
Subversion Repositories artificial_neural_network

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    from Rev 7 to Rev 8
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Rev 7 → Rev 8

25,6 → 25,7
entity activation_function is
lsbit : natural := 10;
f_type : string := "linear"; -- Activation function type
Nbit : natural := 8 -- Bit width
41,6 → 42,22
architecture Structural of activation_function is
component af_sigmoid is
Nbit : natural := 8
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
run_in : in std_logic; -- Start and input data validation
inputs : in std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- Input data
run_out : out std_logic; -- Output data validation, run_in for the next layer
outputs : out std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0) -- Output data
end component;
-- Linear activation function. It is a direct assignment:
53,7 → 70,7
-- Example 1: sigmoid activation function implemented as a Look-Up-Table (LUT):
if (f_type = "siglut") generate
siglut_inst: entity work.af_sigmoid
siglut_inst: af_sigmoid
generic map
Nbit => Nbit
75,7 → 92,8
siglut_inst: entity work.af_sigmoid2
generic map
Nbit => Nbit
Nbit => Nbit,
lsbit => lsbit
port map
46,6 → 46,29
architecture Behavioral of adder_tree is
component adder_tree is
NumIn : integer := 9; -- Number of inputs
Nbit : integer := 12 -- Bit width of the input data
-- Input ports
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic; -- Enable
inputs : in std_logic_vector((Nbit*NumIn)-1 downto 0); -- Input data
-- Output ports
en_out : out std_logic; -- Output enable (output data validation)
output : out std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0) -- Output of the tree adder
end component;
constant NumIn2 : integer := NumIn/2; -- Number of imputs of the next adder tree layer
signal next_en : std_logic := '0'; -- Next adder tree layer enable
107,7 → 130,7
if (NumIn > 2) generate
sub_adder_tree: entity work.adder_tree
sub_adder_tree: adder_tree
generic map
NumIn => (NumIn2)+(NumIn mod 2),
1,99 → 1,99
-- Company: CEI
-- Engineer: Enrique Herrero
-- Create Date:
-- Design Name: Configurable ANN
-- Module Name: af_sigmoid - Behavioral
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool versions:
-- Description: Sigmoid activation function implemented as a Look-Up-Table (LUT).
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Revision 1 - David Aledo
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
use ieee.math_real.all;
entity af_sigmoid is
Nbit : natural := 8
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
run_in : in std_logic; -- Start and input data validation
inputs : in std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- Input data
run_out : out std_logic; -- Output data validation, run_in for the next layer
outputs : out std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0) -- Output data
end af_sigmoid;
architecture Behavioral of af_sigmoid is
-- Definition of internal modules, constants, signals, etc...
-- Sigmoid parameters:
constant f0 : real := 2.0; -- Slope at the origin
constant fr : real := 2.0; -- fr = fmax - fmin
signal dataIn: integer range (2**Nbit-1) downto 0; -- To convert std_logic_vector input to integer index for the LUT
type table_t is array(0 to (2**Nbit)-1) of std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- LUT type
-- Function Sigmoidal: generates the Look-Up-Table for the sigmoid activation function:
-- margin: maximun value of x.
function Sigmoidal(margin:real;Nbit:natural) return table_t is
variable scale,x,y,w,t: real;
variable u: integer;
variable fbits: std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0);
variable table: table_t;
scale := (2.0*margin)/(2.0**Nbit); -- Calculates gap between to points
x := -margin;
for idx in -(2**(Nbit-1)) to (2**(Nbit-1))-1 loop
y := (fr/(1.0+exp(((-4.0*f0)/fr)*x)))-(fr/2.0);
w := y*(2.0**(Nbit-1)); -- Shifts bits to the left
t := round(w);
u := integer(t);
fbits := std_logic_vector(to_signed(u,Nbit));
table(to_integer(to_unsigned(idx+(2**Nbit),Nbit))):= fbits;
x := x+scale;
end loop;
return table;
end Sigmoidal;
signal Table: table_t := Sigmoidal(1.0,Nbit); -- Generation of the LUT (at synthesis time)
-- Description of the activation function
dataIn <= to_integer(signed(inputs));
Activation: process(clk,reset)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
run_out <= '0';
outputs <= (others => '0');
if run_in = '1' then
run_out <='1';
outputs <=Table(dataIn); -- Assigns output value from the LUT
run_out <='0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
-- Company: CEI
-- Engineer: Enrique Herrero
-- Create Date:
-- Design Name: Configurable ANN
-- Module Name: af_sigmoid - Behavioral
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool versions:
-- Description: Sigmoid activation function implemented as a Look-Up-Table (LUT).
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Revision 1 - David Aledo
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
use ieee.math_real.all;
entity af_sigmoid is
Nbit : natural := 8
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
run_in : in std_logic; -- Start and input data validation
inputs : in std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- Input data
run_out : out std_logic; -- Output data validation, run_in for the next layer
outputs : out std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0) -- Output data
end af_sigmoid;
architecture Behavioral of af_sigmoid is
-- Definition of internal modules, constants, signals, etc...
-- Sigmoid parameters:
constant f0 : real := 1.0; -- Slope at the origin
constant fr : real := 2.0; -- fr = fmax - fmin
signal dataIn: integer range (2**Nbit-1) downto 0; -- To convert std_logic_vector input to integer index for the LUT
type table_t is array(0 to (2**Nbit)-1) of std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- LUT type
-- Function Sigmoidal: generates the Look-Up-Table for the sigmoid activation function:
-- margin: maximun value of x.sim:/ann_tb/ann1/layers_insts(1)/multiple_activation_functions/multiple_activation_function_insts(1)/activation_function_inst/Sigmoid_f/siglut_inst/Activation
function Sigmoidal(margin:real;Nbit:natural) return table_t is
variable scale,x,y,w,t: real;
variable u: integer;
variable fbits: std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0);
variable table: table_t;
scale := (2.0*margin)/(2.0**Nbit); -- Calculates gap between to points
x := -margin;
for idx in -(2**(Nbit-1)) to (2**(Nbit-1))-1 loop
y := ( fr / (1.0+exp(((-4.0*f0)/fr)*x)) ) - (fr/2.0);
w := y*(2.0**(Nbit-1)); -- Shifts bits to the left
t := round(w);
u := integer(t);
fbits := std_logic_vector(to_signed(u,Nbit));
table(to_integer(to_unsigned(idx+(2**Nbit),Nbit))):= fbits;
x := x+scale;
end loop;
return table;
end Sigmoidal;
signal Table: table_t := Sigmoidal(1.0,Nbit); -- Generation of the LUT (at synthesis time)
-- Description of the activation function
dataIn <= to_integer(unsigned(inputs));
Activation: process(clk,reset)
if clk'event and clk = '1' then
if reset = '1' then
run_out <= '0';
outputs <= (others => '0');
if run_in = '1' then
run_out <='1';
outputs <=Table(dataIn); -- Assigns output value from the LUT
run_out <='0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
28,7 → 28,8
entity af_sigmoid2 is
Nbit : natural := 8
Nbit : natural := 8;
lsbit : natural := 10
47,7 → 48,7
-- Definition of internal modules, constants, signals, etc...
-- Sigmoid parameters:
constant f0 : real := 0.5; -- Slope at the origin
constant f0 : real := 1.0; -- Slope at the origin
constant fr : real := 2.0; -- fr = fmax - fmin
signal dataIn: integer range (2**Nbit-1) downto 0; -- To convert std_logic_vector input to integer index for the LUT
54,8 → 55,8
type table_t is array(0 to (2**Nbit)-1) of std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0); -- LUT type
-- Function Sigmoidal: generates the Look-Up-Table for the sigmoid activation function:
-- margin: maximun value of x.
function Sigmoidal(margin:real;Nbit:natural) return table_t is
-- margin: maximum value of input
function Sigmoidal(margin:real;Nbit:natural;lsbit:natural) return table_t is
variable scale,x,y,w,t: real;
variable u: integer;
variable fbits: std_logic_vector(Nbit-1 downto 0);
62,10 → 63,10
variable table: table_t;
scale := (2.0*margin)/(2.0**Nbit); -- Calculates gap between to points
x := -margin;
x := -margin;
for idx in -(2**(Nbit-1)) to (2**(Nbit-1))-1 loop
y := ( fr / (1.0+exp(((-4.0*f0)/fr)*x)) ) - (fr/2.0);
w := y*(2.0**(Nbit-1)); -- Shifts bits to the left
w := y*(2.0**(lsbit)); -- Shifts bits to the left
t := round(w);
u := integer(t);
fbits := std_logic_vector(to_signed(u,Nbit));
74,12 → 75,12
end loop;
return table;
end Sigmoidal;
signal Table: table_t := Sigmoidal(1.0,Nbit); -- Generation of the LUT (at synthesis time)
signal Table: table_t := Sigmoidal(2.0**(Nbit-lsbit-1),Nbit,lsbit); -- Generation of the LUT (at synthesis time)
-- Description of the activation function
dataIn <= to_integer(signed(inputs));
dataIn <= to_integer(unsigned(inputs));
Activacion: process(clk,reset)
28,6 → 28,7
entity ann is
WBinit : boolean := false;
Nlayer : integer := 2; ---- Number of layers
NbitW : natural := 16; ---- Bit width of weights and biases
NumIn : natural := 64; ---- Number of inputs to the network
117,6 → 118,8
first_layerSP_top_inst: entity work.layerSP_top
generic map
WBinit => WBinit ,
LNum => 0 ,
NumN => NumN(0), -- Number of neurons in the first layer
NumIn => NumIn, ---- Number of inputs of the first layer
NbitIn => NbitIn, --- Bit width of the input data
178,7 → 181,8
generic map
f_type => ftype_v(i-1), -- Activation function type of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1) --- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1), -- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
lsbit => LSbit(i-1) -- least significant bit of activation function
port map
202,7 → 206,8
generic map
f_type => ftype_v(i-1), -- Activation function type of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1) --- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1), -- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
lsbit => LSbit(i-1) -- least significant bit of activation function
port map
226,7 → 231,8
generic map
f_type => ftype_v(i-1), -- Activation function type of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1) --- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1), -- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
lsbit => LSbit(i-1) -- least significant bit of activation function
port map
245,7 → 251,8
generic map
f_type => ftype_v(i-1), -- Activation function type of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1) --- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1) , -- Bit width of the outputs of the previous layer (i-1)
lsbit => LSbit(i-1) -- least significant bit of activation function
port map
270,7 → 277,8
generic map
f_type => ftype_v(i-1),
Nbit => NbitO(i-1)
Nbit => NbitO(i-1),
lsbit => LSbit(i-1) -- least significant bit of activation function
port map
309,6 → 317,8
layerSP_top_inst: entity work.layerSP_top
generic map
WBinit => WBinit ,
LNum => i ,
NumN => NumN(i), --- Number of neurons in layer (i)
NumIn => NumN(i-1), -- Number of inputs, is the number of neurons in previous layer (i-1)
NbitIn => NbitO(i-1), -- Bit width of the input data, is the bit width of output data of layer (i-1)
344,7 → 354,9
if ltype_v(i) = "PS" generate
layerPS_top_inst: entity work.layerPS_top
generic map
WBinit => WBinit ,
LNum => i ,
NumN => NumN(i), --- Number of neurons in layer (i)
NumIn => NumN(i-1), -- Number of inputs, is the number of neurons in previous layer (i-1)
NbitIn => NbitO(i-1), -- Bit width of the input data, is the bit width of output data of layer (i-1)
380,9 → 392,9
if ltype_v(i) = "PP" generate
-- TODO: instance a full parallel layer. At current version this layer type has not been developed.
-- synthesis translate_off
assert l_type(i) /= "PP"
report "Current version does not accept parallel-input parallel-output (PP) layer type."
severity failure;
--assert l_type(i) /= "PP"
-- report "Current version does not accept parallel-input parallel-output (PP) layer type."
-- severity failure;
-- synthesis translate_on
-- TODO: delete above lines when instantiate the parallel-input parallel-output layer.
end generate;
414,7 → 426,8
generic map
f_type => ftype_v(Nlayer-1), -- Activation function type of the last layer (Nlayer-1)
Nbit => NbitO(Nlayer-1) --- Bit width of the outputs of the last layer (Nlayer-1)
Nbit => NbitO(Nlayer-1), --- Bit width of the outputs of the last layer (Nlayer-1)
lsbit => LSbit(Nlayer-1) -- least significant bit of activation function
port map
435,7 → 448,8
generic map
f_type => ftype_v(Nlayer-1), -- Activation function type of the last layer (Nlayer-1)
Nbit => NbitO(Nlayer-1) --- Bit width of the outputs of the last layer (Nlayer-1)
Nbit => NbitO(Nlayer-1), -- Bit width of the outputs of the last layer (Nlayer-1)
lsbit => LSbit(Nlayer-1) -- least significant bit of activation function
port map
22,6 → 22,9
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.wb_init.all; -- initialization package, comment out when not used
-- Deprecated XPS library:
--library proc_common_v3_00_a;
--use proc_common_v3_00_a.proc_common_pkg.all; -- Only for simulation ( pad_power2() )
30,15 → 33,17
NumN : natural := 64; ------- Number of neurons of the layer
NumIn : natural := 8; ------- Number of inputs of each neuron
NbitIn : natural := 12; ------- Bit width of the input data
NbitW : natural := 8; ------- Bit width of weights and biases
WBinit : boolean := false;
LNum : natural := 0; ------- layer number (needed for initialization)
NumN : natural := 34; ------- Number of neurons of the layer
NumIn : natural := 27; ------- Number of inputs of each neuron
NbitIn : natural := 8; ------- Bit width of the input data
NbitW : natural := 1; ------- Bit width of weights and biases
NbitOut : natural := 8; ------- Bit width of the output data
lra_l : natural := 10; ------- Layer RAM address length. It should value log2(NumN)+log2(NumIn)
wra_l : natural := 3; ------- Weight RAM address length. It should value log2(NumIn)
lra_l : natural := 11; ------- Layer RAM address length. It should value log2(NumN)+log2(NumIn)
wra_l : natural := 5; ------- Weight RAM address length. It should value log2(NumIn)
bra_l : natural := 6; ------- Bias RAM address length. It should value log2(NumN)
LSbit : natural := 4 ------- Less significant bit of the outputs
LSbit : natural := 6 ------- Less significant bit of the outputs
64,14 → 69,44
architecture Behavioral of layerPS_top is
--type ramd_type is array (pad_power2(NumN)-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NbitW-1 downto 0); -- Optimal: 32 or 64 spaces -- pad_power2() only for simulation
--type layer_ram is array (pad_power2(NumIn)-1 downto 0) of ramd_type;
type ramd_type is array (NumN-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NbitW-1 downto 0); -- Optimal: 32 or 64 spaces
type layer_ram is array (NumIn-1 downto 0) of ramd_type;
type outm_type is array (NumIn-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NbitW-1 downto 0);
signal lram : layer_ram; -- Layer RAM. One RAM per input. It stores the weights
signal breg : ramd_type; -- Bias RAM. They can be RAM because they are not accessed simultaneously
function fw_init(LNum : natural) return layer_ram is
variable tmp_arr : layer_ram := (others =>(others => (others => '0')));
if WBinit = true then
for i in 0 to NumIn-1 loop
for j in 0 to NumN-1 loop
tmp_arr(i)(j) := w_init(LNum)(i)(j);
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
return tmp_arr ;
end fw_init;
function fb_init(LNum : natural) return ramd_type is
variable tmp_arr : ramd_type := (others => (others => '0')) ;
if WBinit = true then
for i in 0 to NumN-1 loop
tmp_arr(i) := b_init(LNum)(i);
end loop;
end if;
return tmp_arr;
end fb_init;
--function fb_init(LNum : natural) return ramd_type is
-- return ramd_type(b_init(LNum));
--end fb_init;
signal lram : layer_ram := fw_init(LNum); -- Layer RAM. One RAM per input. It stores the weights
signal breg : ramd_type := fb_init(LNum); -- Bias RAM. They can be RAM because they are not accessed simultaneously
signal outm : outm_type; -- RAM outputs to be multiplexed into rdata
signal m_sel : std_logic_vector(NumIn-1 downto 0); --------- RAM select
signal Wyb : std_logic_vector((NbitW*NumIn)-1 downto 0); -- Weight vectors
79,7 → 114,7
signal Nouts : std_logic_vector(NbitOut-1 downto 0); ------ Outputs from neurons
signal uaddr : unsigned(lra_l-1 downto 0); -- Unsigned address of weight and bias memories
-- Señales de control
signal cont : integer range 0 to NumN-1; -- Neuron counter
signal cntb : integer range 0 to NumN-1; -- Delayed counter for biases
signal st : bit; ------- State
88,6 → 123,9
signal en3 : std_logic; -- Shift register enable
signal en_out : std_logic;
signal input_aux1 : std_logic_vector((NbitIn*NumIn)-1 downto 0);
signal input_aux2 : std_logic_vector((NbitIn*NumIn)-1 downto 0);
signal input_aux3 : std_logic_vector((NbitIn*NumIn)-1 downto 0);
layerPS_inst: entity work.layerPS
108,7 → 146,7
en => en1,
en2 => en2,
en_r => en3,
inputs => inputs,
inputs => input_aux2,
Wyb => Wyb,
bias => bias,
227,6 → 265,10
en2 <= '0';
run_out <= '0';
input_aux1 <= inputs;
input_aux2 <= input_aux1;
--input_aux3 <=input_aux3 input_aux2;
cntb <= cont; -- Bias counter is delayed to assure correctness of pipeline data
case st is
when '0' =>
238,13 → 280,12
end case;
when '1' =>
en1 <= '1'; -- en1 is delayed 1 cycle in order to insert a register for Wyb
case cont is
when (NumN-1) =>
cont <= 0;
st <= '0';
when others =>
cont <= cont +1;
end case;
if cont = NumN-1 then
cont <= 0;
st <= '0';
cont <= cont +1;
end if;
end case;
en2 <= en1;
22,6 → 22,9
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.wb_init.all; -- initialization package, comment out when not used
-- Deprecated XPS library:
--library proc_common_v3_00_a;
--use proc_common_v3_00_a.proc_common_pkg.all; -- Only for simulation ( pad_power2() )
30,15 → 33,17
NumN : natural := 8; ------- Number of neurons of the layer
NumIn : natural := 64; ------- Number of inputs of each neuron
WBinit : boolean := false;
LNum : natural := 0; ------- layer number (needed for initialization)
NumN : natural := 34; ------- Number of neurons of the layer
NumIn : natural := 27; ------- Number of inputs of each neuron
NbitIn : natural := 8; ------- Bit width of the input data
NbitW : natural := 8; ------- Bit width of weights and biases
NbitOut : natural := 12; ------- Bit width of the output data
lra_l : natural := 10; ------- Layer RAM address length. It should value log2(NumN)+log2(NumIn)
wra_l : natural := 6; ------- Weight RAM address length. It should value log2(NumIn)
bra_l : natural := 3; ------- Bias RAM address length. It should value log2(NumN)
LSbit : natural := 4 ------- Less significant bit of the outputs
NbitW : natural := 32; ------- Bit width of weights and biases
NbitOut : natural := 8; ------- Bit width of the output data
lra_l : natural := 11; ------- Layer RAM address length. It should value log2(NumN)+log2(NumIn)
wra_l : natural := 5; ------- Weight RAM address length. It should value log2(NumIn)
bra_l : natural := 6; ------- Bias RAM address length. It should value log2(NumN)
LSbit : natural := 6 ------- Less significant bit of the outputs
64,14 → 69,39
architecture Behavioral of layerSP_top is
--type ramd_type is array (pad_power2(NumIn)-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NbitW-1 downto 0); -- Optimal: 32 or 64 spaces
--type layer_ram is array (pad_power2(NumN)-1 downto 0) of ramd_type;
type ramd_type is array (NumIn-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NbitW-1 downto 0); -- Optimal: 32 or 64 spaces
type layer_ram is array (NumN-1 downto 0) of ramd_type;
type outm_type is array (NumN-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NbitW-1 downto 0);
signal lram : layer_ram; -- Layer RAM. One RAM per neuron. It stores the weights
signal breg : outm_type; -- Bias registers. They can not be RAM because they are accessed simultaneously
function fw_init(LNum : natural) return layer_ram is
variable tmp_arr : layer_ram := (others => (others => (others => '0'))) ;
if WBinit = true then
for i in 0 to NumIn-1 loop
for j in 0 to NumN-1 loop
tmp_arr(j)(i) := w_init(LNum)(i)(j);
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
return tmp_arr ;
end fw_init;
function fb_init(LNum : natural) return outm_type is
variable tmp_arr : outm_type := (others => (others => '0')) ;
if WBinit = true then
for i in 0 to NumN-1 loop
tmp_arr(i) := b_init(LNum)(i);
end loop;
end if;
return tmp_arr;
end fb_init;
signal lram : layer_ram := fw_init(LNum); -- Layer RAM. One RAM per neuron. It stores the weights
signal breg : outm_type := fb_init(LNum); -- Bias registers. They can not be RAM because they are accessed simultaneously
signal outm : outm_type; -- RAM outputs to be multiplexed into rdata
signal m_sel : std_logic_vector(NumN-1 downto 0); -------- RAM select
signal Wyb : std_logic_vector((NbitW*NumN)-1 downto 0); --- Weight vectors
166,7 → 196,14
end if;
end if;
end process;
outm(i) <= lram(i)(to_integer(uaddr(wra_l-1 downto 0))); -- Read all RAM
outm(i) <= lram(i)(to_integer(uaddr(wra_l-1 downto 0))) when (uaddr(wra_l-1 downto 0) <= NumIn-1) else
(others => '0') ; -- Read all RAM
-- In my case I have 27 inputs and 34 neurons in the first layer. When I address
-- the 1 layer's inputs for the second neuron the layer which acccepts a 6 bit wide
-- input address (layer 2) sees the ..1 00100 (34) number and interprets it as an input
-- address (which goes only up to 33) hence the bound check failure
-- fix: I've changed the assignment to a conditional one to check if we are not
-- trying to read a weight of an input higher than the number of this layer's inputs.
end generate;
-- Synchronous read including breg:
173,6 → 210,8
process (clk)
if (clk'event and clk = '1') then
--report "addr: " & integer'image(wra_l-1);
--report "addr: " & integer'image(to_integer(uaddr(wra_l-1 downto 0)) );
if (m_en = '1') then
if (b_sel = '1') then
rdata <= breg(to_integer(uaddr(bra_l-1 downto 0))); -- Bias registers selected
246,6 → 285,9
cont <= cont +1;
end if;
--elsif (cont = NumIn-1) then -- for layers with more that
-- cont <= 0; -- 1 neuron uncommenting this
-- aux2_en3 <= '1'; -- solved a problem with cont resetting
end if;
en2 <= en1;
if (cont = 0 and run_in = '1') then
1,301 → 1,304
-- Company: CEI - UPM
-- Engineer: David Aledo
-- Create Date: 01.10.2015
-- Design Name: Configurable ANN
-- Pakage Name: layers_pkg
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool Versions:
-- Description: define array types for generics, functions to give them values from
-- string generics, and other help functions
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
--library proc_common_v3_00_a; -- Deprecated libray from XPS tool
--use proc_common_v3_00_a.proc_common_pkg.all;
package layers_pkg is
-- Array types for generics:
type int_vector is array (natural range <>) of integer; -- Generic integer vector
type ltype_vector is array (integer range <>) of string(1 to 2); -- Layer type vector
type ftype_vector is array (integer range <>) of string(1 to 6); -- Activation function type vector
-- Note: these strings cannot be unconstrined
-- Functions to assign values to vector types from string generics:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned vector
function assign_ints(str_v : string; n : integer) return int_vector;
function assign_ltype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ltype_vector;
function assign_ftype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ftype_vector;
-- Other functions:
-- Argument: c : character to be checked
-- Return: TRUE if c is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
function is_digit(c : character) return boolean;
-- Base two logarithm for int_vector:
-- Arguments:
-- v : integer vector
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return : integer vector of the base two logarithms of each elment of v
function log2(v : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector;
-- Calculate the total weight and bias memory address length:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN)
-- Return: total weight and bias memory address length (integer)
function calculate_addr_l(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return integer;
-- Assign the weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN and the return integer vector)
-- Return: weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer (integer vector)
function assign_addrl(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector;
-- Calculate the maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
-- Arguments:
-- v1 : input vector 1
-- v2 : input vector 2
-- Return: maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
function calculate_max_mul(v1 : int_vector; v2 : int_vector) return integer;
-- Returns the max value of the input integer vector:
function calculate_max(v : int_vector) return integer;
-- Adding needed functions from the deprecated libray proc_common_v3_00_a:
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer;
function log2(x : natural) return integer;
end layers_pkg;
package body layers_pkg is
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer is
if num1 >= num2 then
return num1;
return num2;
end if;
end function max2;
-- Function log2 -- returns number of bits needed to encode x choices
-- x = 0 returns 0
-- x = 1 returns 0
-- x = 2 returns 1
-- x = 4 returns 2, etc.
function log2(x : natural) return integer is
variable i : integer := 0;
variable val: integer := 1;
if x = 0 then
return 0;
for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST
if val >= x then null;
i := i+1;
val := val*2;
end if;
end loop;
-- Fix per CR520627 XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a
-- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not
-- impact simulation.
-- synthesis translate_off
assert val >= x
report "Function log2 received argument larger" &
" than its capability of 2^30. "
severity failure;
-- synthesis translate_on
return i;
end if;
end function log2;
function is_digit(c : character) return boolean is
case c is
when '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => return true;
when others => return false;
end case;
end is_digit;
-- Assign values to a integer vector from a string:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned integer vector
function assign_ints(str_v : string; n : integer) return int_vector is
variable i : integer := n-1; ---- element counter
variable d_power : integer := 1; -- decimal power
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => 0); -- return value
for c in str_v'length downto 1 loop -- read every character in str_v
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
assert i > 0
report "Error in assign_ints: number of elements in string is greater than n."
severity error;
i := i -1; -- decrease element counter to start calculate a new element
d_power := 1; -- reset the decimal power to 1
assert is_digit(str_v(c)) -- assert the new character is a digit
report "Error in assign_ints: character " & str_v(c) & " is not a digit."
severity error;
-- add the value of the new charactar to the element calculation ( + ("<new_digit>" - "0") * d_power):
ret(i) := ret(i) + (character'pos(str_v(c))-character'pos('0'))*d_power;
d_power := d_power*10; -- increase the decimal power for the next digit
end if;
end loop;
assert i = 0
report "Error in assign_ints: number of elements in string is less than n."
severity error;
return ret;
end assign_ints;
-- Assign values to an activation function type vector from a string:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned activation function type vector
function assign_ftype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ftype_vector is
variable i : integer := 0; -- element counter
variable l : integer := 1; -- element length counter
variable ret : ftype_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => "linear"); -- return value
for c in 1 to str_v'length loop -- read every character in str_v
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
i := i +1; -- increase element counter to start calculate a new element
l := 1; -- reset element length counter
ret(i)(l) := str_v(c);
l := l +1; -- increase element length counter
end if;
end loop;
assert i = n-1
report "Error in assign_ftype: number of elements in string is less than n."
severity error;
return ret;
end assign_ftype;
-- Assign values to an layer type vector from a string:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned layer type vector
function assign_ltype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ltype_vector is
variable i : integer := 0; -- element counter
variable l : integer := 1; -- element length counter
variable ret : ltype_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => "SP"); -- return value
for c in 1 to str_v'length loop
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
i := i +1; -- increase element counter to start calculate a new element
l := 1; -- reset element length counter
assert str_v(c) = 'P' or str_v(c) = 'S'
report "Error in assign_ltype: character " & str_v(c) & " is not 'P' (parallel) or 'S' (serial)."
severity error;
ret(i)(l) := str_v(c);
l := l +1; -- increase element length counter
end if;
end loop;
assert i = n-1
report "Error in assign_ltype: number of elements do not coincide with number of introduced elements."
severity error;
return ret;
end assign_ltype;
-- Calculate the total weight and bias memory address length:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN)
-- Return: total weight and bias memory address length (integer)
function calculate_addr_l(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return integer is -- matrix + b_sel
variable addr_l : integer := log2(NumIn)+log2(NumN(0)); -- return value. Initialized with the weight memory length of the first layer
-- Calculate the maximum of the weight memory length:
for i in 1 to n-1 loop
addr_l := max2( addr_l, log2(NumN(i-1))+log2(NumN(i)) );
end loop;
addr_l := addr_l +1; -- add bias select bit
return addr_l;
end calculate_addr_l;
-- Base two logarithm for int_vector:
-- Arguments:
-- v : integer vector
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return : integer vector of the base two logarithms of each elment of v
function log2(v : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector is
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- return value
-- for each element of v, calculate its base two logarithm:
for i in 0 to n-1 loop
ret(i) := log2(v(i));
end loop;
return ret;
end log2;
-- Assign the weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN and the return integer vector)
-- Return: weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer (integer vector)
function assign_addrl(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector is
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- return value
ret(0) := log2(NumIn)+log2(NumN(0)); -- Weight memory length of the first layer
for i in 1 to n-1 loop
ret(i) := log2(NumN(i-1))+log2(NumN(i));
end loop;
return ret;
end assign_addrl;
-- Returns the max value of the input integer vector:
function calculate_max(v : int_vector) return integer is
variable ac_max : integer := 0; -- return value
for i in 0 to v'length-1 loop
ac_max := max2(ac_max,v(i));
end loop;
return ac_max;
end calculate_max;
-- Calculate the maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
-- Arguments:
-- v1 : input vector 1
-- v2 : input vector 2
-- Return: maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
function calculate_max_mul(v1 : int_vector; v2 : int_vector) return integer is
variable ac_max : integer := 0;
assert v1'length = v2'length
report "Error in calculate_max_mul: vector's length do not coincide."
severity error;
for i in 0 to v1'length-1 loop
ac_max := max2(ac_max,v1(i)*v2(i));
end loop;
return ac_max;
end calculate_max_mul;
end layers_pkg;
-- Company: CEI - UPM
-- Engineer: David Aledo
-- Create Date: 01.10.2015
-- Design Name: Configurable ANN
-- Pakage Name: layers_pkg
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool Versions:
-- Description: define array types for generics, functions to give them values from
-- string generics, and other help functions
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
--library proc_common_v3_00_a; -- Deprecated libray from XPS tool
--use proc_common_v3_00_a.proc_common_pkg.all;
package layers_pkg is
-- Array types for generics:
type int_vector is array (natural range <>) of integer; -- Generic integer vector
type ltype_vector is array (integer range <>) of string(1 to 2); -- Layer type vector
type ftype_vector is array (integer range <>) of string(1 to 6); -- Activation function type vector
-- Note: these strings cannot be unconstrined
-- Functions to assign values to vector types from string generics:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned vector
function assign_ints(str_v : string; n : integer) return int_vector;
function assign_ltype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ltype_vector;
function assign_ftype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ftype_vector;
-- Other functions:
-- Argument: c : character to be checked
-- Return: TRUE if c is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9
function is_digit(c : character) return boolean;
-- Base two logarithm for int_vector:
-- Arguments:
-- v : integer vector
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return : integer vector of the base two logarithms of each elment of v
function log2(v : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector;
-- Calculate the total weight and bias memory address length:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN)
-- Return: total weight and bias memory address length (integer)
function calculate_addr_l(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return integer;
-- Assign the weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN and the return integer vector)
-- Return: weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer (integer vector)
function assign_addrl(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector;
-- Calculate the maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
-- Arguments:
-- v1 : input vector 1
-- v2 : input vector 2
-- Return: maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
function calculate_max_mul(v1 : int_vector; v2 : int_vector) return integer;
-- Returns the max value of the input integer vector:
function calculate_max(v : int_vector) return integer;
-- Adding needed functions from the deprecated libray proc_common_v3_00_a:
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer;
function log2(x : natural) return integer;
end layers_pkg;
package body layers_pkg is
function max2 (num1, num2 : integer) return integer is
if num1 >= num2 then
return num1;
return num2;
end if;
end function max2;
-- Function log2 -- returns number of bits needed to encode x choices
-- x = 0 returns 0
-- x = 1 returns 0
-- x = 2 returns 1
-- x = 4 returns 2, etc.
function log2(x : natural) return integer is
variable i : integer := 0;
variable val: integer := 1;
if x = 0 then
return 0;
for j in 0 to 29 loop -- for loop for XST
if val >= x then null;
i := i+1;
val := val*2;
end if;
end loop;
-- Fix per CR520627 XST was ignoring this anyway and printing a
-- Warning in SRP file. This will get rid of the warning and not
-- impact simulation.
-- synthesis translate_off
assert val >= x
report "Function log2 received argument larger" &
" than its capability of 2^30. "
severity failure;
-- synthesis translate_on
return i;
end if;
end function log2;
function is_digit(c : character) return boolean is
case c is
when '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' => return true;
when others => return false;
end case;
end is_digit;
-- Assign values to a integer vector from a string:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned integer vector
function assign_ints(str_v : string; n : integer) return int_vector is
variable i : integer := n-1; ---- element counter
variable d_power : integer := 1; -- decimal power
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => 0); -- return value
for c in str_v'length downto 1 loop -- read every character in str_v
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
assert i > 0
report "Error in assign_ints: number of elements in string is greater than n."
severity error;
i := i -1; -- decrease element counter to start calculate a new element
d_power := 1; -- reset the decimal power to 1
assert is_digit(str_v(c)) -- assert the new character is a digit
report "Error in assign_ints: character " & str_v(c) & " is not a digit."
severity error;
-- add the value of the new charactar to the element calculation ( + ("<new_digit>" - "0") * d_power):
ret(i) := ret(i) + (character'pos(str_v(c))-character'pos('0'))*d_power;
d_power := d_power*10; -- increase the decimal power for the next digit
end if;
end loop;
assert i = 0
report "Error in assign_ints: number of elements in string is less than n."
severity error;
return ret;
end assign_ints;
-- Assign values to an activation function type vector from a string:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned activation function type vector
function assign_ftype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ftype_vector is
variable i : integer := 0; -- element counter
variable l : integer := 1; -- element length counter
variable ret : ftype_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => "linear"); -- return value
for c in 1 to str_v'length loop -- read every character in str_v
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
i := i +1; -- increase element counter to start calculate a new element
l := 1; -- reset element length counter
ret(i)(l) := str_v(c);
l := l +1; -- increase element length counter
end if;
end loop;
assert i = n-1
report "Error in assign_ftype: number of elements in string is less than n."
severity error;
return ret;
end assign_ftype;
-- Assign values to an layer type vector from a string:
-- Arguments:
-- str_v : string to be converted
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return: assigned layer type vector
function assign_ltype(str_v : string; n : integer) return ltype_vector is
variable i : integer := 0; -- element counter
variable l : integer := 1; -- element length counter
variable ret : ltype_vector(n-1 downto 0) := (others => "SP"); -- return value
for c in 1 to str_v'length loop
if str_v(c) = ' ' then -- a space separates a new element
i := i +1; -- increase element counter to start calculate a new element
l := 1; -- reset element length counter
assert str_v(c) = 'P' or str_v(c) = 'S'
report "Error in assign_ltype: character " & str_v(c) & " is not 'P' (parallel) or 'S' (serial)."
severity error;
ret(i)(l) := str_v(c);
l := l +1; -- increase element length counter
end if;
end loop;
assert i = n-1
report "Error in assign_ltype: number of elements do not coincide with number of introduced elements."
severity error;
return ret;
end assign_ltype;
-- Calculate the total weight and bias memory address length:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN)
-- Return: total weight and bias memory address length (integer)
function calculate_addr_l(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return integer is -- matrix + b_sel
variable addr_l : integer := log2(NumIn)+log2(NumN(0)); -- return value. Initialized with the weight memory length of the first layer
-- Calculate the maximum of the weight memory length:
for i in 1 to n-1 loop
addr_l := max2( addr_l, log2(NumN(i-1)+log2(NumN(i))) );
end loop;
addr_l := addr_l +1; -- add bias select bit
return addr_l;
end calculate_addr_l;
-- Base two logarithm for int_vector:
-- Arguments:
-- v : integer vector
-- n : number of elements of the vector
-- Return : integer vector of the base two logarithms of each elment of v
function log2(v : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector is
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- return value
-- for each element of v, calculate its base two logarithm:
for i in 0 to n-1 loop
ret(i) := log2(v(i));
end loop;
return ret;
end log2;
-- Assign the weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer:
-- Arguments:
-- NumIn : number of inputs of the network
-- NumN : number of neurons of each layer
-- n : number of layers (number of elements of NumN and the return integer vector)
-- Return: weight and bias memory address lenght of each layer (integer vector)
function assign_addrl(NumIn : integer; NumN : int_vector; n : integer) return int_vector is
variable ret : int_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- return value
ret(0) := log2(NumIn)+log2(NumN(0)); -- Weight memory length of the first layer
for i in 1 to n-1 loop
ret(i) := log2(NumN(i-1))+log2(NumN(i));
end loop;
return ret;
end assign_addrl;
-- Returns the max value of the input integer vector:
function calculate_max(v : int_vector) return integer is
variable ac_max : integer := 0; -- return value
for i in 0 to v'length-1 loop
ac_max := max2(ac_max,v(i));
end loop;
return ac_max;
end calculate_max;
-- Calculate the maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
-- Arguments:
-- v1 : input vector 1
-- v2 : input vector 2
-- Return: maximum of the multiplications of two vectors element by element
function calculate_max_mul(v1 : int_vector; v2 : int_vector) return integer is
variable ac_max : integer := 0;
assert v1'length = v2'length
report "Error in calculate_max_mul: vector's length do not coincide."
severity error;
for i in 0 to v1'length-1 loop
ac_max := max2(ac_max,v1(i)*v2(i));
end loop;
return ac_max;
end calculate_max_mul;
end layers_pkg;
0,0 → 1,37
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use work.layers_pkg.all;
package support_pkg is
-- generic constants:
constant NbitIn : natural := 12;
constant LSB_In : natural := 8;
constant Nbit : natural := 12;
constant NbitW : natural := 24;
constant LSB_OUT : natural := 8;
constant Nlayer : natural := 3;
constant NbitOut : integer := 12 ;
constant NumIn : integer := 1;
constant NumN : int_vector(Nlayer-1 downto 0) := assign_ints("2 3 1",Nlayer);
constant LSbit : int_vector(Nlayer-1 downto 0) := assign_ints("8 8 8",Nlayer);
constant NbitO : int_vector(Nlayer-1 downto 0) := assign_ints("12 12 12",Nlayer);
constant l_type : string := "SP PS SP"; -- Layer type of each layer
constant f_type : string := "siglu2 siglu2 siglu2"; -- Activation function type of each layer
function real2stdlv (bitW : natural; din : real) return std_logic_vector;
end support_pkg;
package body support_pkg is
function real2stdlv (bitW : natural; din : real) return std_logic_vector is
variable vres : signed(bitW-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
begin -- real2stdlv
vres:= to_signed(integer(din*(2.0**(LSB_OUT))), bitW);
return std_logic_vector(vres);
end real2stdlv;
end support_pkg;
0,0 → 1,72
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
use work.support_pkg.all;
use work.layers_pkg.all;
package wb_init is
type ramd_type is array (3 downto 0) of std_logic_vector(NbitW-1 downto 0);
type layer_ram is array (3 downto 0) of ramd_type;
type w_ram is array (integer range <>) of layer_ram;
type b_type is array (integer range <>) of ramd_type;
constant w_init : w_ram :=
0 => (
0 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,-0.8964),
1 => real2stdlv(NbitW,-2.6600),
others =>(others => '0')
others=>(others =>(others => '0'))
1 => (
0 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,-5.6056),
1 => real2stdlv(NbitW,-1.5274),
2 => real2stdlv(NbitW,-8.4909),
others =>(others => '0')
1 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,1.0885),
1 => real2stdlv(NbitW,0.7244),
2 => real2stdlv(NbitW,3.8977),
others =>(others => '0')
others=>(others =>(others => '0'))
2 => (
0 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,6.0449),
others =>(others => '0')
1 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,-2.8724),
others =>(others => '0')
2 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,-5.0188),
others =>(others => '0')
others=>(others =>(others => '0'))
constant b_init : b_type :=
0 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,(2.0**LSB_OUT)*(0.3704)),
1 => real2stdlv(NbitW,(2.0**LSB_OUT)*(0.7149)),
others =>(others => '0')
1 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,(2.0**LSB_OUT)*(2.8121)),
1 => real2stdlv(NbitW,(2.0**LSB_OUT)*(0.3690)),
2 => real2stdlv(NbitW,(2.0**LSB_OUT)*(2.4685)),
others =>(others => '0')
2 => (
0 => real2stdlv(NbitW,(2.0**LSB_OUT)*(0.0784)),
others =>(others => '0')
end wb_init;

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