
Subversion Repositories sdhc-sc-core

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 123 to Rev 126
    Reverse comparison

Rev 123 → Rev 126

11,30 → 11,37
type aWbState is (idle, ClassicWrite, ClassicRead);
type aSdIntState is (idle, newOperation);
type aReadBufferState is (invalid, readreq, latchdata, valid);
type aRegs is record
WbState : aWbState; -- state of the wb interface
SdIntState : aSdIntState; -- state of the sd controller interface
OperationBlock : aOperationBlock; -- Operation for the SdController
ReqOperation : std_ulogic; -- Register for catching edges on the SdController ReqOperationEdge line
-- Register outputs
oWbDat : aSdWbSlaveDataOutput;
oWbCtrl : aWbSlaveCtrlOutput;
oController : aSdWbSlaveToSdController;
oWriteFifo : aoWriteFifo;
WbState : aWbState; -- state of the wb interface
SdIntState : aSdIntState; -- state of the sd controller interface
OperationBlock : aOperationBlock; -- Operation for the SdController
ReqOperation : std_ulogic; -- Register for catching edges on the SdController ReqOperationEdge line
ReadBuffer : aData;
ReadBufferState : aReadBufferState;
-- Register outputs
oWbDat : aSdWbSlaveDataOutput;
oWbCtrl : aWbSlaveCtrlOutput;
oController : aSdWbSlaveToSdController;
oWriteFifo : aoWriteFifo;
oReadFifo : aoReadFifo;
end record aRegs;
constant cDefaultRegs : aRegs := (
WbState => idle,
SdIntState => idle,
OperationBlock => cDefaultOperationBlock,
ReqOperation => cInactivated,
oWbDat => (Dat => (others => '0')),
oWbCtrl => cDefaultWbSlaveCtrlOutput,
oController => cDefaultSdWbSlaveToSdController,
oWriteFifo => cDefaultoWriteFifo);
WbState => idle,
SdIntState => idle,
OperationBlock => cDefaultOperationBlock,
ReqOperation => cInactivated,
oWbDat => (Dat => (others => '0')),
oWbCtrl => cDefaultWbSlaveCtrlOutput,
oController => cDefaultSdWbSlaveToSdController,
oWriteFifo => cDefaultoWriteFifo,
oReadFifo => cDefaultoReadFifo,
ReadBuffer => (others => '0'),
ReadBufferState => invalid);
signal R, NxR : aRegs;
43,6 → 50,7
oWbCtrl <= R.oWbCtrl;
oController <= R.oController;
oWriteFifo <= R.oWriteFifo;
oReadFifo <= R.oReadFifo;
WbStateReg : process (iClk, iRstSync)
55,7 → 63,7
end if;
end process WbStateReg ;
WbStateAndOutputs : process (iWbCtrl, iWbDat, iController, iWriteFifo, R)
WbStateAndOutputs : process (iWbCtrl, iWbDat, iController, iWriteFifo, iReadFifo, R)
-- Default Assignments
64,6 → 72,32
NxR.oWbCtrl <= cDefaultWbSlaveCtrlOutput;
NxR.oWriteFifo <= cDefaultoWriteFifo;
case R.ReadBufferState is
when invalid =>
-- is new data available?
if (iReadFifo.rdempty = cInactivated) then
NxR.oReadFifo.rdreq <= cActivated;
NxR.ReadBufferState <= readreq;
end if;
when readreq =>
-- readreq was sent, data is available next cylce
NxR.oReadFifo.rdreq <= cInactivated;
NxR.ReadBufferState <= latchdata;
when latchdata =>
NxR.ReadBuffer <= iReadFifo.q;
NxR.ReadBufferState <= valid;
when valid =>
-- do nothing, wishbone statemachine sets the state to invalid when it used it
when others =>
report "Error: Invalid ReadBufferState" severity error;
end case;
-- Determine next state
case R.WbState is
when idle =>
90,8 → 124,32
NxR.oWbDat.Dat <= R.OperationBlock.EndAddr;
when cReadDataAddr =>
-- read data from fifo
-- check if data is available
case R.ReadBufferState is
when valid =>
-- use buffered data
NxR.oWbDat.Dat <= R.ReadBuffer;
NxR.ReadBufferState <= invalid;
when latchdata =>
-- use input directly
NxR.oWbDat.Dat <= iReadFifo.q;
NxR.ReadBufferState <= invalid;
when readreq =>
-- no data available, insert a waitstate
NxR.oWbCtrl.Ack <= cInactivated;
NxR.WbState <= idle;
when invalid =>
-- no data available, insert a waitstate
NxR.oWbCtrl.Ack <= cInactivated;
NxR.WbState <= idle;
when others =>
report "Invalid ReadBufferState" severity error;
end case;
when others =>
report "Read to an invalid address" severity warning;
NxR.oWbCtrl.Err <= cActivated;
31,7 → 31,11
-- To write fifo
oWriteFifo : out aoWriteFifo;
iWriteFifo : in aiWriteFifo
iWriteFifo : in aiWriteFifo;
-- To read fifo
oReadFifo : out aoReadFifo;
iReadFifo : in aiReadFifo
end entity;

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