
Subversion Repositories or1k

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 208 to Rev 1765
    Reverse comparison

Rev 208 → Rev 1765

0,0 → 1,43
# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $
# Make a directory write protected
# Used to write protect the install point after a build
# to prevent inadvertant overwriting.
# is a particular command available on this machine?
set -- `type $1 2>&1`
if [ "$2" = "not" -a "$3" = "found" ] || [ "$3" = "not" -a "$4" = "found" ]
return 1
return 0
lock_directory() {
l_dir=$1/. # get any symlink out of the way using '.'
if [ -d $l_dir ]
find $l_dir -type d -perm -0200 -print | $XARGS chmod -w
# Use gnu xargs if available; faster, more reliable in general
cmd_avail gxargs && XARGS=gxargs
for dir
lock_directory $dir
# Local Variables: ***
# mode:ksh ***
# End: ***
0,0 → 1,377
* cklength - check the length of lines in a file
* This program check to see if the files passed to it on the command line
* contain a line which exceeds the maximum allowable length. The default
* maximum line length is 80.
* usage: cklength [ -v ] [ arg ... ] files...
* -l length -- maximum line length
* -v -- verbose
* $Id: cklength.c,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $
#define GETOPTARGS "l:nNv"
char *USAGE = "\
usage: cklength [ -v ] [ arg ... ] files... \n\
-l length -- maximum line length\n\
-n -- report line numbers for offending lines\n\
-N -- report line numbers and length for offending lines\n\
-v -- verbose\n\
Print the name of files which have at least 1 line which exceeds the\n\
maximum line length. The default maximum line length is 80.\n\
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "config.h"
#ifndef VMS
extern int sys_nerr;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
#define strerror( _err ) \
((_err) < sys_nerr) ? sys_errlist [(_err)] : "unknown error"
#else /* HAVE_STRERROR */
char *strerror ();
#else /* VMS */
char *strerror (int,...);
#define BUFFER_SIZE 512
#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAILURE -1
#define Failed(x) (((int) (x)) == FAILURE)
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define STREQ(a,b) (strcmp(a,b) == 0)
#define NUMELEMS(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
* Definitions for unsigned "ints"; especially for use in data structures
* that will be shared among (potentially) different cpu's (we punt on
* byte ordering problems tho)
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned long u32;
* vars controlled by command line options
int verbose = FALSE; /* be verbose */
int report_line_numbers = FALSE; /* report line numbers of offenders */
int report_line_length = FALSE; /* report line length of offenders */
int line_length = 80; /* maximum allowable line length */
extern char *optarg; /* getopt(3) control vars */
extern int optind, opterr;
char *progname; /* for error() */
int process(char *arg);
void error(int errn, ...);
long getparm(char *s, long min, long max, char *msg);
#define ERR_ERRNO (1<<((sizeof(int) * 8) - 2)) /* hi bit; use 'errno' */
#define ERR_FATAL (ERR_ERRNO / 2) /* fatal error ; no return */
#define ERR_ABORT (ERR_ERRNO / 4) /* fatal error ; abort */
#define ERR_MASK (ERR_ERRNO | ERR_FATAL | ERR_ABORT) /* all */
#define stol(p) strtol(p, (char **) NULL, 0)
int Open(), Read(), Write();
int main(
int argc,
char **argv
register int c;
int showusage = FALSE; /* usage error? */
int rc = 0;
* figure out invocation leaf-name
if ((progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == (char *) NULL)
progname = argv[0];
argv[0] = progname; /* for getopt err reporting */
* Check options and arguments.
opterr = 0; /* we'll report all errors */
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, GETOPTARGS)) != EOF)
switch (c)
case 'l': /* line length */
line_length = atoi( optarg );
if ( line_length < 0 || line_length > BUFFER_SIZE )
error(ERR_FATAL, "(%d) is illegal line length\n",line_length);
case 'n': /* toggle report_line_numbers */
report_line_numbers = ! report_line_numbers;
case 'N': /* toggle both reports */
report_line_numbers = ! report_line_numbers;
report_line_length = ! report_line_length;
case 'v': /* toggle verbose */
verbose = ! verbose;
case '?':
showusage = TRUE;
if (showusage)
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s", USAGE);
* traverse and process the arguments
for ( ; argv[optind]; optind++)
if (Failed(process(argv[optind])))
return rc;
* process(arg)
process(char *arg)
FILE *in;
char *bptr;
char buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
int line_number;
int length;
int count;
int rc = SUCCESS; /* succeed by default */
in = fopen( arg, "r" );
if (!in)
error( ERR_ERRNO | ERR_FATAL, "Unable to open file (%s)\n", arg );
count = 0;
for ( line_number=1 ; ; line_number++ ) {
bptr = fgets( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, in );
if (!bptr)
* Don't count the carriage return.
length = strlen( buffer ) - 1;
if ( length <= line_length )
if ( count == 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", arg );
if ( !report_line_numbers )
if ( verbose )
fprintf( stderr, "TOO LONG:%d: %s\n", line_number, buffer );
if ( report_line_numbers ) {
if ( report_line_length )
fprintf( stderr, "%d: %d\n" , line_number, length );
fprintf( stderr, "%d\n" , line_number );
fclose( in );
return rc;
* error(errn, arglist)
* report an error to stderr using printf(3) conventions.
* Any output is preceded by '<progname>: '
* Uses ERR_FATAL bit to request exit(errn)
* ERR_ABORT to request abort()
* ERR_ERRNO to indicate use of errno instead of argument.
* If resulting 'errn' is non-zero, it is assumed to be an 'errno' and its
* associated error message is appended to the output.
error(int error_flag, ...)
va_list arglist;
register char *format;
int local_errno;
extern int errno;
(void) fflush(stdout); /* in case stdout/stderr same */
local_errno = error_flag & ~ERR_MASK;
if (error_flag & ERR_ERRNO) /* use errno? */
local_errno = errno;
va_start(arglist, error_flag);
format = va_arg(arglist, char *);
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
(void) vfprintf(stderr, format, arglist);
if (local_errno)
(void) fprintf(stderr, " (%s)\n", strerror(local_errno));
(void) fflush(stderr);
if (error_flag & (ERR_FATAL | ERR_ABORT))
if (error_flag & ERR_FATAL)
error(0, "fatal error, exiting");
exit(local_errno ? local_errno : 1);
error(0, "fatal error, aborting");
getparm(char *s,
long min,
long max,
char *msg)
long val;
if ( ! strchr("0123456789-", *s))
error(ERR_FATAL, "'%s' is not a number", s);
return min;
val = strtol(s, (char **) NULL, 0);
if ((val < min) || (val > max))
if (min == max)
error(ERR_FATAL, "%s can only be %ld", s, min);
error(ERR_FATAL, "%s must be between %ld and %ld", msg, min, max);
return val;
* Open()
* Perform open(2), returning the file descriptor. Prints
* error message if open fails.
Open(char *file,
int oflag,
int mode)
int O_fd;
if (Failed(O_fd = open(file, oflag, mode)))
"open('%s', 0x%x, 0%o) failed", file, oflag, mode
return O_fd;
* Read()
* Perform read(2); prints error message if fails.
Read(int file,
char *buffer,
unsigned int count)
int nbytes;
if (Failed(nbytes = read(file, buffer, count)))
"read(%d, 0x%x, %d) failed", file, buffer, count
return nbytes;
* Write()
* Perform write(2); prints error message if fails.
Write(int file,
char *buffer,
unsigned int count)
int nbytes;
if (Failed(nbytes = write(file, buffer, count)))
"write(%d, 0x%x, %d) failed", file, buffer, count
return nbytes;
0,0 → 1,366
* eolstrip - strip white space from end of lines
* This program strips the white space from the end of every line in the
* specified program.
* usage: eolstrip [ -v ] [ arg ... ] files...
* -v -- verbose
* $Id: eolstrip.c,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $
#define GETOPTARGS "vt"
char *USAGE = "\
usage: cklength [ -v ] [ arg ... ] files... \n\
-v -- verbose\n\
-t -- test only .. DO NOT OVERWRITE FILE!!!\n\
Strip the white space from the end of every line on the list of files.\n\
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "config.h"
#ifndef VMS
extern int sys_nerr;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
#define strerror( _err ) \
((_err) < sys_nerr) ? sys_errlist [(_err)] : "unknown error"
#else /* HAVE_STRERROR */
char *strerror ();
#else /* VMS */
char *strerror (int,...);
#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048
#define MAX_PATH 2048
#define SUCCESS 0
#define FAILURE -1
#define Failed(x) (((int) (x)) == FAILURE)
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define STREQ(a,b) (strcmp(a,b) == 0)
#define NUMELEMS(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]))
* Definitions for unsigned "ints"; especially for use in data structures
* that will be shared among (potentially) different cpu's (we punt on
* byte ordering problems tho)
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef unsigned long u32;
* vars controlled by command line options
int verbose = FALSE; /* be verbose */
int test_only = FALSE; /* test only */
extern char *optarg; /* getopt(3) control vars */
extern int optind, opterr;
char *progname; /* for error() */
int process(char *arg);
void error(int errn, ...);
long getparm(char *s, long min, long max, char *msg);
#define ERR_ERRNO (1<<((sizeof(int) * 8) - 2)) /* hi bit; use 'errno' */
#define ERR_FATAL (ERR_ERRNO / 2) /* fatal error ; no return */
#define ERR_ABORT (ERR_ERRNO / 4) /* fatal error ; abort */
#define ERR_MASK (ERR_ERRNO | ERR_FATAL | ERR_ABORT) /* all */
#define stol(p) strtol(p, (char **) NULL, 0)
int Open(), Read(), Write();
int main(
int argc,
char **argv
register int c;
int showusage = FALSE; /* usage error? */
int rc = 0;
* figure out invocation leaf-name
if ((progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == (char *) NULL)
progname = argv[0];
argv[0] = progname; /* for getopt err reporting */
* Check options and arguments.
opterr = 0; /* we'll report all errors */
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, GETOPTARGS)) != EOF)
switch (c)
case 't': /* toggle test only mode */
test_only = ! test_only;
case 'v': /* toggle verbose */
verbose = ! verbose;
case '?':
showusage = TRUE;
if (showusage)
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s", USAGE);
* traverse and process the arguments
for ( ; argv[optind]; optind++)
if (Failed(process(argv[optind])))
return rc;
* process(arg)
process(char *arg)
FILE *in;
FILE *out = (FILE *) 0;
char outname[ MAX_PATH ];
char *bptr;
char buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ];
int length;
int line_number;
int rc = SUCCESS; /* succeed by default */
in = fopen( arg, "r" );
if (!in)
error( ERR_ERRNO | ERR_FATAL, "Unable to open file (%s)\n", arg );
if ( !test_only ) {
sprintf( outname, "%s.eoltmp", arg );
out = fopen( outname, "w" );
if (!out)
error( ERR_ERRNO | ERR_FATAL, "Unable to open file (%s)\n", arg );
if ( verbose )
fprintf( stderr, "Processing %s\n", arg );
for ( line_number=1 ; ; line_number++ ) {
bptr = fgets( buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, in );
if (!bptr)
* Don't count the carriage return.
length = strlen( buffer ) - 1;
if ( buffer[ length ] != '\n' )
error(ERR_ERRNO|ERR_FATAL, "Line %d too long in %s\n", line_number, arg);
while ( isspace( (int) buffer[ length ] ) )
buffer[ length-- ] = '\0';
if ( test_only ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", arg );
fprintf( out, "%s\n", buffer );
fclose( in );
if ( !test_only ) {
fclose( out );
rename( outname, arg );
return rc;
* error(errn, arglist)
* report an error to stderr using printf(3) conventions.
* Any output is preceded by '<progname>: '
* Uses ERR_FATAL bit to request exit(errn)
* ERR_ABORT to request abort()
* ERR_ERRNO to indicate use of errno instead of argument.
* If resulting 'errn' is non-zero, it is assumed to be an 'errno' and its
* associated error message is appended to the output.
error(int error_flag, ...)
va_list arglist;
register char *format;
int local_errno;
extern int errno;
(void) fflush(stdout); /* in case stdout/stderr same */
local_errno = error_flag & ~ERR_MASK;
if (error_flag & ERR_ERRNO) /* use errno? */
local_errno = errno;
va_start(arglist, error_flag);
format = va_arg(arglist, char *);
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
(void) vfprintf(stderr, format, arglist);
if (local_errno)
(void) fprintf(stderr, " (%s)\n", strerror(local_errno));
(void) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
(void) fflush(stderr);
if (error_flag & (ERR_FATAL | ERR_ABORT))
if (error_flag & ERR_FATAL)
error(0, "fatal error, exiting");
exit(local_errno ? local_errno : 1);
error(0, "fatal error, aborting");
getparm(char *s,
long min,
long max,
char *msg)
long val;
if ( ! strchr("0123456789-", *s))
error(ERR_FATAL, "'%s' is not a number", s);
return min;
val = strtol(s, (char **) NULL, 0);
if ((val < min) || (val > max))
if (min == max)
error(ERR_FATAL, "%s can only be %ld", s, min);
error(ERR_FATAL, "%s must be between %ld and %ld", msg, min, max);
return val;
* Open()
* Perform open(2), returning the file descriptor. Prints
* error message if open fails.
Open(char *file,
int oflag,
int mode)
int O_fd;
if (Failed(O_fd = open(file, oflag, mode)))
"open('%s', 0x%x, 0%o) failed", file, oflag, mode
return O_fd;
* Read()
* Perform read(2); prints error message if fails.
Read(int file,
char *buffer,
unsigned int count)
int nbytes;
if (Failed(nbytes = read(file, buffer, count)))
"read(%d, 0x%x, %d) failed", file, buffer, count
return nbytes;
* Write()
* Perform write(2); prints error message if fails.
Write(int file,
char *buffer,
unsigned int count)
int nbytes;
if (Failed(nbytes = write(file, buffer, count)))
"write(%d, 0x%x, %d) failed", file, buffer, count
return nbytes;
0,0 → 1,41
# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $
# Unlock a directory processed by lock_directory
# is a particular command available on this machine?
set -- `type $1 2>&1`
if [ "$2" = "not" -a "$3" = "found" ] || [ "$3" = "not" -a "$4" = "found" ]
return 1
return 0
unlock_directory() {
ul_dir=$1/. # get any symlink out of the way using '.'
if [ -d $ul_dir ]
find $ul_dir -type d ! -perm -0222 -print | $XARGS -t chmod +w
# Use gnu xargs if available; faster, more reliable in general
cmd_avail gxargs && XARGS=gxargs
for dir
unlock_directory $dir
# Local Variables: ***
# mode:ksh ***
# End: ***
0,0 → 1,565
/***** P A C K H E X . C ************************************************
* Packhex is a hex-file compaction utility. It attempts to concatenate
* hex records to produce more size-efficient packaging.
* Limitations: Input files must be correctly formatted. This utility
* is not robust enough to detect hex-record formatting
* errors.
* Published: May 1993 Embedded Systems Programming magazine
* "Creating Faster Hex Files"
* URL: ESP magazine:
* Source Code:
* Author: Mark Gringrich
* Compiler: Microsoft C 6.0
* cl /F 1000 packhex.c
* $Id: packhex.c,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $
/* #define SMALLER_RECORDS */
#define MAX_LEN_S1_RECS 128
#define MAX_LEN_S2_RECS 128
#define MAX_LEN_S3_RECS 128
#define MAX_LEN_S1_RECS 252
#define MAX_LEN_S2_RECS 251
#define MAX_LEN_S3_RECS 250
/*--------------------------------- includes ---------------------------------*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
#ifndef VMS
extern int sys_nerr;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
#define strerror( _err ) \
((_err) < sys_nerr) ? sys_errlist [(_err)] : "unknown error"
#else /* HAVE_STRERROR */
char *strerror ();
#else /* VMS */
char *strerror (int,...);
#if defined(__unix__) && !defined(EXIT_FAILURE)
#define EXIT_FAILURE -1
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
/*--------------------------------- defines ----------------------------------*/
#define YES 1
#define MAX_LINE_SIZE 600
#define EOS '\0'
/*---------------------------------- macros ----------------------------------*/
/* Convert ASCII hexadecimal digit to value. */
#define HEX_DIGIT( C ) ( ( ( ( C ) > '9' ) ? ( C ) + 25 : ( C ) ) & 0xF )
/*--------------------------------- typedefs ---------------------------------*/
typedef unsigned char Boolean;
typedef unsigned char Uchar;
typedef unsigned int Uint;
typedef unsigned long Ulong;
typedef struct /* Functions and constant returning Hex-record vital stats. */
Boolean ( *is_data_record )( char * );
Ulong ( *get_address )( char * );
Uint ( *get_data_count )( char * );
const Uint max_data_count;
char *( *get_data_start )( char * );
void ( *put_data_record )( Uint, Ulong, char * );
} Rec_vitals;
/*--------------------------- function prototypes ----------------------------*/
Rec_vitals * identify_first_data_record( char *, int );
Ulong get_ndigit_hex( char *, int );
/*----------------------------- Intel Hex format -----------------------------*/
* Intel Hex data-record layout
* :aabbbbccd...dee
* : - header character
* aa - record data byte count, a 2-digit hex value
* bbbb - record address, a 4-digit hex value
* cc - record type, a 2-digit hex value:
* "00" is a data record
* "01" is an end-of-data record
* "02" is an extended-address record
* "03" is a start record
* d...d - data (always an even number of chars)
* ee - record checksum, a 2-digit hex value
* checksum = 2's complement
* [ (sum of bytes: aabbbbccd...d) modulo 256 ]
Boolean is_intel_data_rec( char * rec_str )
return( ( rec_str[ 0 ] == ':' ) && ( rec_str[ 8 ] == '0' ) );
Uint get_intel_rec_data_count( char * rec_str )
return( ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 1, 2 ) );
Ulong get_intel_rec_address( char * rec_str )
return( get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 3, 4 ) );
char * get_intel_rec_data_start( char * rec_str )
return( rec_str + 9 );
void put_intel_data_rec( Uint count, Ulong address, char * data_str )
char *ptr;
Uint sum = count + ( address >> 8 & 0xff ) + ( address & 0xff );
for ( ptr = data_str ; *ptr != EOS ; ptr += 2 )
sum += ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( ptr, 2 );
":%02X%04lX00%s%02X\n", count, address, data_str, (~sum + 1) & 0xff
Rec_vitals intel_hex =
255, /* Maximum data bytes in a record. */
/*------------------------- Motorola S1-record format ------------------------*/
* Motorola S-record data-record layout
* S - header character
* a - record type, a 1-digit value:
* "0" is a header record
* "1" is a 2-byte-address data record
* "2" is a 3-byte-address data record
* "3" is a 4-byte-address data record
* "7" is a 4-byte-address end-of-data record
* "8" is a 3-byte-address end-of-data record
* "9" is a 2-byte-address end-of-data record
* bb - record length in bytes, a 2-digit hex value
* (record length doesn't count the header/type
* chars and checksum byte)
* c...c - record address, a 4-, 6-, or 8-digit value,
* depending on record type
* d...d - data (always an even number of chars)
* ee - record checksum, a 2-digit hex value
* checksum = 1's complement
* [ (sum of all bytes: modulo 256 ]
#define S1_COUNT_OFFSET 3
Boolean is_moto_s1_data_rec( char * rec_str )
return ( ( rec_str[ 0 ] == 'S' ) && ( rec_str[ 1 ] == '1' ) );
Uint get_moto_s1_rec_data_count( char * rec_str )
return( ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 2, 2 ) - S1_COUNT_OFFSET );
Ulong get_moto_s1_rec_address( char * rec_str )
return( get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 4, 4 ) );
char * get_moto_s1_rec_data_start( char * rec_str )
return( rec_str + 8 );
void put_moto_s1_data_rec( Uint count, Ulong address, char * data_str )
char *ptr;
Uint sum = S1_COUNT_OFFSET + count +
( address >> 8 & 0xff ) + ( address & 0xff );
for ( ptr = data_str ; *ptr != EOS ; ptr += 2 )
sum += ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( ptr, 2 );
count + S1_COUNT_OFFSET, address, data_str, ~sum & 0xff
Rec_vitals motorola_s1_rec =
MAX_LEN_S1_RECS, /* Maximum data bytes in a record. */
/*------------------------- Motorola S2-record format ------------------------*/
#define S2_COUNT_OFFSET 4
Boolean is_moto_s2_data_rec( char * rec_str )
return ( ( rec_str[ 0 ] == 'S' ) && ( rec_str[ 1 ] == '2' ) );
Uint get_moto_s2_rec_data_count( char * rec_str )
return( ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 2, 2 ) - S2_COUNT_OFFSET );
Ulong get_moto_s2_rec_address( char * rec_str )
return( get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 4, 6 ) );
char * get_moto_s2_rec_data_start( char * rec_str )
return( rec_str + 10 );
void put_moto_s2_data_rec( Uint count, Ulong address, char * data_str )
char *ptr;
Uint sum = S2_COUNT_OFFSET + count + ( address >> 16 & 0xff ) +
( address >> 8 & 0xff ) +
( address & 0xff );
for ( ptr = data_str ; *ptr != EOS ; ptr += 2 )
sum += ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( ptr, 2 );
count + S2_COUNT_OFFSET, address, data_str, ~sum & 0xff
Rec_vitals motorola_s2_rec =
MAX_LEN_S2_RECS, /* Maximum data bytes in a record. */
/*------------------------- Motorola S3-record format ------------------------*/
#define S3_COUNT_OFFSET 5
Boolean is_moto_s3_data_rec( char * rec_str )
return ( ( rec_str[ 0 ] == 'S' ) && ( rec_str[ 1 ] == '3' ) );
Uint get_moto_s3_rec_data_count( char * rec_str )
return( ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 2, 2 ) - S3_COUNT_OFFSET );
Ulong get_moto_s3_rec_address( char * rec_str )
return( get_ndigit_hex( rec_str + 4, 8 ) );
char * get_moto_s3_rec_data_start( char * rec_str )
return( rec_str + 12 );
void put_moto_s3_data_rec( Uint count, Ulong address, char * data_str )
char *ptr;
Uint sum = S3_COUNT_OFFSET + count + ( address >> 24 & 0xff ) +
( address >> 16 & 0xff ) +
( address >> 8 & 0xff ) +
( address & 0xff );
for ( ptr = data_str ; *ptr != EOS ; ptr += 2 )
sum += ( Uint ) get_ndigit_hex( ptr, 2 );
count + S3_COUNT_OFFSET, address, data_str, ~sum & 0xff
Rec_vitals motorola_s3_rec =
MAX_LEN_S3_RECS, /* Maximum data bytes in a record. */
/*-------------------- Put your favorite hex format here ---------------------*/
* * * * The following is a template for an additional hex format: * * *
* Boolean is_X_data_rec( char * rec_str ) {}
* Uint get_X_rec_data_count( char * rec_str ) {}
* Ulong get_X_rec_address( char * rec_str ) {}
* char * get_X_rec_data_start( char * rec_str ) {}
* void put_X_data_rec( Uint count, Ulong address, char * data_str ) {}
* Rec_vitals X_rec =
* {
* is_X_data_rec,
* get_X_rec_address,
* get_X_rec_data_count,
* get_X_rec_data_start,
* put_X_data_rec
* };
* Put address of additional Rec_vitals structures
* in this array, before the NULL entry.
Rec_vitals *formats[] =
( Rec_vitals * ) NULL
/**** main *****************************************************************
* Expects: Nothing (no command-line parameters).
* Returns: Exit status (EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE).
* Reads hex records on the standard input and attempts to
* splice adjacent data fields together. Results appear on
* the standard output.
int main(
int argc,
char **argv
char inbuff[ MAX_LINE_SIZE ], outbuff[ MAX_LINE_SIZE ];
char *in_dptr, *out_dptr;
int d_total, d_count, d_excess, n;
int length;
Ulong in_rec_addr, out_rec_addr = 0;
Rec_vitals *rptr;
/* Sift through file until first hex record is identified. */
rptr = identify_first_data_record( inbuff, MAX_LINE_SIZE );
if ( rptr == NULL )
fputs( "No hex records found.\n", stderr );
/* Attempt data-record splicing until end-of-file is reached. */
d_total = 0;
for (;;) {
if ( rptr->is_data_record( inbuff ) == YES )
{ /* Input record is a data record. */
d_count = rptr->get_data_count( inbuff );
in_rec_addr = rptr->get_address( inbuff );
in_dptr = rptr->get_data_start( inbuff );
if ( d_total == 0 || in_rec_addr != out_rec_addr + d_total )
{ /* Begin a new output record. */
if ( d_total != 0 )
rptr->put_data_record( d_total, out_rec_addr, outbuff );
out_dptr = outbuff;
n = d_total = d_count;
out_rec_addr = in_rec_addr;
else if
( ( d_excess = d_total + d_count - rptr->max_data_count ) > 0 )
{ /* Output a maximum-length record, then start a new record. */
strncat( outbuff, in_dptr, 2 * ( d_count - d_excess ) );
rptr->max_data_count, out_rec_addr, outbuff
in_dptr += 2 * ( d_count - d_excess );
out_dptr = outbuff;
n = d_total = d_excess;
out_rec_addr += rptr->max_data_count;
{ /* Append input record's data field with accumulated data. */
out_dptr = outbuff + ( 2 * d_total );
d_total += n = d_count;
strncpy( out_dptr, in_dptr, 2 * n );
out_dptr[ 2 * n ] = EOS;
{ /* Not a data record;
* flush accumulated data then echo non-data record.
if ( d_total != 0 )
rptr->put_data_record( d_total, out_rec_addr, outbuff );
d_total = 0;
puts( inbuff );
inbuff[ MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1 ] = '\0';
if ( !fgets( inbuff, MAX_LINE_SIZE, stdin ) )
if ( inbuff[ MAX_LINE_SIZE - 1 ] ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Input line too long" );
exit( 1 );
length = strlen(inbuff);
inbuff[length - 1] = '\0';
return ( EXIT_SUCCESS );
/**** identify_first_data_record *******************************************
* Expects: Pointer to hex-record line buffer.
* Returns: Pointer to hex-record structure (NULL if no match found).
* Reads the standard input, line by line, searching for a valid
* record header character. If a valid header is found, a pointer
* to the hex-record's type structure is returned, otherwise NULL.
* The input-stream pointer is left pointing to the first valid hex record.
Rec_vitals * identify_first_data_record( char * buff_ptr, int max_length )
Rec_vitals ** ptr;
int length;
for ( ;; ) {
buff_ptr[ max_length - 1 ] = '\0';
if ( !fgets( buff_ptr, max_length, stdin ) )
if ( buff_ptr[ max_length - 1 ] ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Input line too long" );
exit( 1 );
length = strlen(buff_ptr);
buff_ptr[length - 1] = '\0';
for ( ptr = formats ; *ptr != ( Rec_vitals * ) NULL ; ptr++ )
if ( ( *ptr )->is_data_record( buff_ptr ) == YES )
return( *ptr ); /* Successful return. */
puts( buff_ptr ); /* Echo non-hex-record line. */
return( ( Rec_vitals * ) NULL ); /* Unsuccessful return. */
/**** get_ndigit_hex *******************************************************
* Expects: Pointer to first ASCII hexadecimal digit, number of digits.
* Returns: Value of hexadecimal string as an unsigned long.
Ulong get_ndigit_hex( char * cptr, int digits )
Ulong value;
for ( value = 0 ; --digits >= 0 ; cptr++ )
value = ( value * 16L ) + HEX_DIGIT( *cptr );
return( value );
0,0 → 1,29
# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $
AC_CHECK_FUNCS(strerror strtol)
# Explicitly list all Makefiles here
0,0 → 1,15
# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $
find $1 -type f -a ! -name "*.scn" -a ! -name "bsp_specs" -a \
-print > /tmp/$$.0
find $1 -type f -a ! -name "*.scn" -a ! -name "bsp_specs" -a \
-exec grep -l '$Id' {} \; > /tmp/$$.1
diff /tmp/$$.0 /tmp/$$.1 > /tmp/$$.2
grep "<" /tmp/$$.2 | sed 's/< //' >&1
rm -f /tmp/$$*
build/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: build/unhex.c =================================================================== --- build/unhex.c (nonexistent) +++ build/unhex.c (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,738 @@ +/* + * unhex + * convert a hex file to binary equivalent. If more than one file name + * is given, then the output will be logically concatenated together. + * stdin and stdout are defaults. Verbose will enable checksum output. + * + * Supported input formats are Intel hex, Motorola S records, and TI 'B' + * records. + * + * Intel hex input format is + * Byte + * 1 Colon : + * 2..3 Record length, eg: "20" + * 4..7 load address nibbles + * 8..9 record type: "00" (data) or "02" base addr + * 10..x data bytes in ascii-hex + * x+1..x+2 cksum (2's compl of (len+addr+data)) + * x+3 \n -- newline + * + * $Id: unhex.c,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ + */ + +char *USAGE = "\ +usage: unhex [-va] [ -o file ] [ file [file ... ] ]\n\ + -v -- verbose\n\ + -a base -- 1st byte of output corresponds to this address\n\ + -l -- linear, just writes data out\n\ + -o file -- output file; must not be input file\n\ + -F k_bits -- \"holes\" in input will be filled with 0xFF's\n\ + up to \"k_bits\" * 1024 bits\n\ +"; + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "config.h" + +#ifndef VMS +#ifndef HAVE_STRERROR +extern int sys_nerr; +extern char *sys_errlist[]; + +#define strerror( _err ) \ + ((_err) < sys_nerr) ? sys_errlist [(_err)] : "unknown error" + +#else /* HAVE_STRERROR */ +char *strerror (); +#endif +#else /* VMS */ +char *strerror (int,...); +#endif + + +#define OK 0 +#define FAILURE (-1) +#define Failed(x) ((x) == FAILURE) +#define TRUE 1 +#define FALSE 0 +typedef char bool; +#define STREQ(a,b) (strcmp(a,b) == 0) + +typedef unsigned char u8; +typedef unsigned short u16; +typedef unsigned long u32; + +/* + * Pick out designated bytes + */ + +#define B0(x) ((x) & 0xff) +#define B1(x) B0((x) >> 8) +#define B2(x) B0((x) >> 16) +#define B3(x) B0((x) >> 24) + +typedef struct buffer_rec { + u32 dl_destaddr; + u32 dl_jumpaddr; + int dl_count; + u8 dl_buf[512]; +} buffer_rec; + +/* + * vars controlled by command line options + */ + +bool verbose = FALSE; /* be verbose */ +bool linear = FALSE; /* just write out linear data */ +char *outfilename = "-"; /* default output is stdout */ +u32 base = 0L; /* base address */ +u32 FFfill = 0L; /* how far to fill w 0xFF's */ + +extern char *optarg; /* getopt(3) control vars */ +extern int optind; + +char *progname; /* for error() */ + +void error(int errn, ...); +#define ERR_ERRNO (1<<((sizeof(int) * 8) - 2)) /* hi bit; use 'errno' */ +#define ERR_FATAL (ERR_ERRNO / 2) /* error is fatal; no return */ +#define ERR_ABORT (ERR_ERRNO / 4) /* error is fatal; abort */ +#define ERR_MASK (ERR_ERRNO | ERR_FATAL | ERR_ABORT) /* all */ + +#ifdef HAVE_STRTOUL +#define stol(p) strtoul(p, (char **) NULL, 0) +#else +#define stol(p) strtol(p, (char **) NULL, 0) +#endif + +int unhex(FILE *ifp, char *inm, FILE *ofp, char *onm); +int convert_Intel_records(FILE *ifp, char *inm, FILE *ofp, char *onm); +int convert_S_records(FILE *ifp, char *inm, FILE *ofp, char *onm); +int convert_TI_records(FILE *ifp, char *inm, FILE *ofp, char *onm); +void write_record(buffer_rec *tb, FILE *fp); +int getnibble(char **p); +int getbyte(char **p); +long getNbytes(char **p, int n); +void badformat(char *s, char *fname, char *msg); + +#define get1bytes(p) ((int) getbyte(p)) +#define get2bytes(p) ((int) getNbytes(p, 2)) +#define get3bytes(p) getNbytes(p, 3) +#define get4bytes(p) getNbytes(p, 4) + +char *BADADDR = "Invalid record address"; +char *BADLEN = "Invalid record length"; +char *BADBASE = "Bad base or starting address"; +char *BADFMT = "Unrecognized record type"; +char *BADDATA = "Invalid data byte"; +char *BADCSUM = "Invalid checksum"; +char *MISCSUM = "Checksum mismatch"; +char *BADTYPE = "Unrecognized record type"; +char *MISTYPE = "Incompatible record types"; + +int main( + int argc, + char **argv +) +{ + register int c; + bool showusage = FALSE; /* usage error? */ + int rc = 0; + FILE *outfp, *infp; + + /* + * figure out invocation leaf-name + */ + + if ((progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == (char *) NULL) + progname = argv[0]; + else + progname++; + + argv[0] = progname; /* for getopt err reporting */ + + /* + * Check options and arguments. + */ + + progname = argv[0]; + while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "F:a:o:vl")) != EOF) + switch (c) + { + case 'a': /* base address */ + base = stol(optarg); + break; + + case 'l': /* linear output */ + linear = TRUE; + break; + + case 'v': /* toggle verbose */ + verbose = ! verbose; + break; + + case 'o': /* output file */ + outfilename = optarg; + break; + + case 'F': /* 0xFF fill amount (bytes) */ + FFfill = stol(optarg) * 1024L / 8L; + break; + + case '?': + showusage = TRUE; + } + + if (showusage) + { + (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s", USAGE); + exit(1); + } + + if (linear && (base != 0)) + { + error(0, "-l and -a may not be specified in combination"); + exit(1); + } + + if (STREQ(outfilename, "-")) + { + outfp = stdout; + outfilename = "stdout"; + } + else + if ((outfp = fopen(outfilename, "w")) == (FILE *) NULL) + { + error(-1, "couldn't open '%s' for output", outfilename); + exit(1); + } + + /* + * Now process the input files (or stdin, if none specified) + */ + + if (argv[optind] == (char *) NULL) /* just stdin */ + exit(unhex(stdin, "stdin", outfp, outfilename)); + else + for (; (optarg = argv[optind]); optind++) + { + if (STREQ(optarg, "-")) + rc += unhex(stdin, "stdin", outfp, outfilename); + else + { + if ((infp = fopen(optarg, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL) + { + error(-1, "couldn't open '%s' for input", optarg); + exit(1); + } + rc += unhex(infp, optarg, outfp, outfilename); + } + } + + return(rc); +} + +u16 filesum; + +int +unhex(FILE *ifp, + char *inm, + FILE *ofp, + char *onm) +{ + int c; + + filesum = 0; + + /* + * Make sure holes will be filled with 0xFF's if requested. We + * do this the easy way by just filling the file with FF's before + * getting started. To do it more optimally would be quite a bit + * more difficult since the user can skip around as much as he/she + * likes in the input hex file addressing. + * + * We'll clean this up later (after this program has run) with + * 'stripffs' + */ + + if (FFfill) + { + (void) fseek(ofp, 0, 0); + for (c = FFfill; c > 0; c--) + (void) fputc(0xFF, ofp); + } + + /* + * Read the first char from file and determine record types + */ + + if ((c = getc(ifp)) != EOF) + { + ungetc(c, ifp); + switch(c) + { + case 'S': + convert_S_records(ifp, inm, ofp, onm); + break; + + case ':': + convert_Intel_records(ifp, inm, ofp, onm); + break; + + case '9': + case 'B': + convert_TI_records(ifp, inm, ofp, onm); + break; + + default: + { + char tmp[2]; + tmp[0] = c; tmp[1] = 0; + badformat(tmp, inm, BADFMT); + } + } + } + + if (verbose) + fprintf(stderr, "'%s' checksum is 0x%04x\n", inm, filesum); + + return 0; +} + +int +convert_Intel_records( + FILE *ifp, + char *inm, + FILE *ofp, + char *onm) +{ + char buff[512]; + char *p; + u8 cksum; + int incksum; + int c; + int rectype; /* record type */ + int len; /* data length of current line */ + u32 addr; + u32 base_address = 0; + bool endrecord = FALSE; + buffer_rec tb; + + while ( ! endrecord && (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), ifp))) + { + p = &buff[0]; + + if (p[strlen(p)-1] == '\n') /* get rid of newline */ + p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; + + if (p[strlen(p)-1] == '\r') /* get rid of any CR */ + p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; + + tb.dl_count = 0; + + if (*p != ':') + badformat(p, inm, BADFMT); + p++; + + if ((len = getbyte(&p)) == -1) /* record len */ + badformat(buff, inm, BADLEN); + + if ((addr = get2bytes(&p)) == -1L) /* record addr */ + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + + rectype = getbyte(&p); + + cksum = len + B0(addr) + B1(addr) + rectype; + + switch (rectype) + { + case 0x00: /* normal data record */ + tb.dl_destaddr = base_address + addr; + while (len--) + { + if ((c = getbyte(&p)) == -1) + badformat(buff, inm, BADDATA); + cksum += c; + filesum += c; + tb.dl_buf[tb.dl_count++] = c; + } + break; + + case 0x01: /* execution start address */ + base_address = addr; + endrecord = TRUE; + break; + + case 0x02: /* new base */ + if ((base_address = get2bytes(&p)) == -1L) + badformat(buff, inm, BADBASE); + cksum += B0(base_address) + B1(base_address); + base_address <<= 4; + break; + + case 0x03: /* seg/off execution start address */ + { + u32 seg, off; + + seg = get2bytes(&p); + off = get2bytes(&p); + if ((seg == -1L) || (off == -1L)) + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + + cksum += B0(seg) + B1(seg) + B0(off) + B1(off); + + tb.dl_jumpaddr = (seg << 4) + off; + break; + } + + default: + error(0, "unknown Intel-hex record type: 0x%02x", rectype); + badformat(buff, inm, BADTYPE); + } + + /* + * Verify checksums are correct in file. + */ + + cksum = (-cksum) & 0xff; + if ((incksum = getbyte(&p)) == -1) + badformat(buff, inm, BADCSUM); + if (((u8) incksum) != cksum) + badformat(buff, inm, MISCSUM); + + if (tb.dl_count) + write_record(&tb, ofp); + } + return 0; +} + +int +convert_S_records( + FILE *ifp, + char *inm, + FILE *ofp, + char *onm) +{ + char buff[512]; + char *p; + u8 cksum; + int incksum; + int c; + int len; /* data length of current line */ + int rectype; /* record type */ + u32 addr; + bool endrecord = FALSE; + buffer_rec tb; + + while ( ! endrecord && (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), ifp))) + { + p = &buff[0]; + + if (p[strlen(p)-1] == '\n') /* get rid of newline */ + p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; + + if (p[strlen(p)-1] == '\r') /* get rid of any CR */ + p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; + + tb.dl_count = 0; + + if (*p != 'S') + badformat(p, inm, BADFMT); + p++; + + if ((rectype = getnibble(&p)) == -1) /* record type */ + badformat(buff, inm, BADTYPE); + + if ((len = getbyte(&p)) == -1) /* record len */ + badformat(buff, inm, BADLEN); + cksum = len; + + switch (rectype) + { + case 0x00: /* comment field, ignored */ + goto write_it; + + case 0x01: /* data record, 16 bit addr */ + if ((addr = get2bytes(&p)) == -1L) + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + len -= 3; + goto doit; + + case 0x02: /* ... 24 bit addr */ + if ((addr = get3bytes(&p)) == -1L) + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + len -= 4; + goto doit; + + case 0x03: /* ... 32 bit addr */ + if ((addr = get4bytes(&p)) == -1L) + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + len -= 5; + doit: + cksum += B0(addr) + B1(addr) + B2(addr) + B3(addr); + + tb.dl_destaddr = addr; + while (len--) + { + if ((c = getbyte(&p)) == -1) + badformat(buff, inm, BADDATA); + cksum += c; + filesum += c; + tb.dl_buf[tb.dl_count++] = c; + } + break; + + case 0x07: /* 32 bit end record */ + if ((addr = get4bytes(&p)) == -1L) + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + goto end_rec; + + case 0x08: /* 24 bit end record */ + if ((addr = get3bytes(&p)) == -1L) + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + goto end_rec; + + case 0x09: /* 16 bit end record */ + if ((addr = get2bytes(&p)) == -1L) + badformat(buff, inm, BADADDR); + +end_rec: + cksum += B0(addr) + B1(addr) + B2(addr) + B3(addr); + tb.dl_jumpaddr = addr; + break; + + default: + error(0, "unknown Motorola-S record type: 0x%02x", rectype); + badformat(buff, inm, BADTYPE); + break; + } + + /* + * Verify checksums are correct in file. + */ + + cksum = (~cksum) & 0xff; + if ((incksum = getbyte(&p)) == -1) + badformat(buff, inm, BADCSUM); + if (((u8) incksum) != cksum) + badformat(buff, inm, MISCSUM); + +write_it: + if (tb.dl_count) + write_record(&tb, ofp); + } + return 0; +} + +int +convert_TI_records( + FILE *ifp, + char *inm, + FILE *ofp, + char *onm) +{ + char buff[512]; + char *p; + int c; + bool endrecord = FALSE; + bool eol; + buffer_rec tb; + + while ( ! endrecord && (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), ifp))) + { + if (p[strlen(p)-1] == '\n') /* get rid of newline */ + p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; + + if (p[strlen(p)-1] == '\r') /* get rid of any CR */ + p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; + + tb.dl_count = 0; + + p = &buff[0]; + eol = FALSE; + while ( ! eol && ! endrecord) + { + switch (*p++) + { + case '9': + if (tb.dl_count) + write_record(&tb, ofp); + tb.dl_destaddr = get2bytes(&p); + break; + + case 'B': + c = getbyte(&p); + filesum += c; + tb.dl_buf[tb.dl_count++] = c; + c = getbyte(&p); + filesum += c; + tb.dl_buf[tb.dl_count++] = c; + break; + + case 'F': + eol = TRUE; + break; + + case ':': + endrecord = TRUE; + break; + + default: + badformat(p, inm, BADFMT); + } + } + if (tb.dl_count) + write_record(&tb, ofp); + } + return 0; +} + +void +write_record(buffer_rec *tb, + FILE *fp) +{ + if ( ! linear) + { + if (tb->dl_destaddr < base) + error(ERR_FATAL, "record at address 0x%x precedes base of 0x%x", + tb->dl_destaddr, base); + (void) fseek(fp, tb->dl_destaddr - base, 0); + } + + (void) fwrite(tb->dl_buf, tb->dl_count, 1, fp); + tb->dl_destaddr += tb->dl_count; + tb->dl_count = 0; +} + +int +getnibble(char **p) +{ + register int val; + + **p = toupper(**p); + switch (**p) + { + case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': + case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': + val = **p - '0'; + break; + + case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': + val = 10 + (**p - 'A'); + break; + + default: + return(-1); + } + *p += 1; + + return(val & 0x0f); +} + +int +getbyte(char **p) +{ + int n0, n1; + + if ((n0 = getnibble(p)) == -1) + return(-1); + if ((n1 = getnibble(p)) == -1) + return(-1); + + return(((n0 << 4) + n1) & 0xff); +} + +long +getNbytes(char **p, + int n) +{ + int t; + u32 val = 0; + + while (n--) + { + if ((t = getbyte(p)) == -1) + return(-1L); + val <<= 8; + val += t; + } + + return(val); +} + +void +badformat(char *s, + char *fname, + char *msg) +{ + if (s[strlen(s)-1] == '\n') /* get rid of newline */ + s[strlen(s)-1] = '\0'; + error(0, "line '%s'::\n\tfrom file '%s'; %s", s, fname, msg); + exit(1); +} + +/* + * error(errn, arglist) + * report an error to stderr using printf(3) conventions. + * Any output is preceded by ': ' + * + * Uses ERR_EXIT bit to request exit(errn) + * ERR_ABORT to request abort() + * ERR_ERRNO to indicate use of errno instead of argument. + * + * If resulting 'errn' is non-zero, it is assumed to be an 'errno' and its + * associated error message is appended to the output. + */ + +/*VARARGS*/ + +void +error(int error_flag, ...) +{ + va_list arglist; + register char *format; + int local_errno; + + extern int errno; + + (void) fflush(stdout); /* in case stdout/stderr same */ + + local_errno = error_flag & ~ERR_MASK; + if (error_flag & ERR_ERRNO) /* use errno? */ + local_errno = errno; + + va_start(arglist, error_flag); + format = va_arg(arglist, char *); + (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname); + (void) vfprintf(stderr, format, arglist); + va_end(arglist); + + if (local_errno) + (void) fprintf(stderr, " (%s)\n", strerror(local_errno)); + else + (void) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + + (void) fflush(stderr); + + if (error_flag & (ERR_FATAL | ERR_ABORT)) + { + if (error_flag & ERR_FATAL) + { + error(0, "fatal error, exiting"); + exit(local_errno ? local_errno : 1); + } + else + { + error(0, "fatal error, aborting"); + abort(); + } + } +} + Index: build/ =================================================================== --- build/ (nonexistent) +++ build/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +## +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ +## + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I $(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal + +bin_PROGRAMS = cklength eolstrip packhex unhex + +noinst_PROGRAMS = binpatch + +cklength_SOURCES = cklength.c +eolstrip_SOURCES = eolstrip.c +packhex_SOURCES = packhex.c +unhex_SOURCES = unhex.c +binpatch_SOURCES = binpatch.c + +bin_SCRIPTS = install-if-change lock-directory unlock-directory + +noinst_SCRIPTS = + +include $(top_srcdir)/../../automake/ Index: build/binpatch.c =================================================================== --- build/binpatch.c (nonexistent) +++ build/binpatch.c (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +/* + * $Id: binpatch.c,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ + */ + + +#include +#include + +/* + * This function will patch binary file + */ + + +static char buf[512]; + +static void +usage(void) +{ + printf("usage: binpatch [-h] " + "[ [ []]]\n"); + printf("this function patches binary file at specified offset with\n"); + printf("up to 4 bytes provided on command line \n"); + printf("-h - prints this message\n\n"); + printf(" - output file\n"); + printf(" - input ifile\n"); + printf(" - relocation address of image\n"); + printf(" - offset of patch, offset in file is at off - reloc\n"); + printf(" - byte 0 of patch\n"); + printf(" - byte 1 of patch\n"); + printf(" - byte 1 of patch\n"); + printf(" - byte 1 of patch\n"); + + return; +} + +int +main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + int c; + FILE *ofp, *ifp; + char patch[4], *end; + int patchLen, tmp, i, off, cnt, patched, len, reloc; + + + /* parse command line options */ + while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h")) >= 0) + { + switch (c) + { + case 'h': + usage(); + return 0; + default: + usage(); + return 1; + } + } + + if(argc < 6) + { + usage(); + return 1; + } + + /* Let us get offset in file */ + reloc = strtol(argv[3], &end, 0); + if(end == argv[3] || off < 0) + { + fprintf(stderr, "bad reloc value %s\n", argv[3]); + return 1; + } + + off = strtol(argv[4], &end, 0); + if(end == argv[4] || off < 0 || off < reloc) + { + fprintf(stderr, "bad offset value %s\n", argv[4]); + return 1; + } + + off -= reloc; + + /* Let us get patch */ + patchLen = argc - 5; + + for(i=0; i 0xff) + { + fprintf(stderr, "bad byte value %s\n", argv[5+i]); + return 1; + } + patch[i] = tmp; + } + + ifp = fopen(argv[2], "r"); + if(ifp == NULL) + { + fprintf(stderr, "unable to open file %s\n", argv[2]); + return 1; + } + + ofp = fopen(argv[1], "w"); + if(ofp == NULL) + { + fprintf(stderr, "unable to open file %s\n", argv[1]); + return 1; + } + + cnt = 0; + patched = 0; + for(;;) + { + len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), ifp); + + if(len == 0) + { + break; + } + + if(cnt <= off && (cnt + len) > off) + { + /* Perform patch */ + for(i=0; i off && cnt < (off + patchLen)) + { + /* Perform patch */ + for(i=cnt-off; i&2 + fi + echo "$USAGE" 1>&2 + exit 1 +} + +# +# process the options +# + +verbose="" +suffix="" +mode="" + +while getopts vm:V: OPT +do + case "$OPT" in + v) + verbose="yes";; + V) + eval suffix=$OPTARG;; + m) + mode="$OPTARG";; + *) + fatal + esac +done + +shiftcount=`expr $OPTIND - 1` +shift $shiftcount + +args=$* + +# +# Separate source file(s) from dest directory or file +# + +files="" +dest="" +for d in $args +do + files="$files $dest" + dest=$d +done + +if [ ! "$files" ] || [ ! "$dest" ] +then + fatal "missing files or invalid destination" +fi + +# +# Process the arguments +# + +targets="" +for f in $files +do + # leaf=`basename $f` + leaf=${f##*/} # fast basename hack for ksh, bash + + target=$dest + if [ -d $dest ] + then + # if we were given a suffix, then add it as appropriate + if [ "$suffix" ] + then + case $f in + *.*) + # leaf=`echo $leaf | + # /bin/sed "s/\([~\.]*\)\.\(.*\)$/\1$suffix.\2/"` + # ksh,bash hack for above sed script + leaf=${leaf%%.*}$suffix.${leaf#*.} + + [ "$verbose" = "yes" ] && + echo "$progname: $f will be installed as $leaf" + ;; + *) + leaf=$leaf$suffix;; + esac + fi + target=$target/$leaf + fi + + [ ! -r $f ] && fatal "can not read $f" + + if cmp -s $f $target + then + [ "$verbose" = "yes" ] && echo "'$f' not newer than '$target'" + else + [ "$verbose" = "yes" ] && echo "rm -f $target" + rm -f $target + echo "cp -p $f $target" + cp -p $f $target || exit 1 + targets="$targets $target" # keep list for chmod below + fi +done + +if [ "$mode" -a "$targets" ] +then + [ "$verbose" = "yes" ] && echo "chmod $mode $targets" + chmod $mode $targets +fi + +exit 0 + +# Local Variables: *** +# mode:ksh *** +# End: *** Index: build/README =================================================================== --- build/README (nonexistent) +++ build/README (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# +# $Id: README,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ +# + +Misc. support tools for RTEMS workspaces. +More will be added later as they are converted from Teamware +to CVS. + +install-if-change + Smart install script that also can append suffixes as it + installs (suffixes used for debug and profile variants). + Requires bash or ksh. + +rcs-clean + deletes all files from the current directory that can be + re-created from RCS. Careful to not delete locked files. + May be used by 'gmake clobber' + +lock-directory +unlock-directory + traverse a directory structure making it unwritable. + Useful to keep people from accidentally overwriting + "released" trees if they get confused about which + module they have loaded. Index: build =================================================================== --- build (nonexistent) +++ build (revision 1765)
build Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,19 ## +Makefile +aclocal.m4 +config.cache +config.guess +config.h +config.log +config.status +config.sub +configure +depcomp +install-if-change +install-sh +lock-directory +missing +mkinstalldirs +unlock-directory Index: update/ =================================================================== --- update/ (nonexistent) +++ update/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ + +# +# Search RTEMS source tree for autoconf Makefile.ins and automake +# Makefile.ams and run c/update-tools/acpolish rsp. c/update-tool/ampolish +# on them. +# +# To be run from the toplevel directory of the source-tree +# + +progname=`basename $0` +rootdir=`dirname $0` + +# Get the absolute path to the perltools +pwd=`pwd` +cd $rootdir +perltools=`pwd` +cd $pwd + +ac_do="" +am_do="" +ci_do="" + +usage() +{ + echo + echo "usage: ./${perltools}/${progname} [-h][-ac|-am|-ci]"; + echo + echo "options:" + echo " -h .. display this message and exit"; + echo " -ac .. run acpolish on all autoconf Makefile.ins" + echo " -am .. run ampolish on all automake Makefile.ams" + echo " -ci .. run cipolish on all scripts" + echo + exit 1; +} + +# Check for auxiliary files +aux_files="../../VERSION ampolish acpolish cipolish" +for i in ${aux_files}; do + if test ! -f ${perltools}/$i; then + echo "${progname}:" + echo " Missing $perltools/$i" + exit 1; + fi +done + +while test $# -gt 0; do +case $1 in +-h|--he|--hel|--help) + usage ;; +-ac) + ac_do="yes"; + shift ;; +-am) + am_do="yes"; + shift ;; +-ci) + ci_do="yes"; + shift ;; +-*) echo "unknown option $1" ; + usage ;; +*) echo "invalid parameter $1" ; + usage ;; +esac +done + +if test -z "$ac_do" && test -z "$am_do" && test -z "$ci_do"; then + usage +fi + +pwd=`pwd`; + +if test -n "$ac_do"; then +ac_files=`find . -name '' -print`; +for f in $ac_files; do + i=`dirname $f` + dest="$i" + if test ! -f $dest/; then + echo "polishing : $dest/" + ( cd $dest; + mv; + ${perltools}/acpolish + rm + ) + fi +done +fi + +if test -n "$am_do"; then +am_files=`find . -name '' -print`; +for f in $am_files; do + i=`dirname $f` + dest="$i" + echo "polishing : $dest/" + ( cd $dest; + mv; + ${perltools}/ampolish + rm + ) +done +fi + +if test -n "$ci_do"; then +ci_files=`find . -name '' -print`; +for f in $ci_files; do + i=`dirname $f` + dest="$i" + echo "polishing : $dest/" + ( cd $dest; + mv; + ${perltools}/cipolish + rm + ) +done +fi
update/ Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: update/310_to_320_list =================================================================== --- update/310_to_320_list (nonexistent) +++ update/310_to_320_list (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,545 @@ +# +# External API name +# +# $Id: 310_to_320_list,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +# +initialize_executive rtems_initialize_executive +initialize_executive_early rtems_initialize_executive_early +initialize_executive_late rtems_initialize_executive_late +shutdown_executive rtems_shutdown_executive +task_create rtems_task_create +task_ident rtems_task_ident +task_start rtems_task_start +task_restart rtems_task_restart +task_delete rtems_task_delete +task_suspend rtems_task_suspend +task_resume rtems_task_resume +task_set_priority rtems_task_set_priority +task_mode rtems_task_mode +task_get_note rtems_task_get_note +task_set_note rtems_task_set_note +task_wake_after rtems_task_wake_after +task_wake_when rtems_task_wake_when +interrupt_catch rtems_interrupt_catch +clock_set rtems_clock_set +clock_get rtems_clock_get +clock_tick rtems_clock_tick +extension_create rtems_extension_create +extension_ident rtems_extension_ident +extension_delete rtems_extension_delete +timer_create rtems_timer_create +timer_ident rtems_timer_ident +timer_cancel rtems_timer_cancel +timer_delete rtems_timer_delete +timer_fire_after rtems_timer_fire_after +timer_fire_when rtems_timer_fire_when +timer_reset rtems_timer_reset +semaphore_create rtems_semaphore_create +semaphore_ident rtems_semaphore_ident +semaphore_delete rtems_semaphore_delete +semaphore_obtain rtems_semaphore_obtain +semaphore_release rtems_semaphore_release +message_queue_create rtems_message_queue_create +message_queue_ident rtems_message_queue_ident +message_queue_delete rtems_message_queue_delete +message_queue_send rtems_message_queue_send +message_queue_urgent rtems_message_queue_urgent +message_queue_broadcast rtems_message_queue_broadcast +message_queue_receive rtems_message_queue_receive +message_queue_flush rtems_message_queue_flush +event_send rtems_event_send +event_receive rtems_event_receive +signal_catch rtems_signal_catch +signal_send rtems_signal_send +partition_create rtems_partition_create +partition_ident rtems_partition_ident +partition_delete rtems_partition_delete +partition_get_buffer rtems_partition_get_buffer +partition_return_buffer rtems_partition_return_buffer +region_create rtems_region_create +region_extend rtems_region_extend +region_ident rtems_region_ident +region_delete rtems_region_delete +region_get_segment rtems_region_get_segment +region_get_segment_size rtems_region_get_segment_size +region_return_segment rtems_region_return_segment +port_create rtems_port_create +port_ident rtems_port_ident +port_delete rtems_port_delete +port_external_to_internal rtems_port_external_to_internal +port_internal_to_external rtems_port_internal_to_external +io_initialize rtems_io_initialize +io_open rtems_io_open +io_close rtems_io_close +io_read rtems_io_read +io_write rtems_io_write +io_control rtems_io_control +fatal_error_occurred rtems_fatal_error_occurred +rate_monotonic_create rtems_rate_monotonic_create +rate_monotonic_ident rtems_rate_monotonic_ident +rate_monotonic_delete rtems_rate_monotonic_delete +rate_monotonic_cancel rtems_rate_monotonic_cancel +rate_monotonic_period rtems_rate_monotonic_period +multiprocessing_announce rtems_multiprocessing_announce +# +# Internal Names for API +# +_Initialize_Executive rtems_initialize_executive +_Initialize_Executive_early rtems_initialize_executive_early +_Initialize_Executive_late rtems_initialize_executive_late +_Shutdown_Executive rtems_shutdown_executive +_RTEMS_tasks_Create rtems_task_create +_RTEMS_tasks_Name_to_id rtems_task_ident +_RTEMS_tasks_Start rtems_task_start +_RTEMS_tasks_Restart rtems_task_restart +_RTEMS_tasks_Delete rtems_task_delete +_RTEMS_tasks_Suspend rtems_task_suspend +_RTEMS_tasks_Resume rtems_task_resume +_RTEMS_tasks_Set_priority rtems_task_set_priority +_RTEMS_tasks_Mode rtems_task_mode +_RTEMS_tasks_Get_note rtems_task_get_note +_RTEMS_tasks_Set_note rtems_task_set_note +_RTEMS_tasks_Wake_after rtems_task_wake_after +_RTEMS_tasks_Wake_when rtems_task_wake_when +_Interrupt_Catch rtems_interrupt_catch +_Clock_Set rtems_clock_set +_Clock_Get rtems_clock_get +_Clock_Tick rtems_clock_tick +_Extension_Create rtems_extension_create +_Extension_Name_to_id rtems_extension_ident +_Extension_Delete rtems_extension_delete +_Timer_Create rtems_timer_create +_Timer_Name_to_id rtems_timer_ident +_Timer_Cancel rtems_timer_cancel +_Timer_Delete rtems_timer_delete +_Timer_Fire_after rtems_timer_fire_after +_Timer_Fire_when rtems_timer_fire_when +_Timer_Reset rtems_timer_reset +_Semaphore_Create rtems_semaphore_create +_Semaphore_Name_to_id rtems_semaphore_ident +_Semaphore_Delete rtems_semaphore_delete +_Semaphore_Obtain rtems_semaphore_obtain +_Semaphore_Release rtems_semaphore_release +_Message_queue_Create rtems_message_queue_create +_Message_queue_Name_to_id rtems_message_queue_ident +_Message_queue_Delete rtems_message_queue_delete +_Message_queue_Send rtems_message_queue_send +_Message_queue_Urgent rtems_message_queue_urgent +_Message_queue_Broadcast rtems_message_queue_broadcast +_Message_queue_Receive rtems_message_queue_receive +_Message_queue_Flush rtems_message_queue_flush +_Event_Send rtems_event_send +_Event_Receive rtems_event_receive +_Signal_Catch rtems_signal_catch +_Signal_Send rtems_signal_send +_Partition_Create rtems_partition_create +_Partition_Name_to_id rtems_partition_ident +_Partition_Delete rtems_partition_delete +_Partition_Get_buffer rtems_partition_get_buffer +_Partition_Return_buffer rtems_partition_return_buffer +_Region_Create rtems_region_create +_Region_Extend rtems_region_extend +_Region_Name_to_id rtems_region_ident +_Region_Delete rtems_region_delete +_Region_Get_segment rtems_region_get_segment +_Region_Get_segment_size rtems_region_get_segment_size +_Region_Return_segment rtems_region_return_segment +_Dual_ported_memory_Create rtems_port_create +_Dual_ported_memory_Name_to_id rtems_port_ident +_Dual_ported_memory_Delete rtems_port_delete +_Dual_ported_memory_External_to_internal rtems_port_external_to_internal +_Dual_ported_memory_Internal_to_external rtems_port_internal_to_external +_IO_Initialize rtems_io_initialize +_IO_Open rtems_io_open +_IO_Close rtems_io_close +_IO_Read rtems_io_read +_IO_Write rtems_io_write +_IO_Control rtems_io_control +_Fatal_Error_occurred rtems_fatal_error_occurred +_Rate_monotonic_Create rtems_rate_monotonic_create +_Rate_monotonic_Name_to_id rtems_rate_monotonic_ident +_Rate_monotonic_Delete rtems_rate_monotonic_delete +_Rate_monotonic_Cancel rtems_rate_monotonic_cancel +_Rate_monotonic_Period rtems_rate_monotonic_period +_Multiprocessing_Announce rtems_multiprocessing_announce +# +# Status (API names) +# +SUCCESSFUL RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL +TASK_EXITTED RTEMS_TASK_EXITTED +MP_NOT_CONFIGURED RTEMS_MP_NOT_CONFIGURED +INVALID_NAME RTEMS_INVALID_NAME +INVALID_ID RTEMS_INVALID_ID +TOO_MANY RTEMS_TOO_MANY +TIMEOUT RTEMS_TIMEOUT +OBJECT_WAS_DELETED RTEMS_OBJECT_WAS_DELETED +INVALID_SIZE RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE +INVALID_ADDRESS RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS +INVALID_NUMBER RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER +NOT_DEFINED RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED +RESOURCE_IN_USE RTEMS_RESOURCE_IN_USE +UNSATISFIED RTEMS_UNSATISFIED +INCORRECT_STATE RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE +ALREADY_SUSPENDED RTEMS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED +ILLEGAL_ON_SELF RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_SELF +ILLEGAL_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT +CALLED_FROM_ISR RTEMS_CALLED_FROM_ISR +INVALID_PRIORITY RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY +INVALID_CLOCK RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK +INVALID_NODE RTEMS_INVALID_NODE +NOT_CONFIGURED RTEMS_NOT_CONFIGURED +NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE RTEMS_NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE +NOT_IMPLEMENTED RTEMS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED +INTERNAL_ERROR RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR +PROXY_BLOCKING RTEMS_PROXY_BLOCKING +NO_MEMORY RTEMS_NO_MEMORY +STATUS_CODES_FIRST RTEMS_STATUS_CODES_FIRST +STATUS_CODES_LAST RTEMS_STATUS_CODES_LAST +# +# Status (Internal names) +# +STATUS_SUCCESSFUL RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL +STATUS_TASK_EXITTED RTEMS_TASK_EXITTED +STATUS_MP_NOT_CONFIGURED RTEMS_MP_NOT_CONFIGURED +STATUS_INVALID_NAME RTEMS_INVALID_NAME +STATUS_INVALID_ID RTEMS_INVALID_ID +STATUS_TOO_MANY RTEMS_TOO_MANY +STATUS_TIMEOUT RTEMS_TIMEOUT +STATUS_OBJECT_WAS_DELETED RTEMS_OBJECT_WAS_DELETED +STATUS_INVALID_SIZE RTEMS_INVALID_SIZE +STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS RTEMS_INVALID_ADDRESS +STATUS_INVALID_NUMBER RTEMS_INVALID_NUMBER +STATUS_NOT_DEFINED RTEMS_NOT_DEFINED +STATUS_RESOURCE_IN_USE RTEMS_RESOURCE_IN_USE +STATUS_UNSATISFIED RTEMS_UNSATISFIED +STATUS_INCORRECT_STATE RTEMS_INCORRECT_STATE +STATUS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED RTEMS_ALREADY_SUSPENDED +STATUS_ILLEGAL_ON_SELF RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_SELF +STATUS_ILLEGAL_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT RTEMS_ILLEGAL_ON_REMOTE_OBJECT +STATUS_CALLED_FROM_ISR RTEMS_CALLED_FROM_ISR +STATUS_INVALID_PRIORITY RTEMS_INVALID_PRIORITY +STATUS_INVALID_CLOCK RTEMS_INVALID_CLOCK +STATUS_INVALID_NODE RTEMS_INVALID_NODE +STATUS_NOT_CONFIGURED RTEMS_NOT_CONFIGURED +STATUS_NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE RTEMS_NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE +STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED RTEMS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED +STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR RTEMS_INTERNAL_ERROR +STATUS_PROXY_BLOCKING RTEMS_PROXY_BLOCKING +STATUS_NO_MEMORY RTEMS_NO_MEMORY +# +# Attributes (External) +# +DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES +NO_FLOATING_POINT RTEMS_NO_FLOATING_POINT +FLOATING_POINT RTEMS_FLOATING_POINT +LOCAL RTEMS_LOCAL +GLOBAL RTEMS_GLOBAL +FIFO RTEMS_FIFO +PRIORITY RTEMS_PRIORITY +NO_LIMIT RTEMS_NO_LIMIT +LIMIT RTEMS_LIMIT +COUNTING_SEMAPHORE RTEMS_COUNTING_SEMAPHORE +BINARY_SEMAPHORE RTEMS_BINARY_SEMAPHORE +NO_INHERIT_PRIORITY RTEMS_NO_INHERIT_PRIORITY +INHERIT_PRIORITY RTEMS_INHERIT_PRIORITY +# +# Attributes (Internal) +# +ATTRIBUTES_DEFAULTS RTEMS_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES +ATTRIBUTES_NO_FLOATING_POINT RTEMS_NO_FLOATING_POINT +ATTRIBUTES_FLOATING_POINT RTEMS_FLOATING_POINT +ATTRIBUTES_LOCAL RTEMS_LOCAL +ATTRIBUTES_GLOBAL RTEMS_GLOBAL +ATTRIBUTES_FIFO RTEMS_FIFO +ATTRIBUTES_PRIORITY RTEMS_PRIORITY +ATTRIBUTES_NO_LIMIT RTEMS_NO_LIMIT +ATTRIBUTES_LIMIT RTEMS_LIMIT +ATTRIBUTES_COUNTING_SEMAPHORE RTEMS_COUNTING_SEMAPHORE +ATTRIBUTES_BINARY_SEMAPHORE RTEMS_BINARY_SEMAPHORE +ATTRIBUTES_NO_INHERIT_PRIORITY RTEMS_NO_INHERIT_PRIORITY +ATTRIBUTES_INHERIT_PRIORITY RTEMS_INHERIT_PRIORITY +# +# Options (External) +# +DEFAULT_OPTIONS RTEMS_DEFAULT_OPTIONS +WAIT RTEMS_WAIT +NO_WAIT RTEMS_NO_WAIT +EVENT_ALL RTEMS_EVENT_ALL +EVENT_ANY RTEMS_EVENT_ANY +# +# Options (Internal) +# +OPTIONS_DEFAULT RTEMS_DEFAULT_OPTIONS +OPTIONS_WAIT RTEMS_WAIT +OPTIONS_NO_WAIT RTEMS_NO_WAIT +OPTIONS_EVENT_ALL RTEMS_EVENT_ALL +OPTIONS_EVENT_ANY RTEMS_EVENT_ANY +# +# Masks (External) +# +ALL_MODE_MASKS RTEMS_ALL_MODE_MASKS +PREEMPT_MASK RTEMS_PREEMPT_MASK +TIMESLICE_MASK RTEMS_TIMESLICE_MASK +ASR_MASK RTEMS_ASR_MASK +INTERRUPT_MASK RTEMS_INTERRUPT_MASK +# +# Masks (Internal) +# +MODES_ALL_MASK RTEMS_ALL_MODE_MASKS +MODES_PREEMPT_MASK RTEMS_PREEMPT_MASK +MODES_TIMESLICE_MASK RTEMS_TIMESLICE_MASK +MODES_ASR_MASK RTEMS_ASR_MASK +MODES_INTERRUPT_MASK RTEMS_INTERRUPT_MASK +# +# Modes (Internal) +# +MODES_DEFAULTS RTEMS_DEFAULT_MODES +MODES_PREEMPT RTEMS_PREEMPT +MODES_NO_PREEMPT RTEMS_NO_PREEMPT +MODES_NO_TIMESLICE RTEMS_NO_TIMESLICE +MODES_TIMESLICE RTEMS_TIMESLICE +MODES_ASR RTEMS_ASR +MODES_NO_ASR RTEMS_NO_ASR +_Modes_Interrupt_level RTEMS_INTERRUPT_LEVEL +# +# Modes (External) +# +DEFAULT_MODES RTEMS_DEFAULT_MODES +PREEMPT RTEMS_PREEMPT +NO_PREEMPT RTEMS_NO_PREEMPT +NO_TIMESLICE RTEMS_NO_TIMESLICE +TIMESLICE RTEMS_TIMESLICE +ASR RTEMS_ASR +NO_ASR RTEMS_NO_ASR +INTERRUPT_LEVEL RTEMS_INTERRUPT_LEVEL +# +# Identification (External) +# +SEARCH_ALL_NODES RTEMS_SEARCH_ALL_NODES +SEARCH_OTHER_NODES RTEMS_SEARCH_OTHER_NODES +SEARCH_LOCAL_NODE RTEMS_SEARCH_LOCAL_NODE +WHO_AM_I RTEMS_WHO_AM_I +# +# Identification (Internal) +# +OBJECTS_SEARCH_ALL_NODES RTEMS_SEARCH_ALL_NODES +OBJECTS_SEARCH_OTHER_NODES RTEMS_SEARCH_OTHER_NODES +OBJECTS_SEARCH_LOCAL_NODE RTEMS_SEARCH_LOCAL_NODE +OBJECTS_WHO_AM_I RTEMS_WHO_AM_I +# +# Miscellaneous (External API) +# +CURRENT_MODE RTEMS_CURRENT_MODE +CURRENT_PRIORITY RTEMS_CURRENT_PRIORITY +PENDING_EVENTS RTEMS_PENDING_EVENTS +NO_TIMEOUT RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT +SELF RTEMS_SELF +PERIOD_STATUS RTEMS_PERIOD_STATUS +YIELD_PROCESSOR RTEMS_YIELD_PROCESSOR +MINIMUM_PRIORITY RTEMS_MINIMUM_PRIORITY +MAXIMUM_PRIORITY RTEMS_MAXIMUM_PRIORITY +MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE RTEMS_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE +# +# Miscellaneous (External API) +# +MODES_CURRENT RTEMS_CURRENT_MODE +PRIORITY_CURRENT RTEMS_CURRENT_PRIORITY +# +# Events +# +ALL_EVENTS RTEMS_ALL_EVENTS +EVENT_0 RTEMS_EVENT_0 +EVENT_1 RTEMS_EVENT_1 +EVENT_2 RTEMS_EVENT_2 +EVENT_3 RTEMS_EVENT_3 +EVENT_4 RTEMS_EVENT_4 +EVENT_5 RTEMS_EVENT_5 +EVENT_6 RTEMS_EVENT_6 +EVENT_7 RTEMS_EVENT_7 +EVENT_8 RTEMS_EVENT_8 +EVENT_9 RTEMS_EVENT_9 +EVENT_10 RTEMS_EVENT_10 +EVENT_11 RTEMS_EVENT_11 +EVENT_12 RTEMS_EVENT_12 +EVENT_13 RTEMS_EVENT_13 +EVENT_14 RTEMS_EVENT_14 +EVENT_15 RTEMS_EVENT_15 +EVENT_16 RTEMS_EVENT_16 +EVENT_17 RTEMS_EVENT_17 +EVENT_18 RTEMS_EVENT_18 +EVENT_19 RTEMS_EVENT_19 +EVENT_20 RTEMS_EVENT_20 +EVENT_21 RTEMS_EVENT_21 +EVENT_22 RTEMS_EVENT_22 +EVENT_23 RTEMS_EVENT_23 +EVENT_24 RTEMS_EVENT_24 +EVENT_25 RTEMS_EVENT_25 +EVENT_26 RTEMS_EVENT_26 +EVENT_27 RTEMS_EVENT_27 +EVENT_28 RTEMS_EVENT_28 +EVENT_29 RTEMS_EVENT_29 +EVENT_30 RTEMS_EVENT_30 +EVENT_31 RTEMS_EVENT_31 +# +# Signals +# +SIGNAL_0 RTEMS_SIGNAL_0 +SIGNAL_1 RTEMS_SIGNAL_1 +SIGNAL_2 RTEMS_SIGNAL_2 +SIGNAL_3 RTEMS_SIGNAL_3 +SIGNAL_4 RTEMS_SIGNAL_4 +SIGNAL_5 RTEMS_SIGNAL_5 +SIGNAL_6 RTEMS_SIGNAL_6 +SIGNAL_7 RTEMS_SIGNAL_7 +SIGNAL_8 RTEMS_SIGNAL_8 +SIGNAL_9 RTEMS_SIGNAL_9 +SIGNAL_10 RTEMS_SIGNAL_10 +SIGNAL_11 RTEMS_SIGNAL_11 +SIGNAL_12 RTEMS_SIGNAL_12 +SIGNAL_13 RTEMS_SIGNAL_13 +SIGNAL_14 RTEMS_SIGNAL_14 +SIGNAL_15 RTEMS_SIGNAL_15 +SIGNAL_16 RTEMS_SIGNAL_16 +SIGNAL_17 RTEMS_SIGNAL_17 +SIGNAL_18 RTEMS_SIGNAL_18 +SIGNAL_19 RTEMS_SIGNAL_19 +SIGNAL_20 RTEMS_SIGNAL_20 +SIGNAL_21 RTEMS_SIGNAL_21 +SIGNAL_22 RTEMS_SIGNAL_22 +SIGNAL_23 RTEMS_SIGNAL_23 +SIGNAL_24 RTEMS_SIGNAL_24 +SIGNAL_25 RTEMS_SIGNAL_25 +SIGNAL_26 RTEMS_SIGNAL_26 +SIGNAL_27 RTEMS_SIGNAL_27 +SIGNAL_28 RTEMS_SIGNAL_28 +SIGNAL_29 RTEMS_SIGNAL_29 +SIGNAL_30 RTEMS_SIGNAL_30 +SIGNAL_31 RTEMS_SIGNAL_31 +# +# Notepads +# +NOTEPAD_FIRST RTEMS_NOTEPAD_FIRST +NOTEPAD_0 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_0 +NOTEPAD_1 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_1 +NOTEPAD_2 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_2 +NOTEPAD_3 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_3 +NOTEPAD_4 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_4 +NOTEPAD_5 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_5 +NOTEPAD_6 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_6 +NOTEPAD_7 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_7 +NOTEPAD_8 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_8 +NOTEPAD_9 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_9 +NOTEPAD_10 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_10 +NOTEPAD_11 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_11 +NOTEPAD_12 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_12 +NOTEPAD_13 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_13 +NOTEPAD_14 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_14 +NOTEPAD_15 RTEMS_NOTEPAD_15 +NOTEPAD_LAST RTEMS_NOTEPAD_LAST +# +# Multiprocessing +# +MIN_PKTSIZE RTEMS_MINIMUM_PACKET_SIZE +MIN_HETERO_CONV RTEMS_MINIMUN_HETERO_CONVERSION +# +# Name and ID External +# +get_node rtems_get_node +get_index rtems_get_index +build_name rtems_build_name +name_to_characters rtems_name_to_characters +# +# Name and ID Internal +# +_Objects_Get_node rtems_get_node +_Objects_Get_index rtems_get_index +_Objects_Build_name rtems_build_name +_Objects_Name_to_characters rtems_name_to_characters +# +# clock_get +# +CLOCK_GET_TOD RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TOD +CLOCK_GET_SECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_SECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH +CLOCK_GET_TICKS_SINCE_BOOT RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TICKS_SINCE_BOOT +CLOCK_GET_TICKS_PER_SECOND RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TICKS_PER_SECOND +CLOCK_GET_TIME_VALUE RTEMS_CLOCK_GET_TIME_VALUE +# +# Status Code Support Routines (External) -- NO CHANGES +# +# +# Status Code Support Routines (Internal) +# +_Status_Is_successful rtems_is_status_successful +_Status_Is_equal rtems_are_statuses_equal +# +# Time Conversion Support Routines (External) -- NO CHANGES +# +# +# Time Conversion Support Routines (Internal) +# +_TOD_Milliseconds_to_microseconds RTEMS_MILLISECONDS_TO_MICROSECONDS +_TOD_Milliseconds_to_ticks RTEMS_MILLISECONDS_TO_MICROSECONDS +# +# MP packet +# +MP_PACKET_INTERNAL_THREADS RTEMS_MP_PACKET_INTERNAL_THREADS +MP_PACKET_RTEMS_TASKS RTEMS_MP_PACKET_TASKS +MP_PACKET_MESSAGE_QUEUE RTEMS_MP_PACKET_MESSAGE_QUEUE +MP_PACKET_SEMAPHORE RTEMS_MP_PACKET_SEMAPHORE +MP_PACKET_PARTITION RTEMS_MP_PACKET_PARTITION +MP_PACKET_REGION RTEMS_MP_PACKET_REGION +MP_PACKET_EVENT RTEMS_MP_PACKET_EVENT +MP_PACKET_SIGNAL RTEMS_MP_PACKET_SIGNAL +# +# +# +IO_Major_control rtems_device_major_number +IO_Minor_control rtems_device_minor_number +# +# Configuration Info +# +Configuration_Table rtems_configuration_table +Configuration_Initialization_tasks_table rtems_initialization_tasks_table +Configuration_Driver_address_table rtems_driver_address_table +Configuration_Extension_table rtems_extensions_table +rtems_tasks_create_extension rtems_task_create_extension +rtems_tasks_start_extension rtems_task_start_extension +rtems_tasks_restart_extension rtems_task_restart_extension +rtems_tasks_delete_extension rtems_task_delete_extension +rtems_tasks_switch_extension rtems_task_switch_extension +rtems_tasks_begin_extension rtems_task_begin_extension +rtems_tasks_exitted_extension rtems_task_exitted_extension +rtems_fatal_extension rtems_fatal_extension +Configuration_MPCI_table rtems_mpci_table +Configuration_Multiprocessing_table rtems_multiprocessing_table +CPU_Table rtems_cpu_table +# +Clock_Get_options rtems_clock_get_options +Clock_Time_value rtems_clock_time_value +MP_packet_Prefix rtems_packet_prefix +MP_packet_Classes rtems_mp_packet_classes +TOD_Control rtems_time_of_day +ISR_Vector rtems_vector_number +Watchdog_Interval rtems_interval +Watchdog_Service rtems_timer_service_routine_entry +Attributes_Control rtems_attribute +Modes_Control rtems_mode +Options_Control rtems_option +Priority_Control rtems_task_priority +PRIORITY_MINIMUM RTEMS_MINIMUM_PRIORITY +PRIORITY_MAXIMUM RTEMS_MAXIMUM_PRIORITY +Event_sets_Control rtems_event_set +ASR_Signal_set_control rtems_signal_set +Status_Codes rtems_status_code +RTEMS_TASKS_YIELD_PROCESSOR RTEMS_YIELD_PROCESSOR +RATE_MONOTONIC_PERIOD_STATUS RTEMS_PERIOD_STATUS +WATCHDOG_FOREVER RTEMS_NO_TIMEOUT +STACK_MINIMUM_SIZE RTEMS_MINIMUM_STACK_SIZE +# +ASR_Handler rtems_asr_entry +Thread_Entry rtems_task_entry +# +disable_intr rtems_interrupt_disable +enable_intr rtems_interrupt_enable +flash_intr rtems_interrupt_flash + Index: update/ =================================================================== --- update/ (nonexistent) +++ update/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# +# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +# + +AC_PREREQ(2.13) +AC_INIT( +RTEMS_TOP(../..) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(../..) + +AC_CANONICAL_HOST + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(rtems-tools-update,$RTEMS_VERSION,no) +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE + +RTEMS_PATH_KSH +RTEMS_PATH_PERL + +AM_CONDITIONAL(PERL,test -n "$PERL") + +RTEMS_TOOLPATHS +# Explicitly list all Makefiles here +AC_OUTPUT( +Makefile +) Index: update/ =================================================================== --- update/ (nonexistent) +++ update/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +#!@KSH@ -p +# +# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +# +# Either bash or ksh will be ok for this; requires 'test -ot' +# (-p above just says to not parse $ENV file; makes it faster for +# those of us who set $ENV) +# +# Update RTEMS applications for the API changes from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 +# +# NOTE +# +# This is potentially a very dangerous program. + +# progname=`basename $0` +progname=${0##*/} # fast basename hack for ksh, bash + +USAGE=\ +" +usage: $progname [ -vs ] [ -b base_directory ] [-p file] [-f] [files...] + -v -- verbose + -p -- file with replacement instructions + -s -- skip prompt for backup verification + -f -- do files at end of line + +base_directory is the root directory of the source code to update. It +defaults to the current directory. + +This program updates C, H, and .inl files. +" + +fatal() { + if [ "$1" ] + then + echo >&2 + echo $* >&2 + echo >&2 + fi + echo "$USAGE" 1>&2 + exit 1 +} + +# +# KLUDGE to figure out at runtime how to echo a line without a +# newline. +# +count=`echo "\\c" | wc -c` +if [ ${count} -ne 0 ] ; then + EARG="-n" + EOL="" +else + EARG="" + EOL="\\c" +fi + +# +# Function to make sure they do a backup +# + +WARNING=\ +" + +******************************************************************************* +******************************************************************************* +******************************************************************************* +**** **** +**** WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!! **** +**** **** +**** ALL SOURCE CODE SHOULD BE BACKED UP BEFORE RUNNING THIS PROGRAM!! **** +**** **** +**** WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!! **** +**** **** +******************************************************************************* +******************************************************************************* +******************************************************************************* + +" + +verify_backup() +{ + echo "$WARNING" + continue="yes" + while [ $continue = "yes" ] + do +echo ${EARG} "Do you wish to update the source tree at this time [y|n]? " ${EOL} + read answer + case $answer in + [yY]*) + continue="no" + ;; + [nN]*) + echo + echo "Exitting at user request" + echo + exit 0 + ;; + esac + done +} + +# +# Default tools to use... +# +# NOTE: The GNU versions of both of these are faster. +# +find_prog=find +xargs_prog=xargs + +# +# process the options +# + +verbose="" +suffix="" +mode="" +base_directory=. +do_files="no" +do_prompt="yes" +replacement_file="${RTEMS_ROOT}/update-tools/310_to_320_list" + +while getopts sfp:b:v OPT +do + case "$OPT" in + v) + verbose="yes";; + s) + do_prompt="no";; + b) + base_directory=${OPTARG};; + p) + replacement_file=${OPTARG};; + f) + do_files="yes";; + *) + fatal + esac +done + +let $((shiftcount = $OPTIND - 1)) +shift $shiftcount + +args=$* + +# +# Make sure they have done a backup +# + +if [ ${do_prompt} = "yes" ] +then + verify_backup +fi + +# +# Validate the base directory +# + +if [ ! -d $base_directory ] +then + fatal "${base_directory} does not exist" +fi + +# +# Validate the replacement file +# + +if [ ! -r $replacement_file ] +then + fatal "${replacement_file} does not exist or is not readable" +fi + + +# +# Verify enough of the RTEMS environment variables are set +# + +if [ ! -d "${RTEMS_ROOT}" ] +then + fatal "RTEMS_ROOT environment variable is not initialized" +fi + +# +# Update the files +# + +generate_list() +{ + if [ ${do_files} = "yes" ] + then + for i in $args + do + echo $i + done + else + ${find_prog} ${base_directory} \( -name "*.[ch]" -o -name "*.inl" \) -print + fi +} + +generate_list | ${xargs_prog} | + while read line + do + ${RTEMS_ROOT}/update-tools/word-replace -p ${replacement_file} ${line} + if [ $? -ne 0 ] + then + exit 1 + fi + for file in ${line} + do + mv ${file}.fixed ${file} + done + done + +exit 0 + +# Local Variables: *** +# mode:ksh *** +# End: *** Index: update/ =================================================================== --- update/ (nonexistent) +++ update/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +## +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +## + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I $(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal + +## NOTE: It doesn't make much sense to install these files + +CLEANFILES = update word-replace + +if PERL +# All files in this directory depend on having perl. +# Do not handle them if perl is missing. + +noinst_SCRIPTS = acpolish ampolish cipolish word-replace \ + update + +noinst_DATA = 310_to_320_list + +update: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status + @cd $(top_builddir) \ + && CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status; \ + chmod 755 $@ + +word-replace: $(srcdir)/ $(top_builddir)/config.status + @cd $(top_builddir) \ + && CONFIG_FILES=$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= $(SHELL) ./config.status; \ + chmod 755 $@ + +endif + +EXTRA_DIST = 310_to_320_list acpolish ampolish \ + cipolish + +include $(top_srcdir)/../../automake/ Index: update/ =================================================================== --- update/ (nonexistent) +++ update/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +#!@PERL@ +# +# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +# + +eval "exec @PERL@ -S $0 $*" + if $running_under_some_shell; + +require ''; +&Getopts("p:vh"); # help, pattern file, verbose, + +if ($opt_h || ! $opt_p) { + print STDERR <) +{ + chop; + s/#.*//; + next if /^$/; + ($orig, $new, $junk, @rest) = split; + next if ( ! $orig || ! $new || $junk); # <2 or >2 patterns + die "pattern appears 2x: '$orig' in '$pattern_file'--" if defined($patterns{$orig}); + $patterns{$orig} = $new; +} +close PATTERNS; + +# walk thru each line in each file +foreach $file (@ARGV) +{ + print "$file\t"; + + open (INFILE, "<$file") || + die "could not open input file $file: $!"; + + $outfile = $file . ".fixed";; + open (OUTFILE, ">$outfile") || + die "could not open output file $outfile: $!"; + + while () + { + study; # maybe make s/// faster + foreach $key (keys %patterns) + { + if ( s/\b$key\b/$patterns{$key}/ge ) + { + print "."; + } + } + print OUTFILE $_; + } + print "\n"; + close INFILE; + close OUTFILE; +} + Index: update/cipolish =================================================================== --- update/cipolish (nonexistent) +++ update/cipolish (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl + +# +# Perl script to beautify and enhance RTEMS +# +# Reads from stdin and writes to stdout +# +# usage: +# acpolish +# mv +# + +# $Id: cipolish,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ + +use strict ; + +my @vars = () ; +my @buffer = () ; +my %var_ ; + +# find relative up-path to VERSION +my $rtems_cfg = &find_file(".","VERSION"); +my $rtems_root = &find_root() ; +$rtems_root =~ tr/\//\-/ ; +my $rtems_name = "rtems" ; +$rtems_name .= "-" . "$rtems_root" if (length($rtems_root) > 0 ) ; + +while ( <> ) +{ + push @buffer, "$_" ; +} + +{ + my @tbuf = () ; + + foreach ( @buffer ) + { + if ( /^#.*list.*Makefile.*$/o ) {} + elsif ( /^dnl[\s]+check.*target.*cc.*$/o ) {} + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR\(.*\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + push @tbuf, "AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR($rtems_cfg)\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*RTEMS_TOP\(.*\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + push @tbuf, "RTEMS_TOP($rtems_cfg)\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\(.*\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + push @tbuf, "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE($rtems_name,\$RTEMS_VERSION,no)\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_POSIX_API\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_ITRON_API\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_HWAPI\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_USE_MACROS\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_MULTIPROCESSING\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_RDBG\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s\t]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_USE_OWN_PDIR\)[\s]*$/o ) + { # obsolete option + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s\t]*RTEMS_ENABLE_GMAKE_PRINT[ ]*$/o ) + { # obsolete macro + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_HAS_NETWORKING\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_LIBC_DIR\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(PROJECT_ROOT\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*AC_SUBST\(RTEMS_GAS_CODE16\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*PROJECT_ROOT[\s]*=.*$/o ) + { + #remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_ENABLE_LIBCDIR).*$/o ) + { #remove the line + &define_variable("$1",""); + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_PROG_CC_FOR_TARGET).*$/o ) + { + &define_variable("$1",""); + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_PROG_CXX_FOR_TARGET).*$/o ) + { + &define_variable("$1",""); + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + else + { + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + } # foreach + @buffer = @tbuf ; +} + +{ + my @tbuf = () ; + foreach ( @buffer ) + { + if ( /^[\s]*(RTEMS_ENABLE_LIBCDIR).*$/o ) + { + if ( ( not variable_seen( "RTEMS_PROG_CC_FOR_TARGET" ) ) + and ( not variable_seen( "RTEMS_PROG_CXX_FOR_TARGET" ) ) + ) + { + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^AC_OUTPUT.*$/o ) + { + push @tbuf, "# Explicitly list all Makefiles here\n" ; + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + else + { + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + } + @buffer = @tbuf ; +} + +{ ## pretty print + my $out = join ('',@buffer) ; + $out =~ s/\s\#\n(\#\n)+/\n/g ; + $out =~ s/\n\n\#\n\n/\n/g ; + $out =~ s/\n\n[\n]*/\n\n/g ; + print $out ; +} + +exit 1 ; + +# find a relative up-path to a file $file, starting at directory $pre +sub find_file($$) +{ + my $pre = $_[0] ; + my $file= $_[1] ; + + my $top = "." ; + if (not "$pre") { $pre = "." ; } + + for ( my $str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" ; + ( -d "$str" ) ; + $str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" ) + { + if ( -f "${str}/${file}" ) + { + return $top ; + } + if ( "$top" eq "." ) + { + $top = ".." ; + } + else + { + $top .= "/.." ; + } + } ; + die "Can't find file ${file}\n" ; +} + +sub find_root() +{ + my $top_builddir = "." ; + my $subdir=""; + my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; + $pwd .= "/" ; + my $len ; + + if ( -f "VERSION" ) { return $subdir ; } + my $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); + + $len = $i; + $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len); + $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); + $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1); + $top_builddir = ".." ; + + while( -d "$top_builddir" ) + { + if ( -f "${top_builddir}/VERSION" ) + { + return $subdir ; + } + $len=$i; + $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len); + $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); + $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1) . "/$subdir"; + $top_builddir .= "/.." ; + } ; + die "Can't find VERSION\n" ; +} + +sub variable_seen($) +{ + my $label = "$_[0]" ; + my $res = defined $var_{"$label"}; +#print STDERR "SEEN: $label ->$res<\n" ; + return $res ; +} + +sub define_variable($$) +{ + my ($label,@value) = @_ ; + + if ( not variable_seen("$label") ) + { +# print STDERR "DEFINING $label\n" ; + push @vars, "$label" ; + } + + foreach my $i ( @{value} ) + { + push @{$var_{"$label"}}, $i ; + } +} +
update/cipolish Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: update/README =================================================================== --- update/README (nonexistent) +++ update/README (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# +# $Id: README,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +# + +This directory contains tools which aid in upgrading from RTEMS 3.1.0 +to RTEMS 3.2.0. + Index: update/acpolish =================================================================== --- update/acpolish (nonexistent) +++ update/acpolish (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,679 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl + +use strict ; + +sub print_macro($$); + +# +# Perl script to beautify and enhance RTEMS autoconf Makefile.ins +# +# Reads from stdin and writes to stdout +# +# usage: +# acpolish +# mv +# +# Note: This tool is not indented to be exported from the source-tree +# + +if ( -f "" ) +{ + # Refuse to work on Makefile.ins generated from automake; + # redirecting STDOUT to will trash the ;- + + die "acpolish must not be run in automake directories" ; +} + +my $experimental = 0 ; # enable experimental/unsafe features +my $verbose = 0 ; +my $build_pgms_seen = "" ; +my $make_exe_seen = 0 ; +my $install_seen = 0 ; +my $top_builddir = ""; +my $subdir = ""; +my @installdirs = () ; + +my @pieces = () ; +my @files = () ; +my @variants = () ; +my @vars = () ; + +# Strip off duplicate entries from a list +sub purge($) +{ + my $list = $_[0] ; # Reference to list ! + my (@tmp) = () ; + + foreach my $l ( @{$list} ) + { + my $i = 1 ; + foreach my $t (@tmp) + { + if ( $t eq $l ) + { + $i = 0 ; + last ; + } + } + push @tmp,$l if ($i) ; + } + + @{$list} = @tmp ; +} + +sub find_root +{ + $top_builddir = "." ; + $subdir=""; + my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; + $pwd .= "/" ; + my $len ; + + if ( -f "" ) { return $top_builddir ; } + my $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); + + $len = $i; + $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len); + $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); + $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1); + $top_builddir = ".." ; + + while( -d "$top_builddir" ) + { + if ( -f "${top_builddir}/" ) + { + return $top_builddir ; + } + $len=$i; + $pwd = substr($pwd,0,$len); + $i = rindex($pwd,'/'); + $subdir = substr($pwd,$i+1,$len - 1) . "/$subdir"; + $top_builddir .= "/.." ; + } ; + die "Can't find\n" ; +} + +find_root(); + +my @buffer = () ; + +sub subst_line +{ +# substitute obsolete variables + if ( /^([^\s]*)[\s]+$/o ) + { # strip trailing spaces + $_ = "$1\n"; + } + if ( /^(.*)MKLIB(.*)$/o ) + { + s/MKLIB/RANLIB/g ; + } + if ( /^(.*)\$\(INSTINCFLAGS\)(.*)$/o ) + { + s/\$\(INSTINCFLAGS\)/-m 644/g ; + } + if ( /^(.*)ASM(_FILES|_PIECES|_O_FILES)(.*)$/o ) + { + s/ASM_FILES/S_FILES/g ; + s/ASM_PIECES/S_PIECES/g ; + s/ASM_O_FILES/S_O_FILES/g ; + print STDERR "ASM: $_" if ( $verbose > 0) ; + } + if ( /^(.*)MP_PIECES(.*)$/o ) + { # HACK: this is not always correct + s/MP_PIECES/MP_C_PIECES/g ; + print STDERR "MP_PIECES: $_" if ( $verbose > 0 ); + } + if ( /^(.*)\$\(RTEMS_BSP\)(.*)$/o ) + { + s/\$\(RTEMS_BSP\)/\@RTEMS_BSP\@/g ; + } + if ( /^(.*)\$\(RTEMS_ROOT\)\/mkinstalldirs(.*)$/o ) + { + $_ = "$1\$\(mkinstalldirs\)$2\n" ; + } + if ( /^(.*)\$\{(.*)_FILES\}(.*)$/o ) + { + $_ = "$1\$\($2_FILES\)$3\n" ; + } + if ( /^(.*)\$\{(.*)_PIECES\}(.*)$/o ) + { + $_ = "$1\$\($2_PIECES\)$3\n" ; + } + if ( /^(.*)\$\(PROJECT_ROOT\)\/\@RTEMS_BSP\@\/lib\/include(.*)$/o ) + { + $_ = "$1\$\(PROJECT_INCLUDE\)$2\n" ; + } + if ( /^(.*)\$\{PROJECT_RELEASE\}(.*)$/o ) + { + $_ = "$1\$\(PROJECT_RELEASE\)$2\n" ; + } + if ( /^(.*\$\(INSTALL_[A-Z]+\))[\s]+-m[\s]+([54])([0-9][0-9].*)$/o ) + { + my $v = $2 + 2 ; + $_ = "$1 -m $v$3\n" ; + } + if ( /^H_FILES[\s]*=[\s]*\$\(wildcard[\s]+\$\(srcdir\)\/\*\.h\)[\s]*$/o ) + { + my $files =`ls *.h 2>/dev/null`; + print STDERR "WARNING: Replacing \"\(wildcard... in $_\n" ; + my $line = "H_FILES ="; + my @l = split(' ',$files) ; + foreach(@l) { $line .= " \$\(srcdir\)/$_"; } + $line .= "\n" ; + $_ = "$line" ; + } + if ( /^(.*)RTEMS_HAS_([A-Z]+)(.*)$/o ) + { + print STDERR "WARNING: Replacing RTEMS_HAS_$2 with HAS_$2\n" ; + $_ = "$1HAS_$2$3\n" ; + } + if ( /^[\s]*\$[({]PGM[)}]:[\s]*(.*)\$([({]SRCS[)}])(.*)$/o ) + { + $_ = "\$(PGM):$1$3\n" ; + } + if ( /^.*\$\(make\-exe\).*$/o ) + { + $make_exe_seen = 1 ; + } + if ( /^.*\$\(INSTALL_(DATA|SCRIPT|PROGRAM)\)(.*)$/o ) + { + $install_seen = 1 ; + } +} + +{ +# 1st PASS: +# * Read input file +# * concatenate multiple lines +# * Remove obsolete variables + + my @ibuf = () ; + my $line = "" ; + + while ( ) + { + &subst_line ; + if ( /^(#.*)$/o ) + { # preserve comments + $line = "$_" ; + push @ibuf, $line ; + $line = "" ; + } + elsif ( /^.*\\$/o ) + { # multilines + chop ; + $line .= "$_\\" ; + } + else + { + $line .= "$_" ; + push @ibuf, $line ; + $line = "" ; + } + } + @buffer = @ibuf; +} + +{ +# 2nd PASS: +# * remove automatically generated lines +# * process some selected make rules + my $line = "" ; + my @tbuf = () ; + foreach (@buffer) + { + if ( /^[\t](.*)$/o ) + { # make rule production + my $line = $1 ; + tr/\\/ / ; + my @l = split(/;/,$_); + foreach (@l) + { # try to get installation directories + if ( /^.*\$\(mkinstalldirs\).*\s\$\(INSTALLDIRS\)$/o ) + { + } + elsif ( /^.*\$\(mkinstalldirs\).*\s([^\s]+)$/o ) + { + push @installdirs, "$1" ; + } + elsif ( /^.*\$\(INSTALL_CHANGE\).*\s([^\s]+)(\/[^\.\s]+\.[^\s\/]+)$/o ) + { +# print STDERR "WARNING - DIR1: $1 <$2> " ; + push @installdirs, "$1" ; + } + elsif ( /^.*\$\(INSTALL_CHANGE\).*\s([^\s]+)$/o ) + { +# print STDERR "DIR2 $1\n" ; + push @installdirs, "$1" ; + } + } + push @tbuf, "§3$line" + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*\#.*$/o ) + { # comment + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*([A-Z_]*)_FILES[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { # *_FILES = ... Macros + if ( /^[\s]*([A-Z_]*_|)(CC|C|EQ|H|I|O|S|X)_FILES[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { +# print STDERR "FILES: <$1>--<$2>--<$3>\n" ; + my $f = "$1$2_FILES" ; + ${"var_$f"}="$3" ; + if ( ( $experimental > 0 ) + and ( ( "$2" eq "C" ) or ( "$2" eq "CC" ) or ( "$2" eq "S" ) + or ( "$2" eq "I" ) or ( "$2" eq "H" ) ) ) + { + my $p = "$1$2_PIECES" ; + if ( not defined ${"var_$p"} ) + { + print STDERR "ADDING $p\n" ; + ${"var_$p"} = "" ; + push @tbuf, "§4$p\n" ; + push @pieces, "$p" ; + } + } + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§4$f\n" ; + push @files, "$f" ; + } + else + { # found a bug + print STDERR "UNKNOWN _FILES: $_\n" ; + my $f = "$1_FILES" ; + ${"var_$f"}="$2" ; + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§4$f\n" ; + push @files, "$f" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*([A-Z_]*)_PIECES[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { # *_PIECES = ... Macros + if ( /^[\s]*([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*_|)(CC|C|EQ|H|I|O|S|X|REL)_PIECES[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { + my $p = "$1$2_PIECES" ; + + if ( not defined ${"var_$p"} ) + { + ${"var_$p"} = "$3" ; + push @tbuf, "§4$p\n" ; + push @pieces, "$p" ; + } + else + { + ${"var_$p"} .= " $3" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(BSP|CPU|GENERIC)_PIECES[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { # Explicit exceptions from the *_PIECES naming conventions + # They should better be replaced in future + my $p = "$1_PIECES" ; + ${"var_$p"}="$2" ; + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§4$p\n" ; + push @pieces, "$p" ; + } + else + { # found a bug + print STDERR "UNKNOWN _PIECES: $_\n" ; + my $p = "$1_PIECES" ; + ${"var_$p"}="$2" ; + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§4$p\n" ; + push @pieces, "$p" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*([A-Z_]+)_PIECES_([^\s]+)_V[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { # *_PIECES_.._V = ... Macros + if ( /^[\s]*([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*_|)(CC|C|EQ|H|I|O|S|X|REL)_PIECES_([^\s]+)_V[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { + my @l = split(/_/,$3); + my $v = "$1$2-$#l" ; + if ( not defined @{"variants_$v"} ) { push @variants, "$v" ; } + + my $p = "$1$2_PIECES_$3_V" ; + push @{"variants_${v}"}, "$p" ; + + ${"var_$p"}="$4" ; + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§4$p\n" ; + push @pieces, "$p" ; + } + else + { # found a bug + print STDERR "UNKNOWN _PIECES: $_\n" ; + my $p = "$1_PIECES" ; + ${"var_$p"}="$2" ; + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§4$p\n" ; + push @pieces, "$p" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*([^\s+=]+)[\s]*\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { # makefile variables + if ( ( "$1" eq "subdir" ) + or ( "$1" eq "top_srcdir" ) + or ( "$1" eq "top_builddir" ) + or ( "$1" eq "RTEMS_ROOT" ) + or ( "$1" eq "PROJECT_ROOT" ) + or ( "$1" eq "INSTALL" ) + or ( "$1" eq "PACKHEX" ) + or ( "$1" eq "INSTALL_CHANGE" ) + or ( "$1" eq "mkinstalldirs" ) + or ( "$1" eq "ACLOCAL" ) + or ( "$1" eq "AUTOCONF" ) + or ( "$1" eq "ACLOCAL_M4" ) + or ( "$1" eq "ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS" ) + ) + { + print STDERR "REMOVE: $1\n" if $verbose ; + } + elsif ( "$1" eq "srcdir" ) + { # place marker + push @tbuf, "§0\n"; + } + elsif ( "$1" eq "INSTALLDIRS" ) + { # process the block + my $input = $2 ; + $input =~ s/\\\\/ /g ; + my @l = split(' ',$input); + foreach (@l) + { + if ( /[\s]*([^\s]+)[\s]*$/o ) + { + push @installdirs, "$1" ; + } + } + } + else + { +# print STDERR "MACRO: <$1> = <$2>\n"; + my $p = "$1" ; + ${"var_$p"}="$2" ; + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§4$p\n" ; + push @vars, "$p" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*([^\s+=]+)[\s]*\+\=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { # makefile variable addition +# print STDERR "MACRO: <$1> += <$2>\n"; + my $p = "$1" ; + if ( not defined ${"var_$p+"} ) + { + # place a marker + push @tbuf, "§5$p\n" ; + push @vars, "$p+" ; + } + else + { + print STDERR "WARNING += $_" ; + } + ${"var_$p+"} .=" $2" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(\@[^\s]+\@)$/o ) + { # autoconf variable + if ( "$1" eq "\@SET_MAKE\@" ) + { + } + else + { + push @tbuf, "$1\n" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*include[\s]+(.*)$/o ) + { # include line + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + if ( /^include[\s\t]*.*(directory|leaf|lib)\.cfg.*$/o ) + { + push @tbuf, "§1\n" ; + push @tbuf, "PACKHEX = \@PACKHEX\@\n" if ( $make_exe_seen == 1 ) ; + push @tbuf, "§2\n" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(ifeq|ifneq|else|endif)[\s]+(.*)$/o ) + { # gmake conditionals + # Most of them are removed, but we still have some :- + push @tbuf, "$1 $2\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^\@.*_(TRUE|FALSE)\@.*$/o ) + { # automake conditionals + # HACK: Don't know how to handle them, so let's pass them through + push @tbuf, "$_" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*([^:]+)[\s]*(:[:]*)[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { + if ( "$2" eq "::" ) + { + # Warn about "::"-rules + # Will be silently removed below. + print STDERR "WARNING: Removing \"::\" in RULE $_\n" ; + } + + if ( ( "$1" eq "Makefile" ) + or ( "$1" eq "\$\(INSTALLDIRS\)" ) + or ( "$1" eq "\$\(ACLOCAL_M4\)" ) + or ( "$1" eq "config\.status" ) + or ( "$1" eq "\$\(srcdir\)/configure" ) + ) + { # delete entry + shift @buffer ; + } + elsif ( ( "$1" eq "all" ) + or ( "$1" eq "preinstall" ) ) + { + # Note the dependencies + # Not yet exploited, but could be useful for dependency + # tracking in future + if ( defined ${"var_$1"} ) + { ${"var_$1"} .= " $3" ; } + else + { ${"var_$1"} = "$3" ; } + push @tbuf, "$1: $3\n" ; + } + else + { # make rule + push @tbuf, "$1: $3\n" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*$/o ) + { # empty line + push @tbuf, "\n" ; + } + else + { + die "PASS 2: Unhandled $_" ; + } + } + @buffer = @tbuf ; + @tbuf = @installdirs ; + @installdirs = () ; + foreach ( @tbuf ) + { + if ( /^([^\s]+)(\/[^\.\s]+\.[^\s\/]+)$/o ) + { + print STDERR "WARNING - stripping of file: $1 <$2> " if ( $verbose > 1 ); + push @installdirs, "$1" ; + } + else + { + push @installdirs, "$_" ; + } + } + purge \@installdirs ; + purge \@pieces ; +} + +# A fragment to debug conditionals +#foreach( @variants ) +#{ +# my $v = $_ ; +# print STDERR "VARIANT: $v\n"; +# foreach (@{"variants_${v}"}) +# { +# print STDERR "* $_\n;" ; +# } +#} + +# sanity check on *_FILES macros +# too fragile for the time being, +# therefore disabled by default +if ( $experimental > 1 ) +{ + foreach( @files ) + { + my $file = "$_" ; + my $line = ${"var_$_"} ; + $line =~ tr /\\/ /; + my @l = split(' ',$line); + my @o = () ; + foreach (@l) + { + if ( /^([^\.]+)\.([a-z]+)$/o ) + { + print STDERR "$file: *.$2 in $_\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^\$\(.*\)$/o ) + { + print STDERR "$file: REF: $_\n" ; + } + else + { + print STDERR "$file: UNHANDLED: $_\n" ; + } + } + } +} + +# print STDERR "PASS 2: @buffer" ; + +{ +# PASS 3: +# * output to new Makefile +# * prettyprint newlines + + my $nl_seen = 0 ; + foreach ( @buffer ) + { + if ( /^$/o ) + { + $nl_seen++ ; + print "\n" if ( $nl_seen < 2 ); + } + elsif ( /^\§0$/o ) + { + print "\@SET_MAKE\@\n" ; + print "srcdir = \@srcdir\@\n" ; + print "top_srcdir = \@top_srcdir\@\n" ; + print "top_builddir = $top_builddir\n" ; + if ( "$subdir" ) + { + print "subdir = $subdir\n"; + } + else + { + print "\nACLOCAL = aclocal\n" ; + print "AUTOCONF = autoconf\n" ; + print "ACLOCAL_M4 = \$(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4\n" ; + print "ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I \@RTEMS_TOPdir\@/aclocal\n" ; + } + print "\nRTEMS_ROOT = \@RTEMS_ROOT\@\n" ; + print "PROJECT_ROOT = \@PROJECT_ROOT\@\n\n" ; + $nl_seen = 1 ; + } + elsif ( /^\§1$/o ) + { + print "\n" ; + print "INSTALL = \@INSTALL\@\n" if ( $install_seen > 0 ); + print "INSTALL_CHANGE = \@INSTALL_CHANGE\@\n" ; + $nl_seen = 0 ; + } + elsif ( /^\§2$/o ) + { # Handle installdirs related items + if ( $#installdirs >= 0 ) + { + print "mkinstalldirs = \$(SHELL) \$(top_srcdir)/\@RTEMS_TOPdir\@/mkinstalldirs\n\n" ; + my $line = join( ' ',@installdirs ); + &print_macro( "INSTALLDIRS =", $line ); + print "\n\$(INSTALLDIRS):\n\t\@\$(mkinstalldirs) \$(INSTALLDIRS)\n\n" ; + $nl_seen = 1 ; + } + } + elsif ( /^\§3(.*)$/o ) + { # pretty print a shell script fragment/make production + my @l = split(/\\\\/,$1); + if ( $#l >= 0 ) { my $i = shift @l ; print "\t$i"; } + foreach( @l ) { print "\\\n$_"; } + print "\n" ; + $nl_seen = 0 ; + } + elsif ( /^\§4(.*)$/o ) + { # pretty print a make variable + &print_macro( "$1 =", ${"var_$1"} ); + $nl_seen = 0 ; + } + elsif ( /^\§5(.*)$/o ) + { # pretty print an addition to a make variable + &print_macro( "$1 +=", ${"var_$1+"}) ; + $nl_seen = 0 ; + } + else + { + $nl_seen = 0 ; + print "$_" ; + } + } +} + +# Add rules for config.status generated files +if ( "$build_pgms_seen" ) +{ +print "%: \$(srcdir)/ \$(top_builddir)/config.status\n" ; +print " cd \$(top_builddir) \\\n" ; +print " && CONFIG_FILES=" ; +print "\$(subdir)/" if ( "$subdir" ); +print "\$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= \$(SHELL) ./config.status\n"; +} +else +{ +print "Makefile: \$(srcdir)/ \$(top_builddir)/config.status\n" ; +print "\tcd \$(top_builddir) \\\n" ; +print "\t && CONFIG_FILES=" ; +print "\$(subdir)/" if ( "$subdir" ); +print "\$@ CONFIG_HEADERS= \$(SHELL) ./config.status\n"; +} + +if ( ! "$subdir" ) +{ +print "\n\$(ACLOCAL_M4): \@MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE\@\n" ; +print "\tcd \$(srcdir) && \$(ACLOCAL) \$(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS)\n" ; +print "\nconfig.status: \$(srcdir)/configure \$(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)\n" ; +print "\t\$(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck\n" ; +print "\$(srcdir)/configure: \@MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE\@\$(srcdir)/"; +print " \$(ACLOCAL_M4)\n" ; +print "\tcd \$(srcdir) && \$(AUTOCONF)\n" +} + +exit 0 ; + +sub print_macro($$) +{ + my ($line,$input) = @_ ; + $input =~ s/\\\\/ /g; + my @l = split(' ',$input); + + foreach (@l) { + if ( ( length($line) + length($_) ) < 76 ) + { + $line .= " $_"; + } + else + { + print "$line \\\n"; + $line = " $_" ; + } + } + print "$line\n" ; +} +
update/acpolish Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: update/ampolish =================================================================== --- update/ampolish (nonexistent) +++ update/ampolish (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +#!/usr/bin/perl + +package main ; + +use strict ; + +# +# Perl script to beautify and enhance RTEMS automake Makefile.ams +# +# Reads from stdin and writes to stdout +# +# usage: +# /ampolish +# mv +# + +my @vars ; +my @conditions = ( "" ) ; +my @buffer = (); +my %var_ ; + +define_variable( "\$(AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS)", ( "foreign", "1.4" ) ); +define_variable( "\$(VPATH)", ( "\@srcdir\@" ) ); + +# find relative up-path to +my $rtems_cfg = find_file(".",""); + +# find relative up-path from to VERSION +my $rtems_top = find_file("$rtems_cfg","VERSION"); + +if ( "$rtems_top" eq "." ) { $rtems_top = "" ; } +else { $rtems_top .= "/" ; } + +{ +# PASS1: +# read input file and concatenate multiple lines into single lines. + + my @ibuf = () ; + + while( ) + { # consume header + last if ( /^[^#].*$/ ) ; + push @ibuf, "$_" ; + } + + push @ibuf, "§header\n" ; + + do + { + if ( /^(#.*)$/o ) + { # preserve comments + push @ibuf, "$_" ; + } + elsif ( /^(\t.*)\\[\s]*$/o ) + { # multilines for scripts + my $line = "$1§" ; + while( ) + { + if ( /^(.*)\\[\s]*$/o ) + { + $line .= "$1§" ; + } + else + { + $line .= "$_" ; + push @ibuf, $line ; + last ; + } + } + } + elsif ( /^(.*)\\[\s]*$/o ) + { # multilines + my $line = "$1" ; + while( ) + { + if ( /^(.*)\\[\s]*$/o ) + { + $line .= "$1" ; + } + else + { + $line .= "$_" ; + $line =~ s%[\s]+% %g ; + push @ibuf, "$line\n" ; + last ; + } + } + } + else + { + push @ibuf, "$_" ; + } + } while ( ) ; + @buffer = @ibuf ; +} + +{ +# PASS2: +# fix obsolete constructs + my @ibuf = () ; + + foreach ( @buffer ) + { +# tr /\{\}/\(\)/ ; + + if ( /^(TMP|PRE)INSTALL_FILES[\s]*=(.*)$/o ) + { # force "+=" + push @ibuf, "$1INSTALL_FILES +=$2\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^(VPATH|EXTRA_DIST)[\s]*\+=(.*)$/o ) + { # force "=" + push @ibuf, "$1 = $2\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*ACLOCAL[\s]*=[\s]*\@ACLOCAL\@.*$/o ) + { # remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS)[\s\t]*[\+]*=[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/o ) + { # remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(AM_CFLAGS)[\s\t]*[\+]*=[\s]*\$\(CFLAGS_OS_V\)[\s]*$/o ) + { # remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*debug-am:.*$/o ) + { # remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*all(\-am):(.*)$/o ) + { # replace the line + push @ibuf, "all-local:$2\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*profile-am:.*$/o ) + { # remove the line + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*include[\s\t]*\$\(RTEMS_ROOT\)\/make\/lib.cfg[\s]*$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^(.*[^\s])[\s]*$/o ) + { # remove trailing spaces + push @ibuf, "$1\n" ; + } + else + { + push @ibuf, "$_" ; + } + } + @buffer = @ibuf ; +} + +# print STDERR "\n", @buffer, "\n" ; + +{ + my @ibuf = () ; + foreach ( @buffer ) + { + if ( /^#(.*)$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "#$1\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*if[\s\t]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\s\t]*$/o ) + { + push @conditions, "\@" . $1 . "_TRUE\@" ; + push @ibuf, "if $1\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*else[\s\t]*$/o ) + { + @conditions[$#conditions] =~ s/_TRUE\@$/_FALSE\@/; + push @ibuf, "else\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*endif[\s\t]*$/o ) + { + pop @conditions ; + push @ibuf, "endif\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^§.*$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "$_" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(VPATH)[\s\t]*([\+]*)=[\s]*(.*)[\s]*$/o ) + { + my $lh = "\$($1)" ; + my @rh = split( /:/,"$3"); + if ( $#conditions > 0 ) + { + print STDERR "WARNING: $1 must not be set inside of conditionals!\n" + } + define_variable( "$lh", @rh ); + + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*(AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS)[\s\t]*([\+]*)=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { + my $lh = "\$($1)" ; + my @rh = &split_vars("$3"); + + if ( $#conditions > 0 ) + { + print STDERR "WARNING: $1 must not be set inside of conditionals!\n" + } + + define_variable( "$lh", @rh ); + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\s\t]*([\+]*)=[\s]*(.*)$/o ) + { + my $lh = join ('',@conditions) . "\$($1)" ; + my @rh = &split_vars("$3"); + my $seen = variable_seen( "$lh" ) ; + + if ( $#conditions > 0 ) + { + define_variable( "\$($1)", () ); + } + + define_variable( "$lh", @rh ); + + if ( not $seen ) + { + push @ibuf, "§$2var_$lh\n" ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*include[\s\t]*\$\(top_srcdir\)[\.\/]*automake\/(.*)\.am$/o ) + { + if ( "$1" eq "lib" ) + { + push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/$\n" ; + } + elsif ( "$1" eq "local" ) + { + $main::seen_local = 1 ; + } + elsif ( "$1" eq "host" ) + { + $main::seen_host = 1 ; + } + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*include[\s\t]*(.*)$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "include $1\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^\t(.*)$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "\t$1\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^(.*)\:(.*)$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "$1:$2\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "\n" ; + } + else + { + die "ERROR: Don't know how to handle <$_>" ; + } + } # for + @buffer = @ibuf ; +} # while + +die "Conditional stack corrupted" if ( $#conditions != 0 ); + +foreach( @vars ) +{ + purge( \@{$var_{"$_"}} ); +} + +# print STDERR "\n", @buffer, "\n" ; + + +{ + my @ibuf = () ; + foreach( @buffer ) + { + if ( /^#.*$/o ) + { + push @ibuf, "$_" ; + } + elsif( /^§header$/o ) + { + my $l = $var_{"\$(AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS)"} ; + push @ibuf, "\nAUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = @{$l}\n" ; + if ( "$rtems_cfg" eq "." ) + { + push @ibuf, "ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I \$(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal\n" ; + } + if ( defined( @{$var_{"\$(VPATH)"}} ) ) + { + if ( $#{$var_{"\$(VPATH)"}} > 0 ) + { + my $l = join (':',@{$var_{"\$(VPATH)"}}) ; + push @ibuf, "\nVPATH = $l\n" ; + } + } + push @ibuf, "\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^§(\+|)var_(.*)\$\((.*)\)$/o ) + { + print_var(\@ibuf, "$3 $1=", $var_{"$2\$($3)"}) ; + } + elsif ( /^\t.*$/o ) + { + &print_script(\@ibuf, "$_"); + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*if[\s]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\s\t]*$/o ) + { + push @conditions, "\@$1_TRUE\@" ; + push @ibuf, "if $1\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*else[\s]*$/o ) + { + @conditions[$#conditions] =~ s/_TRUE\@$/_FALSE\@/; + push @ibuf, "else\n" ; + } + elsif ( /^[\s]*endif[\s]*$/o ) + { + pop @conditions ; + push @ibuf, "endif\n" ; + } + else + { + print_line(\@ibuf,$_); + } + } + + if ( variable_seen("\$(SUBDIRS)") ) + { + push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/\n" ; + } + + if ( defined( $main::seen_host ) ) + { + push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/\n" ; + } + else + { + push @ibuf, "include \$(top_srcdir)/${rtems_top}automake/\n" ; + } + + @buffer = @ibuf ; +} + +#print STDERR "\n", @buffer, "\n" ; + +{ ## pretty print + my $out = join ('',@buffer) ; + $out =~ s/\s\#\n(\#\n)+/\n/g ; + $out =~ s/\n\n\#\n\n/\n/g ; + $out =~ s/\n\n[\n]*/\n\n/g ; + print $out ; +} + +exit 0; + +# find a relative up-path to a file $file, starting at directory $pre +sub find_file +{ + my $pre = $_[0] ; + my $file= $_[1] ; + + my $top = "." ; + if (not "$pre") { $pre = "." ; } + + for ( my $str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" ; + ( -d "$str" ) ; + $str = "$pre" . "/" . "$top" ) + { + if ( -f "${str}/${file}" ) + { + return $top ; + } + if ( "$top" eq "." ) + { + $top = ".." ; + } + else + { + $top .= "/.." ; + } + } ; + die "Can't find file ${file}\n" ; +} + +sub variable_seen($) +{ + my $label = "$_[0]" ; + my $res = defined $var_{"$label"}; +#print STDERR "SEEN: $label ->$res<\n" ; + return $res ; +} + +sub define_variable($$) +{ + my ($label,@value) = @_ ; + + if ( not variable_seen("$label") ) + { +#print STDERR "DEFINING: $label\n" ; + push @vars, "$label" ; + } + + foreach my $i ( @{value} ) + { + push @{$var_{"$label"}}, $i ; + } +} + +# Strip off duplicate entries from a list +sub purge($) +{ + my $list = $_[0] ; # Reference to list ! + my (@tmp) = () ; + + foreach my $l ( @{$list} ) + { + my $i = 1 ; + foreach my $t (@tmp) + { + if ( $t eq $l ) + { + $i = 0 ; + last ; + } + } + push @tmp,$l if ($i) ; + } + + @{$list} = @tmp ; +} + +# +# Break the right hand side of a variable assignment into separate chunks +# +sub split_vars($) +{ + my $line = $_[0] ; + my (@buf) = split(//,"$line") ; + + my $begin = 0 ; + my @res = () ; + + my $depth = 0 ; + my $state = 0 ; + + my $len = $#buf + 1 ; + for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) + { + my $c = @buf[$i] ; + if ( $state == 0 ) + { + if ( "$c" ne " " ) + { # token + $begin = $i ; + $state++ ; + } + if ( "$c" eq "\$" ) + { # variable + $depth++ ; + } + } + elsif ( $state == 1 ) + { + if ( ( "$c" eq "\)" ) or ( "$c" eq "\}" ) ) + { # variable + $depth-- ; + } + elsif ( ("$c" eq " " ) and ( $depth == 0 ) ) + { + push @res, substr($line,$begin,$i-$begin); + $state-- ; + } + elsif ( "$c" eq "\$" ) + { # variable + $depth++ ; + } + } + else + { + die "split_vars: unknown mode\n" ; + } + } + + if ( $state > 0 ) + { + push @res, substr($line,$begin,$len-$begin); + $state = 0 + } + return @res ; +} + +sub print_var($$$) +{ + my ($ibuf,$line,$l) = @_ ; # $l .. reference to list + + foreach (@{$l}) { + if ( ( length($line) + length($_) ) < 76 ) + { + $line .= " $_"; + } + else + { + push @{$ibuf}, "$line \\\n"; + $line = " $_" ; + } + } + push @{$ibuf}, "$line\n" ; +} + +sub print_line($$) +{ + my ($ibuf,$input) = @_ ; + my @l = split( / /, $input ); + my $line = shift @l ; + + foreach my $i (@l) { + if ( ( length($line) + length($i) ) < 76 ) + { + $line .= " $i"; + } + else + { + push @{$ibuf}, "$line \\\n"; + $line = " $i" ; + } + } + push @{$ibuf}, "$line" ; +} + +sub print_script($$) +{ + my ($ibuf,$input) = @_ ; + $input =~ s%§%\\\n%g ; + push @{$ibuf}, $input ; +}
update/ampolish Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: update =================================================================== --- update (nonexistent) +++ update (revision 1765)
update Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,15 ## +Makefile +aclocal.m4 +config.cache +config.guess +config.log +config.status +config.sub +configure +depcomp +install-sh +missing +mkinstalldirs +update +word-replace Index: cpu/unix/gensize.c =================================================================== --- cpu/unix/gensize.c (nonexistent) +++ cpu/unix/gensize.c (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * gensize.c + * + * This file generates the file unixsize.h + * + * NOTE: It only prints the minimal information required. + * + * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1999. + * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). + * + * The license and distribution terms for this file may be + * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at + * + * + * $Id: gensize.c,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ + * + */ + +/* + * This feels like a very crude way to determine if we are on a Solaris + * host but it does work. + */ + +#if defined(__sun__) && defined(__sparc__) && \ + defined(__unix__) && defined(__svr4__) +#undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE +#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 3 +#undef __STRICT_ANSI__ +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +typedef struct { + jmp_buf regs; + int isr_level; + int pad[4]; /* just in case */ +} Context_Control; + +int main( + int argc, + char **argv +) +{ + Context_Control *cc = 0; + + /* + * Print the file header + */ + +printf( + "/* unixsize.h\n" + " *\n" + " * This include file contans the size of the context control block\n" + " * C data structure. This structure must be defined in such a way\n" + " * that files NOT including the native header files can work.\n" + " *\n" + " * NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED!!!!\n" + " * DO NOT EDIT THIS BY HAND!!!!\n" + " *\n" + " * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1999.\n" + " * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).\n" + " *\n" + " * The license and distribution terms for this file may be\n" + " * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at\n" + " *\n" + " */\n" + "\n" + "#ifndef __UNIXSIZE_h\n" + "#define __UNIXSIZE_h\n" + "\n" +); + +#define PRINT_IT( STRING, NUMBER ) \ + printf( "#define\t%s\t0x%x\t\t/* %d */\n", \ + STRING, \ + NUMBER, \ + NUMBER ); + +#define PRINT_SIZE( STRING, NUMBER ) \ + printf( "#define\t%s\t0x%x\t\t/* %d */\n", \ + STRING, \ + NUMBER, \ + NUMBER ); + +#define PRINT_COMMENT( STRING ) \ + printf( \ + "\n" \ + "/*\n" \ + " * " STRING "\n" \ + " */\n" \ + "\n" \ + ); + + PRINT_COMMENT("Context_Control information"); + + PRINT_SIZE("CPU_CONTEXT_SIZE_IN_BYTES", sizeof( Context_Control ) ); + PRINT_SIZE("CPU_CONTEXT_REGISTERS_OFFSET_IN_BYTES", (int) &cc->regs ); + PRINT_SIZE("CPU_CONTEXT_SIGNALS_OFFSET_IN_BYTES", (int) &cc->isr_level ); + + /* + * Print the end of file stuff + */ + + printf( + "\n" + "#endif /* __UNIXSIZE_h */\n" + "\n" + "/* end of include file */\n" + ); + + return 0; +} + Index: cpu/unix/ =================================================================== --- cpu/unix/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/unix/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ + +AC_INIT(gensize.c) +RTEMS_TOP(../../..) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(../../..) + +RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(rtems-tools-cpu-unix,$RTEMS_VERSION,no) +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE +AC_EXEEXT + +AC_PROG_CC + +RTEMS_TOOLPATHS + +# Explicitly list all Makefiles here +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) Index: cpu/unix/ =================================================================== --- cpu/unix/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/unix/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +## +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +## + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I $(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal + +noinst_PROGRAMS = gensize + +gensize_SOURCES = gensize.c + +include $(top_srcdir)/../../../automake/ Index: cpu/unix =================================================================== --- cpu/unix (nonexistent) +++ cpu/unix (revision 1765)
cpu/unix Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,13 ## +Makefile +aclocal.m4 +config.cache +config.guess +config.log +config.status +config.sub +configure +depcomp +install-sh +missing +mkinstalldirs Index: cpu/ =================================================================== --- cpu/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ + +AC_INIT(generic) +RTEMS_TOP(../..) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(../..) + +RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(rtems-tools-cpu,$RTEMS_VERSION,no) +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE + +RTEMS_PATH_KSH + +RTEMS_TOOLPATHS +AC_SUBST(program_prefix) + +AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(generic) +if test -d $srcdir/$RTEMS_CPU; then +AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS($RTEMS_CPU) +fi + +# Explicitly list all Makefiles here +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) Index: cpu/hppa1.1/genoffsets.c =================================================================== --- cpu/hppa1.1/genoffsets.c (nonexistent) +++ cpu/hppa1.1/genoffsets.c (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +/* + * genoffsets.c + * + * This file generates the offsets.h for the HP PA-RISC port of RTEMS. + * + * NOTE: It only prints the offset for structures actually used + * by the assembly code. + * + * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1999. + * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). + * + * The license and distribution terms for this file may be + * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at + * + * + * $Id: genoffsets.c,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ + */ + +#include + +#if defined(__hpux__) && defined(__hppa__) +#include +#endif + +void print_information( void ); + +int main( + int argc, + char **argv +) +{ +#if defined(__hpux__) && defined(__hppa__) + unsigned int size = 0; +#endif + + /* + * Print the file header + */ + +printf( + "/* offsets.h\n" + " *\n" + " * This include file contains the offsets of elements in the\n" + " * C data structures used by the assembly language code for the\n" + " * HP PA-RISC 1.1 port of RTEMS.\n" + " *\n" + " * NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED!!!!\n" + " * DO NOT EDIT THIS BY HAND!!!!\n" + " *\n" + " * COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1999.\n" + " * On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR).\n" + " *\n" + " * The license and distribution terms for this file may be\n" + " * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at\n" + " *\n" + " */\n" + "\n" + "#ifndef __OFFSETS_h\n" + "#define __OFFSETS_h\n" + "\n" +); + +#define PRINT_IT( STRING, TYPE, FIELD ) \ + printf( "#define\t%s\t0x%p\t\t/* %d */\n", \ + STRING, \ + &((TYPE)0)->FIELD, \ + (int) &((TYPE)0)->FIELD ); + +#define PRINT_SIZE( STRING, item ) \ + printf( "#ifdef ASM\n#define\t%s\t%d\t\t/* 0x%x */\n#endif\n", \ + STRING, \ + sizeof(item), \ + sizeof(item) ); + +#define PRINT_COMMENT( STRING ) \ + printf( \ + "\n" \ + "/*\n" \ + " * " STRING "\n" \ + " */\n" \ + "\n" \ + ); + +#if defined(__hpux__) && defined(__hppa__) + +/* + * Offsets of elements in the Context_control structure. + */ + + PRINT_COMMENT("Context_Control information"); + + PRINT_IT( "FLAGS_OFFSET", Context_Control *, flags ); + PRINT_IT( "R1_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr1 ); + PRINT_IT( "R2_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr2 ); + PRINT_IT( "R3_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr3 ); + PRINT_IT( "R4_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr4 ); + PRINT_IT( "R5_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr5 ); + PRINT_IT( "R6_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr6 ); + PRINT_IT( "R7_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr7 ); + PRINT_IT( "R8_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr8 ); + PRINT_IT( "R9_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr9 ); + PRINT_IT( "R10_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr10 ); + PRINT_IT( "R11_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr11 ); + PRINT_IT( "R12_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr12 ); + PRINT_IT( "R13_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr13 ); + PRINT_IT( "R14_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr14 ); + PRINT_IT( "R15_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr15 ); + PRINT_IT( "R16_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr16 ); + PRINT_IT( "R17_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr17 ); + PRINT_IT( "R18_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr18 ); + PRINT_IT( "R19_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr19 ); + PRINT_IT( "R20_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr20 ); + PRINT_IT( "R21_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr21 ); + PRINT_IT( "R22_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr22 ); + PRINT_IT( "R23_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr23 ); + PRINT_IT( "R24_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr24 ); + PRINT_IT( "R25_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr25 ); + PRINT_IT( "R26_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr26 ); + PRINT_IT( "R27_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr27 ); + PRINT_IT( "R28_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr28 ); + PRINT_IT( "R29_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr29 ); + PRINT_IT( "R30_OFFSET", Context_Control *, sp ); + PRINT_IT( "R31_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr31 ); + + /* + * And common aliases for the above + */ + + PRINT_COMMENT("Common aliases for above"); + + PRINT_IT( "RP_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr2 ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG3_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr23 ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG2_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr24 ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG1_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr25 ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG0_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr26 ); + PRINT_IT( "SP_OFFSET", Context_Control *, sp ); + PRINT_IT( "DP_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr27 ); + PRINT_IT( "RET0_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr28 ); + PRINT_IT( "RET1_OFFSET", Context_Control *, gr29 ); + + PRINT_SIZE("CPU_CONTEXT_SIZE", Context_Control); + + PRINT_COMMENT("Context_Control_fp information"); + + PRINT_IT( "FR0_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr0 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR1_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr1 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR2_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr2 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR3_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr3 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR4_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr4 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR5_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr5 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR6_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr6 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR7_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr7 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR8_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr8 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR9_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr9 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR10_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr10 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR11_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr11 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR12_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr12 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR13_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr13 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR14_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr14 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR15_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr15 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR16_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr16 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR17_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr17 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR18_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr18 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR19_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr19 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR20_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr20 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR21_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr21 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR22_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr22 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR23_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr23 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR24_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr24 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR25_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr25 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR26_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr26 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR27_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr27 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR28_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr28 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR29_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr29 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR30_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr30 ); + PRINT_IT( "FR31_OFFSET", Context_Control_fp *, fr31 ); + + PRINT_SIZE("CPU_CONTEXT_FP_SIZE", Context_Control_fp); + + /* + * And the control registers + */ + + PRINT_COMMENT("Control register portion of context"); + + PRINT_IT( "SAR_OFFSET", Context_Control *, sar ); + PRINT_IT( "IPSW_OFFSET", Context_Control *, ipsw ); + PRINT_IT( "IIR_OFFSET", Context_Control *, iir ); + PRINT_IT( "IOR_OFFSET", Context_Control *, ior ); + PRINT_IT( "ISR_OFFSET", Context_Control *, isr ); + PRINT_IT( "PCOQFRONT_OFFSET", Context_Control *, pcoqfront ); + PRINT_IT( "PCOQBACK_OFFSET", Context_Control *, pcoqback ); + PRINT_IT( "PCSQFRONT_OFFSET", Context_Control *, pcsqfront ); + PRINT_IT( "PCSQBACK_OFFSET", Context_Control *, pcsqback ); + PRINT_IT( "ITIMER_OFFSET", Context_Control *, itimer ); + + /* + * Full interrupt frame (integer + float) + */ + PRINT_COMMENT("Interrupt frame information"); + + PRINT_IT( "INTEGER_CONTEXT_OFFSET", CPU_Interrupt_frame *, Integer ); + PRINT_IT( "FP_CONTEXT_OFFSET", CPU_Interrupt_frame *, Floating_Point ); + size = sizeof( CPU_Interrupt_frame ); + + if ( size % CPU_STACK_ALIGNMENT ) + size += CPU_STACK_ALIGNMENT - (size % CPU_STACK_ALIGNMENT); + + printf( "#define\tCPU_INTERRUPT_FRAME_SIZE\t%d\t\t/* 0x%x */\n", size, size ); + +#else + + print_information(); + +#endif + +#undef PRINT_IT +#undef PRINT_SIZE +#undef PRINT_COMMENT + + /* + * Print the end of file stuff + */ + + printf( + "\n" + "#endif /* __OFFSETS_h */\n" + "\n" + "/* end of include file */\n" + ); + + return 0; +} + +void print_information( void ) +{ + +#define PRINT_IT( STRING, NUMBER ) \ + printf( "#define\t%s\t0x%x\t\t/* %d */\n", \ + STRING, \ + NUMBER, \ + NUMBER ); + +#define PRINT_SIZE( STRING, NUMBER ) \ + printf( "#define\t%s\t0x%x\t\t/* %d */\n", \ + STRING, \ + NUMBER, \ + NUMBER ); + +#define PRINT_COMMENT( STRING ) \ + printf( \ + "\n" \ + "/*\n" \ + " * " STRING "\n" \ + " */\n" \ + "\n" \ + ); + +/* + * Offsets of elements in the Context_control structure. + */ + + PRINT_COMMENT("Context_Control information"); + + PRINT_IT( "FLAGS_OFFSET", 0x00 ); + PRINT_IT( "R1_OFFSET", 0x04 ); + PRINT_IT( "R2_OFFSET", 0x08 ); + PRINT_IT( "R3_OFFSET", 0x0c ); + PRINT_IT( "R4_OFFSET", 0x00 ); + PRINT_IT( "R5_OFFSET", 0x14 ); + PRINT_IT( "R6_OFFSET", 0x18 ); + PRINT_IT( "R7_OFFSET", 0x1c ); + PRINT_IT( "R8_OFFSET", 0x20 ); + PRINT_IT( "R9_OFFSET", 0x24 ); + PRINT_IT( "R10_OFFSET", 0x28 ); + PRINT_IT( "R11_OFFSET", 0x2c ); + PRINT_IT( "R12_OFFSET", 0x30 ); + PRINT_IT( "R13_OFFSET", 0x34 ); + PRINT_IT( "R14_OFFSET", 0x38 ); + PRINT_IT( "R15_OFFSET", 0x3c ); + PRINT_IT( "R16_OFFSET", 0x40 ); + PRINT_IT( "R17_OFFSET", 0x44 ); + PRINT_IT( "R18_OFFSET", 0x48 ); + PRINT_IT( "R19_OFFSET", 0x4c ); + PRINT_IT( "R20_OFFSET", 0x50 ); + PRINT_IT( "R21_OFFSET", 0x54 ); + PRINT_IT( "R22_OFFSET", 0x58 ); + PRINT_IT( "R23_OFFSET", 0x5c ); + PRINT_IT( "R24_OFFSET", 0x60 ); + PRINT_IT( "R25_OFFSET", 0x64 ); + PRINT_IT( "R26_OFFSET", 0x68 ); + PRINT_IT( "R27_OFFSET", 0x6c ); + PRINT_IT( "R28_OFFSET", 0x70 ); + PRINT_IT( "R29_OFFSET", 0x74 ); + PRINT_IT( "R30_OFFSET", 0x78 ); + PRINT_IT( "R31_OFFSET", 0x7c ); + + /* + * And common aliases for the above + */ + + PRINT_COMMENT("Common aliases for above"); + + PRINT_IT( "RP_OFFSET", 0x08 ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG3_OFFSET", 0x5c ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG2_OFFSET", 0x60 ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG1_OFFSET", 0x64 ); + PRINT_IT( "ARG0_OFFSET", 0x68 ); + PRINT_IT( "SP_OFFSET", 0x78 ); + PRINT_IT( "DP_OFFSET", 0x6c ); + PRINT_IT( "RET0_OFFSET", 0x74 ); + PRINT_IT( "RET1_OFFSET", 0x74 ); + + PRINT_SIZE("CPU_CONTEXT_SIZE", 168 ); + + PRINT_COMMENT("Context_Control_fp information"); + + PRINT_SIZE("CPU_CONTEXT_FP_SIZE", 256); + + /* + * And the control registers + */ + + PRINT_COMMENT("Control register portion of context"); + + PRINT_IT( "SAR_OFFSET", 0x80 ); + PRINT_IT( "IPSW_OFFSET", 0x84 ); + PRINT_IT( "IIR_OFFSET", 0x88 ); + PRINT_IT( "IOR_OFFSET", 0x8c ); + PRINT_IT( "ISR_OFFSET", 0x90 ); + PRINT_IT( "PCOQFRONT_OFFSET", 0x94 ); + PRINT_IT( "PCOQBACK_OFFSET", 0x98 ); + PRINT_IT( "PCSQFRONT_OFFSET", 0x9c ); + PRINT_IT( "PCSQBACK_OFFSET", 0xa0 ); + PRINT_IT( "ITIMER_OFFSET", 0xa4 ); + + /* + * Full interrupt frame (integer + float) + */ + + PRINT_COMMENT("Interrupt frame information"); + + PRINT_IT( "INTEGER_CONTEXT_OFFSET", 0x00 ); + PRINT_IT( "FP_CONTEXT_OFFSET", 0xa8 ); + PRINT_SIZE( "CPU_INTERRUPT_FRAME_SIZE", 448 ); + +} Index: cpu/hppa1.1/ =================================================================== --- cpu/hppa1.1/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/hppa1.1/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ + +AC_INIT(genoffsets.c) +RTEMS_TOP(../../..) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(../../..) + +RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(rtems-tools-cpu-hppa1.1,$RTEMS_VERSION,no) +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE +AC_EXEEXT + +AC_PROG_CC + +RTEMS_TOOLPATHS + +# Explicitly list all Makefiles here +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) Index: cpu/hppa1.1/ =================================================================== --- cpu/hppa1.1/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/hppa1.1/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +## +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ +## + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I $(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal + +noinst_PROGRAMS = genoffsets + +genoffsets_SOURCES = genoffsets.c + +## We use files that have not been installed yet. + +CPU_DIR = ../../cpu/$(RTEMS_CPU) + +AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(PROJECT_INCLUDE) -I$(CPU_DIR) + +include $(top_srcdir)/../../../automake/ Index: cpu/hppa1.1 =================================================================== --- cpu/hppa1.1 (nonexistent) +++ cpu/hppa1.1 (revision 1765)
cpu/hppa1.1 Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,13 ## +Makefile +aclocal.m4 +config.cache +config.guess +config.log +config.status +config.sub +configure +depcomp +install-sh +missing +mkinstalldirs Index: cpu/ =================================================================== --- cpu/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +## +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ +## + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I $(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal + +SUBDIRS = @subdirs@ + +DIST_SUBDIRS = generic hppa1.1 sh unix + +include $(top_srcdir)/../../automake/ +include $(top_srcdir)/../../automake/ Index: cpu/sh/ =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ + +AC_INIT(shgen.c) +RTEMS_TOP(../../..) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(../../..) + +RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(rtems-tools-cpu-sh,0.4) +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE +AC_EXEEXT + +AC_PROG_CC +AC_CHECK_LIB(m,fabs) +AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getopt_long) +AC_CHECK_PROGS(HELP2MAN,help2man) +AM_CONDITIONAL(HELP2MAN,test -n "$HELP2MAN" ) + +RTEMS_TOOLPATHS + +# Explicitly list all Makefiles here +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile) Index: cpu/sh/ =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +## +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:54 chris Exp $ +## + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 no-installman +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I $(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal + +noinst_PROGRAMS = shgen + +shgen_SOURCES = sci.h sci.c shgen.c + +if HELP2MAN +man_MANS = shgen.1 + +shgen.1: $(srcdir)/shgen.c + $(HELP2MAN) -N shgen >$@ +endif + +include $(top_srcdir)/../../../automake/ Index: cpu/sh/sci.c =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/sci.c (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/sci.c (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 1998 Ralf Corsepius ( + * + * See the file COPYING for copyright notice. + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "sci.h" + +/* + n .. baudrate generator source 0,1,2,3 + + N .. BRR setting (0..255) + + Phi .. processor baud rate + + B .. bitrate + */ + +typedef struct sci_tab { + unsigned int B ; + unsigned int n ; + int N ; + double err ; + } sci_tab_t ; + +static unsigned int bitrate [] = { + 50, + 75, + 110, + 134, + 150, + 200, + 300, + 600, + 1200, + 1800, + 2400, + 4800, + 9600, + 19200, + 38400, + 57600, + 115200, + 230400, + 460800 +}; + +static sci_tab_t test_array[4] ; + +static void Compute( + unsigned int n, + unsigned int B, + double Phi, + struct sci_tab *entry ) +{ + int a = ( 32 << ( 2 * n ) ) * B ; + + entry->n = n ; + entry->B = B ; + entry->N = rint( ( Phi / a ) - 1.0 ) ; + + if ( ( entry->N > 0 ) && ( entry->N < 256 ) ) + entry->err = + ( ( Phi / ( (entry->N + 1) * a ) - 1.0 ) * 100.0 ); + else + { + entry->err = 100.0 ; + entry->n = 255 ; + entry->N = 0 ; + } +} + +static sci_tab_t *SelectN( + unsigned int B, + double Phi ) +{ + unsigned int i ; + struct sci_tab* best = NULL ; + + for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) + { + double err ; + + Compute( i, B, Phi, &test_array[i] ); + err = fabs( test_array[i].err ); + + if ( best ) + { + if ( err < fabs( best->err ) ) + best = &test_array[i] ; + } + else + best = &test_array[i] ; + } + + return best ; +} + +int shgen_gensci( + FILE *file, + double Phi ) /* Processor frequency [Hz] */ +{ + unsigned int i ; + + fprintf( file, + "/*\n * Bitrate table for the serial devices (sci) of the SH at %.3f MHz\n" + " */\n\n", Phi / 1000000.0 ); + fprintf( file, + "/*\n" + " * n .. SMR bits 0,1 : baud rate generator clock source\n" + " * N .. BRR bits 0..7: setting for baud rate generator\n" + " * error .. percentual error to nominal bitrate\n" + " * Hitachi's HW manual recommends bitrates with an error less than 1%%\n" + " * We experienced values less than 2%% to be stable\n" + " */\n\n" ); + fprintf( file, "#include \n\n" ); + fprintf( file, + "static struct sci_bitrate_t {\n" + " unsigned char n ;\n" + " unsigned char N ;\n" + "} _sci_bitrates[] = {\n" + "/* n N error */\n" ); + + for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof(bitrate)/sizeof(int) ; i++ ) + { + struct sci_tab* best = SelectN( bitrate[i], Phi ); + + if ( i > 0 ) + fprintf( file, ",\n" ); + fprintf( file, " { %1d, %3d } /* %+7.2f%% ; B%d ", + best->n, + best->N, + best->err, + best->B ); + if ( best->n > 3 ) + fprintf( file, "(unusable) " ); + fprintf( file, "*/" ); + } + + fprintf( file, "\n};\n\n" ); + + fprintf( file, + "int _sci_get_brparms( \n" + " tcflag_t cflag,\n" + " unsigned char *smr,\n" + " unsigned char *brr )\n" + "{\n" + " unsigned int offset ;\n\n" + " offset = ( cflag & ( CBAUD & ~CBAUDEX ) )\n" + " + ( ( cflag & CBAUDEX ) ? B38400 : 0 );\n" + " if ( offset == 0 ) return -1 ;\n" + " offset-- ;\n\n" + " if ( _sci_bitrates[offset].n > 3 ) return -1;\n\n" + " *smr &= ~0x03;\n" + " *smr |= _sci_bitrates[offset].n;\n" + " *brr = _sci_bitrates[offset].N;\n\n" + " return 0;\n" + "}\n" ); + + return 0 ; +} Index: cpu/sh/sci.h =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/sci.h (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/sci.h (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#ifndef _shgen_sci_h +#define _shgen_sci_h + +#include + +extern int shgen_gensci( + FILE *file, + double Phi /* Processor frequency [Hz] */ + ); + +#endif Index: cpu/sh/AUTHORS =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/AUTHORS (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/AUTHORS (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Ralf Corsepius ( + * Initial implementation + * generator for sci bitrate table Index: cpu/sh/TODO =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/TODO (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/TODO (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +* Add support for more drivers to shgen !!!! + +* shgen relies on having a gnu-compatible getopt, which should be + available on all hosts using gcc/egcs/binutils. + Using other getopt-variants may produce faulty results or shgen may also + refuse to compile. Probably the easiest solution to this problem would be + to integrate libiberty into rtems. + +* shgen uses floating point mathematics. Therefore contains a + reference to libm. In case the host doesn't have its floating point + support in libm, shgen will fail to compile. If we should ever meet such + a host, checks for floating point libraries have to be added to rtems' + autoconf support. Index: cpu/sh/shgen.c =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/shgen.c (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/shgen.c (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 1998,1999,2000 Ralf Corsepius ( + * + * See the file COPYING for copyright notice. + */ + +#include +#include /* strcmp, strerror */ +#include +#include + +#include "sci.h" + +static void usage( FILE* ofile, char *prog ) +{ + fprintf( ofile, "Usage: %s [options] driver\n", prog ); + fprintf( ofile, "\nOptions:\n" ); + fprintf( ofile, "Processor frequency (default 20MHz):\n") ; + fprintf( ofile, "\t-M Phi .. processor frequency [MHz]\n" ); + fprintf( ofile, "\t-K Phi .. processor frequency [KHz]\n" ); + fprintf( ofile, "\t-H Phi .. processor frequency [Hz]\n" ); + fprintf( ofile, "Driver:\n" ); + fprintf( ofile, "\tsci .. bitrate table for sci\n" ); + + fprintf( ofile, "\nWritten by Ralf Corsepius \n" ); + fprintf( ofile, "\nCopyright (c) 1998,1999,2000\tRalf Corsepius\n" ); +} + +#if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG +#define NOARG 0 +#define HASARG 1 +#define OPTARG 2 + +static struct option long_options[] = +{ + { "version", NOARG, NULL, 'v' }, + { "help", NOARG, NULL, 'h' }, + { "mega-hertz", HASARG, NULL, 'M' }, + { "kilo-hertz", HASARG, NULL, 'K' }, + { "hertz", HASARG, NULL, 'H' }, + { 0, 0, 0, 0 } +}; +#endif + +static void shgen_header( FILE *file ) +{ + fprintf( file, + "/*\n * DO NOT EDIT - this file is automatically generated by shgen %s\n", + VERSION ); + fprintf( file, + " * Copyright (c) 1998,1999,2000 Ralf Corsepius (\n */\n" ); + fprintf( file, + "\n/* This file is not copyrighted */\n\n" ); +} + +int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) +{ + double Phi = 20.0 ; + +#if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG + int option_index = 0 ; + while( ( optopt = getopt_long( argc, argv, "M:K:H:hv", + long_options, &option_index ) ) > 0 ) +#else + while ( ( optopt = getopt( argc, argv, "M:K:H:hv" ) ) > 0 ) +#endif + { + switch ( optopt ) + { + case 'M' : + sscanf( optarg, "%lf", &Phi ); + Phi = Phi * 1000000.0; + break ; + case 'K' : + sscanf( optarg, "%lf", &Phi ); + Phi = Phi * 1000.0; + break ; + case 'H' : + sscanf( optarg, "%lf", &Phi ); + break ; + case 'h' : + usage( stdout, argv[0] ); + exit(0); + case 'v' : + fprintf( stdout, "%s version %s\n", argv[0], VERSION ); + exit(0); + default : + usage( stderr, argv[0] ); + exit(1); + break ; + } + } + + if ( argc - optind != 1 ) + { + fprintf( stderr, "%s: Missing argument: driver\n", argv[0] ); + exit(1); + } + + shgen_header( stdout ); + + if ( strcmp( argv[optind], "sci" ) == 0 ) + { + shgen_gensci( stdout, Phi ); + } + else + { + fprintf( stderr, "%s: Invalid argument: driver\n", argv[0] ); + exit(1); + } + + return 0 ; +} Index: cpu/sh/COPYING =================================================================== --- cpu/sh/COPYING (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh/COPYING (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ + + shgen - code generator for the Hitachi SH microcontroller family + + Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Ralf Corsepius ( + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + Index: cpu/sh =================================================================== --- cpu/sh (nonexistent) +++ cpu/sh (revision 1765)
cpu/sh Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,13 ## +Makefile +aclocal.m4 +config.cache +config.guess +config.log +config.status +config.sub +configure +depcomp +install-sh +missing +mkinstalldirs Index: cpu/generic/ =================================================================== --- cpu/generic/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/generic/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. +dnl +dnl $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ + +AC_INIT( +RTEMS_TOP(../../..) +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(../../..) + +RTEMS_CANONICAL_TARGET_CPU + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(rtems-tools-cpu-generic,$RTEMS_VERSION,no) +AM_MAINTAINER_MODE + +RTEMS_PATH_KSH + +RTEMS_TOOLPATHS +AC_SUBST(program_prefix) + +# Explicitly list all Makefiles here +AC_OUTPUT(Makefile +size_rtems) Index: cpu/generic/ =================================================================== --- cpu/generic/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/generic/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +## +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ +## + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 +ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I $(RTEMS_TOPdir)/aclocal + +noinst_SCRIPTS = size_rtems +include $(top_srcdir)/../../../automake/ Index: cpu/generic/ =================================================================== --- cpu/generic/ (nonexistent) +++ cpu/generic/ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +#!@KSH@ -p +# +# size_rtems +# +# This script gathers information related to the size of RTEMS +# using the GNU "size" command. +# +# This script operates by summing up the sizes of the various +# object files which constitute a particular configuration of +# RTEMS. This size information is gathered for placement in the +# brochure flyers and supplement manuals. +# +# NOTE: The concept of the minimum executive size is buried in this script. +# +# COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-1999. +# On-Line Applications Research Corporation (OAR). +# +# The license and distribution terms for this file may be +# found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at +# +# +# $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ +# + +target=@target@ +program_prefix=@program_prefix@ + +gnusize=${program_prefix}size + +# check usage +if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then + echo usage ${0}: bsp object_directory + exit 1 +fi + +bsp=$1 +board=$1 +ARCH=$2 + +cpu=`echo $target | sed -e 's/-.*//'` + +case $target in + sparc-sun-solaris*) + rtems_cpu=unix + bsp=solaris2 + echo Not supported on unix port. + exit 0 + ;; + i[34567]86-pc-linux-gnu) + echo linux + rtems_cpu=unix + bsp=linux1 + echo Not supported on unix port. + exit 0 + ;; + i[34567]86-unknown-freebsd2.[12]*) + echo freebsd + rtems_cpu=unix + bsp=freebsd2 + echo Not supported on unix port. + exit 0 + ;; + *-rtems*) + cpu=`echo $target | sed -e 's/-.*//'` + rtems_cpu=$cpu + ;; + *) + echo unknown target $target + exit 1 + ;; +esac + +case $ARCH in + *debug*) VARIANT=debug ;; + *profile*) VARIANT=profile ;; + *) VARIANT=optimized;; +esac + +echo +echo Size Information for the Following Configuration: +echo CPU: ${cpu} +echo BSP: ${board} +echo VARIANT: ${VARIANT} +echo + + +# +# KLUDGE to figure out at runtime how to echo a line without a +# newline. +# +count=`echo "\\c" | wc -c` +if [ ${count} -ne 0 ] ; then + EARG="-n" + EOL="" +else + EARG="" + EOL="\\c" +fi + +if [ ! -d ../${board} ] ; then + echo "${board} does not exist ... is the current directory the build directory?" + exit 1 +fi + +#DIRLIST -- so greps for DIRLIST will find this file +CPUOBJ=exec/score/cpu/${rtems_cpu}/wrap/${ARCH} +COREOBJ=exec/score/src/${ARCH} +RTEMSOBJ=exec/rtems/src/${ARCH} +SAPIOBJ=exec/sapi/src/${ARCH} +OPTOBJ=exec/rtems/optman/${ARCH} + +# XXX These have been split up +MANLIST=" \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/clockget.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/clockset.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/clocktick.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/dpmem.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/event.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/intr.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/msg.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/part.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/ratemon.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/region.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/sem.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/signal.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/tasks.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/timer.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/debug.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/extension.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/fatal.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/exinit.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/io.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/rtemsapi.o \ +" + +if [ -r ${RTEMSOBJ}/mp.o ] ; then + MPLIST="\ + ${RTEMSOBJ}/mp.o ${RTEMSOBJ}/eventmp.o \ + ${COREOBJ}/mpci.o ${RTEMSOBJ}/msgmp.o ${COREOBJ}/objectmp.o \ + ${RTEMSOBJ}/partmp.o ${RTEMSOBJ}/regionmp.o ${RTEMSOBJ}/semmp.o \ + ${RTEMSOBJ}/signalmp.o ${RTEMSOBJ}/taskmp.o ${COREOBJ}/threadmp.o \ + " + + MPOBJLIST=${OPTOBJ}/no-mp.rel +fi + +OPTMANLIST="\ +${OPTOBJ}/no-dpmem.rel \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-event.rel \ +${MPOBJLIST} \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-msg.rel \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-part.rel \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-region.rel \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-rtmon.rel \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-sem.rel \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-signal.rel \ +${OPTOBJ}/no-timer.rel \ +" +REQMANLIST="\ +${SAPIOBJ}/exinit.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/tasks.o \ +${RTEMSOBJ}/intr.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/fatal.o \ +" +# XXX parts of these have been split up +CORELIST=" \ +${COREOBJ}/apiext.o ${COREOBJ}/chain.o \ +${COREOBJ}/coremsg.o ${COREOBJ}/coremutex.o ${COREOBJ}/coresem.o \ +${COREOBJ}/heap.o ${COREOBJ}/interr.o \ +${COREOBJ}/isr.o \ +${COREOBJ}/object.o \ +${SAPIOBJ}/rtemsapi.o \ +${COREOBJ}/thread.o ${COREOBJ}/threadq.o ${COREOBJ}/tod.o \ +${COREOBJ}/userext.o \ +${COREOBJ}/watchdog.o ${COREOBJ}/wkspace.o \ +" + +CPULIST="\ +${CPUOBJ}/rtems-cpu.rel \ +" + +# check directories +for i in ${EXECOBJ} ${CPUOBJ} ${OPTOBJ} +do + if [ ! -d ${i} ] ; then + echo "${i} does not exist ... is RTEMS compiled and installed?" + exit 1 + fi +done + +for i in ${MANLIST} ${MPLIST} ${OPTMANLIST} ${REQMANLIST} ${CORELIST} ${CPULIST} +do + if [ ! -r ${i} ] ; then + echo ${i} does not exist ... is RTEMS compiled and installed? + exit 1 + fi +done + +# "rips" a line of gsize's output and prints size, data, bss +parse_size() +{ + echo $1 $2 $3 +} + +# prepares a list of code, data, bss sizes for a directory +sizedir() +{ + ${gnusize} $* | sed -e '1,1d' | + while read line + do + parse_size ${line} + done +} + +# adds the numbers passed on the command line +addit() +{ + sumx=0 + for x in $* + do + sumx=`expr $sumx + $x` + done + echo $sumx +} + +# adds a column from the output of sizedir +addsizes() +{ + # dc version is not portable enough -- It can be left out during + # installing linux and may not be available on non-UNIX hosts. + #cut -d' ' -f${2} ${1} | sed -e '2,$s/$/ + /' -e '$,$s/$/ p/' | dc + + # This may not be as fast but it is probably more portable. + addit `cut -d' ' -f${2} ${1}` +} + +# calculates total size of a directory and prints report line +size_files() +{ + trap "rm -f /tmp/size.$$ ; exit 1" 2 3 + + for file in $* + do + parse_size `${gnusize} $file | sed -e '/text/d'` + done >/tmp/size.$$ + + code=`cat /tmp/size.$$ | addsizes 1` + data=`cat /tmp/size.$$ | addsizes 2` + bss=` cat /tmp/size.$$ | addsizes 3` + echo "${code} ${data} ${bss}" + rm /tmp/size.$$ +} + +echo +echo " RTEMS SIZE REPORT" +echo +echo " CODE DATA BSS" +echo " ==================" +echo ${EARG} "MANAGERS: " ${EOL} ; size_files $MANLIST $MPLIST +echo ${EARG} "CORE : " ${EOL} ; size_files $CORELIST $CPULIST +echo ${EARG} "CPU : " ${EOL} ; size_files $CPULIST +echo ${EARG} "OVERALL : " ${EOL} ; size_files $CPULIST $CORELIST $MANLIST \ + $MPLIST +echo ${EARG} "MINIMUM : " ${EOL} ; size_files $CPULIST $CORELIST \ + $OPTMANLIST $REQMANLIST +echo + +for file in $MANLIST +do + base=`basename ${file}` + echo ${EARG} ""${base} : " ${EOL} " ; size_files ${file} +done + +echo ${EARG} "MP : " ${EOL} ; size_files $MPLIST + +echo +for file in $OPTMANLIST +do + base=`basename ${file}` + echo ${EARG} "${base} : " ${EOL} ; size_files ${file} +done + +echo +exit 0 Index: cpu/generic =================================================================== --- cpu/generic (nonexistent) +++ cpu/generic (revision 1765)
cpu/generic Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,14 ## +Makefile +aclocal.m4 +config.cache +config.guess +config.log +config.status +config.sub +configure +depcomp +install-sh +missing +mkinstalldirs +size_rtems Index: cpu =================================================================== --- cpu (nonexistent) +++ cpu (revision 1765)
cpu Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,13 ## +Makefile +aclocal.m4 +config.cache +config.guess +config.log +config.status +config.sub +configure +depcomp +install-sh +missing +mkinstalldirs Index: =================================================================== --- (nonexistent) +++ (revision 1765) @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +## $Id:,v 1.2 2001-09-27 12:02:53 chris Exp $ + +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 + +SUBDIRS = build cpu update + +include $(top_srcdir)/automake/ +include $(top_srcdir)/automake/ Index: . =================================================================== --- . (nonexistent) +++ . (revision 1765)
. Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,2 ## +Makefile

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