
Subversion Repositories xge_mac

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    from Rev 21 to Rev 22
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Rev 21 → Rev 22

0,0 → 1,129
* 10 GE MAC Core verification environment file.
* @file:
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: UCSC (SV 1896 Systemverilog for advanced verification course)
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By:
* $LastChangedBy$
* Environment class to contain all test components viz. driver, monitor and scoreboard.
* Environment instantiates driver, monitor and scoreboard, acts as a intermediatery
* between all of them.
* @class env
* @par
class env;
driver macCoreDriver; ///< handle for driver type object to send data to MAC Core.
monitor macCoreMonitor; ///< handle for monitor type object to collect data from MAC Core.
scoreboard macCoreScoreboard;
mailbox driver2Scoreboard;
mailbox monitor2Scoreboard;
virtual macCoreInterface virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver; ///< virtual interface to connect driver type object to MAC core RTL
virtual macCoreInterface virtualMacCoreInterfaceMonitor; ///< virtual interface to connect monitor type object to MAC core RTL
* Constructor for environment class.
* Main purpose of the constructor is to connect virtual interfaces to respective objects
* and pass down proper parameters to scoreboard for checking
* @param driverVirtualInterface to connect interface with driver object
* @param monitorVirtualInterface to connect interface with monitor object
* @return: NA (returns handle and creates object of type environment class
function new ( virtual macCoreInterface driverVirtualInterface,
virtual macCoreInterface monitorVirtualInterface );
this.virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver = driverVirtualInterface;
this.virtualMacCoreInterfaceMonitor = monitorVirtualInterface;
driver2Scoreboard = new ();
monitor2Scoreboard = new ();
macCoreDriver = new (virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver, driver2Scoreboard);
macCoreMonitor = new (virtualMacCoreInterfaceMonitor, monitor2Scoreboard);
macCoreScoreboard = new (driver2Scoreboard, monitor2Scoreboard);
endfunction // new
* Init task for all testcases to initialize MAC core with pre simulation configuration.
* Main purpose of the task is to initialize all inputs of simple Tx Rx interface of MAC to 0
task init ();
virtualMacCoreInterfaceMonitor.clockingTxRx.receiveReadEnable <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.transmitData <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.transmitValid <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.transmitStartOfPacket <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.transmitEndOfPacket <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.transmitPacketLengthModulus <= 0;
endtask // init
* Reset task for all testcases to put MAC Core through particular reset consitions
task reset ();
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.rstTxRxInterface_n <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingXGMIIRx.rstXGMIIInterfaceRx_n <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingXGMIITx.rstXGMIIInterfaceTx_n <= 0;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.rstWishboneInterface <= 0;
repeat (10) @(virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx);
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.rstTxRxInterface_n <= 1;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingXGMIIRx.rstXGMIIInterfaceRx_n <= 1;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingXGMIITx.rstXGMIIInterfaceTx_n <= 1;
virtualMacCoreInterfaceDriver.clockingTxRx.rstWishboneInterface <= 1;
endtask // reset
* Run task for all testcases to start simulating / executing instructions / consuming time.
* Main purpose of the task is to instantiate send_packet and collect_packet and call scoreboard checking if available
task run (int noOfPackets = 10, int lengthOfFrame = 60);
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPackets; i++)
$display ("=========Sending Packet #%0d============ at time %0t\n", i, $time);
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPackets; i++)
wait (virtualMacCoreInterfaceMonitor.clockingTxRx.receiveAvailable == 1'b1);
$display ("========Collecting Packet #%0d===========\n", i);
endtask // run
task validate (int noOfPackets = 10, int lengthOfFrame = 60);
for (int i = 0; i < noOfPackets; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < lengthOfFrame; j += 8)
int bytesInFrame;
if ( (j+8) > lengthOfFrame) bytesInFrame = lengthOfFrame % 8;
else bytesInFrame = 0; (driver2Scoreboard, monitor2Scoreboard, bytesInFrame);
endtask // validate
endclass // env
0,0 → 1,131
* Interface file for 10 GE MAC Core.
* Takes all clocks as input and all clocks are created from single clock source in testbench
* @file:
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: UCSC extension (Systemverilog for advanced verification SV1896) course
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By
* $LastChangedBy$
* 10GE MAC Core interface.
* @param clkWishboneInterface : clock for wishbone interface 30 - 156 MHz -- input to interface logic
* @param clkTxRxInterface : clock for simple Tx-Rx interface 156.25 MHz -- input to interface logic
* @param clkXGMIIInterfaceRx : clock for XGMII physical layer Rx interface 156.25 MHz -- input to interface logic
* @param clkXGMIIInterfaceTx : clock for XGMII physical later Tx interface 156.25 MHz -- input to interface logic
interface macCoreInterface (input bit clkWishboneInterface,
input bit clkTxRxInterface,
input bit clkXGMIIInterfaceRx,
input bit clkXGMIIInterfaceTx
// Reset signals used in design
bit rstWishboneInterface; ///< Wishbone interface reset signal -- de-assertion synchronous to clkWishboneInterface
bit rstTxRxInterface_n; ///< Simple Tx-Rx interface reset signal -- de-assertion synchronous to clkTxRxInterface ACTIVE LOW
bit rstXGMIIInterfaceRx_n; ///< XGMII physical layer Rx interface reset signal -- de-assertion synchronous to clkXGMIIInterfaceRx ACTIVE LOW
bit rstXGMIIInterfaceTx_n; ///< XGMII physical later Tx interface reset signal -- de-assertion synchronous to clkXGMIIInterfaceTx ACTIVE LOW
// Packet receive interface signals
bit receiveReadEnable; ///< Input to Core (outoput of test) asserted when packet is available in receive FIFO
bit receiveAvailable; ///< Output from Core indicates packet is available for reading in receive FIFO
bit [63:0] receivedData; ///< Output from Core represents a packet data in little endian format
bit receiveEndOfPacket; ///< Output from Core asserted when last word of packet is read form receive FIFO
bit receiveValid; ///< Output from Core asserted a cycle after readEnable represents a valid data on bus
bit receiveStartOfPacket; ///< Output from Core represents first word of packet is on the bus
bit [2:0] receivePacketLengthModulus; ///< Output from Core updated with End of packet to represent valid bytes during last word
bit receiveError; ///< Output from Core represents current packet is bad mainly due to CRC errors
// Packet transmit interface signals
bit [63:0] transmitData; ///< Input to Core represents packet data to be transmitted in Little-Endian format
bit transmitValid; ///< Input to Core asserted for each valid data transfer to MAC Core
bit transmitStartOfPacket; ///< Input to Core must be asserted during first word of packet to Core
bit transmitEndOfPacket; ///< Input to Core must be asserted during last word of packet to Core
bit [2:0] transmitPacketLengthModulus;///< Input to Core should be valid during End Of Packet during last word and represents valid bytes
bit transmitFIFOFull; ///< Output from Core represents transmit FIFO is about to be full
// XGMII receive interface signals
bit [7:0] xgmiiReceiveControl; ///< Input to Core - each bit corresponds to type of byte of frame; 0 - byte is data, 1 - byte is control char
bit [63:0] xgmiiReceiveData; ///< Input to Core - represents data on XGMII interface to be received by Core (can be broken in 32 bits)
// XGMII transmit interface signals
bit [7:0] xgmiiTransmitControl; ///< Output from Core - each bit corresponds to type of byte of frame; 0 - byte is data, 1 - byte is control char
bit [63:0] xgmiiTransmitData; ///< Output from Core - represents data on XGMII interface to be transmitted by Core (can be broken in 32 bits)
// Wishbone interface signals -- won't be used for current specification requirements
bit [7:0] wishboneInputAddress;
bit wishboneCycle;
bit [31:0] wishboneInputData;
bit wishboneStrobe;
bit wishboneWriteEnable;
bit wishboneAck;
bit [31:0] wishboneOutputData;
bit wishboneInterrupt;
// Put XGMII interface in loopback mode --- do it in testbench if you can just connect them to each other
/* always_comb begin
xgmiiReceiveControl = xgmiiTransmitControl;
xgmiiReceiveData = xgmiiTransmitData;
* Clocking block mainly for testcase
* Resets are used as outputs in clocking block -- to make sure they are de-asserted on clock edges
* may need specific testcase to test asynchronous resets
* @param clkTxRxInterface: clock to be used for clocking block
clocking clockingTxRx @(posedge clkTxRxInterface);
// Using default delays
default output #1000;
// receive interface direction
input receiveAvailable;
input receivedData;
input receiveEndOfPacket;
input receiveValid;
input receiveStartOfPacket;
input receivePacketLengthModulus;
input receiveError;
output receiveReadEnable;
// transmit interface direction
output transmitData;
output transmitValid;
output transmitStartOfPacket;
output transmitEndOfPacket;
output transmitPacketLengthModulus;
input transmitFIFOFull;
output rstTxRxInterface_n;
output rstWishboneInterface; // not necessary but doesn't matter as we need to take care of it
endclocking // clockingTxRx
clocking clockingXGMIIRx @(posedge clkXGMIIInterfaceRx);
output xgmiiReceiveControl;
output xgmiiReceiveData;
output rstXGMIIInterfaceRx_n;
endclocking // clockingXGMIIRx
clocking clockingXGMIITx @(posedge clkXGMIIInterfaceTx);
input xgmiiTransmitControl;
input xgmiiTransmitData;
output rstXGMIIInterfaceTx_n;
endclocking // clockingXGMIITx
// Avoiding modports for 10GE MAC Core and Wishbone as functionality is not really required at this point of time
// However for complete environment it can be extended to include all interfaces
modport TESTMOD (clocking clockingTxRx, clocking clockingXGMIIRx, clocking clockingXGMIITx);
endinterface // macCoreInterface
0,0 → 1,104
* 10 GE MAC Core verification environment driver file.
* @file:
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: UCSC (SV 1896 Systemverilog for advanced verification course)
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By:
* $LastChangedBy$
* Driver class to send packet from test environment to DUT (10GE MAC Core).
* Driver only talks with Tx interface of 10 GE MAC Core, This class will provide
* packet data to MAC Core as represented in specification requirement.
* @class driver
* @par virtual macCoreInterface to connect class objects with DUT
class driver;
virtual macCoreInterface virtualMacCoreInterface; ///< Virtual interface to connect class types with RTL.
mailbox driver2Scoreboard;
const bit ASSERT = 1'b1; ///< to assert sequence while transsion of packet
const bit DEASSERT = 1'b0; ///< to deassert sequence while transmission of packet
// packetFrame driverPacket;
* Constructor for driver class -- main purpose is to connect design interface with class virtual interface.
* @param virtualInterface -- virtual interface passed down from env class
* @return: NA (creates object of type class and returns handle
function new (virtual macCoreInterface virtualInterface,
input mailbox driver2Scoreboard
this.virtualMacCoreInterface = virtualInterface;
this.driver2Scoreboard = driver2Scoreboard;
endfunction // new
* Task to send complete packet data to the input of RTL (10 GE MAC Core).
* send_packet should follow protocol requirements specified in requirement specifications (except if it is used for error injection)
* protocol requirement:
* assert: packetValid
* make sure sop, eop and mod are set to 0 at start of packet (do it at the end of each packet transmission or right here)
* if sending 0th frame assert sop
* if sending last fram assert eop and mod
* put all data on packetData
* wait for a clock edge and de-assert packetValid, eop and mod (at this point sop is still asserted ??)
* packet class itself will take care of keeping track of number of objects created.
task send_packet (input int lengthOfFrame);
packet macCore; ///< object of type packet that will be transmitted to DUT
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitValid <= ASSERT;
for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfFrame; i+=8)
macCore = new (TRANSMIT);
assert (macCore.randomize ());
macCore.startOfPacket = DEASSERT;
macCore.endOfPacket = DEASSERT;
macCore.packetLengthModulus = 3'b0;
if (i == 0) macCore.startOfPacket = ASSERT;
//virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitStartOfPacket <= ASSERT;
if (i+8 >= lengthOfFrame) begin
macCore.endOfPacket = ASSERT;
macCore.packetLengthModulus = lengthOfFrame % 8;
// virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitEndOfPacket <= ASSERT;
// virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitPacketLengthModulus <= lengthOfFrame % 8;
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitStartOfPacket <= macCore.startOfPacket;
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitEndOfPacket <= macCore.endOfPacket;
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitPacketLengthModulus <= macCore.packetLengthModulus;
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitData <= { macCore.packetData [7],
macCore.packetData [6],
macCore.packetData [5],
macCore.packetData [4],
macCore.packetData [3],
macCore.packetData [2],
macCore.packetData [1],
macCore.packetData [0] };
macCore.print (TRANSMIT);
driver2Scoreboard.put (macCore);
end // for (int i = 0; i < lengthOfFrame; i+=8)
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitValid <= DEASSERT;
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitEndOfPacket <= DEASSERT;
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.transmitPacketLengthModulus <= 3'b0;
endtask // send_packet
endclass // driver
0,0 → 1,123
* Testbench file for verification environment of 10GE MAC Core.
* @file:
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: UCSC (SV 1896 Systemverilog for Advanced verification course)
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By:
* $LastChangedBy$
* top block (module) mainly to instantiate all programs/modules and to generate clocks.
* Clocks are generated as per specification requirements:
* Wishbone interface clock: 30 - 156MHz
* Simple Tx-Rx interface clock: 156.25 MHz
* XGMII Rx interface clock: 156.25 MHz
* XGMII Tx interface clock: 156.25 MHz
* This clock generator will create Wishbone interface clock at 78.125 MHz (cause it has
* clock time of half of 156.25)
* @param: clkWishboneInterface (wishbone interface clock or main clock, will be used to generate all other clocks)
* @param: clkSimpleTxRxInterface
* @param: clkXGMIIInterfaceRx
* @param: clkXGMIIInterfaceTx
module top ();
bit clkWishboneInterface;
bit clkSimpleTxRxInterface;
bit clkXGMIIInterfaceRx;
bit clkXGMIIInterfaceTx;
initial begin
clkWishboneInterface = 0;
clkSimpleTxRxInterface = 0;
clkXGMIIInterfaceRx = 0;
clkXGMIIInterfaceTx = 0;
initial forever #1600 clkWishboneInterface = ~clkWishboneInterface;
// Creating all other clocks from wishbone clock to make it look better and easily
// portable (arguable) However wishbone interface clock looses flexibility of having
// any value to create 30-156MHz range
// Following block can be modified to have each clock generated independently
// and having more flexibility.
always @(posedge clkWishboneInterface) begin
// initial forever #3200 begin
clkSimpleTxRxInterface = ~clkSimpleTxRxInterface;
clkXGMIIInterfaceRx = ~clkXGMIIInterfaceRx;
clkXGMIIInterfaceTx = ~clkXGMIIInterfaceTx;
initial begin
$dumpfile ("toTest.dump");
$dumpvars (0, top);
// Instantiation of Interface
macCoreInterface instInterface ( .clkWishboneInterface (clkWishboneInterface),
.clkTxRxInterface (clkSimpleTxRxInterface),
.clkXGMIIInterfaceRx (clkXGMIIInterfaceRx),
.clkXGMIIInterfaceTx (clkXGMIIInterfaceTx)
// Instantiation of MAC DUT
xge_mac instMAC ( // Simple Tx-Rx interface signals
.clk_156m25 (instInterface.clkTxRxInterface),
.pkt_rx_ren (instInterface.receiveReadEnable),
.pkt_rx_avail (instInterface.receiveAvailable),
.pkt_rx_data (instInterface.receivedData),
.pkt_rx_eop (instInterface.receiveEndOfPacket),
.pkt_rx_err (instInterface.receiveError),
.pkt_rx_mod (instInterface.receivePacketLengthModulus),
.pkt_rx_sop (instInterface.receiveStartOfPacket),
.pkt_rx_val (instInterface.receiveValid),
.pkt_tx_data (instInterface.transmitData),
.pkt_tx_eop (instInterface.transmitEndOfPacket),
.pkt_tx_mod (instInterface.transmitPacketLengthModulus),
.pkt_tx_sop (instInterface.transmitStartOfPacket),
.pkt_tx_full (instInterface.transmitFIFOFull),
.pkt_tx_val (instInterface.transmitValid),
.reset_156m25_n (instInterface.rstTxRxInterface_n),
// XGMII interface signals
.clk_xgmii_rx (instInterface.clkXGMIIInterfaceRx),
.reset_xgmii_rx_n (instInterface.rstXGMIIInterfaceRx_n),
.xgmii_rxc (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitControl),
.xgmii_rxd (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitData),
.clk_xgmii_tx (instInterface.clkXGMIIInterfaceTx),
.reset_xgmii_tx_n (instInterface.rstXGMIIInterfaceTx_n),
.xgmii_txc (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitControl),
.xgmii_txd (instInterface.xgmiiTransmitData),
// Wishbone interface signals
.wb_clk_i (instInterface.clkWishboneInterface),
.wb_rst_i (instInterface.rstWishboneInterface),
.wb_adr_i (instInterface.wishboneInputAddress),
.wb_cyc_i (instInterface.wishboneCycle),
.wb_dat_i (instInterface.wishboneInputData),
.wb_stb_i (instInterface.wishboneStrobe),
.wb_we_i (instInterface.wishboneWriteEnable),
.wb_ack_o (instInterface.wishboneAck),
.wb_dat_o (instInterface.wishboneOutputData),
.wb_int_o (instInterface.wishboneInterrupt)
// Testcase instatiation
testcase instTest ( .driverTestInterface (instInterface.TESTMOD ),
.monitorTestInterface (instInterface.TESTMOD )
endmodule // top
0,0 → 1,4
ncvlog: 09.20-p007: (c) Copyright 1995-2009 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
class packet;
ncvlog: *E,EXPMPA (,24|4): expecting the keyword 'module', 'macromodule' or 'primitive'[A.1].
0,0 → 1,12
typedef enum { NONE, TRANSMIT, RECEIVE } typeOfPkt;
typedef struct packed {
bit startOfPacket;
bit [63:0] frame;
bit endOfPacket;
bit [2:0] packetModulus;
} packetFrame;
`define transmitData { packetData[7], packetData[6], packetData[5], packetData[4], packetData[3], packetData[2], packetData[1], packetData[0] }
`define receivedData { receivedData [7], receivedData[6], receivedData[5], receivedData[4], receivedData[3], receivedData[2], receivedData[1], receivedData[0] }
0,0 → 1,88
* Scoreboard / Checker for 10 GE MAC Core verification environment.
* It takes packet data from driver as well as monitor class and comapre them for equality for error checking purpose
* @file:
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: UCSC 1896 course
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date
* $LastChangedDate$
* $par Last Changed By
* $LastChangedBy$
* Scoreboard class for error checking of 10GE MAC Core.
* Collects packet data from driver and monitor in the form of mailboxes and then compare them for equality.
* If they are equal then communication was successful
* @class scoreboard
* @par mailbox driver2Scoreboard collects transmitted packets from driver.
* @par mailbox monitor2Scoreboard collects received packets through monitor.
class scoreboard;
mailbox driver2Scoreboard; ///< packet data passed down from driver as source or expected data
mailbox monitor2Scoreboard; ///< packet data from monitor as source for actual data
static bit error = 0; ///< Error flag to keep track of correctness of verification environment
* Constructor for scoreboard class.
* purpose is to create an object for scoreboard which will take mailboxes from respective classes
* @param mailbox receivedFromDriver to hold mailbox received from Driver
* @param mailbox receivedFromMonitor to hold mailbox received from Monitor
* @return: NA (creates object of type scoreboard and returns handle)
function new (input mailbox receivedFromDriver, input mailbox receivedFromMonitor);
this.driver2Scoreboard = receivedFromDriver;
this.monitor2Scoreboard = receivedFromMonitor;
endfunction: new
* Compare task for error checking.
* This task compares actual and expected results for correctness of design.
* @param mailbox driver2Scoreboard expected results to be validated
* @param mailbox monitor2Scoreboard actual results to be compared
task compare ( input mailbox driver2Scoreboard,
input mailbox monitor2Scoreboard,
int bytesInFrame);
packet driverPacket;
packet monitorPacket;
driver2Scoreboard.get (driverPacket);
monitor2Scoreboard.get (monitorPacket);
`define driverData { driverPacket.packetData [7], driverPacket.packetData [6], driverPacket.packetData [5], driverPacket.packetData [4], driverPacket.packetData [3], driverPacket.packetData [2], driverPacket.packetData [1], driverPacket.packetData [0] }
`define monitorData { monitorPacket.receivedData [7], monitorPacket.receivedData [6], monitorPacket.receivedData [5], monitorPacket.receivedData [4], monitorPacket.receivedData [3], monitorPacket.receivedData [2], monitorPacket.receivedData [1], monitorPacket.receivedData [0] }
if (bytesInFrame != 0) begin
for (int i = 0; i < bytesInFrame; i++) begin
if (driverPacket.packetData [7-i] != monitorPacket.receivedData [7-i]) begin
$display ("ERROR: Packet data [%0d] the data was %x and %x mismatched", i, driverPacket.packetData[7-i], monitorPacket.receivedData[7-i]);
error = 1;
if (bytesInFrame == 0)
if (`driverData != `monitorData) begin
$display ("ERROR: Packet frame mismatched");
error = 1;
if (driverPacket.startOfPacket != monitorPacket.startOfPacket || driverPacket.endOfPacket != monitorPacket.endOfPacket)
error = 1;
$display ("ERROR: Packet control mismatched ");
/* if (error == 0) begin
$display ("PASS: Packet matched properly ");
endtask // compare
endclass // scoreboard
0,0 → 1,28
irun: 09.20-p007: (c) Copyright 1995-2009 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
TOOL: irun 09.20-p007: Started on Sep 19, 2012 at 22:53:06 PDT
file: ../scenarios/compile/
`include "../../verification/"
ncvlog: *E,COFILX (../scenarios/compile/,15|39): cannot open include file '../../verification/'.
`include "../../verification/"
ncvlog: *E,COFILX (../scenarios/compile/,16|38): cannot open include file '../../verification/'.
`include "../../verification/"
ncvlog: *E,COFILX (../scenarios/compile/,17|38): cannot open include file '../../verification/'.
`include "../../verification/"
ncvlog: *E,COFILX (../scenarios/compile/,18|39): cannot open include file '../../verification/'.
`include "../../verification/"
ncvlog: *E,COFILX (../scenarios/compile/,19|35): cannot open include file '../../verification/'.
env envLoopBack;
ncvlog: *E,ILLPDL (../scenarios/compile/,34|17): Mixing of ansi & non-ansi style port declaration is not legal.
program worklib.testcase:sv
errors: 1, warnings: 0
ncvlog: *F,NOTOPL: no top-level unit found, must have recursive instances.
irun: *E,VLGERR: An error occurred during parsing. Review the log file for errors with the code *E and fix those identified problems to proceed. Exiting with code (status 2).
TOOL: irun 09.20-p007: Exiting on Sep 19, 2012 at 22:53:06 PDT (total: 00:00:00)
0,0 → 1,75
* packet class file for 10 GE MAC Core.
* The file holds packet class according to specs
* @file:
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: NA (UCSC systemverilog for adv. verification course)
* @version:
* $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By:
* $LastChangedBy$
* Packet class to represent packet for ethernet MAC core as per specs.
* Class declaration and related methods
* @class: packet
class packet;
rand bit [7:0] packetData [8]; ///< random data variable used to send data in DUT
bit [7:0] receivedData [8]; ///< placeholder variable for received data from DUT -- can't be same as packetData since transmission and reception can be full-duplex
bit [2:0] packetLengthModulus; ///< modulus to report number of octates in last word of communication
bit startOfPacket;
bit endOfPacket;
bit packetValid;
bit transmitFIFOFull;
bit receiveReadEnable;
bit receiveError;
bit receiveAvailable;
static bit [15:0] transmitPktId;
static bit [15:0] receivePktId;
typeOfPkt pktClassPktType;
//`define printData { packetData[7], packetData[6], packetData[5], packetData[4], packetData[3], packetData[2], packetData[1], packetData[0] }
//`define printReceipt { receivedData [7], receivedData[6], receivedData[5], receivedData[4], receivedData[3], receivedData[2], receivedData[1], receivedData[0] }
* Constructor for packet class.
* It simply increments count of packet id depending on type of packet
* @param typeOfPkt: input type to count number of packets sent / received.
* @return : NA (creates objects and returns handle)
function new (input int pktClassPktType = NONE);
if (pktClassPktType == TRANSMIT)
if (pktClassPktType == RECEIVE)
endfunction // new
* Print function for packet class.
* prints relevant information for each frame transfered
* @param: NA
* @return: NA
function void print (input int pktClassPktType = NONE);
if (pktClassPktType == TRANSMIT)
$display (" [Time %0t ps] SOP = %b, Transmitted Data = %x, EOP = %b, Modulus = %h ", $time, startOfPacket, `transmitData, endOfPacket, packetLengthModulus);
if (pktClassPktType == RECEIVE)
$display (" [Time %0t ps] SOP = %b, Received Data = %x, EOP = %b, Modulus = %h ", $time, startOfPacket, `receivedData, endOfPacket, packetLengthModulus);
endfunction: print
endclass // packet
0,0 → 1,92
* 10 GE MAC Core verification environment monitor file.
* @file:
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: UCSC (SV 1896 Systemverilog for advanced verification course)
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By
* $LastChangedBy$
* Monitor class to collect packet from DUT (10 GE MAC Core) in test environment.
* Monitor only communicate with receive interface of DUT and collects information
* about packet, this information can be validated with expected results for error
* checking and proper working of protocol.
* @class monitor
* @par virtual macCoreInterface to collect data from interface.
class monitor;
virtual macCoreInterface virtualMacCoreInterface; ///< virtual interface to connect class type to RTL / module type
mailbox monitor2Scoreboard;
const bit ASSERT = 1'b1; ///< to assert sequence while receiving packet from DUT
const bit DEASSERT = 1'b0; ///< to de-assert sequence while receiving packet from DUT
// packetFrame monitorPacket;
* Constructor for monitor class -- main purpose is to connect design interface with monitor class virtual interface.
* @param virtualInterface -- input to constructor passed down by env class
* @return: NA (creates an object of type monitor and returns a handle)
function new (virtual macCoreInterface virtualInterface,
mailbox monitor2Scoreboard
this.virtualMacCoreInterface = virtualInterface;
this.monitor2Scoreboard = monitor2Scoreboard;
endfunction // new
* Task to collect data from output of RTL from interface as bus.
* collect_packet should follow protocol requirements specified in requirement specifications (unless it is used for error injection)
* Protocol requirements:
* Always check for receiveAvailable (need to do it in testcase or environment? but need to be running under forever)
* if(receiveAvailable) start packet collect
* assert receiveReadEnable
* until receive is not complete
* if receiveValid
* if receiveStartOfPacket -- print/do nothing/start
* = receiveData
* if receiveEndOfPacket -- finish collecting packet
* deassert receiveReadEnable
* display some stuff
* creating new packet itself will take care of incrementing
`define receivedPacket { receiveMacCore.receivedData[7], receiveMacCore.receivedData[6], receiveMacCore.receivedData[5], receiveMacCore.receivedData[4], receiveMacCore.receivedData[3], receiveMacCore.receivedData[2], receiveMacCore.receivedData[1], receiveMacCore.receivedData[0] }
task collect_packet ();
packet receiveMacCore; ///< object of type packet that will be collected from DUT.
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveReadEnable <= ASSERT;
do begin
receiveMacCore = new (RECEIVE);
if (virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveValid) begin
receiveMacCore.startOfPacket = virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveStartOfPacket;
receiveMacCore.endOfPacket = virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveEndOfPacket;
receiveMacCore.packetLengthModulus = virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receivePacketLengthModulus;
if (virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveStartOfPacket) begin
$display ("Starting to receive packet \n");
`receivedPacket = virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receivedData;
receiveMacCore.print (RECEIVE);
monitor2Scoreboard.put (receiveMacCore);
end // if (virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveValid)
end while (!virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveEndOfPacket); // UNMATCHED !!
virtualMacCoreInterface.clockingTxRx.receiveReadEnable <= DEASSERT;
endtask // collect_packet
endclass // monitor
0,0 → 1,66
* 10 GE MAC Core loopback test scenario file.
* @file: (loopback)
* @author: Pratik Mahajan
* @par Contact:
* @par Company: UCSC (SV 1896 Systemverilog for advanced verification course)
* @version: $LastChangedRevision$
* @par Last Changed Date:
* $LastChangedDate$
* @par Last Changed By
* $LastChangedBy$
`include "../../verification/"
`include "../../verification/"
`include "../../verification/"
`include "../../verification/"
`include "../../verification/"
`include "../../verification/"
* Testcase representing loopback scenario.
* The testcase sets proper environment variable for design to work in loopback mode
* To connect DUT in loopback mode:
* XGMII interface Tx is connected to XGMII Rx port.
* Data transmitted through simple Tx port collected through simple Rx port
* and the data is compared for equality
program testcase ( macCoreInterface driverTestInterface,
macCoreInterface monitorTestInterface
env envLoopBack;
int noOfPackets;
int lengthOfFrame;
initial begin
envLoopBack = new (driverTestInterface, monitorTestInterface);
noOfPackets = $urandom_range (5, 8);
lengthOfFrame = $urandom_range (58, 68);
#20 envLoopBack.reset ();
#30 envLoopBack.init (); (noOfPackets, lengthOfFrame);
envLoopBack.validate (noOfPackets, lengthOfFrame);
#1000000 $finish;
final begin
$display ("\n\n");
$display ("\t//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
$display ("\t///////////// Test Finished, Results: ////////////////////\n");
$display ("\t//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n");
if (envLoopBack.macCoreScoreboard.error == 1) $display ("\t\t End Of Test ERROR: \n\t\t Error occured while checking packets\n");
else $display ("\t\t End Of Test PASS: \n\t\t All packets were matched properly\n");
endprogram // testcase

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