
Subversion Repositories turbo8051

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 11 to Rev 12
    Reverse comparison

Rev 11 → Rev 12

0,0 → 1,20
-v ../../lib/registers.v
-v ../../lib/toggle_sync.v
-v ../../lib/stat_counter.v
0,0 → 1,590
//// ////
//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module ////
//// ////
//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Description ////
//// Turbo 8051 definitions. ////
//// ////
//// To Do: ////
//// nothing ////
//// ////
//// Author(s): ////
//// - Dinesh Annayya, ////
//// ////
//// ////
//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ////
//// ////
//// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
//// ////
//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
//// later version. ////
//// ////
//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
//// details. ////
//// ////
//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
//// from ////
//// ////
//`timescale 1ns/100ps
module g_mac_core (
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
// Outputs
// RX FIFO Interface Signal
// TX FIFO Interface Signal
// Phy Signals
// Line Side Interface TX Path
// Line Side Interface RX Path
//MDIO interface
parameter mac_mdio_en = 1'b1;
input scan_mode;
input s_reset_n;
input tx_reset_n;
input rx_reset_n;
input reset_mdio_clk_n;
input app_reset_n;
// Application Clock Related Declaration
input app_clk;
input app_send_pause_i;
output app_send_pause_active_o;
input app_send_jam_i;
// Conntrol Bus Sync with Application Clock
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
input reg_cs ;
input reg_wr ;
input [3:0] reg_addr ;
input [31:0] reg_wdata ;
input [3:0] reg_be ;
// Outputs
output [31:0] reg_rdata ;
output reg_ack ;
// RX FIFO Interface Signal
output clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm_o;
input rx_fifo_full_i;
output rx_fifo_wr_o;
output [8:0] rx_fifo_data_o;
output rx_commit_wr_o;
output rx_commit_write_done_o;
output rx_rewind_wr_o;
input rx_fifo_error_i;
// TX-Clock Domain Status Signal
output tx_commit_read_o;
output tx_fifo_rd_o;
input [8:0] tx_fifo_data_i;
input tx_fifo_empty_i;
input tx_fifo_rdy_i;
// Line-Tx Signal
output phy_tx_en;
output phy_tx_er;
output [7:0] phy_txd;
input phy_tx_clk;
// Line-Rx Signal
input phy_rx_clk;
input phy_rx_er;
input phy_rx_dv;
input [7:0] phy_rxd;
input phy_crs;
// MDIO Signal
input mdio_clk;
input mdio_in;
output mdio_out_en;
output mdio_out;
// RX-Clock Domain Status Signal
wire rx_sts_vld_o;
wire [15:0] rx_sts_bytes_rcvd_o;
wire rx_sts_large_pkt_o;
wire rx_sts_lengthfield_err_o;
wire rx_sts_len_mismatch_o;
wire rx_sts_crc_err_o;
wire rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd_o;
wire rx_sts_rx_overrun_o;
wire rx_sts_frm_length_err_o;
wire rx_sts_rx_er_o;
// TX-Clock Domain Status Signal
wire tx_sts_vld_o ;
wire [15:0]tx_sts_byte_cntr_o ;
wire tx_sts_fifo_underrun_o;
// TX Interface Status Signal
wire tx_set_fifo_undrn_o ;// Description: At GMII Interface ,
// abug after a transmit fifo underun was found.
// The packet after a packet that
// underran has 1 too few bytes .
wire[7:0] mi2rx_rx_byte,tx2mi_tx_byte;
wire [7:0] cf2df_dfl_single_rx;
wire [15:0] cf2rx_max_pkt_sz;
g_rx_top u_rx_top(
.app_clk (app_clk),
.app_reset_n (s_reset_n), // Condor Change
.rx_reset_n (rx_reset_n),
.scan_mode (scan_mode),
.rx_sts_vld (rx_sts_vld_o),
.rx_sts_bytes_rcvd (rx_sts_bytes_rcvd_o),
.rx_sts_large_pkt (rx_sts_large_pkt_o),
.rx_sts_lengthfield_err (rx_sts_lengthfield_err_o),
.rx_sts_len_mismatch (rx_sts_len_mismatch_o),
.rx_sts_crc_err (rx_sts_crc_err_o),
.rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd (rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd_o),
.rx_sts_rx_overrun (rx_sts_rx_overrun_o),
.rx_sts_frm_length_err (rx_sts_frm_length_err_o),
.clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm (clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm_o),
.rx_fifo_full (rx_fifo_full_i),
.rx_dt_wrt (rx_fifo_wr_o),
.rx_dt_out (rx_fifo_data_o),
.rx_commit_wr (rx_commit_wr_o),
.commit_write_done (rx_commit_write_done_o),
.rx_rewind_wr (rx_rewind_wr_o),
//transistor interface
.rx2tx_pause_tx (rx2tx_pause_o),
//mii interface
.phy_rx_clk (phy_rx_clk),
.mi2rx_strt_rcv (mi2rx_strt_rcv),
.mi2rx_rcv_vld (mi2rx_rcv_vld),
.mi2rx_rx_byte (mi2rx_rx_byte),
.mi2rx_end_rcv (mi2rx_end_rcv),
.mi2rx_extend (mi2rx_extend),
.mi2rx_frame_err (mi2rx_frame_err),
.mi2rx_end_frame (mi2rx_end_frame),
.mi2rx_crs (mi2rx_crs),
.df2rx_dfl_dn (df2rx_dfl_dn),
//PHY Signals
.phy_rx_dv (phy_rx_dv),
//Config interface
.cf2rx_max_pkt_sz (cf2rx_max_pkt_sz),
.cf2rx_rx_ch_en (cf2rx_ch_en),
.cf2rx_strp_pad_en (cf2rx_strp_pad_en),
.cf2rx_snd_crc (cf2rx_snd_crc),
.cf2rx_pause_en (cf2rx_pause_en),
.cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en (cf2rx_runt_pkt_en),
.cf_macmode (cf_mac_mode_o),
.cf2df_dfl_single_rx (cf2df_dfl_single_rx),
.ap2rx_rx_fifo_err (rx_fifo_error_i),
//A200 change Port added for crs based flow control
.phy_crs (phy_crs),
//A200 change crs flow control enable signal
.crs_flow_control_enable (cfg_crs_flow_ctrl_enb_i),
//A200 change pause detected pulse for counter
.pause_frame_detected ()
wire [4:0] cf2md_regad,cf2md_phyad;
wire [15:0] cf2md_datain,md2cf_data;
wire md2cf_status;
wire md2cf_cmd_done;
wire cf2md_op;
wire cf2md_go;
wire mdc;
wire int_s_reset_n;
wire [4:0] int_cf2md_regad;
wire [4:0] int_cf2md_phyad;
wire int_cf2md_op;
wire int_cf2md_go;
wire [15:0] int_cf2md_datain;
wire int_md2cf_status;
wire [15:0] int_md2cf_data;
wire int_md2cf_cmd_done;
wire int_mdio_clk;
wire int_mdio_out_en;
wire int_mdio_out;
wire int_mdc;
wire int_mdio_in;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MDIO Enable/disable Mux
// MDIO is used only in the WAN MAC block. The MDIO block has to be disabled
// in all other places. When MDIO is enabled the MDIO block signals will be
// connected to core module appriprotately. If MDIO is disabled, all inputs
// to the MDIO module is made zero and all outputs from this module to other
// modules is made zero. The enable/disable is controlled by the parameter
// mac_mdio_en.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inputs to the MDIO module
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign int_s_reset_n = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? reset_mdio_clk_n : 1'b1;
assign int_cf2md_regad = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? cf2md_regad : 5'b0;
assign int_cf2md_phyad = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? cf2md_phyad : 5'b0;
assign int_cf2md_op = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? cf2md_op : 1'b0;
assign int_cf2md_go = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? cf2md_go : 1'b0;
assign int_cf2md_datain = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? cf2md_datain : 16'b0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Outputs from the MDIO module used locally
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign md2cf_status = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? int_md2cf_status : 1'b0;
assign md2cf_data = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? int_md2cf_data : 16'b0;
//assign md2cf_cmd_done = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? int_md2cf_cmd_done : 1'b0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Outputs from the MDIO module driven out of this module
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
assign mdio_out_en = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? int_mdio_out_en : 1'b0;
assign mdio_out = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? int_mdio_out : 1'b0;
assign mdc = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? int_mdc : 1'b0;
assign int_mdio_clk = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? mdio_clk : 1'b0;
assign int_mdio_in = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? mdio_in : 1'b0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MDIO module connected with 'int_' signals
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
g_md_intf u_md_intf(
//apllication interface
.scan_mode (scan_mode), // A200 change
.reset_n (int_s_reset_n), // Condor Change
.mdio_clk (int_mdio_clk),
.mdio_in (int_mdio_in),
.mdio_outen_reg (int_mdio_out_en),
.mdio_out_reg (int_mdio_out),
//Config interface
.mdio_regad (int_cf2md_regad),
.mdio_phyad (int_cf2md_phyad),
.mdio_op (int_cf2md_op),
.go_mdio (int_cf2md_go),
.mdio_datain (int_cf2md_datain),
.mdio_dataout (int_md2cf_data),
.mdio_cmd_done (md2cf_cmd_done),
.mdio_stat (int_md2cf_status),
.mdc (int_mdc)
wire [7:0] cf2df_dfl_single;
wire [47:0] cf_mac_sa;
wire [15:0] cf2tx_pause_quanta;
wire cf2tx_force_bad_fcs;
wire cf2tx_tstate_mode;
wire set_fifo_undrn;
g_tx_top U_tx_top (
.app_clk (app_clk) ,
.send_pause_active (app_send_pause_active_o),
.set_fifo_undrn (tx_set_fifo_undrn_o),
//TX FIFO management
.tx_commit_read (tx_commit_read_o),
.tx_dt_rd (tx_fifo_rd_o),
//MII interface
.tx2mi_strt_preamble (tx2mi_strt_preamble),
.tx2mi_byte_valid (tx2mi_byte_valid),
.tx2mi_byte (tx2mi_tx_byte),
.tx2mi_end_transmit (tx2mi_end_transmit),
.tx_ch_en (tx_ch_en),
//Status to application
.tx_sts_vld (tx_sts_vld_o),
.tx_sts_byte_cntr (tx_sts_byte_cntr_o),
.tx_sts_fifo_underrun (tx_sts_fifo_underrun_o),
//MII interface
.phy_tx_en (phy_tx_en),
.phy_tx_er (phy_tx_er),
.app_send_pause (app_send_pause_i),
.rx2tx_pause (rx2tx_pause_o),
.cf2tx_tstate_mode (cf2tx_tstate_mode),
.cf2tx_ch_en (cf2tx_ch_en),
.cf2df_dfl_single (cf2df_dfl_single),
.cf2tx_pad_enable (cf2tx_pad_enable),
.cf2tx_append_fcs (cf2tx_append_fcs),
.cf_mac_mode (cf_mac_mode_o),
.cf_mac_sa (cf_mac_sa),
.cf2tx_pause_quanta (cf2tx_pause_quanta),
.cf2tx_force_bad_fcs (cf2tx_force_bad_fcs),
//FIFO data
.app_tx_dt_in (tx_fifo_data_i),
.app_tx_fifo_empty (tx_fifo_empty_i),
.app_tx_rdy (tx_fifo_rdy_i),
.mi2tx_byte_ack (mi2tx_byte_ack),
.app_reset_n (s_reset_n), // Condor Change
.tx_reset_n (tx_reset_n),
.tx_clk (phy_tx_clk)
toggle_sync u_rx_sts_sync (
. in_clk (phy_rx_clk ),
. in_rst_n (rx_reset_n ),
. in (rx_sts_vld_o ),
. out_clk (app_clk ),
. out_rst_n (app_reset_n ),
. out_req (rx_sts_vld_ss ),
. out_ack (rx_sts_vld_ss )
toggle_sync u_tx_sts_sync (
. in_clk (phy_tx_clk ),
. in_rst_n (tx_reset_n ),
. in (tx_sts_vld_o ),
. out_clk (app_clk ),
. out_rst_n (app_reset_n ),
. out_req (tx_sts_vld_ss ),
. out_ack (tx_sts_vld_ss )
g_cfg_mgmt #(mac_mdio_en) u_cfg_mgmt (
// Reg Bus Interface Signal
. reg_cs (reg_cs),
. reg_wr (reg_wr),
. reg_addr (reg_addr),
. reg_wdata (reg_wdata),
. reg_be (reg_be),
// Outputs
. reg_rdata (reg_rdata),
. reg_ack (reg_ack),
// Rx Status
. rx_sts_vld(rx_sts_vld_ss),
. rx_sts ({rx_sts_large_pkt_o,
// Tx Status
. tx_sts_vld(tx_sts_vld_ss),
. tx_sts (tx_sts_fifo_underrun_o),
// Since MDIO is not required for the half duplex
// MACs the done is always tied to 1'b1
.md2cf_cmd_done (md2cf_cmd_done),
.md2cf_status (md2cf_status),
.md2cf_data (md2cf_data),
.app_clk (app_clk),
.app_reset_n (app_reset_n),
//List of Outputs
// MII Control
.cf2mi_loopback_en (cf2mi_loopback_en),
.cf_mac_mode (cf_mac_mode_o),
.cf_chk_rx_dfl (cf_chk_rx_dfl),
.cf_silent_mode (cf_silent_mode),
.cf2mi_rmii_en (cf2mi_rmii_en_o),
// Config In
.cfg_uni_mac_mode_change_i (cfg_uni_mac_mode_change_i),
.cfg_crs_flow_ctrl_enb_i (cfg_crs_flow_ctrl_enb_i),
//CHANNEL enable
.cf2tx_tstate_mode (cf2tx_tstate_mode),
.cf2tx_ch_en (cf2tx_ch_en),
.cf2df_dfl_single (cf2df_dfl_single),
.cf2df_dfl_single_rx (cf2df_dfl_single_rx),
.cf2tx_pad_enable (cf2tx_pad_enable),
.cf2tx_append_fcs (cf2tx_append_fcs),
.cf2rx_max_pkt_sz (cf2rx_max_pkt_sz),
.cf2rx_ch_en (cf2rx_ch_en),
.cf2rx_strp_pad_en (cf2rx_strp_pad_en),
.cf2rx_snd_crc (cf2rx_snd_crc),
.cf2rx_pause_en (cf2rx_pause_en),
.cf2rx_addrchk_en (),
.cf2rx_runt_pkt_en (cf2rx_runt_pkt_en),
.cf2af_broadcast_disable (cf2af_broadcast_disable),
.cf_mac_sa (cf_mac_sa),
.cf2tx_pause_quanta (cf2tx_pause_quanta),
.cf2tx_force_bad_fcs (cf2tx_force_bad_fcs),
.cf2md_datain (cf2md_datain),
.cf2md_regad (cf2md_regad),
.cf2md_phyad (cf2md_phyad),
.cf2md_op (cf2md_op),
.cf2md_go (cf2md_go)
g_mii_intf u_mii_intf(
// Data and Control Signals to tx_fsm and rx_fsm
.mi2rx_strt_rcv (mi2rx_strt_rcv),
.mi2rx_rcv_vld (mi2rx_rcv_vld),
.mi2rx_rx_byte (mi2rx_rx_byte),
.mi2rx_end_rcv (mi2rx_end_rcv),
.mi2rx_extend (mi2rx_extend),
.mi2rx_frame_err (mi2rx_frame_err),
.mi2rx_end_frame (mi2rx_end_frame),
.mi2rx_crs (mi2rx_crs),
.mi2tx_byte_ack (mi2tx_byte_ack),
.cfg_uni_mac_mode_change (cfg_uni_mac_mode_change_i),
// Phy Signals
.phy_tx_en (phy_tx_en),
.phy_tx_er (phy_tx_er),
.phy_txd (phy_txd),
.phy_tx_clk (phy_tx_clk),
.phy_rx_clk (phy_rx_clk),
.tx_reset_n (tx_reset_n),
.rx_reset_n (rx_reset_n),
.phy_rx_er (phy_rx_er),
.phy_rx_dv (phy_rx_dv),
.phy_rxd (phy_rxd),
.phy_crs (phy_crs),
// Reset signal
// .app_reset (app_reset),
.rx_sts_rx_er_reg (rx_sts_rx_er),
.app_reset_n (s_reset_n),
// Signals from Config Management
.cf2mi_loopback_en (cf2mi_loopback_en),
.cf2mi_rmii_en (cf2mi_rmii_en_o),
.cf_mac_mode (cf_mac_mode_o),
.cf_chk_rx_dfl (cf_chk_rx_dfl),
.cf_silent_mode (cf_silent_mode),
// Signal from Application to transmit JAM
.df2rx_dfl_dn (df2rx_dfl_dn),
.app_send_jam (app_send_jam_i),
// Inputs from Transmit FSM
.tx2mi_strt_preamble (tx2mi_strt_preamble),
.tx2mi_end_transmit (tx2mi_end_transmit),
.tx2mi_tx_byte (tx2mi_tx_byte),
.tx_ch_en (tx_ch_en),
.mi2tx_slot_vld ()
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_mac_core.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/byte_reg.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/byte_reg.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/byte_reg.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + byte_reg.v: instantiates 32 registers to make a quad + This enables maintaining timing on blocks + in check +***********************************************************************/ +module half_dup_byte_reg( + //List of Inputs + we, + data_in, + reset_n, + clk, + + //List of Outputs + data_out +); + + input [7:0] we; + input [7:0] data_in; + input reset_n; + input clk; + output [7:0] data_out; + + + generic_register #(8,0) u_reg ( + + .we (we), + .clk (clk), + .reset_n (reset_n), + .data_in (data_in), + .data_out (data_out) + ); + + +endmodule +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/byte_reg.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_top.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_top.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_top.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//`timescale 1ns/100ps + + module g_rx_top( + app_reset_n, + phy_rx_clk, + rx_reset_n, + app_clk, + scan_mode, + rx_sts_vld, + rx_sts_bytes_rcvd, + rx_sts_large_pkt, + rx_sts_lengthfield_err, + rx_sts_len_mismatch, + rx_sts_crc_err, + rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd, + rx_sts_rx_overrun, + rx_sts_frm_length_err, + clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm, + rx_fifo_full, + rx_dt_wrt, + rx_dt_out, + rx_commit_wr, + commit_write_done, + rx_rewind_wr, + rx2tx_pause_tx, + mi2rx_strt_rcv, + mi2rx_rcv_vld, + mi2rx_rx_byte, + mi2rx_end_rcv, + mi2rx_extend, + mi2rx_frame_err, + mi2rx_end_frame, + phy_rx_dv, + cf2rx_max_pkt_sz, + cf2rx_rx_ch_en, + cf2rx_strp_pad_en, + cf2rx_snd_crc, + cf2rx_pause_en, + cf2df_dfl_single_rx, + cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en, + cf_macmode, + mi2rx_crs, + df2rx_dfl_dn, + ap2rx_rx_fifo_err, + //A200 change Port added for crs based flow control + phy_crs, + //A200 change crs flow control enable signal + crs_flow_control_enable, + //A200 change pause detected pulse for counter + pause_frame_detected + ); + + input app_reset_n; + input phy_rx_clk; + input rx_reset_n; + input app_clk; + input scan_mode; + + output rx_sts_vld; + output [15:0] rx_sts_bytes_rcvd; + output rx_sts_large_pkt; + output rx_sts_lengthfield_err; + output rx_sts_len_mismatch; + output rx_sts_crc_err; + output rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd; + output rx_sts_rx_overrun; + output rx_sts_frm_length_err; + + output clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm; + input rx_fifo_full; + output rx_dt_wrt; + output [8:0] rx_dt_out; + output rx_commit_wr; + output commit_write_done; + output rx_rewind_wr; + output rx2tx_pause_tx; + input mi2rx_strt_rcv; + input mi2rx_rcv_vld; + input [7:0] mi2rx_rx_byte; + input mi2rx_end_rcv; + input mi2rx_extend; + input mi2rx_frame_err; + input mi2rx_end_frame; + input phy_rx_dv; + input [15:0] cf2rx_max_pkt_sz; + input cf2rx_rx_ch_en; + input cf2rx_strp_pad_en; + input cf2rx_snd_crc; + input cf2rx_pause_en; + input cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en; + input cf_macmode; + input [7:0] cf2df_dfl_single_rx; + input ap2rx_rx_fifo_err; + input mi2rx_crs; + output df2rx_dfl_dn; + + //A200 change Port added for crs based flow control + input phy_crs; + //A200 change crs flow control enable signal + input crs_flow_control_enable; + + //A200 change pause detected pulse for counter + output pause_frame_detected; + + + g_rx_fsm u_rx_fsm( + // Status information to Applications + .rx_sts_vld(rx_sts_vld), + .rx_sts_bytes_rcvd(rx_sts_bytes_rcvd), + .rx_sts_large_pkt(rx_sts_large_pkt), + .rx_sts_lengthfield_err(rx_sts_lengthfield_err), + .rx_sts_len_mismatch(rx_sts_len_mismatch), + .rx_sts_crc_err(rx_sts_crc_err), + .rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd(rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd), + .rx_sts_rx_overrun(rx_sts_rx_overrun), + .rx_sts_frm_length_err(rx_sts_frm_length_err), + // Data Signals to Fifo Management Block + .clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm(clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm), + .rx2ap_rx_fsm_wrt(rx_dt_wrt), + .rx2ap_rx_fsm_dt(rx_dt_out), + // Fifo Control Signal to Fifo Management Block + .rx2ap_commit_write(rx_commit_wr), + .rx2ap_rewind_write(rx_rewind_wr), + // To address filtering block + // Pause control to Tx block + .rx2tx_pause_tx(rx2tx_pause_tx), + .commit_write_done(commit_write_done), + + // Global Signals + .reset_n(rx_reset_n), + .phy_rx_clk(phy_rx_clk), + // Signals from Mii/Rmii block for Receive data + .mi2rx_strt_rcv(mi2rx_strt_rcv), + .mi2rx_rcv_vld(mi2rx_rcv_vld), + .mi2rx_rx_byte(mi2rx_rx_byte), + .mi2rx_end_rcv(mi2rx_end_rcv), + .mi2rx_extend(mi2rx_extend), + .mi2rx_end_frame(mi2rx_end_frame), + .mi2rx_frame_err(mi2rx_frame_err), + // Rx fifo management signal to indicate overrun + .rx_fifo_full(rx_fifo_full), + .ap2rx_rx_fifo_err(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err), + // Signal from CRC check block + .rc2rx_crc_ok(rc2rx_crc_ok), + // Signals from Address filtering block + .af2rx_pause_frame(af2rx_pause_frame), + // Signals from Config Management Block + .cf2rx_max_pkt_sz(cf2rx_max_pkt_sz), + .cf2rx_rx_ch_en(cf2rx_rx_ch_en), + .cf2rx_strp_pad_en(cf2rx_strp_pad_en), + .cf2rx_snd_crc(cf2rx_snd_crc), + .cf2rx_pause_en(cf2rx_pause_en), + .cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en), + .cf2rx_gigabit_xfr(cf_macmode), + //A200 change Port added for crs based flow control + .phy_crs(phy_crs), + //A200 change crs flow control enable signal + .crs_flow_control_enable(crs_flow_control_enable), + //A200 change pause detected pulse for counter + .pause_frame_detected(pause_frame_detected) + ); + + g_ad_fltr u_ad_fltr( + .phy_rx_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .rx_reset_n(rx_reset_n), + .app_clk(app_clk), + .scan_mode(scan_mode), + //MII Interface + .mi2af_rcv_vld(mi2rx_rcv_vld), + .mi2af_strt_rcv(mi2rx_strt_rcv), + .mi2af_end_rcv(mi2rx_end_rcv), + .mi2af_rx_data(mi2rx_rx_byte), + //RX_FSM Interface + .af2rf_pause_frame(af2rx_pause_frame) + ); + + g_rx_crc32 u_rx_crc32 ( + // CRC Valid signal to rx_fsm + .rc2rf_crc_ok(rc2rx_crc_ok), + + // Global Signals + .phy_rx_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n), + // CRC Data signals + .mi2rc_strt_rcv(mi2rx_strt_rcv), + .mi2rc_rcv_valid(mi2rx_rcv_vld), + .mi2rc_rx_byte(mi2rx_rx_byte) + ); + + + g_deferral_rx U_deferral_rx ( +//0503 Changed .port names to match g_deferral_rx + .rx_dfl_dn(df2rx_dfl_dn), + .dfl_single(cf2df_dfl_single_rx), + .rx_dv(phy_rx_dv), +//0504 .phy_rx_er(phy_rx_er), + .rx_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n)); + + endmodule
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_top.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_ad_fltr.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_ad_fltr.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_ad_fltr.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//`timescale 1ns/100ps + + + module g_ad_fltr( + phy_rx_clk, + rx_reset_n, + app_clk, + scan_mode, + //MII Interface + mi2af_rcv_vld, + mi2af_strt_rcv, + mi2af_end_rcv, + mi2af_rx_data, + //Configuration Interface + //RX_FSM Interface + af2rf_pause_frame + ); + +parameter PAUSE_CONTROL_FRAME = 48'h01_00_00_c2_80_01; + + + input phy_rx_clk; + input rx_reset_n; + input app_clk; + input scan_mode; + //MII Interface + input mi2af_rcv_vld; + input mi2af_strt_rcv; + input mi2af_end_rcv; + input [7:0] mi2af_rx_data; + //Configuration Interface + //RX_FSM Interface + output af2rf_pause_frame; + + //****** appliction initializing the address filter registers******* + + reg pause1_valid; + + + //*********************************************************************************** + + reg [2:0] addr_length_ptr; + + wire rf2af_addr_chk = (mi2af_rcv_vld && addr_length_ptr < 5); + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + addr_length_ptr <= 3'b0; + else if(mi2af_strt_rcv) + addr_length_ptr <= 3'b0; + else if(mi2af_rcv_vld & rf2af_addr_chk) + addr_length_ptr <= addr_length_ptr + 1; + end + + reg [7:0] pause_filt_reg; + wire [47:0] pause_reg; + + + assign pause_reg = PAUSE_CONTROL_FRAME; + + always @(addr_length_ptr or pause_reg ) + begin + case(addr_length_ptr) + 4'h0: + begin + pause_filt_reg[7:0] = pause_reg[7:0]; + end + 4'h1: + begin + pause_filt_reg[7:0] = pause_reg[15:8]; + end + 4'h2: + begin + pause_filt_reg[7:0] = pause_reg[23:16]; + end + 4'h3: + begin + pause_filt_reg[7:0] = pause_reg[31:24]; + end + 4'h4: + begin + pause_filt_reg[7:0] = pause_reg[39:32]; + end + 4'h5: + begin + pause_filt_reg[7:0] = pause_reg[47:40]; + end + default: + begin + pause_filt_reg[7:0] = pause_reg[7:0]; + end + endcase + end + + reg first_byte; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + first_byte <= 0; + else if(mi2af_strt_rcv) + first_byte <= 1; + else if(rf2af_addr_chk && mi2af_rcv_vld) + first_byte <= 0; + end + + reg pause0bit_valid,pause1bit_valid,pause2bit_valid,pause3bit_valid, + pause4bit_valid,pause5bit_valid,pause6bit_valid,pause7bit_valid; + + + + always @(mi2af_rx_data or pause_filt_reg) + begin + pause0bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[0] ^ mi2af_rx_data[0]); + pause1bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[1] ^ mi2af_rx_data[1]); + pause2bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[2] ^ mi2af_rx_data[2]); + pause3bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[3] ^ mi2af_rx_data[3]); + pause4bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[4] ^ mi2af_rx_data[4]); + pause5bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[5] ^ mi2af_rx_data[5]); + pause6bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[6] ^ mi2af_rx_data[6]); + pause7bit_valid = !(pause_filt_reg[7] ^ mi2af_rx_data[7]); + end + + wire pausetmp_valid; + + assign pausetmp_valid = pause0bit_valid && pause1bit_valid + && pause2bit_valid && pause3bit_valid + && pause4bit_valid && pause5bit_valid + && pause6bit_valid && pause7bit_valid + && rf2af_addr_chk; + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + pause1_valid <= 0; + else if(mi2af_end_rcv) + pause1_valid <= 0; + else if(first_byte && pausetmp_valid) + pause1_valid <= 1; + else if(pause1_valid && pausetmp_valid) + pause1_valid <= 1; + else if(!rf2af_addr_chk) + pause1_valid <= pause1_valid; + else if(!pausetmp_valid && mi2af_rcv_vld) + pause1_valid <= 1'b0; + end + //*****************************OUTPUTS********************************************************** + + wire af2rf_pause_frame; + + + assign af2rf_pause_frame = pause1_valid; + + endmodule +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_ad_fltr.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_top.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_top.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_top.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//`timescale 1ns/100ps + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + + tx_top.v: This module has the top level of the transmit block + It instantiates the following blocks + 1. tx_fsm + 2. tx_crc + 3. tx_fifo_mgmt + 4. deferral + 5. backoff + ***********************************************************************/ +module g_tx_top( + app_clk, + send_pause_active, + set_fifo_undrn, + + + //Outputs + //TX FIFO management + tx_commit_read, + tx_dt_rd, + + //MII interface + tx2mi_strt_preamble, + tx2mi_byte_valid, + tx2mi_byte, + tx2mi_end_transmit, + tx_ch_en, // MANDAR + + //Status to application + tx_sts_vld, + tx_sts_byte_cntr, + tx_sts_fifo_underrun, + + + //Inputs + //MII interface + phy_tx_en, + phy_tx_er, + //application + app_send_pause, + + //rx_top + rx2tx_pause, + + //configuration + cf2tx_tstate_mode, + cf2tx_ch_en, + cf2df_dfl_single, + cf2tx_pad_enable, + cf2tx_append_fcs, + cf_mac_mode, + cf_mac_sa, + cf2tx_pause_quanta, + cf2tx_force_bad_fcs, + //FIFO data + app_tx_dt_in, + app_tx_fifo_empty, + app_tx_rdy, + + //MII + mi2tx_byte_ack, + app_reset_n, + tx_reset_n, + tx_clk); + input app_reset_n; // Global app_reset for the MAC + input tx_reset_n; + input tx_clk; // Transmit clock + + input app_send_pause; + input [8:0] app_tx_dt_in; + input app_tx_fifo_empty; + input app_tx_rdy; + + input phy_tx_en; // Transmit data Enable + input phy_tx_er; // Transmit Error + input cf2tx_tstate_mode; // OFN auth intf fix + input cf2tx_ch_en; // Transmit channel Enable + input [7:0] cf2df_dfl_single; + input cf2tx_pad_enable; // Padding Enabled + input cf2tx_append_fcs; // Append CRC to packets + input cf2tx_force_bad_fcs; // force bad fcs + input [47:0] cf_mac_sa; // MAC Source Address + input [15:0] cf2tx_pause_quanta; // Pause Quanta used when sending a pause frame + input cf_mac_mode; // Gigabit or 10/100 + + + input rx2tx_pause; + + input mi2tx_byte_ack; // Transmit byte ack from RMII + output tx_commit_read; + output tx_dt_rd; //get the next fsm data + + + output tx2mi_strt_preamble; // Start preamble indicated to RMII + output tx2mi_byte_valid; // Byte valid from the Tx State Macine + output [7:0] tx2mi_byte; // Transmit byte to RMII + output tx2mi_end_transmit; // Transmit complete + + output tx_sts_vld; //tx_sts is valid on valid tx_sts_vld + output [15:0] tx_sts_byte_cntr; + output tx_sts_fifo_underrun; + + output tx_ch_en; // MANDAR + + output send_pause_active; // condor fix + output set_fifo_undrn;// Description: At GMII Interface , + // abug after a transmit fifo underun was found. + // The packet after a packet that + // underran has 1 too few bytes . + + input app_clk; // condor fix + + wire [31:0] tc2tx_fcs; + wire set_fifo_undrn;// E3C fix + + + + + + // Instantiate Defferal block + g_deferral U_deferral ( + //Outputs + .df2tx_dfl_dn(df2tx_dfl_dn), + .cf2df_dfl_single(cf2df_dfl_single), + .phy_tx_en(phy_tx_en), + .phy_tx_er(phy_tx_er), + .tx_clk(tx_clk), + .app_reset_n(tx_reset_n)); + + + + // Instantiate Transmit State machine block + g_tx_fsm U_tx_fsm( + .send_pause_active_out(send_pause_active), // condor fix + .app_clk(app_clk), // condor fix + .set_fifo_undrn(set_fifo_undrn), // E3C fix + + //Outputs + .tx_commit_read(tx_commit_read), + .tx_dt_rd(tx_dt_rd), + //FCS block interface + .tx2tc_fcs_active(tx2tc_fcs_active), + .tx2tc_gen_crc(tx2tc_gen_crc), + //MII or RMII interface signals + .tx2mi_strt_preamble(tx2mi_strt_preamble), + .tx2mi_byte_valid(tx2mi_byte_valid), + .tx2mi_byte(tx2mi_byte), + .tx2mi_end_transmit(tx2mi_end_transmit), + .tx_ch_en(tx_ch_en), + .phy_tx_en(phy_tx_en), // mfilardo. for ofn auth fix. + //tx fifo management outputs + .tx_sts_vld(tx_sts_vld), + .tx_sts_byte_cntr(tx_sts_byte_cntr), + .tx_sts_fifo_underrun(tx_sts_fifo_underrun), + .app_tx_rdy(app_tx_rdy), + .tx_end_frame(app_tx_dt_in[8]), + .app_tx_dt_in(app_tx_dt_in[7:0]), + .app_tx_fifo_empty(app_tx_fifo_empty), + //dfl and back off + .df2tx_dfl_dn(df2tx_dfl_dn), + .app_send_pause(app_send_pause), + //inputs from FCS + .tc2tx_fcs(tc2tx_fcs), + .cf2tx_tstate_mode(cf2tx_tstate_mode), + .cf2tx_ch_en(cf2tx_ch_en), + .cf2tx_pad_enable(cf2tx_pad_enable), + .cf2tx_append_fcs(cf2tx_append_fcs), + .cf_mac_mode(cf_mac_mode), + .cf_mac_sa(cf_mac_sa), + .cf2tx_pause_quanta(cf2tx_pause_quanta), + .cf2tx_force_bad_fcs(cf2tx_force_bad_fcs), + //RX pause frame received + .rx2tx_pause(rx2tx_pause), + //MII + .mi2tx_byte_ack(mi2tx_byte_ack), + .tx_clk(tx_clk), + .tx_reset_n(tx_reset_n), + .app_reset_n(app_reset_n)); + + + + + // Instantiate CRC 32 block for Transmit + g_tx_crc32 U_tx_crc32 ( + // List of outputs. + .tx_fcs (tc2tx_fcs), + // List of inputs + .gen_tx_crc(tx2tc_gen_crc), + .tx_reset_crc(tx2mi_strt_preamble), + .tx_data(tx2mi_byte), + .sclk(tx_clk), + .reset_n(tx_reset_n) + ); + +endmodule + + + + + + + + + + + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_top.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral_rx.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral_rx.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral_rx.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + deferral.v : This block performs the deferral algorithm for + half duplex mode, as per the IEEE 802.3 section + This block also implements the optional two part deferral + mechanism. +***********************************************************************/ + +module g_deferral_rx ( + rx_dfl_dn, + dfl_single, + rx_dv, + rx_clk, + reset_n); + + + input [7:0] dfl_single; //program with 9.6 ms + input rx_dv; //TX frame is done, wait for IPG + //used in FULL duplex + input rx_clk; //MII provided rx_clk + input reset_n; + + output rx_dfl_dn; //when active hold the TX, else + //TX can send preamble + + parameter dfl_idle_st = 6'b000000; + parameter dfl_dfl_st = 6'b000010; + parameter dfl_full_tx_dn_st = 6'b010000; + parameter dfl_wipg_st = 6'b100000; + + reg [5:0] curr_dfl_st, nxt_dfl_st; + reg rx_dfl_dn; + reg strt_dfl; + reg [8:0] fst_dfl_cntr; + reg [8:0] dfl_cntr; + reg [8:0] scnd_dfl_cntr; + + /***************************************************************** + * Synchronous process for the FSM to enable and disable TX on + * receive activity + *****************************************************************/ + always @(posedge rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if (!reset_n) + curr_dfl_st <= dfl_idle_st; + else + curr_dfl_st <= nxt_dfl_st; + end // always @ (posedge rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + + /***************************************************************** + * comb process for the FSM to enable and disable TX on + * receive activity + *****************************************************************/ + always @(curr_dfl_st or dfl_cntr or rx_dv) + begin + strt_dfl = 0; + rx_dfl_dn = 0; + nxt_dfl_st = curr_dfl_st; + + case (curr_dfl_st) + dfl_idle_st : + begin + rx_dfl_dn = 1; + if (rx_dv) + begin + rx_dfl_dn = 0; + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_full_tx_dn_st; + end // if (rx_dv) + else + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_idle_st; + end // case: dfl_idle_st + + dfl_full_tx_dn_st : + begin + // full duplex mode, wait till the current tx + // frame is transmitted and wait for IPG time, + // no need to wait for two part defferal + if (!rx_dv) + begin + strt_dfl = 1; + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_wipg_st; + end // if (!rx_dv) + else + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_full_tx_dn_st; + end // case: dfl_full_tx_dn_st + + dfl_wipg_st : + begin + // This state is reached when there is no transmit + // in progress. In this state IPG counter should checked + // and upon its expiry indicate deferral done + // to tx_fsm block + if (dfl_cntr == 9'd0) + begin + rx_dfl_dn = 1; + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_idle_st; + end + else + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_wipg_st; + end // case: dfl_wipg_st + + dfl_dfl_st : + //wait in this state till deferral time is done + //if CRS is active before the deferral time + //restart the deferral process again + begin + begin + if (dfl_cntr == 9'd0) + begin + rx_dfl_dn = 1; + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_idle_st; + end + else + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_dfl_st; + end // + end // case: dfl_dfl_st + + default : + begin + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_idle_st; + end + endcase // case (curr_dfl_st) + end // always @ (curr_dfl_st ) + + //counter for the single phase deferral scheme + always @(posedge rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if (!reset_n) + dfl_cntr <= 9'd0; + else + begin + if (strt_dfl) + begin + dfl_cntr[7:0] <= dfl_single; + dfl_cntr[8] <= 0; + end + else + dfl_cntr <= dfl_cntr - 1; + end // else: !if(reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + +endmodule // deferral + + + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral_rx.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/dble_reg.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/dble_reg.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/dble_reg.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + Synchronizes the pulse from one clock to another + * clock domain +***********************************************************************/ +//`timescale 1ns/100ps +module half_dup_dble_reg ( + //outputs + sync_out_pulse, + //inputs + in_pulse, + dest_clk, + reset_n); + + output sync_out_pulse; //output synchronised to slow clock + input in_pulse; //input based on fast clock, pulse + input dest_clk; //slow clock + input reset_n; + + reg s1_sync_out,d_sync_out,s2_sync_out; + + //double register the data in the slow clock domain + always @(posedge dest_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if (!reset_n) + begin + s1_sync_out <= 0; + s2_sync_out <= 0; + d_sync_out <= 0; + end // if (reset_n) + else + begin + s1_sync_out <= in_pulse; + s2_sync_out <= s1_sync_out; + d_sync_out <= s2_sync_out; + end // else: !if(reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge dest_clk or negedge reset_n) + + assign sync_out_pulse = d_sync_out; + +endmodule // dble_reg + + + + + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/dble_reg.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_fsm.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_fsm.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_fsm.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,1387 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/*************************************************************** + Description: + + rx_fsm.v: This verilog file is the receive state machine for the MAC + block. It receives nibbles from rmii block. It assembles + double words from bytes. Generates writes to Receive FIFO + Removes padding and generates appropriate signals to the + CRC and Address Filtering block. It also generates the necessary + signals to generate status for every frame. + + ***************************************************************/ +/************** MODULE DECLARATION ****************************/ +//`timescale 1ns/100ps +module g_rx_fsm( + // Status information to Applications + rx_sts_vld, + rx_sts_bytes_rcvd, + rx_sts_large_pkt, + rx_sts_lengthfield_err, + rx_sts_crc_err, + rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd, + rx_sts_rx_overrun, + rx_sts_frm_length_err, + rx_sts_len_mismatch, + // Data Signals to Fifo Management Block + clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm, + rx2ap_rx_fsm_wrt, + rx2ap_rx_fsm_dt, + // Fifo Control Signal to Fifo Management Block + rx2ap_commit_write, + rx2ap_rewind_write, + // To address filtering block + // Pause control to Tx block + rx2tx_pause_tx, + //commit + commit_write_done, + + // Global Signals + reset_n, + phy_rx_clk, + // Signals from Mii/Rmii block for Receive data + mi2rx_strt_rcv, + mi2rx_rcv_vld, + mi2rx_rx_byte, + mi2rx_end_rcv, + mi2rx_extend, + mi2rx_frame_err, + mi2rx_end_frame, + // Rx fifo management signal to indicate overrun + rx_fifo_full, + ap2rx_rx_fifo_err, + // Signal from CRC check block + rc2rx_crc_ok, + // Signals from Address filtering block + af2rx_pause_frame, + // Signals from Config Management Block + cf2rx_max_pkt_sz, + cf2rx_rx_ch_en, + cf2rx_strp_pad_en, + cf2rx_snd_crc, + cf2rx_pause_en, + cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en, + cf2rx_gigabit_xfr, + //A200 change Port added for crs based flow control + phy_crs, + //A200 change crs flow control enable signal + crs_flow_control_enable, + //A200 change pause detected pulse for counter + pause_frame_detected + + ); + + +parameter MIN_FRM_SIZE = 6'h2e ; + /******* INPUT & OUTPUT DECLARATIONS *************************/ + output rx_sts_vld; // Receive status is available for the application + output [15:0] rx_sts_bytes_rcvd; + output rx_sts_large_pkt; + output rx_sts_lengthfield_err; + output rx_sts_crc_err; + output rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd; + output rx_sts_rx_overrun; + output rx_sts_frm_length_err; + output rx_sts_len_mismatch; + + output rx2ap_rx_fsm_wrt; // Receive Fifo Write + output [8:0] rx2ap_rx_fsm_dt; // This is 32 bit assembled receive data + // with EOP and valid bytes information in it. + output rx2ap_commit_write; // This is to RX fifo MGMT to indicate + // that the current packet + // has to be sent to application + output rx2ap_rewind_write; // This indicates the previous packet + // in the FIFO has a error + // Ignore the packet and restart from the + // end of previous packet + output rx2tx_pause_tx; // pause frame detected pause transmit + output clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm; + output commit_write_done; + + output pause_frame_detected; //A200 change bringing out a pulse to count number + //pause frames received. + + input reset_n; // reset from mac application interface + input phy_rx_clk; // Reference clock used for RX + + input mi2rx_strt_rcv; // Receive data from the PHY + input mi2rx_rcv_vld; // Received nibble is valid + input [7:0] mi2rx_rx_byte; // Rx nibble from the RMII/MII block + input mi2rx_end_rcv; // This is provided by the RMII/MII + // block to indicate + // end of receieve + input mi2rx_frame_err; + input mi2rx_end_frame; + input rx_fifo_full; + input ap2rx_rx_fifo_err; // Receive error generated by the + // RX FIFO MGMT block + + input rc2rx_crc_ok; // CRC of the receiving packet is OK. + // Generated by CRC block + + input af2rx_pause_frame; // Detected a pause frame + + input [15:0] cf2rx_max_pkt_sz; // max packet size + + input cf2rx_rx_ch_en; // Receive Enabled + input cf2rx_strp_pad_en; // Do not Append padding after the data + input cf2rx_snd_crc; // Append CRC to the data + // ( This automatically means padding + // will be enabled) + input cf2rx_pause_en; // This is set when flow control is enabled + input cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en; // Receive needs to receive + input cf2rx_gigabit_xfr; + input mi2rx_extend; + + //A200 change Port added for crs based flow control + input phy_crs; + //A200 change crs flow control enable signal + input crs_flow_control_enable; + + + /******* WIRE & REG DECLARATION FOR INPUT AND OUTPUTS ********/ + reg rx2ap_commit_write; + reg rx2ap_rewind_write; + reg [8:0] rx2ap_rx_fsm_dt; + reg rx2ap_rx_fsm_wrt; + wire [31:0] rx_sts_dt; + reg [31:0] rx_sts; + wire rx2tx_pause_tx; + //Renamed to rx2tx_pause_tx_int as rx2tx_pause_tx is genrated in CRS + //condition also + reg rx2tx_pause_tx_int; + + /*** REG & WIRE DECLARATIONS FOR LOCAL SIGNALS ***************/ + reg commit_write; + reg rewind_write; + wire pause_dn; + wire look_at_length_field; + reg send_crc; + reg rcv_pad_data; + reg first_dword; + wire [15:0] inc_rcv_byte_count; + reg [15:0] rcv_byte_count; + reg reset_tmp_count; + reg ld_length_byte_1,ld_length_byte_2; + reg set_crc_error; + reg set_byte_allgn_error; + reg rx_sts_vld,e_rx_sts_vld; + reg padding_needed; + reg dec_data_len; + reg dec_pad_len; + reg gen_eop; + reg set_frm_lngth_error; + reg set_incomplete_frm; + reg byte_boundary; + reg error; + reg error_seen; + reg commit_write_done; + reg check_padding; + reg check_padding_in; + reg gen_pause_det; + reg pause_opcode_detected; + reg ld_pause_quanta_1,ld_pause_quanta_2; + reg [2:0] padding_len_reg; + reg [15:0] rcv_length_reg; + reg [15:0] length_counter; + + reg [18:0] rx_fsm_cur_st; + reg [18:0] rx_fsm_nxt_st; + reg [15:0] pause_quanta; + reg [1:0] c_pause_ptr; + reg [15:0] pause_count; + reg [8:0] pause_quanta_count; + reg crc_stat_reg; + reg rx_runt_pkt_reg; + reg large_pkt_reg; + reg rx_fifo_overrun_reg; + reg frm_length_err_reg; + reg [2:0] crc_count; + reg inc_shift_counter; + reg send_data_to_fifo; + wire send_runt_packet; + reg [2:0] shift_counter; + reg [2:0] bytes_to_fifo; + reg [7:0] buf_latch4,buf_latch3,buf_latch2,buf_latch1,buf_latch0; + wire ld_buf,ld_buf1,ld_buf2,ld_buf3,ld_buf4; + reg lengthfield_error; + reg lengthfield_err_reg; + reg pause_frame_detected; + reg pause_seen; + reg addr_stat_chk; + reg clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm; + + wire [15:0] adj_rcv_length_reg; + wire [15:0] adj_rcv_byte_count; + wire [15:0] adj_cf2rx_max_pkt_sz; + reg set_tag1_flag, set_tag2_flag; + + parameter rx_fsm_idle_st= 19'b0000000000000000000, + rx_fsm_chkdestad_nib1_st = 19'b0000000000000000001, + rx_fsm_lk4srcad_nib1_st = 19'b0000000000000000010, + rx_fsm_lk4len_byte1_st = 19'b0000000000000000100, + rx_fsm_lk4len_byte2_st = 19'b0000000000000001000, + rx_fsm_getdt_nib1_st = 19'b0000000000000010000, + rx_fsm_getpaddt_nib1_st = 19'b0000000000000100000, + rx_fsm_updstat_st = 19'b0000000000001000000, + rx_fsm_chkval_st = 19'b0000000000010000000, + rx_fsm_pausectrl_st = 19'b0000000000100000000, + rx_fsm_extend_st = 19'b0000000100000000000, + rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte1_st = 19'b0000001000000000000, + rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte2_st = 19'b0000010000000000000, + rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st = 19'b0000100000000000000; + + /***************** WIRE ASSIGNMENTS *************************/ + wire [6:0] dec_pad_length; + wire [15:0] inc_length_counter; + wire rx_overrun_error; + wire commit_condition; + +//COMMIT_WRITE CONDITION +assign commit_condition = ((inc_rcv_byte_count[14:0] == 15'd65)&& !commit_write_done ); + + + + /******** SEQUENTIAL LOGIC **********************************/ + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg1 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(rx_ch_en), + //inputs + .in_pulse(cf2rx_rx_ch_en), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(reset_n) + ); + + // ap2rx_rx_fifo_err signal is generated in rx_clk domain + assign rx_overrun_error = ap2rx_rx_fifo_err; + + reg rx_sts_vld_delayed; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + rx_sts <= 32'b0; + rx_sts_vld <= 1'b0; + rx_sts_vld_delayed <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + rx_sts_vld <= rx_sts_vld_delayed; + rx_sts_vld_delayed <= e_rx_sts_vld; + if (e_rx_sts_vld) + rx_sts <= rx_sts_dt; + end + end + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + rx_fsm_cur_st <= rx_fsm_idle_st; + check_padding <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + rx_fsm_cur_st <= rx_fsm_nxt_st; + check_padding <= check_padding_in; + end + end + reg first_byte_seen; + + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + if(!reset_n) + first_byte_seen <= 1'b0; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + first_byte_seen <= 1'b1; + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld) + first_byte_seen <= 1'b0; + + + +// adjust rcv_length reg for packet sizes < 64 bytes +assign adj_rcv_length_reg = (rcv_length_reg < 8'h2E) ? 8'h2E : rcv_length_reg; + +// subtr 18 bytes (sa + da + fcs + t/l) +assign adj_rcv_byte_count = rcv_byte_count - 8'd18; + +// configured max packet size should be 16'd1518. +assign adj_cf2rx_max_pkt_sz = cf2rx_max_pkt_sz; + + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge reset_n) begin + if(!reset_n) + pause_opcode_detected <= 1'b0; + else + begin + if(rx_fsm_cur_st == rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte1_st) + pause_opcode_detected <= 1'b1; + else if(rx_fsm_cur_st == rx_fsm_idle_st) + pause_opcode_detected <= 1'b0; + end + end + + // Following state machine is to receive nibbles from the RMII/MII + // block and packetize them to 32 bits with information of EOP and + // valid bytes. It also discards packets which are less than minimum + // frame size. It performs Address validity and Data validity. + always @(rx_fsm_cur_st or mi2rx_strt_rcv or rx_ch_en or cf2rx_strp_pad_en + or cf2rx_snd_crc or cf2rx_pause_en or look_at_length_field + or mi2rx_rcv_vld or first_dword or rc2rx_crc_ok + or mi2rx_end_rcv or mi2rx_rx_byte or mi2rx_extend + or inc_length_counter or rcv_length_reg or commit_write_done + or crc_count or shift_counter or bytes_to_fifo + or af2rx_pause_frame or cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en + or inc_rcv_byte_count or send_runt_packet + or pause_frame_detected or rcv_byte_count or first_dword + or commit_condition or rx_fifo_full or ap2rx_rx_fifo_err ) + //or pause_opcode_detected) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_cur_st; + set_tag1_flag = 1'b0; + set_tag2_flag = 1'b0; + reset_tmp_count = 1'b0; + ld_length_byte_1 = 1'b0; + ld_length_byte_2 = 1'b0; + dec_data_len = 1'b0; + dec_pad_len = 1'b0; + commit_write = 1'b0; + rewind_write = 1'b0; + e_rx_sts_vld = 1'b0; + set_crc_error = 1'b0; + check_padding_in = 1'b0; + set_byte_allgn_error = 1'b0; + set_incomplete_frm = 1'b0; + set_frm_lngth_error = 1'b0; + gen_eop = 1'b0; + error = 1'b0; + byte_boundary= 1'b0; + gen_pause_det = 1'b0; + ld_pause_quanta_1 = 1'b0; + ld_pause_quanta_2 = 1'b0; + send_crc = 1'b0; + rcv_pad_data = 1'b0; + inc_shift_counter = 1'b0; + send_data_to_fifo = 1'b0; + lengthfield_error = 1'b0; + pause_seen = 1'b0; + addr_stat_chk = 1'b0; + clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm = 1'b0; + //pause_opcode_detected = 1'b0; + + + casex(rx_fsm_cur_st) // synopsys parallel_case full_case + rx_fsm_idle_st: + // Waiting for packet from mii block + // Continues accepting data only if + // receive has been enabled + begin + //pause_opcode_detected = 1'b0; + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else if (rx_fifo_full) + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv && rx_ch_en ) + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkdestad_nib1_st; + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + + rx_fsm_chkdestad_nib1_st: + begin + // collecting the nibbles of destination + // address + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + rewind_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + commit_write = 1'b1; + end + else + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + if (rcv_byte_count[2:0] > 5) + rewind_write = 1'b1; + end + end // if (mi2rx_end_rcv) + + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld && inc_rcv_byte_count[14:0] == 15'd6) + begin + if(cf2rx_pause_en && af2rx_pause_frame) + begin + pause_seen = 1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_lk4srcad_nib1_st; + rewind_write = 1'b1; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_lk4srcad_nib1_st; + end + else + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkdestad_nib1_st; + end + end + + rx_fsm_lk4srcad_nib1_st: + // collecting nibbles of source address + // in case of termination of packet + // or carrier sense error then generate eop + // and generate status + begin + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err ) + begin + rewind_write = 1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end // else: !if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + commit_write = 1'b1; + end + else + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + rewind_write = 1'b1; + end + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld && inc_rcv_byte_count[14:0] == 15'd12) + begin + if(pause_frame_detected) + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_pausectrl_st; + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_lk4len_byte1_st; + end + else + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_lk4srcad_nib1_st; + end + end + + rx_fsm_lk4len_byte1_st: + // this state collects the odd nibbles of the length + // field. + begin + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + rewind_write = 1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end // else: !if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + commit_write = 1'b1; + end + else + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + rewind_write = 1'b1; + end + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld) + begin + ld_length_byte_1 = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_lk4len_byte2_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_lk4len_byte1_st; + end + + rx_fsm_lk4len_byte2_st: + // This state generates the even nibbles of the length + // field + begin + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err ) + begin + rewind_write = 1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end // else: !if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + commit_write = 1'b1; + end + else + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + rewind_write = 1'b1; + end + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld ) + begin + ld_length_byte_2 = 1'b1; + check_padding_in = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_getdt_nib1_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_lk4len_byte2_st; + end // rx_fsm_lk4len_byte2_st + + rx_fsm_getdt_nib1_st: //state number 7 + // This state collects the nibbles of the receive data + // This state makes a determination to remove padding + // only if strip padding is enabled and the length field + // detected is less than 64 + begin + if (commit_condition) + commit_write = 1'b1; + + if((ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) && !commit_write_done) + begin + rewind_write = 1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end // else: !if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + else if (ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en && !(commit_write_done | commit_condition)) + begin + commit_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + end + else if(!(commit_write_done | commit_condition) && !cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en) + begin + rewind_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld && (inc_length_counter == rcv_length_reg) && + look_at_length_field) + begin + dec_data_len = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_getpaddt_nib1_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld && look_at_length_field) + begin + dec_data_len = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_getdt_nib1_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_getdt_nib1_st; + end + + rx_fsm_getpaddt_nib1_st: + // This state handles the padded data in case of less than 64 + // byte packets This handles the odd nibbles + begin + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + if(rcv_byte_count[14:0] <= 15'd64) // mfilardo + //if(inc_rcv_byte_count[14:0] <= 15'd64) + begin + rewind_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + //if(inc_rcv_byte_count[14:0] == 15'd64) + if(rcv_byte_count[14:0] == 15'd64) // mfilardo + lengthfield_error = 0; + else + lengthfield_error = 1; + + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_extend_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld) + begin + if(cf2rx_strp_pad_en) + rcv_pad_data = 1'b1; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_getpaddt_nib1_st; + end // case: rx_fsm_getpaddt_nib1_st + + + rx_fsm_extend_st: + //This state handles the first extend conditon in the + //cf2rx_gigabit_xfr + //transfer + begin + if (mi2rx_extend) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_extend_st; + end + else + begin + commit_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + end + end + rx_fsm_chkval_st: + // This packet generates the validity of the packet + // This is reached either on clean or error type + // completion of packet. + begin + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end + else if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en && first_dword) + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + case(rcv_byte_count[2:0]) //synopsys full_case parallel_case + 3'd1: + begin + if(shift_counter == 3'd4) + begin + if(bytes_to_fifo == rcv_byte_count[2:0]) + begin + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end // if (bytes_to_fifo == rcv_nibble_count[3:1]) + else + send_data_to_fifo = 1'b1; + end // if (shift_counter == 3'd4) + else + inc_shift_counter = 1; + end // case: 3'd1 + + 3'd2: + begin + if(shift_counter == 3'd3) + begin + if(bytes_to_fifo == rcv_byte_count[2:0]) + begin + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end // if (bytes_to_fifo == rcv_nibble_count[3:1]) + else + send_data_to_fifo = 1'b1; + end // if (shift_counter == 3'd3) + else + inc_shift_counter = 1; + end // case: 3'd2 + + 3'd3: + begin + if(shift_counter == 3'd2) + begin + if(bytes_to_fifo == rcv_byte_count[2:0]) + begin + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end + else + send_data_to_fifo = 1'b1; + end // if (shift_counter == 3'd2) + else + inc_shift_counter = 1; + end // case: 3'd3 + + 3'd4: + begin + if(shift_counter == 3'd1) + begin + if(bytes_to_fifo == rcv_byte_count[2:0]) + begin + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end // if (bytes_to_fifo == rcv_nibble_count[3:1]) + else + send_data_to_fifo = 1'b1; + end + else + inc_shift_counter = 1; + end // case: 3'd4 + default: + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + gen_eop = 1'b0; + end + endcase // case(rcv_nibble_count[3 + end // if (cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en && first_dword) + else if(((cf2rx_snd_crc || send_runt_packet || look_at_length_field) + && crc_count == 3'd4)) + begin + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end + else if(send_runt_packet || look_at_length_field) + begin + send_crc = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + end + else if(!cf2rx_snd_crc) + begin + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_updstat_st; + end + else + begin + send_crc = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + end + end // case: rx_fsm_chkval_st + + rx_fsm_updstat_st: + // This state updates the status to the application + // This allows the application to determine the validity + // of the packet so that it can take the necessary action + begin + e_rx_sts_vld = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + + rx_fsm_pausectrl_st: + // collecting odd nibbles of pause control + // in case of termination of packet + // or carrier sense error then generate eop + // and generate status + begin + if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + set_incomplete_frm = 1'b1; + error = 1'b1; + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en) + commit_write = 1'b1; + else + rewind_write = 1'b1; + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld) + case(inc_rcv_byte_count[1:0]) + 2'b01 : if(mi2rx_rx_byte != 8'h88) + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st; + 2'b10 : if(mi2rx_rx_byte != 8'h08) + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st; + 2'b11 : if(mi2rx_rx_byte != 8'h00) + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st; + 2'b00 : begin + if(mi2rx_rx_byte != 8'h01) + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st; + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte1_st; + end + endcase + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_pausectrl_st; + end // case: rx_fsm_pausectrl_nib1_st + + rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte1_st: + // This state collects the odd nibbles of the receive data + begin + //pause_opcode_detected = 1'b1; + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + rewind_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + set_incomplete_frm = 1'b1; + error = 1'b1; + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + if(cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en) + commit_write = 1'b1; + else + rewind_write = 1'b1; + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld) + begin + ld_pause_quanta_1 = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte2_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte1_st; + end // case: rx_fsm_pausequanta_nib1_st + + rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte2_st: + // This state collects the even nibbles of the receive data. + begin + //pause_opcode_detected = 1'b1; + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + rewind_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + set_incomplete_frm = 1'b1; + error = 1'b1; + gen_eop = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_chkval_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld ) + begin + ld_pause_quanta_2 = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_pausequanta_byte2_st; + end // case: rx_fsm_pausequanta_nib2_st + + rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st: + begin + //pause_opcode_detected = 1'b1; + if(ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + begin + rewind_write = 1'b1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + if(rcv_byte_count[14:0] < 15'd64) // mfilardo + begin + lengthfield_error = 1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else if(rc2rx_crc_ok) + begin + gen_pause_det = 1; + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + else + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st; + end // case: rx_fsm_wt4_pause_end_st + default: + begin + rx_fsm_nxt_st = rx_fsm_idle_st; + end + endcase // casex(rx_fsm_cur_st) + end // always @ (rx_fsm_cur_st or mi2rx_strt_rcv or rx_ch_en or cf2rx_strp_pad_en... + + always @(inc_rcv_byte_count) + begin + if(inc_rcv_byte_count[14:0] < 15'd6) + first_dword = 1'b1; + else + first_dword = 1'b0; + end // always @ (inc_rcv_nibble_count or... + + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + crc_count <= 3'b000; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + crc_count <= 3'b000; + else if(send_crc) + crc_count <= crc_count + 1; + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + // These signals are used as intermediate flags to determine + // whether to commit pointer or not to commit pointers + // to the application + // error_seen helps in tracking errors which could occurs in between + // packet transfer + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + commit_write_done <= 1'b1; + error_seen <= 1'b0; + end + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + begin + commit_write_done <= 1'b0; + error_seen <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + if(commit_write) + commit_write_done <= 1'b1; + if(error) + error_seen <= 1'b1; + end + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + assign look_at_length_field = cf2rx_strp_pad_en && + (rcv_length_reg < MIN_FRM_SIZE) && (|rcv_length_reg); + assign send_runt_packet = cf2rx_rcv_runt_pkt_en && + (rcv_byte_count[15:8] == 8'd0 && rcv_byte_count[7:0] < 8'd64); + + // + // Detect pause control frame + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + pause_frame_detected <= 1'b0; + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + pause_frame_detected <= 1'b0; + else if(af2rx_pause_frame && cf2rx_pause_en && pause_seen) + pause_frame_detected <= 1'b1; + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + // counter used for decrementing pause to transmit + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + pause_count <= 16'b0; + else + begin + if(~cf2rx_pause_en) + pause_count <= 'h0; + else if(gen_pause_det & pause_opcode_detected) + pause_count <= pause_quanta; + //else if(pause_quanta_count == 9'd511) + else if( ( cf2rx_gigabit_xfr && (pause_quanta_count[5:0] == 6'd63 )) || + (~cf2rx_gigabit_xfr && (pause_quanta_count[6:0] == 7'd127)) ) // mfilardo pause bit time fix. A pause quanta should be 512 bit times. + pause_count <= pause_count - 1; + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + // counter used for decrementing pause quanta count + // which is 512 bit times + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + pause_quanta_count <= 9'b0; + else + begin + if(pause_dn) + pause_quanta_count <= 9'b0; + else if(rx2tx_pause_tx_int) + pause_quanta_count <= pause_quanta_count + 1; + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end + + assign pause_dn = ~|pause_count & rx2tx_pause_tx_int; + //A200 change : + //When phy_crs input is asserted rx2tx_pause_tx which stops the + //frame transmission. Same function has been done on receiving pause + //frame so phy_crs is ored with pause receive signal when config is + //zero. + assign rx2tx_pause_tx = rx2tx_pause_tx_int | + (phy_crs & ~crs_flow_control_enable); + + // Generation pause to tx_fsm + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + rx2tx_pause_tx_int <= 1'b0; + else + begin + if(pause_dn) + rx2tx_pause_tx_int <= 1'b0; + else if(gen_pause_det) + rx2tx_pause_tx_int <= 1'b1; + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + assign inc_rcv_byte_count = rcv_byte_count + 16'h1; + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + rcv_byte_count <= 16'h0000; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + rcv_byte_count <= 16'h0000; + else if(mi2rx_rcv_vld) + rcv_byte_count <= inc_rcv_byte_count; + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + // This signal is asserted wheneven there is no valid transfer on the + // line. Valid transfer is only between mi2rx_strt_rcv and + // mi2rx_end_rcv. In case + // of rewind write transfer becomes invalid. Such data should not be + // written in to the fifo + reg dt_xfr_invalid; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + dt_xfr_invalid <= 1; + else if(rewind_write || ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) + dt_xfr_invalid <= 1; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + dt_xfr_invalid <= 0; + end + // This is the mux to gather nibbles to two octets for the length field + // of the register + assign inc_length_counter = length_counter + 16'h1; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + rcv_length_reg <= 16'b0; + length_counter <= 16'b0; + end // if (reset_n) + else if (rx_ch_en) + begin + if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + begin + length_counter <= 16'b0; + rcv_length_reg <= 16'b0; + end + else if(dec_data_len ) + length_counter <= inc_length_counter; + else + begin + if(ld_length_byte_1) + begin + rcv_length_reg[15:8] <= mi2rx_rx_byte; + end + else if(ld_length_byte_2) + begin + rcv_length_reg[7:0] <= mi2rx_rx_byte; + end + end // else: !if(dec_data_len) + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + // This signal helps in making sure that when packets are received the + // channel is enabled else ignore the complete packet until next start + // of packet + reg enable_channel; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + enable_channel <= 0; + else if(gen_eop) + enable_channel <= 0; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv && rx_ch_en) + enable_channel <= 1; + end + + // This is the decremented padding length register + // Once it reaches zero CRC should follow + assign dec_pad_length = padding_len_reg - 7'h1; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + padding_needed <= 1'b0; + padding_len_reg <= 6'b0; + end + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + begin + padding_needed <= 1'b0; + padding_len_reg <= 6'b0; + end + else if(look_at_length_field && + check_padding) + begin + padding_len_reg <= MIN_FRM_SIZE - rcv_length_reg[5:0]; + padding_needed <= 1'b1; + end + else if(dec_pad_len) + begin + padding_len_reg <= dec_pad_len; + padding_needed <= padding_needed; + end + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + /********************************************************* + Status Generation for Receive packets + Statuses in this case are checked at end of receive packets + and are registered and provided inthe next state along with + rx_sts_valid bit asserted + *********************************************************/ + + reg[14:0] fifo_byte_count; + wire [14:0] inc_fifo_byte_count; + wire [14:0] dec_fifo_byte_count; + assign inc_fifo_byte_count = fifo_byte_count + 15'h1; + assign dec_fifo_byte_count = fifo_byte_count - 15'h1; + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + fifo_byte_count <= 15'd0; + else if(rewind_write || mi2rx_strt_rcv) + fifo_byte_count <= 15'd0; + else if(rx2ap_rx_fsm_wrt) + fifo_byte_count <= inc_fifo_byte_count; + end + + reg length_sz_mismatch; + + assign rx_sts_dt[31:16] = (e_rx_sts_vld && ap2rx_rx_fifo_err) ? + {dec_fifo_byte_count + 16'h1} : {fifo_byte_count + 16'h1}; + assign rx_sts_dt[15:13] = 3'd0; + assign rx_sts_dt[12] = length_sz_mismatch; + assign rx_sts_dt[11] = 1'b0; + assign rx_sts_dt[10] = large_pkt_reg; + assign rx_sts_dt[7] = lengthfield_err_reg; + assign rx_sts_dt[6] = crc_stat_reg; + assign rx_sts_dt[5] = rx_runt_pkt_reg; + assign rx_sts_dt[4] = rx_fifo_overrun_reg; + assign rx_sts_dt[2] = frm_length_err_reg; + assign rx_sts_dt[1:0] = 2'd0; + + wire rx_sts_large_pkt; + wire [15:0] rx_sts_bytes_rcvd; + wire rx_sts_lengthfield_err; + wire rx_sts_crc_err; + wire rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd; + wire rx_sts_rx_overrun; + wire rx_sts_frm_length_err; + wire rx_sts_len_mismatch; + + assign rx_sts_bytes_rcvd = rx_sts[31:16]; + assign rx_sts_len_mismatch = rx_sts[12]; + assign rx_sts_large_pkt = rx_sts[10]; + assign rx_sts_lengthfield_err = rx_sts[7]; + assign rx_sts_crc_err = rx_sts[6]; + assign rx_sts_runt_pkt_rcvd = rx_sts[5]; + assign rx_sts_rx_overrun = rx_sts[4]; + assign rx_sts_frm_length_err = rx_sts[2]; + + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + crc_stat_reg <= 1'b0; + frm_length_err_reg <= 1'b0; + lengthfield_err_reg <= 1'b0; + rx_fifo_overrun_reg <= 1'b0; + rx_runt_pkt_reg <= 1'b0; + large_pkt_reg <= 1'b0; + length_sz_mismatch <= 1'b0; + end + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + begin + crc_stat_reg <= 1'b0; + frm_length_err_reg <= 1'b0; + lengthfield_err_reg <= 1'b0; + rx_fifo_overrun_reg <= 1'b0; + rx_runt_pkt_reg <= 1'b0; + large_pkt_reg <= 1'b0; + length_sz_mismatch <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + if(rx_overrun_error) + rx_fifo_overrun_reg <= 1'b1; + + if(lengthfield_error) + lengthfield_err_reg <= 1'b1; + + if(mi2rx_end_rcv && mi2rx_frame_err) + frm_length_err_reg <= 1'b1; + + if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + begin + if(!rc2rx_crc_ok) + crc_stat_reg <= 1'b1; + if(rcv_byte_count[14:0] < 15'd64) + rx_runt_pkt_reg <= 1'b1; + if(rcv_byte_count[14:0] > adj_cf2rx_max_pkt_sz) + large_pkt_reg <= 1'b1; + if( (adj_rcv_byte_count[15:0] != adj_rcv_length_reg) && (adj_rcv_length_reg <= 16'd1500) ) + length_sz_mismatch <= 1'b1; + end // if (mi2rx_end_rcv) + end // else: !if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + /***************************************************/ + // + // Additions for Byte operation + // + /***************************************************/ + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or + negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + shift_counter <= 3'd0; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + shift_counter <= 3'd0; + else if(inc_shift_counter) + shift_counter <= shift_counter + 1; + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk or... + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or + negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + bytes_to_fifo <= 3'd0; + else if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + bytes_to_fifo <= 3'd1; + else if(send_data_to_fifo) + bytes_to_fifo <= bytes_to_fifo + 1; + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk or... + + wire[8:0] e_rx_fsm_dt; + wire e_rx_fsm_wrt; + assign e_rx_fsm_dt[7:0] = buf_latch4; +// assign e_rx_fsm_dt[8] = (rx_fifo_full) ? 1'b1 :gen_eop; + assign e_rx_fsm_dt[8] = gen_eop; + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or + negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + rx2ap_rx_fsm_dt <= 9'd0; + rx2ap_rx_fsm_wrt <= 1'b0; + rx2ap_commit_write <= 1'b0; + rx2ap_rewind_write <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + rx2ap_rx_fsm_wrt <= e_rx_fsm_wrt && (!ap2rx_rx_fifo_err); + rx2ap_rx_fsm_dt <= e_rx_fsm_dt; + rx2ap_commit_write <= commit_write; + rx2ap_rewind_write <= rewind_write; + end + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk or... + + assign e_rx_fsm_wrt = ((enable_channel && + mi2rx_rcv_vld && !first_dword) || + (enable_channel && + (gen_eop || send_crc)) || + (enable_channel && send_data_to_fifo)) && !rcv_pad_data + && !dt_xfr_invalid && !rewind_write; + assign ld_buf = enable_channel && !rcv_pad_data && (|rcv_byte_count == 1) && + (mi2rx_rcv_vld) || send_crc || inc_shift_counter || send_data_to_fifo; + + assign ld_buf4 = ld_buf ; + assign ld_buf3 = ld_buf ; + assign ld_buf2 = ld_buf ; + assign ld_buf1 = ld_buf ; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + buf_latch4 <= 8'b0; + buf_latch3 <= 8'b0; + buf_latch2 <= 8'b0; + buf_latch1 <= 8'b0; + buf_latch0 <= 8'b0; + end + else + begin + if(ld_buf4) + buf_latch4 <= buf_latch3; + + if(ld_buf3) + buf_latch3 <= buf_latch2; + + if(ld_buf2) + buf_latch2 <= buf_latch1; + + if(ld_buf1) + buf_latch1 <= buf_latch0; + + if (rx_ch_en) + begin + if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + begin + buf_latch0 <= 8'b0; + end + else + begin + if(mi2rx_rcv_vld && !rcv_pad_data) + begin + buf_latch0 <= mi2rx_rx_byte; + end + end // else: !if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + end // if (rx_ch_en) + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk... + + // This is used load the pause quanta value on received + // pause control frame + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + pause_quanta <= 16'b0; + c_pause_ptr <= 2'b0; + end // if (reset_n) + else if (rx_ch_en) + begin + if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + begin + pause_quanta <= 16'b0; + c_pause_ptr <= 2'b0; + end + else + begin + if(ld_pause_quanta_1) + begin + pause_quanta[15:8] <= mi2rx_rx_byte; + end + else if(ld_pause_quanta_2) + begin + pause_quanta[7:0] <= mi2rx_rx_byte; + end + end // else: !if(mi2rx_strt_rcv) + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end + +endmodule
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_rx_fsm.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_mii_intf.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_mii_intf.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_mii_intf.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,1136 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//`timescale 1ns/100ps + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + + mii_intf.v: This verilog file is reduced mii interface for ethenet + The transmit state machine generates a condition to indicate + start transmit. This is done using strt_preamble. The transmit + state machine upon detecting strt_preamble generates pre-amble + and start of frame de-limiter and then starts accepting the data + from the transmit block by asserting the transmit nibble ack. + + ***************************************************************/ +/************** MODULE DECLARATION ****************************/ +module g_mii_intf( + // Data and Control Signals to tx_fsm and rx_fsm + mi2rx_strt_rcv, + mi2rx_rcv_vld, + mi2rx_rx_byte, + mi2rx_end_rcv, + mi2rx_extend, + mi2rx_frame_err, + mi2rx_end_frame, + mi2rx_crs, + mi2tx_byte_ack, + mi2tx_slot_vld, + cfg_uni_mac_mode_change, + + // Phy Signals + phy_tx_en, + phy_tx_er, + phy_txd, + phy_tx_clk, + phy_rx_clk, + tx_reset_n, + rx_reset_n, + phy_rx_er, + phy_rx_dv, + phy_rxd, + phy_crs, + // rx_er fix. need to fwd to mac wrapper, to drop rx_er pkts. mfilardo. + rx_sts_rx_er_reg, + + // Reset signal + app_reset_n, + + // Signals from Config Management + cf2mi_loopback_en, + cf2mi_rmii_en, + cf_mac_mode, + cf_chk_rx_dfl, + cf_silent_mode, + + // Signal from Application to transmit JAM + app_send_jam, + df2rx_dfl_dn, + + // Inputs from Transmit FSM + tx2mi_strt_preamble, + tx2mi_end_transmit, + tx2mi_tx_byte, + tx_ch_en + ); + + +parameter NO_GMII_PREAMBLE = 5'b00111; +parameter NO_MII_PREAMBLE = 5'b01111; +parameter NO_RMII_PREAMBLE = 5'b11111; +parameter GMII_JAM_COUNT = 5'b0011; +parameter MII_JAM_COUNT = 5'b0111; +parameter RMII_JAM_COUNT = 5'b1111; + + /******* INPUT & OUTPUT DECLARATIONS *************************/ + + output mi2rx_strt_rcv; // This is generated by the MII block to indicate start + // of receive data. + output mi2rx_rcv_vld; // This signal is asserted by MII on reception of valid + // bytes to indicate to the RX block to accept data from PHY + output[7:0] mi2rx_rx_byte; // This the receive data from the PHY gathered as bytes + output mi2rx_end_rcv; // This signal is asserted with the last data assembled + output mi2rx_extend; // This signal is asserted during carrier extension (Receive) + output mi2rx_frame_err; // This signal is asserted during Dibit Error (In RMII Mode) + // or Nibble Error in (MII Mode) + output mi2rx_end_frame; // End of Frame + output mi2rx_crs; // CRS signal in rx_clk domain + output mi2tx_byte_ack; // MII block acknowledges a byte during transmit + output mi2tx_slot_vld; // MII block acknowledges valid slot during transmit // mfilardo + + output phy_tx_en; // Enable data on TX + output phy_tx_er; // Transmit Error (Used in Carrier Extension in 1000 Mode) + output[7:0] phy_txd; // Transmit data on the line + + input phy_tx_clk; // Transmit Clock in 10/100 Mb/s + + output rx_sts_rx_er_reg; // rx_er fix. need to fwd to mac wrapper, to drop rx_er pkts. mfilardo. + input app_reset_n; // reset from the application interface + + input phy_rx_clk; // Receive Clock in 10/100/1000 Mb/s + input phy_rx_er; // Receive Error. Used in Carrier Extension in 1000 Mode + input phy_rx_dv; // Receive Data Valid from the PHY + input[7:0] phy_rxd; // Receive Data + input phy_crs; // Carrier Sense from the line + + input tx_reset_n; + input rx_reset_n; + + + input cf2mi_loopback_en; // loop back enable + input cf2mi_rmii_en; // RMII Mode + input cf_mac_mode; // Mac Mode 0--> 10/100 Mode, 1--> 1000 Mode + input cf_chk_rx_dfl; // Check for Deferal + input cf_silent_mode; // PHY Inactive + input app_send_jam; // Send a Jam Sequence (From the Application) + input df2rx_dfl_dn; // Deferal Done in Rx Clock Domain + input tx2mi_strt_preamble; // Tx FSM indicates to MII to generate + // preamble on the line + input tx2mi_end_transmit; // This is provided by the TX block to + // indicate end of transmit + input[7:0] tx2mi_tx_byte; // 8 bits of data from Tx block + input tx_ch_en; // Transmitt Enable + input cfg_uni_mac_mode_change; + + /******* WIRE & REG DECLARATION FOR INPUT AND OUTPUTS ********/ + reg phy_tx_en; + reg mi2tx_byte_ack; + reg mi2tx_slot_vld; + reg [7:0] phy_txd; + wire [7:0] mi2rx_rx_byte; + reg [7:0] mi2rx_rx_byte_in; + reg mi2rx_extend; + reg mi2rx_extend_err; + reg mi2rx_strt_rcv; + reg mi2rx_end_rcv; + reg mi2rx_rcv_vld; + reg mi2rx_frame_err; + + /*** REG & WIRE DECLARATIONS FOR LOCAL SIGNALS ***************/ + + reg [4:0] tx_preamble_cnt_val; + reg [4:0] jam_count; + reg [4:0] jam_count_reg; + + + reg strt_rcv_in; + reg end_rcv_in; + reg rx_dv_in; + reg rx_er_in; + reg rcv_valid_in; + + + + reg [7:0] rxd_in; + + parameter mii_rx_idle_st = 3'd0, mii_rx_pre_st = 3'd1, + mii_rx_byte_st = 3'd2, mii_rx_end_st = 3'd3, + mii_rx_dibit_st = 3'd4, mii_rx_nibble_st = 3'd5; + + reg [2:0] mii_rx_nxt_st; + reg [2:0] mii_rx_cur_st; + + parameter mii_tx_idle_st = 4'd0, mii_tx_pre_st = 4'd1, + mii_tx_byte_st = 4'd2, mii_tx_end_st = 4'd3, + mii_tx_jam_st = 4'd4, mii_tx_nibble_st = 4'd5, + mii_tx_nibble_end_st = 4'd6, mii_tx_dibit_st = 4'd7, + mii_tx_dibit_end_st = 4'd8; + + reg [3:0] mii_tx_cur_st; + reg [3:0] mii_tx_nxt_st; + + wire send_jam; + wire receive_detect; + wire pre_condition; + wire sfd_condition; + wire tx_en; + wire tx_er; + wire [7:0] txd; + wire byte_boundary_rx, byte_boundary_tx; + + reg tx_en_in; + reg tx_err_in; + reg tx_ext_in; + reg tx_pre_in; + reg tx_sfd_in; + reg tx_jam_in; + reg tx_xfr_ack_in; + reg inc_preamble_cntr; + reg rst_preamble_cntr; + reg inc_jam_cntr; + reg rst_jam_cntr; + reg [1:0] tx_xfr_cnt, rx_xfr_cnt, tx_slot_xfr_cnt; + reg rx_dv; + reg rx_er; + reg rcv_err_in; + reg mi2rx_end_frame_in; + + reg [1:0] tx_dibit_in; + reg mi2rx_extend_in, mi2rx_extend_err_in, mi2rx_end_frame; + reg crs_in; + reg phy_tx_er; + + wire dibit_check_rx, dibit_check_tx; + wire nibble_check_rx, nibble_check_tx; + wire pre_condition_gmii, pre_condition_mii, pre_condition_rmii; + wire sfd_condition_gmii, sfd_condition_mii, sfd_condition_rmii; + wire [3:0] tx_nibble_in; + reg [7:0] rxd; + wire receive_detect_pulse; + reg d_receive_detect; + + + reg lb_tx_en, lb_tx_er; + reg rx_dv_del; + reg [1:0] rxd_del; + reg rx_dfl_dn; + reg rx_dfl_dn_reg; + + + /******** SEQUENTIAL LOGIC **********************************/ + + // This logic generates appropriate receive data valid + // in case of loop back + always @(tx_en or phy_rxd or txd or phy_rx_dv or tx_er or phy_crs + or cf2mi_loopback_en or phy_tx_en or phy_rx_er or + cf2mi_rmii_en or cf_mac_mode) + begin + if(cf2mi_loopback_en) + begin + rx_dv_in = tx_en; + rx_er_in = tx_er; + rxd_in = txd; + crs_in = (tx_en | tx_er) && cf_mac_mode; + end // if (mii_loopback_en) + else + begin + rx_dv_in = phy_rx_dv ; + rx_er_in = phy_rx_er; + rxd_in = phy_rxd; + // *** NOTE **** + // phy_crs should be a combination of crs and tx_en + // In Full Duplex tx_en determines deferral in half duplex + // crs determines deferral + crs_in = (tx_en | tx_er); + end // else: !if(mii_loopback_en) + end + + + // Following state machine is to detect start preamble and + // transmit preamble and sfd and then the data. + // This state machine also generates acknowledge to TX block + // to allow the TX block to update its byte pointers + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + begin + mii_tx_cur_st <= mii_tx_idle_st; + end + else if (tx_ch_en) + begin + mii_tx_cur_st <= mii_tx_nxt_st; + end + else + begin + mii_tx_cur_st <= mii_tx_idle_st; + end + end + + always @(mii_tx_cur_st or tx2mi_strt_preamble or tx2mi_end_transmit or cf_mac_mode + or cf2mi_rmii_en or tx_preamble_cnt_val or byte_boundary_tx + or jam_count or tx_xfr_cnt or send_jam or receive_detect + or receive_detect_pulse or jam_count_reg or jam_count or cfg_uni_mac_mode_change) + begin + + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_cur_st; + tx_en_in = 1'b0; + tx_pre_in = 1'b0; + tx_sfd_in = 1'b0; + tx_err_in = 1'b0; + tx_ext_in = 1'b0; + tx_jam_in = 1'b0; + inc_preamble_cntr = 1'b0; + rst_preamble_cntr = 1'b0; + inc_jam_cntr = 1'b0; + rst_jam_cntr = 1'b0; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b0; + + casex(mii_tx_cur_st) // synopsys parallel_case full_case + + mii_tx_idle_st: + // wait from start from transmit state machine + begin + if(tx2mi_strt_preamble) + begin + inc_preamble_cntr = 1'b1; + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_pre_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_pre_st; + end + else + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_idle_st; + end + + mii_tx_pre_st: + // This state generates the preamble to be transmitted and + // generates SFD before transitioning the data state + begin + if((tx_preamble_cnt_val == NO_GMII_PREAMBLE) && cf_mac_mode) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_sfd_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + rst_preamble_cntr = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_byte_st; + end + else if((tx_preamble_cnt_val == NO_MII_PREAMBLE) && !cf_mac_mode && + !cf2mi_rmii_en) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_sfd_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + rst_preamble_cntr = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_nibble_st; + end + else if((tx_preamble_cnt_val == NO_RMII_PREAMBLE) && !cf_mac_mode && + cf2mi_rmii_en) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_sfd_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + rst_preamble_cntr = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_dibit_st; + end + else + begin + inc_preamble_cntr = 1'b1; + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_pre_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_pre_st; + end + end + + mii_tx_byte_st: + // This state picks up a byte from the transmit block + // before transmitting on the line + begin + if(tx2mi_end_transmit && byte_boundary_tx ) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b0; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_end_st; + end + else if (!cf_mac_mode & cfg_uni_mac_mode_change) // Mandar + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_nibble_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_byte_st; + end + end + + /*mii_tx_byte_st: + // This state picks up a byte from the transmit block + // before transmitting on the line + begin + if(tx2mi_end_transmit && byte_boundary_tx ) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b0; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_end_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_byte_st; + end + end*/ + + mii_tx_jam_st: + begin + if(jam_count == jam_count_reg) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_jam_in = 1'b1; + rst_jam_cntr = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_idle_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_jam_in = 1'b1; + inc_jam_cntr = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_jam_st; + end + end + + mii_tx_end_st: + // This state checks for the end of transfer + // and extend for carrier extension + begin + if(tx2mi_strt_preamble) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_pre_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_pre_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b0; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_idle_st; + end + end + + /*mii_tx_nibble_st: + // This state picks up a byte from the transmit block + // before transmitting on the line + begin + if(tx2mi_end_transmit && !byte_boundary_tx ) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_nibble_end_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_nibble_st; + end + end*/ + + mii_tx_nibble_st: // Mandar + // This state picks up a byte from the transmit block + // before transmitting on the line + begin + if(tx2mi_end_transmit && !byte_boundary_tx ) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_nibble_end_st; + end + else if (cf_mac_mode & cfg_uni_mac_mode_change) // Mandar + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_byte_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_nibble_st; + end + end + + mii_tx_nibble_end_st: + // This state checks for the end of transfer + // and extend for carrier extension + begin + if(tx2mi_strt_preamble) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_pre_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_pre_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b0; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_idle_st; + end + end + + mii_tx_dibit_st: + // This state picks up a byte from the transmit block + // before transmitting on the line + begin + if(tx2mi_end_transmit && (tx_xfr_cnt[0]) && (tx_xfr_cnt[1]) ) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_dibit_end_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_xfr_ack_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_dibit_st; + end + end + + mii_tx_dibit_end_st: + // This state checks for the end of transfer + // and extend for carrier extension + begin + if(tx2mi_strt_preamble) + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + tx_pre_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_pre_st; + end + else + begin + tx_en_in = 1'b1; + mii_tx_nxt_st = mii_tx_idle_st; + end + end + endcase + end // end always + + // All the data, enable and ack signals leaving this blocks are + // registered tx_data and tx_en are outputs going to PHY tx_nibble_ack + // is indicating to the TX block of acceptance of data nibble + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + begin + lb_tx_en <= 1'b0; + lb_tx_er <= 1'b0; + phy_tx_en <= 1'b0; + phy_tx_er <= 1'b0; + mi2tx_byte_ack <= 1'b0; + mi2tx_slot_vld <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + lb_tx_en <= tx_en_in; + lb_tx_er <= tx_err_in; + phy_tx_en <= (cf_silent_mode) ? 1'b0 : tx_en_in; + phy_tx_er <= (cf_silent_mode) ? 1'b0 : tx_err_in; + mi2tx_byte_ack <= (cf_mac_mode || (cf2mi_rmii_en && tx_xfr_cnt[1] && !tx_xfr_cnt[0]) || + (!cf2mi_rmii_en && nibble_check_tx)) ? tx_xfr_ack_in : 1'b0; + mi2tx_slot_vld <= (cf_mac_mode || (cf2mi_rmii_en && tx_slot_xfr_cnt[1] && !tx_slot_xfr_cnt[0]) || + (!cf2mi_rmii_en && tx_slot_xfr_cnt[0] )) ? (tx_xfr_ack_in || inc_preamble_cntr) : 1'b0; + end + end + + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + begin + phy_txd[7:0] <= 8'b00000000; + end + else + begin + if (cf_mac_mode) + phy_txd[7:0] <= (tx_pre_in) ? 8'b01010101 : ((tx_sfd_in) ? + 8'b11010101 : ((tx_jam_in) ? 8'b11111111 : + ((tx_ext_in) ? 8'b00001111: tx2mi_tx_byte))); + else if (!cf_mac_mode && !cf2mi_rmii_en) + phy_txd[3:0] <= (tx_pre_in) ? 4'b0101 : ((tx_sfd_in) ? + 4'b1101 : ((tx_jam_in) ? 4'b1111 : tx_nibble_in)) ; + else if (!cf_mac_mode && cf2mi_rmii_en) + phy_txd[1:0] <= (tx_pre_in) ? 2'b01 : ((tx_sfd_in) ? + 2'b11 : ((tx_jam_in) ? 2'b11 : tx_dibit_in)) ; + end + end + assign receive_detect_pulse = receive_detect && !d_receive_detect; + + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + jam_count_reg <= 5'd0; + else if(cf_mac_mode) + jam_count_reg <= GMII_JAM_COUNT; + else if(cf2mi_rmii_en) + jam_count_reg <= RMII_JAM_COUNT; + else if(!cf2mi_rmii_en) + jam_count_reg <= MII_JAM_COUNT; + end + + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + d_receive_detect <= 0; + else + d_receive_detect <= receive_detect; + end + // counter for the number transfers + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + tx_xfr_cnt <= 2'd0; + else if(tx2mi_strt_preamble) + tx_xfr_cnt <= 2'd0; + else if(tx_xfr_ack_in) + tx_xfr_cnt <= tx_xfr_cnt + 1; + end + + // phy_tx_en_dly + reg phy_tx_en_dly; + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + phy_tx_en_dly <= 1'd0; + else + phy_tx_en_dly <= phy_tx_en; + end + + wire phy_tx_en_fall; + assign phy_tx_en_fall = phy_tx_en_dly && !phy_tx_en; + + // counter for the number transfers ... + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + tx_slot_xfr_cnt <= 2'd0; + else if(phy_tx_en_fall) + tx_slot_xfr_cnt <= 2'd0; + else if(inc_preamble_cntr || tx_xfr_ack_in) + tx_slot_xfr_cnt <= tx_slot_xfr_cnt + 1; + end + + assign nibble_check_tx = tx_xfr_cnt[0]; + assign dibit_check_tx= tx_xfr_cnt[0] && tx_xfr_cnt[1]; + assign byte_boundary_tx = (cf_mac_mode) ? 1'b1: + ((!cf_mac_mode && !cf2mi_rmii_en) ? nibble_check_tx : dibit_check_tx); + + assign tx_nibble_in = (tx_xfr_cnt[0]) ? tx2mi_tx_byte[3:0] : tx2mi_tx_byte[7:4]; + +/* always @(tx_xfr_cnt or tx2mi_tx_byte or phy_tx_clk) + begin + if (!tx_xfr_cnt[1] && !tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[1:0]; + else if (!tx_xfr_cnt[1] && tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[3:2]; + else if (tx_xfr_cnt[1] && !tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[5:4]; + else if (tx_xfr_cnt[1] && tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[7:6]; + else + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[1:0]; + end +*/ + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + tx_dibit_in <= 2'b0; + else if(tx2mi_strt_preamble) + tx_dibit_in <= 2'b0; + else + begin + if (!tx_xfr_cnt[1] && !tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[1:0]; + else if (!tx_xfr_cnt[1] && tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[3:2]; + else if (tx_xfr_cnt[1] && !tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[5:4]; + else if (tx_xfr_cnt[1] && tx_xfr_cnt[0]) + tx_dibit_in <= tx2mi_tx_byte[7:6]; + end + end + + // counter for the number of preamble to be sent + // before transmitting the sfd + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + tx_preamble_cnt_val <= 5'd0; + else if(rst_preamble_cntr) + tx_preamble_cnt_val <= 5'd0; + else if(inc_preamble_cntr) + tx_preamble_cnt_val <= tx_preamble_cnt_val + 1; + end + + // Jam Counter + always @(posedge phy_tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if(!tx_reset_n) + jam_count <= 5'd0; + else if(rst_jam_cntr) + jam_count <= 5'd0; + else if(inc_jam_cntr) + jam_count <= jam_count + 1; + end + + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + rx_dfl_dn_reg <= 1'b0; + else if (df2rx_dfl_dn) + rx_dfl_dn_reg <= 1'b1; + else + begin + if (!phy_rx_dv && !phy_rx_er) + rx_dfl_dn_reg <= 1'b0; + end + end + + assign mi2rx_rx_byte = mi2rx_rx_byte_in; + //assign rxd = (!cf_mac_mode && cf2mi_rmii_en)? mi2rx_rx_byte : mi2rx_rx_byte_in; + + assign pre_condition_gmii = (!rxd[7] && rxd[6] && !rxd[5] && rxd[4] + && !rxd[3] && rxd[2] && !rxd[1] && rxd[0] && rx_dv + && !(!rx_dfl_dn_reg && cf_chk_rx_dfl)); + + assign pre_condition_mii = (!rxd[3] && rxd[2] && !rxd[1] && rxd[0] && rx_dv + && !(!rx_dfl_dn_reg && cf_chk_rx_dfl)); + + assign pre_condition_rmii = (!rxd[1] && rxd[0] && rx_dv + && !rxd_del[1] && rxd_del[0] && rx_dv_del + && !(!rx_dfl_dn_reg && cf_chk_rx_dfl)); + + assign sfd_condition_gmii = (rxd[7] && rxd[6] && !rxd[5] && rxd[4] + && !rxd[3] && rxd[2] && !rxd[1] && rxd[0] && rx_dv + && !(!rx_dfl_dn_reg && cf_chk_rx_dfl)); + + assign sfd_condition_mii = (rxd[3] && rxd[2] && !rxd[1] && rxd[0] && rx_dv + && !(!rx_dfl_dn_reg && cf_chk_rx_dfl)); + + assign sfd_condition_rmii = (rxd[1] && rxd[0] && rx_dv + && !rxd_del[1] && rxd_del[0] && rx_dv_del + && !(!rx_dfl_dn_reg && cf_chk_rx_dfl)); + + + + assign pre_condition = (cf_mac_mode) ? pre_condition_gmii : + ((cf2mi_rmii_en) ? pre_condition_rmii : pre_condition_mii); + + assign sfd_condition = (cf_mac_mode) ? sfd_condition_gmii : + ((cf2mi_rmii_en) ? sfd_condition_rmii : sfd_condition_mii); + + // Following state machine is to detect strt preamble and + // receive preamble and sfd and then the data. + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + begin + mii_rx_cur_st <= mii_rx_idle_st; + end + else + begin + mii_rx_cur_st <= mii_rx_nxt_st; + end + end + + always @(mii_rx_cur_st or rx_dv or rx_er or pre_condition or sfd_condition + or byte_boundary_rx or rxd or rx_xfr_cnt or cf2mi_rmii_en or cf_mac_mode) + begin + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_cur_st; + strt_rcv_in = 1'b0; + end_rcv_in = 1'b0; + rcv_valid_in = 1'b0; + rcv_err_in = 1'b0; + mi2rx_extend_in = 1'b0; + mi2rx_extend_err_in = 1'b0; + mi2rx_end_frame_in = 1'b0; + + casex(mii_rx_cur_st) // synopsys parallel_case full_case + + mii_rx_idle_st: + // This state is waiting for pre-amble to + // appear on the line in Receive mode + begin + if(pre_condition) + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_pre_st; + else + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_idle_st; + end + + mii_rx_pre_st: + // This state checks the pre-amble and Waits for SFD on the line + begin + if(sfd_condition) + begin + strt_rcv_in = 1'b1; + if(cf_mac_mode) + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_byte_st; + else if(!cf_mac_mode && !cf2mi_rmii_en) + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_nibble_st; + else if(!cf_mac_mode && cf2mi_rmii_en) + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_dibit_st; + end + else if(pre_condition) + begin + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_pre_st; + end + else if(!rx_dv && rx_er && cf_mac_mode) + begin + mi2rx_extend_in = (rxd == 8'h0F) ? 1'b1: 1'b0; + mi2rx_extend_err_in = (rxd == 8'h1F) ? 1'b1: 1'b0; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_pre_st; + end + else + begin + mi2rx_end_frame_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_idle_st; + end + end + + mii_rx_byte_st: + // This state looks for data validity and latches di-bit2 and + // sends it to the receiver + begin + if(rx_dv) + begin + rcv_valid_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_byte_st; + end + else if (!rx_dv && rx_er && cf_mac_mode) + begin + mi2rx_extend_in = (rxd == 8'h0F) ? 1'b1: 1'b0; + mi2rx_extend_err_in = (rxd == 8'h1F) ? 1'b1: 1'b0; + end_rcv_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_pre_st; + end + else + begin + end_rcv_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_end_st; + end + end + + mii_rx_end_st: + // This state looks for data validity and latches di-bit2 and + // sends it to the receiver + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_idle_st; + + mii_rx_nibble_st: + begin + if(rx_dv) + begin + rcv_valid_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_nibble_st; + end + else + begin + end_rcv_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_end_st; + if(rx_xfr_cnt[0]) + rcv_err_in = 1'b1; + end + end + + mii_rx_dibit_st: + begin + if(rx_dv) + begin + rcv_valid_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_dibit_st; + end + else + begin + end_rcv_in = 1'b1; + mii_rx_nxt_st = mii_rx_end_st; + if(!(!rx_xfr_cnt[0] && !rx_xfr_cnt[1])) + rcv_err_in = 1'b1; + end + end + + endcase + end // always @ (mii_rx_cur_st... + + // counter for the number receives + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + rx_xfr_cnt <= 2'd0; + else if(mi2rx_end_rcv) + rx_xfr_cnt <= 2'd0; + else if(rcv_valid_in) + rx_xfr_cnt <= rx_xfr_cnt + 1; + end + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + begin + mi2rx_rx_byte_in <= 8'b0; + rxd <= 8'b0; + rxd_del <= 2'b0; + end + else + begin + rxd <= rxd_in; +// rxd_del <= rxd_in[1:0]; + rxd_del <= rxd[1:0]; + + if (cf_mac_mode) + mi2rx_rx_byte_in <= rxd; + else if (!cf_mac_mode && !cf2mi_rmii_en) + begin + if(!rx_xfr_cnt[0]) + mi2rx_rx_byte_in[3:0] <= rxd[3:0]; + else + mi2rx_rx_byte_in[7:4] <= rxd[3:0]; + end + else if(!cf_mac_mode && cf2mi_rmii_en) + begin + if(!rx_xfr_cnt[1] && !rx_xfr_cnt[0]) + mi2rx_rx_byte_in[1:0] <= rxd[1:0]; + else if(!rx_xfr_cnt[1] && rx_xfr_cnt[0]) + mi2rx_rx_byte_in[3:2] <= rxd[1:0]; + else if(rx_xfr_cnt[1] && !rx_xfr_cnt[0]) + mi2rx_rx_byte_in[5:4] <= rxd[1:0]; + else if(rx_xfr_cnt[1] && rx_xfr_cnt[0]) + mi2rx_rx_byte_in[7:6] <= rxd[1:0]; + end + end + end + + reg rx_sts_rx_er_reg; + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge rx_reset_n) begin + if(!rx_reset_n) begin + rx_sts_rx_er_reg <= 1'b0; + end + else if (mi2rx_strt_rcv) begin + rx_sts_rx_er_reg <= 1'b0; + end + else if(phy_rx_dv && phy_rx_er) begin + rx_sts_rx_er_reg <= 1'b1; + end + end + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk + or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + begin + mi2rx_rcv_vld <= 1'b0; + end + else if(cf_mac_mode) + mi2rx_rcv_vld <= rcv_valid_in; + else if(!cf_mac_mode && cf2mi_rmii_en && rx_xfr_cnt[0] && rx_xfr_cnt[1]) + mi2rx_rcv_vld <= rcv_valid_in; + else if(!cf_mac_mode && !cf2mi_rmii_en && rx_xfr_cnt[0]) + mi2rx_rcv_vld <= rcv_valid_in; + else + mi2rx_rcv_vld <= 1'b0; + end + // All the data, enable and ack signals out of RX block are + // registered + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge rx_reset_n) + begin + if(!rx_reset_n) + begin + mi2rx_strt_rcv <= 1'b0; + mi2rx_end_rcv <= 1'b0; + //mi2rx_rcv_vld <= 1'b0; + mi2rx_frame_err <= 1'b0; + mi2rx_extend <= 1'b0; + mi2rx_extend_err <= 1'b0; + mi2rx_end_frame <= 1'b0; + rx_dv <= 1'b0; + rx_er <= 1'b0; + rx_dv_del <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + mi2rx_strt_rcv <= strt_rcv_in; + mi2rx_end_rcv <= end_rcv_in; + //mi2rx_rcv_vld <= rcv_valid_in; + mi2rx_frame_err <= rcv_err_in; + mi2rx_extend <= mi2rx_extend_in; + mi2rx_extend_err <= mi2rx_extend_err_in; + mi2rx_end_frame <= mi2rx_end_frame_in; + rx_dv <= rx_dv_in; + rx_er <= rx_er_in; + rx_dv_del <= rx_dv; + end + end + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg0 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(send_jam), + //inputs + .in_pulse(app_send_jam), + .dest_clk(phy_tx_clk), + .reset_n(tx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg1 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(receive_detect), + //inputs + .in_pulse(rx_dv_in), + .dest_clk(phy_tx_clk), + .reset_n(tx_reset_n) + ); + + +wire test; + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg5 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(tx_en), + //inputs + .in_pulse(lb_tx_en), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg6 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[0]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[0]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg7 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[1]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[1]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg8 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[2]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[2]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg9 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[3]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[3]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg10 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[4]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[4]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg11 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[5]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[5]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg12 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[6]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[6]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg13 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(txd[7]), + //inputs + .in_pulse(phy_txd[7]), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg14 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(tx_er), + //inputs + .in_pulse(lb_tx_er), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg15 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(mi2rx_crs), + //inputs + .in_pulse(crs_in), + .dest_clk(phy_rx_clk), + .reset_n(rx_reset_n) + ); + +endmodule +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_mii_intf.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_fsm.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_fsm.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_fsm.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,954 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//`timescale 1ns/100ps + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + + tx_fsm.v: Frames are queued in TX FIFO, when the TX FIFO has enough + data to sustain a 100Mb or 10 Mb transfer on the TX transmit is enabled. + Each dword has 3 extra bits, which indicate the end of the frame and + the number of valid bytes in the current dword. + + ***********************************************************************/ + + +module g_tx_fsm ( + //Outputs + //FIFO + tx_commit_read, + tx_dt_rd, + + //FCS + tx2tc_fcs_active, + tx2tc_gen_crc, + + //MII interface + tx2mi_strt_preamble, + tx2mi_byte_valid, + tx2mi_byte, + tx2mi_end_transmit, + phy_tx_en, + tx_ch_en, + + //Application + tx_sts_vld, + tx_sts_byte_cntr, + tx_sts_fifo_underrun, + + //Inputs + //FIFO + app_tx_rdy, + tx_end_frame, + app_tx_dt_in, + app_tx_fifo_empty, + + //dfl and back + df2tx_dfl_dn, + + //application + app_send_pause, + + //FCS + tc2tx_fcs, + + //Configuration + cf2tx_tstate_mode, + cf2tx_ch_en, + cf2tx_pad_enable, + cf2tx_append_fcs, + cf_mac_mode, + cf_mac_sa, + cf2tx_pause_quanta, + cf2tx_force_bad_fcs, + + //RX pause + rx2tx_pause, + send_pause_active_out, + app_clk, + set_fifo_undrn, + + //MII interface + mi2tx_byte_ack, + tx_clk, + tx_reset_n, + app_reset_n); + + +parameter CORE_MIN_FRAME_SIZE = 16'h40; //64 bytes => +// (12(add)+2(len)+46(pay) + 4CRC)*2 +parameter CORE_MIN_FRAME_COL_SIZE = 16'h40; //63 bytes => +// tx_fsm lags MII by one byte +parameter CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 16'h3C ; //60 bytes => +// (12(add)+2(len)+46(pay))*2 + + + input cf2tx_ch_en; //transmit enable application clock + input cf2tx_tstate_mode; //used for OFN's tstate enable on authentication interface + input app_tx_rdy; //tx fifo management, enough buffer to tx + input tx_end_frame; //Current DWORD marks end of frame + input [7:0] app_tx_dt_in; //double word data from the TX fifo mgmt + input app_tx_fifo_empty; //TX fifo is empty, if there were a data + //data request when app_tx_fifo_empty is asserted + //would result in FIFO underrun and error cond + input app_send_pause; + input [31:0] tc2tx_fcs; + + //defferral inputs + input df2tx_dfl_dn; //IPG time between frames is satisfied + + //configuration inputs + input cf2tx_pad_enable; //pad the TX frame if they are small + input cf2tx_append_fcs; //on every TX, compute and append FCS, when + //cf2tx_pad_enable and the current frame is small + //FCS is computed and appended to the frame + //irrespective of this signal + input cf_mac_mode; // 1 is GMII 0 10/100 + input [47:0] cf_mac_sa; + input [15:0] cf2tx_pause_quanta; + input cf2tx_force_bad_fcs; + //RX pause frame received + input rx2tx_pause; //in full duplex mode, the RX has received + //a pause frame, hence the TX is requested to + //hold transfers after the transmission of the + //current transfer. level signal + //from MII or RMII + input mi2tx_byte_ack; //MII interface accepted last byte + input tx_clk; + input tx_reset_n; + input app_reset_n; + + //tx fifo management outputs + output tx_commit_read; //64 bytes have been transmitted successfully + //hence advance the rd pointer + output tx_dt_rd; //get net dword from the TX FIFO + //FCS interface + output tx2tc_fcs_active; //FCS being shipped to RMII or MII interface + output tx2tc_gen_crc; //update the CRC with new byte + + + //MII or RMII interface signals + output tx2mi_strt_preamble; //ask RMII or MII interface to send preamable + output tx2mi_byte_valid; //current byte to RMII or MII is valid + output [7:0] tx2mi_byte; //data to RMII and MII interface + output tx2mi_end_transmit; //frame transfer done + output tx_sts_vld; //tx status is valid + output [15:0] tx_sts_byte_cntr; + output tx_sts_fifo_underrun; + output tx_ch_en; // MANDAR + + input phy_tx_en; // mfilardo ofn auth fix. + + input app_clk; + output send_pause_active_out; + output set_fifo_undrn; // Description: At GMII Interface , + // abug after a transmit fifo underun was found. + // The packet after a packet that + // underran has 1 too few bytes . + + + parameter mn_idle_st = 3'd0; + parameter mn_snd_full_dup_frm_st = 3'd1; + + parameter fcs_idle_st = 0; + parameter fcs_snd_st = 1; + + parameter dt_idle_st = 12'b000000000000; + parameter dt_xfr_st = 12'b000000000001; + parameter dt_pad_st = 12'b000000000010; + parameter dt_fcs_st = 12'b000000000100; + parameter dt_pause_xfr_st = 12'b000010000000; + parameter dt_pause_pad_st = 12'b000100000000; + parameter dt_pause_fcs_st = 12'b001000000000; + + + wire tx_commit_read; + wire tx_dt_rd; //request TX FIFO for more data + wire tx2tc_fcs_active; //FCS is currently transmitted + wire tx2tc_gen_crc; + wire tx2mi_strt_preamble; + wire tx2mi_end_transmit; + wire [7:0] tx2mi_byte; + wire tx2mi_byte_valid; + wire cfg_force_bad_fcs_pulse; + reg [15:0] tx_sts_byte_cntr; + reg tx_sts_fifo_underrun; + + + reg [11:0] curr_dt_st, nxt_dt_st; + reg tx_fcs_dn, tx_fcs_dn_reg; //FCS fsm on completion of appending FCS + reg curr_fcs_st, nxt_fcs_st; //FSM for FCS + reg fcs_active; //FCS is currently transmitted + + reg init_fcs_select; //initiliaze FCS mux select + reg clr_bad_fcs; //tx_reset the bad FCS requirement + reg clr_pad_byte; //clear the padded condition + reg [2:0] fcs_mux_select; //mux select for FCS + reg send_bad_fcs; //registered send bad FCS requirement + reg set_bad_fcs; //set the above register + reg [15:0] tx_byte_cntr; //count the number of bytes xfr'ed + reg tx_fsm_rd; //request TX FIFO for more data + reg tx_byte_valid; //current byte to MII is valdi + reg strt_fcs, strt_fcs_reg; //data is done, send FCS + reg frm_padded; //current frame is padded + + + reg set_pad_byte; //send zero filled bytes + reg e_tx_sts_vld; //current packet is transferred + reg tx_sts_vld; //02999 + reg strt_preamble; + reg [7:0] tx_byte; + reg [7:0] tx_fsm_dt_reg; + reg tx_end_frame_reg; + reg tx_lst_xfr_dt, tx_lst_xfr_fcs; + reg commit_read; + reg set_max_retry_reached; + reg gen_tx_crc; + reg set_fifo_undrn, clr_fifo_undrn, fifo_undrn; + reg commit_read_sent; + reg clr_first_dfl, set_first_dfl; + + wire tx_lst_xfr; + wire tx_pause_sync; + reg inc_pause_index, clr_pause_index; + reg send_pause_active; + wire send_pause_sync; + + reg [4:0] pause_index; + + reg tx_lst_xfr_fcs_reg; + wire [15:0] tx_byte_cntr_int; + + reg cur_idle_st_del; + + reg app_tx_rdy_dly; + + reg send_pause_active_s1; + reg send_pause_active_out; + + always @(posedge app_clk or negedge app_reset_n) begin + if (!app_reset_n) begin + send_pause_active_s1 <= 1'b0; + send_pause_active_out <= 1'b0; + end + else begin + send_pause_active_s1 <= send_pause_active; + send_pause_active_out <= send_pause_active_s1; + end + end + + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) begin + if (!tx_reset_n) begin + app_tx_rdy_dly <= 1'b0; + end + else begin + app_tx_rdy_dly <= app_tx_rdy; + end + end + + + + assign tx_commit_read = commit_read; + assign tx_dt_rd = tx_fsm_rd; + assign tx2tc_fcs_active = fcs_active; + assign tx2tc_gen_crc = gen_tx_crc; + assign tx2mi_strt_preamble = strt_preamble; + assign tx2mi_byte_valid = tx_byte_valid; + assign tx2mi_byte = tx_byte; + assign tx2mi_end_transmit = tx_lst_xfr; + + assign tx_lst_xfr = tx_lst_xfr_dt || tx_lst_xfr_fcs; + +//To take care of 1 less byte count when fcs is not appended. + assign tx_byte_cntr_int = ((curr_dt_st == dt_fcs_st) || + (curr_dt_st == dt_pause_fcs_st)) ? tx_byte_cntr : tx_byte_cntr + 16'h1; + + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + begin + tx_sts_vld <= 1'b0; + tx_sts_byte_cntr <= 16'b0; + tx_sts_fifo_underrun <= 1'b0; + end // if (!tx_reset_n) + else + begin + tx_sts_vld <= e_tx_sts_vld; + if (e_tx_sts_vld) + begin + tx_sts_byte_cntr <= tx_byte_cntr_int; + tx_sts_fifo_underrun <= fifo_undrn || set_fifo_undrn; + end + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg1 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(tx_pause_sync), + //inputs + .in_pulse(rx2tx_pause), + .dest_clk(tx_clk), + .reset_n(tx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg2 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(tx_ch_en), + //inputs + .in_pulse(cf2tx_ch_en), + .dest_clk(tx_clk), + .reset_n(tx_reset_n) + ); + + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg3 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(send_pause_sync), + //inputs + .in_pulse(app_send_pause), + .dest_clk(tx_clk), + .reset_n(tx_reset_n) + ); + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg4 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(cfg_force_bad_fcs_pulse), + //inputs + .in_pulse(cf2tx_force_bad_fcs), + .dest_clk(tx_clk), + .reset_n(tx_reset_n) + ); + + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + cur_idle_st_del <= 1'b1; + else + cur_idle_st_del <= (curr_dt_st==dt_idle_st); + end + + //Data pump, this state machine gets triggered by TX FIFO + //This FSM control's the MUX loging to channel the 32 bit + //data to byte wide and also keeps track of the end of the + //frame and the valid bytes for the last double word. tx_sts_vld + //is generated by this fsm. + //Collission handling, retry operations are done in this FSM. + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + curr_dt_st <= dt_idle_st; + else if (tx_ch_en) + curr_dt_st <= nxt_dt_st; + else + curr_dt_st <= dt_idle_st; + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + //combinatorial process + //always @(curr_dt_st or mi2tx_byte_ack or app_tx_fifo_empty + always @(curr_dt_st or mi2tx_byte_ack or app_tx_fifo_empty + or tx_end_frame_reg or commit_read_sent + or tx_byte_cntr or tx_fcs_dn_reg or cf2tx_pad_enable or tx_ch_en + or df2tx_dfl_dn or tx_pause_sync or app_tx_rdy + or strt_fcs_reg + or tx_end_frame or tx_clk + or cf2tx_append_fcs + or app_tx_rdy_dly or send_pause_sync or pause_index or cur_idle_st_del) + begin + nxt_dt_st = curr_dt_st; + tx_fsm_rd = 0; + tx_byte_valid = 0; + set_bad_fcs = 0; + strt_fcs = 0; + set_pad_byte = 0; + set_max_retry_reached = 0; + e_tx_sts_vld = 0; + commit_read = 0; + strt_preamble = 0; + tx_lst_xfr_dt = 0; + clr_pad_byte = 0; + set_fifo_undrn = 0; + clr_fifo_undrn = 0; + clr_first_dfl = 0; + set_first_dfl = 0; + send_pause_active = 0; + inc_pause_index = 0; + clr_pause_index = 0; + case (curr_dt_st) + dt_idle_st : + begin + //clear early state + clr_pad_byte = 1; + clr_fifo_undrn = 1; + clr_first_dfl = 1'b1; + //wait until there is enough data in the TX FIFO + //and tx_enabled and not waiting for pause period + //in the case of full duplex + if (tx_ch_en) //config, channel enable + begin + if (send_pause_sync && df2tx_dfl_dn) + begin + // this ifdef is a bug fix. A pending pause can cause ifg to be 1 cycle short. + nxt_dt_st = dt_pause_xfr_st; + strt_preamble = 1; + end + else if (app_tx_rdy && df2tx_dfl_dn && !tx_pause_sync) + begin + tx_fsm_rd = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_xfr_st; + strt_preamble = 1; + end + else + nxt_dt_st = dt_idle_st; + end // if (tx_ch_en) + else + nxt_dt_st = dt_idle_st; + end // case: dt_idle_st + + dt_xfr_st : + begin + tx_byte_valid = 1; + //compare the mux_select to max bytes to be transmitted + //on the last dword of the frame + if (mi2tx_byte_ack && (tx_end_frame_reg)) + begin + // If it is end of frame detection and the count + // indicates that there is no need for padding then if + // pad is enabled dont check for cf2tx_append_fcs and Append + // the CRC with the data packet + if ((tx_byte_cntr >= ( CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) && cf2tx_append_fcs) + begin + strt_fcs = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_fcs_st; + end // if (cf2tx_append_fcs) + else + //ending the current transfer, check the frame size + //padding or FCS needs to be performed + if (tx_byte_cntr < ( CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) + begin + //less than min frame size, check to see if + //padding can be done + if(cf2tx_pad_enable) + begin + nxt_dt_st = dt_pad_st; + end // if (cf2tx_pad_enable) + else + begin + //if no padding, check to see if FCS needs + //to be computed + if (cf2tx_append_fcs) + begin + strt_fcs = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_fcs_st; + end // if (cf2tx_append_fcs) + else + //if no FCS, complete the transfer + begin + e_tx_sts_vld = 1; + commit_read = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_idle_st; + end // else: !if(cf2tx_append_fcs) + end // else: !if(cf2tx_pad_enable) + end // if (tx_byte_cntr < ( CORE_MIN_FRAME_SIZE - 1)) + else + //minimmum frame sent, check to see if FCS needs to + //be computed else transfer is done + begin + if (cf2tx_append_fcs) + begin + strt_fcs = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_fcs_st; + end // if (cf2tx_append_fcs) + else + begin + commit_read = !commit_read_sent; + e_tx_sts_vld = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_idle_st; + end // else: !if(cf2tx_append_fcs) + end // else: !if(tx_byte_cntr < ( CORE_MIN_FRAME_SIZE - 1)) + end + else if (mi2tx_byte_ack) + begin + //time to fetch the new dword + //check to see if the fifo is empty + //if it is then send the crc with last bit + //inverted as bad CRC so that the destination + //can throw away the frame + if (app_tx_fifo_empty) + begin + //TX has encountered error, finish the current byte + //append wrong fcs + set_bad_fcs = 1; + strt_fcs = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_fcs_st; + set_fifo_undrn = 1; + end // if (mi2tx_byte_ack && ((mux_select == 1) ||... + tx_fsm_rd = 1; //just to set error, or + //get next word + end // if (mi2tx_byte_ack && mux_selectl == 1) + //provide end of transfer to MII/RMII interface + //commit_read pointer + if (mi2tx_byte_ack ) + commit_read = !commit_read_sent; + + if (tx_end_frame_reg) + begin + if (tx_byte_cntr < (CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) + begin + if(!cf2tx_pad_enable) + begin + if (!cf2tx_append_fcs) + tx_lst_xfr_dt = 1; + end // if (!cf2tx_pad_enable) + end // if (tx_byte_cntr < (CORE_MIN_FRAME_SIZE - 1)) + else + begin + if (!cf2tx_append_fcs) + tx_lst_xfr_dt = 1; + end + end // if ((mux_select == mux_max_select) && (tx_end_frame_reg)) + end // case: dt_xfr_st + + dt_pad_st : + begin + //wait until the padded data is enough to satisfy + //the minimum packet size and then return to idle + tx_byte_valid = 1; + set_pad_byte = 1; + //check to see if the 48 bytes are sent and then move to the + //crc state + if (mi2tx_byte_ack && (tx_byte_cntr == CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) + begin + strt_fcs = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_fcs_st; + end // if (mi2tx_byte_ack && (tx_byte_cntr == CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) + end // case: dt_pad_st + + dt_fcs_st : + begin + if (tx_fcs_dn_reg && !strt_fcs_reg) + //last byte of crc is transmitted to MII and + //a new set of CRC is not transmitted to MII (this + //could be because of JAM sequence) + begin + //In the case of MII, while in this state the + //MII interface will be transferring the last + //byte to the PHY. If a collision is seen in this + //state then do the appropriate + commit_read = !commit_read_sent; + nxt_dt_st = dt_idle_st; + e_tx_sts_vld = 1; + end // if (tx_fcs_dn) + else + begin + nxt_dt_st = dt_fcs_st; + end // else: !if(tx_fcs_dn) + end // case: dt_fcs_st + + dt_pause_xfr_st : + begin + tx_byte_valid = 1; + send_pause_active = 1; + // Send the Pause Frame out + if (mi2tx_byte_ack) + begin + if (pause_index == 5'd18) + begin + clr_pause_index = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_pause_pad_st; + end + else + begin + inc_pause_index = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_pause_xfr_st; + end + end + else + begin + nxt_dt_st = dt_pause_xfr_st; + end + end // case: dt_pause_xfr_st + + dt_pause_pad_st : + begin + // Append Padding to the Packet + tx_byte_valid = 1; + set_pad_byte = 1; + if (mi2tx_byte_ack && (tx_byte_cntr == CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) + begin + strt_fcs = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_pause_fcs_st; + end // if (mi2tx_byte_ack && + // (tx_byte_cntr == CORE_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 1)) + else + nxt_dt_st = dt_pause_pad_st; + end // case: dt_pause_pad_st + + dt_pause_fcs_st : + begin + // Wait for the FCS to be sent + if (tx_fcs_dn_reg) + begin + e_tx_sts_vld = 1; + nxt_dt_st = dt_idle_st; + end + else + begin + nxt_dt_st = dt_pause_fcs_st; + end + end // case: dt_pause_fcs_st + + + default : + begin + nxt_dt_st = dt_idle_st; + end + endcase // case (curr_dt_st) + end // always @ (curr_dt_st or ) + + //counter to track the number of bytes transferred excluding + //the preamble and SOF + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + begin + tx_byte_cntr <= 16'd0; + end // if (!tx_reset_n) + else + begin + if (mi2tx_byte_ack) + begin + tx_byte_cntr <= tx_byte_cntr + 1; + end // if (mi2tx_byte_ack) + else if (strt_preamble) + begin + tx_byte_cntr <= 16'd0; + end // else: !if(mi2tx_byte_ack) + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + +// So, introduce strt_preamble_pls to compensate for delay. + reg s_p_d1, s_p_d2, s_p_d3; + wire strt_preamble_pls; + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) begin + if (!tx_reset_n) begin + s_p_d1 <= 1'b0; + s_p_d2 <= 1'b0; + s_p_d3 <= 1'b0; + end // if (!tx_reset_n) + else begin + s_p_d1 <= strt_preamble; + s_p_d2 <= s_p_d1; + s_p_d3 <= s_p_d2; + end + end // always + + wire strt_preamble_prog; + assign strt_preamble_pls = strt_preamble || s_p_d1 || s_p_d2 || s_p_d3; + assign strt_preamble_prog = strt_preamble; +//ECO fix, part1 end + + //fsm to transmit the FCS + //synchronous process + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + curr_fcs_st <= fcs_idle_st; + else + curr_fcs_st <= nxt_fcs_st; + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + //set bad fcs requirement + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + send_bad_fcs <= 0; + else + begin + //if (set_bad_fcs) + if (set_bad_fcs | cfg_force_bad_fcs_pulse) + send_bad_fcs <= 1; + else if (clr_bad_fcs) + send_bad_fcs <= 0; + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + //set the error condition flags + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + begin + fifo_undrn <= 0; + end // if (!tx_reset_n) + else + begin + + if (set_fifo_undrn) + fifo_undrn <= 1; + else if (clr_fifo_undrn) + fifo_undrn <= 0; + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + //sync block for tx_fcs_dn + + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + begin + strt_fcs_reg <= 0; + tx_fcs_dn_reg <= 0; + tx_lst_xfr_fcs_reg <= 0; //naveen 052799 + end // if (!tx_reset_n) + else + begin + tx_fcs_dn_reg <= tx_fcs_dn; + strt_fcs_reg <= strt_fcs; + tx_lst_xfr_fcs_reg <= tx_lst_xfr_fcs; //naveen 052799 + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + //combinatorial process + //bad fcs or good fcs could have been requested, in either case + //the 8 bytes have to be shifted out, in the case of bad fcs + //the last bit of the last byte will up toggled. + always @(curr_fcs_st or mi2tx_byte_ack or fcs_mux_select or + strt_fcs or strt_fcs_reg) + begin + nxt_fcs_st = curr_fcs_st; + fcs_active = 0; + init_fcs_select = 0; + tx_fcs_dn = 0; + clr_bad_fcs = 0; + tx_lst_xfr_fcs = 0; + case (curr_fcs_st) + fcs_idle_st : + if (strt_fcs || strt_fcs_reg) + begin + nxt_fcs_st = fcs_snd_st; + init_fcs_select = 1; + end // if (strt_fcs) + fcs_snd_st : + begin + fcs_active = 1; + if (fcs_mux_select == 3'd3) + tx_lst_xfr_fcs = 1; + if (mi2tx_byte_ack && fcs_mux_select == 3'd3) + begin + tx_fcs_dn = 1; + clr_bad_fcs = 1; + nxt_fcs_st = fcs_idle_st; + end // if (mi2tx_byte_ack) + end // case: fcs_snd_st + default : + begin + nxt_fcs_st = fcs_idle_st; + end + endcase // case (curr_fcs_st) + end // always @ (curr_fcs_st or) + + //fcs mux select counter + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + fcs_mux_select <= 3'd0; + else + begin + if (strt_fcs) + fcs_mux_select <= 3'd0; + else if (mi2tx_byte_ack) + fcs_mux_select <= fcs_mux_select + 1 ; + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + //remmember if frame is padded + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + frm_padded <= 0; + else + begin + if (clr_pad_byte) + frm_padded <= 0; + else if (set_pad_byte) + frm_padded <= 1; + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + + //register the TX fifo data on tx_fsm_rd and demux + //it for byte access + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + begin + tx_fsm_dt_reg <= 8'd0; + tx_end_frame_reg <= 0; + end // if (!tx_reset_n) + else + begin + if (tx_fsm_rd) + begin + tx_fsm_dt_reg <= app_tx_dt_in; + tx_end_frame_reg <= tx_end_frame; + end // if (tx_fsm_rd) + if (e_tx_sts_vld) + tx_end_frame_reg <= 0; + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + //Pause index counters + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + pause_index <= 5'd0; + else + begin + if (clr_pause_index) + pause_index <= 5'd0; + else if (inc_pause_index) + pause_index <= pause_index + 1; + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + //Data mux, is controlled either by the mux select from the + //primary data flow or from the FCS mux select. When PAD + //data option is used bytes of all zeros are transmitted + always @(fcs_active or app_tx_dt_in or tc2tx_fcs + or send_bad_fcs or fcs_mux_select or + set_pad_byte or tx_fsm_dt_reg or send_pause_active or pause_index + or cf_mac_sa or cf2tx_pause_quanta) + begin + if (send_pause_active) + begin + case (pause_index) + 5'd0 : + tx_byte = 8'h01; + 5'd1 : + tx_byte = 8'h80; + 5'd2 : + tx_byte = 8'hc2; + 5'd3 : + tx_byte = 8'h00; + 5'd4 : + tx_byte = 8'h00; + 5'd5 : + tx_byte = 8'h01; + 5'd6 : + tx_byte = cf_mac_sa[7:0]; + 5'd7 : + tx_byte = cf_mac_sa[15:8]; + 5'd8 : + tx_byte = cf_mac_sa[23:16]; + 5'd9 : + tx_byte = cf_mac_sa[31:24]; + 5'd10 : + tx_byte = cf_mac_sa[39:32]; + 5'd11 : + tx_byte = cf_mac_sa[47:40]; + 5'd12 : + tx_byte = 8'h88; + 5'd13 : + tx_byte = 8'h08; + 5'd14 : + tx_byte = 8'h00; + 5'd15 : + tx_byte = 8'h01; + 5'd16 : + tx_byte = cf2tx_pause_quanta[15:8]; + 5'd17 : + tx_byte = cf2tx_pause_quanta[7:0]; + default : + tx_byte = 8'h00; + endcase // case (mux_select) + end + else if (!fcs_active && !set_pad_byte) + begin + //primary data flow + tx_byte = tx_fsm_dt_reg[7:0]; +// $stop; + end // if (!fcs_active) + else if (fcs_active) + begin + tx_byte = tc2tx_fcs[7:0]; + case (fcs_mux_select) + 3'd0 : + tx_byte = tc2tx_fcs[7:0]; + 3'd1 : + tx_byte = tc2tx_fcs[15:8]; + 3'd2 : + tx_byte = tc2tx_fcs[23:16]; + default : + begin + if (send_bad_fcs) + tx_byte = {!tc2tx_fcs[31], tc2tx_fcs[30:24]}; + else + tx_byte = tc2tx_fcs[31:24]; + end // case: 3'd7 + endcase // case (mux_select) + end // else: !if(!fcs_active) + else if (set_pad_byte) + tx_byte = 8'd0; + else + tx_byte = 8'd0; + end // always @ (fcs_active or app_tx_dt_in or tc2tx_fcs or mux_select... + + //generate fcs computation enable. One cycle after the + //strt_preamble the tx_byte is stable and a cycle after the + //mi2tx_byte_ack also a new byte is stable + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + begin + if (!tx_reset_n) + gen_tx_crc <= 1'b0; + else + begin + if (fcs_active || strt_fcs) + gen_tx_crc <= 1'b0; + else + gen_tx_crc <= strt_preamble || mi2tx_byte_ack; + end // else: !if(!tx_reset_n) + end // always (posedge tx_clk or negedge tx_reset_n) + + +endmodule // tx_fsm
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_tx_fsm.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_md_intf.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_md_intf.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_md_intf.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//`timescale 1ns/100ps + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + + md_intf.v: This verilog file is for the mdio interface of the mac + This block enables the station to communicate with the + PHYs. This interface is kicked of by a go command from + the application. This intiates the read and write operation + to the PHY. Upon completion of the operation it returns + a indication called command done with the status of such + operation. + +***************************************************************/ +/************** MODULE DECLARATION ****************************/ + +module g_md_intf( + scan_mode, + reset_n, + mdio_clk, + mdio_in, + mdio_outen_reg, + mdio_out_reg, + mdio_regad, + mdio_phyad, + mdio_op, + go_mdio, + mdio_datain, + mdio_dataout, + mdio_cmd_done, + mdio_stat, + mdc + ); + + +parameter FIVE = 5'h5; +parameter SIXTEEN = 5'd16; +parameter THIRTY_TWO = 5'd31; +parameter WRITE = 1; + +/******* INPUT & OUTPUT DECLARATIONS *************************/ + + input scan_mode ; // scan_mode = 1 + input reset_n; // reset from mac application interface + input mdio_in; // Input signal used to read data from PHY + input mdio_clk; // Input signal used to read data from PHY + input[4:0] mdio_regad; // register address for the current PHY operation + input[4:0] mdio_phyad; // Phy address to which the current operation is intended + input mdio_op; // 1 = READ 0 = WRITE + input go_mdio; // This is go command from the application for a MDIO + // transfer + input[15:0] mdio_datain; // 16 bit Write value from application to MDIO block + output[15:0] mdio_dataout; // 16 bit Read value for a MDIO transfer + output mdio_cmd_done; // This is from MDIO to indicate mdio command completion + output mdio_stat; // Status of completion. 0 = No error 1= Error + output mdio_out_reg; // Output signal used to write data to PHY + output mdio_outen_reg; // Enable signal 1= Output mode on 0 = Input mode + output mdc; // This is the MDIO clock + +/******* WIRE & REG DECLARATION FOR INPUT AND OUTPUTS ********/ + wire mdc; + wire [15:0] mdio_dataout; + wire go_mdio_sync; + reg mdio_stat; + reg mdio_cmd_done; + reg mdio_out_en; + reg mdio_out; + + half_dup_dble_reg U_dble_reg1 ( + //outputs + .sync_out_pulse(go_mdio_sync), + //inputs + .in_pulse(go_mdio), + .dest_clk(mdio_clk), + .reset_n(reset_n) + ); + + + + +/*** REG & WIRE DECLARATIONS FOR LOCAL SIGNALS ***************/ + reg[3:0] mdio_cur_st; + reg[3:0] mdio_nxt_st; + parameter mdio_idle_st= 4'd0, + mdio_idle1_st = 4'd1, + mdio_sfd1_st= 4'd2, + mdio_sfd2_st= 4'd3, + mdio_op1_st= 4'd4, + mdio_op2_st= 4'd5, + mdio_phyaddr_st= 4'd6, + mdio_regaddr_st= 4'd7, + mdio_turnar_st= 4'd8, + mdio_wrturn_st= 4'd9, + mdio_rdturn_st= 4'd10, + mdio_read_st= 4'd11, + mdio_write_st= 4'd12, + mdio_complete_st= 4'd13, + mdio_preamble_st= 4'd14; + + reg operation; + reg phyaddr_mux_sel; + reg regaddr_mux_sel; + reg write_data_mux_sel; + reg read_data_mux_sel; + wire[4:0] inc_temp_count; + reg[4:0] temp_count; + reg reset_temp_count; + reg inc_count; + reg[4:0] phy_addr; + reg[4:0] reg_addr; + reg[15:0] transmit_data; + reg[15:0] receive_data; + reg set_mdio_stat,clr_mdio_stat; + +/***************** WIRE ASSIGNMENTS *************************/ + assign mdc = mdio_clk; + assign mdio_dataout = receive_data; + +/******** SEQUENTIAL LOGIC **********************************/ + + always @(mdio_cur_st or go_mdio_sync or inc_temp_count or + transmit_data or operation or phy_addr or reg_addr or temp_count or mdio_in) + begin + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_cur_st; + inc_count = 1'b0; + //mdio_cmd_done = 1'b0; + mdio_out = 1'b0; + mdio_out_en = 1'b0; + set_mdio_stat = 1'b0; + clr_mdio_stat = 1'b0; + phyaddr_mux_sel = 1'b0; + read_data_mux_sel = 1'b0; + regaddr_mux_sel = 1'b0; + reset_temp_count = 1'b0; + write_data_mux_sel = 1'b0; + + casex(mdio_cur_st ) // synopsys parallel_case full_case + + mdio_idle_st: + // This state waits for signal go_mdio + // upon this command from config block + // mdio state machine starts to send + // SOF delimter + begin + if(~go_mdio_sync) + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_idle1_st; //mdio_sfd1_st; + else + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_idle_st; + end + + mdio_idle1_st: + begin + if (go_mdio_sync) + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_preamble_st; + else + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_idle1_st; + end + + mdio_preamble_st: + begin + clr_mdio_stat = 1'b1; + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + mdio_out = 1'b1; + if (temp_count == THIRTY_TWO) + begin + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_sfd1_st; + reset_temp_count = 1'b1; + end + else + begin + inc_count = 1'b1; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_preamble_st; + end + end + + mdio_sfd1_st: + // This state shifts the first bit + // of Start of Frame De-limiter + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + mdio_out = 1'b0; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_sfd2_st; + end + + mdio_sfd2_st: + // This state shifts the second bit + // of Start of Frame De-limiter + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + mdio_out = 1'b1; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_op1_st; + end + + mdio_op1_st: + // This state shifts the first bit + // of type of operation read/write + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + if(operation) + mdio_out = 1'b0; + else + mdio_out = 1'b1; + //mdio_out = 1'b0; naveen 120199 + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_op2_st; + end + + mdio_op2_st: + // This state shifts the second bit + // of type of operation read/write and + // determines the appropriate next state + // needed for such operation + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_phyaddr_st; + if(operation) + mdio_out = 1'b1; + else + mdio_out = 1'b0; + end + + mdio_phyaddr_st: + // This state shifts the phy-address on the mdio + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + phyaddr_mux_sel = 1'b1; + if(inc_temp_count == FIVE) + begin + reset_temp_count = 1'b1; + mdio_out = phy_addr[4]; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_regaddr_st; + end + else + begin + inc_count = 1'b1; + mdio_out = phy_addr[4]; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_phyaddr_st; + end + end + + mdio_regaddr_st: + // This state shifts the register in the phy to which + // this operation is intended + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + regaddr_mux_sel = 1'b1; + if(inc_temp_count == FIVE) + begin + reset_temp_count = 1'b1; + mdio_out = reg_addr[4]; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_turnar_st; + end + else + begin + inc_count = 1'b1; + mdio_out = reg_addr[4]; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_regaddr_st; + end + end + + mdio_turnar_st: + // This state determines whether the output enable + // needs to on or of based on the type of command + begin + //mdio_out_en = 1'b1;naveen 011299 + mdio_out = 1'b1; + if(operation) + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_wrturn_st; + end + else + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b0; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_rdturn_st; + end + end + + mdio_wrturn_st: + // This state is used for write turn around + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + mdio_out = 1'b0; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_write_st; + end + + mdio_rdturn_st: + // This state is used to read turn around state + // the output enable is switched off + begin + if (mdio_in) + set_mdio_stat = 1'b1; + mdio_out_en = 1'b0; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_read_st; + end + + mdio_write_st: + // This state transfers the 16 bits of data to the + // PHY + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b1; + write_data_mux_sel = 1'b1; + if(inc_temp_count == SIXTEEN) + begin + reset_temp_count = 1'b1; + mdio_out = transmit_data[15]; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_complete_st; + end + else + begin + inc_count = 1'b1; + mdio_out = transmit_data[15]; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_write_st; + end + end + + mdio_read_st: + // This state receives the 16 bits of data from the + // PHY + begin + mdio_out_en = 1'b0; + read_data_mux_sel = 1'b1; + if(inc_temp_count == SIXTEEN) + begin + reset_temp_count = 1'b1; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_complete_st; + end + else + begin + inc_count = 1'b1; + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_read_st; + end + end + + mdio_complete_st: + // This completes the mdio transfers indicates to the + // application of such complete + begin + mdio_nxt_st = mdio_idle_st; + mdio_out_en = 1'b0; + read_data_mux_sel = 1'b0; + //mdio_cmd_done = 1'b1; +// mdio_stat = 1'b0; + end + endcase + end +always @(mdio_cur_st) + mdio_cmd_done = (mdio_cur_st == 4'd13); + + +always @(posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) +begin + if (!reset_n) + mdio_stat <= 1'b0; + else if (set_mdio_stat) + mdio_stat <= 1'b1; + else if (clr_mdio_stat) + mdio_stat <= 1'b0; +end + + +// This latches the PHY address, Register address and the +// Transmit data and the type of operation +// + always @(posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + phy_addr <= 5'd0; + reg_addr <= 5'd0; + transmit_data <= 16'd0; + operation <= 1'b0; + receive_data <= 16'd0; + end + else + begin + if(go_mdio_sync) + begin + phy_addr <= mdio_phyad; + reg_addr <= mdio_regad; + if(mdio_op == WRITE) + begin + operation <= 1'b1; + transmit_data <= mdio_datain; + end + end + else + begin + operation <= 1'b0; + phy_addr <= phy_addr; + transmit_data <= transmit_data; + reg_addr <= reg_addr; + // receive_data <= receive_data; naveen 011299 + end // else: !if(go_mdio) + + if(phyaddr_mux_sel) + begin + /* + phy_addr[0] <= phy_addr[1]; + phy_addr[1] <= phy_addr[2]; + phy_addr[2] <= phy_addr[3]; + phy_addr[3] <= phy_addr[4]; + */ + phy_addr[4] <= phy_addr[3]; + phy_addr[3] <= phy_addr[2]; + phy_addr[2] <= phy_addr[1]; + phy_addr[1] <= phy_addr[0]; + end + if(regaddr_mux_sel) + begin + reg_addr[4] <= reg_addr[3]; + reg_addr[3] <= reg_addr[2]; + reg_addr[2] <= reg_addr[1]; + reg_addr[1] <= reg_addr[0]; + end + if(write_data_mux_sel) + begin + transmit_data[15] <= transmit_data[14]; + transmit_data[14] <= transmit_data[13]; + transmit_data[13] <= transmit_data[12]; + transmit_data[12] <= transmit_data[11]; + transmit_data[11] <= transmit_data[10]; + transmit_data[10] <= transmit_data[9]; + transmit_data[9] <= transmit_data[8]; + transmit_data[8] <= transmit_data[7]; + transmit_data[7] <= transmit_data[6]; + transmit_data[6] <= transmit_data[5]; + transmit_data[5] <= transmit_data[4]; + transmit_data[4] <= transmit_data[3]; + transmit_data[3] <= transmit_data[2]; + transmit_data[2] <= transmit_data[1]; + transmit_data[1] <= transmit_data[0]; + end + if(read_data_mux_sel) + begin + receive_data[0] <= mdio_in; + receive_data[1] <= receive_data[0]; + receive_data[2] <= receive_data[1]; + receive_data[3] <= receive_data[2]; + receive_data[4] <= receive_data[3]; + receive_data[5] <= receive_data[4]; + receive_data[6] <= receive_data[5]; + receive_data[7] <= receive_data[6]; + receive_data[8] <= receive_data[7]; + receive_data[9] <= receive_data[8]; + receive_data[10] <= receive_data[9]; + receive_data[11] <= receive_data[10]; + receive_data[12] <= receive_data[11]; + receive_data[13] <= receive_data[12]; + receive_data[14] <= receive_data[13]; + receive_data[15] <= receive_data[14]; + end + // end // else: !if(go_mdio) naveen 011298 + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) + + // Temporary counter used to shift the data on the mdio line + // This is also used to receive data on the line + assign inc_temp_count = temp_count + 5'h1; + + always @(posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + mdio_cur_st <= mdio_idle_st; + else + mdio_cur_st <= mdio_nxt_st; + end // always @ (posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) + + reg mdio_outen_reg, mdio_out_reg; + + //---------------------------------------------- + // Scan fix done for negedge FF-Dinesh-A for A200 + // Note: Druring Scan Mode inverted mdio_clk used for + // mdio_outen_reg & mdio_out_reg + //----------------------------------------------- + wire mdio_clk_scan = (scan_mode) ? !mdio_clk : mdio_clk; + + always @(negedge mdio_clk_scan or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + begin + mdio_outen_reg <= 1'b0; + mdio_out_reg <= 1'b0; + end + else + begin + mdio_outen_reg <= mdio_out_en; + mdio_out_reg <= mdio_out; + end + + end // always @ (posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) + + always @(posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if(!reset_n) + temp_count <= 5'b0; + else + begin + if(reset_temp_count) + temp_count <= 5'b0; + else if(inc_count) + temp_count <= inc_temp_count; + end // else: !if(reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge mdio_clk or negedge reset_n) + + + +endmodule + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_md_intf.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/s2f_sync.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/s2f_sync.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/s2f_sync.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/*************************************************************** + Description: + Synchronizes the pulse from one clock to another + * clock domain +***********************************************************************/ +//`timescale 1ns/100ps +module s2f_sync ( + //outputs + sync_out_pulse, + //inputs + in_pulse, + dest_clk, + reset_n); + + output sync_out_pulse; //output synchronised to slow clock + input in_pulse; //input based on fast clock, pulse + input dest_clk; //slow clock + input reset_n; + + reg sync1_out, sync2_out, sync3_out; + + always @(posedge dest_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if (!reset_n) + begin + sync1_out <= 0; + sync2_out <= 0; + sync3_out <= 0; + end // if (!reset_n) + else + begin + sync1_out <= in_pulse; + sync2_out <= sync1_out; + sync3_out <= sync2_out; + end // else: !if(reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge dest_clk or negedge reset_n) + + assign sync_out_pulse = sync2_out && !sync3_out; +endmodule // s2f_sync + + + + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/s2f_sync.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_cfg_mgmt.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_cfg_mgmt.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_cfg_mgmt.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,819 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/*************************************************************** + Description: + cfg_mgmt.v: contains the configuration, register information, Application + read from any location. But can write to a limited set of locations, + Please refer to the design data sheets for register locations +***********************************************************************/ +//`timescale 1ns/100ps +module g_cfg_mgmt ( + //List of Inputs + + // Reg Bus Interface Signal + reg_cs, + reg_wr, + reg_addr, + reg_wdata, + reg_be, + + // Outputs + reg_rdata, + reg_ack, + + // Rx Status + rx_sts_vld, + rx_sts, + + // Rx Status + tx_sts_vld, + tx_sts, + + // MDIO READ DATA FROM PHY + md2cf_cmd_done, + md2cf_status, + md2cf_data, + + app_clk, + app_reset_n, + + //List of Outputs + // MII Control + cf2mi_loopback_en, + cf_mac_mode, + cf_chk_rx_dfl, + cf2mi_rmii_en, + + cfg_uni_mac_mode_change_i, + cfg_crs_flow_ctrl_enb_i, + + //CHANNEL enable + cf2tx_ch_en, + //CHANNEL CONTROL TX + cf_silent_mode, + cf2df_dfl_single, + cf2df_dfl_single_rx, + cf2tx_pad_enable, + cf2tx_append_fcs, + //CHANNEL CONTROL RX + cf2rx_ch_en, + cf2rx_strp_pad_en, + cf2rx_snd_crc, + cf2rx_pause_en, + cf2rx_addrchk_en, + cf2rx_runt_pkt_en, + cf2af_broadcast_disable, + cf_mac_sa, + cf2tx_pause_quanta, + cf2rx_max_pkt_sz, + cf2tx_force_bad_fcs, + cf2tx_tstate_mode, + //MDIO CONTROL & DATA + cf2md_datain, + cf2md_regad, + cf2md_phyad, + cf2md_op, + cf2md_go); + + parameter mac_mdio_en = 1'b1; + + + //pin out definations + //--------------------------------- + // Reg Bus Interface Signal + //--------------------------------- + input reg_cs ; + input reg_wr ; + input [3:0] reg_addr ; + input [31:0] reg_wdata ; + input [3:0] reg_be ; + + // Outputs + output [31:0] reg_rdata ; + output reg_ack ; + + input rx_sts_vld ; // rx status valid indication, sync w.r.t app clk + input [7:0] rx_sts ; // rx status bits + + input tx_sts_vld ; // tx status valid indication, sync w.r.t app clk + input tx_sts ; // tx status bits + + //List of Inputs + + input app_clk, app_reset_n; + input md2cf_cmd_done; // Read/Write MDIO completed + input md2cf_status; // MDIO transfer error + input [15:0] md2cf_data; // Data from PHY for a + // mdio read access + + + //List of Outputs + output cf2mi_rmii_en; // Working in RMII when set to 1 + output cf_mac_mode; // mac mode set this to 1 for 100Mbs/10Mbs + output cf_chk_rx_dfl; // Check for RX Deferal + output [47:0] cf_mac_sa; + output [15:0] cf2tx_pause_quanta; + output cf2tx_ch_en; //enable the TX channel + output cf_silent_mode; // PHY Inactive + output [7:0] cf2df_dfl_single; //number of clk ticks for dfl + output [7:0] cf2df_dfl_single_rx; //number of clk ticks for dfl + + output cf2tx_tstate_mode; //used for OFN's tstate enable on authentication interface + output cf2tx_pad_enable; //enable padding, < 64 bytes + output cf2tx_append_fcs; //append CRC for TX frames + output cf2rx_ch_en; //Enable RX channel + output cf2rx_strp_pad_en; //strip the padded bytes on RX frame + output cf2rx_snd_crc; //send FCS to application, else strip + //the FCS before sending to application + output cf2rx_pause_en; //enable flow control for full duplex using + //pause control frames + output cf2mi_loopback_en; // TX to RX loop back enable + output cf2rx_addrchk_en; //check the destination address, filter + output cf2rx_runt_pkt_en; //don't throw packets less than 64 bytes + output cf2af_broadcast_disable; + output [15:0] cf2md_datain; + output [4:0] cf2md_regad; + output [4:0] cf2md_phyad; + output cf2md_op; + output cf2md_go; + + output [15:0] cf2rx_max_pkt_sz; //max rx packet size + output cf2tx_force_bad_fcs; //force bad fcs on tx + + output cfg_uni_mac_mode_change_i; + output cfg_crs_flow_ctrl_enb_i; + + +// Wire assignments for output signals + wire [15:0] cf2md_datain; + wire [4:0] cf2md_regad; + wire [4:0] cf2md_phyad; + wire cf2md_op; + wire cf2md_go; + wire mdio_cmd_done_sync; + + wire int_mdio_cmd_done_sync; + assign mdio_cmd_done_sync = (mac_mdio_en) ? int_mdio_cmd_done_sync : 1'b0; + + s2f_sync U1_s2f_sync ( .sync_out_pulse(int_mdio_cmd_done_sync), + .in_pulse(md2cf_cmd_done), + .dest_clk(app_clk), + .reset_n(app_reset_n)); + + + +// Wire and Reg assignments for local signals + reg int_md2cf_status; + wire [7:0] mac_mode_out; + wire [7:0] tx_cntrl_out_1, rx_cntrl_out_1; + wire [7:0] tx_cntrl_out_2, rx_cntrl_out_2; + wire [7:0] dfl_params_rx_out; + wire [7:0] dfl_params1_out; + wire [7:0] slottime_out_1; + wire [7:0] slottime_out_2; + wire [31:0] mdio_cmd_out; + wire [7:0] mdio_stat_out_1; + wire [7:0] mdio_stat_out_2; + wire [7:0] mdio_stat_out_3; + wire [7:0] mdio_stat_out_4; + wire [7:0] mdio_cmd_out_1; + wire [7:0] mdio_cmd_out_2; + wire [7:0] mdio_cmd_out_3; + wire [7:0] mdio_cmd_out_4; + wire [7:0] mac_sa_out_1; + wire [7:0] mac_sa_out_2; + wire [7:0] mac_sa_out_3; + wire [7:0] mac_sa_out_4; + wire [7:0] mac_sa_out_5; + wire [7:0] mac_sa_out_6; + wire [7:0] pause_quanta_out_1; + wire [7:0] pause_quanta_out_2; + wire [47:0] cf_mac_sa; + wire [15:0] cf2tx_pause_quanta; + wire [15:0] cf2rx_max_pkt_sz; + wire cf2tx_force_bad_fcs; + wire cf2tx_tstate_mode; + reg force_bad_fcs; + reg cont_force_bad_fcs; + wire [31:0] mdio_stat_out; + reg cf2tx_force_bad_fcs_en; + reg cf2tx_cont_force_bad_fcs_en; + reg [15:0] int_mdio_stat_out; + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Internal Wire Declarations +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +wire sw_rd_en; +wire sw_wr_en; +wire [3:0] sw_addr ; // addressing 16 registers +wire [3:0] wr_be ; + +reg [31:0] reg_rdata ; +reg reg_ack ; + +wire [31:0] reg_0; // Software_Reg_0 +wire [31:0] reg_1; // Software-Reg_1 +wire [31:0] reg_2; // Software-Reg_2 +wire [31:0] reg_3; // Software-Reg_3 +wire [31:0] reg_4; // Software-Reg_4 +wire [31:0] reg_5; // Software-Reg_5 +wire [31:0] reg_6; // Software-Reg_6 +wire [31:0] reg_7; // Software-Reg_7 +wire [31:0] reg_8; // Software-Reg_8 +wire [31:0] reg_9; // Software-Reg_9 +wire [31:0] reg_10; // Software-Reg_10 +wire [31:0] reg_11; // Software-Reg_11 +wire [31:0] reg_12; // Software-Reg_12 +wire [31:0] reg_13; // Software-Reg_13 +wire [31:0] reg_14; // Software-Reg_14 +wire [31:0] reg_15; // Software-Reg_15 +reg [31:0] reg_out; + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Internal Logic Starts here +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + assign sw_addr = reg_addr [3:0]; + assign sw_rd_en = reg_cs & !reg_wr; + assign sw_wr_en = reg_cs & reg_wr; + assign wr_be = reg_be; + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Read path mux +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +always @ (posedge app_clk or negedge app_reset_n) +begin : preg_out_Seq + if (app_reset_n == 1'b0) + begin + reg_rdata [31:0] <= 32'h0000_0000; + reg_ack <= 1'b0; + end + else if (sw_rd_en && !reg_ack) + begin + reg_rdata [31:0] <= reg_out [31:0]; + reg_ack <= 1'b1; + end + else if (sw_wr_en && !reg_ack) + reg_ack <= 1'b1; + else + begin + reg_ack <= 1'b0; + end +end + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// register read enable and write enable decoding logic +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +wire sw_wr_en_0 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h0); +wire sw_rd_en_0 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h0); +wire sw_wr_en_1 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h1); +wire sw_rd_en_1 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h1); +wire sw_wr_en_2 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h2); +wire sw_rd_en_2 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h2); +wire sw_wr_en_3 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h3); +wire sw_rd_en_3 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h3); +wire sw_wr_en_4 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h4); +wire sw_rd_en_4 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h4); +wire sw_wr_en_5 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h5); +wire sw_rd_en_5 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h5); +wire sw_wr_en_6 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h6); +wire sw_rd_en_6 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h6); +wire sw_wr_en_7 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h7); +wire sw_rd_en_7 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h7); +wire sw_wr_en_8 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h8); +wire sw_rd_en_8 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h8); +wire sw_wr_en_9 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'h9); +wire sw_rd_en_9 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'h9); +wire sw_wr_en_10 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'hA); +wire sw_rd_en_10 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'hA); +wire sw_wr_en_11 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'hB); +wire sw_rd_en_11 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'hB); +wire sw_wr_en_12 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'hC); +wire sw_rd_en_12 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'hC); +wire sw_wr_en_13 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'hD); +wire sw_rd_en_13 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'hD); +wire sw_wr_en_14 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'hE); +wire sw_rd_en_14 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'hE); +wire sw_wr_en_15 = sw_wr_en & (sw_addr == 4'hF); +wire sw_rd_en_15 = sw_rd_en & (sw_addr == 4'hF); + + +always @( *) +begin : preg_sel_Com + + reg_out [31:0] = 32'd0; + + case (sw_addr [3:0]) + 4'b0000 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_0 [31:0]; + 4'b0001 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_1 [31:0]; + 4'b0010 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_2 [31:0]; + 4'b0011 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_3 [31:0]; + 4'b0100 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_4 [31:0]; + 4'b0101 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_5 [31:0]; + 4'b0110 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_6 [31:0]; + 4'b0111 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_7 [31:0]; + 4'b1000 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_8 [31:0]; + 4'b1001 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_9 [31:0]; + 4'b1010 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_10 [31:0]; + 4'b1011 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_11 [31:0]; + 4'b1100 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_12 [31:0]; + 4'b1101 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_13 [31:0]; + 4'b1110 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_14 [31:0]; + 4'b1111 : reg_out [31:0] = reg_15 [31:0]; + endcase +end + + + //instantiate all the registers + + //========================================================================// + // TX_CNTRL_REGISTER : Address value 00H + // BIT[0] = Transmit Channel Enable + // BIT[1] = DONT CARE + // BIT[2] = Retry Packet in case of Collisions + // BIT[3] = Enable padding + // BIT[4] = Append CRC + // BIT[5] = Perform a Two Part Deferral + // BIT[6] = RMII Enable bit + // BIT[7] = Force TX FCS Error + + +generic_register #(8,0 ) tx_cntrl_reg_1 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_0 & + wr_be[0] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (tx_cntrl_out_1[7:0] ) + ); + +generic_register #(8,0 ) tx_cntrl_reg_2 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_0 & + wr_be[1] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[15:8] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (tx_cntrl_out_2[7:0] ) + ); + + assign cf2tx_ch_en = tx_cntrl_out_1[0]; + assign cf2tx_pad_enable = tx_cntrl_out_1[3]; + assign cf2tx_append_fcs = tx_cntrl_out_1[4]; + assign cf2tx_tstate_mode = tx_cntrl_out_1[6]; + assign cf2tx_force_bad_fcs = tx_cntrl_out_1[7]; + +assign reg_0[15:0] = {tx_cntrl_out_2,tx_cntrl_out_1}; + + //=========================================================================// + // RX_CNTRL_REGISTER 1 : Address Value 04H + // BIT[0] = Receive Channel Enable + // BIT[1] = Strip Padding from the Receive data + // BIT[2] = Send CRC along with data to the host + // BIT[3] = Enable pause frame detect + // BIT[4] = Check RX Deferral + // BIT[5] = Receive Address Check Enable + // BIT[6] = Receive Runt Packet + // BIT[7] = Broad Cast Rx Disable + // BIT[31:8] = Reserved + generic_register #(8,0 ) rx_cntrl_reg_1 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_1 & + wr_be[0] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (rx_cntrl_out_1[7:0] ) + ); + + assign cf2rx_ch_en = rx_cntrl_out_1[0]; + assign cf2rx_strp_pad_en = rx_cntrl_out_1[1]; + assign cf2rx_snd_crc = rx_cntrl_out_1[2]; + assign cf2rx_pause_en = rx_cntrl_out_1[3]; + assign cf_chk_rx_dfl = rx_cntrl_out_1[4]; + assign cf2rx_addrchk_en = rx_cntrl_out_1[5]; + assign cf2rx_runt_pkt_en = rx_cntrl_out_1[6]; + assign cf2af_broadcast_disable = rx_cntrl_out_1[7]; + + +assign reg_1[7:0] = {rx_cntrl_out_1}; + //========================================================================// + //TRANSMIT DEFFERAL CONTROL REGISTER: Address value 08H + //BIT[7:0] = Defferal TX + //BIT[15:8] = Defferal RX + + generic_register #(8,0 ) dfl_params1_en_reg ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_2 & + wr_be[0] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (dfl_params1_out[7:0] ) + ); + + assign cf2df_dfl_single = dfl_params1_out[7:0]; + + generic_register #(8,0 ) dfl_params_rx_en_reg ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_2 & + wr_be[1] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[15:8] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (dfl_params_rx_out[7:0] ) + ); + assign cf2df_dfl_single_rx = dfl_params_rx_out[7:0]; + +assign reg_2[15:0] = {dfl_params_rx_out,dfl_params1_out}; + + //========================================================================// + // MAC_MODE REGISTER: Address value 0CH + // BIT[0] = 10/100 or 1000 1 1000, 0 is 10/100 Channel Enable + // BIT[1] = Mii/Rmii Default is Mii + // BIT[2] = MAC used in Loop back Mode + // BIT[3] = Burst Enable + // BIT[4] = Half Duplex + // BIT[5] = Silent Mode (During Loopback the Tx --> RX and NOT to PHY) + // BIT[6] = crs based flow control enable + // BIT[7] = Mac Mode Change + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mac_mode_reg ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_3 & wr_be[0]}}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mac_mode_out[7:0] ) + ); + + assign cf_mac_mode = mac_mode_out[0]; + assign cf2mi_rmii_en = mac_mode_out[1]; + assign cf2mi_loopback_en = mac_mode_out[2]; + assign cf_silent_mode = mac_mode_out[5]; + assign cfg_crs_flow_ctrl_enb_i = mac_mode_out[6]; + assign cfg_uni_mac_mode_change_i = mac_mode_out[7]; + + +assign reg_3[7:0] = {mac_mode_out}; + //========================================================================// + //MDIO COMMAND REGISTER: ADDRESS 10H + //BIT[15:0] = MDIO DATA TO PHY + //BIT[20:16] = MDIO REGISTER ADDR + //BIT[25:21] = MDIO PHY ADDR + //BIT[26] = MDIO COMMAND OPCODE READ/WRITE(0:read,1:write) + //BIT[31] = GO MDIO + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mdio_cmd_reg_1 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_4 & + wr_be[0] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mdio_cmd_out_1[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mdio_cmd_reg_2 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_4 & + wr_be[1] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[15:8] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mdio_cmd_out_2[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mdio_cmd_reg_3 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_4 & + wr_be[2] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[23:16] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mdio_cmd_out_3[7:0] ) + ); + + + + //byte_reg mdio_cmd_reg_4 (.we({8{mdio_cmd_en_4 && cfg_rw}}), .data_in(reg_wdata), + // .reset_n(app_reset_n), .clk(app_clk), .data_out(mdio_cmd_out_4)); + + + generic_register #(7,0 ) mdio_cmd_reg_4 ( + .we ({7{sw_wr_en_4 & + wr_be[3] }} ), + .data_in (reg_wdata[30:24] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mdio_cmd_out_4[6:0] ) + ); + +req_register #(0 ) u_mdio_req ( + .cpu_we ({sw_wr_en_4 & + wr_be[3] } ), + .cpu_req (reg_wdata[31] ), + .hware_ack (mdio_cmd_done_sync ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mdio_cmd_out_4[7] ) + ); + + + assign mdio_cmd_out = {mdio_cmd_out_4, mdio_cmd_out_3,mdio_cmd_out_2,mdio_cmd_out_1}; + + assign reg_4 = {mdio_cmd_out}; + + assign cf2md_datain = mdio_cmd_out[15:0]; + assign cf2md_regad = mdio_cmd_out[20:16]; + assign cf2md_phyad = mdio_cmd_out[25:21]; + assign cf2md_op = mdio_cmd_out[26]; + assign cf2md_go = mdio_cmd_out[31]; + + + //========================================================================// + //MDIO STATUS REGISTER: ADDRESS 14H + //BIT[15:0] = MDIO DATA FROM PHY + //BIT[31] = STATUS OF MDIO TRANSFER + + always @(posedge app_clk + or negedge app_reset_n) + begin + if(!app_reset_n) begin + int_mdio_stat_out <= 16'b0; + int_md2cf_status <= 1'b0; + end + else + if(mdio_cmd_done_sync) + begin + int_mdio_stat_out[15:0] <= md2cf_data; + // int_mdio_stat_out[30:16] <= int_mdio_stat_out[30:16]; + int_md2cf_status <= md2cf_status; + end // else: !if(reset) + end // always @ (posedge app_clk... + + assign mdio_stat_out = (mac_mdio_en == 1'b1) ? {int_md2cf_status, 15'b0, int_mdio_stat_out} : 32'b0; + + + assign reg_5 = {mdio_stat_out}; + + //========================================================================// + //MAC Source Address Register 18-1C + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mac_sa_reg_1 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_6 & wr_be[0] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mac_sa_out_1[7:0] ) + ); + generic_register #(8,0 ) mac_sa_reg_2 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_6 & wr_be[1] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[15:8] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mac_sa_out_2[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mac_sa_reg_3 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_6 & wr_be[2] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[23:16] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mac_sa_out_3[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mac_sa_reg_4 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_6 & wr_be[3] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[31:24] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mac_sa_out_4[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mac_sa_reg_5 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_7 & wr_be[0] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mac_sa_out_5[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) mac_sa_reg_6 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_7 & wr_be[1] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[15:8] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (mac_sa_out_6[7:0] ) + ); + +// assign cf_mac_sa = { mac_sa_out_1, mac_sa_out_2, mac_sa_out_3, +// mac_sa_out_4, mac_sa_out_5, mac_sa_out_6}; + assign cf_mac_sa = { mac_sa_out_6, mac_sa_out_5, mac_sa_out_4, + mac_sa_out_3, mac_sa_out_2, mac_sa_out_1}; + + assign reg_6[31:0] = cf_mac_sa[31:0]; + assign reg_7[15:0] = cf_mac_sa[47:32]; +//========================================================================// +//MAC max packet size Register 20 + + generic_register #(8,0 ) max_pkt_sz_reg0 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_8 & wr_be[0] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (cf2rx_max_pkt_sz[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) max_pkt_sz_reg1 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_8 & wr_be[1] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[15:8] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (cf2rx_max_pkt_sz[15:8] ) + ); + + assign reg_8[15:0] = cf2rx_max_pkt_sz[15:0]; + //========================================================================// + //Pause Quanta Register 24 + + generic_register #(8,0 ) pause_quanta_reg_1 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_9 & wr_be[0] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[7:0] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (pause_quanta_out_1[7:0] ) + ); + + generic_register #(8,0 ) pause_quanta_reg_2 ( + .we ({8{sw_wr_en_9 & wr_be[1] }}), + .data_in (reg_wdata[15:8] ), + .reset_n (app_reset_n ), + .clk (app_clk ), + + //List of Outs + .data_out (pause_quanta_out_2[7:0] ) + ); + + + assign cf2tx_pause_quanta = {pause_quanta_out_1 , pause_quanta_out_2}; + + + assign reg_9[15:0] = cf2tx_pause_quanta; + + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// RX-Clock Static Counter Status Signal +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Note: rx_sts_vld signal is only synchronised w.r.t application clock, and +// assumption is rx_sts is stable untill next packet received + assign rx_good_frm_trig = rx_sts_vld && (rx_sts[7:0] == 'h0); + assign rx_bad_frm_trig = rx_sts_vld && (rx_sts[7:0] != 'h0); + + +stat_counter #(16) u_stat_rx_good_frm ( + // Clock and Reset Signals + . sys_clk (app_clk ), + . s_reset_n (app_reset_n ), + + . count_trigger (rx_good_frm_trig), + + . reg_sel (sw_wr_en_10 ), + . reg_wr_data (reg_wdata[15:0] ), + . reg_wr (wr_be[0] ), // Byte write not supported for cntr + + . cntr_intr ( ), + . cntrout (reg_10[15:0] ) + ); + +stat_counter #(16) u_stat_rx_bad_frm ( + // Clock and Reset Signals + . sys_clk (app_clk ), + . s_reset_n (app_reset_n ), + + . count_trigger (rx_bad_frm_trig ), + + . reg_sel (sw_wr_en_11 ), + . reg_wr_data (reg_wdata[15:0] ), + . reg_wr (wr_be[0] ), // Byte write not supported for cntr + + . cntr_intr ( ), + . cntrout (reg_11[15:0] ) + ); + + + wire tx_good_frm_trig = tx_sts_vld ; + +stat_counter #(16) u_stat_tx_good_frm ( + // Clock and Reset Signals + . sys_clk (app_clk ), + . s_reset_n (app_reset_n ), + + . count_trigger (tx_good_frm_trig ), + + . reg_sel (sw_wr_en_12 ), + . reg_wr_data (reg_wdata[15:0] ), + . reg_wr (wr_be[0] ), // Byte write not supported for cntr + + . cntr_intr ( ), + . cntrout (reg_12[15:0] ) + ); + +// reg_13 is free + +generic_intr_stat_reg #(9) u_intr_stat ( + //inputs + . clk (app_clk ), + . reset_n (app_reset_n ), + . reg_we ({{1{sw_wr_en_13 & wr_be[1]}}, + {8{sw_wr_en_13 & wr_be[0]}}} ), + . reg_din (reg_wdata[8:0] ), + . hware_req ({tx_sts,rx_sts[7:0]} ), + + //outputs + . data_out (reg_14[8:0] ) + ); + + + + + +endmodule + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_cfg_mgmt.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//`timescale 1ns/100ps + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + deferral.v : This block performs the deferral algorithm for + half duplex mode, as per the IEEE 802.3 section + This block also implements the optional two part deferral + mechanism. +***********************************************************************/ + +module g_deferral ( + df2tx_dfl_dn, + cf2df_dfl_single, + phy_tx_en, + phy_tx_er, + tx_clk, + app_reset_n); + + + input [7:0] cf2df_dfl_single; //program with 9.6 ms + input phy_tx_en; //TX frame is done, wait for IPG + //used in FULL duplex + input phy_tx_er; //TX Error + input tx_clk; //MII provided tx_clk + input app_reset_n; + + output df2tx_dfl_dn; //when active hold the TX, else + //TX can send preamble + + wire df2tx_dfl_dn; + + parameter dfl_idle_st = 6'b000000; + parameter dfl_dfl_st = 6'b000010; + parameter dfl_full_tx_dn_st = 6'b010000; + parameter dfl_wipg_st = 6'b100000; + + reg [5:0] curr_dfl_st, nxt_dfl_st; + reg dfl_dn; + reg strt_dfl; + reg [7:0] dfl_cntr; + + reg phy_tx_en_d; + + wire was_xmitted; + + assign df2tx_dfl_dn = dfl_dn; + /***************************************************************** + * Synchronous process for the FSM to enable and disable TX on + * receive activity + *****************************************************************/ + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge app_reset_n) + begin + if (!app_reset_n) + curr_dfl_st <= dfl_idle_st; + else + curr_dfl_st <= nxt_dfl_st; + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge app_reset_n) + + /***************************************************************** + * comb process for the FSM to enable and disable TX on + * receive activity + *****************************************************************/ + always @(curr_dfl_st or dfl_cntr + or phy_tx_en or phy_tx_er or was_xmitted) + begin + strt_dfl = 0; + dfl_dn = 0; + nxt_dfl_st = curr_dfl_st; + + case (curr_dfl_st) + dfl_idle_st : + begin + dfl_dn = 1; + if (phy_tx_en) + begin + dfl_dn = 0; + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_full_tx_dn_st; + end // if (phy_tx_en) + else + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_idle_st; + end // case: dfl_idle_st + + dfl_full_tx_dn_st : + begin + // full duplex mode, wait till the current tx + // frame is transmitted and wait for IPG time, + // no need to wait for two part defferal + if (!phy_tx_en && !phy_tx_er) + begin + strt_dfl = 1; + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_wipg_st; + end // if (!phy_tx_en) + else + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_full_tx_dn_st; + end // case: dfl_full_tx_dn_st + + dfl_wipg_st : + begin + // This state is reached when there is no transmit + // in progress. In this state IPG counter should checked + // and upon its expiry indicate deferral done + // to tx_fsm block + if (dfl_cntr == 8'd0) + begin + dfl_dn = 1; + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_idle_st; + end + else + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_wipg_st; + end // case: dfl_wipg_st + + default : + begin + nxt_dfl_st = dfl_idle_st; + end + endcase // case (curr_dfl_st) + end // always @ (curr_dfl_st ) + + //counter for the single phase deferral scheme + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge app_reset_n) + begin + if (!app_reset_n) + dfl_cntr <= 8'd0; + else + begin + if (strt_dfl) + begin + dfl_cntr <= cf2df_dfl_single; + end + else + dfl_cntr <= dfl_cntr - 1; + end // else: !if(app_reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge app_reset_n) + + + // Mandar + // Detect Packet end + assign was_xmitted = (phy_tx_en_d == 1'b1 && phy_tx_en == 1'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; + + + always @(posedge tx_clk or negedge app_reset_n) + begin + if (!app_reset_n) + phy_tx_en_d <= 1'b0; + else + phy_tx_en_d <= phy_tx_en; + end // always @ (posedge tx_clk or negedge app_reset_n) + + + +endmodule // deferral + + + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/mac/g_deferral.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/top/filelist_top.f =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/top/filelist_top.f (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/top/filelist_top.f (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +g_mac_top.v +dble_reg.v +g_tx_fsm.v +g_deferral.v +g_tx_top.v +g_rx_fsm.v +g_cfg_mgmt.v +s2f_sync.v +g_md_intf.v +g_ad_fltr.v +g_deferral_rx.v +g_rx_top.v +g_mii_intf.v +g_mac_core.v +g_rx_crc32.v +g_tx_crc32.v +async_fifo.v +-v registers.v +-v stat_counter.v +-v toggle_sync.v ++lint=all ++v2k Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/top/g_mac_top.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/top/g_mac_top.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/top/g_mac_top.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +// Description : +// This module instantiates the MAC block and the FIFO interface +// +// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +module g_mac_top ( + scan_mode, + s_reset_n, + tx_reset_n, + rx_reset_n, + reset_mdio_clk_n, + app_reset_n, + + app_clk, + app_send_pause_i, + app_send_pause_active_o, + app_send_jam_i, + + // Application RX FIFO Interface + app_txfifo_wren_i, + app_txfifo_wrdata_i, + app_txfifo_full_o, + app_txfifo_space_o, + + // Application TX FIFO Interface + app_rxfifo_rden_i, + app_rxfifo_empty_o, + app_rxfifo_cnt_o, + app_rxfifo_rdata_o, + + // Conntrol Bus Sync with Application Clock + reg_cs, + reg_wr, + reg_addr, + reg_wdata, + reg_be, + + // Outputs + reg_rdata, + reg_ack, + + + // Phy Signals + + // Line Side Interface TX Path + phy_tx_en, + phy_tx_er, + phy_txd, + phy_tx_clk, + + // Line Side Interface RX Path + phy_rx_clk, + phy_rx_er, + phy_rx_dv, + phy_rxd, + phy_crs, + + //MDIO interface + mdio_clk, + mdio_in, + mdio_out_en, + mdio_out + ); + +parameter W = 8'd9; +parameter DP = 8'd32; +parameter AW = (DP == 2) ? 1 : + (DP == 4) ? 2 : + (DP == 8) ? 3 : + (DP == 16) ? 4 : + (DP == 32) ? 5 : + (DP == 64) ? 6 : + (DP == 128) ? 7 : + (DP == 256) ? 8 : 0; + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// INPUT/OUTPUT DECLARATIONS +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +input scan_mode; +input s_reset_n; +input tx_reset_n; +input rx_reset_n; +input reset_mdio_clk_n; +input app_reset_n; + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Application Clock Related Declaration +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +input app_clk; +input app_send_pause_i; +output app_send_pause_active_o; +input app_send_jam_i; + + +// Application RX FIFO Interface +input app_txfifo_wren_i; +input [8:0] app_txfifo_wrdata_i; +output app_txfifo_full_o; +output [AW:0] app_txfifo_space_o; + +// Application TX FIFO Interface +input app_rxfifo_rden_i; +output app_rxfifo_empty_o; +output [AW:0] app_rxfifo_cnt_o; +output [8:0] app_rxfifo_rdata_o; + +// Conntrol Bus Sync with Application Clock +//--------------------------------- +// Reg Bus Interface Signal +//--------------------------------- +input reg_cs ; +input reg_wr ; +input [3:0] reg_addr ; +input [31:0] reg_wdata ; +input [3:0] reg_be ; + + // Outputs +output [31:0] reg_rdata ; +output reg_ack ; + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Line-Tx Signal +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +output phy_tx_en; +output phy_tx_er; +output [7:0] phy_txd; +input phy_tx_clk; + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// Line-Rx Signal +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +input phy_rx_clk; +input phy_rx_er; +input phy_rx_dv; +input [7:0] phy_rxd; +input phy_crs; + + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// MDIO Signal +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + input mdio_clk; + input mdio_in; + output mdio_out_en; + output mdio_out; + +//--------------------- +// RX FIFO Interface Signal + wire clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm_o; + wire rx_fifo_full_i; + wire rx_fifo_wr_o; + wire [8:0] rx_fifo_data_o; + wire rx_commit_wr_o; + wire rx_commit_write_done_o; + wire rx_rewind_wr_o; + wire rx_fifo_error = 1'b0; + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- +// TX-Clock Domain Status Signal +//----------------------------------------------------------------------- + wire tx_commit_read; + wire tx_fifo_rd; + + wire [8:0] tx_fifo_data; + wire tx_fifo_empty; + wire tx_fifo_rdy; + wire [AW:0] tx_fifo_aval; + +g_mac_core u_mac_core ( + .scan_mode (scan_mode), + .s_reset_n (s_reset_n) , + .tx_reset_n (tx_reset_n) , + .rx_reset_n (rx_reset_n) , + .reset_mdio_clk_n (reset_mdio_clk_n) , + .app_reset_n (app_reset_n) , + + // Reg Bus Interface Signal + . reg_cs (reg_cs), + . reg_wr (reg_wr), + . reg_addr (reg_addr), + . reg_wdata (reg_wdata), + . reg_be (reg_be), + + // Outputs + . reg_rdata (reg_rdata), + . reg_ack (reg_ack), + + .app_clk (app_clk) , + .app_send_pause_i (app_send_pause_i) , + .app_send_pause_active_o (app_send_pause_active_o) , + .app_send_jam_i (app_send_jam_i) , + + // Conntrol Bus Sync with Application Clock + + + + // RX FIFO Interface Signal + .rx_fifo_full_i (rx_fifo_full_i) , + .rx_fifo_wr_o (rx_fifo_wr_o) , + .rx_fifo_data_o (rx_fifo_data_o) , + .rx_commit_wr_o (rx_commit_wr_o) , + .rx_rewind_wr_o (rx_rewind_wr_o) , + .rx_commit_write_done_o (rx_commit_write_done_o) , + .clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm_o(clr_rx_error_from_rx_fsm_o) , + .rx_fifo_error_i (rx_fifo_error) , + + // TX FIFO Interface Signal + .tx_fifo_data_i (tx_fifo_data) , + .tx_fifo_empty_i (tx_fifo_empty) , + .tx_fifo_rdy_i (tx_fifo_rdy) , // See to connect to config + .tx_fifo_rd_o (tx_fifo_rd) , + .tx_commit_read_o (tx_commit_read) , + + // Phy Signals + + // Line Side Interface TX Path + .phy_tx_en (phy_tx_en) , + .phy_tx_er (phy_tx_er) , + .phy_txd (phy_txd) , + .phy_tx_clk (phy_tx_clk) , + + // Line Side Interface RX Path + .phy_rx_clk (phy_rx_clk) , + .phy_rx_er (phy_rx_er) , + .phy_rx_dv (phy_rx_dv) , + .phy_rxd (phy_rxd) , + .phy_crs (phy_crs) , + + //MDIO interface + .mdio_clk (mdio_clk) , + .mdio_in (mdio_in) , + .mdio_out_en (mdio_out_en) , + .mdio_out (mdio_out) + ); + +assign tx_fifo_rdy = (tx_fifo_aval > 8) ; // Dinesh-A Change it to config + +async_fifo #(W,DP,0,0) u_mac_txfifo ( + .wr_clk (app_clk), + .wr_reset_n (app_reset_n), + .wr_en (app_txfifo_wren_i), + .wr_data (app_txfifo_wrdata_i), + .full (app_txfifo_full_o), // sync'ed to wr_clk + .wr_total_free_space (app_txfifo_space_o), + + .rd_clk (phy_tx_clk), + .rd_reset_n (tx_reset_n), + .rd_en (tx_fifo_rd), + .empty (tx_fifo_empty), // sync'ed to rd_clk + .rd_total_aval (tx_fifo_aval), + .rd_data (tx_fifo_data) + ); + +async_fifo #(W,DP,0,0) u_mac_rxfifo ( + .wr_clk (phy_rx_clk), + .wr_reset_n (rx_reset_n), + .wr_en (rx_fifo_wr_o), + .wr_data (rx_fifo_data_o), + .full (rx_fifo_full_i), // sync'ed to wr_clk + .wr_total_free_space (), + + .rd_clk (app_clk), + .rd_reset_n (app_reset_n), + .rd_en (app_rxfifo_rden_i), + .empty (app_rxfifo_empty_o), // sync'ed to rd_clk + .rd_total_aval (app_rxfifo_cnt_o), + .rd_data (app_rxfifo_rdata_o) + ); + + + +endmodule + Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_rx_crc32.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_rx_crc32.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_rx_crc32.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/*************************************************************** + Description: + rx_crc32.v: This block contains the crc32 checker. + * CRC is generated in the receive data when mi2rc_rcv_valid is asserted. + * For the recieve data. crc_ok indicates whenther the packet was + * good or bad. + * The 32-bit crc shift register is reset to all 1's when + * mi2rc_strt_rcv is asserted. + + *********************************************************************/ +module g_rx_crc32 ( + // CRC Valid signal to rx_fsm + rc2rf_crc_ok, + + // Global Signals + phy_rx_clk, + reset_n, + // CRC Data signals + mi2rc_strt_rcv, + mi2rc_rcv_valid, + mi2rc_rx_byte + ); + + // defx[ine inputs and outputs. + + output rc2rf_crc_ok; // asserted when crc check is ok. to rx. + + input phy_rx_clk; // serial clock from phy. + input reset_n; // global asynchronous reset. + + input mi2rc_rcv_valid; // when asserted, crc is computed on + // rx_crc_data. from rx. + input mi2rc_strt_rcv; // when asserted, crc shift register is + // reset to all 1's. from rx. + input [7:0] mi2rc_rx_byte; // receive data. from rx. + + + + + // reg/wire declarations for primary outputs. + wire rc2rf_crc_ok; + + // define constants and parameters here. + // define local signals here. + + wire [7:0] crc_in; + wire gen_crc; + reg [31:0] current_crc, next_crc; + reg crc_ok_ul; + + wire [31:0] rx_fcs; + + // code starts here. + + // select either rx_crc_data or tx_data as the input to crc generator. + assign crc_in = mi2rc_rx_byte; + + // enable crc generator + + assign gen_crc = mi2rc_rcv_valid ; // + + // 32-bit crc shift register for crc calculation. + + always @(posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if (!reset_n) + begin + current_crc <= 32'hffffffff; + end + else + begin + if (mi2rc_strt_rcv) + begin + current_crc <= 32'hffffffff; + end + else if (gen_crc) // generate crc + begin + current_crc <= next_crc; + end // else: !if(tx_reset_crc || mi2rc_strt_rcv) + end // else: !if(!reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge phy_rx_clk or negedge reset_n) + + // combinational logic to generate next_crc + + always @(current_crc or crc_in) + begin + + next_crc[0] = current_crc[8] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2]; + next_crc[1] = current_crc[9] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3]; + next_crc[2] = current_crc[10] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4]; + next_crc[3] = current_crc[11] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5]; + next_crc[4] = current_crc[12] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ + current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[6] ^ + current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[5] = current_crc[13] ^ current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ + current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[7] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[6] = current_crc[14] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5]; + next_crc[7] = current_crc[15] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6]; + next_crc[8] = current_crc[16] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[9] = current_crc[17] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[10] = current_crc[18] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2]; + next_crc[11] = current_crc[19] ^ current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3]; + next_crc[12] = current_crc[20] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4]; + next_crc[13] = current_crc[21] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5]; + next_crc[14] = current_crc[22] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[2] ^ + crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ + crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[15] = current_crc[23] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[16] = current_crc[24] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4]; + next_crc[17] = current_crc[25] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5]; + next_crc[18] = current_crc[26] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6]; + next_crc[19] = current_crc[27] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[20] = current_crc[28] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[21] = current_crc[29] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[22] = current_crc[30] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6]; + next_crc[23] = current_crc[31] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[24] = current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ + current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[25] = current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[2] ^ + crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ + current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[6] ^ + current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[26] = current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[27] = current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[28] = current_crc[4] ^crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ + crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[29] = current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[6] ^ + current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[30] = current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[31] = current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + end // always + +assign rx_fcs[0] = current_crc[31]; +assign rx_fcs[1] = current_crc[30]; +assign rx_fcs[2] = current_crc[29]; +assign rx_fcs[3] = current_crc[28]; +assign rx_fcs[4] = current_crc[27]; +assign rx_fcs[5] = current_crc[26]; +assign rx_fcs[6] = current_crc[25]; +assign rx_fcs[7] = current_crc[24]; +assign rx_fcs[8] = current_crc[23]; +assign rx_fcs[9] = current_crc[22]; +assign rx_fcs[10] = current_crc[21]; +assign rx_fcs[11] = current_crc[20]; +assign rx_fcs[12] = current_crc[19]; +assign rx_fcs[13] = current_crc[18]; +assign rx_fcs[14] = current_crc[17]; +assign rx_fcs[15] = current_crc[16]; +assign rx_fcs[16] = current_crc[15]; +assign rx_fcs[17] = current_crc[14]; +assign rx_fcs[18] = current_crc[13]; +assign rx_fcs[19] = current_crc[12]; +assign rx_fcs[20] = current_crc[11]; +assign rx_fcs[21] = current_crc[10]; +assign rx_fcs[22] = current_crc[9]; +assign rx_fcs[23] = current_crc[8]; +assign rx_fcs[24] = current_crc[7]; +assign rx_fcs[25] = current_crc[6]; +assign rx_fcs[26] = current_crc[5]; +assign rx_fcs[27] = current_crc[4]; +assign rx_fcs[28] = current_crc[3]; +assign rx_fcs[29] = current_crc[2]; +assign rx_fcs[30] = current_crc[1]; +assign rx_fcs[31] = current_crc[0]; + + always @(rx_fcs) + begin + if (rx_fcs == 32'hc704dd7b) + crc_ok_ul = 1; + else + crc_ok_ul = 0; + end // always + + + assign rc2rf_crc_ok = crc_ok_ul; + + +endmodule + + + + + + + + + + + + +
trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_rx_crc32.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_tx_crc32.v =================================================================== --- trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_tx_crc32.v (nonexistent) +++ trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_tx_crc32.v (revision 12) @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Tubo 8051 cores MAC Interface Module //// +//// //// +//// This file is part of the Turbo 8051 cores project //// +//// //// +//// //// +//// Description //// +//// Turbo 8051 definitions. //// +//// //// +//// To Do: //// +//// nothing //// +//// //// +//// Author(s): //// +//// - Dinesh Annayya, //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +//// //// +//// Copyright (C) 2000 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG //// +//// //// +//// This source file may be used and distributed without //// +//// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// +//// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// +//// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. //// +//// //// +//// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it //// +//// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; //// +//// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any //// +//// later version. //// +//// //// +//// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be //// +//// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied //// +//// warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR //// +//// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more //// +//// details. //// +//// //// +//// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General //// +//// Public License along with this source; if not, download it //// +//// from //// +//// //// +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +/*************************************************************** + Description: + crc_32.v: This block contains the tx_crc32 generator. + CRC is generated on the tx data when gen_tx_crc asserted. + The 32-bit crc shift register is reset to all 1's when either + tx_reset_crc asserted + + *********************************************************************/ +module g_tx_crc32 ( + // List of outputs. + tx_fcs, + + // List of inputs + gen_tx_crc, + tx_reset_crc, + tx_data, + sclk, + reset_n); + + // defx[ine inputs and outputs. + + input gen_tx_crc; // when asserted, crc is generated on the + // tx_data[3:0]. + input tx_reset_crc; // when asserted, crc shift register is + // reset to all 1's. from link_phy_intfc. + input [7:0] tx_data; // trasnmit data. + input sclk; // serial clock from phy. + input reset_n; // global asynchronous reset. + + + output [31:0] tx_fcs; // 32-bit crc for tx_data. to link_phy_intfc. + + + // reg/wire declarations for primary outputs. + wire [31:0] tx_fcs; + + // define constants and parameters here. + + // define local signals here. + + wire [7:0] crc_in; + wire gen_crc; + wire[7:0] tx_data_in; + wire carry0,carry1,carry2,carry3; + wire carry4,carry5,carry6,carry7; + reg [31:0] current_crc, next_crc; + + // code starts here. + assign tx_data_in = tx_data; + assign crc_in = tx_data_in; + + assign gen_crc = gen_tx_crc; + + // 32-bit crc shift register for crc calculation. + + always @(posedge sclk or negedge reset_n) + begin + if (!reset_n) + begin + current_crc <= 32'hffffffff; + end + else + begin + if (tx_reset_crc ) + begin + current_crc <= 32'hffffffff; + end + else if (gen_crc) // generate crc + begin + current_crc <= next_crc; + end // else: !if(tx_reset_crc ) + end // else: !if(reset_n) + end // always @ (posedge sclk or negedge reset_n) + + // combinational logic to generate next_crc + + always @(current_crc or crc_in) + begin + + next_crc[0] = current_crc[8] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2]; + next_crc[1] = current_crc[9] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3]; + next_crc[2] = current_crc[10] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4]; + next_crc[3] = current_crc[11] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5]; + next_crc[4] = current_crc[12] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ + current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[6] ^ + current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[5] = current_crc[13] ^ current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ + current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[7] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[6] = current_crc[14] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5]; + next_crc[7] = current_crc[15] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6]; + next_crc[8] = current_crc[16] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[9] = current_crc[17] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[10] = current_crc[18] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2]; + next_crc[11] = current_crc[19] ^ current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3]; + next_crc[12] = current_crc[20] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4]; + next_crc[13] = current_crc[21] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5]; + next_crc[14] = current_crc[22] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[2] ^ + crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ + crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[15] = current_crc[23] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[16] = current_crc[24] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4]; + next_crc[17] = current_crc[25] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5]; + next_crc[18] = current_crc[26] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6]; + next_crc[19] = current_crc[27] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[20] = current_crc[28] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[21] = current_crc[29] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[22] = current_crc[30] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6]; + next_crc[23] = current_crc[31] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[24] = current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ + current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[25] = current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ current_crc[2] ^ + crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ + current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[6] ^ + current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[26] = current_crc[2] ^ crc_in[2] ^ current_crc[3] ^ + crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ crc_in[4] ^ + current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[27] = current_crc[3] ^ crc_in[3] ^ current_crc[4] ^ + crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[28] = current_crc[4] ^crc_in[4] ^ current_crc[5] ^ + crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ + crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6]; + next_crc[29] = current_crc[5] ^ crc_in[5] ^ current_crc[6] ^ + current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ crc_in[6] ^ + current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + next_crc[30] = current_crc[6] ^ current_crc[0] ^ crc_in[0] ^ + crc_in[6] ^ current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ + crc_in[1] ^ crc_in[7]; + next_crc[31] = current_crc[7] ^ current_crc[1] ^ crc_in[1] ^ + crc_in[7]; + end // always + +// assign tx_fcs = ~current_crc; + assign tx_fcs[0] = !current_crc[0]; + assign tx_fcs[1] = !current_crc[1]; + assign tx_fcs[2] = !current_crc[2]; + assign tx_fcs[3] = !current_crc[3]; + assign tx_fcs[4] = !current_crc[4]; + assign tx_fcs[5] = !current_crc[5]; + assign tx_fcs[6] = !current_crc[6]; + assign tx_fcs[7] = !current_crc[7]; + assign tx_fcs[8] = !current_crc[8]; + assign tx_fcs[9] = !current_crc[9]; + assign tx_fcs[10] = !current_crc[10]; + assign tx_fcs[11] = !current_crc[11]; + assign tx_fcs[12] = !current_crc[12]; + assign tx_fcs[13] = !current_crc[13]; + assign tx_fcs[14] = !current_crc[14]; + assign tx_fcs[15] = !current_crc[15]; + assign tx_fcs[16] = !current_crc[16]; + assign tx_fcs[17] = !current_crc[17]; + assign tx_fcs[18] = !current_crc[18]; + assign tx_fcs[19] = !current_crc[19]; + assign tx_fcs[20] = !current_crc[20]; + assign tx_fcs[21] = !current_crc[21]; + assign tx_fcs[22] = !current_crc[22]; + assign tx_fcs[23] = !current_crc[23]; + assign tx_fcs[24] = !current_crc[24]; + assign tx_fcs[25] = !current_crc[25]; + assign tx_fcs[26] = !current_crc[26]; + assign tx_fcs[27] = !current_crc[27]; + assign tx_fcs[28] = !current_crc[28]; + assign tx_fcs[29] = !current_crc[29]; + assign tx_fcs[30] = !current_crc[30]; + assign tx_fcs[31] = !current_crc[31]; + +endmodule
trunk/rtl/gmac/crc32/g_tx_crc32.v Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property

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