fR +Background color of the cell. If not +specified, it uses the table's default background. +.TP +\fB\-padx \fIpixels\fR +As defined in the Tk options man page. +.TP +\fB\-pady \fIpixels\fR +As defined in the Tk options man page. +.TP +\fB\-relief \fIrelief\fR +The relief to use for the cell in which the window lies. If not +specified, it uses the table's default relief. +.TP +\fB\-sticky \fIsticky\fR +Stickiness of the window inside the cell, as defined by the \fBgrid\fR command. +.TP +\fB\-window \fIpathName\fR +Specifies the name of a window to display in the annotation. It must +exist before being specified here. +.RE + + +.SH "THE SELECTION" +.PP +Table selections are available as type STRING. By default, the value of +the selection will be the values of the selected cells in nested Tcl list +form where each row is a list and each column is an element of a row list. +You can change the way this value is interpreted by setting the +\fB\-rowseparator\fR and \fB\-colseparator\fR options. For example, +default Excel format would be to set \fB\-rowseparator\fR to "\\n" and +\fB\-colseparator\fR to "\\t". Changes these values affects both how the +table sends out the selection and reads in pasted data, ensuring that the +table should always be able to cut and paste to itself. It is possible to +change how pastes are handled by editing the table library procedure +\fBtk_tablePasteHandler\fR. This might be necessary if +\fB\-selectioncommand\fR is set. + +.SH "COMMAND SUBSTITUTION" +.PP + +The various option based commands that the table supports all support the +familiar Tk %\-substitution model (see \fBbind\fR for more details). The +following %\-sequences are recognized and substituted by the table widget: +.TP 5 +\fB%c\fR +For \fBSelectionCommand\fR, it is the maximum number of columns in any +row in the selection. Otherwise it is the column of the triggered cell. +.TP 5 +\fB%C\fR +A convenience substitution for \fI%r\fR,\fI%c\fR. +.TP 5 +\fB%i\fR +For \fBSelectionCommand\fR, it is the total number of cells in the selection. +For \fBCommand\fR, it is 0 for a read (get) and 1 for a write (set). +Otherwise it is the current cursor position in the cell. +.TP 5 +\fB%r\fR +For \fBSelectionCommand\fR, it is the number of rows in the selection. +Otherwise it is the row of the triggered cell. +.TP 5 +\fB%s\fR +For \fBValidateCommand\fR, it is the current value of the cell being validated. +For \fBSelectionCommand\fR, it is the default value of the selection. +For \fBBrowseCommand\fR, it is the index of the last active cell. +For \fBCommand\fR, it is empty for reads (get) and the current value of the +cell for writes (set). +.TP 5 +\fB%S\fR +For \fBValidateCommand\fR, it is the potential new value of the cell +being validated. +For \fBBrowseCommand\fR, it is the index of the new active cell. +.TP 5 +\fB%W\fR +The pathname to the window for which the command was generated. +.LP + +.SH "WIDGET COMMAND" +.PP +The \fBtable\fR command creates a new Tcl command whose +name is \fIpathName\fR. This command may be used to invoke various +operations on the widget. It has the following general form: +.CS +\fIpathName option \fR?\fIarg arg ...\fR? +.CE +\fIOption\fR and the \fIarg\fRs +determine the exact behavior of the command. +.PP +The following commands are possible for \fBtable\fR widgets: +.TP +\fIpathName \fBactivate\fR \fIindex\fR +Sets the active cell to the one indicated by \fIindex\fR. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBbbox\fR \fIfirst\fR ?\fIlast\fR? +It returns the bounding box for the specified cell (range) as a 4\-tuple of +x, y, width and height in pixels. It clips the box to the visible portion, +if any, otherwise an empty string is returned. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBborder\fR \fIoption args\fR +This command is a voodoo hack to implement border sizing for tables. Its +options may change in the future. +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBborder mark\fR \fIx y\fR ?\fIrow|col\fR? +Records \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR and the row and/or column border under that +point in the table window, if any; used in conjunction with later \fBborder +dragto\fR commands. Typically this command is associated with a mouse +button press in the widget. If \fIrow\fR or \fIcol\fR is not specified, it +returns a tuple of both border indices (an empty item means no border). +Otherwise, just the specified item is returned. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBborder dragto\fR \fIx y\fR. +This command computes the difference between its \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR +arguments and the \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR arguments to the last \fBborder +mark\fR command for the widget. It then adjusts the previously marked +border by the difference. This command is typically associated with mouse +motion events in the widget, to produce the effect of interactive border +resizing. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBcget\fR \fIoption\fR +Returns the current value of the configuration option given +by \fIoption\fR. \fIOption\fR may have any of the values accepted +by the \fBtable\fR command. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBconfigure\fR ?\fIoption\fR? ?\fIvalue option value ...\fR? +Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. +If no \fIoption\fR is specified, returns a list describing all of +the available options for \fIpathName\fR (see \fBTk_ConfigureInfo\fR for +information on the format of this list). If \fIoption\fR is specified +with no \fIvalue\fR, then the command returns a list describing the +one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding +sublist of the value returned if no \fIoption\fR is specified). If +one or more \fIoption\-value\fR pairs are specified, then the command +modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in +this case the command returns an empty string. +\fIOption\fR may have any of the values accepted by the \fBtable\fR +command. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBcurselection\fR ?\fIset value\fR? +With no arguments, it returns the sorted indices of the currently selected +cells. Otherwise it sets all the selected cells to the given value. The +set has no effect if there is no associated Tcl array or the state is +disabled. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBcurvalue\fR ?\fIvalue\fR? +If no value is given, the value of the cell being edited (indexed by +\fBactive\fR) is returned, else it is set to the given value. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBdelete\fR \fIoption arg\fR ?\fIarg\fR? +This command is used to delete various things in a table. It has several +forms, depending on the \fIoption\fR: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBdelete active\fR \fIindex\fR ?\fIindex\fR? +Deletes text from the active cell. If only one index is given, it deletes +the character after that index, otherwise it deletes from the first index to +the second. \fIindex\fR can be a number, \fBinsert\fR or \fBend\fR. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBdelete cols\fR ?\fIswitches\fR? \fIindex\fR ?\fIcount\fR? +Deletes \fBcount\fR cols starting at (and including) col \fBindex\fR. If +\fBcount\fR is negative, it deletes cols to the left. Otherwise it deletes +cols to the right. The selection will be cleared. The optional switches +are: +.RS +.TP +\fB\-cols\fR +Sets an artificial maximum column boundary to use when collapsing the rest +of the columns. By default it uses the value of the \fB\-cols\fR widget +option. This can cause interesting side\-effects when used in conjunction +with the other options. +.TP +\fB\-holddimensions\fR +Causes the table cols to be unaffected by the deletion (empty cols may +appear). By default the dimensions are adjusted by \fBcount\fR. +.TP +\fB\-holdtags\fR +Causes the tags specified by the \fItag\fR method to not collapse along +with the data. Also prevents specific widths set by the \fIwidth\fR method +from being adjusted. By default, these tags are properly adjusted. +.TP +\fB\-keeptitles\fR +Prevents title area cell contents from being moved. Otherwise they are +treated just like regular cells and will move as specified. +.TP +\fB\-rows\fR +Sets an artificial maximum row boundary to use when collapsing the rest of +the rows. By default it uses the value of the \fB\-rows\fR widget option. +This can cause interesting side\-effects when used in conjunction with the +other options. +.TP +\fB\-\-\fR +Signifies the end of the switches. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBdelete rows\fR ?\fIswitches\fR? \fIindex\fR ?\fIcount\fR? +Deletes \fBcount\fR rows starting at (and including) row \fBindex\fR. If +\fBcount\fR is negative, it deletes rows going up. Otherwise it deletes +rows going down. The selection will be cleared. The switches are the same +as those for column deletion. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBflush\fR ?\fIfirst\fR? ?\fIlast\fR? +Forces the table cache to be flushed from \fIfirst\fR to \fIlast\fR. If +neither are specified, it flushes the entire cache. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBget\fR \fIfirst\fR ?\fIlast\fR? +Returns the value of the cells specified by the table indices \fIfirst\fR +and (optionally) \fIlast\fR in a list. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBheight\fR ?\fIrow\fR? ?\fIvalue row value ...\fR? +If no \fIrow\fR is specified, returns a list describing all rows for which +a height has been set. If \fBrow\fR is specified with no value, it prints +out the height of that row in characters (positive number) or pixels +(negative number). If one or more \fIrow\-value\fR pairs are specified, +then it sets each row to be that height in lines (positive number) or +pixels (negative number). If \fIvalue\fR is \fIdefault\fR, then the row +uses the default height, specified by \fB\-rowheight\fR. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBicursor\fR ?\fIarg\fR? +With no arguments, prints out the location of the insertion cursor in the +active cell. With one argument, sets the cursor to that point in the +string. 0 is before the first character, you can also use \fBinsert\fR or +\fBend\fR for the current insertion point or the end of the text. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBindex\fR \fIindex\fR ?\fIrow|col\fR? +Returns the integer cell coordinate that corresponds to \fIindex\fR in the +form row,col. If \fBrow\fR or \fBcol\fR is specified, then only the row or +column index is returned. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBinsert\fR \fIoption arg arg\fR +This command is used to into various things into a table. It has several +forms, depending on the \fIoption\fR: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBinsert active\fR \fIindex value\fR +The \fIvalue\fR is a text string which is inserted at the \fIindex\fR +postion of the active cell. The cursor is then positioned after the +new text. \fIindex\fR can be a number, \fBinsert\fR or \fBend\fR. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBinsert cols\fR ?\fIswitches\fR? \fIindex\fR ?\fIcount\fR? +Inserts \fBcount\fR cols starting at col \fBindex\fR. If \fBcount\fR is +negative, it inserts before the specified col. Otherwise it inserts after +the specified col. The selection will be cleared. The switches are the +same as those for column deletion. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBinsert rows\fR ?\fIswitches\fR? \fIindex\fR ?\fIcount\fR? +Inserts \fBcount\fR rows starting at row \fBindex\fR. If \fBcount\fR is +negative, it inserts before the specified row. Otherwise it inserts after +the specified row. The selection will be cleared. The switches are the +same as those for column deletion. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBreread\fR +Rereads the old contents of the cell back into the editing buffer. Useful +for a key binding when is pressed to abort the edit (a default +binding). +.TP +\fIpathName \fBscan\fR \fIoption args\fR +This command is used to implement scanning on tables. It has +two forms, depending on \fIoption\fR: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBscan mark\fR \fIx y\fR +Records \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR and the current view in the table +window; used in conjunction with later \fBscan dragto\fR commands. +Typically this command is associated with a mouse button press in +the widget. It returns an empty string. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBscan dragto\fR \fIx y\fR. +This command computes the difference between its \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR +arguments and the \fIx\fR and \fIy\fR arguments to the last \fBscan mark\fR +command for the widget. It then adjusts the view by 5 times the difference +in coordinates. This command is typically associated with mouse motion +events in the widget, to produce the effect of dragging the list at high +speed through the window. The return value is an empty string. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBsee\fR \fIindex\fR +Adjust the view in the table so that the cell given by \fIindex\fR is +positioned as the cell one off from top left (excluding title rows and +columns) if the cell is not currently visible on the screen. The actual +cell may be different to keep the screen full. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBselection\fR \fIoption arg\fR +This command is used to adjust the selection within a table. It +has several forms, depending on \fIoption\fR: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBselection anchor\fR \fIindex\fR +Sets the selection anchor to the cell given by \fIindex\fR. The selection +anchor is the end of the selection that is fixed while dragging out a +selection with the mouse. The index \fBanchor\fR may be used to refer to +the anchor cell. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBselection clear\fR \fIfirst \fR?\fIlast\fR? +If any of the cells between \fIfirst\fR and \fIlast\fR (inclusive) are +selected, they are deselected. The selection state is not changed for cells +outside this range. \fIfirst\fR may be specified as \fBall\fR to remove +the selection from all cells. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBselection includes\fR \fIindex\fR +Returns 1 if the cell indicated by \fIindex\fR is currently +selected, 0 if it isn't. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBselection set\fR \fIfirst\fR ?\fIlast\fR? +Selects all of the cells in the range between \fIfirst\fR and \fIlast\fR, +inclusive, without affecting the selection state of cells outside that +range. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBset\fR \fIindex\fR ?\fIvalue\fR? ?\fIindex value ...\fR? +Sets the specified index to the associated value. Table validation will not +be triggered via this method. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag\fR option ?\fIarg arg ...\fR? +This command is used to manipulate tags. The exact behavior of the command +depends on the \fIoption\fR argument that follows the \fBtag\fR argument. +Only \fIcget\fR complains about unknown tag names. +The following forms of the command are currently supported: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag cell\fR \fItagName ?index ... ?\fR +With no arguments, prints out the list of cells that use the \fItag\fR. +Otherwise it sets the specified cells to use the \fItag\fR. If \fItag\fR is +{}, the cells are reset to the default \fItag\fR. Tags added during +\-*tagcommand evaluation do not register here. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag cget\fR \fItagName option\fR +This command returns the current value of the option named \fIoption\fR +associated with the tag given by \fItagName\fR. \fIOption\fR may have any +of the values accepted by the \fBtag configure\fR widget command. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag col\fR \fItagName ?col ... ?\fR +With no arguments, prints out the list of cols that use the \fItag\fR. +Otherwise it sets the specified cols to use the \fItag\fR. If \fItag\fR is +{}, the cols are reset to the default \fItag\fR. Tags added during +\-coltagcommand evaluation do not register here. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag configure \fItagName\fR ?\fIoption\fR? ?\fIvalue\fR? ?\fIoption value ...\fR? +This command is similar to the \fBconfigure\fR widget command except that +it modifies options associated with the tag given by \fItagName\fR instead +of modifying options for the overall table widget. If no \fIoption\fR is +specified, the command returns a list describing all of the available +options for \fItagName\fR (see \fBTk_ConfigureInfo\fR for information on +the format of this list). If \fIoption\fR is specified with no +\fIvalue\fR, then the command returns a list describing the one named +option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the +value returned if no \fIoption\fR is specified). If one or more +\fIoption\-value\fR pairs are specified, then the command modifies the +given option(s) to have the given value(s) in \fItagName\fR; in this case +the command returns an empty string. +See TAGS above for details on the options available for tags. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag delete\fR \fItagName\fR +Deletes a tag. No error if the tag does not exist. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag exists\fR \fItagName\fR +Returns 1 if the named tag exists, 0 otherwise. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag includes\fR \fItagName index\fR +Returns 1 if the specified index has the named tag, 0 otherwise. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag names\fR ?\fIpattern\fR? +If no pattern is specified, shows the names of all defined tags. +Otherwise the \fIpattern\fR is used as a glob pattern to show only +tags matching that pattern. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBtag row\fR \fItagName ?row ...?\fR +With no arguments, prints out the list of rows that use the \fItag\fR. +Otherwise it sets the specified rows to use the tag. If tag is {}, the rows +are reset to use the default tag. Tags added during \-rowtagcommand +evaluation do not register here. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBvalidate\fR \fIindex\fR +Explicitly validates the specified index based on the current +\fB\-validatecommand\fR and returns 0 or 1 based on whether the cell was +validated. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBwidth\fR ?\fIcol\fR? ?\fIvalue col value ...\fR? +If no \fIcol\fR is specified, returns a list describing all cols for which +a width has been set. If \fBcol\fR is specified with no value, it prints +out the width of that col in characters (positive number) or pixels +(negative number). If one or more \fIcol\-value\fR pairs are specified, +then it sets each col to be that width in characters (positive number) or +pixels (negative number). If \fIvalue\fR is \fIdefault\fR, then the col +uses the default width, specified by \fB\-colwidth\fR. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBwindow\fR option ?\fIarg arg ...\fR? +This command is used to manipulate embedded windows. The exact behavior of +the command depends on the \fIoption\fR argument that follows the +\fBwindow\fR argument. The following forms of the command are currently +supported: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBwindow cget\fR \fIindex option\fR +This command returns the current value of the option named \fIoption\fR +associated with the window given by \fIindex\fR. \fIOption\fR may have any +of the values accepted by the \fBwindow configure\fR widget command. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBwindow configure \fIindex\fR ?\fIoption\fR? ?\fIvalue\fR? ?\fIoption value ...\fR? +This command is similar to the \fBconfigure\fR widget command except that +it modifies options associated with the embedded window given by +\fIindex\fR instead of modifying options for the overall table widget. If +no \fIoption\fR is specified, the command returns a list describing all of +the available options for \fIindex\fR (see \fBTk_ConfigureInfo\fR for +information on the format of this list). If \fIoption\fR is specified with +no \fIvalue\fR, then the command returns a list describing the one named +option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the +value returned if no \fIoption\fR is specified). If one or more +\fIoption\-value\fR pairs are specified, then the command modifies the +given option(s) to have the given value(s) in \fIindex\fR; in this case +the command returns an empty string. +See EMBEDDED WINDOWS above for details on the options available for windows. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBwindow delete\fR \fIindex\fR ?\fIindex ...\fR? +Deletes an embedded window from the table. The associated window will +also be deleted. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBwindow move\fR \fIindexFrom indexTo\fR +Moves an embedded window from one cell to another. If a window already +exists in the target cell, it will be deleted. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBwindow names\fR ?\fIpattern\fR? +If no pattern is specified, shows the cells of all embedded windows. +Otherwise the \fIpattern\fR is used as a glob pattern to show only +cells matching that pattern. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fBxview \fIargs\fR +This command is used to query and change the horizontal position of the +information in the widget's window. It can take any of the following +forms: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fBxview\fR +Returns a list containing two elements. +Each element is a real fraction between 0 and 1; together they describe +the horizontal span that is visible in the window. +For example, if the first element is .2 and the second element is .6, +20% of the table's text is off\-screen to the left, the middle 40% is visible +in the window, and 40% of the text is off\-screen to the right. +These are the same values passed to scrollbars via the \fB\-xscrollcommand\fR +option. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBxview\fR \fIindex\fR +Adjusts the view in the window so that the column given by +\fIindex\fR is displayed at the left edge of the window. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBxview moveto\fI fraction\fR +Adjusts the view in the window so that \fIfraction\fR of the +total width of the table text is off\-screen to the left. +\fIfraction\fR must be a fraction between 0 and 1. +.TP +\fIpathName \fBxview scroll \fInumber what\fR +This command shifts the view in the window left or right according to +\fInumber\fR and \fIwhat\fR. +\fINumber\fR must be an integer. +\fIWhat\fR must be either \fBunits\fR or \fBpages\fR or an abbreviation +of one of these. +If \fIwhat\fR is \fBunits\fR, the view adjusts left or right by +\fInumber\fR character units (the width of the \fB0\fR character) +on the display; if it is \fBpages\fR then the view adjusts by +\fInumber\fR screenfuls. +If \fInumber\fR is negative then characters farther to the left +become visible; if it is positive then characters farther to the right +become visible. +.RE +.TP +\fIpathName \fByview \fI?args\fR? +This command is used to query and change the vertical position of the +text in the widget's window. It can take any of the following forms: +.RS +.TP +\fIpathName \fByview\fR +Returns a list containing two elements, both of which are real fractions +between 0 and 1. The first element gives the position of the table element +at the top of the window, relative to the table as a whole (0.5 means it is +halfway through the table, for example). The second element gives the +position of the table element just after the last one in the window, +relative to the table as a whole. These are the same values passed to +scrollbars via the \fB\-yscrollcommand\fR option. +.TP +\fIpathName \fByview\fR \fIindex\fR +Adjusts the view in the window so that the row given by +\fIindex\fR is displayed at the top of the window. +.TP +\fIpathName \fByview moveto\fI fraction\fR +Adjusts the view in the window so that the element given by \fIfraction\fR +appears at the top of the window. +\fIFraction\fR is a fraction between 0 and 1; 0 indicates the first +element in the table, 0.33 indicates the element one\-third the +way through the table, and so on. +.TP +\fIpathName \fByview scroll \fInumber what\fR +This command adjusts the view in the window up or down according to +\fInumber\fR and \fIwhat\fR. \fINumber\fR must be an integer. \fIWhat\fR +must be either \fBunits\fR or \fBpages\fR. If \fIwhat\fR is \fBunits\fR, +the view adjusts up or down by \fInumber\fR lines; if it is \fBpages\fR then +the view adjusts by \fInumber\fR screenfuls. If \fInumber\fR is negative +then earlier elements become visible; if it is positive then later elements +become visible. +.RE + +.SH "DEFAULT BINDINGS" +.PP +The initialization creates class bindings that give the +following default behaviour: +.IP [1] +Clicking Button\-1 in a cell activates that cell. Clicking +into an already active cell moves the insertion cursor to the +character nearest the mouse. +.IP [2] +Moving the mouse while Button\-1 is pressed will stroke out a selection area. +Exiting while Button\-1 is pressed causing scanning to occur on the table +along with selection. +.IP [3] +Moving the mouse while Button\-2 is pressed causes scanning to +occur without any selection. +.IP [4] +Home moves the table to have the origin in view. +.IP [5] +End moves the table to have the \fBend\fR cell in view. +.IP [6] +Control\-Home moves the table to the origin and activates that cell. +.IP [7] +Control\-End moves the table to the end and activates that cell. +.IP [8] +Shift\-Control\-Home extends the selection to the origin. +.IP [9] +Shift\-Control\-End extends the selection to the end. +.IP [10] +The left, right, up and down arrows move the active cell. +.IP [11] +Shift\- extends the selection in that direction. +.IP [12] +Control\-leftarrow and Control\-rightarrow move the insertion +cursor within the cell. +.IP [13] +Control\-slash selects all the cells. +.IP [14] +Control\-backslash clears selection from all the cells. +.IP [15] +Backspace deletes the character before the insertion cursor +in the active cell. +.IP [16] +Delete deletes the character after the insertion cursor +in the active cell. +.IP [17] +Escape rereads the value of the active cell from the specified data source, +discarding any edits that have may been performed on the cell. +.IP [18] +Control\-a moves the insertion cursor to the beginning of the active cell. +.IP [19] +Control\-e moves the insertion cursor to the end of the active cell. +.IP [20] +Control\-minus and Control\-equals decrease and increase the +width of the column with the active cell in it. +.IP [21] +Moving the mouse while Button\-3 (the right button on Windows) is pressed +while you are over a border will cause interactive resizing of that row +and/or column to occur, based on the value of \fB\-resizeborders\fR. +.PP +Some bindings may have slightly different behavior dependent on the +\fB\-selectionmode\fR of the widget. +.PP +If the widget is disabled using the \fB\-state\fR option, then its +view can still be adjusted and cells can still be selected, +but no insertion cursor will be displayed and no cell modifications will +take place. +.PP +The behavior of tables can be changed by defining new bindings for +individual widgets or by redefining the class bindings. The default +bindings are either compiled in or read from a file expected to +correspond to: "[lindex $tcl_pkgPath 0]/Tktable/tkTable.tcl". + +.SH KEYWORDS +table, widget, extension
tkTable.n Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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