Subversion Repositories rtf65002
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- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 11 to Rev 12
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Rev 11 → Rev 12
0,0 → 1,172
// ============================================================================ |
// __ |
// \\__/ o\ (C) 2013 Robert Finch, Stratford |
// \ __ / All rights reserved. |
// \/_// robfinch<remove>@opencores.org |
// || |
// |
// rtf65002.v |
// - 32 bit CPU multiplier/divider |
// |
// This source file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published |
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
// (at your option) any later version. |
// |
// This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// GNU General Public License for more details. |
// |
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
// |
// ============================================================================ |
// |
`define MUL 4'd8 |
`define MULS 4'd9 |
`define DIV 4'd10 |
`define DIVS 4'd11 |
`define MOD 4'd12 |
`define MODS 4'd13 |
module mult_div(rst, clk, ld, op, a, b, p, q, r, done); |
parameter IDLE=3'd0; |
parameter MULT=3'd1; |
parameter FIX_SIGN=3'd2; |
parameter DIV=3'd3; |
input rst; |
input clk; |
input ld; |
input [3:0] op; |
input [31:0] a; |
input [31:0] b; |
output reg [63:0] p; |
output reg [31:0] q; |
output reg [31:0] r; |
output done; |
reg [31:0] aa, bb; |
reg res_sgn; |
reg [2:0] state; |
assign done = state==IDLE; |
wire [31:0] diff = r - bb; |
wire [31:0] pa = a[31] ? -a : a; |
reg [5:0] cnt; |
always @(posedge clk) |
if (rst) |
state <= IDLE; |
else begin |
case(state) |
if (ld) begin |
cnt <= 6'd32; |
case(op) |
`MUL: |
begin |
aa <= a; |
bb <= b; |
res_sgn <= 1'b0; |
state <= MULT; |
end |
`MULS: |
begin |
aa <= a[31] ? -a : a; |
bb <= b[31] ? -b : b; |
res_sgn <= a[31] ^ b[31]; |
state <= MULT; |
end |
`DIV,`MOD: |
begin |
aa <= a; |
bb <= b; |
q <= a[30:0]; |
r <= a[31]; |
res_sgn <= 1'b0; |
state <= DIV; |
end |
begin |
aa <= a[31] ? -a : a; |
bb <= b[31] ? -b : b; |
q <= pa[30:0]; |
r <= pa[31]; |
res_sgn <= a[31] ^ b[31]; |
state <= DIV; |
end |
default: |
state <= IDLE; |
endcase |
end |
begin |
state <= res_sgn ? FIX_SIGN : IDLE; |
p <= aa * bb; |
end |
DIV: |
begin |
q <= {q[30:0],~diff[31]}; |
if (cnt==6'd0) begin |
state <= res_sgn ? FIX_SIGN : IDLE; |
if (diff[31]) |
r <= r[30:0]; |
else |
r <= diff[30:0]; |
end |
else begin |
if (diff[31]) |
r <= {r[30:0],q[31]}; |
else |
r <= {diff[30:0],q[31]}; |
end |
cnt <= cnt - 6'd1; |
end |
begin |
state <= IDLE; |
if (res_sgn) begin |
p <= -p; |
q <= -q; |
r <= -r; |
end |
end |
default: state <= IDLE; |
endcase |
end |
endmodule |
module multdiv_tb(); |
reg rst; |
reg clk; |
reg ld; |
initial begin |
#0 clk = 1'b0; |
#0 rst = 1'b0; |
#10 rst = 1'b1; |
#10 rst = 1'b0; |
#10 ld = 1'b1; |
#20 ld = 1'b0; |
end |
always #10 clk = ~clk; |
mult_div umd1 ( |
.rst(rst), |
.clk(clk), |
.ld(ld), |
.op(`DIV), |
.a(32'h12345678), |
.b(32'd10), |
.p(), |
.q(), |
.r(), |
.done() |
); |
endmodule |
76,15 → 76,20
`define DEA 8'h3A |
`define RR 8'h02 |
`define ADD_RR 4'h0 |
`define SUB_RR 4'h1 |
`define CMP_RR 4'h2 |
`define AND_RR 4'h3 |
`define EOR_RR 4'h4 |
`define OR_RR 4'h5 |
`define MUL_RR 4'h8 |
`define ADD_RR 4'd0 |
`define SUB_RR 4'd1 |
`define CMP_RR 4'd2 |
`define AND_RR 4'd3 |
`define EOR_RR 4'd4 |
`define OR_RR 4'd5 |
`define MUL_RR 4'd8 |
`define MULS_RR 4'd9 |
`define DIV_RR 4'd10 |
`define DIVS_RR 4'd11 |
`define MOD_RR 4'd12 |
`define MODS_RR 4'd13 |
`define LD_RR 8'h7B |
`define ADD_IMM8 8'h65 // 8 bit operand |
`define ADD_IMM16 8'h79 // 16 bit operand |
`define ADD_IMM32 8'h69 // 32 bit operand |
259,10 → 264,12
`define ROR_ABS 8'h6E |
`define ROR_ABSX 8'h7E |
`define DEC_RR 8'hC6 |
`define DEC_ZP 8'hC6 |
`define DEC_ZPX 8'hD6 |
`define DEC_ABS 8'hCE |
`define DEC_ABSX 8'hDE |
`define INC_RR 8'hE6 |
`define INC_ZP 8'hE6 |
`define INC_ZPX 8'hF6 |
`define INC_ABS 8'hEE |
600,8 → 607,9
// the sum is the same as B |
assign v = (op ^ s ^ b) & (~op ^ a ^ b); |
endmodule |
endmodule |
module rtf65002d(rst_i, clk_i, nmi_i, irq_i, bte_o, cti_o, bl_o, lock_o, cyc_o, stb_o, ack_i, we_o, sel_o, adr_o, dat_i, dat_o); |
parameter IDLE = 3'd0; |
parameter LOAD_DCACHE = 3'd1; |
708,6 → 716,8
parameter BYTE_PLA2 = 7'd98; |
parameter WAIT_DHIT = 7'd99; |
parameter RESET2 = 7'd100; |
parameter MULDIV1 = 7'd101; |
parameter MULDIV2 = 7'd102; |
input rst_i; |
input clk_i; |
749,7 → 759,9
wire [7:0] x8 = x[7:0]; |
wire [7:0] y8 = y[7:0]; |
reg [31:0] isp; // interrupt stack pointer |
reg [63:0] prod; |
wire [63:0] prod; |
wire [31:0] q,r; |
reg [31:0] tick; |
wire [7:0] sp_dec = sp - 8'd1; |
wire [7:0] sp_inc = sp + 8'd1; |
wire [31:0] isp_dec = isp - 32'd1; |
787,6 → 799,9
reg [3:0] Rt; |
reg [33:0] ea; |
reg first_ifetch; |
reg [31:0] lfsr; |
wire lfsr_fb; |
xnor(lfsr_fb,lfsr[0],lfsr[1],lfsr[21],lfsr[31]); |
reg [31:0] a, b; |
reg [7:0] b8; |
reg [32:0] res; |
851,8 → 866,26
wire isOrb = ir[7:0]==`ORB_ZPX || ir[7:0]==`ORB_IX || ir[7:0]==`ORB_IY || ir[7:0]==`ORB_ABS || ir[7:0]==`ORB_ABSX; |
wire isStb = ir[7:0]==`STB_ZPX || ir[7:0]==`STB_ABS || ir[7:0]==`STB_ABSX; |
wire ld_muldiv = state==DECODE && ir[7:0]==`RR; |
wire md_done; |
wire clk; |
mult_div umd1 |
( |
.rst(rst), |
.clk(clk), |
.ld(ld_muldiv), |
.op(ir[23:20]), |
.a(rfoa), |
.b(rfob), |
.p(prod), |
.q(q), |
.r(r), |
.done(md_done) |
); |
icachemem icm0 ( |
.wclk(clk_i), |
.wclk(clk), |
.wr(ack_i & isInsnCacheLoad), |
.adr(adr_o), |
.dat(dat_i), |
862,7 → 895,7
); |
tagmem tgm0 ( |
.wclk(clk_i), |
.wclk(clk), |
.wr((ack_i & isInsnCacheLoad)|isCacheReset), |
.adr({adr_o[31:1],!isCacheReset}), |
.rclk(~clk_i), |
874,7 → 907,7
wire ihit = (hit0 & hit1);//(pc[2:0] > 3'd1 ? hit1 : 1'b1)); |
dcachemem dcm0 ( |
.wclk(clk_i), |
.wclk(clk), |
.wr(wr | (ack_i & isDataCacheLoad)), |
.sel(wr ? wrsel : sel_o), |
.wadr(wr ? wadr : adr_o[33:2]), |
885,7 → 918,7
); |
dtagmem dtm0 ( |
.wclk(clk_i), |
.wclk(clk), |
.wr(wr | (ack_i & isDataCacheLoad)), |
.wadr(wr ? wadr : adr_o[33:2]), |
.rclk(~clk_i), |
974,7 → 1007,6
// |
reg cpu_clk_en; |
reg clk_en; |
wire clk; |
BUFGCE u20 (.CE(cpu_clk_en), .I(clk_i), .O(clk) ); |
always @(posedge clk_i) |
1023,8 → 1055,10
clk_en <= 1'b1; |
isCacheReset <= `TRUE; |
gie <= 1'b0; |
tick <= 32'd0; |
end |
else begin |
tick <= tick + 32'd1; |
wr <= 1'b0; |
if (nmi_i & !nmi1) |
nmi_edge <= 1'b1; |
1259,6 → 1293,7
write_allocate <= res[2]; |
end |
4'h1: dp <= res; |
4'h5: lfsr <= res; |
4'hE: begin sp <= res[7:0]; end |
4'hF: begin isp <= res; gie <= 1'b1; end |
endcase |
1279,7 → 1314,14
`OR_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
`EOR_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
`MUL_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
`MULS_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
`DIV_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
`DIVS_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
`MOD_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
`MODS_RR: begin nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
endcase |
`LD_RR: begin zf <= resz32; nf <= resn32; end |
`DEC_RR,`INC_RR: begin zf <= resz32; nf <= resn32; end |
`ASL_RR,`ROL_RR,`LSR_RR,`ROR_RR: begin cf <= resc32; nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
begin vf <= resv32; cf <= resc32; nf <= resn32; zf <= resz32; end |
1907,6 → 1949,8
4'h1: res <= dp; |
4'h2: res <= prod[31:0]; |
4'h3: res <= prod[63:32]; |
4'h4: res <= tick; |
4'h5: begin res <= lfsr; lfsr <= {lfsr[30:0],lfsr_fb}; end |
4'hE: res <= sp; |
4'hF: res <= isp; |
endcase |
1919,6 → 1963,7
`RR: |
begin |
state <= IFETCH; |
case(ir[23:20]) |
`ADD_RR: res <= rfoa + rfob; |
`SUB_RR: res <= rfoa - rfob; |
1925,17 → 1970,23
`AND_RR: res <= rfoa & rfob; |
`OR_RR: res <= rfoa | rfob; |
`EOR_RR: res <= rfoa ^ rfob; |
`MUL_RR: begin res <= rfoa * rfob; prod <= rfoa * rfob; end |
`MUL_RR: begin state <= MULDIV1; end |
`MULS_RR: begin state <= MULDIV1; end |
`DIV_RR: begin state <= MULDIV1; end |
`DIVS_RR: begin state <= MULDIV1; end |
`MOD_RR: begin state <= MULDIV1; end |
`MODS_RR: begin state <= MULDIV1; end |
endcase |
Rt <= ir[19:16]; |
pc <= pc + 32'd3; |
state <= IFETCH; |
end |
`LD_RR: begin res <= rfoa; Rt <= ir[15:12]; pc <= pc + 32'd2; end |
`ASL_RR: begin res <= {rfoa,1'b0}; pc <= pc + 32'd2; Rt <= ir[15:12]; end |
`ROL_RR: begin res <= {rfoa,cf}; pc <= pc + 32'd2; Rt <= ir[15:12]; end |
`LSR_RR: begin res <= {rfoa[0],1'b0,rfoa[31:1]}; pc <= pc + 32'd2; Rt <= ir[15:12]; end |
`ROR_RR: begin res <= {rfoa[0],cf,rfoa[31:1]}; pc <= pc + 32'd2; Rt <= ir[15:12]; end |
`DEC_RR: begin res <= rfoa - 32'd1; pc <= pc + 32'd2; Rt <= ir[15:12]; end |
`INC_RR: begin res <= rfoa + 32'd1; pc <= pc + 32'd2; Rt <= ir[15:12]; end |
`ADD_IMM8: begin res <= rfoa + {{24{ir[23]}},ir[23:16]}; Rt <= ir[15:12]; pc <= pc + 32'd3; end |
`SUB_IMM8: begin res <= rfoa - {{24{ir[23]}},ir[23:16]}; Rt <= ir[15:12]; pc <= pc + 32'd3; end |
2908,6 → 2959,21
pc <= dat_i; |
state <= IFETCH; |
end |
state <= MULDIV2; |
if (md_done) begin |
state <= IFETCH; |
case(ir[23:20]) |
`MUL_RR: begin res <= prod[31:0]; end |
`MULS_RR: begin res <= prod[31:0]; end |
`DIV_RR: begin res <= q; end |
`DIVS_RR: begin res <= q; end |
`MOD_RR: begin res <= r; end |
`MODS_RR: begin res <= r; end |
endcase |
end |
endcase |
`include "cache_controller.v" |