
Subversion Repositories sdhc-sc-core

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 87 to Rev 88
    Reverse comparison

Rev 87 → Rev 88

48,25 → 48,84
signal iRs232Tx : aiRs232Tx;
signal oRs232Tx : aoRs232Tx;
signal SdCardStatus : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
type aState is (send, waitforchange);
type aReg is record
State : aState;
SdCardStatus : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
Counter : unsigned(1 downto 0);
end record aReg;
signal R, NextR : aReg;
signal Ledbank : aLedBank;
oDigitAdr <= "101"; -- DIGIT_6
oTx <= oRs232Tx.Tx;
iRs232Tx.Transmit <= cActivated;
iRs232Tx.Data <= X"A1";
iRs232Tx.DataAvailable <= cActivated;
oLedBank(6 downto 0) <= Ledbank(6 downto 0);
oDigitAdr <= "101"; -- DIGIT_6
oTx <= oRs232Tx.Tx;
-- Send SdCardStatus via Rs232
Rs232_Send : process (iClk, inResetAsync)
if (inResetAsync = cnActivated) then
R.State <= send;
R.SdCardStatus <= (others => '0');
R.Counter <= "11";
elsif (iClk'event and iClk = cActivated) then
R <= NextR;
end if;
end process Rs232_Send;
Rs232_comb : process (oRs232Tx.DataWasRead, SdCardStatus, R)
NextR <= R;
iRs232Tx.Transmit <= cInactivated;
iRs232Tx.Data <= R.SdCardStatus((to_integer(R.Counter) * 8) + 7 downto to_integer(R.Counter) * 8);
iRs232Tx.DataAvailable <= cInactivated;
case R.State is
when waitforchange =>
oLedBank(7) <= cActivated;
if (R.SdCardStatus /= SdCardStatus) then
NextR.SdCardStatus <= SdCardStatus;
NextR.State <= send;
end if;
when send =>
oLedBank(7) <= cInactivated;
iRs232Tx.DataAvailable <= cActivated;
iRs232Tx.Transmit <= cActivated;
if (oRs232Tx.DataWasRead = cActivated) then
if (R.Counter = "00") then
NextR.Counter <= "11";
NextR.State <= waitforchange;
NextR.Counter <= R.Counter - 1;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
report "Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
end process Rs232_comb;
SDTop_inst : entity work.SdTop(Rtl)
port map (
iClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
ioCmd => ioCmd,
oSclk => oSclk,
ioData => ioData,
oLedBank => oLedBank
iClk => iClk,
inResetAsync => inResetAsync,
ioCmd => ioCmd,
oSclk => oSclk,
ioData => ioData,
oSdCardStatus => SdCardStatus,
oLedBank => LedBank
Rs232Tx_inst : entity work.Rs232Tx
port map(
iClk => iClk,

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