
Subversion Repositories w11

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 22 to Rev 24
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Rev 22 → Rev 24

0,0 → 1,33
## $Id: sys_w11a_n2.ucf_cpp 540 2013-10-13 18:42:50Z mueller $
## Revision History:
## Date Rev Version Comment
## 2013-10-13 540 1.1 add pad->clk constraints
## 2013-04-20 509 1.1 add fx2 support
## 2010-11-06 336 1.0.1 rename input pin CLK -> I_CLK50
## 2010-05-26 295 1.0 Initial version
NET "I_CLK50" TNM_NET = "I_CLK50";
TIMESPEC "TS_I_CLK50" = PERIOD "I_CLK50" 20.0 ns HIGH 50 %;
## constrain pad->net clock delay
## std board
#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_pins.ucf"
## Pmod B0 - RS232
#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_pins_pmb0_rs232.ucf"
## Cypress FX2
#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_pins_fx2.ucf"
#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_time_fx2_ic.ucf"
0,0 → 1,88
-- $Id: sys_conf.vhd 509 2013-04-21 20:46:20Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Package Name: sys_conf
-- Description: Definitions for sys_w11a_n2 (for synthesis)
-- Dependencies: -
-- Tool versions: xst 11.4, 13.1; ghdl 0.26-0.29
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2013-04-21 509 1.2 add fx2 settings
-- 2011-11-19 428 1.1.1 use clksys=56 (58 no closure after numeric_std...)
-- 2010-11-27 341 1.1 add dcm and memctl related constants (clksys=58)
-- 2010-05-05 295 1.0 Initial version (derived from _s3 version)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
-- valid system clock / delay combinations:
-- div mul clksys read0 read1 write
-- 1 1 50.0 2 2 3
-- 25 27 54.0 3 3 3
-- 25 29 58.0 3 3 4
package sys_conf is
constant sys_conf_clkfx_divide : positive := 25;
constant sys_conf_clkfx_multiply : positive := 28; -- ==> 56 MHz
constant sys_conf_memctl_read0delay : positive := 3;
constant sys_conf_memctl_read1delay : positive := sys_conf_memctl_read0delay;
constant sys_conf_memctl_writedelay : positive := 4;
constant sys_conf_ser2rri_defbaud : integer := 115200; -- default 115k baud
-- fx2 settings: petowidth=10 -> 2^10 30 MHz clocks -> ~33 usec
constant sys_conf_fx2_petowidth : positive := 10;
constant sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth : positive := 5;
constant sys_conf_hio_debounce : boolean := true; -- instantiate debouncers
constant sys_conf_bram : integer := 0; -- no bram, use cache
constant sys_conf_bram_awidth : integer := 14; -- bram size (16 kB)
constant sys_conf_mem_losize : integer := 8#167777#; -- 4 MByte
--constant sys_conf_mem_losize : integer := 8#003777#; -- 128 kByte (debug)
-- constant sys_conf_bram : integer := 1; -- bram only
-- constant sys_conf_bram_awidth : integer := 15; -- bram size (32 kB)
-- constant sys_conf_mem_losize : integer := 8#000777#; -- 32 kByte
constant sys_conf_cache_fmiss : slbit := '0'; -- cache enabled
-- derived constants
constant sys_conf_clksys : integer :=
constant sys_conf_clksys_mhz : integer := sys_conf_clksys/1000000;
constant sys_conf_ser2rri_cdinit : integer :=
end package sys_conf;
-- Note: mem_losize holds 16 MSB of the PA of the addressable memory
-- 2 211 111 111 110 000 000 000
-- 1 098 765 432 109 876 543 210
-- 0 000 000 011 111 111 000 000 -> 00037777 --> 14bit --> 16 kByte
-- 0 000 000 111 111 111 000 000 -> 00077777 --> 15bit --> 32 kByte
-- 0 000 001 111 111 111 000 000 -> 00177777 --> 16bit --> 64 kByte
-- 0 000 011 111 111 111 000 000 -> 00377777 --> 17bit --> 128 kByte
-- 0 011 111 111 111 111 000 000 -> 03777777 --> 20bit --> 1 MByte
-- 1 110 111 111 111 111 000 000 -> 16777777 --> 22bit --> 4 MByte
-- upper 256 kB excluded for 11/70 UB
0,0 → 1,7
# configure tb_nexys2_fusp_cuff with sys_w11a_n2 target;
# use vhdl configure file (tb_w11a_n2.vhd) to allow
# that all configurations will co-exist in work library
nexys2_fusp_cuff_aif = ../sys_w11a_n2.vbom
sys_conf = sys_conf_sim.vhd
0,0 → 1,81
-- $Id: sys_conf_sim.vhd 509 2013-04-21 20:46:20Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Package Name: sys_conf
-- Description: Definitions for sys_w11a_n2 (for simulation)
-- Dependencies: -
-- Tool versions: xst 11.4, 13.1; ghdl 0.26-0.29
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2013-04-21 509 1.2 add fx2 settings
-- 2011-11-27 433 1.1.1 use /1*1 to skip dcm in sim, _ssim fails with dcm
-- 2010-11-27 341 1.1 add dcm and memctl related constants (clksys=58)
-- 2010-05-28 295 1.0 Initial version (cloned from _s3)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
package sys_conf is
constant sys_conf_clkfx_divide : positive := 1;
constant sys_conf_clkfx_multiply : positive := 1; -- no dcm in sim...
-- constant sys_conf_clkfx_divide : positive := 25;
-- constant sys_conf_clkfx_multiply : positive := 28; -- ==> 56 MHz
constant sys_conf_memctl_read0delay : positive := 3;
constant sys_conf_memctl_read1delay : positive := sys_conf_memctl_read0delay;
constant sys_conf_memctl_writedelay : positive := 4;
constant sys_conf_ser2rri_cdinit : integer := 1-1; -- 1 cycle/bit in sim
-- fx2 settings: petowidth=10 -> 2^10 30 MHz clocks -> ~33 usec
constant sys_conf_fx2_petowidth : positive := 10;
constant sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth : positive := 5;
constant sys_conf_hio_debounce : boolean := false; -- no debouncers
constant sys_conf_bram : integer := 0; -- no bram, use cache
constant sys_conf_bram_awidth : integer := 14; -- bram size (16 kB)
constant sys_conf_mem_losize : integer := 8#167777#; -- 4 MByte
--constant sys_conf_mem_losize : integer := 8#003777#; -- 128 kByte (debug)
-- constant sys_conf_bram : integer := 1; -- bram only
-- constant sys_conf_bram_awidth : integer := 16; -- bram size (64 kB)
-- constant sys_conf_mem_losize : integer := 8#001777#; -- 64 kByte
constant sys_conf_cache_fmiss : slbit := '0'; -- cache enabled
-- derived constants
constant sys_conf_clksys : integer :=
constant sys_conf_clksys_mhz : integer := sys_conf_clksys/1000000;
end package sys_conf;
-- Note: mem_losize holds 16 MSB of the PA of the addressable memory
-- 2 211 111 111 110 000 000 000
-- 1 098 765 432 109 876 543 210
-- 0 000 000 011 111 111 000 000 -> 00037777 --> 14bit --> 16 kByte
-- 0 000 000 111 111 111 000 000 -> 00077777 --> 15bit --> 32 kByte
-- 0 000 001 111 111 111 000 000 -> 00177777 --> 16bit --> 64 kByte
-- 0 000 011 111 111 111 000 000 -> 00377777 --> 17bit --> 128 kByte
-- 0 011 111 111 111 111 000 000 -> 03777777 --> 20bit --> 1 MByte
-- 1 110 111 111 111 111 000 000 -> 16777777 --> 22bit --> 4 MByte
-- upper 256 kB excluded for 11/70 UB
0,0 → 1,41
-- $Id: tb_w11a_n2.vhd 509 2013-04-21 20:46:20Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: tb_w11a_n2
-- Description: Configuration for tb_w11a_n2 for tb_nexys2_fusp_cuff
-- Dependencies: sys_w11a_n2
-- To test: sys_w11a_n2
-- Verified (with (#1) ../../tb/tb_rritba_pdp11core_stim.dat
-- (#2) ../../tb/tb_pdp11_core_stim.dat):
-- Date Rev Code ghdl ise Target Comment
-- 2010-05-28 295 - -.-- - - -:--
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2013-04-21 509 1.1 now based on tb_nexys2_fusp_cuff
-- 2010-05-26 295 1.0 Initial version (cloned from _s3)
configuration tb_w11a_n2 of tb_nexys2_fusp_cuff is
for sim
for all : nexys2_fusp_cuff_aif
use entity work.sys_w11a_n2;
end for;
end for;
end tb_w11a_n2;
0,0 → 1,32
# $Id: Makefile 477 2013-01-27 14:07:10Z mueller $
# Revision History:
# Date Rev Version Comment
# 2011-08-13 405 1.1 use includes from rtl/make
# 2010-05-26 295 1.0 Initial version
EXE_all = tb_w11a_n2
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make/
.PHONY : all all_ssim all_tsim clean
all : $(EXE_all)
all_ssim : $(EXE_all:=_ssim)
all_tsim : $(EXE_all:=_tsim)
clean : ise_clean ghdl_clean
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make/
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make/
VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom)
include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst)
include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_ghdl)
include $(wildcard *.o.dep_ghdl)
0,0 → 1,6
# $Id: tbw.dat 351 2010-12-30 21:50:54Z mueller $
rlink_cext_fifo_rx = <fifo>
rlink_cext_fifo_tx = <fifo>
rlink_cext_conf = <null>
0,0 → 1,6
# configure for _*sim case
# Note: this tb uses sys_w11a_n2.vbom in local directory
# (not in .. as usual) to allow a tb specific configure !!!
nexys2_fusp_aif = sys_w11a_n2_ssim.vhd
0,0 → 1,8
0,0 → 1,8
link ../sys_w11a_n2.ucf_cpp
tb/sys_w11a_n2.ucf_cpp Property changes : Added: svn:special ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: tb =================================================================== --- tb (nonexistent) +++ tb (revision 24)
tb Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,40 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +tb_w11a_n2 +tb_w11a_n2_[sft]sim +rlink_cext_fifo_rx +rlink_cext_fifo_tx +rlink_cext_conf +tmu_ofile +sys_w11a_n2.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp Index: sys_w11a_n2.vhd =================================================================== --- sys_w11a_n2.vhd (nonexistent) +++ sys_w11a_n2.vhd (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,658 @@ +-- $Id: sys_w11a_n2.vhd 509 2013-04-21 20:46:20Z mueller $ +-- +-- Copyright 2010-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller +-- +-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +-- +-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +-- for complete details. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Module Name: sys_w11a_n2 - syn +-- Description: w11a test design for nexys2 +-- +-- Dependencies: vlib/xlib/dcm_sfs +-- vlib/genlib/clkdivce +-- bplib/bpgen/bp_rs232_2l4l_iob +-- bplib/bpgen/sn_humanio_rbus +-- bplib/fx2rlink/rlink_sp1c_fx2 +-- bplib/fx2rlink/ioleds_sp1c_fx2 +-- vlib/rri/rb_sres_or_3 +-- w11a/pdp11_core_rbus +-- w11a/pdp11_core +-- w11a/pdp11_bram +-- vlib/nxcramlib/nx_cram_dummy +-- w11a/pdp11_cache +-- w11a/pdp11_mem70 +-- bplib/nxcramlib/nx_cram_memctl_as +-- ibus/ib_sres_or_2 +-- ibus/ibdr_minisys +-- ibus/ibdr_maxisys +-- w11a/pdp11_tmu_sb [sim only] +-- +-- Test bench: tb/tb_sys_w11a_n2 +-- +-- Target Devices: generic +-- Tool versions: xst 8.2, 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 11.4, 12.1, 13.1; ghdl 0.26-0.29 +-- +-- Synthesized (xst): +-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri +-- 2013-04-20 509 13.3 O76d xc3s1200e-4 1541 4598 334 2889 ok: now + FX2 ! +-- 2011-12-18 440 13.1 O40d xc3s1200e-4 1450 4439 270 2740 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2011-11-18 427 13.1 O40d xc3s1200e-4 1433 4374 242 2680 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-12-30 351 12.1 M53d xc3s1200e-4 1389 4368 242 2674 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-11-06 336 12.1 M53d xc3s1200e-4 1357 4304* 242 2618 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-10-24 335 12.1 M53d xc3s1200e-4 1357 4546 242 2618 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-10-17 333 12.1 M53d xc3s1200e-4 1350 4541 242 2617 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-10-16 332 12.1 M53d xc3s1200e-4 1338 4545 242 2629 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-06-27 310 12.1 M53d xc3s1200e-4 1337 4307 242 2630 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-06-26 309 11.4 L68 xc3s1200e-4 1318 4293 242 2612 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-06-18 306 12.1 M53d xc3s1200e-4 1319 4300 242 2624 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- " 306 11.4 L68 xc3s1200e-4 1319 4286 242 2618 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- " 306 10.1.02 K39 xc3s1200e-4 1309 4311 242 2665 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- " 306 9.2.02 J40 xc3s1200e-4 1316 4259 242 2656 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- " 306 9.1 J30 xc3s1200e-4 1311 4260 242 2643 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- " 306 8.2.03 I34 xc3s1200e-4 1371 4394 242 2765 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-06-13 305 11.4 L68 xc3s1200e-4 1318 4360 242 2629 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-06-12 304 11.4 L68 xc3s1200e-4 1323 4201 242 2574 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-06-03 300 11.4 L68 xc3s1200e-4 1318 4181 242 2572 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-06-03 299 11.4 L68 xc3s1200e-4 1250 4071 224 2489 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- 2010-05-26 296 11.4 L68 xc3s1200e-4 1284 4079 224 2492 ok: LP+PC+DL+II +-- Note: till 2010-10-24 lutm included 'route-thru', after only logic +-- +-- Revision History: +-- Date Rev Version Comment +-- 2013-04-20 509 1.4 added fx2 (cuff) support; ATOWIDTH=7 +-- 2011-12-23 444 1.3 remove clksys output hack +-- 2011-12-18 440 1.2.7 use rlink_sp1c +-- 2011-11-26 433 1.2.6 use nx_cram_(dummy|memctl_as) now +-- 2011-11-23 432 1.2.5 update O_FLA_CE_N usage +-- 2011-11-19 427 1.2.4 now numeric_std clean +-- 2011-11-17 426 1.2.3 use dcm_sfs now +-- 2011-07-09 391 1.2.2 use now bp_rs232_2l4l_iob +-- 2011-07-08 390 1.2.1 use now sn_humanio +-- 2010-12-30 351 1.2 ported to rbv3 +-- 2010-11-27 341 1.1.8 add DCM; new sys_conf consts for mem and clkdiv +-- 2010-11-13 338 1.1.7 add O_CLKSYS (for DCM derived system clock) +-- 2010-11-06 336 1.1.6 rename input pin CLK -> I_CLK50 +-- 2010-10-23 335 1.1.5 rename RRI_LAM->RB_LAM; +-- 2010-06-26 309 1.1.4 use constants for rbus addresses (rbaddr_...) +-- BUGFIX: resolve rbus address clash hio<->ibr +-- 2010-06-18 306 1.1.3 change proc_led sensitivity list to avoid xst warn; +-- rename RB_ADDR->RB_ADDR_CORE, add RB_ADDR_IBUS; +-- remove pdp11_ibdr_rri +-- 2010-06-13 305 1.1.2 add CP_ADDR, wire up pdp11_core_rri->pdp11_core +-- 2010-06-12 304 1.1.1 re-do LED driver logic (show cpu modes or cpurust) +-- 2010-06-11 303 1.1 use IB_MREQ.racc instead of RRI_REQ +-- 2010-06-03 300 1.0.2 use default FAWIDTH for rri_core_serport +-- use s3_humanio_rri +-- 2010-05-30 297 1.0.1 put MEM_ACT_(R|W) on LED 6,7 +-- 2010-05-28 295 1.0 Initial version (derived from sys_w11a_s3) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- +-- w11a test design for nexys2 +-- w11a + rlink + serport + cuff +-- +-- Usage of Nexys 2 Switches, Buttons, LEDs: +-- +-- SWI(7:3): no function (only connected to sn_humanio_rbus) +-- (2) 0 -> int/ext RS242 port for rlink +-- 1 -> use USB interface for rlink +-- (1): 1 enable XON +-- (0): 0 -> main board RS232 port +-- 1 -> Pmod B/top RS232 port +-- +-- LED(7) MEM_ACT_W +-- (6) MEM_ACT_R +-- (5) cmdbusy (all rlink access, mostly rdma) +-- (4:0): if cpugo=1 show cpu mode activity +-- (4) kernel mode, pri>0 +-- (3) kernel mode, pri=0 +-- (2) kernel mode, wait +-- (1) supervisor mode +-- (0) user mode +-- if cpugo=0 shows cpurust +-- (3:0) cpurust code +-- (4) '1' +-- +-- DP(3:0) shows IO activity +-- if SWI(2)=0 (serport) +-- (3): not SER_MONI.txok (shows tx back preasure) +-- (2): SER_MONI.txact (shows tx activity) +-- (1): not SER_MONI.rxok (shows rx back preasure) +-- (0): SER_MONI.rxact (shows rx activity) +-- if SWI(2)=1 (fx2-usb) +-- (3): RB_SRES.busy (shows rbus back preasure) +-- (2): RLB_TXBUSY (shows tx back preasure) +-- (1): RLB_TXENA (shows tx activity) +-- (0): RLB_RXVAL (shows rx activity) +-- + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +use work.slvtypes.all; +use work.xlib.all; +use work.genlib.all; +use work.serportlib.all; +use work.rblib.all; +use work.rlinklib.all; +use work.fx2lib.all; +use work.fx2rlinklib.all; +use work.bpgenlib.all; +use work.bpgenrbuslib.all; +use work.nxcramlib.all; +use work.iblib.all; +use work.ibdlib.all; +use work.pdp11.all; +use work.sys_conf.all; + +-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +entity sys_w11a_n2 is -- top level + -- implements nexys2_fusp_cuff_aif + port ( + I_CLK50 : in slbit; -- 50 MHz clock + I_RXD : in slbit; -- receive data (board view) + O_TXD : out slbit; -- transmit data (board view) + I_SWI : in slv8; -- n2 switches + I_BTN : in slv4; -- n2 buttons + O_LED : out slv8; -- n2 leds + O_ANO_N : out slv4; -- 7 segment disp: anodes (act.low) + O_SEG_N : out slv8; -- 7 segment disp: segments (act.low) + O_MEM_CE_N : out slbit; -- cram: chip enable (act.low) + O_MEM_BE_N : out slv2; -- cram: byte enables (act.low) + O_MEM_WE_N : out slbit; -- cram: write enable (act.low) + O_MEM_OE_N : out slbit; -- cram: output enable (act.low) + O_MEM_ADV_N : out slbit; -- cram: address valid (act.low) + O_MEM_CLK : out slbit; -- cram: clock + O_MEM_CRE : out slbit; -- cram: command register enable + I_MEM_WAIT : in slbit; -- cram: mem wait + O_MEM_ADDR : out slv23; -- cram: address lines + IO_MEM_DATA : inout slv16; -- cram: data lines + O_FLA_CE_N : out slbit; -- flash ce.. (act.low) + O_FUSP_RTS_N : out slbit; -- fusp: rs232 rts_n + I_FUSP_CTS_N : in slbit; -- fusp: rs232 cts_n + I_FUSP_RXD : in slbit; -- fusp: rs232 rx + O_FUSP_TXD : out slbit; -- fusp: rs232 tx + I_FX2_IFCLK : in slbit; -- fx2: interface clock + O_FX2_FIFO : out slv2; -- fx2: fifo address + I_FX2_FLAG : in slv4; -- fx2: fifo flags + O_FX2_SLRD_N : out slbit; -- fx2: read enable (act.low) + O_FX2_SLWR_N : out slbit; -- fx2: write enable (act.low) + O_FX2_SLOE_N : out slbit; -- fx2: output enable (act.low) + O_FX2_PKTEND_N : out slbit; -- fx2: packet end (act.low) + IO_FX2_DATA : inout slv8 -- fx2: data lines + ); +end sys_w11a_n2; + +architecture syn of sys_w11a_n2 is + + signal CLK : slbit := '0'; + + signal RXD : slbit := '1'; + signal TXD : slbit := '0'; + signal RTS_N : slbit := '0'; + signal CTS_N : slbit := '0'; + + signal SWI : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + signal BTN : slv4 := (others=>'0'); + signal LED : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + signal DSP_DAT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); + signal DSP_DP : slv4 := (others=>'0'); + + signal RB_LAM : slv16 := (others=>'0'); + signal RB_STAT : slv3 := (others=>'0'); + + signal RLB_MONI : rlb_moni_type := rlb_moni_init; + signal SER_MONI : serport_moni_type := serport_moni_init; + signal FX2_MONI : fx2ctl_moni_type := fx2ctl_moni_init; + + signal RB_MREQ : rb_mreq_type := rb_mreq_init; + signal RB_SRES : rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; + signal RB_SRES_CPU : rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; + signal RB_SRES_IBD : rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; + signal RB_SRES_HIO : rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; + + signal RESET : slbit := '0'; + signal CE_USEC : slbit := '0'; + signal CE_MSEC : slbit := '0'; + + signal CPU_RESET : slbit := '0'; + signal CP_CNTL : cp_cntl_type := cp_cntl_init; + signal CP_ADDR : cp_addr_type := cp_addr_init; + signal CP_DIN : slv16 := (others=>'0'); + signal CP_STAT : cp_stat_type := cp_stat_init; + signal CP_DOUT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); + + signal EI_PRI : slv3 := (others=>'0'); + signal EI_VECT : slv9_2 := (others=>'0'); + signal EI_ACKM : slbit := '0'; + + signal EM_MREQ : em_mreq_type := em_mreq_init; + signal EM_SRES : em_sres_type := em_sres_init; + + signal HM_ENA : slbit := '0'; + signal MEM70_FMISS : slbit := '0'; + signal CACHE_FMISS : slbit := '0'; + signal CACHE_CHIT : slbit := '0'; + + signal MEM_REQ : slbit := '0'; + signal MEM_WE : slbit := '0'; + signal MEM_BUSY : slbit := '0'; + signal MEM_ACK_R : slbit := '0'; + signal MEM_ACT_R : slbit := '0'; + signal MEM_ACT_W : slbit := '0'; + signal MEM_ADDR : slv20 := (others=>'0'); + signal MEM_BE : slv4 := (others=>'0'); + signal MEM_DI : slv32 := (others=>'0'); + signal MEM_DO : slv32 := (others=>'0'); + + signal MEM_ADDR_EXT : slv22 := (others=>'0'); + + signal BRESET : slbit := '0'; + signal IB_MREQ : ib_mreq_type := ib_mreq_init; + signal IB_SRES : ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; + + signal IB_SRES_MEM70 : ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; + signal IB_SRES_IBDR : ib_sres_type := ib_sres_init; + + signal DM_STAT_DP : dm_stat_dp_type := dm_stat_dp_init; + signal DM_STAT_VM : dm_stat_vm_type := dm_stat_vm_init; + signal DM_STAT_CO : dm_stat_co_type := dm_stat_co_init; + signal DM_STAT_SY : dm_stat_sy_type := dm_stat_sy_init; + + signal DISPREG : slv16 := (others=>'0'); + + constant rbaddr_core0 : slv8 := "00000000"; + constant rbaddr_ibus : slv8 := "10000000"; + constant rbaddr_hio : slv8 := "11000000"; + +begin + + assert (sys_conf_clksys mod 1000000) = 0 + report "assert sys_conf_clksys on MHz grid" + severity failure; + + DCM : dcm_sfs + generic map ( + CLKFX_DIVIDE => sys_conf_clkfx_divide, + CLKFX_MULTIPLY => sys_conf_clkfx_multiply, + CLKIN_PERIOD => 20.0) + port map ( + CLKIN => I_CLK50, + CLKFX => CLK, + LOCKED => open + ); + + CLKDIV : clkdivce + generic map ( + CDUWIDTH => 6, + USECDIV => sys_conf_clksys_mhz, + MSECDIV => 1000) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CE_USEC => CE_USEC, + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC + ); + + IOB_RS232 : bp_rs232_2l4l_iob + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => '0', + SEL => SWI(0), + RXD => RXD, + TXD => TXD, + CTS_N => CTS_N, + RTS_N => RTS_N, + I_RXD0 => I_RXD, + O_TXD0 => O_TXD, + I_RXD1 => I_FUSP_RXD, + O_TXD1 => O_FUSP_TXD, + I_CTS1_N => I_FUSP_CTS_N, + O_RTS1_N => O_FUSP_RTS_N + ); + + HIO : sn_humanio_rbus + generic map ( + DEBOUNCE => sys_conf_hio_debounce, + RB_ADDR => rbaddr_hio) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => RESET, + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC, + RB_MREQ => RB_MREQ, + RB_SRES => RB_SRES_HIO, + SWI => SWI, + BTN => BTN, + LED => LED, + DSP_DAT => DSP_DAT, + DSP_DP => DSP_DP, + I_SWI => I_SWI, + I_BTN => I_BTN, + O_LED => O_LED, + O_ANO_N => O_ANO_N, + O_SEG_N => O_SEG_N + ); + + RLINK : rlink_sp1c_fx2 + generic map ( + ATOWIDTH => 7, -- 128 cycles access timeout + ITOWIDTH => 6, -- 64 periods max idle timeout + CPREF => c_rlink_cpref, + IFAWIDTH => 5, -- 32 word input fifo + OFAWIDTH => 5, -- 32 word output fifo + PETOWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_petowidth, + CCWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth, + ENAPIN_RLMON => sbcntl_sbf_rlmon, + ENAPIN_RBMON => sbcntl_sbf_rbmon, + CDWIDTH => 13, + CDINIT => sys_conf_ser2rri_cdinit) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CE_USEC => CE_USEC, + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC, + CE_INT => CE_MSEC, + RESET => RESET, + ENAXON => SWI(1), + ENAESC => SWI(1), + ENAFX2 => SWI(2), + RXSD => RXD, + TXSD => TXD, + CTS_N => CTS_N, + RTS_N => RTS_N, + RB_MREQ => RB_MREQ, + RB_SRES => RB_SRES, + RB_LAM => RB_LAM, + RB_STAT => RB_STAT, + RL_MONI => open, + RLB_MONI => RLB_MONI, + SER_MONI => SER_MONI, + FX2_MONI => FX2_MONI, + I_FX2_IFCLK => I_FX2_IFCLK, + O_FX2_FIFO => O_FX2_FIFO, + I_FX2_FLAG => I_FX2_FLAG, + O_FX2_SLRD_N => O_FX2_SLRD_N, + O_FX2_SLWR_N => O_FX2_SLWR_N, + O_FX2_SLOE_N => O_FX2_SLOE_N, + O_FX2_PKTEND_N => O_FX2_PKTEND_N, + IO_FX2_DATA => IO_FX2_DATA + ); + + RB_SRES_OR : rb_sres_or_3 + port map ( + RB_SRES_1 => RB_SRES_CPU, + RB_SRES_2 => RB_SRES_IBD, + RB_SRES_3 => RB_SRES_HIO, + RB_SRES_OR => RB_SRES + ); + + RB2CP : pdp11_core_rbus + generic map ( + RB_ADDR_CORE => rbaddr_core0, + RB_ADDR_IBUS => rbaddr_ibus) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => RESET, + RB_MREQ => RB_MREQ, + RB_SRES => RB_SRES_CPU, + RB_STAT => RB_STAT, + RB_LAM => RB_LAM(0), + CPU_RESET => CPU_RESET, + CP_CNTL => CP_CNTL, + CP_ADDR => CP_ADDR, + CP_DIN => CP_DIN, + CP_STAT => CP_STAT, + CP_DOUT => CP_DOUT + ); + + CORE : pdp11_core + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => CPU_RESET, + CP_CNTL => CP_CNTL, + CP_ADDR => CP_ADDR, + CP_DIN => CP_DIN, + CP_STAT => CP_STAT, + CP_DOUT => CP_DOUT, + EI_PRI => EI_PRI, + EI_VECT => EI_VECT, + EI_ACKM => EI_ACKM, + EM_MREQ => EM_MREQ, + EM_SRES => EM_SRES, + BRESET => BRESET, + IB_MREQ_M => IB_MREQ, + IB_SRES_M => IB_SRES, + DM_STAT_DP => DM_STAT_DP, + DM_STAT_VM => DM_STAT_VM, + DM_STAT_CO => DM_STAT_CO + ); + + MEM_BRAM: if sys_conf_bram > 0 generate + signal HM_VAL_BRAM : slbit := '0'; + begin + + MEM : pdp11_bram + generic map ( + AWIDTH => sys_conf_bram_awidth) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + GRESET => CPU_RESET, + EM_MREQ => EM_MREQ, + EM_SRES => EM_SRES + ); + + HM_VAL_BRAM <= not EM_MREQ.we; -- assume hit if read, miss if write + + MEM70: pdp11_mem70 + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CRESET => BRESET, + HM_ENA => EM_MREQ.req, + HM_VAL => HM_VAL_BRAM, + CACHE_FMISS => MEM70_FMISS, + IB_MREQ => IB_MREQ, + IB_SRES => IB_SRES_MEM70 + ); + + SRAM_PROT : nx_cram_dummy -- connect CRAM to protection dummy + port map ( + O_MEM_CE_N => O_MEM_CE_N, + O_MEM_BE_N => O_MEM_BE_N, + O_MEM_WE_N => O_MEM_WE_N, + O_MEM_OE_N => O_MEM_OE_N, + O_MEM_ADV_N => O_MEM_ADV_N, + O_MEM_CLK => O_MEM_CLK, + O_MEM_CRE => O_MEM_CRE, + I_MEM_WAIT => I_MEM_WAIT, + O_MEM_ADDR => O_MEM_ADDR, + IO_MEM_DATA => IO_MEM_DATA + ); + + O_FLA_CE_N <= '1'; -- keep Flash memory disabled + + end generate MEM_BRAM; + + MEM_SRAM: if sys_conf_bram = 0 generate + + CACHE: pdp11_cache + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + GRESET => CPU_RESET, + EM_MREQ => EM_MREQ, + EM_SRES => EM_SRES, + FMISS => CACHE_FMISS, + CHIT => CACHE_CHIT, + MEM_REQ => MEM_REQ, + MEM_WE => MEM_WE, + MEM_BUSY => MEM_BUSY, + MEM_ACK_R => MEM_ACK_R, + MEM_ADDR => MEM_ADDR, + MEM_BE => MEM_BE, + MEM_DI => MEM_DI, + MEM_DO => MEM_DO + ); + + MEM70: pdp11_mem70 + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CRESET => BRESET, + HM_ENA => HM_ENA, + HM_VAL => CACHE_CHIT, + CACHE_FMISS => MEM70_FMISS, + IB_MREQ => IB_MREQ, + IB_SRES => IB_SRES_MEM70 + ); + + HM_ENA <= EM_SRES.ack_r or EM_SRES.ack_w; + CACHE_FMISS <= MEM70_FMISS or sys_conf_cache_fmiss; + + MEM_ADDR_EXT <= "00" & MEM_ADDR; -- just use lower 4 MB (of 16 MB) + + SRAM_CTL: nx_cram_memctl_as + generic map ( + READ0DELAY => sys_conf_memctl_read0delay, + READ1DELAY => sys_conf_memctl_read1delay, + WRITEDELAY => sys_conf_memctl_writedelay) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => CPU_RESET, + REQ => MEM_REQ, + WE => MEM_WE, + BUSY => MEM_BUSY, + ACK_R => MEM_ACK_R, + ACK_W => open, + ACT_R => MEM_ACT_R, + ACT_W => MEM_ACT_W, + ADDR => MEM_ADDR_EXT, + BE => MEM_BE, + DI => MEM_DI, + DO => MEM_DO, + O_MEM_CE_N => O_MEM_CE_N, + O_MEM_BE_N => O_MEM_BE_N, + O_MEM_WE_N => O_MEM_WE_N, + O_MEM_OE_N => O_MEM_OE_N, + O_MEM_ADV_N => O_MEM_ADV_N, + O_MEM_CLK => O_MEM_CLK, + O_MEM_CRE => O_MEM_CRE, + I_MEM_WAIT => I_MEM_WAIT, + O_MEM_ADDR => O_MEM_ADDR, + IO_MEM_DATA => IO_MEM_DATA + ); + + O_FLA_CE_N <= '1'; -- keep Flash memory disabled + + end generate MEM_SRAM; + + IB_SRES_OR : ib_sres_or_2 + port map ( + IB_SRES_1 => IB_SRES_MEM70, + IB_SRES_2 => IB_SRES_IBDR, + IB_SRES_OR => IB_SRES + ); + + IBD_MINI : if false generate + begin + IBDR_SYS : ibdr_minisys + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CE_USEC => CE_USEC, + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC, + RESET => CPU_RESET, + BRESET => BRESET, + RB_LAM => RB_LAM(15 downto 1), + IB_MREQ => IB_MREQ, + IB_SRES => IB_SRES_IBDR, + EI_ACKM => EI_ACKM, + EI_PRI => EI_PRI, + EI_VECT => EI_VECT, + DISPREG => DISPREG + ); + end generate IBD_MINI; + + IBD_MAXI : if true generate + begin + IBDR_SYS : ibdr_maxisys + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CE_USEC => CE_USEC, + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC, + RESET => CPU_RESET, + BRESET => BRESET, + RB_LAM => RB_LAM(15 downto 1), + IB_MREQ => IB_MREQ, + IB_SRES => IB_SRES_IBDR, + EI_ACKM => EI_ACKM, + EI_PRI => EI_PRI, + EI_VECT => EI_VECT, + DISPREG => DISPREG + ); + end generate IBD_MAXI; + + IOLEDS : ioleds_sp1c_fx2 + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CE_USEC => CE_USEC, + RESET => CPU_RESET, + ENAFX2 => SWI(2), + RB_SRES => RB_SRES, + RLB_MONI => RLB_MONI, + SER_MONI => SER_MONI, + IOLEDS => DSP_DP + ); + + DSP_DAT(15 downto 0) <= DISPREG; + + proc_led: process (MEM_ACT_W, MEM_ACT_R, CP_STAT, DM_STAT_DP.psw) + variable iled : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + begin + iled := (others=>'0'); + iled(7) := MEM_ACT_W; + iled(6) := MEM_ACT_R; + iled(5) := CP_STAT.cmdbusy; + if CP_STAT.cpugo = '1' then + case DM_STAT_DP.psw.cmode is + when c_psw_kmode => + if CP_STAT.cpuwait = '1' then + iled(2) := '1'; + elsif unsigned(DM_STAT_DP.psw.pri) = 0 then + iled(3) := '1'; + else + iled(4) := '1'; + end if; + when c_psw_smode => + iled(1) := '1'; + when c_psw_umode => + iled(0) := '1'; + when others => null; + end case; + else + iled(4) := '1'; + iled(3 downto 0) := CP_STAT.cpurust; + end if; + LED <= iled; + end process; + +-- synthesis translate_off + DM_STAT_SY.emmreq <= EM_MREQ; + DM_STAT_SY.emsres <= EM_SRES; + DM_STAT_SY.chit <= CACHE_CHIT; + + TMU : pdp11_tmu_sb + generic map ( + ENAPIN => 13) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + DM_STAT_DP => DM_STAT_DP, + DM_STAT_VM => DM_STAT_VM, + DM_STAT_CO => DM_STAT_CO, + DM_STAT_SY => DM_STAT_SY + ); +-- synthesis translate_on + +end syn; Index: sys_w11a_n2.vbom =================================================================== --- sys_w11a_n2.vbom (nonexistent) +++ sys_w11a_n2.vbom (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# libs +../../../vlib/slvtypes.vhd +../../../vlib/xlib/xlib.vhd +../../../vlib/genlib/genlib.vhd +../../../vlib/serport/serportlib.vbom +../../../vlib/rbus/rblib.vhd +../../../vlib/rlink/rlinklib.vbom +../../../bplib/fx2lib/fx2lib.vhd +../../../bplib/fx2rlink/fx2rlinklib.vbom +../../../bplib/bpgen/bpgenlib.vbom +../../../bplib/bpgen/bpgenrbuslib.vbom +../../../bplib/nxcramlib/nxcramlib.vhd +../../../ibus/iblib.vhd +../../../ibus/ibdlib.vhd +../../../w11a/pdp11.vhd +sys_conf = sys_conf.vhd +# components +[xst,isim]../../../vlib/xlib/dcm_sfs_unisim_s3e.vbom +[ghdl]../../../vlib/xlib/dcm_sfs_gsim.vbom +../../../vlib/genlib/clkdivce.vbom +../../../bplib/bpgen/bp_rs232_2l4l_iob.vbom +../../../bplib/bpgen/sn_humanio_rbus.vbom +../../../bplib/fx2rlink/rlink_sp1c_fx2.vbom +../../../bplib/fx2rlink/ioleds_sp1c_fx2.vbom +../../../vlib/rbus/rb_sres_or_3.vbom +../../../w11a/pdp11_core_rbus.vbom +../../../w11a/pdp11_core.vbom +../../../w11a/pdp11_bram.vbom +../../../bplib/nxcramlib/nx_cram_dummy.vbom +../../../w11a/pdp11_cache.vbom +../../../w11a/pdp11_mem70.vbom +../../../bplib/nxcramlib/nx_cram_memctl_as.vbom +../../../ibus/ib_sres_or_2.vbom +../../../ibus/ibdr_minisys.vbom +../../../ibus/ibdr_maxisys.vbom +[ghdl,isim]../../../w11a/pdp11_tmu_sb.vbom +# design +sys_w11a_n2.vhd +@ucf_cpp: sys_w11a_n2.ucf Index: .cvsignore =================================================================== --- .cvsignore (nonexistent) +++ .cvsignore (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +sys_w11a_n2.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +log_* +_impact* +*.svf Index: Makefile =================================================================== --- Makefile (nonexistent) +++ Makefile (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# $Id: Makefile 509 2013-04-21 20:46:20Z mueller $ +# +# Revision History: +# Date Rev Version Comment +# 2013-04-20 509 1.2 add fx2 support +# 2011-08-13 405 1.1 use includes from rtl/make +# 2010-05-28 295 1.0 Initial version (derived from _s3 version) +# +VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom) +BIT_all = $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.bit) +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make/ +FX2_FILE = nexys2_jtag_2fifo_ic.ihx +# +.PHONY : all clean +# +all : $(BIT_all) +# +clean : ise_clean + rm -f $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.ucf) +# +sys_w11a_n2.mcs : sys_w11a_n2.bit + promgen -w -x xcf04s -p mcs -u 0 sys_w11a_n2 + mv sys_w11a_n2.prm sys_w11a_n2_prm.log + mv sys_w11a_n2.cfi sys_w11a_n2_cfi.log +# +#---- +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make/ +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make/ +# +ifndef DONTINCDEP +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst) +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_ghdl) +endif +# Index: sys_w11a_n2.mfset =================================================================== --- sys_w11a_n2.mfset (nonexistent) +++ sys_w11a_n2.mfset (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +# $Id: sys_w11a_n2.mfset 427 2011-11-19 21:04:11Z mueller $ +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[xst] +INFO:.*Mux is complete : default of case is discarded +INFO:.*You can improve the performance of the multiplier + +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected + +Unconnected output port 'LOCKED' of component 'dcm_sfs' +Unconnected output port 'RL_MONI' of component 'rlink_base_serport' +Unconnected output port 'RL_SER_MONI' of component 'rlink_base_serport' +Unconnected output port 'ACK_W' of component 'n2_cram_memctl_as' +Unconnected output port 'OFIFO_SIZE' of component 'rlink_base' +Unconnected output port 'DOA' of component 'ram_1swar_1ar_gen' +Unconnected output port 'DOB' of component 'ram_2swsr_rfirst_gen' + +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input > is never used +Input > is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input > is never used +Input > is never used +Input is never used +Input > is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input > is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input > is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input > is never used + +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used + +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used + +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used + +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal > is assigned but never used + +Signal > is assigned but never used +Signal > is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used + +FF/Latch in Unit is equivalent +FF/Latch in Unit is equivalent +FF/Latch in Unit is equivalent +FF/Latch in Unit is equivalent +FF/Latch in Unit is equivalent +FF/Latch in Unit is equivalent +FF/Latch in Unit is equivalent + +FF/Latch has a constant value of 0 +FF/Latch has a constant value of 0 +FF/Latch has a constant value +FF/Latch has a constant value of 0 +FF/Latch has a constant value of 0 +FF/Latch has a constant value of 0 + +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[tra] +INFO:.*TNM.*used in period specification.*was traced into DCM_SP + +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[map] +The signal is incomplete +Logical network I_MEM_WAIT_IBUF has no load +There is a dangling output parity pin +INFO:.* + +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[par] +The signal I_MEM_WAIT_IBUF has no load +There are 1 loadless signals in this design +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[bgn] +Spartan-3 1200E and 1600E devices do not support bitstream +The signal is incomplete +There is a dangling output parity pin +INFO:.*To achieve optimal frequency synthesis performance \ No newline at end of file Index: . =================================================================== --- . (nonexistent) +++ . (revision 24)
. Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,37 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +sys_w11a_n2.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +log_* +_impact* +*.svf

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