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<title>tv80 Core Documentation</title>
<author initials="G." surname="Hutchison" fullname="Guy Hutchison">
<date month="October" year="2004" />
<keyword>Extensible Markup Language</keyword>
A synthesizable 8-bit microprocessor which is instruction-set compatable
with the Z80, targetted at embedded and system-on-a-chip designs.
<section title="Background">
<t>The tv80 core was created as a Verilog port of the <xref target="t80">VHDL T80 core</xref>, for use as a maintenence processor inside an ASIC.
The tv80 has been modified since then for better synthesis
timing/area results, and to incorporate several bug-fixes.</t>
<t>The T80, and the tv80 derived from it, attempt to maintain the
original cycle timings of the Z80, but have radically different
internal designs and timings. With its target being ASIC and
embedded applications, the tv80 does not attempt to maintain
the original pinout of the Z80.</t>
<section title="Core Area and Technology Mapping">
<t> This section tracks synthesis results in various technologies. LSI 10K technology is
used as a baseline because the library ships with Design Compiler. </t>
Component Clock Speed Area Technology (units)
================ =========== ======== =====================
tv80 33 Mhz 10733 lsi_10k (gates)
simple_gmii 33 Mhz 1247 lsi_10k (gates)
<section title="TV80 Peripherals">
<t>The TV80 design includes a number (one, at this point) of peripherals. These peripherals
are hardware-synthesizable, but may not be fully tested or functional.</t>
<section title="Simple GMII Interface">
<t>This block presents a GMII interface on one side and a TV80 processor interface on
the other. The processor-side controls are all mapped into I/O-space. The block
can only process a single packet in each direction at one time. This is only really
a limitation on the RX side, where any incoming packets will be dropped until the
processor removes the first packet from the RX buffer.</t>
<t>The GMII interface is signalling only, and does not support 10/100 operation, half duplex
mode, flow control, or any other aspects of 802.3.</t>
<section title="Register Interface">
<t>This block consumes 3 bits of I/O address space. The register addresses below are
relative to the configurable base address of the block, which must be aligned to an
8-byte boundary. Registers 0x6 and 0x7 are reserved.</t>
<section title="Status Register (0x0)">
<t>Bit 0 of the status register indicates that a packet is available in the RX buffer.
This bit will be cleared when the last byte of data is read out of the RX buffer.</t>
<t>Bit 1 is set when the packet in the TX buffer has finished transmitting. This bit
will be cleared when the first byte of data of the next packet is written into the
TX buffer.</t>
<t>This register is read-only.</t>
<section title="Control Register (0x1)">
<t>Bit 0 controls sending packets. When a 1 is written to this bit, the data in
the TX buffer will be sent as a single packet.</t>
<t>This register is write-only.</t>
<section title="RX Length Register (Low, 0x2)">
<t>This register contains the low 8 bits of the length of the packet currently
residing in the RX buffer.</t>
<t>This register is read-only.</t>
<section title="RX Length Register (High, 0x3)">
<t>This register contains the high 8 bits of the length of the packet currently
residing in the RX buffer.</t>
<t>This register is read-only.</t>
<section title="RX Data Register (0x4)">
<t>This register contains the next byte of data in the RX packet buffer.</t>
<t>This register is read-only.</t>
<section title="TX Data Register (0x5)">
<t>Writing to this register puts data in the TX packet buffer. This register does
not perform bounds checking; it is the program's responsibility not to write more
data than the size of the TX buffer.</t>
<t>This register is write-only.</t>
<section title="Verification Environment">
<section title="Memory Map">
Environment memory space is divided into a 32k ROM region and a 32k RAM
region, as follows:
0000-7FFF: ROM
8000-FFFF: RAM
<t>Environment I/O space is allocated as follows:</t>
00-0F: Unused
10-1F: Test devices
20-7F: Unused
80-9F: Environment control
A0-FF: Unused
<section title="Control Registers">
The tv80 environment is controlled by the program under simulation. The
program can affect the environment through a set of control registers,
which are mapped into I/O space.
<section title="Simulation control (0x80)">
<list style="symbols">
<t> Write '01' to end simulation with test passed</t>
<t> Write '02' to end with test failed</t>
<t> Write '03' to turn on dumping</t>
<t> Write '04' to turn off dumping</t>
<section title="Message output (0x81)">
Write characters to this port one at a time. When the
newline ('\n', ASCII 0x0A) character is written, the
environment will print out the collected string.
<section title="Timeout control (0x82)">
Bit[0] enables the timeout counter,
Bit[1] resets the counter to 0.
Timeout counter defaults to enabled at simulation start.
<section title="Max timeout (0x84, 0x83)">
Holds 16-bit timeout value (amount of time in clocks before
timeout error occurs).
<section title="Interrupt countdown (0x90)">
When set, starts a countdown (in clocks) until assertion of
the INT_N signal.
<section title="Checksum value (0x91)">
<t>This register holds the checksum value of all data
written to the accumulate register. The checksum is a simple
twos-complement checksum, so it can be compared with a CPU-generated
<t>This register is readable and writeable. Writing the register sets
the current checksum value.</t>
<section title="Checksum accumulate (0x92)">
<t>This write-only register adds the written value to the value
contained in the Checksum Value register.</t>
<section title="Increment on read (0x93)">
<t>This register increments every time it is read, so reading it
repeatedly generates an incrementing sequence. It can be reset
by writing it to a new starting value.</t>
<section title="Tool Chain">
<t>The minimum toolchain required to simulate the tv80 is the
<xref target="cver">CVer</xref> Verilog simulator, and the
<xref target="sdcc">SDCC</xref> compiler/assembler/linker. In
addition, to run the <xref target="tvs80">tvs80</xref> instruction
test suite, the <xref target="dosbox">DOSBox</xref> DOS emulator
is required.
<section title="Tests">
<t>Most of the tests in the tv80 environment are written in C, and should
be compiled with the <xref target="sdcc">sdcc</xref> compiler.
<section anchor="tvs80" title="tvs80 test">
<t>The tvs80 test is different than the rest of the tests, and is
written in its own flavor of assembly language. This test provides
a fairly comprehensive Z80 instruction test.</t>
<t>The assembler for this test only runs under DOS. To assemble
under Unix/Linux, the <xref target="dosbox">"dosbox" DOS emulator</xref> is required. A script
to run the assembler under dosbox, as well as the tvs80.asm source,
is checked in under the "tests/tvs80" directory.</t>
<reference anchor="t80" target="">
<title>VHDL T80 Core</title>
<author initials="D." surname="Wallner" fullname="Daniel Wallner">
<reference anchor="sdcc" target="">
<title>Small Device C Compiler</title>
<reference anchor="cver" target="">
<title>GPL Cver Simulator</title>
<author initials="A." surname="Vanvick" fullname="Andrew Vanvick">
<organization>Pragmatic C Software</organization>
<reference anchor="dosbox" target="">
0,0 → 1,413
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<table summary="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="bug" align="right"><tr><td class="bug"><a href="#toc" class="link2">&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</a></td></tr></table>
<table summary="layout" width="66%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><table summary="layout" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
<tr><td class="header">$Revision: 1.3 $</td><td class="header">G. Hutchison</td></tr>
<tr><td class="header">&nbsp;</td><td class="header"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="header">&nbsp;</td><td class="header">October 2004</td></tr>
<div align="right"><span class="title"><br />tv80 Core Documentation</span></div>
A synthesizable 8-bit microprocessor which is instruction-set compatable
with the Z80, targetted at embedded and system-on-a-chip designs.
</p><a name="toc"></a><br /><hr />
<h3>Table of Contents</h3>
<p class="toc">
<a href="#anchor1">1.</a>&nbsp;
Background<br />
<a href="#anchor2">2.</a>&nbsp;
Core Area and Technology Mapping<br />
<a href="#anchor3">3.</a>&nbsp;
TV80 Peripherals<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor4">3.1</a>&nbsp;
Simple GMII Interface<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor5">3.1.1</a>&nbsp;
Register Interface<br />
<a href="#anchor12">4.</a>&nbsp;
Verification Environment<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor13">4.1</a>&nbsp;
Memory Map<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor14">4.2</a>&nbsp;
Control Registers<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor15">4.2.1</a>&nbsp;
Simulation control (0x80)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor16">4.2.2</a>&nbsp;
Message output (0x81)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor17">4.2.3</a>&nbsp;
Timeout control (0x82)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor18">4.2.4</a>&nbsp;
Max timeout (0x84, 0x83)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor19">4.2.5</a>&nbsp;
Interrupt countdown (0x90)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor20">4.2.6</a>&nbsp;
Checksum value (0x91)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor21">4.2.7</a>&nbsp;
Checksum accumulate (0x92)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor22">4.2.8</a>&nbsp;
Increment on read (0x93)<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor23">4.3</a>&nbsp;
Tool Chain<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#anchor24">4.4</a>&nbsp;
Tests<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#tvs80">4.4.1</a>&nbsp;
tvs80 test<br />
<a href="#rfc.references1">5.</a>&nbsp;
References<br />
<a href="#rfc.authors">&#167;</a>&nbsp;
Author's Address<br />
<br clear="all" />
<a name="anchor1"></a><br /><hr />
<table summary="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="bug" align="right"><tr><td class="bug"><a href="#toc" class="link2">&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</a></td></tr></table>
<a name="rfc.section.1"></a><h3>1.&nbsp;Background</h3>
<p>The tv80 core was created as a Verilog port of the <a class="info" href="#t80">VHDL T80 core<span>Wallner, D., VHDL T80 Core, .</span></a>[1], for use as a maintenence processor inside an ASIC.
The tv80 has been modified since then for better synthesis
timing/area results, and to incorporate several bug-fixes.
<p>The T80, and the tv80 derived from it, attempt to maintain the
original cycle timings of the Z80, but have radically different
internal designs and timings. With its target being ASIC and
embedded applications, the tv80 does not attempt to maintain
the original pinout of the Z80.
<a name="anchor2"></a><br /><hr />
<table summary="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="bug" align="right"><tr><td class="bug"><a href="#toc" class="link2">&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</a></td></tr></table>
<a name="rfc.section.2"></a><h3>2.&nbsp;Core Area and Technology Mapping</h3>
<p> This section tracks synthesis results in various technologies. LSI 10K technology is
used as a baseline because the library ships with Design Compiler.
Component Clock Speed Area Technology (units)
================ =========== ======== =====================
tv80 33 Mhz 10733 lsi_10k (gates)
simple_gmii 33 Mhz 1247 lsi_10k (gates)
<a name="anchor3"></a><br /><hr />
<table summary="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="bug" align="right"><tr><td class="bug"><a href="#toc" class="link2">&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</a></td></tr></table>
<a name="rfc.section.3"></a><h3>3.&nbsp;TV80 Peripherals</h3>
<p>The TV80 design includes a number (one, at this point) of peripherals. These peripherals
are hardware-synthesizable, but may not be fully tested or functional.
<a name="rfc.section.3.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor4">3.1</a>&nbsp;Simple GMII Interface</h4>
<p>This block presents a GMII interface on one side and a TV80 processor interface on
the other. The processor-side controls are all mapped into I/O-space. The block
can only process a single packet in each direction at one time. This is only really
a limitation on the RX side, where any incoming packets will be dropped until the
processor removes the first packet from the RX buffer.
<p>The GMII interface is signalling only, and does not support 10/100 operation, half duplex
mode, flow control, or any other aspects of 802.3.
<a name="rfc.section.3.1.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor5">3.1.1</a>&nbsp;Register Interface</h4>
<p>This block consumes 3 bits of I/O address space. The register addresses below are
relative to the configurable base address of the block, which must be aligned to an
8-byte boundary. Registers 0x6 and 0x7 are reserved.
<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor6"></a>&nbsp;Status Register (0x0)</h4>
<p>Bit 0 of the status register indicates that a packet is available in the RX buffer.
This bit will be cleared when the last byte of data is read out of the RX buffer.
<p>Bit 1 is set when the packet in the TX buffer has finished transmitting. This bit
will be cleared when the first byte of data of the next packet is written into the
TX buffer.
<p>This register is read-only.
<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor7"></a>&nbsp;Control Register (0x1)</h4>
<p>Bit 0 controls sending packets. When a 1 is written to this bit, the data in
the TX buffer will be sent as a single packet.
<p>This register is write-only.
<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor8"></a>&nbsp;RX Length Register (Low, 0x2)</h4>
<p>This register contains the low 8 bits of the length of the packet currently
residing in the RX buffer.
<p>This register is read-only.
<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor9"></a>&nbsp;RX Length Register (High, 0x3)</h4>
<p>This register contains the high 8 bits of the length of the packet currently
residing in the RX buffer.
<p>This register is read-only.
<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor10"></a>&nbsp;RX Data Register (0x4)</h4>
<p>This register contains the next byte of data in the RX packet buffer.
<p>This register is read-only.
<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor11"></a>&nbsp;TX Data Register (0x5)</h4>
<p>Writing to this register puts data in the TX packet buffer. This register does
not perform bounds checking; it is the program's responsibility not to write more
data than the size of the TX buffer.
<p>This register is write-only.
<a name="anchor12"></a><br /><hr />
<table summary="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="bug" align="right"><tr><td class="bug"><a href="#toc" class="link2">&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</a></td></tr></table>
<a name="rfc.section.4"></a><h3>4.&nbsp;Verification Environment</h3>
<a name="rfc.section.4.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor13">4.1</a>&nbsp;Memory Map</h4>
Environment memory space is divided into a 32k ROM region and a 32k RAM
region, as follows:
0000-7FFF: ROM
8000-FFFF: RAM
<p>Environment I/O space is allocated as follows:
00-0F: Unused
10-1F: Test devices
20-7F: Unused
80-9F: Environment control
A0-FF: Unused
<a name="rfc.section.4.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor14">4.2</a>&nbsp;Control Registers</h4>
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor15">4.2.1</a>&nbsp;Simulation control (0x80)</h4>
<ul class="text">
<li> Write '01' to end simulation with test passed
<li> Write '02' to end with test failed
<li> Write '03' to turn on dumping
<li> Write '04' to turn off dumping
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor16">4.2.2</a>&nbsp;Message output (0x81)</h4>
Write characters to this port one at a time. When the
newline ('\n', ASCII 0x0A) character is written, the
environment will print out the collected string.
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor17">4.2.3</a>&nbsp;Timeout control (0x82)</h4>
Bit[0] enables the timeout counter,
Bit[1] resets the counter to 0.
Timeout counter defaults to enabled at simulation start.
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor18">4.2.4</a>&nbsp;Max timeout (0x84, 0x83)</h4>
Holds 16-bit timeout value (amount of time in clocks before
timeout error occurs).
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.5"></a><h4><a name="anchor19">4.2.5</a>&nbsp;Interrupt countdown (0x90)</h4>
When set, starts a countdown (in clocks) until assertion of
the INT_N signal.
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.6"></a><h4><a name="anchor20">4.2.6</a>&nbsp;Checksum value (0x91)</h4>
<p>This register holds the checksum value of all data
written to the accumulate register. The checksum is a simple
twos-complement checksum, so it can be compared with a CPU-generated
<p>This register is readable and writeable. Writing the register sets
the current checksum value.
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.7"></a><h4><a name="anchor21">4.2.7</a>&nbsp;Checksum accumulate (0x92)</h4>
<p>This write-only register adds the written value to the value
contained in the Checksum Value register.
<a name="rfc.section.4.2.8"></a><h4><a name="anchor22">4.2.8</a>&nbsp;Increment on read (0x93)</h4>
<p>This register increments every time it is read, so reading it
repeatedly generates an incrementing sequence. It can be reset
by writing it to a new starting value.
<a name="rfc.section.4.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor23">4.3</a>&nbsp;Tool Chain</h4>
<p>The minimum toolchain required to simulate the tv80 is the
<a class="info" href="#cver">CVer<span>Vanvick, A., GPL Cver Simulator, .</span></a>[3] Verilog simulator, and the
<a class="info" href="#sdcc">SDCC<span>, Small Device C Compiler, .</span></a>[2] compiler/assembler/linker. In
addition, to run the <a class="info" href="#tvs80">tvs80<span>tvs80 test</span></a> instruction
test suite, the <a class="info" href="#dosbox">DOSBox<span>, DOSBox, .</span></a>[4] DOS emulator
is required.
<a name="rfc.section.4.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor24">4.4</a>&nbsp;Tests</h4>
<p>Most of the tests in the tv80 environment are written in C, and should
be compiled with the <a class="info" href="#sdcc">sdcc<span>, Small Device C Compiler, .</span></a>[2] compiler.
<a name="rfc.section.4.4.1"></a><h4><a name="tvs80">4.4.1</a>&nbsp;tvs80 test</h4>
<p>The tvs80 test is different than the rest of the tests, and is
written in its own flavor of assembly language. This test provides
a fairly comprehensive Z80 instruction test.
<p>The assembler for this test only runs under DOS. To assemble
under Unix/Linux, the <a class="info" href="#dosbox">"dosbox" DOS emulator<span>, DOSBox, .</span></a>[4] is required. A script
to run the assembler under dosbox, as well as the tvs80.asm source,
is checked in under the "tests/tvs80" directory.
<a name="rfc.references1"></a><br /><hr />
<table summary="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="bug" align="right"><tr><td class="bug"><a href="#toc" class="link2">&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</a></td></tr></table>
<table width="99%" border="0">
<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><a name="t80">[1]</a></td>
<td class="author-text">Wallner, D., "<a href="">VHDL T80 Core</a>".</td></tr>
<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><a name="sdcc">[2]</a></td>
<td class="author-text">"<a href="">Small Device C Compiler</a>".</td></tr>
<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><a name="cver">[3]</a></td>
<td class="author-text">Vanvick, A., "<a href="">GPL Cver Simulator</a>".</td></tr>
<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><a name="dosbox">[4]</a></td>
<td class="author-text">"<a href="">DOSBox</a>".</td></tr>
<a name="rfc.authors"></a><br /><hr />
<table summary="layout" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="bug" align="right"><tr><td class="bug"><a href="#toc" class="link2">&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</a></td></tr></table>
<h3>Author's Address</h3>
<table width="99%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="author-text">Guy Hutchison</td></tr>
<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="author-text"></td></tr>
<tr><td class="author" align="right">EMail:&nbsp;</td>
<td class="author-text"><a href=""></a></td></tr>
0,0 → 1,52
TV80 Microprocessor Core Environment Documentation
Environment Memory Map:
Environment memory space is divided into a 32k ROM region and a 32k RAM
region, as follows:
0000-7FFF: ROM
8000-FFFF: RAM
Environment I/O space is allocated as follows:
00-0F: Unused
10-1F: Test devices
20-7F: Unused
80-8F: Environment control
A0-FF: Unused
The Environment control registers are:
80 : Simulation control
Write '01' to end simulation with test passed
Write '02' to end with test failed
Write '03' to turn on dumping
Write '04' to turn off dumping
81 : Message output
Write characters to this port one at a time. When the
newline ('\n', ASCII 0x0A) character is written, the
environment will print out the collected string.
82 : Timeout control
Bit[0] enables the timeout counter
Bit[1] resets the counter to 0
Timeout counter defaults to enabled at simulation start
83 : Max timeout [low]
84 : Max timeout [high]
Holds 16-bit timeout value (amount of time in clocks before
timeout error occurs).
90 : Interrupt countdown
When set, starts a countdown (in clocks) until assertion of
the INT_N signal.

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