
Subversion Repositories tiny_tate_bilinear_pairing

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 3
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 3

0,0 → 1,39
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20
module test_rom;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg [9:0] addr;
// Outputs
wire [31:0] out;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
rom uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
addr = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
@ (negedge clk);
addr = 2; #`P;
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
0,0 → 1,55
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20
module test_ram;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg a_wr;
reg [6:0] a_addr;
reg [197:0] a_din;
reg b_wr;
reg [6:0] b_addr;
reg [197:0] b_din;
// Outputs
wire [197:0] a_dout;
wire [197:0] b_dout;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
ram uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
a_wr = 0;
a_addr = 0;
a_din = 0;
b_wr = 0;
b_addr = 0;
b_din = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
@ (negedge clk);
a_addr = 1;
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
0,0 → 1,78
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20 // clock period
module test_tiny_ram;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg sel;
reg [6:0] addr;
reg w;
reg [197:0] data;
// Outputs
wire [197:0] out;
wire done;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
tiny uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
reset = 0;
sel = 0;
addr = 0;
w = 0;
data = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
@ (negedge clk);
// write
sel = 1; w = 1;
data = 198'h115a25886512165251569195908560596a6695612620504191;
addr = 0;
data = 198'h1559546442405a181195655549614540592955a15a26984015;
addr = 3;
// not write
w = 0;
data = 198'h12222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222;
addr = 3;
// read
sel = 1; w = 0;
addr = 0;
if (out !== 198'h115a25886512165251569195908560596a6695612620504191)
addr = 3;
if (out !== 198'h1559546442405a181195655549614540592955a15a26984015)
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
0,0 → 1,99
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20
module test_PE;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg [10:0] ctrl;
reg [197:0] d0;
reg [193:0] d1;
reg [193:0] d2;
reg [193:0] wish;
// Outputs
wire [193:0] out;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
PE uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
reset = 0;
ctrl = 0;
d0 = 0;
d1 = 0;
d2 = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
// test mult
d0 = 194'h15a25886512165251569195908560596a6695612620504191;
d1 = 194'h159546442405a181195655549614540592955a15a26984015;
d2 = d1;
wish = 194'h21019120440545215a1462a194a24a6019441081402410969;
@(negedge clk);
reset=1;#`P reset=0;
ctrl=11'b11111_000000; #`P;
ctrl=11'b00000_111111; #(33*`P);
ctrl=0; #`P;
if(out !== wish) $display("E");
// test cubic
d0 = {6'b10101, 192'd0};
d1 = 194'h0894286a45940549565566512aa04a15558406850485454a4;
d2 = d1;
wish = 194'h1049480a48a0855a494855810160a90956659914560616652;
@(negedge clk);
reset=1;#`P reset=0;
ctrl=11'b11111_000000; #`P;
ctrl=1; #(33*`P);
ctrl=0; #`P;
if(out !== wish) $display("E");
// test add
d0 = {6'b101, 192'd0};
d1 = 194'h0994544a41588446516618a14691a545542521a4158868428;
d2 = 194'h1901269451681914415481656104980811a5a555155546949;
wish = 194'h16954a129284915a928a9916a4954141659a96092a11a2165;
@(negedge clk);
reset=1;#`P reset=0;
ctrl=11'b11111_000000; #`P;
ctrl=11'b10001; #(33*`P);
ctrl=0; #`P;
if(out !== wish) $display("E");
// test sub
d0 = {6'b1001, 192'd0};
d1 = 194'h0994544a41588446516618a14691a545542521a4158868428;
d2 = 194'h1901269451681914415481656104980811a5a555155546949;
wish = 194'h209661a62020aa6210125a481599194946404852006625aa2;
@(negedge clk);
reset=1;#`P reset=0;
ctrl=11'b11111_000000; #`P;
ctrl=11'b10001; #(33*`P);
ctrl=0; #`P;
if(out !== wish) $display("E");
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
0,0 → 1,64
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20 // clock period
module test_FSM;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg [25:0] rom_q;
// Outputs
wire [8:0] rom_addr;
wire [5:0] ram_a_addr;
wire [5:0] ram_b_addr;
wire ram_b_w;
wire [10:0] pe;
wire done;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
FSM uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
reset = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
#(`P/2); reset = 1; #(`P); reset = 0;
@(posedge done);
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
/* rom code format
* wire [5:0] dest, src1, src2, times; wire [1:0] op;
* assign {dest, src1, op, times, src2} = rom_q;
parameter ADD=2'd0, SUB=2'd1, CUBIC=2'd2, MULT=2'd3;
always @ (posedge clk)
0: rom_q <= {6'd10, 6'd11, ADD, 6'd1, 6'd12};
1: rom_q <= {6'd20, 6'd21, SUB, 6'd1, 6'd22};
2: rom_q <= {6'd30, 6'd31, CUBIC, 6'd5, 6'd32};
3: rom_q <= {6'd40, 6'd41, MULT, 6'd33, 6'd42};
default: rom_q <= 0;
0,0 → 1,57
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20 // clock period
module test_const;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg [4:0] addr;
// Outputs
wire [197:0] out;
wire effective;
reg [197:0] w_out;
reg w_effective;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
const uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
addr = 0; clk = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
@ (negedge clk);
addr = 1; w_out = 0; w_effective = 1;
#(`P); check;
addr = 2; w_out = 1;
#(`P); check;
addr = 4; w_out = {4'b0101, 194'd0};
#(`P); check;
addr = 8; w_out = {4'b0110, 194'd0};
#(`P); check;
addr = 16; w_out = {6'b010101, 192'd0};
#(`P); check;
addr = 0; w_out = 0; w_effective = 0;
#(`P); check;
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
task check;
if (out !== w_out || effective !== w_effective)
0,0 → 1,98
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20 // clock period
module test_tiny_cmd;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg sel;
reg [5:0] addr;
reg w;
reg [197:0] data;
// Outputs
wire [197:0] out;
wire done;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
tiny uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
reset = 0;
sel = 0;
addr = 0;
w = 0;
data = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
// init x, y
#(`P/2); #(`P);
// addr[3] = x
sel = 1; w = 1;
addr = 0;
data = 0;
#(`P); // without this write, next write will fail. bug ? :(
addr = 3;
data = 194'h288162298554054820552a05426081a1842886a58916a6249;
// addr[6] = x
addr = 6;
// addr[5] = y
data = 194'h2895955069089214054596a189a4420556589054140941695;
addr = 5;
// addr[7] = y
addr = 7;
sel = 0;
@(posedge clk);
reset = 1; #(`P*3); reset = 0; // shorter reset signal makes FSM direct done. bug :(
@(posedge done);
sel = 1; w = 0;
addr = 0; #(`P); // first read fails. bug ?
addr = 3; #(`P);
$display("xp = %h", out);
addr = 5; #(`P);
$display("yp = %h", out);
addr = 6; #(`P);
$display("xq = %h", out);
addr = 7; #(`P);
$display("yq = %h", out);
addr = 9; #(`P);
$display("t0 = %h", out);
addr = 10; #(`P);
$display("t1 = %h", out);
addr = 11; #(`P);
$display("t2 = %h", out);
addr = 12; #(`P);
$display("t3 = %h", out);
addr = 13; #(`P);
$display("t4 = %h", out);
addr = 14; #(`P);
$display("t5 = %h", out);
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
0,0 → 1,84
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define P 20 // clock period
module test_tiny_cubic;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg sel;
reg [6:0] addr;
reg w;
reg [197:0] data;
// Outputs
wire [197:0] out;
wire done;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
tiny uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
clk = 0;
reset = 0;
sel = 0;
addr = 0;
w = 0;
data = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
// Add stimulus here
@ (negedge clk);
write(0, {6'b010101, 192'd0}); // cmd for cubic
write(1, {6'b000101, 192'd0}); // cmd for addition
write(2, {6'b001001, 192'd0}); // cmd for subtraction
write(3, 0); // the data of zero
write(4, 1); // the data of one
initial #100 forever #(`P/2) clk = ~clk;
task write;
input [6:0] adr;
input [197:0] dat;
sel = 1;
w = 1;
addr = adr;
data = dat;
task read;
input [6:0] adr;
sel = 1;
w = 0;
addr = adr;
17,25 → 17,431
along with Tiny Tate Bilinear Pairing Core. If not, see
* the $ctrl$ field in the first cmd is the running number of the second command.
* 0: rom_q <= {6'd1, 1'd0, 7'd0, 7'd0, 11'd0}; // repeat 1 time
* 1: rom_q <= {6'd2, 1'd1, 7'd2, 7'd3, 11'd4}; // repeat 1 times
* 2: rom_q <= {6'd3, 1'd0, 7'd5, 7'd6, 11'd7}; // repeat 2 times
* 3: rom_q <= {6'd1, 1'd1, 7'd8, 7'd9, 11'ha}; // repeat 3 time
* the number one command runs two times. don't put valid command there :)
module rom (clk, addr, out);
input clk;
input [9:0] addr;
output reg [31:0] out;
input [8:0] addr;
output reg [25:0] out;
always @(posedge clk)
case (addr) // test addr[3] = addr[2] + addr[2]
0: out <= {6'd1, 1'd0, 7'd0, 7'd0, 11'd0}; // blank
1: out <= {6'd1, 1'd0, 7'd0, 7'd2, 11'b0}; // read addr[2]
2: out <= {6'd2, 1'd0, 7'd4, 7'd2, 11'b11000000000}; // load d1, read addr[2], command_add
3: out <= {6'd1, 1'd1, 7'd3, 7'd0, 11'b00111010001}; // load d0, d2, d3
default: out <= 0;
case (addr)
0: out <= 26'h30c042;
1: out <= 26'h514045;
2: out <= 26'h61a041;
3: out <= 26'h71e041;
4: out <= 26'hc046;
5: out <= 26'h1603840;
6: out <= 26'h1702041;
7: out <= 26'h1717857;
8: out <= 26'h1817847;
9: out <= 26'h1963847;
10: out <= 26'hf5d059;
11: out <= 26'hf3d045;
12: out <= 26'h1763845;
13: out <= 26'h185f840;
14: out <= 26'h161f856;
15: out <= 26'h1160056;
16: out <= 26'h1144051;
17: out <= 26'h1214045;
18: out <= 26'h131f840;
19: out <= 26'h135d053;
20: out <= 26'h1404041;
21: out <= 26'h151c047;
22: out <= 26'h3e041;
23: out <= 26'h1646041;
24: out <= 26'h174a041;
25: out <= 26'h184e041;
26: out <= 26'h1952041;
27: out <= 26'h1a56041;
28: out <= 26'hf00057;
29: out <= 26'hf3c059;
30: out <= 26'h1158058;
31: out <= 26'h114405a;
32: out <= 26'h1144051;
33: out <= 26'h125d059;
34: out <= 26'h1369058;
35: out <= 26'h1464041;
36: out <= 26'h156805a;
37: out <= 26'h61a081;
38: out <= 26'h619042;
39: out <= 26'h71e081;
40: out <= 26'h71c047;
41: out <= 26'hc046;
42: out <= 26'h1600040;
43: out <= 26'h1717847;
44: out <= 26'h5b840;
45: out <= 26'h1800056;
46: out <= 26'h1901056;
47: out <= 26'h1a3c054;
48: out <= 26'h1b68052;
49: out <= 26'h1c69052;
50: out <= 26'h1d3d054;
51: out <= 26'h1e75053;
52: out <= 26'h1d74053;
53: out <= 26'h1f44055;
54: out <= 26'h207c053;
55: out <= 26'h217d053;
56: out <= 26'h225c056;
57: out <= 26'h165d056;
58: out <= 26'h2345055;
59: out <= 26'h248c052;
60: out <= 26'h238d052;
61: out <= 26'h2560057;
62: out <= 26'h266c060;
63: out <= 26'h2700062;
64: out <= 26'h2878064;
65: out <= 26'h2964057;
66: out <= 26'h2a70061;
67: out <= 26'h2b00056;
68: out <= 26'h2c74063;
69: out <= 26'h186385b;
70: out <= 26'h1b97866;
71: out <= 26'h205f860;
72: out <= 26'h1e0385e;
73: out <= 26'h259f868;
74: out <= 26'h228b864;
75: out <= 26'h196785c;
76: out <= 26'h1ca786a;
77: out <= 26'h175f861;
78: out <= 26'h385d;
79: out <= 26'h1daf86c;
80: out <= 26'h165b863;
81: out <= 26'h2160065;
82: out <= 26'h238005d;
83: out <= 26'h2481057;
84: out <= 26'h2665058;
85: out <= 26'h175c060;
86: out <= 26'h1789057;
87: out <= 26'h175c056;
88: out <= 26'h1864058;
89: out <= 26'h186105e;
90: out <= 26'h1861040;
91: out <= 26'h198d061;
92: out <= 26'h196505e;
93: out <= 26'h1664056;
94: out <= 26'h1984063;
95: out <= 26'h196505b;
96: out <= 26'h1964062;
97: out <= 26'h64040;
98: out <= 26'h1990066;
99: out <= 26'h1e91066;
100: out <= 26'h1e7805c;
101: out <= 26'h1e7905b;
102: out <= 26'h205c058;
103: out <= 26'h175d058;
104: out <= 26'h175c05c;
105: out <= 26'h175c05b;
106: out <= 26'h175d065;
107: out <= 26'h175d05d;
108: out <= 26'hf59052;
109: out <= 26'h1101053;
110: out <= 26'h65052;
111: out <= 26'h1054;
112: out <= 26'h1679053;
113: out <= 26'h1659055;
114: out <= 26'h148105a;
115: out <= 26'h155d05f;
116: out <= 26'h1201041;
117: out <= 26'h1359041;
118: out <= 26'h93e041;
119: out <= 26'h3c052;
120: out <= 26'h54;
121: out <= 26'h163f84f;
122: out <= 26'h173f852;
123: out <= 26'h184b854;
124: out <= 26'h1953854;
125: out <= 26'h3840;
126: out <= 26'h175c058;
127: out <= 26'h1859058;
128: out <= 26'h1965057;
129: out <= 26'h57;
130: out <= 26'h1056;
131: out <= 26'h1644053;
132: out <= 26'h1658055;
133: out <= 26'h1747851;
134: out <= 26'h1a47853;
135: out <= 26'h1b4f855;
136: out <= 26'h1c57855;
137: out <= 26'h165b856;
138: out <= 26'h1a6805b;
139: out <= 26'h1b5d05b;
140: out <= 26'h1c7105a;
141: out <= 26'h165805a;
142: out <= 26'h1659057;
143: out <= 26'h173c052;
144: out <= 26'h1a3c054;
145: out <= 26'h1d48054;
146: out <= 26'h1e44053;
147: out <= 26'h1f44055;
148: out <= 26'h204c055;
149: out <= 26'h213f851;
150: out <= 26'h224b853;
151: out <= 26'h2353855;
152: out <= 26'h175f85e;
153: out <= 26'h1a6b85f;
154: out <= 26'h1d77860;
155: out <= 26'h1e85062;
156: out <= 26'h1f79063;
157: out <= 26'h1f7c05d;
158: out <= 26'h175d05e;
159: out <= 26'h175c05d;
160: out <= 26'h1a6905e;
161: out <= 26'h1d6105b;
162: out <= 26'h1e6505c;
163: out <= 26'h2001056;
164: out <= 26'h186005b;
165: out <= 26'h196405c;
166: out <= 26'h56;
167: out <= 26'h1660059;
168: out <= 26'h1b61040;
169: out <= 26'h1c65058;
170: out <= 26'h210105c;
171: out <= 26'h2263858;
172: out <= 26'h2367859;
173: out <= 26'h2403840;
174: out <= 26'h1963859;
175: out <= 26'h1863840;
176: out <= 26'h3856;
177: out <= 26'h168b85b;
178: out <= 26'h1b8f85c;
179: out <= 26'h1c93861;
180: out <= 26'h165805b;
181: out <= 26'h165805c;
182: out <= 26'h1b58041;
183: out <= 26'h1c6e041;
184: out <= 26'h1b6f85c;
185: out <= 26'h1c6e081;
186: out <= 26'h1b6f85c;
187: out <= 26'h1c6e101;
188: out <= 26'h1b6f85c;
189: out <= 26'h1c6e201;
190: out <= 26'h1b6f85c;
191: out <= 26'h1c6e401;
192: out <= 26'h1b6f85c;
193: out <= 26'h1c6e801;
194: out <= 26'h1c6f85c;
195: out <= 26'h1c72801;
196: out <= 26'h1b6f85c;
197: out <= 26'h1b6e041;
198: out <= 26'h166f856;
199: out <= 26'h166f856;
200: out <= 26'h1b8d064;
201: out <= 26'h1c8905b;
202: out <= 26'h71040;
203: out <= 26'h1991059;
204: out <= 26'h186d058;
205: out <= 26'h5b840;
206: out <= 26'h195b859;
207: out <= 26'h165b858;
208: out <= 26'h187405e;
209: out <= 26'h1b74060;
210: out <= 26'h1c78060;
211: out <= 26'h2100059;
212: out <= 26'h2200056;
213: out <= 26'h2364056;
214: out <= 26'h1d77840;
215: out <= 26'h1e7b859;
216: out <= 26'h2083856;
217: out <= 26'h1863861;
218: out <= 26'h1b6f862;
219: out <= 26'h1c73863;
220: out <= 26'h1d7505e;
221: out <= 26'h1e75060;
222: out <= 26'h1e7805c;
223: out <= 26'h186105d;
224: out <= 26'h186005c;
225: out <= 26'h1b6d05d;
226: out <= 26'h1c7c057;
227: out <= 26'h1d7c05a;
228: out <= 26'h205c05a;
229: out <= 26'h2100059;
230: out <= 26'h2200056;
231: out <= 26'h2364056;
232: out <= 26'h7f840;
233: out <= 26'h175f859;
234: out <= 26'h166b856;
235: out <= 26'h1973861;
236: out <= 26'h1a77862;
237: out <= 26'h1c83863;
238: out <= 26'h1057;
239: out <= 26'h1601056;
240: out <= 26'h165805c;
241: out <= 26'h1765040;
242: out <= 26'h175c05c;
243: out <= 26'h69040;
244: out <= 26'h1978056;
245: out <= 26'h1a60057;
246: out <= 26'h1c6d040;
247: out <= 26'h1d7b85b;
248: out <= 26'h1f5b840;
249: out <= 26'h1b6385b;
250: out <= 26'h5f840;
251: out <= 26'h206785c;
252: out <= 26'h165b858;
253: out <= 26'h177b857;
254: out <= 26'h186785a;
255: out <= 26'h196b85c;
256: out <= 26'h1a58057;
257: out <= 26'h1869058;
258: out <= 26'h1a6c040;
259: out <= 26'h1a6805a;
260: out <= 26'h105b;
261: out <= 26'h1b7d05d;
262: out <= 26'h1b6c060;
263: out <= 26'h1c0805d;
264: out <= 26'h1c7005f;
265: out <= 26'h1c7005a;
266: out <= 26'h1659057;
267: out <= 26'h165805b;
268: out <= 26'h1769058;
269: out <= 26'h1d64040;
270: out <= 26'h1b7505b;
271: out <= 26'h1860058;
272: out <= 26'h186105a;
273: out <= 26'h64040;
274: out <= 26'h1972041;
275: out <= 26'h1a5a041;
276: out <= 26'h1d5e041;
277: out <= 26'h1e6e041;
278: out <= 26'h1f62041;
279: out <= 26'h2002041;
280: out <= 26'h196405d;
281: out <= 26'h196405f;
282: out <= 26'h1a6805a;
283: out <= 26'h1a6905e;
284: out <= 26'h1a69060;
285: out <= 26'h1d7505f;
286: out <= 26'h1e8105e;
287: out <= 26'h2080060;
288: out <= 26'h1966041;
289: out <= 26'h1a6a041;
290: out <= 26'h1d76041;
291: out <= 26'h1e7a041;
292: out <= 26'h1f7e041;
293: out <= 26'h2082041;
294: out <= 26'h196405d;
295: out <= 26'h196405f;
296: out <= 26'h1a6805a;
297: out <= 26'h1a6905e;
298: out <= 26'h1a69060;
299: out <= 26'h1d7505f;
300: out <= 26'h1e8105e;
301: out <= 26'h2080060;
302: out <= 26'h2170056;
303: out <= 26'h225c05b;
304: out <= 26'h2361040;
305: out <= 26'h2473858;
306: out <= 26'h255b840;
307: out <= 26'h185f858;
308: out <= 26'h6f840;
309: out <= 26'h2687863;
310: out <= 26'h165b857;
311: out <= 26'h177385b;
312: out <= 26'h1b87862;
313: out <= 26'h1c8b863;
314: out <= 26'h2158057;
315: out <= 26'h1b8505b;
316: out <= 26'h2160040;
317: out <= 26'h2184061;
318: out <= 26'h1058;
319: out <= 26'h1895064;
320: out <= 26'h1860066;
321: out <= 26'h2208064;
322: out <= 26'h2288065;
323: out <= 26'h2288061;
324: out <= 26'h1659057;
325: out <= 26'h1658058;
326: out <= 26'h178505b;
327: out <= 26'h2370040;
328: out <= 26'h188d058;
329: out <= 26'h1b6c05b;
330: out <= 26'h1b6d061;
331: out <= 26'h70040;
332: out <= 26'h1a6805a;
333: out <= 26'h1c7805e;
334: out <= 26'h1e80060;
335: out <= 26'h206405f;
336: out <= 26'h218005d;
337: out <= 26'h208105d;
338: out <= 26'h238805b;
339: out <= 26'h248c057;
340: out <= 26'h238d057;
341: out <= 26'h196505f;
342: out <= 26'h256505c;
343: out <= 26'h196405c;
344: out <= 26'h228905b;
345: out <= 26'h2689058;
346: out <= 26'h2288058;
347: out <= 26'h276805e;
348: out <= 26'h289c05c;
349: out <= 26'h1c9d05c;
350: out <= 26'h2758040;
351: out <= 26'h299c058;
352: out <= 26'h189d058;
353: out <= 26'h1a6905e;
354: out <= 26'h276805d;
355: out <= 26'h1a6905d;
356: out <= 26'h1659040;
357: out <= 26'h1d58057;
358: out <= 26'h1659057;
359: out <= 26'h1784068;
360: out <= 26'h2a90069;
361: out <= 26'h2b94067;
362: out <= 26'h2c9805d;
363: out <= 26'h2d8005c;
364: out <= 26'h2e8c058;
365: out <= 26'h2f6405a;
366: out <= 26'h3088056;
367: out <= 26'h317c05e;
368: out <= 26'h326c040;
369: out <= 26'h2187864;
370: out <= 26'h175f86a;
371: out <= 26'h24a3869;
372: out <= 26'h2597866;
373: out <= 26'h26af86c;
374: out <= 26'h1d9f85d;
375: out <= 26'h2083863;
376: out <= 26'h23b786e;
377: out <= 26'h1873858;
378: out <= 26'h1967862;
379: out <= 26'h1cbf870;
380: out <= 26'h166b856;
381: out <= 26'h1a7f85b;
382: out <= 26'h1bc7872;
383: out <= 26'h7b840;
384: out <= 26'h1e84066;
385: out <= 26'h1e7805a;
386: out <= 26'h1f9005c;
387: out <= 26'h1f7c040;
388: out <= 26'h1a8005a;
389: out <= 26'h60040;
390: out <= 26'h40;
391: out <= 26'h188c05b;
392: out <= 26'h2000064;
393: out <= 26'h2269061;
394: out <= 26'h1064;
395: out <= 26'h5d;
396: out <= 26'h56;
397: out <= 26'h1a68061;
398: out <= 26'h1a69065;
399: out <= 26'h1a69059;
400: out <= 26'h97d05e;
401: out <= 26'h925065;
402: out <= 26'h924056;
403: out <= 26'ha7805f;
404: out <= 26'ha29057;
405: out <= 26'ha2805d;
406: out <= 26'ha28059;
407: out <= 26'ha2905b;
408: out <= 26'hb80062;
409: out <= 26'hc81062;
410: out <= 26'hc30058;
411: out <= 26'hc31057;
412: out <= 26'hd0005a;
413: out <= 26'he0105a;
414: out <= 26'he38058;
415: out <= 26'he38057;
416: out <= 26'he39066;
417: out <= 26'he3905c;
default: out <= 0;
17,48 → 17,48
along with Tiny Tate Bilinear Pairing Core. If not, see
module ram #(
parameter DATA = 198,
parameter ADDR = 7
) (
input clk,
module ram #(
parameter DATA = 198,
parameter ADDR = 6
) (
input clk,
// Port A
input wire a_wr,
input wire [ADDR-1:0] a_addr,
input wire [DATA-1:0] a_din,
output reg [DATA-1:0] a_dout,
// Port B
input wire b_wr,
input wire [ADDR-1:0] b_addr,
input wire [DATA-1:0] b_din,
output reg [DATA-1:0] b_dout
// Shared memory
reg [DATA-1:0] mem [(2**ADDR)-1:0];
// Port A
input wire a_wr,
input wire [ADDR-1:0] a_addr,
input wire [DATA-1:0] a_din,
output reg [DATA-1:0] a_dout,
// Port B
input wire b_wr,
input wire [ADDR-1:0] b_addr,
input wire [DATA-1:0] b_din,
output reg [DATA-1:0] b_dout
// Shared memory
reg [DATA-1:0] mem [(2**ADDR)-1:0];
initial begin : init
integer i;
for(i = 0; i < 2**ADDR; i = i + 1)
for(i = 0; i < (2**ADDR); i = i + 1)
mem[i] = 0;
// Port A
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(a_wr) begin
mem[a_addr] <= a_din;
a_dout <= mem[a_addr];
// Port A
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(a_wr) begin
mem[a_addr] <= a_din;
a_dout <= mem[a_addr];
// Port B
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(b_wr) begin
mem[b_addr] <= b_din;
b_dout <= mem[b_addr];
// Port B
always @(posedge clk) begin
if(b_wr) begin
mem[b_addr] <= b_din;
b_dout <= mem[b_addr];
20,7 → 20,7
module tiny(clk, reset, sel, addr, w, data, out, done);
input clk, reset;
input sel;
input [6:0] addr;
input [5:0] addr;
input w;
input [197:0] data;
output [197:0] out;
27,9 → 27,9
output done;
/* for FSM */
wire [6:0] fsm_addr;
wire [5:0] fsm_addr;
/* for RAM */
wire [6:0] ram_a_addr, ram_b_addr;
wire [5:0] ram_a_addr, ram_b_addr;
wire [197:0] ram_b_data_in;
wire ram_a_w, ram_b_w;
wire [197:0] ram_a_data_out, ram_b_data_out;
39,8 → 39,8
/* for mux */
wire [197:0] mux0_out, mux1_out;
/* for ROM */
wire [9:0] rom_addr;
wire [31:0] rom_q;
wire [8:0] rom_addr;
wire [25:0] rom_q;
/* for PE */
wire [10:0] pe_ctrl;
56,7 → 56,7
const0 (clk, ram_a_addr, const0_out, const0_effective),
const1 (clk, ram_b_addr, const1_out, const1_effective);
ram0 (clk, ram_a_w, ram_a_addr, data, ram_a_data_out, ram_b_w, ram_b_addr, ram_b_data_in, ram_b_data_out);
ram0 (clk, ram_a_w, ram_a_addr, data, ram_a_data_out, ram_b_w, ram_b_addr[5:0], ram_b_data_in, ram_b_data_out);
mux0 (ram_a_data_out, const0_out, const0_effective, mux0_out),
mux1 (ram_b_data_out, const1_out, const1_effective, mux1_out);
68,10 → 68,10
module select(sel, addr_in, addr_fsm_in, w_in, addr_out, w_out);
input sel;
input [6:0] addr_in;
input [6:0] addr_fsm_in;
input [5:0] addr_in;
input [5:0] addr_fsm_in;
input w_in;
output [6:0] addr_out;
output [5:0] addr_out;
output w_out;
assign addr_out = sel ? addr_in : addr_fsm_in;
80,6 → 80,7
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) R3 <= 0;
else if (c10) R3 <= ad2;
else R3 <= 0; /* change */
assign out = R3;
1,75 → 1,158
Copyright 2011,2012 City University of Hong Kong
Homer Hsing is the author.
Copyright 2012 Homer Hsing
This file is part of Tate Bilinear Pairing Core.
This file is part of Tiny Tate Bilinear Pairing Core.
Tate Bilinear Pairing Core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
Tiny Tate Bilinear Pairing Core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Tate Bilinear Pairing Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Tiny Tate Bilinear Pairing Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with Tate Bilinear Pairing Core. If not, see
along with Tiny Tate Bilinear Pairing Core. If not, see
/* FSM: finite state machine
* halt if $ctrl == 0$
module FSM(clk, reset, rom_addr, rom_q, ram_a_addr, ram_b_addr, ram_b_w, pe_ctrl, done);
module FSM(clk, reset, rom_addr, rom_q, ram_a_addr, ram_b_addr, ram_b_w, pe, done);
input clk;
input reset;
output [9:0] rom_addr; /* command id */
input [31:0] rom_q; /* command value */
output done;
output [6:0] ram_a_addr; /* a field of $rom_q$ */
output [6:0] ram_b_addr; /* a field of $rom_q$ */
output ram_b_w; /* a field of $rom_q$ */
output [10:0] pe_ctrl; /* a field of $rom_q$ */
output reg [8:0] rom_addr; /* command id. extra bits? */
input [25:0] rom_q; /* command value */
output reg [5:0] ram_a_addr;
output reg [5:0] ram_b_addr;
output ram_b_w;
output reg [10:0] pe;
output reg done;
reg [9:0] rom_addr;
reg [5:0] ctrl; /* in fact a counter */
reg done;
reg [4:0] state;
parameter START=0, READ_SRC1=1, READ_SRC2=2, CALC=4, WAIT=8, WRITE=16, DON=3;
wire [5:0] dest, src1, src2, times; wire [1:0] op;
assign {dest, src1, op, times, src2} = rom_q;
/* I had attempted to avoid finite state machine for a whole day, but I conceded. :) */
parameter S0 = 3'b001, S1 = 3'b010, S2 = 3'b100;
reg [2:0] state;
reg [5:0] count;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
case (state)
if (times==0) state<=DON; else state<=CALC;
if (count==1) state<=WAIT;
/* we support two loops with 48 loop times */
parameter LOOP1_START = 22,
LOOP1_END = 117,
LOOP2_START = 280,
LOOP2_END = 293;
reg [46:0] loop1, loop2;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) rom_addr<=0;
else if (state==WAIT)
if(rom_addr == LOOP1_END && loop1[0])
rom_addr <= LOOP1_START;
else if(rom_addr == LOOP2_END && loop2[0])
rom_addr <= LOOP2_START;
rom_addr <= rom_addr + 1;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) loop1 <= ~0;
else if(state==WAIT && rom_addr==LOOP1_END)
loop1 <= loop1 >> 1;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) loop2 <= ~0;
else if(state==WAIT && rom_addr==LOOP2_END)
loop2 <= loop2 >> 1;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
else if (state==READ_SRC1)
else if (state==CALC)
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset) done<=0;
else if (state==DON) done<=1;
else done<=0;
always @ (state, src1, src2)
case (state)
READ_SRC1: ram_a_addr=src1;
READ_SRC2: ram_a_addr=src2;
default: ram_a_addr=0;
assign {ram_b_w, ram_b_addr, ram_a_addr, pe_ctrl} = rom_q[25:0];
parameter CMD_ADD=4, CMD_SUB=8, CMD_CUBIC=16,
ADD=2'd0, SUB=2'd1, CUBIC=2'd2, MULT=2'd3;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
state <= S0; rom_addr <= 0;
ctrl <= 0; done <= 0;
done <= 0;
case (state)
case (rom_q[31:26])
0: begin state <= S2; done <= 1; end
1: rom_addr <= rom_addr + 1;
default: begin state <= S1; ctrl <= rom_q[31:26]-1; end
if (ctrl == 1)
rom_addr <= rom_addr + 1;
state <= S0;
ctrl <= ctrl - 1;
case (state)
case (op)
ADD: pe<=11'b11001000000;
SUB: pe<=11'b11001000000;
CUBIC: pe<=11'b11111000000;
MULT: pe<=11'b11110000000;
default: pe<=0;
case (op)
ADD: pe<=11'b00110000000;
SUB: pe<=11'b00110000000;
CUBIC: pe<=0;
MULT: pe<=11'b00001000000;
default: pe<=0;
case (op)
ADD: pe<=11'b00000010001;
SUB: pe<=11'b00000010001;
CUBIC: pe<=11'b01010000001;
MULT: pe<=11'b00000111111;
default: pe<=0;
always @ (state, op, src2, dest)
case (state)
case (op)
ADD: ram_b_addr=CMD_ADD;
SUB: ram_b_addr=CMD_SUB;
CUBIC: ram_b_addr=CMD_CUBIC;
default: ram_b_addr=0;
READ_SRC2: ram_b_addr=src2;
WRITE: ram_b_addr=dest;
default: ram_b_addr=0;
assign ram_b_w = (state==WRITE) ? 1 : 0;
30,20 → 30,21
module const (clk, addr, out, effective);
input clk;
input [6:0] addr;
input [5:0] addr;
output reg [197:0] out;
output reg effective; // active high if out is effective
always @ (posedge clk)
effective <= 1;
case (addr)
7'b1: out <= 0;
7'b10: out <= 1;
7'b100: out <= {6'b000101, 192'd0};
7'b1000: out <= {6'b001001, 192'd0};
7'b10000: out <= {6'b010101, 192'd0};
default: begin out <= 0; effective <= 0; end
effective <= 1;
case (addr)
1: out <= 0;
2: out <= 1;
4: out <= {6'b000101, 192'd0};
8: out <= {6'b001001, 192'd0};
16: out <= {6'b010101, 192'd0};
begin out <= 0; effective <= 0; end

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