
Subversion Repositories rio

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 32 to Rev 33
    Reverse comparison

Rev 32 → Rev 33

1358,251 → 1358,245
discardFrameOut <= '0';
if (fatalError_i = '1') then
readWindowResetOut <= '1';
elsif (recoverActive_i = '1') then
if ((fatalError_i = '1') or (recoverActive_i = '1') or
(operational_i = '0')) then
-- This state is entered at startup or if any error has occurred.
-- A port that is not initialized or in an error state should not
-- transmit any packets.
-- Initialize framing before entering the operational state.
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
ackIdWindow_o <= ackId_i;
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
readWindowResetOut <= '1';
if (operational_i = '0') then
-- This state is entered at startup. A port that is not initialized
-- should only transmit idle sequences.
-- This state is the operational state. It relays frames and handle
-- flow control.
if (sendRestartFromRetry = '1') then
-- Required to send a restart-from-retry.
-- Initialize framing before entering the operational state.
-- Send a restart-from-retry control symbol to acknowledge the restart
-- of the frame.
symbolControlRestartOut <= '1';
-- Make sure there wont be any timeout before the frame is
-- starting to be retransmitted.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
-- Restart the frame transmission.
-- Since the transmission-window is reset, it is ok to go to the
-- FRAME_IDLE-state even if the present state was FRAME_DISCARD since
-- we will end up in the discard state anyway after the frames has
-- been resent.
ackIdWindow_o <= ackId_i;
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
ackIdWindow_o <= ackId_i;
readWindowResetOut <= '1';
-- This state is the operational state. It relays frames and handle
-- flow control.
if (sendRestartFromRetry = '1') then
-- Required to send a restart-from-retry.
-- Send a restart-from-retry control symbol to acknowledge the restart
-- of the frame.
symbolControlRestartOut <= '1';
elsif (sendLinkRequest = '1') then
-- Required to send a link-request.
-- There is no need to restart the packet transmission since we do
-- not yet know which packets that was successfully received by our
-- link partner. Wait for the reply before anything is discarded.
-- Make sure there wont be any timeout before the frame is
-- starting to be retransmitted.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
-- Send a link-request symbol.
symbolControlLinkRequestOut <= '1';
-- Restart the frame transmission.
-- Since the transmission-window is reset, it is ok to go to the
-- FRAME_IDLE-state even if the present state was FRAME_DISCARD since
-- we will end up in the discard state anyway after the frames has
-- been resent.
ackIdWindow_o <= ackId_i;
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
readWindowResetOut <= '1';
elsif (sendLinkRequest = '1') then
-- Required to send a link-request.
-- There is no need to restart the packet transmission since we do
-- not yet know which packets that was successfully received by our
-- link partner. Wait for the reply before anything is discarded.
-- Write the current timer value.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
elsif ((sendRestartFromRetry = '0') and (sendLinkRequest = '0') and
(outputErrorStopped_i = '0')) then
-- No control-symbol is required to be sent to the link-partner.
-- Proceed to send a pending packet.
-- Send a link-request symbol.
symbolControlLinkRequestOut <= '1';
-- Check the current state of the frame transfer.
case frameState_i is
when FRAME_IDLE =>
-- No frame has been started.
-- Write the current timer value.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
elsif ((sendRestartFromRetry = '0') and (sendLinkRequest = '0') and
(outputErrorStopped_i = '0')) then
-- No control-symbol is required to be sent to the link-partner.
-- Proceed to send a pending packet.
-- Wait for a new frame to arrive from the frame buffer.
if (readWindowEmpty_i = '0') then
-- Update the output from the frame buffer to contain the
-- data when it is read later.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_START;
end if;
-- Check the current state of the frame transfer.
case frameState_i is
when FRAME_IDLE =>
-- No frame has been started.
-- Check if we are allowed to transmit this packet.
-- The packet may be not allowed, i.e. a non-maintenance
-- sent when only maintenance is allowed. The link-partner can be
-- busy, i.e. not having enough buffers to receive the new packet
-- in or the number of outstanding packets may be too large.
-- This state should result in a start-of-frame if possible or
-- end-of-frame if a frame has not been ended properly yet.
-- Wait for a new frame to arrive from the frame buffer.
if (readWindowEmpty_i = '0') then
-- Update the output from the frame buffer to contain the
-- data when it is read later.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_START;
end if;
-- Check if the packet is allowed.
if ((portEnable_i = '1') or
(readContentData_i(19 downto 16) = FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS)) then
-- Packet is allowed.
-- Check if we are allowed to transmit this packet.
-- The packet may be not allowed, i.e. a non-maintenance
-- sent when only maintenance is allowed. The link-partner can be
-- busy, i.e. not having enough buffers to receive the new packet
-- in or the number of outstanding packets may be too large.
-- This state should result in a start-of-frame if possible or
-- end-of-frame if a frame has not been ended properly yet.
-- Check if the link is able to accept the new frame.
if ((bufferStatus_i /= "00000") and
((unsigned(ackIdWindow_i)+1) /= unsigned(ackId_i))) then
-- There are buffers ready to receive the new packet at the other
-- side and there are ackIds left to tag it.
-- The packet may be transmitted.
-- Check if the packet is allowed.
if ((portEnable_i = '1') or
(readContentData_i(19 downto 16) = FTYPE_MAINTENANCE_CLASS)) then
-- Packet is allowed.
-- Check if the link is able to accept the new frame.
if ((bufferStatus_i /= "00000") and
((unsigned(ackIdWindow_i)+1) /= unsigned(ackId_i))) then
-- There are buffers ready to receive the new packet at the other
-- side and there are ackIds left to tag it.
-- The packet may be transmitted.
-- Read the next packet content and buffer the current output.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
-- Send a control symbol to start the packet and a status to
-- complete the symbol.
symbolControlStartOut <= '1';
-- Proceed to send the first packet data symbol containing
-- the ackId.
frameState_o <= FRAME_FIRST;
-- The link cannot accept the packet.
-- Wait in this state and dont do anything.
if (frameState_i = FRAME_START_CONTINUE) then
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
end if;
readFrameRestartOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
end if;
-- Read the next packet content and buffer the current output.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
-- Send a control symbol to start the packet and a status to
-- complete the symbol.
symbolControlStartOut <= '1';
-- Proceed to send the first packet data symbol containing
-- the ackId.
frameState_o <= FRAME_FIRST;
-- The packet is not allowed.
-- Discard it.
-- The link cannot accept the packet.
-- Wait in this state and dont do anything.
if (frameState_i = FRAME_START_CONTINUE) then
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
end if;
frameState_o <= FRAME_DISCARD;
readFrameRestartOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
end if;
-- The packet is not allowed.
-- Discard it.
if (frameState_i = FRAME_START_CONTINUE) then
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
end if;
frameState_o <= FRAME_DISCARD;
end if;
-- Send the first packet content containing our current
-- ackId.
-- Send the first packet content containing our current
-- ackId.
-- Write a new data symbol and fill in our ackId on the
-- packet.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <=
std_logic_vector(ackIdWindow_i) & "0" & frameContent_i(25 downto 0);
-- Write a new data symbol and fill in our ackId on the
-- packet.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <=
std_logic_vector(ackIdWindow_i) & "0" & frameContent_i(25 downto 0);
-- Read the next frame content and go to next state to send it.
-- Read the next frame content and go to next state to send it.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
frameState_o <= FRAME_MIDDLE;
-- The frame has not been fully sent.
-- Send a data symbol until the last part of the packet is
-- detected.
-- Write a new data symbol.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <= frameContent_i;
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
-- Check if the packet is ending.
if (readContentEnd_i = '1') then
-- The packet is ending.
readWindowNextOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_LAST;
elsif ((frameState_i = FRAME_MIDDLE) and (rxControlEmpty_i = '0')) then
-- There is a pending control-symbol from the receiver.
-- This must only be entered if the previous state was a data
-- symbol, not if an idle symbol was inserted.
frameState_o <= FRAME_INSERT_IDLE;
-- The packet is not ending.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
frameState_o <= FRAME_MIDDLE;
-- The frame has not been fully sent.
-- Send a data symbol until the last part of the packet is
-- detected.
-- Write a new data symbol.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <= frameContent_i;
frameContent_o <= readContentData_i;
end if;
-- Check if the packet is ending.
if (readContentEnd_i = '1') then
-- The packet is ending.
readWindowNextOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_LAST;
elsif ((frameState_i = FRAME_MIDDLE) and (rxControlEmpty_i = '0')) then
-- There is a pending control-symbol from the receiver.
-- This must only be entered if the previous state was a data
-- symbol, not if an idle symbol was inserted.
frameState_o <= FRAME_INSERT_IDLE;
-- The packet is not ending.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_MIDDLE;
end if;
-- Dont send a data-symbol this tick to allow for a pending
-- control-symbol from the receiver to be inserted into the stream.
-- Dont send a data-symbol this tick to allow for a pending
-- control-symbol from the receiver to be inserted into the stream.
symbolDataOut <= '0';
readContentOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_INSERT_WAIT;
when FRAME_LAST =>
-- Sending the last data symbol of a packet.
-- If there are pending packets, they can be started immediatly,
-- otherwise, the current packet should be ended.
symbolDataOut <= '0';
-- Send the last data symbol of the packet.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <= frameContent_i;
-- Check if there are pending packets.
if (readWindowEmpty_i = '0') then
-- Pending packet exist.
readContentOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_INSERT_WAIT;
when FRAME_LAST =>
-- Sending the last data symbol of a packet.
-- If there are pending packets, they can be started immediatly,
-- otherwise, the current packet should be ended.
-- No pending packets.
frameState_o <= FRAME_END;
end if;
-- Send the last data symbol of the packet.
symbolDataOut <= '1';
symbolDataContentOut <= frameContent_i;
-- Update the window ackId.
ackIdWindow_o <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ackIdWindow_i) + 1);
-- Check if there are pending packets.
if (readWindowEmpty_i = '0') then
-- Pending packet exist.
readContentOut <= '1';
-- No pending packets.
frameState_o <= FRAME_END;
end if;
-- Start timeout supervision for the transmitted frame.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
-- Update the window ackId.
ackIdWindow_o <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(ackIdWindow_i) + 1);
when FRAME_END =>
-- There are no packets to directly follow the one that is ending.
-- Mark the current packet as ended.
-- Start timeout supervision for the transmitted frame.
timeSentSet_o <= '1';
-- Send a control symbol to end the frame.
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
when FRAME_END =>
-- There are no packets to directly follow the one that is ending.
-- Mark the current packet as ended.
-- The packet should be discarded.
-- Hold any pending packets until there are no outstanding ones.
-- Send a control symbol to end the frame.
symbolControlEndOut <= '1';
-- Check that there are no outstanding packets.
if(unsigned(ackIdWindow_i) = unsigned(ackId_i)) then
-- No unacknowledged packets.
-- It is now safe to remove the unallowed packet.
discardFrameOut <= '1';
-- Go back and send a new frame.
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
-- The packet should be discarded.
-- Hold any pending packets until there are no outstanding ones.
-- Check that there are no outstanding packets.
if(unsigned(ackIdWindow_i) = unsigned(ackId_i)) then
-- No unacknowledged packets.
-- It is now safe to remove the unallowed packet.
discardFrameOut <= '1';
-- Go back and send a new frame.
frameState_o <= FRAME_IDLE;
-- Still outstanding packets.
-- Dont do anything.
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
-- Still outstanding packets.
-- Dont do anything.
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
0,0 → 1,512
-- RioLogicalCommon.
-- Ingress:
-- * Removes in-the-middle-CRC.
-- * Forwards packets to logical-layer handlers depending on ftype and
-- transaction (output as address).
-- * Outputs header and deviceIDs in seperate accesses to facilitate 8- and
-- 16-bit deviceAddress support. All fields are right-justified.
-- Egress:
-- * Adds CRC.
-- * Receives packets from logical-layer handlers.
-- REMARK: Egress; Places packets in different queues depending on the packet priority?
-- REMARK: Use inputOutput/message/maintenance/gsm/...-strobes instead?
-- REMARK: If the deviceId:s are removed, it will work for both 8/16-bit deviceIds.
-- case (ftype) is
-- when x"1" =>
-- -- Intervention-request class.
-- gsmStb_o <= '1';
-- when x"2" =>
-- -- Request-class.
-- if ((transaction = "0100") or
-- (transaction = "1100") or (transaction = "1101") or
-- (transaction = "1110") or (transaction = "1111")) then
-- inputOutputStb_o <= '1';
-- else
-- gsmStb_o <= '1';
-- end if;
-- when x"5" =>
-- -- Write-class.
-- if ((transaction = "0100") or (transaction = "0101") or
-- (transaction = "1100") or (transaction = "1101") or
-- (transaction = "1110")) then
-- inputOutputStb_o <= '1';
-- elsif ((transaction = "0000") or (transaction = "0001")) then
-- gsmStb_o <= '1';
-- end if;
-- when x"6" =>
-- -- Streaming-Write class.
-- inputOutputStb_o <= '1';
-- when x"7" =>
-- -- Flow-control class.
-- flowControlStb_o <= '1';
-- when x"8" =>
-- -- Maintenance class.
-- maintenanceStb_o <= '1';
-- when x"9" =>
-- -- Data-Streaming class.
-- dataStreamingStb_o <= '1';
-- when x"a" =>
-- -- Doorbell class.
-- -- REMARK: Make this belong to input/output since the packets
-- -- and their responses look the same?
-- messagePassingStb_o <= '1';
-- when x"b" =>
-- -- Message class.
-- messagePassingStb_o <= '1';
-- when x"d" =>
-- -- Response class.
-- -- REMARK: Seperate strobe for this???
-- if ((transaction = "0000") or (transaction = "1000")) then
-- -- REMARK: Doorbell-response going in here as well... *sigh*
-- -- REMARK: GSM-responses going in here as well...
-- responseStb_o <= '1';
-- elsif (transaction = "0001") then
-- messagePassing <= '1';
-- end if;
-- when others =>
-- -- Unsupported ftype.
-- -- REMARK: Discard this packet.
-- end case;
-- tt=00
-- 0: header(15:0);dest(7:0);src(7:0);
-- 1: transaction(3:0)
-- shifter: 32 (32 empty)
-- tt=01
-- 0: header(15:0);dest(15:0);
-- 1: src(15:0);transaction(3:0)
-- shifter: 16 (48 empty)
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.rio_common.all;
-- Entity for RioLogicalCommonIngress.
entity RioLogicalCommonIngress is
clk : in std_logic;
areset_n : in std_logic;
readFrameEmpty_i : in std_logic;
readFrame_o : out std_logic;
readContent_o : out std_logic;
readContentEnd_i : in std_logic;
readContentData_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
masterCyc_o : out std_logic;
masterStb_o : out std_logic;
masterAddress_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
masterData_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
masterAck_i : in std_logic);
end entity;
architecture RioLogicalCommonIngress of RioLogicalCommonIngress is
process(clk, areset_n)
if (areset_n = '0') then
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
readContent_o <= '0';
case state is
when IDLE =>
packetPosition <= 0;
if (readFrameEmpty_i = '0') then
readContent_o <= '1';
state <= WAIT_HEADER_0;
end if;
when WAIT_HEADER_0 =>
readContent_o <= '1';
state <= HEADER_0;
when HEADER_0 =>
packetContent <= packetContent(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
packetPosition <= packetPosition + 1;
readContent_o <= '1';
tt <= readContentData_i(21 downto 20);
ftype <= readContentData_i(19 downto 16);
state <= HEADER_1;
when HEADER_1 =>
packetContent <= packetContent(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
packetPosition <= packetPosition + 1;
if (tt = "00") then
transaction <= readContentData_i(31 downto 28);
elsif (tt = "01") then
transaction <= readContentData_i(15 downto 12);
end if;
state <= SEND_HEADER;
masterStb_o <= '1';
masterAddress_o <= ftype & transaction;
masterData_o <= x"0000" & packetContent(63 downto 48);
packetContent <= packetContent(47 downto 0) & x"0000";
if (masterAck_i = '1') then
if (tt = "00") then
masterData_o <= x"000000" & packetContent(63 downto 56);
packetContent <= packetContent(55 downto 0) & x"00";
elsif (tt = "01") then
masterData_o <= x"0000" & packetContent(63 downto 48);
packetContent <= packetContent(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
readContent_o <= '1';
end if;
state <= SEND_SOURCE;
end if;
if (masterAck_i = '1') then
if (tt = "00") then
masterData_o <= x"000000" & packetContent(63 downto 56);
packetContent <= packetContent(55 downto 0) & x"00";
elsif (tt = "01") then
masterData_o <= x"0000" & packetContent(63 downto 48);
packetContent <= packetContent(47 downto 0) & x"0000";
end if;
state <= FORWARD;
end if;
when FORWARD =>
if (masterAck_i = '1') then
masterData_o <= packetContent(63 downto 32);
packetPosition <= packetPosition + 1;
-- REMARK: Rewrite depending on tt-field to compensate for
-- different number of valid bits in the shifter...
if (packetPosition < 20) then
packetContent <=
packetContent(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i;
elsif (packetPosition = 20) then
packetContent <=
packetContent(31 downto 0) & readContentData_i(15 downto 0) & x"0000";
packetContent <=
packetContent(15 downto 0) & readContentData_i & x"0000";
end if;
if (readContentEnd_i = '0') then
readContent_o <= '1';
readFrame_o <= '1';
state <= FORWARD_LAST;
end if;
end if;
if (masterAck_i = '1') then
masterData_o <= packetContent(63 downto 32);
state <= END_PACKET;
end if;
when END_PACKET =>
if (masterAck_i = '1') then
state <= IDLE;
end if;
when others =>
state <= IDLE;
end case;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
-- RioLogicalMaintenanceRequest
-- Addresses: 0x80 (maint read request) and 0x81 (maint write request).
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use work.rio_common.all;
-- Entity for RioLogicalMaintenanceRequest.
entity RioLogicalMaintenanceRequest is
DEVICE_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DEVICE_VENDOR_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DEVICE_REV : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
ASSY_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ASSY_VENDOR_IDENTITY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ASSY_REV : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
DEFAULT_BASE_DEVICE_ID : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := x"ffff");
clk : in std_logic;
areset_n : in std_logic;
slaveCyc_i : in std_logic;
slaveStb_i : in std_logic;
slaveAddress_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
slaveData_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
slaveAck_o : out std_logic);
end entity;
architecture RioLogicalMaintenanceRequest of RioLogicalMaintenanceRequest is
slaveAck_o <= slaveAck;
MaintenanceRequest: process(clk, areset_n)
if (areset_n = '0') then
elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
if (slaveCyc_i = '0') then
packetIndex <= 0;
elsif (slaveStb_i = '1') then
if (slaveAck = '0') then
if (slaveAddress_i = x"80") then
case (packetIndex) is
when 0 =>
-- x"0000" & ackid & vc & crf & prio & tt & ftype
when 1 =>
-- destId
when 2 =>
-- srcId
when 3 =>
-- transaction & wrsize & srcTID & hop & config_offset(20:13)
when 4 =>
-- config_offset(12:0) & wdptr & rsrv & double-word(63:48)
when 5 =>
-- double-word(47:16)
when 6 =>
-- double-word(15:0) & crc(15:0)
when others =>
-- REMARK: Larger packets not supported.
end case;
elsif (slaveAddress_i = x"81") then
case (packetIndex) is
when 0 =>
-- x"0000" & ackid & vc & crf & prio & tt & ftype
when 1 =>
-- destId
when 2 =>
-- srcId
when 3 =>
-- transaction & rdsize & srcTID & hop & config_offset(20:13)
when 4 =>
-- config_offset(12:0) & wdptr & rsrv & crc(15:0)
when others =>
-- REMARK: Larger packets not supported.
end case;
end if;
slaveAck <= '1';
packetIndex <= packetIndex + 1;
slaveAck <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- findInPayload
-- find out number of the bytes and first byte's position in the payload.
findInPayload: process(wdptr, size)
case size is
when "0000" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 1;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 4;
pos <= 0;
end if;
when "0001" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 1;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 5;
pos <= 1;
end if;
when "0010" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 1;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 6;
pos <= 2;
end if;
when "0011" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 1;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 7;
pos <= 3;
end if;
when "0100" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 2;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 4;
pos <= 0;
end if;
when "0101" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 3;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 5;
pos <= 0;
end if;
when "0110" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 2;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 6;
pos <= 2;
end if;
when "0111" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 5;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 3;
pos <= 0;
end if;
when "1000" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 4;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 4;
pos <= 0;
end if;
when "1001" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 6;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 2;
pos <= 0;
end if;
when "1010" =>
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 7;
if wdptr = '1' then
pos <= 1;
pos <= 0;
end if;
when "1011" =>
reserved <= '0';
if wdptr = '1' then
numberOfByte <= 16;
numberOfByte <= 8;
end if;
pos <= 0;
when "1100" =>
reserved <= '0';
if wdptr = '1' then
numberOfByte <= 64;
numberOfByte <= 32;
end if;
pos <= 0;
when "1101" =>
if wdptr = '1' then
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 128;
reserved <= '1';
numberOfByte <= 96;
end if;
pos <= 0;
when "1110" =>
if wdptr = '1' then
numberOfByte <= 192;
numberOfByte <= 160;
end if;
reserved <= '1';
pos <= 0;
when "1111" =>
if wdptr = '1' then
reserved <= '0';
numberOfByte <= 256;
reserved <= '1';
numberOfByte <= 224;
end if;
pos <= 0;
when others =>
reserved <= '1';
numberOfByte <= 0;
pos <= 0;
end case;
end process;
end architecture;

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