
Subversion Repositories w11

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 29 to Rev 33
    Reverse comparison

Rev 29 → Rev 33

0,0 → 1,194
-- $Id: tst_fx2loop_hiomap.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2011-2012 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: tst_fx2loop_hiomap - syn
-- Description: default human I/O mapper
-- Dependencies: -
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2012-01-15 453 1.0.2 re-arrange DP,DSP usage
-- 2012-01-03 449 1.0.1 use new fx2ctl_moni layout
-- 2011-12-26 445 1.0 Initial version
-- Usage of Switches, Buttons, LEDs:
-- BTN(3) -- unused --
-- (2) -- unused --
-- (1) -- unused --
-- (0) reset state [!! decoded by top level design !!]
-- SWI(7:5) select display
-- (4) -- unused --
-- (3) throttle
-- (2) tx2blast
-- (1:0) mode 00 idle
-- 01 rxblast
-- 10 txblast
-- 11 loop
-- LED(7) MONI.fifo_ep4
-- (6) MONI.fifo_ep6
-- (5) MONI.fifo_ep8
-- (4) MONI.flag_ep4_empty
-- (3) MONI.flag_ep4_almost
-- (2) MONI.flag_ep6_full
-- (1) MONI.flag_ep6_almost
-- (0) rxsecnt > 0 (sequence error)
-- DSP data as selected by SWI(7:5)
-- 000 -> rxsecnt
-- 001 -> -- unused -- (display ffff)
-- 010 -> rxcnt.l
-- 011 -> rxcnt.h
-- 100 -> txcnt.l
-- 101 -> txcnt.h
-- 110 -> tx2cnt.l
-- 111 -> tx2cnt.h
-- DP(3) FX2_TXBUSY (shows tx back preasure)
-- (2) FX2_MONI.slwr (shows tx activity)
-- (1) FX2_RXHOLD (shows rx back preasure)
-- (0) FX2_MONI.slrd (shows rx activity)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.fx2lib.all;
use work.tst_fx2looplib.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity tst_fx2loop_hiomap is -- default human I/O mapper
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
HIO_CNTL : out hio_cntl_type; -- tester controls from hio
HIO_STAT : in hio_stat_type; -- tester status to diaplay by hio
FX2_MONI : in fx2ctl_moni_type; -- fx2ctl monitor to display by hio
SWI : in slv8; -- switch settings
BTN : in slv4; -- button settings
LED : out slv8; -- led data
DSP_DAT : out slv16; -- display data
DSP_DP : out slv4 -- display decimal points
end tst_fx2loop_hiomap;
architecture syn of tst_fx2loop_hiomap is
type regs_type is record
dspdat : slv16; -- display data
dummy : slbit; -- <remove when 2nd signal added...>
end record regs_type;
constant regs_init : regs_type := (
(others=>'0'), -- dspdat
signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init; -- state registers
signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init; -- next value state regs
proc_regs: process (CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then
R_REGS <= regs_init;
end if;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
proc_next: process (R_REGS, HIO_STAT, FX2_MONI, SWI, BTN)
variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
variable icntl : hio_cntl_type := hio_cntl_init;
variable iled : slv8 := (others=>'0');
variable idat : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable idp : slv4 := (others=>'0');
r := R_REGS;
n := R_REGS;
icntl := hio_cntl_init;
iled := (others=>'0');
idat := (others=>'0');
idp := (others=>'0');
-- setup tester controls
icntl.mode := SWI(1 downto 0);
icntl.tx2blast := SWI(2);
icntl.throttle := SWI(3);
-- setup leds
iled(7) := FX2_MONI.fifo_ep4;
iled(6) := FX2_MONI.fifo_ep6;
iled(5) := FX2_MONI.fifo_ep8;
iled(4) := FX2_MONI.flag_ep4_empty;
iled(3) := FX2_MONI.flag_ep4_almost;
iled(2) := FX2_MONI.flag_ep6_full;
iled(1) := FX2_MONI.flag_ep6_almost;
if unsigned(HIO_STAT.rxsecnt) > 0 then iled(0) := '1'; end if;
-- setup display data
case SWI(7 downto 5) is
when "000" => idat := HIO_STAT.rxsecnt;
when "001" => idat := (others=>'1');
when "010" => idat := HIO_STAT.rxcnt(15 downto 0);
when "011" => idat := HIO_STAT.rxcnt(31 downto 16);
when "100" => idat := HIO_STAT.txcnt(15 downto 0);
when "101" => idat := HIO_STAT.txcnt(31 downto 16);
when "110" => idat := HIO_STAT.tx2cnt(15 downto 0);
when "111" => idat := HIO_STAT.tx2cnt(31 downto 16);
when others => null;
end case;
n.dspdat := idat;
-- setup display decimal points
idp(3) := HIO_STAT.txbusy; -- tx back preasure
idp(2) := FX2_MONI.slwr; -- tx activity
idp(1) := HIO_STAT.rxhold; -- rx back preasure
idp(0) := FX2_MONI.slrd; -- rx activity
N_REGS <= n;
HIO_CNTL <= icntl;
LED <= iled;
DSP_DAT <= r.dspdat;
DSP_DP <= idp;
end process proc_next;
end syn;
0,0 → 1,267
-- $Id: tst_fx2loop.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2011-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: tst_fx2loop - syn
-- Description: simple stand-alone tester for fx2lib components
-- Dependencies: comlib/byte2word
-- comlib/word2byte
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2013-04-24 510 1.0.1 fix sensitivity list of proc_next
-- 2012-01-15 453 1.0 Initial version
-- 2011-12-26 445 0.5 First draft
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.comlib.all;
use work.fx2lib.all;
use work.tst_fx2looplib.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity tst_fx2loop is -- tester for fx2lib components
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
CE_MSEC : in slbit; -- msec pulse
HIO_CNTL : in hio_cntl_type; -- humanio controls
HIO_STAT : out hio_stat_type; -- humanio status
FX2_MONI : in fx2ctl_moni_type; -- fx2ctl monitor
RXDATA : in slv8; -- receiver data out
RXVAL : in slbit; -- receiver data valid
RXHOLD : out slbit; -- receiver data hold
TXDATA : out slv8; -- transmit data in
TXENA : out slbit; -- transmit data enable
TXBUSY : in slbit; -- transmit busy
TX2DATA : out slv8; -- transmit 2 data in
TX2ENA : out slbit; -- transmit 2 data enable
TX2BUSY : in slbit -- transmit 2 busy
end tst_fx2loop;
architecture syn of tst_fx2loop is
type regs_type is record
rxdata : slv16; -- next rx word
txdata : slv16; -- next tx word
tx2data : slv16; -- next tx2 word
rxsecnt : slv16; -- rx sequence error counter
rxcnt : slv32; -- rx word counter
txcnt : slv32; -- tx word counter
tx2cnt : slv32; -- tx2 word counter
rxthrottle : slbit; -- rx throttle flag
end record regs_type;
constant regs_init : regs_type := (
(others=>'0'), -- rxdata
(others=>'0'), -- txdata
(others=>'0'), -- tx2data
(others=>'0'), -- rxsecnt
(others=>'0'), -- rxcnt
(others=>'0'), -- txcnt
(others=>'0'), -- tx2cnt
'0' -- rxthrottle
signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init; -- state registers
signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init; -- next value state regs
signal RXWDATA : slv16 := (others=>'0');
signal RXWVAL : slbit := '0';
signal RXWHOLD : slbit := '0';
signal RXODD : slbit := '0';
signal TXWDATA : slv16 := (others=>'0');
signal TXWENA : slbit := '0';
signal TXWBUSY : slbit := '0';
signal TXODD : slbit := '0';
signal TX2WDATA : slv16 := (others=>'0');
signal TX2WENA : slbit := '0';
signal TX2WBUSY : slbit := '0';
signal TX2ODD : slbit := '0';
signal RXHOLD_L : slbit := '0'; -- local copy of out port signal
signal TXENA_L : slbit := '0'; -- local copy of out port signal
signal TX2ENA_L : slbit := '0'; -- local copy of out port signal
signal CNTL_RESET_L : slbit := '0'; -- local copy of out port signal
CNTL_RESET_L <= '0'; -- so far unused
RXB2W : byte2word
port map (
TX1W2B : word2byte
port map (
TX2W2B : word2byte
port map (
proc_regs: process (CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then
R_REGS <= regs_init;
end if;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
proc_next: process (R_REGS, CE_MSEC, HIO_CNTL, FX2_MONI,
variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
variable irxwhold : slbit := '1';
variable itxwena : slbit := '0';
variable itxwdata : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable itx2wena : slbit := '0';
r := R_REGS;
n := R_REGS;
irxwhold := '1';
itxwena := '0';
itxwdata := RXWDATA;
itx2wena := '0';
if HIO_CNTL.throttle = '1' then
if CE_MSEC = '1' then
n.rxthrottle := not r.rxthrottle;
end if;
n.rxthrottle := '0';
end if;
case HIO_CNTL.mode is
when c_mode_idle =>
when c_mode_rxblast =>
if RXWVAL='1' and r.rxthrottle='0' then
irxwhold := '0';
if RXWDATA /= r.rxdata then
n.rxsecnt := slv(unsigned(r.rxsecnt) + 1);
end if;
n.rxdata := slv(unsigned(RXWDATA) + 1);
end if;
when c_mode_txblast =>
itxwdata := r.txdata;
if TXWBUSY = '0' then
itxwena := '1';
n.txdata := slv(unsigned(r.txdata) + 1);
end if;
irxwhold := '0';
when c_mode_loop =>
itxwdata := RXWDATA;
if RXWVAL='1' and r.rxthrottle='0' and TXWBUSY = '0' then
irxwhold := '0';
itxwena := '1';
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
if HIO_CNTL.tx2blast = '1' then
if TX2WBUSY = '0' then
itx2wena := '1';
n.tx2data := slv(unsigned(r.tx2data) + 1);
end if;
end if;
if RXWVAL='1' and irxwhold='0' then
n.rxcnt := slv(unsigned(r.rxcnt) + 1);
end if;
if itxwena = '1' then
n.txcnt := slv(unsigned(r.txcnt) + 1);
end if;
if itx2wena = '1' then
n.tx2cnt := slv(unsigned(r.tx2cnt) + 1);
end if;
N_REGS <= n;
RXWHOLD <= irxwhold;
TXWENA <= itxwena;
TXWDATA <= itxwdata;
TX2WENA <= itx2wena;
TX2WDATA <= r.tx2data;
HIO_STAT.rxhold <= RXHOLD_L;
HIO_STAT.txbusy <= TXBUSY;
HIO_STAT.tx2busy <= TX2BUSY;
HIO_STAT.rxsecnt <= r.rxsecnt;
HIO_STAT.rxcnt <= r.rxcnt;
HIO_STAT.txcnt <= r.txcnt;
HIO_STAT.tx2cnt <= r.tx2cnt;
end process proc_next;
end syn;
0,0 → 1,316
-- $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_n2.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2011-2015 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: sys_tst_fx2loop_n2 - syn
-- Description: test of Cypress EZ-USB FX2 controller
-- Dependencies: vlib/xlib/dcm_sfs
-- vlib/genlib/clkdivce
-- bpgen/sn_humanio
-- tst_fx2loop_hiomap
-- tst_fx2loop
-- bplib/fx2lib/fx2_2fifoctl_ic [sys_conf_fx2_type="ic2"]
-- bplib/fx2lib/fx2_3fifoctl_ic [sys_conf_fx2_type="ic3"]
-- bplib/nxcramlib/nx_cram_dummy
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Synthesized (xst):
-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri ctl/MHz
-- 2012-04-09 461 13.3 O76d xc3s1200e-4 307 390 64 325 p 9.9 as2/100
-- 2012-04-09 461 13.3 O76d xc3s1200e-4 358 419 64 369 p 9.4 ic2/100
-- 2012-04-09 461 13.3 O76c xc3s1200e-4 436 537 96 476 p 8.9 ic3/100
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2015-01-25 638 1.1.1 retire fx2_2fifoctl_as
-- 2012-01-15 453 1.1 now generic for as,ic,ic3 controllers
-- 2011-12-26 445 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.xlib.all;
use work.genlib.all;
use work.bpgenlib.all;
use work.tst_fx2looplib.all;
use work.fx2lib.all;
use work.nxcramlib.all;
use work.sys_conf.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity sys_tst_fx2loop_n2 is -- top level
-- implements nexys2_aif + fx2 pins
port (
I_CLK50 : in slbit; -- 50 MHz board clock
I_RXD : in slbit; -- receive data (board view)
O_TXD : out slbit; -- transmit data (board view)
I_SWI : in slv8; -- n2 switches
I_BTN : in slv4; -- n2 buttons
O_LED : out slv8; -- n2 leds
O_ANO_N : out slv4; -- 7 segment disp: anodes (act.low)
O_SEG_N : out slv8; -- 7 segment disp: segments (act.low)
O_MEM_CE_N : out slbit; -- cram: chip enable (act.low)
O_MEM_BE_N : out slv2; -- cram: byte enables (act.low)
O_MEM_WE_N : out slbit; -- cram: write enable (act.low)
O_MEM_OE_N : out slbit; -- cram: output enable (act.low)
O_MEM_ADV_N : out slbit; -- cram: address valid (act.low)
O_MEM_CLK : out slbit; -- cram: clock
O_MEM_CRE : out slbit; -- cram: command register enable
I_MEM_WAIT : in slbit; -- cram: mem wait
O_MEM_ADDR : out slv23; -- cram: address lines
IO_MEM_DATA : inout slv16; -- cram: data lines
O_FLA_CE_N : out slbit; -- flash ce.. (act.low)
I_FX2_IFCLK : in slbit; -- fx2: interface clock
O_FX2_FIFO : out slv2; -- fx2: fifo address
I_FX2_FLAG : in slv4; -- fx2: fifo flags
O_FX2_SLRD_N : out slbit; -- fx2: read enable (act.low)
O_FX2_SLWR_N : out slbit; -- fx2: write enable (act.low)
O_FX2_SLOE_N : out slbit; -- fx2: output enable (act.low)
O_FX2_PKTEND_N : out slbit; -- fx2: packet end (act.low)
IO_FX2_DATA : inout slv8 -- fx2: data lines
end sys_tst_fx2loop_n2;
architecture syn of sys_tst_fx2loop_n2 is
signal CLK : slbit := '0';
signal RESET : slbit := '0';
signal CE_USEC : slbit := '0';
signal CE_MSEC : slbit := '0';
signal SWI : slv8 := (others=>'0');
signal BTN : slv4 := (others=>'0');
signal LED : slv8 := (others=>'0');
signal DSP_DAT : slv16 := (others=>'0');
signal DSP_DP : slv4 := (others=>'0');
signal LED_MAP : slv8 := (others=>'0');
signal HIO_CNTL : hio_cntl_type := hio_cntl_init;
signal HIO_STAT : hio_stat_type := hio_stat_init;
signal FX2_RXDATA : slv8 := (others=>'0');
signal FX2_RXVAL : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_RXHOLD : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_RXAEMPTY : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_TXDATA : slv8 := (others=>'0');
signal FX2_TXENA : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_TXBUSY : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_TXAFULL : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_TX2DATA : slv8 := (others=>'0');
signal FX2_TX2ENA : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_TX2BUSY : slbit := '1';
signal FX2_TX2AFULL : slbit := '0';
signal FX2_MONI : fx2ctl_moni_type := fx2ctl_moni_init;
assert (sys_conf_clksys mod 1000000) = 0
report "assert sys_conf_clksys on MHz grid"
severity failure;
DCM : dcm_sfs
generic map (
CLKFX_DIVIDE => sys_conf_clkfx_divide,
CLKFX_MULTIPLY => sys_conf_clkfx_multiply,
port map (
LOCKED => open
CLKDIV : clkdivce
generic map (
CDUWIDTH => 7, -- good for up to 127 MHz !
USECDIV => sys_conf_clksys_mhz,
MSECDIV => 1000)
port map (
HIO : sn_humanio
generic map (
DEBOUNCE => sys_conf_hio_debounce)
port map (
RESET => '0',
RESET <= BTN(0); -- BTN(0) will reset tester !!
HIOMAP : tst_fx2loop_hiomap
port map (
proc_led: process (SWI, LED_MAP, FX2_TX2BUSY, FX2_TX2ENA,
if SWI(4) = '1' then
LED(7) <= '0';
LED(6) <= '0';
LED(5) <= FX2_TX2BUSY;
LED(4) <= FX2_TX2ENA;
LED(2) <= FX2_TXENA;
LED(0) <= FX2_RXVAL;
end if;
end process proc_led;
TST : tst_fx2loop
port map (
FX2_CNTL_IC : if sys_conf_fx2_type = "ic2" generate
CNTL : fx2_2fifoctl_ic
generic map (
PETOWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_petowidth,
CCWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth,
port map (
end generate FX2_CNTL_IC;
FX2_CNTL_IC3 : if sys_conf_fx2_type = "ic3" generate
CNTL : fx2_3fifoctl_ic
generic map (
PETOWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_petowidth,
CCWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth,
port map (
end generate FX2_CNTL_IC3;
SRAM_PROT : nx_cram_dummy -- connect CRAM to protection dummy
port map (
O_FLA_CE_N <= '1'; -- keep Flash memory disabled
O_TXD <= I_RXD; -- loop-back in serial port...
end syn;
0,0 → 1,28
# this is the vbom for the 'generic' top level entity
# to be referenced in the vbom's of the specific systems
# ./ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n2
# ./ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2
# libs
# components
# design
## no @ucf_cpp
0,0 → 1,58
-- $Id: sys_conf.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2012- by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Package Name: sys_conf
-- Description: Definitions for sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n2 (for synthesis)
-- Dependencies: -
-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2012-01-15 453 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
package sys_conf is
constant sys_conf_clkfx_divide : positive := 1;
constant sys_conf_clkfx_multiply : positive := 2;
constant sys_conf_fx2_type : string := "ic2";
-- dummy values defs for generic parameters of as controller
constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwldelay : positive := 1;
constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwhdelay : positive := 1;
constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwldelay : positive := 1;
constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwhdelay : positive := 1;
constant sys_conf_fx2_flagdelay : positive := 1;
-- pktend timer setting
-- petowidth=10 -> 2^10 30 MHz clocks -> ~33 usec (normal operation)
constant sys_conf_fx2_petowidth : positive := 10;
constant sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth : positive := 5;
constant sys_conf_hio_debounce : boolean := true; -- instantiate debouncers
-- derived constants
constant sys_conf_clksys : integer :=
constant sys_conf_clksys_mhz : integer := sys_conf_clksys/1000000;
end package sys_conf;
0,0 → 1,30
# $Id: Makefile 639 2015-01-30 18:12:19Z mueller $
# Revision History:
# Date Rev Version Comment
# 2012-01-15 453 1.0 Initial version
VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom)
BIT_all = $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.bit)
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/
FX2_FILE = nexys2_jtag_2fifo_ic.ihx
.PHONY : all clean
all : $(BIT_all)
clean : ise_clean
rm -f $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.ucf)
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/
include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst)
include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_ghdl)
0,0 → 1,63
# $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n2.mfset 453 2012-01-15 17:51:18Z mueller $
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:.*Mux is complete : default of case is discarded
Unconnected output port 'LOCKED' of component 'dcm_sfs'
Unconnected output port 'DOA' of component 'ram_1swar_1ar_gen'
Node <TST/R_REGS.tx2data_\d*> of sequential type is unconnected
Node <HIO/HIO/IOB_BTN/R_DI_\d> of sequential type is unconnected
Node <HIO/HIO/DEB.DEB_BTN/R_REGS\..*_\d> of sequential type is unconnected
Node <TST/TX2W2B/R_REGS.datl_\d*> of sequential type is unconnected
Node <TST/TX2W2B/R_REGS.dath_\d*> of sequential type is unconnected
Signal <FX2_TX2DATA> is assigned but never used
Input <BTN> is never used
Input <SWI<4>> is never used
Input <FX2_MONI.pktend> is never used
Input <FX2_MONI.slrd> is never used
Input <FX2_MONI.slwr> is never used
Input <I_MEM_WAIT> is never used
Signal <TXODD> is assigned but never used
Signal <TX2ODD> is assigned but never used
Signal <RXODD> is assigned but never used
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:.* - TNM 'I_CLK50', used in period specification.*was traced into DCM_SP
The Offset constraint .*, is specified without a duration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The signal <I_MEM_WAIT_IBUF> is incomplete
The signal <I_BTN<1>_IBUF> is incomplete
The signal <I_BTN<2>_IBUF> is incomplete
The signal <I_BTN<3>_IBUF> is incomplete
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
A clock IOB / clock component pair have been found that are not placed at
The Offset constraint .*, is specified without a duration
The signal I_MEM_WAIT_IBUF has no load
The signal I_BTN<1>_IBUF has no load
The signal I_BTN<2>_IBUF has no load
The signal I_BTN<3>_IBUF has no load
There are 4 loadless signals in this design
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Spartan-3 1200E and 1600E devices do not support bitstream
To achieve optimal frequency synthesis performance .* consult
The signal <I_MEM_WAIT_IBUF> is incomplete
The signal <I_BTN<1>_IBUF> is incomplete
The signal <I_BTN<2>_IBUF> is incomplete
The signal <I_BTN<3>_IBUF> is incomplete
0,0 → 1,15
## $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n2.ucf_cpp 453 2012-01-15 17:51:18Z mueller $
## Revision History:
## Date Rev Version Comment
## 2011-12-26 445 1.0 Initial version
NET "I_CLK50" TNM_NET = "I_CLK50";
TIMESPEC "TS_I_CLK50" = PERIOD "I_CLK50" 20 ns HIGH 50 %;
#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_pins.ucf"
#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_pins_fx2.ucf"
#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_time_fx2_ic.ucf"
0,0 → 1,8
# conf
sys_conf = sys_conf.vhd
# libs
# components
# design
@ucf_cpp: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n2.ucf
@top: sys_tst_fx2loop_n2
0,0 → 1,4
nexys2/ic Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,37 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +_impactbatch.log +sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n2.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +*.svf Index: nexys2/ic3/sys_conf.vhd =================================================================== --- nexys2/ic3/sys_conf.vhd (nonexistent) +++ nexys2/ic3/sys_conf.vhd (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +-- $Id: sys_conf.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $ +-- +-- Copyright 2012- by Walter F.J. Mueller +-- +-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +-- +-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +-- for complete details. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Package Name: sys_conf +-- Description: Definitions for sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2 (for synthesis) +-- +-- Dependencies: - +-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31 +-- Revision History: +-- Date Rev Version Comment +-- 2012-01-15 453 1.0 Initial version +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +use work.slvtypes.all; + +package sys_conf is + + constant sys_conf_clkfx_divide : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_clkfx_multiply : positive := 2; + + constant sys_conf_fx2_type : string := "ic3"; + + -- dummy values defs for generic parameters of as controller + constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwldelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwhdelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwldelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwhdelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_flagdelay : positive := 1; + + -- pktend timer setting + -- petowidth=10 -> 2^10 30 MHz clocks -> ~33 usec (normal operation) + constant sys_conf_fx2_petowidth : positive := 10; + + constant sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth : positive := 5; + + constant sys_conf_hio_debounce : boolean := true; -- instantiate debouncers + + -- derived constants + + constant sys_conf_clksys : integer := + (50000000/sys_conf_clkfx_divide)*sys_conf_clkfx_multiply; + constant sys_conf_clksys_mhz : integer := sys_conf_clksys/1000000; + +end package sys_conf; Index: nexys2/ic3/Makefile =================================================================== --- nexys2/ic3/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ nexys2/ic3/Makefile (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# $Id: Makefile 639 2015-01-30 18:12:19Z mueller $ +# +# Revision History: +# Date Rev Version Comment +# 2012-01-15 453 1.0 Initial version +# +# +VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom) +BIT_all = $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.bit) +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +FX2_FILE = nexys2_jtag_3fifo_ic.ihx +# +.PHONY : all clean +# +all : $(BIT_all) +# +clean : ise_clean + rm -f $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.ucf) +# +#---- +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +# +ifndef DONTINCDEP +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst) +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_ghdl) +endif +# Index: nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.vbom =================================================================== --- nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.vbom (nonexistent) +++ nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.vbom (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# conf +sys_conf = sys_conf.vhd +# libs +# components +# design +../sys_tst_fx2loop_n2.vbom +@ucf_cpp: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.ucf +@top: sys_tst_fx2loop_n2 Index: nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.mfset =================================================================== --- nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.mfset (nonexistent) +++ nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.mfset (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.mfset 453 2012-01-15 17:51:18Z mueller $ +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[xst] +INFO:.*Mux is complete : default of case is discarded + +Unconnected output port 'LOCKED' of component 'dcm_sfs' +Unconnected output port 'DOA' of component 'ram_1swar_1ar_gen' + +Node of sequential type is unconnected +Node of sequential type is unconnected + +Input is never used +Input > is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used +Input is never used + +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used +Signal is assigned but never used + +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[tra] +INFO:.* - TNM 'I_CLK50', used in period specification.*was traced into DCM_SP +The Offset constraint .*, is specified without a duration + +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[map] +The signal is incomplete +The signal _IBUF> is incomplete +The signal _IBUF> is incomplete +The signal _IBUF> is incomplete +INFO:.* + +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[par] +A clock IOB / clock component pair have been found that are not placed at +The Offset constraint .*, is specified without a duration +The signal I_MEM_WAIT_IBUF has no load +The signal I_BTN<1>_IBUF has no load +The signal I_BTN<2>_IBUF has no load +The signal I_BTN<3>_IBUF has no load +There are 4 loadless signals in this design + +# +# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +[bgn] +Spartan-3 1200E and 1600E devices do not support bitstream +To achieve optimal frequency synthesis performance .* consult +The signal is incomplete +The signal _IBUF> is incomplete +The signal _IBUF> is incomplete +The signal _IBUF> is incomplete Index: nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.ucf_cpp =================================================================== --- nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.ucf_cpp (nonexistent) +++ nexys2/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.ucf_cpp (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +## $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.ucf_cpp 453 2012-01-15 17:51:18Z mueller $ +## +## Revision History: +## Date Rev Version Comment +## 2011-12-26 445 1.0 Initial version +## + +NET "I_CLK50" TNM_NET = "I_CLK50"; +TIMESPEC "TS_I_CLK50" = PERIOD "I_CLK50" 20 ns HIGH 50 %; +OFFSET = IN 10 ns BEFORE "I_CLK50"; +OFFSET = OUT 20 ns AFTER "I_CLK50"; + +#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_pins.ucf" +#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_pins_fx2.ucf" +#include "bplib/nexys2/nexys2_time_fx2_ic.ucf" Index: nexys2/ic3/.cvsignore =================================================================== --- nexys2/ic3/.cvsignore (nonexistent) +++ nexys2/ic3/.cvsignore (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +_impactbatch.log +sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +*.svf Index: nexys2/ic3 =================================================================== --- nexys2/ic3 (nonexistent) +++ nexys2/ic3 (revision 33)
nexys2/ic3 Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,37 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +_impactbatch.log +sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n2.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +*.svf Index: nexys2 =================================================================== --- nexys2 (nonexistent) +++ nexys2 (revision 33)
nexys2 Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,33 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log Index: nexys3/sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vhd =================================================================== --- nexys3/sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vhd (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vhd (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +-- $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vhd 638 2015-01-25 22:01:38Z mueller $ +-- +-- Copyright 2012-2015 by Walter F.J. Mueller +-- +-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +-- +-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +-- for complete details. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Module Name: sys_tst_fx2loop_n3 - syn +-- Description: test of Cypress EZ-USB FX2 controller +-- +-- Dependencies: vlib/xlib/s6_cmt_sfs +-- vlib/genlib/clkdivce +-- bpgen/sn_humanio +-- tst_fx2loop_hiomap +-- tst_fx2loop +-- bplib/fx2lib/fx2_2fifoctl_ic [sys_conf_fx2_type="ic2"] +-- bplib/fx2lib/fx2_3fifoctl_ic [sys_conf_fx2_type="ic3"] +-- bplib/nxcramlib/nx_cram_dummy +-- +-- Test bench: - +-- +-- Target Devices: generic +-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31 +-- +-- Synthesized (xst): +-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri ctl/MHz +-- 2013-04-25 510 14.5 P58f xc6slx16-2 416 516 68 199 p 5.3 ic3/150 +-- 2013-04-24 510 13.3 O76d xc6slx16-2 417 674 68 228 p 5.3 ic3/175 +-- 2012-04-09 461 13.3 O76d xc6slx16-2 429 620 48 232 p 7.2 ic3/100 +-- +-- 2013-04-25 510 14.5 P58f xc6slx16-2 349 427 48 163 p 5.4 ic2/150 +-- 2013-04-24 510 13.3 O76d xc6slx16-2 355 569 48 208 p 5.4 ic2/175 +-- 2012-04-09 461 13.3 O76d xc6slx16-2 347 499 32 175 p 7.9 ic2/100 +-- +-- 2013-04-24 510 13.3 O76d xc6slx16-2 299 486 32 175 p FAIL as2/100 +-- 2012-04-09 461 13.3 O76d xc6slx16-2 299 460 32 164 p FAIL as2/100 +-- +-- Revision History: +-- Date Rev Version Comment +-- 2013-10-06 538 1.1 pll support, use clksys_vcodivide ect +-- 2013-04-24 510 1.0.1 CLKDIV.CDUWIDTH now 8, support >127 sysclk +-- 2012-04-09 461 1.0 Initial version (derived from sys_tst_fx2loop_n2) +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; +use ieee.numeric_std.all; + +use work.slvtypes.all; +use work.xlib.all; +use work.genlib.all; +use work.bpgenlib.all; +use work.tst_fx2looplib.all; +use work.fx2lib.all; +use work.nxcramlib.all; +use work.sys_conf.all; + +-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +entity sys_tst_fx2loop_n3 is -- top level + -- implements nexys3_aif + fx2 pins + port ( + I_CLK100 : in slbit; -- 100 MHz clock + I_RXD : in slbit; -- receive data (board view) + O_TXD : out slbit; -- transmit data (board view) + I_SWI : in slv8; -- n3 switches + I_BTN : in slv5; -- n3 buttons + O_LED : out slv8; -- n3 leds + O_ANO_N : out slv4; -- 7 segment disp: anodes (act.low) + O_SEG_N : out slv8; -- 7 segment disp: segments (act.low) + O_MEM_CE_N : out slbit; -- cram: chip enable (act.low) + O_MEM_BE_N : out slv2; -- cram: byte enables (act.low) + O_MEM_WE_N : out slbit; -- cram: write enable (act.low) + O_MEM_OE_N : out slbit; -- cram: output enable (act.low) + O_MEM_ADV_N : out slbit; -- cram: address valid (act.low) + O_MEM_CLK : out slbit; -- cram: clock + O_MEM_CRE : out slbit; -- cram: command register enable + I_MEM_WAIT : in slbit; -- cram: mem wait + O_MEM_ADDR : out slv23; -- cram: address lines + IO_MEM_DATA : inout slv16; -- cram: data lines + O_PPCM_CE_N : out slbit; -- ppcm: ... + O_PPCM_RST_N : out slbit; -- ppcm: ... + I_FX2_IFCLK : in slbit; -- fx2: interface clock + O_FX2_FIFO : out slv2; -- fx2: fifo address + I_FX2_FLAG : in slv4; -- fx2: fifo flags + O_FX2_SLRD_N : out slbit; -- fx2: read enable (act.low) + O_FX2_SLWR_N : out slbit; -- fx2: write enable (act.low) + O_FX2_SLOE_N : out slbit; -- fx2: output enable (act.low) + O_FX2_PKTEND_N : out slbit; -- fx2: packet end (act.low) + IO_FX2_DATA : inout slv8 -- fx2: data lines + ); +end sys_tst_fx2loop_n3; + +architecture syn of sys_tst_fx2loop_n3 is + + signal CLK : slbit := '0'; + signal RESET : slbit := '0'; + + signal CE_USEC : slbit := '0'; + signal CE_MSEC : slbit := '0'; + + signal SWI : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + signal BTN : slv5 := (others=>'0'); + signal LED : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + signal DSP_DAT : slv16 := (others=>'0'); + signal DSP_DP : slv4 := (others=>'0'); + + signal LED_MAP : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + + signal HIO_CNTL : hio_cntl_type := hio_cntl_init; + signal HIO_STAT : hio_stat_type := hio_stat_init; + + signal FX2_RXDATA : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + signal FX2_RXVAL : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_RXHOLD : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_RXAEMPTY : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_TXDATA : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + signal FX2_TXENA : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_TXBUSY : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_TXAFULL : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_TX2DATA : slv8 := (others=>'0'); + signal FX2_TX2ENA : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_TX2BUSY : slbit := '1'; + signal FX2_TX2AFULL : slbit := '0'; + signal FX2_MONI : fx2ctl_moni_type := fx2ctl_moni_init; + +begin + + assert (sys_conf_clksys mod 1000000) = 0 + report "assert sys_conf_clksys on MHz grid" + severity failure; + + GEN_CLKSYS : s6_cmt_sfs + generic map ( + VCO_DIVIDE => sys_conf_clksys_vcodivide, + VCO_MULTIPLY => sys_conf_clksys_vcomultiply, + OUT_DIVIDE => sys_conf_clksys_outdivide, + CLKIN_PERIOD => 10.0, + CLKIN_JITTER => 0.01, + STARTUP_WAIT => false, + GEN_TYPE => sys_conf_clksys_gentype) + port map ( + CLKIN => I_CLK100, + CLKFX => CLK, + LOCKED => open + ); + + CLKDIV : clkdivce + generic map ( + CDUWIDTH => 8, -- good for up to 255 MHz ! + USECDIV => sys_conf_clksys_mhz, + MSECDIV => 1000) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + CE_USEC => CE_USEC, + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC + ); + + HIO : sn_humanio + generic map ( + BWIDTH => 5, + DEBOUNCE => sys_conf_hio_debounce) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => '0', + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC, + SWI => SWI, + BTN => BTN, + LED => LED, + DSP_DAT => DSP_DAT, + DSP_DP => DSP_DP, + I_SWI => I_SWI, + I_BTN => I_BTN, + O_LED => O_LED, + O_ANO_N => O_ANO_N, + O_SEG_N => O_SEG_N + ); + + RESET <= BTN(0); -- BTN(0) will reset tester !! + + HIOMAP : tst_fx2loop_hiomap + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => RESET, + HIO_CNTL => HIO_CNTL, + HIO_STAT => HIO_STAT, + FX2_MONI => FX2_MONI, + SWI => SWI, + BTN => BTN(3 downto 0), + LED => LED_MAP, + DSP_DAT => DSP_DAT, + DSP_DP => DSP_DP + ); + + proc_led: process (SWI, LED_MAP, FX2_TX2BUSY, FX2_TX2ENA, + FX2_TXBUSY, FX2_TXENA, FX2_RXHOLD, FX2_RXVAL) + begin + + if SWI(4) = '1' then + LED(7) <= '0'; + LED(6) <= '0'; + LED(5) <= FX2_TX2BUSY; + LED(4) <= FX2_TX2ENA; + LED(3) <= FX2_TXBUSY; + LED(2) <= FX2_TXENA; + LED(1) <= FX2_RXHOLD; + LED(0) <= FX2_RXVAL; + else + LED <= LED_MAP; + end if; + + end process proc_led; + + + TST : tst_fx2loop + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => RESET, + CE_MSEC => CE_MSEC, + HIO_CNTL => HIO_CNTL, + HIO_STAT => HIO_STAT, + FX2_MONI => FX2_MONI, + RXDATA => FX2_RXDATA, + RXVAL => FX2_RXVAL, + RXHOLD => FX2_RXHOLD, + TXDATA => FX2_TXDATA, + TXENA => FX2_TXENA, + TXBUSY => FX2_TXBUSY, + TX2DATA => FX2_TX2DATA, + TX2ENA => FX2_TX2ENA, + TX2BUSY => FX2_TX2BUSY + ); + + FX2_CNTL_IC : if sys_conf_fx2_type = "ic2" generate + CNTL : fx2_2fifoctl_ic + generic map ( + RXFAWIDTH => 5, + TXFAWIDTH => 5, + PETOWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_petowidth, + CCWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth, + RXAEMPTY_THRES => 1, + TXAFULL_THRES => 1) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => RESET, + RXDATA => FX2_RXDATA, + RXVAL => FX2_RXVAL, + RXHOLD => FX2_RXHOLD, + RXAEMPTY => FX2_RXAEMPTY, + TXDATA => FX2_TXDATA, + TXENA => FX2_TXENA, + TXBUSY => FX2_TXBUSY, + TXAFULL => FX2_TXAFULL, + MONI => FX2_MONI, + I_FX2_IFCLK => I_FX2_IFCLK, + O_FX2_FIFO => O_FX2_FIFO, + I_FX2_FLAG => I_FX2_FLAG, + O_FX2_SLRD_N => O_FX2_SLRD_N, + O_FX2_SLWR_N => O_FX2_SLWR_N, + O_FX2_SLOE_N => O_FX2_SLOE_N, + O_FX2_PKTEND_N => O_FX2_PKTEND_N, + IO_FX2_DATA => IO_FX2_DATA + ); + end generate FX2_CNTL_IC; + + FX2_CNTL_IC3 : if sys_conf_fx2_type = "ic3" generate + CNTL : fx2_3fifoctl_ic + generic map ( + RXFAWIDTH => 5, + TXFAWIDTH => 5, + PETOWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_petowidth, + CCWIDTH => sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth, + RXAEMPTY_THRES => 1, + TXAFULL_THRES => 1, + TX2AFULL_THRES => 1) + port map ( + CLK => CLK, + RESET => RESET, + RXDATA => FX2_RXDATA, + RXVAL => FX2_RXVAL, + RXHOLD => FX2_RXHOLD, + RXAEMPTY => FX2_RXAEMPTY, + TXDATA => FX2_TXDATA, + TXENA => FX2_TXENA, + TXBUSY => FX2_TXBUSY, + TXAFULL => FX2_TXAFULL, + TX2DATA => FX2_TX2DATA, + TX2ENA => FX2_TX2ENA, + TX2BUSY => FX2_TX2BUSY, + TX2AFULL => FX2_TX2AFULL, + MONI => FX2_MONI, + I_FX2_IFCLK => I_FX2_IFCLK, + O_FX2_FIFO => O_FX2_FIFO, + I_FX2_FLAG => I_FX2_FLAG, + O_FX2_SLRD_N => O_FX2_SLRD_N, + O_FX2_SLWR_N => O_FX2_SLWR_N, + O_FX2_SLOE_N => O_FX2_SLOE_N, + O_FX2_PKTEND_N => O_FX2_PKTEND_N, + IO_FX2_DATA => IO_FX2_DATA + ); + end generate FX2_CNTL_IC3; + + SRAM_PROT : nx_cram_dummy -- connect CRAM to protection dummy + port map ( + O_MEM_CE_N => O_MEM_CE_N, + O_MEM_BE_N => O_MEM_BE_N, + O_MEM_WE_N => O_MEM_WE_N, + O_MEM_OE_N => O_MEM_OE_N, + O_MEM_ADV_N => O_MEM_ADV_N, + O_MEM_CLK => O_MEM_CLK, + O_MEM_CRE => O_MEM_CRE, + I_MEM_WAIT => I_MEM_WAIT, + O_MEM_ADDR => O_MEM_ADDR, + IO_MEM_DATA => IO_MEM_DATA + ); + + O_PPCM_CE_N <= '1'; -- keep parallel PCM memory disabled + O_PPCM_RST_N <= '1'; -- + + O_TXD <= I_RXD; -- loop-back in serial port... + +end syn; + Index: nexys3/sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vbom =================================================================== --- nexys3/sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vbom (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vbom (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# this is the vbom for the 'generic' top level entity +# to be referenced in the vbom's of the specific systems +# ./ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3 +# ./ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3 +# +# libs +../../../vlib/slvtypes.vhd +../../../vlib/xlib/xlib.vhd +../../../vlib/genlib/genlib.vhd +../../../bplib/bpgen/bpgenlib.vbom +../tst_fx2looplib.vbom +../../../bplib/fx2lib/fx2lib.vhd +../../../bplib/nxcramlib/nxcramlib.vhd +${sys_conf} +# components +[xst,vsyn,isim,vsim]../../../vlib/xlib/s6_cmt_sfs_unisim.vbom +[ghdl]../../../vlib/xlib/s6_cmt_sfs_gsim.vbom +../../../vlib/genlib/clkdivce.vbom +../../../bplib/bpgen/sn_humanio.vbom +../tst_fx2loop_hiomap.vbom +../tst_fx2loop.vbom +../../../bplib/fx2lib/fx2_2fifoctl_ic.vbom +../../../bplib/fx2lib/fx2_3fifoctl_ic.vbom +../../../bplib/nxcramlib/nx_cram_dummy.vbom +# design +sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vhd +## no @ucf_cpp + Index: nexys3/ic/sys_conf.vhd =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic/sys_conf.vhd (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic/sys_conf.vhd (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +-- $Id: sys_conf.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $ +-- +-- Copyright 2012-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller +-- +-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +-- +-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +-- for complete details. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Package Name: sys_conf +-- Description: Definitions for sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3 (for synthesis) +-- +-- Dependencies: - +-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31 +-- Revision History: +-- Date Rev Version Comment +-- 2013-10-06 538 1.2 pll support, use clksys_vcodivide ect +-- 2012-04-24 510 1.1 use 3/2 clock-> 150 MHz sysclk +-- 2012-04-09 461 1.0 Initial version +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +use work.slvtypes.all; + +package sys_conf is + + constant sys_conf_clksys_vcodivide : positive := 2; + constant sys_conf_clksys_vcomultiply : positive := 3; -- dcm 150 MHz + constant sys_conf_clksys_outdivide : positive := 1; -- sys 150 MHz + constant sys_conf_clksys_gentype : string := "DCM"; + + constant sys_conf_fx2_type : string := "ic2"; + + -- dummy values defs for generic parameters of as controller + constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwldelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwhdelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwldelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwhdelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_flagdelay : positive := 1; + + -- pktend timer setting + -- petowidth=10 -> 2^10 30 MHz clocks -> ~33 usec (normal operation) + constant sys_conf_fx2_petowidth : positive := 10; + + constant sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth : positive := 5; + + constant sys_conf_hio_debounce : boolean := true; -- instantiate debouncers + + -- derived constants + + constant sys_conf_clksys : integer := + ((100000000/sys_conf_clksys_vcodivide)*sys_conf_clksys_vcomultiply) / + sys_conf_clksys_outdivide; + constant sys_conf_clksys_mhz : integer := sys_conf_clksys/1000000; + +end package sys_conf; Index: nexys3/ic/Makefile =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic/Makefile (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# $Id: Makefile 639 2015-01-30 18:12:19Z mueller $ +# +# Revision History: +# Date Rev Version Comment +# 2012-04-09 461 1.0 Initial version +# +# +VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom) +BIT_all = $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.bit) +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +FX2_FILE = nexys3_jtag_2fifo_ic.ihx +# +.PHONY : all clean +# +all : $(BIT_all) +# +clean : ise_clean + rm -f $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.ucf) +# +#---- +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +# +ifndef DONTINCDEP +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst) +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_ghdl) +endif +# Index: nexys3/ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.ucf_cpp =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.ucf_cpp (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.ucf_cpp (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +## $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.ucf_cpp 556 2014-05-29 19:01:39Z mueller $ +## +## Revision History: +## Date Rev Version Comment +## 2013-10-13 540 1.1 add pad->clk and fx2 cdc constraints +## 2012-04-09 461 1.0 Initial version +## + +NET "I_CLK100" TNM_NET = "I_CLK100"; +TIMESPEC "TS_I_CLK100" = PERIOD "I_CLK100" 10.0 ns HIGH 50 %; +OFFSET = IN 10 ns BEFORE "I_CLK100"; +OFFSET = OUT 20 ns AFTER "I_CLK100"; + +## constrain pad->net clock delay +NET CLK TNM = TNM_CLK; +TIMESPEC TS_PAD_CLK=FROM PADS(I_CLK100) TO TNM_CLK 10 ns; +NET I_FX2_IFCLK_BUFGP TNM = TNM_IFCLK; +TIMESPEC TS_PAD_IFCLK=FROM PADS(I_FX2_IFCLK) TO TNM_IFCLK 10 ns; + +## constrain async pad->pad delays +TIMEGRP TG_SLOW_INS = PADS(I_RXD); +TIMEGRP TG_SLOW_OUTS = PADS(O_TXD); +TIMESPEC TS_ASYNC_PADS=FROM TG_SLOW_INS TO TG_SLOW_OUTS 10 ns; + +## FX2 controller specific constraints +## constrain cdc path in fifos and reset +TIMESPEC TS_CDC_FIFO = + FROM FFS(*FIFO/GC?/GRAY_*.CNT/R_DATA* + *FIFO/R_REG?_rst? + *FIFO/R_REG?_rst?_s) + TO FFS(*FIFO/R_REG?_?addr_c* + *FIFO/R_REG?_rst?_c + *FIFO/R_REG?_rst?_sc) + 5 ns DATAPATHONLY; + +## constrain cdc path in monitor +TIMESPEC TS_CDC_FX2MONI = FROM FFS + TO FFS(FX2_CNTL*/R_MONI_C*) 5 ns DATAPATHONLY; + +## +## std board +## +#include "bplib/nexys3/nexys3_pins.ucf" +## +## FX2 interface +## +#include "bplib/nexys3/nexys3_pins_fx2.ucf" +#include "bplib/nexys3/nexys3_time_fx2_ic.ucf" Index: nexys3/ic/.cvsignore =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic/.cvsignore (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic/.cvsignore (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +_impactbatch.log +sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +*.svf Index: nexys3/ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.vbom =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.vbom (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.vbom (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# conf +sys_conf = sys_conf.vhd +# libs +# components +# design +../sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vbom +@ucf_cpp: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.ucf +@top: sys_tst_fx2loop_n3 Index: nexys3/ic =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic (revision 33)
nexys3/ic Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,37 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +_impactbatch.log +sys_tst_fx2loop_ic_n3.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +*.svf Index: nexys3/ic3/sys_conf.vhd =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic3/sys_conf.vhd (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic3/sys_conf.vhd (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +-- $Id: sys_conf.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $ +-- +-- Copyright 2012-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller +-- +-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +-- +-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +-- for complete details. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Package Name: sys_conf +-- Description: Definitions for sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3 (for synthesis) +-- +-- Dependencies: - +-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31 +-- Revision History: +-- Date Rev Version Comment +-- 2013-10-06 538 1.2 pll support, use clksys_vcodivide ect +-- 2012-04-25 510 1.1 use 3/2 clock-> 150 MHz sysclk +-- 2012-04-09 461 1.0 Initial version +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +use work.slvtypes.all; + +package sys_conf is + + constant sys_conf_clksys_vcodivide : positive := 2; + constant sys_conf_clksys_vcomultiply : positive := 3; -- dcm 150 MHz + constant sys_conf_clksys_outdivide : positive := 1; -- sys 150 MHz + constant sys_conf_clksys_gentype : string := "DCM"; + + constant sys_conf_fx2_type : string := "ic3"; + + -- dummy values defs for generic parameters of as controller + constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwldelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_rdpwhdelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwldelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_wrpwhdelay : positive := 1; + constant sys_conf_fx2_flagdelay : positive := 1; + + -- pktend timer setting + -- petowidth=10 -> 2^10 30 MHz clocks -> ~33 usec (normal operation) + constant sys_conf_fx2_petowidth : positive := 10; + + constant sys_conf_fx2_ccwidth : positive := 5; + + constant sys_conf_hio_debounce : boolean := true; -- instantiate debouncers + + -- derived constants + + constant sys_conf_clksys : integer := + ((100000000/sys_conf_clksys_vcodivide)*sys_conf_clksys_vcomultiply) / + sys_conf_clksys_outdivide; + constant sys_conf_clksys_mhz : integer := sys_conf_clksys/1000000; + +end package sys_conf; Index: nexys3/ic3/Makefile =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic3/Makefile (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic3/Makefile (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# $Id: Makefile 639 2015-01-30 18:12:19Z mueller $ +# +# Revision History: +# Date Rev Version Comment +# 2012-04-09 461 1.0 Initial version +# +# +VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom) +BIT_all = $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.bit) +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +FX2_FILE = nexys3_jtag_3fifo_ic.ihx +# +.PHONY : all clean +# +all : $(BIT_all) +# +clean : ise_clean + rm -f $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.ucf) +# +#---- +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +# +ifndef DONTINCDEP +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst) +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_ghdl) +endif +# Index: nexys3/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.vbom =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.vbom (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.vbom (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# conf +sys_conf = sys_conf.vhd +# libs +# components +# design +../sys_tst_fx2loop_n3.vbom +@ucf_cpp: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.ucf +@top: sys_tst_fx2loop_n3 Index: nexys3/ic3/.cvsignore =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic3/.cvsignore (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic3/.cvsignore (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +_impactbatch.log +sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +*.svf Index: nexys3/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.ucf_cpp =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.ucf_cpp (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic3/sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.ucf_cpp (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +## $Id: sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.ucf_cpp 461 2012-04-09 21:17:54Z mueller $ +## +## Revision History: +## Date Rev Version Comment +## 2012-04-09 461 1.0 Initial version +## + +NET "I_CLK100" TNM_NET = "I_CLK100"; +TIMESPEC "TS_I_CLK100" = PERIOD "I_CLK100" 10.0 ns HIGH 50 %; +OFFSET = IN 10 ns BEFORE "I_CLK100"; +OFFSET = OUT 20 ns AFTER "I_CLK100"; + +## std board +## +#include "bplib/nexys3/nexys3_pins.ucf" +## +## FX2 interface +## +#include "bplib/nexys3/nexys3_pins_fx2.ucf" +#include "bplib/nexys3/nexys3_time_fx2_ic.ucf" Index: nexys3/ic3 =================================================================== --- nexys3/ic3 (nonexistent) +++ nexys3/ic3 (revision 33)
nexys3/ic3 Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,37 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +_impactbatch.log +sys_tst_fx2loop_ic3_n3.ucf +*.dep_ucf_cpp +*.svf Index: nexys3 =================================================================== --- nexys3 (nonexistent) +++ nexys3 (revision 33)
nexys3 Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,33 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log Index: tst_fx2looplib.vhd =================================================================== --- tst_fx2looplib.vhd (nonexistent) +++ tst_fx2looplib.vhd (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +-- $Id: tst_fx2looplib.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $ +-- +-- Copyright 2011-2012 by Walter F.J. Mueller +-- +-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under +-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. +-- +-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY +-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +-- for complete details. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +-- Package Name: tst_fx2looplib +-- Description: Definitions for tst_fx2loop records and helpers +-- +-- Dependencies: - +-- Tool versions: xst 13.3-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31 +-- Revision History: +-- Date Rev Version Comment +-- 2012-01-15 453 1.1 drop pecnt, add rxhold,(tx|tx2)busy in hio_stat +-- 2011-12-26 445 1.0 Initial version +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +library ieee; +use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; + +use work.slvtypes.all; +use work.fx2lib.all; + +package tst_fx2looplib is + + constant c_ctltyp_2fifo_as : integer := 0; -- fx2ctl type: 2fifo_as + constant c_ctltyp_2fifo_ic : integer := 1; -- fx2ctl type: 2fifo_ic + constant c_ctltyp_3fifo_ic : integer := 2; -- fx2ctl type: 3fifo_ic + + constant c_mode_idle : slv2 := "00"; -- mode: idle (no tx activity) + constant c_mode_rxblast : slv2 := "01"; -- mode: rxblast (check rx activity) + constant c_mode_txblast : slv2 := "10"; -- mode: txblast (saturate tx) + constant c_mode_loop : slv2 := "11"; -- mode: loop (rx->tx loop-back) + + type hio_cntl_type is record -- humanio controls + mode : slv2; -- mode (idle,(tx|tx)blast,loop) + tx2blast : slbit; -- enable tx2 blast + throttle : slbit; -- enable 1 msec tx throttling + end record hio_cntl_type; + + constant hio_cntl_init : hio_cntl_type := ( + c_mode_idle, -- mode + '0','0' -- tx2blast,throttle + ); + + type hio_stat_type is record -- humanio status + rxhold : slbit; -- rx hold + txbusy : slbit; -- tx busy + tx2busy : slbit; -- tx2 busy + rxsecnt : slv16; -- rx sequence error counter + rxcnt : slv32; -- rx word counter + txcnt : slv32; -- tx word counter + tx2cnt : slv32; -- tx2 word counter + end record hio_stat_type; + + constant hio_stat_init : hio_stat_type := ( + '0','0','0', -- rxhold,txbusy,tx2busy + (others=>'0'), -- rxsecnt + (others=>'0'), -- rxcnt + (others=>'0'), -- txcnt + (others=>'0') -- tx2cnt + ); + +-- ------------------------------------- + +component tst_fx2loop is -- tester for serport components + port ( + CLK : in slbit; -- clock + RESET : in slbit; -- reset + CE_MSEC : in slbit; -- msec pulse + HIO_CNTL : in hio_cntl_type; -- humanio controls + HIO_STAT : out hio_stat_type; -- humanio status + FX2_MONI : in fx2ctl_moni_type; -- fx2ctl monitor + RXDATA : in slv8; -- receiver data out + RXVAL : in slbit; -- receiver data valid + RXHOLD : out slbit; -- receiver data hold + TXDATA : out slv8; -- transmit data in + TXENA : out slbit; -- transmit data enable + TXBUSY : in slbit; -- transmit busy + TX2DATA : out slv8; -- transmit 2 data in + TX2ENA : out slbit; -- transmit 2 data enable + TX2BUSY : in slbit -- transmit 2 busy + ); +end component; + +component tst_fx2loop_hiomap is -- default human I/O mapper + port ( + CLK : in slbit; -- clock + RESET : in slbit; -- reset + HIO_CNTL : out hio_cntl_type; -- tester controls from hio + HIO_STAT : in hio_stat_type; -- tester status to display by hio + FX2_MONI : in fx2ctl_moni_type; -- fx2ctl monitor to display by hio + SWI : in slv8; -- switch settings + BTN : in slv4; -- button settings + LED : out slv8; -- led data + DSP_DAT : out slv16; -- display data + DSP_DP : out slv4 -- display decimal points + ); +end component; + +end package tst_fx2looplib; Index: Makefile =================================================================== --- Makefile (nonexistent) +++ Makefile (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# $Id: Makefile 639 2015-01-30 18:12:19Z mueller $ +# +# Revision History: +# Date Rev Version Comment +# 2014-11-08 602 1.3 rename realclean->distclean +# 2013-01-05 470 1.2 fix LDLIBS (must come after objs) +# 2012-02-26 458 1.1 add tst_fx2loop_si +# 2011-12-26 445 1.0 Initial version +# +VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom) +NGC_all = $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.ngc) +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +# +.PHONY : all clean distclean +# +all : tst_fx2loop tst_fx2loop_si +# +clean : ise_clean + rm -f tst_fx2loop + rm -f tst_fx2loop_si +# +distclean : + rm -f tst_fx2loop tst_fx2loop_si +# +CFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -g +LDLIBS = -lusb-1.0 +# +tst_fx2loop : tst_fx2loop.c + ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o tst_fx2loop tst_fx2loop.c ${LDLIBS} +tst_fx2loop_si : tst_fx2loop_si.c + ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o tst_fx2loop_si tst_fx2loop_si.c ${LDLIBS} +# +#---- +# +include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/ +# +ifndef DONTINCDEP +include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst) +endif +# Index: tst_fx2loop.c =================================================================== --- tst_fx2loop.c (nonexistent) +++ tst_fx2loop.c (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@ +/* $Id: tst_fx2loop.c 530 2013-08-09 21:25:04Z mueller $ */ +/* + * Copyright 2011-2013 by Walter F.J. Mueller + * + * This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under + * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free + * Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but + * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY + * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License + * for complete details. + * + * + * Revision History: + * Date Rev Version Comment + * 2013-08-09 530 2.1.2 -read: write up to 9 nstead of 7 words + * 2012-04-09 461 2.1.1 fix loop back code: fix run-down, add pipe drain + * 2012-03-24 460 2.1 add message loop back code (preliminary) + * 2012-03-10 459 2.0 re-write for asynchronous libusb interface + * 2012-02-12 457 1.1 redo argument handling; add -stat and -rndm + * 2012-01-15 453 1.0.1 add -tx2blast; fix bug in loop read loop + * 2011-12-29 446 1.0 Initial version (only -read/write/loop) +*/ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +static int nsigint = 0; +static int endpoll = 0; +static libusb_context* pUsbContext = 0; +static libusb_device** pUsbDevList = 0; +static int UsbDevCount = 0; +static libusb_device_handle* pUsbDevHdl = 0; + +static struct pollfd pollfd_fds[16]; +static int pollfd_nfds = 0; + +struct dsc_queue { + int par_nfrm; + int par_nque; + double stat_nbuf; + double stat_nbyt; + double stat_npt; + uint16_t cval; +}; + +static struct dsc_queue dsc_rx; +static struct dsc_queue dsc_tx1; +static struct dsc_queue dsc_tx2; + +static int par_nwmsg = 0; +static int par_nwrndm = 0; +static int par_stat = 0; +static int par_trace = 0; +static int par_nsec = 0; + +static int cur_nwmsg = 0; +static double stat_nmsg = 0.; + +static double t_start; +static int nreq = 0; + +static char** argv; +static int argc; +static int argi; + + +void usage(FILE* of); +int get_pint(char* p); +double get_double(char* p); +int get_arg_pint(int min, int max, const char* text); + +void do_write(uint16_t* buf, int nw); +void do_read(int ep); +void do_run(); +void do_stat(); +void usb_claim(); +void usb_release(); +char* usb_strerror(int rc); +void prt_time(void); +double get_time(void); +void bad_syscall_exit(const char* text, int rc); +void bad_usbcall_exit(const char* text, int rc); +void bad_transfer_exit(struct libusb_transfer *t, const char* text); + +void sigint_handler(int signum) +{ + printf("\n"); + nsigint += 1; + if (nsigint > 3) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: 3rd ^C, aborting\n"); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); + } + return; +} + +int main(int main_argc, char *main_argv[]) +{ + argc = main_argc; + argv = main_argv; + argi = 1; + + int i; + + /* setup ^C handler */ + struct sigaction new_action; + + new_action.sa_handler = sigint_handler; + sigemptyset (&new_action.sa_mask); + new_action.sa_flags = 0; + sigaction (SIGINT, &new_action, NULL); + + /* capture -help case here */ + for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { + if (strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) { + usage(stdout); + return EXIT_SUCCESS; + } + } + + /* determine usb device path (first arg or from RETRO_FX2_VID/PID */ + char devbuf[10]; + char* path = 0; + + if (argc > argi && argv[argi][0] != '-') { + path = argv[argi]; + argi += 1; + } else { + char* env_vid = getenv("RETRO_FX2_VID"); + char* env_pid = getenv("RETRO_FX2_PID"); + if (env_vid && strlen(env_vid) == 4 && + env_pid && strlen(env_pid) == 4) { + strncpy(devbuf , env_vid,4); + devbuf[4] = ':'; + strncpy(devbuf+5, env_pid,4); + devbuf[9] = 0; + path = devbuf; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, + "tst_fx2loop-F: RETRO_FX2_VID/PID not or ill defined\n"); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } + } + + /* init libusb, connect to device */ + libusb_init(&pUsbContext); + libusb_set_debug(pUsbContext, 3); + UsbDevCount = libusb_get_device_list(pUsbContext, &pUsbDevList); + + libusb_device* mydev = 0; + + if (strlen(path)==8 && path[0]=='/' && path[4]=='/') { + char busnam[4]; + char devnam[4]; + strncpy(busnam, path+1, 3); + strncpy(devnam, path+5, 3); + busnam[3] = 0; + devnam[3] = 0; + + char* endptr; + uint8_t busnum = strtol(busnam, &endptr, 10); + uint8_t devnum = strtol(devnam, &endptr, 10); + + int idev; + for (idev=0; idev 0xffff) { + nw = 0; + break; + } + argi += 1; + buf[nw++] = (uint16_t)val; + } + if (nw == 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-E: bad word list\n"); + break; + } + do_write(buf, nw); + + } else if (strcmp(argv[argi],"-read") == 0) { + argi += 1; + int ep = 6; + if (argi < argc) ep = get_pint(argv[argi++]); + if (ep != 6 && ep != 8) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: bad read endpoint (must be 6 or 8)\n"); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } + do_read(ep); + + } else if (strcmp(argv[argi],"-run") == 0) { + argi += 1; + if (argi < argc) par_nsec = get_pint(argv[argi++]); + if (par_nsec < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-E: bad args for -run\n"); + break; + } + do_run(); + do_stat(); + + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: unknown option %s\n", argv[argi]); + usage(stderr); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } + } + + return EXIT_SUCCESS; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +void usage(FILE* of) +{ + fprintf(of, "Usage: tst_fx2loop [dev] [setup-opts...] [action-opts...]\n"); + fprintf(of, " arguments:\n"); + fprintf(of, " dev path usb device, either bus/dev or vend:prod\n"); + fprintf(of, " default is $RETRO_FX2_VID:$RETRO_FX2_VID\n"); + fprintf(of, " setup options:\n"); + fprintf(of, " -nbrx nb buffer size (in 512B) for rxblast\n"); + fprintf(of, " -nqrx nb number of buffers for rxblast\n"); + fprintf(of, " -nbtx nb buffer size (in 512B) for txblast or loop\n"); + fprintf(of, " -nqtx nb number of buffers for txblast or loop\n"); + fprintf(of, " -nbtx2 nb buffer size (in 512B) for tx2blast\n"); + fprintf(of, " -nqtx2 nb number of buffers for tx2blast\n"); + fprintf(of, " -nwmsg nw number words for loop test\n"); + fprintf(of, " -rndm use random length for loop test\n"); + fprintf(of, " -stat print live stats\n"); + fprintf(of, " -trace trace usb calls\n"); + fprintf(of, " action options:\n"); + fprintf(of, " -write w0 w1 ... write list of words to endpoint 4\n"); + fprintf(of, " -read ep read from endpoint ep\n"); + fprintf(of, " -run ns run tests for nw seconds\n"); +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +int get_pint(char* p) +{ + char *endptr; + long num = 0; + + num = strtol(p, &endptr, 0); + if ((endptr && *endptr) || num < 0 || num > INT_MAX) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-E: \"%s\" not a non-negative integer\n", p); + return -1; + } + return num; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +double get_double(char* p) +{ + char *endptr; + double num = 0.; + + num = strtod(p, &endptr); + if ((endptr && *endptr) || num < 0.) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-E: \"%s\" not a valid positive float\n", p); + return -1.; + } + return num; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +int get_arg_pint(int min, int max, const char* text) +{ + int tmp = -1; + if (argi < argc) tmp = get_pint(argv[argi++]); + if (tmp < min || tmp > max) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: %s\n", text); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); + } + return tmp; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void do_write(uint16_t* buf, int nw) +{ + int rc; + int i; + int ntrans; + int tout = 1000; + int ep = 4; + + usb_claim(); + rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(pUsbDevHdl, ep, + (unsigned char *)buf, nw*2, &ntrans, tout); + if (rc!=0 || ntrans != nw*2) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-E: bulk write failed ntrans=%d rc=%d: %s \n", + ntrans, rc, usb_strerror(rc)); + } else { + prt_time(); + printf("write %4d word:", nw); + for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) printf(" %4.4x", buf[i]); + printf("\n"); + } + usb_release(); + + return; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void do_read(int ep) +{ + int rc; + int i; + int ntrans; + uint16_t buf[4096]; + int tout = 1000; + int nloop; + + usb_claim(); + for (nloop=0;;nloop++) { + rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(pUsbDevHdl, ep|0x80, + (unsigned char *)buf, 2*4096, &ntrans, tout); + + if (ntrans==0 && rc) { + if (rc==LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT && ntrans==0 && nloop>0) break; + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-E: bulk read failed ntrans=%d rc=%d: %s \n", + ntrans, rc, usb_strerror(rc)); + break; + } + prt_time(); + printf("read %4d word:", ntrans/2); + int nprt = ntrans/2; + if (nprt > 9) nprt = 9; + for (i = 0; i < nprt; i++) printf(" %4.4x", (uint16_t)buf[i]); + printf("\n"); + if (nsigint>0) break; + } + usb_release(); + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void pollfd_add(int fd, short events, void *user_data) +{ + if (pollfd_nfds >= 16) { + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: pollfd list overflow\n"); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); + } + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("pollfd_add: fd=%3d evt=%4.4x\n", fd, events); + } + pollfd_fds[pollfd_nfds].fd = fd; + pollfd_fds[pollfd_nfds].events = events; + pollfd_fds[pollfd_nfds].revents = 0; + pollfd_nfds += 1; + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void pollfd_remove(int fd, void *user_data) +{ + int iw = 0; + int ir = 0; + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("pollfd_remove: fd=%3d\n", fd); + } + for (ir = 0; ir < pollfd_nfds; ir++) { + if (pollfd_fds[ir].fd != fd) { + pollfd_fds[iw].fd = pollfd_fds[ir].fd; + pollfd_fds[iw].events = pollfd_fds[ir].events; + pollfd_fds[iw].revents = pollfd_fds[ir].revents; + iw += 1; + } + } + pollfd_nfds = iw; + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void pollfd_init() +{ + const struct libusb_pollfd** plist = libusb_get_pollfds(pUsbContext); + const struct libusb_pollfd** p; + + for (p = plist; *p !=0; p++) { + pollfd_add((*p)->fd, (*p)->events, NULL); + } + + free(plist); + + libusb_set_pollfd_notifiers(pUsbContext, pollfd_add, pollfd_remove,NULL); + + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +int keep_running() +{ + if (nsigint > 0) return 0; + if (par_nsec > 0 && (get_time()-t_start) > par_nsec) return 0; + return 1; + +} + +/* forward declaration needed... */ +void cb_rxblast(struct libusb_transfer *t); + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void que_write() +{ + int rc; + int i; + int nw = 512*dsc_rx.par_nfrm/2; + int length = 2*nw; + uint16_t* pdat; + + struct libusb_transfer* t = libusb_alloc_transfer(0); + + t->dev_handle = pUsbDevHdl; + t->flags = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_TRANSFER | LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_BUFFER; + t->endpoint = 4; + t->type = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK; + t->timeout = 1000; + t->status = 0; + t->buffer = malloc(length); + t->length = length; + t->actual_length = 0; + t->callback = cb_rxblast; + t->user_data = 0; + + pdat = (uint16_t*)(t->buffer); + for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) *pdat++ = dsc_rx.cval++; + + rc = libusb_submit_transfer(t); + if (rc) bad_usbcall_exit("libusb_submit_transfer()", rc); + + nreq += 1; + + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("que_write: ep=%1d l=%5d\n", t->endpoint&(~0x80), t->length); + } + + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void que_read(int ep, int nb, libusb_transfer_cb_fn cb) +{ + int rc; + int length = 512*nb; + + struct libusb_transfer* t = libusb_alloc_transfer(0); + + t->dev_handle = pUsbDevHdl; + t->flags = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_TRANSFER | LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_BUFFER; + t->endpoint = (unsigned char) (ep|0x80); + t->type = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK; + t->timeout = 1000; + t->status = 0; + t->buffer = malloc(length); + t->length = length; + t->actual_length = 0; + t->callback = cb; + t->user_data = 0; + + rc = libusb_submit_transfer(t); + if (rc) bad_usbcall_exit("libusb_submit_transfer()", rc); + + nreq += 1; + + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("que_read: ep=%1d l=%5d\n", t->endpoint&(~0x80), t->length); + } + + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void send_msg() +{ + int rc; + int i; + int nw = par_nwmsg; + int length; + uint16_t* pdat; + + if (par_nwrndm) nw = 1 + (random() % par_nwmsg); + length = 2 * nw; + cur_nwmsg = nw; + + struct libusb_transfer* t = libusb_alloc_transfer(0); + + t->dev_handle = pUsbDevHdl; + t->flags = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_TRANSFER | LIBUSB_TRANSFER_FREE_BUFFER; + t->endpoint = 4; + t->type = LIBUSB_TRANSFER_TYPE_BULK; + t->timeout = 1000; + t->status = 0; + t->buffer = malloc(length); + t->length = length; + t->actual_length = 0; + t->callback = cb_rxblast; + t->user_data = 0; + + pdat = (uint16_t*)(t->buffer); + for (i = 0; i < nw-1; i++) *pdat++ = dsc_rx.cval++; + *pdat++ = 0xdead; + + rc = libusb_submit_transfer(t); + if (rc) bad_usbcall_exit("libusb_submit_transfer()", rc); + + nreq += 1; + + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("send_msg: ep=%1d l=%5d", t->endpoint&(~0x80), t->length); + printf(" buf=%4.4x,..", ((uint16_t*)(t->buffer))[0]); + for (i = nw-2; i < nw; i++) { + printf(",%4.4x", ((uint16_t*)(t->buffer))[i]); + } + printf("\n"); + } + + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void cb_rxblast(struct libusb_transfer *t) +{ + nreq -= 1; + + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("cb_rx : ep=%d l=%5d al=%5d\n", + t->endpoint&(~0x80), t->length, t->actual_length); + } + + bad_transfer_exit(t, "cb_rxblast"); + dsc_rx.stat_nbuf += 1; + dsc_rx.stat_nbyt += t->actual_length; + + if (par_nwmsg==0 && keep_running()) que_write(); + + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void cb_txblast(struct libusb_transfer *t, int ep, libusb_transfer_cb_fn cb, + struct dsc_queue* pdsc) +{ + nreq -= 1; + + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("cb_txx: ep=%d l=%5d al=%5d\n", + t->endpoint&(~0x80), t->length, t->actual_length); + } + + bad_transfer_exit(t, "cb_txblast"); + if (t->actual_length > 0) { + uint16_t* pdat = (uint16_t*)(t->buffer); + int nw = t->actual_length/2; + int i; + if (pdsc->stat_nbuf == 0) pdsc->cval = pdat[0]; + for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) { + uint16_t dat = *pdat++; + if (pdsc->cval != dat) { + prt_time(); + printf("FAIL: on ep=%d seen %4.4x expect %4.4x after %10.0f char\n", + ep&(~0x80), dat, pdsc->cval, pdsc->stat_nbyt+2*i); + pdsc->cval = dat; + } + pdsc->cval += 1; + } + } + + pdsc->stat_nbuf += 1; + pdsc->stat_nbyt += t->actual_length; + if (t->actual_length < t->length) pdsc->stat_npt += 1; + + if (keep_running()) que_read(ep, pdsc->par_nfrm, cb); +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void cb_tx1blast(struct libusb_transfer *t) +{ + cb_txblast(t, 6, cb_tx1blast, &dsc_tx1); + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void cb_tx2blast(struct libusb_transfer *t) +{ + cb_txblast(t, 8, cb_tx2blast, &dsc_tx2); + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void cb_txloop(struct libusb_transfer *t) +{ + nreq -= 1; + + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("cb_txl: ep=%d l=%5d al=%5d\n", + t->endpoint&(~0x80), t->length, t->actual_length); + } + + bad_transfer_exit(t, "cb_txloop"); + if (t->actual_length > 0) { + uint16_t* pdat = (uint16_t*)(t->buffer); + int nw = t->actual_length/2; + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) { + uint16_t dat = *pdat++; + + if (cur_nwmsg > 0) { + uint16_t dat_exp = (cur_nwmsg>1) ? dsc_tx1.cval++ : 0xdead; + if (dat_exp != dat) { + prt_time(); + printf("FAIL: on ep=6 seen %4.4x expect %4.4x after %10.0f char\n", + dat, dat_exp, dsc_tx1.stat_nbyt+2*i); + if (cur_nwmsg>1) dsc_tx1.cval = dat + 1; + } + cur_nwmsg -= 1; + if (cur_nwmsg==0 && dat==0xdead) stat_nmsg += 1; + } else { + prt_time(); + printf("FAIL: on ep=6 seen %4.4x unexpected after %10.0f char\n", + dat, dsc_tx1.stat_nbyt+2*i); + } + } + } + + dsc_tx1.stat_nbuf += 1; + dsc_tx1.stat_nbyt += t->actual_length; + if (t->actual_length < t->length) dsc_tx1.stat_npt += 1; + + if (cur_nwmsg==0) { /* end of message seen */ + if (keep_running()) { + send_msg(); + } else { + if (par_trace) { prt_time(); printf("set endpoll = 1\n"); } + endpoll = 1; + } + } + + que_read(6, dsc_tx1.par_nfrm, cb_txloop); + + return; +} + +/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ +void tx_pipe_drain(int ep) +{ + unsigned char buf[16384]; + int ntrans; + int rc = libusb_bulk_transfer(pUsbDevHdl, ep|0x80, + buf, sizeof(buf), &ntrans, 10); + if (rc == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT) return; + if (rc) bad_usbcall_exit("pipe drain: libusb_bulk_transfer()", rc); + + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-I: pipe drain for ep=%d: ntrans=%d\n", + ep&(~0x80), ntrans); + + return; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +void do_run() +{ + int rc; + int fd_timer = -1; + int i; + + struct itimerspec tspec; + struct dsc_queue dsc_rx_last = dsc_rx; + struct dsc_queue dsc_tx1_last = dsc_tx1; + struct dsc_queue dsc_tx2_last = dsc_tx2; + + if (par_trace) { + prt_time(); + printf("rx:nf=%d,nq=%d; tx1:nf=%d,nq=%d; tx2:nf=%d,nq=%d\n", + dsc_rx.par_nfrm, dsc_rx.par_nque, + dsc_tx1.par_nfrm, dsc_tx2.par_nque, + dsc_tx2.par_nfrm, dsc_tx2.par_nque); + } + + /* setup pollfd list */ + fd_timer = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK); + if (fd_timer < 0) bad_syscall_exit("timerfd_create() failed", fd_timer); + tspec.it_interval.tv_sec = 1; + tspec.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; + tspec.it_value.tv_sec = 1; + tspec.it_value.tv_nsec = 0; + rc = timerfd_settime(fd_timer, 0, &tspec, NULL); + if (rc<0) bad_syscall_exit("timerfd_settime() failed", rc); + pollfd_fds[0].fd = fd_timer; + pollfd_fds[0].events = POLLIN; + pollfd_fds[0].revents = 0; + pollfd_nfds = 1; + + pollfd_init(); + + /* setup loop */ + if (par_nwmsg > 0) { + dsc_rx.par_nfrm = 0; + dsc_rx.par_nque = 0; + if (dsc_tx1.par_nfrm == 0) dsc_tx1.par_nfrm = 1; + if (dsc_tx1.par_nque == 0) dsc_tx1.par_nque = 1; + + tx_pipe_drain(6); /* drain tx1 */ + for (i = 0; i < dsc_tx1.par_nque; i++) /* prime tx1 */ + que_read(6, dsc_tx1.par_nfrm, cb_txloop); + send_msg(); + } + + /* setup rxblast */ + if (dsc_rx.par_nfrm > 0) { + int i; + if (dsc_rx.par_nque == 0) dsc_rx.par_nque = 1; + for (i = 0; i < dsc_rx.par_nque; i++) que_write(); + } + + /* setup txblast */ + if (par_nwmsg==0 && dsc_tx1.par_nfrm>0) { + int i; + if (dsc_tx1.par_nque == 0) dsc_tx1.par_nque = 1; + for (i = 0; i < dsc_tx1.par_nque; i++) + que_read(6, dsc_tx1.par_nfrm, cb_tx1blast); + } + + /* setup tx2blast */ + if (dsc_tx2.par_nfrm > 0) { + int i; + if (dsc_tx2.par_nque == 0) dsc_tx2.par_nque = 1; + for (i = 0; i < dsc_tx2.par_nque; i++) + que_read(8, dsc_tx2.par_nfrm, cb_tx2blast); + } + + t_start = get_time(); + + while(nreq>0 && endpoll==0) { + uint64_t tbuf; + rc = poll(pollfd_fds, pollfd_nfds, 2000); + if (rc==-1 && errno==EINTR) continue; + if (rc < 0) bad_syscall_exit("poll() failed", rc); + if (rc == 0) fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-I: poll() timeout\n"); + + if (par_trace) { + int i; + prt_time(); + printf("poll: rc=%d:", rc); + for (i = 0; i < pollfd_nfds; i++) { + printf(" %d,%2.2x", pollfd_fds[i].fd, pollfd_fds[i].revents); + } + printf("\n"); + } + + if (pollfd_fds[0].revents == POLLIN) { + errno = EBADMSG; /* to be reported on short read */ + rc = read(fd_timer, &tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)); + if (rc != sizeof(tbuf)) bad_syscall_exit("read(fd_timer,...) failed", rc); + if (par_stat) { + prt_time(); + if (par_nwmsg>0 || dsc_rx.par_nque>0) { + double nbuf = dsc_rx.stat_nbuf - dsc_rx_last.stat_nbuf; + double nbyt = dsc_rx.stat_nbyt - dsc_rx_last.stat_nbyt; + printf("rx: %5.0f,%7.1f ", nbuf, nbyt/1000.); + } + if (dsc_tx1.par_nque > 0 ) { + double nbuf = dsc_tx1.stat_nbuf - dsc_tx1_last.stat_nbuf; + double nbyt = dsc_tx1.stat_nbyt - dsc_tx1_last.stat_nbyt; + printf("tx1: %5.0f,%7.1f ", nbuf, nbyt/1000.); + } + if (dsc_tx2.par_nque > 0 ) { + double nbuf = dsc_tx2.stat_nbuf - dsc_tx2_last.stat_nbuf; + double nbyt = dsc_tx2.stat_nbyt - dsc_tx2_last.stat_nbyt; + printf("tx2: %5.0f,%7.1f ", nbuf, nbyt/1000.); + } + printf("\n"); + dsc_rx_last = dsc_rx; + dsc_tx1_last = dsc_tx1; + dsc_tx2_last = dsc_tx2; + } + } else { + struct timeval tv; + tv.tv_sec = 0; + tv.tv_usec = 0; + rc = libusb_handle_events_timeout(pUsbContext, &tv); + //setting the timeval pointer to NULL should work, but doesn't (in 1.0.6) + //rc = libusb_handle_events_timeout(pUsbContext, 0); + if (rc) bad_usbcall_exit("libusb_handle_events_timeout()", rc); + } + } + + return; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void do_stat() +{ + printf("run statistics:\n"); + printf("runtime : %13.3f\n", get_time()-t_start); + printf("nbuf_rx : %13.0f\n", dsc_rx.stat_nbuf); + printf("nbyt_rx : %13.0f\n", dsc_rx.stat_nbyt); + printf("nbuf_tx1 : %13.0f\n", dsc_tx1.stat_nbuf); + printf("nbyt_tx1 : %13.0f\n", dsc_tx1.stat_nbyt); + printf("npt_tx1 : %13.0f\n", dsc_tx1.stat_npt); + printf("nbuf_tx2 : %13.0f\n", dsc_tx2.stat_nbuf); + printf("nbyt_tx2 : %13.0f\n", dsc_tx2.stat_nbyt); + printf("npt_tx2 : %13.0f\n", dsc_tx2.stat_npt); + printf("nmsg : %13.0f\n", stat_nmsg); + return; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void usb_claim() +{ + int rc = libusb_claim_interface(pUsbDevHdl, 0); + if (rc) bad_usbcall_exit("libusb_claim_interface()", rc); + return; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void usb_release() +{ + int rc = libusb_release_interface(pUsbDevHdl, 0); + if (rc) bad_usbcall_exit("libusb_release_interface()", rc); + return; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +char* usb_strerror(int rc) +{ + switch(rc) { + case LIBUSB_SUCCESS: + return ""; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_IO: + return "Input/output error"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM: + return "Invalid parameter"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS: + return "Access denied"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: + return "No such device"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_FOUND: + return "Entity not found"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_BUSY: + return "Resource busy"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT: + return "Operation timed out"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_OVERFLOW: + return "Overflow"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_PIPE: + return "Pipe error"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_INTERRUPTED: + return "System call interrupted"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_MEM: + return "Insufficient memory"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: + return "Operation not supported"; + case LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER: + return "Other error"; + default: + return "Unknown libusb error code"; + } +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void prt_time(void) +{ + struct timeval tv; + struct timezone tz; + struct tm tmval; + + gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); + localtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tmval); + printf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d: ", tmval.tm_hour, tmval.tm_min, tmval.tm_sec, + (int) tv.tv_usec); +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +double get_time(void) +{ + struct timeval tv; + struct timezone tz; + gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); + return (double)tv.tv_sec + 1.e-6 * (double)tv.tv_usec; +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void bad_syscall_exit(const char* text, int rc) +{ + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: %s failed with rc=%d errno=%d : %s\n", + text, rc, errno, strerror(errno)); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void bad_usbcall_exit(const char* text, int rc) +{ + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: %s failed with rc=%d: %s\n", + text, rc, usb_strerror(rc)); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + +void bad_transfer_exit(struct libusb_transfer *t, const char* text) +{ + const char* etext = 0; + + if (t->status == LIBUSB_TRANSFER_ERROR) etext = "ERROR"; + if (t->status == LIBUSB_TRANSFER_STALL) etext = "STALL"; + if (t->status == LIBUSB_TRANSFER_NO_DEVICE) etext = "NO_DEVICE"; + if (t->status == LIBUSB_TRANSFER_OVERFLOW) etext = "OVERFLOW"; + + if (etext == 0) return; + + fprintf(stderr, "tst_fx2loop-F: transfer failure in %s on ep=%d: %s\n", + text, (int)(t->endpoint&(~0x80)), etext); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + Index: tst_fx2loop_hiomap.vbom =================================================================== --- tst_fx2loop_hiomap.vbom (nonexistent) +++ tst_fx2loop_hiomap.vbom (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# libs +../../vlib/slvtypes.vhd +../../bplib/fx2lib/fx2lib.vhd +tst_fx2looplib.vbom +# components +# design +tst_fx2loop_hiomap.vhd Index: tst_fx2loop.vbom =================================================================== --- tst_fx2loop.vbom (nonexistent) +++ tst_fx2loop.vbom (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# libs +../../vlib/slvtypes.vhd +../../vlib/comlib/comlib.vhd +../../bplib/fx2lib/fx2lib.vhd +tst_fx2looplib.vhd +# components +../../vlib/comlib/byte2word.vbom +../../vlib/comlib/word2byte.vbom +# design +tst_fx2loop.vhd Index: tst_fx2looplib.vbom =================================================================== --- tst_fx2looplib.vbom (nonexistent) +++ tst_fx2looplib.vbom (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# libs +../../vlib/slvtypes.vhd +../../bplib/fx2lib/fx2lib.vhd +tst_fx2looplib.vhd Index: .cvsignore =================================================================== --- .cvsignore (nonexistent) +++ .cvsignore (revision 33) @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +tst_fx2loop +tst_fx2loop_si Index: . =================================================================== --- . (nonexistent) +++ . (revision 33)
. Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,35 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log +tst_fx2loop +tst_fx2loop_si

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