
Subversion Repositories System09

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 64 to Rev 65
    Reverse comparison

Rev 64 → Rev 65

0,0 → 1,609
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Video Display terminal
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- John Kent
-- 3th September 2004
-- Assumes a pixel clock input of 25 MHz
-- Display Format is:
-- 80 characters across by 25 characters down.
-- 8 horizontal pixels / character
-- 16 vertical scan lines / character (2 scan lines/row)
-- Modified by Bert Cuzeau for compliance and code cleanliness
-- The effort is not over.
-- There are still signal initialized, which is BAD.\
-- 7th Februaury 2007 - John Kent
-- Added generics for VGA Timing
Library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
Entity vdu8 is
VDU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY : integer := 25000000; -- HZ
VGA_CLOCK_FREQUENCY : integer := 25000000; -- HZ
VGA_HOR_CHARS : integer := 80; -- CHARACTERS
VGA_VER_CHARS : integer := 25; -- CHARACTERS
VGA_PIXELS_PER_CHAR : integer := 8; -- PIXELS
VGA_LINES_PER_CHAR : integer := 16; -- LINES
VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH : integer := 40; -- PIXELS
VGA_HOR_SYNC : integer := 96; -- PIXELS
VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH : integer := 24; -- PIXELS
VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH : integer := 13; -- LINES
VGA_VER_SYNC : integer := 2; -- LINES
VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH : integer := 36 -- LINES
-- control register interface
vdu_clk : in std_logic; -- 12.5/25 MHz CPU Clock
vdu_rst : in std_logic;
vdu_cs : in std_logic;
vdu_rw : in std_logic;
vdu_addr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
vdu_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
vdu_data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- vga port connections
vga_clk : in std_logic; -- 25MHz clock
vga_red_o : out std_logic;
vga_green_o : out std_logic;
vga_blue_o : out std_logic;
vga_hsync_o : out std_logic;
vga_vsync_o : out std_logic
end vdu8;
Architecture RTL of vdu8 is
-- Synchronisation constants
-- Displayed Characters per row
constant HOR_DISP_CHR : integer := VGA_HOR_CHARS;
-- Last horizontal pixel displayed
-- Start of horizontal synch pulse
-- End of Horizontal Synch pulse
constant HOR_SYNC_END : integer := HOR_SYNC_BEG + VGA_HOR_SYNC;
-- Last pixel in scan line
-- Total Characters across the screen
-- Displayed Characters per Column
constant VER_DISP_CHR : integer := VGA_VER_CHARS;
-- last row displayed
-- start of vertical synch pulse
-- end of vertical synch pulse
constant VER_SYNC_END : integer := VER_SYNC_BEG + VGA_VER_SYNC;
-- Last scan row in the frame
-- Total Characters down the screen
constant BLINK_PERIOD : integer := 500; -- Blink Rate in msec
constant BLINK_RATE : integer := BLINK_PERIOD * (VGA_CLOCK_FREQUENCY/1000);
signal vga_rst : std_logic;
signal horiz_sync : std_logic := '0';
signal vert_sync : std_logic := '0';
signal cursor_on_v : std_logic := '0';
signal cursor_on_h : std_logic := '0';
signal video_on_v : std_logic := '0';
signal video_on_h : std_logic := '0';
signal h_count : natural range 0 to HOR_SCAN_END := 0;
signal v_count : natural range 0 to VER_SCAN_END := 0;
signal p_count : natural range 0 to VGA_PIXELS_PER_CHAR-1 := 0;
signal l_count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
signal c_count : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := "0000000";
signal r_count : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "000000";
signal blink_count : natural range 0 to BLINK_RATE := 0;
-- Character generator ROM
signal char_addr : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
signal char_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Control Registers
signal reg_character : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal reg_colour : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal reg_hcursor : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); -- 80 columns
signal reg_vcursor : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- 25 rows
signal reg_voffset : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); -- 25 rows
-- Video Shift register
signal vga_shift : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal vga_fg_colour : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal vga_bg_colour : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal cursor_on : std_logic := '0';
signal cursor_on1 : std_logic := '0';
signal video_on : std_logic := '0';
signal video_on1 : std_logic := '0';
signal video_on2 : std_logic := '0';
-- vga character ram access bus
signal col_addr : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0 to 79
signal row_addr : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0 to 49 (25 * 2 -1)
signal col1_addr : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0 to 79
signal row1_addr : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0 to 49 (25 * 2 - 1)
signal hor_addr : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0 to 79
signal ver_addr : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 0 to 124
signal vga0_cs : std_logic;
signal vga0_rw : std_logic;
signal vga1_cs : std_logic;
signal vga1_rw : std_logic;
signal vga2_cs : std_logic;
signal vga2_rw : std_logic;
signal vga_cs : std_logic;
signal vga_rw : std_logic;
signal vga_addr : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := (others=>'0'); -- 2K byte character buffer
signal vga_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal attr_data_out : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Character write handshake signals
signal req_write : std_logic; -- request character write
signal ack_write : std_logic;
-- Block Ram Character gen
component char_rom
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector (10 downto 0);
wdata : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
rdata : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
component ram_2k
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector (10 downto 0);
wdata : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
rdata : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
-- instantiate Character generator ROM
vdu_char_rom : char_rom port map(
clk => vga_clk,
rst => vga_rst,
cs => '1',
rw => '1',
addr => char_addr,
wdata => "00000000",
rdata => char_data_out
-- Character buffer RAM
char_buff_ram : ram_2k port map(
clk => vga_clk,
rst => vga_rst,
cs => vga_cs,
rw => vga_rw,
addr => vga_addr,
wdata => reg_character,
rdata => vga_data_out
-- Attribute buffer RAM
attr_buff_ram : ram_2k port map(
clk => vga_clk,
rst => vga_rst,
cs => vga_cs,
rw => vga_rw,
addr => vga_addr,
wdata => reg_colour,
rdata => attr_data_out
-- CPU Write interface
vga_cpu_write : process(vdu_clk, vdu_rst)
if vdu_rst = '1' then
reg_character <= "00000000";
reg_colour <= "00000111";
reg_hcursor <= "0000000";
reg_vcursor <= "00000";
reg_voffset <= "00000";
req_write <= '0';
elsif falling_edge(vdu_clk) then
if (vdu_cs = '1') and (vdu_rw = '0') then
case vdu_addr is
when "000" =>
reg_character <= vdu_data_in;
req_write <= '1';
when "001" =>
reg_colour <= vdu_data_in;
when "010" =>
reg_hcursor <= vdu_data_in(6 downto 0);
when "011" =>
reg_vcursor <= vdu_data_in(4 downto 0);
when others =>
reg_voffset <= vdu_data_in(4 downto 0);
end case;
if (req_write = '1') and (ack_write = '1') then
req_write <= '0';
req_write <= req_write;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- CPU Read interface
vga_cpu_read : process(vdu_addr, vdu_cs,
reg_character, reg_colour,
reg_hcursor, reg_vcursor, reg_voffset)
case vdu_addr is
when "000" =>
vdu_data_out <= reg_character;
when "001" =>
vdu_data_out <= reg_colour;
when "010" =>
vdu_data_out <= "0" & reg_hcursor;
when "011" =>
vdu_data_out <= "000" & reg_vcursor;
when others =>
vdu_data_out <= "000" & reg_voffset;
end case;
end process;
-- Video memory access
vga_addr_proc : process(vga_clk, vga_rst)
if vga_rst = '1' then
vga0_cs <= '0';
vga0_rw <= '1';
row_addr <= "000000";
col_addr <= "0000000";
vga1_cs <= '0';
vga1_rw <= '1';
row1_addr <= "000000";
col1_addr <= "0000000";
vga2_cs <= '0';
vga2_rw <= '1';
ver_addr <= "0000000";
hor_addr <= "0000000";
vga_cs <= '0';
vga_rw <= '1';
vga_addr <= "00000000000";
elsif falling_edge(vga_clk) then
-- on h_count = 0 initiate character write.
-- all other cycles are reads.
case p_count is
when 0 => -- pipeline character write
vga0_cs <= req_write;
vga0_rw <= '0';
col_addr <= reg_hcursor(6 downto 0);
row_addr <= ("0" & reg_vcursor(4 downto 0)) + ("0" & reg_voffset(4 downto 0));
when others => -- other 7 cycles free
vga0_cs <= '1';
vga0_rw <= '1';
col_addr <= c_count;
row_addr <= r_count + ("0" & reg_voffset(4 downto 0));
end case;
-- on vga_clk + 1 round off row address
vga1_cs <= vga0_cs;
vga1_rw <= vga0_rw;
if row_addr < VER_DISP_CHR then
row1_addr <= row_addr;
row1_addr <= row_addr - VER_DISP_CHR;
end if;
col1_addr <= col_addr;
-- on vga_clk + 2 calculate vertical address
vga2_cs <= vga1_cs;
vga2_rw <= vga1_rw;
ver_addr <= ("00" & row1_addr(4 downto 0)) + (row1_addr(4 downto 0) & "00");
hor_addr <= col1_addr;
-- on vga_clk + 3 calculate memory address
vga_cs <= vga2_cs;
vga_rw <= vga2_rw;
vga_addr <= ("0000" & hor_addr) + (ver_addr & "0000");
end if;
end process;
-- Video shift register
vga_shift_proc : process( vga_clk, vga_rst)
if vga_rst = '1' then
ack_write <= '0';
video_on2 <= '0';
video_on <= '0';
cursor_on <= '0';
vga_bg_colour <= "000";
vga_fg_colour <= "111";
vga_shift <= "00000000";
vga_red_o <= '0';
vga_green_o <= '0';
vga_blue_o <= '0';
-- Put all video signals through DFFs to elminate any delays that cause a blurry image
elsif falling_edge(vga_clk) then
-- p_count = 0 load pixel shift register
if p_count = 0 then
if (req_write = '1') and (ack_write = '0') then
ack_write <= '1';
elsif (req_write = '0') and (ack_write = '1') then
ack_write <= '0';
ack_write <= ack_write;
end if;
-- Pipeline video enable
video_on2 <= video_on1;
video_on <= video_on2;
-- Blink Cursor
if blink_count > (BLINK_RATE/2) then
cursor_on <= cursor_on1 or attr_data_out(3);
cursor_on <= '0';
end if;
-- Set forground and background colours
vga_fg_colour <= attr_data_out(2 downto 0);
vga_bg_colour <= attr_data_out(6 downto 4);
-- Attribute bit 7
-- 0 => text
-- 1 => chunky graphics
if attr_data_out(7) = '0' then
vga_shift <= char_data_out;
case l_count(3 downto 2) is
when "00" =>
vga_shift(7 downto 4) <= vga_data_out(0) & vga_data_out(0) & vga_data_out(0) & vga_data_out(0);
vga_shift(3 downto 0) <= vga_data_out(1) & vga_data_out(1) & vga_data_out(1) & vga_data_out(1);
when "01" =>
vga_shift(7 downto 4) <= vga_data_out(2) & vga_data_out(2) & vga_data_out(2) & vga_data_out(2);
vga_shift(3 downto 0) <= vga_data_out(3) & vga_data_out(3) & vga_data_out(3) & vga_data_out(3);
when "10" =>
vga_shift(7 downto 4) <= vga_data_out(4) & vga_data_out(4) & vga_data_out(4) & vga_data_out(4);
vga_shift(3 downto 0) <= vga_data_out(5) & vga_data_out(5) & vga_data_out(5) & vga_data_out(5);
when others =>
vga_shift(7 downto 4) <= vga_data_out(6) & vga_data_out(6) & vga_data_out(6) & vga_data_out(6);
vga_shift(3 downto 0) <= vga_data_out(7) & vga_data_out(7) & vga_data_out(7) & vga_data_out(7);
end case;
end if;
-- p_count /= 0 shift out pixel shift register
vga_shift <= vga_shift(6 downto 0) & '0';
end if;
-- Colour mask is
-- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
if vga_shift(7) = (not cursor_on) then
vga_red_o <= video_on and vga_fg_colour(0);
vga_green_o <= video_on and vga_fg_colour(1);
vga_blue_o <= video_on and vga_fg_colour(2);
vga_red_o <= video_on and vga_bg_colour(0);
vga_green_o <= video_on and vga_bg_colour(1);
vga_blue_o <= video_on and vga_bg_colour(2);
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Sync generator & timing process
-- Generate Horizontal and Vertical Timing Signals for Video Signal
vga_sync : process(vga_clk, vga_rst)
if vga_rst = '1' then
h_count <= 0;
c_count <= "0000000";
p_count <= 0;
v_count <= 0;
l_count <= "0000";
r_count <= "000000";
horiz_sync <= '0';
vert_sync <= '0';
video_on_h <= '0';
video_on_v <= '0';
cursor_on_h <= '0';
cursor_on_v <= '0';
blink_count <= BLINK_RATE;
elsif falling_edge(vga_clk) then
-- H_count counts pixels (640 + extra time for sync signals)
-- Horiz_sync -----------------------------__________--------
-- H_count 0 640 659 755 799
if h_count = HOR_SCAN_END then
h_count <= 0;
c_count <= "0000000";
p_count <= 0;
h_count <= h_count + 1;
p_count <= p_count + 1;
if p_count = VGA_PIXELS_PER_CHAR-1 then
p_count <= 0;
c_count <= c_count + "0000001";
end if;
end if;
-- V_count counts rows of pixels
-- 400 lines + extra time for sync signals
-- 25 rows * 16 scan lines
-- Vert_sync ---------------------------------_______------------
-- V_count 0 400 413 414 444
if (v_count = VER_SCAN_END) and (h_count = HOR_SCAN_END) then
v_count <= 0;
l_count <= "0000";
r_count <= "000000";
elsif h_count = HOR_SYNC_END then
v_count <= v_count + 1;
l_count <= l_count + "0001";
if l_count = VGA_LINES_PER_CHAR-1 then
l_count <= "0000";
r_count <= r_count + "000001";
end if;
end if;
-- Generate Horizontal Sync Signal
if h_count = HOR_SYNC_BEG then
horiz_sync <= '1';
elsif h_count = HOR_SYNC_END then
horiz_sync <= '0';
end if;
-- Generate Vertical Sync Signal
if v_count = VER_SYNC_BEG then
vert_sync <= '1';
elsif v_count = VER_SYNC_END then
vert_sync <= '0';
end if;
-- Horizontal display enable
if h_count = 0 then
video_on_h <= '1';
elsif h_count = HOR_DISP_END then
video_on_h <= '0';
end if;
-- Verical display enable
if v_count = 0 then
video_on_v <= '1';
elsif v_count = VER_DISP_END then
video_on_v <= '0';
end if;
-- Horizontal cursor on
if c_count = reg_hcursor(6 downto 0) then
cursor_on_h <= '1';
cursor_on_h <= '0';
end if;
-- Vertical cursor on
if r_count = ("0" & reg_vcursor(4 downto 0)) then
cursor_on_v <= '1';
cursor_on_v <= '0';
end if;
-- cursor_on is only active when on selected character
if blink_count = 0 then
blink_count <= BLINK_RATE;
blink_count <= blink_count - 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- VGA reset = VDU reset
-- VGA = timing section
-- VDU = CPU registers
vga_rst <= vdu_rst;
-- VGA Sync for 640 pixels x 400 lines
-- negative horizonal sync
-- positive verical sync
vga_hsync_o <= not horiz_sync;
vga_vsync_o <= vert_sync;
-- video_on is high only when RGB data is displayed
video_on1 <= video_on_H and video_on_V;
cursor_on1 <= cursor_on_h and cursor_on_v;
-- Here to look up character ROM
-- This will take one clock cycle
-- and should be performed on p_count = "111"
char_addr(10 downto 4) <= vga_data_out(6 downto 0);
char_addr(3 downto 0) <= l_count;
end RTL;
0,0 → 1,155
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E spp - Simple Parallel Port
-- www.OpenCores.Org - September 2003
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- File name : spp.vhd
-- Purpose : Simple Parallel Port for System09
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- Uses : None
-- Author : John E. Kent
-- Revision History:
-- Version 0.1 - 6th Sep 2008
-- Generated from ioport.vhd
-- Parallel printer port pin assignment
-- Pin No (DB25) SPP Signal EPP Signal Direction Register Bit Inverted
-- 1 nStrobe Write_n Out Control-0 Yes
-- 2 Data0 Data0 In/Out Data-0 No
-- 3 Data1 Data1 In/Out Data-1 No
-- 4 Data2 Data2 In/Out Data-2 No
-- 5 Data3 Data3 In/Out Data-3 No
-- 6 Data4 Data4 In/Out Data-4 No
-- 7 Data5 Data5 In/Out Data-5 No
-- 8 Data6 Data6 In/Out Data-6 No
-- 9 Data7 Data7 In/Out Data-7 No
-- 10 nAck Interrupt In Status-6 No
-- 11 Busy Wait In Status-7 Yes
-- 12 Paper-Out Spare In Status-5 No
-- 13 Select Spare In Status-4 No
-- 14 Linefeed Data_Strobe_n Out Control-1 Yes
-- 15 nError Spare In Status-3 No
-- 16 nInitialize Reset Out Control-2 No
-- 17 nSelect-Printer Addr_Strobe_n Out Control-3 Yes
-- 18-25 Ground Ground - - -
-- Address MSB LSB
-- Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-- Base (SPP Data port) Write Pin: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
-- Base+1 (SPP Status port) Read Pin: ~11 10 12 13 15
-- Base+2 (SPP Control port) Write Pin: ~17 16 ~14 ~1
-- Base+3 (EPP Address port) R/W
-- Base+4 (EPP Data port) R/W
-- ~ indicates a hardware inversion of the bit.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity spp is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
spp_data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
spp_stat : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 3);
spp_ctrl : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
hold : out std_logic;
irq : out std_logic
architecture rtl of spp is
signal spp_data_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal spp_stat_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 3);
signal spp_ctrl_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- read I/O port
spp_read : process( addr,
spp_data_reg, spp_stat_reg, spp_ctrl_reg,
spp_stat )
spp_stat_reg(6 downto 3) <= spp_stat(6 downto 3);
spp_stat_reg(7) <= not spp_stat(7);
case addr is
when "000" =>
data_out <= spp_data_reg;
when "001" =>
data_out <= spp_stat_reg & "000";
when "010" =>
data_out <= "0000" & spp_ctrl_reg;
when others =>
data_out <= (others=> '0');
end case;
hold <= '0';
irq <= '0';
end process;
-- Write I/O ports
spp_write : process( clk, rst, addr, cs, rw, data_in,
spp_data_reg, spp_ctrl_reg )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if rst = '1' then
spp_data_reg <= "00000000";
spp_ctrl_reg <= "0000";
elsif cs = '1' and rw = '0' then
case addr is
when "000" =>
spp_data_reg <= data_in;
when "010" =>
spp_ctrl_reg <= data_in(3 downto 0);
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
spp_data <= spp_data_reg;
spp_ctrl(0) <= not spp_ctrl_reg(0);
spp_ctrl(1) <= not spp_ctrl_reg(1);
spp_ctrl(2) <= spp_ctrl_reg(2);
spp_ctrl(3) <= not spp_ctrl_reg(3);
end process;
end rtl;
0,0 → 1,245
-- SPI bus master for System09 (
-- This core implements a SPI master interface. Transfer size is 4, 8, 12 or
-- 16 bits. The SPI clock is 0 when idle, sampled on the rising edge of the SPI
-- clock. The SPI clock is derived from the bus clock input divided
-- by 2, 4, 8 or 16.
-- clk, reset, cs, rw, addr, data_in, data_out and irq represent the System09
-- bus interface.
-- spi_clk, spi_mosi, spi_miso and spi_cs_n are the standard SPI signals meant
-- to be routed off-chip.
-- The SPI core provides for four register addresses that the CPU can read or
-- write:
-- 0 -> DL: Data LSB
-- 1 -> DH: Data MSB
-- 2 -> CS: Command/Status
-- 3 -> CO: Config
-- Write bits, CS:
-- START CS[0]: Start transfer
-- END CS[1]: Deselect device after transfer (or immediately if START = '0')
-- IRQEN CS[2]: Generate IRQ at end of transfer
-- SPIAD CS[6:4]: SPI device address
-- Read bits, CS:
-- BUSY CS[0]: Currently transmitting data
-- Write BITS, CO:
-- DIVIDE CO[1:0]: SPI clock divisor, 00=clk/2, 01=clk/4, 10=clk/8, 11=clk/16
-- LENGTH CO[3:2]: Transfer length, 00=4 bits, 01=8 bits, 10=12 bits, 11=16 bits
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity spi_master is
port (
clk, reset, cs, rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
irq : out std_logic;
spi_clk, spi_mosi : out std_logic;
spi_cs_n : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
spi_miso : in std_logic);
architecture rtl of spi_master is
-- State type of the SPI transfer state machine
type state_type is (s_idle, s_running);
signal state : state_type;
-- Shift register
signal shift_reg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- Buffer to hold data to be sent
signal spi_data_buf : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- Start transmission flag
signal start : std_logic;
-- Number of bits transfered
signal count : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- Buffered SPI clock
signal spi_clk_buf : std_logic;
-- Buffered SPI clock output
signal spi_clk_out : std_logic;
-- Previous SPI clock state
signal prev_spi_clk : std_logic;
-- Number of clk cycles-1 in this SPI clock period
signal spi_clk_count : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- SPI clock divisor
signal spi_clk_divide : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- SPI transfer length
signal transfer_length : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- Flag to indicate that the SPI slave should be deselected after the current
-- transfer
signal deselect : std_logic;
-- Flag to indicate that an IRQ should be generated at the end of a transfer
signal irq_enable : std_logic;
-- Internal chip select signal, will be demultiplexed through the cs_mux
signal spi_cs : std_logic;
-- Current SPI device address
signal spi_addr : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- Read CPU bus into internal registers
cpu_write : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
deselect <= '0';
irq_enable <= '0';
start <= '0';
spi_clk_divide <= "11";
transfer_length <= "11";
spi_data_buf <= (others => '0');
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
start <= '0';
if cs = '1' and rw = '0' then
case addr is
when "00" =>
spi_data_buf(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when "01" =>
spi_data_buf(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
when "10" =>
start <= data_in(0);
deselect <= data_in(1);
irq_enable <= data_in(2);
spi_addr <= data_in(6 downto 4);
when "11" =>
spi_clk_divide <= data_in(1 downto 0);
transfer_length <= data_in(3 downto 2);
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Provide data for the CPU to read
cpu_read : process(shift_reg, addr, state, deselect, start)
data_out <= (others => '0');
case addr is
when "00" =>
data_out <= shift_reg(7 downto 0);
when "01" =>
data_out <= shift_reg(15 downto 8);
when "10" =>
if state = s_idle then
data_out(0) <= '0';
data_out(0) <= '1';
end if;
data_out(1) <= deselect;
when others =>
end case;
end process;
spi_cs_n <= "11111110" when spi_addr = "000" and spi_cs = '1' else
"11111101" when spi_addr = "001" and spi_cs = '1' else
"11111011" when spi_addr = "010" and spi_cs = '1' else
"11110111" when spi_addr = "011" and spi_cs = '1' else
"11101111" when spi_addr = "100" and spi_cs = '1' else
"11011111" when spi_addr = "101" and spi_cs = '1' else
"10111111" when spi_addr = "110" and spi_cs = '1' else
"01111111" when spi_addr = "111" and spi_cs = '1' else
-- SPI transfer state machine
spi_proc : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
count <= (others => '0');
shift_reg <= (others => '0');
prev_spi_clk <= '0';
spi_clk_out <= '0';
spi_cs <= '0';
state <= s_idle;
irq <= 'Z';
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
prev_spi_clk <= spi_clk_buf;
irq <= 'Z';
case state is
when s_idle =>
if start = '1' then
count <= (others => '0');
shift_reg <= spi_data_buf;
spi_cs <= '1';
state <= s_running;
elsif deselect = '1' then
spi_cs <= '0';
end if;
when s_running =>
if prev_spi_clk = '1' and spi_clk_buf = '0' then
spi_clk_out <= '0';
count <= count + "0001";
shift_reg <= shift_reg(14 downto 0) & spi_miso;
if ((count = "0011" and transfer_length = "00")
or (count = "0111" and transfer_length = "01")
or (count = "1011" and transfer_length = "10")
or (count = "1111" and transfer_length = "11")) then
if deselect = '1' then
spi_cs <= '0';
end if;
if irq_enable = '1' then
irq <= '1';
end if;
state <= s_idle;
end if;
elsif prev_spi_clk = '0' and spi_clk_buf = '1' then
spi_clk_out <= '1';
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end process;
-- Generate SPI clock
spi_clock_gen : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '1' then
spi_clk_count <= (others => '0');
spi_clk_buf <= '0';
elsif falling_edge(clk) then
if state = s_running then
if ((spi_clk_divide = "00")
or (spi_clk_divide = "01" and spi_clk_count = "001")
or (spi_clk_divide = "10" and spi_clk_count = "011")
or (spi_clk_divide = "11" and spi_clk_count = "111")) then
spi_clk_buf <= not spi_clk_buf;
spi_clk_count <= (others => '0');
spi_clk_count <= spi_clk_count + "001";
end if;
spi_clk_buf <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
spi_mosi_mux : process(shift_reg, transfer_length)
case transfer_length is
when "00" =>
spi_mosi <= shift_reg(3);
when "01" =>
spi_mosi <= shift_reg(7);
when "10" =>
spi_mosi <= shift_reg(11);
when "11" =>
spi_mosi <= shift_reg(15);
when others =>
end case;
end process;
spi_clk <= spi_clk_out;
end rtl;
0,0 → 1,232
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E Clock_dll for System09 - SOC.
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- No responsibility is taken for this design.
-- Use at own risk.
-- File name : Clock_dll.vhd
-- Purpose : Generates Clocks for System09
-- For BurchED B3-Spartan2+ and B5-X300
-- Assumes a 12.5 MHz system clock input
-- Generates a x1 (12.5 MHz) CPU clock
-- Generates a x2 (25.0 MHz) VGA clock
-- Generates a x4 (50.0 MHz) MEM clock
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- ieee.std_logic_arith
-- ieee.numeric_std
-- Revision History :
-- Rev : 0.1
-- Date : 7th September 2008
-- Description : Initial version.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity clock_dll is
clk_in : in std_Logic; -- System Clock input
clk_cpu : out std_logic; -- CPU Clock Out (x1)
clk_vga : out std_logic; -- VGA Pixel Clock Out (x2)
clk_mem : out std_logic; -- Memory Clock Out (x4)
locked : out std_logic -- DLL in lock
end entity;
architecture RTL of clock_dll is
signal CPU_CLK0 : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_CLK90 : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_CLK180 : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_CLK270 : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_CLK2X : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_CLKDV : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_LOCKED : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_CLKFB : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_CLKIN : std_ulogic;
signal CPU_RESET : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLK0 : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLK90 : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLK180 : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLK270 : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLK2X : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLKDV : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_LOCKED : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLKFB : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_CLKIN : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_RESET : std_ulogic;
signal VGA_RESET_N : std_ulogic;
-- Component Declaration for CLKDLL should be placed
-- after architecture statement but before begin keyword
component CLKDLL
-- synthesis translate_off
generic (
CLKDV_DIVIDE : real := 2.0; -- (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0, 16.0)
-- synthesis translate_on
port (
CLK180 : out STD_ULOGIC;
CLK270 : out STD_ULOGIC;
end component;
component IBUFG
port (
i: in std_logic;
o: out std_logic
end component;
component BUFG
port (
i: in std_logic;
o: out std_logic
end component;
component SRL16
port (
Q : out std_logic;
D : in std_logic;
CLK : in std_logic;
A0 : in std_logic;
A1 : in std_logic;
A2 : in std_logic;
A3 : in std_logic
end component;
-- Start instantiation
-- 12.5MHz CPU clock input
cpu_clkin_buffer : IBUFG
port map(
i => clk_in,
-- 12.5MHz CPU clock input
cpu_clkout_buffer : BUFG
port map(
o => clk_cpu
-- 25 MHz VGA clock input
cpu_clkfb_buffer : BUFG
port map(
i => CPU_CLK2X,
-- synthesis translate_off
generic map (
CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- (1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5,8,16)
-- synthesis translate_on
port map (
CLK90 => CPU_CLK90,
CLK180 => CPU_CLK180,
CLK270 => CPU_CLK270,
-- 25 MHz VGA clock output
vga_clkfb_buffer : BUFG
port map(
i => VGA_CLK2X,
-- synthesis translate_off
generic map (
CLKDV_DIVIDE => 2.0, -- (1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5,8,16)
-- synthesis translate_on
port map (
CLK90 => VGA_CLK90,
CLK180 => VGA_CLK180,
CLK270 => VGA_CLK270,
my_srl16 : SRL16 port map (
A0 => '1',
A1 => '1',
A2 => '1',
A3 => '1'
clock_dll_assign : process( VGA_RESET_N, VGA_LOCKED,
CPU_RESET <= '0';
clk_vga <= CPU_CLKFB;
clk_mem <= VGA_CLKFB;
locked <= VGA_LOCKED;
end process;
end architecture;
0,0 → 1,9760
-- $Id: cpu09_dummy_firq.vhd,v 1.1 2009-03-02 21:34:22 davidgb Exp $
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E CPU09 - 6809 compatible CPU Core
-- www.OpenCores.Org - September 2003
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- File name : cpu09.vhd
-- Purpose : 6809 CPU core
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- Uses : None
-- Author : John E. Kent
-- Revision History:
-- Version 0.1 - 26 June 2003 - John Kent
-- Added extra level in state stack
-- fixed some calls to the extended addressing state
-- Version 0.2 - 5 Sept 2003 - John Kent
-- Fixed 16 bit indexed offset (was doing read rather than fetch)
-- Added/Fixed STY and STS instructions.
-- ORCC_STATE ANDed CC state rather than ORed it - Now fixed
-- CMPX Loaded ACCA and ACCB - Now fixed
-- Version 1.0 - 6 Sep 2003 - John Kent
-- Initial release to Open Cores
-- reversed clock edge
-- Version 1.1 - 29 November 2003 John kent
-- ACCA and ACCB indexed offsets are 2's complement.
-- ALU Right Mux now sign extends ACCA & ACCB offsets
-- Absolute Indirect addressing performed a read on the
-- second byte of the address rather than a fetch
-- so it formed an incorrect address. Now fixed.
-- Version 1.2 - 29 November 2003 John Kent
-- LEAX and LEAY affect the Z bit only
-- LEAS and LEAU do not affect any condition codes
-- added an extra ALU control for LEA.
-- Version 1.3 - 12 December 2003 John Kent
-- CWAI did not work, was missed a PUSH_ST on calling
-- the ANDCC_STATE. Thanks go to Ghassan Kraidy for
-- finding this fault.
-- Version 1.4 - 12 December 2003 John Kent
-- Missing cc_ctrl assignment in otherwise case of
-- lea_state resulted in cc_ctrl being latched in
-- that state.
-- The otherwise statement should never be reached,
-- and has been fixed simply to resolve synthesis warnings.
-- Version 1.5 - 17 january 2004 John kent
-- The clear instruction used "alu_ld8" to control the ALU
-- rather than "alu_clr". This mean the Carry was not being
-- cleared correctly.
-- Version 1.6 - 24 January 2004 John Kent
-- Fixed problems in PSHU instruction
-- Version 1.7 - 25 January 2004 John Kent
-- removed redundant "alu_inx" and "alu_dex'
-- Removed "test_alu" and "test_cc"
-- STD instruction did not set condition codes
-- JMP direct was not decoded properly
-- CLR direct performed an unwanted read cycle
-- Bogus "latch_md" in Page2 indexed addressing
-- Version 1.8 - 27 January 2004 John Kent
-- CWAI in decode1_state should increment the PC.
-- ABX is supposed to be an unsigned addition.
-- Added extra ALU function
-- ASR8 slightly changed in the ALU.
-- Version 1.9 - 20 August 2005
-- LSR8 is now handled in ASR8 and ROR8 case in the ALU,
-- rather than LSR16. There was a problem with single
-- operand instructions using the MD register which is
-- sign extended on the first 8 bit fetch.
-- Version 1.10 - 13 September 2005
-- TFR & EXG instructions did not work for the Condition Code Register
-- An extra case has been added to the ALU for the alu_tfr control
-- to assign the left ALU input (alu_left) to the condition code
-- outputs (cc_out).
-- Version 1.11 - 16 September 2005
-- JSR ,X should not predecrement S before calculating the jump address.
-- The reason is that JSR [0,S] needs S to point to the top of the stack
-- to fetch a valid vector address. The solution is to have the addressing
-- mode microcode called before decrementing S and then decrementing S in
-- JSR_STATE. JSR_STATE in turn calls PUSH_RETURN_LO_STATE rather than
-- PUSH_RETURN_HI_STATE so that both the High & Low halves of the PC are
-- pushed on the stack. This adds one extra bus cycle, but resolves the
-- addressing conflict. I've also removed the pre-decement S in
-- JSR EXTENDED as it also calls JSR_STATE.
-- Version 1.12 - 6th June 2006
-- 6809 Programming reference manual says V is not affected by ASR, LSR and ROR
-- This is different to the 6800. CLR should reset the V bit.
-- Version 1.13 - 7th July 2006
-- Disable NMI on reset until S Stack pointer has been loaded.
-- Added nmi_enable signal in sp_reg process and nmi_handler process.
-- Version 1.14 - 11th July 2006
-- 1. Added new state to RTI called rti_entire_state.
-- This state tests the CC register after it has been loaded
-- from the stack. Previously the current CC was tested which
-- was incorrect. The Entire Flag should be set before the
-- interrupt stacks the CC.
-- 2. On bogus Interrupts, int_cc_state went to rti_state,
-- which was an enumerated state, but not defined anywhere.
-- rti_state has been changed to rti_cc_state so that bogus interrupt
-- will perform an RTI after entering that state.
-- 3. Sync should generate an interrupt if the interrupt masks
-- are cleared. If the interrupt masks are set, then an interrupt
-- will cause the the PC to advance to the next instruction.
-- Note that I don't wait for an interrupt to be asserted for
-- three clock cycles.
-- 4. Added new ALU control state "alu_mul". "alu_mul" is used in
-- the Multiply instruction replacing "alu_add16". This is similar
-- to "alu_add16" except it sets the Carry bit to B7 of the result
-- in ACCB, sets the Zero bit if the 16 bit result is zero, but
-- does not affect The Half carry (H), Negative (N) or Overflow (V)
-- flags. The logic was re-arranged so that it adds md or zero so
-- that the Carry condition code is set on zero multiplicands.
-- 5. DAA (Decimal Adjust Accumulator) should set the Negative (N)
-- and Zero Flags. It will also affect the Overflow (V) flag although
-- the operation is undefined. It's anyones guess what DAA does to V.
-- Version 1.15 - 25th Feb 2007 - John Kent
-- line 9672 changed "if Halt <= '1' then" to "if Halt = '1' then"
-- Changed sensitivity lists.
-- Version 1.16 - 5th February 2008 - John Kent
-- FIRQ interrupts should take priority over IRQ Interrupts.
-- This presumably means they should be tested for before IRQ
-- when they happen concurrently.
-- Version 1.17 - 18th February 2008 - John Kent
-- NMI in CWAI should mask IRQ and FIRQ interrupts
-- Version 1.18 Dummy - 21st February 2008 -John Kent
-- patched FIRQ to return from interrupt
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity cpu09 is
port (
clk: in std_logic;
rst: in std_logic;
rw: out std_logic;
vma: out std_logic;
address: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
data_in: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
halt: in std_logic;
hold: in std_logic;
irq: in std_logic;
firq: in std_logic;
nmi: in std_logic
end cpu09;
architecture rtl of cpu09 is
constant EBIT : integer := 7;
constant FBIT : integer := 6;
constant HBIT : integer := 5;
constant IBIT : integer := 4;
constant NBIT : integer := 3;
constant ZBIT : integer := 2;
constant VBIT : integer := 1;
constant CBIT : integer := 0;
-- Interrupt vector modifiers
constant RST_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "111";
constant NMI_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110";
constant SWI_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "101";
constant IRQ_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";
constant FIRQ_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";
constant SWI2_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";
constant SWI3_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";
constant RESV_VEC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";
type state_type is (-- Start off in Reset
-- Fetch Interrupt Vectors (including reset)
vect_lo_state, vect_hi_state,
-- Fetch Instruction Cycle
-- Decode Instruction Cycles
decode1_state, decode2_state, decode3_state,
-- Calculate Effective Address
indexed_state, index8_state, index16_state, index16_2_state,
pcrel8_state, pcrel16_state, pcrel16_2_state,
indexaddr_state, indexaddr2_state,
postincr1_state, postincr2_state,
indirect_state, indirect2_state, indirect3_state,
-- single ops
-- Dual op states
dual_op_read8_state, dual_op_read16_state, dual_op_read16_2_state,
dual_op_write8_state, dual_op_write16_state,
sync_state, halt_state, error_state,
andcc_state, orcc_state,
tfr_state, exg_state, exg1_state,
-- Multiplication
mul_state, mulea_state, muld_state,
mul0_state, mul1_state, mul2_state, mul3_state,
mul4_state, mul5_state, mul6_state, mul7_state,
-- Branches
lbranch_state, sbranch_state,
-- Jumps, Subroutine Calls and Returns
jsr_state, jmp_state,
push_return_hi_state, push_return_lo_state,
pull_return_hi_state, pull_return_lo_state,
-- Interrupt cycles
int_pcl_state, int_pch_state,
int_upl_state, int_uph_state,
int_iyl_state, int_iyh_state,
int_ixl_state, int_ixh_state,
int_acca_state, int_accb_state,
int_cwai_state, int_mask_state,
-- Return From Interrupt
rti_cc_state, rti_entire_state,
rti_acca_state, rti_accb_state,
rti_ixl_state, rti_ixh_state,
rti_iyl_state, rti_iyh_state,
rti_upl_state, rti_uph_state,
rti_pcl_state, rti_pch_state,
-- Push Registers using SP
pshs_pcl_state, pshs_pch_state,
pshs_upl_state, pshs_uph_state,
pshs_iyl_state, pshs_iyh_state,
pshs_ixl_state, pshs_ixh_state,
pshs_acca_state, pshs_accb_state,
-- Pull Registers using SP
puls_acca_state, puls_accb_state,
puls_ixl_state, puls_ixh_state,
puls_iyl_state, puls_iyh_state,
puls_upl_state, puls_uph_state,
puls_pcl_state, puls_pch_state,
-- Push Registers using UP
pshu_pcl_state, pshu_pch_state,
pshu_spl_state, pshu_sph_state,
pshu_iyl_state, pshu_iyh_state,
pshu_ixl_state, pshu_ixh_state,
pshu_acca_state, pshu_accb_state,
-- Pull Registers using UP
pulu_acca_state, pulu_accb_state,
pulu_ixl_state, pulu_ixh_state,
pulu_iyl_state, pulu_iyh_state,
pulu_spl_state, pulu_sph_state,
pulu_pcl_state, pulu_pch_state );
type stack_type is array(2 downto 0) of state_type;
type st_type is (idle_st, push_st, pull_st );
type addr_type is (idle_ad, fetch_ad, read_ad, write_ad, pushu_ad, pullu_ad, pushs_ad, pulls_ad, int_hi_ad, int_lo_ad );
type dout_type is (cc_dout, acca_dout, accb_dout, dp_dout,
ix_lo_dout, ix_hi_dout, iy_lo_dout, iy_hi_dout,
up_lo_dout, up_hi_dout, sp_lo_dout, sp_hi_dout,
pc_lo_dout, pc_hi_dout, md_lo_dout, md_hi_dout );
type op_type is (reset_op, fetch_op, latch_op );
type pre_type is (reset_pre, fetch_pre, latch_pre );
type cc_type is (reset_cc, load_cc, pull_cc, latch_cc );
type acca_type is (reset_acca, load_acca, load_hi_acca, pull_acca, latch_acca );
type accb_type is (reset_accb, load_accb, pull_accb, latch_accb );
type dp_type is (reset_dp, load_dp, pull_dp, latch_dp );
type ix_type is (reset_ix, load_ix, pull_lo_ix, pull_hi_ix, latch_ix );
type iy_type is (reset_iy, load_iy, pull_lo_iy, pull_hi_iy, latch_iy );
type sp_type is (reset_sp, latch_sp, load_sp, pull_hi_sp, pull_lo_sp );
type up_type is (reset_up, latch_up, load_up, pull_hi_up, pull_lo_up );
type pc_type is (reset_pc, latch_pc, load_pc, pull_lo_pc, pull_hi_pc, incr_pc );
type md_type is (reset_md, latch_md, load_md, fetch_first_md, fetch_next_md, shiftl_md );
type ea_type is (reset_ea, latch_ea, load_ea, fetch_first_ea, fetch_next_ea );
type iv_type is (reset_iv, latch_iv, nmi_iv, irq_iv, firq_iv, swi_iv, swi2_iv, swi3_iv, resv_iv);
type nmi_type is (reset_nmi, set_nmi, latch_nmi );
type left_type is (cc_left, acca_left, accb_left, dp_left,
ix_left, iy_left, up_left, sp_left,
accd_left, md_left, pc_left, ea_left );
type right_type is (ea_right, zero_right, one_right, two_right,
acca_right, accb_right, accd_right,
md_right, md_sign5_right, md_sign8_right );
type alu_type is (alu_add8, alu_sub8, alu_add16, alu_sub16, alu_adc, alu_sbc,
alu_and, alu_ora, alu_eor,
alu_tst, alu_inc, alu_dec, alu_clr, alu_neg, alu_com,
alu_lsr16, alu_lsl16,
alu_ror8, alu_rol8, alu_mul,
alu_asr8, alu_asl8, alu_lsr8,
alu_andcc, alu_orcc, alu_sex, alu_tfr, alu_abx,
alu_seif, alu_sei, alu_see, alu_cle,
alu_ld8, alu_st8, alu_ld16, alu_st16, alu_lea, alu_nop, alu_daa );
signal op_code: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal pre_code: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal acca: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal accb: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal cc: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal cc_out: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal dp: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal xreg: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal yreg: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal sp: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal up: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal ea: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal pc: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal md: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal left: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal right: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal out_alu: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal iv: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal nmi_req: std_logic;
signal nmi_ack: std_logic;
signal nmi_enable: std_logic;
signal state: state_type;
signal next_state: state_type;
signal saved_state: state_type;
signal return_state: state_type;
signal state_stack: stack_type;
signal st_ctrl: st_type;
signal pc_ctrl: pc_type;
signal ea_ctrl: ea_type;
signal op_ctrl: op_type;
signal pre_ctrl: pre_type;
signal md_ctrl: md_type;
signal acca_ctrl: acca_type;
signal accb_ctrl: accb_type;
signal ix_ctrl: ix_type;
signal iy_ctrl: iy_type;
signal cc_ctrl: cc_type;
signal dp_ctrl: dp_type;
signal sp_ctrl: sp_type;
signal up_ctrl: up_type;
signal iv_ctrl: iv_type;
signal left_ctrl: left_type;
signal right_ctrl: right_type;
signal alu_ctrl: alu_type;
signal addr_ctrl: addr_type;
signal dout_ctrl: dout_type;
signal nmi_ctrl: nmi_type;
-- State machine stack
--state_stack_proc: process( clk, hold, state_stack, st_ctrl,
-- return_state, fetch_state )
state_stack_proc: process( clk, state_stack )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
state_stack(0) <= state_stack(0);
state_stack(1) <= state_stack(1);
state_stack(2) <= state_stack(2);
case st_ctrl is
when idle_st =>
state_stack(0) <= state_stack(0);
state_stack(1) <= state_stack(1);
state_stack(2) <= state_stack(2);
when push_st =>
state_stack(0) <= return_state;
state_stack(1) <= state_stack(0);
state_stack(2) <= state_stack(1);
when pull_st =>
state_stack(0) <= state_stack(1);
state_stack(1) <= state_stack(2);
state_stack(2) <= fetch_state;
when others =>
state_stack(0) <= state_stack(0);
state_stack(1) <= state_stack(1);
state_stack(2) <= state_stack(2);
end case;
end if;
end if;
saved_state <= state_stack(0);
end process;
-- Program Counter Control
--pc_reg: process( clk, pc_ctrl, hold, pc, out_alu, data_in )
pc_reg: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
pc <= pc;
case pc_ctrl is
when reset_pc =>
pc <= "0000000000000000";
when load_pc =>
pc <= out_alu(15 downto 0);
when pull_lo_pc =>
pc(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when pull_hi_pc =>
pc(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
when incr_pc =>
pc <= pc + 1;
when others =>
-- when latch_pc =>
pc <= pc;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Effective Address Control
--ea_reg: process( clk, ea_ctrl, hold, ea, out_alu, data_in, dp )
ea_reg: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
ea <= ea;
case ea_ctrl is
when reset_ea =>
ea <= "0000000000000000";
when fetch_first_ea =>
ea(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
ea(15 downto 8) <= dp;
when fetch_next_ea =>
ea(15 downto 8) <= ea(7 downto 0);
ea(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when load_ea =>
ea <= out_alu(15 downto 0);
when others =>
-- when latch_ea =>
ea <= ea;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Accumulator A
--acca_reg : process( clk, acca_ctrl, hold, out_alu, acca, data_in )
acca_reg : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
acca <= acca;
case acca_ctrl is
when reset_acca =>
acca <= "00000000";
when load_acca =>
acca <= out_alu(7 downto 0);
when load_hi_acca =>
acca <= out_alu(15 downto 8);
when pull_acca =>
acca <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_acca =>
acca <= acca;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Accumulator B
--accb_reg : process( clk, accb_ctrl, hold, out_alu, accb, data_in )
accb_reg : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
accb <= accb;
case accb_ctrl is
when reset_accb =>
accb <= "00000000";
when load_accb =>
accb <= out_alu(7 downto 0);
when pull_accb =>
accb <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_accb =>
accb <= accb;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- X Index register
--ix_reg : process( clk, ix_ctrl, hold, out_alu, xreg, data_in )
ix_reg : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
xreg <= xreg;
case ix_ctrl is
when reset_ix =>
xreg <= "0000000000000000";
when load_ix =>
xreg <= out_alu(15 downto 0);
when pull_hi_ix =>
xreg(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
when pull_lo_ix =>
xreg(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_ix =>
xreg <= xreg;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Y Index register
--iy_reg : process( clk, iy_ctrl, hold, out_alu, yreg, data_in )
iy_reg : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
yreg <= yreg;
case iy_ctrl is
when reset_iy =>
yreg <= "0000000000000000";
when load_iy =>
yreg <= out_alu(15 downto 0);
when pull_hi_iy =>
yreg(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
when pull_lo_iy =>
yreg(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_iy =>
yreg <= yreg;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- S stack pointer
--sp_reg : process( clk, sp_ctrl, hold, sp, out_alu, data_in, nmi_enable )
sp_reg : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
sp <= sp;
nmi_enable <= nmi_enable;
case sp_ctrl is
when reset_sp =>
sp <= "0000000000000000";
nmi_enable <= '0';
when load_sp =>
sp <= out_alu(15 downto 0);
nmi_enable <= '1';
when pull_hi_sp =>
sp(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
nmi_enable <= nmi_enable;
when pull_lo_sp =>
sp(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
nmi_enable <= '1';
when others =>
-- when latch_sp =>
sp <= sp;
nmi_enable <= nmi_enable;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- U stack pointer
--up_reg : process( clk, up_ctrl, hold, up, out_alu, data_in )
up_reg : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
up <= up;
case up_ctrl is
when reset_up =>
up <= "0000000000000000";
when load_up =>
up <= out_alu(15 downto 0);
when pull_hi_up =>
up(15 downto 8) <= data_in;
when pull_lo_up =>
up(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_up =>
up <= up;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Memory Data
--md_reg : process( clk, md_ctrl, hold, out_alu, data_in, md )
md_reg : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
md <= md;
case md_ctrl is
when reset_md =>
md <= "0000000000000000";
when load_md =>
md <= out_alu(15 downto 0);
when fetch_first_md => -- sign extend md for branches
md(15 downto 8) <= data_in(7) & data_in(7) & data_in(7) & data_in(7) &
data_in(7) & data_in(7) & data_in(7) & data_in(7) ;
md(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when fetch_next_md =>
md(15 downto 8) <= md(7 downto 0);
md(7 downto 0) <= data_in;
when shiftl_md =>
md(15 downto 1) <= md(14 downto 0);
md(0) <= '0';
when others =>
-- when latch_md =>
md <= md;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Condition Codes
--cc_reg: process( clk, cc_ctrl, hold, cc_out, cc, data_in )
cc_reg: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
cc <= cc;
case cc_ctrl is
when reset_cc =>
cc <= "11010000"; -- set EBIT, FBIT & IBIT
when load_cc =>
cc <= cc_out;
when pull_cc =>
cc <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_cc =>
cc <= cc;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Direct Page register
--dp_reg: process( clk, dp_ctrl, hold, out_alu, dp, data_in )
dp_reg: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
dp <= dp;
case dp_ctrl is
when reset_dp =>
dp <= "00000000";
when load_dp =>
dp <= out_alu(7 downto 0);
when pull_dp =>
dp <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_dp =>
dp <= dp;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- interrupt vector
--iv_mux: process( clk, iv_ctrl, hold, iv )
iv_mux: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
iv <= iv;
case iv_ctrl is
when reset_iv =>
iv <= RST_VEC;
when nmi_iv =>
iv <= NMI_VEC;
when swi_iv =>
iv <= SWI_VEC;
when irq_iv =>
iv <= IRQ_VEC;
when firq_iv =>
iv <= FIRQ_VEC;
when swi2_iv =>
iv <= SWI2_VEC;
when swi3_iv =>
iv <= SWI3_VEC;
when resv_iv =>
iv <= RESV_VEC;
when others =>
iv <= iv;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- op code register
--op_reg: process( clk, op_ctrl, hold, op_code, data_in )
op_reg: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
op_code <= op_code;
case op_ctrl is
when reset_op =>
op_code <= "00010010";
when fetch_op =>
op_code <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_op =>
op_code <= op_code;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- pre byte op code register
--pre_reg: process( clk, pre_ctrl, hold, pre_code, data_in )
pre_reg: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if hold= '1' then
pre_code <= pre_code;
case pre_ctrl is
when reset_pre =>
pre_code <= "00000000";
when fetch_pre =>
pre_code <= data_in;
when others =>
-- when latch_pre =>
pre_code <= pre_code;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- state machine
--change_state: process( clk, rst, state, hold, next_state )
change_state: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if rst = '1' then
state <= reset_state;
if hold = '1' then
state <= state;
state <= next_state;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- output
-- Nmi register
--nmi_reg: process( clk, nmi_ctrl, hold, nmi_ack )
nmi_reg: process( clk )
if clk'event and clk='0' then
if hold = '1' then
nmi_ack <= nmi_ack;
case nmi_ctrl is
when set_nmi =>
nmi_ack <= '1';
when reset_nmi =>
nmi_ack <= '0';
when others =>
-- when latch_nmi =>
nmi_ack <= nmi_ack;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Detect Edge of NMI interrupt
--nmi_handler : process( clk, rst, nmi, nmi_ack, nmi_req, nmi_enable )
nmi_handler : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk='0' then
if rst='1' then
nmi_req <= '0';
if (nmi='1') and (nmi_ack='0') and (nmi_enable='1') then
nmi_req <= '1';
if (nmi='0') and (nmi_ack='1') then
nmi_req <= '0';
nmi_req <= nmi_req;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Address output multiplexer
addr_mux: process( addr_ctrl, pc, ea, up, sp, iv )
case addr_ctrl is
when idle_ad =>
address <= "1111111111111111";
vma <= '0';
rw <= '1';
when fetch_ad =>
address <= pc;
vma <= '1';
rw <= '1';
when read_ad =>
address <= ea;
vma <= '1';
rw <= '1';
when write_ad =>
address <= ea;
vma <= '1';
rw <= '0';
when pushs_ad =>
address <= sp;
vma <= '1';
rw <= '0';
when pulls_ad =>
address <= sp;
vma <= '1';
rw <= '1';
when pushu_ad =>
address <= up;
vma <= '1';
rw <= '0';
when pullu_ad =>
address <= up;
vma <= '1';
rw <= '1';
when int_hi_ad =>
address <= "111111111111" & iv & "0";
vma <= '1';
rw <= '1';
when int_lo_ad =>
address <= "111111111111" & iv & "1";
vma <= '1';
rw <= '1';
when others =>
address <= "1111111111111111";
vma <= '0';
rw <= '1';
end case;
end process;
-- Data Bus output
dout_mux : process( dout_ctrl, md, acca, accb, dp, xreg, yreg, sp, up, pc, cc )
case dout_ctrl is
when md_hi_dout => -- alu output
data_out <= md(15 downto 8);
when md_lo_dout => -- alu output
data_out <= md(7 downto 0);
when acca_dout => -- accumulator a
data_out <= acca;
when accb_dout => -- accumulator b
data_out <= accb;
when ix_lo_dout => -- index reg
data_out <= xreg(7 downto 0);
when ix_hi_dout => -- index reg
data_out <= xreg(15 downto 8);
when iy_lo_dout => -- index reg
data_out <= yreg(7 downto 0);
when iy_hi_dout => -- index reg
data_out <= yreg(15 downto 8);
when sp_lo_dout => -- s stack pointer
data_out <= sp(7 downto 0);
when sp_hi_dout => -- s stack pointer
data_out <= sp(15 downto 8);
when up_lo_dout => -- u stack pointer
data_out <= up(7 downto 0);
when up_hi_dout => -- u stack pointer
data_out <= up(15 downto 8);
when cc_dout => -- condition code register
data_out <= cc;
when dp_dout => -- direct page register
data_out <= dp;
when pc_lo_dout => -- low order pc
data_out <= pc(7 downto 0);
when pc_hi_dout => -- high order pc
data_out <= pc(15 downto 8);
when others =>
data_out <= "00000000";
end case;
end process;
-- Left Mux
left_mux: process( left_ctrl, acca, accb, cc, dp, xreg, yreg, up, sp, pc, ea, md )
case left_ctrl is
when cc_left =>
left(15 downto 8) <= "00000000";
left(7 downto 0) <= cc;
when acca_left =>
left(15 downto 8) <= "00000000";
left(7 downto 0) <= acca;
when accb_left =>
left(15 downto 8) <= "00000000";
left(7 downto 0) <= accb;
when dp_left =>
left(15 downto 8) <= "00000000";
left(7 downto 0) <= dp;
when accd_left =>
left(15 downto 8) <= acca;
left(7 downto 0) <= accb;
when md_left =>
left <= md;
when ix_left =>
left <= xreg;
when iy_left =>
left <= yreg;
when sp_left =>
left <= sp;
when up_left =>
left <= up;
when pc_left =>
left <= pc;
when others =>
-- when ea_left =>
left <= ea;
end case;
end process;
-- Right Mux
right_mux: process( right_ctrl, md, acca, accb, ea )
case right_ctrl is
when ea_right =>
right <= ea;
when zero_right =>
right <= "0000000000000000";
when one_right =>
right <= "0000000000000001";
when two_right =>
right <= "0000000000000010";
when acca_right =>
if acca(7) = '0' then
right <= "00000000" & acca(7 downto 0);
right <= "11111111" & acca(7 downto 0);
end if;
when accb_right =>
if accb(7) = '0' then
right <= "00000000" & accb(7 downto 0);
right <= "11111111" & accb(7 downto 0);
end if;
when accd_right =>
right <= acca & accb;
when md_sign5_right =>
if md(4) = '0' then
right <= "00000000000" & md(4 downto 0);
right <= "11111111111" & md(4 downto 0);
end if;
when md_sign8_right =>
if md(7) = '0' then
right <= "00000000" & md(7 downto 0);
right <= "11111111" & md(7 downto 0);
end if;
when others =>
-- when md_right =>
right <= md;
end case;
end process;
-- Arithmetic Logic Unit
alu: process( alu_ctrl, cc, left, right, out_alu, cc_out )
variable valid_lo, valid_hi : boolean;
variable carry_in : std_logic;
variable daa_reg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_adc | alu_sbc |
alu_rol8 | alu_ror8 =>
carry_in := cc(CBIT);
when alu_asr8 =>
carry_in := left(7);
when others =>
carry_in := '0';
end case;
valid_lo := left(3 downto 0) <= 9;
valid_hi := left(7 downto 4) <= 9;
if (cc(CBIT) = '0') then
if( cc(HBIT) = '1' ) then
if valid_hi then
daa_reg := "00000110";
daa_reg := "01100110";
end if;
if valid_lo then
if valid_hi then
daa_reg := "00000000";
daa_reg := "01100000";
end if;
if( left(7 downto 4) <= 8 ) then
daa_reg := "00000110";
daa_reg := "01100110";
end if;
end if;
end if;
if ( cc(HBIT) = '1' )then
daa_reg := "01100110";
if valid_lo then
daa_reg := "01100000";
daa_reg := "01100110";
end if;
end if;
end if;
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_add8 | alu_inc |
alu_add16 | alu_adc | alu_mul =>
out_alu <= left + right + ("000000000000000" & carry_in);
when alu_sub8 | alu_dec |
alu_sub16 | alu_sbc =>
out_alu <= left - right - ("000000000000000" & carry_in);
when alu_abx =>
out_alu <= left + ("00000000" & right(7 downto 0)) ;
when alu_and =>
out_alu <= left and right; -- and/bit
when alu_ora =>
out_alu <= left or right; -- or
when alu_eor =>
out_alu <= left xor right; -- eor/xor
when alu_lsl16 | alu_asl8 | alu_rol8 =>
out_alu <= left(14 downto 0) & carry_in; -- rol8/asl8/lsl16
when alu_lsr16 =>
out_alu <= carry_in & left(15 downto 1); -- lsr16
when alu_lsr8 | alu_asr8 | alu_ror8 =>
out_alu <= "00000000" & carry_in & left(7 downto 1); -- ror8/asr8/lsr8
when alu_neg =>
out_alu <= right - left; -- neg (right=0)
when alu_com =>
out_alu <= not left;
when alu_clr | alu_ld8 | alu_ld16 | alu_lea =>
out_alu <= right; -- clr, ld
when alu_st8 | alu_st16 | alu_andcc | alu_orcc | alu_tfr =>
out_alu <= left;
when alu_daa =>
out_alu <= left + ("00000000" & daa_reg);
when alu_sex =>
if left(7) = '0' then
out_alu <= "00000000" & left(7 downto 0);
out_alu <= "11111111" & left(7 downto 0);
end if;
when others =>
out_alu <= left; -- nop
end case;
-- carry bit
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_add8 | alu_adc =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= (left(7) and right(7)) or
(left(7) and not out_alu(7)) or
(right(7) and not out_alu(7));
when alu_sub8 | alu_sbc =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= ((not left(7)) and right(7)) or
((not left(7)) and out_alu(7)) or
(right(7) and out_alu(7));
when alu_add16 =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= (left(15) and right(15)) or
(left(15) and not out_alu(15)) or
(right(15) and not out_alu(15));
when alu_sub16 =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= ((not left(15)) and right(15)) or
((not left(15)) and out_alu(15)) or
(right(15) and out_alu(15));
when alu_ror8 | alu_lsr16 | alu_lsr8 | alu_asr8 =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= left(0);
when alu_rol8 | alu_asl8 =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= left(7);
when alu_lsl16 =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= left(15);
when alu_com =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= '1';
when alu_neg | alu_clr =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= out_alu(7) or out_alu(6) or out_alu(5) or out_alu(4) or
out_alu(3) or out_alu(2) or out_alu(1) or out_alu(0);
when alu_mul =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= out_alu(7);
when alu_daa =>
if ( daa_reg(7 downto 4) = "0110" ) then
cc_out(CBIT) <= '1';
cc_out(CBIT) <= '0';
end if;
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= left(CBIT) and cc(CBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= left(CBIT) or cc(CBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= left(CBIT);
when others =>
cc_out(CBIT) <= cc(CBIT);
end case;
-- Zero flag
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_add8 | alu_sub8 |
alu_adc | alu_sbc |
alu_and | alu_ora | alu_eor |
alu_inc | alu_dec |
alu_neg | alu_com | alu_clr |
alu_rol8 | alu_ror8 | alu_asr8 | alu_asl8 | alu_lsr8 |
alu_ld8 | alu_st8 | alu_sex | alu_daa =>
cc_out(ZBIT) <= not( out_alu(7) or out_alu(6) or out_alu(5) or out_alu(4) or
out_alu(3) or out_alu(2) or out_alu(1) or out_alu(0) );
when alu_add16 | alu_sub16 | alu_mul |
alu_lsl16 | alu_lsr16 |
alu_ld16 | alu_st16 | alu_lea =>
cc_out(ZBIT) <= not( out_alu(15) or out_alu(14) or out_alu(13) or out_alu(12) or
out_alu(11) or out_alu(10) or out_alu(9) or out_alu(8) or
out_alu(7) or out_alu(6) or out_alu(5) or out_alu(4) or
out_alu(3) or out_alu(2) or out_alu(1) or out_alu(0) );
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(ZBIT) <= left(ZBIT) and cc(ZBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(ZBIT) <= left(ZBIT) or cc(ZBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(ZBIT) <= left(ZBIT);
when others =>
cc_out(ZBIT) <= cc(ZBIT);
end case;
-- negative flag
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_add8 | alu_sub8 |
alu_adc | alu_sbc |
alu_and | alu_ora | alu_eor |
alu_rol8 | alu_ror8 | alu_asr8 | alu_asl8 | alu_lsr8 |
alu_inc | alu_dec | alu_neg | alu_com | alu_clr |
alu_ld8 | alu_st8 | alu_sex | alu_daa =>
cc_out(NBIT) <= out_alu(7);
when alu_add16 | alu_sub16 |
alu_lsl16 | alu_lsr16 |
alu_ld16 | alu_st16 =>
cc_out(NBIT) <= out_alu(15);
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(NBIT) <= left(NBIT) and cc(NBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(NBIT) <= left(NBIT) or cc(NBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(NBIT) <= left(NBIT);
when others =>
cc_out(NBIT) <= cc(NBIT);
end case;
-- Interrupt mask flag
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(IBIT) <= left(IBIT) and cc(IBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(IBIT) <= left(IBIT) or cc(IBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(IBIT) <= left(IBIT);
when alu_seif | alu_sei =>
cc_out(IBIT) <= '1';
when others =>
cc_out(IBIT) <= cc(IBIT); -- interrupt mask
end case;
-- Half Carry flag
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_add8 | alu_adc =>
cc_out(HBIT) <= (left(3) and right(3)) or
(right(3) and not out_alu(3)) or
(left(3) and not out_alu(3));
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(HBIT) <= left(HBIT) and cc(HBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(HBIT) <= left(HBIT) or cc(HBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(HBIT) <= left(HBIT);
when others =>
cc_out(HBIT) <= cc(HBIT);
end case;
-- Overflow flag
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_add8 | alu_adc =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= (left(7) and right(7) and (not out_alu(7))) or
((not left(7)) and (not right(7)) and out_alu(7));
when alu_sub8 | alu_sbc =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= (left(7) and (not right(7)) and (not out_alu(7))) or
((not left(7)) and right(7) and out_alu(7));
when alu_add16 =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= (left(15) and right(15) and (not out_alu(15))) or
((not left(15)) and (not right(15)) and out_alu(15));
when alu_sub16 =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= (left(15) and (not right(15)) and (not out_alu(15))) or
((not left(15)) and right(15) and out_alu(15));
when alu_inc =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= ((not left(7)) and left(6) and left(5) and left(4) and
left(3) and left(2) and left(1) and left(0));
when alu_dec | alu_neg =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= (left(7) and (not left(6)) and (not left(5)) and (not left(4)) and
(not left(3)) and (not left(2)) and (not left(1)) and (not left(0)));
-- 6809 Programming reference manual says
-- V not affected by ASR, LSR and ROR
-- This is different to the 6800
-- John Kent 6th June 2006
-- when alu_asr8 =>
-- cc_out(VBIT) <= left(0) xor left(7);
-- when alu_lsr8 | alu_lsr16 =>
-- cc_out(VBIT) <= left(0);
-- when alu_ror8 =>
-- cc_out(VBIT) <= left(0) xor cc(CBIT);
when alu_lsl16 =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= left(15) xor left(14);
when alu_rol8 | alu_asl8 =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= left(7) xor left(6);
-- 11th July 2006 - John Kent
-- What DAA does with V is anyones guess
-- It is undefined in the 6809 programming manual
when alu_daa =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= left(7) xor out_alu(7) xor cc(CBIT);
-- CLR resets V Bit
-- John Kent 6th June 2006
when alu_and | alu_ora | alu_eor | alu_com | alu_clr |
alu_st8 | alu_st16 | alu_ld8 | alu_ld16 | alu_sex =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= '0';
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= left(VBIT) and cc(VBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= left(VBIT) or cc(VBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= left(VBIT);
when others =>
cc_out(VBIT) <= cc(VBIT);
end case;
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(FBIT) <= left(FBIT) and cc(FBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(FBIT) <= left(FBIT) or cc(FBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(FBIT) <= left(FBIT);
when alu_seif =>
cc_out(FBIT) <= '1';
when others =>
cc_out(FBIT) <= cc(FBIT);
end case;
case alu_ctrl is
when alu_andcc =>
cc_out(EBIT) <= left(EBIT) and cc(EBIT);
when alu_orcc =>
cc_out(EBIT) <= left(EBIT) or cc(EBIT);
when alu_tfr =>
cc_out(EBIT) <= left(EBIT);
when alu_see =>
cc_out(EBIT) <= '1';
when alu_cle =>
cc_out(EBIT) <= '0';
when others =>
cc_out(EBIT) <= cc(EBIT);
end case;
end process;
-- state sequencer
process( state, saved_state,
op_code, pre_code,
cc, ea, md, iv,
irq, firq, nmi_req, nmi_ack, halt )
variable cond_true : boolean; -- variable used to evaluate coditional branches
case state is
when reset_state => -- released from reset
-- reset the registers
op_ctrl <= reset_op;
pre_ctrl <= reset_pre;
acca_ctrl <= reset_acca;
accb_ctrl <= reset_accb;
ix_ctrl <= reset_ix;
iy_ctrl <= reset_iy;
sp_ctrl <= reset_sp;
up_ctrl <= reset_up;
pc_ctrl <= reset_pc;
ea_ctrl <= reset_ea;
md_ctrl <= reset_md;
iv_ctrl <= reset_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= reset_nmi;
-- idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= reset_cc;
dp_ctrl <= reset_dp;
-- idle the bus
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= vect_hi_state;
next_state <= vect_hi_state;
-- Jump via interrupt vector
-- iv holds interrupt type
-- fetch PC hi from vector location
when vect_hi_state =>
-- default the registers
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
-- fetch pc low interrupt vector
pc_ctrl <= pull_hi_pc;
addr_ctrl <= int_hi_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= vect_lo_state;
next_state <= vect_lo_state;
-- jump via interrupt vector
-- iv holds vector type
-- fetch PC lo from vector location
when vect_lo_state =>
-- default the registers
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
-- fetch the vector low byte
pc_ctrl <= pull_lo_pc;
addr_ctrl <= int_lo_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
-- Patch to nobble FIRQ
-- Should cause a RTI on an FIRQ
if iv = FIRQ_VEC then
next_state <= rti_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
-- Here to fetch an instruction
-- PC points to opcode
-- Should service interrupt requests at this point
-- either from the timer
-- or from the external input.
when fetch_state =>
-- fetch the op code
op_ctrl <= fetch_op;
pre_ctrl <= fetch_pre;
ea_ctrl <= reset_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- Fetch op code
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
case op_code(7 downto 6) is
when "10" => -- acca
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- suba
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0001" => -- cmpa
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0010" => -- sbca
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sbc;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0011" =>
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- cmpd
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "00010001" => -- page 3 -- cmpu
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others => -- page 1 -- subd
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when "0100" => -- anda
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_and;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0101" => -- bita
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_and;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0110" => -- ldaa
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0111" => -- staa
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1000" => -- eora
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_eor;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1001" => -- adca
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_adc;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1010" => -- oraa
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ora;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1011" => -- adda
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1100" =>
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- cmpy
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "00010001" => -- page 3 -- cmps
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others => -- page 1 -- cmpx
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when "1101" => -- bsr / jsr
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1110" => -- ldx
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- ldy
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others => -- page 1 -- ldx
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when "1111" => -- stx
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- sty
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others => -- page 1 -- stx
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when others =>
-- left_ctrl <= acca_left;
-- right_ctrl <= md_right;
-- alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
-- cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
-- ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
-- iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
-- up_ctrl <= latch_up;
-- sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when "11" => -- accb dual op
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- subb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0001" => -- cmpb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0010" => -- sbcb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sbc;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0011" => -- addd
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0100" => -- andb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_and;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0101" => -- bitb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_and;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0110" => -- ldab
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0111" => -- stab
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1000" => -- eorb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_eor;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1001" => -- adcb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_adc;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1010" => -- orab
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ora;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1011" => -- addb
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1100" => -- ldd
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1101" => -- std
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "1110" => -- ldu
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- lds
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
when others => -- page 1 -- ldu
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when "1111" =>
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- sts
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others => -- page 1 -- stu
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when others =>
-- left_ctrl <= accb_left;
-- right_ctrl <= md_right;
-- alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
-- cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
-- ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
-- iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
-- up_ctrl <= latch_up;
-- sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
when others =>
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
if halt = '1' then
iv_ctrl <= reset_iv;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= halt_state;
-- service non maskable interrupts
elsif (nmi_req = '1') and (nmi_ack = '0') then
iv_ctrl <= nmi_iv;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
nmi_ctrl <= set_nmi;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_decr_state;
-- service maskable interrupts
-- nmi request is not cleared until nmi input goes low
if(nmi_req = '0') and (nmi_ack='1') then
nmi_ctrl <= reset_nmi;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
end if;
-- FIRQ & IRQ are level sensitive
if (firq = '1') and (cc(FBIT) = '0') then
iv_ctrl <= firq_iv;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_decr_state;
elsif (irq = '1') and (cc(IBIT) = '0') then
iv_ctrl <= irq_iv;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_decr_state;
-- Advance the PC to fetch next instruction byte
iv_ctrl <= reset_iv; -- default to reset
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= decode1_state;
end if;
end if;
-- Here to decode instruction
-- and fetch next byte of intruction
-- whether it be necessary or not
when decode1_state =>
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
-- fetch first byte of address or immediate data
ea_ctrl <= fetch_first_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
case op_code(7 downto 4) is
-- direct single op (2 bytes)
-- 6809 => 6 cycles
-- cpu09 => 5 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 ea_hi=dp / ea_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 3 md_lo=(ea) / pc=pc
-- 4 alu_left=md / md=alu_out / pc=pc
-- 5 (ea)=md_lo / pc=pc
-- Exception is JMP
-- 6809 => 3 cycles
-- cpu09 => 3 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 ea_hi=dp / ea_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 3 pc=ea
when "0000" =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- advance the PC
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "1110" => -- jmp
next_state <= jmp_state;
when "1111" => -- clr
next_state <= single_op_exec_state;
when others =>
next_state <= single_op_read_state;
end case;
-- acca / accb inherent instructions
when "0001" =>
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
-- Page2 pre byte
-- pre=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
when "0000" => -- page2
op_ctrl <= fetch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- advance pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= decode2_state;
-- Page3 pre byte
-- pre=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
when "0001" => -- page3
op_ctrl <= fetch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- advance pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- Next state
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= decode3_state;
-- nop - No operation ( 1 byte )
-- 6809 => 2 cycles
-- cpu09 => 2 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 decode
when "0010" => -- nop
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- sync - halt execution until an interrupt is received
-- interrupt may be NMI, IRQ or FIRQ
-- program execution continues if the
-- interrupt is asserted for 3 clock cycles
-- note that registers are not pushed onto the stack
-- CPU09 => Interrupts need only be asserted for one clock cycle
when "0011" => -- sync
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= sync_state;
-- lbra -- long branch (3 bytes)
-- 6809 => 5 cycles
-- cpu09 => 4 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 md_hi=sign(pc) / md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 3 md_hi=md_lo / md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 4 pc=pc+md
when "0110" =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= lbranch_state;
-- lbsr - long branch to subroutine (3 bytes)
-- 6809 => 9 cycles
-- cpu09 => 6 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) /pc=pc+1
-- 2 md_hi=sign(pc) / md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1 / sp=sp-1
-- 3 md_hi=md_lo / md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 4 (sp)= pc_lo / sp=sp-1 / pc=pc
-- 5 (sp)=pc_hi / pc=pc
-- 6 pc=pc+md
when "0111" =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- pre decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= lbranch_state;
when "1001" => -- daa
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= accb_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_daa;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle pc
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
when "1010" => -- orcc
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- next state
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= orcc_state;
when "1100" => -- andcc
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= andcc_state;
when "1101" => -- sex
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
-- have sex
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sex;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle PC
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
when "1110" => -- exg
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= exg_state;
when "1111" => -- tfr
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- call transfer as a subroutine
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= tfr_state;
when others =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
-- Short branch conditional
-- 6809 => always 3 cycles
-- cpu09 => always = 3 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 md_hi=sign(pc) / md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1 / test cc
-- 3 if cc tru pc=pc+md else pc=pc
when "0010" => -- branch conditional
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= sbranch_state;
-- Single byte stack operators
-- Do not advance PC
when "0011" =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
-- lea - load effective address (2+ bytes)
-- 6809 => 4 cycles + addressing mode
-- cpu09 => 4 cycles + addressing mode
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 3 calculate ea
-- 4 ix/iy/sp/up = ea
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" | -- leax
"0001" | -- leay
"0010" | -- leas
"0011" => -- leau
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- advance PC
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= lea_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
-- pshs - push registers onto sp stack
-- 6809 => 5 cycles + registers
-- cpu09 => 3 cycles + registers
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 ea_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 3 if ea(7 downto 0) != "00000000" then sp=sp-1
-- 4 if ea(7) = 1 (sp)=pcl, sp=sp-1
-- 5 if ea(7) = 1 (sp)=pch
-- if ea(6 downto 0) != "0000000" then sp=sp-1
-- 6 if ea(6) = 1 (sp)=upl, sp=sp-1
-- 7 if ea(6) = 1 (sp)=uph
-- if ea(5 downto 0) != "000000" then sp=sp-1
-- 8 if ea(5) = 1 (sp)=iyl, sp=sp-1
-- 9 if ea(5) = 1 (sp)=iyh
-- if ea(4 downto 0) != "00000" then sp=sp-1
-- 10 if ea(4) = 1 (sp)=ixl, sp=sp-1
-- 11 if ea(4) = 1 (sp)=ixh
-- if ea(3 downto 0) != "0000" then sp=sp-1
-- 12 if ea(3) = 1 (sp)=dp
-- if ea(2 downto 0) != "000" then sp=sp-1
-- 13 if ea(2) = 1 (sp)=accb
-- if ea(1 downto 0) != "00" then sp=sp-1
-- 14 if ea(1) = 1 (sp)=acca
-- if ea(0 downto 0) != "0" then sp=sp-1
-- 15 if ea(0) = 1 (sp)=cc
when "0100" => -- pshs
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- advance PC
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshs_state;
-- puls - pull registers of sp stack
-- 6809 => 5 cycles + registers
-- cpu09 => 3 cycles + registers
when "0101" => -- puls
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- advance PC
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= puls_state;
-- pshu - push registers onto up stack
-- 6809 => 5 cycles + registers
-- cpu09 => 3 cycles + registers
when "0110" => -- pshu
-- idle UP
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- advance PC
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshu_state;
-- pulu - pull registers of up stack
-- 6809 => 5 cycles + registers
-- cpu09 => 3 cycles + registers
when "0111" => -- pulu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- advance PC
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pulu_state;
-- rts - return from subroutine
-- 6809 => 5 cycles
-- cpu09 => 4 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 decode op
-- 3 pc_hi = (sp) / sp=sp+1
-- 4 pc_lo = (sp) / sp=sp+1
when "1001" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- idle PC
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pull_return_hi_state;
-- add accb to index register
-- *** Note: this is an unsigned addition.
-- does not affect any condition codes
-- 6809 => 3 cycles
-- cpu09 => 2 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 alu_left=ix / alu_right=accb / ix=alu_out / pc=pc
when "1010" => -- abx
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
right_ctrl <= accb_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_abx;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
when "1011" => -- rti
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_cc_state;
when "1100" => -- cwai #$<cc_mask>
-- pre decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= int_entire_state; -- set entire flag
next_state <= andcc_state;
when "1101" => -- mul
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul_state;
when "1111" => -- swi
-- predecrement SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= swi_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_entire_state;
when others =>
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- idle PC
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
-- Accumulator A Single operand
-- source = acca, dest = acca
-- Do not advance PC
-- Typically 2 cycles 1 bytes
-- 1 opcode fetch
-- 2 post byte fetch / instruction decode
-- Note that there is no post byte
-- so do not advance PC in decode cycle
-- Re-run opcode fetch cycle after decode
when "0100" => -- acca single op
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- neg
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_neg;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0011" => -- com
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_com;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0100" => -- lsr
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_lsr8;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0110" => -- ror
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ror8;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0111" => -- asr
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_asr8;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1000" => -- asl
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_asl8;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1001" => -- rol
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_rol8;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1010" => -- dec
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_dec;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1011" => -- undefined
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
when "1100" => -- inc
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_inc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1101" => -- tst
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st8;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1110" => -- jmp (not defined)
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
when "1111" => -- clr
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_clr;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when others =>
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
end case;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- Single Operand accb
-- source = accb, dest = accb
-- Typically 2 cycles 1 bytes
-- 1 opcode fetch
-- 2 post byte fetch / instruction decode
-- Note that there is no post byte
-- so do not advance PC in decode cycle
-- Re-run opcode fetch cycle after decode
when "0101" =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- neg
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_neg;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0011" => -- com
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_com;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0100" => -- lsr
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_lsr8;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0110" => -- ror
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ror8;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "0111" => -- asr
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_asr8;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1000" => -- asl
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_asl8;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1001" => -- rol
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_rol8;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1010" => -- dec
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_dec;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1011" => -- undefined
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
when "1100" => -- inc
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_inc;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1101" => -- tst
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st8;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when "1110" => -- jmp (undefined)
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
when "1111" => -- clr
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_clr;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
when others =>
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
end case;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- Single operand indexed
-- Two byte instruction so advance PC
-- EA should hold index offset
when "0110" => -- indexed single op
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- next state
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "1110" => -- jmp
return_state <= jmp_state;
when "1111" => -- clr
return_state <= single_op_exec_state;
when others =>
return_state <= single_op_read_state;
end case;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
next_state <= indexed_state;
-- Single operand extended addressing
-- three byte instruction so advance the PC
-- Low order EA holds high order address
when "0111" => -- extended single op
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment PC
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "1110" => -- jmp
return_state <= jmp_state;
when "1111" => -- clr
return_state <= single_op_exec_state;
when others =>
return_state <= single_op_read_state;
end case;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "1000" => -- acca immediate
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- subd #
"1100" | -- cmpx #
"1110" => -- ldx #
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= imm16_state;
-- bsr offset - Branch to subroutine (2 bytes)
-- 6809 => 7 cycles
-- cpu09 => 5 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 md_hi=sign(pc) / md_lo=(pc) / sp=sp-1 / pc=pc+1
-- 3 (sp)=pc_lo / sp=sp-1
-- 4 (sp)=pc_hi
-- 5 pc=pc+md
when "1101" => -- bsr
-- pre decrement SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= sbranch_state;
next_state <= push_return_lo_state;
when others =>
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1001" => -- acca direct
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- subd
"1100" | -- cmpx
"1110" => -- ldx
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
when "0111" => -- sta direct
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write8_state;
when "1111" => -- stx direct
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
-- jsr direct - Jump to subroutine in direct page (2 bytes)
-- 6809 => 7 cycles
-- cpu09 => 5 cycles
-- 1 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 ea_hi=0 / ea_lo=(pc) / sp=sp-1 / pc=pc+1
-- 3 (sp)=pc_lo / sp=sp-1
-- 4 (sp)=pc_hi
-- 5 pc=ea
when "1101" => -- jsr direct
-- pre decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= jmp_state;
next_state <= push_return_lo_state;
when others =>
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read8_state;
end case;
when "1010" => -- acca indexed
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- subd
"1100" | -- cmpx
"1110" => -- ldx
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "0111" => -- staa ,x
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write8_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "1111" => -- stx ,x
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "1101" => -- jsr ,x
-- DO NOT pre decrement SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= jsr_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when others =>
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read8_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
end case;
when "1011" => -- acca extended
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- subd
"1100" | -- cmpx
"1110" => -- ldx
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "0111" => -- staa >
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write8_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "1111" => -- stx >
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "1101" => -- jsr >extended
-- DO NOT pre decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= jsr_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when others =>
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st8;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read8_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
end case;
when "1100" => -- accb immediate
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- addd #
"1100" | -- ldd #
"1110" => -- ldu #
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= imm16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1101" => -- accb direct
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- addd
"1100" | -- ldd
"1110" => -- ldu
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
when "0111" => -- stab direct
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write8_state;
when "1101" => -- std direct
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
when "1111" => -- stu direct
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read8_state;
end case;
when "1110" => -- accb indexed
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- addd
"1100" | -- ldd
"1110" => -- ldu
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "0111" => -- stab indexed
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write8_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "1101" => -- std indexed
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "1111" => -- stu indexed
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read8_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
end case;
when "1111" => -- accb extended
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- addd
"1100" | -- ldd
"1110" => -- ldu
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "0111" => -- stab extended
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write8_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "1101" => -- std extended
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "1111" => -- stu extended
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read8_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
end case;
when others =>
-- op_ctrl <= latch_op;
-- acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
-- accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
-- ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
-- iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
-- up_ctrl <= latch_up;
-- sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- -- idle the ALU
-- left_ctrl <= pc_left;
-- right_ctrl <= zero_right;
-- alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
-- cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- -- idle the pc
-- pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- --
-- st_ctrl <= idle_st;
-- return_state <= fetch_state;
-- next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
-- Here to decode prefix 2 instruction
-- and fetch next byte of intruction
-- whether it be necessary or not
when decode2_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
-- fetch first byte of address or immediate data
ea_ctrl <= fetch_first_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
case op_code(7 downto 4) is
-- lbcc -- long branch conditional
-- 6809 => branch 6 cycles, no branch 5 cycles
-- cpu09 => always 5 cycles
-- 1 pre=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 2 op=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 3 md_hi=sign(pc) / md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 4 md_hi=md_lo / md_lo=(pc) / pc=pc+1
-- 5 if cond pc=pc+md else pc=pc
when "0010" =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- increment the pc
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= lbranch_state;
-- Single byte stack operators
-- Do not advance PC
when "0011" =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "1111" => -- swi 2
-- predecrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
iv_ctrl <= swi2_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_entire_state;
when others =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1000" => -- acca immediate
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- Idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpd #
"1100" | -- cmpy #
"1110" => -- ldy #
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= imm16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1001" => -- acca direct
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpd <
"1100" | -- cmpy <
"1110" => -- ldy <
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
when "1111" => -- sty <
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1010" => -- acca indexed
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpd ,ind
"1100" | -- cmpy ,ind
"1110" => -- ldy ,ind
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "1111" => -- sty ,ind
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1011" => -- acca extended
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpd <
"1100" | -- cmpy <
"1110" => -- ldy <
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "1111" => -- sty >
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1100" => -- accb immediate
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- undef #
"1100" | -- undef #
"1110" => -- lds #
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= imm16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1101" => -- accb direct
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- undef <
"1100" | -- undef <
"1110" => -- lds <
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
when "1111" => -- sts <
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1110" => -- accb indexed
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- undef ,ind
"1100" | -- undef ,ind
"1110" => -- lds ,ind
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when "1111" => -- sts ,ind
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1111" => -- accb extended
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- undef >
"1100" | -- undef >
"1110" => -- lds >
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when "1111" => -- sts >
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_write16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when others =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- idle the pc
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
-- Here to decode instruction
-- and fetch next byte of intruction
-- whether it be necessary or not
when decode3_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
ea_ctrl <= fetch_first_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
case op_code(7 downto 4) is
-- Single byte stack operators
-- Do not advance PC
when "0011" =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "1111" => -- swi3
-- predecrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
iv_ctrl <= swi3_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_entire_state;
when others =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1000" => -- acca immediate
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpu #
"1100" | -- cmps #
"1110" => -- undef #
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= imm16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1001" => -- acca direct
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpu <
"1100" | -- cmps <
"1110" => -- undef <
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1010" => -- acca indexed
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpu ,X
"1100" | -- cmps ,X
"1110" => -- undef ,X
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= indexed_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when "1011" => -- acca extended
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- increment the pc
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0011" | -- cmpu >
"1100" | -- cmps >
"1110" => -- undef >
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= dual_op_read16_state;
next_state <= extended_state;
when others =>
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
when others =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
-- idle the alu
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- idle the pc
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
-- here if ea holds low byte
-- Direct
-- Extended
-- Indexed
-- read memory location
when single_op_read_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- read memory into md
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= read_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= single_op_exec_state;
when single_op_exec_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle the bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- neg
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_neg;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "0011" => -- com
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_com;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "0100" => -- lsr
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_lsr8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "0110" => -- ror
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ror8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "0111" => -- asr
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_asr8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "1000" => -- asl
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_asl8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "1001" => -- rol
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_rol8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "1010" => -- dec
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_dec;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "1011" => -- undefined
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= fetch_state;
when "1100" => -- inc
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_inc;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when "1101" => -- tst
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st8;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= fetch_state;
when "1110" => -- jmp
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
pc_ctrl <= load_pc;
next_state <= fetch_state;
when "1111" => -- clr
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_clr;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= single_op_write_state;
when others =>
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end case;
-- single operand 8 bit write
-- Write low 8 bits of ALU output
-- EA holds address
-- MD holds data
when single_op_write_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle the ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
-- write ALU low byte output
addr_ctrl <= write_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- here if ea holds address of low byte
-- read memory location
when dual_op_read8_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
-- Leave the ea alone
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- read first data byte from ea
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= read_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- Here to read a 16 bit value into MD
-- pointed to by the EA register
-- The first byte is read
-- and the EA is incremented
when dual_op_read16_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
-- increment the effective address
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- read the low byte of the 16 bit data
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= read_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_read16_2_state;
-- here to read the second byte
-- pointed to by EA into MD
when dual_op_read16_2_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
-- idle the effective address
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- read the low byte of the 16 bit data
md_ctrl <= fetch_next_md;
addr_ctrl <= read_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- 16 bit Write state
-- EA hold address of memory to write to
-- Advance the effective address in ALU
-- decode op_code to determine which
-- register to write
when dual_op_write16_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
-- increment the effective address
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- write the ALU hi byte at ea
addr_ctrl <= write_ad;
if op_code(6) = '0' then
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "1111" => -- stx / sty
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- sty
dout_ctrl <= iy_hi_dout;
when others => -- page 1 -- stx
dout_ctrl <= ix_hi_dout;
end case;
when others =>
dout_ctrl <= md_hi_dout;
end case;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "1101" => -- std
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout; -- acca is high byte of ACCD
when "1111" => -- stu / sts
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- sts
dout_ctrl <= sp_hi_dout;
when others => -- page 1 -- stu
dout_ctrl <= up_hi_dout;
end case;
when others =>
dout_ctrl <= md_hi_dout;
end case;
end if;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= dual_op_write8_state;
-- Dual operand 8 bit write
-- Write 8 bit accumulator
-- or low byte of 16 bit register
-- EA holds address
-- decode opcode to determine
-- which register to apply to the bus
-- Also set the condition codes here
when dual_op_write8_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
if op_code(6) = '0' then -- '0' = acca line
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0111" => -- sta
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout;
when "1111" => -- stx / sty
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- sty
dout_ctrl <= iy_lo_dout;
when others => -- page 1 -- stx
dout_ctrl <= ix_lo_dout;
end case;
when others =>
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
end case;
else -- '1' = accb line
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0111" => -- stb
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout;
when "1101" => -- std
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout; -- accb is low byte of accd
when "1111" => -- stu / sts
case pre_code is
when "00010000" => -- page 2 -- sts
dout_ctrl <= sp_lo_dout;
when others => -- page 1 -- stu
dout_ctrl <= up_lo_dout;
end case;
when others =>
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
end case;
end if;
-- write ALU low byte output
addr_ctrl <= write_ad;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- 16 bit immediate addressing mode
when imm16_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment pc
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- fetch next immediate byte
md_ctrl <= fetch_next_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to caller
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
-- md & ea holds 8 bit index offset
-- calculate the effective memory address
-- using the alu
when indexed_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- decode indexing mode
if md(7) = '0' then
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= md_sign5_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
case md(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- ,R+
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= postincr1_state;
when "0001" => -- ,R++
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= postincr2_state;
when "0010" => -- ,-R
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end case;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
when "0011" => -- ,--R
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end case;
right_ctrl <= two_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when "0100" => -- ,R (zero offset)
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when "0101" => -- ACCB,R
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= accb_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when "0110" => -- ACCA,R
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= acca_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when "0111" => -- undefined
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when "1000" => -- offset8,R
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md; -- pick up 8 bit offset
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= index8_state;
when "1001" => -- offset16,R
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md; -- pick up first byte of 16 bit offset
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= index16_state;
when "1010" => -- undefined
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when "1011" => -- ACCD,R
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= accd_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when "1100" => -- offset8,PC
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- fetch 8 bit offset
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pcrel8_state;
when "1101" => -- offset16,PC
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- fetch offset
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pcrel16_state;
when "1110" => -- undefined
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
when others =>
-- when "1111" => -- [,address]
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- advance PC to pick up address
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indexaddr_state;
end case;
end if;
-- load index register with ea plus one
when postincr1_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "01" =>
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "10" =>
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end case;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
-- load index register with ea plus two
when postincr2_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment register by two (address)
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= two_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
case md(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "01" =>
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "10" =>
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end case;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
if md(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
-- ea = index register + md (8 bit signed offset)
-- ea holds post byte
when index8_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
case ea(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
-- ea = index reg + md
right_ctrl <= md_sign8_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
if ea(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
-- fetch low byte of 16 bit indexed offset
when index16_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
-- advance pc
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- fetch low byte
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_next_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= index16_2_state;
-- ea = index register + md (16 bit offset)
-- ea holds post byte
when index16_2_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
case ea(6 downto 5) is
when "00" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "01" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "10" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when others =>
-- when "11" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
end case;
-- ea = index reg + md
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
if ea(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
-- pc relative with 8 bit signed offest
-- md holds signed offset
when pcrel8_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- ea = pc + signed md
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= md_sign8_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
if ea(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
-- pc relative addressing with 16 bit offset
-- pick up the low byte of the offset in md
-- advance the pc
when pcrel16_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- advance pc
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- fetch low byte
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_next_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pcrel16_2_state;
-- pc relative with16 bit signed offest
-- md holds signed offset
when pcrel16_2_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- ea = pc + md
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
if ea(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
-- indexed to address
-- pick up the low byte of the address
-- advance the pc
when indexaddr_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
-- advance pc
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- fetch low byte
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= fetch_next_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indexaddr2_state;
-- indexed to absolute address
-- md holds address
-- ea hold indexing mode byte
when indexaddr2_state =>
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- ea = md
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
if ea(4) = '0' then
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect_state;
end if;
-- load md with high byte of indirect address
-- pointed to by ea
-- increment ea
when indirect_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- increment ea
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- fetch high byte
md_ctrl <= fetch_first_md;
addr_ctrl <= read_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect2_state;
-- load md with low byte of indirect address
-- pointed to by ea
-- ea has previously been incremented
when indirect2_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- idle ea
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- fetch high byte
md_ctrl <= fetch_next_md;
addr_ctrl <= read_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= indirect3_state;
-- complete idirect addressing
-- by loading ea with md
when indirect3_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- load ea with md
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- idle cycle
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
-- ea holds the low byte of the absolute address
-- Move ea low byte into ea high byte
-- load new ea low byte to for absolute 16 bit address
-- advance the program counter
when extended_state => -- fetch ea low byte
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
-- increment pc
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- fetch next effective address bytes
ea_ctrl <= fetch_next_ea;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- return to previous state
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
when lea_state => -- here on load effective address
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- load index register with effective address
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= ea_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_lea;
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- leax
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0001" => -- leay
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when "0010" => -- leas
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
when "0011" => -- leau
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
when others =>
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end case;
-- idle the bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- jump to subroutine
-- sp=sp-1
-- call push_return_lo_state to save pc
-- return to jmp_state
when jsr_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
-- call push_return_state
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= jmp_state;
next_state <= push_return_lo_state;
-- Load pc with ea
-- (JMP)
when jmp_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- load PC with effective address
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= ea_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
pc_ctrl <= load_pc;
-- idle the bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- long branch or branch to subroutine
-- pick up next md byte
-- md_hi = md_lo
-- md_lo = (pc)
-- pc=pc+1
-- if a lbsr push return address
-- continue to sbranch_state
-- to evaluate conditional branches
when lbranch_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= ea_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld16;
pc_ctrl <= incr_pc;
-- fetch the next byte into md_lo
md_ctrl <= fetch_next_md;
addr_ctrl <= fetch_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- if lbsr - push return address
-- then continue on to short branch
if op_code = "00010111" then
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= sbranch_state;
next_state <= push_return_lo_state;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= sbranch_state;
end if;
-- here to execute conditional branch
-- short conditional branch md = signed 8 bit offset
-- long branch md = 16 bit offset
when sbranch_state =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= md_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
if op_code(7 downto 4) = "0010" then -- conditional branch
case op_code(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- bra
cond_true := (1 = 1);
when "0001" => -- brn
cond_true := (1 = 0);
when "0010" => -- bhi
cond_true := ((cc(CBIT) or cc(ZBIT)) = '0');
when "0011" => -- bls
cond_true := ((cc(CBIT) or cc(ZBIT)) = '1');
when "0100" => -- bcc/bhs
cond_true := (cc(CBIT) = '0');
when "0101" => -- bcs/blo
cond_true := (cc(CBIT) = '1');
when "0110" => -- bne
cond_true := (cc(ZBIT) = '0');
when "0111" => -- beq
cond_true := (cc(ZBIT) = '1');
when "1000" => -- bvc
cond_true := (cc(VBIT) = '0');
when "1001" => -- bvs
cond_true := (cc(VBIT) = '1');
when "1010" => -- bpl
cond_true := (cc(NBIT) = '0');
when "1011" => -- bmi
cond_true := (cc(NBIT) = '1');
when "1100" => -- bge
cond_true := ((cc(NBIT) xor cc(VBIT)) = '0');
when "1101" => -- blt
cond_true := ((cc(NBIT) xor cc(VBIT)) = '1');
when "1110" => -- bgt
cond_true := ((cc(ZBIT) or (cc(NBIT) xor cc(VBIT))) = '0');
when "1111" => -- ble
cond_true := ((cc(ZBIT) or (cc(NBIT) xor cc(VBIT))) = '1');
when others =>
-- cond_true := (1 = 1);
end case;
cond_true := (1 = 1); -- lbra, lbsr, bsr
end if;
if cond_true then
pc_ctrl <= load_pc;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
end if;
-- push return address onto the S stack
-- (sp) = pc_lo
-- sp = sp - 1
when push_return_lo_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement the sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write PC low
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= push_return_hi_state;
-- push program counter hi byte onto the stack
-- (sp) = pc_hi
-- sp = sp
-- return to originating state
when push_return_hi_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle the SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- write pc hi bytes
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
when pull_return_hi_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment the sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read pc hi
pc_ctrl <= pull_hi_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pull_return_lo_state;
when pull_return_lo_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment the SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read pc low
pc_ctrl <= pull_lo_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
when andcc_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- AND CC with md
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_andcc;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
when orcc_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- OR CC with md
left_ctrl <= md_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_orcc;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
when tfr_state =>
-- default
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- select source register
case md(7 downto 4) is
when "0000" =>
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
when "0001" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "0010" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "0011" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when "0100" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
when "0101" =>
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
when "1000" =>
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
when "1001" =>
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
when "1010" =>
left_ctrl <= cc_left;
when "1011" =>
left_ctrl <= dp_left;
when others =>
left_ctrl <= md_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_tfr;
-- select destination register
case md(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" => -- accd
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0001" => -- ix
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0010" => -- iy
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0011" => -- up
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0100" => -- sp
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0101" => -- pc
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= load_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1000" => -- acca
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1001" => -- accb
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1010" => -- cc
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1011" => --dp
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= load_dp;
when others =>
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
end case;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
when exg_state =>
-- default
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- save destination register
case md(3 downto 0) is
when "0000" =>
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
when "0001" =>
left_ctrl <= ix_left;
when "0010" =>
left_ctrl <= iy_left;
when "0011" =>
left_ctrl <= up_left;
when "0100" =>
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
when "0101" =>
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
when "1000" =>
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
when "1001" =>
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
when "1010" =>
left_ctrl <= cc_left;
when "1011" =>
left_ctrl <= dp_left;
when others =>
left_ctrl <= md_left;
end case;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_tfr;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
-- call tranfer microcode
st_ctrl <= push_st;
return_state <= exg1_state;
next_state <= tfr_state;
when exg1_state =>
-- default
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- restore destination
left_ctrl <= ea_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_tfr;
-- save as source register
case md(7 downto 4) is
when "0000" => -- accd
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0001" => -- ix
ix_ctrl <= load_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0010" => -- iy
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= load_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0011" => -- up
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0100" => -- sp
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "0101" => -- pc
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= load_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1000" => -- acca
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= load_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1001" => -- accb
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1010" => -- cc
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
when "1011" => --dp
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= load_dp;
when others =>
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
end case;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
when mul_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- move acca to md
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
md_ctrl <= load_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mulea_state;
when mulea_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- move accb to ea
left_ctrl <= accb_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_st16;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
ea_ctrl <= load_ea;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= muld_state;
when muld_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
-- clear accd
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_ld8;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul0_state;
when mul0_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 0 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(0) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul1_state;
when mul1_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 1 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(1) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul2_state;
when mul2_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 2 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(2) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul3_state;
when mul3_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 3 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(3) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul4_state;
when mul4_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 4 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(4) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul5_state;
when mul5_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 5 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(5) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul6_state;
when mul6_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 6 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(6) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= mul7_state;
when mul7_state =>
-- default
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- if bit 7 of ea set, add accd to md
left_ctrl <= accd_left;
if ea(7) = '1' then
right_ctrl <= md_right;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
end if;
alu_ctrl <= alu_mul;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
acca_ctrl <= load_hi_acca;
accb_ctrl <= load_accb;
md_ctrl <= shiftl_md;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- Enter here on pushs
-- ea holds post byte
when pshs_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp if any registers to be pushed
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(7 downto 0) = "00000000" then
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end if;
-- write idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_pcl_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_upl_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_iyl_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_pcl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write pc low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshs_pch_state;
when pshs_pch_state =>
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(6 downto 0) = "0000000" then
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end if;
-- write pc hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_upl_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_iyl_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_upl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write pc low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshs_uph_state;
when pshs_uph_state =>
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(5 downto 0) = "000000" then
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end if;
-- write pc hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_iyl_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_iyl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write iy low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshs_iyh_state;
when pshs_iyh_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(4 downto 0) = "00000" then
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end if;
-- write iy hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_ixl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write ix low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshs_ixh_state;
when pshs_ixh_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(3 downto 0) = "0000" then
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end if;
-- write ix hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_dp_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(2 downto 0) = "000" then
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end if;
-- write dp
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= dp_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_accb_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(1 downto 0) = "00" then
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
end if;
-- write accb
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_acca_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(0) = '1' then
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
end if;
-- write acca
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshs_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshs_cc_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- write cc
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- enter here on PULS
-- ea hold register mask
when puls_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_cc_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_acca_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_accb_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_uph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_cc_state =>
-- default registers
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- Increment SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read cc
cc_ctrl <= pull_cc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_acca_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_accb_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_uph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_acca_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- Increment SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read acca
acca_ctrl <= pull_acca;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_accb_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_uph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_accb_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- Increment SP
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read accb
accb_ctrl <= pull_accb;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_uph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_dp_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read dp
dp_ctrl <= pull_dp;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= dp_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_uph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_ixh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- pull ix hi
ix_ctrl <= pull_hi_ix;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= puls_ixl_state;
when puls_ixl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read ix low
ix_ctrl <= pull_lo_ix;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_uph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_iyh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- pull iy hi
iy_ctrl <= pull_hi_iy;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= puls_iyl_state;
when puls_iyl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read iy low
iy_ctrl <= pull_lo_iy;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_uph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_uph_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- pull up hi
up_ctrl <= pull_hi_up;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= puls_upl_state;
when puls_upl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read up low
up_ctrl <= pull_lo_up;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= puls_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when puls_pch_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- pull pc hi
pc_ctrl <= pull_hi_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= puls_pcl_state;
when puls_pcl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read pc low
pc_ctrl <= pull_lo_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- Enter here on pshu
-- ea holds post byte
when pshu_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement up if any registers to be pushed
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(7 downto 0) = "00000000" then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_pcl_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_spl_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_iyl_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
-- push PC onto U stack
when pshu_pcl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- write pc low
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshu_pch_state;
when pshu_pch_state =>
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(6 downto 0) = "0000000" then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write pc hi
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_spl_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_iyl_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshu_spl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- write pc low
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= sp_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshu_sph_state;
when pshu_sph_state =>
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(5 downto 0) = "000000" then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write sp hi
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= sp_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_iyl_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshu_iyl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- write iy low
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshu_iyh_state;
when pshu_iyh_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(4 downto 0) = "00000" then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write iy hi
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_ixl_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshu_ixl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- write ix low
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pshu_ixh_state;
when pshu_ixh_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(3 downto 0) = "0000" then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write ix hi
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_dp_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshu_dp_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(2 downto 0) = "000" then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write accb
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= dp_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_accb_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshu_accb_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(1 downto 0) = "00" then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write accb
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_acca_state;
elsif ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshu_acca_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
if ea(0) = '0' then
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
end if;
-- write acca
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pshu_cc_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pshu_cc_state =>
-- default registers
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
-- write cc
addr_ctrl <= pushu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- enter here on PULU
-- ea hold register mask
when pulu_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle UP
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(0) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_cc_state;
elsif ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_acca_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_accb_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_sph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_cc_state =>
-- default registers
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read cc
cc_ctrl <= pull_cc;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(1) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_acca_state;
elsif ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_accb_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_sph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_acca_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read acca
acca_ctrl <= pull_acca;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(2) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_accb_state;
elsif ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_sph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_accb_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read accb
accb_ctrl <= pull_accb;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(3) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_dp_state;
elsif ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_sph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_dp_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read dp
dp_ctrl <= pull_dp;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= dp_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(4) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_ixh_state;
elsif ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_sph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_ixh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- pull ix hi
ix_ctrl <= pull_hi_ix;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pulu_ixl_state;
when pulu_ixl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read ix low
ix_ctrl <= pull_lo_ix;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(5) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_iyh_state;
elsif ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_sph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_iyh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- pull iy hi
iy_ctrl <= pull_hi_iy;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pulu_iyl_state;
when pulu_iyl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read iy low
iy_ctrl <= pull_lo_iy;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(6) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_sph_state;
elsif ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_sph_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- pull sp hi
sp_ctrl <= pull_hi_sp;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pulu_spl_state;
when pulu_spl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read sp low
sp_ctrl <= pull_lo_sp;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if ea(7) = '1' then
next_state <= pulu_pch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
when pulu_pch_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- pull pc hi
pc_ctrl <= pull_hi_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= pulu_pcl_state;
when pulu_pcl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment up
left_ctrl <= up_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
up_ctrl <= load_up;
-- read pc low
pc_ctrl <= pull_lo_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pullu_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- pop the Condition codes
when rti_cc_state =>
-- default registers
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read cc
cc_ctrl <= pull_cc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_entire_state;
-- Added RTI cycle 11th July 2006 John Kent.
-- test the "Entire" Flag
-- that has just been popped off the stack
when rti_entire_state =>
-- default registers
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle cc
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
-- The Entire flag must be recovered from the stack
-- before testing.
if cc(EBIT) = '1' then
next_state <= rti_acca_state;
next_state <= rti_pch_state;
end if;
when rti_acca_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read acca
acca_ctrl <= pull_acca;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_accb_state;
when rti_accb_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read accb
accb_ctrl <= pull_accb;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_dp_state;
when rti_dp_state =>
-- default registers
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read dp
dp_ctrl <= pull_dp;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= dp_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_ixh_state;
when rti_ixh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read ix hi
ix_ctrl <= pull_hi_ix;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_ixl_state;
when rti_ixl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read ix low
ix_ctrl <= pull_lo_ix;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_iyh_state;
when rti_iyh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read iy hi
iy_ctrl <= pull_hi_iy;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_iyl_state;
when rti_iyl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read iy low
iy_ctrl <= pull_lo_iy;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_uph_state;
when rti_uph_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read up hi
up_ctrl <= pull_hi_up;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_upl_state;
when rti_upl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- read up low
up_ctrl <= pull_lo_up;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_pch_state;
when rti_pch_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- pull pc hi
pc_ctrl <= pull_hi_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= rti_pcl_state;
when rti_pcl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- increment sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_add16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- pull pc low
pc_ctrl <= pull_lo_pc;
addr_ctrl <= pulls_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
-- here on IRQ, NMI or FIRQ interrupt
-- pre decrement the sp
when int_decr_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_entire_state;
-- set Entire Flag on SWI, SWI2, SWI3 and CWAI, IRQ and NMI
-- clear Entire Flag on FIRQ
-- before stacking all registers
when int_entire_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
if iv = FIRQ_VEC then
-- clear entire flag
alu_ctrl <= alu_cle;
-- set entire flag
alu_ctrl <= alu_see;
end if;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_pcl_state;
when int_pcl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write pc low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_pch_state;
when int_pch_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write pc hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= pc_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if cc(EBIT) = '1' then
next_state <= int_upl_state;
next_state <= int_cc_state;
end if;
when int_upl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write up low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_uph_state;
when int_uph_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write ix hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= up_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_iyl_state;
when int_iyl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write ix low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_iyh_state;
when int_iyh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write ix hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= iy_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_ixl_state;
when int_ixl_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write ix low
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_ixh_state;
when int_ixh_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write ix hi
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= ix_hi_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_dp_state;
when int_dp_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write accb
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= dp_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_accb_state;
when int_accb_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write accb
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= accb_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_acca_state;
when int_acca_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- decrement sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_sub16;
sp_ctrl <= load_sp;
-- write acca
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= acca_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= int_cc_state;
when int_cc_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle sp
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- write cc
addr_ctrl <= pushs_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
case iv is
when NMI_VEC =>
next_state <= int_mask_state;
when SWI_VEC =>
next_state <= int_mask_state;
when IRQ_VEC =>
next_state <= int_mask_state;
when SWI2_VEC =>
next_state <= vect_hi_state;
when FIRQ_VEC =>
next_state <= int_mask_state;
when SWI3_VEC =>
next_state <= vect_hi_state;
when others =>
if op_code = "00111100" then -- CWAI
next_state <= int_cwai_state;
next_state <= rti_cc_state; -- spurious interrupt, do a RTI
end if;
end case;
-- wait here for an inteerupt
when int_cwai_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if (nmi_req = '1') and (nmi_ack='0') then
iv_ctrl <= nmi_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= set_nmi;
-- John Kent 18th Feb 2008
-- next_state <= vect_hi_state;
next_state <= int_mask_state;
-- nmi request is not cleared until nmi input goes low
if (nmi_req = '0') and (nmi_ack='1') then
nmi_ctrl <= reset_nmi;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
end if;
-- FIRQ is level sensitive
if (firq = '1') and (cc(FBIT) = '0') then
iv_ctrl <= firq_iv;
next_state <= int_mask_state;
-- IRQ is level sensitive
elsif (irq = '1') and (cc(IBIT) = '0') then
iv_ctrl <= irq_iv;
next_state <= int_mask_state;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
next_state <= int_cwai_state;
end if;
end if;
when int_mask_state =>
-- default
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- Mask IRQ and FIRQ
left_ctrl <= sp_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
-- FIRQ can interrupt an IRQ service routine
if iv = IRQ_VEC then
alu_ctrl <= alu_sei;
alu_ctrl <= alu_seif;
end if;
cc_ctrl <= load_cc;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle bus cycle
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= vect_hi_state;
-- According to the 6809 programming manual:
-- If an interrupt is received and is masked
-- or lasts for less than three cycles, the PC
-- will advance to the next instruction.
-- If an interrupt is unmasked and lasts
-- for more than three cycles, an interrupt
-- will be generated.
-- Note that I don't wait 3 clock cycles.
-- John Kent 11th July 2006
when sync_state =>
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
left_ctrl <= pc_left;
right_ctrl <= one_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
-- idle bus
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= cc_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
if (nmi_req = '1') and (nmi_ack='0') then
iv_ctrl <= nmi_iv;
nmi_ctrl <= set_nmi;
next_state <= int_decr_state;
-- nmi request is not cleared until nmi input goes low
if (nmi_req = '0') and (nmi_ack='1') then
nmi_ctrl <= reset_nmi;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
end if;
-- FIRQ is level sensitive
if (firq = '1') then
iv_ctrl <= firq_iv;
if (cc(FBIT) = '0') then
next_state <= int_decr_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
-- IRQ is level sensitive
elsif (irq = '1') then
iv_ctrl <= irq_iv;
if (cc(IBIT) = '0') then
next_state <= int_decr_state;
next_state <= fetch_state;
end if;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
next_state <= sync_state;
end if;
end if;
when halt_state =>
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- idle ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
-- idle bus cycle
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
if halt = '1' then
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= halt_state;
st_ctrl <= pull_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= saved_state;
end if;
when others => -- halt on undefine states
-- default
cc_ctrl <= latch_cc;
acca_ctrl <= latch_acca;
accb_ctrl <= latch_accb;
dp_ctrl <= latch_dp;
ix_ctrl <= latch_ix;
iy_ctrl <= latch_iy;
up_ctrl <= latch_up;
sp_ctrl <= latch_sp;
pc_ctrl <= latch_pc;
md_ctrl <= latch_md;
iv_ctrl <= latch_iv;
op_ctrl <= latch_op;
pre_ctrl <= latch_pre;
nmi_ctrl <= latch_nmi;
ea_ctrl <= latch_ea;
-- do nothing in ALU
left_ctrl <= acca_left;
right_ctrl <= zero_right;
alu_ctrl <= alu_nop;
-- idle bus cycle
addr_ctrl <= idle_ad;
dout_ctrl <= md_lo_dout;
st_ctrl <= idle_st;
return_state <= fetch_state;
next_state <= error_state;
end case;
end process;
end rtl;
0,0 → 1,213
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E Dynamic Address Translation Registers
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- File name : mul32.vhd
-- entity name : mul32
-- Purpose : Implements a 32 bit x 32 bit hardware multiplier
-- with 64 bit reset
-- R/W Registers 0 to 3 are the left input MSB first
-- R/W Registers 4 to 7 are the right input MSB first
-- RO Registers 8 to 15 are the 64 bit result
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- Author : John E. Kent
-- Revision History:
-- Date Revision Author
-- 7th Sep 2008 0.1 John Kent
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity mul32 is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
dati : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
dato : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));
end entity;
architecture rtl of mul32 is
-- registers
signal mul_reg0 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg1 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg2 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg3 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg4 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg5 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg6 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg7 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg8 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg9 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg10 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg11 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg12 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg13 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg14 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal mul_reg15 : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Write Multiplier Registers
mul_write : process( clk )
if clk'event and clk = '0' then
if rst = '1' then
mul_reg0 <= "00000000";
mul_reg1 <= "00000000";
mul_reg2 <= "00000000";
mul_reg3 <= "00000000";
mul_reg4 <= "00000000";
mul_reg5 <= "00000000";
mul_reg6 <= "00000000";
mul_reg7 <= "00000000";
if cs = '1' and rw = '0' then
case addr is
when "0000" =>
mul_reg0 <= dati;
when "0001" =>
mul_reg1 <= dati;
when "0010" =>
mul_reg2 <= dati;
when "0011" =>
mul_reg3 <= dati;
when "0100" =>
mul_reg4 <= dati;
when "0101" =>
mul_reg5 <= dati;
when "0110" =>
mul_reg6 <= dati;
when "0111" =>
mul_reg7 <= dati;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Read Multiplier Registers
mul_read : process( addr,
mul_reg0, mul_reg1, mul_reg2, mul_reg3,
mul_reg4, mul_reg5, mul_reg6, mul_reg7,
mul_reg8, mul_reg9, mul_reg10, mul_reg11,
mul_reg12, mul_reg13, mul_reg14, mul_reg15 )
case addr is
when "0000" =>
dato <= mul_reg0;
when "0001" =>
dato <= mul_reg1;
when "0010" =>
dato <= mul_reg2;
when "0011" =>
dato <= mul_reg3;
when "0100" =>
dato <= mul_reg4;
when "0101" =>
dato <= mul_reg5;
when "0110" =>
dato <= mul_reg6;
when "0111" =>
dato <= mul_reg7;
when "1000" =>
dato <= mul_reg8;
when "1001" =>
dato <= mul_reg9;
when "1010" =>
dato <= mul_reg10;
when "1011" =>
dato <= mul_reg11;
when "1100" =>
dato <= mul_reg12;
when "1101" =>
dato <= mul_reg13;
when "1110" =>
dato <= mul_reg14;
when "1111" =>
dato <= mul_reg15;
when others =>
end case;
end process;
-- Perform 32 x 32 multiply
my_mul32 : process(
mul_reg0, mul_reg1, mul_reg2, mul_reg3,
mul_reg4, mul_reg5, mul_reg6, mul_reg7
variable mul_left_hi : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
variable mul_left_lo : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
variable mul_right_hi : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
variable mul_right_lo : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);
variable mul_out_0 : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
variable mul_out_1 : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
variable mul_out_2 : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
variable mul_out_3 : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0);
variable mul_out : std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
mul_left_hi := "00" & mul_reg0 & mul_reg1;
mul_left_lo := "00" & mul_reg2 & mul_reg3;
mul_right_hi := "00" & mul_reg4 & mul_reg5;
mul_right_lo := "00" &mul_reg6 & mul_reg7;
mul_out_0 := mul_left_hi * mul_right_hi;
mul_out_1 := mul_left_hi * mul_right_lo;
mul_out_2 := mul_left_lo * mul_right_hi;
mul_out_3 := mul_left_lo * mul_right_lo;
mul_out := (mul_out_0( 31 downto 0) & "0000000000000000" & "0000000000000000") +
("0000000000000000" & mul_out_1( 31 downto 0) & "0000000000000000") +
("0000000000000000" & mul_out_2( 31 downto 0) & "0000000000000000") +
("0000000000000000" & "0000000000000000" & mul_out_3( 31 downto 0));
mul_reg8 <= mul_out(63 downto 56);
mul_reg9 <= mul_out(55 downto 48);
mul_reg10 <= mul_out(47 downto 40);
mul_reg11 <= mul_out(39 downto 32);
mul_reg12 <= mul_out(31 downto 24);
mul_reg13 <= mul_out(23 downto 16);
mul_reg14 <= mul_out(15 downto 8);
mul_reg15 <= mul_out( 7 downto 0);
end process;
end rtl;
0,0 → 1,324
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E unicpu09.vhd - Quad core 6809 processor
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- File name : quadcpu09.vhd
-- Purpose : Top level file for quad Core 6809 compatible system on a chip
-- Designed with Xilinx XC3S1000 Spartan 3 FPGA.
-- Implemented With Digilent Xilinx Starter FPGA board,
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- ieee.std_logic_arith
-- ieee.numeric_std
-- Uses :
-- unicpu09 (unicpu09.vhd) 6809 CPU core module
-- Author : John E. Kent
-- Revision History:
-- Version 0.1 - 20 March 2003
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
library work;
use work.bit_funcs.all;
entity quadcpu09 is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
rw : out std_logic;
vma : out std_logic;
address : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
halt : in std_logic;
hold : in std_logic;
irq : in std_logic;
nmi : in std_logic;
firq : in std_logic
end entity;
-- Architecture for System09
architecture RTL of quadcpu09 is
constant CPU_MAX : integer := 4;
constant ADDR_WIDTH : integer := 20;
constant DATA_WIDTH : integer := 8;
type addr_type is std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
type data_type is std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
type cpu_type is std_logic_vector( CPU_MAX-1 downto 0);
type addr_array is array(0 to (CPU_MAX-1)) of addr_type;
type data_array is array(0 to (CPU_MAX-1)) of data_type;
-- CPU Interface signals
signal cpu_rw : cpu_type;
signal cpu_vma : cpu_type;
signal cpu_addr : addr_array;
signal cpu_id : data_array;
signal cpu_halt : cpu_type;
signal cpu_hold : cpu_type;
signal cpu_irq : cpu_type;
signal cpu_nmi : cpu_type;
signal cpu_firq : cpu_type;
signal mem_rw : std_logic;
signal mem_vma : std_logic;
signal mem_addr : addr_type;
signal mem_dati : data_type;
signal mem_dato : data_array;
-- priority encoder
signal pri_rot : std_logic; -- rotate the priority
signal pri_cnt : std_logic_vector( log2(CPU_MAX)-1 downto 0); -- priority rotation counter
signal pri_mux : std_logic_vector( (CPU_MAX-1) downto 0); -- rotated bus request
signal pri_enc : std_logic_vector( log2(CPU_MAX)-1 downto 0); -- encoded rotated bus request
signal pri_req : std_logic; -- encoded bus request valid
component my_unicpu09
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
-- cpu side signals
rw : out std_logic;
vma : out std_logic;
addr : out addr_type;
cpu_id : in data_type;
-- memory side signals
mem_rw : in std_logic;
mem_vma : in std_logic;
mem_addr : in addr_type;
mem_dati : in data_type;
mem_dato : out data_type;
-- controls
halt : in std_logic;
hold : in std_logic;
irq : in std_logic;
nmi : in std_logic;
firq : in std_logic
end component;
-- Instantiation of internal components
my_unicpu09_0 : unicpu09
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rw => cpu_rw(0),
vma => cpu_vma(0),
addr => cpu_addr(0),
id => "00000000",
-- memory side signals
mem_rw => mem_rw,
mem_vma => mem_vma,
mem_addr => mem_addr,
mem_dati => mem_dati,
mem_dato => mem_dato(0),
-- cpu controls
halt => cpu_halt(0),
hold => cpu_hold(0),
irq => cpu_irq(0),
nmi => cpu_nmi(0),
firq => cpu_firq(0)
my_unicpu09_1 : unicpu09
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rw => cpu_rw(1),
vma => cpu_vma(1),
addr => cpu_addr(1),
id => "00010000",
-- memory side signals
mem_rw => mem_rw,
mem_vma => mem_vma,
mem_addr => mem_addr,
mem_dati => mem_dati,
mem_dato => mem_dato(1),
-- cpu controls
halt => cpu_halt(1),
hold => cpu_hold(1),
irq => cpu_irq(1),
nmi => cpu_nmi(1),
firq => cpu_firq(1)
my_unicpu09_2 : unicpu09
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rw => cpu_rw(2),
vma => cpu_vma(2),
addr => cpu_addr(2),
id => "00100000"
-- memory side signals
mem_rw => mem_rw,
mem_vma => mem_vma,
mem_addr => mem_addr,
mem_dati => mem_dati,
mem_dato => mem_dato(2),
-- cpu controls
halt => cpu_halt(2),
hold => cpu_hold(2),
irq => cpu_irq(2),
nmi => cpu_nmi(2),
firq => cpu_firq(2)
my_unicpu09_3 : unicpu09
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rw => cpu_rw(3),
vma => cpu_vma(3),
addr => cpu_addr(3),
id => "00110000",
-- memory side signals
mem_rw => mem_rw,
mem_vma => mem_vma,
mem_addr => mem_addr,
mem_dati => mem_dati,
mem_dato => mem_dato(3),
-- cpu controls
halt => cpu_halt(3),
hold => cpu_hold(3),
irq => cpu_irq(3),
nmi => cpu_nmi(3),
firq => cpu_firq(3)
-- Rotating priority
my_pri_rotate : process( rst, clk )
variable cpu_count : integer := 0;
if rst = '1' then
pri_cnt <= (others=>0);
if falling_edge(clk) then
if pri_rot = '1' then
pri_cnt <= pri_cnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Rotate VMA request
my_pri_mux : process( pri_cnt )
case pri_cnt is
when "00" =>
pri_mux <= cpu_vma(3 downto 0);
when "01" =>
pri_mux <= cpu_vma(2 downto 0) & cpu_vma(3);
when "10" =>
pri_mux <= cpu_vma(1 downto 0) & cpu_vma(3 downto 2);
when "11" =>
pri_mux <= cpu_vma(0) & cpu_vma(3 downto 1);
when other =>
end case;
end process;
-- Priority Encode Rotated VMA Request
my_pri_encoder : process( pri_mux )
variable enc_bits : integer := 0;
variable cpu_bits : integer := 0;
for cpu_bits in 0 to (CPU_MAX-1) loop
pri_req := pri_req or pri_mux(cpu_bits);
end loop;
for enc_bits in 0 to log2(CPU_MAX)-1 loop
pri_enc(enc_bits) <= '0';
for cpu_bits in 0 to (CPU_MAX-1) loop
if (cpu_bits and pow2(enc_bits)) /= 0 then
pri_enc(enc_bits) <= pri_enc(enc_bits) or pri_mux(cpu_bits);
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end process;
-- Grant highest priority requesting processor access to the bus
my_bus_grant : process( rst, clk )
end process;
-- Hold processor until bus cycle acknowledged
my_hold_machine : process( rst, clk )
variable cpu_bits : integer := 0;
for cpu_bits in 0 to (CPU_MAX-1) loop
if rst = '1' then
cpu_hold( cpu_bits ) <= '0';
elsif rising_edge( clk ) then
cpu_hold( cpu_bits ) <= cpu_vma( cpu_bits ) and (not cpu_ack( cpu_bits ));
end if;
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
0,0 → 1,38
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
package bit_funcs is
function log2(v: in natural) return natural;
function pow2(v: in natural) return natural;
end package bit_funcs;
package body bit_funcs is
function log2(v: in natural) return natural is
variable i: natural;
variable n: natural;
variable logn: natural;
n := 1;
for i in 0 to 128 loop
logn := i;
exit when (n>=v);
n := n * 2;
end loop;
return logn;
end function log2;
function pow2(v: in natural) return natural is
variable i: natural;
variable pown: natural;
pown := 1;
for i in 0 to v loop
exit when (i=v);
pown := pown * 2;
end loop;
return pown;
end function pow2;
end package body bit_funcs;
0,0 → 1,442
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E unicpu09.vhd - Single 6809 processor core
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- File name : System09.vhd
-- Purpose : Top level file for Hex Core 6809 compatible system on a chip
-- Designed with Xilinx XC3S1000 Spartan 3 FPGA.
-- Implemented With Digilent Xilinx Starter FPGA board,
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- ieee.std_logic_arith
-- ieee.numeric_std
-- Uses :
-- cpu09 (cpu09.vhd) 6809 CPU core
-- Author : John E. Kent
-- Revision History:
-- Version 0.1 - 20 March 2003
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity unicpu09 is
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
-- cpu side signals
rw : out std_logic;
vma : out std_logic;
addr : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
id : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);
-- memory side signals
mem_rw : in std_logic;
mem_vma : in std_logic;
mem_addr : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0);
mem_dati : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
mem_dato : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- controls
halt : in std_logic;
hold : in std_logic;
irq : in std_logic;
nmi : in std_logic;
firq : in std_logic
end entity;
-- Architecture for System09
architecture RTL of unicpu09 is
-- CPU Interface signals
signal cpu_rw : std_logic;
signal cpu_vma : std_logic;
signal cpu_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal cpu_dati : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal cpu_dato : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal rom_cs : Std_logic;
signal rom_dato : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
-- cache host signals
signal cache_cpu_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal cache_cpu_dati : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal cache_cpu_dato : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal cache_cpu_vma : std_logic;
signal cache_cpu_en : std_logic;
-- cache memory signals
signal cache_mem_addr : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal cache_mem_dati : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal cache_mem_dato : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal cache_mem_vma : std_logic;
-- Dynamic Address Translation
signal dat_cs : std_logic;
signal dat_addr : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- 32 bit harware multiplier
signal mul_cs : std_logic;
signal mul_dato : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- external access
signal ext_cs : std_logic;
signal ext_dato : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
component cpu09
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
rw : out std_logic;
vma : out std_logic;
address : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
halt : in std_logic;
hold : in std_logic;
irq : in std_logic;
nmi : in std_logic;
firq : in std_logic
end component;
-- Dynamic Address Translation Registers
component dat_ram
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr_lo : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
addr_hi : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;
-- 4KByte Block RAM Monitor ROM
component mon_rom
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector (11 downto 0);
rdata : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
wdata : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
-- Dual Port cache memory
component dpr_2k
port (
clk_a : in std_logic;
rst_a : in std_logic;
cs_a : in std_logic;
rw_a : in std_logic;
addr_a : in std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
dati_a : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
dato_a : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
clk_b : in std_logic;
rst_b : in std_logic;
cs_b : in std_logic;
rw_b : in std_logic;
addr_b : in std_logic_vector (9 downto 0);
dati_b : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
dato_b : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
end component;
-- 32 bit hardware multiplier
component mul32
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
dati : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
dato : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;
-- Instantiation of internal components
my_cpu : cpu09 port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
rw => cpu_rw,
vma => cpu_vma,
address => cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
data_in => cpu_dati,
data_out => cpu_dato,
halt => halt,
hold => hold,
irq => irq,
nmi => nmi,
firq => firq
my_dat : dat_ram port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
cs => dat_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
addr_hi => cpu_addr(15 downto 12),
addr_lo => cpu_addr(3 downto 0),
data_in => cpu_dato,
data_out => dat_addr(7 downto 0)
my_rom : mon_rom port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
cs => rom_cs,
rw => '1',
addr => cpu_addr(11 downto 0),
rdata => rom_dato,
wdata => cpu_dato
-- high address cache
my_dpr_0 : dpr_2k port map (
clk_a => clk,
rst_a => rst,
cs_a => cpu_vma,
rw_a => '0',
addr_a => cpu_addr(9 downto 0),
dati_a => dat_addr(15 downto 0),
dato_a => cache_cpu_addr(31 downto 16),
clk_b => clk,
rst_b => rst,
cs_b => mem_vma,
rw_b => '1',
addr_b => mem_addr(9 downto 0),
dati_b => (others=>'0'),
dato_b => cache_mem_addr(31 downto 16)
-- low address cache
my_dpr_1 : dpr_2k port map (
clk_a => clk,
rst_a => rst,
cs_a => cpu_vma,
rw_a => '0',
addr_a => cpu_addr(9 downto 0),
dati_a => cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
dato_a => cache_cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
clk_b => clk,
rst_b => rst,
cs_b => mem_vma,
rw_b => '1',
addr_b => mem_addr(9 downto 0),
dati_b => (others=>'0'),
dato_b => cache_mem_addr(15 downto 0)
-- data cache
my_dpr_2 : dpr_2k port map (
clk_a => clk,
rst_a => rst,
cs_a => cache_cpu_vma,
rw_a => cpu_rw,
addr_a => cpu_addr(9 downto 0),
dati_a => cache_cpu_dati(15 downto 0),
dato_a => cache_cpu_dato(15 downto 0),
clk_b => clk,
rst_b => rst,
cs_b => cache_mem_vma,
rw_b => mem_rw,
addr_b => mem_addr(9 downto 0),
dati_b => cache_mem_dati(15 downto 0),
dato_b => cache_mem_dato(15 downto 0)
my_mul32 : mul32 port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
cs => mul_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
addr => cpu_addr(3 downto 0),
dati => cpu_dato,
dato => mul_dato
-- Process to decode internal registers
int_decode: process( cpu_addr, cpu_rw, cpu_vma,
dat_cs, dat_addr,
cpu_dati <= cache_cpu_dato( 7 downto 0);
cache_cpu_en <= '1';
ext_cs <= cpu_vma; -- Assume external access
dat_cs <= '0'; -- Dynamic Address Translation
rom_cs <= '0';
mul_cs <= '0'; -- Hardware Multiplier
if cpu_addr( 15 downto 8 ) = "11111111" then
-- DAT write registers at $FFF0 to $FFFF
cpu_dati <= rom_dato;
rom_cs <= cpu_vma;
dat_cs <= cpu_vma;
ext_cs <= '0';
cache_cpu_en <= '0';
-- ROM $F000 - $FFFF
elsif dat_addr(3 downto 0) = "1111" then -- $XE000 - $XEFFF
cpu_dati <= rom_dato;
rom_cs <= cpu_vma;
cache_cpu_en <= '0';
-- IO Devices $E000 - $EFFF
elsif dat_addr(3 downto 0) = "1110" then -- $XE000 - $XEFFF
-- disable cache for I/O
cache_cpu_en <= '0';
case cpu_addr(11 downto 8) is
-- CPU specific registers from $E200 to $E2FF
when "0010" =>
ext_cs <= '0'; -- assume this segment is internal
cpu_dati <= (others=>'0'); -- default to null data
-- Unique number to identify CPU
case cpu_addr(7 downto 4) is
when "0000" =>
cpu_dati <= cpu_id; -- CPU ID register
-- hardware 32 bit multiplier
when "0001" =>
cpu_dati <= mul_dato; -- Hardware Multiplier register
mul_cs <= cpu_vma;
when others =>
end case;
-- Everything else is external
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end process;
-- cpu side cache controller
my_cpu_cache : process( cpu_vma, cpu_rw, cpu_dato, cpu_addr, dat_addr,
cache_cpu_addr, cache_cpu_en, ext_cs )
dat_addr(15 downto 8) <= (others=>'0');
addr(19 downto 12) <= dat_addr xor id;
addr(11 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(11 downto 0);
rw <= cpu_rw;
vma <= '0';
-- external access if cache miss or write through or if i/o space
if (cache_cpu_addr(23 downto 16) /= dat_addr( 7 downto 0) ) or
(cache_cpu_addr(11 downto 0) /= cpu_addr(11 downto 0) ) or
(cpu_rw = '0') or (cache_cpu_en = '0') then
vma <= ext_cs;
end if;
cache_cpu_dati( 7 downto 0) <= cpu_dato;
cache_cpu_dati(15 downto 8) <= (others=>'0');
end process;
-- memory side cache controller
my_mem_cache : process( mem_vma, mem_addr, mem_dati, mem_rw,
cache_mem_addr, cache_mem_dato )
-- write through from another CPU will update cache entry
-- if there is a cache hit
cache_mem_vma <= '0';
if (cache_mem_addr(23 downto 16) = mem_addr(19 downto 12)) and
(cache_mem_addr(11 downto 0) = mem_addr(11 downto 0)) then
cache_mem_vma <= mem_vma;
end if;
mem_dato <= cache_mem_dato( 7 downto 0);
cache_mem_dati( 7 downto 0) <= mem_dati;
cache_mem_dati(15 downto 8) <= (others=>'0');
end process;
end architecture;
0,0 → 1,182
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E epp - Enhanced Parallel Port
-- www.OpenCores.Org - September 2003
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- File name : epp.vhd
-- Purpose : Simple Parallel Port for System09
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- Uses : None
-- Author : John E. Kent
-- Revision History:
-- Version 0.1 - 6th Sep 2008
-- Generated from ioport.vhd
-- Parallel printer port pin assignment
-- Pin No (DB25) SPP Signal EPP Signal Direction Register Bit Inverted
-- 1 nStrobe Write_n Out Control-0 Yes
-- 2 Data0 Data0 In/Out Data-0 No
-- 3 Data1 Data1 In/Out Data-1 No
-- 4 Data2 Data2 In/Out Data-2 No
-- 5 Data3 Data3 In/Out Data-3 No
-- 6 Data4 Data4 In/Out Data-4 No
-- 7 Data5 Data5 In/Out Data-5 No
-- 8 Data6 Data6 In/Out Data-6 No
-- 9 Data7 Data7 In/Out Data-7 No
-- 10 nAck Interrupt In Status-6 No
-- 11 Busy Wait In Status-7 Yes
-- 12 Paper-Out Spare In Status-5 No
-- 13 Select Spare In Status-4 No
-- 14 Linefeed Data_Strobe_n Out Control-1 Yes
-- 15 nError Spare In Status-3 No
-- 16 nInitialize Reset Out Control-2 No
-- 17 nSelect-Printer Addr_Strobe_n Out Control-3 Yes
-- 18-25 Ground Ground - - -
-- Address MSB LSB
-- Bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
-- Base (SPP Data port) Write Pin: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
-- Base+1 (SPP Status port) Read Pin: ~11 10 12 13 15
-- Base+2 (SPP Control port) Write Pin: ~17 16 ~14 ~1
-- Base+3 (EPP Address port) R/W
-- Base+4 (EPP Data port) R/W
-- ~ indicates a hardware inversion of the bit.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity epp is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
epp_data : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
epp_stat : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 3);
epp_ctrl : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
hold : out std_logic;
irq : out std_logic
architecture rtl of epp is
constant CTRL_RW_BIT : integer := 0;
constant CTRL_DS_BIT : integer := 1;
constant CTRL_RS_BIT : integer := 2;
constant CTRL_AS_BIT : integer := 3;
constant STAT_IR_BIT : integer := 6;
constant STAT_WT_BIT : integer := 7;
signal epp_ctrl_reg : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- Read / Write control
epp_control : process( rst, clk, cs, rw, addr, epp_stat, epp_crl_reg, data_in )
if rst = '1' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1';
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '1';
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RS_BIT) <= '0';
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '1';
epp_data <= (others=>'Z');
-- clock controls on rising edge
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RS_BIT) <= '1';
if cs = '1' then
case addr is
-- address register
when "011" =>
-- set Data port direction
if rw = '1' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1';
epp_data <= (others=>'Z');
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '0';
epp_data <= data_in;
end if;
-- initiale an address strobe
if epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '0' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '0';
elsif epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '1' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '1';
end if;
-- data register
when "100" =>
-- set data port direction
if rw = '1' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1';
epp_data <= (others=>'Z');
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '0';
epp_data <= data_in;
end if;
-- initiate a data strobe
if epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '0' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '0';
elsif epp_stat(STAT_WT_BIT) = '1' then
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '1';
end if;
when others =>
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_RW_BIT) <= '1';
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) <= '1';
epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) <= '1';
epp_data <= (others=>'Z');
end case; -- addr
end if; -- cs
end if; -- clk / reset
irq <= epp_stat(STAT_IR_BIT);
hold <= not( epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_DS_BIT) ) or not( epp_ctrl_reg(CTRL_AS_BIT) );
epp_ctrl <= epp_ctrl_reg;
data_out <= epp_data;
end process;
end rtl;
0,0 → 1,114
-- S Y N T H E Z I A B L E Clock_dll for System09 - SOC.
-- This core adheres to the GNU public license
-- No responsibility is taken for this design.
-- Use at own risk.
-- File name : Clock_dll.vhd
-- Purpose : Generates Clocks for System09
-- For BurchED B3-Spartan2+ and B5-X300
-- Assumes a 12.5 MHz system clock input
-- Generates a x1 (12.5 MHz) CPU clock
-- Generates a x2 (25.0 MHz) VGA clock
-- Generates a x4 (50.0 MHz) MEM clock
-- Dependencies : ieee.Std_Logic_1164
-- ieee.std_logic_unsigned
-- ieee.std_logic_arith
-- ieee.numeric_std
-- Revision History :
-- Rev : 0.1
-- Date : 7th September 2008
-- Description : Initial version.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity clock_div is
clk_in : in std_Logic; -- System Clock input
sys_clk : out std_logic; -- System Clock Out (1/1)
vga_clk : out std_logic; -- VGA Pixel Clock Out (1/2)
cpu_clk : out std_logic -- CPU Clock Out (1/4)
end entity;
architecture RTL of clock_div is
signal div_clk : std_logic;
signal div_count : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
component IBUFG
port (
i: in std_logic;
o: out std_logic
end component;
component BUFG
port (
i: in std_logic;
o: out std_logic
end component;
-- Start instantiation
-- 50.0MHz system clock
sys_clk_buffer : IBUFG
port map(
i => clk_in,
o => div_clk
-- 25 MHz VGA clock output
vga_clk_buffer : BUFG
port map(
i => div_count(0),
o => vga_clk
-- 12.5MHz CPU clock
cpu_clk_buffer : BUFG
port map(
i => div_count(1),
o => cpu_clk
-- Clock divider
clock_div : process( div_clk )
if rising_edge( div_clk) then
div_count <= div_count + "01";
end if;
sys_clk <= div_clk;
end process;
end architecture;

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