
Subversion Repositories usb_dongle_fpga

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 45 to Rev 53
    Reverse comparison

Rev 45 → Rev 53

0,0 → 1,362
--Dongle internal command codes
-- 0x-- 0xC5 --Get Status data is don't care (must return) 0x3210 (3 is the MSNibble)
-- 0xNN 0xCD --Get Data from flash (performs read from current address) NN count of words auto increment address
-- 0xAA 0xA0 --Addr LSByte write
-- 0xAA 0xA1 --Addr Byte write
-- 0xAA 0xA2 --Addr MSByte write
-- 0x-- 0x3F --NOP
--Flash operations codes
-- 0xNN 0xE8 --Write to buffer returns extended satus NN is word count for USB machine
-- 0x-- 0xD0 -- 0xD0 is flash confirm command
--write buffer sequence
-- ??? -- set address if needed
-- 0xNN 0xE8 --Write to buffer returns extended satus NN is word count for USB machine
-- 0x-- 0xNN --0xNN is word count for flash ges directly to flash and is wordCount - 1
-- 0xDD 0xDD --N+1 times data expected 0xF + 1 is the maximum
-- ...
-- 0x-- 0xD0 -- 0xD0 is flash confirm command
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
entity usb2mem is
port (
clk25 : in std_logic;
reset_n : in std_logic;
dongle_ver: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- mem Bus
mem_busy_n : in std_logic;
mem_idle : out std_logic; -- '1' if controller is idle (flash is safe for LPC reads)
mem_addr : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
mem_do : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
mem_di : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
mem_wr : out std_logic;
mem_val : out std_logic;
mem_ack : in std_logic;
mem_cmd : out std_logic;
-- USB port
usb_mode_en: in std_logic; -- enable this block
usb_rd_n : out std_logic; -- enables out data if low (next byte detected by edge / in usb chip)
usb_wr : out std_logic; -- write performed on edge \ of signal
usb_txe_n : in std_logic; -- tx fifo empty (redy for new data if low)
usb_rxf_n : in std_logic; -- rx fifo empty (data redy if low)
usb_bd : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) --bus data
end usb2mem;
architecture RTL of usb2mem is
signal CS : state_type;
signal data_reg_i : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal data_reg_o : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal data_oe : std_logic; -- rx fifo empty (data redy if low)
signal usb_wr_d : std_logic; -- internal readable output state for write
signal addr_reg: std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
--State machine
signal cmd_cnt : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal state_cnt : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
--shyncro to USB
signal usb_txe_nd : std_logic; -- tx fifo empty (redy for new data if low)
signal usb_rxf_nd : std_logic; -- rx fifo empty (data redy if low)
signal internal_cmd : std_logic; -- rx fifo empty (data redy if low)
signal read_mode : std_logic;
signal write_mode : std_logic;
signal write_count : std_logic;
signal first_word : std_logic;
signal mem_busy_nd : std_logic;
--define internal command codes
internal_cmd <='1' when data_reg_i(7 downto 0) = x"C5" else
'1' when data_reg_i(7 downto 0) = x"CD" else
'1' when data_reg_i(7 downto 0) = x"A0" else
'1' when data_reg_i(7 downto 0) = x"A1" else
'1' when data_reg_i(7 downto 0) = x"A2" else
'1' when data_reg_i(7 downto 0) = x"3F" else
--These are spechial attention Flash commands
'1' when data_reg_i(7 downto 0) = x"E8" else
usb_wr <= usb_wr_d when usb_mode_en='1' else
-- this goes to byte buffer for that reason send LSB first and MSB second
usb_bd <=data_reg_o(7 downto 0)when data_oe='1' and CS=TXCMD0s and usb_mode_en='1' else --LSB byte first
data_reg_o(15 downto 8) when data_oe='1' and CS=TXCMD1s and usb_mode_en='1' else --MSB byte second
process (clk25,reset_n) --enable the scanning while in reset (simulation will be incorrect)
begin -- process
if reset_n='0' then
usb_rd_n <= '1';
usb_wr_d <= '0';
usb_txe_nd <= '1';
usb_rxf_nd <= '1';
data_oe <='0';
state_cnt <=(others=>'0'); --init command counter
mem_do <= (others=>'Z');
mem_addr <= (others=>'Z');
addr_reg <= (others=>'0');
mem_val <= '0';
mem_wr <='0';
mem_cmd <='0';
cmd_cnt <= (others=>'0');
read_mode <='0';
write_mode <='0';
write_count <='0';
first_word <='0';
mem_idle <='1'; --set idle
mem_busy_nd <='1';
elsif clk25'event and clk25 = '1' then -- rising clock edge
usb_txe_nd <= usb_txe_n; --syncronize
usb_rxf_nd <= usb_rxf_n; --syncronize
mem_busy_nd <=mem_busy_n; --syncronize
case CS is
when RESETs =>
if usb_rxf_nd='0' and usb_mode_en='1' and mem_busy_nd='1' then
state_cnt <=(others=>'0'); --init command counter
data_oe <='0'; --we will read command in
mem_idle <='0'; --set busy untill return here
CS <= RXCMD0s;
elsif mem_busy_nd='1' then
mem_idle <='1'; --set idle when here
end if;
when RXCMD0s =>
if state_cnt="0000" then
usb_rd_n <='0'; -- set read low
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- must be min 50ns long (two cycles)
elsif state_cnt="0001" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- one wait cycle
elsif state_cnt="0010" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
data_reg_i(15 downto 8) <= usb_bd; --get data form bus MSByte must come first
elsif state_cnt="0011" then
usb_rd_n <='1'; -- set read back to high
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- start wait
elsif state_cnt="0100" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- wait (the usb_rxf_n toggles after each read and next data is not ready)
elsif state_cnt="0101" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- wait
elsif state_cnt="0110" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok prob.
if usb_rxf_nd='0' then --wait untill next byte is available
state_cnt <=(others=>'0'); --init command counter
CS <= RXCMD1s;
end if;
end if;
when RXCMD1s =>
if state_cnt="0000" then
usb_rd_n <='0'; -- set read low
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- must be min 50ns long (two cycles)
elsif state_cnt="0001" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- one wait cycle
elsif state_cnt="0010" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
data_reg_i(7 downto 0) <= usb_bd; --get data form bus LSByte must come last
elsif state_cnt="0011" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
usb_rd_n <='1'; -- set read back to high
elsif state_cnt="0100" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- wait (the usb_rxf_n toggles after each read and next data is not ready)
elsif state_cnt="0101" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- wait
elsif state_cnt="0110" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok prob.
state_cnt <=(others=>'0'); --init command counter
end if;
when INTERNs =>
if cmd_cnt=x"0000" then
if data_reg_i(7 downto 0)=x"A0" then
addr_reg(7 downto 0)<= data_reg_i(15 downto 8);
CS <= RESETs; --go back to resets
elsif data_reg_i(7 downto 0)=x"A1" then
addr_reg(15 downto 8)<= data_reg_i(15 downto 8);
CS <= RESETs; --go back to resets
elsif data_reg_i(7 downto 0)=x"A2" then
addr_reg(23 downto 16)<= data_reg_i(15 downto 8);
CS <= RESETs; --go back to resets
elsif data_reg_i(7 downto 0)=x"3F" then
CS <= RESETs; --go back to resets --NOP command
elsif data_reg_i(7 downto 0)=x"C5" then
if (data_reg_i(15 downto 8))=x"00" then
data_reg_o <=x"3210";
data_reg_o <=dongle_ver;
end if;
CS <= TXCMD0s;
elsif data_reg_i(7 downto 0)=x"CD" then
if (data_reg_i(15 downto 8))=x"00" then --64K word read coming
cmd_cnt <= (others=>'1'); --64K word count
cmd_cnt <= x"00"&data_reg_i(15 downto 8) - 1; -- -1 as one read will be done right now (cmd_cnt words)
end if;
CS <= VCIRDs; --go perform a read
read_mode <='1';
elsif data_reg_i(7 downto 0)=x"E8" then
--write_mode <='1';
write_count <='0';
first_word <='0';
cmd_cnt <= x"00"&data_reg_i(15 downto 8) + 1; --+2 for direct count write +1
data_reg_i(15 downto 8)<=(others=>'0');
CS <= VCIWRs; --go perform a write
end if;
if cmd_cnt>x"0000" then
cmd_cnt<= cmd_cnt - 1;
if write_count='0' then
elsif write_count='1' and first_word ='0' then
first_word <='1';
elsif write_count='1' and first_word ='1' then
addr_reg <= addr_reg + 1; --autoincrement address in in block mode
end if;
--if cmd_cnt>x"02" then --so not to increase too many times on write buffer
-- addr_reg <= addr_reg + 1; --autoincrement address in in block mode
--end if;
end if;
end if;
when VCIRDs => --flash read
mem_wr <='0'; --this is VCI write_not_read
mem_cmd <='0';
mem_addr <= addr_reg(22 downto 0)&'0'; --translate byte address to word address
mem_val <= '1';
if mem_ack='1' then
data_reg_o <= mem_di;
mem_wr <='0'; --this is VCI write_not_read
mem_cmd <='0';
mem_val <= '0';
CS <= TXCMD0s;
end if;
when VCIWRs => --flash write
mem_addr <= addr_reg(22 downto 0)&'0'; --translate byte address to word address
mem_do <= data_reg_i; --USB data in will go to mem_out
mem_wr <='1'; --this is VCI write_not_read
mem_cmd <='1';
mem_val <= '1';
if mem_ack='1' then
mem_do <= (others=>'Z');
mem_wr <='0'; --this is VCI write_not_read
mem_cmd <='0';
mem_val <= '0';
--if write_mode='0' then
if cmd_cnt=x"0000" then --if flash command and not data
state_cnt <=(others=>'0'); --init command counter
end if;
--else --else if was 0xE8 must read and return XSR
-- write_mode <='0'; --XSR return will no follow clear this bit
-- CS <= VCIRDs;
--end if;
end if;
when TXCMD0s => --transmit over USB what ever is in data_reg_o MSB first
if state_cnt="0000" then
if usb_txe_nd='0' then
usb_wr_d<='1'; -- data is mux'ed by state and data_oe in the beginning of arch
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
end if;
elsif state_cnt="0010" then
data_oe<='1'; --this is to put data on bus befora falling edge of wr (max 20ns before)
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
elsif state_cnt="0011" then
usb_wr_d<='0'; --falling edge performs write must be high for atleast 50ns
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
elsif state_cnt="0100" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
elsif state_cnt="0111" then --must stay low at least 50ns
CS <= TXCMD1s;
state_cnt <= (others=>'0');
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- if intermediate cnt then count
end if;
when TXCMD1s =>
if state_cnt="0000" then
if usb_txe_nd='0' then
usb_wr_d<='1'; -- data is mux'ed by state and data_oe in the beginning of arch
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
end if;
elsif state_cnt="0010" then
data_oe<='1'; --this is to put data on bus befora falling edge of wr (max 20ns before)
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
elsif state_cnt="0011" then
usb_wr_d<='0'; --falling edge performs write must be high for atleast 50ns
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
elsif state_cnt="0100" then
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- now is ok
elsif state_cnt="0111" then --must stay low at least 50ns
if read_mode='0' then
elsif cmd_cnt="0000" then --last word sent
addr_reg <= addr_reg + 1; --autoincrement address in read mode
read_mode <='0';
cmd_cnt<= cmd_cnt - 1;
addr_reg <= addr_reg + 1; --autoincrement address in read mode
CS <= VCIRDs; --more data to be read
end if;
state_cnt <= (others=>'0');
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;-- if intermediate cnt then count
end if;
when STS_WAITs =>
if mem_busy_nd='0' then
CS <= RESETs; --now it's ok to go here
state_cnt <= state_cnt + 1;
if state_cnt="1111" then
--sts cant take longer than 500 ns to go low
CS <= RESETs; --time out go to resets anyway
end if;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end process;
end RTL;

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