
Subversion Repositories sdhc-sc-core

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 113 to Rev 121
    Reverse comparison

Rev 113 → Rev 121

17,8 → 17,7
entity TbdSd is
generic (
gClkFreq : natural := 100E6;
gDebug : boolean := false
gClkFrequency : natural := 100E6
port (
iClk : std_ulogic;
45,240 → 44,37
architecture Rtl of TbdSd is
constant cClkFreq : natural := gClkFreq;
constant cBaudRate : natural := 115200;
signal RstSync : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal iRs232Tx : aiRs232Tx;
signal oRs232Tx : aoRs232Tx;
signal iCyc : std_ulogic;
signal iLock : std_ulogic;
signal iStb : std_ulogic;
signal iWe : std_ulogic;
signal iCti : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal iBte : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal iSel : std_ulogic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal iAdr : std_ulogic_vector(6 downto 4);
signal iDat : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
type aReadState is (waitforchange, send);
type aWriteState is (idle, id, arg, data, crc);
type aRamMode is (read, write);
signal oDat : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal oAck : std_ulogic;
signal oErr : std_ulogic;
signal oRty : std_ulogic;
type aReg is record
ReadState : aReadState;
ReadCounter : natural;
WriteState : aWriteState;
WriteCounter : natural;
RamMode : aRamMode;
Data : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
RamBuffer : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
DataAvailable : std_ulogic;
RamReadAddr : natural range 0 to 2**8-1;
RamAddr : natural range 0 to 2**8-1;
RamWriteAddr : natural range 0 to 2**8-1;
RamWe : std_ulogic;
RamData : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
end record aReg;
constant cDefaultReg : aReg := (
ReadState => waitforchange,
ReadCounter => 0,
WriteState => idle,
WriteCounter => 0,
RamMode => read,
Data => (others => '0'),
RamBuffer => (others => '0'),
DataAvailable => cInactivated,
RamReadAddr => 0,
RamAddr => 0,
RamWriteAddr => 0,
RamWe => cInactivated,
RamData => (others => '0'));
signal R : aReg := cDefaultReg;
signal NextR : aReg;
signal ReceivedContent : aSdCmdContent;
signal oReceivedContentValid : std_ulogic;
signal ReceivedData : std_ulogic_vector(511 downto 0);
signal ReceivedDataValid : std_ulogic;
signal RamData : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
oDigitAdr <= "101"; -- DIGIT_6
Reg : process (iClk) is
if (rising_edge(iClk)) then
RstSync(0) <= inResetAsync;
RstSync(1) <= not RstSync(1);
end if;
end process Reg;
NoDebug_inst: if gDebug = false generate
oTx <= '1';
end generate;
oDigitAdr <= "101"; -- DIGIT_6
oTx <= '1';
Debug_inst: if gDebug = true generate
oTx <= oRs232Tx.Tx;
iRs232Tx.Transmit <= cActivated;
iRs232Tx.Data <= R.Data;
iRs232Tx.DataAvailable <= R.DataAvailable;
-- Send ReceivedContent via Rs232
Rs232_Send : process (iClk, inResetAsync)
if (inResetAsync = cnActivated) then
R <= cDefaultReg;
elsif (iClk'event and iClk = cActivated) then
R <= NextR;
end if;
end process Rs232_Send;
Rs232_comb : process (oRs232Tx.DataWasRead, ReceivedContent, oReceivedContentValid, ReceivedDataValid, ReceivedData, RamData, R)
variable NextWrite : std_ulogic;
NextR <= R;
NextR.RamWe <= cInactivated;
NextWrite := cActivated;
case R.WriteState is
when idle =>
NextR.WriteCounter <= 0;
NextWrite := cInactivated;
if (ReceivedDataValid = cActivated) then
NextR.WriteState <= data;
elsif (oReceivedContentValid = cActivated) then
NextR.WriteState <= id;
end if;
when id =>
NextR.RamWriteAddr <= R.RamWriteAddr + 1;
NextR.RamAddr <= R.RamWriteAddr + 1;
NextR.RamData <= X"000000" & "00" &;
NextR.RamWe <= cActivated;
NextR.WriteState <= arg;
when arg =>
NextR.RamWriteAddr <= R.RamWriteAddr + 1;
NextR.RamAddr <= R.RamWriteAddr + 1;
NextR.RamData <= ReceivedContent.arg;
NextR.RamWe <= cActivated;
NextR.WriteState <= idle;
when data =>
NextR.RamWriteAddr <= R.RamWriteAddr + 1;
NextR.RamAddr <= R.RamWriteAddr + 1;
NextR.RamData <= ReceivedData((15-R.WriteCounter) * 32 + 31 downto (15 - R.WriteCounter) * 32);
NextR.RamWe <= cActivated;
if (R.WriteCounter = 15) then
NextR.WriteState <= idle;
NextR.WriteCounter <= R.WriteCounter + 1;
end if;
when others =>
report "Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
case R.ReadState is
when waitforchange =>
NextR.DataAvailable <= cInactivated;
if (R.RamReadAddr /= R.RamWriteAddr and NextWrite = cInactivated) then
NextR.RamReadAddr <= R.RamReadAddr + 1;
NextR.RamAddr <= R.RamReadAddr + 1;
NextR.ReadCounter <= 0;
NextR.ReadState <= send;
end if;
when send =>
NextR.DataAvailable <= cActivated;
if (R.ReadCounter = 0) then
NextR.Data <= RamData((3-R.ReadCounter)*8 + 7 downto (3-R.ReadCounter)*8);
NextR.RamBuffer <= RamData;
NextR.Data <= R.RamBuffer((3-R.ReadCounter)*8 + 7 downto (3-R.ReadCounter)*8);
end if;
if (oRs232Tx.DataWasRead = cActivated) then
NextR.DataAvailable <= cInactivated;
if (R.ReadCounter = 3) then
NextR.ReadState <= waitforchange;
NextR.ReadCounter <= R.ReadCounter + 1;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
report "Invalid state" severity error;
end case;
end process Rs232_comb;
Rs232Tx_inst : entity work.Rs232Tx
port map(
iClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
iRs232Tx => iRs232Tx,
oRs232Tx => oRs232Tx);
StrobeGen_Rs232 : entity work.StrobeGen
generic map (
gClkFrequency => cClkFreq,
gStrobeCycleTime => 1 sec / cBaudRate)
port map (
iClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
oStrobe => iRs232Tx.BitStrobe);
Ram_inst : entity work.SinglePortedRam
generic map(
gDataWidth => 32,
gAddrWidth => 7
port map (
iClk => iClk,
iAddr => R.RamAddr,
iData => R.RamData,
iWe => R.RamWe,
oData => RamData
end generate;
Gen25MHz: if gClkFreq = 25E6 generate
-- Configure clock to 25MHz
Ics307Configurator_inst : entity work.Ics307Configurator(Rtl)
generic map(
gCrystalLoadCapacitance_C => cCrystalLoadCapacitance_C_25MHz,
gReferenceDivider_RDW => cReferenceDivider_RDW_25MHz,
gVcoDividerWord_VDW => cVcoDividerWord_VDW_25MHz,
gOutputDivide_S => cOutputDivide_S_25MHz,
gClkFunctionSelect_R => cClkFunctionSelect_R_25MHz,
gOutputDutyCycleVoltage_TTL => cOutputDutyCycleVoltage_TTL_25MHz
port map(
iClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
oSclk => oIcs307Sclk,
oData => oIcs307Data,
oStrobe => oIcs307Strobe
end generate;
Gen50MHz: if gClkFreq = 50E6 generate
-- Configure clock to 50MHz
Ics307Configurator_inst : entity work.Ics307Configurator(Rtl)
generic map(
gCrystalLoadCapacitance_C => cCrystalLoadCapacitance_C_50MHz,
gReferenceDivider_RDW => cReferenceDivider_RDW_50MHz,
gVcoDividerWord_VDW => cVcoDividerWord_VDW_50MHz,
gOutputDivide_S => cOutputDivide_S_50MHz,
gClkFunctionSelect_R => cClkFunctionSelect_R_50MHz,
gOutputDutyCycleVoltage_TTL => cOutputDutyCycleVoltage_TTL_50MHz
port map(
iClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
oSclk => oIcs307Sclk,
oData => oIcs307Data,
oStrobe => oIcs307Strobe
end generate;
Gen100MHz: if gClkFreq = 100E6 generate
Gen100MHz: if gClkFrequency = 100E6 generate
-- Configure clock to 100MHz
Ics307Configurator_inst : entity work.Ics307Configurator(Rtl)
generic map(
300,20 → 96,34
SDTop_inst : entity work.SdTop(Rtl)
generic map (
gClkFrequency => cClkFreq,
gClkFrequency => gClkFrequency,
gHighSpeedMode => true
port map (
iClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
ioCmd => ioCmd,
oSclk => oSclk,
ioData => ioData,
oReceivedContent => ReceivedContent,
oReceivedContentValid => oReceivedContentValid,
oReceivedData => ReceivedData,
oReceivedDataValid => ReceivedDataValid,
oLedBank => oLedBank
iWbClk => iClk,
iRstSync => RstSync(1),
iCyc => iCyc,
iLock => iLock,
iStb => iStb,
iWe => iWe,
iCti => iCti,
iBte => iBte,
iSel => iSel,
iAdr => iAdr,
iDat => iDat,
oDat => oDat,
oAck => oAck,
oErr => oErr,
oRty => oRty,
iSdClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
ioCmd => ioCmd,
oSclk => oSclk,
ioData => ioData,
oLedBank => oLedBank
end architecture Rtl;

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