
Subversion Repositories xgate

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 64 to Rev 65
    Reverse comparison

Rev 64 → Rev 65

45,7 → 45,7
parameter MAX_CHANNEL = 127; // Max XGATE Interrupt Channel Number
parameter STOP_ON_ERROR = 1'b0;
parameter MAX_VECTOR = 8000;
parameter MAX_VECTOR = 9000;
parameter L_BYTE = 2'b01;
parameter H_BYTE = 2'b10;
104,7 → 104,13
parameter CHANNEL_ERR = CHECK_POINT + 4;
parameter SYS_RAM_BASE = 24'h00_0000;
parameter RAM_WAIT_STATES = 0; // Number between 0 and 15
parameter SYS_READ_DELAY = 10;
// wires && regs
289,7 → 295,9
// System bus I/O
.sys_cyc( sys_cyc ),
391,6 → 399,8
.ack_pulse( ack_pulse ),
.error_pulse( error_pulse ),
.brk_pt( ),
.x_address( wbm_adr_o ),
.vector( vector )
448,6 → 458,7
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Enable interrupt on BRK instruction
$display("BRK Software Error Interrupt enabled at vector=%d", vector);
456,6 → 467,7
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h20c6, WORD); // See Program code (BRK).
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0001, WORD); // See Program code.R3 = 1
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0003, WORD); // Check for Correct CHID
$display("Debug entry detected at vector=%d", vector);
channel_req[5] = 1'b1; //
repeat(7) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
475,7 → 487,9
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0004, WORD); // Change CHID
repeat(8) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
$display("Channel ID changed at vector=%d", vector);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGDBGM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
493,10 → 507,10
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h211c, WORD); // See Program code (BRK)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(8) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h211e, WORD); // See Program code (BRA)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(8) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2122, WORD); // See Program code ()
repeat(20) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
541,11 → 555,13
repeat(25) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
// Approxmatly 12 instructions need to be done before activating Debug Mode
repeat(12 + RAM_WAIT_STATES*12) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Set Debug Mode Control Bit
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
$display("DEBUG bit set at vector=%d", vector);
host.wb_read(1, XGATE_XGR3, q, WORD);
555,7 → 571,7
while (qq == q) // Look for change in R3 register
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(7) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_read(1, XGATE_XGR3, q, WORD);
if (q != (qq+1))
567,14 → 583,16
host.wb_write(1, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2094, WORD); // Write to PC to force exit from infinite loop
repeat(10) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2094, WORD); // Verify Proram Counter was changed
$display("Program Counter changed at vector=%d", vector);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
repeat(10) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0002, WORD); // See Program code.(R4 <= R4 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
repeat(10) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R4 <= R4 + 1)
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGDBGM;
609,52 → 627,52
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load ADDL instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203c, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load NOP instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0002, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203e, WORD); // PC + 2.
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h203e, WORD); // Still no change.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load BRA instruction)
repeat(9) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute NOP instruction
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute NOP instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2040, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute BRA instruction
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute BRA instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2064, WORD); // PC = Branch destination.
// Load ADDL instruction
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (Load LDW R7 instruction)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk); // Execute ADDL instruction
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2066, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (LDW R7)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2068, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h00c3, WORD); // See Program code
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (BRA)
repeat(9) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h2048, WORD); // See Program code.
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (STW R3)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h204a, WORD); // PC + 2.
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0003, WORD); // See Program code.(R3 <= R3 + 1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Do a Single Step (R3 <= R3 + 1)
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h204c, WORD); // PC + 2.
repeat(5) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
repeat(XGATE_SS_DELAY) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGDBGM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); // Clear Debug Mode Control Bit
675,7 → 693,7
$readmemh("../../../bench/verilog/inst_test.v", p_ram.ram_8);
test_num = test_num + 1;
$display("\nTEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, inst_test", test_num, vector);
$display("\nTEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, test_inst_set", test_num, vector);
repeat(1) @(posedge mstr_test_clk);
754,35 → 772,35
// check register bits - reset, read/write
task reg_test_16;
test_num = test_num + 1;
$display("TEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, reg_test_16", test_num, vector);
test_num = test_num + 1;
$display("\nTEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, reg_test_16", test_num, vector);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPHI, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPLO, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hfe00, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0001, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCHID, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPHI, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGISPLO, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hfe00, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGIF_0, 16'h0001, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h0000, WORD); // verify reset
parameter XGMCTL_XGDBGM = 15'h2000;
797,155 → 815,155
parameter XGMCTL_XGSWEIF = 15'h0002;
parameter XGMCTL_XGIE = 15'h0001;
// Test bits in the Xgate Control Register (XGMCTL)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
// Test bits in the Xgate Control Register (XGMCTL)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = 16'hffff;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, H_BYTE); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = 16'hffff;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, H_BYTE); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = 16'hffff;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, L_BYTE); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
data_xgmctl = 16'hffff;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, L_BYTE); //
data_xgmctl = 16'h0000;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Vector Base Address Register (XGVBR)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5555, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5554, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Vector Base Address Register (XGVBR)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5555, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5554, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hAAAA, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hAAAA, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hAAAA, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hAAAA, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hFF55, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hAA54, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hFF55, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hAA54, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h55AA, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5554, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h55AA, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5554, WORD);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM | XGMCTL_XGE;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGE;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hFFFF, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5554, WORD);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM | XGMCTL_XGE;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGE;
host.wb_cmp( 0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'hFFFF, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGVBR, 16'h5554, WORD);
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
data_xgmctl = XGMCTL_XGEM;
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGMCTL, data_xgmctl, WORD); //
// Test the Xgate Software Trigger Register (XGSWT)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFFFF, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h00FF, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFF00, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Software Trigger Register (XGSWT)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFFFF, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h00FF, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFF00, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFF55, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFF55, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFF55, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'hFF55, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSWT, 16'h0000, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Semaphore Register (XGSEM)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFFFF, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h00FF, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFF00, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Semaphore Register (XGSEM)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFFFF, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h00FF, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFF00, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFFFF, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFFFF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFFFF, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'hFFFF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGSEM, 16'h0000, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Condition Code Register (XGCCR)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'hFFFF, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h000F, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'hFFF0, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Condition Code Register (XGCCR)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'hFFFF, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h000F, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'hFFF0, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGCCR, 16'h0000, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Program Counter Register (XGPC)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'hFF55, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h0055, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'hAAFF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'hAA55, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h9966, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h9966, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Program Counter Register (XGPC)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'hFF55, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h0055, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'hAAFF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'hAA55, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h9966, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h9966, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #1 (XGR1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hFF33, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'h0033, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hccFF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hcc33, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hf11f, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hf11f, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #1 (XGR1)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hFF33, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'h0033, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hccFF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hcc33, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hf11f, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hf11f, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #2 (XGR2)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hFF11, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h0011, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h22FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h2211, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hddee, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hddee, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #2 (XGR2)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hFF11, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h0011, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h22FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'h2211, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hddee, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hddee, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #3 (XGR3)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'hFF43, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0043, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h54FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h5443, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'habbc, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'habbc, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #3 (XGR3)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'hFF43, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h0043, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h54FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'h5443, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'habbc, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'habbc, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #4 (XGR4)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'hFF54, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0054, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h65FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h6554, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h9aab, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h9aab, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #4 (XGR4)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'hFF54, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h0054, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h65FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h6554, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h9aab, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h9aab, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #5 (XGR5)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'hFF65, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h0065, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h76FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h7665, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h899a, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h899a, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #5 (XGR5)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'hFF65, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h0065, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h76FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h7665, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h899a, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h899a, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #6 (XGR6)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'hFF76, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h0076, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h87FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h8776, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h7889, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h7889, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #6 (XGR6)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'hFF76, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h0076, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h87FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h8776, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h7889, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h7889, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #7 (XGR7)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'hFF87, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h0087, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h98FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h9887, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h6778, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h6778, WORD);
// Test the Xgate Register #7 (XGR7)
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'hFF87, L_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h0087, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h98FF, H_BYTE);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h9887, WORD);
host.wb_write(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h6778, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h6778, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h9966, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hf11f, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hddee, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'habbc, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h9aab, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h899a, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h7889, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h6778, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGPC, 16'h9966, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR1, 16'hf11f, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR2, 16'hddee, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR3, 16'habbc, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR4, 16'h9aab, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR5, 16'h899a, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR6, 16'h7889, WORD);
host.wb_cmp(0, XGATE_XGR7, 16'h6778, WORD);
956,7 → 974,7
task host_ram;
test_num = test_num + 1;
$display("TEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, host_ram", test_num, vector);
$display("\nTEST #%d Starts at vector=%d, host_ram", test_num, vector);
host.wb_write(1, SYS_RAM_BASE, 16'h5555, WORD);
host.wb_cmp( 0, SYS_RAM_BASE, 16'h5555, WORD);
1146,7 → 1164,8
parameter slv1_base = 0,
parameter slv1_size = 1,
parameter slv2_base = 0,
parameter slv2_size = 1)
parameter slv2_size = 1,
parameter ram_wait_states = 0) // Number between 0 and 15
// System bus I/O
output reg sys_cyc,
1205,7 → 1224,6
RISC_OWNS = 2'b11;
parameter max_bus_hold = 5; // Max number of cycles any bus master can hold the system bus
parameter ram_wait_states = 0; // Number between 0 and 15
// Local Wires and Registers
1384,6 → 1402,8
// Slave unique IO Signals
output reg error_pulse, // Error detected output pulse
output reg ack_pulse, // Thread ack output pulse
output brk_pt, // Break point
input [16:0] x_address, // XGATE WISHBONE Master bus address
input [19:0] vector
1400,6 → 1420,9
reg [15:0] channel_ack_reg;
reg [15:0] channel_err_reg;
reg [15:0] brkpt_addr_reg; // Break Point Address reg
reg [15:0] brkpt_cntl_reg; // Break Point Control reg
event check_point_wrt;
event channel_ack_wrt;
event channel_err_wrt;
1444,7 → 1467,9
3'b000: rd_data_mux = check_point_reg;
3'b001: rd_data_mux = channel_ack_reg;
3'b010: rd_data_mux = channel_err_reg;
3'b011: rd_data_mux = 16'b0;
3'b011: rd_data_mux = brkpt_cntl_reg;
3'b100: rd_data_mux = brkpt_addr_reg;
default: rd_data_mux = 16'b0;
// generate wishbone write register strobes
1482,7 → 1507,14
3'b011 :
brkpt_cntl_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : brkpt_cntl_reg[ 7:0];
brkpt_cntl_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : brkpt_cntl_reg[15:8];
3'b100 :
brkpt_addr_reg[ 7:0] <= wb_sel_i[0] ? wb_dat_i[ 7:0] : brkpt_addr_reg[ 7:0];
brkpt_addr_reg[15:8] <= wb_sel_i[1] ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : brkpt_addr_reg[15:8];
default: ;

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