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Rev 22 → Rev 24

0,0 → 1,123
$Id: README_iso_jtag.txt 525 2013-07-06 12:19:39Z mueller $
usb_jtag using Cypress FX2 chip
== General information ==
The code in this directory is for Cypress FX2 (e.g. CY7C68013A) and can be
compiled with the SDCC compiler (I tried version 2.6 as shipped with Ubuntu
6.10). Once I had a version that could be compiled with Keil tools (until early
2007), but switched to SDCC because I usually develop on a Linux host.
No logic beside the FX2 itself and only a few external components are required
for a basic JTAG adapter. I don't have detailed schematics available; my test
setup consists of a FX2 on a custom board where it's directly connected to a
Cyclone FPGA.
| |
| Cypress |
| CY7C68013A |
| |
| 24 MHz XTAL |
Similar boards are available from - the boards named "Saxo-L" and
"Xylo-EM" are pre-wired for use with an adapted version of my code, while
"Saxo" and "Xylo" can be used after soldering 4 extra wires:
There's a discussion thread in the fpga4fun forum about this firmware:
== Use with Nexys 1 / 2 Boards ==
Through a contribution by Sune Mai, this code can be used with the Digilent
Nexys / Nexys2 boards.
The hardware-specific code file is hw_nexys.c, just change the line
"HARDWARE=hw_basic" to "HARDWARE=hw_nexys" in the file "Makefile" to use it.
Also, you may use the "nexys2prog" script by Andy Ross, available from the
same place this code is available from:
== Adapting the code to your hardware ==
As is, the code assumes the following pin assignment:
Port C.0: TDI
Port C.1: TDO
Port C.2: TCK
Port C.3: TMS
Other assignments are possible. If you have your signals connected to
bit-addressable I/O pins (port A,B,C or D), I suggest you make a copy of
hw_basic.c and adapt the definitions and ProgIO_Init() in it to your needs.
The file hw_saxo_l is even simpler to adapt if you want only JTAG and no AS/PS
mode. If your signals are not on bit-addressable I/Os (that is, you're using
port E), you could base your adaptation on the slower hw_xpcu_i.c. You may
specify the name of your adapted hardware-specific file when "make"ing, e.g.:
make HARDWARE=hw_saxo_l
The USB identification data (vendor/product ID, strings, ...) can be modified
in dscr.a51. The firmware emulates the 128 byte EEPROM that usually holds
configuration data for the FT245 and which can be read from the host; its
content (including checksum) is computed from the data in dscr.a51 as well.
The WAKEUP pin should be high for the re-numeration to work reliably (thanks
== Using it with Xilinx JTAG cable ==
There is code to support running in the "Xilinx Platform Cable USB". If you
select HARDWARE=hw_xpcu_i or hw_xpcu_x at the top of the Makefile, a firmware
for the XPCU will be built. I've tested this only with unmodified CPLD version
18 (0x12) on a Spartan-3E starter kit, as it was programmed by my WebPack 8.2i.
The code needs optimization; yet it is merely a proof of concept.
Compile for the XPCU with e.g. "make HARDWARE=hw_xpcu_x".
hw_xpcu_i: Access "internal" chain (the XPCU CPLD, IC3, itself)
hw_xpcu_x: Access "external" chain (the Spartan 3E, PROM, etc.)
== History ==
Changes since previous release 2008-07-05:
- Imported to SourceForge, please see the project page:
Changes since previous release on 2007-02-15:
- Jean Nicolle contributed hw_saxo_l.c for the FX2 boards from
- fx2/Makefile fixed to build correct libfx2.lib even under Windows.
Changes since previous release on 2007-01-28:
- Initial suppport for running on Xilinx XPCU.
- New FX2 code, based on USRP2 from the GNU Radio Project;
- Firmware can now be compiled using SDCC 2.6. No more Keil support.
- EEPROM content is automatically computed from dscr.a51, including checksum.
Changes since initial release on 2006-04-23:
- added this readme.txt
- reorganized my project folder: diff now created from Subversion repository
- stripped *.dist extension from eeprom.c and dscr.a51
- added unique proper product and vendor ID (thanks to Antti Lukats!)
- fixed checksum in eeprom.c
- added comments about AS/PS mode pins in usbjtag.c
0,0 → 1,376
/* $Id: main.c 472 2013-01-06 14:39:10Z mueller $ */
* Copyright 2011-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
* Code was forked from on 2011-07-17
* - original copyright and licence disclaimer --------------------------------
* - Code that turns a Cypress FX2 USB Controller into an USB JTAG adapter
* - Copyright (C) 2005..2007 Kolja Waschk,
* - This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software;
* This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for complete details.
* EZ-USB FX2 controller main program
* Revision History:
* Date Rev Version Comment
* 2013-01-05 472 1.1.1 BUGFIX: explicitly set FIFOPINPOLAR=0
* 2011-07-23 397 1.1 factor out usb_fifo_init() code
* 2011-07-17 394 1.0 Initial version (from ixo-jtag/usb_jtag Rev 204)
#include "isr.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "delay.h"
#include "fx2regs.h"
#include "fx2utils.h"
#include "usb_common.h"
#include "usb_descriptors.h"
#include "usb_requests.h"
#include "syncdelay.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "hardware.h"
// Saves about 256 bytes in code size, improves speed a little.
// A further optimization could be not to use an extra output buffer at
// all, but to write directly into EP1INBUF. Not implemented yet. When
// downloading large amounts of data _to_ the target, there is no output
// and thus the output buffer isn't used at all and doesn't slow down things.
#define USE_MOD256_OUTBUFFER 1
// Global data
typedef bit BOOL;
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
static BOOL Running;
static BOOL WriteOnly;
static BYTE ClockBytes;
static WORD Pending;
static BYTE FirstDataInOutBuffer;
static BYTE FirstFreeInOutBuffer;
static WORD FirstDataInOutBuffer;
static WORD FirstFreeInOutBuffer;
/* Size of output buffer must be exactly 256 */
#define OUTBUFFER_LEN 0x100
/* Output buffer must begin at some address with lower 8 bits all zero */
xdata at 0xE000 BYTE OutBuffer[OUTBUFFER_LEN];
#define OUTBUFFER_LEN 0x200
static xdata BYTE OutBuffer[OUTBUFFER_LEN];
void usb_jtag_init(void) // Called once at startup
WORD tmp;
Running = FALSE;
ClockBytes = 0;
Pending = 0;
WriteOnly = TRUE;
FirstDataInOutBuffer = 0;
FirstFreeInOutBuffer = 0;
// Make Timer2 reload at 100 Hz to trigger Keepalive packets
tmp = 65536 - ( 48000000 / 12 / 100 );
RCAP2H = tmp >> 8;
RCAP2L = tmp & 0xFF;
CKCON = 0; // Default Clock
T2CON = 0x04; // Auto-reload mode using internal clock, no baud clock.
// Enable Autopointer
EXTACC = 1; // Enable
APTR1FZ = 1; // Don't freeze
APTR2FZ = 1; // Don't freeze
void OutputByte(BYTE d)
OutBuffer[FirstFreeInOutBuffer] = d;
FirstFreeInOutBuffer = ( FirstFreeInOutBuffer + 1 ) & 0xFF;
OutBuffer[FirstFreeInOutBuffer++] = d;
if(FirstFreeInOutBuffer >= OUTBUFFER_LEN) FirstFreeInOutBuffer = 0;
// usb_jtag_activity does most of the work. It now happens to behave just like
// the combination of FT245BM and Altera-programmed EPM7064 CPLD in Altera's
// USB-Blaster. The CPLD knows two major modes: Bit banging mode and Byte
// shift mode. It starts in Bit banging mode. While bytes are received
// from the host on EP2OUT, each byte B of them is processed as follows:
// Please note: nCE, nCS, LED pins and DATAOUT actually aren't supported here.
// Support for these would be required for AS/PS mode and isn't too complicated,
// but I haven't had the time yet.
// Bit banging mode:
// 1. Remember bit 6 (0x40) in B as the "Read bit".
// 2. If bit 7 (0x40) is set, switch to Byte shift mode for the coming
// X bytes ( X := B & 0x3F ), and don't do anything else now.
// 3. Otherwise, set the JTAG signals as follows:
// TCK/DCLK high if bit 0 was set (0x01), otherwise low
// TMS/nCONFIG high if bit 1 was set (0x02), otherwise low
// nCE high if bit 2 was set (0x04), otherwise low
// nCS high if bit 3 was set (0x08), otherwise low
// TDI/ASDI/DATA0 high if bit 4 was set (0x10), otherwise low
// Output Enable/LED active if bit 5 was set (0x20), otherwise low
// 4. If "Read bit" (0x40) was set, record the state of TDO(CONF_DONE) and
// DATAOUT(nSTATUS) pins and put it as a byte ((DATAOUT<<1)|TDO) in the
// output FIFO _to_ the host (the code here reads TDO only and assumes
// Byte shift mode:
// 1. Load shift register with byte from host
// 2. Do 8 times (i.e. for each bit of the byte; implemented in shift.a51)
// 2a) if nCS=1, set carry bit from TDO, else set carry bit from DATAOUT
// 2b) Rotate shift register through carry bit
// 2c) TDI := Carry bit
// 2d) Raise TCK, then lower TCK.
// 3. If "Read bit" was set when switching into byte shift mode,
// record the shift register content and put it into the FIFO
// _to_ the host.
// Some more (minor) things to consider to emulate the FT245BM:
// a) The FT245BM seems to transmit just packets of no more than 64 bytes
// (which perfectly matches the USB spec). Each packet starts with
// two non-data bytes (I use 0x31,0x60 here). A USB sniffer on Windows
// might show a number of packets to you as if it was a large transfer
// because of the way that Windows understands it: it _is_ a large
// transfer until terminated with an USB packet smaller than 64 byte.
// b) The Windows driver expects to get some data packets (with at least
// the two leading bytes 0x31,0x60) immediately after "resetting" the
// FT chip and then in regular intervals. Otherwise a blue screen may
// appear... In the code below, I make sure that every 10ms there is
// some packet.
// c) Vendor specific commands to configure the FT245 are mostly ignored
// in my code. Only those for reading the EEPROM are processed. See
// DR_GetStatus and DR_VendorCmd below for my implementation.
// All other TD_ and DR_ functions remain as provided with CY3681.
void usb_jtag_activity(void) // Called repeatedly while the device is idle
if(!Running) return;
if(!(EP1INCS & bmEPBUSY)) {
if(Pending > 0) {
BYTE o, n;
XAUTODAT2 = 0x31;
XAUTODAT2 = 0x60;
if(Pending > 0x3E) { n = 0x3E; Pending -= n; }
else { n = Pending; Pending = 0; };
o = n;
APTR1H = MSB( OutBuffer );
APTR1L = FirstDataInOutBuffer;
while(n--) {
APTR1H = MSB( OutBuffer ); // Stay within 256-Byte-Buffer
FirstDataInOutBuffer = APTR1L;
APTR1H = MSB( &(OutBuffer[FirstDataInOutBuffer]) );
APTR1L = LSB( &(OutBuffer[FirstDataInOutBuffer]) );
while(n--) {
if(++FirstDataInOutBuffer >= OUTBUFFER_LEN) {
FirstDataInOutBuffer = 0;
APTR1H = MSB( OutBuffer );
APTR1L = LSB( OutBuffer );
EP1INBC = 2 + o;
TF2 = 1; // Make sure there will be a short transfer soon
} else if(TF2) {
EP1INBUF[0] = 0x31;
EP1INBUF[1] = 0x60;
EP1INBC = 2;
TF2 = 0;
if(!(EP2468STAT & bmEP2EMPTY) && (Pending < OUTBUFFER_LEN-0x3F)) {
//BYTE i, n = EP2BCL; // bugfix by Sune Mai (Oct 2008,
WORD i, n = EP2BCL|EP2BCH<<8;
for(i=0;i<n;) {
if(ClockBytes > 0) {
//BYTE m; // bugfix by Sune Mai, see above
m = n-i;
if(ClockBytes < m) m = ClockBytes;
ClockBytes -= m;
i += m;
/* Shift out 8 bits from d */
if(WriteOnly) { /* Shift out 8 bits from d */
while(m--) ProgIO_ShiftOut(XAUTODAT1);
} else { /* Shift in 8 bits at the other end */
while(m--) OutputByte(ProgIO_ShiftInOut(XAUTODAT1));
} else {
WriteOnly = (d & bmBIT6) ? FALSE : TRUE;
if(d & bmBIT7) {
/* Prepare byte transfer, do nothing else yet */
ClockBytes = d & 0x3F;
} else {
EP2BCL = 0x80; // Re-arm endpoint 2
// Handler for Vendor Requests (
unsigned char app_vendor_cmd(void)
// OUT requests. Pretend we handle them all...
if ((bRequestType & bmRT_DIR_MASK) == bmRT_DIR_OUT) {
if(bRequest == RQ_GET_STATUS) {
Running = 1;
return 1;
// IN requests.
if(bRequest == 0x90) {
BYTE addr = (wIndexL<<1) & 0x7F;
EP0BUF[0] = eeprom[addr];
EP0BUF[1] = eeprom[addr+1];
} else {
// dummy data
EP0BUF[0] = 0x36;
EP0BUF[1] = 0x83;
EP0BCH = 0;
EP0BCL = (wLengthL<2) ? wLengthL : 2; // Arm endpoint with # bytes to transfer
return 1;
static void main_loop(void)
while(1) {
if(usb_setup_packet_avail()) usb_handle_setup_packet();
extern void usb_fifo_init(void);
void main(void)
EA = 0; // disable all interrupts
// Digilent nexys3 and atlys boards change FIFOPINPOLAR such that
// EE and FF are active high. In nexys2 boards they are active low
// All config regs should be set (even when power on defaults are
// use, but this one especially....
setup_autovectors ();
usb_install_handlers ();
EA = 1; // enable interrupts
fx2_renumerate(); // simulates disconnect / reconnect
0,0 → 1,210
/* $Id: usb_fifo_init.c 450 2012-01-05 23:21:41Z mueller $ */
* Copyright 2011-2012 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
* Code was forked from on 2011-07-17
* The data fifo treatment is partially inspired by work of Marco Oster
* done at ZITI, Heidelberg in 2010.
* - original copyright and licence disclaimer (of usb_jtag_init) -------------
* - Code that turns a Cypress FX2 USB Controller into an USB JTAG adapter
* - Copyright (C) 2005..2007 Kolja Waschk,
* - This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software;
* This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for complete details.
* USB FIFO setup
* Revision History:
* Date Rev Version Comment
* 2012-01-04 450 1.5 new FLAGS layout (D=8-FF,C=4-EF,B=6-FF,A=indexed)
* 2012-01-02 448 1.4 add support for sync fifo w/ int. clock (_ic)
* 2011-07-24 398 1.1 support 0,2, or 3 data FIFO's
* 2011-07-23 397 1.0 Initial version, factored out from usb_jtag_init()
#include "fx2regs.h"
#include "syncdelay.h"
void usb_fifo_init(void) // Called once at startup
// set the CPU clock to 48MHz, enable USB clock output to FPGA
// Note: CLKOUT not connected on nexys2, nexys3 and atlys...
// setup FIFO mode
// bmIFCLKSRC clock source: 0 external clock; 1 internal clock
// bm3048MHZ clock frequency: 0 30 MHz; 1 48 MHz
// bmIFCLKOE IFCLK pin output enable: 0 tri-state; 1 drive
// bmIFCLKPOL clock polarity: 0 rising edge active; 1 falling edge active
// bmASYNC fifo mode: 0 synchrounous; 1 asynchronous
// IFCFG interface mode: bmIFCFGMASK=11->slave fifo
#if defined(USE_IC30)
// Use internal 30 MHz, enable output, slave sync FIFO, slave FIFO mode
// Use internal 30 MHz, enable output, slave async FIFO, slave FIFO mode
// Setup PA7 as FLAGD
PORTACFG = 0x80; SYNCDELAY; // 1000 0000: FLAGD=1, SLCS=0
// setup usage of FLAG pins
// goal is to support EP4(out) and EP6/EP8(in) synchronous slave fifos
// for synchronous operation usage of empty/full and almost empty/full
// flags is needed, the later are realized with the programmable flags.
// the three empty/full flags are setup as fixed flags, while the three
// almost (or programmable) flags are channeled over one indexed flag pin.
// FLAGA = indexed, PF (the default)
PINFLAGSAB = 0xE0; SYNCDELAY; // 1110 0000: B EP6 FF, A indexed
PINFLAGSCD = 0xF9; SYNCDELAY; // 1111 1001: D EP8 FF, C EP4 EF
// define endpoint configuration
FIFORESET = 0x80; SYNCDELAY; // From now on, NAK all
REVCTL = 3; SYNCDELAY; // Allow FW access to FIFO buffer
// FIFOs used for JTAG emulation
// EP1 IN
// EP2 OUT
EP1OUTCFG = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // EP1 OUT: inactive
EP1INCFG = 0xA0; SYNCDELAY; // EP1 IN: active, bulk
EP2FIFOCFG = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // EP2 slave: 0, not used as slave
FIFORESET = 0x02; SYNCDELAY; // EP2 reset (0x02! see comment below)
// TMR (Rev *D) page 117: auto in/out initialization sequence
// Auto IN transfers
// 1. setup EPxCFG
// 2. reset the FIFO
// 3. set EPxFIFOCFG.3 = 1
// Auto OUT transfers
// 1. setup EPxCFG
// 2. reset the FIFO
// 3. arm OUT buffers by writing OUTPKTEND N times w/ skip=1 (N=buf depth)
// 4. set EPxFIFOCFG.4 = 1
// 2 FIFOs used for DATA transfer:
#if defined(USE_2FIFO) || defined(USE_3FIFO)
#if defined(USE_3FIFO)
EP6CFG = 0xE0; SYNCDELAY; // EP6: 1110 0000: VAL,IN,BULK,QUAD
EP8CFG = 0x02; SYNCDELAY; // EP8: disabled
// Note: the description of the FIFORESET in the TMR, Rev *D (2011) is
// wrong. The TMR asks to write 0x80,0x82,0x84,0x86,0x88,0x00, e.g
// on page 117, also in other contexts.
// This doesn't work, FIFO's are in fact not reset !
// The proper sequence is 0x80,0x02,0x04,0x06,0x08,0x00, as for
// example stated in
FIFORESET = 0x04; SYNCDELAY; // EP4 reset
FIFORESET = 0x06; SYNCDELAY; // EP6 reset
FIFORESET = 0x08; SYNCDELAY; // EP8 reset
FIFORESET = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // Restore normal behaviour
// !! really needed here, before buffers are armed !!
REVCTL = 0; SYNCDELAY; // Reset FW access to FIFO buffer
// EP4 OUT setup ---------------------------------------------------
OUTPKTEND = 0x84; SYNCDELAY; // arm all EP4 buffers
// !! hardware only arms endpoint when AUTOOUT 0->1 transition seen
// !! --> clean AUTOOUT to handle for example back-to-back firmware loads
EP4FIFOCFG = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // EP4: force AUTOOUT 0->1 transition
EP4FIFOCFG = 0x10; SYNCDELAY; // EP4: 0001 0000: AUTOOUT, BYTE
// setup programmable fifo threshold as 'almost empty' at 3 bytes to go
// --> keep active low logic for prgrammable flags
// --> set flag 1 when fill >= threshold (DECIS=1)
// --> almost empty thus at fill<4, effective threshold thus 3 !!
EP4FIFOPFH = 0x80; SYNCDELAY; // 0000 0000: DECIS=1, PFC8=0
EP4FIFOPFL = 0x04; SYNCDELAY; // PFC = 4 = 0 0000 0100
// EP6 IN setup ---------------------------------------------------
EP6AUTOINLENH = 0x02; SYNCDELAY; // 512 byte buffers
// setup programmable fifo threshold as 'almost full' at 3 bytes to go
// --> keep active low logic for prgrammable flags
// --> set flag 1 when fill <= threshold (DECIS=0)
// --> use full buffer fill
// --> for dual buffered: (PKSTAT=0, PKTS=1) [in case 3 fifo's used]
// --> for quad buffered: (PKSTAT=0, PKTS=3) [in case 2 fifo's used]
// --> effective threshold thus 3 in both bases
#if defined(USE_3FIFO)
EP6FIFOPFH = 0x09; SYNCDELAY; // 0000 1001: DECIS=0, PK=0:1, PFC8=1
EP6FIFOPFH = 0x19; SYNCDELAY; // 0001 1001: DECIS=0, PK=0:3, PFC8=1
EP6FIFOPFL = 0xfc; SYNCDELAY; // PFC = 508 = 1 1111 1100
#if defined(USE_3FIFO)
// EP8 IN setup ---------------------------------------------------
EP8AUTOINLENH = 0x02; SYNCDELAY; // 512 byte buffers
// setup programmable fifo threshold as 'almost full' at 4 bytes to go
// like for EP6 above
EP8FIFOPFH = 0x41; SYNCDELAY; // 0100 0001: DECIS=0, PKSTAT=1, PFC8=1
EP8FIFOPFL = 0xfc; SYNCDELAY; // PFC = 508 = 1 1111 1100
// EP8 setup
EP8FIFOCFG = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // EP8 slave: 0, not used as slave
// no FIFOs used for DATA transfer
// EP4,6,8 inactive
EP4CFG = 0x02; SYNCDELAY; // EP4: disabled
EP6CFG = 0x02; SYNCDELAY; // EP6: disabled
EP8CFG = 0x02; SYNCDELAY; // EP8: disabled
FIFORESET = 0x04; SYNCDELAY; // EP4 reset
FIFORESET = 0x06; SYNCDELAY; // EP6 reset
FIFORESET = 0x08; SYNCDELAY; // EP8 reset
FIFORESET = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // Restore normal behaviour
EP4FIFOCFG = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // EP4 slave: 0, not used as slave
EP6FIFOCFG = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // EP6 slave: 0, not used as slave
EP8FIFOCFG = 0x00; SYNCDELAY; // EP8 slave: 0, not used as slave
REVCTL = 0; SYNCDELAY; // Reset FW access to FIFO buffer
// the EP2 endpoint does not come up armed. It is used with double buffering
// so write dummy byte counts twice.
EP2BCL = 0x80; SYNCDELAY; // arm EP2OUT
EP2BCL = 0x80; SYNCDELAY; // arm EP2OUT
0,0 → 1,35
/* $Id: hardware.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Hardware-dependent code for usb_jtag
* Copyright (C) 2007 Kolja Waschk,
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _HARDWARE_H
#define _HARDWARE_H 1
extern void ProgIO_Init(void);
extern void ProgIO_Poll(void);
extern void ProgIO_Enable(void);
extern void ProgIO_Disable(void);
extern void ProgIO_Deinit(void);
extern void ProgIO_Set_State(unsigned char d);
extern unsigned char ProgIO_Set_Get_State(unsigned char d);
extern void ProgIO_ShiftOut(unsigned char x);
extern unsigned char ProgIO_ShiftInOut(unsigned char x);
#endif /* _HARDWARE_H */
0,0 → 1,75
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: delay.c 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Delay routines
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* Delay approximately 1 microsecond (including overhead in udelay).
static void
udelay1 (void) _naked
_asm ; lcall that got us here took 4 bus cycles
ret ; 4 bus cycles
* delay for approximately usecs microseconds
udelay (unsigned char usecs)
do {
udelay1 ();
} while (--usecs != 0);
* Delay approximately 1 millisecond.
* We're running at 48 MHz, so we need 48,000 clock cycles.
* Note however, that each bus cycle takes 4 clock cycles (not obvious,
* but explains the factor of 4 problem below).
static void
mdelay1 (void) _naked
mov dptr,#(-1200 & 0xffff)
inc dptr ; 3 bus cycles
mov a, dpl ; 2 bus cycles
orl a, dph ; 2 bus cycles
jnz 002$ ; 3 bus cycles
mdelay (unsigned int msecs)
do {
mdelay1 ();
} while (--msecs != 0);
0,0 → 1,65
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: syncdelay.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Synchronization delay for FX2 access to specific registers
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _SYNCDELAY_H_
#define _SYNCDELAY_H_
* Magic delay required between access to certain xdata registers (TRM page 15-106).
* For our configuration, 48 MHz FX2 / 48 MHz IFCLK, we need three cycles. Each
* NOP is a single cycle....
* From TRM page 15-105:
* Under certain conditions, some read and write access to the FX2 registers must
* be separated by a "synchronization delay". The delay is necessary only under the
* following conditions:
* - between a write to any register in the 0xE600 - 0xE6FF range and a write to one
* of the registers listed below.
* - between a write to one of the registers listed below and a read from any register
* in the 0xE600 - 0xE6FF range.
* Registers which require a synchronization delay:
* FIXME ensure that the peep hole optimizer isn't screwing us
#define SYNCDELAY _asm nop; nop; nop; _endasm
#define NOP _asm nop; _endasm
#endif /* _SYNCDELAY_H_ */
0,0 → 1,372
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: usb_common.c 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Common USB code for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "usb_common.h"
#include "fx2regs.h"
#include "syncdelay.h"
#include "fx2utils.h"
#include "isr.h"
#include "usb_descriptors.h"
#include "usb_requests.h"
extern xdata char str0[];
extern xdata char str1[];
extern xdata char str2[];
extern xdata char str3[];
extern xdata char str4[];
extern xdata char str5[];
volatile bit _usb_got_SUDAV;
unsigned char _usb_config = 0;
unsigned char _usb_alt_setting = 0; // FIXME really 1/interface
xdata unsigned char *current_device_descr;
xdata unsigned char *current_devqual_descr;
xdata unsigned char *current_config_descr;
xdata unsigned char *other_config_descr;
static void
setup_descriptors (void)
if (USBCS & bmHSM){ // high speed mode
current_device_descr = high_speed_device_descr;
current_devqual_descr = high_speed_devqual_descr;
current_config_descr = high_speed_config_descr;
other_config_descr = full_speed_config_descr;
else {
current_device_descr = full_speed_device_descr;
current_devqual_descr = full_speed_devqual_descr;
current_config_descr = full_speed_config_descr;
other_config_descr = high_speed_config_descr;
// whack the type fields
// FIXME, may not be required.
// current_config_descr[1] = DT_CONFIG;
// other_config_descr[1] = DT_OTHER_SPEED;
static void
isr_SUDAV (void) interrupt
clear_usb_irq ();
_usb_got_SUDAV = 1;
static void
isr_USBRESET (void) interrupt
clear_usb_irq ();
setup_descriptors ();
static void
isr_HIGHSPEED (void) interrupt
clear_usb_irq ();
setup_descriptors ();
usb_install_handlers (void)
setup_descriptors (); // ensure that they're set before use
hook_uv (UV_SUDAV, (unsigned short) isr_SUDAV);
hook_uv (UV_USBRESET, (unsigned short) isr_USBRESET);
hook_uv (UV_HIGHSPEED, (unsigned short) isr_HIGHSPEED);
// On the FX2 the only plausible endpoints are 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8
// This doesn't check to see that they're enabled
unsigned char
plausible_endpoint (unsigned char ep)
ep &= ~0x80; // ignore direction bit
if (ep > 8)
return 0;
if (ep == 1)
return 1;
return (ep & 0x1) == 0; // must be even
// return pointer to control and status register for endpoint.
// only called with plausible_endpoints
xdata volatile unsigned char *
epcs (unsigned char ep)
if (ep == 0x01) // ep1 has different in and out CS regs
return EP1OUTCS;
if (ep == 0x81)
return EP1INCS;
ep &= ~0x80; // ignore direction bit
if (ep == 0x00) // ep0
return EP0CS;
return EP2CS + (ep >> 1); // 2, 4, 6, 8 are consecutive
usb_handle_setup_packet (void)
_usb_got_SUDAV = 0;
// handle the standard requests...
switch (bRequestType & bmRT_TYPE_MASK){
fx2_stall_ep0 (); // we don't handle these. indicate error
// call the application code.
// If it handles the command it returns non-zero
if (!app_vendor_cmd ())
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
case bmRT_TYPE_STD:
// these are the standard requests...
if ((bRequestType & bmRT_DIR_MASK) == bmRT_DIR_IN){
// handle the IN requests
switch (bRequest){
EP0BUF[0] = _usb_config; // FIXME app should handle
EP0BCH = 0;
EP0BCL = 1;
// --------------------------------
EP0BUF[0] = _usb_alt_setting; // FIXME app should handle
EP0BCH = 0;
EP0BCL = 1;
// --------------------------------
switch (wValueH){
SUDPTRH = MSB (current_device_descr);
SUDPTRL = LSB (current_device_descr);
SUDPTRH = MSB (current_devqual_descr);
SUDPTRL = LSB (current_devqual_descr);
if (0 && wValueL != 1) // FIXME only a single configuration
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
else {
SUDPTRH = MSB (current_config_descr);
SUDPTRL = LSB (current_config_descr);
if (0 && wValueL != 1) // FIXME only a single configuration
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
else {
SUDPTRH = MSB (other_config_descr);
SUDPTRL = LSB (other_config_descr);
if (wValueL >= nstring_descriptors)
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
else {
xdata char *p = string_descriptors[wValueL];
fx2_stall_ep0 (); // invalid request
// --------------------------------
switch (bRequestType & bmRT_RECIP_MASK){
EP0BUF[0] = 0;
EP0BUF[1] = 0;
EP0BCH = 0;
EP0BCL = 2;
EP0BUF[0] = 0;
EP0BUF[1] = 0;
EP0BCH = 0;
EP0BCL = 2;
if (plausible_endpoint (wIndexL)){
EP0BUF[0] = *epcs (wIndexL) & bmEPSTALL;
EP0BUF[1] = 0;
EP0BCH = 0;
EP0BCL = 2;
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
// --------------------------------
case RQ_SYNCH_FRAME: // not implemented
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
else {
// handle the OUT requests
switch (bRequest){
_usb_config = wValueL; // FIXME app should handle
_usb_alt_setting = wValueL; // FIXME app should handle
// --------------------------------
switch (bRequestType & bmRT_RECIP_MASK){
switch (wValueL){
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
if (wValueL == FS_ENDPOINT_HALT && plausible_endpoint (wIndexL)){
*epcs (wIndexL) &= ~bmEPSTALL;
fx2_reset_data_toggle (wIndexL);
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
// --------------------------------
switch (bRequestType & bmRT_RECIP_MASK){
switch (wValueL){
// hardware handles this after we complete SETUP phase handshake
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
switch (wValueL){
if (plausible_endpoint (wIndexL))
*epcs (wIndexL) |= bmEPSTALL;
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
// --------------------------------
case RQ_SET_ADDRESS: // handled by fx2 hardware
case RQ_SET_DESCR: // not implemented
fx2_stall_ep0 ();
// ack handshake phase of device request
0,0 → 1,171
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: isr.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Interrupt handling for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _ISR_H_
#define _ISR_H_
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* routines for managing interrupt services routines
* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* The FX2 has three discrete sets of interrupt vectors.
* The first set is the standard 8051 vector (13 8-byte entries).
* The second set is USB interrupt autovector (32 4-byte entries).
* The third set is the FIFO/GPIF autovector (14 4-byte entries).
* Since all the code we're running in the FX2 is ram based, we
* forego the typical "initialize the interrupt vectors at link time"
* strategy, in favor of calls at run time that install the correct
* pointers to functions.
* Standard Vector numbers
#define SV_INT_0 0x03
#define SV_TIMER_0 0x0b
#define SV_INT_1 0x13
#define SV_TIMER_1 0x1b
#define SV_SERIAL_0 0x23
#define SV_TIMER_2 0x2b
#define SV_RESUME 0x33
#define SV_SERIAL_1 0x3b
#define SV_INT_2 0x43 // (INT_2) points at USB autovector
#define SV_I2C 0x4b
#define SV_INT_4 0x53 // (INT_4) points at FIFO/GPIF autovector
#define SV_INT_5 0x5b
#define SV_INT_6 0x63
#define SV_MIN SV_INT_0
#define SV_MAX SV_INT_6
* USB Auto Vector numbers
#define UV_SUDAV 0x00
#define UV_SOF 0x04
#define UV_SUTOK 0x08
#define UV_SUSPEND 0x0c
#define UV_USBRESET 0x10
#define UV_HIGHSPEED 0x14
#define UV_EP0ACK 0x18
#define UV_SPARE_1C 0x1c
#define UV_EP0IN 0x20
#define UV_EP0OUT 0x24
#define UV_EP1IN 0x28
#define UV_EP1OUT 0x2c
#define UV_EP2 0x30
#define UV_EP4 0x34
#define UV_EP6 0x38
#define UV_EP8 0x3c
#define UV_IBN 0x40
#define UV_SPARE_44 0x44
#define UV_EP0PINGNAK 0x48
#define UV_EP1PINGNAK 0x4c
#define UV_EP2PINGNAK 0x50
#define UV_EP4PINGNAK 0x54
#define UV_EP6PINGNAK 0x58
#define UV_EP8PINGNAK 0x5c
#define UV_ERRLIMIT 0x60
#define UV_SPARE_64 0x64
#define UV_SPARE_68 0x68
#define UV_SPARE_6C 0x6c
#define UV_EP2ISOERR 0x70
#define UV_EP4ISOERR 0x74
#define UV_EP6ISOERR 0x78
#define UV_EP8ISOERR 0x7c
* FIFO/GPIF Auto Vector numbers
#define FGV_EP2PF 0x80
#define FGV_EP4PF 0x84
#define FGV_EP6PF 0x88
#define FGV_EP8PF 0x8c
#define FGV_EP2EF 0x90
#define FGV_EP4EF 0x94
#define FGV_EP6EF 0x98
#define FGV_EP8EF 0x9c
#define FGV_EP2FF 0xa0
#define FGV_EP4FF 0xa4
#define FGV_EP6FF 0xa8
#define FGV_EP8FF 0xac
#define FGV_GPIFDONE 0xb0
#define FGV_GPIFWF 0xb4
* Hook standard interrupt vector.
* vector_number is from the SV_<foo> list above.
* addr is the address of the interrupt service routine.
void hook_sv (unsigned char vector_number, unsigned short addr);
* Hook usb interrupt vector.
* vector_number is from the UV_<foo> list above.
* addr is the address of the interrupt service routine.
void hook_uv (unsigned char vector_number, unsigned short addr);
* Hook fifo/gpif interrupt vector.
* vector_number is from the FGV_<foo> list above.
* addr is the address of the interrupt service routine.
void hook_fgv (unsigned char vector_number, unsigned short addr);
* One time call to enable autovectoring for both USB and FIFO/GPIF
void setup_autovectors (void);
* Must be called in each usb interrupt handler
#define clear_usb_irq() \
* Must be calledin each fifo/gpif interrupt handler
#define clear_fifo_gpif_irq() \
EXIF &= ~bmEXIF_IE4; \
#endif /* _ISR_H_ */
0,0 → 1,37
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: delay.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Delay routines
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _DELAY_H_
#define _DELAY_H_
* delay for approximately usecs microseconds
* Note limit of 255 usecs.
void udelay (unsigned char usecs);
* delay for approximately msecs milliseconds
void mdelay (unsigned short msecs);
#endif /* _DELAY_H_ */
0,0 → 1,51
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: usb_common.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Common USB code for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _USB_COMMON_H_
#define _USB_COMMON_H_
#define bRequestType SETUPDAT[0]
#define bRequest SETUPDAT[1]
#define wValueL SETUPDAT[2]
#define wValueH SETUPDAT[3]
#define wIndexL SETUPDAT[4]
#define wIndexH SETUPDAT[5]
#define wLengthL SETUPDAT[6]
#define wLengthH SETUPDAT[7]
#define MSB(x) (((unsigned short) x) >> 8)
#define LSB(x) (((unsigned short) x) & 0xff)
extern volatile bit _usb_got_SUDAV;
// Provided by user application to report device status.
// returns non-zero if it handled the command.
unsigned char app_get_status (void);
// Provided by user application to handle VENDOR commands.
// returns non-zero if it handled the command.
unsigned char app_vendor_cmd (void);
void usb_install_handlers (void);
void usb_handle_setup_packet (void);
#define usb_setup_packet_avail() _usb_got_SUDAV
#endif /* _USB_COMMON_H_ */
0,0 → 1,122
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: i2c.c 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* I2C read/write functions for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "i2c.h"
#include "fx2regs.h"
#include <string.h>
// issue a stop bus cycle and wait for completion
// returns non-zero if successful, else 0
unsigned char
i2c_read (unsigned char addr, xdata unsigned char *buf, unsigned char len)
volatile unsigned char junk;
if (len == 0) // reading zero bytes always works
return 1;
while (I2CS & bmSTOP) // wait for stop to clear
I2DAT = (addr << 1) | 1; // write address and direction (1's the read bit)
while ((I2CS & bmDONE) == 0)
if ((I2CS & bmBERR) || (I2CS & bmACK) == 0) // no device answered...
goto fail;
if (len == 1)
junk = I2DAT; // trigger the first read cycle
while (--len != 0){
while ((I2CS & bmDONE) == 0)
if (I2CS & bmBERR)
goto fail;
if (len == 1)
*buf++ = I2DAT; // get data, trigger another read
// wait for final byte
while ((I2CS & bmDONE) == 0)
if (I2CS & bmBERR)
goto fail;
I2CS |= bmSTOP;
*buf = I2DAT;
return 1;
I2CS |= bmSTOP;
return 0;
// returns non-zero if successful, else 0
unsigned char
i2c_write (unsigned char addr, xdata const unsigned char *buf, unsigned char len)
while (I2CS & bmSTOP) // wait for stop to clear
I2DAT = (addr << 1) | 0; // write address and direction (0's the write bit)
while ((I2CS & bmDONE) == 0)
if ((I2CS & bmBERR) || (I2CS & bmACK) == 0) // no device answered...
goto fail;
while (len > 0){
I2DAT = *buf++;
while ((I2CS & bmDONE) == 0)
if ((I2CS & bmBERR) || (I2CS & bmACK) == 0) // no device answered...
goto fail;
I2CS |= bmSTOP;
return 1;
I2CS |= bmSTOP;
return 0;
0,0 → 1,39
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: usb_descriptors.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* USB descriptor references
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
extern xdata const char high_speed_device_descr[];
extern xdata const char high_speed_devqual_descr[];
extern xdata const char high_speed_config_descr[];
extern xdata const char full_speed_device_descr[];
extern xdata const char full_speed_devqual_descr[];
extern xdata const char full_speed_config_descr[];
extern xdata unsigned char nstring_descriptors;
extern xdata char * xdata string_descriptors[];
* We patch these locations with info read from the usrp config eeprom
extern xdata char usb_desc_hw_rev_binary_patch_location_0[];
extern xdata char usb_desc_hw_rev_binary_patch_location_1[];
extern xdata char usb_desc_hw_rev_ascii_patch_location_0[];
extern xdata char usb_desc_serial_number_ascii[];
0,0 → 1,48
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: timer.c 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Timer handling for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "timer.h"
#include "fx2regs.h"
#include "isr.h"
* Arrange to have isr_tick_handler called at 100 Hz.
* The cpu clock is running at 48e6. The input to the timer
* is 48e6 / 12 = 4e6.
* We arrange to have the timer overflow every 40000 clocks == 100 Hz
#define RELOAD_VALUE ((unsigned short) -40000)
hook_timer_tick (unsigned short isr_tick_handler)
ET2 = 0; // disable timer 2 interrupts
hook_sv (SV_TIMER_2, isr_tick_handler);
RCAP2H = RELOAD_VALUE >> 8; // setup the auto reload value
T2CON = 0x04; // interrupt on overflow; reload; run
ET2 = 1; // enable timer 2 interrupts
0,0 → 1,53
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: fx2utils.c 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* FX2 specific subroutines
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "fx2utils.h"
#include "fx2regs.h"
#include "delay.h"
fx2_stall_ep0 (void)
fx2_reset_data_toggle (unsigned char ep)
TOGCTL = ((ep & 0x80) >> 3 | (ep & 0x0f));
fx2_renumerate (void)
// mdelay (1500); // FIXME why 1.5 seconds?
mdelay (250); // FIXME why 1.5 seconds?
USBIRQ = 0xff; // clear any pending USB irqs...
EPIRQ = 0xff; // they're from before the renumeration
USBCS &= ~bmDISCON; // reconnect USB
0,0 → 1,31
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: i2c.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* I2C read/write functions for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _I2C_H_
#define _I2C_H_
// returns non-zero if successful, else 0
unsigned char i2c_read (unsigned char addr, xdata unsigned char *buf, unsigned char len);
// returns non-zero if successful, else 0
unsigned char i2c_write (unsigned char addr, xdata const unsigned char *buf, unsigned char len);
#endif /* _I2C_H_ */
0,0 → 1,715
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: fx2regs.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* FX2 register definitions
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// File: FX2regs.h
// Contents: EZ-USB FX2 register declarations and bit mask definitions.
// $Archive: /USB/Target/Inc/fx2regs.h $
// $Date: 2006-09-13 14:30:04 -0700 (Wed, 13 Sep 2006) $
// $Revision: 3534 $
// Copyright (c) 2000 Cypress Semiconductor, All rights reserved
#ifndef FX2REGS_H /* Header Sentry */
#define FX2REGS_H
#define ALLOCATE_EXTERN // required for "right thing to happen" with fx2regs.h
// FX2 Related Register Assignments
// The Ez-USB FX2 registers are defined here. We use FX2regs.h for register
// address allocation by using "#define ALLOCATE_EXTERN".
// When using "#define ALLOCATE_EXTERN", you get (for instance):
// xdata volatile BYTE OUT7BUF[64] _at_ 0x7B40;
// Such lines are created from FX2.h by using the preprocessor.
// Incidently, these lines will not generate any space in the resulting hex
// file; they just bind the symbols to the addresses for compilation.
// You just need to put "#define ALLOCATE_EXTERN" in your main program file;
// i.e. fw.c or a stand-alone C source file.
// Without "#define ALLOCATE_EXTERN", you just get the external reference:
// extern xdata volatile BYTE OUT7BUF[64] ;// 0x7B40;
// This uses the concatenation operator "##" to insert a comment "//"
// to cut off the end of the line, "_at_ 0x7B40;", which is not wanted.
#define EXTERN
#define _AT_(a) at a
#define EXTERN extern
#define _AT_ ;/ ## /
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE400) volatile BYTE GPIF_WAVE_DATA[128];
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE480) volatile BYTE RES_WAVEDATA_END ;
// General Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE600) volatile BYTE CPUCS ; // Control & Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE601) volatile BYTE IFCONFIG ; // Interface Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE602) volatile BYTE PINFLAGSAB ; // FIFO FLAGA and FLAGB Assignments
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE603) volatile BYTE PINFLAGSCD ; // FIFO FLAGC and FLAGD Assignments
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE604) volatile BYTE FIFORESET ; // Restore FIFOS to default state
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE605) volatile BYTE BREAKPT ; // Breakpoint
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE606) volatile BYTE BPADDRH ; // Breakpoint Address H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE607) volatile BYTE BPADDRL ; // Breakpoint Address L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE608) volatile BYTE UART230 ; // 230 Kbaud clock for T0,T1,T2
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE609) volatile BYTE FIFOPINPOLAR ; // FIFO polarities
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE60A) volatile BYTE REVID ; // Chip Revision
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE60B) volatile BYTE REVCTL ; // Chip Revision Control
// Endpoint Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE610) volatile BYTE EP1OUTCFG ; // Endpoint 1-OUT Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE611) volatile BYTE EP1INCFG ; // Endpoint 1-IN Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE612) volatile BYTE EP2CFG ; // Endpoint 2 Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE613) volatile BYTE EP4CFG ; // Endpoint 4 Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE614) volatile BYTE EP6CFG ; // Endpoint 6 Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE615) volatile BYTE EP8CFG ; // Endpoint 8 Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE618) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOCFG ; // Endpoint 2 FIFO configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE619) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOCFG ; // Endpoint 4 FIFO configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE61A) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOCFG ; // Endpoint 6 FIFO configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE61B) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOCFG ; // Endpoint 8 FIFO configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE620) volatile BYTE EP2AUTOINLENH ; // Endpoint 2 Packet Length H (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE621) volatile BYTE EP2AUTOINLENL ; // Endpoint 2 Packet Length L (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE622) volatile BYTE EP4AUTOINLENH ; // Endpoint 4 Packet Length H (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE623) volatile BYTE EP4AUTOINLENL ; // Endpoint 4 Packet Length L (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE624) volatile BYTE EP6AUTOINLENH ; // Endpoint 6 Packet Length H (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE625) volatile BYTE EP6AUTOINLENL ; // Endpoint 6 Packet Length L (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE626) volatile BYTE EP8AUTOINLENH ; // Endpoint 8 Packet Length H (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE627) volatile BYTE EP8AUTOINLENL ; // Endpoint 8 Packet Length L (IN only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE630) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOPFH ; // EP2 Programmable Flag trigger H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE631) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOPFL ; // EP2 Programmable Flag trigger L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE632) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOPFH ; // EP4 Programmable Flag trigger H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE633) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOPFL ; // EP4 Programmable Flag trigger L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE634) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOPFH ; // EP6 Programmable Flag trigger H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE635) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOPFL ; // EP6 Programmable Flag trigger L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE636) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOPFH ; // EP8 Programmable Flag trigger H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE637) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOPFL ; // EP8 Programmable Flag trigger L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE640) volatile BYTE EP2ISOINPKTS ; // EP2 (if ISO) IN Packets per frame (1-3)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE641) volatile BYTE EP4ISOINPKTS ; // EP4 (if ISO) IN Packets per frame (1-3)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE642) volatile BYTE EP6ISOINPKTS ; // EP6 (if ISO) IN Packets per frame (1-3)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE643) volatile BYTE EP8ISOINPKTS ; // EP8 (if ISO) IN Packets per frame (1-3)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE648) volatile BYTE INPKTEND ; // Force IN Packet End
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE649) volatile BYTE OUTPKTEND ; // Force OUT Packet End
// Interrupts
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE650) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOIE ; // Endpoint 2 Flag Interrupt Enable
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE651) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOIRQ ; // Endpoint 2 Flag Interrupt Request
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE652) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOIE ; // Endpoint 4 Flag Interrupt Enable
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE653) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOIRQ ; // Endpoint 4 Flag Interrupt Request
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE654) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOIE ; // Endpoint 6 Flag Interrupt Enable
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE655) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOIRQ ; // Endpoint 6 Flag Interrupt Request
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE656) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOIE ; // Endpoint 8 Flag Interrupt Enable
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE657) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOIRQ ; // Endpoint 8 Flag Interrupt Request
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE658) volatile BYTE IBNIE ; // IN-BULK-NAK Interrupt Enable
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE659) volatile BYTE IBNIRQ ; // IN-BULK-NAK interrupt Request
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE65A) volatile BYTE NAKIE ; // Endpoint Ping NAK interrupt Enable
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE65B) volatile BYTE NAKIRQ ; // Endpoint Ping NAK interrupt Request
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE65C) volatile BYTE USBIE ; // USB Int Enables
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE65D) volatile BYTE USBIRQ ; // USB Interrupt Requests
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE65E) volatile BYTE EPIE ; // Endpoint Interrupt Enables
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE65F) volatile BYTE EPIRQ ; // Endpoint Interrupt Requests
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE660) volatile BYTE GPIFIE ; // GPIF Interrupt Enable
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE661) volatile BYTE GPIFIRQ ; // GPIF Interrupt Request
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE662) volatile BYTE USBERRIE ; // USB Error Interrupt Enables
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE663) volatile BYTE USBERRIRQ ; // USB Error Interrupt Requests
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE664) volatile BYTE ERRCNTLIM ; // USB Error counter and limit
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE665) volatile BYTE CLRERRCNT ; // Clear Error Counter EC[3..0]
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE666) volatile BYTE INT2IVEC ; // Interupt 2 (USB) Autovector
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE667) volatile BYTE INT4IVEC ; // Interupt 4 (FIFOS & GPIF) Autovector
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE668) volatile BYTE INTSETUP ; // Interrupt 2&4 Setup
// Input/Output
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE670) volatile BYTE PORTACFG ; // I/O PORTA Alternate Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE671) volatile BYTE PORTCCFG ; // I/O PORTC Alternate Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE672) volatile BYTE PORTECFG ; // I/O PORTE Alternate Configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE678) volatile BYTE I2CS ; // Control & Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE679) volatile BYTE I2DAT ; // Data
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE67A) volatile BYTE I2CTL ; // I2C Control
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE67B) volatile BYTE XAUTODAT1 ; // Autoptr1 MOVX access
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE67C) volatile BYTE XAUTODAT2 ; // Autoptr2 MOVX access
// USB Control
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE680) volatile BYTE USBCS ; // USB Control & Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE681) volatile BYTE SUSPEND ; // Put chip into suspend
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE682) volatile BYTE WAKEUPCS ; // Wakeup source and polarity
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE683) volatile BYTE TOGCTL ; // Toggle Control
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE684) volatile BYTE USBFRAMEH ; // USB Frame count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE685) volatile BYTE USBFRAMEL ; // USB Frame count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE686) volatile BYTE MICROFRAME ; // Microframe count, 0-7
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE687) volatile BYTE FNADDR ; // USB Function address
// Endpoints
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE68A) volatile BYTE EP0BCH ; // Endpoint 0 Byte Count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE68B) volatile BYTE EP0BCL ; // Endpoint 0 Byte Count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE68D) volatile BYTE EP1OUTBC ; // Endpoint 1 OUT Byte Count
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE68F) volatile BYTE EP1INBC ; // Endpoint 1 IN Byte Count
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE690) volatile BYTE EP2BCH ; // Endpoint 2 Byte Count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE691) volatile BYTE EP2BCL ; // Endpoint 2 Byte Count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE694) volatile BYTE EP4BCH ; // Endpoint 4 Byte Count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE695) volatile BYTE EP4BCL ; // Endpoint 4 Byte Count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE698) volatile BYTE EP6BCH ; // Endpoint 6 Byte Count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE699) volatile BYTE EP6BCL ; // Endpoint 6 Byte Count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE69C) volatile BYTE EP8BCH ; // Endpoint 8 Byte Count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE69D) volatile BYTE EP8BCL ; // Endpoint 8 Byte Count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A0) volatile BYTE EP0CS ; // Endpoint Control and Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A1) volatile BYTE EP1OUTCS ; // Endpoint 1 OUT Control and Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A2) volatile BYTE EP1INCS ; // Endpoint 1 IN Control and Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A3) volatile BYTE EP2CS ; // Endpoint 2 Control and Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A4) volatile BYTE EP4CS ; // Endpoint 4 Control and Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A5) volatile BYTE EP6CS ; // Endpoint 6 Control and Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A6) volatile BYTE EP8CS ; // Endpoint 8 Control and Status
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A7) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOFLGS ; // Endpoint 2 Flags
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A8) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOFLGS ; // Endpoint 4 Flags
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6A9) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOFLGS ; // Endpoint 6 Flags
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6AA) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOFLGS ; // Endpoint 8 Flags
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6AB) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOBCH ; // EP2 FIFO total byte count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6AC) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOBCL ; // EP2 FIFO total byte count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6AD) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOBCH ; // EP4 FIFO total byte count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6AE) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOBCL ; // EP4 FIFO total byte count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6AF) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOBCH ; // EP6 FIFO total byte count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6B0) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOBCL ; // EP6 FIFO total byte count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6B1) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOBCH ; // EP8 FIFO total byte count H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6B2) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOBCL ; // EP8 FIFO total byte count L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6B3) volatile BYTE SUDPTRH ; // Setup Data Pointer high address byte
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6B4) volatile BYTE SUDPTRL ; // Setup Data Pointer low address byte
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6B5) volatile BYTE SUDPTRCTL ; // Setup Data Pointer Auto Mode
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6B8) volatile BYTE SETUPDAT[8] ; // 8 bytes of SETUP data
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C0) volatile BYTE GPIFWFSELECT ; // Waveform Selector
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C1) volatile BYTE GPIFIDLECS ; // GPIF Done, GPIF IDLE drive mode
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C2) volatile BYTE GPIFIDLECTL ; // Inactive Bus, CTL states
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C3) volatile BYTE GPIFCTLCFG ; // CTL OUT pin drive
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C4) volatile BYTE GPIFADRH ; // GPIF Address H
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C5) volatile BYTE GPIFADRL ; // GPIF Address L
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6CE) volatile BYTE GPIFTCB3 ; // GPIF Transaction Count Byte 3
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6CF) volatile BYTE GPIFTCB2 ; // GPIF Transaction Count Byte 2
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6D0) volatile BYTE GPIFTCB1 ; // GPIF Transaction Count Byte 1
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6D1) volatile BYTE GPIFTCB0 ; // GPIF Transaction Count Byte 0
#define EP2GPIFTCH GPIFTCB1 // these are here for backwards compatibility
#define EP2GPIFTCL GPIFTCB0 // before REVE silicon (ie. REVB and REVD)
#define EP4GPIFTCH GPIFTCB1 // these are here for backwards compatibility
#define EP4GPIFTCL GPIFTCB0 // before REVE silicon (ie. REVB and REVD)
#define EP6GPIFTCH GPIFTCB1 // these are here for backwards compatibility
#define EP6GPIFTCL GPIFTCB0 // before REVE silicon (ie. REVB and REVD)
#define EP8GPIFTCH GPIFTCB1 // these are here for backwards compatibility
#define EP8GPIFTCL GPIFTCB0 // before REVE silicon (ie. REVB and REVD)
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP2GPIFTCH _AT_ 0xE6D0; // EP2 GPIF Transaction Count High
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP2GPIFTCL _AT_ 0xE6D1; // EP2 GPIF Transaction Count Low
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6D2) volatile BYTE EP2GPIFFLGSEL ; // EP2 GPIF Flag select
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6D3) volatile BYTE EP2GPIFPFSTOP ; // Stop GPIF EP2 transaction on prog. flag
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6D4) volatile BYTE EP2GPIFTRIG ; // EP2 FIFO Trigger
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP4GPIFTCH _AT_ 0xE6D8; // EP4 GPIF Transaction Count High
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP4GPIFTCL _AT_ 0xE6D9; // EP4 GPIF Transactionr Count Low
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6DA) volatile BYTE EP4GPIFFLGSEL ; // EP4 GPIF Flag select
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6DB) volatile BYTE EP4GPIFPFSTOP ; // Stop GPIF EP4 transaction on prog. flag
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6DC) volatile BYTE EP4GPIFTRIG ; // EP4 FIFO Trigger
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP6GPIFTCH _AT_ 0xE6E0; // EP6 GPIF Transaction Count High
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP6GPIFTCL _AT_ 0xE6E1; // EP6 GPIF Transaction Count Low
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6E2) volatile BYTE EP6GPIFFLGSEL ; // EP6 GPIF Flag select
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6E3) volatile BYTE EP6GPIFPFSTOP ; // Stop GPIF EP6 transaction on prog. flag
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6E4) volatile BYTE EP6GPIFTRIG ; // EP6 FIFO Trigger
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP8GPIFTCH _AT_ 0xE6E8; // EP8 GPIF Transaction Count High
// EXTERN xdata volatile BYTE EP8GPIFTCL _AT_ 0xE6E9; // EP8GPIF Transaction Count Low
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6EA) volatile BYTE EP8GPIFFLGSEL ; // EP8 GPIF Flag select
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6EB) volatile BYTE EP8GPIFPFSTOP ; // Stop GPIF EP8 transaction on prog. flag
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6EC) volatile BYTE EP8GPIFTRIG ; // EP8 FIFO Trigger
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F0) volatile BYTE XGPIFSGLDATH ; // GPIF Data H (16-bit mode only)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F1) volatile BYTE XGPIFSGLDATLX ; // Read/Write GPIF Data L & trigger transac
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F2) volatile BYTE XGPIFSGLDATLNOX ; // Read GPIF Data L, no transac trigger
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F3) volatile BYTE GPIFREADYCFG ; // Internal RDY,Sync/Async, RDY5CFG
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F4) volatile BYTE GPIFREADYSTAT ; // RDY pin states
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F5) volatile BYTE GPIFABORT ; // Abort GPIF cycles
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C6) volatile BYTE FLOWSTATE ; //Defines GPIF flow state
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C7) volatile BYTE FLOWLOGIC ; //Defines flow/hold decision criteria
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C8) volatile BYTE FLOWEQ0CTL ; //CTL states during active flow state
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6C9) volatile BYTE FLOWEQ1CTL ; //CTL states during hold flow state
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6CA) volatile BYTE FLOWHOLDOFF ;
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6CB) volatile BYTE FLOWSTB ; //CTL/RDY Signal to use as master data strobe
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6CC) volatile BYTE FLOWSTBEDGE ; //Defines active master strobe edge
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6CD) volatile BYTE FLOWSTBHPERIOD ; //Half Period of output master strobe
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE60C) volatile BYTE GPIFHOLDAMOUNT ; //Data delay shift
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE67D) volatile BYTE UDMACRCH ; //CRC Upper byte
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE67E) volatile BYTE UDMACRCL ; //CRC Lower byte
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE67F) volatile BYTE UDMACRCQUAL ; //UDMA In only, host terminated use only
// Debug/Test
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F8) volatile BYTE DBUG ; // Debug
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6F9) volatile BYTE TESTCFG ; // Test configuration
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6FA) volatile BYTE USBTEST ; // USB Test Modes
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6FB) volatile BYTE CT1 ; // Chirp Test--Override
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6FC) volatile BYTE CT2 ; // Chirp Test--FSM
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6FD) volatile BYTE CT3 ; // Chirp Test--Control Signals
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE6FE) volatile BYTE CT4 ; // Chirp Test--Inputs
// Endpoint Buffers
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE740) volatile BYTE EP0BUF[64] ; // EP0 IN-OUT buffer
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE780) volatile BYTE EP1OUTBUF[64] ; // EP1-OUT buffer
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xE7C0) volatile BYTE EP1INBUF[64] ; // EP1-IN buffer
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xF000) volatile BYTE EP2FIFOBUF[1024] ; // 512/1024-byte EP2 buffer (IN or OUT)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xF400) volatile BYTE EP4FIFOBUF[1024] ; // 512 byte EP4 buffer (IN or OUT)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xF800) volatile BYTE EP6FIFOBUF[1024] ; // 512/1024-byte EP6 buffer (IN or OUT)
EXTERN xdata _AT_(0xFC00) volatile BYTE EP8FIFOBUF[1024] ; // 512 byte EP8 buffer (IN or OUT)
#undef EXTERN
#undef _AT_
Special Function Registers (SFRs)
The byte registers and bits defined in the following list are based
on the Synopsis definition of the 8051 Special Function Registers for EZ-USB.
If you modify the register definitions below, please regenerate the file
"" which includes the same basic information for assembly inclusion.
sfr at 0x80 IOA;
sfr at 0x81 SP;
sfr at 0x82 DPL;
sfr at 0x83 DPH;
sfr at 0x84 DPL1;
sfr at 0x85 DPH1;
sfr at 0x86 DPS;
/* DPS */
sbit at 0x86+0 SEL;
sfr at 0x87 PCON; /* PCON */
//sbit IDLE = 0x87+0;
//sbit STOP = 0x87+1;
//sbit GF0 = 0x87+2;
//sbit GF1 = 0x87+3;
//sbit SMOD0 = 0x87+7;
sfr at 0x88 TCON;
/* TCON */
sbit at 0x88+0 IT0;
sbit at 0x88+1 IE0;
sbit at 0x88+2 IT1;
sbit at 0x88+3 IE1;
sbit at 0x88+4 TR0;
sbit at 0x88+5 TF0;
sbit at 0x88+6 TR1;
sbit at 0x88+7 TF1;
sfr at 0x89 TMOD;
/* TMOD */
//sbit M00 = 0x89+0;
//sbit M10 = 0x89+1;
//sbit CT0 = 0x89+2;
//sbit GATE0 = 0x89+3;
//sbit M01 = 0x89+4;
//sbit M11 = 0x89+5;
//sbit CT1 = 0x89+6;
//sbit GATE1 = 0x89+7;
sfr at 0x8A TL0;
sfr at 0x8B TL1;
sfr at 0x8C TH0;
sfr at 0x8D TH1;
sfr at 0x8E CKCON;
/* CKCON */
//sbit MD0 = 0x89+0;
//sbit MD1 = 0x89+1;
//sbit MD2 = 0x89+2;
//sbit T0M = 0x89+3;
//sbit T1M = 0x89+4;
//sbit T2M = 0x89+5;
// sfr at 0x8F SPC_FNC; // Was WRS in Reg320
/* CKCON */
//sbit WRS = 0x8F+0;
sfr at 0x90 IOB;
sfr at 0x91 EXIF; // EXIF Bit Values differ from Reg320
/* EXIF */
//sbit USBINT = 0x91+4;
//sbit I2CINT = 0x91+5;
//sbit IE4 = 0x91+6;
//sbit IE5 = 0x91+7;
sfr at 0x92 MPAGE;
sfr at 0x98 SCON0;
/* SCON0 */
sbit at 0x98+0 RI;
sbit at 0x98+1 TI;
sbit at 0x98+2 RB8;
sbit at 0x98+3 TB8;
sbit at 0x98+4 REN;
sbit at 0x98+5 SM2;
sbit at 0x98+6 SM1;
sbit at 0x98+7 SM0;
sfr at 0x99 SBUF0;
sfr at 0x9A APTR1H;
sfr at 0x9B APTR1L;
sfr at 0x9C AUTODAT1;
sfr at 0x9D AUTOPTRH2;
sfr at 0x9E AUTOPTRL2;
sfr at 0x9F AUTODAT2;
sfr at 0xA0 IOC;
sfr at 0xA1 INT2CLR;
sfr at 0xA2 INT4CLR;
sfr at 0xA8 IE;
/* IE */
sbit at 0xA8+0 EX0;
sbit at 0xA8+1 ET0;
sbit at 0xA8+2 EX1;
sbit at 0xA8+3 ET1;
sbit at 0xA8+4 ES0;
sbit at 0xA8+5 ET2;
sbit at 0xA8+6 ES1;
sbit at 0xA8+7 EA;
sfr at 0xAA EP2468STAT;
/* EP2468STAT */
//sbit EP2E = 0xAA+0;
//sbit EP2F = 0xAA+1;
//sbit EP4E = 0xAA+2;
//sbit EP4F = 0xAA+3;
//sbit EP6E = 0xAA+4;
//sbit EP6F = 0xAA+5;
//sbit EP8E = 0xAA+6;
//sbit EP8F = 0xAA+7;
sfr at 0xAB EP24FIFOFLGS;
sfr at 0xAC EP68FIFOFLGS;
sbit at 0xAF+0 EXTACC;
sbit at 0xAF+1 APTR1FZ;
sbit at 0xAF+2 APTR2FZ;
sfr at 0xB0 IOD;
sfr at 0xB1 IOE;
sfr at 0xB2 OEA;
sfr at 0xB3 OEB;
sfr at 0xB4 OEC;
sfr at 0xB5 OED;
sfr at 0xB6 OEE;
sfr at 0xB8 IP;
/* IP */
sbit at 0xB8+0 PX0;
sbit at 0xB8+1 PT0;
sbit at 0xB8+2 PX1;
sbit at 0xB8+3 PT1;
sbit at 0xB8+4 PS0;
sbit at 0xB8+5 PT2;
sbit at 0xB8+6 PS1;
sfr at 0xBA EP01STAT;
sfr at 0xBB GPIFTRIG;
sfr at 0xC0 SCON1;
/* SCON1 */
sbit at 0xC0+0 RI1;
sbit at 0xC0+1 TI1;
sbit at 0xC0+2 RB81;
sbit at 0xC0+3 TB81;
sbit at 0xC0+4 REN1;
sbit at 0xC0+5 SM21;
sbit at 0xC0+6 SM11;
sbit at 0xC0+7 SM01;
sfr at 0xC1 SBUF1;
sfr at 0xC8 T2CON;
/* T2CON */
sbit at 0xC8+0 CP_RL2;
sbit at 0xC8+1 C_T2;
sbit at 0xC8+2 TR2;
sbit at 0xC8+3 EXEN2;
sbit at 0xC8+4 TCLK;
sbit at 0xC8+5 RCLK;
sbit at 0xC8+6 EXF2;
sbit at 0xC8+7 TF2;
sfr at 0xCA RCAP2L;
sfr at 0xCB RCAP2H;
sfr at 0xCC TL2;
sfr at 0xCD TH2;
sfr at 0xD0 PSW;
/* PSW */
sbit at 0xD0+0 P;
sbit at 0xD0+1 FL;
sbit at 0xD0+2 OV;
sbit at 0xD0+3 RS0;
sbit at 0xD0+4 RS1;
sbit at 0xD0+5 F0;
sbit at 0xD0+6 AC;
sbit at 0xD0+7 CY;
sfr at 0xD8 EICON; // Was WDCON in DS80C320 EICON; Bit Values differ from Reg320
/* EICON */
sbit at 0xD8+3 INT6;
sbit at 0xD8+4 RESI;
sbit at 0xD8+5 ERESI;
sbit at 0xD8+7 SMOD1;
sfr at 0xE0 ACC;
sfr at 0xE8 EIE; // EIE Bit Values differ from Reg320
/* EIE */
sbit at 0xE8+0 EIUSB;
sbit at 0xE8+1 EI2C;
sbit at 0xE8+2 EIEX4;
sbit at 0xE8+3 EIEX5;
sbit at 0xE8+4 EIEX6;
sfr at 0xF0 B;
sfr at 0xF8 EIP; // EIP Bit Values differ from Reg320
/* EIP */
sbit at 0xF8+0 PUSB;
sbit at 0xF8+1 PI2C;
sbit at 0xF8+2 EIPX4;
sbit at 0xF8+3 EIPX5;
sbit at 0xF8+4 EIPX6;
Bit Masks
#define bmBIT0 1
#define bmBIT1 2
#define bmBIT2 4
#define bmBIT3 8
#define bmBIT4 16
#define bmBIT5 32
#define bmBIT6 64
#define bmBIT7 128
/* CPU Control & Status Register (CPUCS) */
#define bmPRTCSTB bmBIT5
#define bmCLKSPD (bmBIT4 | bmBIT3)
#define bmCLKSPD1 bmBIT4
#define bmCLKSPD0 bmBIT3
#define bmCLKINV bmBIT2
#define bmCLKOE bmBIT1
#define bm8051RES bmBIT0
/* Port Alternate Configuration Registers */
/* Port A (PORTACFG) */
#define bmFLAGD bmBIT7
#define bmINT1 bmBIT1
#define bmINT0 bmBIT0
/* Port C (PORTCCFG) */
#define bmGPIFA7 bmBIT7
#define bmGPIFA6 bmBIT6
#define bmGPIFA5 bmBIT5
#define bmGPIFA4 bmBIT4
#define bmGPIFA3 bmBIT3
#define bmGPIFA2 bmBIT2
#define bmGPIFA1 bmBIT1
#define bmGPIFA0 bmBIT0
/* Port E (PORTECFG) */
#define bmGPIFA8 bmBIT7
#define bmT2EX bmBIT6
#define bmINT6 bmBIT5
#define bmRXD1OUT bmBIT4
#define bmRXD0OUT bmBIT3
#define bmT2OUT bmBIT2
#define bmT1OUT bmBIT1
#define bmT0OUT bmBIT0
/* I2C Control & Status Register (I2CS) */
#define bmSTART bmBIT7
#define bmSTOP bmBIT6
#define bmLASTRD bmBIT5
#define bmID (bmBIT4 | bmBIT3)
#define bmBERR bmBIT2
#define bmACK bmBIT1
#define bmDONE bmBIT0
/* I2C Control Register (I2CTL) */
#define bmSTOPIE bmBIT1
#define bm400KHZ bmBIT0
/* Interrupt 2 (USB) Autovector Register (INT2IVEC) */
#define bmIV4 bmBIT6
#define bmIV3 bmBIT5
#define bmIV2 bmBIT4
#define bmIV1 bmBIT3
#define bmIV0 bmBIT2
/* USB Interrupt Request & Enable Registers (USBIE/USBIRQ) */
#define bmEP0ACK bmBIT6
#define bmHSGRANT bmBIT5
#define bmURES bmBIT4
#define bmSUSP bmBIT3
#define bmSUTOK bmBIT2
#define bmSOF bmBIT1
#define bmSUDAV bmBIT0
/* Breakpoint register (BREAKPT) */
#define bmBREAK bmBIT3
#define bmBPPULSE bmBIT2
#define bmBPEN bmBIT1
/* Interrupt 2 & 4 Setup (INTSETUP) */
#define bmAV2EN bmBIT3
#define bmINT4IN bmBIT1
#define bmAV4EN bmBIT0
/* USB Control & Status Register (USBCS) */
#define bmHSM bmBIT7
#define bmDISCON bmBIT3
#define bmNOSYNSOF bmBIT2
#define bmRENUM bmBIT1
#define bmSIGRESUME bmBIT0
/* Wakeup Control and Status Register (WAKEUPCS) */
#define bmWU2 bmBIT7
#define bmWU bmBIT6
#define bmWU2POL bmBIT5
#define bmWUPOL bmBIT4
#define bmDPEN bmBIT2
#define bmWU2EN bmBIT1
#define bmWUEN bmBIT0
/* End Point 0 Control & Status Register (EP0CS) */
#define bmHSNAK bmBIT7
/* End Point 0-1 Control & Status Registers (EP0CS/EP1OUTCS/EP1INCS) */
#define bmEPBUSY bmBIT1
#define bmEPSTALL bmBIT0
/* End Point 2-8 Control & Status Registers (EP2CS/EP4CS/EP6CS/EP8CS) */
#define bmNPAK (bmBIT6 | bmBIT5 | bmBIT4)
#define bmEPFULL bmBIT3
#define bmEPEMPTY bmBIT2
/* Endpoint Status (EP2468STAT) SFR bits */
#define bmEP8FULL bmBIT7
#define bmEP8EMPTY bmBIT6
#define bmEP6FULL bmBIT5
#define bmEP6EMPTY bmBIT4
#define bmEP4FULL bmBIT3
#define bmEP4EMPTY bmBIT2
#define bmEP2FULL bmBIT1
#define bmEP2EMPTY bmBIT0
/* SETUP Data Pointer Auto Mode (SUDPTRCTL) */
#define bmSDPAUTO bmBIT0
/* Endpoint Data Toggle Control (TOGCTL) */
#define bmQUERYTOGGLE bmBIT7
#define bmSETTOGGLE bmBIT6
#define bmRESETTOGGLE bmBIT5
#define bmTOGCTLEPMASK bmBIT3 | bmBIT2 | bmBIT1 | bmBIT0
/* IBN (In Bulk Nak) enable and request bits (IBNIE/IBNIRQ) */
#define bmEP8IBN bmBIT5
#define bmEP6IBN bmBIT4
#define bmEP4IBN bmBIT3
#define bmEP2IBN bmBIT2
#define bmEP1IBN bmBIT1
#define bmEP0IBN bmBIT0
/* PING-NAK enable and request bits (NAKIE/NAKIRQ) */
#define bmEP8PING bmBIT7
#define bmEP6PING bmBIT6
#define bmEP4PING bmBIT5
#define bmEP2PING bmBIT4
#define bmEP1PING bmBIT3
#define bmEP0PING bmBIT2
#define bmIBN bmBIT0
/* Interface Configuration bits (IFCONFIG) */
#define bmIFCLKSRC bmBIT7 // set == INTERNAL
#define bm3048MHZ bmBIT6 // set == 48 MHz
#define bmIFCLKOE bmBIT5
#define bmIFCLKPOL bmBIT4
#define bmASYNC bmBIT3
#define bmGSTATE bmBIT2
#define bmIFCFG1 bmBIT1
#define bmIFCFG0 bmBIT0
#define bmIFCFGMASK (bmIFCFG0 | bmIFCFG1)
#define bmIFGPIF bmIFCFG1
#define bmINFM bmBIT6
#define bmOEP bmBIT5
#define bmAUTOOUT bmBIT4
#define bmAUTOIN bmBIT3
#define bmZEROLENIN bmBIT2
// must be zero bmBIT1
#define bmWORDWIDE bmBIT0
* Chip Revision Control Bits (REVCTL) - used to ebable/disable revision specific features
#define bmNOAUTOARM bmBIT1 // these don't match the docs
#define bmSKIPCOMMIT bmBIT0 // these don't match the docs
#define bmDYN_OUT bmBIT1 // these do...
#define bmENH_PKT bmBIT0
/* Fifo Reset bits (FIFORESET) */
#define bmNAKALL bmBIT7
/* Endpoint Configuration (EPxCFG) */
#define bmVALID bmBIT7
#define bmIN bmBIT6
#define bmTYPE1 bmBIT5
#define bmTYPE0 bmBIT4
#define bmBULK bmTYPE1
#define bmINTERRUPT (bmTYPE1 | bmTYPE0)
#define bm1KBUF bmBIT3
#define bmBUF1 bmBIT1
#define bmBUF0 bmBIT0
#define bmQUADBUF 0
#define bmINVALIDBUF bmBUF0
#define bmDOUBLEBUF bmBUF1
#define bmTRIPLEBUF (bmBUF1 | bmBUF0)
#define bmSKIP bmBIT7 // low 4 bits specify which end point
/* GPIFTRIG defs */
#define bmGPIF_IDLE bmBIT7 // status bit
#define bmGPIF_EP2_START 0
#define bmGPIF_EP4_START 1
#define bmGPIF_EP6_START 2
#define bmGPIF_EP8_START 3
#define bmGPIF_READ bmBIT2
#define bmGPIF_WRITE 0
/* EXIF bits */
#define bmEXIF_USBINT bmBIT4
#define bmEXIF_I2CINT bmBIT5
#define bmEXIF_IE4 bmBIT6
#define bmEXIF_IE5 bmBIT7
#endif /* FX2REGS_H */
0,0 → 1,34
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: timer.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Timer handling for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _TIMER_H_
#define _TIMER_H_
* Arrange to have isr_tick_handler called at 100 Hz
void hook_timer_tick (unsigned short isr_tick_handler);
#define clear_timer_irq() \
TF2 = 0 /* clear overflow flag */
#endif /* _TIMER_H_ */
0,0 → 1,31
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: fx2utils.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* FX2 specific subroutines
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef _FX2UTILS_H_
#define _FX2UTILS_H_
void fx2_stall_ep0 (void);
void fx2_reset_data_toggle (unsigned char ep);
void fx2_renumerate (void);
#endif /* _FX2UTILS_H_ */
0,0 → 1,87
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: usb_requests.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* USB request definitions
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// Standard USB requests.
// These are contained in end point 0 setup packets
#ifndef _USB_REQUESTS_H_
#define _USB_REQUESTS_H_
// format of bmRequestType byte
#define bmRT_DIR_MASK (0x1 << 7)
#define bmRT_DIR_IN (1 << 7)
#define bmRT_DIR_OUT (0 << 7)
#define bmRT_TYPE_MASK (0x3 << 5)
#define bmRT_TYPE_STD (0 << 5)
#define bmRT_TYPE_CLASS (1 << 5)
#define bmRT_TYPE_VENDOR (2 << 5)
#define bmRT_TYPE_RESERVED (3 << 5)
#define bmRT_RECIP_MASK (0x1f << 0)
#define bmRT_RECIP_DEVICE (0 << 0)
#define bmRT_RECIP_INTERFACE (1 << 0)
#define bmRT_RECIP_ENDPOINT (2 << 0)
#define bmRT_RECIP_OTHER (3 << 0)
// standard request codes (bRequest)
#define RQ_GET_STATUS 0
#define RQ_RESERVED_2 2
#define RQ_SET_FEATURE 3
#define RQ_RESERVED_4 4
#define RQ_SET_ADDRESS 5
#define RQ_GET_DESCR 6
#define RQ_SET_DESCR 7
#define RQ_GET_CONFIG 8
#define RQ_SET_CONFIG 9
#define RQ_SYNCH_FRAME 12
// standard descriptor types
#define DT_DEVICE 1
#define DT_CONFIG 2
#define DT_STRING 3
#define DT_INTERFACE 4
#define DT_ENDPOINT 5
#define DT_DEVQUAL 6
#define DT_OTHER_SPEED 7
// standard feature selectors
#define FS_ENDPOINT_HALT 0 // recip: endpoint
#define FS_DEV_REMOTE_WAKEUP 1 // recip: device
#define FS_TEST_MODE 2 // recip: device
// Get Status device attributes
#define bmGSDA_SELF_POWERED 0x01
#define bmGSDA_REM_WAKEUP 0x02
#endif /* _USB_REQUESTS_H_ */
0,0 → 1,10
0,0 → 1,37
# $Id: Makefile 394 2011-07-17 17:03:19Z mueller $
# Makefile for FX2 library code
# Copyright (C) 2007 Kolja Waschk,
# This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
# it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
# that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
# copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
# COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
# St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
CFLAGS+=-mmcs51 --no-xinit-opt -I.
OBJS=delay.rel fx2utils.rel i2c.rel isr.rel timer.rel usb_common.rel
(%.rel) : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $*.rel
$(AR) -a $@ $*.rel
rm $*.rel
libfx2.lib: libfx2.lib($(OBJS))
rm -f *.lst *.asm *.lib *.sym *.rel *.lib
0,0 → 1,169
/* -*- c++ -*- */
/* $Id: isr.c 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */
* Interrupt handling for FX2
* Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2,
* Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute
* it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
* or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a
* copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file
* COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
* St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "isr.h"
#include "fx2regs.h"
#include "syncdelay.h"
extern xdata unsigned char _standard_interrupt_vector[];
extern xdata unsigned char _usb_autovector[];
extern xdata unsigned char _fifo_gpif_autovector[];
#define LJMP_OPCODE 0x02
* Hook standard interrupt vector.
* vector_number is from the SV_<foo> list.
* addr is the address of the interrupt service routine.
hook_sv (unsigned char vector_number, unsigned short addr)
bit t;
// sanity checks
if (vector_number < SV_MIN || vector_number > SV_MAX)
if ((vector_number & 0x0f) != 0x03 && (vector_number & 0x0f) != 0x0b)
t = EA;
EA = 0;
_standard_interrupt_vector[vector_number] = LJMP_OPCODE;
_standard_interrupt_vector[vector_number + 1] = addr >> 8;
_standard_interrupt_vector[vector_number + 2] = addr & 0xff;
EA = t;
* Hook usb interrupt vector.
* vector_number is from the UV_<foo> list.
* addr is the address of the interrupt service routine.
hook_uv (unsigned char vector_number, unsigned short addr)
bit t;
// sanity checks
#if UV_MIN>0
if (vector_number < UV_MIN) return;
if (vector_number > UV_MAX)
if ((vector_number & 0x3) != 0)
t = EA;
EA = 0;
_usb_autovector[vector_number] = LJMP_OPCODE;
_usb_autovector[vector_number + 1] = addr >> 8;
_usb_autovector[vector_number + 2] = addr & 0xff;
EA = t;
* Hook fifo/gpif interrupt vector.
* vector_number is from the FGV_<foo> list.
* addr is the address of the interrupt service routine.
hook_fgv (unsigned char vector_number, unsigned short addr)
bit t;
// sanity checks
if (vector_number < FGV_MIN || vector_number > FGV_MAX)
if ((vector_number & 0x3) != 0)
t = EA;
EA = 0;
_fifo_gpif_autovector[vector_number] = LJMP_OPCODE;
_fifo_gpif_autovector[vector_number + 1] = addr >> 8;
_fifo_gpif_autovector[vector_number + 2] = addr & 0xff;
EA = t;
* One time call to enable autovectoring for both USB and FIFO/GPIF.
* This disables all USB and FIFO/GPIF interrupts and clears
* any pending interrupts too. It leaves the master USB and FIFO/GPIF
* interrupts enabled.
setup_autovectors (void)
// disable master usb and fifo/gpif interrupt enables
EIUSB = 0;
EIEX4 = 0;
hook_sv (SV_INT_2, (unsigned short) _usb_autovector);
hook_sv (SV_INT_4, (unsigned short) _fifo_gpif_autovector);
// disable all fifo interrupt enables
// clear all pending fifo irqs
IBNIE = 0;
IBNIRQ = 0xff;
NAKIE = 0;
NAKIRQ = 0xff;
USBIE = 0;
USBIRQ = 0xff;
EPIE = 0;
EPIRQ = 0xff;
// clear master irq's for usb and fifo/gpif
EXIF &= ~bmEXIF_IE4;
// enable master usb and fifo/gpif interrrupts
EIUSB = 1;
EIEX4 = 1;
src/lib Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,42 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +*.asm +*.ihx +*.lnk +*.lst +*.map +*.mem +*.rel +*.rst +*.sym +libfx2.lib Index: src/hw_nexys2.c =================================================================== --- src/hw_nexys2.c (nonexistent) +++ src/hw_nexys2.c (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +/* $Id: hw_nexys2.c 447 2011-12-31 19:41:32Z mueller $ */ +/* + * Copyright 2011- by Walter F.J. Mueller + * Code was forked from on 2011-07-17 + * + * - original copyright and licence disclaimer -------------------------------- + * - Copyright (C) 2007 Kolja Waschk, + * - This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; + * - This code was copied from hw_basic.c and adapted for the Digilent Nexys(2) + * - boards by Sune Mai (Oct 2008) with minor cleanups by Hauke Daempfling + * - (May 2010). See + * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * + * This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under + * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free + * Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY + * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * for complete details. + * + * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Hardware-dependent code for usb_jtag + * + * Revision History: + * + * Date Rev Version Comment + * 2011-12-30 447 1.2.1 move JTAG pin OE intoProgIO_Set_State() + * 2011-12-29 446 1.2 clean-out all code not relevant for nexys2 + * 2011-07-23 397 1.1 move IFCONFIG and CPUCS init to usb_fifo_init + * 2011-07-17 394 1.0 Initial version (from ixo-jtag/usb_jtag Rev 204) + * + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + */ + +#include +#include "hardware.h" +#include "delay.h" + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +/* JTAG TCK, AS/PS DCLK */ + +sbit at 0xB4 TCK; /* Port D.4 */ +#define bmTCKOE bmBIT4 +#define SetTCK(x) do{TCK=(x);}while(0) + +/* JTAG TDI, AS ASDI, PS DATA0 */ + +sbit at 0xB2 TDI; /* Port D.2 */ +#define bmTDIOE bmBIT2 +#define SetTDI(x) do{TDI=(x);}while(0) + +/* JTAG TMS, AS/PS nCONFIG */ + +sbit at 0xB3 TMS; /* Port D.3 */ +#define bmTMSOE bmBIT3 +#define SetTMS(x) do{TMS=(x);}while(0) + +/* JTAG TDO, AS/PS CONF_DONE */ + +sbit at 0xB0 TDO; /* Port D.0 */ +#define bmTDOOE bmBIT0 +#define GetTDO(x) TDO + +/* USB Power-On (Nexys2 specific !!) */ + +sbit at 0xB7 USBPOW; /* Port D.7 */ +#define bmUSBPOWOE bmBIT7 +#define SetUSBPOW(x) do{USBPOW=(x);}while(0) + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define bmPROGOUTOE (bmTCKOE|bmTDIOE|bmTMSOE) +#define bmPROGINOE (bmTDOOE) + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ProgIO_Poll(void) {} +void ProgIO_Enable(void) {} +// These aren't called anywhere in usbjtag.c so far, might come... +void ProgIO_Disable(void) {} +void ProgIO_Deinit(void) {} + + +void ProgIO_Init(void) +{ + /* The following code depends on your actual circuit design. + Make required changes _before_ you try the code! */ + + // power on the onboard FPGA: + // output enable and set to 1 the Nexys2 USB-Power-enable signal + SetUSBPOW(1); + OED=bmUSBPOWOE; + // Note: JTAG signal output enables are in ProgIO_Set_State() below. + + mdelay(500); // wait for supply to come up +} + +void ProgIO_Set_State(unsigned char d) +{ + /* Set state of output pins: + * + * d.0 => TCK + * d.1 => TMS + * d.4 => TDI + */ + + // JTAG signal output enables done at first request: + // this allows to use the JTAG connector with another JTAG cable + // alternatively. + OED=(OED&~bmPROGINOE) | bmPROGOUTOE; // Output enable + + SetTCK((d & bmBIT0) ? 1 : 0); + SetTMS((d & bmBIT1) ? 1 : 0); + SetTDI((d & bmBIT4) ? 1 : 0); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// dummied AS/PS code +#define GetASDO(x) 1 + +unsigned char ProgIO_Set_Get_State(unsigned char d) +{ + /* Set state of output pins (s.a.) + * then read state of input pins: + * + * TDO => d.0 + * DATAOUT => d.1 (only #ifdef HAVE_AS_MODE) + */ + + ProgIO_Set_State(d); + return (GetASDO()<<1)|GetTDO(); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ProgIO_ShiftOut(unsigned char c) +{ + /* Shift out byte C: + * + * 8x { + * Output least significant bit on TDI + * Raise TCK + * Shift c right + * Lower TCK + * } + */ + + (void)c; /* argument passed in DPL */ + + _asm + MOV A,DPL + ;; Bit0 + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit1 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit2 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit3 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit4 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit5 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit6 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit7 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + NOP + CLR _TCK + ret + _endasm; +} + +/* +;; For ShiftInOut, the timing is a little more +;; critical because we have to read _TDO/shift/set _TDI +;; when _TCK is low. But 20% duty cycle at 48/4/5 MHz +;; is just like 50% at 6 Mhz, and that's still acceptable +*/ + +unsigned char ProgIO_ShiftInOut(unsigned char c) +{ + /* Shift out byte C, shift in from TDO: + * + * 8x { + * Read carry from TDO + * Output least significant bit on TDI + * Raise TCK + * Shift c right, append carry (TDO) at left + * Lower TCK + * } + * Return c. + */ + + (void)c; /* argument passed in DPL */ + + _asm + MOV A,DPL + + ;; Bit0 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit1 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit2 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit3 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit4 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit5 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit6 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit7 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + NOP + CLR _TCK + + MOV DPL,A + ret + _endasm; + + /* return value in DPL */ + + return c; +} + Index: src/startup.a51 =================================================================== --- src/startup.a51 (nonexistent) +++ src/startup.a51 (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +;;; -*- asm -*- +;;; $Id: startup.a51 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ +;;; +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; Startup code +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2, +;;; Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute +;;; it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, +;;; or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope +;;; that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied +;;; warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;;; GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a +;;; copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file +;;; COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin +;;; St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +;;; The default external memory initialization provided by sdcc is not +;;; appropriate to the FX2. This is derived from the sdcc code, but uses +;;; the FX2 specific _MPAGE sfr. + + + ;; .area XISEG (XDATA) ; the initialized external data area + ;; .area XINIT (CODE) ; the code space consts to init XISEG + .area XSEG (XDATA) ; zero initialized xdata + .area USBDESCSEG (XDATA) ; usb descriptors + + + .area CSEG (CODE) + + ;; sfr that sets upper address byte of MOVX using @r0 or @r1 + _MPAGE = 0x0092 + +__sdcc_external_startup:: + ;; This system is now compiled with the --no-xinit-opt + ;; which means that any initialized XDATA is handled + ;; inline by code in the GSINIT segs emitted for each file. + ;; + ;; We zero XSEG and all of the internal ram to ensure + ;; a known good state for uninitialized variables. + +; _mcs51_genRAMCLEAR() start + mov r0,#l_XSEG + mov a,r0 + orl a,#(l_XSEG >> 8) + jz 00002$ + mov r1,#((l_XSEG + 255) >> 8) + mov dptr,#s_XSEG + clr a + +00001$: movx @dptr,a + inc dptr + djnz r0,00001$ + djnz r1,00001$ + + ;; We're about to clear internal memory. This will overwrite + ;; the stack which contains our return address. + ;; Pop our return address into DPH, DPL +00002$: pop dph + pop dpl + + ;; R0 and A contain 0. This loop will execute 256 times. + ;; + ;; FWIW the first iteration writes direct address 0x00, + ;; which is the location of r0. We get lucky, we're + ;; writing the correct value (0) + +00003$: mov @r0,a + djnz r0,00003$ + + push dpl ; restore our return address + push dph + + mov dpl,#0 ; indicate that data init is still required + ret Index: src/eeprom.c =================================================================== --- src/eeprom.c (nonexistent) +++ src/eeprom.c (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +/* $Id: eeprom.c 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */ +/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * FTDI EEPROM emulation + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (C) 2007 Kolja Waschk, + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute + * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope + * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied + * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a + * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file + * COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin + * St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + */ + +#include "eeprom.h" +#include "usb_descriptors.h" + +xdata unsigned char eeprom[128]; + +extern xdata char dscr_vidpidver[6]; +extern xdata char dscr_attrpow[2]; +extern xdata char dscr_usbver[2]; +extern xdata char dscr_strorder[4]; +extern xdata char str1[]; +extern xdata char str2[]; +extern xdata char str3[]; + +static unsigned char ee_ptr; +static unsigned short ee_cksum; + +void eeprom_append(unsigned char nb) +{ + unsigned char pree_ptr = ee_ptr & ~1; + if(pree_ptr != ee_ptr) + { + ee_cksum = ee_cksum ^((unsigned short)nb << 8); + ee_cksum = ee_cksum ^ eeprom[pree_ptr]; + ee_cksum = (ee_cksum << 1) | (ee_cksum >> 15); + }; + eeprom[ee_ptr++] = nb; +} + +void eeprom_init(void) +{ + char j,sofs; + ee_ptr = 0; + ee_cksum = 0xAAAA; + + eeprom_append(0x00); + eeprom_append(0x00); + for(j=0;j<6;j++) eeprom_append(dscr_vidpidver[j]); + for(j=0;j<2;j++) eeprom_append(dscr_attrpow[j]); + eeprom_append(0x1C); + eeprom_append(0x00); + for(j=0;j<2;j++) eeprom_append(dscr_usbver[j]); + sofs = 0x80 + ee_ptr + 6; + eeprom_append(sofs); + eeprom_append(str1[0]); + sofs += str1[0]; + eeprom_append(sofs); + eeprom_append(str2[0]); + sofs += str2[0]; + eeprom_append(sofs); + eeprom_append(str3[0]); + for(j=0;j>8)&0xFF; +} + Index: src/hw_nexys3.c =================================================================== --- src/hw_nexys3.c (nonexistent) +++ src/hw_nexys3.c (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +/* $Id: hw_nexys3.c 447 2011-12-31 19:41:32Z mueller $ */ +/* + * Copyright 2011- by Walter F.J. Mueller + * Code was forked from on 2011-07-17 + * + * - original copyright and licence disclaimer -------------------------------- + * - Copyright (C) 2007 Kolja Waschk, + * - This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; + * - This code was copied from hw_basic.c and adapted for the Digilent Nexys(2) + * - boards by Sune Mai (Oct 2008) with minor cleanups by Hauke Daempfling + * - (May 2010). See + * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * + * This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under + * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free + * Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY + * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * for complete details. + * + * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Hardware-dependent code for usb_jtag + * + * Revision History: + * + * Date Rev Version Comment + * 2011-12-30 447 1.0.1 move JTAG pin OE intoProgIO_Set_State() + * 2011-12-29 446 1.0 Initial version (adapt&cleanup from hw_nexys2.c) + * + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + */ + +#include +#include "hardware.h" +#include "delay.h" + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +/* JTAG TCK, AS/PS DCLK */ + +sbit at 0xB4 TCK; /* Port D.4 */ +#define bmTCKOE bmBIT4 +#define SetTCK(x) do{TCK=(x);}while(0) + +/* JTAG TDI, AS ASDI, PS DATA0 */ + +sbit at 0xB2 TDI; /* Port D.2 */ +#define bmTDIOE bmBIT2 +#define SetTDI(x) do{TDI=(x);}while(0) + +/* JTAG TMS, AS/PS nCONFIG */ + +sbit at 0xB3 TMS; /* Port D.3 */ +#define bmTMSOE bmBIT3 +#define SetTMS(x) do{TMS=(x);}while(0) + +/* JTAG TDO, AS/PS CONF_DONE */ + +sbit at 0xB0 TDO; /* Port D.0 */ +#define bmTDOOE bmBIT0 +#define GetTDO(x) TDO + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#define bmPROGOUTOE (bmTCKOE|bmTDIOE|bmTMSOE) +#define bmPROGINOE (bmTDOOE) + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ProgIO_Poll(void) {} +void ProgIO_Enable(void) {} +// These aren't called anywhere in usbjtag.c so far, might come... +void ProgIO_Disable(void) {} +void ProgIO_Deinit(void) {} + + +void ProgIO_Init(void) +{ + /* The following code depends on your actual circuit design. + Make required changes _before_ you try the code! */ + + // Note: JTAG signal output enables are in ProgIO_Set_State() below. + + mdelay(500); // wait for supply to come up + +} + +void ProgIO_Set_State(unsigned char d) +{ + /* Set state of output pins: + * + * d.0 => TCK + * d.1 => TMS + * d.4 => TDI + */ + + // JTAG signal output enables done at first request: + // this allows to use the JTAG connector with another JTAG cable + // alternatively. + OED=(OED&~bmPROGINOE) | bmPROGOUTOE; // Output enable + + SetTCK((d & bmBIT0) ? 1 : 0); + SetTMS((d & bmBIT1) ? 1 : 0); + SetTDI((d & bmBIT4) ? 1 : 0); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +// dummied AS/PS code +#define GetASDO(x) 1 + +unsigned char ProgIO_Set_Get_State(unsigned char d) +{ + /* Set state of output pins (s.a.) + * then read state of input pins: + * + * TDO => d.0 + * DATAOUT => d.1 (only #ifdef HAVE_AS_MODE) + */ + + ProgIO_Set_State(d); + return (GetASDO()<<1)|GetTDO(); +} + +//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +void ProgIO_ShiftOut(unsigned char c) +{ + /* Shift out byte C: + * + * 8x { + * Output least significant bit on TDI + * Raise TCK + * Shift c right + * Lower TCK + * } + */ + + (void)c; /* argument passed in DPL */ + + _asm + MOV A,DPL + ;; Bit0 + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit1 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit2 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit3 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit4 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit5 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit6 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + ;; Bit7 + RRC A + CLR _TCK + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + NOP + CLR _TCK + ret + _endasm; +} + +/* +;; For ShiftInOut, the timing is a little more +;; critical because we have to read _TDO/shift/set _TDI +;; when _TCK is low. But 20% duty cycle at 48/4/5 MHz +;; is just like 50% at 6 Mhz, and that's still acceptable +*/ + +unsigned char ProgIO_ShiftInOut(unsigned char c) +{ + /* Shift out byte C, shift in from TDO: + * + * 8x { + * Read carry from TDO + * Output least significant bit on TDI + * Raise TCK + * Shift c right, append carry (TDO) at left + * Lower TCK + * } + * Return c. + */ + + (void)c; /* argument passed in DPL */ + + _asm + MOV A,DPL + + ;; Bit0 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit1 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit2 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit3 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit4 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit5 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit6 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + CLR _TCK + ;; Bit7 + MOV C,_TDO + RRC A + MOV _TDI,C + SETB _TCK + NOP + CLR _TCK + + MOV DPL,A + ret + _endasm; + + /* return value in DPL */ + + return c; +} + + Index: src/dscr_gen.A51 =================================================================== --- src/dscr_gen.A51 (nonexistent) +++ src/dscr_gen.A51 (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,455 @@ +;;; -*- asm -*- +;;; $Id: dscr_gen.A51 457 2012-02-12 22:34:20Z mueller $ +;;; +;;; Copyright 2011-2012 by Walter F.J. Mueller +;;; Code was forked from on 2011-07-17 +;;; +;;;- original copyright and licence disclaimer --------------------------------- +;;;- Copyright 2005..2007 Kolja Waschk, +;;;- Code based on USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2, +;;;- Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +;;;- This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; +;;;- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; +;;; This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +;;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +;;; Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +;;; +;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +;;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +;;; for complete details. +;;; +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; USB Descriptor, common source for jtag + 0, 2, or 3 hardware fifo interface +;;; +;;; Use C preprocessor to create an assembler source for the configurations: +;;; +;;; Endpoint Usage Comment +;;; EP1 IN jtag always defined +;;; EP2 OUT jtag always defined +;;; EP4 OUT data defined if USE_2FIFO or USE_3FIFO +;;; EP6 IN data defined if USE_2FIFO or USE_3FIFO +;;; EP8 IN data defined if USE_3FIFO +;;; +;;; Available preprocessor options +;;; +;;; USE_VID USB Vendor ID +;;; USE_PID USB Product ID +;;; +;;; USE_2FIFO if given EP4 OUT and EP6 IN created +;;; USE_3FIFO if given EP4 OUT, EP6 IN and EP8 IN created +;;; USE_DID=0xhhhh for product version (default 0x0004) +;;; USE_MAXPOWER=nnn for USB max current (in units of 2 mA; default 250) +;;; +;;; USE_NEXYS2 prefix 'nexys2_' in iProduct string +;;; USE_NEXYS3 prefix 'nexys3_' in iProduct string +;;; USE_AS suffix '_as' in iProduct string +;;; USE_IC suffix '_ic' in iProduct string +;;; +;;; Usage +;;; cpp -P -x assembler-with-cpp dscr_gen.A51 > ... +;;; cpp -P -x assembler-with-cpp dscr_gen.A51 -DUSE_2FIFO > ... +;;; cpp -P -x assembler-with-cpp dscr_gen.A51 -DUSE_3FIFO > ... +;;; +;;; +;;; Revision History: +;;; +;;; Date Rev Version Comment +;;; 2012-02-11 457 2.1 iVendor string now reflects firmware file name; +;;; iSerial string now 00000000; +;;; VID/PID now via USE_VID/USE_PID defines +;;; 2011-07-24 398 2.0 Convert all *.a51 to one common source +;;; 2011-07-17 395 1.1 Use USB 2.0; New string values; use 512 byte for +;;; all high speed endpoints +;;; 2011-07-17 395 1.0 Initial version (derived from dscr_jtag.a51) +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#ifndef USE_DID +#define USE_DID 0x0004 +#endif + +#ifndef USE_MAXPOWER +#define USE_MAXPOWER 250 +#endif + +#ifdef USE_3FIFO +#define NUM_EPS 5 +#elif USE_2FIFO +#define NUM_EPS 4 +#else +#define NUM_EPS 2 +#endif + + .module usb_descriptors + + VID = USE_VID ; Vendor ID + PID = USE_PID ; Product ID + VERSION = USE_DID ; Version + + USB_VER = 0x0200 ; Support USB version 2.00 + USB_ATTR = 0x80 ; Bus powered, no remote wakeup + FTD_ATTR = 0x001C ; Set USB version, use version string, enable suspend PD + MAX_POWER = USE_MAXPOWER + + DSCR_DEVICE = 1 ; Descriptor type: Device + DSCR_CONFIG = 2 ; Descriptor type: Configuration + DSCR_STRING = 3 ; Descriptor type: String + DSCR_INTRFC = 4 ; Descriptor type: Interface + DSCR_ENDPNT = 5 ; Descriptor type: Endpoint + DSCR_DEVQUAL = 6 ; Descriptor type: Device Qualifier + + DSCR_DEVICE_LEN = 18 + DSCR_CONFIG_LEN = 9 + DSCR_INTRFC_LEN = 9 + DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN = 7 + DSCR_DEVQUAL_LEN = 10 + + ET_CONTROL = 0 ; Endpoint type: Control + ET_ISO = 1 ; Endpoint type: Isochronous + ET_BULK = 2 ; Endpoint type: Bulk + ET_INT = 3 ; Endpoint type: Interrupt + +;;; -------------------------------------------------------- +;;; external ram data +;;;-------------------------------------------------------- + + .area USBDESCSEG (XDATA) + + .even ; descriptors must be 2-byte aligned for SUDPTR{H,L} to work + + ;; The .even directive isn't really honored by the linker. Bummer! + ;; (There's no way to specify an alignment requirement for a given area, + ;; hence when they're concatenated together, even doesn't work.) + ;; + ;; We work around this by telling the linker to put USBDESCSEG + ;; at absolute address 0xE100 (see LDFLAGS in Makefile). + +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; descriptors used when operating at high speed (480Mbps) +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +_high_speed_device_descr:: + .db DSCR_DEVICE_LEN + .db DSCR_DEVICE +_dscr_usbver:: + .db USB_VER ; Specification version (MSB) + .db 0x00 ; device class (vendor specific) + .db 0x00 ; device subclass (vendor specific) + .db 0x00 ; device protocol (vendor specific) + .db 64 ; bMaxPacketSize0 for endpoint 0 +_dscr_vidpidver:: + .db VID ; idVendor + .db PID ; idProduct + .db VERSION ; bcdDevice +_dscr_strorder:: + .db SI_VENDOR ; iManufacturer (string index) + .db SI_PRODUCT ; iProduct (string index) + .db SI_SERIAL ; iSerial number (string index) + .db 1 ; bNumConfigurations + + .even +_high_speed_devqual_descr:: + .db DSCR_DEVQUAL_LEN + .db DSCR_DEVQUAL + .db USB_VER ; bcdUSB (MSB) + .db 0xFF ; bDeviceClass + .db 0xFF ; bDeviceSubClass + .db 0xFF ; bDeviceProtocol + .db 64 ; bMaxPacketSize0 + .db 1 ; bNumConfigurations (one config at 12Mbps) + .db 0 ; bReserved + + .even +_high_speed_config_descr:: + .db DSCR_CONFIG_LEN + .db DSCR_CONFIG + .db <(_high_speed_config_descr_end - _high_speed_config_descr) + .db >(_high_speed_config_descr_end - _high_speed_config_descr) + .db 1 ; bNumInterfaces + .db 1 ; bConfigurationValue + .db 0 ; iConfiguration +_dscr_attrpow:: + .db USB_ATTR ; bmAttributes + .db MAX_POWER ; bMaxPower [Unit: 2 mA] + + ;; interface descriptor + + .db DSCR_INTRFC_LEN + .db DSCR_INTRFC + .db 0 ; bInterfaceNumber (zero based) + .db 0 ; bAlternateSetting + .db NUM_EPS ; bNumEndpoints + .db 0xFF ; bInterfaceClass (vendor specific) + .db 0xFF ; bInterfaceSubClass (vendor specific) + .db 0xFF ; bInterfaceProtocol (vendor specific) + .db SI_PRODUCT ; iInterface (description) + + ;; endpoint descriptor (jtag response) + + .db DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN + .db DSCR_ENDPNT + .db 0x81 ; bEndpointAddress (EP 1 IN) + .db ET_BULK ; bmAttributes + .db <512 ; wMaxPacketSize (LSB) !! use only 64 byte + .db >512 ; wMaxPacketSize (MSB) !! use only 64 byte + .db 0 ; bInterval (iso only) + + ;; endpoint descriptor (jtag request) + + .db DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN + .db DSCR_ENDPNT + .db 0x02 ; bEndpointAddress (EP 2 OUT) + .db ET_BULK ; bmAttributes + .db <512 ; wMaxPacketSize (LSB) !! use only 64 byte + .db >512 ; wMaxPacketSize (MSB) !! use only 64 byte + .db 0 ; bInterval (iso only) + +#if defined(USE_2FIFO) || defined(USE_3FIFO) + + ;; endpoint descriptor (RXFIFO HOST->FPGA) + + .db DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN + .db DSCR_ENDPNT + .db 0x04 ; bEndpointAddress (EP 4 OUT) + .db ET_BULK ; bmAttributes + .db <512 ; wMaxPacketSize (LSB) + .db >512 ; wMaxPacketSize (MSB) + .db 0 ; bInterval (iso only) + + ;; endpoint descriptor (TXFIFO FPGA->HOST) + + .db DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN + .db DSCR_ENDPNT + .db 0x86 ; bEndpointAddress (EP 6 IN) + .db ET_BULK ; bmAttributes + .db <512 ; wMaxPacketSize (LSB) + .db >512 ; wMaxPacketSize (MSB) + .db 0 ; bInterval (iso only) + +#endif + +#if defined(USE_3FIFO) + + ;; endpoint descriptor (extra FIFO FPGA->HOST) + + .db DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN + .db DSCR_ENDPNT + .db 0x88 ; bEndpointAddress (EP 8 IN) + .db ET_BULK ; bmAttributes + .db <512 ; wMaxPacketSize (LSB) + .db >512 ; wMaxPacketSize (MSB) + .db 0 ; bInterval (iso only) + +#endif + +_high_speed_config_descr_end: + +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; descriptors used when operating at full speed (12Mbps) +;;; no data fifo endpoints defined, if we are in full speed mode this will be no +;;; fun anyway. Shouldn't happen anyway, unless stone age USB hubs interfere... +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- + + .even +_full_speed_device_descr:: + .db DSCR_DEVICE_LEN + .db DSCR_DEVICE + .db USB_VER ; Specification version (MSB) + .db 0x00 ; device class (vendor specific) + .db 0x00 ; device subclass (vendor specific) + .db 0x00 ; device protocol (vendor specific) + .db 64 ; bMaxPacketSize0 for endpoint 0 + .db VID ; idVendor + .db PID ; idProduct + .db VERSION ; bcdDevice + .db SI_VENDOR ; iManufacturer (string index) + .db SI_PRODUCT ; iProduct (string index) + .db SI_SERIAL ; iSerial number (string index) + .db 1 ; bNumConfigurations + +;;; describes the other speed (480Mbps) + .even +_full_speed_devqual_descr:: + .db DSCR_DEVQUAL_LEN + .db DSCR_DEVQUAL + .db USB_VER ; bcdUSB + .db 0xFF ; bDeviceClass + .db 0xFF ; bDeviceSubClass + .db 0xFF ; bDeviceProtocol + .db 64 ; bMaxPacketSize0 + .db 1 ; bNumConfigurations (one config at 480Mbps) + .db 0 ; bReserved + + .even +_full_speed_config_descr:: + .db DSCR_CONFIG_LEN + .db DSCR_CONFIG + .db <(_full_speed_config_descr_end - _full_speed_config_descr) + .db >(_full_speed_config_descr_end - _full_speed_config_descr) + .db 1 ; bNumInterfaces + .db 1 ; bConfigurationValue + .db 0 ; iConfiguration + .db USB_ATTR ; bmAttributes + .db MAX_POWER ; bMaxPower [Unit: 2 mA] + + ;; interface descriptor + + .db DSCR_INTRFC_LEN + .db DSCR_INTRFC + .db 0 ; bInterfaceNumber (zero based) + .db 0 ; bAlternateSetting + .db 2 ; bNumEndpoints + .db 0xFF ; bInterfaceClass (vendor specific) + .db 0xFF ; bInterfaceSubClass (vendor specific) + .db 0xFF ; bInterfaceProtocol (vendor specific) + .db SI_PRODUCT ; iInterface (description) + + ;; endpoint descriptor + + .db DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN + .db DSCR_ENDPNT + .db 0x81 ; bEndpointAddress (EP 1 IN) + .db ET_BULK ; bmAttributes + .db <64 ; wMaxPacketSize (LSB) + .db >64 ; wMaxPacketSize (MSB) + .db 0 ; bInterval (iso only) + + ;; endpoint descriptor + + .db DSCR_ENDPNT_LEN + .db DSCR_ENDPNT + .db 0x02 ; bEndpointAddress (EP 2 OUT) + .db ET_BULK ; bmAttributes + .db <64 ; wMaxPacketSize (LSB) + .db >64 ; wMaxPacketSize (MSB) + .db 0 ; bInterval (iso only) + +_full_speed_config_descr_end: + +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; string descriptors +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +_nstring_descriptors:: + .db (_string_descriptors_end - _string_descriptors) / 2 + +_string_descriptors:: + .db str0 + .db str1 + .db str2 + .db str3 +_string_descriptors_end: + + SI_NONE = 0 + ;; str0 contains the language ID's. + .even +_str0:: +str0: .db str0_end - str0 + .db DSCR_STRING + .db 0 + .db 0 + .db <0x0409 ; magic code for US English (LSB) + .db >0x0409 ; magic code for US English (MSB) +str0_end: + + SI_VENDOR = 1 + .even +_str1:: +str1: .db str1_end - str1 + .db DSCR_STRING + .db 'w, 0 ; 16-bit unicode + .db 'w, 0 + .db 'w, 0 + .db '., 0 + .db 'r, 0 + .db 'e, 0 + .db 't, 0 + .db 'r, 0 + .db 'o, 0 + .db '1, 0 + .db '1, 0 + .db '., 0 + .db 'd, 0 + .db 'e, 0 +str1_end: + + SI_PRODUCT = 2 + .even +_str2:: +str2: .db str2_end - str2 + .db DSCR_STRING +#if defined(USE_NEXYS2) + .db 'n, 0 + .db 'e, 0 + .db 'x, 0 + .db 'y, 0 + .db 's, 0 + .db '2, 0 + .db '_, 0 +#endif +#if defined(USE_NEXYS3) + .db 'n, 0 + .db 'e, 0 + .db 'x, 0 + .db 'y, 0 + .db 's, 0 + .db '3, 0 + .db '_, 0 +#endif + .db 'j, 0 + .db 't, 0 + .db 'a, 0 + .db 'g, 0 +#if defined(USE_2FIFO) + .db '_, 0 + .db '2, 0 + .db 'f, 0 + .db 'i, 0 + .db 'f, 0 + .db 'o, 0 +#endif +#if defined(USE_3FIFO) + .db '_, 0 + .db '3, 0 + .db 'f, 0 + .db 'i, 0 + .db 'f, 0 + .db 'o, 0 +#endif +#if defined(USE_AS) + .db '_, 0 + .db 'a, 0 + .db 's, 0 +#endif +#if defined(USE_IC) + .db '_, 0 + .db 'i, 0 + .db 'c, 0 +#endif +str2_end: + + SI_SERIAL = 3 + .even +_str3:: +str3: .db str3_end - str3 + .db DSCR_STRING + .db '0, 0 + .db '0, 0 + .db '0, 0 + .db '0, 0 + .db '0, 0 + .db '0, 0 + .db '0, 0 + .db '0, 0 +str3_end: Index: src/vectors.a51 =================================================================== --- src/vectors.a51 (nonexistent) +++ src/vectors.a51 (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +;;; -*- asm -*- +;;; $Id: vectors.a51 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ +;;; +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; Interrupt vectors +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; Code taken from USRP2 firmware (GNU Radio Project), version 3.0.2, +;;; Copyright 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute +;;; it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as +;;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, +;;; or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope +;;; that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied +;;; warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +;;; GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a +;;; copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file +;;; COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin +;;; St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA +;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +;;; N.B. This object module must come first in the list of modules + + .module vectors + +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; standard FX2 interrupt vectors +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- + + .area CSEG (CODE) + .area GSINIT (CODE) + .area CSEG (CODE) +__standard_interrupt_vector:: +__reset_vector:: + ljmp s_GSINIT + + ;; 13 8-byte entries. We point them all at __isr_nop + ljmp __isr_nop ; 3 bytes + .ds 5 ; + 5 = 8 bytes for vector slot + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + ljmp __isr_nop + .ds 5 + +__isr_nop:: + reti + +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; the FIFO/GPIF autovector. 14 4-byte entries. +;;; must start on a 128 byte boundary. +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- + + . = __reset_vector + 0x0080 + +__fifo_gpif_autovector:: + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + + +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- +;;; the USB autovector. 32 4-byte entries. +;;; must start on a 256 byte boundary. +;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- + + . = __reset_vector + 0x0100 + +__usb_autovector:: + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop + ljmp __isr_nop + nop Index: src/README.txt =================================================================== --- src/README.txt (nonexistent) +++ src/README.txt (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# $Id: README.txt 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ +# + +The FX2 software is based on the Sourceforge project ixo-jtag + + + +The usb_jtag sub project was checked out on 2011-07-17 (Rev 204) +from Sourceforge and take as the basis for the further developement. +The original README.txt is preserved under README_iso_jtag.txt. +Only the hw_nexys.c branch is kept on the import. + +Change log: + +2011-07-17 (Rev 395) + - Makefile: reorganized to support multiple target/fifo configs + - renames: + dscr.a51->dscr_jtag.a51 + hw_nexys.c->hw_nexys2.c + usbjtag.c->main.c + - dscr_jtag.a51 + - Use USB 2.0; New string values + - use 512 byte for all high speed endpoints + - dscr_jtag_2fifo.a51 + - dscr with EP4 as HOST->FPGA and EP6 as FPGA->HOST hardware fifo Index: src/Makefile =================================================================== --- src/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ src/Makefile (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +# $Id: Makefile 461 2012-04-09 21:17:54Z mueller $ +# +# Copyright 2011-2012 by Walter F.J. Mueller +# Code was forked from on 2011-07-17 +# +# - original copyright and licence disclaimer -------------------------------- +# - Copyright 2007 Kolja Waschk, +# - This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# +# This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +# Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +# for complete details. +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# +# Makefile for FX2 Firmware on Digilent Nexys2, Nexys3, and Atlys boards +# +# Revision History: +# Date Rev Version Comment +# 2012-04-09 461 1.5.1 fixed nexys3_jtag_3fifo_ic.ihx rule,used _2fifo code +# 2012-02-11 457 1.5 re-organize VID/PID and descriptor handling +# 2012-01-02 448 1.4 add support for sync fifo w/ int. clock (_ic) +# 2011-12-29 446 1.3 add nexys3 support +# 2011-07-23 397 1.2 add usb_fifo_init.c +# 2011-07-17 395 1.1 reorganized to support multiple target/fifo configs +# 2011-07-17 394 1.0 Initial version (from ixo-jtag/usb_jtag Rev 204) +#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# +# handle USB VID/PID +# - normaly given via the environment variables (as 4 digit hex number) +# RETRO_FX2_VID +# RETRO_FX2_PID +# +# - in the retro11 project the default is: +# VID: 16c0 (VOTI) +# PID: 03ef (VOTI free for internal lab use 1007) +# +# !! Important Note on Usage of this USB VID/PID !! +# This VID/PID is owned by VOTI, a small dutch company. Usage is granted +# for 'internal lab use only' by VOTI under the conditions: +# - the gadgets in which you use those PIDs do not leave your desk +# - you won't complain to VOTI if you get in trouble with duplicate PIDs +# (for instance because someone else did not follow the previous rule). +# See also +# +ifndef RETRO_FX2_VID +RETRO_FX2_VID = 16c0 +endif +ifndef RETRO_FX2_PID +RETRO_FX2_PID = 03ef +endif +# +DEFVIDPID=-DUSE_VID=0x${RETRO_FX2_VID} -DUSE_PID=0x${RETRO_FX2_PID} +# +# compiler and assembler flags +# +LIBDIR=lib +LIB=libfx2.lib + +CC=sdcc +CFLAGS+=-mmcs51 --no-xinit-opt -I${LIBDIR} + +AS=asx8051 +ASFLAGS+=-plosgff + +LDFLAGS=--code-loc 0x0000 --code-size 0x1800 +LDFLAGS+=--xram-loc 0x1800 --xram-size 0x0800 +LDFLAGS+=-Wl '-b USBDESCSEG = 0xE100' +LDFLAGS+=-L ${LIBDIR} +# +# compile rules +# +%.rel : %.a51 + $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $< + +%.rel : %.c + $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $@ +# +# link rule +# +%.ihx : + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $+ +# +# primary target rules +# +ALLIHX =nexys2_jtag.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys2_jtag_2fifo_as.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys2_jtag_3fifo_as.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys2_jtag_2fifo_ic.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys2_jtag_3fifo_ic.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys3_jtag.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys3_jtag_2fifo_as.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys3_jtag_3fifo_as.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys3_jtag_2fifo_ic.ihx +ALLIHX +=nexys3_jtag_3fifo_ic.ihx + +.PHONY: all install + +all: $(ALLIHX) + +install: $(ALLIHX) + cp -p $(ALLIHX) ../bin +# +# rules to create USB descriptor sources +# +CPPA51=cpp -P -x assembler-with-cpp + +dscr_nexys2_jtag.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS2 $< > $@ +dscr_nexys2_jtag_2fifo_as.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS2 -DUSE_2FIFO -DUSE_AS $< > $@ +dscr_nexys2_jtag_3fifo_as.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS2 -DUSE_3FIFO -DUSE_AS $< > $@ +dscr_nexys2_jtag_2fifo_ic.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS2 -DUSE_2FIFO -DUSE_IC $< > $@ +dscr_nexys2_jtag_3fifo_ic.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS2 -DUSE_3FIFO -DUSE_IC $< > $@ + +dscr_nexys3_jtag.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS3 $< > $@ +dscr_nexys3_jtag_2fifo_as.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS3 -DUSE_2FIFO -DUSE_AS $< > $@ +dscr_nexys3_jtag_3fifo_as.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS3 -DUSE_3FIFO -DUSE_AS $< > $@ +dscr_nexys3_jtag_2fifo_ic.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS3 -DUSE_2FIFO -DUSE_IC $< > $@ +dscr_nexys3_jtag_3fifo_ic.a51 : dscr_gen.A51 + $(CPPA51) $(DEFVIDPID) -DUSE_NEXYS3 -DUSE_3FIFO -DUSE_IC $< > $@ +# +# rules to create usb_fifo_init variants +# +usb_fifo_init_jtag.rel : usb_fifo_init.c + $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ +# +usb_fifo_init_jtag_2fifo_as.rel : usb_fifo_init.c + $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DUSE_2FIFO $< -o $@ +usb_fifo_init_jtag_3fifo_as.rel : usb_fifo_init.c + $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DUSE_3FIFO $< -o $@ +# +usb_fifo_init_jtag_2fifo_ic.rel : usb_fifo_init.c + $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DUSE_2FIFO -DUSE_IC30 $< -o $@ +usb_fifo_init_jtag_3fifo_ic.rel : usb_fifo_init.c + $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DUSE_3FIFO -DUSE_IC30 $< -o $@ +# +COM_REL=vectors.rel main.rel eeprom.rel startup.rel +# +I0_REL=usb_fifo_init_jtag.rel +# +IAS2_REL=usb_fifo_init_jtag_2fifo_as.rel +IAS3_REL=usb_fifo_init_jtag_3fifo_as.rel +# +IIC2_REL=usb_fifo_init_jtag_2fifo_ic.rel +IIC3_REL=usb_fifo_init_jtag_3fifo_ic.rel +# +N2_REL=hw_nexys2.rel +N3_REL=hw_nexys3.rel +# +LIB_REL=$(LIBDIR)/$(LIB) +# +# rules to compile all code +# +$(LIBDIR)/$(LIB) : + make -C $(LIBDIR) + +eeprom.rel : eeprom.c eeprom.h +main.rel : main.c hardware.h eeprom.h + +$(N2_REL) : hw_nexys2.c hardware.h +$(N3_REL) : hw_nexys3.c hardware.h + +# +# rules to build Nexys2 firmware images +# +nexys2_jtag.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys2_jtag.rel \ + $(N2_REL) $(I0_REL) $(LIB_REL) +# +nexys2_jtag_2fifo_as.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys2_jtag_2fifo_as.rel \ + $(N2_REL) $(IAS2_REL) $(LIB_REL) +nexys2_jtag_3fifo_as.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys2_jtag_3fifo_as.rel \ + $(N2_REL) $(IAS3_REL) $(LIB_REL) +# +nexys2_jtag_2fifo_ic.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys2_jtag_2fifo_ic.rel \ + $(N2_REL) $(IIC2_REL) $(LIB_REL) +nexys2_jtag_3fifo_ic.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys2_jtag_3fifo_ic.rel \ + $(N2_REL) $(IIC3_REL) $(LIB_REL) +# +# rules to build Nexys3 firmware images +# +nexys3_jtag.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys3_jtag.rel \ + $(N3_REL) $(I0_REL) $(LIB_REL) +# +nexys3_jtag_2fifo_as.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys3_jtag_2fifo_as.rel \ + $(N3_REL) $(IAS2_REL) $(LIB_REL) +nexys3_jtag_3fifo_as.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys3_jtag_3fifo_as.rel \ + $(N3_REL) $(IAS3_REL) $(LIB_REL) +# +nexys3_jtag_2fifo_ic.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys3_jtag_2fifo_ic.rel \ + $(N3_REL) $(IIC2_REL) $(LIB_REL) +nexys3_jtag_3fifo_ic.ihx : $(COM_REL) dscr_nexys3_jtag_3fifo_ic.rel \ + $(N3_REL) $(IIC3_REL) $(LIB_REL) +# +# cleanup phony's +# +.PHONY : clean distclean + +clean : + make -C ${LIBDIR} clean + rm -f *.lst *.asm *.lib *.sym *.rel *.mem *.map *.rst *.lnk + rm -f dscr_*.a51 + +distclean : clean + rm -f *.ihx + + Index: src/eeprom.h =================================================================== --- src/eeprom.h (nonexistent) +++ src/eeprom.h (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* $Id: eeprom.h 395 2011-07-17 22:02:55Z mueller $ */ +/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * FTDI EEPROM emulation + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * Copyright (C) 2007 Kolja Waschk, + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * This code is part of usbjtag. usbjtag is free software; you can redistribute + * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. usbjtag is distributed in the hope + * that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied + * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a + * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program in the file + * COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin + * St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + */ + +#ifndef _EEPROM_H +#define _EEPROM_H 1 + +extern xdata unsigned char eeprom[128]; +extern void eeprom_init(void); + +#endif /* _EEPROM_H */ + Index: src/.cvsignore =================================================================== --- src/.cvsignore (nonexistent) +++ src/.cvsignore (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +*.asm +*.ihx +*.lnk +*.lst +*.map +*.mem +*.rel +*.rst +*.sym +dscr_*.a51 Index: src =================================================================== --- src (nonexistent) +++ src (revision 24)
src Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,42 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +*.asm +*.ihx +*.lnk +*.lst +*.map +*.mem +*.rel +*.rst +*.sym +dscr_*.a51 Index: bin/nexys2_jtag.ihx =================================================================== --- bin/nexys2_jtag.ihx (nonexistent) +++ bin/nexys2_jtag.ihx (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ +:06000000020DB102006BCD +:03000B0002006B85 +:0300130002006B7D +:03001B0002006B75 +:0300230002006B6D +:03002B0002006B65 +:0300330002006B5D +:03003B0002006B55 +:0300430002006B4D +:03004B0002006B45 +:0300530002006B3D +:03005B0002006B35 +:0300630002006B2D +:01006B003262 +:0900800002006B0002006B00029B +:08008900006B0002006B000295 +:08009100006B0002006B00028D +:08009900006B0002006B000285 +:0800A100006B0002006B00027D +:0800A900006B0002006B000275 +:0700B100006B0002006B0070 +:0901000002006B0002006B00021A +:08010900006B0002006B000214 +:08011100006B0002006B00020C +:08011900006B0002006B000204 +:08012100006B0002006B0002FC +:08012900006B0002006B0002F4 +:08013100006B0002006B0002EC +:08013900006B0002006B0002E4 +:08014100006B0002006B0002DC +:08014900006B0002006B0002D4 +:08015100006B0002006B0002CC +:08015900006B0002006B0002C4 +:08016100006B0002006B0002BC +:08016900006B0002006B0002B4 +:08017100006B0002006B0002AC +:07017900006B0002006B00A7 +:030DB700020DBF6B +:030DD200020DBA55 +:050DBA001203F180FEB0 +:06018000C200E4F508F5E1 +:0401860009F50AD29B +:05018A0001750B00757A +:06018F000C001206001234 +:0E01950005FD75CB6375CAC0758E0075C80474 +:0701A300D2AFD2B0D2B122AD +:0B01AA00AA82850C827583E0EAF00554 +:0501B5000C0509E4B592 +:0401BA000902050A27 +:0101BE00221E +:0401BF0020000122F9 +:0E01C3001205FC90E6A2E0FA30E103020257BA +:0A01D100E509450A60687AC07BE783 +:0E01DB008B9D7AC07BE77B008A9E90E67C7449 +:0C01E90031F07460F0C3743E9509E49599 +:0A01F5000A50107A3EE50924C2F515 +:0601FF0009E50A34FFF5DA +:030205000A800765 +:06020800AA09E4F509F566 +:01020E000AE5 +:0B020F008A037C007DE08D9A850B9B2C +:0E021A008A041AEC601090E67BE090E67CF01F +:080228007C007DE08D9A80EA64 +:0C023000859B0B0090E68F74022BF0D22F +:03023C00CF801858 +:0E023F0030CF1590E7C07431F090E7C17460C5 +:0A024D00F00090E68F7402F0C2CFBB +:06025700E5AA30E00122DF +:0A025D00C3E50994C1E50A940040CE +:02026700012272 +:0E02690090E690E0FB7A0090E691E0FC7D00CC +:0A027700EA4CF50DEB4DF50E7C008E +:0E0281007DF08D9A7C007DF08C9B7C007D00D2 +:0A028F00C3EC950DED950E4003023F +:02029900036AF6 +:07029B00E5087003020326D1 +:0A02A200E50DC39CFEE50E9DFFA8CC +:0C02AC00087900C3E89EE99F5004880612 +:0202B8008907B4 +:0A02BA008E00E508C398F508EE2C4D +:0B02C400FCEF3DFD30012C8E008F018F +:0902CF008802890318B8FF011927 +:0E02D800EA4B60B390E67BE0F582C004C005FF +:0E02E600C000C001120637D001D000D005D0F4 +:0302F4000480D8AB +:0402F7008E028F03E1 +:0902FB008A068B071ABAFF011BE9 +:0E030400EE4F608790E67BE0F582C002C003FA +:0E031200C004C0051206741201AAD005D00462 +:06032000D003D00280D5DD +:0D03260090E67BE0FA23235401FBB40100B4 +:0A0333009201EA30E707743F5AF523 +:03033D0008802213 +:0C03400030010F8A82C004C00512060BB9 +:06034C00D005D004801072 +:0E0352008A82C004C0051206291201AAD00535 +:02036000D004C7 +:050362000CBC00010DC0 +:0303670002028F00 +:08036A000090E6917480F0227E +:0E03720090E6B8E0FA20E70C90E6B9E07002E1 +:02038000D200A9 +:04038200758201225D +:0E03860090E6B9E0FABA902B90E6BCE025E0D4 +:0A039400547FFA2400F582E43418C7 +:0C039E00F583E0FB90E740F0EA04240047 +:0C03AA00F582E43418F583E0FA90E74196 +:0303B600F0800CC8 +:0C03B90090E7407436F090E7417483F048 +:0D03C50090E68AE4F090E6BEE0FABA02008D +:0903D200500790E6BEE0FA80023B +:0203DB007A02A4 +:0903DD0090E68BEAF07582012222 +:0603E600300203120914AD +:0503EC001201BF80F5C5 +:0E03F100C2AF90E609E4F01201801206C312BA +:0603FF000455120CE4128B +:08040500087ED2AF12078D0240 +:02040D0003E604 +:0A040F00AA82E50F54FEFBB50F02B0 +:02041900802938 +:0A041B008A048C05E46210ED621102 +:0A042500EB2400F582E43418F5839F +:0A042F00E0FB7C006210EC6211E5B6 +:060439001033C51133C5AC +:05043F001192E0F51030 +:06044400AB0F050FEB24D5 +:0A044A0000F582E43418F583EAF0AF +:010454002285 +:07045500750F007510AA7578 +:0C045C0011AA75820012040F75820012B4 +:04046800040F7A0003 +:0C046C00C3EA648094865017EA2408F567 +:0C04780082E434E1F583E0F582C002125A +:07048400040FD0020A80E121 +:02048B007A00F5 +:0C048D00C3EA648094825017EA2423F52F +:0C04990082E434E1F583E0F582C0021239 +:0704A500040FD0020A80E100 +:0E04AC0075821C12040F75820012040F7A0074 +:0C04BA00C3EA648094825017EA2402F523 +:0C04C60082E434E1F583E0F582C002120C +:0704D200040FD0020A80E1D3 +:0C04D9007486250FFAF582C00212040F91 +:0C04E50090E188E0F58212040FD0029034 +:0D04F100E188E02AFAF582C00212040F90A3 +:0B04FE00E1A6E0F58212040FD002908E +:0A050900E1A6E02AF58212040F902B +:0A051300E1BEE0F58212040F7A0049 +:0E051D0090E188E0FBC3EA64808BF063F0801D +:0B052B0095F05017EA2488F582E434B4 +:0C053600E1F583E0F582C00212040FD052 +:04054200020A80D752 +:020546007A0039 +:0E05480090E1A6E0FBC3EA64808BF063F080D4 +:0B05560095F05017EA24A6F582E4346B +:0C056100E1F583E0F582C00212040FD027 +:04056D00020A80D727 +:020571007A000E +:0E05730090E1BEE0FBC3EA64808BF063F08091 +:0B05810095F05017EA24BEF582E43428 +:0C058C00E1F583E0F582C00212040FD0FC +:04059800020A80D7FC +:02059C007A00E3 +:0C059E00C3EA648094845017EA240EF530 +:0C05AA0082E434E1F583E0F582C0021227 +:0705B600040FD0020A80E1EE +:0C05BD007482250F400875820012040FA4 +:0205C90080F2BE +:0805CB00AA1090187EEAF0AAC4 +:0705D3001190187FEAF022ED +:0805DA007880E84400600C7910 +:0C05E20001901800E4F0A3D8FCD9FAD076 +:0E05EE0083D082F6D8FDC082C08375820022C1 +:02E1000012010A +:06E10200000200000040D5 +:06E10800C016EF03040045 +:04E10E000102030106 +:0AE112000A060002FFFFFF400100B3 +:07E11C0009022000010100CF +:0EE1230080FA0904000002FFFFFF02070581D9 +:0BE131000200020007050202000200CD +:0EE13C001201000200000040C016EF030400B4 +:04E14A0001020301CA +:0AE14E000A060002FFFFFF40010077 +:0EE158000902200001010080FA090400000203 +:0EE16600FFFFFF0207058102400000070502CF +:04E174000240000065 +:01E1780004A2 +:02E1790082E141 +:02E17B0088E139 +:02E17D00A6E119 +:02E17F00BEE1FF +:06E1820006030000090481 +:0EE188001E037700770077002E0072006500FE +:0EE19600740072006F00310031002E00640032 +:02E1A400650014 +:0EE1A60018036E0065007800790073003200E7 +:0AE1B4005F006A007400610067005C +:0EE1BE0012033000300030003000300030001E +:04E1CC0030003000EF +:0105FC0022DC +:0105FD0022DB +:0105FE0022DA +:0105FF0022D9 +:0B060000D2B775B5809001F4020DA088 +:0E060B00AA82ABB574FE5BF5F0741C45F0F5E9 +:0E061900B5EA1392B4EAA2E192B3EAA2E49227 +:02062700B222FD +:0E06290012060BA2B0E433FA74024AF58222E4 +:0E063700E5821392B2D2B413C2B492B2D2B41E +:0E06450013C2B492B2D2B413C2B492B2D2B401 +:0E06530013C2B492B2D2B413C2B492B2D2B4F3 +:0E06610013C2B492B2D2B413C2B492B2D2B4E5 +:05066F0000C2B42222CC +:0E067400E582A2B01392B2D2B4C2B4A2B01307 +:0E06820092B2D2B4C2B4A2B01392B2D2B4C239 +:0E069000B4A2B01392B2D2B4C2B4A2B013920C +:0E069E00B2D2B4C2B4A2B01392B2D2B4C2B4FB +:0E06AC00A2B01392B2D2B4C2B4A2B01392B2F2 +:0906BA00D2B400C2B4F582222280 +:0D06C30090E6007412F090E60174ABF09028 +:0E06D000E6707480F00090E60274E0F0009096 +:0E06DE00E60374F9F00090E6047480F00090DA +:0D06EC00E60B7403F00090E610E4F00090BF +:0D06F900E61174A0F00090E618E4F0009007 +:0E070600E6047402F00090E61274A2F0009077 +:0E071400E6137402F00090E6147402F00090F8 +:0E072200E6157402F00090E6047404F00090F6 +:0E073000E6047406F00090E6047408F00090F1 +:0E073E00E604E4F00090E619E4F00090E61AFC +:0E074C00E4F00090E61BE4F00090E60BE4F011 +:0E075A00000090E6917480F00090E6917480AB +:03076800F000227C +:08076B0090E6A0E04401F02239 +:0E077300AA8274805AC423541FFB740F5A903C +:0C078100E6834BF090E683E04420F02279 +:0E078D0090E680E0440AF09000FA120DA09071 +:0E079B00E65D74FFF090E65F74FFF05391EF9F +:0807A90090E680E054F7F02215 +:060DCC00E478FFF6D8FDFB +:060DB1007512007513002D +:0A07B10090E680E0FA30E7197514B5 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+:0D08AC00E582547FFA24F750047582002283 +:0708B900BA0104758201225F +:0808C000530201E4BA00010437 +:0308C800F5822294 +:0E08CB00AA82BA010C90E6A1E0FB7C008B82B1 +:0308D9008C8322EB +:0E08DC00BA810C90E6A2E0FB7C008B828C833C +:0108EA0022EB +:0E08EB0053027FEA700C90E6A0E0FB7C008BCD +:0408F900828C832248 +:0E08FD0090E6A3E0FB7C00EAC313FA7D00EA5C +:09090B002BFBED3C8B82F58322ED +:0C091400C20290E6B8E0FA530260BA009C +:030920000280282A +:05092300BA2002800D66 +:05092800BA4002800E40 +:05092D00BA6002800326 +:03093200020BD2E3 +:0609350012076B020BD259 +:0A093B00120372E5826003020BD282 +:0609450012076B020BD249 +:0D094B0090E6B8E0FA530280BA8002800303 +:03095800020AD3BD +:0B095B0090E6B9E0FABA0003020A4C73 +:05096600BA0602803515 +:05096B00BA080280083B +:05097000BA0A02801725 +:03097500020ACDA6 +:0C09780090E740E512F090E68AE4F09071 +:08098400E68B7401F0020BD2B6 +:0C098C0090E740E513F090E68AE4F0905C +:08099800E68B7401F0020BD2A2 +:0A09A00090E6BBE0FABA01028017EE +:0509AA00BA02028038D2 +:0509AF00BA03028059AB 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+:080C110090E6A0E04480F0220F +:050C1900AA82BA0300ED +:070C1E004005EA249C50018F +:010C250022AC +:090C2600740F5AFBBB03028007A6 +:070C2F00740F5AFBBB0B45DB +:0A0C3600A2AF9203C2AFEA2400F55A +:0C0C400082E43400F5837402F07B007441 +:0C0C4C00012AFCE43BFDEC2400F582EDE5 +:0A0C58003400F583E51DFCF0740282 +:0C0C62002AFAE43BFBEA2400F582EB34A4 +:0A0C6E0000F583AA1C7B00EAF0A247 +:030C78000392AF35 +:010C7B002256 +:080C7C00E582FA2483500122F5 +:060C8400EA5403600122A6 +:0A0C8A00A2AF9204C2AFEA2400F505 +:0C0C940082E43401F5837402F07B0074EC +:0C0CA000012AFCE43BFDEC2400F582ED91 +:0A0CAC003401F583E51DF074022AFF +:0B0CB600FAE43BFBEA2400F582EB347B +:080CC10001F583AA1CEAF0A270 +:040CC9000492AF22C0 +:050CCD00AA82BA8000BC +:070CD2004005EA244B50012C +:010CD90022F8 +:060CDA00EA540360012250 +:0A0CE000A2AF9205C2AFEA2480F52E +:0C0CEA0082E43400F5837402F07B007497 +:0C0CF600012AFCE43BFDEC2480F582EDBB +:0A0D02003400F583E51DF074022AA9 +:0B0D0C00FAE43BFBEA2480F582EB34A4 +:080D170000F583AA1CEAF0A21A +:040D1F000592AF2268 +:080D2300C2E8C2EA751C00756C +:060D2B001D017582431258 +:040D31000C19751C08 +:030D350080751DA9 +:0C0D380000758253120C190090E650E484 +:0E0D4400F00090E652E4F00090E654E4F00077 +:0E0D520090E656E4F00090E65174FFF0009039 +:0E0D6000E65374FFF00090E65574FFF000902B +:0E0D6E00E65774FFF00090E658E4F090E65966 +:0E0D7C0074FFF090E65AE4F090E65B74FFF02E +:0E0D8A0090E65CE4F090E65D74FFF090E65EAB +:0E0D9800E4F090E65F74FFF00090E660E4F097 +:0D0DA6000090E66174FFF090E662E4F090CA +:0E0DB300E66374FFF090E665E4F090E6687485 +:0A0DC1000BF05391AFD2E8D2EA2202 +:010DCB002205 +:020DCC00AA82F9 +:060DCE00120DCBDAFB223E +:030DD40090FB5041 +:080DD700A3E582458370F922B7 +:040DDF00AA82AB83B6 +:080DE300120DD41ABAFF011B26 +:050DEB00EA4B70F42248 +:030DFE00758121DB +:0A0E01001205DAE5826003020DF924 +:00000001FF Index: bin/nexys2_jtag_3fifo_as.ihx =================================================================== --- bin/nexys2_jtag_3fifo_as.ihx (nonexistent) +++ bin/nexys2_jtag_3fifo_as.ihx (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,446 @@ 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+:0D0B770090E6B8E0FA53021FBA00028005B4 +:050B8400BA0247800ADF +:0A0B890090E6BAE01207C6020C2D38 +:0D0B930090E6BAE0703090E6BCE0F582120A +:0D0BA0000907E582602390E6BCE0F58212B3 +:0E0BAD000926AA82AB83E0FC5304FE8A828BE9 +:0E0BBB0083ECF090E6BCE0F5821207CE806479 +:050BC9001207C6805F69 +:050BCE001207C6805A69 +:0E0BD30090E6B8E0FA53021FBA004F90E6BA5F +:070BE100E0FABA01028005F1 +:050BE800BA020280408A +:050BED001207C6803B69 +:0E0BF20090E6BAE0FA702C90E6BCE0F58212B4 +:0D0C00000907E582601A90E6BCE0F582125B +:0E0C0D000926AA82AB83E0FC4304018A828B95 +:050C1B0083ECF0800DE8 +:050C20001207C6800868 +:050C25001207C6800368 +:030C2A001207C6E8 +:080C2D0090E6A0E04480F022F3 +:050C3500AA82BA0300D1 +:070C3A004005EA249C500173 +:010C41002290 +:090C4200740F5AFBBB030280078A +:070C4B00740F5AFBBB0B45BF +:0A0C5200A2AF9203C2AFEA2400F53E +:0C0C5C0082E43400F5837402F07B007425 +:0C0C6800012AFCE43BFDEC2400F582EDC9 +:0A0C74003400F583E51DFCF0740266 +:0C0C7E002AFAE43BFBEA2400F582EB3488 +:0A0C8A0000F583AA1C7B00EAF0A22B 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+:0E0D5B00F00090E652E4F00090E654E4F00060 +:0E0D690090E656E4F00090E65174FFF0009022 +:0E0D7700E65374FFF00090E65574FFF0009014 +:0E0D8500E65774FFF00090E658E4F090E6594F +:0E0D930074FFF090E65AE4F090E65B74FFF017 +:0E0DA10090E65CE4F090E65D74FFF090E65E94 +:0E0DAF00E4F090E65F74FFF00090E660E4F080 +:0D0DBD000090E66174FFF090E662E4F090B3 +:0E0DCA00E66374FFF090E665E4F090E668746E +:0A0DD8000BF05391AFD2E8D2EA22EB +:010DE20022EE +:020DE300AA82E2 +:060DE500120DE2DAFB2210 +:030DEB0090FB502A +:080DEE00A3E582458370F922A0 +:040DF600AA82AB839F +:080DFA00120DEB1ABAFF011BF8 +:050E0200EA4B70F42230 +:030E1500758121C3 +:0A0E18001205DAE5826003020E10F5 +:00000001FF Index: bin =================================================================== --- bin (nonexistent) +++ bin (revision 24)
bin Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,32 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log Index: sys/99-retro-usb-permissions.rules =================================================================== --- sys/99-retro-usb-permissions.rules (nonexistent) +++ sys/99-retro-usb-permissions.rules (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# $Id: 99-retro-usb-permissions.rules 467 2013-01-02 19:49:05Z mueller $ +# +# udev rules to make some USB adaptors writable to group plugdev +# +# copy into /etc/udev/rules.d +# +ACTION!="add", GOTO="special_usb_rules_end" +SUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="special_usb_rules_end" +# +# Cypress FX2 based systems ------------------------------------------ +# - Digilent Nexys2 +ATTR{idVendor}=="1443", ATTR{idProduct}=="0005", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev" +# - Digilent Nexys3 and Atlys +ATTR{idVendor}=="1443", ATTR{idProduct}=="0007", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev" +# +# - Cypress - EZ-USB FX2 USB 2.0 default +ATTR{idVendor}=="04b4", ATTR{idProduct}=="8613", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev" +# +# - - USB-JTAG-IF (used by ixo_jtag firmware) +ATTR{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTR{idProduct}=="06ad", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev" +# - VOTI - free for internal lab use 1007 (used by retro11 firmware; primary) +ATTR{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTR{idProduct}=="03ef", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev" +# - VOTI - free for internal lab use 1008 (used by retro11 firmware; alternate) +ATTR{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTR{idProduct}=="03f0", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev" +# +LABEL="special_usb_rules_end" Index: sys/README.txt =================================================================== --- sys/README.txt (nonexistent) +++ sys/README.txt (revision 24) @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# $Id: README.txt 446 2011-12-29 23:27:48Z mueller $ + +to setup udev rules do + + sudo cp -a 99-retro-usb-permissions.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ + sudo chown root:root /etc/udev/rules.d/99-retro-usb-permissions.rules + dir /etc/udev/rules.d/ + + sudo udevadm control --reload-rules + +to verify whether usb device was really put into group 'plugdev' + + lsusb + --> look for bus/dev of interest + + find /dev/bus/usb -type c | sort| xargs ls -l + --> check whether bus/dev of interest is in group plugdev Index: sys =================================================================== --- sys (nonexistent) +++ sys (revision 24)
sys Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,32 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log Index: . =================================================================== --- . (nonexistent) +++ . (revision 24)
. Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,32 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log

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