
Subversion Repositories uart_block

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 35 to Rev 36
    Reverse comparison

Rev 35 → Rev 36

39,7 → 39,7
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: serial_receiver PORT MAP (
rst => rst,
baudOverSampleClk => baudOverSampleClk,
57,7 → 57,7
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: uart_control PORT MAP (
rst => rst,
clk => clk,
42,7 → 42,7
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: divisor PORT MAP (
rst => rst,
clk => clk,
1,4 → 1,5
--! Top wishbone Master to test the uart_wishbone_slave
--! @file
--! @brief Top wishbone Master to test the uart_wishbone_slave
library ieee;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
10,23 → 11,25
-- WISHBONE Signals
ACK_I: in std_logic;
ADR_O: out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 );
CLK_I: in std_logic;
CYC_O: out std_logic;
DAT_I: in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
DAT_O: out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
RST_I: in std_logic;
SEL_O: out std_logic;
STB_O: out std_logic;
WE_O: out std_logic;
ACK_I: in std_logic; --! Ack input
ADR_O: out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 ); --! Address output
CLK_I: in std_logic; --! Clock input
CYC_O: out std_logic; --! Cycle output
DAT_I: in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 ); --! Data input
DAT_O: out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 ); --! Data output
RST_I: in std_logic; --! Reset input
SEL_O: out std_logic; --! Select output
STB_O: out std_logic; --! Strobe output (Works like a chip select)
WE_O: out std_logic; --! Write enable
byte_rec : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
byte_rec : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) --! Signal byte received (Used to debug on the out leds)
--! @brief Test the uart_wishbone_slave
--! @details Configure the core then, send the received data back to the PC
architecture Behavioral of SERIALMASTER is
signal masterSerialStates : testMaster;
signal byteIncome : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
101,7 → 104,7
end if;
when wait_cycles =>
-- wait some cycles (90)
-- wait some cycles
if contWait < cycles2Wait then
contWait := contWait + 1;
STB_O <= '0';
1,5 → 1,5
#ChipScope Pro Analyzer Project File, Version 3.0
#Fri May 04 23:28:54 CEST 2012
#Mon May 07 21:56:33 CEST 2012
32,10 → 32,10
62,12 → 62,12
unit.0.0.browser_tree_state<Data\ Port>=1
unit.0.0.port.-1.b.0.channellist=4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
unit.0.0.port.-1.b.0.channellist=3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
77,13 → 77,13
unit.0.0.port.-1.s.0.alias=Serial In
unit.0.0.port.-1.s.1.alias=Baud Rate
93,21 → 93,16[10]
unit.0.0.port.-1.s.2.alias=Baud Rate Oversample
170,44 → 165,41
unit.0.0.waveform.count=4 In
unit.0.0.waveform.posn.0.type=signal Rate
unit.0.0.waveform.posn.11.type=signal Rate Oversample
1,68 → 1,31
-- Module name: SYC0001a.VHD
-- Description: A simple WISHBONE SYSCON for FPGA. For more infor-
-- mation, please refer to the WISHBONE Public Domain
-- Library Technical Reference Manual.
-- History: Project complete: SEP 20, 2001
-- WD Peterson
-- Silicore Corporation
-- Release: Notice is hereby given that this document is not
-- copyrighted, and has been placed into the public
-- domain. It may be freely copied and distributed
-- by any means.
-- Disclaimer: In no event shall Silicore Corporation be liable
-- for incidental, consequential, indirect or special
-- damages resulting from the use of this file. The
-- user assumes all responsibility for its use.
-- Load the IEEE 1164 library and make it visible.
--! @file
--! @brief SYSCON core avaible at:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- Entity declaration.
entity SYC0001a is
-- WISHBONE Interface
CLK_O: out std_logic;
RST_O: out std_logic;
-- WISHBONE Interface
CLK_O: out std_logic; --! Clock output
RST_O: out std_logic; --! Reset output
EXTCLK: in std_logic;
EXTRST: in std_logic
EXTCLK: in std_logic; --! Clock input
EXTRST: in std_logic --! Reset input
end SYC0001a;
-- Architecture definition.
--! @brief Architecture definition. of SYSCON core
--! @details Architecture definition. of SYSCON core
architecture SYC0001a1 of SYC0001a IS
-- Make selected signals available to the outside world.
51,7 → 51,7
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: uart_wishbone_slave PORT MAP (
3,10 → 3,10
<!--The data in this file is primarily intended for consumption by Xilinx tools.
The structure and the elements are likely to change over the next few releases.
This means code written to parse this file will need to be revisited each subsequent release.-->
<application name="pn" timeStamp="Sat May 05 22:40:10 2012">
<application name="pn" timeStamp="Tue May 08 23:40:28 2012">
<section name="Project Information" visible="false">
<property name="ProjectID" value="225093D1BA50465FB2D0D99DBD16A3DC" type="project"/>
<property name="ProjectIteration" value="30" type="project"/>
<property name="ProjectIteration" value="31" type="project"/>
<property name="ProjectFile" value="E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/iseProject.xise" type="project"/>
<property name="ProjectCreationTimestamp" value="2012-04-20T22:53:04" type="project"/>
14,24 → 14,22
<property name="PROPEXT_xilxSynthMaxFanout_virtex2" value="100000" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_Board" value="Spartan-3E Starter Board" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_Enable_Message_Filtering" value="false" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_FitterReportFormat" value="HTML" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_LastAppliedGoal" value="Balanced" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_LastAppliedStrategy" value="Xilinx Default (unlocked)" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_ManualCompileOrderImp" value="false" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_PropSpecInProjFile" value="Store all values" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_SelectedInstanceHierarchicalPath" value="/testUart_communication_block" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_SelectedInstanceHierarchicalPath" value="/testUart_wishbone_slave" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_Simulator" value="ISim (VHDL/Verilog)" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_SynthTopFile" value="changed" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_Top_Level_Module_Type" value="HDL" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_UseSmartGuide" value="false" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_UserConstraintEditorPreference" value="Text Editor" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_intProjectCreationTimestamp" value="2012-04-20T22:53:04" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_intWbtProjectID" value="225093D1BA50465FB2D0D99DBD16A3DC" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_intWbtProjectIteration" value="30" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_intWbtProjectIteration" value="31" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_intWorkingDirLocWRTProjDir" value="Same" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_intWorkingDirUsed" value="No" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_lockPinsUcfFile" value="changed" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_selectedSimRootSourceNode_behav" value="work.testUart_communication_block" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_selectedSimRootSourceNode_behav" value="work.testUart_wishbone_slave" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_xilxBitgStart_IntDone" value="true" type="process"/>
<property name="PROP_AutoTop" value="false" type="design"/>
<property name="PROP_DevFamily" value="Spartan3E" type="design"/>
37,7 → 37,7
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: serial_transmitter PORT MAP (
rst => rst,
baudClk => baudClk,
11,74 → 11,74
FL /home/laraujo/work/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd 2012/05/02.17:56:59 O.87xd
FL /home/laraujo/work/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_main_blocks.vhd 2012/04/30.12:49:26 O.87xd
FL /home/laraujo/work/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd 2012/05/02.08:07:03 O.87xd
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd 2012/05/05.19:53:55 O.87xd
EN work/baud_generator 1336250413 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd 2012/05/08.22:34:17 O.87xd
EN work/baud_generator 1336513192 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 \
PB ieee/STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED 1325952875 PB ieee/std_logic_arith 1325952873 \
PB ieee/NUMERIC_STD 1325952877 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/baud_generator/Behavioral 1336250414 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd EN work/baud_generator 1336250413
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd 2012/05/01.21:07:49 O.87xd
EN work/divisor 1336250419 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd \
PB ieee/NUMERIC_STD 1325952877 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/baud_generator/Behavioral 1336513193 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd EN work/baud_generator 1336513192
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd 2012/05/08.23:23:27 O.87xd
EN work/divisor 1336513198 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB ieee/std_logic_arith 1325952873 \
PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/divisor/Behavioral 1336250420 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd EN work/divisor 1336250419
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd 2012/05/04.00:27:06 O.87xd
EN work/INTERCON_P2P 1336250431 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd \
PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/divisor/Behavioral 1336513199 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd EN work/divisor 1336513198
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd 2012/05/08.22:54:12 O.87xd
EN work/INTERCON_P2P 1336513210 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872
AR work/INTERCON_P2P/Behavioral 1336250432 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd EN work/INTERCON_P2P 1336250431 \
AR work/INTERCON_P2P/Behavioral 1336513211 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd EN work/INTERCON_P2P 1336513210 \
CP SYC0001a CP SERIALMASTER CP uart_wishbone_slave
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd 2012/05/05.19:53:54 O.87xd
PH work/pkgDefinitions 1336250411 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd 2012/05/08.22:34:17 O.87xd
PH work/pkgDefinitions 1336513190 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872
PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd PH work/pkgDefinitions 1336250411
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd 2012/05/04.01:05:05 O.87xd
EN work/SERIALMASTER 1336250427 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd \
PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd PH work/pkgDefinitions 1336513190
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd 2012/05/08.23:01:15 O.87xd
EN work/SERIALMASTER 1336513206 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB ieee/STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED 1325952875 \
PB ieee/std_logic_arith 1325952873 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/SERIALMASTER/Behavioral 1336250428 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd EN work/SERIALMASTER 1336250427
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd 2012/05/05.22:39:11 O.87xd
EN work/serial_receiver 1336250417 \
PB ieee/std_logic_arith 1325952873 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/SERIALMASTER/Behavioral 1336513207 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd EN work/SERIALMASTER 1336513206
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd 2012/05/08.22:34:17 O.87xd
EN work/serial_receiver 1336513196 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 \
PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/serial_receiver/Behavioral 1336250418 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd EN work/serial_receiver 1336250417
PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/serial_receiver/Behavioral 1336513197 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd EN work/serial_receiver 1336513196
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_transmitter.vhd 2012/04/21.09:27:16 O.87xd
EN work/serial_transmitter 1336250415 \
EN work/serial_transmitter 1336513194 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_transmitter.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/serial_transmitter/Behavioral 1336250416 \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/serial_transmitter/Behavioral 1336513195 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_transmitter.vhd \
EN work/serial_transmitter 1336250415
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd 2012/05/04.00:26:54 O.87xd
EN work/SYC0001a 1336250425 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd \
EN work/serial_transmitter 1336513194
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd 2012/05/08.22:58:32 O.87xd
EN work/SYC0001a 1336513204 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872
AR work/SYC0001a/SYC0001a1 1336250426 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd EN work/SYC0001a 1336250425
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd 2012/05/05.22:40:08 O.87xd
EN work/uart_communication_blocks 1336250423 \
AR work/SYC0001a/SYC0001a1 1336513205 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd EN work/SYC0001a 1336513204
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd 2012/05/08.23:34:57 O.87xd
EN work/uart_communication_blocks 1336513202 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/uart_communication_blocks/Behavioral 1336250424 \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/uart_communication_blocks/Behavioral 1336513203 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd \
EN work/uart_communication_blocks 1336250423 CP baud_generator \
EN work/uart_communication_blocks 1336513202 CP baud_generator \
CP serial_transmitter CP serial_receiver
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd 2012/05/03.19:17:33 O.87xd
EN work/uart_control 1336250421 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd 2012/05/08.23:25:39 O.87xd
EN work/uart_control 1336513200 FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB ieee/STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED 1325952875 \
PB ieee/std_logic_arith 1325952873 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/uart_control/Behavioral 1336250422 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd EN work/uart_control 1336250421 \
PB ieee/std_logic_arith 1325952873 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/uart_control/Behavioral 1336513201 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd EN work/uart_control 1336513200 \
CP divisor
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd 2012/05/03.19:17:33 O.87xd
EN work/uart_wishbone_slave 1336250429 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd 2012/05/08.23:31:19 O.87xd
EN work/uart_wishbone_slave 1336513208 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336250412
AR work/uart_wishbone_slave/Behavioral 1336250430 \
PB ieee/std_logic_1164 1325952872 PB work/pkgDefinitions 1336513191
AR work/uart_wishbone_slave/Behavioral 1336513209 \
FL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd \
EN work/uart_wishbone_slave 1336250429 CP uart_control \
EN work/uart_wishbone_slave 1336513208 CP uart_control \
CP uart_communication_blocks
1,22 → 1,22
AR uart_communication_blocks behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd sub00/vhpl13 1336250424
AR uart_control behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd sub00/vhpl11 1336250422
AR syc0001a syc0001a1 E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd sub00/vhpl17 1336250426
EN intercon_p2p NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd sub00/vhpl20 1336250431
PB pkgdefinitions pkgdefinitions E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd sub00/vhpl01 1336250412
EN serial_receiver NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd sub00/vhpl04 1336250417
AR uart_wishbone_slave behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd sub00/vhpl15 1336250430
AR serial_transmitter behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_transmitter.vhd sub00/vhpl03 1336250416
EN uart_communication_blocks NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd sub00/vhpl12 1336250423
EN divisor NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd sub00/vhpl08 1336250419
AR divisor behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd sub00/vhpl09 1336250420
AR baud_generator behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd sub00/vhpl07 1336250414
EN syc0001a NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd sub00/vhpl16 1336250425
EN serialmaster NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd sub00/vhpl18 1336250427
EN uart_control NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd sub00/vhpl10 1336250421
AR intercon_p2p behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd sub00/vhpl21 1336250432
EN serial_transmitter NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_transmitter.vhd sub00/vhpl02 1336250415
PH pkgdefinitions NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd sub00/vhpl00 1336250411
AR serialmaster behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd sub00/vhpl19 1336250428
EN uart_wishbone_slave NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd sub00/vhpl14 1336250429
EN baud_generator NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd sub00/vhpl06 1336250413
AR serial_receiver behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd sub00/vhpl05 1336250418
AR uart_communication_blocks behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd sub00/vhpl13 1336513203
AR uart_control behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd sub00/vhpl11 1336513201
AR syc0001a syc0001a1 E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd sub00/vhpl17 1336513205
EN intercon_p2p NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd sub00/vhpl20 1336513210
PB pkgdefinitions pkgdefinitions E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd sub00/vhpl01 1336513191
EN serial_receiver NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd sub00/vhpl04 1336513196
AR uart_wishbone_slave behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd sub00/vhpl15 1336513209
AR serial_transmitter behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_transmitter.vhd sub00/vhpl03 1336513195
EN uart_communication_blocks NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_communication_blocks.vhd sub00/vhpl12 1336513202
EN divisor NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd sub00/vhpl08 1336513198
AR divisor behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/divisor.vhd sub00/vhpl09 1336513199
AR baud_generator behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd sub00/vhpl07 1336513193
EN syc0001a NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SYC0001a.vhd sub00/vhpl16 1336513204
EN serialmaster NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd sub00/vhpl18 1336513206
EN uart_control NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd sub00/vhpl10 1336513200
AR intercon_p2p behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd sub00/vhpl21 1336513211
EN serial_transmitter NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_transmitter.vhd sub00/vhpl02 1336513194
PH pkgdefinitions NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/pkgDefinitions.vhd sub00/vhpl00 1336513190
AR serialmaster behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd sub00/vhpl19 1336513207
EN uart_wishbone_slave NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_wishbone_slave.vhd sub00/vhpl14 1336513208
EN baud_generator NULL E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/baud_generator.vhd sub00/vhpl06 1336513192
AR serial_receiver behavioral E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/serial_receiver.vhd sub00/vhpl05 1336513197
1,4 → 1,5
--! uart control unit
--! @file
--! @brief Uart control unit
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
8,23 → 9,25
use work.pkgDefinitions.all;
entity uart_control is
Port ( rst : in std_logic; -- Global reset
clk : in std_logic; -- Global clock
WE : in std_logic; -- Write enable
reg_addr : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); -- Register address
start : in std_logic; -- Start (Strobe)
done : out std_logic; -- Done (ACK)
DAT_I : in std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); -- Data Input (Wishbone)
DAT_O : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); -- Data output (Wishbone)
baud_wait : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); -- Signal to control the baud rate frequency
data_byte_tx : out std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); -- 1 Byte to be send to serial_transmitter
data_byte_rx : in std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); -- 1 Byte to be received by serial_receiver
tx_data_sent : in std_logic; -- Signal comming from serial_transmitter
tx_start : out std_logic; -- Signal to start sending serial data...
rst_comm_blocks : out std_logic; -- Reset Communication blocks
rx_data_ready : in std_logic); -- Signal comming from serial_receiver
Port ( rst : in std_logic; --! Global reset
clk : in std_logic; --! Global clock
WE : in std_logic; --! Write enable
reg_addr : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); --! Register address
start : in std_logic; --! Start (Strobe)
done : out std_logic; --! Done (ACK)
DAT_I : in std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Data Input (Wishbone)
DAT_O : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Data output (Wishbone)
baud_wait : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Signal to control the baud rate frequency
data_byte_tx : out std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); --! 1 Byte to be send to serial_transmitter
data_byte_rx : in std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); --! 1 Byte to be received by serial_receiver
tx_data_sent : in std_logic; --! Signal comming from serial_transmitter
tx_start : out std_logic; --! Signal to start sending serial data...
rst_comm_blocks : out std_logic; --! Reset Communication blocks
rx_data_ready : in std_logic); --! Signal comming from serial_receiver
end uart_control;
--! @brief Uart control unit
--! @details Configure, commands, the uart_communication_blocks
architecture Behavioral of uart_control is
signal config_clk : std_logic_vector((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
signal config_baud : std_logic_vector((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
58,7 → 61,7
end component;
-- Instantiate block for calculate division
--! Instantiate block for calculate division
uDiv : divisor port map (
rst => sigDivRst,
clk => clk,
205,6 → 205,10
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336250815" xil_pn:in_ck="8052531156335828411" xil_pn:name="TRAN_copyAbstractToPostAbstractSimulation" xil_pn:start_ts="1336250815">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForOutputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputChanged"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutputChanged"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.vhd"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="SERIALMASTER.vhd"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="SYC0001a.vhd"/>
239,6 → 243,11
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336250815" xil_pn:in_ck="8052531156335828411" xil_pn:name="TRAN_copyPostAbstractToPreSimulation" xil_pn:start_ts="1336250815">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForOutputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputChanged"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutputChanged"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.vhd"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="SERIALMASTER.vhd"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="SYC0001a.vhd"/>
261,6 → 270,10
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336250972" xil_pn:in_ck="8052531156335828411" xil_pn:name="TRAN_ISimulateBehavioralModelRunFuse" xil_pn:prop_ck="8691405173963172662" xil_pn:start_ts="1336250968">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForProperties"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputChanged"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="fuse.log"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="isim"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="isim.log"/>
271,9 → 284,12
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336250972" xil_pn:in_ck="7043554240611338668" xil_pn:name="TRAN_ISimulateBehavioralModel" xil_pn:prop_ck="7109246390254422178" xil_pn:start_ts="1336250972">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="isim.cmd"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="isim.log"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="testUart_wishbone_slave_isim_beh.wdb"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForProperties"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForOutputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputRemoved"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutputRemoved"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1335914570" xil_pn:name="TRAN_copyInitialToXSTAbstractSynthesis" xil_pn:start_ts="1335914570">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
303,10 → 319,12
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336250421" xil_pn:in_ck="4673194791943474574" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_xstsynthesize_spartan3e" xil_pn:prop_ck="-8986552465892320357" xil_pn:start_ts="1336250409">
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336513199" xil_pn:in_ck="4673194791943474574" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_xstsynthesize_spartan3e" xil_pn:prop_ck="-8986552465892320357" xil_pn:start_ts="1336513183">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="WarningsGenerated"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForOutputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutputChanged"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.lso"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.ngc"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.ngr"/>
330,12 → 348,10
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336249519" xil_pn:in_ck="4758608941402184672" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_ngdbuild_FPGA" xil_pn:prop_ck="-7171404100274592149" xil_pn:start_ts="1336249504">
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336513221" xil_pn:in_ck="4758608941402184672" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_ngdbuild_FPGA" xil_pn:prop_ck="-7171404100274592149" xil_pn:start_ts="1336513207">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="WarningsGenerated"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputChanged"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.bld"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.ngd"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P_cs.blc"/>
344,13 → 360,10
<outfile xil_pn:name="_ngo"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="_xmsgs/ngdbuild.xmsgs"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336249526" xil_pn:in_ck="7070038919220904605" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_map_spartan3" xil_pn:prop_ck="-5849673150125579957" xil_pn:start_ts="1336249519">
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336513228" xil_pn:in_ck="7070038919220904605" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_map_spartan3" xil_pn:prop_ck="-5849673150125579957" xil_pn:start_ts="1336513221">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="WarningsGenerated"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForOutputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutputChanged"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.pcf"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name=""/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P_map.mrp"/>
361,11 → 374,10
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P_usage.xml"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="_xmsgs/map.xmsgs"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336249541" xil_pn:in_ck="5901297062896623158" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_par_spartan3" xil_pn:prop_ck="-5563652517805085498" xil_pn:start_ts="1336249526">
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336513241" xil_pn:in_ck="5901297062896623158" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_par_spartan3" xil_pn:prop_ck="-5563652517805085498" xil_pn:start_ts="1336513228">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="WarningsGenerated"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.ncd"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.pad"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.par"/>
377,13 → 389,10
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P_par.xrpt"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="_xmsgs/par.xmsgs"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336249555" xil_pn:in_ck="-1437695683665201866" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_bitFile_spartan3e" xil_pn:prop_ck="-7817169320884990698" xil_pn:start_ts="1336249541">
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336513346" xil_pn:in_ck="-1437695683665201866" xil_pn:name="TRANEXT_bitFile_spartan3e" xil_pn:prop_ck="-7817169320884990698" xil_pn:start_ts="1336513333">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="WarningsGenerated"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForOutputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutputChanged"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.ut"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="_xmsgs/bitgen.xmsgs"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="intercon_p2p.bgn"/>
396,25 → 405,28
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336249692" xil_pn:in_ck="-5263026143922103232" xil_pn:name="TRAN_configureTargetDevice" xil_pn:prop_ck="5582947192412673156" xil_pn:start_ts="1336249691">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputChanged"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputRemoved"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336249854" xil_pn:in_ck="-5263026143922103232" xil_pn:name="TRAN_analyzeDesignUsingChipscope" xil_pn:prop_ck="-7171404100274592149" xil_pn:start_ts="1336249853">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputChanged"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputRemoved"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336243447" xil_pn:in_ck="-5119142186248317927" xil_pn:name="TRAN_fpgaFloorplanPostPAR" xil_pn:start_ts="1336243447">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForInputs"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputAdded"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputChanged"/>
<status xil_pn:value="InputRemoved"/>
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336249541" xil_pn:in_ck="-5119142186248317927" xil_pn:name="TRAN_postRouteTrce" xil_pn:prop_ck="445577401284416186" xil_pn:start_ts="1336249538">
<transform xil_pn:end_ts="1336513241" xil_pn:in_ck="-5119142186248317927" xil_pn:name="TRAN_postRouteTrce" xil_pn:prop_ck="445577401284416186" xil_pn:start_ts="1336513238">
<status xil_pn:value="SuccessfullyRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="ReadyToRun"/>
<status xil_pn:value="OutOfDateForPredecessor"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.twr"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="INTERCON_P2P.twx"/>
<outfile xil_pn:name="_xmsgs/trce.xmsgs"/>
1,5 → 1,8
--! Unsigned division circuit, based on slow division algorithm (Restoring division)
--! @file
--! @brief Unsigned division circuit, based on slow division algorithm (Restoring division)
--! The problem with this algorithm is that will take the same ammount of ticks (on this case 32) of
--! it's operands to resolve...
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
8,15 → 11,17
use work.pkgDefinitions.all;
entity divisor is
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC;
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
quotient : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
reminder : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
numerator : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
divident : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC; --! Reset input
clk : in STD_LOGIC; --! Clock input
quotient : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Division result (32 bits)
reminder : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Reminder result (32 bits)
numerator : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Numerator (32 bits)
divident : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! "Divide by" number (32 bits)
done : out STD_LOGIC);
end divisor;
--! @brief Top divisor architecture
--! @details
architecture Behavioral of divisor is
55,6 → 60,7
Q(iteractions) := '1';
end if;
-- We have the results here...
done <= '1';
quotient <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(Q,32);
reminder <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(R,32);
48,7 → 48,7
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78,7 → 78,7
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122,13 → 122,13
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163,12 → 163,12
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1,3 → 1,4
# Constraint file to point to the right pins on the Spartan3E starter kit
1,4 → 1,6
--! @file
--! @brief Point to point wishbone interconnection (Sample Master with uart_wishbone_slave)
library IEEE;
15,15 → 17,17
--! @brief Declaring the components (SYC0001a, SERIALMASTER, uart_wishbone_slave)
--! @details Just instantiate and connect the various components
architecture Behavioral of INTERCON_P2P is
component SYC0001a
-- WISHBONE Interface
CLK_O: out std_logic;
RST_O: out std_logic;
CLK_O: out std_logic; --! Clock output
RST_O: out std_logic; --! Reset output
EXTCLK: in std_logic;
EXTRST: in std_logic
EXTCLK: in std_logic; --! Clock input
EXTRST: in std_logic --! Reset input
end component SYC0001a;
30,34 → 34,36
component SERIALMASTER is
-- WISHBONE Signals
ACK_I: in std_logic;
ADR_O: out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 );
CLK_I: in std_logic;
CYC_O: out std_logic;
DAT_I: in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
DAT_O: out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 );
RST_I: in std_logic;
SEL_O: out std_logic;
STB_O: out std_logic;
WE_O: out std_logic;
ACK_I: in std_logic; --! Ack input
ADR_O: out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0 ); --! Address output
CLK_I: in std_logic; --! Clock input
CYC_O: out std_logic; --! Cycle output
DAT_I: in std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 ); --! Data input
DAT_O: out std_logic_vector( 31 downto 0 ); --! Data output
RST_I: in std_logic; --! Reset input
SEL_O: out std_logic; --! Select output
STB_O: out std_logic; --! Strobe output (Works like a chip select)
WE_O: out std_logic; --! Write enable
byte_rec : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
byte_rec : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) --! Signal byte received (Used to debug on the out leds)
end component;
component uart_wishbone_slave is
Port ( RST_I : in STD_LOGIC;
ADR_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
DAT_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
DAT_O0 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
serial_in : in std_logic;
data_Avaible : out std_logic;
serial_out : out std_logic
Port ( RST_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Reset Input
CLK_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Clock Input
ADR_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); --! Address input
DAT_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); --! Data Input 0
DAT_O0 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); --! Data Output 0
WE_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Write enable input
STB_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Strobe input (Works like a chip select)
ACK_O : out STD_LOGIC; --! Ack output
serial_in : in std_logic; --! Uart serial input
data_Avaible : out std_logic; --! Flag to indicate data avaible
serial_out : out std_logic --! Uart serial output
end component;
signal CLK : std_logic;
69,6 → 75,7
signal dataI : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal dataO : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
--! Instantiate SYC0001a
uSysCon: component SYC0001a
port map(
77,6 → 84,7
--! Instantiate SERIALMASTER
uMasterSerial : component SERIALMASTER
port map(
92,6 → 100,7
WE_O => WE
--! Instantiate uart_wishbone_slave
uUartWishboneSlave: component uart_wishbone_slave
port map(
1,4 → 1,6
--! Top wishbone slave for the uart
--! @file
--! @brief Top wishbone slave for the uart (Connects uart_control and uart_communication_blocks)
library IEEE;
6,50 → 8,54
use work.pkgDefinitions.all;
entity uart_wishbone_slave is
Port ( RST_I : in STD_LOGIC;
ADR_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
DAT_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
DAT_O0 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0);
serial_in : in std_logic;
data_Avaible : out std_logic; -- Indicate that the receiver module got something
Port ( RST_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Reset Input
CLK_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Clock Input
ADR_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); --! Address input
DAT_I0 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); --! Data Input 0
DAT_O0 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (31 downto 0); --! Data Output 0
WE_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Write enable input
STB_I : in STD_LOGIC; --! Strobe input (Works like a chip select)
ACK_O : out STD_LOGIC; --! Ack output
serial_in : in std_logic; --! Uart serial input
data_Avaible : out std_logic; --! Flag to indicate data avaible
serial_out : out std_logic
end uart_wishbone_slave;
--! @brief Top uart_wishbone_slave architecture
--! @details Connect the control unit and the communication blocks
architecture Behavioral of uart_wishbone_slave is
component uart_control is
Port ( rst : in std_logic; -- Global reset
clk : in std_logic; -- Global clock
WE : in std_logic; -- Write enable
reg_addr : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); -- Register address
start : in std_logic; -- Start (Strobe)
done : out std_logic; -- Done (ACK)
DAT_I : in std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); -- Data Input (Wishbone)
DAT_O : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); -- Data output (Wishbone)
baud_wait : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); -- Signal to control the baud rate frequency
data_byte_tx : out std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); -- 1 Byte to be send to serial_transmitter
data_byte_rx : in std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); -- 1 Byte to be received by serial_receiver
tx_data_sent : in std_logic; -- Signal comming from serial_transmitter
tx_start : out std_logic; -- Signal to start sending serial data...
rst_comm_blocks : out std_logic; -- Reset Communication blocks
Port ( rst : in std_logic; --! Global reset
clk : in std_logic; --! Global clock
WE : in std_logic; --! Write enable
reg_addr : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0); --! Register address
start : in std_logic; --! Start (Strobe)
done : out std_logic; --! Done (ACK)
DAT_I : in std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Data Input (Wishbone)
DAT_O : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Data output (Wishbone)
baud_wait : out std_logic_vector ((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Signal to control the baud rate frequency
data_byte_tx : out std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); --! 1 Byte to be send to serial_transmitter
data_byte_rx : in std_logic_vector((nBits-1) downto 0); --! 1 Byte to be received by serial_receiver
tx_data_sent : in std_logic; --! Signal comming from serial_transmitter
tx_start : out std_logic; --! Signal to start sending serial data...
rst_comm_blocks : out std_logic; --! Reset Communication blocks
rx_data_ready : in std_logic);
end component;
component uart_communication_blocks is
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC;
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
cycle_wait_baud : in std_logic_vector((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
byte_tx : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0);
byte_rx : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0);
data_sent_tx : out STD_LOGIC;
data_received_rx : out STD_LOGIC;
serial_out : out std_logic;
serial_in : in std_logic;
start_tx : in STD_LOGIC);
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC; --! Global reset
clk : in STD_LOGIC; --! Global clock
cycle_wait_baud : in std_logic_vector((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Number of cycles to wait in order to generate desired baud
byte_tx : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0); --! Byte to transmit
byte_rx : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0); --! Byte to receive
data_sent_tx : out STD_LOGIC; --! Indicate that byte has been sent
data_received_rx : out STD_LOGIC; --! Indicate that we got a byte
serial_out : out std_logic; --! Uart serial out
serial_in : in std_logic; --! Uart serial in
start_tx : in STD_LOGIC); --! Initiate transmission
end component;
signal baud_wait : std_logic_vector((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
signal tx_data_sent : std_logic;
59,7 → 65,7
signal data_byte_tx : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal data_byte_rx : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Instantiate uart_control
--! Instantiate uart_control
uUartControl : uart_control port map (
rst => RST_I,
clk => CLK_I,
78,7 → 84,7
rx_data_ready => rx_data_ready
-- Instantiate uart_communication_blocks
--! Instantiate uart_communication_blocks
uUartCommunicationBlocks : uart_communication_blocks port map (
rst => rst_comm_blocks,
clk => CLK_I,
47,7 → 47,7
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: uart_communication_blocks PORT MAP (
rst => rst,
clk => clk,
8,7 → 8,7
<!-- Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. -->
<msg type="info" file="ProjectMgmt" num="1061" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">Parsing VHDL file &quot;E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/testSerial_receiver.vhd&quot; into library work</arg>
<msg type="info" file="ProjectMgmt" num="1061" ><arg fmt="%s" index="1">Parsing VHDL file &quot;E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/testUart_wishbone_slave.vhd&quot; into library work</arg>
5,969 → 5,969
behavior or data corruption. It is strongly advised that
users do not edit the contents of this file. -->
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">80</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">CYC_O</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">SERIALMASTER</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">88</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">CYC_O</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">SERIALMASTER</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">80</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SEL_O</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">SERIALMASTER</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">88</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SEL_O</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">SERIALMASTER</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">95</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">data_Avaible</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">uart_wishbone_slave</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/INTERCON_P2P.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">104</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">data_Avaible</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">uart_wishbone_slave</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1610" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">46</arg>: Width mismatch. &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">byteIncome</arg>&gt; has a width of <arg fmt="%d" index="4">8</arg> bits but assigned expression is <arg fmt="%d" index="5">32</arg>-bit wide.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1610" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/SERIALMASTER.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">49</arg>: Width mismatch. &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">byteIncome</arg>&gt; has a width of <arg fmt="%d" index="4">8</arg> bits but assigned expression is <arg fmt="%d" index="5">32</arg>-bit wide.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">62</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">reminder</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">divisor</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="753" delta="new" >&quot;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">E:/uart_block/hdl/iseProject/uart_control.vhd</arg>&quot; line <arg fmt="%d" index="2">65</arg>: Unconnected output port &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">reminder</arg>&apos; of component &apos;<arg fmt="%s" index="4">divisor</arg>&apos;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="new" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_I&lt;31:8&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="647" delta="old" >Input &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_I&lt;31:8&gt;</arg>&gt; is never used. This port will be preserved and left unconnected if it belongs to a top-level block or it belongs to a sub-block and the hierarchy of this sub-block is preserved.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1305" delta="new" >Output &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">CYC_O</arg>&gt; is never assigned. Tied to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">0</arg>.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1305" delta="old" >Output &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">CYC_O</arg>&gt; is never assigned. Tied to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">0</arg>.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1305" delta="new" >Output &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SEL_O</arg>&gt; is never assigned. Tied to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">0</arg>.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1305" delta="old" >Output &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">SEL_O</arg>&gt; is never assigned. Tied to value <arg fmt="%s" index="2">0</arg>.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1306" delta="new" >Output &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">data_avaible</arg>&gt; is never assigned.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1306" delta="old" >Output &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">data_avaible</arg>&gt; is never assigned.
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_23</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_25&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_22&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_23</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_25&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_22&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_14</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_16&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_13&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_14</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_16&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_13&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_10</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_12&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_9&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_10</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_12&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_9&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_1</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_3&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_0&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_1</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_3&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_0&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_4</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_6&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_3&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_4</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_6&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_3&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_28</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_27&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_28</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_27&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_24</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_26&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_23&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_24</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_26&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_23&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_19</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_21&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_18&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_19</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_21&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_18&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_22</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_24&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_21&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_22</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_24&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_21&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_13</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_15&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_12&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_13</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_15&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_12&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_0</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">FF/Latch</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_0</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">FF/Latch</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_27</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_29&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_26&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_27</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_29&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_26&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_2</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_4&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_1&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_2</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_4&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_1&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_29</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">7 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;cycle_wait_oversample_31&gt; &lt;cycle_wait_oversample_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle_31&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_31&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_29&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_28&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_29</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">7 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;cycle_wait_oversample_31&gt; &lt;cycle_wait_oversample_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle_31&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_31&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_29&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_28&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_18</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_20&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_17&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_18</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_20&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_17&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_8</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_10&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_7&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_8</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_10&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_7&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_5</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_7&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_4&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_5</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_7&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_4&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_21</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_23&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_20&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_21</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_23&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_20&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_16</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_18&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_15&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_16</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_18&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_15&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_12</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_14&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_11&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_12</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_14&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_11&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_26</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_28&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_25&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_26</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_28&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_25&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_7</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_9&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_6&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_7</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_9&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_6&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_17</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_19&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_16&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_17</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_19&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_16&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_20</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_22&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_19&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_20</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_22&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_19&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_15</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_17&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_14&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_15</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_17&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_14&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_3</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_5&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_3</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_5&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_9</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_11&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_8&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_9</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_11&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_8&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_11</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_13&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_10&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_11</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_13&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_10&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_6</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_8&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_5&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_6</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_8&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_5&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_25</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_27&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_24&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_25</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">uBaudGen</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_27&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_24&gt; </arg>
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_clk_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">config_baud_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uBaudGen</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uBaudGen</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uMasterSerial</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">N_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">D_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uDiv</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivDividend_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">sigDivNumerator_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartControl</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">half_cycle0_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">baud_generator</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_23</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_25&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_22&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_23</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_25&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_22&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_14</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_16&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_13&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_14</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_16&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_13&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_10</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_12&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_9&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_10</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_12&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_9&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_1</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_3&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_0&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_1</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_3&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_0&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_4</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_6&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_3&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_4</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_6&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_3&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_28</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_27&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_28</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_30&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_27&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_24</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_26&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_23&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_24</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_26&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_23&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_19</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_21&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_18&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_19</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_21&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_18&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_22</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_24&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_21&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_22</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_24&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_21&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_13</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_15&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_12&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_13</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_15&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_12&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_0</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">FF/Latch</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_0</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">FF/Latch</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_27</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_29&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_26&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_27</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_29&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_26&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_2</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_4&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_1&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_2</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_4&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_1&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_18</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_20&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_17&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_18</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_20&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_17&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_8</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_10&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_7&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_8</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_10&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_7&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_5</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_7&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_4&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_5</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_7&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_4&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_21</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_23&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_20&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_21</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_23&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_20&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_16</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_18&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_15&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_16</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_18&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_15&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_12</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_14&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_11&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_12</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_14&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_11&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_26</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_28&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_25&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_26</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_28&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_25&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_7</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_9&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_6&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_7</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_9&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_6&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_17</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_19&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_16&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_17</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_19&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_16&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_20</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_22&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_19&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_20</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_22&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_19&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_15</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_17&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_14&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_15</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_17&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_14&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_3</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_5&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_3</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_5&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_2&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_9</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_11&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_8&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_9</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_11&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_8&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_11</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_13&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_10&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_11</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_13&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_10&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_6</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_8&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_5&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_6</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_8&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_5&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_25</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_27&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_24&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycle_wait_oversample_25</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">baud_generator</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">2 FFs/Latches</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;half_cycle_27&gt; &lt;half_cycle0_24&gt; </arg>
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_0</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_0</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_1</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_1</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_2</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_2</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_4</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_4</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_5</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_5</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_23</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">cycles2Wait_23</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">nextState_1</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">nextState_1</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">nextState_5</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1896" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">nextState_5</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">SERIALMASTER</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="new" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">current_s_FSM_FFd1</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">serial_receiver</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">FF/Latch</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;data_ready&gt; </arg>
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2261" delta="old" >The FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">current_s_FSM_FFd1</arg>&gt; in Unit &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">serial_receiver</arg>&gt; is equivalent to the following <arg fmt="%s" index="3">FF/Latch</arg>, which will be removed : <arg fmt="%s" index="4">&lt;data_ready&gt; </arg>
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2042" delta="new" >Unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">uart_control</arg>: <arg fmt="%d" index="2">32</arg> internal tristates are replaced by logic (pull-up <arg fmt="%s" index="3">yes</arg>): </msg>
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2042" delta="old" >Unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">uart_control</arg>: <arg fmt="%d" index="2">32</arg> internal tristates are replaced by logic (pull-up <arg fmt="%s" index="3">yes</arg>): </msg>
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">waitBestPoint_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">serial_receiver</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">waitBestPoint_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">serial_receiver</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">waitBestPoint_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">serial_receiver</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">waitBestPoint_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">serial_receiver</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">waitBestPoint_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">serial_receiver</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1293" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">waitBestPoint_3</arg>&gt; has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">serial_receiver</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_clk_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/config_baud_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivNumerator_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/sigDivDividend_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/D_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/N_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/R_31</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/R_31</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_0</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_0</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_1</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_1</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_2</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_2</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_3</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_3</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_4</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_4</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_5</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_5</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_6</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_6</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_7</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_7</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_8</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_8</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_9</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_9</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_10</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_10</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_11</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_11</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_12</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_12</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_13</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_13</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_14</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_14</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_15</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_15</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_16</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_16</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_17</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_17</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_18</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_18</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_19</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_19</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_20</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_20</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_21</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_21</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_22</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_22</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_23</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_23</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_24</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_24</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_25</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_25</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_26</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_26</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_27</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_27</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_28</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_28</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_29</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_29</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_30</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_30</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="new" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_31</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="2677" delta="old" >Node &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/uDiv/reminder_31</arg>&gt; of sequential type is unconnected in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="2">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="new" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1895" delta="old" >Due to other FF/Latch trimming, FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_31</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_30</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_29</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_28</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_27</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_26</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_24</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_18</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_11</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_10</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="new" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="1710" delta="old" >FF/Latch &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="1">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O_8</arg>&gt; (without init value) has a constant value of <arg fmt="%d" index="2">0</arg> in block &lt;<arg fmt="%s" index="3">INTERCON_P2P</arg>&gt;. This FF/Latch will be trimmed during the optimization process.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;11&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;11&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;18&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;18&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;24&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;24&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;26&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;26&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;27&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;27&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;28&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;28&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;29&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;29&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;30&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;30&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;31&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;31&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="new" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;8&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="warning" file="Xst" num="638" delta="old" >in unit <arg fmt="%s" index="1">INTERCON_P2P</arg> Conflict on KEEP property on signal <arg fmt="%s" index="2">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;8&gt;</arg> and <arg fmt="%s" index="3">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> <arg fmt="%s" index="4">uUartWishboneSlave/uUartControl/Mtridata_DAT_O&lt;10&gt;</arg> signal will be lost.
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2169" delta="new" >HDL ADVISOR - Some clock signals were not automatically buffered by XST with BUFG/BUFR resources. Please use the buffer_type constraint in order to insert these buffers to the clock signals to help prevent skew problems.
<msg type="info" file="Xst" num="2169" delta="old" >HDL ADVISOR - Some clock signals were not automatically buffered by XST with BUFG/BUFR resources. Please use the buffer_type constraint in order to insert these buffers to the clock signals to help prevent skew problems.
37,7 → 37,7
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
--! Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: baud_generator PORT MAP (
rst => rst,
clk => clk,
6,16 → 6,16
use work.pkgDefinitions.all;
entity uart_communication_blocks is
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC;
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
cycle_wait_baud : in std_logic_vector((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0);
byte_tx : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0);
byte_rx : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0);
data_sent_tx : out STD_LOGIC;
data_received_rx : out STD_LOGIC;
serial_out : out std_logic;
serial_in : in std_logic;
start_tx : in STD_LOGIC);
Port ( rst : in STD_LOGIC; --! Global reset
clk : in STD_LOGIC; --! Global clock
cycle_wait_baud : in std_logic_vector((nBitsLarge-1) downto 0); --! Number of cycles to wait in order to generate desired baud
byte_tx : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0); --! Byte to transmit
byte_rx : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR ((nBits-1) downto 0); --! Byte to receive
data_sent_tx : out STD_LOGIC; --! Indicate that byte has been sent
data_received_rx : out STD_LOGIC; --! Indicate that we got a byte
serial_out : out std_logic; --! Uart serial out
serial_in : in std_logic; --! Uart serial in
start_tx : in STD_LOGIC); --! Initiate transmission
end uart_communication_blocks;
architecture Behavioral of uart_communication_blocks is
48,7 → 48,7
signal baud_tick : std_logic;
signal baud_tick_oversample : std_logic;
-- Instantiate baud generator
--! Instantiate baud generator
uBaudGen : baud_generator port map (
rst => rst,
clk => clk,
57,7 → 57,7
baud => baud_tick
-- Instantiate serial_transmitter
--! Instantiate serial_transmitter
uTransmitter : serial_transmitter port map (
rst => not start_tx,
baudClk => baud_tick,
66,7 → 66,7
serial_out => serial_out
-- Instantiate serial_receiver
--! Instantiate serial_receiver
uReceiver : serial_receiver port map(
rst => rst,
baudOverSampleClk => baud_tick_oversample,

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