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Rev 6 → Rev 7

0,0 → 1,463
-- Package of auto_baud components
-- Contains the following components:
-- auto_baud_with_tracking
-- auto_baud_with_tracking_slv
-- the version with the suffix _slv attached to the name provides
-- IO busses of the "std_logic_vector" type instead of "unsigned."
-- In all other ways, these components are identical.
library IEEE;
package auto_baud_pack is
component auto_baud_with_tracking
generic (
CLOCK_FACTOR : natural; -- Output is this factor times the baud rate
FPGA_CLKRATE : integer; -- FPGA system clock rate
MIN_BAUDRATE : integer; -- Minimum expected incoming Baud rate
DELTA_THRESHOLD : integer -- Max. number of sys_clks difference allowed between
-- "half_measurement" and "measurement"
port (
sys_rst_n : in std_logic;
sys_clk : in std_logic;
-- rate and parity
rx_parity_i : in unsigned(1 downto 0); -- 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd
-- serial input
rx_stream_i : in std_logic;
-- Output
baud_lock_o : out std_logic;
baud_clk_o : out std_logic
end component;
component auto_baud_with_tracking_slv
generic (
CLOCK_FACTOR : natural; -- Output is this factor times the baud rate
FPGA_CLKRATE : integer; -- FPGA system clock rate
MIN_BAUDRATE : integer; -- Minimum expected incoming Baud rate
DELTA_THRESHOLD : integer -- Max. number of sys_clks difference allowed between
-- "half_measurement" and "measurement"
port (
sys_rst_n : in std_logic;
sys_clk : in std_logic;
-- rate and parity
rx_parity_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd
-- serial input
rx_stream_i : in std_logic;
-- Output
baud_lock_o : out std_logic;
baud_clk_o : out std_logic
end component;
end auto_baud_pack;
package body auto_baud_pack is
end auto_baud_pack;
-- Auto Baud with tracking core
-- Author: John Clayton
-- Date : Aug. 20, 2002 Began project
-- Update: Sep. 5, 2002 copied this file from "autobaud.v"
-- Added tracking functions, and debugged them.
-- Update: Sep. 13, 2002 Added test data. Module complete, it works well.
-- Update: Nov. 20, 2009 Began translation into VHDL
-- Description
-- This is a state-machine driven core that measures transition intervals
-- in a particular character arriving via rs232 transmission (i.e. PC serial
-- port.) Measurements of time intervals between transitions in the received
-- character are then used to generate a baud rate clock for use in serial
-- communications back and forth with the device that originally transmitted
-- the measured character. The clock which is generated is in reality a
-- clock enable pulse, one single clock wide, occurring at a rate suitable
-- for use in serial communications. (This means that it will be generated
-- at 4x or 8x or 16x the actual measured baud rate of the received character.
-- The multiplication factor is called "CLOCK_FACTOR" and is a settable
-- parameter within this module. The parameter "CLOCK_FACTOR" need not
-- be a power of two, but it should be a number between 2 and 16 inclusive.)
-- The particular character which is targeted for measurement and verification
-- in this module is: carriage return (CR) = 0x0d = 13.
-- This particular character was chosen because it is frequently used at the
-- end of a command line, as entered at a keyboard by a human user interacting
-- with a command interpreter. It is anticipated that the user would press
-- the "enter" key once upon initializing communications with the electronic
-- device, and the resulting carriage return character would be used for
-- determining BAUD rate, thus allowing the device to respond at the correct
-- rate, and to carry on further communications. The electronic device using
-- this "auto_baud" module adjusts its baud rate to match the baud rate of
-- the received data. This works for all baud rates, within certain limits,
-- and for all system clock rates, within certain limits.
-- Received serially, and with no parity bit, the carriage return appears as
-- the following waveform:
-- ________ __ ____ _______________
-- |__|d0|__|d2d3|________|stop
-- start d1 d4d5d6d7
-- The waveform is shown with an identical "high" time and "low" time for
-- each bit. However, actual measurements taken using a logic analyzer
-- on characters received from a PC show that the times are not equal.
-- The "high" times turned out shorter, and the "low" times longer...
-- Therefore, this module attempts to average out this discrepancy by
-- measuring one low time and one high time.
-- Since the transition measurements must unavoidably contain small amounts
-- of error, the measurements are made during the beginning 2 bits of
-- the received character, (that is, start bit and data bit zero).
-- Then the measurement is immediately transformed into a baud rate clock,
-- used to verify correct reception of the remaining 8 bits of the character.
-- If the entire character is not received correctly using the generated
-- baud rate, then the measurement is scrapped, and the unit goes into an
-- idle scanning mode waiting for another character to test.
-- This effectively filters out characters that the unit is not interested in
-- receiving (anything that is not a carriage return.) There is a slight
-- possibility that a group of other characters could appear by random
-- chance in a configuration that resembles a carriage return closely enough
-- that the unit might accept the measurement and produce a baud clock too
-- low. But the probability of this happening is remote enough that the
-- unit is considered highly "robust" in normal use, especially when used
-- for command entry by humans. It would take a very clever user indeed, to
-- enter the correct series of characters with the correct intercharacter
-- timing needed to possibly "fool" the unit!
-- (Also, the baud rate produced falls within certain limits imposed by
-- the hardware of the unit, which prevents the auto_baud unit from mistaking
-- a series of short glitches on the serial data line for a really
-- fast CR character.)
-- This method of operation implies that each carriage return character
-- received will produce a correctly generated baud rate clock. Therefore,
-- each and every carriage return actually causes a new baud rate clock to
-- be produced. However, updates occur smoothly, and there should be no
-- apparent effect as an old BAUD clock is stopped and a new one started.
-- The transition is done smoothly.
-- For users who desire a single measurement at the beginning of a session
-- to produce a steady baud clock during the entire session, there is a
-- slightly smaller module called "auto_baud.v" which performs a single
-- measurement, but which requires a reset pulse in order to begin measuring
-- for a new BAUD rate.
-- - This module uses a counter to divide down the sys_clk signal to produce the
-- baud_clk_o signal. Since the frequency of baud_clk_o is nominally
-- CLOCK_FACTOR * rx_baud_rate, where "rx_baud_rate" is the baud rate
-- of the received character, then the higher you make CLOCK_FACTOR, the
-- higher the generated baud_clk_o signal frequency, and hence the lower the
-- resolution of the divider. Therefore, using a lower value for the
-- CLOCK_FACTOR will allow you to use a lower sys_clk with this module.
-- - The lower the minimum baud rate setting, the larger the counters will be.
-- This is so that the counters can accomodate the large count values needed
-- to divide the system clock into the low Baud rate output.
-- - If the percentage error for your highest desired baud rate is greater
-- than a few percent, you might want to use a higher Fsys_clk or else a
-- lower CLOCK_FACTOR.
-- Note: Simply changing the template bits does not reconfigure the
-- module to look for a different character (because a new measurement
-- window might have to be defined for a different character...)
-- The template bits are the exact bits used during verify, against
-- which the incoming character is checked.
-- The LSB of the character is not used for verification, since it is
-- actually used in the measurement.
library IEEE;
entity auto_baud_with_tracking is
generic (
CLOCK_FACTOR : natural := 16; -- Output is this factor times the baud rate
FPGA_CLKRATE : integer := 25000000; -- FPGA system clock rate
MIN_BAUDRATE : integer := 57600; -- Minimum expected incoming Baud rate
DELTA_THRESHOLD : integer := 6 -- Max. number of sys_clks difference allowed between
-- "half_measurement" and "measurement"
port (
sys_rst_n : in std_logic;
sys_clk : in std_logic;
-- rate and parity
rx_parity_i : in unsigned(1 downto 0); -- 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd
-- serial input
rx_stream_i : in std_logic;
-- Output
baud_lock_o : out std_logic;
baud_clk_o : out std_logic
end auto_baud_with_tracking;
architecture beh of auto_baud_with_tracking is
-- Constants
constant TEMPLATE_BITS : unsigned(7 downto 0) := "00001101"; -- Carriage return
constant MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH : integer := integer(ceil(log2(real(FPGA_CLKRATE)/real(MIN_BAUDRATE)))); -- Bit Width of timer.
-- Internal signal declarations
-- State Machine
signal fsm_state : FSM_STATE_TYPE;
signal baud_lock : std_logic; -- When high, indicates output can operate.
signal char_mismatch : std_logic; -- Indicates character did not verify
signal baud_count : unsigned(MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- BAUD counter register
signal baud_div : unsigned(MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- measurement for running
signal measurement : unsigned(MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- measurement for verify
signal half_check : unsigned(MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Half of measurement
signal half_measurement : unsigned(MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- measurement at end of start bit
signal delta : unsigned(MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- Difference value
signal target_bits : unsigned(8 downto 0); -- Character bits to compare
signal target_bit_count : unsigned(3 downto 0); -- Contains count of bits remaining to check
signal parity : std_logic; -- The "template bit" for checking the received parity bit.
-- Functions
function gen_even_parity(in_a : unsigned) return std_logic is
variable i : natural;
variable o : std_logic;
o := '0'; -- Default value
for i in 0 to in_a'length-1 loop
o := o xor in_a(i);
end loop;
parity <= '1' when (rx_parity_i="00") else
gen_even_parity(TEMPLATE_BITS) when (rx_parity_i="01") else
not gen_even_parity(TEMPLATE_BITS) when (rx_parity_i="10") else
-- Form a difference between the measurement and twice the "half-measurement"
-- Take the absolute value.
half_check <= '0' & measurement(MAIN_COUNT_WIDTH-1 downto 1);
delta <= (half_check-half_measurement) when (half_check>half_measurement) else
-- This is state machine. It checks the status of the rx_stream_i line
-- and coordinates the measurement of the time interval of the first two
-- bits of the received character, which is the "measurement interval."
-- Following the measurement interval, the state machine enters a new
-- phase of bit verification. If the measured time interval is accurate
-- enough to measure the remaining 8 or 9 bits of the character correctly, then
-- the measurement is accepted, and the baud rate clock is driven onto
-- the baud_clk_o output pin. Incidentally, the process of verification
-- effectively filters out characters which are not the desired target
-- character for measurement. In this case, the target character is the
-- carriage return.
fsm_proc: process(sys_clk, sys_rst_n, parity)
if (sys_rst_n='0') then
fsm_state <= IDLE; -- asynchronous reset
baud_clk_o <= '0';
baud_lock <= '0';
char_mismatch <= '0';
baud_count <= (others=>'0');
half_measurement <= (others=>'0'); -- The measurement at the end of the start bit
measurement <= (others=>'0'); -- The candidate divider value.
baud_div <= (others=>'0'); -- The "running" copy of measurement
target_bits <= '1' & parity & TEMPLATE_BITS(7 downto 1);
target_bit_count <= (others=>'0');
elsif (sys_clk'event and sys_clk='1') then
-- Handle the baud clock output generation, if we have achieved "baud_lock"
if (baud_lock='1') then
if (baud_count + 2*CLOCK_FACTOR > baud_div) then
baud_count <= to_unsigned(CLOCK_FACTOR,baud_count'length);
-- baud_count <= baud_count + to_unsigned(CLOCK_FACTOR,baud_count'length) - baud_div;
-- (Compromised above for simplicity)
-- (It could have been baud_count+CLOCK_FACTOR-baud_div)
baud_clk_o <= '1';
baud_count <= baud_count + 2*CLOCK_FACTOR;
baud_clk_o <= '0';
end if;
end if;
case (fsm_state) is
when IDLE =>
char_mismatch <= '0';
measurement <= (others=>'0');
half_measurement <= (others=>'0');
target_bits <= '1' & parity & TEMPLATE_BITS(7 downto 1);
if (rx_parity_i=0) then
target_bit_count <= to_unsigned(8,target_bit_count'length);
target_bit_count <= to_unsigned(9,target_bit_count'length); -- ODD/EVEN parity means extra bit.
end if;
if (rx_stream_i = '0') then
fsm_state <= MEASURE_START_BIT;
end if;
if (rx_stream_i = '1') then
half_measurement <= measurement;
fsm_state <= MEASURE_DATA_BIT;
measurement <= measurement+1;
end if;
-- The duration of the data bit must not be significantly different
-- than the duration of the start bit...
measurement <= measurement+1;
if (rx_stream_i='0') then -- Look for the end of the least significant data bit.
if (delta>DELTA_THRESHOLD) then
fsm_state <= IDLE;
fsm_state <= VERIFY;
end if;
end if;
when VERIFY => -- Wait for verify operations to finish
if (target_bit_count=0) then -- At the stop bit, check the status
if (char_mismatch='0') then
baud_div <= measurement; -- Store final verified measurement for running
baud_lock <= '1';
end if;
if (rx_stream_i='1') then -- Only return when there is a chance of making a valid new measurement...
fsm_state <= IDLE; -- Whether successful, or not, return to IDLE ("autotracking" feature.)
end if;
if (half_measurement>=measurement) then -- Initial setting leads to near mid-bit sampling.
half_measurement <= (others=>'0');
target_bits <= '0' & target_bits(target_bits'length-1 downto 1);
target_bit_count <= target_bit_count-1;
if (target_bits(0)/=rx_stream_i) then
char_mismatch <= '1';
end if;
half_measurement <= half_measurement+2;
end if;
end if;
--when others =>
-- fsm_state <= IDLE;
end case;
end if;
end process;
baud_lock_o <= baud_lock;
end beh;
-- ...A wrapper to allow instantiating this module with
-- busses of type "std_logic_vector" for those who need that.
library IEEE;
library work;
use work.auto_baud_pack.all;
entity auto_baud_with_tracking_slv is
generic (
CLOCK_FACTOR : natural := 16; -- Output is this factor times the baud rate
FPGA_CLKRATE : integer := 25000000; -- FPGA system clock rate
MIN_BAUDRATE : integer := 57600; -- Minimum expected incoming Baud rate
DELTA_THRESHOLD : integer := 6 -- Max. number of sys_clks difference allowed between
-- "half_measurement" and "measurement"
port (
sys_rst_n : in std_logic;
sys_clk : in std_logic;
-- rate and parity
rx_parity_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd
-- serial input
rx_stream_i : in std_logic;
-- Output
baud_lock_o : out std_logic;
baud_clk_o : out std_logic
end auto_baud_with_tracking_slv;
architecture beh of auto_baud_with_tracking_slv is
-- Internal signal declarations
signal rx_parity_u : unsigned(1 downto 0); -- The "template bit" for checking the received parity bit.
-- This module generates a serial BAUD clock automatically.
-- The unit synchronizes on the carriage return character, so the user
-- only needs to press the "enter" key for serial communications to start
-- working, no matter what BAUD rate and clk_i frequency are used!
auto_baud1 : auto_baud_with_tracking
generic map(
CLOCK_FACTOR => CLOCK_FACTOR, -- Output is this factor times the baud rate
FPGA_CLKRATE => FPGA_CLKRATE, -- FPGA system clock rate
MIN_BAUDRATE => MIN_BAUDRATE, -- Minimum expected incoming Baud rate
DELTA_THRESHOLD => DELTA_THRESHOLD -- Max. number of sys_clks difference allowed between
-- "half_measurement" and "measurement"
port map(
sys_rst_n => sys_rst_n,
sys_clk => sys_clk,
-- rate and parity
rx_parity_i => rx_parity_u, -- 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd
-- serial input
rx_stream_i => rx_stream_i,
-- Output
baud_lock_o => baud_lock_o,
baud_clk_o => baud_clk_o
rx_parity_u <= unsigned(rx_parity_i);
end beh;

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