
Subversion Repositories pcie_ds_dma

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 49 to Rev 50
    Reverse comparison

Rev 49 → Rev 50

31,12 → 31,18
use std.textio;
entity stend_ac701_core is
end stend_ac701_core;
architecture stend_ac701_core of stend_ac701_core is
constant fname_test_log : string:= test_log & integer'image(test_id) & ".log";
signal clk250 : std_logic:='0';
signal clk250p : std_logic;
signal clk250n : std_logic;
152,8 → 158,8
variable str : LINE; -- pointer to string
test_init( "src\testbench\log\test.log" );
-- test_init( "test.log" );
test_init( fname_test_log );
wait for 250 us;
164,8 → 170,20
--test_adm_read_8kb( cmd, ret );
--test_adm_read_16kb( cmd, ret );
--test_adm_write_16kb( cmd, ret );
test_block_main( cmd, ret );
--test_block_main( cmd, ret );
case( test_id ) is
when 0 => test_dsc_incorrect( cmd, ret );
when 1 => test_read_4kb( cmd, ret ); -- was original
when 2 => test_adm_read_8kb( cmd, ret );
when 3 => test_adm_read_16kb( cmd, ret );
when 4 => test_adm_write_16kb( cmd, ret );
when 5 => test_block_main( cmd, ret );
when others => null;
end case;
-- Print Final Banner
131,7 → 131,8
variable adr : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
variable data : std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
variable str : line;
variable str : line;
variable error : integer:=0;
write( str, string'("TEST_DSC_INCORRECT" ));
164,15 → 165,40
write( str, string'("STATUS: " )); hwrite( str, data( 15 downto 0 ) );
if( data( 15 downto 0 )=x"A021" ) then
write( str, string'(" - Ok" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'(" - Error" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( log, str );
block_write( cmd, ret, 4, 9, x"00000000" ); -- DMA_CTRL - STOP
writeline( log, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( log, str );
writeline( log, str );
writeline( output, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( output, str );
writeline( output, str );
end test_dsc_incorrect;
298,17 → 324,32
-- block_write( cmd, ret, 4, 9, x"00000001" ); -- DMA_CTRL - START
writeline( log, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( log, str );
writeline( log, str );
writeline( output, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( output, str );
writeline( output, str );
end test_read_4kb;
472,17 → 513,31
-- block_write( cmd, ret, 4, 9, x"00000001" ); -- DMA_CTRL - START
writeline( log, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( log, str );
writeline( log, str );
writeline( output, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( output, str );
writeline( output, str );
end test_adm_read_8kb;
511,46 → 566,37
wait for 10 us;
-- writeline( log, str );
-- for ii in 0 to 5 loop
-- write( str, ii );
-- for jj in 0 to 7 loop
-- block_read( cmd, ret, ii, jj, data );
-- write( str, " " );
-- hwrite( str, data );
-- end loop;
-- writeline( log, str );
-- end loop;
-- writeline( log, str );
-- block_read( cmd, ret, 0, 16#10#, data );
-- write( str, "STATUS: " ); hwrite( str, data ); writeline( log, str );
-- block_write( cmd, ret, 80, 16#08#, x"00000100" );
-- block_read( cmd, ret, 0, 16#10#, data );
-- write( str, "STATUS: " ); hwrite( str, data ); writeline( log, str );
-- block_write( cmd, ret, 80, 16#08#, x"00000200" );
-- block_read( cmd, ret, 0, 16#10#, data );
-- write( str, "STATUS: " ); hwrite( str, data ); writeline( log, str );
-- writeline( log, str );
-- if( error=0 ) then
-- cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
-- else
-- cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
-- end if;
writeline( log, str );
for ii in 0 to 5 loop
write( str, ii );
for jj in 0 to 7 loop
block_read( cmd, ret, ii, jj, data );
write( str, " " );
hwrite( str, data );
end loop;
writeline( log, str );
end loop;
writeline( log, str );
block_read( cmd, ret, 0, 16#10#, data );
write( str, "STATUS: " ); hwrite( str, data ); writeline( log, str );
block_write( cmd, ret, 80, 16#08#, x"00000100" );
block_read( cmd, ret, 0, 16#10#, data );
write( str, "STATUS: " ); hwrite( str, data ); writeline( log, str );
block_write( cmd, ret, 80, 16#08#, x"00000200" );
block_read( cmd, ret, 0, 16#10#, data );
write( str, "STATUS: " ); hwrite( str, data ); writeline( log, str );
for ii in 0 to 127 loop
for ii in 0 to 7 loop
block_write( cmd, ret, 4, 16#08#, x"0000AA55" );
block_read( cmd, ret, 4, 8, data );
563,10 → 609,31
writeline( log, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( log, str );
writeline( log, str );
writeline( output, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( output, str );
writeline( output, str );
end test_block_main;
807,17 → 874,32
-- block_write( cmd, ret, 4, 9, x"00000001" ); -- DMA_CTRL - START
writeline( log, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( log, str );
writeline( log, str );
writeline( output, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( output, str );
writeline( output, str );
end test_adm_read_16kb;
1039,18 → 1121,32
-- block_write( cmd, ret, 4, 9, x"00000000" ); -- DMA_CTRL
-- block_write( cmd, ret, 4, 9, x"00000001" ); -- DMA_CTRL - START
writeline( log, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( log, str );
writeline( log, str );
writeline( output, str );
if( error=0 ) then
write( str, string'("TEST finished successfully" ));
cnt_ok := cnt_ok + 1;
write( str, string'("TEST finished with ERR" ));
cnt_error := cnt_error + 1;
end if;
writeline( output, str );
writeline( output, str );
end test_adm_write_16kb;
end package body test_pkg;
0,0 → 1,336
asim -noglitch -noglitchmsg +notimingchecks +no_tchk_msg -relax glbl -ieee_nowarn -O5 -L secureip -g test_id=3 +access +r +m+test_adm_read_16kb stend_ac701_core stend_ac701_core
# ELBREAD: Elaboration process.
# ELBREAD: You do not have a valid license to run simulation with SLP.
# Contact Aldec for ordering information -
# ELBREAD: Elaboration time 4.3 [s].
# asim: Stack memory: 128MB
# asim: Retval memory: 128MB
# KERNEL: Main thread initiated.
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization phase.
# KERNEL: Time resolution set to 1ps.
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass...
# ELAB2: Create instances ...
# ELBREAD: Warning: Too few port connections. Region: protected hierarchy
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# ELAB2: Create instances complete.
# SLP: Started
# SLP: Elaboration phase ...
# SLP: Elaboration phase ... skipped, nothing to simulate in SLP mode : 0.0 [s]
# SLP: Finished : 0.0 [s]
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass complete - time: 14.6 [s].
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization done.
# Allocation: Simulator allocated 418008 kB (elbread=101867 elab2=281690 kernel=34450 sdf=0)
# Simulation has been initialized
# Selected Top-Level: stend_ac701_core (stend_ac701_core) glbl
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae not found in design.
run {600 us}
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_in/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_out/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00U0 with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/dsc/gen_dsp48/dsp, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp1, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp0, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# KERNEL: [ 1000 ns ] : Init start
# KERNEL: [ 15923.246 ns ] : Transaction Reset is De-asserted
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Transaction Link is Up
# KERNEL: BAR 0 = 0x10000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 1 = 0x20000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 2 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 3 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 4 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 5 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 6 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Setting Core Configuration Space...
# KERNEL: [ 193459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 196755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 197651.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 198403.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 199283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 200051.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 201075.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 201699.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 202579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 203347.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 204243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 204995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 205875.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 206643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 207539.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 209171.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : BUS Master Enable
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100000]
# KERNEL: [ 227603.146 ns ] : Writing Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001] -> Data [0x00000007]
# KERNEL: [ 227763.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100007]
# KERNEL: [ 232891.146 ns ] : Init complete
# KERNEL: [ 256003.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256067.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256131.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256195.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256259.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256323.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256387.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256451.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 259379.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 259491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 259555.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 259619.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 262387.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 262499.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 262563.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 262627.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 262691.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 265363.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 265459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 265555.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 265651.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 265747.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 265779.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 265955.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 266003.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 266179.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 266355.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 266403.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 266579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 266755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 266803.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 270739.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 270963.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 271139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 271187.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 271251.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 271315.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 274547.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 274659.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 282355.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 282963.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 283571.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 284179.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 284787.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 285395.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 286003.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 286611.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 287283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 287891.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 288499.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 289107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 289715.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 290323.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 290931.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 291539.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 292147.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 292755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 293427.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 294035.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 294643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 294723.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 295251.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 295859.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 296467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 297075.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 297683.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 298323.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 298995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 299603.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 300211.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 300819.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 301427.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 302131.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 302739.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 303347.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 303955.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 304563.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 305235.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 305843.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 306451.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 307059.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 307667.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 308275.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 308883.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 309491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 310099.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 310771.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 311379.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 311411.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 311523.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 312083.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 312691.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 313331.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 313939.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 314547.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 315219.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 315827.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 316435.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 317107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 317715.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 318323.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 318931.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 319539.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 320147.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 320755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 321363.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 321395.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 321427.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 321459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 321491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 321587.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 321811.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 321987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 322035.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 325267.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 325491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 325667.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 325715.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 325891.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 326067.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 326243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 326419.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 326467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 330355.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 330467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 333043.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 333155.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 333715.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 336659.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 337331.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 337939.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 338547.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 339155.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 339763.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 340435.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 340467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 340579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 341139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 341747.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 342355.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 342963.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 343571.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 344211.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 344819.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 345427.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 346163.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 346771.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 347379.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 347987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 348595.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 349203.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 349811.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 350419.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 351027.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 351635.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 352307.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 352915.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 353523.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 354131.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 354739.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 355347.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 355955.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 356659.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 357267.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 357299.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 357411.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 357971.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 358035.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 358643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 359251.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 359859.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 360467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 361139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 361779.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 362387.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 362995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 363603.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 364275.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 364883.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 365491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 366099.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 366707.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 367315.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 367923.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 368531.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 369139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 369811.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 370419.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 371027.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 371635.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 372243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 372851.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 373459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 374067.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 374675.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 374739.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 374851.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 375475.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 376147.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 377427.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 377539.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 377603.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 380275.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 380387.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 380451.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 383059.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 383667.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 386227.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 386835.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 389395.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 390003.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 392563.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 393171.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: TEST finished successfully
# EXECUTION:: Time: 394590146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# EXECUTION:: FAILURE: End of TEST; Ending simulation (not a Failure)
# EXECUTION:: Time: 394590146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# KERNEL: stopped at delta: 0 at time 394590146 ps.
# Simulation has been stopped
transcript to src/testbench/log/console_test_adm_write_16kb.log
0,0 → 1,241
asim -noglitch -noglitchmsg +notimingchecks +no_tchk_msg -relax glbl -ieee_nowarn -O5 -L secureip -g test_id=2 +access +r +m+test_adm_read_8kb stend_ac701_core stend_ac701_core
# ELBREAD: Elaboration process.
# ELBREAD: You do not have a valid license to run simulation with SLP.
# Contact Aldec for ordering information -
# ELBREAD: Elaboration time 4.3 [s].
# asim: Stack memory: 128MB
# asim: Retval memory: 128MB
# KERNEL: Main thread initiated.
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization phase.
# KERNEL: Time resolution set to 1ps.
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass...
# ELAB2: Create instances ...
# ELBREAD: Warning: Too few port connections. Region: protected hierarchy
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# ELAB2: Create instances complete.
# SLP: Started
# SLP: Elaboration phase ...
# SLP: Elaboration phase ... skipped, nothing to simulate in SLP mode : 0.0 [s]
# SLP: Finished : 0.0 [s]
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass complete - time: 15.6 [s].
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization done.
# Allocation: Simulator allocated 418008 kB (elbread=101867 elab2=281690 kernel=34450 sdf=0)
# Simulation has been initialized
# Selected Top-Level: stend_ac701_core (stend_ac701_core) glbl
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae not found in design.
run {350 us}
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_in/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_out/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00U0 with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/dsc/gen_dsp48/dsp, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp1, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp0, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# KERNEL: [ 1000 ns ] : Init start
# KERNEL: [ 15923.246 ns ] : Transaction Reset is De-asserted
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Transaction Link is Up
# KERNEL: BAR 0 = 0x10000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 1 = 0x20000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 2 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 3 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 4 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 5 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 6 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Setting Core Configuration Space...
# KERNEL: [ 193459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 196755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 197651.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 198403.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 199283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 200051.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 201075.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 201699.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 202579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 203347.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 204243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 204995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 205875.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 206643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 207539.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 209171.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : BUS Master Enable
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100000]
# KERNEL: [ 227603.146 ns ] : Writing Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001] -> Data [0x00000007]
# KERNEL: [ 227763.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100007]
# KERNEL: [ 232891.146 ns ] : Init complete
# KERNEL: [ 252995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253059.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253123.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253187.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253251.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253315.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253379.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253443.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253507.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256707.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 259475.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 259587.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 259651.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 259715.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 259779.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 262451.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 262547.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 262643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 262739.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 262867.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 262899.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 263043.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263091.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263267.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263443.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263667.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263843.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263891.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 268019.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 268243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 268419.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 268467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 268531.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 268595.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 272019.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 272131.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 279827.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 280499.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 281107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 281779.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 282387.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 282995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 283603.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 284211.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 284819.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 285427.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 286035.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 286643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 287315.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 287923.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 288531.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 289139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 289747.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 290355.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 290963.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 291571.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 292179.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 292195.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 292787.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 293459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 294067.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 294675.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 295283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 295923.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 296531.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 297139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 297747.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 298355.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 299027.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 299731.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 300339.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 300947.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 301555.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 302163.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 302771.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 303379.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 303987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 304595.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 305267.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 305875.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 306483.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 307091.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 307699.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 308307.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 308915.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 308947.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 309059.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 309619.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 310227.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 310899.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 311507.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 312115.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 312787.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 313427.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 314035.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 314643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 315251.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 315859.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 316467.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 317139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 317747.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 318355.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 318963.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 318995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 319107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 319171.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 321779.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 322387.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 324947.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 325555.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 328115.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 328723.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 331283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 331891.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: TEST finished successfully
# EXECUTION:: Time: 332606146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# EXECUTION:: FAILURE: End of TEST; Ending simulation (not a Failure)
# EXECUTION:: Time: 332606146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# KERNEL: stopped at delta: 0 at time 332606146 ps.
# Simulation has been stopped
transcript to src/testbench/log/console_test_adm_read_16kb.log
0,0 → 1,145
asim -noglitch -noglitchmsg +notimingchecks +no_tchk_msg -relax glbl -ieee_nowarn -O5 -L secureip -g test_id=0 +access +r +m+test_dsc_incorrect stend_ac701_core stend_ac701_core
# Simulation has been stopped
# ELBREAD: Elaboration process.
# ELBREAD: You do not have a valid license to run simulation with SLP.
# Contact Aldec for ordering information -
# ELBREAD: Elaboration time 4.4 [s].
# asim: Stack memory: 128MB
# asim: Retval memory: 128MB
# KERNEL: Main thread initiated.
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization phase.
# KERNEL: Time resolution set to 1ps.
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass...
# ELAB2: Create instances ...
# ELBREAD: Warning: Too few port connections. Region: protected hierarchy
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# ELAB2: Create instances complete.
# SLP: Started
# SLP: Elaboration phase ...
# SLP: Elaboration phase ... skipped, nothing to simulate in SLP mode : 0.0 [s]
# SLP: Finished : 0.0 [s]
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass complete - time: 14.7 [s].
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization done.
# Allocation: Simulator allocated 418008 kB (elbread=101867 elab2=281690 kernel=34450 sdf=0)
# Simulation has been initialized
# Selected Top-Level: stend_ac701_core (stend_ac701_core) glbl
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae not found in design.
run {300 us}
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_in/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_out/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00U0 with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/dsc/gen_dsp48/dsp, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp1, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp0, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# KERNEL: [ 1000 ns ] : Init start
# KERNEL: [ 15923.246 ns ] : Transaction Reset is De-asserted
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Transaction Link is Up
# KERNEL: BAR 0 = 0x10000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 1 = 0x20000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 2 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 3 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 4 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 5 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 6 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Setting Core Configuration Space...
# KERNEL: [ 193459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 196755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 197651.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 198403.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 199283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 200051.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 201075.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 201699.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 202579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 203347.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 204243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 204995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 205875.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 206643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 207539.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 209171.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : BUS Master Enable
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100000]
# KERNEL: [ 227603.146 ns ] : Writing Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001] -> Data [0x00000007]
# KERNEL: [ 227763.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100007]
# KERNEL: [ 232891.146 ns ] : Init complete
# KERNEL: [ 252899.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 252963.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253027.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253091.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253155.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253219.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256051.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256147.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256227.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256339.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256403.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256931.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 257107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 257283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 257459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 265971.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 266083.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: TEST finished successfully
# EXECUTION:: Time: 266094146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# EXECUTION:: FAILURE: End of TEST; Ending simulation (not a Failure)
# EXECUTION:: Time: 266094146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# KERNEL: stopped at delta: 0 at time 266094146 ps.
# Simulation has been stopped
transcript to src/testbench/log/console_test_read_4kB.log
0,0 → 1,5
test_dsc_incorrect PASSED
test_read_4kB PASSED
test_adm_read_8kb PASSED
test_adm_read_16kb PASSED
0,0 → 1,10
STATUS: A021 - Ok
TEST finished successfully
0,0 → 1,33
0 00000000
1 00000000
2 00000000
3 00000000
4 00000001
5 00000000
6 00000000
7 00000000
8 00000003
9 00000000
10 00000000
11 00000000
12 00000007
13 00000000
14 00000000
15 00000000
TEST finished successfully
0,0 → 1,186
asim -noglitch -noglitchmsg +notimingchecks +no_tchk_msg -relax glbl -ieee_nowarn -O5 -L secureip -g test_id=1 +access +r +m+test_read_4kB stend_ac701_core stend_ac701_core
# ELBREAD: Elaboration process.
# ELBREAD: You do not have a valid license to run simulation with SLP.
# Contact Aldec for ordering information -
# ELBREAD: Elaboration time 4.4 [s].
# asim: Stack memory: 128MB
# asim: Retval memory: 128MB
# KERNEL: Main thread initiated.
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization phase.
# KERNEL: Time resolution set to 1ps.
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass...
# ELAB2: Create instances ...
# ELBREAD: Warning: Too few port connections. Region: protected hierarchy
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : returned a simple delay of 1
# ELAB2: Create instances complete.
# SLP: Started
# SLP: Elaboration phase ...
# SLP: Elaboration phase ... skipped, nothing to simulate in SLP mode : 0.0 [s]
# SLP: Finished : 0.0 [s]
# ELAB2: Elaboration final pass complete - time: 14.9 [s].
# KERNEL: Kernel process initialization done.
# Allocation: Simulator allocated 418008 kB (elbread=101867 elab2=281690 kernel=34450 sdf=0)
# Simulation has been initialized
# Selected Top-Level: stend_ac701_core (stend_ac701_core) glbl
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rdst_rdy_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rnp_ok_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_rcpl_streaming_n not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/trn_data_we not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cnt not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_complete not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_valid not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo0_pae not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/fifo1_empty not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw1 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/rx/tlp_cp_dw3 not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/cfg_interrupt_rdy not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_full not found in design.
# KERNEL: Warning: KERNEL_0085 "/stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae" does not have read access. Use switch +access +r for this region.
# Signal /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/tx/fifo_pae not found in design.
run {300 us}
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_in/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: NOTE : Warning in %m at time %t: When using an asynchronous configuration for the FIFO Generator, the behavioral model is not cycle-accurate. You may wish to choose the structural simulation model instead of the behavioral model. This will ensure accurate behavior and latencies during simulation. You can enable this from CORE Generator by selecting Project -> Project Options -> Generation tab -> Structural Simulation. See the FIFO Generator User Guide for more information.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 0 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/dio_out/x_fifo/ctrl_fifo/U0, Process: line__3206.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00U0 with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/dsc/gen_dsp48/dsp, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp1, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# EXECUTION:: WARNING: OPMODE Input Warning : The OPMODE 0UU00UU with CARRYINSEL 00 to DSP48 instance is invalid.
# EXECUTION:: Time: 109393 ps, Iteration: 15, Instance: /stend_ac701_core/amb/amb/gen_syn/pcie/gen_m10/core/fifo/cmd/dma_adr/gen_dsp48/dsp0, Process: prcs_opmode_drc.
# KERNEL: [ 1000 ns ] : Init start
# KERNEL: [ 15923.246 ns ] : Transaction Reset is De-asserted
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Transaction Link is Up
# KERNEL: BAR 0 = 0x10000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 1 = 0x20000000 RANGE = 0xFFE00000 MEM32 MAPPED
# KERNEL: BAR 2 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 3 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 4 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 5 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: BAR 6 = 0x00000000 RANGE = 0x00000000 DISABLED
# KERNEL: [ 145411.246 ns ] : Setting Core Configuration Space...
# KERNEL: [ 193459.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195107.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 195987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 196755.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 197651.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 198403.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 199283.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 200051.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 201075.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 201699.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 202579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 203347.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 204243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 204995.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 205875.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 206643.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 207539.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 209171.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : BUS Master Enable
# KERNEL: [ 227443.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100000]
# KERNEL: [ 227603.146 ns ] : Writing Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001] -> Data [0x00000007]
# KERNEL: [ 227763.146 ns ] : Reading Config space
# KERNEL: Addr: [0x001]
# KERNEL: Cfg Addr [0x001] -> Data [0x00100007]
# KERNEL: [ 232891.146 ns ] : Init complete
# KERNEL: [ 252947.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253011.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253075.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253203.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 253267.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256083.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256179.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256259.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256275.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256371.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 256435.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256611.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256787.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 256963.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 257139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 257315.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 257491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 263027.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 263699.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 264307.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 264915.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 265523.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 266131.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 266739.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 267347.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 267955.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 268563.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 269171.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 269843.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 270451.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 271059.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 271667.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 272275.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 272883.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 273315.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 273491.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 274099.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 274707.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 275379.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 275987.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 276627.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 277235.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 277843.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 278451.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 279059.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 279667.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 280275.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 280947.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 281619.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 282227.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 282259.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 282371.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 284947.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 285059.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 287635.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 288243.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 290803.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 291411.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 293971.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 294579.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: [ 297139.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Receive
# KERNEL: [ 297747.146 ns ] : PROC_PARSE_FRAME on Transmit
# KERNEL: TEST finished successfully
# EXECUTION:: Time: 298110146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# EXECUTION:: FAILURE: End of TEST; Ending simulation (not a Failure)
# EXECUTION:: Time: 298110146 ps, Iteration: 0, Instance: /stend_ac701_core, Process: pr_main.
# KERNEL: stopped at delta: 0 at time 298110146 ps.
# Simulation has been stopped
transcript to src/testbench/log/console_test_adm_read_8kb.log
0,0 → 1,51
0 A5A50123
1 00000000
2 00000001
3 00000000
4 00000002
5 00000000
6 00000004
7 00000000
8 00000008
9 00000000
10 00000010
11 00000000
12 00000020
13 00000000
14 00000040
15 00000000
0 A5A50123
1 00000001
TEST finished successfully
57,8 → 57,7
transcript to $log_name
asim -noglitch -noglitchmsg +notimingchecks +no_tchk_msg -relax glbl -ieee_nowarn -O5 -L secureip -g test_id=$tc_id +access +r +m+$tc_name stend_ambpex5_wishbone stend_ambpex5_wishbone
#asim -ieee_nowarn -g test_id=$tc_id -g test_log=$log_test +access +r +m+$tc_name stend_sp605_wishbone stend_sp605_wishbone
asim -noglitch -noglitchmsg +notimingchecks +no_tchk_msg -relax glbl -ieee_nowarn -O5 -L secureip -g test_id=$tc_id +access +r +m+$tc_name stend_ac701_core stend_ac701_core
run $tc_time
80,8 → 79,12
onerror {resume}
#run_test "test_dsc_incorrect" 0 "300 us"
#run_test "test_read_4kB" 1 "300 us"
run_test "test_adm_read_8kb" 2 "350 us"
run_test "test_dsc_incorrect" 0 "300 us"
run_test "test_read_4kB" 1 "300 us"
run_test "test_adm_read_8kb" 2 "350 us"
run_test "test_adm_read_16kb" 3 "600 us"
run_test "test_adm_write_16kb" 4 "600 us"
run_test "test_block_main" 5 "500 us"

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