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% The Potato Processor - User's Manual |
% (c) Kristian Klomsten Skordal 2015 <skordal@opencores.org> |
% Report bugs and issues on <http://opencores.org/project,potato,bugtracker> |
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} |
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pdfauthor={Kristian Klomsten Skordal}]{hyperref} |
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\begin{document} |
\begin{titlepage} |
\begin{center} |
\vspace*{3cm} |
{\large The Potato Processor}\\[0.5cm] |
{\Huge\bf Technical Reference Manual}\\[6cm] |
\textsc{Kristian Klomsten Skordal}\\\href{mailto:skordal@opencores.org}{skordal@opencores.org}\\[3em] |
\vfill |
{Project page:\\\url{http://opencores.org/project,potato}}\\[0.2em] |
{Report bugs and issues on\\\url{http://opencores.org/project,potato,bugtracker}}\\[1.2em] |
{\small Updated \today} |
\end{center} |
\end{titlepage} |
\tableofcontents |
\chapter{Introduction} |
The Potato processor is an implementation of the 32-bit integer subset of the RISC-V |
instruction set v2.0. It is designed around a standard 5-stage pipeline. All instructions |
execute in 1 cycle, with the exception of load and store instructions when the processor |
has to wait for external memory. |
The processor has been tested on an Artix~7 (xc7a100tcsg324-1) FPGA from Xilinx, on the |
Nexys 4 board from Digilent. More details about the test design can be found in chapter |
\ref{cha:quickstart}. |
\section{Features} |
Here is a highlight of the current features of the Potato processor: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item Implements the complete 32-bit integer subset of the RISC-V ISA v2.0. |
\item Implements the \textsc{csr*} instructions from the RISC-V supervisor extensions v1.0. |
\item Supports using the \register{fromhost}/\register{tohost} registers for communicating |
with a host environment, such as a simulator, or peripherals. |
\item Supports exception handling, with support for 8 individually maskable IRQ inputs. |
\item Includes a wishbone B4 compatible interface. |
\end{itemize} |
\section{Planned features} |
Here is a highlight of the future planned features of the Potato processor: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item Caches. |
\item Branch prediction. |
\item Hardware multiplication and division support (the RISC-V M extension). |
\item Compressed instruction support (the RISC-V C extension). |
\item Supervisor mode support |
\end{itemize} |
\chapter{Quick Start Guide} |
\label{cha:quickstart} |
This chapter contains instructions on getting started with the demo/example design that is |
included in the Potato source distribution. The example design targets the Nexys 4 board |
available from Digilent\footnote{See \url{http://www.digilentinc.com/Products/Detail.cfm?Prod=NEXYS4}}. |
\section{Setting up the Vivado Project} |
Start by creating a new project in Vivado. Import all source files from the \texttt{src/} directory, |
which contains all source files required for using the processor. Then import all source files from |
the \texttt{example/} directory, which contains the toplevel setup for the example SoC design, |
and from the \texttt{soc/} directory, which contains various peripherals for the processor. |
\section{Adding IP Modules} |
The example design requires two additional IP modules. These are not included in the source |
distribution and must be added separately. |
\subsection{Clock Generator} |
Add a clock generator using the Clocking Wizard. Name the component ``\texttt{clock\_generator}'' |
and make sure that the checkboxes for ``frequency synthesis'' and ``safe clock startup'' are |
selected. |
Add two output clocks with frequencies of 50~MHz and 10~MHz. Rename the corresponding ports |
to ``\texttt{system\_clk}'' and ``\texttt{timer\_clk}''. Rename the input clock signal to |
``\texttt{clk}''. |
The added module should appear in the hierarchy under the toplevel module as ``\texttt{clkgen}''. |
\subsection{Instruction memory} |
Add a block RAM to use for storing the test application using the Block Memory Generator. |
Choose ``Single-port ROM'' as memory type and name the module ``\texttt{instruction\_rom}''. |
Set port A width to 32 bits and the depth to 2048 words. Initialize the block RAM with |
your application or use one of the provided benchmarks, such as the SHA256 benchmark, |
which, when built, produces a \texttt{.coe} file that can be used for this purpose. |
Note that in order to build a benchmark application, you have to install a RISC-V toolchain. |
See section \ref{sec:toolchain} for instructions on how to accomplish this. |
\section{Running an Example Application} |
Assuming you initialized the instruction memory with the SHA256 benchmark, synthesize and |
implement the design, generate a bitfile and load it into the FPGA. Using a serial port |
application, such as \texttt{minicom}, watch as the number of hashes per second are |
printed to the screen and rejoice because it works! |
\chapter{Instantiating} |
The Potato processor can be used either with or without a wishbone interface. Using the wishbone |
interface allows the processor to communicate with other wishbone-compatible peripherals. However, |
if no such peripherals are to be used, the processor can, for instance, be connected directly to |
block RAM memories for full performance without needing to use caches. |
\section{Customizing the Processor Core} |
The processor can be customized using generics. The following list details the parameters |
that can be changed: |
\begin{description} |
\item[\texttt{PROCESSOR\_ID}:] Any 32-bit value used as the processor ID. This value can |
be read back from the hardware thread ID register, \register{hartid}. |
\item[\texttt{RESET\_ADDRESS}:] Any 32-bit value used as the address of the first instruction |
fetched by the processor after it has been reset. |
\end{description} |
\section{Instantiating in a Wishbone System} |
\label{sec:instantiating-wishbone} |
In order to integrate the Potato processor into a wishbone-based system, the module \texttt{pp\_potato} |
is used. It provides signals for the wishbone master interface, prefixed with \texttt{wb\_}, and |
inputs for interrupts and the HTIF interface. |
The specifics of the wishbone interface is listed in table \ref{tab:wishbone}. To see an example |
of the processor used in a Wishbone system, see the example design under the \texttt{example/} |
directory. |
\begin{table} |
\centering |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} |
\hline |
Wishbone revision & B4 \\ |
Interface type & Master \\ |
Address port width & 32 bits \\ |
Data port width & 32 bits \\ |
Data port granularity & 8 bits \\ |
Maximum operand size & 32 bits \\ |
Endianess & Little endian \\ |
Sequence of data transfer & Not specified \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\caption{Wishbone Interface Specifics} |
\label{tab:wishbone} |
\end{table} |
\FloatBarrier |
\section{Instantiating in a Standalone System} |
\label{sec:instantiating-standalone} |
The processor can also be used without connecting it to the Wishbone bus. An example |
of this can be seen in the processor testbench, \texttt{tb\_processor.vhd}. |
\section{Verifying} |
The processor provides an automatic testing environment for verifying that the processor |
correctly executes the instructions of the ISA. The tests have been extracted from the |
official test suite available at \url{https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests} and covers |
most of the available instructions. |
Two testbenches are used to execute the test programmes: \texttt{tb\_processor.vhd}, in |
which the processor is directly connected to block-RAM-like memories so the processor |
never stalls to wait for memory operations to finish (see section \ref{sec:instantiating-standalone} |
for more details about this kind of setup), and \texttt{tb\_soc.vhd}, which models a |
simple system-on-chip with the processor connected to memories through the |
wishbone interface (see section \ref{sec:instantiating-wishbone} for more information |
about this kind of setup). |
To run the test suites, run \texttt{make run-tests} or \texttt{make run-soc-tests}. |
Make sure that \texttt{xelab} and \texttt{xsim} is in your \texttt{PATH} or the |
tests will fail. |
\chapter{Programming} |
The processor implements the RISC-V instruction set, and can be programmed with tools |
such as GCC. |
\section{Building a RISC-V Toolchain} |
\label{sec:toolchain} |
An ``official'' toolchain is provided by the RISC-V project. In order to install it, clone |
the ``riscv-tools'' Git repository from \url{https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tools} and follow |
the instructions provided by the README file. |
\section{Control and Status Registers} |
The supported control and status registers are shown in table \ref{tab:csr_list}. The registers |
can be manipulated using the \textsc{csr*} family of instructions, listed in \ref{sec:csr_instrs}. |
\begin{table} |
\centering |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} |
\hline |
\textbf{Name} & \textbf{ID} & \textbf{Description} \\ |
\hline |
\register{hartid} & 0x50b & Hardware thread ID \\ |
\register{evec} & 0x508 & Exception vector address \\ |
\register{epc} & 0x502 & Return address for exceptions \\ |
\register{cause} & 0x509 & Exception cause \\ |
\register{sup0} & 0x500 & Support register 0, for operating system use \\ |
\register{sup1} & 0x501 & Support register 1, for operating system use \\ |
\register{badvaddr} & 0x503 & Bad address, used for invalid address exceptions \\ |
\register{status} & 0x50a & Processor status and control register \\ |
\register{tohost} & 0x51e & Register for sending data to a host system \\ |
\register{fromhost} & 0x51f & Register where data received from a host system is stored \\ |
\register{cycle} & 0xc00 & Cycle counter, low 32 bits \\ |
\register{cycleh} & 0xc80 & Cycle counter, high 32 bits \\ |
\register{time} & 0xc01 & Timer tick counter, low 32 bits \\ |
\register{timeh} & 0xc81 & Timer tick counter, high 32 bits \\ |
\register{instret} & 0xc02 & Retired instruction counter, low 32 bits \\ |
\register{instreth} & 0xc82 & Retired instruction counter, high 32 bits \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\caption{List of Control and Status Registers} |
\label{tab:csr_list} |
\end{table} |
\FloatBarrier |
\chapter{Instruction Set} |
The Potato processor is designed to support the full 32-bit integer subset of |
the RISC-V instruction set, version 2.0. The ISA documentation is available |
from \url{http://riscv.org}. |
\section{Status and Control Register Instructions} |
\label{sec:csr_instrs} |
In addition to the base ISA, some additional instructions have been imported |
from the RISC-V supervisor specification\footnote{The processor is in |
the process of being upgraded to the new specification.} version 1.0. |
\begin{table}[htb] |
\centering |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|} |
\hline |
\textbf{Mnemonic} & \textbf{Description} \\ |
\hline |
\texttt{scall} & System call \\ |
\texttt{sbreak} & Breakpoint instruction \\ |
\texttt{sret} & Exception return \\ |
\hline |
\texttt{csrrw rd, rs1, CSR} & Writes rs1 into CSR, place sold value in rd \\ |
\texttt{csrrs rd, rs1, CSR} & Ors rs1 with CSR, places old value in rd \\ |
\texttt{csrrc rd, rs1, CSR} & Ands the inverse of rs1 with CSR, places old value in rd \\ |
\texttt{csrrwi rd, imm, CSR} & Writes imm into CSR, places old value in rd \\ |
\texttt{csrrsi rd, imm, CSR} & Ors CSR with imm, places old value in rd \\ |
\texttt{csrrci rd, imm, CSR} & Ands the inverse of imm with CSR, places old value in rd \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\caption{List of CSR Instructions} |
\end{table} |
\appendix |
\chapter{Peripherals} |
The source distribution of the processor contains several peripheral modules that can be |
used in system-on-chip designs using the Potato processor (or other processors). |
This chapter briefly describes each of the modules. |
\section{GPIO} |
The GPIO module provides a simple GPIO interface for up to 32 general purpose pins. |
Each pin can be separately configured to work as either an input or an output pin. |
Registers are provided to set the direction of each pin. Additional registers |
provide the ability to read or write the values of the pins. |
\section{Timer} |
The timer module provides a timer that fires off an interrupt at a specified |
interval. |
\section{UART} |
The UART module provies a fixed-baudrate serial port interface. It features |
separate FIFOs for buffering input and output data, and interrupts for when |
the module is ready to send or has received data. |
\section{Memory} |
The memory module is basically a simple block RAM wrapper with support for |
byte-writes. |
\end{document} |