
Subversion Repositories w11

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 30 to Rev 33
    Reverse comparison

Rev 30 → Rev 33

0,0 → 1,461
-- $Id: rbd_rbmon.vhd 672 2015-05-02 21:58:28Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2015 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rbd_rbmon - syn
-- Description: rbus dev: rbus monitor
-- Dependencies: memlib/ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
-- Test bench: rlink/tb/tb_rlink_tba_ttcombo
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 12.1-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Synthesized (xst):
-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri
-- 2014-12-22 619 14.7 131013 xc6slx16-2 114 209 - 72 s 5.6
-- 2014-12-21 593 14.7 131013 xc6slx16-2 99 207 - 77 s 7.0
-- 2010-12-27 349 12.1 M53d xc3s1000-4 95 228 - 154 s 10.4
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2015-05-02 672 5.0.1 use natural for AWIDTH to work around a ghdl issue
-- 2014-12-22 619 5.0 reorganized, supports now 16 bit addresses
-- 2014-09-13 593 4.1 change default address -> ffe8
-- 2014-08-15 583 4.0 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit (but only 8 bit recorded)
-- 2011-11-19 427 1.0.3 now numeric_std clean
-- 2011-03-27 374 1.0.2 rename ncyc -> nbusy because it counts busy cycles
-- 2010-12-31 352 1.0.1 simplify irb_ack logic
-- 2010-12-27 349 1.0 Initial version
-- Addr Bits Name r/w/f Function
-- 000 cntl r/w/f Control register
-- 02 wena r/w/- wrap enable
-- 01 stop r/w/f writing 1 stops moni
-- 00 start r/w/f writing 1 starts moni and clears addr
-- 001 stat r/w/- Status register
-- 15:13 bsize r/-/- buffer size (AWIDTH-9)
-- 00 wrap r/-/- line address wrapped (cleared on go)
-- 010 hilim r/w/- upper address limit, inclusive (def: 0xfffb)
-- 011 lolim r/w/- lower address limit, inclusive (def: 0x0000)
-- 100 addr r/w/- Address register
-- *:02 laddr r/w/- line address
-- 01:00 waddr r/w/- word address
-- 101 data r/w/- Data register
-- data format:
-- word 3 15 : burst (2nd re/we in a aval sequence)
-- 14 : tout (busy in last re-we cycle)
-- 13 : nak (no ack in last non-busy cycle)
-- 12 : ack (ack seen)
-- 11 : busy (busy seen)
-- 10 : err (err seen)
-- 09 : we (write cycle)
-- 08 : init (init cycle)
-- 07:00 : delay to prev (msb's)
-- word 2 15:10 : delay to prev (lsb's)
-- 09:00 : number of busy cycles
-- word 1 : data
-- word 0 : addr
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.memlib.all;
use work.rblib.all;
-- Note: AWIDTH has type natural to allow AWIDTH=0 can be used in if generates
-- to control the instantiation. ghdl checks even for not instantiated
-- entities the validity of generics, that's why natural needed here ....
entity rbd_rbmon is -- rbus dev: rbus monitor
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := slv(to_unsigned(16#ffe8#,16));
AWIDTH : natural := 9);
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_SRES_SUM : in rb_sres_type -- rbus: response (sum for monitor)
end entity rbd_rbmon;
architecture syn of rbd_rbmon is
constant rbaddr_cntl : slv3 := "000"; -- cntl address offset
constant rbaddr_stat : slv3 := "001"; -- stat address offset
constant rbaddr_hilim : slv3 := "010"; -- hilim address offset
constant rbaddr_lolim : slv3 := "011"; -- lolim address offset
constant rbaddr_addr : slv3 := "100"; -- addr address offset
constant rbaddr_data : slv3 := "101"; -- data address offset
constant cntl_rbf_wena : integer := 2;
constant cntl_rbf_stop : integer := 1;
constant cntl_rbf_start : integer := 0;
subtype stat_rbf_bsize is integer range 15 downto 13;
constant stat_rbf_wrap : integer := 0;
subtype addr_rbf_laddr is integer range 2+AWIDTH-1 downto 2;
subtype addr_rbf_waddr is integer range 1 downto 0;
constant dat3_rbf_burst : integer := 15;
constant dat3_rbf_tout : integer := 14;
constant dat3_rbf_nak : integer := 13;
constant dat3_rbf_ack : integer := 12;
constant dat3_rbf_busy : integer := 11;
constant dat3_rbf_err : integer := 10;
constant dat3_rbf_we : integer := 9;
constant dat3_rbf_init : integer := 8;
subtype dat3_rbf_ndlymsb is integer range 7 downto 0;
subtype dat2_rbf_ndlylsb is integer range 15 downto 10;
subtype dat2_rbf_nbusy is integer range 9 downto 0;
type regs_type is record -- state registers
rbsel : slbit; -- rbus select
wena : slbit; -- wena flag (wrap enable)
go : slbit; -- go flag
hilim : slv16; -- upper address limit
lolim : slv16; -- lower address limit
wrap : slbit; -- laddr wrap flag
laddr : slv(AWIDTH-1 downto 0); -- line address
waddr : slv2; -- word address
rbtake_1 : slbit; -- rb capture active in last cycle
rbaddr : slv16; -- rbus trace: addr
rbinit : slbit; -- rbus trace: init
rbwe : slbit; -- rbus trace: we
rback : slbit; -- rbus trace: ack seen
rbbusy : slbit; -- rbus trace: busy seen
rberr : slbit; -- rbus trace: err seen
rbnak : slbit; -- rbus trace: nak detected
rbtout : slbit; -- rbus trace: tout detected
rbburst : slbit; -- rbus trace: burst detected
rbdata : slv16; -- rbus trace: data
rbnbusy : slv10; -- rbus number of busy cycles
rbndly : slv14; -- rbus delay to prev. access
end record regs_type;
constant laddrzero : slv(AWIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
constant laddrlast : slv(AWIDTH-1 downto 0) := (others=>'1');
constant regs_init : regs_type := (
'0', -- rbsel
'0','0', -- wena,go
x"fffb", -- hilim (def: fffb)
x"0000", -- lolim (def: 0000)
'0', -- wrap
laddrzero, -- laddr
"00", -- waddr
'0', -- rbtake_1
(others=>'0'), -- rbaddr
'0','0','0','0','0', -- rbinit,rbwe,rback,rbbusy,rberr
'0','0','0', -- rbnak,rbtout,rbburst
(others=>'0'), -- rbdata
(others=>'0'), -- rbnbusy
(others=>'0') -- rbndly
constant rbnbusylast : slv10 := (others=>'1');
constant rbndlylast : slv14 := (others=>'1');
signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal BRAM_EN : slbit := '0';
signal BRAM_WE : slbit := '0';
signal BRAM0_DI : slv32 := (others=>'0');
signal BRAM1_DI : slv32 := (others=>'0');
signal BRAM0_DO : slv32 := (others=>'0');
signal BRAM1_DO : slv32 := (others=>'0');
assert AWIDTH>=9 and AWIDTH<=14
report "assert(AWIDTH>=9 and AWIDTH<=14): unsupported AWIDTH"
severity failure;
BRAM1 : ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
generic map (
DWIDTH => 32)
port map (
ADDR => R_REGS.laddr,
BRAM0 : ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
generic map (
DWIDTH => 32)
port map (
ADDR => R_REGS.laddr,
proc_regs: process (CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then
R_REGS <= regs_init;
end if;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
proc_next : process (R_REGS, RB_MREQ, RB_SRES_SUM, BRAM0_DO, BRAM1_DO)
variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
variable irb_ack : slbit := '0';
variable irb_busy : slbit := '0';
variable irb_err : slbit := '0';
variable irb_dout : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable irbena : slbit := '0';
variable ibramen : slbit := '0'; -- BRAM enable
variable ibramwe : slbit := '0'; -- BRAN we
variable rbtake : slbit := '0';
variable laddr_inc : slbit := '0';
variable idat0 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable idat1 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable idat2 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable idat3 : slv16 := (others=>'0');
r := R_REGS;
n := R_REGS;
irb_ack := '0';
irb_busy := '0';
irb_err := '0';
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
irbena := or RB_MREQ.we;
ibramen := '0';
ibramwe := '0';
laddr_inc := '0';
-- rbus address decoder
n.rbsel := '0';
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and RB_MREQ.addr(15 downto 3)=RB_ADDR(15 downto 3) then
n.rbsel := '1';
ibramen := '1';
end if;
-- rbus transactions
if r.rbsel = '1' then
irb_ack := irbena; -- ack all accesses
case RB_MREQ.addr(2 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl => -- cntl ------------------
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.wena := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_wena);
if RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_start) = '1' then
n.go := '1';
n.wrap := '0';
n.laddr := laddrzero;
n.waddr := "00";
end if;
if RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_stop) = '1' then
n.go := '0';
end if;
end if;
when rbaddr_stat => null; -- stat ------------------
when rbaddr_hilim => -- hilim -----------------
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.hilim := RB_MREQ.din;
end if;
when rbaddr_lolim => -- lolim -----------------
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.lolim := RB_MREQ.din;
end if;
when rbaddr_addr => -- addr ------------------
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.go := '0';
n.wrap := '0';
n.laddr := RB_MREQ.din(addr_rbf_laddr);
n.waddr := RB_MREQ.din(addr_rbf_waddr);
end if;
when rbaddr_data => -- data ------------------
if r.go='1' or RB_MREQ.we='1' then
irb_err := '1';
end if;
if = '1' then
n.waddr := slv(unsigned(r.waddr) + 1);
if r.waddr = "11" then
laddr_inc := '1';
end if;
end if;
when others => -- <> --------------------
irb_err := '1';
end case;
end if;
-- rbus output driver
if r.rbsel = '1' then
case RB_MREQ.addr(2 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl => -- cntl ------------------
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_wena) := r.wena;
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_start) := r.go;
when rbaddr_stat => -- stat ------------------
irb_dout(stat_rbf_bsize) := slv(to_unsigned(AWIDTH-9,3));
irb_dout(stat_rbf_wrap) := r.wrap;
when rbaddr_hilim => -- hilim -----------------
irb_dout := r.hilim;
when rbaddr_lolim => -- lolim -----------------
irb_dout := r.lolim;
when rbaddr_addr => -- addr ------------------
irb_dout(addr_rbf_laddr) := r.laddr;
irb_dout(addr_rbf_waddr) := r.waddr;
when rbaddr_data => -- data ------------------
case r.waddr is
when "11" => irb_dout := BRAM1_DO(31 downto 16);
when "10" => irb_dout := BRAM1_DO(15 downto 0);
when "01" => irb_dout := BRAM0_DO(31 downto 16);
when "00" => irb_dout := BRAM0_DO(15 downto 0);
when others => null;
end case;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- rbus monitor
-- a rbus transaction are captured if the address is in alim window
-- and the access is not refering to rbd_rbmon itself
rbtake := '0';
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and irbena='1' then -- aval and (re or we)
if unsigned(RB_MREQ.addr)>=unsigned(r.lolim) and -- and in addr window
unsigned(RB_MREQ.addr)<=unsigned(r.hilim) and
r.rbsel='0' then -- and not self
rbtake := '1';
end if;
end if;
if RB_MREQ.init = '1' then -- also take init's
rbtake := '1';
end if;
if rbtake = '1' then -- if capture active
n.rbaddr := RB_MREQ.addr; -- keep track of some state
n.rbinit := RB_MREQ.init;
n.rbwe := RB_MREQ.we;
if RB_MREQ.init='1' or RB_MREQ.we='1' then -- for write/init of din
n.rbdata := RB_MREQ.din;
else -- for read of dout
n.rbdata := RB_SRES_SUM.dout;
end if;
if r.rbtake_1 = '0' then -- if initial cycle of a transaction
n.rback := RB_SRES_SUM.ack;
n.rbbusy := RB_SRES_SUM.busy;
n.rberr := RB_SRES_SUM.err;
n.rbnbusy := (others=>'0');
else -- if non-initial cycles
if RB_SRES_SUM.err = '1' then -- keep track of err flags
n.rberr := '1';
end if;
if r.rbnbusy /= rbnbusylast then -- and count
n.rbnbusy := slv(unsigned(r.rbnbusy) + 1);
end if;
end if;
n.rbnak := not RB_SRES_SUM.ack;
n.rbtout := RB_SRES_SUM.busy;
else -- if capture not active
if r.go='1' and r.rbtake_1='1' then -- active and transaction just ended
ibramen := '1';
ibramwe := '1';
laddr_inc := '1';
n.rbburst := '1'; -- assume burst
end if;
if r.rbtake_1 = '1' then -- rbus transaction just ended
n.rbndly := (others=>'0'); -- clear delay counter
else -- just idle
if r.rbndly /= rbndlylast then -- count cycles
n.rbndly := slv(unsigned(r.rbndly) + 1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
if RB_MREQ.aval = '0' then -- if aval gone
n.rbburst := '0'; -- clear burst flag
end if;
if laddr_inc = '1' then
n.laddr := slv(unsigned(r.laddr) + 1);
if r.go='1' and r.laddr=laddrlast then
if r.wena = '1' then
n.wrap := '1';
n.go := '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
idat3 := (others=>'0');
idat3(dat3_rbf_burst) := r.rbburst;
idat3(dat3_rbf_tout) := r.rbtout;
idat3(dat3_rbf_nak) := r.rbnak;
idat3(dat3_rbf_ack) := r.rback;
idat3(dat3_rbf_busy) := r.rbbusy;
idat3(dat3_rbf_err) := r.rberr;
idat3(dat3_rbf_we) := r.rbwe;
idat3(dat3_rbf_init) := r.rbinit;
idat3(dat3_rbf_ndlymsb):= r.rbndly(13 downto 6);
idat2(dat2_rbf_ndlylsb):= r.rbndly( 5 downto 0);
idat2(dat2_rbf_nbusy) := r.rbnbusy;
idat1 := r.rbdata;
idat0 := r.rbaddr;
n.rbtake_1 := rbtake;
N_REGS <= n;
BRAM_EN <= ibramen;
BRAM_WE <= ibramwe;
BRAM1_DI <= idat3 & idat2;
BRAM0_DI <= idat1 & idat0;
RB_SRES.dout <= irb_dout;
RB_SRES.ack <= irb_ack;
RB_SRES.err <= irb_err;
RB_SRES.busy <= irb_busy;
end process proc_next;
end syn;
0,0 → 1,116
-- $Id: rbdlib.vhd 672 2015-05-02 21:58:28Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Package Name: rbdlib
-- Description: Definitions for rbus devices
-- Dependencies: -
-- Tool versions: xst 12.1-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-09-13 593 4.0 use new rlink v4 iface and 4 bit STAT
-- 2014-08-15 583 3.5 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2011-11-19 427 1.2.1 now numeric_std clean
-- 2010-12-29 351 1.2 new address layout; add rbd_timer
-- 2010-12-27 349 1.1 now correct defs for _rbmon and _eyemon
-- 2010-12-04 343 1.0 Initial version
-- two devices have standard addresses
-- rbd_rbmon x"ffe8"
-- rbd_tester x"ffe0"
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.rblib.all;
package rbdlib is
constant rbaddr_rbmon : slv16 := x"ffe8"; -- ffe8/8: 1111 1111 1110 1xxx
constant rbaddr_tester : slv16 := x"ffe0"; -- ffe0/8: 1111 1111 1110 0xxx
component rbd_tester is -- rbus dev: rbus tester
-- complete rbus_aif interface
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := rbaddr_tester);
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_LAM : out slv16; -- rbus: look at me
RB_STAT : out slv4 -- rbus: status flags
end component;
component rbd_rbmon is -- rbus dev: rbus monitor
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := rbaddr_rbmon;
AWIDTH : natural := 9);
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_SRES_SUM : in rb_sres_type -- rbus: response (sum for monitor)
end component;
component rbd_eyemon is -- rbus dev: eye monitor for serport's
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := (others=>'0');
RDIV : slv8 := (others=>'0'));
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RXSD : in slbit; -- rx: serial data
RXACT : in slbit -- rx: active (start seen)
end component;
component rbd_bram is -- rbus dev: bram test target
-- incomplete rbus_aif interface
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := (others=>'0'));
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type -- rbus: response
end component;
component rbd_timer is -- rbus dev: usec precision timer
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := (others=>'0'));
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
CE_USEC : in slbit; -- usec pulse
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
DONE : out slbit; -- mark last timer cycle
BUSY : out slbit -- timer running
end component;
end package rbdlib;
0,0 → 1,7
# libs
# components
# design
0,0 → 1,7
# libs
# components
# design
0,0 → 1,7
# libs
# components
# design
0,0 → 1,9
# libs
# components
# design
0,0 → 1,70
-- $Id: rb_sel.vhd 641 2015-02-01 22:12:15Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rb_sel - syn
-- Description: rbus: address select logic
-- Dependencies: -
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: ise 12.1-14.7; viv 2014.4; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-08-15 583 4.0 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2010-12-26 349 1.0 Initial version (cloned from ibus/ib_sel)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.rblib.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity rb_sel is -- rbus address select logic
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16; -- rbus address base
SAWIDTH : natural := 0); -- device subaddress space width
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- ibus request
SEL : out slbit -- select state bit
end rb_sel;
architecture syn of rb_sel is
signal R_SEL : slbit := '0';
assert SAWIDTH<=15 -- at most 32k word devices
report "assert(SAWIDTH<=15)" severity failure;
proc_regs: process (CLK)
variable isel : slbit := '0';
if rising_edge(CLK) then
isel := '0';
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and
RB_MREQ.addr(15 downto SAWIDTH)=RB_ADDR(15 downto SAWIDTH) then
isel := '1';
end if;
R_SEL <= isel;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
end syn;
0,0 → 1,111
-- $Id: rb_sres_or_mon.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010- by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rb_sres_or_mon - sim
-- Description: rbus result or monitor
-- Dependencies: -
-- Test bench: -
-- Tool versions: ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2010-12-23 347 3.0 rename rritb_sres_or_mon->rb_sres_or_mon
-- 2010-10-28 336 1.0.1 log errors only if now>0ns (drop startup glitches)
-- 2010-06-26 309 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use std.textio.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.rblib.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity rb_sres_or_mon is -- rbus result or monitor
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_3 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 3
RB_SRES_4 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init -- rb_sres input 4
end rb_sres_or_mon;
architecture sim of rb_sres_or_mon is
proc_comb : process (RB_SRES_1, RB_SRES_2, RB_SRES_3, RB_SRES_4)
constant dzero : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable oline : line;
variable nack : integer := 0;
variable nbusy : integer := 0;
variable nerr : integer := 0;
variable ndout : integer := 0;
nack := 0;
nbusy := 0;
nerr := 0;
ndout := 0;
if RB_SRES_1.ack /= '0' then nack := nack + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_2.ack /= '0' then nack := nack + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_3.ack /= '0' then nack := nack + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_4.ack /= '0' then nack := nack + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_1.busy /= '0' then nbusy := nbusy + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_2.busy /= '0' then nbusy := nbusy + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_3.busy /= '0' then nbusy := nbusy + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_4.busy /= '0' then nbusy := nbusy + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_1.err /= '0' then nerr := nerr + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_2.err /= '0' then nerr := nerr + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_3.err /= '0' then nerr := nerr + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_4.err /= '0' then nerr := nerr + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_1.dout /= dzero then ndout := ndout + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_2.dout /= dzero then ndout := ndout + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_3.dout /= dzero then ndout := ndout + 1; end if;
if RB_SRES_4.dout /= dzero then ndout := ndout + 1; end if;
if now > 0 ns and (nack>1 or nbusy>1 or nerr>1 or ndout>1) then
write(oline, now, right, 12);
if nack > 1 then
write(oline, string'(" #ack="));
write(oline, nack);
end if;
if nbusy > 1 then
write(oline, string'(" #busy="));
write(oline, nbusy);
end if;
if nerr > 1 then
write(oline, string'(" #err="));
write(oline, nerr);
end if;
if ndout > 1 then
write(oline, string'(" #dout="));
write(oline, ndout);
end if;
write(oline, string'(" FAIL in "));
write(oline, rb_sres_or_mon'path_name);
writeline(output, oline);
end if;
end process proc_comb;
end sim;
0,0 → 1,75
-- $Id: rb_sres_or_2.vhd 641 2015-02-01 22:12:15Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2008-2010 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rb_sres_or_2 - syn
-- Description: rbus result or, 2 input
-- Dependencies: rb_sres_or_mon [sim only]
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: ise 8.114.7; viv 2014.4; ghdl 0.18-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2010-12-04 343 1.1.1 use now rb_sres_or_mon
-- 2010-06-26 309 1.1 add rritb_sres_or_mon
-- 2008-08-22 161 1.0.1 renamed rri_rbres_ -> rb_sres_
-- 2008-01-20 113 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.rblib.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity rb_sres_or_2 is -- rbus result or, 2 input
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_OR : out rb_sres_type -- rb_sres or'ed output
end rb_sres_or_2;
architecture syn of rb_sres_or_2 is
proc_comb : process (RB_SRES_1, RB_SRES_2)
RB_SRES_OR.ack <= RB_SRES_1.ack or
RB_SRES_OR.busy <= RB_SRES_1.busy or
RB_SRES_OR.err <= RB_SRES_1.err or
RB_SRES_OR.dout <= RB_SRES_1.dout or
end process proc_comb;
-- synthesis translate_off
ORMON : rb_sres_or_mon
port map (
RB_SRES_3 => rb_sres_init,
RB_SRES_4 => rb_sres_init
-- synthesis translate_on
end syn;
0,0 → 1,80
-- $Id: rb_sres_or_3.vhd 641 2015-02-01 22:12:15Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2008-2010 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rb_sres_or_3 - syn
-- Description: rbus result or, 3 input
-- Dependencies: rb_sres_or_mon [sim only]
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: ise 8.1-14.7; viv 2014.4; ghdl 0.18-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2010-12-04 343 1.1.1 use now rb_sres_or_mon
-- 2010-06-26 309 1.1 add rritb_sres_or_mon
-- 2008-08-22 161 1.0.1 renamed rri_rbres_ -> rb_sres_
-- 2008-01-20 113 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.rblib.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity rb_sres_or_3 is -- rbus result or, 3 input
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_3 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 3
RB_SRES_OR : out rb_sres_type -- rb_sres or'ed output
end rb_sres_or_3;
architecture syn of rb_sres_or_3 is
proc_comb : process (RB_SRES_1, RB_SRES_2, RB_SRES_3)
RB_SRES_OR.ack <= RB_SRES_1.ack or
RB_SRES_2.ack or
RB_SRES_OR.busy <= RB_SRES_1.busy or
RB_SRES_2.busy or
RB_SRES_OR.err <= RB_SRES_1.err or
RB_SRES_2.err or
RB_SRES_OR.dout <= RB_SRES_1.dout or
RB_SRES_2.dout or
end process proc_comb;
-- synthesis translate_off
ORMON : rb_sres_or_mon
port map (
RB_SRES_4 => rb_sres_init
-- synthesis translate_on
end syn;
0,0 → 1,85
-- $Id: rb_sres_or_4.vhd 649 2015-02-21 21:10:16Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2008-2010 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rb_sres_or_4 - syn
-- Description: rbus result or, 4 input
-- Dependencies: rb_sres_or_mon [sim only]
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 8.114.7; ghdl 0.18-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2010-12-04 343 1.1.1 use now rb_sres_or_mon
-- 2010-06-26 309 1.1 add rritb_sres_or_mon
-- 2008-08-22 161 1.0.1 renamed rri_rbres_ -> rb_sres_
-- 2008-01-20 113 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.rblib.all;
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
entity rb_sres_or_4 is -- rbus result or, 4 input
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_3 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 3
RB_SRES_4 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 4
RB_SRES_OR : out rb_sres_type -- rb_sres or'ed output
end rb_sres_or_4;
architecture syn of rb_sres_or_4 is
proc_comb : process (RB_SRES_1, RB_SRES_2, RB_SRES_3, RB_SRES_4)
RB_SRES_OR.ack <= RB_SRES_1.ack or
RB_SRES_2.ack or
RB_SRES_3.ack or
RB_SRES_OR.busy <= RB_SRES_1.busy or
RB_SRES_2.busy or
RB_SRES_3.busy or
RB_SRES_OR.err <= RB_SRES_1.err or
RB_SRES_2.err or
RB_SRES_3.err or
RB_SRES_OR.dout <= RB_SRES_1.dout or
RB_SRES_2.dout or
RB_SRES_3.dout or
end process proc_comb;
-- synthesis translate_off
ORMON : rb_sres_or_mon
port map (
-- synthesis translate_on
end syn;
0,0 → 1,9
# libs
# components
# design
0,0 → 1,9
# libs
# components
# design
0,0 → 1,196
-- $Id: rblib.vhd 641 2015-02-01 22:12:15Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2007-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Package Name: rblib
-- Description: Definitions for rbus interface and bus entities
-- Dependencies: -
-- Tool versions: ise 8.2-14.7; viv 2014.4; ghdl 0.18-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-09-14 593 4.0 use new rlink v4 iface and 4 bit STAT
-- 2014-08-15 583 3.5 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2011-12-23 444 3.1 CLK_CYCLE now integer
-- 2011-08-13 405 3.0.3 add in direction for FADDR,SEL ports
-- 2010-12-26 349 3.0.2 add rb_sel
-- 2010-12-22 346 3.0.1 add rb_mon and rb_mon_sb;
-- 2010-12-04 343 3.0 extracted from rrilib and rritblib;
-- rbus V3 interface: use aval,re,we
-- ... rrilib history removed ...
-- 2007-09-09 81 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
package rblib is
type rb_mreq_type is record -- rbus - master request
aval : slbit; -- address valid
re : slbit; -- read enable
we : slbit; -- write enable
init : slbit; -- init
addr : slv16; -- address
din : slv16; -- data (input to slave)
end record rb_mreq_type;
constant rb_mreq_init : rb_mreq_type :=
('0','0','0','0', -- aval, re, we, init
(others=>'0'), -- addr
(others=>'0')); -- din
type rb_sres_type is record -- rbus - slave response
ack : slbit; -- acknowledge
busy : slbit; -- busy
err : slbit; -- error
dout : slv16; -- data (output from slave)
end record rb_sres_type;
constant rb_sres_init : rb_sres_type :=
('0','0','0', -- ack, busy, err
(others=>'0')); -- dout
component rb_sel is -- rbus address select logic
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16; -- rbus address base
SAWIDTH : natural := 0); -- device subaddress space width
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus request
SEL : out slbit -- select state bit
end component;
component rb_sres_or_2 is -- rbus result or, 2 input
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_OR : out rb_sres_type -- rb_sres or'ed output
end component;
component rb_sres_or_3 is -- rbus result or, 3 input
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_3 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 3
RB_SRES_OR : out rb_sres_type -- rb_sres or'ed output
end component;
component rb_sres_or_4 is -- rbus result or, 4 input
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_3 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 3
RB_SRES_4 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 4
RB_SRES_OR : out rb_sres_type -- rb_sres or'ed output
end component;
component rbus_aif is -- rbus, abstract interface
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit := '0'; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_LAM : out slv16; -- rbus: look at me
RB_STAT : out slv4 -- rbus: status flags
end component;
component rb_wreg_rw_3 is -- rbus: wide register r/w 3 bit select
generic (
DWIDTH : positive := 16);
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
FADDR : in slv3; -- field address
SEL : in slbit; -- select
DATA : out slv(DWIDTH-1 downto 0); -- data
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type -- rbus response
end component;
component rb_wreg_w_3 is -- rbus: wide register w-o 3 bit select
generic (
DWIDTH : positive := 16);
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
FADDR : in slv3; -- field address
SEL : in slbit; -- select
DATA : out slv(DWIDTH-1 downto 0); -- data
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type -- rbus response
end component;
component rb_wreg_r_3 is -- rbus: wide register r-o 3 bit select
generic (
DWIDTH : positive := 16);
port (
FADDR : in slv3; -- field address
SEL : in slbit; -- select
DATA : in slv(DWIDTH-1 downto 0); -- data
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type -- rbus response
end component;
-- components for use in test benches (not synthesizable)
component rb_sres_or_mon is -- rbus result or monitor
port (
RB_SRES_1 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 1
RB_SRES_2 : in rb_sres_type; -- rb_sres input 2
RB_SRES_3 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init; -- rb_sres input 3
RB_SRES_4 : in rb_sres_type := rb_sres_init -- rb_sres input 4
end component;
-- simbus sb_cntl field usage for rbus
constant sbcntl_sbf_rbmon : integer := 13;
component rb_mon is -- rbus monitor
generic (
DBASE : positive := 2); -- base for writing data values
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
CLK_CYCLE : in integer := 0; -- clock cycle number
ENA : in slbit := '1'; -- enable monitor output
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : in rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_LAM : in slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- rbus: look at me
RB_STAT : in slv4 -- rbus: status flags
end component;
component rb_mon_sb is -- simbus wrapper for rbus monitor
generic (
DBASE : positive := 2; -- base for writing data values
ENAPIN : integer := sbcntl_sbf_rbmon); -- SB_CNTL signal to use for enable
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : in rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_LAM : in slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- rbus: look at me
RB_STAT : in slv4 -- rbus: status flags
end component;
end package rblib;
0,0 → 1,32
# $Id: Makefile 639 2015-01-30 18:12:19Z mueller $
# Revision History:
# Date Rev Version Comment
# 2014-07-27 545 1.1.1 make reference board configurable via XTW_BOARD
# 2011-08-13 405 1.1 use includes from rtl/make
# 2007-12-09 100 1.0.1 drop ISE_p definition
# 2007-07-06 64 1.0 Initial version
VBOM_all = $(wildcard *.vbom)
NGC_all = $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.ngc)
# reference board for test synthesis is Spartan-6 based Nexys3
ifndef XTW_BOARD
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/xflow_default_$(XTW_BOARD).mk
.PHONY : all clean
all : $(NGC_all)
clean : ise_clean
include $(RETROBASE)/rtl/make_ise/
include $(VBOM_all:.vbom=.dep_xst)
0,0 → 1,88
-- $Id: rb_mon_sb.vhd 589 2014-08-30 12:43:16Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2007-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rb_mon_sb - sim
-- Description: simbus wrapper for rbus monitor (for tb's)
-- Dependencies: simbus
-- simlib/simclkcnt
-- rb_mon
-- Test bench: -
-- Tool versions: xst 8.2-14.7; ghdl 0.18-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-08-28 588 4.0 use new rlink v4 iface and 4 bit STAT
-- 2011-12-23 444 3.1 use simclkcnt instead of simbus global
-- 2010-12-22 346 3.0 renamed rritb_rbmon_sb -> rb_mon_sb
-- 2010-06-05 301 2.0.2 renamed _rpmon -> _rbmon
-- 2010-05-02 287 2.0.1 rename RP_STAT->RB_STAT,AP_LAM->RB_LAM
-- drop RP_IINT signal from interfaces
-- use sbcntl_sbf_cpmon def
-- 2008-08-24 162 2.0 with new rb_mreq/rb_sres interface
-- 2007-12-23 105 1.2 added AP_LAM display
-- 2007-11-24 98 1.1 added RP_IINT support
-- 2007-08-27 76 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.simlib.all;
use work.simbus.all;
use work.rblib.all;
entity rb_mon_sb is -- simbus wrapper for rbus monitor
generic (
DBASE : positive := 2; -- base for writing data values
ENAPIN : integer := sbcntl_sbf_rbmon); -- SB_CNTL signal to use for enable
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : in rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_LAM : in slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- rbus: look at me
RB_STAT : in slv4 -- rbus: status flags
end rb_mon_sb;
architecture sim of rb_mon_sb is
signal ENA : slbit := '0';
signal CLK_CYCLE : integer := 0;
assert ENAPIN>=SB_CNTL'low and ENAPIN<=SB_CNTL'high
report "assert(ENAPIN in SB_CNTL'range)" severity failure;
CLKCNT : simclkcnt port map (CLK => CLK, CLK_CYCLE => CLK_CYCLE);
ENA <= to_x01(SB_CNTL(ENAPIN));
RBMON : rb_mon
generic map (
port map (
end sim;
0,0 → 1,154
-- $Id: rbd_timer.vhd 593 2014-09-14 22:21:33Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rbd_timer - syn
-- Description: rbus dev: usec precision timer
-- Dependencies: -
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 12.1-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Synthesized (xst):
-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri
-- 2010-12-29 351 12.1 M53d xc3s1000-4 19 63 - 34 s 7.6
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-08-15 583 4.0 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2011-11-19 427 1.0.1 now numeric_std clean
-- 2010-12-29 351 1.0 Initial version
-- rbus registers:
-- Addr Bits Name r/w/f Function
-- 0 time r/w/- Timer register
-- w: if > 0 timer is running
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.rblib.all;
entity rbd_timer is -- rbus dev: usec precision timer
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := (others=>'0'));
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
CE_USEC : in slbit; -- usec pulse
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
DONE : out slbit; -- 1 cycle pulse when expired
BUSY : out slbit -- timer running
end entity rbd_timer;
architecture syn of rbd_timer is
type regs_type is record -- state registers
rbsel : slbit; -- rbus select
timer : slv16; -- timer value
timer_act : slbit; -- timer active flag
timer_end : slbit; -- timer done flag
end record regs_type;
constant regs_init : regs_type := (
'0', -- rbsel
(others=>'0'), -- timer
'0','0' -- timer_act,timer_end
signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
proc_regs: process (CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then
R_REGS <= regs_init;
end if;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
proc_next : process (R_REGS, CE_USEC, RB_MREQ)
variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
variable irb_ack : slbit := '0';
variable irb_dout : slv16 := (others=>'0');
r := R_REGS;
n := R_REGS;
irb_ack := '0';
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
-- rbus address decoder
n.rbsel := '0';
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and RB_MREQ.addr=RB_ADDR then
n.rbsel := '1';
end if;
-- rbus transactions
if r.rbsel = '1' then
irb_ack := or RB_MREQ.we;
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.timer := RB_MREQ.din;
n.timer_act := '1';
end if;
if = '1' then
irb_dout := r.timer;
end if;
end if;
-- timer logic
-- count down when active and 'on-the-usec'
n.timer_end := '0'; -- ensure end is 1 cycle pulse
if CE_USEC = '1' then -- if at usec
if r.timer_act = '1' then -- if timer active
if unsigned(r.timer) = 0 then -- if timer at end
n.timer_act := '0'; -- mark unactive
n.timer_end := '1'; -- send end marker
else -- else: timer not at end
n.timer := slv(unsigned(r.timer) - 1); -- decrement
end if;
end if;
end if;
N_REGS <= n;
RB_SRES.dout <= irb_dout;
RB_SRES.ack <= irb_ack;
RB_SRES.err <= '0';
RB_SRES.busy <= '0';
DONE <= r.timer_end;
BUSY <= r.timer_act;
end process proc_next;
end syn;
0,0 → 1,224
-- $Id: rbd_bram.vhd 593 2014-09-14 22:21:33Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rbd_bram - syn
-- Description: rbus dev: rbus bram test target
-- Dependencies: memlib/ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
-- Test bench: rlink/tb/tb_rlink_tba_ttcombo
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 12.1-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Synthesized (xst):
-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri
-- 2010-12-26 349 12.1 M53d xc3s1000-4 23 61 - 34 s 6.3
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-09-13 593 4.1 no default rbus addess anymore, def=0
-- 2014-08-15 583 4.0 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2011-11-19 427 1.0.3 now numeric_std clean
-- 2010-12-31 352 1.0.2 simplify irb_ack logic
-- 2010-12-29 351 1.0.1 default addr 1111001x->1111010x
-- 2010-12-26 349 1.0 Initial version
-- rbus registers:
-- Addr Bits Name r/w/f Function
-- 0 cntl r/w/- Control register
-- 15:10 nbusy r/w/- busy cycles
-- 9:00 addr r/w/- bram address (will auto-increment)
-- 1 15:00 data r/w/- Data register (read/write to bram via addr)
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.memlib.all;
use work.rblib.all;
entity rbd_bram is -- rbus dev: rbus bram test target
-- complete rrirp_aif interface
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := (others=>'0'));
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type -- rbus: response
end entity rbd_bram;
architecture syn of rbd_bram is
constant rbaddr_cntl : slv1 := "0"; -- cntl address offset
constant rbaddr_data : slv1 := "1"; -- data address offset
subtype cntl_rbf_nbusy is integer range 15 downto 10;
subtype cntl_rbf_addr is integer range 9 downto 0;
type regs_type is record -- state registers
rbsel : slbit; -- rbus select
addr : slv10; -- addr register
nbusy : slv6; -- nbusy setting
cntbusy : slv6; -- busy timer
end record regs_type;
constant regs_init : regs_type := (
'0', -- rbsel
(others=>'0'), -- addr
(others=>'0'), -- nbusy
(others=>'0') -- cntbusy
signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal BRAM_EN : slbit := '0';
signal BRAM_WE : slbit := '0';
signal BRAM_DO : slv16 := (others=>'0');
BRAM : ram_1swsr_wfirst_gen
generic map (
AWIDTH => 10,
DWIDTH => 16)
port map (
ADDR => R_REGS.addr,
DI => RB_MREQ.din,
proc_regs: process (CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then
R_REGS <= regs_init;
end if;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
proc_next : process (R_REGS, RB_MREQ, BRAM_DO)
variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
variable irb_ack : slbit := '0';
variable irb_busy : slbit := '0';
variable irb_dout : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable irbena : slbit := '0';
variable isbusy : slbit := '0';
variable ibramen : slbit := '0';
variable ibramwe : slbit := '0';
r := R_REGS;
n := R_REGS;
irb_ack := '0';
irb_busy := '0';
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
irbena := or RB_MREQ.we;
isbusy := '0';
if unsigned(r.cntbusy) /= 0 then
isbusy := '1';
end if;
ibramen := '0';
ibramwe := '0';
-- rbus address decoder
n.rbsel := '0';
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and RB_MREQ.addr(15 downto 1)=RB_ADDR(15 downto 1) then
n.rbsel := '1';
ibramen := '1';
if irbena = '0' then -- addr valid and selected, but no req
n.cntbusy := r.nbusy; -- preset busy timer
end if;
end if;
-- rbus transactions
if r.rbsel = '1' then
if irbena = '1' then -- if request active
if unsigned(r.cntbusy) /= 0 then -- if busy timer > 0
n.cntbusy := slv(unsigned(r.cntbusy) - 1); -- decrement busy timer
end if;
end if;
irb_ack := irbena; -- ack all accesses
case RB_MREQ.addr(0 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl =>
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.nbusy := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_nbusy);
n.addr := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_addr);
end if;
when rbaddr_data =>
irb_busy := irbena and isbusy;
if isbusy = '0' then
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
ibramwe := '1';
end if;
if irbena = '1' then
n.addr := slv(unsigned(r.addr) + 1);
end if;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- rbus output driver
if r.rbsel = '1' then
case RB_MREQ.addr(0 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl =>
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_nbusy) := r.nbusy;
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_addr) := r.addr;
when rbaddr_data =>
irb_dout := BRAM_DO;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
N_REGS <= n;
BRAM_EN <= ibramen;
BRAM_WE <= ibramwe;
RB_SRES.dout <= irb_dout;
RB_SRES.ack <= irb_ack;
RB_SRES.err <= '0';
RB_SRES.busy <= irb_busy;
end process proc_next;
end syn;
0,0 → 1,267
-- $Id: rb_mon.vhd 599 2014-10-25 13:43:56Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2007-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rb_mon - sim
-- Description: rbus monitor (for tb's)
-- Dependencies: -
-- Test bench: -
-- Tool versions: xst 8.2-14.7; ghdl 0.18-0.31
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-10-25 599 4.1.1 use writeoptint()
-- 2014-09-03 591 4.1 add burst counter; add state checker
-- 2014-08-30 589 4.0 use hex for addr; 4 bit STAT; monitor ACK=0
-- 2014-08-15 583 3.5 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2011-12-23 444 3.1 CLK_CYCLE now integer
-- 2011-11-19 427 3.0.1 now numeric_std clean
-- 2010-12-22 346 3.0 renamed rritb_rbmon -> rb_mon
-- 2010-06-05 301 2.1.1 renamed _rpmon -> _rbmon
-- 2010-06-03 299 2.1 new init encoding (WE=0/1 int/ext)
-- 2010-05-02 287 2.0.1 rename RP_STAT->RB_STAT,AP_LAM->RB_LAM
-- drop RP_IINT signal from interfaces
-- 2008-08-24 162 2.0 with new rb_mreq/rb_sres interface
-- 2008-03-24 129 1.2.1 CLK_CYCLE now 31 bits
-- 2007-12-23 105 1.2 added AP_LAM display
-- 2007-11-24 98 1.1 added RP_IINT support
-- 2007-08-27 76 1.0 Initial version
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;
use std.textio.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.simlib.all;
use work.rblib.all;
entity rb_mon is -- rbus monitor (for tb's)
generic (
DBASE : positive := 2); -- base for writing data values
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
CLK_CYCLE : in integer := 0; -- clock cycle number
ENA : in slbit := '1'; -- enable monitor output
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : in rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_LAM : in slv16 := (others=>'0'); -- rbus: look at me
RB_STAT : in slv4 -- rbus: status flags
end rb_mon;
architecture sim of rb_mon is
proc_moni: process
variable oline : line;
variable nhold : integer := 0;
variable nburst : integer := 0;
variable data : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable tag : string(1 to 8) := (others=>' ');
variable err : slbit := '0';
variable r_sel : slbit := '0';
procedure write_data(L: inout line;
tag: in string;
data: in slv16;
nhold: in integer := 0;
nburst: in integer := 0;
cond: in boolean := false;
ctxt: in string := " ") is
writetimestamp(L, CLK_CYCLE, tag);
writehex(L, RB_MREQ.addr, right, 4);
write(L, string'(" "));
writegen(L, data, right, 0, DBASE);
write(L, string'(" "));
write(L, RB_STAT, right, 4);
writeoptint(L, " hold=", nhold, 2);
writeoptint(L, " b=", nburst, 2);
if cond then
write(L, ctxt);
end if;
writeline(output, L);
end procedure write_data;
if ENA = '0' then -- if disabled
wait until ENA='1'; -- stall process till enabled
end if;
wait until rising_edge(CLK); -- check at end of clock cycle
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and r_sel='0' then
nburst := 0;
end if;
if'1' or RB_MREQ.we='1' then
if RB_SRES.err = '1' then
err := '1';
end if;
if RB_SRES.busy = '1' then
nhold := nhold + 1;
data := (others=>'0');
tag := ": ???? ";
if = '1' then
data := RB_SRES.dout;
tag := ": rbre ";
end if;
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
data := RB_MREQ.din;
tag := ": rbwe ";
end if;
if RB_SRES.ack = '1' then
write_data(oline, tag, data, nhold, nburst, err='1', " ERR='1'");
write_data(oline, tag, data, nhold, nburst, true, " ACK='0'");
end if;
nburst := nburst + 1;
nhold := 0;
end if;
if nhold > 0 then
write_data(oline, tag, data, nhold, nburst, true, " TIMEOUT");
end if;
nhold := 0;
err := '0';
end if;
if RB_MREQ.init = '1' then -- init
write_data(oline, ": rbini ", RB_MREQ.din);
end if;
if unsigned(RB_LAM) /= 0 then
write_data(oline, ": rblam ", RB_LAM, 0, 0, true, " RB_LAM active");
end if;
r_sel := RB_MREQ.aval;
end loop;
end process proc_moni;
proc_check: process (CLK)
variable r_sel : slbit := '0';
variable r_addr : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable idump : boolean := false;
variable oline : line;
if rising_edge(CLK) then
idump := false;
-- check that addr doesn't change after 1st aval cycle
if r_sel='1' and RB_MREQ.addr /= r_addr then
writetimestamp(oline, CLK_CYCLE,
": FAIL rb_mon: addr changed after aval; initial addr=");
writehex(oline, r_addr, right, 4);
writeline(output, oline);
idump := true;
end if;
-- check that we,re don't come together in core select time
-- (aval and r_sel) and not at all outside
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and r_sel='1' then
if RB_MREQ.we='1' and'1' then
writetimestamp(oline, CLK_CYCLE,
": FAIL rb_mon: we and re both active");
writeline(output, oline);
idump := true;
end if;
if RB_MREQ.init='1' then
writetimestamp(oline, CLK_CYCLE,
": FAIL rb_mon: init seen inside select");
writeline(output, oline);
idump := true;
end if;
if RB_MREQ.we='1' or'1' then
writetimestamp(oline, CLK_CYCLE,
": FAIL rb_mon: no select and we,re seen");
writeline(output, oline);
idump := true;
end if;
end if;
-- check that init not seen when aval or select is active
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' or r_sel='1' then
if RB_MREQ.init='1' then
writetimestamp(oline, CLK_CYCLE,
": FAIL rb_mon: init seen inside aval or select");
writeline(output, oline);
idump := true;
end if;
end if;
-- check that SRES isn't touched unless aval or select is active
if RB_MREQ.aval='0' and r_sel='0' then
if RB_SRES.dout/=x"0000" or RB_SRES.busy='1' or
RB_SRES.ack='1' or RB_SRES.err='1' then
writetimestamp(oline, CLK_CYCLE,
": FAIL rb_mon: SRES driven outside aval or select");
writeline(output, oline);
idump := true;
end if;
end if;
-- dump rbus state in case of any error seen above
if idump then
write(oline, string'(" FAIL: MREQ aval="));
write(oline, RB_MREQ.aval, right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" re="));
write(oline, , right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" we="));
write(oline, RB_MREQ.we , right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" init="));
write(oline, RB_MREQ.init, right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" sel="));
write(oline, r_sel , right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" addr="));
writehex(oline, RB_MREQ.addr, right, 4);
write(oline, string'(" din="));
writehex(oline, RB_MREQ.din, right, 4);
writeline(output, oline);
write(oline, string'(" FAIL: SRES ack="));
write(oline, RB_SRES.ack , right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" busy="));
write(oline, RB_SRES.busy, right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" err="));
write(oline, RB_SRES.err , right, 1);
write(oline, string'(" dout="));
writehex(oline, RB_SRES.dout, right, 4);
writeline(output, oline);
end if;
-- keep track of select state and latch current addr
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and r_sel='0' then -- if 1st cycle of aval
r_addr := RB_MREQ.addr; -- latch addr
end if;
-- select simply aval if last cycle (assume all addr are valid)
r_sel := RB_MREQ.aval;
end if;
end process proc_check;
end sim;
0,0 → 1,362
-- $Id: rbd_eyemon.vhd 593 2014-09-14 22:21:33Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rbd_eyemon - syn
-- Description: rbus dev: eye monitor for serport's
-- Dependencies: memlib/ram_2swsr_wfirst_gen
-- Test bench: -
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 12.1-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Synthesized (xst):
-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri
-- 2011-04-02 374 12.1 M53d xc3s1000-4 46 154 - 109 s 8.7
-- 2010-12-27 349 12.1 M53d xc3s1000-4 45 147 - 106 s 8.9
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-09-13 593 4.1 no default rbus addess anymore, def=0
-- 2014-08-15 583 4.0 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2011-11-19 427 1.0.3 now numeric_std clean
-- 2011-04-02 375 1.0.2 handle back-to-back chars properly (in sim..)
-- 2010-12-31 352 1.0.1 simplify irb_ack logic
-- 2010-12-27 349 1.0 Initial version
-- rbus registers:
-- Addr Bits Name r/w/f Function
-- 00 cntl r/w/- Control register
-- 03 ena01 r/w/- track 0->1 rxsd transitions
-- 02 ena10 r/w/- track 1->0 rxsd transitions
-- 01 clr r/-/f w: writing a 1 starts memory clear
-- r: 1 indicates clr in progress (512 cyc)
-- 00 go r/w/- enables monitor
-- 01 7:00 rdiv r/w/- Sample rate divider
-- 10 addr r/w/- Address register
-- 9:01 laddr r/w/ line address
-- 00 waddr r/w/ word address
-- 11 15:00 data r/-/- Data register
-- data format:
-- word 1 counter msb's
-- word 0 counter lsb's
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.memlib.all;
use work.rblib.all;
entity rbd_eyemon is -- rbus dev: eye monitor for serport's
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := (others=>'0');
RDIV : slv8 := (others=>'0'));
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RXSD : in slbit; -- rx: serial data
RXACT : in slbit -- rx: active (start seen)
end entity rbd_eyemon;
architecture syn of rbd_eyemon is
constant rbaddr_cntl : slv2 := "00"; -- cntl address offset
constant rbaddr_rdiv : slv2 := "01"; -- rdiv address offset
constant rbaddr_addr : slv2 := "10"; -- addr address offset
constant rbaddr_data : slv2 := "11"; -- data address offset
constant cntl_rbf_ena01 : integer := 3;
constant cntl_rbf_ena10 : integer := 2;
constant cntl_rbf_clr : integer := 1;
constant cntl_rbf_go : integer := 0;
subtype addr_rbf_laddr is integer range 9 downto 1;
constant addr_rbf_waddr : integer := 0;
type state_type is (
s_idle, -- s_idle: wait for char or clr
s_char, -- s_char: processing a char
s_clr -- s_clr: clear memory
type regs_type is record -- state registers
state : state_type; -- state
rbsel : slbit; -- rbus select
go : slbit; -- go flag
clr : slbit; -- clear pending
ena10 : slbit; -- enable 1->0
ena01 : slbit; -- enable 0->1
rdiv : slv8; -- rate divider
laddr : slv9; -- line address
waddr : slbit; -- word address
laddr_1 : slv9; -- line address last cycle
rxsd_1 : slbit; -- rxsd last cycle
memwe : slbit; -- write bram (clr or inc)
memclr : slbit; -- write zero into bram
rdivcnt : slv8; -- rate divider counter
end record regs_type;
constant regs_init : regs_type := (
s_idle, -- state
'0', -- rbsel
'0', -- go (default is off)
'0','0','0', -- clr,ena01,ena10
(others=>'0'), -- rdiv
(others=>'0'), -- laddr
'0', -- waddr
(others=>'0'), -- laddr_1
'0','0','0', -- rxsd_1,memwe,memclr
(others=>'0') -- rdivcnt
signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal BRAM_ENA : slbit := '0';
signal BRAM_DIA : slv32 := (others=>'0');
signal BRAM_DIB : slv32 := (others=>'0');
signal BRAM_DOA : slv32 := (others=>'0');
BRAM_DIA <= (others=>'0'); -- always 0, no writes on this port
BRAM : ram_2swsr_wfirst_gen
generic map (
AWIDTH => 9,
DWIDTH => 32)
port map (
ENB => R_REGS.memwe,
WEA => '0',
WEB => R_REGS.memwe,
ADDRA => R_REGS.laddr,
ADDRB => R_REGS.laddr_1,
DOB => open
proc_regs: process (CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then
R_REGS <= regs_init;
end if;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
proc_next : process (R_REGS, RB_MREQ, RXSD, RXACT, BRAM_DOA)
variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
variable irb_ack : slbit := '0';
variable irb_busy : slbit := '0';
variable irb_err : slbit := '0';
variable irb_dout : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable irbena : slbit := '0';
variable ibramen : slbit := '0';
variable ibramdi : slv32 := (others=>'0');
variable laddr_we : slbit := '0';
variable laddr_clr : slbit := '0';
variable laddr_inc : slbit := '0';
r := R_REGS;
n := R_REGS;
irb_ack := '0';
irb_busy := '0';
irb_err := '0';
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
irbena := or RB_MREQ.we;
ibramen := '0';
laddr_we := '0';
laddr_clr := '0';
laddr_inc := '0';
-- rbus address decoder
n.rbsel := '0';
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and RB_MREQ.addr(15 downto 2)=RB_ADDR(15 downto 2) then
n.rbsel := '1';
ibramen := '1';
end if;
-- rbus transactions
if r.rbsel = '1' then
irb_ack := irbena; -- ack all accesses
case RB_MREQ.addr(1 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl =>
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.ena01 := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_ena01);
n.ena10 := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_ena10);
if RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_clr) = '1' then
n.clr := '1';
end if;
n.go := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_go);
end if;
when rbaddr_rdiv =>
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
n.rdiv := RB_MREQ.din(n.rdiv'range);
end if;
when rbaddr_addr =>
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
laddr_we := '1';
n.waddr := RB_MREQ.din(addr_rbf_waddr);
end if;
when rbaddr_data =>
if RB_MREQ.we='1' then
irb_err := '1';
end if;
if = '1' then
if r.go='0' and r.clr='0' and r.state=s_idle then
n.waddr := not r.waddr;
if r.waddr = '1' then
laddr_inc := '1';
end if;
irb_err := '1';
end if;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- rbus output driver
if r.rbsel = '1' then
case RB_MREQ.addr(1 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl =>
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_ena01) := r.ena01;
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_ena10) := r.ena10;
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_clr) := r.clr;
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_go) := r.go;
when rbaddr_rdiv =>
irb_dout(r.rdiv'range) := r.rdiv;
when rbaddr_addr =>
irb_dout(addr_rbf_laddr) := r.laddr;
irb_dout(addr_rbf_waddr) := r.waddr;
when rbaddr_data =>
case r.waddr is
when '1' => irb_dout := BRAM_DOA(31 downto 16);
when '0' => irb_dout := BRAM_DOA(15 downto 0);
when others => null;
end case;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- eye monitor
n.memwe := '0';
n.memclr := '0';
case r.state is
when s_idle => -- s_idle: wait for char or clr ------
if r.clr = '1' then
laddr_clr := '1';
n.state := s_clr;
elsif r.go = '1' and RXSD='0' then
laddr_clr := '1';
n.rdivcnt := r.rdiv;
n.state := s_char;
end if;
when s_char => -- s_char: processing a char ---------
if RXACT = '0' then -- uart went unactive
if RXSD = '1' then -- line idle -> to s_idle
n.state := s_idle;
else -- already next start bit seen
laddr_clr := '1'; -- clear and restart
n.rdivcnt := r.rdiv; -- happens only in simulation...
end if;
if (r.ena01='1' and r.rxsd_1='0' and RXSD='1') or
(r.ena10='1' and r.rxsd_1='1' and RXSD='0') then
n.memwe := '1';
ibramen := '1';
end if;
end if;
if unsigned(r.rdiv)=0 or unsigned(r.rdivcnt)=0 then
n.rdivcnt := r.rdiv;
if unsigned(r.laddr) /= (2**r.laddr'length)-1 then
laddr_inc := '1';
end if;
n.rdivcnt := slv(unsigned(r.rdivcnt) - 1);
end if;
when s_clr => -- s_clr: clear memory ---------------
laddr_inc := '1';
n.memwe := '1';
n.memclr := '1';
if unsigned(r.laddr) = (2**r.laddr'length)-1 then
n.clr := '0';
n.state := s_idle;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
if laddr_we = '1' then
n.laddr := RB_MREQ.din(addr_rbf_laddr);
elsif laddr_clr = '1' then
n.laddr := (others=>'0');
elsif laddr_inc = '1' then
n.laddr := slv(unsigned(r.laddr) + 1);
end if;
n.laddr_1 := r.laddr;
n.rxsd_1 := RXSD;
ibramdi := (others=>'0');
if r.memclr = '0' then
ibramdi := slv(unsigned(BRAM_DOA) + 1);
end if;
N_REGS <= n;
BRAM_ENA <= ibramen;
BRAM_DIB <= ibramdi;
RB_SRES.dout <= irb_dout;
RB_SRES.ack <= irb_ack;
RB_SRES.err <= irb_err;
RB_SRES.busy <= irb_busy;
end process proc_next;
end syn;
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# libs
# components
# design
0,0 → 1,367
-- $Id: rbd_tester.vhd 593 2014-09-14 22:21:33Z mueller $
-- Copyright 2010-2014 by Walter F.J. Mueller <>
-- This program is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-- Software Foundation, either version 2, or at your option any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for complete details.
-- Module Name: rbd_tester - syn
-- Description: rbus dev: rbus tester
-- Dependencies: memlib/fifo_1c_dram_raw
-- Test bench: rlink/tb/tb_rlink (used as test target)
-- Target Devices: generic
-- Tool versions: xst 12.1-14.7; ghdl 0.29-0.31
-- Synthesized (xst):
-- Date Rev ise Target flop lutl lutm slic t peri
-- 2014-08-31 590 14.7 131013 xc6slx16-2 74 162 16 73 s 5.8 ver 4.1
-- 2010-12-12 344 12.1 M53d xc3s1000-4 78 204 32 133 s 8.0
-- 2010-12-04 343 12.1 M53d xc3s1000-4 75 214 32 136 s 9.3
-- Revision History:
-- Date Rev Version Comment
-- 2014-09-05 591 4.1 use new iface with 8 regs
-- 2014-08-30 589 4.0 use new rlink v4 iface and 4 bit STAT
-- 2014-08-15 583 3.5 rb_mreq addr now 16 bit
-- 2011-11-19 427 1.0.4 now numeric_std clean
-- 2010-12-31 352 1.0.3 simplify irb_ack logic
-- 2010-12-29 351 1.0.2 default addr 111101xx->111100xx
-- 2010-12-12 344 1.0.1 send 0101.. on busy or err; fix init and busy logic
-- 2010-12-04 343 1.0 Initial version
-- rbus registers:
-- Addr Bits Name r/w/f Function
-- 000 cntl r/w/- Control register
-- 15 wchk r/w/- write check seen (cleared on data write)
-- 09:00 nbusy r/w/- busy cycles (for data,dinc,fifo,lnak)
-- 001 03:00 stat r/w/- status send to RB_STAT
-- 010 attn -/w/f Attn register: ping RB_LAM lines
-- 011 09:00 ncyc r/-/- return cycle length of last access
-- 100 data r/w/- Data register (plain read/write)
-- 101 dinc r/w/- Data register (autoinc and write check)
-- 110 fifo r/w/- Fifo interface register
-- 111 lnak r/w/- delayed ack deassert
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.slvtypes.all;
use work.memlib.all;
use work.rblib.all;
entity rbd_tester is -- rbus dev: rbus tester
-- complete rrirp_aif interface
generic (
RB_ADDR : slv16 := slv(to_unsigned(16#ffe0#,16)));
port (
CLK : in slbit; -- clock
RESET : in slbit; -- reset
RB_MREQ : in rb_mreq_type; -- rbus: request
RB_SRES : out rb_sres_type; -- rbus: response
RB_LAM : out slv16; -- rbus: look at me
RB_STAT : out slv4 -- rbus: status flags
end entity rbd_tester;
architecture syn of rbd_tester is
constant awidth : positive := 4; -- fifo address width
constant rbaddr_cntl : slv3 := "000"; -- cntl address offset
constant rbaddr_stat : slv3 := "001"; -- stat address offset
constant rbaddr_attn : slv3 := "010"; -- attn address offset
constant rbaddr_ncyc : slv3 := "011"; -- ncyc address offset
constant rbaddr_data : slv3 := "100"; -- data address offset
constant rbaddr_dinc : slv3 := "101"; -- dinc address offset
constant rbaddr_fifo : slv3 := "110"; -- fifo address offset
constant rbaddr_lnak : slv3 := "111"; -- lnak address offset
constant cntl_rbf_wchk : integer := 15;
subtype cntl_rbf_nbusy is integer range 9 downto 0;
constant init_rbf_cntl : integer := 0;
constant init_rbf_data : integer := 1;
constant init_rbf_fifo : integer := 2;
type regs_type is record -- state registers
rbsel : slbit; -- rbus select
wchk : slbit; -- write check flag
stat : slv4; -- stat setting
nbusy : slv10; -- nbusy setting
data : slv16; -- data register
act_1 : slbit; -- rbsel and (re or we) in last cycle
ncyc : slv10; -- cycle length of last access
cntbusy : slv10; -- busy timer
cntcyc : slv10; -- cycle length counter
end record regs_type;
constant regs_init : regs_type := (
'0','0', -- rbsel, wchk
(others=>'0'), -- stat
(others=>'0'), -- nbusy
(others=>'0'), -- data
'0', -- act_1
(others=>'0'), -- ncyc
(others=>'0'), -- cntbusy
(others=>'0') -- cntcyc
constant cntcyc_max : slv(regs_init.cntcyc'range) := (others=>'1');
signal R_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal N_REGS : regs_type := regs_init;
signal FIFO_RESET : slbit := '0';
signal FIFO_RE : slbit := '0';
signal FIFO_WE : slbit := '0';
signal FIFO_EMPTY : slbit := '0';
signal FIFO_FULL : slbit := '0';
signal FIFO_SIZE : slv(awidth-1 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
signal FIFO_DO : slv16 := (others=>'0');
FIFO : fifo_1c_dram_raw
generic map (
AWIDTH => awidth,
DWIDTH => 16)
port map (
DI => RB_MREQ.din,
proc_regs: process (CLK)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if RESET = '1' then
R_REGS <= regs_init;
end if;
end if;
end process proc_regs;
proc_next : process (R_REGS, RB_MREQ, FIFO_EMPTY, FIFO_FULL, FIFO_DO)
variable r : regs_type := regs_init;
variable n : regs_type := regs_init;
variable irb_ack : slbit := '0';
variable irb_busy : slbit := '0';
variable irb_err : slbit := '0';
variable irb_dout : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable irbena : slbit := '0';
variable irblam : slv16 := (others=>'0');
variable ififo_re : slbit := '0';
variable ififo_we : slbit := '0';
variable ififo_reset : slbit := '0';
variable isbusy : slbit := '0';
r := R_REGS;
n := R_REGS;
irb_ack := '0';
irb_busy := '0';
irb_err := '0';
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
irblam := (others=>'0');
irbena := or RB_MREQ.we;
ififo_re := '0';
ififo_we := '0';
ififo_reset := '0';
isbusy := '0';
if unsigned(r.cntbusy) /= 0 then
isbusy := '1';
end if;
-- rbus address decoder
n.rbsel := '0';
if RB_MREQ.aval='1' and RB_MREQ.addr(15 downto 3)=RB_ADDR(15 downto 3) then
n.rbsel := '1';
if irbena = '0' then -- addr valid and selected, but no req
n.cntbusy := r.nbusy; -- preset busy timer
n.cntcyc := (others=>'0'); -- clear cycle length counter
end if;
end if;
-- rbus transactions
if r.rbsel = '1' then
if irbena = '1' then -- if request active
if unsigned(r.cntbusy) /= 0 then -- if busy timer > 0
n.cntbusy := slv(unsigned(r.cntbusy) - 1); -- decrement busy timer
end if;
if r.cntcyc /= cntcyc_max then -- if cycle counter < max
n.cntcyc := slv(unsigned(r.cntcyc) + 1); -- increment cycle counter
end if;
end if;
irb_ack := irbena; -- ack all (some rejects later)
case RB_MREQ.addr(2 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl =>
if RB_MREQ.we='1' then
n.wchk := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_wchk);
n.nbusy := RB_MREQ.din(cntl_rbf_nbusy);
end if;
when rbaddr_stat =>
if RB_MREQ.we='1' then
n.stat := RB_MREQ.din(r.stat'range);
end if;
when rbaddr_attn =>
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then -- on we
irblam := RB_MREQ.din; -- ping lam lines
elsif = '1' then -- on re
irb_err := '1'; -- reject
end if;
when rbaddr_ncyc =>
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then -- on we
irb_err := '1'; -- reject
end if;
when rbaddr_data =>
irb_busy := irbena and isbusy;
if RB_MREQ.we='1' and isbusy='0' then
n.wchk := '0'; := RB_MREQ.din;
end if;
when rbaddr_dinc =>
irb_busy := irbena and isbusy;
if RB_MREQ.we = '1' then
if /= RB_MREQ.din then
n.wchk := '1';
end if;
end if;
if ('1' or RB_MREQ.we='1') and isbusy='0' then := slv(unsigned( + 1);
end if;
when rbaddr_fifo =>
irb_busy := irbena and isbusy;
if'1' and isbusy='0' then
if FIFO_EMPTY = '1' then
irb_err := '1';
ififo_re := '1';
end if;
end if;
if RB_MREQ.we='1' and isbusy='0' then
if FIFO_FULL = '1' then
irb_err := '1';
ififo_we := '1';
end if;
end if;
when rbaddr_lnak =>
irb_ack := '0'; -- nak it
if isbusy = '1' then -- or do a delayed nak
irb_ack := irbena;
irb_busy := irbena;
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- rbus output driver
-- send a '0101...' pattern when selected and busy or err
-- send data only when busy=0 and err=0
-- this extra logic allows to debug rlink state machine
if r.rbsel = '1' then
irb_dout := "0101010101010101"; -- drive this pattern when selected
if'1' and irb_busy='0' and irb_err='0' then
case RB_MREQ.addr(2 downto 0) is
when rbaddr_cntl =>
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_wchk) := r.wchk;
irb_dout(cntl_rbf_nbusy) := r.nbusy;
when rbaddr_stat =>
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
irb_dout(r.stat'range) := r.stat;
when rbaddr_attn => null;
when rbaddr_ncyc =>
irb_dout := (others=>'0');
irb_dout(r.cntcyc'range) := r.ncyc;
when rbaddr_data | rbaddr_dinc =>
irb_dout :=;
when rbaddr_fifo =>
if FIFO_EMPTY = '0' then
irb_dout := FIFO_DO;
end if;
when rbaddr_lnak => null;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
-- init transactions
if RB_MREQ.init='1' and RB_MREQ.addr=RB_ADDR then
if RB_MREQ.din(init_rbf_cntl) = '1' then
n.wchk := '0';
n.stat := (others=>'0');
n.nbusy := (others=>'0');
end if;
if RB_MREQ.din(init_rbf_data) = '1' then := (others=>'0');
end if;
if RB_MREQ.din(init_rbf_fifo) = '1' then
ififo_reset := '1';
end if;
end if;
-- other transactions
if irbena='0' and r.act_1='1' then
n.ncyc := r.cntcyc;
end if;
n.act_1 := irbena;
N_REGS <= n;
FIFO_RE <= ififo_re;
FIFO_WE <= ififo_we;
FIFO_RESET <= ififo_reset;
RB_SRES.dout <= irb_dout;
RB_SRES.ack <= irb_ack;
RB_SRES.err <= irb_err;
RB_SRES.busy <= irb_busy;
RB_LAM <= irblam;
RB_STAT <= r.stat;
end process proc_next;
end syn;
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# libs
# components
# design
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# libs
# components
# design
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# libs
# components
# design
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# libs
# design
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# libs
# components
# design
. Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,33 ## +*.dep_ghdl +*.dep_isim +*.dep_xst +*.vcd +*.ghw +*.sav +*.tmp +*.exe +ise +xflow.his +*.ngc +*.ncd +*.pcf +*.bit +*.msk +isim +isim.log +isim.wdb +fuse.log +*_[sft]sim.vhd +*_tsim.sdf +*_xst.log +*_tra.log +*_twr.log +*_map.log +*_par.log +*_tsi.log +*_pad.log +*_bgn.log +*_svn.log +*_sum.log +*_[dsft]sim.log

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