
Subversion Repositories xgate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 61 to Rev 62
    Reverse comparison

Rev 61 → Rev 62

3,7 → 3,7
// WISHBONE revB.2 compliant Xgate Coprocessor - Test Bench
// Author: Bob Hayes
// Downloaded from:
17,10 → 17,10
// Supplemental terms.
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
// names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
// names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
43,7 → 43,7
module tst_bench_top();
parameter MAX_CHANNEL = 127; // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
parameter MAX_CHANNEL = 127; // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
parameter STOP_ON_ERROR = 1'b0;
parameter MAX_VECTOR = 8000;
53,12 → 53,12
// Name Address Locations
parameter XGATE_BASE = 24'h1000;
parameter XGATE_BASE = 24'h1000;
parameter XGATE_XGMCTL = XGATE_BASE + 6'h00;
parameter XGATE_XGCHID = XGATE_BASE + 6'h02;
parameter XGATE_XGISPHI = XGATE_BASE + 6'h04;
parameter XGATE_XGISPLO = XGATE_BASE + 6'h06;
parameter XGATE_XGVBR = XGATE_BASE + 6'h08;
parameter XGATE_XGVBR = XGATE_BASE + 6'h08;
parameter XGATE_XGIF_7 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h0a;
parameter XGATE_XGIF_6 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h0c;
parameter XGATE_XGIF_5 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h0e;
67,22 → 67,22
parameter XGATE_XGIF_2 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h14;
parameter XGATE_XGIF_1 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h16;
parameter XGATE_XGIF_0 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h18;
parameter XGATE_XGSWT = XGATE_BASE + 6'h1a;
parameter XGATE_XGSEM = XGATE_BASE + 6'h1c;
parameter XGATE_RES1 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h1e;
parameter XGATE_XGCCR = XGATE_BASE + 6'h20;
parameter XGATE_XGPC = XGATE_BASE + 6'h22;
parameter XGATE_RES2 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h24;
parameter XGATE_XGR1 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h26;
parameter XGATE_XGR2 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h28;
parameter XGATE_XGR3 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h2a;
parameter XGATE_XGR4 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h2c;
parameter XGATE_XGR5 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h2e;
parameter XGATE_XGR6 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h30;
parameter XGATE_XGR7 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h32;
parameter XGATE_XGSWT = XGATE_BASE + 6'h1a;
parameter XGATE_XGSEM = XGATE_BASE + 6'h1c;
parameter XGATE_RES1 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h1e;
parameter XGATE_XGCCR = XGATE_BASE + 6'h20;
parameter XGATE_XGPC = XGATE_BASE + 6'h22;
parameter XGATE_RES2 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h24;
parameter XGATE_XGR1 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h26;
parameter XGATE_XGR2 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h28;
parameter XGATE_XGR3 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h2a;
parameter XGATE_XGR4 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h2c;
parameter XGATE_XGR5 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h2e;
parameter XGATE_XGR6 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h30;
parameter XGATE_XGR7 = XGATE_BASE + 6'h32;
// Define bits in XGATE Control Register
parameter XGMCTL_XGEM = 16'h8000;
parameter XGMCTL_XGEM = 16'h8000;
parameter XGMCTL_XGFRZM = 16'h4000;
parameter XGMCTL_XGDBGM = 15'h2000;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSSM = 15'h1000;
90,57 → 90,62
parameter XGMCTL_XGBRKIEM = 15'h0400;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSWEIFM = 15'h0200;
parameter XGMCTL_XGIEM = 15'h0100;
parameter XGMCTL_XGE = 16'h0080;
parameter XGMCTL_XGE = 16'h0080;
parameter XGMCTL_XGFRZ = 16'h0040;
parameter XGMCTL_XGDBG = 15'h0020;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSS = 15'h0010;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSS = 15'h0010;
parameter XGMCTL_XGFACT = 15'h0008;
parameter XGMCTL_XGBRKIE = 15'h0004;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSWEIF = 15'h0002;
parameter XGMCTL_XGIE = 15'h0001;
parameter XGMCTL_XGIE = 15'h0001;
parameter CHECK_POINT = 16'h8000;
parameter CHANNEL_ACK = CHECK_POINT + 2;
parameter CHANNEL_ERR = CHECK_POINT + 4;
parameter SYS_RAM_BASE = 24'h0000_0000;
parameter SYS_RAM_BASE = 24'h00_0000;
// wires && regs
reg mstr_test_clk;
reg mstr_test_clk;
reg [19:0] vector;
reg [15:0] error_count;
reg [ 7:0] test_num;
reg [15:0] q, qq;
reg rstn;
reg sync_reset;
reg por_reset_b;
reg stop_mode;
reg wait_mode;
reg debug_mode;
reg scantestmode;
reg rstn;
reg sync_reset;
reg por_reset_b;
reg scantestmode;
wire [15:0] dat_i;
wire ack;
reg [MAX_CHANNEL:0] channel_req; // XGATE Interrupt inputs
wire [MAX_CHANNEL:0] xgif; // XGATE Interrupt outputs
wire [ 7:0] xgswt; // XGATE Software Trigger outputs
wire xg_sw_irq; // Xgate Software Error interrupt
wire [MAX_CHANNEL:0] xgif; // XGATE Interrupt outputs
wire [ 7:0] xgswt; // XGATE Software Trigger outputs
wire xg_sw_irq; // Xgate Software Error interrupt
wire [15:0] wbm_dat_o; // WISHBONE Master Mode data output from XGATE
wire [15:0] wbm_dat_i; // WISHBONE Master Mode data input to XGATE
wire [15:0] wbm_adr_o; // WISHBONE Master Mode address output from XGATE
wire [15:0] wbm_dat_o; // WISHBONE Master Mode data output from XGATE
wire [15:0] wbm_dat_i; // WISHBONE Master Mode data input to XGATE
wire [15:0] wbm_adr_o; // WISHBONE Master Mode address output from XGATE
wire [ 1:0] wbm_sel_o;
reg mem_wait_state_enable;
reg mem_wait_state_enable;
wire [15:0] tb_ram_out;
wire [15:0] tb_slave_dout; // WISHBONE data bus output from testbench slave module
wire error_pulse; // Error detected output pulse from the testbench slave module
wire test_reg_ack; // WISHBONE ack from testbench slave module
wire ack_pulse; // Thread ack output pulse from testbench slave module
wire wbm_cyc_o;
wire wbm_stb_o;
wire wbm_we_o;
wire wbs_err_o;
// Registers used to mirror internal registers
reg [15:0] data_xgmctl;
reg [15:0] data_xgchid;
148,38 → 153,38
reg [15:0] data_xgswt;
reg [15:0] data_xgsem;
wire sys_cyc;
wire sys_stb;
wire sys_we;
wire sys_cyc;
wire sys_stb;
wire sys_we;
wire [ 1:0] sys_sel;
wire [23:0] sys_adr;
wire [15:0] sys_dout;
wire [15:0] sys_din;
wire host_ack;
wire host_ack;
wire [15:0] host_dout;
wire host_cyc;
wire host_stb;
wire host_we;
wire host_cyc;
wire host_stb;
wire host_we;
wire [ 1:0] host_sel;
wire [23:0] host_adr;
wire [15:0] host_din;
wire xgate_ack;
wire xgate_ack;
wire [15:0] xgate_dout;
wire xgate_cyc;
wire xgate_stb;
wire xgate_we;
wire xgate_cyc;
wire xgate_stb;
wire xgate_we;
wire [ 1:0] xgate_sel;
wire [15:0] xgate_adr;
wire [15:0] xgate_din;
wire xgate_s_stb;
wire xgate_s_ack;
wire xgate_s_stb;
wire xgate_s_ack;
wire [15:0] xgate_s_dout;
wire slv2_stb;
wire ram_sel;
wire slv2_stb;
wire ram_sel;
wire [15:0] ram_dout;
// initial values and testbench setup
189,9 → 194,6
vector = 0;
test_num = 0;
por_reset_b = 0;
stop_mode = 0;
wait_mode = 0;
debug_mode = 0;
scantestmode = 0;
error_count = 0;
mem_wait_state_enable = 0;
198,16 → 200,16
// channel_req = 0;
`ifdef WAVES
$display("\nINFO: Signal dump enabled ...\n\n");
$display("\nINFO: Signal dump enabled ...\n\n");
`ifdef WAVES_V
$dumpfile ("xgate_wave_dump.lxt");
$dumpvars (0, tst_bench_top);
$display("\nINFO: VCD Signal dump enabled ...\n\n");
$dumpfile ("xgate_wave_dump.lxt");
$dumpvars (0, tst_bench_top);
$display("\nINFO: VCD Signal dump enabled ...\n\n");
220,11 → 222,11
vector <= vector + 1;
if (vector > MAX_VECTOR)
error_count <= error_count + 1;
$display("\n ------ !!!!! Simulation Timeout at vector=%d\n -------", vector);
error_count <= error_count + 1;
$display("\n ------ !!!!! Simulation Timeout at vector=%d\n -------", vector);
// Add up errors that come from WISHBONE read compares
238,7 → 240,7
error_count = error_count + 1;
if (STOP_ON_ERROR == 1'b1)
wire [ 6:0] current_active_channel = xgate.risc.xgchid;
245,8 → 247,8
always @(posedge ack_pulse) //channel_ack_wrt
// Testbench RAM for Xgate program storage and Load/Store instruction tests
ram p_ram
281,7 → 283,7
bus_arbitration #(.dwidth(16),
324,7 → 326,7
// Slave #2 Bus I/O
.slv2_stb( slv2_stb ),
.slv2_ack( test_reg_ack ),
.slv2_din( ram_dout ),
.slv2_din( tb_slave_dout ),
// Miscellaneous
.host_clk( mstr_test_clk ),
.risc_clk( mstr_test_clk ),
332,45 → 334,47
.err( 1'b0 ), // No Connect
.rty( 1'b0 ) // No Connect
// hookup XGATE core - Parameters take all default values
xgate_top #(.SINGLE_CYCLE(1'b0),
.MAX_CHANNEL(MAX_CHANNEL)) // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
// Wishbone slave interface
.wbs_clk_i( mstr_test_clk ),
.wbs_rst_i( 1'b0 ), // sync_reset
.arst_i( rstn ), // async resetn
.wbs_adr_i( sys_adr[5:1] ),
.wbs_dat_i( sys_dout ),
.wbs_dat_o( xgate_s_dout ),
.wbs_we_i( sys_we ),
.wbs_stb_i( xgate_s_stb ),
.wbs_cyc_i( sys_cyc ),
.wbs_sel_i( sys_sel ),
.wbs_ack_o( xgate_s_ack ),
.wbs_err_o( wbs_err_o ),
.MAX_CHANNEL(MAX_CHANNEL)) // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
// Wishbone slave interface
.wbs_clk_i( mstr_test_clk ),
.wbs_rst_i( 1'b0 ), // sync_reset
.arst_i( rstn ), // async resetn
.wbs_adr_i( sys_adr[5:1] ),
.wbs_dat_i( sys_dout ),
.wbs_dat_o( xgate_s_dout ),
.wbs_we_i( sys_we ),
.wbs_stb_i( xgate_s_stb ),
.wbs_cyc_i( sys_cyc ),
.wbs_sel_i( sys_sel ),
.wbs_ack_o( xgate_s_ack ),
.wbs_err_o( wbs_err_o ),
// Wishbone master Signals
.wbm_dat_o( wbm_dat_o ),
.wbm_we_o( wbm_we_o ),
.wbm_stb_o( wbm_stb_o ),
.wbm_cyc_o( wbm_cyc_o ),
.wbm_sel_o( wbm_sel_o ),
.wbm_adr_o( wbm_adr_o ),
.wbm_dat_i( sys_din ),
.wbm_ack_i( xgate_ack ),
// Wishbone master Signals
.wbm_dat_o( wbm_dat_o ),
.wbm_we_o( wbm_we_o ),
.wbm_stb_o( wbm_stb_o ),
.wbm_cyc_o( wbm_cyc_o ),
.wbm_sel_o( wbm_sel_o ),
.wbm_adr_o( wbm_adr_o ),
.wbm_dat_i( sys_din ),
.wbm_ack_i( xgate_ack ),
.xgif( xgif ), // XGATE Interrupt Flag output
.xg_sw_irq( xg_sw_irq ), // XGATE Software Error Interrupt Flag output
.xgswt( xgswt ),
.risc_clk( mstr_test_clk ),
.chan_req_i( {channel_req[MAX_CHANNEL:40], xgswt, channel_req[31:0]} ),
.scantestmode( scantestmode )
.xgif( xgif ), // XGATE Interrupt Flag output
.xg_sw_irq( xg_sw_irq ), // XGATE Software Error Interrupt Flag output
.xgswt( xgswt ),
.risc_clk( mstr_test_clk ),
.chan_req_i( {channel_req[MAX_CHANNEL:40], xgswt, channel_req[31:0]} ),
.debug_mode_i( 1'b0 ),
.secure_mode_i( 1'b0 ),
.scantestmode( scantestmode )
tb_slave #(.DWIDTH(16),
// wishbone interface
.wb_clk_i( mstr_test_clk ),
378,7 → 382,7
.arst_i( rstn ),
.wb_adr_i( sys_adr[3:1] ),
.wb_dat_i( sys_dout ),
.wb_dat_o( tb_slave_dout),
.wb_we_i( sys_we ),
.wb_stb_i( slv2_stb ),
.wb_cyc_i( sys_cyc ),
385,7 → 389,7
.wb_sel_i( sys_sel ),
.wb_ack_o( test_reg_ack ),
.ack_pulse( ack_pulse ),
.ack_pulse( ack_pulse ),
.error_pulse( error_pulse ),
.vector( vector )
405,10 → 409,10
rstn = 1'b1; // negate reset
channel_req = 1; //
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset = 1'b1; // Make the sync reset 1 clock cycle long
#2; // move the async reset away from the clock edge
sync_reset = 1'b1; // Make the sync reset 1 clock cycle long
#2; // move the async reset away from the clock edge
rstn = 1'b0; // assert async reset
#5; // Keep the async reset pulse with less than a clock cycle
#5; // Keep the async reset pulse with less than a clock cycle
rstn = 1'b1; // negate async reset
por_reset_b = 1'b1;
channel_req = 0; //
443,62 → 447,62
$readmemh("../../../bench/verilog/debug_test.v", p_ram.ram_8);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable interrupt on BRK instruction
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable interrupt on BRK instruction
wait_debug_set; // Debug Status bit is set by BRK instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h20c6, WORD); // See Program code (BRK).
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0001, WORD); // See Program code.R3 = 1
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0003, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h20c6, WORD); // See Program code (BRK).
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0001, WORD); // See Program code.R3 = 1
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0003, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
channel_req[5] = 1'b1; //
repeat(7) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0003, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0003, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h000f, H_BYTE); // Check byte select lines
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h000f, H_BYTE); // Check byte select lines
repeat(4) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0003, WORD); // Verify CHID is unchanged
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h000f, L_BYTE); // Change CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h000f, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0003, WORD); // Verify CHID is unchanged
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0000, WORD); // Change CHID to 00, RISC should go to IDLE state
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h000f, L_BYTE); // Change CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h000f, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0000, WORD); // Change CHID to 00, RISC should go to IDLE state
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0004, WORD); // Change CHID
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0004, WORD); // Change CHID
repeat(8) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGDBGM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
wait_debug_set; // Debug Status bit is set by BRK instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0004, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit (Excape from Break State and run)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0004, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit (Excape from Break State and run)
wait_debug_set; // Debug Status bit is set by BRK instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0005, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0005, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit (Excape from Break State and run)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit (Excape from Break State and run)
wait_debug_set; // Debug Status bit is set by BRK instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0006, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h211c, WORD); // See Program code (BRK)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0006, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h211c, WORD); // See Program code (BRK)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(8) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h211e, WORD); // See Program code (BRA)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h211e, WORD); // See Program code (BRA)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(8) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2122, WORD); // See Program code ()
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2122, WORD); // See Program code ()
repeat(20) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGDBGM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
repeat(50) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
533,7 → 537,7
$readmemh("../../../bench/verilog/debug_test.v", p_ram.ram_8);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable interrupt on BRK instruction
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable interrupt on BRK instruction
540,7 → 544,7
repeat(25) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Set Debug Mode Control Bit
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Set Debug Mode Control Bit
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_read(1, XGATE_XGR3, q, WORD);
550,32 → 554,32
// The Xgate test program is in an infinate loop incrementing R3
while (qq == q) // Look for change in R3 register
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(7) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_read(1, XGATE_XGR3, q, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(7) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_read(1, XGATE_XGR3, q, WORD);
if (q != (qq+1))
$display("Error! - Unexpected value of R3 at vector=%d", vector);
error_count = error_count + 1;
$display("Error! - Unexpected value of R3 at vector=%d", vector);
error_count = error_count + 1;
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2094, WORD); // Write to PC to force exit from infinite loop
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2094, WORD); // Write to PC to force exit from infinite loop
repeat(10) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
repeat(10) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0002, WORD); // See Program code.(R4 <= R4 + 1)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0002, WORD); // See Program code.(R4 <= R4 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
repeat(10) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R4 <= R4 + 1)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R4 <= R4 + 1)
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGDBGM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
// Should be back in Run Mode
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
// Should be back in Run Mode
// host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl); // Clear Software Interrupt and BRK Interrupt Enable Bit
593,73 → 597,73
$readmemh("../../../bench/verilog/debug_test.v", p_ram.ram_8);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable interrupt on BRK instruction
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable interrupt on BRK instruction
wait_debug_set; // Debug Status bit is set by BRK instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203a, WORD); // See Program code (BRK).
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0001, WORD); // See Program code.R3 = 1
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203a, WORD); // See Program code (BRK).
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0001, WORD); // See Program code.R3 = 1
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203c, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203c, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load NOP instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0002, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203e, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load NOP instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0002, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203e, WORD); // PC + 2.
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203e, WORD); // Still no change.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203e, WORD); // Still no change.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load BRA instruction)
repeat(9) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute NOP instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2040, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load BRA instruction)
repeat(9) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute NOP instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2040, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute BRA instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2064, WORD); // PC = Branch destination.
// Load ADDL instruction
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute BRA instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2064, WORD); // PC = Branch destination.
// Load ADDL instruction
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load LDW R7 instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2066, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load LDW R7 instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2066, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (LDW R7)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (LDW R7)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2068, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h00c3, WORD); // See Program code
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2068, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h00c3, WORD); // See Program code
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (BRA)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (BRA)
repeat(9) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2048, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2048, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (STW R3)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (STW R3)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h204a, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h204a, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (R3 <= R3 + 1)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h204c, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h204c, WORD); // PC + 2.
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGDBGM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
// Should be back in Run Mode
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
// Should be back in Run Mode
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0002, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Software Interrupt and BRK Interrupt Enable Bit
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Software Interrupt and BRK Interrupt Enable Bit
repeat(15) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
711,22 → 715,22
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0200, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h5050, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0050, WORD); //
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0050, WORD); //
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0400, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hff00, WORD); // clear the old settings
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); //
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); //
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'ha0a0, WORD); // Verify that bits were unlocked by RISC
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h00a0, WORD); // Verify bits were set
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h00a0, WORD); // Verify bits were set
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hff08, WORD); // Try to set the bit that was left locked by the RISC
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); // Verify no bits were set
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); // Verify no bits were set
repeat(20) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
739,9 → 743,9
data_xgmctl = 16'hff00;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Disable XGATE
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Disable XGATE
754,32 → 758,32
$display("TEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, reg_test_16", test_num, vector);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPHI, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPLO, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hfe00, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0001, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPHI, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPLO, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hfe00, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0001, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
parameter XGMCTL_XGDBGM = 15'h2000;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSSM = 15'h1000;
788,10 → 792,10
parameter XGMCTL_XGIEM = 15'h0100;
parameter XGMCTL_XGDBG = 15'h0020;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSS = 15'h0010;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSS = 15'h0010;
parameter XGMCTL_XGBRKIE = 15'h0004;
parameter XGMCTL_XGSWEIF = 15'h0002;
parameter XGMCTL_XGIE = 15'h0001;
parameter XGMCTL_XGIE = 15'h0001;
// Test bits in the Xgate Control Register (XGMCTL)
828,10 → 832,10
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hFF55, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hAA54, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h55AA, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5554, WORD);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM | XGMCTL_XGE;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGE;
991,10 → 995,10
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset = 1'b1; // Make the sync reset 1 clock cycle long
#2; // move the async reset away from the clock edge
rstn = 1'b0; // assert async reset
#5; // Keep the async reset pulse with less than a clock cycle
rstn = 1'b1; // negate async reset
#2; // move the async reset away from the clock edge
rstn = 1'b0; // assert async reset
#5; // Keep the async reset pulse with less than a clock cycle
rstn = 1'b1; // negate async reset
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
sync_reset = 1'b0;
1036,21 → 1040,21
$display("Clearing Channel interrupt flag #%d", chan_val);
if (0 < chan_val < 16)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (15 < chan_val < 32)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_1, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_1, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (31 < chan_val < 48)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_2, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_2, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (47 < chan_val < 64)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_3, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_3, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (63 < chan_val < 80)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_4, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_4, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (79 < chan_val < 96)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_5, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_5, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (95 < chan_val < 112)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_6, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_6, 16'hffff, WORD);
if (111 < chan_val < 128)
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_7, 16'hffff, WORD);
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGIF_7, 16'hffff, WORD);
channel_req[chan_val] = 1'b0; //
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
1076,7 → 1080,7
task read_ram_cmp;
input [15:0] address;
input [15:0] value;
reg [15:0] q;
reg [15:0] q;
1084,8 → 1088,8
// "X" compares don't work, "X" in value or q always match
if (value != q)
error_count = error_count + 1;
$display("RAM Data compare error at address %h. Received %h, expected %h at time %t", address, q, value, $time);
error_count = error_count + 1;
$display("RAM Data compare error at address %h. Received %h, expected %h at time %t", address, q, value, $time);
1135,8 → 1139,8
module bus_arbitration #(parameter dwidth = 16,
parameter awidth = 24,
module bus_arbitration #(parameter dwidth = 16,
parameter awidth = 24,
parameter ram_base = 0,
parameter ram_size = 16'hffff,
parameter slv1_base = 0,
1145,83 → 1149,83
parameter slv2_size = 1)
// System bus I/O
output reg sys_cyc,
output reg sys_stb,
output reg sys_we,
output reg sys_cyc,
output reg sys_stb,
output reg sys_we,
output reg [dwidth/8 -1:0] sys_sel,
output reg [awidth -1:0] sys_adr,
output reg [dwidth -1:0] sys_dout,
output [dwidth -1:0] sys_din,
// Host bus I/O
output host_ack,
output host_ack,
output [dwidth -1:0] host_dout,
input host_cyc,
input host_stb,
input host_we,
input [dwidth/8 -1:0] host_sel,
input [awidth -1:0] host_adr,
input [dwidth -1:0] host_din,
input host_cyc,
input host_stb,
input host_we,
input [dwidth/8 -1:0] host_sel,
input [awidth -1:0] host_adr,
input [dwidth -1:0] host_din,
// Alternate Bus Master #1 Bus I/O
output alt1_ack,
output alt1_ack,
output [dwidth -1:0] alt1_dout,
input alt1_cyc,
input alt1_stb,
input alt1_we,
input [dwidth/8 -1:0] alt1_sel,
input [awidth -1:0] alt1_adr,
input [dwidth -1:0] alt1_din,
input alt1_cyc,
input alt1_stb,
input alt1_we,
input [dwidth/8 -1:0] alt1_sel,
input [awidth -1:0] alt1_adr,
input [dwidth -1:0] alt1_din,
// System RAM memory signals
output ram_sel,
input [dwidth -1:0] ram_dout,
output ram_sel,
input [dwidth -1:0] ram_dout,
// Slave #1 Bus I/O
output slv1_stb,
input slv1_ack,
input [dwidth -1:0] slv1_din,
output slv1_stb,
input slv1_ack,
input [dwidth -1:0] slv1_din,
// Slave #2 Bus I/O
output slv2_stb,
input slv2_ack,
input [dwidth -1:0] slv2_din,
output slv2_stb,
input slv2_ack,
input [dwidth -1:0] slv2_din,
// Miscellaneous
input host_clk,
input risc_clk,
input rst, // No Connect
input err, // No Connect
input rty // No Connect
input host_clk,
input risc_clk,
input rst, // No Connect
input err, // No Connect
input rty // No Connect
// States for bus arbitration
parameter [1:0] BUS_IDLE = 2'b00,
HOST_OWNS = 2'b10,
RISC_OWNS = 2'b11;
parameter max_bus_hold = 5; // Max number of cycles any bus master can hold the system bus
HOST_OWNS = 2'b10,
RISC_OWNS = 2'b11;
parameter max_bus_hold = 5; // Max number of cycles any bus master can hold the system bus
parameter ram_wait_states = 0; // Number between 0 and 15
// Local Wires and Registers
wire ram_ack; //
wire any_ack; //
reg host_wait; // Host bus in wait state, Hold the bus till the transaction complets
wire ram_ack; //
wire any_ack; //
reg host_wait; // Host bus in wait state, Hold the bus till the transaction complets
reg [3:0] host_cycle_cnt; // Used to count the cycle the host and break the lock if the risc needs access
wire risc_lock; // RISC has the slave bus
reg risc_wait; // RISC bus in wait state, Hold the bus till the transaction complets
wire risc_lock; // RISC has the slave bus
reg risc_wait; // RISC bus in wait state, Hold the bus till the transaction complets
reg [3:0] risc_cycle_cnt; // Used to count the cycle the risc and break the lock if the host needs access
reg [1:0] owner_state;
reg [1:0] owner_ns;
wire host_timeout;
wire risc_timeout;
wire ram_ack_dly; // Delayed bus ack to simulate bus wait states
wire host_timeout;
wire risc_timeout;
wire ram_ack_dly; // Delayed bus ack to simulate bus wait states
reg [3:0] ack_dly_cnt; // Counter to delay bus ack to master modules
1231,7 → 1235,7
owner_state <= BUS_IDLE;
owner_state <= owner_ns;
always @*
case (owner_state)
1259,7 → 1263,7
default : owner_ns = BUS_IDLE;
assign host_timeout = (owner_state == HOST_OWNS) && (host_cycle_cnt > max_bus_hold) && any_ack;
assign risc_timeout = (owner_state == RISC_OWNS) && (risc_cycle_cnt > max_bus_hold) && any_ack;
1269,7 → 1273,7
host_cycle_cnt <= 0;
else if ((owner_state != HOST_OWNS) || !alt1_cyc)
host_cycle_cnt <= 0;
else if (&host_cycle_cnt && !host_timeout) // Don't allow rollover
else if (&host_cycle_cnt && !host_timeout) // Don't allow rollover
host_cycle_cnt <= host_cycle_cnt;
else if ((owner_state == HOST_OWNS) && alt1_cyc)
host_cycle_cnt <= host_cycle_cnt + 1'b1;
1280,12 → 1284,12
risc_cycle_cnt <= 0;
else if ((owner_state != RISC_OWNS) || !host_cyc)
risc_cycle_cnt <= 0;
else if (&risc_cycle_cnt && !risc_timeout) // Don't allow rollover
else if (&risc_cycle_cnt && !risc_timeout) // Don't allow rollover
risc_cycle_cnt <= risc_cycle_cnt;
else if ((owner_state == RISC_OWNS) && host_cyc)
risc_cycle_cnt <= risc_cycle_cnt + 1'b1;
// Aribartration Logic for System Bus access
// Aribartration Logic for System Bus access
assign any_ack = slv1_ack || slv2_ack || ram_ack;
assign host_ack = (owner_state == HOST_OWNS) && any_ack && host_cyc;
assign alt1_ack = (owner_state == RISC_OWNS) && any_ack && alt1_cyc;
1294,12 → 1298,12
// Address decoding for different Slave module instances
assign slv1_stb = sys_stb && (sys_adr >= slv1_base) && (sys_adr < (slv1_base + slv1_size));
assign slv2_stb = sys_stb && (sys_adr >= slv2_base) && (sys_adr < (slv2_base + slv2_size));
// Address decoding for Testbench access to RAM
assign ram_sel = sys_cyc && sys_stb && !(slv1_stb || slv2_stb) &&
(sys_adr >= ram_base) &&
(sys_adr >= ram_base) &&
(sys_adr < (ram_base + ram_size));
// Throw in some wait states from the memory
always @(posedge host_clk)
if ((ack_dly_cnt == ram_wait_states) || !ram_sel)
1313,8 → 1317,8
// Create the System Read Data Bus from the Slave output data buses
assign sys_din = ({dwidth{slv1_stb}} & slv1_din) |
({dwidth{slv2_stb}} & slv2_din) |
({dwidth{ram_sel}} & ram_dout);
({dwidth{slv2_stb}} & slv2_din) |
({dwidth{ram_sel}} & ram_dout);
// Mux for System Bus access
always @*
1321,39 → 1325,39
case (owner_state)
sys_cyc = 0;
sys_stb = 0;
sys_we = 0;
sys_sel = 0;
sys_adr = 0;
sys_dout = 0;
sys_cyc = 0;
sys_stb = 0;
sys_we = 0;
sys_sel = 0;
sys_adr = 0;
sys_dout = 0;
sys_cyc = host_cyc;
sys_stb = host_stb;
sys_we = host_we;
sys_sel = host_sel;
sys_adr = host_adr;
sys_dout = host_din;
sys_cyc = host_cyc;
sys_stb = host_stb;
sys_we = host_we;
sys_sel = host_sel;
sys_adr = host_adr;
sys_dout = host_din;
sys_cyc = alt1_cyc;
sys_stb = alt1_stb;
sys_we = alt1_we;
sys_sel = alt1_sel;
sys_adr = alt1_adr;
sys_dout = alt1_din;
sys_cyc = alt1_cyc;
sys_stb = alt1_stb;
sys_we = alt1_we;
sys_sel = alt1_sel;
sys_adr = alt1_adr;
sys_dout = alt1_din;
default :
sys_cyc = 0;
sys_stb = 0;
sys_we = 0;
sys_sel = 0;
sys_adr = 0;
sys_dout = 0;
sys_cyc = 0;
sys_stb = 0;
sys_we = 0;
sys_sel = 0;
sys_adr = 0;
sys_dout = 0;
1363,32 → 1367,32
module tb_slave #(parameter SINGLE_CYCLE = 1'b0, // No bus wait state added
parameter DWIDTH = 16) // Data bus width
parameter DWIDTH = 16) // Data bus width
// Wishbone Signals
output [DWIDTH-1:0] wb_dat_o, // databus output
output wb_ack_o, // bus cycle acknowledge output
input wb_clk_i, // master clock input
input wb_rst_i, // synchronous active high reset
input arst_i, // asynchronous reset
input [2:0] wb_adr_i, // lower address bits
input [DWIDTH-1:0] wb_dat_i, // databus input
input wb_we_i, // write enable input
input wb_stb_i, // stobe/core select signal
input wb_cyc_i, // valid bus cycle input
input [1:0] wb_sel_i, // Select byte in word bus transaction
// PIT IO Signals
output reg error_pulse, // Error detected output pulse
output reg ack_pulse, // Thread ack output pulse
input [19:0] vector
output [DWIDTH-1:0] wb_dat_o, // databus output
output wb_ack_o, // bus cycle acknowledge output
input wb_clk_i, // master clock input
input wb_rst_i, // synchronous active high reset
input arst_i, // asynchronous reset
input [2:0] wb_adr_i, // lower address bits
input [DWIDTH-1:0] wb_dat_i, // databus input
input wb_we_i, // write enable input
input wb_stb_i, // stobe/core select signal
input wb_cyc_i, // valid bus cycle input
input [1:0] wb_sel_i, // Select byte in word bus transaction
// Slave unique IO Signals
output reg error_pulse, // Error detected output pulse
output reg ack_pulse, // Thread ack output pulse
input [19:0] vector
wire async_rst_b; // Asyncronous reset
wire sync_reset; // Syncronous reset
wire async_rst_b; // Asyncronous reset
wire sync_reset; // Syncronous reset
// Wishbone Bus interface
// registers
reg bus_wait_state; // Holdoff wb_ack_o for one clock to add wait state
reg bus_wait_state; // Holdoff wb_ack_o for one clock to add wait state
reg [DWIDTH-1:0] rd_data_mux; // Pseudo Register, WISHBONE Read Data Mux
reg [DWIDTH-1:0] rd_data_reg; // Latch for WISHBONE Read Data
1401,9 → 1405,9
event channel_err_wrt;
// Wires
wire module_sel; // This module is selected for bus transaction
wire wb_wacc; // WISHBONE Write Strobe
wire wb_racc; // WISHBONE Read Access (Clock gating signal)
wire module_sel; // This module is selected for bus transaction
wire wb_wacc; // WISHBONE Write Strobe
wire wb_racc; // WISHBONE Read Access (Clock gating signal)
// module body
1423,15 → 1427,15
// Accesses in back to back clock cycles are not possable.
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge arst_i)
if (!arst_i)
bus_wait_state <= 1'b0;
bus_wait_state <= 1'b0;
else if (wb_rst_i)
bus_wait_state <= 1'b0;
bus_wait_state <= 1'b0;
bus_wait_state <= module_sel && !bus_wait_state;
bus_wait_state <= module_sel && !bus_wait_state;
// assign data read bus -- DAT_O
always @(posedge wb_clk_i)
if ( wb_racc ) // Clock gate for power saving
if ( wb_racc ) // Clock gate for power saving
rd_data_reg <= rd_data_mux;
// WISHBONE Read Data Mux
1447,34 → 1451,34
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge arst_i)
if (!arst_i)
check_point_reg <= 0;
channel_ack_reg <= 0;
channel_err_reg <= 0;
ack_pulse <= 0;
error_pulse <= 0;
check_point_reg <= 0;
channel_ack_reg <= 0;
channel_err_reg <= 0;
ack_pulse <= 0;
error_pulse <= 0;
else if (wb_wacc)
case (wb_adr_i) // synopsys parallel_case
3'b000 :
check_point_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : check_point_reg[ 7:0];
check_point_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : check_point_reg[15:8];
-> check_point_wrt;
check_point_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : check_point_reg[ 7:0];
check_point_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : check_point_reg[15:8];
-> check_point_wrt;
3'b001 :
channel_ack_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : channel_ack_reg[ 7:0];
channel_ack_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : channel_ack_reg[15:8];
channel_ack_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : channel_ack_reg[ 7:0];
channel_ack_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : channel_ack_reg[15:8];
ack_pulse <= 1;
-> channel_ack_wrt;
-> channel_ack_wrt;
3'b010 :
channel_err_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : channel_err_reg[ 7:0];
channel_err_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : channel_err_reg[15:8];
channel_err_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : channel_err_reg[ 7:0];
channel_err_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : channel_err_reg[15:8];
error_pulse <= 1'b1;
-> channel_err_wrt;
-> channel_err_wrt;
3'b011 :
1485,7 → 1489,7
ack_pulse <= 0;
error_pulse <= 1'b0;
always @check_point_wrt
1497,7 → 1501,7
always @channel_err_wrt
$display("\n ------ !!!!! Software Checkpoint Error #%d -- at vector=%d\n -------", channel_err_reg, vector);
$display("\n ------ !!!!! Software Checkpoint Error #%d -- at vector=%d\n -------", channel_err_reg, vector);

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