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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 34 to Rev 35
    Reverse comparison

Rev 34 → Rev 35

0,0 → 1,1150
T6502 Embedded Microprocessor
The T6502 IP is a processor that uses most of MosTechnology M6502 processor instructions
and processor registers.It has been updated for a synthesized embedded design in a FGPA or ASIC.
It differs from the original Mos6502 in the following ways
1) Changed memory interface from asynchronous to synchronous. This allows for faster pipelined accesses
2) Page Zero is fully filled with RAM. Indirect addresses stored in page 00 MUST be aligned on even addresses.
The original 6502 didn't care but this speeds up indirect and indexed instructions.
3) Moved stack from Page 01 into a seperate RAM. Stack size is now parameterized and only accessable via
pushes and pulls
4) Number of clock cycles to execute instructions has changed
5) Binary Coded Decimal mode has been removed. The D bit in the PSR does nothing
6) Bit (5) of the PSR is now a run bit. Forcing it to 0 will halt the processor until the next reset
7) Added Debugging logic and error checking
8) Removed the TSX and TXS commands
This component is derived from the opencores t6507lp project.
The original project checked in by Gabriel Oshiro Zardo and Samuel Nascimento Pagliarini
was a atari 2600 on a chip. This takes the t6507 portion and turns it into a fully functional updated 6502.
Processor Model
| A | Accumulator (A)
| X | X Index Register (X)
| Y | Y Index Register (Y)
| PCH | PCL | Program Counter (PC)
| 00000001 | SP | Stack Pointer (SP)
| P | Processor Status Word (P)
|||||||+---- Carry Flag 1 = True
||||||+----- Zero Flag 1 = Result == 8'h00
|||||+------ IRQ Disable 1 = Disable
||||+------- Decimal Mode Not used
|||+-------- Break Command 1 = In break routine
||+--------- Run Mode 1 = Processor is running
|+---------- Overflow Flag 1 = True
+----------- Negative 1 = Negative Number
Memory Model
0000-00FF | Page Zero RAM
0010-01FF | Stack RAM
0200-FFF9 | Program and Data RAM
FFFA | NMI Vector Low
FFFB | NMI Vector High
FFFC | Boot Vector Low
FFFD | Boot Vector High
FFFE | IRQ/BRK Vector Low
FFFF | IRQ/BRK Vector High
Instruction Set
Inst Description Effect on flags
ADC Operand Add Acc to Operand with Carry NZCV
SBC Operand Subract Operand from Acc with Borrow NZXV
AND Operand Logical AND Acc and Operand NZ
CMP Operand Compare Acc with Operand NZC
CPX Operand Compare X_index with Operand NZC
CPY Operand Compare Y_index with Operand NZC
EOR Operand Exclusive Or Acc with Operand NZ
LDA Operand Load Operand into Acc NZ
LDX Operand Load Operand into X_index NZ
LDY Operand Load Operand into Y_index NZ
ORA Operand Logical Or Acc with Operand NZ
BIT Operand Bit Test Acc with operand Z67
STA Address Store Acc @ address NONE
STX Address Store X_Index @ address NONE
STY Address Store Y_Index @ address NONE
ASL Operand Arithmetic Shift Left Operand into Carry NZC
DEC Operand Decrement Operand NZ
INC Operand Incremement Operand NZ
DEX Decrement X Index NZ
INX Incremement X Index NZ
DEY Decrement Y Index NZ
INY Incremement Y Index NZ
LSR Operand Logical Shift Right Operand into Carry NZC
ROL Operand Rotate Left Operand thru Carry NZC
ROR Operand Rotate Right Operand thru Carry NZC
NOP No Operation NONE
SEC Set Carry Flag 1 -> C
SED Set Decimal Flag 1 -> D
SEI Set Interrupt Flag 1 -> I
CLC Clear Carry Flag 0 -> C
CLD Clear Decimal Flag 0 -> D
CLI Clear Interrupt Flag 0 -> I
CLV Clear Overflow Flag 0 -> V
TAX Transfer Acc into X_Index NZ
TAY Transfer Acc into Y_Index NZ
TSX Transfer SP into X_Index NZ ****
TXA Transfer X_Index into Acc NZ
TXS Transfer X_Index into SP NONE ****
TYA Transfer Y_Index into Acc NZ
BCC Offset Branch if C == 0 NONE
BCS Offset Branch if C == 1 NONE
BNE Offset Branch if Z == 0 NONE
BEQ Offset Branch if Z == 1 NONE
BVC Offset Branch if V == 0 NONE
BVS Offset Branch if V == 1 NONE
BPL Offset Branch if N == 0 NONE
BMI Offset Branch if N == 1 NONE
PLA Pull Acc from Stack NZ
PLP Pull PSR from Stack RESTORE
PHA Push Acc onto Stack NONE
PHP Push PSR onto Stack NONE
JMP Address Jump to New Address NONE
JMP (Address) Jump to New Address stored in (Address) NONE
JSR Address Save PC+2 on stack and jump to New Address NONE
BRK Save PC+1 on stack and jump to New Address 1 -> B
RTI Pull PC from stack RESTORED
RTS Pull Acc and PC from stack NONE
HLT Halt Processor Operation NONE ****
**** to be removed
Non-Maskable (NMI)
1) Finish current instruction
2) Push Address of next instruction on stack
3) Read Vector Address from FFFA
4) Execute code @ vector address
Maskable (IRQ) ( if I bit is clear)
1) Finish current instruction
2) Push Address of next instruction on stack
3) Push PSR on stack
4) Read Vector Address from FFFE
5) Execute code @ vector address
1) Clear A,X,Y: Set PSR to 20h
2) Wait for Reset to deassert
3) Read Vector Address from FFFC
4) Execute code @ vector address
Addressing Modes
Immediate Read
Operand is located in memory following the opcode
Absolute Read/Write/ReadModifyWrite
16 bit address of operand is located in memory following opcode (low byte,high byte)
Absolute Indexed Read/Write/ReadModifyWrite
Operand is found by adding index value to 16 bit address following opcode.(no wraparound)
Page Zero Read/Write/ReadModifyWrite
8 bit page zero address of operand is located in memory following opcode.
Page Zero Indexed Read/Write/ReadModifyWrite
Operand is found in page zero by adding index value to 8 bit address following opcode.(wraps around)
Page Zero Indirect X Read/Write
Operand address lower byte is read from the address found by adding X index value to 8 bit address following opcode and
the upper byte is read from the address found by adding X index value to 8 bit address plus 1 (no wraparound)
Page Zero Indirect Y Read/Write
8 bit page zero address containing a 16 bit address is located in memory following opcode. Y index is added to this address
(no wraparound). Page zero address MUST be even.
Implied Read/Write/Read_Modify_WRite
Operand is specified by the Opcode
Branch Read
Opcode is followed by the relative offset for the branch
Stack StackRead/StackWrite
Operation uses the Stack
Jump Absolute Read
16 bit destination address follows opcode
Jump Indirect Read
16 bit Address following opcode points to destination address
Jump Sub Absolute Read_Stackwrite
16 bit destination address follows opcode. Return address is pushed on stack
Break Read_Stackwrite
Return address is pushed on stack and the IRQ vector is taken
Return from Interrupt Read_Stackread
PSR and Prog_counter are pulled from stack
Return from Subroutine Read_Stackread
Prog_counter is pulled from stack
Halt Read
Operations cease
Instruction Opcodes (hex)
ADC abs 6D
ADC abs,X 7D
ADC abs,Y 79
ADC #n 69
ADC zp 65
ADC (zp,X) 61
ADC zp,X 75
ADC (zp),Y 71
AND abs 2D
AND abs,X 3D
AND abs,Y 39
AND #n 29
AND zp 25
AND (zp,X) 21
AND zp,X 35
AND (zp),Y 31
ASL abs 0E
ASL abs,X 1E
ASL zp 06
ASL zp,X 16
BCC rel 90
BCS rel B0
BEQ rel F0
BIT abs 2C
BIT zp 24
BMI rel 30
BNE rel D0
BPL rel 10
BRK 00
BVC rel 50
BVS rel 70
CLC 18
CLI 58
CMP abs CD
CMP abs,X DD
CMP abs,Y D9
CMP #n C9
CMP zp C5
CMP (zp,X) C1
CMP zp,X D5
CMP (zp),Y D1
CPX abs EC
CPX #n E0
CPX zp E4
CPY abs CC
CPY #n C0
CPY zp C4
DEC abs CE
DEC abs,X DE
DEC zp C6
DEC zp,X D6
DEY 88
EOR abs 4D
EOR abs,X 5D
EOR abs,Y 59
EOR #n 49
EOR zp 45
EOR (zp,X) 41
EOR zp,X 55
EOR (zp),Y 51
INC abs EE
INC abs,X FE
INC zp E6
INC zp,X F6
JMP abs 4C
JMP (abs) 6C
JSR abs 20
LDA abs AD
LDA abs,X BD
LDA abs,Y B9
LDA #n A9
LDA zp A5
LDA (zp,X) A1
LDA zp,X B5
LDA (zp),Y B1
LDX abs AE
LDX abs,Y BE
LDX #n A2
LDX zp A6
LDX zp,Y B6
LDY abs AC
LDY abs,X BC
LDY #n A0
LDY zp A4
LDY zp,X B4
LSR abs 4E
LSR abs,X 5E
LSR zp 46
LSR zp,X 56
ORA abs 0D
ORA abs,X 1D
ORA abs,Y 19
ORA #n 09
ORA zp 05
ORA (zp,X) 01
ORA zp,X 15
ORA (zp),Y 11
PHA 48
PHP 08
PLA 68
PLP 28
ROL abs 2E
ROL abs,X 3E
ROL zp 26
ROL zp,X 36
ROR abs 6E
ROR abs,X 7E
ROR zp 66
ROR zp,X 76
RTI 40
RTS 60
SBC abs ED
SBC abs,X FD
SBC abs,Y F9
SBC #n E9
SBC zp E5
SBC (zp,X) E1
SBC zp,X F5
SBC (zp),Y F1
SEC 38
SEI 78
STA abs 8D
STA abs,X 9D
STA abs,Y 99
STA zp 85
STA (zp,X) 81
STA zp,X 95
STA (zp),Y 91
STX abs 8E
STX zp 86
STX zpy 96
STY abs 8C
STY zp 84
STY zp,X 94
TYA 98
Instruction Decodes
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ADC #n | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 0 00 00 A
AND #n | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 0 00 00 A
CMP #n | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
CPX #n | | alu_x 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
CPY #n | | alu_y 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
EOR #n | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 0 00 00 A
LDA #n | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 A
LDX #n | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 X
LDY #n | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 Y
ORA #n | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 0 00 00 A
SBC #n | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 0 00 00 A
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ADC abs | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 0 00 00 A
AND abs | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 0 00 00 A
BIT abs | | alu_a 0 Z67 AND 0 0 00 00 0
CMP abs | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
CPX abs | | alu_x 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
CPY abs | | alu_y 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
EOR abs | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 0 00 00 A
LDA abs | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 A
LDX abs | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 X
LDY abs | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 Y
ORA abs | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 0 00 00 A
SBC abs | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 0 00 00 A
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
STA abs | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 M
STX abs | | alu_x 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 M
STY abs | | alu_y 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 M
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ASL abs | | 00 0 NZC SFL 0 0 00 00 M
DEC abs | | FF 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 M
INC abs | | 00 1 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 M
LSR abs | | 00 0 NZC SFR 0 0 00 00 M
ROL abs | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFL 0 0 00 00 M
ROR abs | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFR 0 0 00 00 M
Absolute indexed
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ADC abs,X | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 X 00 00 A
AND abs,X | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 X 00 00 A
CMP abs,X | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 X 00 00 0
EOR abs,X | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 X 00 00 A
LDA abs,X | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 A
LDY abs,X | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 Y
ORA abs,X | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 X 00 00 A
SBC abs,X | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 X 00 00 A
ADC abs,Y | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 Y 00 00 A
AND abs,Y | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 Y 00 00 A
CMP abs,Y | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 Y 00 00 0
EOR abs,Y | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 Y 00 00 A
LDA abs,Y | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 Y 00 00 A
LDX abs,Y | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 Y 00 00 X
ORA abs,Y | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 Y 00 00 A
SBC abs,Y | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 Y 00 00 A
Absolute indexed
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
STA abs,X | | alu_a 0 ADD 0 X 00 00 M
STA abs,Y | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 Y 00 00 M
Absolute indexed
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ASL abs,X | | 00 0 NZC SFL 0 X 00 00 M
DEC abs,X | | FF 0 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 M
INC abs,X | | 00 1 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 M
LSR abs,X | | 00 0 NZC SFR 0 X 00 00 M
ROL abs,X | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFL 0 X 00 00 M
ROR abs,X | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFR 0 X 00 00 M
Page Zero
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ADC zp | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 0 00 00 A
AND zp | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 0 00 00 A
BIT zp | | alu_a 0 Z67 AND 0 0 00 00 0
CMP zp | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
CPX zp | | alu_x 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
CPY zp | | alu_y 1 NZC ADD 1 0 00 00 0
EOR zp | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 0 00 00 A
LDA zp | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 A
LDX zp | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 X
LDY zp | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 Y
ORA zp | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 0 00 00 A
SBC zp | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 0 00 00 A
Page Zero
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
STA zp | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 M
STX zp | | alu_x 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 M
STY zp | | alu_y 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 M
Page Zero
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ASL zp | | 00 0 NZC SFL 0 0 00 00 M
DEC zp | | FF 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 M
INC zp | | 00 1 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 M
LSR zp | | 00 0 NZC SFR 0 0 00 00 M
ROL zp | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFL 0 0 00 00 M
ROR zp | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFR 0 0 00 00 M
Page Zero indexed
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ADC zp,X | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 X 00 00 A
AND zp,X | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 X 00 00 A
CMP zp,X | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 X 00 00 0
EOR zp,X | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 X 00 00 A
LDA zp,X | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 A
LDY zp,X | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 Y
ORA zp,X | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 X 00 00 A
SBC zp,X | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 X 00 00 A
LDX zp,Y | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 Y 00 00 X
Page Zero indexed
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
STA zp,X | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 X 00 00 M
STY zp,X | | alu_y 0 NONE ADD 0 X 00 00 M
STX zp,Y | | alu_x 0 NONE ADD 0 Y 00 00 M
Page Zero indexed
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ASL zp,X | | 00 0 NZC SFL 0 X 00 00 M
DEC zp,X | | FF 0 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 M
INC zp,X | | 00 1 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 M
LSR zp,X | | 00 0 NZC SFR 0 X 00 00 M
ROR zp,X | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFR 0 X 00 00 M
ROL zp,X | | 00 alu_status[0] NZC SFL 0 X 00 00 M
Page Zero indirectX
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ADC (zp,X) | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 X 00 00 A
AND (zp,X) | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 X 00 00 A
CMP (zp,X) | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 X 00 00 0
EOR (zp,X) | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 X 00 00 A
LDA (zp,X) | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 X 00 00 A
ORA (zp,X) | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 X 00 00 A
SBC (zp,X) | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 X 00 00 A
Page Zero indirectX
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
STA (zp,X) | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 X 00 00 M
Page Zero IndirectY
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ADC (zp),Y | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZCV ADD 0 Y 00 00 A
AND (zp),Y | | alu_a 0 NZ AND 0 Y 00 00 A
CMP (zp),Y | | alu_a 1 NZC ADD 1 Y 00 00 0
EOR (zp),Y | | alu_a 0 NZ EOR 0 Y 00 00 A
LDA (zp),Y | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 Y 00 00 A
ORA (zp),Y | | alu_a 0 NZ ORR 0 Y 00 00 A
SBC (zp),Y | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZXV ADD 1 Y 00 00 A
Page Zero IndirectY
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
STA (zp),Y | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 Y 00 00 M
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
NOP | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 0
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
SEC | | 00 0 WR ADD 0 0 01 01 0
SED | | 00 0 WR ADD 0 0 08 08 0
SEI | | 00 0 WR ADD 0 0 04 04 0
CLC | | 00 0 WR ADD 0 0 00 01 0
CLD | | 00 0 WR ADD 0 0 00 08 0
CLI | | 00 0 WR ADD 0 0 00 04 0
CLV | | 00 0 WR ADD 0 0 00 40 0
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
ASL A | | alu_a 0 NZC SFL 0 0 00 00 A
DEX | | alu_x 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 X
DEY | | alu_y 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 Y
INX | | alu_x 1 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 X
INY | | alu_y 1 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 Y
LSR A | | alu_a 0 NZC SFR 0 0 00 00 A
ROL A | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZC SFL 0 0 00 00 A
ROR A | | alu_a alu_status[0] NZC SFR 0 0 00 00 A
TAX | | alu_a 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 A
TAY | | alu_a 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 X
TSX | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 Y
TXA | | alu_x 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 A
TXS | | alu_x 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 S
TYA | | alu_y 0 NZ ADD 0 0 00 00 A
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
BCC rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 00 01 0
BCS rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 01 01 0
BNE rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 00 02 0
BEQ rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 02 02 0
BVC rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 00 40 0
BVS rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 40 40 0
BPL rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 00 80 0
BMI rel | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 B 80 80 0
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
PLA | | 00 0 NZ ADD 0 A 00 00 A
PLP | | 00 0 RESTORE ADD 0 P 00 00 P
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
PHA | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 A 00 00 M
PHP | | alu_a 0 NONE ADD 0 P 00 00 M
Jump absolute
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
JMP abs | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 0
Jump indirect
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
JMP (abs) | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 0
Jump Sub absolute
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
JSR abs | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 0
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
BRK | | alu_a 0 B ADD 0 0 00 00 0
Return from
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
RTI | | 00 0 RESTORE ADD 0 0 00 00 P
Return from
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
RTS | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 0
Instructions alu_op_a alu_op_c stat_update alu_mode alu_op_b_invert index branch_value branch_enable destination
HLT | | 00 0 NONE ADD 0 0 00 00 0
Address Sequence Decodes
Immediate Address Mode
c e
l n mem mem status
k b addr rd_data state ir operand dest reg
0 0 opc add FETCH_OP
1 1 opc add opcode FETCH_OP
2 0 add+1 opcode FETCH_LOW opcode
3 1 add+1 operand FETCH_LOW
4 0 add+2 operand FETCH_OP operand
5 1 add+2 newop FETCH_OP
6 0 add+3 newop newop updated
7 1
8 0
9 1
A 0
B 1
C 0
D 1
E 0
F 1
Absolute Read Address Mode
c e
l n mem mem status
k b addr rd_data state ir operand op_addr dest reg
0 0 opc add FETCH_OP
1 1 opc add opcode FETCH_OP
2 0 add+1 opcode FETCH_LOW opcode
3 1 add+1 add_lo FETCH_LOW
4 0 add+2 add_lo FETCH_HIGH 00addr
5 1 add+2 add_hi FETCH_HIGH
6 0 op_addr add_hi MEM_READ
7 1 op_addr operand MEM_READ
8 0 add+3 operand FETCH_OP operand
9 1 add+3 newop FETCH_OP
A 0 newop newop updated
B 1
C 0
D 1
E 0
F 1

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