Subversion Repositories or1k
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 746 to Rev 1765
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 746 → Rev 1765
0,0 → 1,154
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// dbg_sync_clk1_clk2.v //// |
//// //// |
//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface //// |
//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ //// |
//// //// |
//// Author(s): //// |
//// - Igor Mohor (igorM@opencores.org) //// |
//// //// |
//// All additional information is avaliable in the Readme.txt //// |
//// file. //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
//// //// |
//// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// |
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// |
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// |
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// |
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// |
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// |
//// later version. //// |
//// //// |
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// |
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// |
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// |
//// details. //// |
//// //// |
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// |
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// |
//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml //// |
//// //// |
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// CVS Revision History |
// |
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ |
// Revision 1.3 2001/11/26 10:47:09 mohor |
// Crc generation is different for read or write commands. Small synthesys fixes. |
// |
// Revision 1.2 2001/10/19 11:40:01 mohor |
// dbg_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done for the simulation of |
// few different cores in a single project. |
// |
// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor |
// Initial official release. |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// |
// synopsys translate_off |
`include "timescale.v" |
// synopsys translate_on |
// FF in clock domain 1 is being set by a signal from the clock domain 2 |
module dbg_sync_clk1_clk2 (clk1, clk2, reset1, reset2, set2, sync_out); |
parameter Tp = 1; |
input clk1; |
input clk2; |
input reset1; |
input reset2; |
input set2; |
output sync_out; |
reg set2_q; |
reg set2_q2; |
reg set1_q; |
reg set1_q2; |
reg clear2_q; |
reg clear2_q2; |
reg sync_out; |
wire z; |
assign z = set2 | set2_q & ~clear2_q2; |
// Latching and synchronizing "set" to clk2 |
always @ (posedge clk2 or posedge reset2) |
begin |
if(reset2) |
set2_q <=#Tp 1'b0; |
else |
set2_q <=#Tp z; |
end |
always @ (posedge clk2 or posedge reset2) |
begin |
if(reset2) |
set2_q2 <=#Tp 1'b0; |
else |
set2_q2 <=#Tp set2_q; |
end |
// Synchronizing "set" to clk1 |
always @ (posedge clk1 or posedge reset1) |
begin |
if(reset1) |
set1_q <=#Tp 1'b0; |
else |
set1_q <=#Tp set2_q2; |
end |
always @ (posedge clk1 or posedge reset1) |
begin |
if(reset1) |
set1_q2 <=#Tp 1'b0; |
else |
set1_q2 <=#Tp set1_q; |
end |
// Synchronizing "clear" to clk2 |
always @ (posedge clk2 or posedge reset2) |
begin |
if(reset2) |
clear2_q <=#Tp 1'b0; |
else |
clear2_q <=#Tp set1_q2; |
end |
always @ (posedge clk2 or posedge reset2) |
begin |
if(reset2) |
clear2_q2 <=#Tp 1'b0; |
else |
clear2_q2 <=#Tp clear2_q; |
end |
always @ (posedge clk1 or posedge reset1) |
begin |
if(reset1) |
sync_out <=#Tp 1'b0; |
else |
sync_out <=#Tp set1_q2; |
end |
endmodule |
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: dbg_top.v
--- dbg_top.v (nonexistent)
+++ dbg_top.v (revision 1765)
@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
+//// ////
+//// dbg_top.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor ////
+//// igorm@opencores.org ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
+//// file. ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+// Revision 1.20 2002/02/06 12:23:09 mohor
+// LatchedJTAG_IR used when muxing TDO instead of JTAG_IR.
+// Revision 1.19 2002/02/05 13:34:51 mohor
+// Stupid bug that was entered by previous update fixed.
+// Revision 1.18 2002/02/05 12:41:01 mohor
+// trst synchronization is not needed and was removed.
+// Revision 1.17 2002/01/25 07:58:35 mohor
+// IDCODE bug fixed, chains reused to decreas size of core. Data is shifted-in
+// not filled-in. Tested in hw.
+// Revision 1.16 2001/12/20 11:17:26 mohor
+// TDO and TDO Enable signal are separated into two signals.
+// Revision 1.15 2001/12/05 13:28:21 mohor
+// trst signal is synchronized to wb_clk_i.
+// Revision 1.14 2001/11/28 09:36:15 mohor
+// Register length fixed.
+// Revision 1.13 2001/11/27 13:37:43 mohor
+// CRC is returned when chain selection data is transmitted.
+// Revision 1.12 2001/11/26 10:47:09 mohor
+// Crc generation is different for read or write commands. Small synthesys fixes.
+// Revision 1.11 2001/11/14 10:10:41 mohor
+// Wishbone data latched on wb_clk_i instead of risc_clk.
+// Revision 1.10 2001/11/12 01:11:27 mohor
+// Reset signals are not combined any more.
+// Revision 1.9 2001/10/19 11:40:01 mohor
+// dbg_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done for the simulation of
+// few different cores in a single project.
+// Revision 1.8 2001/10/17 10:39:03 mohor
+// bs_chain_o added.
+// Revision 1.7 2001/10/16 10:09:56 mohor
+// Signal names changed to lowercase.
+// Revision 1.6 2001/10/15 09:55:47 mohor
+// Wishbone interface added, few fixes for better performance,
+// hooks for boundary scan testing added.
+// Revision 1.5 2001/09/24 14:06:42 mohor
+// Changes connected to the OpenRISC access (SPR read, SPR write).
+// Revision 1.4 2001/09/20 10:11:25 mohor
+// Working version. Few bugs fixed, comments added.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/09/19 11:55:13 mohor
+// Asynchronous set/reset not used in trace any more.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/09/18 14:13:47 mohor
+// Trace fixed. Some registers changed, trace simplified.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/06/01 22:22:35 mohor
+// This is a backup. It is not a fully working version. Not for use, yet.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/05/18 13:10:00 mohor
+// Headers changed. All additional information is now avaliable in the README.txt file.
+// Revision 2001/05/18 06:35:02 mohor
+// Initial release
+// synopsys translate_off
+`include "timescale.v"
+// synopsys translate_on
+`include "dbg_defines.v"
+// Top module
+module dbg_top(
+ // JTAG pins
+ tms_pad_i, tck_pad_i, trst_pad_i, tdi_pad_i, tdo_pad_o, tdo_padoen_o,
+ // Boundary Scan signals
+ capture_dr_o, shift_dr_o, update_dr_o, extest_selected_o, bs_chain_i, bs_chain_o,
+ // RISC signals
+ risc_clk_i, risc_addr_o, risc_data_i, risc_data_o, wp_i,
+ bp_i, opselect_o, lsstatus_i, istatus_i, risc_stall_o, reset_o,
+ // WISHBONE common signals
+ wb_rst_i, wb_clk_i,
+ // WISHBONE master interface
+ wb_adr_o, wb_dat_o, wb_dat_i, wb_cyc_o, wb_stb_o, wb_sel_o,
+ wb_we_o, wb_ack_i, wb_cab_o, wb_err_i
+ );
+parameter Tp = 1;
+// JTAG pins
+input tms_pad_i; // JTAG test mode select pad
+input tck_pad_i; // JTAG test clock pad
+input trst_pad_i; // JTAG test reset pad
+input tdi_pad_i; // JTAG test data input pad
+output tdo_pad_o; // JTAG test data output pad
+output tdo_padoen_o; // Output enable for JTAG test data output pad
+// Boundary Scan signals
+output capture_dr_o;
+output shift_dr_o;
+output update_dr_o;
+output extest_selected_o;
+input bs_chain_i;
+output bs_chain_o;
+// RISC signals
+input risc_clk_i; // Master clock (RISC clock)
+input [31:0] risc_data_i; // RISC data inputs (data that is written to the RISC registers)
+input [10:0] wp_i; // Watchpoint inputs
+input bp_i; // Breakpoint input
+input [3:0] lsstatus_i; // Load/store status inputs
+input [1:0] istatus_i; // Instruction status inputs
+output [31:0] risc_addr_o; // RISC address output (for adressing registers within RISC)
+output [31:0] risc_data_o; // RISC data output (data read from risc registers)
+output [`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0] opselect_o; // Operation selection (selecting what kind of data is set to the risc_data_i)
+output risc_stall_o; // Stalls the RISC
+output reset_o; // Resets the RISC
+// WISHBONE common signals
+input wb_rst_i; // WISHBONE reset
+input wb_clk_i; // WISHBONE clock
+// WISHBONE master interface
+output [31:0] wb_adr_o;
+output [31:0] wb_dat_o;
+input [31:0] wb_dat_i;
+output wb_cyc_o;
+output wb_stb_o;
+output [3:0] wb_sel_o;
+output wb_we_o;
+input wb_ack_i;
+output wb_cab_o;
+input wb_err_i;
+reg wb_cyc_o;
+// TAP states
+reg TestLogicReset;
+reg RunTestIdle;
+reg SelectDRScan;
+reg CaptureDR;
+reg ShiftDR;
+reg Exit1DR;
+reg PauseDR;
+reg Exit2DR;
+reg UpdateDR;
+reg SelectIRScan;
+reg CaptureIR;
+reg ShiftIR;
+reg Exit1IR;
+reg PauseIR;
+reg Exit2IR;
+reg UpdateIR;
+// Defining which instruction is selected
+reg EXTESTSelected;
+reg SAMPLE_PRELOADSelected;
+reg IDCODESelected;
+reg CHAIN_SELECTSelected;
+reg INTESTSelected;
+reg CLAMPSelected;
+reg CLAMPZSelected;
+reg HIGHZSelected;
+reg DEBUGSelected;
+reg BYPASSSelected;
+reg [31:0] ADDR;
+reg [31:0] DataOut;
+reg [`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0] opselect_o; // Operation selection (selecting what kind of data is set to the risc_data_i)
+reg [`CHAIN_ID_LENGTH-1:0] Chain; // Selected chain
+reg [31:0] DataReadLatch; // Data when reading register or RISC is latched one risc_clk_i clock after the data is read.
+reg RegAccessTck; // Indicates access to the registers (read or write)
+reg RISCAccessTck; // Indicates access to the RISC (read or write)
+reg [7:0] BitCounter; // Counting bits in the ShiftDR and Exit1DR stages
+reg RW; // Read/Write bit
+reg CrcMatch; // The crc that is shifted in and the internaly calculated crc are equal
+reg RegAccess_q; // Delayed signals used for accessing the registers
+reg RegAccess_q2; // Delayed signals used for accessing the registers
+reg RISCAccess_q; // Delayed signals used for accessing the RISC
+reg RISCAccess_q2; // Delayed signals used for accessing the RISC
+reg wb_AccessTck; // Indicates access to the WISHBONE
+reg [31:0] WBReadLatch; // Data latched during WISHBONE read
+reg WBErrorLatch; // Error latched during WISHBONE read
+wire trst; // trst is active high while trst_pad_i is active low
+reg BypassRegister; // Bypass register
+wire TCK = tck_pad_i;
+wire TMS = tms_pad_i;
+wire TDI = tdi_pad_i;
+wire [31:0] RegDataIn; // Data from registers (read data)
+wire [`CRC_LENGTH-1:0] CalculatedCrcOut; // CRC calculated in this module. This CRC is apended at the end of the TDO.
+wire RiscStall_reg; // RISC is stalled by setting the register bit
+wire RiscReset_reg; // RISC is reset by setting the register bit
+wire RiscStall_trace; // RISC is stalled by trace module
+wire RegisterScanChain; // Register Scan chain selected
+wire RiscDebugScanChain; // Risc Debug Scan chain selected
+wire WishboneScanChain; // WISHBONE Scan chain selected
+wire RiscStall_read_access; // Stalling RISC because of the read access (SPR read)
+wire RiscStall_write_access; // Stalling RISC because of the write access (SPR write)
+wire RiscStall_access; // Stalling RISC because of the read or write access
+wire BitCounter_Lt4;
+wire BitCounter_Eq5;
+wire BitCounter_Eq32;
+wire BitCounter_Lt38;
+wire BitCounter_Lt65;
+assign capture_dr_o = CaptureDR;
+assign shift_dr_o = ShiftDR;
+assign update_dr_o = UpdateDR;
+assign extest_selected_o = EXTESTSelected;
+wire BS_CHAIN_I = bs_chain_i;
+assign bs_chain_o = tdi_pad_i;
+// This signals are used only when TRACE is used in the design
+ wire [39:0] TraceChain; // Chain that comes from trace module
+ reg ReadBuffer_Tck; // Command for incrementing the trace read pointer (synchr with TCK)
+ wire ReadTraceBuffer; // Command for incrementing the trace read pointer (synchr with MClk)
+ reg ReadTraceBuffer_q; // Delayed command for incrementing the trace read pointer (synchr with MClk)
+ wire ReadTraceBufferPulse; // Pulse for reading the trace buffer (valid for only one Mclk command)
+ // Outputs from registers
+ wire ContinMode; // Trace working in continous mode
+ wire TraceEnable; // Trace enabled
+ wire [10:0] WpTrigger; // Watchpoint starts trigger
+ wire BpTrigger; // Breakpoint starts trigger
+ wire [3:0] LSSTrigger; // Load/store status starts trigger
+ wire [1:0] ITrigger; // Instruction status starts trigger
+ wire [1:0] TriggerOper; // Trigger operation
+ wire WpTriggerValid; // Watchpoint trigger is valid
+ wire BpTriggerValid; // Breakpoint trigger is valid
+ wire LSSTriggerValid; // Load/store status trigger is valid
+ wire ITriggerValid; // Instruction status trigger is valid
+ wire [10:0] WpQualif; // Watchpoint starts qualifier
+ wire BpQualif; // Breakpoint starts qualifier
+ wire [3:0] LSSQualif; // Load/store status starts qualifier
+ wire [1:0] IQualif; // Instruction status starts qualifier
+ wire [1:0] QualifOper; // Qualifier operation
+ wire WpQualifValid; // Watchpoint qualifier is valid
+ wire BpQualifValid; // Breakpoint qualifier is valid
+ wire LSSQualifValid; // Load/store status qualifier is valid
+ wire IQualifValid; // Instruction status qualifier is valid
+ wire [10:0] WpStop; // Watchpoint stops recording of the trace
+ wire BpStop; // Breakpoint stops recording of the trace
+ wire [3:0] LSSStop; // Load/store status stops recording of the trace
+ wire [1:0] IStop; // Instruction status stops recording of the trace
+ wire [1:0] StopOper; // Stop operation
+ wire WpStopValid; // Watchpoint stop is valid
+ wire BpStopValid; // Breakpoint stop is valid
+ wire LSSStopValid; // Load/store status stop is valid
+ wire IStopValid; // Instruction status stop is valid
+ wire RecordPC; // Recording program counter
+ wire RecordLSEA; // Recording load/store effective address
+ wire RecordLDATA; // Recording load data
+ wire RecordSDATA; // Recording store data
+ wire RecordReadSPR; // Recording read SPR
+ wire RecordWriteSPR; // Recording write SPR
+ wire RecordINSTR; // Recording instruction
+ // End: Outputs from registers
+ wire TraceTestScanChain; // Trace Test Scan chain selected
+ wire [47:0] Trace_Data; // Trace data
+ wire [`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0]opselect_trace;// Operation selection (trace selecting what kind of
+ // data is set to the risc_data_i)
+ wire BitCounter_Lt40;
+* *
+* Synchronizing TRST to clock signal *
+* *
+assign trst = ~trst_pad_i; // trst_pad_i is active low
+* *
+* TAP State Machine: Fully JTAG compliant *
+* *
+// TestLogicReset state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ TestLogicReset<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & (TestLogicReset | SelectIRScan))
+ TestLogicReset<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ TestLogicReset<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// RunTestIdle state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ RunTestIdle<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(~TMS & (TestLogicReset | RunTestIdle | UpdateDR | UpdateIR))
+ RunTestIdle<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ RunTestIdle<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// SelectDRScan state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ SelectDRScan<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & (RunTestIdle | UpdateDR | UpdateIR))
+ SelectDRScan<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ SelectDRScan<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// CaptureDR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ CaptureDR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(~TMS & SelectDRScan)
+ CaptureDR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ CaptureDR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// ShiftDR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ ShiftDR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(~TMS & (CaptureDR | ShiftDR | Exit2DR))
+ ShiftDR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ ShiftDR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// Exit1DR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ Exit1DR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & (CaptureDR | ShiftDR))
+ Exit1DR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ Exit1DR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// PauseDR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ PauseDR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(~TMS & (Exit1DR | PauseDR))
+ PauseDR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ PauseDR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// Exit2DR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ Exit2DR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & PauseDR)
+ Exit2DR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ Exit2DR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// UpdateDR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ UpdateDR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & (Exit1DR | Exit2DR))
+ UpdateDR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ UpdateDR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// Delayed UpdateDR state
+reg UpdateDR_q;
+always @ (posedge TCK)
+ UpdateDR_q<=#Tp UpdateDR;
+// SelectIRScan state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ SelectIRScan<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & SelectDRScan)
+ SelectIRScan<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ SelectIRScan<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// CaptureIR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ CaptureIR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(~TMS & SelectIRScan)
+ CaptureIR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ CaptureIR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// ShiftIR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ ShiftIR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(~TMS & (CaptureIR | ShiftIR | Exit2IR))
+ ShiftIR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ ShiftIR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// Exit1IR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ Exit1IR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & (CaptureIR | ShiftIR))
+ Exit1IR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ Exit1IR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// PauseIR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ PauseIR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(~TMS & (Exit1IR | PauseIR))
+ PauseIR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ PauseIR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// Exit2IR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ Exit2IR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & PauseIR)
+ Exit2IR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ Exit2IR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+// UpdateIR state
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ UpdateIR<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(TMS & (Exit1IR | Exit2IR))
+ UpdateIR<=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ UpdateIR<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+* *
+* End: TAP State Machine *
+* *
+* *
+* JTAG_IR: JTAG Instruction Register *
+* *
+wire [1:0]Status = 2'b10; // Holds current chip status. Core should return this status. For now a constant is used.
+reg [`IR_LENGTH-1:0]JTAG_IR; // Instruction register
+reg [`IR_LENGTH-1:0]LatchedJTAG_IR;
+reg TDOInstruction;
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ JTAG_IR[`IR_LENGTH-1:0] <= #Tp 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(CaptureIR)
+ begin
+ JTAG_IR[1:0] <= #Tp 2'b01; // This value is fixed for easier fault detection
+ JTAG_IR[3:2] <= #Tp Status[1:0]; // Current status of chip
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if(ShiftIR)
+ begin
+ JTAG_IR[`IR_LENGTH-1:0] <= #Tp {TDI, JTAG_IR[`IR_LENGTH-1:1]};
+ end
+ end
+ end
+//TDO is changing on the falling edge of TCK
+always @ (negedge TCK)
+ if(ShiftIR)
+ TDOInstruction <= #Tp JTAG_IR[0];
+* *
+* End: JTAG_IR *
+* *
+* *
+* JTAG_DR: JTAG Data Register *
+* *
+reg [`DR_LENGTH-1:0]JTAG_DR_IN; // Data register
+reg TDOData;
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ JTAG_DR_IN[`DR_LENGTH-1:0]<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(IDCODESelected) // To save space JTAG_DR_IN is also used for shifting out IDCODE
+ begin
+ if(ShiftDR)
+ JTAG_DR_IN[31:0] <= #Tp {TDI, JTAG_DR_IN[31:1]};
+ else
+ JTAG_DR_IN[31:0] <= #Tp `IDCODE_VALUE;
+ end
+ else
+ if(CHAIN_SELECTSelected & ShiftDR)
+ JTAG_DR_IN[12:0] <= #Tp {TDI, JTAG_DR_IN[12:1]};
+ else
+ if(DEBUGSelected & ShiftDR)
+ begin
+ if(RiscDebugScanChain | WishboneScanChain)
+ JTAG_DR_IN[73:0] <= #Tp {TDI, JTAG_DR_IN[73:1]};
+ else
+ if(RegisterScanChain)
+ JTAG_DR_IN[46:0] <= #Tp {TDI, JTAG_DR_IN[46:1]};
+ end
+wire [73:0] RISC_Data;
+wire [46:0] Register_Data;
+wire [73:0] WISHBONE_Data;
+wire [12:0] chain_sel_data;
+wire wb_Access_wbClk;
+reg select_crc_out;
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ select_crc_out <= 0;
+ else
+ if( RegisterScanChain & BitCounter_Eq5 |
+ RiscDebugScanChain & BitCounter_Eq32 |
+ WishboneScanChain & BitCounter_Eq32 )
+ select_crc_out <=#Tp TDI;
+ else
+ if(CHAIN_SELECTSelected)
+ select_crc_out <=#Tp 1;
+ else
+ if(UpdateDR)
+ select_crc_out <=#Tp 0;
+wire [8:0] send_crc;
+assign send_crc = select_crc_out? {9{BypassRegister}} : // Calculated CRC is returned when read operation is
+ {CalculatedCrcOut, 1'b0} ; // performed, else received crc is returned (loopback).
+assign RISC_Data = {send_crc, DataReadLatch, 33'h0};
+assign Register_Data = {send_crc, DataReadLatch, 6'h0};
+assign WISHBONE_Data = {send_crc, WBReadLatch, 32'h0, WBErrorLatch};
+assign chain_sel_data = {send_crc, 4'h0};
+ assign Trace_Data = {CalculatedCrcOut, TraceChain};
+//TDO is changing on the falling edge of TCK
+always @ (negedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ begin
+ TDOData <= #Tp 0;
+ ReadBuffer_Tck<=#Tp 0;
+ `endif
+ end
+ else
+ if(UpdateDR)
+ begin
+ TDOData <= #Tp CrcMatch;
+ if(DEBUGSelected & TraceTestScanChain & TraceChain[0]) // Sample in the trace buffer is valid
+ ReadBuffer_Tck<=#Tp 1; // Increment read pointer
+ `endif
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if(ShiftDR)
+ begin
+ if(IDCODESelected)
+ TDOData <= #Tp JTAG_DR_IN[0]; // IDCODE is shifted out 32-bits, then TDI is bypassed
+ else
+ if(CHAIN_SELECTSelected)
+ TDOData <= #Tp chain_sel_data[BitCounter]; // Received crc is sent back
+ else
+ if(DEBUGSelected)
+ begin
+ if(RiscDebugScanChain)
+ TDOData <= #Tp RISC_Data[BitCounter]; // Data read from RISC in the previous cycle is shifted out
+ else
+ if(RegisterScanChain)
+ TDOData <= #Tp Register_Data[BitCounter]; // Data read from register in the previous cycle is shifted out
+ else
+ if(WishboneScanChain)
+ TDOData <= #Tp WISHBONE_Data[BitCounter]; // Data read from the WISHBONE slave
+ else
+ if(TraceTestScanChain)
+ TDOData <= #Tp Trace_Data[BitCounter]; // Data from the trace buffer is shifted out
+ `endif
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TDOData <= #Tp 0;
+ ReadBuffer_Tck<=#Tp 0;
+ `endif
+ end
+ end
+* *
+* End: JTAG_DR *
+* *
+* *
+* CHAIN_SELECT logic *
+* *
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ Chain[`CHAIN_ID_LENGTH-1:0]<=#Tp `GLOBAL_BS_CHAIN; // Global BS chain is selected after reset
+ else
+ if(UpdateDR & CHAIN_SELECTSelected & CrcMatch)
+ Chain[`CHAIN_ID_LENGTH-1:0]<=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[3:0]; // New chain is selected
+* *
+* Register read/write logic *
+* RISC registers read/write logic *
+* *
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ begin
+ ADDR[31:0] <=#Tp 32'h0;
+ DataOut[31:0] <=#Tp 32'h0;
+ RW <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ RegAccessTck <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ RISCAccessTck <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ wb_AccessTck <=#Tp 1'h0;
+ end
+ else
+ if(UpdateDR & DEBUGSelected & CrcMatch)
+ begin
+ if(RegisterScanChain)
+ begin
+ ADDR[4:0] <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[4:0]; // Latching address for register access
+ RW <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[5]; // latch R/W bit
+ DataOut[31:0] <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[37:6]; // latch data for write
+ RegAccessTck <=#Tp 1'b1;
+ end
+ else
+ if(RiscDebugScanChain)
+ begin
+ ADDR[31:0] <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[31:0]; // Latching address for RISC register access
+ RW <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[32]; // latch R/W bit
+ DataOut[31:0] <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[64:33]; // latch data for write
+ RISCAccessTck <=#Tp 1'b1;
+ end
+ else
+ if(WishboneScanChain)
+ begin
+ ADDR <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[31:0]; // Latching address for WISHBONE slave access
+ RW <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[32]; // latch R/W bit
+ DataOut <=#Tp JTAG_DR_IN[64:33]; // latch data for write
+ wb_AccessTck <=#Tp 1'b1; //
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ RegAccessTck <=#Tp 1'b0; // This signals are valid for one TCK clock period only
+ RISCAccessTck <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ wb_AccessTck <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ end
+assign wb_adr_o = ADDR;
+assign wb_we_o = RW;
+assign wb_dat_o = DataOut;
+assign wb_sel_o[3:0] = 4'hf;
+assign wb_cab_o = 1'b0;
+// Synchronizing the RegAccess signal to risc_clk_i clock
+dbg_sync_clk1_clk2 syn1 (.clk1(risc_clk_i), .clk2(TCK), .reset1(wb_rst_i), .reset2(trst),
+ .set2(RegAccessTck), .sync_out(RegAccess)
+ );
+// Synchronizing the RISCAccess signal to risc_clk_i clock
+dbg_sync_clk1_clk2 syn2 (.clk1(risc_clk_i), .clk2(TCK), .reset1(wb_rst_i), .reset2(trst),
+ .set2(RISCAccessTck), .sync_out(RISCAccess)
+ );
+// Synchronizing the wb_Access signal to wishbone clock
+dbg_sync_clk1_clk2 syn3 (.clk1(wb_clk_i), .clk2(TCK), .reset1(wb_rst_i), .reset2(trst),
+ .set2(wb_AccessTck), .sync_out(wb_Access_wbClk)
+ );
+// Delayed signals used for accessing registers and RISC
+always @ (posedge risc_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
+ if(wb_rst_i)
+ begin
+ RegAccess_q <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ RegAccess_q2 <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ RISCAccess_q <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ RISCAccess_q2 <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ RegAccess_q <=#Tp RegAccess;
+ RegAccess_q2 <=#Tp RegAccess_q;
+ RISCAccess_q <=#Tp RISCAccess;
+ RISCAccess_q2 <=#Tp RISCAccess_q;
+ end
+// Chip select and read/write signals for accessing RISC
+assign RiscStall_write_access = RISCAccess & ~RISCAccess_q & RW;
+assign RiscStall_read_access = RISCAccess & ~RISCAccess_q2 & ~RW;
+assign RiscStall_access = RiscStall_write_access | RiscStall_read_access;
+reg wb_Access_wbClk_q;
+// Delayed signals used for accessing WISHBONE
+always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
+ if(wb_rst_i)
+ wb_Access_wbClk_q <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ else
+ wb_Access_wbClk_q <=#Tp wb_Access_wbClk;
+always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
+ if(wb_rst_i)
+ wb_cyc_o <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ else
+ if(wb_Access_wbClk & ~wb_Access_wbClk_q & ~(wb_ack_i | wb_err_i))
+ wb_cyc_o <=#Tp 1'b1;
+ else
+ if(wb_ack_i | wb_err_i)
+ wb_cyc_o <=#Tp 1'b0;
+assign wb_stb_o = wb_cyc_o;
+// Latching data read from registers
+always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
+ if(wb_rst_i)
+ WBReadLatch[31:0]<=#Tp 32'h0;
+ else
+ if(wb_ack_i)
+ WBReadLatch[31:0]<=#Tp wb_dat_i[31:0];
+// Latching WISHBONE error cycle
+always @ (posedge wb_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
+ if(wb_rst_i)
+ WBErrorLatch<=#Tp 1'b0;
+ else
+ if(wb_err_i)
+ WBErrorLatch<=#Tp 1'b1; // Latching wb_err_i while performing WISHBONE access
+ else
+ if(wb_ack_i)
+ WBErrorLatch<=#Tp 1'b0; // Clearing status
+// Whan enabled, TRACE stalls RISC while saving data to the trace buffer.
+ assign risc_stall_o = RiscStall_access | RiscStall_reg | RiscStall_trace ;
+ assign risc_stall_o = RiscStall_access | RiscStall_reg;
+assign reset_o = RiscReset_reg;
+always @ (RiscStall_write_access or RiscStall_read_access or opselect_trace)
+always @ (RiscStall_write_access or RiscStall_read_access)
+ if(RiscStall_write_access)
+ opselect_o = `DEBUG_WRITE_SPR; // Write spr
+ else
+ if(RiscStall_read_access)
+ opselect_o = `DEBUG_READ_SPR; // Read spr
+ else
+ opselect_o = opselect_trace;
+ opselect_o = 3'h0;
+// Latching data read from RISC or registers
+always @ (posedge risc_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
+ if(wb_rst_i)
+ DataReadLatch[31:0]<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(RISCAccess_q & ~RISCAccess_q2)
+ DataReadLatch[31:0]<=#Tp risc_data_i[31:0];
+ else
+ if(RegAccess_q & ~RegAccess_q2)
+ DataReadLatch[31:0]<=#Tp RegDataIn[31:0];
+assign risc_addr_o = ADDR;
+assign risc_data_o = DataOut;
+* *
+* Read Trace buffer logic *
+* *
+// Synchronizing the trace read buffer signal to risc_clk_i clock
+dbg_sync_clk1_clk2 syn4 (.clk1(risc_clk_i), .clk2(TCK), .reset1(wb_rst_i), .reset2(trst),
+ .set2(ReadBuffer_Tck), .sync_out(ReadTraceBuffer)
+ );
+ always @(posedge risc_clk_i or posedge wb_rst_i)
+ begin
+ if(wb_rst_i)
+ ReadTraceBuffer_q <=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ ReadTraceBuffer_q <=#Tp ReadTraceBuffer;
+ end
+ assign ReadTraceBufferPulse = ReadTraceBuffer & ~ReadTraceBuffer_q;
+* *
+* End: Read Trace buffer logic *
+* *
+* *
+* Bypass logic *
+* *
+reg TDOBypassed;
+always @ (posedge TCK)
+ if(ShiftDR)
+ BypassRegister<=#Tp TDI;
+always @ (negedge TCK)
+ TDOBypassed<=#Tp BypassRegister;
+* *
+* End: Bypass logic *
+* *
+* *
+* Activating Instructions *
+* *
+// Updating JTAG_IR (Instruction Register)
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ LatchedJTAG_IR <=#Tp `IDCODE; // IDCODE selected after reset
+ else
+ if(UpdateIR)
+ LatchedJTAG_IR <=#Tp JTAG_IR;
+// Updating JTAG_IR (Instruction Register)
+always @ (LatchedJTAG_IR)
+ EXTESTSelected = 0;
+ SAMPLE_PRELOADSelected = 0;
+ IDCODESelected = 0;
+ CHAIN_SELECTSelected = 0;
+ INTESTSelected = 0;
+ CLAMPSelected = 0;
+ CLAMPZSelected = 0;
+ HIGHZSelected = 0;
+ DEBUGSelected = 0;
+ BYPASSSelected = 0;
+ case(LatchedJTAG_IR)
+ `EXTEST: EXTESTSelected = 1; // External test
+ `SAMPLE_PRELOAD: SAMPLE_PRELOADSelected = 1; // Sample preload
+ `IDCODE: IDCODESelected = 1; // ID Code
+ `CHAIN_SELECT: CHAIN_SELECTSelected = 1; // Chain select
+ `INTEST: INTESTSelected = 1; // Internal test
+ `CLAMP: CLAMPSelected = 1; // Clamp
+ `CLAMPZ: CLAMPZSelected = 1; // ClampZ
+ `HIGHZ: HIGHZSelected = 1; // High Z
+ `DEBUG: DEBUGSelected = 1; // Debug
+ `BYPASS: BYPASSSelected = 1; // BYPASS
+ default: BYPASSSelected = 1; // BYPASS
+ endcase
+* *
+* Multiplexing TDO and Tristate control *
+* *
+wire TDOShifted;
+assign TDOShifted = (ShiftIR | Exit1IR)? TDOInstruction : TDOData;
+* *
+* End: Multiplexing TDO and Tristate control *
+* *
+// This multiplexer can be expanded with number of user registers
+reg TDOMuxed;
+//always @ (JTAG_IR or TDOShifted or TDOBypassed or BS_CHAIN_I)
+always @ (LatchedJTAG_IR or TDOShifted or TDOBypassed or BS_CHAIN_I)
+ case(JTAG_IR)
+ `IDCODE: // Reading ID code
+ begin
+ TDOMuxed<=#Tp TDOShifted;
+ end
+ `CHAIN_SELECT: // Selecting the chain
+ begin
+ TDOMuxed<=#Tp TDOShifted;
+ end
+ `DEBUG: // Debug
+ begin
+ TDOMuxed<=#Tp TDOShifted;
+ end
+ `SAMPLE_PRELOAD: // Sampling/Preloading
+ begin
+ TDOMuxed<=#Tp BS_CHAIN_I;
+ end
+ `EXTEST: // External test
+ begin
+ TDOMuxed<=#Tp BS_CHAIN_I;
+ end
+ default: // BYPASS instruction
+ begin
+ TDOMuxed<=#Tp TDOBypassed;
+ end
+ endcase
+// Tristate control for tdo_pad_o pin
+//assign tdo_pad_o = (ShiftIR | ShiftDR | Exit1IR | Exit1DR | UpdateDR)? TDOMuxed : 1'bz;
+assign tdo_pad_o = TDOMuxed;
+assign tdo_padoen_o = ShiftIR | ShiftDR | Exit1IR | Exit1DR | UpdateDR;
+* *
+* End: Activating Instructions *
+* *
+* *
+* Bit counter *
+* *
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ BitCounter[7:0]<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(ShiftDR)
+ BitCounter[7:0]<=#Tp BitCounter[7:0]+1;
+ else
+ if(UpdateDR)
+ BitCounter[7:0]<=#Tp 0;
+* *
+* End: Bit counter *
+* *
+* *
+* Connecting Registers *
+* *
+dbg_registers dbgregs(.DataIn(DataOut[31:0]), .DataOut(RegDataIn[31:0]),
+ .Address(ADDR[4:0]), .RW(RW), .Access(RegAccess & ~RegAccess_q), .Clk(risc_clk_i),
+ .Bp(bp_i), .Reset(wb_rst_i),
+ .ContinMode(ContinMode), .TraceEnable(TraceEnable),
+ .WpTrigger(WpTrigger), .BpTrigger(BpTrigger), .LSSTrigger(LSSTrigger),
+ .ITrigger(ITrigger), .TriggerOper(TriggerOper), .WpQualif(WpQualif),
+ .BpQualif(BpQualif), .LSSQualif(LSSQualif), .IQualif(IQualif),
+ .QualifOper(QualifOper), .RecordPC(RecordPC),
+ .RecordLSEA(RecordLSEA), .RecordLDATA(RecordLDATA),
+ .RecordSDATA(RecordSDATA), .RecordReadSPR(RecordReadSPR),
+ .RecordWriteSPR(RecordWriteSPR), .RecordINSTR(RecordINSTR),
+ .WpTriggerValid(WpTriggerValid),
+ .BpTriggerValid(BpTriggerValid), .LSSTriggerValid(LSSTriggerValid),
+ .ITriggerValid(ITriggerValid), .WpQualifValid(WpQualifValid),
+ .BpQualifValid(BpQualifValid), .LSSQualifValid(LSSQualifValid),
+ .IQualifValid(IQualifValid),
+ .WpStop(WpStop), .BpStop(BpStop), .LSSStop(LSSStop), .IStop(IStop),
+ .StopOper(StopOper), .WpStopValid(WpStopValid), .BpStopValid(BpStopValid),
+ .LSSStopValid(LSSStopValid), .IStopValid(IStopValid),
+ `endif
+ .RiscStall(RiscStall_reg), .RiscReset(RiscReset_reg)
+ );
+* *
+* End: Connecting Registers *
+* *
+* *
+* Connecting CRC module *
+* *
+wire AsyncResetCrc = trst;
+wire SyncResetCrc = UpdateDR_q;
+wire [7:0] CalculatedCrcIn; // crc calculated from the input data (shifted in)
+assign BitCounter_Lt4 = BitCounter<4;
+assign BitCounter_Eq5 = BitCounter==5;
+assign BitCounter_Eq32 = BitCounter==32;
+assign BitCounter_Lt38 = BitCounter<38;
+assign BitCounter_Lt65 = BitCounter<65;
+ assign BitCounter_Lt40 = BitCounter<40;
+wire EnableCrcIn = ShiftDR &
+ ( (CHAIN_SELECTSelected & BitCounter_Lt4) |
+ ((DEBUGSelected & RegisterScanChain) & BitCounter_Lt38)|
+ ((DEBUGSelected & RiscDebugScanChain) & BitCounter_Lt65)|
+ ((DEBUGSelected & WishboneScanChain) & BitCounter_Lt65)
+ );
+wire EnableCrcOut= ShiftDR &
+ (
+ ((DEBUGSelected & RegisterScanChain) & BitCounter_Lt38)|
+ ((DEBUGSelected & RiscDebugScanChain) & BitCounter_Lt65)|
+ ((DEBUGSelected & WishboneScanChain) & BitCounter_Lt65)
+ |
+ ((DEBUGSelected & TraceTestScanChain) & BitCounter_Lt40)
+ `endif
+ );
+// Calculating crc for input data
+dbg_crc8_d1 crc1 (.Data(TDI), .EnableCrc(EnableCrcIn), .Reset(AsyncResetCrc), .SyncResetCrc(SyncResetCrc),
+ .CrcOut(CalculatedCrcIn), .Clk(TCK));
+// Calculating crc for output data
+dbg_crc8_d1 crc2 (.Data(TDOData), .EnableCrc(EnableCrcOut), .Reset(AsyncResetCrc), .SyncResetCrc(SyncResetCrc),
+ .CrcOut(CalculatedCrcOut), .Clk(TCK));
+// Generating CrcMatch signal
+always @ (posedge TCK or posedge trst)
+ if(trst)
+ CrcMatch <=#Tp 1'b0;
+ else
+ if(Exit1DR)
+ begin
+ if(CHAIN_SELECTSelected)
+ CrcMatch <=#Tp CalculatedCrcIn == JTAG_DR_IN[11:4];
+ else
+ begin
+ if(RegisterScanChain)
+ CrcMatch <=#Tp CalculatedCrcIn == JTAG_DR_IN[45:38];
+ else
+ if(RiscDebugScanChain)
+ CrcMatch <=#Tp CalculatedCrcIn == JTAG_DR_IN[72:65];
+ else
+ if(WishboneScanChain)
+ CrcMatch <=#Tp CalculatedCrcIn == JTAG_DR_IN[72:65];
+ end
+ end
+// Active chain
+assign RegisterScanChain = Chain == `REGISTER_SCAN_CHAIN;
+assign RiscDebugScanChain = Chain == `RISC_DEBUG_CHAIN;
+assign WishboneScanChain = Chain == `WISHBONE_SCAN_CHAIN;
+ assign TraceTestScanChain = Chain == `TRACE_TEST_CHAIN;
+* *
+* End: Connecting CRC module *
+* *
+* *
+* Connecting trace module *
+* *
+ dbg_trace dbgTrace1(.Wp(wp_i), .Bp(bp_i), .DataIn(risc_data_i), .OpSelect(opselect_trace),
+ .LsStatus(lsstatus_i), .IStatus(istatus_i), .RiscStall_O(RiscStall_trace),
+ .Mclk(risc_clk_i), .Reset(wb_rst_i), .TraceChain(TraceChain),
+ .ContinMode(ContinMode), .TraceEnable_reg(TraceEnable),
+ .WpTrigger(WpTrigger),
+ .BpTrigger(BpTrigger), .LSSTrigger(LSSTrigger), .ITrigger(ITrigger),
+ .TriggerOper(TriggerOper), .WpQualif(WpQualif), .BpQualif(BpQualif),
+ .LSSQualif(LSSQualif), .IQualif(IQualif), .QualifOper(QualifOper),
+ .RecordPC(RecordPC), .RecordLSEA(RecordLSEA),
+ .RecordLDATA(RecordLDATA), .RecordSDATA(RecordSDATA),
+ .RecordReadSPR(RecordReadSPR), .RecordWriteSPR(RecordWriteSPR),
+ .RecordINSTR(RecordINSTR),
+ .WpTriggerValid(WpTriggerValid), .BpTriggerValid(BpTriggerValid),
+ .LSSTriggerValid(LSSTriggerValid), .ITriggerValid(ITriggerValid),
+ .WpQualifValid(WpQualifValid), .BpQualifValid(BpQualifValid),
+ .LSSQualifValid(LSSQualifValid), .IQualifValid(IQualifValid),
+ .ReadBuffer(ReadTraceBufferPulse),
+ .WpStop(WpStop), .BpStop(BpStop), .LSSStop(LSSStop), .IStop(IStop),
+ .StopOper(StopOper), .WpStopValid(WpStopValid), .BpStopValid(BpStopValid),
+ .LSSStopValid(LSSStopValid), .IStopValid(IStopValid)
+ );
+* *
+* End: Connecting trace module *
+* *
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: dbg_crc8_d1.v
--- dbg_crc8_d1.v (nonexistent)
+++ dbg_crc8_d1.v (revision 1765)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+//// ////
+//// dbg_crc8_d1 crc1.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor ////
+//// igorm@opencores.org ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
+//// file. ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+// Revision 1.5 2001/12/06 10:01:57 mohor
+// Warnings from synthesys tools fixed.
+// Revision 1.4 2001/11/26 10:47:09 mohor
+// Crc generation is different for read or write commands. Small synthesys fixes.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/10/19 11:40:02 mohor
+// dbg_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done for the simulation of
+// few different cores in a single project.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/09/20 10:11:25 mohor
+// Working version. Few bugs fixed, comments added.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/06/01 22:22:36 mohor
+// This is a backup. It is not a fully working version. Not for use, yet.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/05/18 13:10:00 mohor
+// Headers changed. All additional information is now avaliable in the README.txt file.
+// Revision 2001/05/18 06:35:03 mohor
+// Initial release
+// File: CRC8_D1.v
+// Date: Fri Apr 27 20:56:55 2001
+// Copyright (C) 1999 Easics NV.
+// This source file may be used and distributed without restriction
+// provided that this copyright statement is not removed from the file
+// and that any derivative work contains the original copyright notice
+// and the associated disclaimer.
+// Purpose: Verilog module containing a synthesizable CRC function
+// * polynomial: (0 1 2 8)
+// * data width: 1
+// Info: jand@easics.be (Jan Decaluwe)
+// http://www.easics.com
+// synopsys translate_off
+`include "timescale.v"
+// synopsys translate_on
+`include "dbg_defines.v"
+module dbg_crc8_d1 (Data, EnableCrc, Reset, SyncResetCrc, CrcOut, Clk);
+parameter Tp = 1;
+input Data;
+input EnableCrc;
+input Reset;
+input SyncResetCrc;
+input Clk;
+output [7:0] CrcOut;
+reg [7:0] CrcOut;
+// polynomial: (0 1 2 8)
+// data width: 1
+function [7:0] nextCRC8_D1;
+ input Data;
+ input [7:0] Crc;
+ reg [0:0] D;
+ reg [7:0] C;
+ reg [7:0] NewCRC;
+ begin
+ D[0] = Data;
+ C = Crc;
+ NewCRC[0] = D[0] ^ C[7];
+ NewCRC[1] = D[0] ^ C[0] ^ C[7];
+ NewCRC[2] = D[0] ^ C[1] ^ C[7];
+ NewCRC[3] = C[2];
+ NewCRC[4] = C[3];
+ NewCRC[5] = C[4];
+ NewCRC[6] = C[5];
+ NewCRC[7] = C[6];
+ nextCRC8_D1 = NewCRC;
+ end
+always @ (posedge Clk or posedge Reset)
+ if(Reset)
+ CrcOut[7:0] <= #Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(SyncResetCrc)
+ CrcOut[7:0] <= #Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(EnableCrc)
+ CrcOut[7:0] <= #Tp nextCRC8_D1(Data, CrcOut);
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: dbg_register.v
--- dbg_register.v (nonexistent)
+++ dbg_register.v (revision 1765)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+//// ////
+//// dbg_register.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor ////
+//// igorm@opencores.org ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
+//// file. ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+// Revision 1.3 2001/11/26 10:47:09 mohor
+// Crc generation is different for read or write commands. Small synthesys fixes.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/10/19 11:40:02 mohor
+// dbg_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done for the simulation of
+// few different cores in a single project.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+// synopsys translate_off
+`include "timescale.v"
+// synopsys translate_on
+module dbg_register(DataIn, DataOut, Write, Clk, Reset, Default);
+parameter WIDTH = 8; // default parameter of the register width
+input [WIDTH-1:0] DataIn;
+input Write;
+input Clk;
+input Reset;
+input [WIDTH-1:0] Default;
+output [WIDTH-1:0] DataOut;
+reg [WIDTH-1:0] DataOut;
+//always @ (posedge Clk or posedge Reset)
+always @ (posedge Clk)
+ if(Reset)
+ DataOut[WIDTH-1:0]<=#1 Default;
+ else
+ begin
+ if(Write) // write
+ DataOut[WIDTH-1:0]<=#1 DataIn[WIDTH-1:0];
+ end
+endmodule // Register
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: dbg_registers.v
--- dbg_registers.v (nonexistent)
+++ dbg_registers.v (revision 1765)
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+//// ////
+//// dbg_registers.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor ////
+//// igorm@opencores.org ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
+//// file. ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+// Revision 1.5 2001/11/26 10:47:09 mohor
+// Crc generation is different for read or write commands. Small synthesys fixes.
+// Revision 1.4 2001/10/19 11:40:02 mohor
+// dbg_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done for the simulation of
+// few different cores in a single project.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/10/15 09:55:47 mohor
+// Wishbone interface added, few fixes for better performance,
+// hooks for boundary scan testing added.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/09/18 14:13:47 mohor
+// Trace fixed. Some registers changed, trace simplified.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/06/01 22:22:35 mohor
+// This is a backup. It is not a fully working version. Not for use, yet.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/05/18 13:10:00 mohor
+// Headers changed. All additional information is now avaliable in the README.txt file.
+// Revision 2001/05/18 06:35:10 mohor
+// Initial release
+// synopsys translate_off
+`include "timescale.v"
+// synopsys translate_on
+`include "dbg_defines.v"
+module dbg_registers(DataIn, DataOut, Address, RW, Access, Clk, Bp, Reset,
+ ContinMode,
+ TraceEnable, WpTrigger, BpTrigger, LSSTrigger,
+ ITrigger, TriggerOper, WpQualif, BpQualif, LSSQualif, IQualif,
+ QualifOper, RecordPC, RecordLSEA, RecordLDATA,
+ RecordSDATA, RecordReadSPR, RecordWriteSPR, RecordINSTR,
+ WpTriggerValid, BpTriggerValid, LSSTriggerValid, ITriggerValid,
+ WpQualifValid, BpQualifValid, LSSQualifValid, IQualifValid,
+ WpStop, BpStop, LSSStop, IStop, StopOper, WpStopValid, BpStopValid,
+ LSSStopValid, IStopValid,
+ `endif
+ RiscStall, RiscReset
+ );
+parameter Tp = 1;
+input [31:0] DataIn;
+input [4:0] Address;
+input RW;
+input Access;
+input Clk;
+input Bp;
+input Reset;
+output [31:0] DataOut;
+reg [31:0] DataOut;
+ output ContinMode;
+ output TraceEnable;
+ output [10:0] WpTrigger;
+ output BpTrigger;
+ output [3:0] LSSTrigger;
+ output [1:0] ITrigger;
+ output [1:0] TriggerOper;
+ output WpTriggerValid;
+ output BpTriggerValid;
+ output LSSTriggerValid;
+ output ITriggerValid;
+ output [10:0] WpQualif;
+ output BpQualif;
+ output [3:0] LSSQualif;
+ output [1:0] IQualif;
+ output [1:0] QualifOper;
+ output WpQualifValid;
+ output BpQualifValid;
+ output LSSQualifValid;
+ output IQualifValid;
+ output [10:0] WpStop;
+ output BpStop;
+ output [3:0] LSSStop;
+ output [1:0] IStop;
+ output [1:0] StopOper;
+ output WpStopValid;
+ output BpStopValid;
+ output LSSStopValid;
+ output IStopValid;
+ output RecordPC;
+ output RecordLSEA;
+ output RecordLDATA;
+ output RecordSDATA;
+ output RecordReadSPR;
+ output RecordWriteSPR;
+ output RecordINSTR;
+ output RiscStall;
+ output RiscReset;
+ wire MODER_Acc = (Address == `MODER_ADR) & Access;
+ wire RISCOP_Acc = (Address == `RISCOP_ADR) & Access;
+ wire TSEL_Acc = (Address == `TSEL_ADR) & Access;
+ wire QSEL_Acc = (Address == `QSEL_ADR) & Access;
+ wire SSEL_Acc = (Address == `SSEL_ADR) & Access;
+ wire RECSEL_Acc = (Address == `RECSEL_ADR) & Access;
+ wire MODER_Wr = MODER_Acc & RW;
+ wire RISCOP_Wr = RISCOP_Acc & RW;
+ wire TSEL_Wr = TSEL_Acc & RW;
+ wire QSEL_Wr = QSEL_Acc & RW;
+ wire SSEL_Wr = SSEL_Acc & RW;
+ wire RECSEL_Wr = RECSEL_Acc & RW;
+ wire MODER_Rd = MODER_Acc & ~RW;
+ wire RISCOP_Rd = RISCOP_Acc & ~RW;
+ wire TSEL_Rd = TSEL_Acc & ~RW;
+ wire QSEL_Rd = QSEL_Acc & ~RW;
+ wire SSEL_Rd = SSEL_Acc & ~RW;
+ wire RECSEL_Rd = RECSEL_Acc & ~RW;
+ wire [31:0] MODEROut;
+ wire [1:1] RISCOPOut;
+ wire [31:0] TSELOut;
+ wire [31:0] QSELOut;
+ wire [31:0] SSELOut;
+ wire [6:0] RECSELOut;
+ assign MODEROut[15:0] = 16'h0001;
+ assign MODEROut[31:18] = 14'h0;
+ assign MODEROut[31:0] = 32'h0000;
+ reg RiscStallBp;
+ always @(posedge Clk or posedge Reset)
+ begin
+ if(Reset)
+ RiscStallBp <= 1'b0;
+ else
+ if(Bp) // Breakpoint sets bit
+ RiscStallBp <= 1'b1;
+ else
+ if(RISCOP_Wr) // Register access can set or clear bit
+ RiscStallBp <= DataIn[0];
+ end
+ dbg_register #(1) RISCOP (.DataIn(DataIn[1]), .DataOut(RISCOPOut[1]), .Write(RISCOP_Wr), .Clk(Clk), .Reset(Reset), .Default(1'b0));
+ dbg_register #(2) MODER (.DataIn(DataIn[17:16]), .DataOut(MODEROut[17:16]), .Write(MODER_Wr), .Clk(Clk), .Reset(Reset), .Default(`MODER_DEF));
+ dbg_register #(32) TSEL (.DataIn(DataIn), .DataOut(TSELOut), .Write(TSEL_Wr), .Clk(Clk), .Reset(Reset), .Default(`TSEL_DEF));
+ dbg_register #(32) QSEL (.DataIn(DataIn), .DataOut(QSELOut), .Write(QSEL_Wr), .Clk(Clk), .Reset(Reset), .Default(`QSEL_DEF));
+ dbg_register #(32) SSEL (.DataIn(DataIn), .DataOut(SSELOut), .Write(SSEL_Wr), .Clk(Clk), .Reset(Reset), .Default(`SSEL_DEF));
+ dbg_register #(7) RECSEL (.DataIn(DataIn[6:0]), .DataOut(RECSELOut), .Write(RECSEL_Wr), .Clk(Clk), .Reset(Reset), .Default(`RECSEL_DEF));
+always @ (posedge Clk)
+ if(MODER_Rd) DataOut<= #Tp MODEROut;
+ else
+ if(RISCOP_Rd) DataOut<= #Tp {30'h0, RISCOPOut[1], RiscStall};
+ else
+ if(TSEL_Rd) DataOut<= #Tp TSELOut;
+ else
+ if(QSEL_Rd) DataOut<= #Tp QSELOut;
+ else
+ if(SSEL_Rd) DataOut<= #Tp SSELOut;
+ else
+ if(RECSEL_Rd) DataOut<= #Tp {25'h0, RECSELOut};
+ else DataOut<= #Tp 'h0;
+ assign TraceEnable = MODEROut[16];
+ assign ContinMode = MODEROut[17];
+ assign WpTrigger[10:0] = TSELOut[10:0];
+ assign WpTriggerValid = TSELOut[11];
+ assign BpTrigger = TSELOut[12];
+ assign BpTriggerValid = TSELOut[13];
+ assign LSSTrigger[3:0] = TSELOut[19:16];
+ assign LSSTriggerValid = TSELOut[20];
+ assign ITrigger[1:0] = TSELOut[22:21];
+ assign ITriggerValid = TSELOut[23];
+ assign TriggerOper[1:0] = TSELOut[31:30];
+ assign WpQualif[10:0] = QSELOut[10:0];
+ assign WpQualifValid = QSELOut[11];
+ assign BpQualif = QSELOut[12];
+ assign BpQualifValid = QSELOut[13];
+ assign LSSQualif[3:0] = QSELOut[19:16];
+ assign LSSQualifValid = QSELOut[20];
+ assign IQualif[1:0] = QSELOut[22:21];
+ assign IQualifValid = QSELOut[23];
+ assign QualifOper[1:0] = QSELOut[31:30];
+ assign WpStop[10:0] = SSELOut[10:0];
+ assign WpStopValid = SSELOut[11];
+ assign BpStop = SSELOut[12];
+ assign BpStopValid = SSELOut[13];
+ assign LSSStop[3:0] = SSELOut[19:16];
+ assign LSSStopValid = SSELOut[20];
+ assign IStop[1:0] = SSELOut[22:21];
+ assign IStopValid = SSELOut[23];
+ assign StopOper[1:0] = SSELOut[31:30];
+ assign RecordPC = RECSELOut[0];
+ assign RecordLSEA = RECSELOut[1];
+ assign RecordLDATA = RECSELOut[2];
+ assign RecordSDATA = RECSELOut[3];
+ assign RecordReadSPR = RECSELOut[4];
+ assign RecordWriteSPR = RECSELOut[5];
+ assign RecordINSTR = RECSELOut[6];
+ assign RiscStall = Bp | RiscStallBp; // Bp asynchronously sets the RiscStall, then RiscStallBp (from register) holds it active
+ assign RiscReset = RISCOPOut[1];
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: timescale.v
--- timescale.v (nonexistent)
+++ timescale.v (revision 1765)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+//// ////
+//// timescale.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor ////
+//// igorm@opencores.org ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
+//// file. ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+// Revision 1.1 2001/10/19 11:40:01 mohor
+// dbg_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done for the simulation of
+// few different cores in a single project.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+`timescale 1ns / 1ns
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: dbg_defines.v
--- dbg_defines.v (nonexistent)
+++ dbg_defines.v (revision 1765)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+//// ////
+//// dbg_defines.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor ////
+//// igorm@opencores.org ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
+//// file. ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+// Revision 1.8 2002/01/25 07:58:34 mohor
+// IDCODE bug fixed, chains reused to decreas size of core. Data is shifted-in
+// not filled-in. Tested in hw.
+// Revision 1.7 2001/12/06 10:08:06 mohor
+// Warnings from synthesys tools fixed.
+// Revision 1.6 2001/11/28 09:38:30 mohor
+// Trace disabled by default.
+// Revision 1.5 2001/10/15 09:55:47 mohor
+// Wishbone interface added, few fixes for better performance,
+// hooks for boundary scan testing added.
+// Revision 1.4 2001/09/24 14:06:42 mohor
+// Changes connected to the OpenRISC access (SPR read, SPR write).
+// Revision 1.3 2001/09/20 10:11:25 mohor
+// Working version. Few bugs fixed, comments added.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/09/18 14:13:47 mohor
+// Trace fixed. Some registers changed, trace simplified.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/06/01 22:22:35 mohor
+// This is a backup. It is not a fully working version. Not for use, yet.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/05/18 13:10:00 mohor
+// Headers changed. All additional information is now avaliable in the README.txt file.
+// Revision 2001/05/18 06:35:08 mohor
+// Initial release
+// Enable TRACE
+//`define TRACE_ENABLED // Uncomment this define to activate the trace
+// Define IDCODE Value
+`define IDCODE_VALUE 32'hdeadbeef
+// Define master clock (RISC clock)
+//`define RISC_CLOCK 50 // Half period = 50 ns => MCLK = 10 Mhz
+`define RISC_CLOCK 2.5 // Half period = 5 ns => MCLK = 200 Mhz
+// Length of the Instruction register
+`define IR_LENGTH 4
+// Length of the Data register (must be equal to the longest scan chain for shifting the data in)
+`define DR_LENGTH 74
+// Length of the CHAIN ID register
+`define CHAIN_ID_LENGTH 4
+// Length of the CRC
+`define CRC_LENGTH 8
+// Trace buffer size and counter and write/read pointer width. This can be expanded when more RAM is avaliable
+`define TRACEBUFFERLENGTH 32 // 2^5
+// OpSelect width
+// OpSelect (dbg_op_i) signal meaning
+`define DEBUG_READ_PC 0
+`define DEBUG_READ_LSEA 1
+`define DEBUG_READ_SPR 4
+`define DEBUG_WRITE_SPR 5
+//`define Reserved 7
+// Supported Instructions
+`define EXTEST 4'b0000
+`define SAMPLE_PRELOAD 4'b0001
+`define IDCODE 4'b0010
+`define CHAIN_SELECT 4'b0011
+`define INTEST 4'b0100
+`define CLAMP 4'b0101
+`define CLAMPZ 4'b0110
+`define HIGHZ 4'b0111
+`define DEBUG 4'b1000
+`define BYPASS 4'b1111
+// Chains
+`define GLOBAL_BS_CHAIN 4'b0000
+`define RISC_DEBUG_CHAIN 4'b0001
+`define RISC_TEST_CHAIN 4'b0010
+`define TRACE_TEST_CHAIN 4'b0011
+`define REGISTER_SCAN_CHAIN 4'b0100
+`define WISHBONE_SCAN_CHAIN 4'b0101
+// Registers addresses
+`define MODER_ADR 5'h00
+`define TSEL_ADR 5'h01
+`define QSEL_ADR 5'h02
+`define SSEL_ADR 5'h03
+`define RISCOP_ADR 5'h04
+`define RECSEL_ADR 5'h10
+// Registers default values (after reset)
+`define MODER_DEF 2'h0
+`define TSEL_DEF 32'h00000000
+`define QSEL_DEF 32'h00000000
+`define SSEL_DEF 32'h00000000
+`define RISCOP_DEF 2'h0
+`define RECSEL_DEF 7'h0
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Index: dbg_trace.v
--- dbg_trace.v (nonexistent)
+++ dbg_trace.v (revision 1765)
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+//// ////
+//// dbg_trace.v ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// This file is part of the SoC/OpenRISC Development Interface ////
+//// http://www.opencores.org/cores/DebugInterface/ ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Author(s): ////
+//// Igor Mohor ////
+//// igorm@opencores.org ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// All additional information is avaliable in the README.txt ////
+//// file. ////
+//// ////
+//// ////
+//// Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Authors ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
+//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
+//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
+//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
+//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
+//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
+//// later version. ////
+//// ////
+//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
+//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
+//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
+//// details. ////
+//// ////
+//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
+//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
+//// from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml ////
+//// ////
+// CVS Revision History
+// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+// Revision 1.6 2001/11/26 10:47:09 mohor
+// Crc generation is different for read or write commands. Small synthesys fixes.
+// Revision 1.5 2001/10/19 11:40:01 mohor
+// dbg_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done for the simulation of
+// few different cores in a single project.
+// Revision 1.4 2001/09/20 10:11:25 mohor
+// Working version. Few bugs fixed, comments added.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/09/19 11:55:13 mohor
+// Asynchronous set/reset not used in trace any more.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/09/18 14:13:47 mohor
+// Trace fixed. Some registers changed, trace simplified.
+// Revision 2001/09/13 13:49:19 mohor
+// Initial official release.
+// Revision 1.3 2001/06/01 22:22:35 mohor
+// This is a backup. It is not a fully working version. Not for use, yet.
+// Revision 1.2 2001/05/18 13:10:00 mohor
+// Headers changed. All additional information is now avaliable in the README.txt file.
+// Revision 2001/05/18 06:35:06 mohor
+// Initial release
+// synopsys translate_off
+`include "timescale.v"
+// synopsys translate_on
+`include "dbg_defines.v"
+// module Trace
+module dbg_trace (Wp, Bp, DataIn, OpSelect, LsStatus, IStatus, RiscStall_O,
+ Mclk, Reset, TraceChain, ContinMode, TraceEnable_reg,
+ WpTrigger, BpTrigger, LSSTrigger, ITrigger, TriggerOper, WpQualif,
+ BpQualif, LSSQualif, IQualif, QualifOper, RecordPC, RecordLSEA,
+ RecordLDATA, RecordSDATA, RecordReadSPR, RecordWriteSPR,
+ RecordINSTR,
+ WpTriggerValid, BpTriggerValid, LSSTriggerValid, ITriggerValid,
+ WpQualifValid, BpQualifValid, LSSQualifValid, IQualifValid, ReadBuffer,
+ WpStop, BpStop, LSSStop, IStop, StopOper, WpStopValid, BpStopValid,
+ LSSStopValid, IStopValid
+ );
+parameter Tp = 1;
+input [10:0] Wp; // Watchpoints
+input Bp; // Breakpoint
+input [31:0] DataIn; // Data from the RISC
+input [3:0] LsStatus; // Load/Store status
+input [1:0] IStatus; // Instruction status
+input Mclk; // Master clock (RISC clock)
+input Reset; // Reset
+input ReadBuffer; // Instruction for reading a sample from the Buffer
+// from registers
+input ContinMode; // Continous mode of the trace
+input TraceEnable_reg; // Trace is enabled (enabled by writing a bit in the register)
+input [10:0] WpTrigger; // Signals that come from registers to set the trigger
+input BpTrigger; // Signals that come from registers to set the trigger
+input [3:0] LSSTrigger; // Signals that come from registers to set the trigger
+input [1:0] ITrigger; // Signals that come from registers to set the trigger
+input [1:0] TriggerOper; // Signals that come from registers to set the trigger
+input [10:0] WpQualif; // Signals that come from registers to set the qualifier
+input BpQualif; // Signals that come from registers to set the qualifier
+input [3:0] LSSQualif; // Signals that come from registers to set the qualifier
+input [1:0] IQualif; // Signals that come from registers to set the qualifier
+input [1:0] QualifOper; // Signals that come from registers to set the qualifier
+input [10:0] WpStop; // Signals that come from registers to set the stop condition
+input BpStop; // Signals that come from registers to set the stop condition
+input [3:0] LSSStop; // Signals that come from registers to set the stop condition
+input [1:0] IStop; // Signals that come from registers to set the stop condition
+input [1:0] StopOper; // Signals that come from registers to set the stop condition
+input RecordPC; // Signals that come from registers for defining the sample for recording
+input RecordLSEA; // Signals that come from registers for defining the sample for recording
+input RecordLDATA; // Signals that come from registers for defining the sample for recording
+input RecordSDATA; // Signals that come from registers for defining the sample for recording
+input RecordReadSPR; // Signals that come from registers for defining the sample for recording
+input RecordWriteSPR; // Signals that come from registers for defining the sample for recording
+input RecordINSTR; // Signals that come from registers for defining the sample for recording
+input WpTriggerValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which trigger conditions are valid
+input BpTriggerValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which trigger conditions are valid
+input LSSTriggerValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which trigger conditions are valid
+input ITriggerValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which trigger conditions are valid
+input WpQualifValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which qualifier conditions are valid
+input BpQualifValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which qualifier conditions are valid
+input LSSQualifValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which qualifier conditions are valid
+input IQualifValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which qualifier conditions are valid
+input WpStopValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which stop conditions are valid
+input BpStopValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which stop conditions are valid
+input LSSStopValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which stop conditions are valid
+input IStopValid; // Signals that come from registers and indicate which stop conditions are valid
+// end: from registers
+output [`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0] OpSelect; // Operation select (what kind of information is avaliable on the DataIn)
+output RiscStall_O; // CPU stall (stalls the RISC)
+output [39:0] TraceChain; // Scan shain from the trace module
+reg TraceEnable_d;
+reg TraceEnable;
+reg [`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH:0] Counter;
+reg [`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0] WritePointer;
+reg [`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0] ReadPointer;
+reg RiscStall;
+reg RiscStall_q;
+reg [`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0] StallCounter;
+reg TriggerLatch;
+* *
+* Generation of the trigger *
+* *
+wire TempWpTrigger = |(Wp[10:0] & WpTrigger[10:0]);
+wire TempBpTrigger = Bp & BpTrigger;
+wire TempLSSTrigger = LsStatus[3:0] == LSSTrigger[3:0];
+wire TempITrigger = IStatus[1:0] == ITrigger[1:0];
+wire TempTriggerAND = ( (TempWpTrigger | ~WpTriggerValid)
+ & (TempBpTrigger | ~BpTriggerValid)
+ & (TempLSSTrigger | ~LSSTriggerValid)
+ & (TempITrigger | ~ITriggerValid)
+ )
+ & (WpTriggerValid | BpTriggerValid | LSSTriggerValid | ITriggerValid);
+wire TempTriggerOR = ( (TempWpTrigger & WpTriggerValid)
+ | (TempBpTrigger & BpTriggerValid)
+ | (TempLSSTrigger & LSSTriggerValid)
+ | (TempITrigger & ITriggerValid)
+ );
+wire Trigger = TraceEnable & (~TriggerOper[1]? 1 : // any
+ TriggerOper[0]? TempTriggerAND : TempTriggerOR // AND : OR
+ );
+* *
+* Generation of the qualifier *
+* *
+wire TempWpQualifier = |(Wp[10:0] & WpQualif[10:0]);
+wire TempBpQualifier = Bp & BpQualif;
+wire TempLSSQualifier = LsStatus[3:0] == LSSQualif[3:0];
+wire TempIQualifier = IStatus[1:0] == IQualif[1:0];
+wire TempQualifierAND = ( (TempWpQualifier | ~WpQualifValid)
+ & (TempBpQualifier | ~BpQualifValid)
+ & (TempLSSQualifier | ~LSSQualifValid)
+ & (TempIQualifier | ~IQualifValid)
+ )
+ & (WpQualifValid | BpQualifValid | LSSQualifValid | IQualifValid);
+wire TempQualifierOR = ( (TempWpQualifier & WpQualifValid)
+ | (TempBpQualifier & BpQualifValid)
+ | (TempLSSQualifier & LSSQualifValid)
+ | (TempIQualifier & IQualifValid)
+ );
+wire Stop;
+wire Qualifier = TraceEnable & ~Stop & (~QualifOper[1]? 1 : // any
+ QualifOper[0]? TempQualifierAND : TempQualifierOR // AND : OR
+ );
+* *
+* Generation of the stop signal *
+* *
+wire TempWpStop = |(Wp[10:0] & WpStop[10:0]);
+wire TempBpStop = Bp & BpStop;
+wire TempLSSStop = LsStatus[3:0] == LSSStop[3:0];
+wire TempIStop = IStatus[1:0] == IStop[1:0];
+wire TempStopAND = ( (TempWpStop | ~WpStopValid)
+ & (TempBpStop | ~BpStopValid)
+ & (TempLSSStop | ~LSSStopValid)
+ & (TempIStop | ~IStopValid)
+ )
+ & (WpStopValid | BpStopValid | LSSStopValid | IStopValid);
+wire TempStopOR = ( (TempWpStop & WpStopValid)
+ | (TempBpStop & BpStopValid)
+ | (TempLSSStop & LSSStopValid)
+ | (TempIStop & IStopValid)
+ );
+assign Stop = TraceEnable & (~StopOper[1]? 0 : // nothing
+ StopOper[0]? TempStopAND : TempStopOR // AND : OR
+ );
+* *
+* Generation of the TriggerLatch *
+* *
+always @(posedge Mclk or posedge Reset)
+ if(Reset)
+ TriggerLatch<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(TriggerLatch & ~TraceEnable)
+ TriggerLatch<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(Trigger)
+ TriggerLatch<=#Tp 1;
+* *
+* TraceEnable Synchronization *
+* *
+always @(posedge Mclk or posedge Reset)
+ if(Reset)
+ begin
+ TraceEnable_d<=#Tp 0;
+ TraceEnable<=#Tp 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ TraceEnable_d<=#Tp TraceEnable_reg;
+ TraceEnable<=#Tp TraceEnable_d;
+ end
+* *
+* RiscStall, counter and pointers generation *
+* *
+reg BufferFullDetected;
+wire [`OPSELECTIONCOUNTER-1:0] RecEnable;
+wire BufferEmpty = Counter[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH:0]==0;
+wire IncrementCounter = RiscStall_q & ~(BufferFull | BufferFullDetected) & Qualifier & RecEnable[StallCounter];
+wire IncrementPointer = RiscStall_q & (~BufferFull | ContinMode) & Qualifier & RecEnable[StallCounter];
+wire WriteSample = IncrementPointer;
+wire Decrement = ReadBuffer & ~BufferEmpty & (~ContinMode | ContinMode & ~TraceEnable);
+wire CounterEn = IncrementCounter ^ Decrement;
+wire SyncResetCpuStall;
+wire ResetStallCounter;
+reg BufferFull_q;
+reg BufferFull_2q;
+reg Qualifier_mclk;
+always @(posedge Mclk)
+ Qualifier_mclk<=#Tp Qualifier;
+ BufferFull_q<=#Tp BufferFull;
+ BufferFull_2q<=#Tp BufferFull_q;
+ RiscStall_q <=#Tp RiscStall_O;
+wire FirstCpuStall = Qualifier & ~Qualifier_mclk & TriggerLatch |
+ Qualifier_mclk & Trigger & ~TriggerLatch |
+ Qualifier & Trigger & ~Qualifier_mclk & ~TriggerLatch ;
+//wire SyncSetCpuStall = Qualifier_mclk & TriggerLatch &
+wire SyncSetCpuStall = RiscStall_O & ~RiscStall_q |
+ Qualifier_mclk & TriggerLatch &
+ (
+ (~ContinMode & ~BufferFull & ~BufferFull_q & StallCounter==`OPSELECTIONCOUNTER-1) |
+ (~ContinMode & ~BufferFull_q & BufferFull_2q & StallCounter==0) |
+ ( ContinMode & StallCounter==`OPSELECTIONCOUNTER-1)
+ );
+assign SyncResetCpuStall = (
+ (~ContinMode & ~BufferFull & ~BufferFull_q & StallCounter==`OPSELECTIONCOUNTER-2) |
+ (~ContinMode & ~BufferFull & BufferFull_q & StallCounter==`OPSELECTIONCOUNTER-1) |
+ ( ContinMode & StallCounter==`OPSELECTIONCOUNTER-2)
+ );
+assign RiscStall_O = FirstCpuStall | RiscStall;
+always @(posedge Mclk or posedge Reset)
+ if(Reset)
+ Counter<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(CounterEn)
+ if(IncrementCounter)
+ else
+always @(posedge Mclk or posedge Reset)
+ if(Reset)
+ WritePointer<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(IncrementPointer)
+ WritePointer[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0]<=#Tp WritePointer[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0] + 1;
+always @(posedge Mclk or posedge Reset)
+ if(Reset)
+ ReadPointer<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(Decrement & ~ContinMode | Decrement & ContinMode & ~TraceEnable)
+ ReadPointer[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0]<=#Tp ReadPointer[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0] + 1;
+ else
+ if(ContinMode & IncrementPointer & (BufferFull | BufferFullDetected))
+ ReadPointer[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0]<=#Tp WritePointer[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0] + 1;
+always @(posedge Mclk)
+ if(~TraceEnable)
+ BufferFullDetected<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(ContinMode & BufferFull)
+ BufferFullDetected<=#Tp 1;
+always @(posedge Mclk or posedge Reset)
+ if(Reset)
+ RiscStall<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(SyncResetCpuStall)
+ RiscStall<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(SyncSetCpuStall)
+ RiscStall<=#Tp 1;
+always @(posedge Mclk)
+ if(ResetStallCounter)
+ StallCounter<=#Tp 0;
+ else
+ if(RiscStall_q & (~BufferFull | ContinMode))
+ StallCounter<=#Tp StallCounter+1;
+assign ResetStallCounter = StallCounter==(`OPSELECTIONCOUNTER-1) & ~BufferFull | Reset;
+* *
+* Valid status *
+* *
+wire Valid = ~BufferEmpty;
+* *
+* Writing and reading the sample to/from the buffer *
+* *
+always @ (posedge Mclk)
+ if(WriteSample)
+ Buffer[WritePointer[`TRACECOUNTERWIDTH-1:0]]<={DataIn, 1'b0, OpSelect[`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0]};
+assign TraceChain = {Buffer[ReadPointer], 3'h0, Valid};
+* *
+* Operation select (to select which kind of data appears on the DATAIN lines) *
+* *
+assign OpSelect[`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0] = StallCounter[`OPSELECTWIDTH-1:0];
+* *
+* Selecting which parts are going to be recorded as part of the sample *
+* *
+assign RecEnable = {1'b0, RecordINSTR, RecordWriteSPR, RecordReadSPR, RecordSDATA, RecordLDATA, RecordLSEA, RecordPC};
Property changes :
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property