
Subversion Repositories sdhc-sc-core

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 126 to Rev 129
    Reverse comparison

Rev 126 → Rev 129

0,0 → 1,5
set pkgs {Global Global}
set units {Sd SdClockMaster Rtl}
set psl(SdClockMaster) SdClockMaster
set tb {Sd SdClockMaster Bhv}
0,0 → 1,66
-- Title: Testbench for SD Clock Master
-- File: tbSdClockMaster-Bhv-ea.vhdl
-- Author: Copyright 2010: Rainer Kastl
-- Standard: VHDL'93
-- Description: Simple, non automated testbench, because the design is very simple.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity tbSdClockMaster is
end entity tbSdClockMaster;
architecture Bhv of tbSdClockMaster is
signal Clk : std_ulogic := cInactivated;
constant cClkFrequency : natural := 100E6;
constant cClkPeriod : time := (1 sec / cClkFrequency);
signal RstSync : std_ulogic := cActivated;
constant cResetTime : time := 5 * cClkPeriod;
signal Finished : boolean := false;
-- DUT signals
signal iHighSpeed, iDisable : std_ulogic := cInactivated;
signal oStrobe, oSdClk : std_ulogic;
-- generate clock and reset
Clk <= not Clk after cClkPeriod / 2 when Finished = false else cInactivated;
RstSync <= cInactivated after cResetTime;
-- stimuli
stimuli : process
iHighSpeed <= cActivated after 1000 ns,
cInactivated after 1025 ns,
cActivated after 1305 ns;
iDisable <= cActivated after 2345 ns;
Finished <= true after 5000 ns;
end process stimuli;
DUT: entity work.SdClockMaster
port map(
iClk => Clk,
iRstSync => RstSync,
iHighSpeed => iHighSpeed,
iDisable => iDisable,
oSdStrobe => oStrobe,
oSdCardClk => oSdClk
end architecture Bhv;
9,106 → 9,92
architecture Rtl of SdClockMaster is
signal SdClk : std_ulogic;
signal Counter : natural range 0 to 3;
signal SdStrobe25MHz : std_ulogic;
signal SdStrobe50MHz : std_ulogic;
signal Disable : std_ulogic;
subtype aCounter is unsigned(1 downto 0); -- maximal division through 4
type aRegSet is record
Counter : aCounter;
Clk : std_ulogic;
Strobe : std_ulogic;
HighSpeed : std_ulogic;
end record aRegSet;
signal R,NxR : aRegSet;
SdClk100MHz: if gClkFrequency = 100E6 generate
-- connect outputs with registers
oSdCardClk <= R.Clk;
oSdStrobe <= R.Strobe;
ClkDivider : process (iClk, iRstSync)
if (rising_edge(iClk)) then
Regs : process (iClk, iRstSync)
if (rising_edge(iClk)) then
-- synchronous reset
if (iRstSync = cActivated) then
Counter <= 0;
SdClk <= cInactivated;
if (iDisable = cActivated and SdClk = cInactivated) then
Disable <= cActivated;
-- synchronous reset
if (iRstSync = cActivated) then
if (Disable = cActivated and iDisable = cInactivated) then
Disable <= cInactivated;
R.Counter <= to_unsigned(0, R.Counter'length);
R.Clk <= cInactivated;
R.Strobe <= cInactivated;
R.HighSpeed <= cInactivated;
if (iHighSpeed = cActivated) then
if (Counter = 0 or Counter = 2) then
SdClk <= cActivated;
SdClk <= cInactivated;
end if;
if (Counter = 0 or Counter = 1) then
SdClk <= cActivated;
SdClk <= cInactivated;
end if;
end if;
R <= NxR;
if (Counter < 3) then
Counter <= Counter + 1;
Counter <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process ClkDivider;
end if;
end process Regs;
Comb : process (R, iHighSpeed, iDisable)
RegSdStrobe : process (iClk, iRstSync)
if (rising_edge(iClk)) then
-- synchronous reset
if (iRstSync = cActivated) then
oSdCardClk <= cInactivated;
oSdStrobe <= cInactivated;
-- defaults
if (iDisable = cActivated) then
oSdCardClk <= cInactivated;
oSdStrobe <= cInactivated;
NxR <= R;
NxR.Counter <= R.Counter + 1;
-- generate clock and strobe
case R.HighSpeed is
when cInactivated => -- default mode
NxR.Clk <= R.Counter(1);
oSdCardClk <= not SdClk;
case R.Counter is
when "00" | "01" | "11" =>
NxR.Strobe <= cInactivated;
if (iHighSpeed = cInactivated) then
oSdStrobe <= SdStrobe25MHz;
oSdStrobe <= SdStrobe50MHz;
end if;
when "10" =>
NxR.Strobe <= cActivated;
end if;
when others =>
NxR.Strobe <= 'X';
end case;
when cActivated => -- High-Speed mode
NxR.Clk <= R.Counter(0);
NxR.Strobe <= not R.Counter(0);
when others =>
NxR.Clk <= 'X';
end case;
-- switch speeds
case R.HighSpeed is
when cInactivated =>
if (R.Counter = 3) then
NxR.HighSpeed <= iHighSpeed;
end if;
end if;
end process RegSdStrobe;
SdStrobe_inst25: entity work.StrobeGen(Rtl)
generic map (
gClkFrequency => gClkFrequency,
gStrobeCycleTime => 1 sec / 25E6)
port map (
iClk => iClk,
iRstSync => iRstSync,
oStrobe => SdStrobe25MHz);
when cActivated =>
if (R.Counter(0) = '1') then
NxR.HighSpeed <= iHighSpeed;
end if;
SdStrobe_inst50: entity work.StrobeGen(Rtl)
generic map (
gClkFrequency => gClkFrequency,
gStrobeCycleTime => 1 sec / 50E6)
port map (
iClk => iClk,
iRstSync => iRstSync,
oStrobe => SdStrobe50MHz);
when others =>
NxR.HighSpeed <= 'X';
end case;
end generate;
end process Comb;
end architecture Rtl;
0,0 → 1,15
-- PSL assertions for SdClockMaster
vunit vSdClockMaster(SdClockMaster) {
default clock is (iClk'event and iClk='1');
-- strobe at least one clock cycle before falling edge
assert always ({oSdStrobe} |=> {(not oSdStrobe) ; (not oSdStrobe and oSdCardClk)[*] ; not oSdCardClk});
-- check speed
assert always ({iHighSpeed and oSdCardClk} |=> {not oSdCardClk; oSdCardClk});
-- check disable
assert always ({iDisable} |=> not oSdCardClk and not oSdStrobe);
18,18 → 18,20
gClkFrequency : natural := 100E6
port (
iClk : in std_ulogic;
iRstSync : in std_ulogic;
iHighSpeed : in std_ulogic;
iDisable : in std_ulogic;
oSdStrobe : out std_ulogic;
oSdCardClk : out std_ulogic
iClk : in std_ulogic; -- Clock active high
iRstSync : in std_ulogic; -- Synchronous reset active high
iHighSpeed : in std_ulogic; -- Switches between High-Speed (50 MHz) and default mode (25 MHz)
iDisable : in std_ulogic; -- Disables the clock output
oSdStrobe : out std_ulogic; -- strobe signal to enable SdCmd and SdData
oSdCardClk : out std_ulogic -- clock output to SD card
assert (gClkFrequency = 100E6)
report "SdCore needs an SdClk with 100 MHz"
report "SdCore needs a SdClk with 100 MHz"
severity failure;
end entity SdClockMaster;
0,0 → 1,2
source ../Files.tcl
source ../../../sim/sim.tcl
0,0 → 1,3
set script SdClockMaster.tcl
do "../../../sim/unattended.tcl"
0,0 → 1,7
include ../../../../Makefile.rules
all: SdClockMaster-unattended.sim
rm -rf vsim.wlf work

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