
Subversion Repositories sdhc-sc-core

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 166 to Rev 167
    Reverse comparison

Rev 166 → Rev 167

129,11 → 129,26
task SdBFM::sendBusy();
repeat (2) @ICard.cb;
ICard.cb.Data[0] <= 0;
// send valid status
ICard.cb.Data[0] <= 0;
ICard.cb.Data[0] <= 1;
ICard.cb.Data[0] <= 0;
// endbit
ICard.cb.Data[0] <= 1;
// 10 busy cycles
ICard.cb.Data[0] <= 0;
repeat (10) @ICard.cb;
ICard.cb.Data[0] <= 1;
58,7 → 58,10
if (RamActionOutMb != null)
task setDataBlock(logic[31:0] addr, SdDataBlock block);
51,8 → 51,7
SEL_O : out std_ulogic_vector(0 downto 0);
-- status signal
ERR_O : out std_ulogic;
DON_O : out std_ulogic
LEDBANK_O : out std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0)
end entity TestWbMaster;
37,6 → 37,8
Counter : aCounter;
WbState : aWbState;
Err : std_ulogic;
ReadData : unsigned(31 downto 0);
StartAddr: unsigned(31 downto 0);
end record aReg;
44,6 → 46,9
LEDBANK_O(7) <= R.Err;
LEDBANK_O(2 downto 0) <= std_ulogic_vector(R.StartAddr(2 downto 0));
Regs : process (CLK_I)
if (rising_edge(CLK_I)) then
54,6 → 59,8
R.Counter <= (others => '0');
R.WbState <= write;
R.Err <= '0';
R.ReadData <= (others => '0');
R.StartAddr <= X"00000000";
R <= NxR;
68,7 → 75,6
-- default assignment
NxR <= R;
ERR_O <= R.Err;
CTI_O <= "000";
CYC_O <= '0';
WE_O <= '0';
77,7 → 83,7
ADR_O <= "000";
DAT_O <= (others => '0');
BTE_O <= "00";
DON_O <= '0';
LEDBANK_O(6 downto 3) <= (others => '0');
-- we don´t care for errors or retrys
if (ERR_I = '1' or RTY_I = '1') then
112,20 → 118,6
SEL_O <= "1";
STB_O <= '1';
if (ACK_I = '1') then
-- check data
--if to_unsigned(to_integer(DAT_I),32) /= to_unsigned(R.Counter, 32) then
-- NxR.Err <= '1';
--end if;
if (R.Counter = 128) then
NxR.Counter <= (others => '0');
NxR.WbState <= idle;
NxR.Counter <= R.Counter + 1;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
report "Invalid wbState" severity error;
end case;
133,10 → 125,10
case R.State is
when startAddr =>
ADR_O <= "001";
DAT_O <= X"00000004";
DAT_O <= std_ulogic_vector(R.startAddr);
if (ACK_I = '1') then
NxR.State <= writeBuffer;
NxR.State <= read;
NxR.Counter <= (others => '0');
NxR.WbState <= write;
end if;
143,25 → 135,37
when writeBuffer =>
ADR_O <= "100"; -- write data
DAT_O <= std_ulogic_vector(R.Counter) & std_ulogic_vector(R.Counter) &
std_ulogic_vector(R.Counter) & std_ulogic_vector(R.Counter);
DAT_O <= std_ulogic_vector(R.ReadData + 1);
if (R.Counter = 128) then
NxR.State <= write;
NxR.Counter <= to_unsigned(128, aCounter'length);
NxR.WbState <= write;
if (ACK_I = '1') then
if (R.Counter = 128) then
NxR.State <= write;
NxR.Counter <= to_unsigned(128, aCounter'length);
NxR.WbState <= write;
NxR.State <= readBuffer;
NxR.WbState <= read;
end if;
end if;
when write =>
LEDBANK_O(3) <= '1';
ADR_O <= "000";
DAT_O <= X"00000010"; -- start write operation
if (ACK_I = '1') then
NxR.State <= done;
NxR.State <= startAddr;
NxR.WbState <= write;
NxR.startAddr <= R.startAddr + 1;
end if;
if (R.StartAddr = 4) then
NxR.State <= done;
NxR.WbState <= idle;
end if;
when read =>
LEDBANK_O(4) <= '1';
ADR_O <= "000";
DAT_O <= X"00000001"; -- start read operation
171,16 → 175,18
end if;
when readBuffer =>
LEDBANK_O(5) <= '1';
ADR_O <= "011"; -- read data
if (R.Counter = 128) then
NxR.Counter <= (others => '0');
NxR.State <= done;
NxR.WbState <= idle;
if (ACK_I = '1') then
NxR.ReadData <= unsigned(DAT_I);
NxR.State <= writeBuffer;
NxR.WbState <= write;
end if;
when done =>
DON_O <= '1';
LEDBANK_O(6) <= '1';
report "End of Simulation" severity failure;
when others =>
report "Invalid state" severity error;
52,7 → 52,7
SdIntState => idle,
OperationBlock => cDefaultOperationBlock,
ReqOperation => cInactivated,
oWbDat => (Dat => (others => '0')),
oWbDat => (Dat => (others => 'X')),
oWbCtrl => cDefaultWbSlaveCtrlOutput,
oController => cDefaultSdWbSlaveToSdController,
oWriteFifo => cDefaultoWriteFifo,
234,6 → 234,8
when others =>
report "Write to an invalid address" severity warning;
NxR.oWbCtrl.Err <= cActivated;
NxR.oWbCtrl.Ack <= cInactivated;
end case;
end if;
26,10 → 26,12
architecture Rtl of SdData is
type aState is (idle, send, receive, checkbusy); -- overall states
type aState is (idle, send, receive, crcstatus, checkbusy); -- overall states
type aRegion is (startbit, data, crc, endbit); -- regions in send and receive state
subtype aCounter is unsigned(LogDualis(512*8)-1 downto 0); -- bit counter
subtype aCrcStatus is std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- all registers
type aReg is record
State : aState;
47,6 → 49,7
ReadWriteFifo : aoReadFifo;
WriteReadFifo : aoWriteFifo;
DisableSdClk : std_ulogic;
CrcStatus : aCrcStatus;
end record aReg;
-- default value for registers
61,7 → 64,8
Controller => cDefaultSdDataToController,
ReadWriteFifo => cDefaultoReadFifo,
WriteReadFifo => cDefaultoWriteFifo,
DisableSdClk => cInactivated);
DisableSdClk => cInactivated,
CrcStatus => (others => '0'));
type aCrcOut is record
DataIn : std_ulogic;
266,12 → 270,10
when idle =>
-- check if card signals that it is busy (the controller has to enable this check)
if (iSdDataFromController.CheckBusy = cActivated) then
if (iData.Data(0) = cInactivated) then
-- NextR.Controller.Busy <= cActivated;
end if;
NextR.State <= crcstatus;
NextR.Region <= startbit;
NextR.Counter <= (others => '0');
NextR.State <= checkbusy;
elsif (R.Mode = wide and iData.Data = cSdStartBits) or (R.Mode = standard and iData.Data(0) = cSdStartBit) then
-- start receiving
NextR.Region <= data;
313,6 → 315,32
NextR.Mode <= iSdDataFromController.Mode;
end if;
when crcstatus =>
case R.Region is
when startbit =>
if (iData.Data(0) = cSdStartBit) then
NextR.Region <= data;
end if;
when data =>
NextR.CrcStatus(to_integer(R.Counter)) <= iData.Data(0);
NextR.Counter <= R.Counter + 1;
if (R.Counter = 2) then
NextR.Region <= endbit;
end if;
when endbit =>
if (R.CrcStatus /= "010") then
NextR.Controller.Err <= cActivated;
NextR.State <= idle;
NextR.State <= checkbusy;
end if;
when others =>
report "Invalid state reached" severity error;
end case;
when checkbusy =>
NextR.Controller.Busy <= cActivated;
78,12 → 78,12
signal oErr : std_ulogic;
signal oRty : std_ulogic;
signal ErrorLed, DoneLed : std_ulogic;
signal LedBank : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal LedBank2 : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
oLedBank <= LedBank(7 downto 1) & DoneLed;
oLedBank <= LedBank;
Reg : process (iClk) is
164,8 → 164,7
ADR_O => iAdr,
DAT_O => iDat,
SEL_O => iSel,
ERR_O => ErrorLed,
DON_O => DoneLed
LEDBANK_O => LedBank2
end architecture Rtl;
56,6 → 56,7
ToSdWbSlave : aSdControllerToSdWbSlave;
HighSpeed : std_ulogic;
OperationBlock : aOperationBlock;
LedBank : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
end record aSdControllerReg;
constant cDefaultSdControllerReg : aSdControllerReg := (
74,16 → 75,18
ToDataRam => cDefaultSdControllerToRam,
ToSdWbSlave => cDefaultSdControllerToSdWbSlave,
HighSpeed => cInactivated,
OperationBlock => cDefaultOperationBlock);
OperationBlock => cDefaultOperationBlock,
LedBank => (others => '0'));
signal R, NextR : aSdControllerReg;
constant cReadTimeoutNat : natural := gClkFrequency / (1 sec / gReadTimeout) - 1;
constant cWriteTimeoutNat : natural := gClkFrequency / (1 sec / gWriteTimeout) - 1;
constant cNcrTimeoutNatLow : natural := gClkFrequency / (1 sec / (1 sec / 25E6 * 8)) - 1;
constant cNcrTimeoutNatHigh : natural := gClkFrequency / (1 sec / (1 sec / 50E6 * 8)) - 1;
constant cStartupTimeoutNat : natural := gClkFrequency / (1 sec / gStartupTimeout) - 1;
constant cMaxTimeoutBitWidth : natural := LogDualis(cReadTimeoutNat);
constant cMaxTimeoutBitWidth : natural := LogDualis(cWriteTimeoutNat);
subtype aTimeoutValue is unsigned(cMaxTimeoutBitWidth - 1 downto 0);
constant cNcrTimeoutLow : aTimeoutValue := to_unsigned(cNcrTimeoutNatLow, aTimeoutValue'length);
90,6 → 93,7
constant cNcrTimeoutHigh : aTimeoutValue := to_unsigned(cNcrTimeoutNatHigh, aTimeoutValue'length);
constant cStartupTimeout : aTimeoutValue := to_unsigned(cStartupTimeoutNat, aTimeoutValue'length);
constant cReadTimeout : aTimeoutValue := to_unsigned(cReadTimeoutNat, aTimeoutValue'length);
constant cWriteTimeout : aTimeoutValue := to_unsigned(cWriteTimeoutNat, aTimeoutValue'length);
signal TimeoutEnable : std_ulogic;
signal TimeoutDisable : std_ulogic;
102,6 → 106,7
oSdData <= R.ToSdData;
oSdWbSlave <= R.ToSdWbSlave;
oHighSpeed <= R.HighSpeed;
oLedBank <= R.LedBank;
Regs : process (iClk, iRstSync)
143,19 → 148,6
NextCmdRegion := R.CmdRegion;
NextState := R.State;
-- Status
oLedBank <= (others => cInactivated);
if (R.ToSdData.Mode = wide) then
oLedBank(5) <= cActivated;
oLedBank(5) <= cInactivated;
end if;
if (R.HighSpeed = cActivated) then
oLedBank(4) <= cActivated;
oLedBank(4) <= cInactivated;
end if;
case R.State is
when startup =>
TimeoutEnable <= cActivated;
219,8 → 211,6
when ACMD41 =>
if (R.SendCMD55 = cInactivated) then
oLedBank(2) <= cActivated;
case R.Region is
when send =>
ocr.nBusy := '0';
258,7 → 248,6
NextCmdRegion := CMD2;
NextRegion := send;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
324,9 → 313,7
report "SdController: Unhandled CmdRegion" severity error;
end case;
when config =>
oLedBank(3) <= cActivated;
when config =>
case R.CmdRegion is
when SelectCard =>
case R.Region is
433,8 → 420,9
NextR.State <= invalidCard;
end if;
when waitstate =>
when waitstate =>
NextR.ToSdData.Mode <= wide;
-- NextR.LedBank(4) <= cActivated;
if gHighSpeedMode = true then
525,6 → 513,7
NextR.HighSpeed <= cActivated;
NextRegion := send;
NextCmdRegion := GetStatus;
--NextR.LedBank(5)<= cActivated;
NextRegion := idle;
NextState := requestnewoperation;
576,10 → 565,10
when read =>
NextR.ToSdData.DataMode <= usual;
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
case R.Region is
when send =>
NextR.LedBank(0) <= cActivated;
-- send a read command <= cSdCmdReadSingleBlock;
598,6 → 587,8
NextRegion := response;
when response =>
NextR.LedBank(1) <= cActivated;
-- wait for the response and handle it
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
if ( = cSdCmdReadSingleBlock) then
612,10 → 603,12
end if;
when receivedata =>
NextR.LedBank(2) <= cActivated;
when waitstatedata =>
NextR.Region <= idle;
NextR.State <= requestnewoperation;
NextR.LedBank(3) <= cActivated;
NextRegion := idle;
NextState := requestnewoperation;
when others =>
report "Unhandled region";
623,7 → 616,6
when write =>
NextR.ToSdData.DataMode <= usual;
oLedBank(1) <= cActivated;
case R.Region is
when send =>
657,16 → 649,12
elsif (Timeout = cActivated) then
NextR.State <= invalidCard;
end if;
when senddata =>
NextRegion := checkbusy;
when checkbusy =>
when checkbusy => null;
when receivedata =>
NextRegion := waitstatedata;
when waitstatedata =>
NextRegion := idle;
NextState := requestnewoperation;
676,13 → 664,13
end case;
when requestnewoperation =>
NextR.LedBank <= (others => '0');
NextR.ToSdData.DisableRb <= cInactivated;
NextR.ToSdWbSlave.ReqOperation <= not R.ToSdWbSlave.ReqOperation;
NextR.State <= idle;
when idle =>
oLedBank(6) <= cActivated;
NextR.LedBank(6) <= cActivated;
-- wait for next operation
if (iSdWbSlave.AckOperation = cActivated) then
707,10 → 695,11
report "Unknown operation" severity error;
end case;
NextR.LedBank(6) <= cInactivated;
end if;
when invalidCard =>
oLedBank(7) <= cActivated;
NextR.LedBank(7) <= cActivated;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
735,7 → 724,7
end if;
when response =>
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
-- oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
TimeoutEnable <= cActivated;
TimeoutMax <= cReadTimeout;
789,10 → 778,13
when checkbusy =>
NextR.ToSdData.CheckBusy <= cActivated;
TimeoutEnable <= cActivated;
TimeoutMax <= cWriteTimeout;
if (iSdData.Busy = cActivated) then
NextR.Region <= receivedata;
if (iSdData.Valid = cActivated) then
NextR.Region <= waitstatedata;
NextR.ToSdData.CheckBusy <= cInactivated;
TimeoutDisable <= cActivated;
end if;
when receivedata =>
809,6 → 801,7
elsif (Timeout = cActivated) then
NextR.State <= invalidCard;
NextR.LedBank(5) <= cActivated;
end if;
37,7 → 37,8
gClkFrequency : natural := 25E6;
gHighSpeedMode : boolean := true;
gStartupTimeout : time := 1 ms;
gReadTimeout : time := 100 ms
gReadTimeout : time := 100 ms;
gWriteTimeout : time := 250 ms
port (
iClk : in std_ulogic; -- rising edge

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