
Subversion Repositories theia_gpu

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 82 to Rev 87
    Reverse comparison

Rev 82 → Rev 87

0,0 → 1,394
Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit.
Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
This is the top level block for THEIA.
THEIA core has 5 main logical blocks called Units.
This module implements the interconections between the Units.
> EXE: Mananges execution logic for the SHADERS.
> GEO: Manages geometry data structures.
> IO: Input/Output (Wishbone).
> MEM: Internal memory, separate for Instructions and data.
> CONTROL: Main control Finite state machine.
Internal Buses:
THEIA has separate instruction and data buses.
THEIA avoids using tri-state buses by having separate input/output
for each bus.
There are 2 separate data buses since the Data memory
has a Dual read channel.
Please see the MEM unit chapter in the documentation for more details.
External Buses:
External buses are managed by the IO Unit.
External buses follow the wishbone protocol.
Please see the IO unit chapter in the documentation for more details.
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "aDefinitions.v"
input wire CLK_I, //Input clock
input wire RST_I, //Input reset
//Theia Interfaces
input wire MST_I, //Master signal, THEIA enters configuration mode
//when this gets asserted (see documentation)
//Wish Bone Interface
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_I, //Input data bus (Wishbone)
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_O, //Output data bus (Wishbone)
input wire ACK_I, //Input ack
output wire ACK_O, //Output ack
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_O, //Output address
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_I, //Input address
output wire WE_O, //Output write enable
input wire WE_I, //Input write enable
output wire STB_O, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
input wire STB_I, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
output wire CYC_O, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
input wire CYC_I, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
output wire [1:0] TGC_O, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire [1:0] TGA_I, //Input address tag, see THEAI documentation
output wire [1:0] TGA_O, //Output address tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire [1:0] TGC_I, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire GNT_I, //Bus arbiter 'Granted' signal, see THEAI documentation
input wire RENDREN_I,
`ifdef DEBUG
input wire[`MAX_CORES-1:0] iDebug_CoreID,
//Control Register
input wire [15:0] CREG_I,
output wire DONE_O
//Alias this signals
wire Clock,Reset;
assign Clock = CLK_I;
assign Reset = RST_I;
wire wIO_Busy;
wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] wEXE_2__MEM_WriteData;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wEXE_2__MEM_wDataWriteAddress;
wire w2IO__AddrIsImm;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] w2IO__Adr_O_Pointer;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wGEO2_IO__Adr_O_Pointer;
wire wEXE_2__DataWriteEnable;
wire wUCODE_RAMWriteEnable;
wire [2:0] RamBusOwner;
//Unit intercoanection wires
wire wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone;
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] InitialCodeAddress;
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wInstructionPointer1,wInstructionPointer2;
wire [`INSTRUCTION_WIDTH-1:0] wEncodedInstruction1,wEncodedInstruction2,wIO2_MEM__ExternalInstruction;
wire wCU2__ExecuteMicroCode;
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_MEM__InstructionWriteAddr;
wire [95:0] wMEM_2__EXE_DataRead0, wMEM_2__EXE_DataRead1,wMEM_2__IO_DataRead0, wMEM_2__IO_DataRead1;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wEXE_2__MEM_DataReadAddress0,wEXE_2__MEM_DataReadAddress1;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wUCODE_RAMReadAddress0,wUCODE_RAMReadAddress1;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] w2IO__AddressOffset;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] w2IO__DataWriteAddress;
wire w2IO__Store;
wire w2IO__EnableWBMaster;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_MEM__DataWriteAddress;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress0;
wire [`DATA_ROW_WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_MEM__Bus;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_MEM__Data;
wire [`WIDTH-1:0] wIO2_WBM__Address;
wire wIO2_MEM__DataWriteEnable;
wire wIO2__Done;
wire wCU2_GEO__GeometryFetchEnable;
wire wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue;
wire wCU2_BCU__ACK;
wire wGEO2_CU__RequestAABBIU;
wire wGEO2_CU__RequestBIU;
wire wGEO2_CU__RequestTCC;
wire wGEO2_CU__GeometryUnitDone;
wire wGEO2_CU__Sync;
wire wEXE2__uCodeDone;
wire wEXE2_IFU__EXEBusy;
wire [`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wEXE2_IDU_DataFordward_LastDestination;
wire wALU2_EXE__BranchTaken;
wire wALU2_IFU_BranchNotTaken;
wire w2IO__SetAddress;
wire wIDU2_IFU__IDUBusy;
//Control Registe wires
wire[15:0] wCR2_ControlRegister;
wire wCR2_TextureMappingEnabled;
wire wGEO2_CU__TFFDone;
wire wCU2_GEO__TriggerTFF;
wire wIO2_MEM_InstructionWriteEnable;
wire wCU2_IO__WritePixel;
wire wGEO2_IO__AddrIsImm;
wire[31:0] wGEO2_IO__AddressOffset;
wire wGEO2_IO__EnableWBMaster;
wire wGEO2_IO__SetAddress;
wire[`WIDTH-1:0] wGEO2__CurrentPitch,wCU2_GEO_Pitch;
wire wCU2_GEO__SetPitch,wCU2_GEO__IncPicth;
wire wCU2_FlipMemEnabled;
wire w2MEM_FlipMemory;
`ifdef DEBUG
wire [`ROM_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wDEBUG_IDU2_EXE_InstructionPointer;
assign wCR2_TextureMappingEnabled = wCR2_ControlRegister[ `CR_EN_TEXTURE ];
wire wCU2_FlipMem;
//Control Unit Instance
ControlUnit CU
.oFlipMemEnabled( wCU2_FlipMemEnabled ),
.oFlipMem( wCU2_FlipMem ),
.iControlRegister( wCR2_ControlRegister ),
.oRamBusOwner( RamBusOwner ),
.oGFUEnable( wCU2_GEO__GeometryFetchEnable ),
.iTriggerAABBIURequest( wGEO2_CU__RequestAABBIU ),
.iTriggerBIURequest( wGEO2_CU__RequestBIU ),
.iTriggertTCCRequest( wGEO2_CU__RequestTCC ),
.oUCodeEnable( wCU2__ExecuteMicroCode ),
.oCodeInstructioPointer( InitialCodeAddress ),
.iUCodeDone( wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone ),
.iIODone( wIO2__Done ),
.oIOWritePixel( wCU2_IO__WritePixel ),
.iUCodeReturnValue( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
.iGEOSync( wGEO2_CU__Sync ),
.iTFFDone( wGEO2_CU__TFFDone ),
.oTriggerTFF( wCU2_GEO__TriggerTFF ),
.MST_I( MST_I ),
.oSetCurrentPitch( wCU2_GEO__SetPitch ),
.iGFUDone( wGEO2_CU__GeometryUnitDone ),
.iRenderEnable( RENDREN_I ),
`ifdef DEBUG
.iDebug_CoreID( iDebug_CoreID ),
.oDone( DONE_O )
//assign w2MEM_FlipMemory = (wCU2__ExecuteMicroCode | wCU2_FlipMem ) & wCU2_FlipMemEnabled;
assign w2MEM_FlipMemory = wCU2_FlipMem & wCU2_FlipMemEnabled;
MemoryUnit MEM
.iFlipMemory( w2MEM_FlipMemory ),
//Data Bus to/from EXE
.iDataReadAddress1_EXE( wEXE_2__MEM_DataReadAddress0 ),
.iDataReadAddress2_EXE( wEXE_2__MEM_DataReadAddress1 ),
.oData1_EXE( wMEM_2__EXE_DataRead0 ),
.oData2_EXE( wMEM_2__EXE_DataRead1 ),
.iDataWriteEnable_EXE( wEXE_2__DataWriteEnable ),
.iDataWriteAddress_EXE( wEXE_2__MEM_wDataWriteAddress ),
.iData_EXE( wEXE_2__MEM_WriteData ),
//Data Bus to/from IO
.iDataReadAddress1_IO( wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress0 ),
.iDataReadAddress2_IO( wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress1 ),
.oData1_IO( wMEM_2__IO_DataRead0 ),
.oData2_IO( wMEM_2__IO_DataRead1 ),
.iDataWriteEnable_IO( wIO2_MEM__DataWriteEnable ),
.iDataWriteAddress_IO( wIO2_MEM__DataWriteAddress ),
.iData_IO( wIO2_MEM__Bus ),
//Instruction Bus
.iInstructionReadAddress1( wInstructionPointer1 ),
.iInstructionReadAddress2( wInstructionPointer2 ),
.oInstruction1( wEncodedInstruction1 ),
.oInstruction2( wEncodedInstruction2 ),
.iInstructionWriteEnable( wIO2_MEM_InstructionWriteEnable ),
.iInstructionWriteAddress( wIO2_MEM__InstructionWriteAddr ),
.iInstruction( wIO2_MEM__ExternalInstruction ),
.iControlRegister( CREG_I ),
.oControlRegister( wCR2_ControlRegister )
ExecutionUnit EXE
.Clock( Clock),
.Reset( Reset ),
.iInitialCodeAddress( InitialCodeAddress ),
.iInstruction1( wEncodedInstruction1 ),
.iInstruction2( wEncodedInstruction2 ),
.oInstructionPointer1( wInstructionPointer1 ),
.oInstructionPointer2( wInstructionPointer2 ),
.iDataRead0( wMEM_2__EXE_DataRead0 ),
.iDataRead1( wMEM_2__EXE_DataRead1 ),
.iTrigger( wCU2__ExecuteMicroCode ),
.oDataReadAddress0( wEXE_2__MEM_DataReadAddress0 ),
.oDataReadAddress1( wEXE_2__MEM_DataReadAddress1 ),
.oDataWriteEnable( wEXE_2__DataWriteEnable ),
.oDataWriteAddress( wEXE_2__MEM_wDataWriteAddress ),
.oDataBus( wEXE_2__MEM_WriteData ),
.oReturnCode( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
`ifdef DEBUG
.iDebug_CoreID( iDebug_CoreID ),
.oDone( wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone )
wire wGEO2__RequestingTextures;
wire w2IO_WriteBack_Set;
GeometryUnit GEO
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.iEnable( wCU2_GEO__GeometryFetchEnable ),
.iIOBusy( wIO_Busy ),
.iTexturingEnable( wCR2_TextureMappingEnabled ),
//Wires from IO
.iData_WBM( wIO2_MEM__Data ),
.iDataReady_WBM( wIO2__Done ),
//Wires to WBM
.oAddressWBM_Imm( wGEO2_IO__AddressOffset ),
.oAddressWBM_fromMEM( wGEO2_IO__Adr_O_Pointer ),
.oAddressWBM_IsImm( wGEO2_IO__AddrIsImm ),
.oEnable_WBM( wGEO2_IO__EnableWBMaster ),
.oSetAddressWBM( wGEO2_IO__SetAddress ),
.oSetIOWriteBackAddr( w2IO_WriteBack_Set ),
//Wires to CU
.oRequest_AABBIU( wGEO2_CU__RequestAABBIU ),
.oRequest_BIU( wGEO2_CU__RequestBIU ),
.oRequest_TCC( wGEO2_CU__RequestTCC ),
.oTFFDone( wGEO2_CU__TFFDone ),
//Wires to RAM-Bus MUX
.oRAMWriteAddress( w2IO__DataWriteAddress ),
.oRAMWriteEnable( w2IO__Store ),
//Wires from Execution Unit
.iMicrocodeExecutionDone( wCU2__MicrocodeExecutionDone ),
.iMicroCodeReturnValue( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
.oSync( wGEO2_CU__Sync ),
.iTrigger_TFF( wCU2_GEO__TriggerTFF ),
.iBIUHit( wIFU2__MicroCodeReturnValue ),
.oRequestingTextures( wGEO2__RequestingTextures ),
`ifdef DEBUG
.iDebug_CoreID( iDebug_CoreID ),
.oDone( wGEO2_CU__GeometryUnitDone )
assign TGA_O = (wGEO2__RequestingTextures) ? 2'b1: 2'b0;
wire[`DATA_ADDRESS_WIDTH-1:0] wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress1;
assign wEXE_2__MEM_DataReadAddress1 = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0) ? wUCODE_RAMReadAddress1 : wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress1;
assign w2IO__EnableWBMaster = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__EnableWBMaster : wCU2_IO__WritePixel;
assign w2IO__AddrIsImm = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__AddrIsImm : 1'b0;
assign w2IO__AddressOffset = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__AddressOffset : 32'b0;
assign w2IO__Adr_O_Pointer = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__Adr_O_Pointer : `OREG_ADDR_O;
//assign w2IO__Adr_O_Pointer = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 ) ? wGEO2_IO__Adr_O_Pointer : `CREG_PIXEL_2D_INITIAL_POSITION;
wire w2IO_MasterCycleType;
assign w2IO_MasterCycleType = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel) ? `WB_SIMPLE_WRITE_CYCLE : `WB_SIMPLE_READ_CYCLE;
assign w2IO__SetAddress = (wCU2_IO__WritePixel == 0 )? wGEO2_IO__SetAddress : wCU2_GEO__SetPitch;
IO_Unit IO
.Clock( Clock ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.iEnable( w2IO__EnableWBMaster ),
.iBusCyc_Type( w2IO_MasterCycleType ),
.iStore( w2IO__Store ),
.iAdr_DataWriteBack( w2IO__DataWriteAddress ),
.iAdr_O_Set( w2IO__SetAddress ),
.iAdr_O_Imm( w2IO__AddressOffset ),
.iAdr_O_Type( w2IO__AddrIsImm ),
.iAdr_O_Pointer( w2IO__Adr_O_Pointer ),
.iReadDataBus( wMEM_2__IO_DataRead0 ),
.iReadDataBus2( wMEM_2__IO_DataRead1 ),
.iDat_O_Pointer( `OREG_PIXEL_COLOR ),
.oDataReadAddress( wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress0 ),
.oDataReadAddress2( wIO_2_MEM__DataReadAddress1 ),
.oDataWriteAddress( wIO2_MEM__DataWriteAddress ),
.oDataBus( wIO2_MEM__Bus ),
.oInstructionBus( wIO2_MEM__ExternalInstruction ),
.oDataWriteEnable( wIO2_MEM__DataWriteEnable ),
.oData( wIO2_MEM__Data ),
.oInstructionWriteEnable( wIO2_MEM_InstructionWriteEnable ),
.oInstructionWriteAddress( wIO2_MEM__InstructionWriteAddr ),
.iWriteBack_Set( w2IO_WriteBack_Set ),
.oBusy( wIO_Busy ),
.oDone( wIO2__Done ),
.MST_I( MST_I ),
//Wish Bone Interface
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
.DAT_O( DAT_O ),
.ACK_I( ACK_I & GNT_I ),
.ACK_O( ACK_O ),
.ADR_O( ADR_O ),
.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
.WE_O( WE_O ),
.WE_I( WE_I ),
.STB_O( STB_O ),
.STB_I( STB_I ),
.CYC_O( CYC_O ),
.TGA_I( TGA_I ),
.CYC_I( CYC_I ),
.GNT_I( GNT_I ),
0,0 → 1,301
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "aDefinitions.v"
module THEIA
input wire CLK_I, //Input clock
input wire RST_I, //Input reset
//Theia Interfaces
input wire MST_I, //Master signal, THEIA enters configuration mode
//when this gets asserted (see documentation)
//Wish Bone Interface
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_I, //Input data bus (Wishbone)
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] DAT_O, //Output data bus (Wishbone)
input wire ACK_I, //Input ack
output wire ACK_O, //Output ack
output wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_O, //Output address
input wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] ADR_I, //Input address
output wire WE_O, //Output write enable
input wire WE_I, //Input write enable
output wire STB_O, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
input wire STB_I, //Strobe signal, see wishbone documentation
output wire CYC_O, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
input wire CYC_I, //Bus cycle signal, see wishbone documentation
output wire [1:0] TGC_O, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire [1:0] TGA_I, //Input address tag, see THEAI documentation
output wire [1:0] TGA_O, //Output address tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire [1:0] TGC_I, //Bus cycle tag, see THEAI documentation
input wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] SEL_I, //The WishBone Master uses this signal to configure a specific core (TBD, not sure is needed)
input wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] RENDREN_I,
//Control Register
input wire [15:0] CREG_I,
output wire DONE_O
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wDone;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wBusGranted,wBusRequest;
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wDAT_O_0,wDAT_O_1,wDAT_O_2,wDAT_O_3;
wire [`WB_WIDTH-1:0] wADR_O_0,wADR_O_1,wADR_O_2,wADR_O_3;
wire [1:0] wTGA_O_0,wTGA_O_1,wTGA_O_2,wTGA_O_3;
wire [1:0] wBusSelect;
//wire wSTB_O_0,wSTB_O_1,wSTB_O_2,wSTB_O_3;
//wire wWE_O_0,wWE_O_1,wWE_O_2,wWE_O_3;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wSTB_O,wWE_O,wACK_O;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wSTB_I;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wMST_I;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wACK_I;
wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] wCYC_I;
wire [1:0] wTGA_I[`MAX_CORES-1:0];
assign DONE_O = wDone[0] & wDone[1] & wDone[2] & wDone[3];
//assign DONE_O = wDone[0];
//assign DONE_O = wDone[0] & wDone[1];// & wDone[2];
// assign wDone[3:1] = 3'b111;
// assign wBusRequest[3:2] = 0;
// assign wSTB_O[3:2] = 0;
// assign wWE_O[3:2] = 0;
Module_BusArbitrer ARB1
.Clock( CLK_I ),
.Reset( RST_I ),
.iRequest( wBusRequest ),
.oGrant( wBusGranted ),
.oBusSelect( wBusSelect )
//The Muxes
//DAT_O Mux
.O1( DAT_O )
.O1( ADR_O )
.O1( STB_O )
.O1( WE_O )
.O1( TGA_O )
assign ACK_O = (wACK_O[0] | wACK_O[1] | wACK_O[2] | wACK_O[3]);
assign wMST_I[0] = (SEL_I[0]) ? MST_I : 0;
assign wMST_I[1] = (SEL_I[1]) ? MST_I : 0;
assign wMST_I[2] = (SEL_I[2]) ? MST_I : 0;
assign wMST_I[3] = (SEL_I[3]) ? MST_I : 0;
assign wSTB_I[0] = (SEL_I[0]) ? STB_I : 0;
assign wSTB_I[1] = (SEL_I[1]) ? STB_I : 0;
assign wSTB_I[2] = (SEL_I[2]) ? STB_I : 0;
assign wSTB_I[3] = (SEL_I[3]) ? STB_I : 0;
assign wCYC_I[0] = (SEL_I[0]) ? CYC_I : 0;
assign wCYC_I[1] = (SEL_I[1]) ? CYC_I : 0;
assign wCYC_I[2] = (SEL_I[2]) ? CYC_I : 0;
assign wCYC_I[3] = (SEL_I[3]) ? CYC_I : 0;
assign wTGA_I[0] = (SEL_I[0]) ? TGA_I : 0;
assign wTGA_I[1] = (SEL_I[1]) ? TGA_I : 0;
assign wTGA_I[2] = (SEL_I[2]) ? TGA_I : 0;
assign wTGA_I[3] = (SEL_I[3]) ? TGA_I : 0;
.CLK_I( CLK_I ),
.RST_I( RST_I ),
//Slave signals
.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
.WE_I( WE_I ),
.STB_I( wSTB_I[0] ),
//This signal behaves in a very funny way...
.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
.CYC_I( wCYC_I[0] ),
.MST_I( wMST_I[0] ),
.TGA_I( wTGA_I[0] ),
//Master Signals
.WE_O ( wWE_O[0] ),
.STB_O( wSTB_O[0] ),
.ACK_O( wACK_O[0] ),
.DAT_O( wDAT_O_0 ),
.ADR_O( wADR_O_0 ),
.CYC_O( wBusRequest[0] ),
.GNT_I( wBusGranted[0] ),
.TGA_O( wTGA_O_0 ),
`ifdef DEBUG
.iDebug_CoreID( `MAX_CORES'd0 ),
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
.DONE_O( wDone[0] )
.CLK_I( CLK_I ),
.RST_I( RST_I ),
//Slave signals
.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
.WE_I( WE_I ),
.STB_I( wSTB_I[1] ),//ok
.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
.CYC_I( wCYC_I[1] ),//ok
.MST_I( wMST_I[1] ),//ok
.TGA_I( wTGA_I[1] ),//ok
//Master Signals
.WE_O ( wWE_O[1] ),
.STB_O( wSTB_O[1] ),
.ACK_O( wACK_O[1] ),
.DAT_O( wDAT_O_1 ),
.ADR_O( wADR_O_1 ),
.CYC_O( wBusRequest[1] ),
.GNT_I( wBusGranted[1] ),
.TGA_O( wTGA_O_1 ),
`ifdef DEBUG
.iDebug_CoreID( `MAX_CORES'd1 ),
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
.DONE_O( wDone[1] )
.CLK_I( CLK_I ),
.RST_I( RST_I ),
//Slave signals
.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
.WE_I( WE_I ),
.STB_I( wSTB_I[2] ),
.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
.CYC_I( wCYC_I[2] ),
.MST_I( wMST_I[2] ),
.TGA_I( wTGA_I[2] ),
//Master Signals
.WE_O ( wWE_O[2] ),
.STB_O( wSTB_O[2] ),
.ACK_O( wACK_O[2] ),
.DAT_O( wDAT_O_2 ),
.ADR_O( wADR_O_2 ),
.CYC_O( wBusRequest[2] ),
.GNT_I( wBusGranted[2] ),
.TGA_O( wTGA_O_2 ),
`ifdef DEBUG
.iDebug_CoreID( `MAX_CORES'd2 ),
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
.DONE_O( wDone[2] )
.CLK_I( CLK_I ),
.RST_I( RST_I ),
//Slave signals
.ADR_I( ADR_I ),
.WE_I( WE_I ),
.STB_I( wSTB_I[3] ),
.ACK_I( ACK_I ),
.CYC_I( wCYC_I[3] ),
.MST_I( wMST_I[3] ),
.TGA_I( wTGA_I[3] ),
//Master Signals
.WE_O ( wWE_O[3] ),
.STB_O( wSTB_O[3] ),
.ACK_O( wACK_O[3] ),
.DAT_O( wDAT_O_3 ),
.ADR_O( wADR_O_3 ),
.CYC_O( wBusRequest[3] ),
.GNT_I( wBusGranted[3] ),
.TGA_O( wTGA_O_3 ),
`ifdef DEBUG
.iDebug_CoreID( `MAX_CORES'd3 ),
.DAT_I( DAT_I ),
.DONE_O( wDone[3] )
0,0 → 1,89
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`include "aDefinitions.v"
Theia, Ray Cast Programable graphic Processing Unit.
Copyright (C) 2010 Diego Valverde (
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module Module_BusArbitrer
input wire Clock,
input wire Reset,
input wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] iRequest,
output wire [`MAX_CORES-1:0] oGrant,
output wire [1:0] oBusSelect
wire wFFMS_connect;
wire wIncRR_pointer;
wire[3:0] wCurrentMasterMask;
reg[3:0] wCurrentBusMaster;
wire wCurrentRequest;
//Just one requester can have the bus at a given
//point in time, the mask makes sure this happens
assign oGrant[0] = iRequest[0] & wCurrentMasterMask[0];
assign oGrant[1] = iRequest[1] & wCurrentMasterMask[1];
assign oGrant[2] = iRequest[2] & wCurrentMasterMask[2];
assign oGrant[3] = iRequest[3] & wCurrentMasterMask[3];
//When a requester relinquishes the bus (by negating its [iRequest] signal),
//the switch is turned to the next position
//So while iRequest == 1 the ciruclar list will not move
.Clock( Clock ),
.Enable( ~wCurrentRequest ),
.Reset( Reset ),
.O( wCurrentMasterMask )
assign oBusSelect = wCurrentBusMaster;
.O1( wCurrentRequest )
always @ ( * )
case (wCurrentMasterMask)
4'b0001: wCurrentBusMaster <= 0;
4'b0010: wCurrentBusMaster <= 1;
4'b0100: wCurrentBusMaster <= 2;
4'b1000: wCurrentBusMaster <= 3;
default: wCurrentBusMaster <= 0;

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