
Subversion Repositories rf68000

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 3 to Rev 7
    Reverse comparison

Rev 3 → Rev 7

331,7 → 331,16
NumSetBreakpoints equ $40202 ; to $40203
Breakpoints equ $40220 ; to $40240
BreakpointWords equ $40280 ; to $402A0
fpBuf equ $402C0
;RunningTCB equ $40300
_exp equ $40500
_digit equ $40504
_width equ $40508
_E equ $4050C
_digits_before_decpt equ $40510
_precision equ $40514
_fpBuf equ $40520 ; to $40560
_fpWork equ $40600
TimerStack equ $40BFC
; Keyboard buffer is in shared memory
522,6 → 531,7
move.l d1,164(a0)
move.l d1,168(a0)
move.l d1,172(a0)
move.l #2,508(a0) ; all cores access random # generator
swap d0
move.w #31,d0 ; 32 long words for the screen area per bitmap
1270,7 → 1280,7
dc.l SerialGetChar
dc.l T15LockSemaphore
dc.l T15UnlockSemaphore
dc.l StubRout
dc.l prtflt
; Cursor positioning / Clear screen
2081,6 → 2091,7
dc.b ':'+$80 ; : edit memory
dc.b "CL",'S'+$80 ; CLS clear screen
dc.b "COR",'E'+$80 ; CORE <n> switch to core
dc.b "TF",'P'+$80 ; TFP test fp
dc.b "TRA",'M'+$80 ; TRAM test RAM
dc.b 'T','R'+$80 ; TR test serial receive
dc.b 'T'+$80 ; T test CPU
2104,6 → 2115,7
dc.w cmdEditMemory
dc.w cmdClearScreen
dc.w cmdCore
dc.w cmdTestFP
dc.w cmdTestRAM
dc.w cmdTestSerialReceive
dc.w cmdTestCPU
2230,6 → 2242,58
bsr select_iofocus
bra Monitor
bsr ignBlanks
bsr GetDecNumber
move.l d1,d3
bsr ignBlanks
bsr FromScreen
move.b d1,d7
bsr ignBlanks
bsr GetDecNumber
move.l d1,d2
bsr CRLF
fmove.l d3,fp0 ; this should do I2FP
; moveq #39,d0
; moveq #40,d1
; moveq #30,d2
; moveq #'e',d3
; trap #15
; bsr CRLF
fmove.l d2,fp1 ; this should do I2FP
fmove.p fp0,fpBuf
fmove.p fp1,fpBuf+16
cmpi.b #'+',d7
bne .0001
fadd fp1,fp0
bra .0002
cmpi.b #'-',d7
bne .0003
fsub fp1,fp0
bra .0002
cmpi.b #'*',d7
bne .0004
fmul fp1,fp0
bra .0002
cmpi.b #'/',d7
bne .0005
fdiv fp1,fp0
bra .0002
fmove.p fp0,fpBuf+32
lea _fpBuf,a1 ; a0 = pointer to buffer to use
moveq #39,d0
moveq #40,d1
moveq #30,d2
moveq #'e',d3
trap #15
bsr CRLF
bra Monitor
; CLOCK <n>
; Set the clock register to n which will turn off or on clocks to the CPUs.
2724,10 → 2788,10
move.l d2,-(a7)
clr.l d2
moveq #0,d0
bsr FromScreen
bsr AsciiToHexNybble
cmp.b #$ff,d1
cmpi.b #$ff,d1
beq.s .0001
lsl.l #4,d2
andi.l #$0f,d1
2735,12 → 2799,36
addq #1,d0
cmpi.b #8,d0
blo.s .0002
move.l d2,d1
move.l (a7)+,d2
tst.b d0
movem.l d2/d3,-(a7)
clr.l d2
clr.l d0
bsr FromScreen ; grab a character off the screen
bsr AsciiToHexNybble ; convert to an ascii nybble
cmpi.b #$ff,d1
beq.s .0001
andi.b #$0F,d1 ; d1 = 0 to 9
move.l d2,d3 ; d3 = current number
add.l d3,d3 ; d3*2
lsl.l #3,d2 ; current number * 8
add.l d3,d2 ; current number * 10
add.l d1,d2 ; add in new digit
addq #1,d0 ; increment number of digits
cmpi.b #9,d0 ; make sure 9 or fewer
blo .0002
move.l d2,d1 ; return number in d1
movem.l (a7)+,d2/d3
tst.b d0
; Convert ASCII character in the range '0' to '9', 'a' tr 'f' or 'A' to 'F'
; to a hex nybble.
3880,10 → 3968,652
; Decimal-Floating point to string conversion routine.
; Modifies
; _fpWork work area
; Register Usage:
; fp0 = input decimal-float to convert
; fp1 = constant holder, 1.0, 10.0
; fp2 = 1.0e<fp0 exponent> value for conversion
; fp3 = holds digit value during significand conversion
; a0 = pointer to string buffer, updated to point to NULL at end of string
; a1 = pointer to "Nan" or "Inf" message string
; d0 = temporary
; d1 = digit value during exponent, significand conversion
; d6 = exponent
align 4
_dfOne dc.l $25ff0000,$00000000,$00000000
_dfTen dc.l $2600C000,$00000000,$00000000
_dfMil dc.l $2606DDFA,$1C000000,$00000000
_msgNan dc.b "NaN",0
_msgInf dc.b "Inf",0
; Check for the special Nan and infinity values. Output the appropriate string.
; Modifies
; _fpWork area
; d0,a1,a0
; Parameters:
; fp0 = dbl
fmove.p fp0,_fpWork
move.b _fpWork,d0 ; get sign+combo
andi.b #$7C,d0 ; mask for combo bits
cmpi.b #$7C,d0 ; is it the Nan combo?
bne .notNan
lea _msgNan,a1 ; output "Nan"
bra .outStr
cmpi.b #$78,d0 ; is it infinity combo?
bne .notInf
lea _msgInf,a1
move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ; output "Inf"
move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
move.b (a1)+,(a0)+
clr.b (a0)
addq #4,sp ; pop return address for two up return
; Check for a zero value. Output a single "0" if zero,
; Modifies:
; a0
; Parameters:
; fp0 = dbl
ftst fp0 ; check if number is zero
fbne .0003
move.b #'0',(a0)+ ; if zero output "0"
clr.b (a0)
addq #4,sp ; pop return address for two up return
; Check for a negative number. This includes Nans and Infinities. Output a "-"
; if negative.
; Modifies
; a0
; Parameters:
; fp0 = dbl
ftst fp0 ; is number negative?
fbge .0002
move.b #'-',(a0)+ ; yes, output '-'
fneg fp0 ; make fp0 positive
; Make the input value larger so that digits may appear before the decimal
; point.
; Modifies:
; fp0,fp1,d6
; Parameters:
; fp0 = dbl
; if (dbl < 1.0) {
; while (dbl < 1.0) {
; dbl *= 1000000.0;
; exp -= 6;
; }
; }
fmove.w #1,fp1
fcmp fp1,fp0 ; is fp0 > 1?
fbge .0001 ; yes, return
fscale.l #6,fp0 ; multiply fp0 by a million
subi.w #6,d6 ; decrement exponent by six
bra .0002 ; keep trying until number is > 1
fmove.p fp0,_fpWork+24 ; debugging
; Create a number dbl2 on the same order of magnitude as dbl, but
; less than dbl. The number will be 1.0e<dbl's exponent>
; Modifies:
; d6,fp2
; Parameters:
; fp0 = dbl
; // The following is similar to using log10() and pow() functions.
; // Now dbl is >= 1.0
; // Create a number dbl2 on the same order of magnitude as dbl, but
; // less than dbl.
; dbl2 = 1.0;
; dbla = dbl2;
; if (dbl > dbl2) { // dbl > 1.0 ?
; while (dbl2 <= dbl) {
; dbla = dbl2;
; dbl2 *= 10.0; // increase power of 10
; exp++;
; }
; // The above loop goes one too far, we want the last value less
; // than dbl.
; dbl2 = dbla;
; exp--;
; }
fmove.w #1,fp2 ; setup fp2 = 1
fcmp fp2,fp0 ; if (dbl > dbl2)
fble .0004
fcmp fp0,fp2 ; while (dbl2 <= dbl)
fbgt .0005
fscale.w #1,fp2 ; dbl2 *= 10 (increase exponent by one)
addi.w #1,d6 ; exp++
bra .0006
fscale.l #-1,fp2 ; dbl2 /= 10 (decrease exponent by one)
subi.w #1,d6 ; exp--;
fmove.p fp0,_fpWork ; debugging
fmove.p fp2,_fpWork+12
; Compute the number of digits before the decimal point.
; Modifies:
; d0,d6,_digits_before_decpt
; Parameters:
; d6 = exponent
; if (exp >= 0 && exp < 6) {
; digits_before_decpt = exp+1;
; exp = 0;
; }
; else if (exp >= -6)
; digits_before_decpt = 1;
; else
; digits_before_decpt = -1;
tst.w d6
bmi .0007
cmpi.w #6,d6
bge .0007
move.w d6,d0
addi.w #1,d0
move.w d0,_digits_before_decpt
clr.w d6
cmpi.w #-6,d6
blt .0009
move.w #1,_digits_before_decpt
move.w #-1,_digits_before_decpt
; Spit out a leading zero before the decimal point for a small number.
; Parameters:
; d6 = exponent
; if (exp < -6) {
; buf[ndx] = '0';
; ndx++;
; buf[ndx] = '.';
; ndx++;
; }
cmpi.w #-6,d6
bge .0010
move.b #'0',(a0)+
move.b #'.',(a0)+
; Extract the digits of the significand.
; Modifies:
; _precision variable
; Register Usage
; d1 = digit
; fp0 = dbl
; fp2 = dbl2
; fp3 = digit as decimal float
; fp7 = dbla
; Parameters:
; fp0
; // Now loop processing one digit at a time.
; for (nn = 0; nn < 25 && precision > 0; nn++) {
; digit = 0;
; dbla = dbl;
; // dbl is on the same order of magnitude as dbl2 so
; // a repeated subtract can be used to find the digit.
; while (dbl >= dbl2) {
; dbl -= dbl2;
; digit++;
; }
; buf[ndx] = digit + '0';
; // Now go back and perform just a single subtract and
; // a multiply to find out how much to reduce dbl by.
; // This should improve the accuracy
; if (digit > 2)
; dbl = dbla - dbl2 * digit;
; ndx++;
; digits_before_decpt--;
; if (digits_before_decpt==0) {
; buf[ndx] = '.';
; ndx++;
; }
; else if (digits_before_decpt < 0)
; precision--;
; // Shift the next digit to be tested into position.
; dbl *= 10.0;
; }
move.w #24,d0 ; d0 = nn
fmove.l #10,fp1 ; fp1 = 10.0
tst.l _precision
ble .0011
moveq #0,d1 ; digit = 0
fmove fp0,fp7 ; dbla = dbl
fcmp fp2,fp0
fblt .0012
fsub fp2,fp0 ; dbl -= dbl2
addi.b #1,d1 ; digit++
bra .0013
addi.b #'0',d1 ; convert digit to ascii
move.b d1,(a0)+ ; and store
subi.b #'0',d1 ; d1 = binary digit again
; cmpi.b #2,d1
; ble .0014
; ext.w d1
; ext.l d1
; fmove.l d1,fp3 ; fp3 = digit
; fmul fp2,fp3 ; fp3 = dbl2 * digit
; fmove fp7,fp0
; fsub fp3,fp0 ; dbl = dbla - dbl2 * digit
subi.w #1,_digits_before_decpt
bne .0015
move.b #'.',(a0)+
tst.w _digits_before_decpt
bge .0016
subi.l #1,_precision
fscale.l #-1,fp2 ; dbl *= 10.0
dbra d0,.0017
; If the number ends in a decimal point, trim off the point.
; Registers Modified:
; none
; Parameters:
; a0 = pointer to end of number
; Returns:
; a0 = updated to point just past last digit.
cmpi.b #'.',-1(a0)
bne .0001
clr.b -(a0)
cmpi.b #'.',(a0)
bne .0002
cmpi.b #0,1(a0)
bne .0002
clr.b (a0)
subq #1,a0
; If the number ends in .0 get rid of the .0
; Registers Modified:
; none
; Parameters:
; a0 = pointer to last digits of number
; Returns:
; a0 = updated to point just past last digit.
tst.b (a0)
bne .0004
cmpi.b #'0',-1(a0)
bne .0004
cmpi.b #'.',-2(a0)
bne .0004
clr.b -2(a0)
subq #2,a0
; Trim trailing zeros from the number. Generally there is no need to display
; trailing zeros.
; Turns a number like 652.000000000000000000000 into 650.0
; Registers Modified:
; none
; Parameters:
; a0 = pointer to last digits of number
; Returns:
; a0 = updated to point just past last digit.
; // Trim trailing zeros from the number
; do {
; ndx--;
; } while(buf[ndx]=='0');
; ndx++;
cmpi.b #'0',-(a0) ; if the last digit was a zero, backup
beq .0018
addq #1,a0 ; now advance by one
move.b #0,(a0) ; NULL terminate string
; Output 'e+' or 'e-'
; Registers Modified:
; d6.w (if negative)
; Parameters:
; a0 = pointer to last digits of number
; Returns:
; a0 = updated to point just past '+' or '-'.
; // Spit out +/-E
; buf[ndx] = E;
; ndx++;
; if (exp < 0) {
; buf[ndx]='-';
; ndx++;
; exp = -exp;
; }
; else {
; buf[ndx]='+';
; ndx++;
; }
move.b _E,(a0)+
tst.w d6
bge .0021
move.b #'-',(a0)+
neg.w d6
bra .0022
move.b #'+',(a0)+
; Extract a single digit of the exponent. Extract works from the leftmost digit
; to the rightmost.
; Register Usage
; d2 = history of zeros
; d3 = digit
; Modifies
; d2,d3,d6,a0
; Parameter
; d1.w = power of ten
; d6.w = exponent
ext.l d6 ; make d6 a long
divu d1,d6 ; divide by power of ten
move.b d6,d3 ; d3 = quotient (0 to 9)
swap d6 ; d6 = remainder, setup for next digit
or.b d3,d2
tst.b d3
bne .0003
tst.b d2
beq .0004
addi.b #'0',d3 ; convert to ascii
move.b d3,(a0)+
; Extract all the digits of the exponent.
; Register Usage
; d1 = power of 10
; d2 = history of zeros
; Parameters
; a0 = pointer to string buffer
; d6 = exponent
; // If the number is times 10^0 don't output the exponent
; if (exp==0) {
; buf[ndx]='\0';
; goto prt;
; }
tst.w d6 ; is exponent zero?
beq .0002
bsr _SpitOutE ; exponent is non-zero e+
clr.b d2 ; d2 = history of zeros
move.w #1000,d1
bsr _ExtExpDigit
move.w #100,d1
bsr _ExtExpDigit
move.w #10,d1
bsr _ExtExpDigit
move.w #1,d1
bsr _ExtExpDigit
move.b #0,(a0) ; NULL terminate string
rts ; and return
; Pad the left side of the output string.
; Modifies:
; d0,d1,d2,d3
; // pad left
; if (width > 0) {
; if (ndx < width) {
; for (nn = 39; nn >= width-ndx; nn--)
; buf[nn] = buf[nn-(width-ndx)];
; for (; nn >= 0; nn--)
; buf[nn] = ' ';
; }
; }
tst.b _width
ble .0041
move.l a0,d0
sub.l #_fpBuf,d0 ; d0 = ndx
cmp.b _width,d0
bge .0041
move.w #49,d1 ; d1 = nn
move.b _width,d2
ext.w d2
sub.w d0,d2 ; d2 = width-ndx
cmp.w d2,d1
blt .0039
move.w d1,d3 ; d3 = nn
sub.w d2,d3 ; d3 = nn-(width-ndx)
move.b (a0,d3.w),(a0,d1.w)
subi.w #1,d1
bra .0040
tst.w d1
bmi .0041
move.b #' ',(a0,d1.w)
subi.w #1,d1
bra .0039
; Pad the right side of the output string.
; Modifies:
; d0
; Returns:
; d0 = length of string
; // pad right
; if (width < 0) {
; width = -width;
; while (ndx < width) {
; buf[ndx]=' ';
; ndx++;
; }
; buf[ndx]='\0';
; }
; return (ndx);
tst.b _width
bpl .0042
neg.b _width
move.l a0,d0
sub.l #_fpBuf,d0 ; d0 = ndx
cmp.b _width,d0
bge .0043
move.b #' ',(a0,d0.w)
addi.w #1,d0
bra .0044
move.b #0,(a0,d0.w)
ext.w d0
ext.l d0
clr.l d0 ; d0 = 0
move.b _fpWork,d0 ; get sign, combo
andi.b #$7f,d0 ; ignore sign bit
or.b _fpWork+1,d0 ; check all bytes for zero
or.w _fpWork+2,d0
or.w _fpWork+4,d0
or.w _fpWork+6,d0
or.w _fpWork+8,d0
or.w _fpWork+10,d0
; Output a string representation of a decimal floating point number to a
; buffer.
; Register Usage
; a0 = pointer to string buffer
; d6 = exponent
; Parameters:
; fp0 = number to convert
bsr _CheckNegative ; is number negative?
bsr _CheckZero ; check for zero
bsr _CheckNan ; check for Nan or infinity
; Now the fun begins
clr.l d6
bsr _MakeBig
bsr _LessThanDbl
bsr _ComputeDigitsBeforeDecpt
bsr _LeadingZero
bsr _SpitOutDigits
bsr _TrimTrailingZeros
bsr _TrimTrailingPoint
bsr _TrimDotZero
bsr _ExtExpDigits ; extract exponent digits
bsr _PadLeft ; pad the number to the left or right
bra _PadRight
; Trap #15, function 39 - convert floating-point to string and display
; Parameters
; a0 = pointer to buffer
; fp0 = number to print
; d1 = width of print field
; d2 = precision
; d3 = 'E' or 'e'
movem.l d0/d1/d2/d3/d6/a1,-(a7)
; fmove.p fp0,-(a7)
move.l a1,a0 ; a0 = pointer to buffer to use
move.b d1,_width
move.l d2,_precision
move.b d3,_E
bsr _sprtflt
bsr DisplayString
; fmove.p (a7)+,fp0
movem.l (a7)+,d0/d1/d2/d3/d6/a1
moveq #6,d0
lea KeybdIRQ,a0

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