
Subversion Repositories spi_slave

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Rev 11 → Rev 35

0,0 → 1,374
This document describe a SPI Slave core designed for the Xilinx EDK. \cite{bib_xilinx_edk}
\item OPB-Clock and SPI-Clock are complete independent
\item SPI can run faster than OPB if guaranteed that no TX-FIFO Underrunn or RX-FIFO Overrunn occure.
\item variable transfer length 2..32
\item designed only for Xilinx Spartan-3/Virtex-4 at the moment
\item only Slave Operation
\chapter{Core configuration}
\begin{table} [h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm} {|l|l|c|X|} \hline
Description & Parameter Name & Allowable Values & Default Value \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4} {|c|} {System Parameter} \\ \hline
Base address for OPB SPI& C\_BASEADDR & 0x00 & 0x00000000 \\ \hline
High address for OPB SPI& C\_HIGHADDR & BASEADDR+0x3F & BASEADDR+0x3f \\ \hline
OPB address bus width & C\_OPB\_AWIDTH & 32 & 32 \\ \hline
OPB data bus width & C\_OPB\_DWIDTH & 32 & 32 \\ \hline
Target FPGA Family & C\_FAMILY & spartan3,virtex4 & virtex4 \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4} {|c|} {User Parameter} \\ \hline
Shift register width & C\_SR\_WIDTH & 8-32 & 8 \\ \hline
Shift MSB First & C\_MSB\_FIRST & true, false & true \\ \hline
SPI Clock Polarity & C\_CPOL & 0,1 & 0 \\ \hline
SPI Clock Phase & C\_CPHA & 0,1 & 0 \\ \hline
FIFO Size Width(TX/RX)\footnotemark[1] & C\_FIFO\_DEPTH & 4-7 & 4 \\ \hline
DMA\_EN & C\_DMA\_EN & true, false & false \\ \hline
\footnotetext[1]{FIFO depth is $2^{Value}$ =(16,32,64,128)}
\begin{table} [h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|l|l|l|X|} \hline
\textbf{Port} & \textbf{width} & \textbf{direction} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
SPI\_SCLK & 1 & input & Serial clock input \\
SPI\_MOSI & 1 & input & Master Out Slave in \\
SPI\_MISO & 1 & output & Master in Slave out \\
SPI\_SS & 1 & input & Slave select \\ \hline
opb\_irq & 1 & output & IRQ Output \\ \hline
\caption{external ports}
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm} {|l|c|c|X|} \hline
\textbf{Name} & \textbf{Adress} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
SPI\_CR & 0x00 & R/W & SPI Control Register \\ \hline
SPI\_SR & 0x04 & R/W & SPI Status Register \\ \hline
SPI\_TD & 0x08 & W & SPI Transmit Data Register \\ \hline
SPI\_RD & 0x0C & R & SPI Receive Data Register \\ \hline
TX\_THRESH & 0x10 & R/W & TX-Threshold Prog Full/Emty \\ \hline
RX\_THRESH & 0x14 & R/W & RX-Threshold Prog Full/Emty \\ \hline
TX\_DMA\_CTL & 0x18 & R/W & TX DMA Control \\ \hline
TX\_DMA\_ADDR & 0x1C & R/W & TX DMA Base Adress Offset \\ \hline
TX\_DMA\_NUM & 0x20 & R/W & TX DMA Number of Transfers \\ \hline
RX\_DMA\_CTL & 0x24 & R/W & RX DMA Control \\ \hline
RX\_DMA\_ADDR & 0x28 & R/W & RX DMA Base Adress Offset \\ \hline
RX\_DMA\_NUM & 0x2C & R/W & RX DMA Number of Transfers \\ \hline
DGIE & 0x40 & R/W & Device global IRQ Enable Register \\ \hline
IPISR & 0x44 & R/W & IRQ Status Register \\ \hline
IPIER & 0x48 & R/W & IRQ Enable Register \\ \hline
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1.5cm}|p{3cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31 & DGE & R/W & 0 & Device Global Enable \\
& & & & 0: Disable \\
& & & & 1: Enable \\ \hline
30 & TX\_EN & R/W & 0 & Transmit Enable \\
& & & & 0: Disable \\
& & & & 1: Enable \\ \hline
29 & RX\_EN & R/W & 0 & Receive Enable \\
& & & & 0: Disable \\
& & & & 1: Enable \\ \hline
29 & RESET & R/W & 0 & Reset Device(self cleared) \\
& & & & 0: Normal Operation \\
& & & & 1: Reset SPI-Core(SR/FIFO) \\ \hline
28..0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline
\caption{SPI\_CR Register}
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31 & TX Prog Full & R & 0 & Prog Full Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Prog Full \\ \hline
30 & TX Full & R & 0 & Full Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Full \\ \hline
29 & TX Overflow & R & 0 & Overflow Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Overflow \\
& & & & (Cleared only at Reset) \\ \hline
28 & TX Prog Empty & R & 0 & Prog Empty Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Prog Empty \\ \hline
27 & TX Empty & R & 0 & Full Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Empty \\ \hline
26 & TX Underflow & R & 0 & Underflow Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Underflow \\
& & & & (Cleared only at Reset) \\ \hline
25 & RX Prog Full & R & 0 & Prog Full Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Prog Full \\ \hline
24 & RX Full & R & 0 & Full Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Full \\ \hline
23 & RX Overflow & R & 0 & Overflow Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Overflow \\
& & & & (Cleared only at Reset) \\ \hline
22 & RX Prog Empty & R & 0 & Prog Empty Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Prog Empty \\ \hline
21 & RX Empty & R & 0 & Full Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Empty \\ \hline
20 & RX Underflow & R & 0 & Underflow Flag \\
& & & & 1: FIFO Underflow \\
& & & & (Cleared only at Reset) \\ \hline
19 & Chip Select & R & 0 & Chip Select Flag \\
& & & & 0: CS\_N Low \\
& & & & 1: CS\_N High \\ \hline
18 & TX DMA Done & R & 0 & Transmit DMA done \\
& & & & 0: TX DMA in progress \\
& & & & 1: TX DMA all Transfers done\\ \hline
17 & RX DMA Done & R & 0 & Receive DMA done \\
& & & & 0: RX DMA in progress \\
& & & & 1: RX DMA all Transfers done\\ \hline
16:0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline \end{tabularx}
\caption{SPI\_SR Register}
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset} & \textbf{Description} \\
& & & \textbf{Value} & \\ \hline
31:16 & TX\_THRESH\_PROG\_FULL & R/W & 0 & Transmit Prog Full Threshold\\
& & & & [1..$2^{C\_FIFO\_DEPTH}-2$] \\ \hline
15:0 & TX\_THRESH\_PROG\_EMPTY & R/W & 0 & Transmit Prog Empty Threshold\\
& & & & [1..$2^{C\_FIFO\_DEPTH}-2$] \\ \hline
\caption{TX\_THRESH Register}
This Register sets the Almost Full and Empty Flag Thresholds for Transmit FIFO. IF the DMA-Engine is used, the TX\_THRESH\_PROG\_EMPTY is used to trigger the DMA-Transfer. If Transmit FIFO is Almost Empty the Engine fills the FIFO with 16 Words(4..32bit). If the OPB-Bus is at medium or full load, increase Almost Empty Threshold to ensure there are ''some bytes reserve'' in Fifo until the DMA-Engine has access to the bus and can start transfer. Under light load condition a value of 4 should sufficient.
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset} & \textbf{Description} \\
& & & \textbf{Value} & \\ \hline
31:16 & RX\_THRESH\_PROG\_FULL & R/W & 0 & Receive Prog Full Threshold \\
& & & & [1..$2^{C\_FIFO\_DEPTH}-2$] \\ \hline
15:0 & RX\_THRESH\_PROG\_EMPTY & R/W & 0 & Receive Prog Empty Threshold\\
& & & & [1..$2^{C\_FIFO\_DEPTH}-2$] \\ \hline \end{tabularx}
\caption{RX\_THRESH Register}
This Register sets the Almost Full and Empty Flag Thresholds for Receive FIFO. IF the DMA-Engine is used, the RX\_THRESH\_PROG\_FULL is used to trigger the DMA-Transfer. Normally set this Threshold to the block size of 16. If the OPB-Bus is at medium or full load, increase the FIFO Size(C\_FIFO\_WIDTH) to ensure there are 'some bytes free'' in FIFO until overflow occurs.
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31 & TX\_DMA\_EN & R/W & 0 & Transmit DMA Enable \\
& & & & 0: Disable \\
& & & & 1: Enable \\ \hline
29:0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline \end{tabularx}
\caption{TX\_DMA\_CTL Register}
This Register is only available if C\_DMA\_EN is set.
Set the Bit TX\_DMA\_EN to 1 to enable the Transmit DMA Engine. With Engine Start the Register TX\_DMA\_ADDR and TX\_DMA\_NUM are copied to internal register. Do not change this Registers if DMA Enable set.
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31:0 & TX\_DMA\_Adr & R/W & 0 & Transmit DMA Base Adress \\ \hline
\caption{TX\_DMA\_ADDR Register}
This Register is only available if C\_DMA\_EN is set. With this Register the Base-Adress of the TX-DMA is set. The Adress must 4 Byte aligned. Remark: For this memory area the Data-Chache of the Microblaze can be enabled, because the Cache is a Write-True type. Using a controller with write-back cache only the first write will written in memory, the second only in the internal cache.
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31:8 & TX\_DMA\_LEN & R/W & 0 & TX DMA Number of Block Transfers \\ \hline
7:0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline
\caption{TX\_DMA\_NUM Register}
This Register is only available if C\_DMA\_EN is set. The Register set the Number of Blocktransfers. If all transfers done, the IRQ TX DMA Done asserted. The block size of the DMA is 16. A system configured with C\_SR\_WIDTH = 8 transfers 16 Bytes, if C\_SR\_WIDTH=32 64 Bytes are written to or read from the memory in one DMA-Cycle.
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31 & RX\_DMA\_EN & R/W & 0 & Transmit DMA Enable \\
& & & & 0: Disable \\
& & & & 1: Enable \\ \hline
29:0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline \end{tabularx}
\caption{RX\_DMA\_CTL Register}
This Register is only available if C\_DMA\_EN is set. See Register TX\_DMA\_CTL for Description.
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31:0 & RX\_DMA\_Adr & R/W & 0 & Transmit DMA Base Adress \\ \hline
\caption{RX\_DMA\_ADDR Register}
This Register is only available if C\_DMA\_EN is set. See Register TX\_DMA\_ADDR for Description.
\fbox{\parbox{160mm} {Remark: Check RX\_DMA\_ADDR that is set to the right memory section. If wrong set, program-Code or date overwritten with SPI-Data!}}
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31:8 & RX\_DMA\_LEN & R/W & 0 & RX DMA Number of Block Transfers \\ \hline
7:0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline
\caption{RX\_DMA\_NUM Register}
This Register is only available if C\_DMA\_EN is set. See Register TX\_DMA\_NUM for Description.
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31 & TX\_Prog\_Empty & R/ToW\footnotemark[1] & 0 & IRQ Prog Empty Flag \\ \hline
29 & TX\_Empty & R/ToW & 0 & IRQ Full Flag \\ \hline
28 & RX\_Prog\_Full& R/ToW & 0 & IRQ Prog Full Flag \\ \hline
27 & RX\_Full & R/ToW & 0 & IRQ Full Flag \\ \hline
26 & SS\_FALL & R/ToW & 0 & IRQ SS FALL Flag \\ \hline
25 & SS\_RISE & R/ToW & 0 & IRQ SS RISE Flag \\ \hline
24..0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline \end{tabularx}
\caption{IPISR Register}
\footnotetext[1]{Read and ToggleOnWrite (writing 1 clears the bit)}
\begin{table} [!h]
\begin{tabularx} {160mm}{|p{1cm}|p{5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{1cm}|X|} \hline
\textbf{Bit} & \textbf{Name} & \textbf{Acess} & \textbf{Reset Value} & \textbf{Description} \\ \hline
31 & TX\_Prog\_Empty & R/W & 0 & IRQ Prog Empty Enable \\ \hline
29 & TX\_Empty & R/W & 0 & IRQ Full Enable \\ \hline
28 & RX\_Prog\_Full & R/W & 0 & IRQ Prog Full Enable \\ \hline
27 & RX\_Full & R/W & 0 & IRQ Full Enable \\ \hline
26 & SS\_FALL & R/W & 0 & IRQ SS FALL Enable \\ \hline
25 & SS\_RISE & R/W & 0 & IRQ SS RISE Enable \\ \hline
24 & TX\_DMA\_DONE & R/W & 0 & IRQ TX Transfer done Enable\\ \hline
23 & TX\_DMA\_DONE & R/W & 0 & IRQ RX Transfer done Enable\\ \hline
22..0 & \multicolumn{4} {c|} {reserved} \\ \hline \end{tabularx}
\caption{IPISE Register}
\chapter{System Integration}
To integrate this IP-Core in your System, unzip the opb\_spi\ to your project-directory. Then Rescan the user repository with \textit{Project $\rightarrow$ Rescan User Repositories}. This will take some seconds. After this you find the core in the \textit{IP Catalog $\rightarrow$ Project Repository}.
BEGIN opb_spi_slave
PARAMETER INSTANCE = opb_spi_slave_0
PORT sclk = opb_spi_slave_0_sclk
PORT ss_n = opb_spi_slave_0_ss_n
PORT mosi = opb_spi_slave_0_mosi
PORT miso = opb_spi_slave_0_miso
PORT opb_irq = opb_spi_slave_0_opb_irq
# assign I/O Pins
NET opb_spi_slave_0_sclk_pin LOC= AA24; # must CC capable IO in virtex-4
NET opb_spi_slave_0_ss_n_pin LOC= V20;
NET opb_spi_slave_0_mosi_pin LOC= AC25;
NET opb_spi_slave_0_miso_pin LOC= AC24;
NET opb_spi_slave_0_miso_pin SLEW = FAST;
#### Module OPB_SPI_Slave constraints
Net opb_spi_slave_0_sclk_pin TNM_NET = spi_clk;
TIMESPEC TS_spi_clk = PERIOD spi_clk 40 ns;
NET "opb_spi_slave_0_mosi_pin" TNM = "spi_in";
#NET "opb_spi_slave_0_cs_n_pin" TNM = "spi_in";
TIMEGRP "spi_in" OFFSET = IN 5 ns VALID 10 ns BEFORE "opb_spi_slave_0_sclk_pin" HIGH ;
NET "opb_spi_slave_0_miso_pin" TNM = "spi_out";
TIMEGRP "spi_out" OFFSET = OUT 14 ns AFTER "opb_spi_slave_0_sclk_pin" LOW ;
\section{Register Header}
0,0 → 1,13
specification OPB-SPI-Slave
Daniel Koethe
0,0 → 1,3
% \input{content/Z-Anhang-01-Herleitungen}
0,0 → 1,67
#include "xparameters.h"
#define XSS_CR (XPAR_OPB_SPI_SLAVE_0_BASEADDR + (4* 0x00))
#define XSS_SR (XPAR_OPB_SPI_SLAVE_0_BASEADDR + (4* 0x01))
#define XSS_TD (XPAR_OPB_SPI_SLAVE_0_BASEADDR + (4* 0x02))
#define XSS_RD (XPAR_OPB_SPI_SLAVE_0_BASEADDR + (4* 0x03))
#define XSS_DGIE (XPAR_OPB_SPI_SLAVE_0_BASEADDR + (4* 0x10))
#define XSS_CR_SPE_MASK (0x01)
#define XSS_CR_TX_EN_MASK (0x02)
#define XSS_CR_RX_EN_MASK (0x04)
#define XSS_CR_RESET_MASK (0x08)
// Transmit
#define XSS_SR_TX_PROG_FULL_MASK 0x0001
#define XSS_SR_TX_FULL_MASK 0x0002
#define XSS_SR_TX_OVERFLOW_MASK 0x0004
#define XSS_SR_TX_PROG_EMPTY_MASK 0x0008
#define XSS_SR_TX_EMPTY_MASK 0x0010
// Receive
#define XSS_SR_RX_PROG_FULL_MASK 0x0040
#define XSS_SR_RX_FULL_MASK 0x0080
#define XSS_SR_RX_OVERFLOW_MASK 0x0100
#define XSS_SR_RX_PROG_EMPTY_MASK 0x0200
#define XSS_SR_RX_EMPTY_MASK 0x0400
// Chip Select
#define XSS_SR_CHIP_SELECT_MASK 0x1000
// DMA
#define XSS_SR_TX_DMA_done 0x2000
#define XSS_SR_RX_DMA_done 0x4000
// Device Global Interrupt Enable
#define XSS_DGIE_Bit_Enable 0x0001
// Interrupt /Enable Status Register
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_TX_Prog_Empty 0x0001
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_TX_Empty 0x0002
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_TX_Underflow 0x0004
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_RX_Prog_Full 0x0008
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_RX_Full 0x0010
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_RX_Overflow 0x0020
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_SS_Fall 0x0040
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_SS_Rise 0x0080
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_TX_DMA_done 0x0100
#define XSS_ISR_Bit_RX_DMA_done 0x0200
// TX DMA Control Register
#define XSS_TX_DMA_CTL_EN 0x0001
// RX DMA Control Register
#define XSS_RX_DMA_CTL_EN 0x0001
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