
Subversion Repositories sdhc-sc-core

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 83 to Rev 84
    Reverse comparison

Rev 83 → Rev 84

1,23 → 1,12
onerror {resume}
quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/iclk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/inresetasync
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/iocmd
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/osclk
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/iodata
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/oledbank
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/tocontroller
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/fromcontroller
add wave -noupdate -divider controller
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/iclk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/inresetasync
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/isdcmd
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/osdcmd
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/oledbank
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/reg
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/nextreg
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/state
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/nextstate
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/osdcmd
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/isdcmd
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/inresetasync
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/iclk
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/r
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcontroller_inst/nextr
add wave -noupdate -divider cmd
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/sdcmd_inst/iclk
add wave -noupdate -format Logic /Testbed/top/sdcmd_inst/inresetasync
32,7 → 21,7
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcmd_inst/o
add wave -noupdate -format Literal /Testbed/top/sdcmd_inst/nexto
TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree]
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {1940 ns} 0}
WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {1040 ns} 0}
configure wave -namecolwidth 150
configure wave -valuecolwidth 100
configure wave -justifyvalue left
28,24 → 28,34
architecture Rtl of SdController is
type aSdControllerState is (CMD0, CMD8Ws, CMD8, CMD8Response, CMD55,
CMD55Response, ACMD41, ACMD41Response, CMD2, CMD2Response, CMD3,
CMD3Response, idle, invalidCard);
constant cDefaultControllerState : aSdControllerState := CMD0;
constant cDefaultoSdCmd : aSdCmdFromController := ((id => (others => '0'),
arg => (others => '0')), Valid => cInactivated, ExpectCID => cInactivated);
type aSdControllerState is (init, idle, invalidCard);
type aCmdRegion is (CMD0, CMD8, CMD55, ACMD41, CMD2, CMD3);
type aRegion is (send, receive);
constant cDefaultoSdCmd : aSdCmdFromController := (
(id => (others => '0'),
arg => (others => '0')),
Valid => cInactivated,
ExpectCID => cInactivated);
type aSdControllerReg is record
HCS : std_ulogic;
CCS : std_ulogic;
State : aSdControllerState;
CmdRegion : aCmdRegion;
Region : aRegion;
HCS : std_ulogic;
CCS : std_ulogic;
end record aSdControllerReg;
constant cDefaultSdControllerReg : aSdControllerReg := (cActivated,
cInactivated, cDefaultRCA);
signal Reg, NextReg : aSdControllerReg;
constant cDefaultSdControllerReg : aSdControllerReg := (
State => init,
CmdRegion => CMD0,
Region => send,
HCS => cActivated,
CCS => cInactivated,
RCA => cDefaultRCA);
signal State, NextState : aSdControllerState;
signal R, NextR : aSdControllerReg;
52,163 → 62,220
Regs : process (iClk, inResetAsync)
if (inResetAsync = cnActivated) then
State <= cDefaultControllerState;
Reg <= cDefaultSdControllerReg;
R <= cDefaultSdControllerReg;
elsif (iClk'event and iClk = cActivated) then
Reg <= NextReg;
State <= NextState;
R <= NextR;
end if;
end process Regs;
Comb : process (iSdCmd, State, Reg)
Comb : process (iSdCmd, R)
variable ocr : aSdRegOCR;
variable arg : aSdCmdArg;
-- default assignments
oSdCmd <= cDefaultoSdCmd;
NextReg <= Reg;
NextState <= State;
NextR <= R;
-- Status
oLedBank <= (others => cInactivated);
case State is
when idle =>
oLedBank(6) <= cActivated;
case R.State is
when init =>
case R.CmdRegion is
when CMD0 =>
case R.Region is
when send => <= cSdCmdGoIdleState;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
when CMD0 => <= cSdCmdGoIdleState;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextState <= CMD8Ws;
end if;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextR.CmdRegion <= CMD8;
NextR.Region <= send;
end if;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
when CMD8Ws =>
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cInactivated) then
NextState <= CMD8;
end if;
when CMD8 =>
case R.Region is
when send => <= cSdCmdSendIfCond;
oSdCmd.Content.arg <= cSdArgVoltage;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
when CMD8 => <= cSdCmdSendIfCond;
oSdCmd.Content.arg <= cSdArgVoltage;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextState <= CMD8Response;
end if;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextR.Region <= receive;
end if;
when CMD8Response =>
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
if ( = cSdCmdSendIfCond and
iSdCmd.Content.arg = cSdArgVoltage) then
NextReg.HCS <= cActivated;
NextState <= CMD55;
NextState <= invalidCard;
end if;
-- elsif timeout
end if;
when receive =>
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
when invalidCard =>
oLedBank(7) <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
if ( = cSdCmdSendIfCond and iSdCmd.Content.arg = cSdArgVoltage) then
NextR.HCS <= cActivated;
NextR.CmdRegion <= CMD55;
NextR.Region <= send;
when CMD55 =>
oLedBank(1) <= cActivated; <= cSdNextIsACMD;
oSdCmd.Content.arg <= cSdACMDArg;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextState <= CMD55Response;
end if;
NextR.State <= invalidCard;
end if;
-- elsif timeout
end if;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
when CMD55Response =>
oLedBank(1) <= cActivated;
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
NextState <= invalidCard;
if ( = cSdNextIsACMD) then
if (iSdCmd.Content.arg(cSdArgAppCmdPos) = cActivated)
NextState <= ACMD41;
end if;
end if;
-- elsif timeout
end if;
when CMD55 =>
case R.Region is
when send =>
oLedBank(1) <= cActivated; <= cSdNextIsACMD;
oSdCmd.Content.arg <= cSdACMDArg;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
when ACMD41 =>
oLedBank(2) <= cActivated; <= cSdCmdACMD41;
ocr.nBusy := cnActivated;
ocr.ccs := Reg.HCS;
ocr.voltagewindow := cVoltageWindow;
oSdCmd.Content.arg <= OCRToArg(ocr);
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextState <= ACMD41Response;
end if;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextR.Region <= receive;
end if;
when ACMD41Response =>
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
oLedBank(2) <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
NextState <= CMD55;
if ( = cSdR3Id) then
ocr := ArgToOcr(iSdCmd.Content.arg);
if (ocr.nBusy = cnInactivated) then
if (ocr.voltagewindow /= cVoltageWindow) then
NextState <= invalidCard;
NextReg.CCS <= ocr.ccs;
NextState <= CMD2;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when receive =>
oLedBank(1) <= cActivated;
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
when CMD2 =>
oLedBank(3) <= cActivated; <= cSdCmdAllSendCID;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextState <= CMD2Response;
end if;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
if ( = cSdNextIsACMD) then
NextR.CmdRegion <= CMD55;
when CMD2Response =>
oLedBank(3) <= cActivated;
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
oSdCmd.ExpectCID <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
NextState <= invalidCard;
if (iSdCmd.Content.arg(cSdArgAppCmdPos) = cActivated) then
NextR.CmdRegion <= ACMD41;
NextR.Region <= send;
end if;
NextR.State <= invalidCard;
end if;
-- elsif timeout
end if;
if ( = cSdR2Id) then
NextState <= CMD3;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
when CMD3 =>
oLedBank(4) <= cActivated; <= cSdCmdSendRelAdr;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextState <= CMD3Response;
end if;
when ACMD41 =>
oLedBank(2) <= cActivated;
case R.Region is
when send =>
ocr.nBusy := cnActivated;
ocr.ccs := R.HCS;
ocr.voltagewindow := cVoltageWindow; <= cSdCmdACMD41;
oSdCmd.Content.arg <= OCRToArg(ocr);
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextR.Region <= receive;
end if;
when CMD3Response =>
oLedBank(4) <= cActivated;
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
if ( = cSdCmdSendRelAdr) then
-- todo: check status
NextReg.RCA <= iSdCmd.Content.arg(31 downto 16);
NextState <= idle;
end if;
end if;
when receive =>
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
NextR.CmdRegion <= CMD55;
NextR.Region <= send;
if ( = cSdR3Id) then
ocr := ArgToOcr(iSdCmd.Content.arg);
if (ocr.nBusy = cnInactivated) then
if (ocr.voltagewindow /= cVoltageWindow) then
NextR.State <= invalidCard;
NextR.CCS <= ocr.ccs;
NextR.CmdRegion <= CMD2;
NextR.Region <= send;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- elsif timeout
end if;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
when CMD2 =>
oLedBank(3) <= cActivated;
case R.Region is
when send => <= cSdCmdAllSendCID;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextR.Region <= receive;
end if;
when receive =>
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
oSdCmd.ExpectCID <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
NextR.State <= invalidCard;
if ( = cSdR2Id) then
NextR.State <= init;
NextR.CmdRegion <= CMD3;
NextR.Region <= send;
end if;
-- elsif timeout
end if;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
when CMD3 =>
oLedBank(4) <= cActivated;
case R.Region is
when send => <= cSdCmdSendRelAdr;
oSdCmd.Valid <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Ack = cActivated) then
NextR.Region <= receive;
end if;
when receive =>
oLedBank(0) <= cActivated;
if (iSdCmd.Valid = cActivated) then
if ( = cSdCmdSendRelAdr) then
-- todo: check status
NextR.RCA <= iSdCmd.Content.arg(31 downto 16);
NextR.State <= idle;
end if;
--elsif timeout
end if;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
when others =>
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
when idle =>
oLedBank(6) <= cActivated;
when invalidCard =>
oLedBank(7) <= cActivated;
when others =>
report "SdController: State not handled" severity error;
report "SdController: Unhandled state" severity error;
end case;
end process Comb;
end architecture Rtl;

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