
Subversion Repositories cpu_lecture

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 1 to Rev 2
    Reverse comparison

Rev 1 → Rev 2

0,0 → 1,140
-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann
-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING).
-- If not, see
-- Module Name: prog_mem - Behavioral
-- Create Date: 14:09:04 10/30/2009
-- Description: a block memory module
library IEEE;
entity RAMB4_S4_S4 is
generic(INIT_00 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& "00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_01 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_02 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_03 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_04 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_05 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_06 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_07 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_08 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_09 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0A : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0B : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0C : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0D : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0E : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000";
INIT_0F : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"
& X"00000000000000000000000000000000");
port( ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
CLKA : in std_ulogic;
CLKB : in std_ulogic;
DIA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DIB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
ENA : in std_ulogic;
ENB : in std_ulogic;
RSTA : in std_ulogic;
RSTB : in std_ulogic;
WEA : in std_ulogic;
WEB : in std_ulogic;
DOA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
DOB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end RAMB4_S4_S4;
architecture Behavioral of RAMB4_S4_S4 is
function cv(A : bit) return std_logic is
if (A = '1') then return '1';
else return '0';
end if;
function cv1(A : std_logic) return bit is
if (A = '1') then return '1';
else return '0';
end if;
signal DATA : bit_vector(4095 downto 0) :=
INIT_0F & INIT_0E & INIT_0D & INIT_0C & INIT_0B & INIT_0A & INIT_09 & INIT_08 &
INIT_07 & INIT_06 & INIT_05 & INIT_04 & INIT_03 & INIT_02 & INIT_01 & INIT_00;
process(CLKA, CLKB)
if (rising_edge(CLKA)) then
if (ENA = '1') then
DOA(3) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "11")));
DOA(2) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "10")));
DOA(1) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "01")));
DOA(0) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "00")));
if (WEA = '1') then
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "11")) <= cv1(DIA(3));
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "10")) <= cv1(DIA(2));
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "01")) <= cv1(DIA(1));
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "00")) <= cv1(DIA(0));
end if;
end if;
end if;
if (rising_edge(CLKB)) then
if (ENB = '1') then
DOB(3) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "11")));
DOB(2) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "10")));
DOB(1) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "01")));
DOB(0) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "00")));
if (WEB = '1') then
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "11")) <= cv1(DIB(3));
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "10")) <= cv1(DIB(2));
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "01")) <= cv1(DIB(1));
DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "00")) <= cv1(DIB(0));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
0,0 → 1,91
-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann
-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING).
-- If not, see
-- Module Name: alu - Behavioral
-- Create Date: 16:47:24 12/29/2009
-- Description: arithmetic logic unit of a CPU
library IEEE;
entity testbench is
end testbench;
architecture Behavioral of testbench is
component avr_fpga
port ( I_CLK_100 : in std_logic;
I_SWITCH : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
I_RX : in std_logic;
Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
Q_LEDS : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
Q_TX : out std_logic);
end component;
signal L_CLK_100 : std_logic;
signal L_LEDS : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal L_7_SEGMENT : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal L_RX : std_logic;
signal L_SWITCH : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal L_TX : std_logic;
signal L_CLK_COUNT : integer := 0;
fpga: avr_fpga
port map( I_CLK_100 => L_CLK_100,
I_RX => L_RX,
Q_TX => L_TX);
process -- clock process for CLK_100,
clock_loop : loop
L_CLK_100 <= transport '0';
wait for 5 ns;
L_CLK_100 <= transport '1';
wait for 5 ns;
end loop clock_loop;
end process;
if (rising_edge(L_CLK_100)) then
case L_CLK_COUNT is
when 0 => L_SWITCH <= "0011100000"; L_RX <= '0';
when 2 => L_SWITCH(9 downto 8) <= "11";
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
0,0 → 1,215
AVR_FPGA.elf: file format elf32-avr
Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
0 .text 0000019a 00000000 00000000 00000054 2**1
1 .stab 00000378 00000000 00000000 000001f0 2**2
2 .stabstr 00000054 00000000 00000000 00000568 2**0
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <__vectors>:
0: 0c 94 36 00 jmp 0x6c ; 0x6c <__ctors_end>
4: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
8: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
c: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
10: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
14: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
18: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
1c: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
20: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
24: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
28: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
2c: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
30: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
34: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
38: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
3c: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
40: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
44: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
48: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
4c: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
50: 0c 94 53 00 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
00000054 <__c.1703>:
54: 48 45 4c 4c 4f 20 00 HELLO .
0000005b <__c.1701>:
5b: 48 65 6c 6c 6f 2c 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 21 0d 0a 00 Hello, World!...
0000006c <__ctors_end>:
6c: 11 24 eor r1, r1
6e: 1f be out 0x3f, r1 ; 63
70: cf e5 ldi r28, 0x5F ; 95
72: d4 e0 ldi r29, 0x04 ; 4
74: de bf out 0x3e, r29 ; 62
76: cd bf out 0x3d, r28 ; 61
00000078 <__do_copy_data>:
78: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
7a: a0 e6 ldi r26, 0x60 ; 96
7c: b0 e0 ldi r27, 0x00 ; 0
7e: ea e9 ldi r30, 0x9A ; 154
80: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
82: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x88 <.do_copy_data_start>
00000084 <.do_copy_data_loop>:
84: 05 90 lpm r0, Z+
86: 0d 92 st X+, r0
00000088 <.do_copy_data_start>:
88: a0 36 cpi r26, 0x60 ; 96
8a: b1 07 cpc r27, r17
8c: d9 f7 brne .-10 ; 0x84 <.do_copy_data_loop>
0000008e <__do_clear_bss>:
8e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
90: a0 e6 ldi r26, 0x60 ; 96
92: b0 e0 ldi r27, 0x00 ; 0
94: 01 c0 rjmp .+2 ; 0x98 <.do_clear_bss_start>
00000096 <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
96: 1d 92 st X+, r1
00000098 <.do_clear_bss_start>:
98: a0 36 cpi r26, 0x60 ; 96
9a: b1 07 cpc r27, r17
9c: e1 f7 brne .-8 ; 0x96 <.do_clear_bss_loop>
9e: 0e 94 ba 00 call 0x174 ; 0x174 <main>
a2: 0c 94 cc 00 jmp 0x198 ; 0x198 <_exit>
000000a6 <__bad_interrupt>:
a6: 0c 94 00 00 jmp 0 ; 0x0 <__heap_end>
000000aa <uart_putc>:
aa: 5d 9b sbis 0x0b, 5 ; 11
ac: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0xaa <uart_putc>
ae: 8c b9 out 0x0c, r24 ; 12
b0: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
b2: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
b4: 08 95 ret
000000b6 <seg7_putc>:
b6: 88 34 cpi r24, 0x48 ; 72
b8: 81 f0 breq .+32 ; 0xda <seg7_putc+0x24>
ba: 89 34 cpi r24, 0x49 ; 73
bc: 28 f4 brcc .+10 ; 0xc8 <seg7_putc+0x12>
be: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
c0: 41 f0 breq .+16 ; 0xd2 <seg7_putc+0x1c>
c2: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
c4: 81 f4 brne .+32 ; 0xe6 <seg7_putc+0x30>
c6: 07 c0 rjmp .+14 ; 0xd6 <seg7_putc+0x20>
c8: 8c 34 cpi r24, 0x4C ; 76
ca: 49 f0 breq .+18 ; 0xde <seg7_putc+0x28>
cc: 8f 34 cpi r24, 0x4F ; 79
ce: 59 f4 brne .+22 ; 0xe6 <seg7_putc+0x30>
d0: 08 c0 rjmp .+16 ; 0xe2 <seg7_putc+0x2c>
d2: 8f ef ldi r24, 0xFF ; 255
d4: 09 c0 rjmp .+18 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
d6: 86 e8 ldi r24, 0x86 ; 134
d8: 07 c0 rjmp .+14 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
da: 89 e8 ldi r24, 0x89 ; 137
dc: 05 c0 rjmp .+10 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
de: 87 ec ldi r24, 0xC7 ; 199
e0: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
e2: 80 ec ldi r24, 0xC0 ; 192
e4: 01 c0 rjmp .+2 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
e6: 86 eb ldi r24, 0xB6 ; 182
e8: 88 bb out 0x18, r24 ; 24
ea: b5 99 sbic 0x16, 5 ; 22
ec: 0c c0 rjmp .+24 ; 0x106 <seg7_putc+0x50>
ee: 20 e0 ldi r18, 0x00 ; 0
f0: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
f2: 8a e6 ldi r24, 0x6A ; 106
f4: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
f6: 01 97 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
f8: f1 f7 brne .-4 ; 0xf6 <seg7_putc+0x40>
fa: 2f 5f subi r18, 0xFF ; 255
fc: 3f 4f sbci r19, 0xFF ; 255
fe: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
100: 20 32 cpi r18, 0x20 ; 32
102: 38 07 cpc r19, r24
104: b1 f7 brne .-20 ; 0xf2 <seg7_putc+0x3c>
106: 8f ef ldi r24, 0xFF ; 255
108: 88 bb out 0x18, r24 ; 24
10a: b5 99 sbic 0x16, 5 ; 22
10c: 0b c0 rjmp .+22 ; 0x124 <seg7_putc+0x6e>
10e: 20 e0 ldi r18, 0x00 ; 0
110: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
112: 8a e6 ldi r24, 0x6A ; 106
114: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
116: 01 97 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
118: f1 f7 brne .-4 ; 0x116 <seg7_putc+0x60>
11a: 2f 5f subi r18, 0xFF ; 255
11c: 3f 4f sbci r19, 0xFF ; 255
11e: 28 3c cpi r18, 0xC8 ; 200
120: 31 05 cpc r19, r1
122: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x112 <seg7_putc+0x5c>
124: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
126: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
128: 08 95 ret
0000012a <uart_puts>:
12a: ac 01 movw r20, r24
12c: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x134 <uart_puts+0xa>
12e: 5d 9b sbis 0x0b, 5 ; 11
130: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x12e <uart_puts+0x4>
132: 2c b9 out 0x0c, r18 ; 12
134: fc 01 movw r30, r24
136: 01 96 adiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
138: 24 91 lpm r18, Z
13a: 22 23 and r18, r18
13c: c1 f7 brne .-16 ; 0x12e <uart_puts+0x4>
13e: 84 1b sub r24, r20
140: 95 0b sbc r25, r21
142: 01 97 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
144: 08 95 ret
00000146 <seg7_puts>:
146: 0f 93 push r16
148: 1f 93 push r17
14a: cf 93 push r28
14c: df 93 push r29
14e: 8c 01 movw r16, r24
150: ec 01 movw r28, r24
152: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x158 <seg7_puts+0x12>
154: 0e 94 5b 00 call 0xb6 ; 0xb6 <seg7_putc>
158: fe 01 movw r30, r28
15a: 21 96 adiw r28, 0x01 ; 1
15c: 84 91 lpm r24, Z
15e: 88 23 and r24, r24
160: c9 f7 brne .-14 ; 0x154 <seg7_puts+0xe>
162: c0 1b sub r28, r16
164: d1 0b sbc r29, r17
166: ce 01 movw r24, r28
168: 01 97 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
16a: df 91 pop r29
16c: cf 91 pop r28
16e: 1f 91 pop r17
170: 0f 91 pop r16
172: 08 95 ret
00000174 <main>:
174: cf e5 ldi r28, 0x5F ; 95
176: d4 e0 ldi r29, 0x04 ; 4
178: de bf out 0x3e, r29 ; 62
17a: cd bf out 0x3d, r28 ; 61
17c: 0b e5 ldi r16, 0x5B ; 91
17e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
180: c4 e5 ldi r28, 0x54 ; 84
182: d0 e0 ldi r29, 0x00 ; 0
184: b6 9b sbis 0x16, 6 ; 22
186: 04 c0 rjmp .+8 ; 0x190 <main+0x1c>
188: c8 01 movw r24, r16
18a: 0e 94 95 00 call 0x12a ; 0x12a <uart_puts>
18e: fa cf rjmp .-12 ; 0x184 <main+0x10>
190: ce 01 movw r24, r28
192: 0e 94 a3 00 call 0x146 ; 0x146 <seg7_puts>
196: f6 cf rjmp .-20 ; 0x184 <main+0x10>
00000198 <_exit>:
198: ff cf rjmp .-2 ; 0x198 <_exit>
0,0 → 1,215
AVR_FPGA.elf: file format elf32-avr
Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
0 .text 0000019a 00000000 00000000 00000054 2**1
1 .stab 00000378 00000000 00000000 000001f0 2**2
2 .stabstr 00000054 00000000 00000000 00000568 2**0
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000: <__vectors>:
0: 940C 0036 jmp 0x6c ; 0x6c <__ctors_end>
2: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
4: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
6: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
8: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
A: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
C: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
E: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
10: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
12: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
14: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
16: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
18: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
1A: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
1C: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
1E: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
20: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
22: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
24: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
26: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
28: 940C 0053 jmp 0xa6 ; 0xa6 <__bad_interrupt>
0000002A: <__c.1703>:
2A: 4548 4C4C 204F 00 HELLO .
0000002D+: <__c.1701>:
2D+: 6548 6C6C 2C6F 5720 726F 646C 0D21 000A Hello, World!...
00000036: <__ctors_end>:
36: 2411 eor r1, r1
37: BE1F out 0x3f, r1 ; 63
38: E5CF ldi r28, 0x5F ; 95
39: E0D4 ldi r29, 0x04 ; 4
3A: BFDE out 0x3e, r29 ; 62
3B: BFCD out 0x3d, r28 ; 61
0000003C: <__do_copy_data>:
3C: E010 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
3D: E6A0 ldi r26, 0x60 ; 96
3E: E0B0 ldi r27, 0x00 ; 0
3F: E9EA ldi r30, 0x9A ; 154
40: E0F1 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
41: C002 rjmp 0x44 ; 0x88 <.do_copy_data_start>
00000042: <.do_copy_data_loop>:
42: 9005 lpm r0, Z+
43: 920D st X+, r0
00000044: <.do_copy_data_start>:
44: 36A0 cpi r26, 0x60 ; 96
45: 07B1 cpc r27, r17
46: F7D9 brne 0x42 ; 0x84 <.do_copy_data_loop>
00000047: <__do_clear_bss>:
47: E010 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
48: E6A0 ldi r26, 0x60 ; 96
49: E0B0 ldi r27, 0x00 ; 0
4A: C001 rjmp 0x4C ; 0x98 <.do_clear_bss_start>
0000004B: <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
4B: 921D st X+, r1
0000004C: <.do_clear_bss_start>:
4C: 36A0 cpi r26, 0x60 ; 96
4D: 07B1 cpc r27, r17
4E: F7E1 brne 0x4B ; 0x96 <.do_clear_bss_loop>
4F: 940E 00BA call 0x174 ; 0x174 <main>
51: 940C 00CC jmp 0x198 ; 0x198 <_exit>
00000053: <__bad_interrupt>:
53: 940C 0000 jmp 0 ; 0x0 <__heap_end>
00000055: <uart_putc>:
55: 9B5D sbis 0x0b, 5 ; 11
56: CFFE rjmp 0x55 ; 0xaa <uart_putc>
57: B98C out 0x0c, r24 ; 12
58: E081 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
59: E090 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
5A: 9508 ret
0000005B: <seg7_putc>:
5B: 3488 cpi r24, 0x48 ; 72
5C: F081 breq 0x6D ; 0xda <seg7_putc+0x24>
5D: 3489 cpi r24, 0x49 ; 73
5E: F428 brcc 0x64 ; 0xc8 <seg7_putc+0x12>
5F: 3280 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
60: F041 breq 0x69 ; 0xd2 <seg7_putc+0x1c>
61: 3485 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
62: F481 brne 0x73 ; 0xe6 <seg7_putc+0x30>
63: C007 rjmp 0x6B ; 0xd6 <seg7_putc+0x20>
64: 348C cpi r24, 0x4C ; 76
65: F049 breq 0x6F ; 0xde <seg7_putc+0x28>
66: 348F cpi r24, 0x4F ; 79
67: F459 brne 0x73 ; 0xe6 <seg7_putc+0x30>
68: C008 rjmp 0x71 ; 0xe2 <seg7_putc+0x2c>
69: EF8F ldi r24, 0xFF ; 255
6A: C009 rjmp 0x74 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
6B: E886 ldi r24, 0x86 ; 134
6C: C007 rjmp 0x74 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
6D: E889 ldi r24, 0x89 ; 137
6E: C005 rjmp 0x74 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
6F: EC87 ldi r24, 0xC7 ; 199
70: C003 rjmp 0x74 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
71: EC80 ldi r24, 0xC0 ; 192
72: C001 rjmp 0x74 ; 0xe8 <seg7_putc+0x32>
73: EB86 ldi r24, 0xB6 ; 182
74: BB88 out 0x18, r24 ; 24
75: 99B5 sbic 0x16, 5 ; 22
76: C00C rjmp 0x83 ; 0x106 <seg7_putc+0x50>
77: E020 ldi r18, 0x00 ; 0
78: E030 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
79: E68A ldi r24, 0x6A ; 106
7A: E198 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
7B: 9701 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
7C: F7F1 brne 0x7B ; 0xf6 <seg7_putc+0x40>
7D: 5F2F subi r18, 0xFF ; 255
7E: 4F3F sbci r19, 0xFF ; 255
7F: E083 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
80: 3220 cpi r18, 0x20 ; 32
81: 0738 cpc r19, r24
82: F7B1 brne 0x79 ; 0xf2 <seg7_putc+0x3c>
83: EF8F ldi r24, 0xFF ; 255
84: BB88 out 0x18, r24 ; 24
85: 99B5 sbic 0x16, 5 ; 22
86: C00B rjmp 0x92 ; 0x124 <seg7_putc+0x6e>
87: E020 ldi r18, 0x00 ; 0
88: E030 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
89: E68A ldi r24, 0x6A ; 106
8A: E198 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
8B: 9701 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
8C: F7F1 brne 0x8B ; 0x116 <seg7_putc+0x60>
8D: 5F2F subi r18, 0xFF ; 255
8E: 4F3F sbci r19, 0xFF ; 255
8F: 3C28 cpi r18, 0xC8 ; 200
90: 0531 cpc r19, r1
91: F7B9 brne 0x89 ; 0x112 <seg7_putc+0x5c>
92: E081 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
93: E090 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
94: 9508 ret
00000095: (uart_puts):
95: 01AC movw r20, r24
96: C003 rjmp 0x9A ; 0x134 <uart_puts+0xa>
97: 9B5D sbis 0x0b, 5 ; 11
98: CFFE rjmp 0x97 ; 0x12e <uart_puts+0x4>
99: B92C out 0x0c, r18 ; 12
9A: 01FC movw r30, r24
9B: 9601 adiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
9C: 9124 lpm r18, Z
9D: 2322 and r18, r18
9E: F7C1 brne 0x97 ; 0x12e <uart_puts+0x4>
9F: 1B84 sub r24, r20
A0: 0B95 sbc r25, r21
A1: 9701 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
A2: 9508 ret
000000A3: <seg7_puts>:
A3: 930F push r16
A4: 931F push r17
A5: 93CF push r28
A6: 93DF push r29
A7: 018C movw r16, r24
A8: 01EC movw r28, r24
A9: C002 rjmp 0xAC ; 0x158 <seg7_puts+0x12>
AA: 940E 005B call 0xb6 ; 0xb6 <seg7_putc>
AC: 01FE movw r30, r28
AD: 9621 adiw r28, 0x01 ; 1
AE: 9184 lpm r24, Z
AF: 2388 and r24, r24
B0: F7C9 brne 0xAA ; 0x154 <seg7_puts+0xe>
B1: 1BC0 sub r28, r16
B2: 0BD1 sbc r29, r17
B3: 01CE movw r24, r28
B4: 9701 sbiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
B5: 91DF pop r29
B6: 91CF pop r28
B7: 911F pop r17
B8: 910F pop r16
B9: 9508 ret
000000BA: <main>:
BA: E5CF ldi r28, 0x5F ; 95
BB: E0D4 ldi r29, 0x04 ; 4
BC: BFDE out 0x3e, r29 ; 62
BD: BFCD out 0x3d, r28 ; 61
BE: E50B ldi r16, 0x5B ; 91
BF: E010 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
C0: E5C4 ldi r28, 0x54 ; 84
C1: E0D0 ldi r29, 0x00 ; 0
C2: 9BB6 sbis 0x16, 6 ; 22
C3: C004 rjmp 0xC8 ; 0x190 <main+0x1c>
C4: 01C8 movw r24, r16
C5: 940E 0095 call 0x12a ; 0x12a <uart_puts>
C7: CFFA rjmp 0xC2 ; 0x184 <main+0x10>
C8: 01CE movw r24, r28
C9: 940E 00A3 call 0x146 ; 0x146 <seg7_puts>
CB: CFF6 rjmp 0xC2 ; 0x184 <main+0x10>
000000CC: <_exit>:
CC: CFFF rjmp 0xCC ; 0x198 <_exit>
0,0 → 1,122
#include "stdint.h"
#include "avr/io.h"
#include "avr/pgmspace.h"
#undef F_CPU
#define F_CPU 25000000UL
#include "util/delay.h"
// //
// print char cc on UART. //
// return number of chars printed (i.e. 1). //
// //
uart_putc(uint8_t cc)
while ((UCSRA & (1 << UDRE)) == 0) ;
UDR = cc;
return 1;
// //
// print char cc on 7 segment display. //
// return number of chars printed (i.e. 1). //
// //
// The segments of the display are encoded like this:
// segment PORT B
// name Bit number
// ----A---- ----0----
// | | | |
// F B 5 1
// | | | |
// ----G---- ----6----
// | | | |
// E C 4 2
// | | | |
// ----D---- ----3----
#define SEG7(G, F, E, D, C, B, A) (~(G<<6|F<<5|E<<4|D<<3|C<<2|B<<1|A))
seg7_putc(uint8_t cc)
uint16_t t;
{ // G F E D C B A
case ' ': PORTB = SEG7(0,0,0,0,0,0,0); break;
case 'E': PORTB = SEG7(1,1,1,1,0,0,1); break;
case 'H': PORTB = SEG7(1,1,1,0,1,1,0); break;
case 'L': PORTB = SEG7(0,1,1,1,0,0,0); break;
case 'O': PORTB = SEG7(0,1,1,1,1,1,1); break;
default: PORTB = SEG7(1,0,0,1,0,0,1); break;
// wait 800 + 200 ms. This can be quite boring in simulations,
// so we wait only if DIP switch 6 is closed.
if (!(PINB & 0x20)) for (t = 0; t < 800; ++t) _delay_ms(1);
PORTB = SEG7(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
if (!(PINB & 0x20)) for (t = 0; t < 200; ++t) _delay_ms(1);
return 1;
// //
// print string s on UART. //
// return number of chars printed. //
// //
uart_puts(const char * s)
const char * from = s;
uint8_t cc;
while ((cc = pgm_read_byte(s++))) uart_putc(cc);
return s - from - 1;
// //
// print string s on 7 segment display. //
// return number of chars printed. //
// //
seg7_puts(const char * s)
const char * from = s;
uint8_t cc;
while ((cc = pgm_read_byte(s++))) seg7_putc(cc);
return s - from - 1;
main(int argc, char * argv[])
for (;;)
if (PINB & 0x40) // DIP switch 7 open.
// print 'Hello world' on UART.
uart_puts(PSTR("Hello, World!\r\n"));
else // DIP switch 7 closed.
// print 'HELLO' on 7-segment display
seg7_puts(PSTR("HELLO "));
0,0 → 1,84
#include "assert.h"
#include "ctype.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
main(int argc, const char * argv)
char buffer[2000];
int pc, val, val2;
for (;;)
char * s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, stdin);
if (s == 0) return 0;
// map lines ' xx:' and 'xxxxxxxx; to 2* the hex value.
if (
(isxdigit(s[0]) || s[0] == ' ') &&
(isxdigit(s[1]) || s[1] == ' ') &&
(isxdigit(s[2]) || s[2] == ' ') &&
isxdigit(s[3]) && s[4] == ':') // ' xx:'
assert(1 == sscanf(s, " %x:", &pc));
if (pc & 1) printf("%4X+:", pc/2);
else printf("%4X:", pc/2);
s += 5;
else if (isxdigit(s[0]) && isxdigit(s[1]) && isxdigit(s[2]) &&
isxdigit(s[3]) && isxdigit(s[4]) && isxdigit(s[5]) &&
isxdigit(s[6]) && isxdigit(s[7])) // 'xxxxxxxx'
assert(1 == sscanf(s, "%x", &pc));
if (pc & 1) printf("%8.8X+:", pc/2);
else printf("%8.8X:", pc/2);
s += 8;
else // other: copy verbatim
printf("%s", s);
while (isblank(*s)) printf("%c", *s++);
// endian swap.
while (isxdigit(s[0]) &&
isxdigit(s[1]) &&
s[2] == ' ' &&
isxdigit(s[3]) &&
isxdigit(s[4]) &&
s[5] == ' ')
assert(2 == sscanf(s, "%x %x ", &val, &val2));
printf("%2.2X%2.2X ", val2, val);
s += 6;
char * s1 = strstr(s, ".+");
char * s2 = strstr(s, ".-");
if (s1)
assert(1 == sscanf(s1 + 2, "%d", &val));
assert((val & 1) == 0);
sprintf(s1, " 0x%X", (pc + val)/2 + 1);
s = s1 + strlen(s1) + 1;
else if (s2)
assert(1 == sscanf(s2 + 2, "%d", &val));
assert((val & 1) == 0);
sprintf(s2, " 0x%X", (pc - val)/2 + 1);
s = s2 + strlen(s2) + 1;
printf("%s", s);
0,0 → 1,140
#include "assert.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdint.h"
#include "string.h"
const char * hex_file = 0;
const char * vhdl_file = 0;
uint8_t buffer[0x10000];
get_byte(const char * cp)
uint32_t value;
const char cc[3] = { cp[0], cp[1], 0 };
const int cnt = sscanf(cc, "%X", &value);
assert(cnt == 1);
return value;
read_file(FILE * in)
memset(buffer, 0xFF, sizeof(buffer));
char line[200];
for (;;)
const char * s = fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 2, in);
if (s == 0) return;
assert(*s++ == ':');
const uint32_t len = get_byte(s);
const uint32_t ah = get_byte(s + 2);
const uint32_t al = get_byte(s + 4);
const uint32_t rectype = get_byte(s + 6);
const char * d = s + 8;
const uint32_t addr = ah << 8 | al;
uint32_t csum = len + ah + al + rectype;
assert((addr + len) <= 0x10000);
for (uint32_t l = 0; l < len; ++l)
const uint32_t byte = get_byte(d);
d += 2;
buffer[addr + l] = byte;
csum += byte;
csum = 0xFF & -csum;
const uint32_t sum = get_byte(d);
assert(sum == csum);
write_vector(FILE * out, bool odd, uint32_t mem, uint32_t v)
const uint8_t * base = buffer;
// total memory is 2 even bytes, 2 odd bytes, 2 even bytes, ...
if (odd) base += 2;
// total memory is 4 kByte organized into 8 memories.
// thus each of the 16 vectors covers 256 bytes.
base += v*256;
// memories 0 and 1 are the low byte of the opcode while
// memories 2 and 3 are the high byte.
if (mem >= 2) ++base;
const char * px = odd ? "po" : "pe";
fprintf(out, "constant %s_%u_%2.2X : BIT_VECTOR := X\"", px, mem, v);
for (int32_t d = 63; d >= 0; --d)
uint32_t q = base[4*d];
if (mem & 1) q >>= 4; // high nibble
else q &= 0x0F; // low nibble
fprintf(out, "%X", q);
fprintf(out, "\";\r\n");
write_mem(FILE * out, bool odd, uint32_t mem)
const char * px = odd ? "po" : "pe";
fprintf(out, "-- content of %s_%u --------------------------------------"
"--------------------------------------------\r\n", px, mem);
for (uint32_t v = 0; v < 16; ++v)
write_vector(out, odd, mem, v);
fprintf(out, "\r\n");
write_file(FILE * out)
"library IEEE;\r\n"
"use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;\r\n"
"package prog_mem_content is\r\n"
for (uint32_t m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
write_mem(out, false, m);
for (uint32_t m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
write_mem(out, true, m);
"end prog_mem_content;\r\n"
main(int argc, char * argv[])
if (argc > 1) hex_file = argv[1];
if (argc > 2) vhdl_file = argv[2];
FILE * in = stdin;
if (hex_file) in = fopen(hex_file, "r");
FILE * out = stdout;
if (vhdl_file) out = fopen(vhdl_file, "w");
0,0 → 1,165
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<H1><A NAME="section_1">33 LISTING OF</A></H1>
<pre class="vhdl">
1 #include "assert.h"
2 #include "stdio.h"
3 #include "stdint.h"
4 #include "string.h"
6 const char * hex_file = 0;
7 const char * vhdl_file = 0;
9 uint8_t buffer[0x10000];
11 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 uint32_t
13 get_byte(const char * cp)
14 {
15 uint32_t value;
16 const char cc[3] = { cp[0], cp[1], 0 };
17 const int cnt = sscanf(cc, "%X", &value);
18 assert(cnt == 1);
19 return value;
20 }
21 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 void
23 read_file(FILE * in)
24 {
25 memset(buffer, 0xFF, sizeof(buffer));
26 char line[200];
27 for (;;)
28 {
29 const char * s = fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 2, in);
30 if (s == 0) return;
31 assert(*s++ == ':');
32 const uint32_t len = get_byte(s);
33 const uint32_t ah = get_byte(s + 2);
34 const uint32_t al = get_byte(s + 4);
35 const uint32_t rectype = get_byte(s + 6);
36 const char * d = s + 8;
37 const uint32_t addr = ah << 8 | al;
39 uint32_t csum = len + ah + al + rectype;
40 assert((addr + len) <= 0x10000);
41 for (uint32_t l = 0; l < len; ++l)
42 {
43 const uint32_t byte = get_byte(d);
44 d += 2;
45 buffer[addr + l] = byte;
46 csum += byte;
47 }
49 csum = 0xFF & -csum;
50 const uint32_t sum = get_byte(d);
51 assert(sum == csum);
52 }
53 }
54 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 void
56 write_vector(FILE * out, bool odd, uint32_t mem, uint32_t v)
57 {
58 const uint8_t * base = buffer;
60 // total memory is 2 even bytes, 2 odd bytes, 2 even bytes, ...
61 //
62 if (odd) base += 2;
64 // total memory is 4 kByte organized into 8 memories.
65 // thus each of the 16 vectors covers 256 bytes.
66 //
67 base += v*256;
69 // memories 0 and 1 are the low byte of the opcode while
70 // memories 2 and 3 are the high byte.
71 //
72 if (mem >= 2) ++base;
74 const char * px = odd ? "po" : "pe";
75 fprintf(out, "constant %s_%u_%2.2X : BIT_VECTOR := X\"", px, mem, v);
76 for (int32_t d = 63; d >= 0; --d)
77 {
78 uint32_t q = base[4*d];
79 if (mem & 1) q >>= 4; // high nibble
80 else q &= 0x0F; // low nibble
81 fprintf(out, "%X", q);
82 }
84 fprintf(out, "\";\r\n");
85 }
86 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 void
88 write_mem(FILE * out, bool odd, uint32_t mem)
89 {
90 const char * px = odd ? "po" : "pe";
92 fprintf(out, "-- content of %s_%u --------------------------------------"
93 "--------------------------------------------\r\n", px, mem);
95 for (uint32_t v = 0; v < 16; ++v)
96 write_vector(out, odd, mem, v);
98 fprintf(out, "\r\n");
99 }
100 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 void
102 write_file(FILE * out)
103 {
104 fprintf(out,
105 "\r\n"
106 "library IEEE;\r\n"
107 "use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;\r\n"
108 "\r\n"
109 "package prog_mem_content is\r\n"
110 "\r\n");
112 for (uint32_t m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
113 write_mem(out, false, m);
115 for (uint32_t m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
116 write_mem(out, true, m);
118 fprintf(out,
119 "end prog_mem_content;\r\n"
120 "\r\n");
121 }
122 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 int
124 main(int argc, char * argv[])
125 {
126 if (argc > 1) hex_file = argv[1];
127 if (argc > 2) vhdl_file = argv[2];
129 FILE * in = stdin;
130 if (hex_file) in = fopen(hex_file, "r");
131 assert(in);
132 read_file(in);
133 fclose(in);
135 FILE * out = stdout;
136 if (vhdl_file) out = fopen(vhdl_file, "w");
137 write_file(out);
138 assert(out);
139 }
140 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<pre class="filename">
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0,0 → 1,86
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<H1><A NAME="section_1">22 LISTING OF reg_16.vhd</A></H1>
<pre class="vhdl">
1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 --
3 -- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann
4 --
5 -- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 -- (at your option) any later version.
9 --
10 -- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
14 --
15 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 -- along with this code (see the file named COPYING).
17 -- If not, see
18 --
19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 --
22 -- Module Name: Register - Behavioral
23 -- Create Date: 12:37:55 10/28/2009
24 -- Description: a register pair of a CPU.
25 --
26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 library IEEE;
28 use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
32 entity reg_16 is
33 port ( I_CLK : in std_logic;
35 I_D : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
36 I_WE : in std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0);
38 Q : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));
39 end reg_16;
41 architecture Behavioral of reg_16 is
43 signal L : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) := X"7777";
44 begin
46 process(I_CLK)
47 begin
48 if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then
49 if (I_WE(1) = '1') then
50 L(15 downto 8) <= I_D(15 downto 8);
51 end if;
52 if (I_WE(0) = '1') then
53 L( 7 downto 0) <= I_D( 7 downto 0);
54 end if;
55 end if;
56 end process;
58 Q <= L;
60 end Behavioral;
<pre class="filename">
<table class="ttop"><th class="tpre"><a href="21_Listing_of_prog_mem.vhd.html">Previous Lesson</a></th><th class="ttop"><a href="toc.html">Table of Content</a></th><th class="tnxt"><a href="23_Listing_of_register_file.vhd.html">Next Lesson</a></th></table>
/cpu_lecture/trunk/html/data_path_1.png Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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+ +


+ +

In this lesson we will design the opcode fetch stage of the CPU core. +The opcode fetch stage is the simplest stage in the pipeline. +It is the stage that put life into the CPU core by generating a sequence +of opcodes that are then decoded and executed. The opcode fetch stage +is sometimes called the sequencer of the CPU. + +

Since we use the Harvard architecture with separate program and data +memories, we can simply instantiate the program memory in the opcode fetch +stage. If you need more memory than your FPGA provides internally, then you +can design address and data buses towards an external memory instead +(or in addition). Most current FPGAs provide a lot of internal memory, +so we can keep things simple. + +

The opcode fetch stage contains a sub-component pmem, which is +is the program memory. The main purpose of the opcode fetch stage is to +manipulate the program counter (PC) and to produce opcodes. +The PC is a local signal: + +

+ +


    + 69	signal L_PC             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);




+ +

+ +

The PC is updated on every clock with its next value. The T0 output +is cleared when the WAIT signal is raised. +This causes the T0 output to be '1' on the first cycle of a 2 cycle +instruction and '0' on the second cycle: + +

+ +


    + 86	   lpc: process(I_CLK)

    + 87	    begin

    + 88	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 89	            L_PC <= L_NEXT_PC;

    + 90	            L_T0 <= not L_WAIT;

    + 91	        end if;

    + 92	    end process;




+ +

+ +

The next value of the PC depends on the CLR, WAIT, LOAD_PC, and +LONG_OP signals: + +

+ +


    + 94	    L_NEXT_PC <= X"0000"        when (I_CLR     = '1')

    + 95	            else L_PC           when (L_WAIT    = '1')

    + 96	            else I_NEW_PC       when (I_LOAD_PC = '1')

    + 97	            else L_PC + X"0002" when (L_LONG_OP = '1')

    + 98	            else L_PC + X"0001";




+ +

+ +

The CLR signal, which overrides all others, resets the PC to 0. It +is generated at power on and when the reset input of the CPU is +asserted. The WAIT signal freezes the PC at its current value. It +is used when an instruction needs two CLK cycles to complete. The +LOAD_PC signal causes the PC to be loaded with the value on the +NEW_PC input. The LOAD_PC signal is driven by the execution stage +when a jump instruction is executed. If neither CLR, WAIT, or LOAD_PC +is present then the PC is advanced to the next instruction. If the current +instruction is one of JMP, CALL, LDS and STS, then it has a length +of two 16-bit words and LONG_OP is set. This causes the PC to be +incremented by 2 rather than by the normal instruction length of 1: + +

+ +


    +100	    -- Two word opcodes:

    +101	    --

    +102	    --        9       3210

    +103	    -- 1001 000d dddd 0000 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - LDS

    +104	    -- 1001 001d dddd 0000 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - SDS

    +105	    -- 1001 010k kkkk 110k kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - JMP

    +106	    -- 1001 010k kkkk 111k kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - CALL

    +107	    --

    +108	    L_LONG_OP <= '1' when (((P_OPC(15 downto  9) = "1001010") and

    +109	                            (P_OPC( 3 downto  2) = "11"))       -- JMP, CALL

    +110	                       or  ((P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100100") and

    +111	                            (P_OPC( 3 downto  0) = "0000")))    -- LDS, STS

    +112	            else '0';




+ +

+ +

The CLR, SKIP, and I_INTVEC inputs are used to force a NOP +(no operation) opcode or an "interrupt opcode" onto the output of the +opcode fetch stage. An interrupt opcode is an opcode that does not +belong to the normal instruction set of the CPU (and is therefore not +generated by assemblers or compilers), but is used internally to trigger +interrupt processing (pushing of the PC, clearing the interrupt enable flag, +and jumping to specific locations) further down in the pipeline. + +

+ +


    +133	    L_INVALIDATE <= I_CLR or I_SKIP;


    +135	    Q_OPC <= X"00000000" when (L_INVALIDATE = '1')

    +136	        else P_OPC       when (I_INTVEC(5) = '0')

    +137	        else (X"000000" & "00" & I_INTVEC);     -- "interrupt opcode"




+ +

+ +

CLR is derived from the reset input and also resets the program counter. +SKIP comes from the execution stage and is used to invalidate parts +of the pipeline, for example when a decision was made to take a conditional +branch. This will be explained in more detail in the lesson about branching. + +

5.1 Program Memory

+ +

The program memory is declared as follows: + +

+ +


    + 36	entity prog_mem is

    + 37	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 38

    + 39	            I_WAIT      : in  std_logic;

    + 40	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- word address

    + 41	            I_PM_ADR    : in  std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- byte address

    + 42

    + 43	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 44	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 45	            Q_PM_DOUT   : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0));

    + 46	end prog_mem;




+ +

+ +

5.2.1 Dual Port Memory

+ +

The program memory is a dual port memory. This means that two different +memory locations can be read or written at the same time. We don't +write to the program memory, be we would like to read two addresses +at the same time. The reason are the LPM (load program memory) +instructions. These instructions read from the program memory while +the program memory is fetching the next instructions. In a way these +instructions violate the Harvard architecture, but on the other hand +they are extremely useful for string constants in C. Rather than +initializing the (typically smaller) data memory with these constants, +one can leave them in program memory and access them using LPM +instructions, + +

Without a dual port memory, we would have needed to stop the pipeline +during the execution of LPM instructions. Use of dual port memory +avoids this additional complexity. + +

The second port used for LPM instructions consists of the address +input PM_ADR and the data output PM_DOUT. PM_ADR is a 12-bit +byte address (and consequently PM_DOUT is an 8-bit output. In +contrast, the other port uses an 11-bit word address. + +

The other signals of the program memory belong to the first port +which is used for opcode fetches. + +

5.2.2 Look-ahead for two word instructions

+ +

The vast majority of AVR instructions are single-word (16-bit) instructions. +There are 4 exceptions, which are CALL, JMP, LDS, and STS. These +instructions have addresses (the target address for CALL and JMP and +data memory address for $LDS# and STS) in the word following the opcode. + +

There are two ways to handle such opcodes. One way is to look back in the +pipeline when the second word is needed. When one of these instructions +reaches the execution stage, then the next word is clocked into the decoding +stage (so we could fetch it from there). It might lead to complications, +however, when it comes to invalidating the pipeline, insertion of interrupts +and the like. + +

The other way, and the one we choose, is to divide the program memory into +an even memory and an odd memory. The internal memory modules in an FPGA are +anyhow small and therefore using two memories is almost as simple as using +one (both would consist of a number of smaller modules). + +

There are two cases to consider: (1) an even PC (shown on the left of the +following figure) and (2) an odd PC shown on the right. In both cases do +we want the (combined) memory at address PC to be stored in the lower word +of the OPC output and the next word (at PC+1) in the upper word of OPC. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

We observe the following: + +

  • the odd memory address is PC[10:1] in both cases. +
  • the even memory address is PC[10:1] + PC[0] in both cases. +
  • the data outputs of the two memories are either straight or crossed, + depending (only) on PC[0]. +

In VHDL, we express this like: + +

+ +


    +252	    L_PC_O <= I_PC(10 downto 1);

    +253	    L_PC_E <= I_PC(10 downto 1) + ("000000000" & I_PC(0));

    +254	    Q_OPC(15 downto  0) <= M_OPC_E when L_PC_0 = '0' else M_OPC_O;

    +255	    Q_OPC(31 downto 16) <= M_OPC_E when L_PC_0 = '1' else M_OPC_O;




+ +

+ +

The output multiplexer uses the PC and PM_ADR of the previous cycle, +so we need to remember the lower bit(s) in signals PC_0 and PM_ADR_1_0: + +

+ +


    +224	    pc0: process(I_CLK)

    +225	    begin

    +226	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +227	            Q_PC <= I_PC;

    +228	            L_PM_ADR_1_0 <= I_PM_ADR(1 downto 0);

    +229	            if ((I_WAIT = '0')) then

    +230	                L_PC_0 <= I_PC(0);

    +231	            end if;

    +232	        end if;

    +233	    end process;




+ +

+ +

The split into two memories makes the entire program memory 32-bit +wide. Note that the PC is a word address, while PM_ADR is a byte address. + +

5.2.3 Memory block instantiation and initialization.

+ +

The entire program memory consists of 8 memory modules, four +for the even half (components pe_0, pe_1, pe_2, and pe_3) and +four for the odd part (po_0, po_1, po_2, and po_3). + +

We explain the first module in detail: + +

+ +


    +102	    pe_0 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +103	    generic map(INIT_00 => pe_0_00, INIT_01 => pe_0_01, INIT_02 => pe_0_02,

    +104	                INIT_03 => pe_0_03, INIT_04 => pe_0_04, INIT_05 => pe_0_05,

    +105	                INIT_06 => pe_0_06, INIT_07 => pe_0_07, INIT_08 => pe_0_08,

    +106	                INIT_09 => pe_0_09, INIT_0A => pe_0_0A, INIT_0B => pe_0_0B,

    +107	                INIT_0C => pe_0_0C, INIT_0D => pe_0_0D, INIT_0E => pe_0_0E,

    +108	                INIT_0F => pe_0_0F)

    +109	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +110	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +111	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +112	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +113	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +114	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +115	             DOA   => M_OPC_E(3 downto 0),      DOB   => M_PMD_E(3 downto 0));




+ +

+ +

The first line instantiates a module of type RAMB4_S4_S4, which +is a dual-port memory module with two 4-bit ports. For a Xilinx +FPGA you can used these modules directly by uncommenting the +use of the UNISIM library. For functional simulation we have provided +a RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd component in the test directory. This component +emulates the real RAMB4_S4_S4 as good as needed. + +

The next lines define the content of each memory module by means of +a generic map. The elements of the generic map (like pe_0_00, pe_0_01, and +so forth) define the initial memory content of the instantiated module. +pe_0_00, pe_0_01, .. are themselves defined in prog_mem_content.vhd +which is included in the library section: + +

+ +


    + 34	use work.prog_mem_content.all;




+ +

+ +

The process from a C (or C++) source file hello.c to the final +FPGA is then: + +

  • write, compile, and link hello.c (produces hello.hex). +
  • generate prog_mem_content.vhd from hello.hex (by means of tool + make_mem, which is provided with this lecture). +
  • simulate, synthesize and implement the design. +
  • create a bitmap file. +
  • flash the FPGA (or serial PROM). +

There are other ways of initializing the memory modules, such as +updating sections of the bitmap file, but we found the above sequence +easier to use. + +

After the generic map, follows the port map of the memory module. +The two addresses ADDRA and ADDRB of the two ports come from +the PC and PM_ADR inputs as already described. + +

Both ports are clocked from CLK. Since the program memory is read-only, +the DIA and DIB inputs are not used (set to 0000) and WEA and WEB +are 0. RSTA and RSTB are not used either and are set to 0. +ENA is used for keeping the OPC when the pipeline is stopped, while +ENB is not used. The memory outputs DOA and DOB go to the output +multiplexers of the two ports. + +

5.2.3 Delayed PC

+ +

Q_PC is I_PC delayed by one clock. The program memory is a synchronous +memory, which has the consequence that the program memory output OPC +for a given I_PC is always one clock cycle behind as shown in the figure +below on the left. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

By clocking I_PC once, we re-align Q_PC and OPC as shown on the right: + +

+ +


    +227	            Q_PC <= I_PC;




+ +

+ +

5.3 Two Cycle Opcodes

+ +

The vast majority of instructions executes in one cycle. Some need +two cycles because they involve reading of a synchronous memory. For +these signals WAIT signal is generated on the first cycle: + +

+ +


    +114	    -- Two cycle opcodes:

    +115	    --

    +116	    -- 1001 000d dddd .... - LDS etc.

    +117	    -- 1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET

    +118	    -- 1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI

    +119	    -- 1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC

    +120	    -- 1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS

    +121	    -- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC

    +122	    -- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS

    +123	    --

    +124	    L_WAIT <= '0'  when (L_INVALIDATE = '1')

    +125	         else '0'  when (I_INTVEC(5)  = '1')

    +126	         else L_T0 when ((P_OPC(15 downto   9) = "1001000" )    -- LDS etc.

    +127	                     or  (P_OPC(15 downto   8) = "10010101")    -- RET etc.

    +128	                     or  ((P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100110")      -- SBIC, SBIS

    +129	                       and P_OPC(8) = '1')

    +130	                     or  (P_OPC(15 downto  10) = "111111"))     -- SBRC, SBRS

    +131	        else  '0';




+ +

+ +

5.4 Interrupts

+ +

The opcode fetch stage is also responsible for part of the interrupt +handling. Interrupts are generated in the I/O block by setting +INTVEC to a value with the highest bit set: + +

+ +


    +169	                if (L_RX_INT_ENABLED and U_RX_READY) = '1' then

    +170	                    if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then     -- no interrupt pending

    +171	                        L_INTVEC <= "101011";       -- _VECTOR(11)

    +172	                    end if;

    +173	                elsif (L_TX_INT_ENABLED and not U_TX_BUSY) = '1' then

    +174	                    if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then     -- no interrupt pending

    +175	                        L_INTVEC <= "101100";       -- _VECTOR(12)

    +176	                    end if;




+ +

+ +

The highest bit of INTVEC indicates that the lower bits contain a +valid interrupt number. INTVEC proceeds to the cpu core where +the upper bit is and'ed with the global interrupt enable bit (in the +status register): + +

+ +


    +241	    L_INTVEC_5 <= I_INTVEC(5) and R_INT_ENA;




+ +

+ +

The (possibly modified) INTVEC then proceeds to the opcode fetch stage. +If the the global interrupt enable bit was set, then the next valid +opcode is replaced by an "interrupt opcode": + +

+ +


    +135	    Q_OPC <= X"00000000" when (L_INVALIDATE = '1')

    +136	        else P_OPC       when (I_INTVEC(5) = '0')

    +137	        else (X"000000" & "00" & I_INTVEC);     -- "interrupt opcode"




+ +

+ +

The interrupt opcode uses a gap after the NOP instruction in the opcode +set of the AVR CPU. When the interrupt opcode reaches the execution +stage then is causes a branch to the location determined by the lower +bits of INTVEC, pushes the program counter, and clears the interrupt +enable bit. This happens a few clock cycles later. In the meantime +the opcode fetch stage keeps inserting interrupt instructions into +the pipeline. These additional interrupt instructions are being +invalidated by the execution stage when the first interrupt instruction +reaches the execution stage. + +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/28_Listing_of_RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/28_Listing_of_RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/28_Listing_of_RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd + + + + +

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+ +


+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    prog_mem - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    14:09:04 10/30/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    a block memory module

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity RAMB4_S4_S4 is

    + 34	    generic(INIT_00 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 35	                                  &  "00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 36	            INIT_01 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 37	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 38	            INIT_02 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 39	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 40	            INIT_03 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 41	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 42	            INIT_04 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 43	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 44	            INIT_05 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 45	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 46	            INIT_06 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 47	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 48	            INIT_07 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 49	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 50	            INIT_08 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 51	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 52	            INIT_09 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 53	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 54	            INIT_0A : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 55	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 56	            INIT_0B : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 57	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 58	            INIT_0C : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 59	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 60	            INIT_0D : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 61	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 62	            INIT_0E : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 63	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 64	            INIT_0F : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 65	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000");

    + 66

    + 67	    port(   ADDRA   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 68	            ADDRB   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 69	            CLKA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 70	            CLKB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 71	            DIA     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 72	            DIB     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 73	            ENA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 74	            ENB     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 75	            RSTA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 76	            RSTB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 77	            WEA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 78	            WEB     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 79

    + 80	            DOA     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 81	            DOB     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));

    + 82	end RAMB4_S4_S4;

    + 83

    + 84	architecture Behavioral of RAMB4_S4_S4 is

    + 85

    + 86	function cv(A : bit) return std_logic is

    + 87	begin

    + 88	   if (A = '1') then return '1';

    + 89	   else              return '0';

    + 90	   end if;

    + 91	end;

    + 92

    + 93	function cv1(A : std_logic) return bit is

    + 94	begin

    + 95	   if (A = '1') then return '1';

    + 96	   else              return '0';

    + 97	   end if;

    + 98	end;

    + 99

    +100	signal DATA : bit_vector(4095 downto 0) :=

    +101	    INIT_0F & INIT_0E & INIT_0D & INIT_0C & INIT_0B & INIT_0A & INIT_09 & INIT_08 &

    +102	    INIT_07 & INIT_06 & INIT_05 & INIT_04 & INIT_03 & INIT_02 & INIT_01 & INIT_00;


    +104	begin


    +106	    process(CLKA, CLKB)

    +107	    begin

    +108	        if (rising_edge(CLKA)) then

    +109	            if (ENA = '1') then

    +110	                DOA(3) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "11")));

    +111	                DOA(2) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "10")));

    +112	                DOA(1) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "01")));

    +113	                DOA(0) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "00")));

    +114	                if (WEA = '1') then

    +115	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "11")) <= cv1(DIA(3));

    +116	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "10")) <= cv1(DIA(2));

    +117	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "01")) <= cv1(DIA(1));

    +118	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "00")) <= cv1(DIA(0));

    +119	                end if;

    +120	           end if;

    +121	        end if;


    +123	        if (rising_edge(CLKB)) then

    +124	            if (ENB = '1') then

    +125	                DOB(3) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "11")));

    +126	                DOB(2) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "10")));

    +127	                DOB(1) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "01")));

    +128	                DOB(0) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "00")));

    +129	                if (WEB = '1') then

    +130	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "11")) <= cv1(DIB(3));

    +131	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "10")) <= cv1(DIB(2));

    +132	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "01")) <= cv1(DIB(1));

    +133	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "00")) <= cv1(DIB(0));

    +134	                end if;

    +135	            end if;

    +136	        end if;

    +137	    end process;


    +139	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/26_Listing_of_uart_rx.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/26_Listing_of_uart_rx.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/26_Listing_of_uart_rx.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_uart_rx.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

26 LISTING OF uart_rx.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Create Date:    14:22:28 11/07/2009

    + 23	-- Design Name:

    + 24	-- Module Name:    uart_rx - Behavioral

    + 25	-- Description:    a UART receiver.

    + 26	--

    + 27	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 28	--

    + 29	library IEEE;

    + 30	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 33

    + 34	entity uart_rx is

    + 35	    PORT(   I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 36	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 37	            I_CE_16     : in  std_logic;            -- 16 times baud rate

    + 38	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;            -- Serial input line

    + 39

    + 40	            Q_DATA      : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

    + 41	            Q_FLAG      : out std_logic);       -- toggle on every byte received

    + 42	end uart_rx;

    + 43

    + 44	architecture Behavioral of uart_rx is

    + 45

    + 46	signal L_POSITION       : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);     --  sample position

    + 47	signal L_BUF            : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 48	signal L_FLAG           : std_logic;

    + 49	signal L_SERIN          : std_logic;                -- double clock the input

    + 50	signal L_SER_HOT        : std_logic;                -- double clock the input

    + 51

    + 52	begin

    + 53

    + 54	    -- double clock the input data...

    + 55	    --

    + 56	    process(I_CLK)

    + 57	    begin

    + 58	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 59	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 60	                L_SERIN <= '1';

    + 61	                L_SER_HOT <= '1';

    + 62	            else

    + 63	                L_SERIN   <= I_RX;

    + 64	                L_SER_HOT <= L_SERIN;

    + 65	            end if;

    + 66	        end if;

    + 67	    end process;

    + 68

    + 69	    process(I_CLK, L_POSITION)

    + 70	        variable START_BIT : boolean;

    + 71	        variable STOP_BIT  : boolean;

    + 72	        variable STOP_POS  : boolean;

    + 73

    + 74	    begin

    + 75	    START_BIT := L_POSITION(7 downto 4) = X"0";

    + 76	    STOP_BIT  := L_POSITION(7 downto 4) = X"9";

    + 77	    STOP_POS  := STOP_BIT and L_POSITION(3 downto 2) = "11"; -- 3/4 of stop bit

    + 78

    + 79	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 80	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 81	                L_FLAG <= '0';

    + 82	                L_POSITION <= X"00";    -- idle

    + 83	                L_BUF      <= "1111111111";

    + 84	                Q_DATA     <= "00000000";

    + 85	            elsif (I_CE_16 = '1') then

    + 86	                if (L_POSITION = X"00") then            -- uart idle

    + 87	                    L_BUF  <= "1111111111";

    + 88	                    if (L_SER_HOT = '0')  then          -- start bit received

    + 89	                        L_POSITION <= X"01";

    + 90	                    end if;

    + 91	                else

    + 92	                    L_POSITION <= L_POSITION + X"01";

    + 93	                    if (L_POSITION(3 downto 0) = "0111") then       -- 1/2 bit

    + 94	                        L_BUF <= L_SER_HOT & L_BUF(9 downto 1);     -- sample data

    + 95	                        --

    + 96	                        -- validate start bit

    + 97	                        --

    + 98	                        if (START_BIT and L_SER_HOT = '1') then     -- 1/2 start bit

    + 99	                            L_POSITION <= X"00";

    +100	                        end if;


    +102	                        if (STOP_BIT) then                          -- 1/2 stop bit

    +103	                            Q_DATA <= L_BUF(9 downto 2);

    +104	                        end if;

    +105	                    elsif (STOP_POS) then                       -- 3/4 stop bit

    +106	                        L_FLAG <= L_FLAG xor (L_BUF(9) and not L_BUF(0));

    +107	                        L_POSITION <= X"00";

    +108	                    end if;

    +109	                end if;

    +110	            end if;

    +111	        end if;

    +112	    end process;


    +114	    Q_FLAG <= L_FLAG;


    +116	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/GTKWave.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/GTKWave.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/GTKWave.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/GTKWave.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/GTKWave.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/16_Listing_of_data_path.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/16_Listing_of_data_path.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/16_Listing_of_data_path.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,282 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_data_path.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

16 LISTING OF data_path.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    data_path - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    13:24:10 10/29/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the data path of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;

    + 30	use IEEE.std_logic_ARITH.ALL;

    + 31	use IEEE.std_logic_UNSIGNED.ALL;

    + 32

    + 33	use work.common.ALL;

    + 34

    + 35	entity data_path is

    + 36	    port(   I_CLK         : in  std_logic;

    + 37

    + 38	            I_ALU_OP    : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 39	            I_AMOD      : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 40	            I_BIT       : in  std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 41	            I_DDDDD     : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 42	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 43	            I_IMM       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 44	            I_JADR      : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 45	            I_OPC       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 46	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 47	            I_PC_OP     : in  std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);

    + 48	            I_PMS       : in  std_logic;  -- program memory select

    + 49	            I_RD_M      : in  std_logic;

    + 50	            I_RRRRR     : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 51	            I_RSEL      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 52	            I_WE_01     : in  std_logic;

    + 53	            I_WE_D      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 54	            I_WE_F      : in  std_logic;

    + 55	            I_WE_M      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 56	            I_WE_XYZS   : in  std_logic;

    + 57

    + 58	            Q_ADR       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 59	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 60	            Q_INT_ENA   : out std_logic;

    + 61	            Q_LOAD_PC   : out std_logic;

    + 62	            Q_NEW_PC    : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 63	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 64	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 65	            Q_RD_IO     : out std_logic;

    + 66	            Q_SKIP      : out std_logic;

    + 67	            Q_WE_IO     : out std_logic);

    + 68	end data_path;

    + 69

    + 70	architecture Behavioral of data_path is

    + 71

    + 72	component alu

    + 73	    port (  I_ALU_OP    : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 74	            I_BIT       : in  std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 75	            I_D         : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 76	            I_D0        : in  std_logic;

    + 77	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 78	            I_FLAGS     : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 79	            I_IMM       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 80	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 81	            I_R         : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 82	            I_R0        : in  std_logic;

    + 83	            I_RSEL      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 84

    + 85	            Q_FLAGS     : out std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0);

    + 86	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

    + 87	end component;

    + 88

    + 89	signal A_DOUT           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 90	signal A_FLAGS          : std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0);

    + 91

    + 92	component register_file

    + 93	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 94

    + 95	            I_AMOD      : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 96	            I_COND      : in  std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 97	            I_DDDDD     : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 98	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 99	            I_FLAGS     : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +100	            I_IMM       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +101	            I_RRRR      : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 1);

    +102	            I_WE_01     : in  std_logic;

    +103	            I_WE_D      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +104	            I_WE_F      : in  std_logic;

    +105	            I_WE_M      : in  std_logic;

    +106	            I_WE_XYZS   : in  std_logic;


    +108	            Q_ADR       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +109	            Q_CC        : out std_logic;

    +110	            Q_D         : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +111	            Q_FLAGS     : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +112	            Q_R         : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +113	            Q_S         : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +114	            Q_Z         : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

    +115	end component;


    +117	signal F_ADR            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +118	signal F_CC             : std_logic;

    +119	signal F_D              : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +120	signal F_FLAGS          : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +121	signal F_R              : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +122	signal F_S              : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +123	signal F_Z              : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);


    +125	component data_mem

    +126	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;


    +128	            I_ADR       : in  std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);

    +129	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +130	            I_WE        : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);


    +132	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

    +133	end component;


    +135	signal M_DOUT           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);


    +137	signal L_DIN            : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +138	signal L_WE_SRAM        : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +139	signal L_FLAGS_98       : std_logic_vector( 9 downto 8);


    +141	begin


    +143	    alui : alu

    +144	    port map(   I_ALU_OP    => I_ALU_OP,

    +145	                I_BIT       => I_BIT,

    +146	                I_D         => F_D,

    +147	                I_D0        => I_DDDDD(0),

    +148	                I_DIN       => L_DIN,

    +149	                I_FLAGS     => F_FLAGS,

    +150	                I_IMM       => I_IMM(7 downto 0),

    +151	                I_PC        => I_PC,

    +152	                I_R         => F_R,

    +153	                I_R0        => I_RRRRR(0),

    +154	                I_RSEL      => I_RSEL,


    +156	                Q_FLAGS     => A_FLAGS,

    +157	                Q_DOUT      => A_DOUT);


    +159	    regs : register_file

    +160	    port map(   I_CLK       => I_CLK,


    +162	                I_AMOD      => I_AMOD,

    +163	                I_COND(3)   => I_OPC(10),

    +164	                I_COND(2 downto 0)=> I_OPC(2 downto 0),

    +165	                I_DDDDD     => I_DDDDD,

    +166	                I_DIN       => A_DOUT,

    +167	                I_FLAGS     => A_FLAGS(7 downto 0),

    +168	                I_IMM       => I_IMM,

    +169	                I_RRRR      => I_RRRRR(4 downto 1),

    +170	                I_WE_01     => I_WE_01,

    +171	                I_WE_D      => I_WE_D,

    +172	                I_WE_F      => I_WE_F,

    +173	                I_WE_M      => I_WE_M(0),

    +174	                I_WE_XYZS   => I_WE_XYZS,


    +176	                Q_ADR       => F_ADR,

    +177	                Q_CC        => F_CC,

    +178	                Q_D         => F_D,

    +179	                Q_FLAGS     => F_FLAGS,

    +180	                Q_R         => F_R,

    +181	                Q_S         => F_S,   -- Q_Rxx(F_ADR)

    +182	                Q_Z         => F_Z);


    +184	    sram : data_mem

    +185	    port map(   I_CLK   => I_CLK,


    +187	                I_ADR   => F_ADR(10 downto 0),

    +188	                I_DIN   => A_DOUT,

    +189	                I_WE    => L_WE_SRAM,


    +191	                Q_DOUT  => M_DOUT);


    +193	    -- remember A_FLAGS(9 downto 8) (within the current instruction).

    +194	    --

    +195	    flg98: process(I_CLK)

    +196	    begin

    +197	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +198	            L_FLAGS_98 <= A_FLAGS(9 downto 8);

    +199	        end if;

    +200	    end process;


    +202	    -- whether PC shall be loaded with NEW_PC or not.

    +203	    -- I.e. if a branch shall be taken or not.

    +204	    --

    +205	    process(I_PC_OP, F_CC)

    +206	    begin

    +207	        case I_PC_OP is

    +208	            when PC_BCC  => Q_LOAD_PC <= F_CC;      -- maybe (PC on I_JADR)

    +209	            when PC_LD_I => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1';       -- yes: new PC on I_JADR

    +210	            when PC_LD_Z => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1';       -- yes: new PC in Z

    +211	            when PC_LD_S => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1';       -- yes: new PC on stack

    +212	            when others  => Q_LOAD_PC <= '0';       -- no.

    +213	        end case;

    +214	    end process;


    +216	    -- whether the next instruction shall be skipped or not.

    +217	    --

    +218	    process(I_PC_OP, L_FLAGS_98, F_CC)

    +219	    begin

    +220	        case I_PC_OP is

    +221	            when PC_BCC    => Q_SKIP <= F_CC;           -- if cond met

    +222	            when PC_LD_I   => Q_SKIP <= '1';            -- yes

    +223	            when PC_LD_Z   => Q_SKIP <= '1';            -- yes

    +224	            when PC_LD_S   => Q_SKIP <= '1';            -- yes

    +225	            when PC_SKIP_Z => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(8);  -- if Z set

    +226	            when PC_SKIP_T => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(9);  -- if T set

    +227	            when others    => Q_SKIP <= '0';            -- no.

    +228	        end case;

    +229	    end process;


    +231	    Q_ADR     <= F_ADR;

    +232	    Q_DOUT    <= A_DOUT(7 downto 0);

    +233	    Q_INT_ENA <= A_FLAGS(7);

    +234	    Q_OPC     <= I_OPC;

    +235	    Q_PC      <= I_PC;


    +237	    Q_RD_IO   <= '0'                    when (F_ADR < X"20")

    +238	            else (I_RD_M and not I_PMS) when (F_ADR < X"5D")

    +239	            else '0';

    +240	    Q_WE_IO   <= '0'                    when (F_ADR < X"20")

    +241	            else I_WE_M(0)              when (F_ADR < X"5D")

    +242	            else '0';

    +243	    L_WE_SRAM <= "00"   when  (F_ADR < X"0060") else I_WE_M;

    +244	    L_DIN     <= I_DIN  when (I_PMS = '1')

    +245	            else F_S    when  (F_ADR < X"0020")

    +246	            else I_DIN  when  (F_ADR < X"005D")

    +247	            else F_S    when  (F_ADR < X"0060")

    +248	            else M_DOUT(7 downto 0);


    +250	    -- compute potential new PC value from Z, (SP), or IMM.

    +251	    --

    +252	    Q_NEW_PC <= F_Z    when I_PC_OP = PC_LD_Z       -- IJMP, ICALL

    +253	           else M_DOUT when I_PC_OP = PC_LD_S       -- RET, RETI

    +254	           else I_JADR;                             -- JMP adr


    +256	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/02_Top_Level.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/02_Top_Level.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/02_Top_Level.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,624 @@ + + + +html/Top_Level + + + + +

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+ +


+ +

This lesson defines what we want to create and the top level VHDL +file for it. + +

2.1 Design Purpose

+ +

We assume that the purpose of the design is to build an FPGA with +the following features: + +

  • a CPU similar to the Atmel ATmega8, +
  • a serial port with a fixed baud rate, and +
  • an output for a single digit 7-segment display. +

It is assumed that a suitable hardware exists. + +

2.2 Top Level Design

+ +

A CPU with I/O is a somewhat complicated beast. In order to +tame it, we brake it down into smaller and smaller pieces until +the pieces become trivial. + +

The trick is to perform the breakdown at points where the connection +between the pieces is weak (meaning that it consists of only a +few signals). + +

The top level of our FPGA design, and a few components around the +FPGA, looks like this: + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

This design consists of 2 big sub-components cpu and ino, a small +sub-component seg, and some local processes like clk_div and deb that +are not broken down in other VHDL files, but rather written directly +in VHDL. + +

cpu and ino are described in lessons 4 and 8. + +

seg is a debug component that has the current program counter (PC) +of the CPU as input and displays it as 4 hex digits that show up one +by one with a short break between every sequence of hex digits. Since +seg is rather board specific, we will not describe it in detail in +this lecture. + +

The local processes are described further down in this lesson. Before +that we explain the structure that will be used for all VHDL source file. + +

2.3 General Structure of our VHDL Files

+ +

2.3.1 Header and Library Declarations

+ +

Each VHDL source file starts with a comment containing a copyright notice +(all files are released under the GPL) and the purpose of the file. +Then follows a declaration of the libraries being used. + +

2.3.2 Entity Declaration

+ +

After the header and libraries, the entity that is defined in the VHDL +file is declared. We declare one entity per VHDL file. +The declaration consists of the name of the entity, +the inputs, and the outputs of the entity. In this declaration the order +of input and outputs does not matter, but we try to stick to the convention +to declare the inputs before the outputs. + +

There is one exception: the file common.vhd does not define an entity, +but a VHDL package. This package contains the definitions of constants +that are used in more than one VHDL source file. This ensures that changes +to these constants happen in all files using them. + +

2.3.3 Entity Architecture

+ +

Finally, the architecture of the entity is specified. The +architecture consists of a header and a body. + +

In the header we declare the components, functions, signals, and +constants that are used in the body. + +

The body defines how the items declared in the header are +being used (i.e. instantiated, interconnected etc.). This body +contains, so to say, the "intelligence" of the design. + +

2.4 avr_fpga.vhd

+ +

The top level of our design is defined in avr_fpga.vhd. Since this +is our first VHDL file we explain it completely, line by line. Later +on, we will silently skip repetitions of parts that have been described +in other files or that are very similar. + +

2.4.1 Header and Library Declarations

+ +

avr_fpga.vhd starts with a copyright header. + +

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:     avr_fpga - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:     13:51:24 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:     top level of a CPU

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27




+ +

+ +

The libraries used are more or less the same in all VHDL files: + +

+ +


    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32




+ +

+ +

The only Xilinx specific components needed for this lecture are the block RAMs. +For functional simulation we provide compatible components written in +VHDL. For FPGAs from other vendors you can probably include their +FPGA libraries, but we have not tested this. + +

2.4.2 Entity Declaration

+ +

For a top level entity, the inputs and outputs of the entities are +the pins of the FPGA. + +

For a lower level entity, the inputs and outputs of the entity are +associated ("connected") with the inputs and outputs of the instance +of the entity in a higher level entity. For this to work, +the inputs and outputs of the declaration should match the component +declaration in the architecture of another entity that instantiates +the entity being declared. + +

Since we discuss the top-level, our inputs and outputs are pins of +the FPGA. The top level entity is declared like this: + +

+ +


    + 33	entity avr_fpga is

    + 34	    port (  I_CLK_100   : in  std_logic;

    + 35	            I_SWITCH    : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 36	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 37

    + 38	            Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

    + 39	            Q_LEDS      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 40	            Q_TX        : out std_logic);




+ +

+ +

We therefore have the following FPGA pins: + +

+ + + + + + + + + +
I_CLK_100a 100 MHz Clock from the board.
I_SWITCHa 8 bit DIP switch and two single push-buttons.
I_RXthe serial input of our UART.
Q_7_SEGMENT7 lines to the LEDs of a 7-segment display.
Q_LEDS4 lines to single LEDs
Q_TXthe serial output of our UART.
+ +

The lower 8 bits of SWITCH come from a DIP switch while the upper +two bits come from two push-buttons. The two push-buttons are used +as reset buttons, while the DIP switch goes to the I/O component from +where the CPU can read the value set on the switch. + +

2.4.3 Architecture of the Top Level Entity

+ +

The architecture has a head and a body, The head starts with the architecture +keyword. The body starts with begin and ends with end, like this: + +

+ +


    + 43	architecture Behavioral of avr_fpga is





    +107	begin





    +184	end Behavioral;




+ + + Architecture Header

+ +

As we have seen in the first figure in this lesson, the top level +uses 3 components: cpu, io, and seg. These components have to +be declared in the header of the architecture. +The architecture contains component declarations, +signal declarations and others. We normally declare components and +signals in the following order: + +

  • declaration of functions +
  • declaration of constants +
  • declaration of the first component (type) +
  • declaration of signals driven by (an instance of) the first component +
  • declaration of the second component (type) +
  • declaration of signals driven by (an instance of) the second component +
  • ... +
  • declaration of signals driven by local processes and the like. +

The first component declaration cpu_core and the signals driven by its +instances are: + +

+ +


    + 45	component cpu_core

    + 46	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 47	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 48	            I_INTVEC    : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 49	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 50

    + 51	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 52	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 53	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 54	            Q_ADR_IO    : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 55	            Q_RD_IO     : out std_logic;

    + 56	            Q_WE_IO     : out std_logic);

    + 57	end component;

    + 58

    + 59	signal  C_PC            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 60	signal  C_OPC           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 61	signal  C_ADR_IO        : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 62	signal  C_DOUT          : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 63	signal  C_RD_IO         : std_logic;

    + 64	signal  C_WE_IO         : std_logic;




+ +

+ +

The second component declaration io and its signals are: + +

+ +


    + 66	component io

    + 67	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 68	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 69	            I_ADR_IO    : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 70	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 71	            I_RD_IO     : in  std_logic;

    + 72	            I_WE_IO     : in  std_logic;

    + 73	            I_SWITCH    : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 74	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 75

    + 76	            Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);

    + 77	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 78	            Q_INTVEC    : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);

    + 79	            Q_LEDS      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 80	            Q_TX        : out std_logic);

    + 81	end component;

    + 82

    + 83	signal N_INTVEC         : std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 84	signal N_DOUT           : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 85	signal N_TX             : std_logic;

    + 86	signal N_7_SEGMENT      : std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);




+ +

+ +

Note: Normally we would have used I_ as a prefix for signals driven by +instance ino of io. This conflicts, however, with the prefix reserved +for inputs and we have used the next letter n of ino as prefix instead. + +

The last component is seg: + +

+ +


    + 88	component segment7

    + 89	    port ( I_CLK        : in  std_logic;

    + 90

    + 91	           I_CLR        : in  std_logic;

    + 92	           I_OPC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 93	           I_PC         : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 94

    + 95	           Q_7_SEGMENT  : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0));

    + 96	end component;

    + 97

    + 98	signal S_7_SEGMENT      : std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);




+ +

+ +

The local signals, which are not driven by any component, but by local +processes and inputs of the entity, are: + +

+ +


    +100	signal L_CLK            : std_logic := '0';

    +101	signal L_CLK_CNT        : std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0) := "000";

    +102	signal L_CLR            : std_logic;            -- reset,  active low

    +103	signal L_CLR_N          : std_logic := '0';     -- reset,  active low

    +104	signal L_C1_N           : std_logic := '0';     -- switch debounce, active low

    +105	signal L_C2_N           : std_logic := '0';     -- switch debounce, active low


    +107	begin




+ +

+ +

The begin keyword in the last line marks the end of the header +of the architecture and the start of its body. + + Architecture Body

+ +

We normally use the following order in the architecture body: + +

  • components instantiated +
  • processes +
  • local signal assignments +

Thus the architecture body is more or less using the same order as +the architecture header. The component instantiations instantiate one +or more instances of a component type and connect the "ports" of the +instantiated component to the signals in the architecture. + +

The first component declared was cpu so we also instantiate it first: + +

+ +


    +109	    cpu : cpu_core

    +110	    port map(   I_CLK       => L_CLK,

    +111	                I_CLR       => L_CLR,

    +112	                I_DIN       => N_DOUT,

    +113	                I_INTVEC    => N_INTVEC,


    +115	                Q_ADR_IO    => C_ADR_IO,

    +116	                Q_DOUT      => C_DOUT,

    +117	                Q_OPC       => C_OPC,

    +118	                Q_PC        => C_PC,

    +119	                Q_RD_IO     => C_RD_IO,

    +120	                Q_WE_IO     => C_WE_IO);




+ +

+ +

The first line instantiates a component of type cpu_core and calls +the instance cpu. The following lines map the names of the ports +in the component declaration (in the architecture header) to either +inputs of the entity, outputs of the entity, or signals declared in +the architecture header. + +

We take cpu as an opportunity to explain our naming convention for signals. +Our rule for entity inputs and outputs has the consequence that all +left sides of the port map have either an I_ prefix or an O_ prefix. +This follows from the fact that a component instantiated in one architecture +corresponds to an entity declared in some other VHDL file and there the +I_ or O_ convention applies, + +

The next observation is that all component outputs either drive an entity +output or a local signal that starts with the letter chosen for the +instantiated component. This is the C_ in the cpu case. The cpu does +not drive an entity output directly (so all outputs map to C_ signals), +but in the io outputs there is one driving an entity output (see below). + +

Finally the component inputs can be driven from more or less anywhere, but +from the prefix (L_ or not) we can see if the signal is directly driven +by another component (when the prefix is not L_) or by some logic defined +further down in the architecture (signal assignments, processes). + +

Thus for the cpu component we can already tell that this component +drives a number of local signals (that are not entity outputs but inputs +to other components or local processes)> These signals are those on +the right side of the port map starting with C_. We can also tell +that there are some local processes generating a clock signal L_CLK +and a reset signal L_CLR, and the ino component (which uses prefix N_) +drives an interrupt vector N_INTVEC and a data bus N_DOUT. + +

The next two components being instantiated are ino of type io and +seg of type segment7: + +

+ +


    +122	    ino : io

    +123	    port map(   I_CLK       => L_CLK,

    +124	                I_CLR       => L_CLR,

    +125	                I_ADR_IO    => C_ADR_IO,

    +126	                I_DIN       => C_DOUT,

    +127	                I_RD_IO     => C_RD_IO,

    +128	                I_RX        => I_RX,

    +129	                I_SWITCH    => I_SWITCH(7 downto 0),

    +130	                I_WE_IO     => C_WE_IO,


    +132	                Q_7_SEGMENT => N_7_SEGMENT,

    +133	                Q_DOUT      => N_DOUT,

    +134	                Q_INTVEC    => N_INTVEC,

    +135	                Q_LEDS      => Q_LEDS(1 downto 0),

    +136	                Q_TX        => N_TX);


    +138	    seg : segment7

    +139	    port map(   I_CLK       => L_CLK,

    +140	                I_CLR       => L_CLR,

    +141	                I_OPC       => C_OPC,

    +142	                I_PC        => C_PC,


    +144	                Q_7_SEGMENT => S_7_SEGMENT);




+ +

+ +

Then come the local processes. The first process divides the 100 MHz +input clock from the board into a 25 MHz clock used by the CPU. +The design can, with some tuning of the timing optimizations, +run at 33 MHz, but for our purposes we are happy with 25 MHz. + +

+ +


    +148	    clk_div : process(I_CLK_100)

    +149	    begin

    +150	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK_100)) then

    +151	            L_CLK_CNT <= L_CLK_CNT + "001";

    +152	            if (L_CLK_CNT = "001") then

    +153	                L_CLK_CNT <= "000";

    +154	                L_CLK <= not L_CLK;

    +155	            end if;

    +156	        end if;

    +157	    end process;




+ +

+ +

The second process is deb. It debounces the push-buttons used to +reset the cpu and ino components. When either button is pushed +('0' on SWITCH(8) or SWITCH(9)) then CLR_N goes low immediately +and stays low for two more cycles after the button was released. + +

+ +


    +161	    deb : process(L_CLK)

    +162	    begin

    +163	        if (rising_edge(L_CLK)) then

    +164	            -- switch debounce

    +165	            if ((I_SWITCH(8) = '0') or (I_SWITCH(9) = '0')) then    -- pushed

    +166	                L_CLR_N <= '0';

    +167	                L_C2_N  <= '0';

    +168	                L_C1_N  <= '0';

    +169	            else                                                    -- released

    +170	                L_CLR_N <= L_C2_N;

    +171	                L_C2_N  <= L_C1_N;

    +172	                L_C1_N  <= '1';

    +173	            end if;

    +174	        end if;

    +175	    end process;




+ +

+ +

Finally we have the signals driven directly from other signals. This +kind of signal assignments are the same as processes, but use a simpler +syntax for frequently used logic. + +

+ +


    +177	    L_CLR <= not L_CLR_N;


    +179	    Q_LEDS(2) <= I_RX;

    +180	    Q_LEDS(3) <= N_TX;

    +181	    Q_7_SEGMENT  <= N_7_SEGMENT when (I_SWITCH(7) = '1') else S_7_SEGMENT;

    +182	    Q_TX <= N_TX;




+ +

+ +

CLR is generated by inverting CLR_N. The serial input and the +serial output are visualized by means of two LEDs. The 7 segment output +can be driven from two sources: from a software controlled I/O register +in the I/O unit, or from the seven segment component (that shows the +current PC and opcode) being executed. The latter component is quite useful +for debugging purposes. + +

Note: We use a _N suffix to denote an active low signal. +Active low signals normally come from some FPGA pin since inside +the FPGA active low signals have no advantage over active high signals. +In the good old TTL days active low signals were preferred for strobe +signals since the HIGH to LOW transition in TTL was faster than the LOW +to high transition. Some active low signals we see today are left-overs +from those days.
+Another common case is switches and push-buttons that are held high +with a pull-up resistor when open and short-cut to ground when the +switch is closed. + +

2.5 Component Tree

+ +

The following figure shows the breakdown of almost all components +in our design. Only the memory modules in sram and pmem and the +individual registers in regs are hidden because they would blow up the +structure without providing too much information. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

We have already discussed the top level fpga and its 3 components +cpu, ino, and seg. + +

The cpu will be further broken down into a data path dpath, an opcode +decode odec, and an opcode fetch opcf. The data path consist of a +16-bit ALU alui, a register file regs, and a data memory sram. +The opcode fetch contains a program counter pcnt and a program memory pmem. + +

The ino contains a uart that is further broken down into a baud rate +generator baud, a serial receiver rx, and a serial transmitter tx. + +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/27_Listing_of_uart_tx.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/27_Listing_of_uart_tx.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/27_Listing_of_uart_tx.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_uart_tx.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

27 LISTING OF uart_tx.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    uart_tx - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    14:21:59 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    a UART receiver.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity uart_tx is

    + 34	    port(   I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 35	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;            -- RESET

    + 36	            I_CE_1      : in  std_logic;            -- BAUD rate clock enable

    + 37	            I_DATA      : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);   -- DATA to be sent

    + 38	            I_FLAG      : in  std_logic;            -- toggle to send data

    + 39	            Q_TX        : out std_logic;            -- Serial output line

    + 40	            Q_FLAG      : out std_logic);           -- Transmitting Flag

    + 41	end uart_tx;

    + 42

    + 43	architecture Behavioral of uart_tx is

    + 44

    + 45	signal L_BUF            : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

    + 46	signal L_TODO           : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);     -- bits to send

    + 47	signal L_FLAG           : std_logic;

    + 48

    + 49	begin

    + 50

    + 51	    process(I_CLK)

    + 52	    begin

    + 53	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 54	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 55	                Q_TX   <= '1';

    + 56	                L_BUF  <= "11111111";

    + 57	                L_TODO <= "0000";

    + 58	                L_FLAG <= I_FLAG;                   -- idle

    + 59	            elsif (I_CE_1 = '1') then

    + 60	                if (L_TODO /= "0000") then          -- transmitting

    + 61	                    Q_TX <= L_BUF(0);               -- next bit

    + 62	                    L_BUF     <= '1' & L_BUF(7 downto 1);

    + 63	                    if (L_TODO = "0001") then

    + 64	                        L_FLAG <= I_FLAG;

    + 65	                    end if;

    + 66	                    L_TODO <= L_TODO - "0001";

    + 67	                elsif (L_FLAG /= I_FLAG) then       -- new byte

    + 68	                    Q_TX <= '0';                    -- start bit

    + 69	                    L_BUF <= I_DATA;                -- data bits

    + 70	                    L_TODO <= "1001";

    + 71	                end if;

    + 72	            end if;

    + 73	        end if;

    + 74	    end process;

    + 75

    + 76	    Q_FLAG <= L_FLAG;

    + 77

    + 78	end Behavioral;

    + 79




+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/24_Listing_of_segment7.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/24_Listing_of_segment7.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/24_Listing_of_segment7.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_segment7.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

24 LISTING OF segment7.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    segment7 - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    12:52:16 11/11/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    a 7 segment LED display interface.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity segment7 is

    + 34	    port ( I_CLK        : in  std_logic;

    + 35

    + 36	           I_CLR        : in  std_logic;

    + 37	           I_OPC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 38	           I_PC         : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 39

    + 40	           Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0));

    + 41	end segment7;

    + 42

    + 43	--      Signal      Loc Alt

    + 44	---------------------------

    + 45	--      SEG_LED(0)  V3  A

    + 46	--      SEG_LED(1)  V4  B

    + 47	--      SEG_LED(2)  W3  C

    + 48	--      SEG_LED(3)  T4  D

    + 49	--      SEG_LED(4)  T3  E

    + 50	--      SEG_LED(5)  U3  F

    + 51	--      SEG_LED(6)  U4  G

    + 52	--

    + 53	architecture Behavioral of segment7 is

    + 54

    + 55	function lmap(VAL: std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0))

    + 56	         return std_logic_vector is

    + 57	begin

    + 58	    case VAL is         --      6543210

    + 59	        when "0000" =>  return "0111111";   -- 0

    + 60	        when "0001" =>  return "0000110";   -- 1

    + 61	        when "0010" =>  return "1011011";   -- 2

    + 62	        when "0011" =>  return "1001111";   -- 3

    + 63	        when "0100" =>  return "1100110";   -- 4    ----A----       ----0----

    + 64	        when "0101" =>  return "1101101";   -- 5    |       |       |       |

    + 65	        when "0110" =>  return "1111101";   -- 6    F       B       5       1

    + 66	        when "0111" =>  return "0000111";   -- 7    |       |       |       |

    + 67	        when "1000" =>  return "1111111";   -- 8    +---G---+       +---6---+

    + 68	        when "1001" =>  return "1101111";   -- 9    |       |       |       |

    + 69	        when "1010" =>  return "1110111";   -- A    E       C       4       2

    + 70	        when "1011" =>  return "1111100";   -- b    |       |       |       |

    + 71	        when "1100" =>  return "0111001";   -- C    ----D----       ----3----

    + 72	        when "1101" =>  return "1011110";   -- d

    + 73	        when "1110" =>  return "1111001";   -- E

    + 74	        when others =>  return "1110001";   -- F

    + 75	    end case;

    + 76	end;

    + 77

    + 78	signal L_CNT            : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0);

    + 79	signal L_OPC            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 80	signal L_PC             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 81	signal L_POS            : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 82

    + 83	begin

    + 84

    + 85	    process(I_CLK)    -- 20 MHz

    + 86	    begin

    + 87	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 88	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 89	                L_POS <= "0000";

    + 90	                L_CNT <= X"0000000";

    + 91	                Q_7_SEGMENT <= "1111111";

    + 92	            else

    + 93	                L_CNT <= L_CNT + X"0000001";

    + 94	                if (L_CNT =  X"0C00000") then

    + 95	                    Q_7_SEGMENT <= "1111111";      -- blank

    + 96	                elsif (L_CNT =  X"1000000") then

    + 97	                    L_CNT <= X"0000000";

    + 98	                    L_POS <= L_POS + "0001";

    + 99	                    case L_POS is

    +100	                        when "0000" =>  -- blank

    +101	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= "1111111";

    +102	                        when "0001" =>

    +103	                            L_PC <= I_PC;       -- sample PC

    +104	                            L_OPC <= I_OPC;     -- sample OPC

    +105	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC(15 downto 12));

    +106	                        when "0010" =>

    +107	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC(11 downto  8));

    +108	                        when "0011" =>

    +109	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC( 7 downto  4));

    +110	                        when "0100" =>

    +111	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC( 3 downto  0));

    +112	                        when "0101" =>  -- minus

    +113	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= "0111111";

    +114	                        when "0110" =>

    +115	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC(15 downto 12));

    +116	                        when "0111" =>

    +117	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC(11 downto  8));

    +118	                        when "1000" =>

    +119	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC( 7 downto  4));

    +120	                        when "1001" =>

    +121	                            Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC( 3 downto  0));

    +122	                            L_POS <= "0000";

    +123	                        when others =>

    +124	                            L_POS <= "0000";

    +125	                    end case;

    +126	                end if;

    +127	            end if;

    +128	        end if;

    +129	    end process;


    +131	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/20_Listing_of_prog_mem_content.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/20_Listing_of_prog_mem_content.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/20_Listing_of_prog_mem_content.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_prog_mem_content.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

20 LISTING OF prog_mem_content.vhd

+ +


    +  1

    +  2	library IEEE;

    +  3	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

    +  4

    +  5	package prog_mem_content is

    +  6

    +  7	-- content of pe_0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  8	constant pe_0_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"F180C8135798FC118181E0CA1010905100EF1D2C5F8CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC";

    +  9	constant pe_0_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF3E5864BEFFF1194EECFF8514CE3811F180B810";















    + 24

    + 25	-- content of pe_1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 26	constant pe_1_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"3F930800000088842808F0CBEA0ADA0FB1DC1072644000000000000000000000";

    + 27	constant pe_1_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAC9CBC0DC0C0DC8F0ED109C2FF00833F9308B2";















    + 42

    + 43	-- content of pe_2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 44	constant pe_2_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"F7100B00000044404050F0007606760000F54AC0C05444444444444444444444";

    + 45	constant pe_2_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0101B55F5117B71141335B711F0505F7100B72";















    + 60

    + 61	-- content of pe_3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 62	constant pe_3_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"4FEECBCCCCCC33FFFF9EC000F3CEF39EEEBE2062624999999999999999999999";

    + 63	constant pe_3_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC00009EEBE9990F90909990F90CC9E04FEECBF3";















    + 78

    + 79	-- content of po_0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 80	constant po_0_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"3F1A0560796F99750980CDCCE1D001D2A0D4F047C0C333333333333333333336";

    + 81	constant po_0_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF6EAE400D48FFE081B2CFF1421CDC098F1A05F8";















    + 96

    + 97	-- content of po_1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 98	constant po_1_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"82082B8888885408888985000B1B1B00EACD1065604555555555555555555553";

    + 99	constant po_1_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0F00D1CD01DCC82508C0082025A9B22082B83";
















    +115	-- content of po_2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +116	constant po_2_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"0F7609BCC88F400424409B444720072096F0E01FF8C000000000000000000000";

    +117	constant po_2_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF4F4000F05111B36001337B369B107CF7609F7";
















    +133	-- content of po_3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +134	constant po_3_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"E59EE9EEEEEEFFC3333EB999909EE09CEEBEB026644000000000000000000000";

    +135	constant po_3_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC9C9CEEBE99901290C0999129B90EF359EE9E0";
















    +151	end prog_mem_content;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/31_Listing_of_Makefile.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/31_Listing_of_Makefile.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/31_Listing_of_Makefile.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_Makefile + + + + +

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+ +

31 LISTING OF Makefile

+ +


    +  1	PROJECT=avr_core

    +  2

    +  3	# the vhdl source files (except testbench)

    +  4	#

    +  5	FILES		+= src/*.vhd

    +  6

    +  7	# the testbench sources and binary.

    +  8	#

    +  9	SIMFILES	= test/test_tb.vhd test/RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd

    + 10	SIMTOP		= testbench

    + 11

    + 12	# When to stop the simulation

    + 13	#

    + 14	# GHDL_SIM_OPT	= --assert-level=error

    + 15	GHDL_SIM_OPT	= --stop-time=40us

    + 16

    + 17	SIMDIR		= simu

    + 18

    + 19	FLAGS		= --ieee=synopsys --warn-no-vital-generic -fexplicit --std=93c

    + 20

    + 21	all:

    + 22		make compile

    + 23		make run 2>& 1 | grep -v std_logic_arith

    + 24		make view

    + 25

    + 26	compile:

    + 27		@mkdir -p simu

    + 28		@echo -----------------------------------------------------------------

    + 29		ghdl -i $(FLAGS) --workdir=simu --work=work $(SIMFILES) $(FILES)

    + 30		@echo

    + 31		@echo -----------------------------------------------------------------

    + 32		ghdl -m $(FLAGS) --workdir=simu --work=work $(SIMTOP)

    + 33		@echo

    + 34		@mv $(SIMTOP) simu/$(SIMTOP)

    + 35

    + 36	run:

    + 37		@$(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP) $(GHDL_SIM_OPT) --vcdgz=$(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP).vcdgz

    + 38

    + 39	view:

    + 40		gunzip --stdout $(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP).vcdgz | gtkwave --vcd

    + 41

    + 42	clean:

    + 43		ghdl --clean --workdir=simu

    + 44




+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_decoder_1.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_decoder_1.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_decoder_1.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_decoder_1.png (revision 2)
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+ +

10 LISTING OF alu.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    alu - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    13:51:24 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    arithmetic logic unit of a CPU

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;

    + 30	use IEEE.std_logic_ARITH.ALL;

    + 31	use IEEE.std_logic_UNSIGNED.ALL;

    + 32

    + 33	use work.common.ALL;

    + 34

    + 35	entity alu is

    + 36	    port (  I_ALU_OP    : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 37	            I_BIT       : in  std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 38	            I_D         : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 39	            I_D0        : in  std_logic;

    + 40	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 41	            I_FLAGS     : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 42	            I_IMM       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 43	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 44	            I_R         : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 45	            I_R0        : in  std_logic;

    + 46	            I_RSEL      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 47

    + 48	            Q_FLAGS     : out std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0);

    + 49	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

    + 50	end alu;

    + 51

    + 52	architecture Behavioral of alu is

    + 53

    + 54	function ze(A: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return std_logic is

    + 55	begin

    + 56	    return not (A(0) or A(1) or A(2) or A(3) or

    + 57	                A(4) or A(5) or A(6) or A(7));

    + 58	end;

    + 59

    + 60	function cy(D, R, S: std_logic) return std_logic is

    + 61	begin

    + 62	    return (D and R) or (D and not S) or (R and not S);

    + 63	end;

    + 64

    + 65	function ov(D, R, S: std_logic) return std_logic is

    + 66	begin

    + 67	    return (D and R and (not S)) or ((not D) and (not R) and S);

    + 68	end;

    + 69

    + 70	function si(D, R, S: std_logic) return std_logic is

    + 71	begin

    + 72	    return S xor ov(D, R, S);

    + 73	end;

    + 74

    + 75	signal L_ADC_DR     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D + R + Carry

    + 76	signal L_ADD_DR     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D + R

    + 77	signal L_ADIW_D     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);    -- D + IMM

    + 78	signal L_AND_DR     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D and R

    + 79	signal L_ASR_D      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- (signed D) >> 1

    + 80	signal L_D8         : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D(7 downto 0)

    + 81	signal L_DEC_D      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D - 1

    + 82	signal L_DOUT       : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 83	signal L_INC_D      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D + 1

    + 84	signal L_LSR_D      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- (unsigned) D >> 1

    + 85	signal L_MASK_I     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- 1 << IMM

    + 86	signal L_NEG_D      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- 0 - D

    + 87	signal L_NOT_D      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- 0 not D

    + 88	signal L_OR_DR      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D or R

    + 89	signal L_PROD       : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0);    -- D * R

    + 90	signal L_R8         : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- odd or even R

    + 91	signal L_RI8        : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- R8 or IMM

    + 92	signal L_RBIT       : std_logic;

    + 93	signal L_SBIW_D     : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);    -- D - IMM

    + 94	signal L_ROR_D      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D rotated right

    + 95	signal L_SBC_DR     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D - R - Carry

    + 96	signal L_SIGN_D     : std_logic;

    + 97	signal L_SIGN_R     : std_logic;

    + 98	signal L_SUB_DR     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D - R

    + 99	signal L_SWAP_D     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D swapped

    +100	signal L_XOR_DR     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);    -- D xor R


    +102	begin


    +104	    dinbit: process(I_DIN, I_BIT(2 downto 0))

    +105	    begin

    +106	        case I_BIT(2 downto 0) is

    +107	            when "000"  => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(0);   L_MASK_I <= "00000001";

    +108	            when "001"  => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(1);   L_MASK_I <= "00000010";

    +109	            when "010"  => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(2);   L_MASK_I <= "00000100";

    +110	            when "011"  => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(3);   L_MASK_I <= "00001000";

    +111	            when "100"  => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(4);   L_MASK_I <= "00010000";

    +112	            when "101"  => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(5);   L_MASK_I <= "00100000";

    +113	            when "110"  => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(6);   L_MASK_I <= "01000000";

    +114	            when others => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(7);   L_MASK_I <= "10000000";

    +115	        end case;

    +116	    end process;


    +118	    process(L_ADC_DR, L_ADD_DR, L_ADIW_D, I_ALU_OP, L_AND_DR, L_ASR_D,

    +119	            I_BIT, I_D, L_D8, L_DEC_D, I_DIN, I_FLAGS, I_IMM, L_MASK_I,

    +120	            L_INC_D, L_LSR_D, L_NEG_D, L_NOT_D, L_OR_DR, I_PC, L_PROD,

    +121	            I_R, L_RI8, L_RBIT, L_ROR_D, L_SBIW_D, L_SUB_DR, L_SBC_DR,

    +122	            L_SIGN_D, L_SIGN_R, L_SWAP_D, L_XOR_DR)

    +123	    begin

    +124	        Q_FLAGS <= "00" & I_FLAGS;

    +125	        L_DOUT <= X"0000";


    +127	        case I_ALU_OP is

    +128	            when ALU_ADC =>

    +129	                L_DOUT <= L_ADC_DR & L_ADC_DR;

    +130	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7));   -- Carry

    +131	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADC_DR);                         -- Zero

    +132	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADC_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +133	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7));   -- Overflow

    +134	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7));   -- Signed

    +135	                Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_D8(3), L_RI8(3), L_ADC_DR(3));   -- Halfcarry


    +137	            when ALU_ADD =>

    +138	                L_DOUT <= L_ADD_DR & L_ADD_DR;

    +139	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7));   -- Carry

    +140	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADD_DR);                         -- Zero

    +141	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADD_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +142	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7));   -- Overflow

    +143	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7));   -- Signed

    +144	                Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_D8(3), L_RI8(3), L_ADD_DR(3));   -- Halfcarry


    +146	            when ALU_ADIW =>

    +147	                L_DOUT <= L_ADIW_D;

    +148	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_ADIW_D(15) and not I_D(15);         -- Carry

    +149	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADIW_D(15 downto 8)) and

    +150	                              ze(L_ADIW_D(7 downto 0));             -- Zero

    +151	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADIW_D(15);                         -- Negative

    +152	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_D(15) and not L_ADIW_D(15);         -- Overflow

    +153	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= (L_ADIW_D(15) and not I_D(15))

    +154	                          xor (I_D(15) and not L_ADIW_D(15));       -- Signed


    +156	            when ALU_AND =>

    +157	                L_DOUT <= L_AND_DR & L_AND_DR;

    +158	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_AND_DR);                         -- Zero

    +159	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_AND_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +160	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0';                                  -- Overflow

    +161	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_AND_DR(7);                          -- Signed


    +163	            when ALU_ASR =>

    +164	                L_DOUT <= L_ASR_D & L_ASR_D;

    +165	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_D8(0);                              -- Carry

    +166	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ASR_D);                          -- Zero

    +167	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_D8(7);                              -- Negative

    +168	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= L_D8(0) xor L_D8(7);                  -- Overflow

    +169	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_D8(0);                              -- Signed


    +171	            when ALU_BLD =>     -- copy T flag to DOUT

    +172	                case I_BIT(2 downto 0) is

    +173	                    when "000"  => L_DOUT( 0) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +174	                                   L_DOUT( 8) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +175	                    when "001"  => L_DOUT( 1) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +176	                                   L_DOUT( 9) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +177	                    when "010"  => L_DOUT( 2) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +178	                                   L_DOUT(10) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +179	                    when "011"  => L_DOUT( 3) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +180	                                   L_DOUT(11) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +181	                    when "100"  => L_DOUT( 4) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +182	                                   L_DOUT(12) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +183	                    when "101"  => L_DOUT( 5) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +184	                                   L_DOUT(13) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +185	                    when "110"  => L_DOUT( 6) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +186	                                   L_DOUT(14) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +187	                    when others => L_DOUT( 7) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +188	                                   L_DOUT(15) <= I_FLAGS(6);

    +189	                end case;


    +191	            when ALU_BIT_CS =>  -- copy I_DIN to T flag

    +192	                Q_FLAGS(6) <= L_RBIT xor not I_BIT(3);

    +193	                Q_FLAGS(9) <= L_RBIT xor not I_BIT(3);

    +194	                if (I_BIT(3) = '0') then    -- clear

    +195	                    L_DOUT(15 downto 8) <= I_DIN and not L_MASK_I;

    +196	                    L_DOUT( 7 downto 0) <= I_DIN and not L_MASK_I;

    +197	                else                        -- set

    +198	                    L_DOUT(15 downto 8) <= I_DIN or L_MASK_I;

    +199	                    L_DOUT( 7 downto 0) <= I_DIN or L_MASK_I;

    +200	                end if;


    +202	            when ALU_COM =>

    +203	                L_DOUT <= L_NOT_D & L_NOT_D;

    +204	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= '1';                                  -- Carry

    +205	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(not L_D8);                         -- Zero

    +206	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= not L_D8(7);                          -- Negative

    +207	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0';                                  -- Overflow

    +208	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_D8(7);                          -- Signed


    +210	            when ALU_DEC =>

    +211	                L_DOUT <= L_DEC_D & L_DEC_D;

    +212	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_DEC_D);                          -- Zero

    +213	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_DEC_D(7);                           -- Negative

    +214	                if (L_D8 = X"80") then

    +215	                    Q_FLAGS(3) <= '1';                              -- Overflow

    +216	                    Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_DEC_D(7);                   -- Signed

    +217	                else

    +218	                    Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0';                              -- Overflow

    +219	                    Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_DEC_D(7);                       -- Signed

    +220	                end if;


    +222	            when ALU_EOR =>

    +223	                L_DOUT <= L_XOR_DR & L_XOR_DR;

    +224	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_XOR_DR);                         -- Zero

    +225	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_XOR_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +226	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0';                                  -- Overflow

    +227	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_XOR_DR(7);                          -- Signed


    +229	            when ALU_INC =>

    +230	                L_DOUT <= L_INC_D & L_INC_D;

    +231	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_INC_D);                          -- Zero

    +232	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_INC_D(7);                           -- Negative

    +233	                if (L_D8 = X"7F") then

    +234	                    Q_FLAGS(3) <= '1';                              -- Overflow

    +235	                    Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_INC_D(7);                   -- Signed

    +236	                else

    +237	                    Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0';                              -- Overflow

    +238	                    Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_INC_D(7);                       -- Signed

    +239	                end if;


    +241	            when ALU_INTR =>

    +242	                L_DOUT <= I_PC;

    +243	                Q_FLAGS(7) <= I_IMM(6);    -- ena/disable interrupts


    +245	            when ALU_LSR  =>

    +246	                L_DOUT <= L_LSR_D & L_LSR_D;

    +247	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_D8(0);                              -- Carry

    +248	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_LSR_D);                          -- Zero

    +249	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= '0';                                  -- Negative

    +250	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= L_D8(0);                              -- Overflow

    +251	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_D8(0);                              -- Signed


    +253	            when ALU_D_MV_Q =>

    +254	                L_DOUT <= L_D8 & L_D8;


    +256	            when ALU_R_MV_Q =>

    +257	                L_DOUT <= L_RI8 & L_RI8;


    +259	            when ALU_MV_16 =>

    +260	                L_DOUT <= I_R(15 downto 8) & L_RI8;


    +262	            when ALU_MULT =>

    +263	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_PROD(15);                           -- Carry

    +264	                if I_IMM(7) = '0' then              -- MUL

    +265	                    L_DOUT <= L_PROD(15 downto 0);

    +266	                    Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_PROD(15 downto 8))           -- Zero

    +267	                            and ze(L_PROD( 7 downto 0));

    +268	                else                                -- FMUL

    +269	                    L_DOUT <= L_PROD(14 downto 0) & "0";

    +270	                    Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_PROD(14 downto 7))           -- Zero

    +271	                            and ze(L_PROD( 6 downto 0) & "0");

    +272	                end if;


    +274	            when ALU_NEG =>

    +275	                L_DOUT <= L_NEG_D & L_NEG_D;

    +276	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= not ze(L_D8);                         -- Carry

    +277	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_NEG_D);                          -- Zero

    +278	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_NEG_D(7);                           -- Negative

    +279	                if (L_D8 = X"80") then

    +280	                    Q_FLAGS(3) <= '1';                              -- Overflow

    +281	                    Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_NEG_D(7);                   -- Signed

    +282	                else

    +283	                    Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0';                              -- Overflow

    +284	                    Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_NEG_D(7);                       -- Signed

    +285	                end if;

    +286	                Q_FLAGS(5) <= L_D8(3) or L_NEG_D(3);                -- Halfcarry


    +288	            when ALU_OR =>

    +289	                L_DOUT <= L_OR_DR & L_OR_DR;

    +290	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_OR_DR);                          -- Zero

    +291	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_OR_DR(7);                           -- Negative

    +292	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0';                                  -- Overflow

    +293	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_OR_DR(7);                           -- Signed


    +295	            when ALU_PC_1 =>    -- ICALL, RCALL

    +296	                L_DOUT <= I_PC + X"0001";


    +298	            when ALU_PC_2 =>    -- CALL

    +299	                L_DOUT <= I_PC + X"0002";


    +301	            when ALU_ROR =>

    +302	                L_DOUT <= L_ROR_D & L_ROR_D;

    +303	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ROR_D);                          -- Zero

    +304	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= I_FLAGS(0);                           -- Negative

    +305	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_FLAGS(0) xor L_D8(0);               -- Overflow

    +306	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= I_FLAGS(0);                           -- Signed


    +308	            when ALU_SBC =>

    +309	                L_DOUT <= L_SBC_DR & L_SBC_DR;

    +310	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_SBC_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7));   -- Carry

    +311	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_SBC_DR) and I_FLAGS(1);          -- Zero

    +312	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_SBC_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +313	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_SBC_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7));   -- Overflow

    +314	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_SBC_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7));   -- Signed

    +315	                Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_SBC_DR(3), L_RI8(3), L_D8(3));   -- Halfcarry


    +317	            when ALU_SBIW =>

    +318	                L_DOUT <= L_SBIW_D;

    +319	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_SBIW_D(15) and not I_D(15);         -- Carry

    +320	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_SBIW_D(15 downto 8)) and

    +321	                              ze(L_SBIW_D(7 downto 0));             -- Zero

    +322	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_SBIW_D(15);                         -- Negative

    +323	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_D(15) and not L_SBIW_D(15);         -- Overflow

    +324	                Q_FLAGS(4) <=  (L_SBIW_D(15) and not I_D(15))

    +325	                           xor (I_D(15) and not L_SBIW_D(15));      -- Signed


    +327	            when ALU_SREG =>

    +328	                case I_BIT(2 downto 0) is

    +329	                    when "000"  => Q_FLAGS(0) <= I_BIT(3);

    +330	                    when "001"  => Q_FLAGS(1) <= I_BIT(3);

    +331	                    when "010"  => Q_FLAGS(2) <= I_BIT(3);

    +332	                    when "011"  => Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_BIT(3);

    +333	                    when "100"  => Q_FLAGS(4) <= I_BIT(3);

    +334	                    when "101"  => Q_FLAGS(5) <= I_BIT(3);

    +335	                    when "110"  => Q_FLAGS(6) <= I_BIT(3);

    +336	                    when others => Q_FLAGS(7) <= I_BIT(3);

    +337	                end case;


    +339	            when ALU_SUB =>

    +340	                L_DOUT <= L_SUB_DR & L_SUB_DR;

    +341	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_SUB_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7));   -- Carry

    +342	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_SUB_DR);                         -- Zero

    +343	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_SUB_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +344	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_SUB_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7));   -- Overflow

    +345	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_SUB_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7));   -- Signed

    +346	                Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_SUB_DR(3), L_RI8(3), L_D8(3));   -- Halfcarry

    +347	                Q_FLAGS(8) <= ze(L_SUB_DR);                         -- temp Zero


    +349	            when ALU_SWAP =>

    +350	                L_DOUT <= L_SWAP_D & L_SWAP_D;


    +352	            when others =>

    +353	        end case;

    +354	    end Process;


    +356	    L_D8 <= I_D(15 downto 8) when (I_D0 = '1') else I_D(7 downto 0);

    +357	    L_R8 <= I_R(15 downto 8) when (I_R0 = '1') else I_R(7 downto 0);

    +358	    L_RI8 <= I_IMM           when (I_RSEL = RS_IMM) else L_R8;


    +360	    L_ADIW_D  <= I_D + ("0000000000" & I_IMM(5 downto 0));

    +361	    L_SBIW_D  <= I_D - ("0000000000" & I_IMM(5 downto 0));

    +362	    L_ADD_DR  <= L_D8 + L_RI8;

    +363	    L_ADC_DR  <= L_ADD_DR + ("0000000" & I_FLAGS(0));

    +364	    L_ASR_D   <= L_D8(7) & L_D8(7 downto 1);

    +365	    L_AND_DR  <= L_D8 and L_RI8;

    +366	    L_DEC_D   <= L_D8 - X"01";

    +367	    L_INC_D   <= L_D8 + X"01";

    +368	    L_LSR_D   <= '0' & L_D8(7 downto 1);

    +369	    L_NEG_D   <= X"00" - L_D8;

    +370	    L_NOT_D   <= not L_D8;

    +371	    L_OR_DR   <= L_D8 or L_RI8;

    +372	    L_PROD    <= (L_SIGN_D & L_D8) * (L_SIGN_R & L_R8);

    +373	    L_ROR_D   <= I_FLAGS(0) &  L_D8(7 downto 1);

    +374	    L_SUB_DR  <= L_D8 - L_RI8;

    +375	    L_SBC_DR  <= L_SUB_DR - ("0000000" & I_FLAGS(0));

    +376	    L_SIGN_D  <= L_D8(7) and I_IMM(6);

    +377	    L_SIGN_R  <= L_R8(7) and I_IMM(5);

    +378	    L_SWAP_D  <= L_D8(3 downto 0) & L_D8(7 downto 4);

    +379	    L_XOR_DR  <= L_D8 xor L_R8;


    +381	    Q_DOUT <= (I_DIN & I_DIN) when (I_RSEL = RS_DIN) else L_DOUT;


    +383	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_2.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_2.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_2.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_2.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_2.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_1.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_1.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_1.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_1.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_1.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/19_Listing_of_opc_fetch.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/19_Listing_of_opc_fetch.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/19_Listing_of_opc_fetch.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_opc_fetch.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

19 LISTING OF opc_fetch.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    opc_fetch - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    13:00:44 10/30/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the opcode fetch stage of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;

    + 30	use IEEE.std_logic_ARITH.ALL;

    + 31	use IEEE.std_logic_UNSIGNED.ALL;

    + 32

    + 33	entity opc_fetch is

    + 34	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 35

    + 36	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 37	            I_INTVEC    : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 38	            I_LOAD_PC   : in  std_logic;

    + 39	            I_NEW_PC    : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 40	            I_PM_ADR    : in  std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);

    + 41	            I_SKIP      : in  std_logic;

    + 42

    + 43	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 44	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 45	            Q_PM_DOUT   : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 46	            Q_T0        : out std_logic);

    + 47	end opc_fetch;

    + 48

    + 49	architecture Behavioral of opc_fetch is

    + 50

    + 51	component prog_mem

    + 52	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 53

    + 54	            I_WAIT      : in  std_logic;

    + 55	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);

    + 56	            I_PM_ADR    : in  std_logic_vector (11 downto 0);

    + 57

    + 58	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);

    + 59	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);

    + 60	            Q_PM_DOUT   : out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0));

    + 61	end component;

    + 62

    + 63	signal P_OPC            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 64	signal P_PC             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 65

    + 66	signal L_INVALIDATE     : std_logic;

    + 67	signal L_LONG_OP        : std_logic;

    + 68	signal L_NEXT_PC        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 69	signal L_PC             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 70	signal L_T0             : std_logic;

    + 71	signal L_WAIT           : std_logic;

    + 72

    + 73	begin

    + 74

    + 75	    pmem : prog_mem

    + 76	    port map(   I_CLK       => I_CLK,

    + 77

    + 78	                I_WAIT      => L_WAIT,

    + 79	                I_PC        => L_NEXT_PC,

    + 80	                I_PM_ADR    => I_PM_ADR,

    + 81

    + 82	                Q_OPC       => P_OPC,

    + 83	                Q_PC        => P_PC,

    + 84	                Q_PM_DOUT   => Q_PM_DOUT);

    + 85

    + 86	   lpc: process(I_CLK)

    + 87	    begin

    + 88	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 89	            L_PC <= L_NEXT_PC;

    + 90	            L_T0 <= not L_WAIT;

    + 91	        end if;

    + 92	    end process;

    + 93

    + 94	    L_INVALIDATE <= I_CLR or I_SKIP;

    + 95

    + 96	    L_NEXT_PC <= X"0000"        when (I_CLR     = '1')

    + 97	            else L_PC           when (L_WAIT    = '1')

    + 98	            else I_NEW_PC       when (I_LOAD_PC = '1')

    + 99	            else L_PC + X"0002" when (L_LONG_OP = '1')

    +100	            else L_PC + X"0001";


    +102	    -- Two word opcodes:

    +103	    --

    +104	    --        9       3210

    +105	    -- 1001 000d dddd 0000 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - LDS

    +106	    -- 1001 001d dddd 0000 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - SDS

    +107	    -- 1001 010k kkkk 110k kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - JMP

    +108	    -- 1001 010k kkkk 111k kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - CALL

    +109	    --

    +110	    L_LONG_OP <= '1' when (((P_OPC(15 downto  9) = "1001010") and

    +111	                            (P_OPC( 3 downto  2) = "11"))       -- JMP, CALL

    +112	                       or  ((P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100100") and

    +113	                            (P_OPC( 3 downto  0) = "0000")))    -- LDS, STS

    +114	            else '0';


    +116	    -- Two cycle opcodes:

    +117	    --

    +118	    -- 1001 000d dddd .... - LDS etc.

    +119	    -- 1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET

    +120	    -- 1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI

    +121	    -- 1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC

    +122	    -- 1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS

    +123	    -- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC

    +124	    -- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS



    +127	    --

    +128	    L_WAIT <= '0'  when (L_INVALIDATE = '1')

    +129	         else '0'  when (I_INTVEC(5)  = '1')

    +130	         else L_T0 when ((P_OPC(15 downto   9) = "1001000" )    -- LDS etc.

    +131	                     or  (P_OPC(15 downto   8) = "10010101")    -- RET etc.

    +132	                     or  ((P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100110")      -- SBIC, SBIS

    +133	                       and P_OPC(8) = '1')

    +134	                     or  (P_OPC(15 downto  10) = "111111"))     -- SBRC, SBRS

    +135	        else  '0';


    +137	    Q_OPC <= X"00000000" when (L_INVALIDATE = '1')

    +138	        else P_OPC       when (I_INTVEC(5) = '0')

    +139	        else (X"000000" & "00" & I_INTVEC);     -- "interrupt opcode"


    +141	    Q_PC <= P_PC;

    +142	    Q_T0 <= L_T0;


    +144	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ +


+ +

In this short lesson we will give a brief overview of a design technique +known as pipelining. Most readers will already be familiar with it; those +readers should take a day off or proceed to the next lesson. + +

Assume we have a piece of combinational logic that happens to have a +long propagation delay even in its fastest implementation. The long delay +is then caused by the slowest path through the logic, which will run +through either many fast elements (like gates) or a number of slower +elements (likes adders or multipliers), or both. + +

That is the situation where you should use pipelining. We will explain +it by an example. Consider the circuit shown in the following figure. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

The circuit is a sequential logic which consists of 3 combinational +functions f1, f2, and f3 and a flip-flop at the output of f3. + +

Let t1, t2, and t3 be the respective propagation delays of f1, f2, and f3. +Assume that the slowest path of the combinational logic runs from the +upper input of f1 towards the output of f3. Then the total delay of +the combinational is t = t1 + t2 + t3. The entire circuit cannot be +clocked faster than with frequency 1/t. + +

Now pipelining is a technique that slightly increases the delay of a +combinational circuit, but thereby allows different parts of the logic +at the same time. The slight increase in total propagation delay is more +than compensated by a much higher throughput. + +

Pipelining divides a complex combinational logic with an accordingly long +delay into a number of stages and places flip-flops between the stages as +shown in the next figure. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

The slowest path is now max(t1, t2, t3) and the new circuit can be clocked +with frequency 1/max(t1, t2, t3) instead of 1/(t1 + t2 + t3). If the +functions f1, f2, and f3 had equal propagation delays, then the max. +frequency of the new circuit would have tripled compared to the old circuit. + +

It is generally a good idea when using pipelining to divide the +combinational logic that shall be pipelined into pieces with similar delay. +Another aspect is to divide the combinational logic at places where the +number of connections between the pieces is small since this reduces the +number of flip-flops that are being inserted. + +

The first design of the CPU described in this lecture had the opcode decoding +logic (which is combinational) and the data path logic combined. That design +had a worst path delay of over 50 ns (and hence a max. frequency of less +than 20 MHz). After splitting of the opcode decoder, the worst path delay +was below 30 ns which allows for a frequency of 33 MHz. We could have +divides the pipeline into even more stages (and thereby increasing the +max. frequency even further). This would, however, have obscured the design +so we did not do it. + +

The reason for the improved throughput is that the different stages of a +pipeline work in parallel while without pipelining the entire logic would +be occupied by a single operation. In a pipeline the single operation is +often displayed like this (one color = one operation). + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

This kind of diagram shows how an operation is distributed over the +different stages over time. + +

To summarize, pipelining typically results in: + +

  • a slightly more complex design, +
  • a moderately longer total delay, and +
  • a considerable improvement in throughput. +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_3.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_3.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_3.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_3.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/pipelining_3.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_2.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_2.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_2.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_2.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/cpu_core_2.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/Component_tree.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/Component_tree.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/Component_tree.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/Component_tree.png (revision 2)
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+ +


+ +


    +  1	#include "assert.h"

    +  2	#include "ctype.h"

    +  3	#include "stdio.h"

    +  4	#include "string.h"

    +  5

    +  6	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  7	int

    +  8	main(int argc, const char * argv)

    +  9	{

    + 10	char buffer[2000];

    + 11	int pc, val, val2;

    + 12

    + 13	   for (;;)

    + 14	       {

    + 15	         char * s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, stdin);

    + 16	         if (s == 0)   return 0;

    + 17

    + 18	         // map lines '  xx:' and 'xxxxxxxx; to 2* the hex value.

    + 19	         //

    + 20	         if (

    + 21	             (isxdigit(s[0]) || s[0] == ' ') &&

    + 22	             (isxdigit(s[1]) || s[1] == ' ') &&

    + 23	             (isxdigit(s[2]) || s[2] == ' ') &&

    + 24	              isxdigit(s[3]) && s[4] == ':')   // '  xx:'

    + 25	            {

    + 26	              assert(1 == sscanf(s, " %x:", &pc));

    + 27	              if (pc & 1)       printf("%4X+:", pc/2);

    + 28	              else              printf("%4X:", pc/2);

    + 29	              s += 5;

    + 30	            }

    + 31	         else if (isxdigit(s[0]) && isxdigit(s[1]) && isxdigit(s[2]) &&

    + 32	                  isxdigit(s[3]) && isxdigit(s[4]) && isxdigit(s[5]) &&

    + 33	                  isxdigit(s[6]) && isxdigit(s[7]))             // 'xxxxxxxx'

    + 34	            {

    + 35	              assert(1 == sscanf(s, "%x", &pc));

    + 36	              if (pc & 1)   printf("%8.8X+:", pc/2);

    + 37	              else          printf("%8.8X:", pc/2);

    + 38	              s += 8;

    + 39	            }

    + 40	         else                             // other: copy verbatim

    + 41	            {

    + 42	              printf("%s", s);

    + 43	              continue;

    + 44	            }

    + 45

    + 46	          while (isblank(*s))   printf("%c", *s++);

    + 47

    + 48	          // endian swap.

    + 49	          //

    + 50	          while (isxdigit(s[0]) &&

    + 51	                 isxdigit(s[1]) &&

    + 52	                          s[2] == ' ' &&

    + 53	                 isxdigit(s[3]) &&

    + 54	                 isxdigit(s[4]) &&

    + 55	                          s[5] == ' ')

    + 56	             {

    + 57	              assert(2 == sscanf(s, "%x %x ", &val, &val2));

    + 58	              printf("%2.2X%2.2X  ", val2, val);

    + 59	              s += 6;

    + 60	             }

    + 61

    + 62	         char * s1 = strstr(s, ".+");

    + 63	         char * s2 = strstr(s, ".-");

    + 64	         if (s1)

    + 65	            {

    + 66	              assert(1 == sscanf(s1 + 2, "%d", &val));

    + 67	              assert((val & 1) == 0);

    + 68	              sprintf(s1, " 0x%X", (pc + val)/2 + 1);

    + 69	              printf(s);

    + 70	              s = s1 + strlen(s1) + 1;

    + 71	            }

    + 72	         else if (s2)

    + 73	            {

    + 74	              assert(1 == sscanf(s2 + 2, "%d", &val));

    + 75	              assert((val & 1) == 0);

    + 76	              sprintf(s2, " 0x%X", (pc - val)/2 + 1);

    + 77	              printf(s);

    + 78	              s = s2 + strlen(s2) + 1;

    + 79	            }

    + 80

    + 81	         printf("%s", s);

    + 82	       }

    + 83	}

    + 84	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------




+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/04_Cpu_Core.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/04_Cpu_Core.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/04_Cpu_Core.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ + + + +html/Cpu_Core + + + + +

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+ +


+ +

In this lesson we will discuss the core of the CPU. These days, the same +kind of CPU can come in different flavors that differ in the clock +frequency that that support, bus sizes, the size of internal caches +and memories and the capabilities of the I/O ports they provide. +We call the common part of these different CPUs the CPU core. +The CPU core is primarily characterized by the instruction set that it +provides. One could also say that the CPU core is the implementation +of a given instruction set. + +

The details of the instruction set will only be visible at the next lower +level of the design. At the current level different CPUs (with +different instruction sets) will still look the same because they +all use the same structure. Only some control signals will be different +for different CPUs. + +

We will use the so-called Harvard architecture because it fits better +to FPGAs with internal memory modules. Harvard architecture means that +the program memory and the data memory of the CPU are different. This +gives us more flexibility and some instructions (for example CALL, +which involves storing the current program counter in +memory while changing the program counter and fetching the next +instruction) can be executed in parallel). + +

Different CPU cores differ in the in the instruction set that +they support. The types of CPU instructions (like arithmetic +instructions, move instructions, branch instructions, etc.) are +essentially the same for all CPUs. The differences are in the details +like the encoding of the instructions, operand sizes, number of +registers addressable, and the like). + +

Since all CPUs are rather similar apart from details, within +the same base architecture (Harvard vs. von Neumann), the same +structure can be used even for different instruction sets. This +is because the same cycle is repeated again and again for the +different instructions of a program. This cycle consists of 3 +phases: + +

  • Opcode fetch +
  • Opcode decoding +
  • Execution +

Opcode fetch means that for a given value of the program counter +PC, the instruction (opcode) stored at location PC is read from the +program memory and that the PC is advanced to the next instruction. + +

Opcode decoding computes a number of control signals that will +be needed in the execution phase. + +

Execution then executes the opcode which means that a small number +of registers or memory locations is read and/or written. + +

In theory these 3 phases could be implemented in a combinational way +(a static program memory, an opcode decoder at the output of the program +memory and an execution module at the output of the opcode decoder). +We will see later, however, that each phase has a considerable complexity +and we therefore use a 3 stage pipeline instead. + +

In the following figure we see how a sequence of three opcodes ADD, MOV, +and JMP is executed in the pipeline. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

From the discussion above we can already predict the big picture of +the CPU core. It consists of a pipeline with 3 stages opcode fetch, +opcode decoder, and execution (which is called data path in the design +because the operations required by the execution more or less imply +the structure of the data paths in the execution stage: + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

The pipeline consists of the opc_fetch stage that drives PC, OPC, and +T0 signals to the opcode decoder stage. +The opc_deco stage decodes the OPC signal and generates a number of +control signals towards the execution stage, The execution stage then +executes the decoded instruction. + +

The control signals towards the execution stage can be divided into 3 groups: + +

  1. Select signals (ALU_OP, AMOD, BIT, DDDDD, IMM, OPC, PMS, + RD_M, RRRRR, and RSEL). These signals control details (like register + numbers) of the instruction being executed. +
  2. Branch and timing signals (PC, PC_OP, WAIT, (and SKIP in the reverse + direction)). These signals control changes in the normal execution + flow. +
  3. Write enable signals (WE_01, WE_D, WE_F, WE_M, and WE_XYZS). + These signals define if and when registers and memory locations are + updated. +

We come to the VHDL code for the CPU core. The entity declaration +must match the instantiation in the top-level design. Therefore: + +

+ +


    + 33	entity cpu_core is

    + 34	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 35	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 36	            I_INTVEC    : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 37	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 38

    + 39	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 40	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 41	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 42	            Q_ADR_IO    : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 43	            Q_RD_IO     : out std_logic;

    + 44	            Q_WE_IO     : out std_logic);




+ +

+ +

The declaration and instantiation of opc_fetch, opc_deco, and dpath +simply reflects what is shown in the previous figure. + +

The multiplexer driving DIN selects between data from the I/O input and +data from the program memory. This is controlled by signal PMS (program +memory select): + +

+ +


    +240	    L_DIN <= F_PM_DOUT when (D_PMS = '1') else I_DIN(7 downto 0);




+ +

+ +

The interrupt vector input INTVEC is and'ed with the global interrupt +enable bit in the status register (which is contained in the data path): + +

+ +


    +241	    L_INTVEC_5 <= I_INTVEC(5) and R_INT_ENA;




+ +

+ +

This concludes the discussion of the CPU core and we will proceed with +the different stages of the pipeline. Rather than following the natural +order (opcode fetch, opcode decoder, execution), however, we will describe +the opcode decoder last. The reason is that the opcode decoder is a +consequence of the design of the execution stage. Once the execution stage +is understood, the opcode decoder will become obvious (though still complex). + +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/21_Listing_of_prog_mem.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/21_Listing_of_prog_mem.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/21_Listing_of_prog_mem.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_prog_mem.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

21 LISTING OF prog_mem.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    prog_mem - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    14:09:04 10/30/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the program memory of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	library IEEE;

    + 28	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 31

    + 32	-- the content of the program memory.

    + 33	--

    + 34	use work.prog_mem_content.all;

    + 35

    + 36	entity prog_mem is

    + 37	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 38

    + 39	            I_WAIT      : in  std_logic;

    + 40	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- word address

    + 41	            I_PM_ADR    : in  std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- byte address

    + 42

    + 43	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 44	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 45	            Q_PM_DOUT   : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0));

    + 46	end prog_mem;

    + 47

    + 48	architecture Behavioral of prog_mem is

    + 49

    + 50	constant zero_256 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 51	                                & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 52

    + 53	component RAMB4_S4_S4

    + 54	    generic(INIT_00 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 55	            INIT_01 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 56	            INIT_02 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 57	            INIT_03 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 58	            INIT_04 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 59	            INIT_05 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 60	            INIT_06 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 61	            INIT_07 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 62	            INIT_08 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 63	            INIT_09 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 64	            INIT_0A : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 65	            INIT_0B : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 66	            INIT_0C : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 67	            INIT_0D : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 68	            INIT_0E : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 69	            INIT_0F : bit_vector := zero_256);

    + 70

    + 71	    port(   ADDRA   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 72	            ADDRB   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 73	            CLKA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 74	            CLKB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 75	            DIA     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 76	            DIB     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 77	            ENA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 78	            ENB     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 79	            RSTA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 80	            RSTB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 81	            WEA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 82	            WEB     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 83

    + 84	            DOA     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 85	            DOB     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));

    + 86	end component;

    + 87

    + 88	signal M_OPC_E      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 89	signal M_OPC_O      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 90	signal M_PMD_E      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 91	signal M_PMD_O      : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 92

    + 93	signal L_WAIT_N     : std_logic;

    + 94	signal L_PC_0       : std_logic;

    + 95	signal L_PC_E       : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1);

    + 96	signal L_PC_O       : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1);

    + 97	signal L_PMD        : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 98	signal L_PM_ADR_1_0 : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 99

    +100	begin


    +102	    pe_0 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +103	    generic map(INIT_00 => pe_0_00, INIT_01 => pe_0_01, INIT_02 => pe_0_02,

    +104	                INIT_03 => pe_0_03, INIT_04 => pe_0_04, INIT_05 => pe_0_05,

    +105	                INIT_06 => pe_0_06, INIT_07 => pe_0_07, INIT_08 => pe_0_08,

    +106	                INIT_09 => pe_0_09, INIT_0A => pe_0_0A, INIT_0B => pe_0_0B,

    +107	                INIT_0C => pe_0_0C, INIT_0D => pe_0_0D, INIT_0E => pe_0_0E,

    +108	                INIT_0F => pe_0_0F)

    +109	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +110	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +111	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +112	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +113	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +114	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +115	             DOA   => M_OPC_E(3 downto 0),      DOB   => M_PMD_E(3 downto 0));


    +117	    pe_1 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +118	    generic map(INIT_00 => pe_1_00, INIT_01 => pe_1_01, INIT_02 => pe_1_02,

    +119	                INIT_03 => pe_1_03, INIT_04 => pe_1_04, INIT_05 => pe_1_05,

    +120	                INIT_06 => pe_1_06, INIT_07 => pe_1_07, INIT_08 => pe_1_08,

    +121	                INIT_09 => pe_1_09, INIT_0A => pe_1_0A, INIT_0B => pe_1_0B,

    +122	                INIT_0C => pe_1_0C, INIT_0D => pe_1_0D, INIT_0E => pe_1_0E,

    +123	                INIT_0F => pe_1_0F)

    +124	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +125	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +126	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +127	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +128	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +129	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +130	             DOA   => M_OPC_E(7 downto 4),      DOB   => M_PMD_E(7 downto 4));


    +132	    pe_2 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +133	    generic map(INIT_00 => pe_2_00, INIT_01 => pe_2_01, INIT_02 => pe_2_02,

    +134	                INIT_03 => pe_2_03, INIT_04 => pe_2_04, INIT_05 => pe_2_05,

    +135	                INIT_06 => pe_2_06, INIT_07 => pe_2_07, INIT_08 => pe_2_08,

    +136	                INIT_09 => pe_2_09, INIT_0A => pe_2_0A, INIT_0B => pe_2_0B,

    +137	                INIT_0C => pe_2_0C, INIT_0D => pe_2_0D, INIT_0E => pe_2_0E,

    +138	                INIT_0F => pe_2_0F)

    +139	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +140	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +141	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +142	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +143	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +144	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +145	             DOA   => M_OPC_E(11 downto 8),     DOB   => M_PMD_E(11 downto 8));


    +147	    pe_3 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +148	    generic map(INIT_00 => pe_3_00, INIT_01 => pe_3_01, INIT_02 => pe_3_02,

    +149	                INIT_03 => pe_3_03, INIT_04 => pe_3_04, INIT_05 => pe_3_05,

    +150	                INIT_06 => pe_3_06, INIT_07 => pe_3_07, INIT_08 => pe_3_08,

    +151	                INIT_09 => pe_3_09, INIT_0A => pe_3_0A, INIT_0B => pe_3_0B,

    +152	                INIT_0C => pe_3_0C, INIT_0D => pe_3_0D, INIT_0E => pe_3_0E,

    +153	                INIT_0F => pe_3_0F)

    +154	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +155	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +156	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +157	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +158	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +159	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +160	             DOA   => M_OPC_E(15 downto 12),    DOB   => M_PMD_E(15 downto 12));


    +162	    po_0 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +163	    generic map(INIT_00 => po_0_00, INIT_01 => po_0_01, INIT_02 => po_0_02,

    +164	                INIT_03 => po_0_03, INIT_04 => po_0_04, INIT_05 => po_0_05,

    +165	                INIT_06 => po_0_06, INIT_07 => po_0_07, INIT_08 => po_0_08,

    +166	                INIT_09 => po_0_09, INIT_0A => po_0_0A, INIT_0B => po_0_0B,

    +167	                INIT_0C => po_0_0C, INIT_0D => po_0_0D, INIT_0E => po_0_0E,

    +168	                INIT_0F => po_0_0F)

    +169	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +170	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +171	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +172	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +173	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +174	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +175	             DOA   => M_OPC_O(3 downto 0),      DOB   => M_PMD_O(3 downto 0));


    +177	    po_1 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +178	    generic map(INIT_00 => po_1_00, INIT_01 => po_1_01, INIT_02 => po_1_02,

    +179	                INIT_03 => po_1_03, INIT_04 => po_1_04, INIT_05 => po_1_05,

    +180	                INIT_06 => po_1_06, INIT_07 => po_1_07, INIT_08 => po_1_08,

    +181	                INIT_09 => po_1_09, INIT_0A => po_1_0A, INIT_0B => po_1_0B,

    +182	                INIT_0C => po_1_0C, INIT_0D => po_1_0D, INIT_0E => po_1_0E,

    +183	                INIT_0F => po_1_0F)

    +184	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +185	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +186	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +187	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +188	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +189	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +190	             DOA   => M_OPC_O(7 downto 4),      DOB   => M_PMD_O(7 downto 4));


    +192	    po_2 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +193	    generic map(INIT_00 => po_2_00, INIT_01 => po_2_01, INIT_02 => po_2_02,

    +194	                INIT_03 => po_2_03, INIT_04 => po_2_04, INIT_05 => po_2_05,

    +195	                INIT_06 => po_2_06, INIT_07 => po_2_07, INIT_08 => po_2_08,

    +196	                INIT_09 => po_2_09, INIT_0A => po_2_0A, INIT_0B => po_2_0B,

    +197	                INIT_0C => po_2_0C, INIT_0D => po_2_0D, INIT_0E => po_2_0E,

    +198	                INIT_0F => po_2_0F)

    +199	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +200	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +201	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +202	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +203	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +204	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +205	             DOA   => M_OPC_O(11 downto 8),     DOB   => M_PMD_O(11 downto 8));


    +207	    po_3 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +208	    generic map(INIT_00 => po_3_00, INIT_01 => po_3_01, INIT_02 => po_3_02,

    +209	                INIT_03 => po_3_03, INIT_04 => po_3_04, INIT_05 => po_3_05,

    +210	                INIT_06 => po_3_06, INIT_07 => po_3_07, INIT_08 => po_3_08,

    +211	                INIT_09 => po_3_09, INIT_0A => po_3_0A, INIT_0B => po_3_0B,

    +212	                INIT_0C => po_3_0C, INIT_0D => po_3_0D, INIT_0E => po_3_0E,

    +213	                INIT_0F => po_3_0F)

    +214	    port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O,                   ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2),

    +215	             CLKA  => I_CLK,                    CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +216	             DIA   => "0000",                   DIB   => "0000",

    +217	             ENA   => L_WAIT_N,                 ENB   => '1',

    +218	             RSTA  => '0',                      RSTB  => '0',

    +219	             WEA   => '0',                      WEB   => '0',

    +220	             DOA   => M_OPC_O(15 downto 12),    DOB   => M_PMD_O(15 downto 12));


    +222	    -- remember I_PC0 and I_PM_ADR for the output mux.

    +223	    --

    +224	    pc0: process(I_CLK)

    +225	    begin

    +226	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +227	            Q_PC <= I_PC;

    +228	            L_PM_ADR_1_0 <= I_PM_ADR(1 downto 0);

    +229	            if ((I_WAIT = '0')) then

    +230	                L_PC_0 <= I_PC(0);

    +231	            end if;

    +232	        end if;

    +233	    end process;


    +235	    L_WAIT_N <= not I_WAIT;


    +237	    -- we use two memory blocks _E and _O (even and odd).

    +238	    -- This gives us a quad-port memory so that we can access

    +239	    -- I_PC, I_PC + 1, and PM simultaneously.

    +240	    --

    +241	    -- I_PC and I_PC + 1 are handled by port A of the memory while PM

    +242	    -- is handled by port B.

    +243	    --

    +244	    -- Q_OPC(15 ... 0) shall contain the word addressed by I_PC, while

    +245	    -- Q_OPC(31 ... 16) shall contain the word addressed by I_PC + 1.

    +246	    --

    +247	    -- There are two cases:

    +248	    --

    +249	    -- case A: I_PC     is even, thus I_PC + 1 is odd

    +250	    -- case B: I_PC + 1 is odd , thus I_PC is even

    +251	    --

    +252	    L_PC_O <= I_PC(10 downto 1);

    +253	    L_PC_E <= I_PC(10 downto 1) + ("000000000" & I_PC(0));

    +254	    Q_OPC(15 downto  0) <= M_OPC_E when L_PC_0 = '0' else M_OPC_O;

    +255	    Q_OPC(31 downto 16) <= M_OPC_E when L_PC_0 = '1' else M_OPC_O;


    +257	    L_PMD <= M_PMD_E               when (L_PM_ADR_1_0(1) = '0') else M_PMD_O;

    +258	    Q_PM_DOUT <= L_PMD(7 downto 0) when (L_PM_ADR_1_0(0) = '0')

    +259	            else L_PMD(15 downto 8);


    +261	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/32_Listing_of_hello.c.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/32_Listing_of_hello.c.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/32_Listing_of_hello.c.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_hello.c + + + + +

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+ +

32 LISTING OF hello.c

+ +


    +  1	#include "stdint.h"

    +  2	#include "avr/io.h"

    +  3	#include "avr/pgmspace.h"

    +  4

    +  5	#undef F_CPU

    +  6	#define F_CPU 25000000UL

    +  7	#include "util/delay.h"

    +  8

    +  9

    + 10	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 11	    //                                                                      //

    + 12	   //	print char cc on UART.                                             //

    + 13	  // 	return number of chars printed (i.e. 1).                          //

    + 14	 //                                                                      //

    + 15	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 16	uint8_t

    + 17	uart_putc(uint8_t cc)

    + 18	{

    + 19		while ((UCSRA & (1 << UDRE)) == 0)		;

    + 20		UDR = cc;

    + 21		return 1;

    + 22	}

    + 23

    + 24	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 25	    //                                                                      //

    + 26	   //	print char cc on 7 segment display.                                //

    + 27	  // 	return number of chars printed (i.e. 1).                          //

    + 28	 //                                                                      //

    + 29	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 30	// The segments of the display are encoded like this:

    + 31	//

    + 32	//

    + 33	//		segment		PORT B

    + 34	//		name		Bit number

    + 35	//      ----A----   ----0----

    + 36	//      |       |   |       |

    + 37	//      F       B   5       1

    + 38	//      |       |   |       |

    + 39	//      ----G----   ----6----

    + 40	//      |       |   |       |

    + 41	//      E       C   4       2

    + 42	//      |       |   |       |

    + 43	//      ----D----   ----3----

    + 44	//

    + 45	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 46

    + 47	#define SEG7(G, F, E, D, C, B, A)	(~(G<<6|F<<5|E<<4|D<<3|C<<2|B<<1|A))

    + 48

    + 49	uint8_t

    + 50	seg7_putc(uint8_t cc)

    + 51	{

    + 52	uint16_t t;

    + 53

    + 54		switch(cc)

    + 55		{					//   G F E D C B A

    + 56		case ' ':	PORTB = SEG7(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);		break;

    + 57		case 'E':	PORTB = SEG7(1,1,1,1,0,0,1);		break;

    + 58		case 'H':	PORTB = SEG7(1,1,1,0,1,1,0);		break;

    + 59		case 'L':	PORTB = SEG7(0,1,1,1,0,0,0);		break;

    + 60		case 'O':	PORTB = SEG7(0,1,1,1,1,1,1);		break;

    + 61		default:	PORTB = SEG7(1,0,0,1,0,0,1);		break;

    + 62		}

    + 63

    + 64		// wait 800 + 200 ms. This can be quite boring in simulations,

    + 65		// so we wait only if DIP switch 6 is closed.

    + 66		//

    + 67		if (!(PINB & 0x20))		for (t = 0; t < 800; ++t)	_delay_ms(1);

    + 68		PORTB = SEG7(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

    + 69		if (!(PINB & 0x20))		for (t = 0; t < 200; ++t)	_delay_ms(1);

    + 70

    + 71		return 1;

    + 72	}

    + 73

    + 74	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 75	    //                                                                      //

    + 76	   //	print string s on UART.                                            //

    + 77	  // 	return number of chars printed.                                   //

    + 78	 //                                                                      //

    + 79	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 80	uint16_t

    + 81	uart_puts(const char * s)

    + 82	{

    + 83	const char * from = s;

    + 84	uint8_t cc;

    + 85		while ((cc = pgm_read_byte(s++)))	uart_putc(cc);

    + 86		return s - from - 1;

    + 87	}

    + 88

    + 89	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 90	    //                                                                      //

    + 91	   //	print string s on 7 segment display.                               //

    + 92	  // 	return number of chars printed.                                   //

    + 93	 //                                                                      //

    + 94	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 95	uint16_t

    + 96	seg7_puts(const char * s)

    + 97	{

    + 98	const char * from = s;

    + 99	uint8_t cc;

    +100		while ((cc = pgm_read_byte(s++)))	seg7_putc(cc);

    +101		return s - from - 1;

    +102	}


    +104	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +105	int

    +106	main(int argc, char * argv[])

    +107	{

    +108		for (;;)

    +109		{

    +110			if (PINB & 0x40)	// DIP switch 7 open.

    +111				{

    +112					// print 'Hello world' on UART.

    +113					uart_puts(PSTR("Hello, World!\r\n"));

    +114				}

    +115			else				// DIP switch 7 closed.

    +116				{

    +117					// print 'HELLO' on 7-segment display

    +118					seg7_puts(PSTR("HELLO "));

    +119				}

    +120		}

    +121	}

    +122	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------




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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/data_path.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/data_path.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/data_path.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/data_path.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/data_path.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/15_Listing_of_data_mem.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/15_Listing_of_data_mem.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/15_Listing_of_data_mem.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_data_mem.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

15 LISTING OF data_mem.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    data_mem - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    14:09:04 10/30/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the data mempry of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating

    + 34	---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.

    + 35	-- library UNISIM;

    + 36	-- use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

    + 37

    + 38	entity data_mem is

    + 39	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 40

    + 41	            I_ADR       : in  std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);

    + 42	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 43	            I_WE        : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 44

    + 45	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

    + 46	end data_mem;

    + 47

    + 48	architecture Behavioral of data_mem is

    + 49

    + 50	constant zero_256 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 51	                                & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 52	constant nine_256 : bit_vector := X"99999999999999999999999999999999"

    + 53	                                & X"99999999999999999999999999999999";

    + 54

    + 55	component RAMB4_S4_S4

    + 56	    generic(INIT_00 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 57	            INIT_01 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 58	            INIT_02 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 59	            INIT_03 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 60	            INIT_04 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 61	            INIT_05 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 62	            INIT_06 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 63	            INIT_07 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 64	            INIT_08 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 65	            INIT_09 : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 66	            INIT_0A : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 67	            INIT_0B : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 68	            INIT_0C : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 69	            INIT_0D : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 70	            INIT_0E : bit_vector := zero_256;

    + 71	            INIT_0F : bit_vector := zero_256);

    + 72

    + 73	    port(   DOA     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 74	            DOB     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 75	            ADDRA   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 76	            ADDRB   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 77	            CLKA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 78	            CLKB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 79	            DIA     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 80	            DIB     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 81	            ENA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 82	            ENB     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 83	            RSTA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 84	            RSTB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 85	            WEA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 86	            WEB     : in  std_ulogic);

    + 87	end component;

    + 88

    + 89	signal L_ADR_0      : std_logic;

    + 90	signal L_ADR_E      : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1);

    + 91	signal L_ADR_O      : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1);

    + 92	signal L_DIN_E      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 93	signal L_DIN_O      : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 94	signal L_DOUT_E     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 95	signal L_DOUT_O     : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 96	signal L_WE_E       : std_logic;

    + 97	signal L_WE_O       : std_logic;

    + 98

    + 99	begin


    +101	    sr_0 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +102	    generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256,

    +103	                INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256,

    +104	                INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256,

    +105	                INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256,

    +106	                INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256,

    +107	                INIT_0F => nine_256)


    +109	    port map(   ADDRA => L_ADR_E,               ADDRB => "0000000000",

    +110	                CLKA  => I_CLK,                 CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +111	                DIA   => L_DIN_E(3 downto 0),   DIB   => "0000",

    +112	                ENA   => '1',                   ENB   => '0',

    +113	                RSTA  => '0',                   RSTB  => '0',

    +114	                WEA   => L_WE_E,                WEB   => '0',

    +115	                DOA   => L_DOUT_E(3 downto 0),  DOB   => open);


    +117	    sr_1 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +118	    generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256,

    +119	                INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256,

    +120	                INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256,

    +121	                INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256,

    +122	                INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256,

    +123	                INIT_0F => nine_256)


    +125	    port map(   ADDRA => L_ADR_E,               ADDRB => "0000000000",

    +126	                CLKA  => I_CLK,                 CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +127	                DIA   => L_DIN_E(7 downto 4),   DIB   => "0000",

    +128	                ENA   => '1',                   ENB   => '0',

    +129	                RSTA  => '0',                   RSTB  => '0',

    +130	                WEA   => L_WE_E,                WEB   => '0',

    +131	                DOA   => L_DOUT_E(7 downto 4),  DOB   => open);


    +133	    sr_2 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +134	    generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256,

    +135	                INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256,

    +136	                INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256,

    +137	                INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256,

    +138	                INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256,

    +139	                INIT_0F => nine_256)


    +141	    port map(   ADDRA => L_ADR_O,               ADDRB => "0000000000",

    +142	                CLKA  => I_CLK,                 CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +143	                DIA   => L_DIN_O(3 downto 0),   DIB   => "0000",

    +144	                ENA   => '1',                   ENB   => '0',

    +145	                RSTA  => '0',                   RSTB  => '0',

    +146	                WEA   => L_WE_O,                WEB   => '0',

    +147	                DOA   => L_DOUT_O(3 downto 0),  DOB   => open);


    +149	    sr_3 : RAMB4_S4_S4 ---------------------------------------------------------

    +150	    generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256,

    +151	                INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256,

    +152	                INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256,

    +153	                INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256,

    +154	                INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256,

    +155	                INIT_0F => nine_256)


    +157	    port map(   ADDRA => L_ADR_O,               ADDRB => "0000000000",

    +158	                CLKA  => I_CLK,                 CLKB  => I_CLK,

    +159	                DIA   => L_DIN_O(7 downto  4),  DIB   => "0000",

    +160	                ENA   => '1',                   ENB   => '0',

    +161	                RSTA  => '0',                   RSTB  => '0',

    +162	                WEA   => L_WE_O,                WEB   => '0',

    +163	                DOA   => L_DOUT_O(7 downto  4), DOB   => open);



    +166	    -- remember ADR(0)

    +167	    --

    +168	    adr0: process(I_CLK)

    +169	    begin

    +170	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +171	            L_ADR_0 <= I_ADR(0);

    +172	        end if;

    +173	    end process;


    +175	    -- we use two memory blocks _E and _O (even and odd).

    +176	    -- This gives us a memory with ADR and ADR + 1 at th same time.

    +177	    -- The second port is currently unused, but may be used later,

    +178	    -- e.g. for DMA.

    +179	    --


    +181	    L_ADR_O <= I_ADR(10 downto 1);

    +182	    L_ADR_E <= I_ADR(10 downto 1) + ("000000000" & I_ADR(0));


    +184	    L_DIN_E <= I_DIN( 7 downto 0) when (I_ADR(0) = '0') else I_DIN(15 downto 8);

    +185	    L_DIN_O <= I_DIN( 7 downto 0) when (I_ADR(0) = '1') else I_DIN(15 downto 8);


    +187	    L_WE_E <= I_WE(1) or (I_WE(0) and not I_ADR(0));

    +188	    L_WE_O <= I_WE(1) or (I_WE(0) and     I_ADR(0));


    +190	    Q_DOUT( 7 downto 0) <= L_DOUT_E when (L_ADR_0 = '0') else L_DOUT_O;

    +191	    Q_DOUT(15 downto 8) <= L_DOUT_E when (L_ADR_0 = '1') else L_DOUT_O;


    +193	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ +

17 LISTING OF io.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    io - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    13:59:36 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the I/O of a CPU (uart and general purpose I/O lines).

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity io is

    + 34	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 35

    + 36	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 37	            I_ADR_IO    : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 38	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 39	            I_SWITCH    : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 40	            I_RD_IO     : in  std_logic;

    + 41	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 42	            I_WE_IO     : in  std_logic;

    + 43

    + 44	            Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);

    + 45	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 46	            Q_INTVEC    : out std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 47	            Q_LEDS      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 48	            Q_TX        : out std_logic);

    + 49	end io;

    + 50

    + 51	architecture Behavioral of io is

    + 52

    + 53	component uart

    + 54	    generic(CLOCK_FREQ  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 55	            BAUD_RATE   : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0));

    + 56	    port(   I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 57	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 58	            I_RD        : in  std_logic;

    + 59	            I_WE        : in  std_logic;

    + 60	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 61	            I_TX_DATA   : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

    + 62

    + 63	            Q_RX_DATA   : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

    + 64	            Q_RX_READY  : out std_logic;

    + 65	            Q_TX        : out std_logic;

    + 66	            Q_TX_BUSY   : out std_logic);

    + 67	end component;

    + 68

    + 69	signal U_RX_READY       : std_logic;

    + 70	signal U_TX_BUSY        : std_logic;

    + 71	signal U_RX_DATA        : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 72

    + 73	signal L_INTVEC         : std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 74	signal L_LEDS           : std_logic;

    + 75	signal L_RD_UART        : std_logic;

    + 76	signal L_RX_INT_ENABLED : std_logic;

    + 77	signal L_TX_INT_ENABLED : std_logic;

    + 78	signal L_WE_UART        : std_logic;

    + 79

    + 80	begin

    + 81	    urt: uart

    + 82	    generic map(CLOCK_FREQ  => std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(25000000, 32)),

    + 83	                BAUD_RATE   => std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(   38400, 28)))

    + 84	    port map(   I_CLK      => I_CLK,

    + 85	                I_CLR      => I_CLR,

    + 86	                I_RD       => L_RD_UART,

    + 87	                I_WE       => L_WE_UART,

    + 88	                I_TX_DATA  => I_DIN(7 downto 0),

    + 89	                I_RX       => I_RX,

    + 90

    + 91	                Q_TX       => Q_TX,

    + 92	                Q_RX_DATA  => U_RX_DATA,

    + 93	                Q_RX_READY => U_RX_READY,

    + 94	                Q_TX_BUSY  => U_TX_BUSY);

    + 95

    + 96	    -- IO read process

    + 97	    --

    + 98	    iord: process(I_ADR_IO, I_SWITCH,

    + 99	                  U_RX_DATA, U_RX_READY, L_RX_INT_ENABLED,

    +100	                  U_TX_BUSY, L_TX_INT_ENABLED)

    +101	    begin

    +102	        -- addresses for mega8 device (use iom8.h or #define __AVR_ATmega8__).

    +103	        --

    +104	        case I_ADR_IO is

    +105	            when X"2A"  => Q_DOUT <=             -- UCSRB:

    +106	                               L_RX_INT_ENABLED  -- Rx complete int enabled.

    +107	                             & L_TX_INT_ENABLED  -- Tx complete int enabled.

    +108	                             & L_TX_INT_ENABLED  -- Tx empty int enabled.

    +109	                             & '1'               -- Rx enabled

    +110	                             & '1'               -- Tx enabled

    +111	                             & '0'               -- 8 bits/char

    +112	                             & '0'               -- Rx bit 8

    +113	                             & '0';              -- Tx bit 8

    +114	            when X"2B"  => Q_DOUT <=             -- UCSRA:

    +115	                               U_RX_READY       -- Rx complete

    +116	                             & not U_TX_BUSY    -- Tx complete

    +117	                             & not U_TX_BUSY    -- Tx ready

    +118	                             & '0'              -- frame error

    +119	                             & '0'              -- data overrun

    +120	                             & '0'              -- parity error

    +121	                             & '0'              -- double dpeed

    +122	                             & '0';             -- multiproc mode

    +123	            when X"2C"  => Q_DOUT <= U_RX_DATA; -- UDR

    +124	            when X"40"  => Q_DOUT <=            -- UCSRC

    +125	                               '1'              -- URSEL

    +126	                             & '0'              -- asynchronous

    +127	                             & "00"             -- no parity

    +128	                             & '1'              -- two stop bits

    +129	                             & "11"             -- 8 bits/char

    +130	                             & '0';             -- rising clock edge


    +132	            when X"36"  => Q_DOUT <= I_SWITCH;  -- PINB

    +133	            when others => Q_DOUT <= X"AA";

    +134	        end case;

    +135	    end process;


    +137	    -- IO write process

    +138	    --

    +139	    iowr: process(I_CLK)

    +140	    begin

    +141	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +142	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    +143	                L_RX_INT_ENABLED  <= '0';

    +144	                L_TX_INT_ENABLED  <= '0';

    +145	            elsif (I_WE_IO = '1') then

    +146	                case I_ADR_IO is

    +147	                    when X"38"  => Q_7_SEGMENT <= I_DIN(6 downto 0);    -- PORTB

    +148	                                   L_LEDS <= not L_LEDS;

    +149	                    when X"40"  =>  -- handled by uart

    +150	                    when X"41"  =>  -- handled by uart

    +151	                    when X"43"  => L_RX_INT_ENABLED <= I_DIN(0);

    +152	                                   L_TX_INT_ENABLED <= I_DIN(1);

    +153	                    when others =>

    +154	                end case;

    +155	            end if;

    +156	        end if;

    +157	    end process;


    +159	    -- interrupt process

    +160	    --

    +161	    ioint: process(I_CLK)

    +162	    begin

    +163	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +164	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    +165	                L_RX_INT_ENABLED  <= '0';

    +166	                L_TX_INT_ENABLED  <= '0';

    +167	                L_INTVEC <= "000000";

    +168	            else

    +169	                if (L_RX_INT_ENABLED and U_RX_READY) = '1' then

    +170	                    if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then     -- no interrupt pending

    +171	                        L_INTVEC <= "101011";       -- _VECTOR(11)

    +172	                    end if;

    +173	                elsif (L_TX_INT_ENABLED and not U_TX_BUSY) = '1' then

    +174	                    if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then     -- no interrupt pending

    +175	                        L_INTVEC <= "101100";       -- _VECTOR(12)

    +176	                    end if;

    +177	                else                                -- no interrupt

    +178	                    L_INTVEC <= "000000";

    +179	                end if;

    +180	            end if;

    +181	        end if;

    +182	    end process;


    +184	    L_WE_UART <= I_WE_IO when (I_ADR_IO = X"2C") else '0'; -- write UART UDR

    +185	    L_RD_UART <= I_RD_IO when (I_ADR_IO = X"2C") else '0'; -- read  UART UDR


    +187	    Q_LEDS(1) <= L_LEDS;

    +188	    Q_LEDS(0) <= not L_LEDS;

    +189	    Q_INTVEC  <= L_INTVEC;


    +191	end Behavioral;





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+ +


+ +

The last piece in the design is the input/output unit. Strictly speaking +it does not belong to the CPU as such, but we discuss it briefly to +see how it connects to the CPU. + +

8.1 Interface to the CPU

+ +

As we have already seen in the top level design, the I/O unit uses the same +clock as the CPU (which greatly simplifies its design). + +

The interface towards the CPU consist of the following signals: + +

+ +
ADR_IOThe number of an individual I/O register +
DINData to an I/O register (I/O write) +
RD_IORead Strobe +
WR_IOWrite Strobe +
DOUTData from an I/O register (I/O read cycle. +

These signals are well known from other I/O devices like UARTs, +Ethernet Controllers, and the like. + +

The CPU supports two kinds of accesses to I/O registers: I/O reads +(with the IN or LDS instructions, but also for the skip instructions +SBIC and SBIS), and I/O writes (with the OUT or STS instructions, +but also with the bit instructions CBI and SBI). + +

The skip instructions SBIC and SBIS execute in 2 cycles; in the first +cycle an I/O read is performed while the skip (or not) decision is made +in the second cycle. The reason for this is that the combinational delay +for a single cycle would have been too long. + +

From the I/O unit's perspective, I/O reads and writes are performed +in a single cycle (even if the CPU needs another cycle to complete an +instruction. + +

The I/O unit generates an interrupt vector on its INTVEC output. +The upper bit of the INTVEC output is set if an interrupt is pending. + +

8.2 CLR Signal

+ +

Some I/O components need a CLR signal to bring them into a defined state. +The CLR signal of the CPU is used for this purpose. + +

8.3 Connection the FPGA Pins

+ +

The remaining signals into and out of the I/O unit are more or less +directly connected to FPGA pins. + +

The RX input comes from an RS232 receiver/driver chip and is the serial +input for an UART (active low). The TX output (also active low) is the +serial output from that UART and goes back to the RS232 receiver/driver chip: + +

+ +


    + 89	                I_RX       => I_RX,

    + 90

    + 91	                Q_TX       => Q_TX,




+ +

The SWITCH input comes from a DIP switch on the board. +The values of the switch can be read from I/O register PINB (0x36). + +

+ +


    +132	            when X"36"  => Q_DOUT <= I_SWITCH;  -- PINB




+ +

+ +

The 7_SEGMENT output drives the 7 segments of a 7-segment display. +This output can be set from software by writing to the PORTB (0x38) +I/O register. The segments can also be driven by a debug function which +shows the current PC and the current opcode of the CPU. + +

+ +


    +147	                    when X"38"  => Q_7_SEGMENT <= I_DIN(6 downto 0);    -- PORTB




+ +

+ +

The choice between the debug display and the software controlled +display function is made by the DIP switch setting: + +

+ +






+ +

+ +

8.4 I/O Read

+ +

I/O read cycles are indicated by the RD_IO signal. If RD_IO is applied, +then the address of the I/O register to be read is provided on the ADR_IO +input and the value of that register is expected on DOUT at the next +CLK edge. + +

This is accomplished by the I/O read process: + +

+ +


    + 98	    iord: process(I_ADR_IO, I_SWITCH,

    + 99	                  U_RX_DATA, U_RX_READY, L_RX_INT_ENABLED,

    +100	                  U_TX_BUSY, L_TX_INT_ENABLED)

    +101	    begin

    +102	        -- addresses for mega8 device (use iom8.h or #define __AVR_ATmega8__).

    +103	        --

    +104	        case I_ADR_IO is

    +105	            when X"2A"  => Q_DOUT <=             -- UCSRB:

    +106	                               L_RX_INT_ENABLED  -- Rx complete int enabled.

    +107	                             & L_TX_INT_ENABLED  -- Tx complete int enabled.

    +108	                             & L_TX_INT_ENABLED  -- Tx empty int enabled.

    +109	                             & '1'               -- Rx enabled

    +110	                             & '1'               -- Tx enabled

    +111	                             & '0'               -- 8 bits/char

    +112	                             & '0'               -- Rx bit 8

    +113	                             & '0';              -- Tx bit 8

    +114	            when X"2B"  => Q_DOUT <=             -- UCSRA:

    +115	                               U_RX_READY       -- Rx complete

    +116	                             & not U_TX_BUSY    -- Tx complete

    +117	                             & not U_TX_BUSY    -- Tx ready

    +118	                             & '0'              -- frame error

    +119	                             & '0'              -- data overrun

    +120	                             & '0'              -- parity error

    +121	                             & '0'              -- double dpeed

    +122	                             & '0';             -- multiproc mode

    +123	            when X"2C"  => Q_DOUT <= U_RX_DATA; -- UDR

    +124	            when X"40"  => Q_DOUT <=            -- UCSRC

    +125	                               '1'              -- URSEL

    +126	                             & '0'              -- asynchronous

    +127	                             & "00"             -- no parity

    +128	                             & '1'              -- two stop bits

    +129	                             & "11"             -- 8 bits/char

    +130	                             & '0';             -- rising clock edge


    +132	            when X"36"  => Q_DOUT <= I_SWITCH;  -- PINB

    +133	            when others => Q_DOUT <= X"AA";

    +134	        end case;

    +135	    end process;




+ +

+ +

I/O registers that are not implemented (i.e almost all) set DOUT +to 0xAA as a debugging aid. + +

The outputs of sub-components (like the UART) are selected in the I/O read +process. + +

8.5 I/O Write

+ +

I/O write cycles are indicated by the WR_IO signal. If WR_IO is applied, +then the address of the I/O register to be written is provided on the ADR_IO +input and the value to be written is supplied on the DIN input: + +

+ +


    +139	    iowr: process(I_CLK)

    +140	    begin

    +141	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +142	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    +143	                L_RX_INT_ENABLED  <= '0';

    +144	                L_TX_INT_ENABLED  <= '0';

    +145	            elsif (I_WE_IO = '1') then

    +146	                case I_ADR_IO is

    +147	                    when X"38"  => Q_7_SEGMENT <= I_DIN(6 downto 0);    -- PORTB

    +148	                                   L_LEDS <= not L_LEDS;

    +149	                    when X"40"  =>  -- handled by uart

    +150	                    when X"41"  =>  -- handled by uart

    +151	                    when X"43"  => L_RX_INT_ENABLED <= I_DIN(0);

    +152	                                   L_TX_INT_ENABLED <= I_DIN(1);

    +153	                    when others =>

    +154	                end case;

    +155	            end if;

    +156	        end if;

    +157	    end process;




+ +

+ +

In the I/O read process the outputs of sub-component were multiplexed +into the final output DOUT and hence their register numbers (like 0x2C +for the UDR read register) were visible, In the I/O write process, however, +the inputs of sub-components (again like 0x2C for the UDR write register) +are not visible in the write process and decoding of the WR (and RD where +needed) strobes for sub components is done outside of these processes: + +

+ +


    +182	    L_WE_UART <= I_WE_IO when (I_ADR_IO = X"2C") else '0'; -- write UART UDR

    +183	    L_RD_UART <= I_RD_IO when (I_ADR_IO = X"2C") else '0'; -- read  UART UDR





+ +

+ +

8.6 Interrupts

+ +

Some I/O components raise interrupts, which are coordinated in the +I/O interrupt process: + +

+ +


    +161	    ioint: process(I_CLK)

    +162	    begin

    +163	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +164	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    +165	                L_INTVEC <= "000000";

    +166	            else

    +167	                if (L_RX_INT_ENABLED and U_RX_READY) = '1' then

    +168	                    if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then     -- no interrupt pending

    +169	                        L_INTVEC <= "101011";       -- _VECTOR(11)

    +170	                    end if;

    +171	                elsif (L_TX_INT_ENABLED and not U_TX_BUSY) = '1' then

    +172	                    if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then     -- no interrupt pending

    +173	                        L_INTVEC <= "101100";       -- _VECTOR(12)

    +174	                    end if;

    +175	                else                                -- no interrupt

    +176	                    L_INTVEC <= "000000";

    +177	                end if;

    +178	            end if;

    +179	        end if;

    +180	    end process;




+ +

+ +

8.7 The UART

+ +

The UART is an important facility for debugging programs that are more +complex than out hello.c. We use a fixed baud rate of 38400 Baud +and a fixed data format of 8 data bits and 2 stop bits. +Therefore the corresponding bits in the UART control registers of the +original AVR CPU are not implemented. The fixed values are properly +reported, however. + +

The UART consists of 3 independent sub-components: a baud rate generator, +a receiver, and a transmitter. + +

8.7.1 The UART Baud Rate Generator

+ +

The baud rate generator is clocked with a frequency of clock_freq +and is supposed to generate a x1 clock of baud_rate for the transmitter +and a x16 clock of 16*baud_rate for the receiver. + +

The x16 clock is generated like this: + +

+ +


    + 54

    + 55	    baud16: process(I_CLK)

    + 56	    begin

    + 57	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 58	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 59	                L_COUNTER <= X"00000000";

    + 60	            elsif (L_COUNTER >= LIMIT) then

    + 61	                L_COUNTER <= L_COUNTER - LIMIT;

    + 62	            else

    + 63	                L_COUNTER <= L_COUNTER + BAUD_16;

    + 64	            end if;

    + 65	        end if;

    + 66	    end process;

    + 67

    + 68	    baud1: process(I_CLK)




+ +

+ +

We have done a little trick here. Most baud rate generators divide the +input clock by a fixed integer number (like the one shown below for the +x1 clock). That is fine if the input clock is a multiple of the output +clock. More often than not is the CPU clock not a multiple of the the +baud rate. Therefore, if an integer divider is used (like in the original +AVR CPU, where the integer divisor was written into the UBRR I/O register) +then the error in the baud rate cumulates over all bits transmitted. This can +cause transmission errors when many characters are sent back to back. +An integer divider would have set L_COUNTER to 0 after reaching LIMIT, +which would have cause an absolute error of COUNTER - LIMIT. What we +do instead is to subtract LIMIT, which does no discard the error but +makes the next cycle a little shorter instead. + +

Instead of using a fixed baud rate interval of N times the clock interval +(as fixed integer dividers would), we have used a variable baud rate interval; +the length of the interval varies slightly over time, but the total error +remains bounded. The error does not cumulate as for fixed integer +dividers. + +

If you want to make the baud rate programmable, then you can replace the +generic baud_rate by a signal (and the trick would still work). + +

The x1 clock is generated by dividing the x16 clock by 16: + +

+ +


    + 70	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 71	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 72	                L_CNT_16 <= "0000";

    + 73	            elsif (L_CE_16 = '1') then

    + 74	                L_CNT_16 <= L_CNT_16 + "0001";

    + 75	            end if;

    + 76	        end if;

    + 77	    end process;

    + 78

    + 79	    L_CE_16 <= '1' when (L_COUNTER >= LIMIT) else '0';

    + 80	    Q_CE_16 <= L_CE_16;

    + 81	    Q_CE_1 <= L_CE_16 when L_CNT_16 = "1111" else '0';




+ +

+ +

8.7.2 The UART Transmitter

+ +

The UART transmitter is a shift register that is loaded with +the character to be transmitted (prepended with a start bit): + +

+ +


    + 67	                elsif (L_FLAG /= I_FLAG) then       -- new byte

    + 68	                    Q_TX <= '0';                    -- start bit

    + 69	                    L_BUF <= I_DATA;                -- data bits

    + 70	                    L_TODO <= "1001";

    + 71	                end if;




+ +

+ +

The TODO signal holds the number of bits that remain to be shifted out. +The transmitter is clocked with the x1 baud rate: + +

+ +


    + 59	            elsif (I_CE_1 = '1') then

    + 60	                if (L_TODO /= "0000") then          -- transmitting

    + 61	                    Q_TX <= L_BUF(0);               -- next bit

    + 62	                    L_BUF     <= '1' & L_BUF(7 downto 1);

    + 63	                    if (L_TODO = "0001") then

    + 64	                        L_FLAG <= I_FLAG;

    + 65	                    end if;

    + 66	                    L_TODO <= L_TODO - "0001";

    + 67	                elsif (L_FLAG /= I_FLAG) then       -- new byte

    + 68	                    Q_TX <= '0';                    -- start bit

    + 69	                    L_BUF <= I_DATA;                -- data bits

    + 70	                    L_TODO <= "1001";

    + 71	                end if;

    + 72	            end if;




+ +

+ +

8.7.3 The UART Receiver

+ +

The UART transmitter runs synchronously with the CPU clock; but the UART +receiver does not. We therefore clock the receiver input twice +in order to synchronize it with the CPU clock: + +

+ +


    + 56	    process(I_CLK)

    + 57	    begin

    + 58	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 59	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 60	                L_SERIN <= '1';

    + 61	                L_SER_HOT <= '1';

    + 62	            else

    + 63	                L_SERIN   <= I_RX;

    + 64	                L_SER_HOT <= L_SERIN;

    + 65	            end if;

    + 66	        end if;

    + 67	    end process;




+ +

+ +

The key signal in the UART receiver is POSITION which is the current +position within the received character in units if 1/16 bit time. When the +receiver is idle and a start bit is received, then POSITION is reset to +1: + +

+ +


    + 86	                if (L_POSITION = X"00") then            -- uart idle

    + 87	                    L_BUF  <= "1111111111";

    + 88	                    if (L_SER_HOT = '0')  then          -- start bit received

    + 89	                        L_POSITION <= X"01";

    + 90	                    end if;




+ +

+ +

At every subsequent edge of the 16x baud rate, POSITION is incremented +and the receiver input (SER_HOT) input is checked at the middle of each +bit (i.e. when POSITION[3:0] = "0111"). +If the start bit has disappeared at the middle of the bit, then this is +considered noise on the line rather than a valid start bit: + +

+ +


    + 93	                    if (L_POSITION(3 downto 0) = "0111") then       -- 1/2 bit

    + 94	                        L_BUF <= L_SER_HOT & L_BUF(9 downto 1);     -- sample data

    + 95	                        --

    + 96	                        -- validate start bit

    + 97	                        --

    + 98	                        if (START_BIT and L_SER_HOT = '1') then     -- 1/2 start bit

    + 99	                            L_POSITION <= X"00";

    +100	                        end if;


    +102	                        if (STOP_BIT) then                          -- 1/2 stop bit

    +103	                            Q_DATA <= L_BUF(9 downto 2);

    +104	                        end if;




+ +

+ +

Reception of a byte already finishes at 3/4 of the stop bit. This is to +allow for cumulated baud rate errors of 1/4 bit time (or about 2.5 % +baud rate error for 10 bit (1 start, 8 data, and 1 stop bit) transmissions). +The received data is stored in DATA: + +

+ +


    +105	                    elsif (STOP_POS) then                       -- 3/4 stop bit

    +106	                        L_FLAG <= L_FLAG xor (L_BUF(9) and not L_BUF(0));

    +107	                        L_POSITION <= X"00";




+ +

+ +

If a greater tolerance against baud rate errors is needed, then one can +decrease STOP_POS a little, but generally it would be safer to use 2 +stop bits on the sender side. + +

This finalizes the description of the FPGA. We will proceed with the +design flow in the next lesson. + +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toolchain_1.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toolchain_1.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toolchain_1.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toolchain_1.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toolchain_1.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/30_Listing_of_avr_fpga.ucf.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/30_Listing_of_avr_fpga.ucf.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/30_Listing_of_avr_fpga.ucf.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_avr_fpga.ucf + + + + +

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+ +

30 LISTING OF avr_fpga.ucf

+ +


    +  1	NET     I_CLK_100       PERIOD = 10 ns;

    +  2	NET     L_CLK           PERIOD = 35 ns;

    +  3

    +  4	NET     I_CLK_100       TNM_NET = I_CLK_100;

    +  5	NET     L_CLK           TNM_NET = L_CLK;

    +  6

    +  7	NET     I_CLK_100       LOC = AA12;

    +  8	NET     I_RX            LOC = M3;

    +  9	NET     Q_TX            LOC = M4;

    + 10

    + 11	# 7 segment LED display

    + 12	#

    + 13	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<0>  LOC = V3;

    + 14	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<1>  LOC = V4;

    + 15	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<2>  LOC = W3;

    + 16	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<3>  LOC = T4;

    + 17	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<4>  LOC = T3;

    + 18	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<5>  LOC = U3;

    + 19	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<6>  LOC = U4;

    + 20

    + 21	# single LEDs

    + 22	#

    + 23	NET     Q_LEDS<0>       LOC = N1;

    + 24	NET     Q_LEDS<1>       LOC = N2;

    + 25	NET     Q_LEDS<2>       LOC = P1;

    + 26	NET     Q_LEDS<3>       LOC = P2;

    + 27

    + 28	# DIP switch(0 ... 7) and two pushbuttons (8, 9)

    + 29	#

    + 30	NET     I_SWITCH<0>     LOC = H2;

    + 31	NET     I_SWITCH<1>     LOC = H1;

    + 32	NET     I_SWITCH<2>     LOC = J2;

    + 33	NET     I_SWITCH<3>     LOC = J1;

    + 34	NET     I_SWITCH<4>     LOC = K2;

    + 35	NET     I_SWITCH<5>     LOC = K1;

    + 36	NET     I_SWITCH<6>     LOC = L2;

    + 37	NET     I_SWITCH<7>     LOC = L1;

    + 38	NET     I_SWITCH<8>     LOC = R1;

    + 39	NET     I_SWITCH<9>     LOC = R2;

    + 40

    + 41	NET     I_SWITCH<*>     PULLUP;

    + 42




+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/18_Listing_of_opc_deco.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/18_Listing_of_opc_deco.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/18_Listing_of_opc_deco.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,686 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_opc_deco.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

18 Listing of opc_deco.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    opc_deco - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    16:05:16 10/29/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the opcode decoder of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	use work.common.ALL;

    + 34

    + 35	entity opc_deco is

    + 36	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 37

    + 38	            I_OPC       : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 39	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 40	            I_T0        : in  std_logic;

    + 41

    + 42	            Q_ALU_OP    : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 43	            Q_AMOD      : out std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 44	            Q_BIT       : out std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 45	            Q_DDDDD     : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 46	            Q_IMM       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 47	            Q_JADR      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 48	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 49	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 50	            Q_PC_OP     : out std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);

    + 51	            Q_PMS       : out std_logic;  -- program memory select

    + 52	            Q_RD_M      : out std_logic;

    + 53	            Q_RRRRR     : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 54	            Q_RSEL      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 55	            Q_WE_01     : out std_logic;

    + 56	            Q_WE_D      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 57	            Q_WE_F      : out std_logic;

    + 58	            Q_WE_M      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 59	            Q_WE_XYZS   : out std_logic);

    + 60	end opc_deco;

    + 61

    + 62	architecture Behavioral of opc_deco is

    + 63

    + 64	begin

    + 65

    + 66	    process(I_CLK)

    + 67	    begin

    + 68	    if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 69	        --

    + 70	        -- set the most common settings as default.

    + 71	        --

    + 72	        Q_ALU_OP  <= ALU_D_MV_Q;

    + 73	        Q_AMOD    <= AMOD_ABS;

    + 74	        Q_BIT     <= I_OPC(10) & I_OPC(2 downto 0);

    + 75	        Q_DDDDD   <= I_OPC(8 downto 4);

    + 76	        Q_IMM     <= X"0000";

    + 77	        Q_JADR    <= I_OPC(31 downto 16);

    + 78	        Q_OPC     <= I_OPC(15 downto  0);

    + 79	        Q_PC      <= I_PC;

    + 80	        Q_PC_OP   <= PC_NEXT;

    + 81	        Q_PMS     <= '0';

    + 82	        Q_RD_M    <= '0';

    + 83	        Q_RRRRR   <= I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    + 84	        Q_RSEL    <= RS_REG;

    + 85	        Q_WE_D    <= "00";

    + 86	        Q_WE_01   <= '0';

    + 87	        Q_WE_F    <= '0';

    + 88	        Q_WE_M    <= "00";

    + 89	        Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    + 90

    + 91	        case I_OPC(15 downto 10) is

    + 92	            when "000000" =>

    + 93	                case I_OPC(9 downto 8) is

    + 94	                    when "00" =>

    + 95	                        --

    + 96	                        -- 0000 0000 0000 0000 - NOP

    + 97	                        -- 0000 0000 001v vvvv - INTERRUPT

    + 98	                        --

    + 99	                        if (I_T0 and I_OPC(5)) = '1' then   -- interrupt

    +100	                            Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR;

    +101	                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP;

    +102	                            Q_JADR <= "0000000000" & I_OPC(4 downto 0) & "0";

    +103	                            Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;

    +104	                            Q_WE_F <= '1';

    +105	                            Q_WE_M <= "11";

    +106	                        end if;


    +108	                    when "01" =>

    +109	                        --

    +110	                        -- 0000 0001 dddd rrrr - MOVW

    +111	                        --

    +112	                        Q_DDDDD <= I_OPC(7 downto 4) & "0";

    +113	                        Q_RRRRR <= I_OPC(3 downto 0) & "0";

    +114	                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MV_16;

    +115	                        Q_WE_D <= "11";


    +117	                    when "10" =>

    +118	                        --

    +119	                        -- 0000 0010 dddd rrrr - MULS

    +120	                        --

    +121	                        Q_DDDDD <= "1" & I_OPC(7 downto 4);

    +122	                        Q_RRRRR <= "1" & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +123	                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT;

    +124	                        Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SS;

    +125	                        Q_WE_01 <= '1';

    +126	                        Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +128	                    when others =>

    +129	                        --

    +130	                        -- 0000 0011 0ddd 0rrr -  MULSU  SU "010"

    +131	                        -- 0000 0011 0ddd 1rrr - FMUL    UU "100"

    +132	                        -- 0000 0011 1ddd 0rrr - FMULS   SS "111"

    +133	                        -- 0000 0011 1ddd 1rrr - FMULSU  SU "110"

    +134	                        --

    +135	                        Q_DDDDD(4 downto 3) <= "10";    -- regs 16 to 23

    +136	                        Q_RRRRR(4 downto 3) <= "10";    -- regs 16 to 23

    +137	                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT;

    +138	                        if I_OPC(7) = '0' then

    +139	                            if I_OPC(3) = '0' then

    +140	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SU;

    +141	                            else

    +142	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FUU;

    +143	                            end if;

    +144	                        else

    +145	                            if I_OPC(3) = '0' then

    +146	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSS;

    +147	                            else

    +148	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSU;

    +149	                            end if;

    +150	                        end if;

    +151	                        Q_WE_01 <= '1';

    +152	                        Q_WE_F <= '1';

    +153	                end case;


    +155	            when "000001" | "000010" =>

    +156	                --

    +157	                -- 0000 01rd dddd rrrr - CPC = SBC without Q_WE_D

    +158	                -- 0000 10rd dddd rrrr - SBC

    +159	                --

    +160	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBC;

    +161	                Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(11);  -- write Rd if SBC.

    +162	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +164	            when "000011" =>

    +165	                --

    +166	                -- 0000 11rd dddd rrrr - ADD

    +167	                --

    +168	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADD;

    +169	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +170	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +172	            when "000100" => -- CPSE

    +173	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB;

    +174	                Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_Z;


    +176	            when "000101" | "000110" =>

    +177	                --

    +178	                -- 0001 01rd dddd rrrr - CP = SUB without Q_WE_D

    +179	                -- 0000 10rd dddd rrrr - SUB

    +180	                --

    +181	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB;

    +182	                Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(11);  -- write Rd if SUB.

    +183	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +185	            when "000111" =>

    +186	                --

    +187	                -- 0001 11rd dddd rrrr - ADC

    +188	                --

    +189	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADC;

    +190	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +191	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +193	            when "001000" =>

    +194	                --

    +195	                -- 0010 00rd dddd rrrr - AND

    +196	                --

    +197	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND;

    +198	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +199	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +201	            when "001001" =>

    +202	                --

    +203	                -- 0010 01rd dddd rrrr - EOR

    +204	                --

    +205	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_EOR;

    +206	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +207	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +209	            when "001010" => -- OR

    +210	                --

    +211	                -- 0010 10rd dddd rrrr - OR

    +212	                --

    +213	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_OR;

    +214	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +215	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +217	            when "001011" =>

    +218	                --

    +219	                -- 0010 11rd dddd rrrr - MOV

    +220	                --

    +221	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q;

    +222	                Q_WE_D <= "01";


    +224	            when "001100" | "001101" | "001110" | "001111"

    +225	               | "010100" | "010101" | "010110" | "010111" =>

    +226	                --

    +227	                -- 0011 KKKK dddd KKKK - CPI

    +228	                -- 0101 KKKK dddd KKKK - SUBI

    +229	                --

    +230	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB;

    +231	                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +232	                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +233	                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31

    +234	                Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(14);

    +235	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +237	            when "010000" | "010001" | "010010" | "010011" =>

    +238	                --

    +239	                -- 0100 KKKK dddd KKKK - SBCI

    +240	                --

    +241	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBC;

    +242	                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +243	                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +244	                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31

    +245	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +246	                Q_WE_F <= '1';




    +250	            when "011000" | "011001" | "011010" | "011011" =>

    +251	                --

    +252	                -- 0110 KKKK dddd KKKK - ORI

    +253	                --

    +254	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_OR;

    +255	                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +256	                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +257	                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31

    +258	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +259	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +261	            when "011100" | "011101" | "011110" | "011111" =>

    +262	                --

    +263	                -- 0111 KKKK dddd KKKK - ANDI

    +264	                --

    +265	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND;

    +266	                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +267	                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +268	                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31

    +269	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +270	                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +272	            when "100000" | "100001" | "100010" | "100011"

    +273	               | "101000" | "101001" | "101010" | "101011" =>

    +274	                --

    +275	                -- LDD (Y + q) == LD(y) if q == 0

    +276	                -- 10q0 qq0d dddd 1qqq  LDD (Y + q)

    +277	                -- 10q0 qq0d dddd 0qqq  LDD (Z + q)

    +278	                -- 10q0 qq1d dddd 1qqq  SDD (Y + q)

    +279	                -- 10q0 qq1d dddd 0qqq  SDD (Z + q)

    +280	                --        L/      Z/

    +281	                --        S       Y

    +282	                --

    +283	                -- device specific

    +284	                --

    +285	                Q_IMM(5 downto 0) <= I_OPC(13) & I_OPC(11 downto 10)

    +286	                                   & I_OPC(2 downto 0);


    +288	                if (I_OPC(3) = '0') then    Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zq;

    +289	                else                        Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yq;

    +290	                end if;


    +292	                Q_RD_M <= not I_OPC(9);             -- '1'  if LDD

    +293	                Q_WE_M <= '0' & I_OPC(9);           -- "01" if STD


    +295	            when "100100" =>

    +296	                Q_IMM <= I_OPC(31 downto 16);   -- for LDS/STS

    +297	                if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then    -- LDD / POP

    +298	                    --

    +299	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0000 - LDS

    +300	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0001 - LD Rd, Z+

    +301	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0010 - LD Rd, -Z

    +302	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0100 - (ii)  LPM Rd, (Z)

    +303	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0101 - (iii) LPM Rd, (Z+)

    +304	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0110 - ELPM Z        --- not mega8

    +305	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0111 - ELPM Z+       --- not mega8

    +306	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1001 - LD Rd, Y+

    +307	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1010 - LD Rd, -Y

    +308	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1100 - LD Rd, X

    +309	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1101 - LD Rd, X+

    +310	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1110 - LD Rd, -X

    +311	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1111 - POP Rd

    +312	                    --

    +313	                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q;

    +314	                    Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN;

    +315	                    Q_RD_M <= I_T0;

    +316	                    Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0;

    +317	                    Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0;

    +318	                    Q_PMS <= (not I_OPC(3)) and I_OPC(2) and (not I_OPC(1));

    +319	                    case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is

    +320	                        when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;  Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +321	                        when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;

    +322	                        when "0100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +323	                        when "0101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;

    +324	                        when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi;

    +325	                        when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY;

    +326	                        when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +327	                        when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi;

    +328	                        when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX;

    +329	                        when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPi;

    +330	                        when others =>                      Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +331	                    end case;

    +332	                else                        -- STD / PUSH

    +333	                    --

    +334	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0000 - STS

    +335	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0001 - ST Z+. Rr

    +336	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0010 - ST -Z. Rr

    +337	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1000 - ST Y. Rr

    +338	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1001 - ST Y+. Rr

    +339	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1010 - ST -Y. Rr

    +340	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1100 - ST X. Rr

    +341	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1101 - ST X+. Rr

    +342	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1110 - ST -X. Rr

    +343	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1111 - PUSH Rr

    +344	                    --

    +345	                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q;

    +346	                    Q_WE_M <= "01";

    +347	                    Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';

    +348	                    case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is

    +349	                        when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;  Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +350	                        when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;

    +351	                        when "0010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dZ;

    +352	                        when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi;

    +353	                        when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY;

    +354	                        when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +355	                        when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi;

    +356	                        when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX;

    +357	                        when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dSP;

    +358	                        when others =>

    +359	                    end case;

    +360	                end if;


    +362	            when "100101" =>

    +363	                if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then

    +364	                    if (I_OPC(3) = '0') then

    +365	                        --

    +366	                        --  1001 010d dddd 0000 - COM

    +367	                        --  1001 010d dddd 0001 - NEG

    +368	                        --  1001 010d dddd 0010 - SWAP

    +369	                        --  1001 010d dddd 0011 - INC

    +370	                        --  1001 010d dddd 0101 - ASR

    +371	                        --  1001 010d dddd 0110 - LSR

    +372	                        --  1001 010d dddd 0111 - ROR

    +373	                        --

    +374	                        case I_OPC(2 downto 0) is

    +375	                            when "000"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_COM;

    +376	                            when "001"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_NEG;

    +377	                            when "010"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SWAP;

    +378	                            when "011"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INC;

    +379	                            when "101"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ASR;

    +380	                            when "110"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_LSR;

    +381	                            when "111"  => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ROR;

    +382	                            when others =>

    +383	                        end case;

    +384	                        Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +385	                        Q_WE_F <= '1';

    +386	                    else

    +387	                        case I_OPC(2 downto 0) is

    +388	                            when "000"  =>

    +389	                                if (I_OPC(8)) = '0' then

    +390	                                    --

    +391	                                    --  1001 0100 0sss 1000 - BSET

    +392	                                    --  1001 0100 1sss 1000 - BCLR

    +393	                                    --

    +394	                                    Q_BIT(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 4);

    +395	                                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SREG;

    +396	                                    Q_WE_F <= '1';

    +397	                                else

    +398	                                    --

    +399	                                    --  1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET

    +400	                                    --  1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI

    +401	                                    --  1001 0101 1000 1000 - SLEEP

    +402	                                    --  1001 0101 1001 1000 - BREAK

    +403	                                    --  1001 0101 1100 1000 - LPM     [ R0,(Z) ]

    +404	                                    --  1001 0101 1101 1000 - ELPM   not mega8

    +405	                                    --  1001 0101 1110 1000 - SPM

    +406	                                    --  1001 0101 1111 1000 - SPM #2

    +407	                                    --  1001 0101 1010 1000 - WDR

    +408	                                    --

    +409	                                    case I_OPC(7 downto 4) is

    +410	                                        when "0000" =>  -- RET

    +411	                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPii;

    +412	                                            if (I_T0 = '1') then

    +413	                                                Q_RD_M <= '1';

    +414	                                            else

    +415	                                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_S;

    +416	                                                Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0;

    +417	                                            end if;


    +419	                                        when "0001" =>  -- RETI

    +420	                                            Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR;

    +421	                                            Q_IMM(6) <= '1';

    +422	                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPii;

    +423	                                            if (I_T0 = '1') then

    +424	                                                Q_RD_M <= '1';

    +425	                                            else

    +426	                                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_S;

    +427	                                                Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0;

    +428	                                            end if;


    +430	                                        when "1000" =>  -- (i) LPM R0, (Z)

    +431	                                            Q_DDDDD <= "00000";

    +432	                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z;

    +433	                                            Q_PMS <= '1';

    +434	                                            Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0;


    +436	                                        when "1110" =>  -- SPM

    +437	                                            Q_DDDDD <= "00000";

    +438	                                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z;

    +439	                                            Q_PMS <= '1';

    +440	                                            Q_WE_M <= "01";


    +442	                                        when "1111" =>  -- SPM #2

    +443	                                            -- page write: not su[pported


    +445	                                        when others =>

    +446	                                    end case;

    +447	                                end if;


    +449	                            when "001"  =>

    +450	                                --

    +451	                                --  1001 0100 0000 1001 IJMP

    +452	                                --  1001 0100 0001 1001 EIJMP   -- not mega8

    +453	                                --  1001 0101 0000 1001 ICALL

    +454	                                --  1001 0101 0001 1001 EICALL   -- not mega8

    +455	                                --

    +456	                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_Z;

    +457	                                if (I_OPC(8) = '1') then        -- ICALL

    +458	                                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_1;

    +459	                                    Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP;

    +460	                                    Q_WE_M <= "11";

    +461	                                    Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';

    +462	                                end if;


    +464	                            when "010"  =>

    +465	                                --

    +466	                                --  1001 010d dddd 1010 - DEC

    +467	                                --

    +468	                                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_DEC;

    +469	                                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +470	                                Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +472	                            when "011"  =>

    +473	                                --

    +474	                                --  1001 0100 KKKK 1011 - DES   -- not mega8

    +475	                                --


    +477	                            when "100" | "101"  =>

    +478	                                --

    +479	                                --  1001 010k kkkk 110k - JMP (k = 0 for 16 bit)

    +480	                                --  kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk

    +481	                                --

    +482	                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;


    +484	                            when "110" | "111"  =>

    +485	                                --

    +486	                                --  1001 010k kkkk 111k - CALL (k = 0)

    +487	                                --  kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk

    +488	                                --

    +489	                                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_2;

    +490	                                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP;

    +491	                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;

    +492	                                Q_WE_M <= "11";     -- both PC bytes

    +493	                                Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';


    +495	                            when others =>

    +496	                        end case;

    +497	                    end if;

    +498	                else

    +499	                    --

    +500	                    --  1001 0110 KKdd KKKK - ADIW

    +501	                    --  1001 0111 KKdd KKKK - SBIW

    +502	                    --

    +503	                    if (I_OPC(8) = '0') then    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADIW;

    +504	                    else                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBIW;

    +505	                    end if;

    +506	                    Q_IMM(5 downto 4) <= I_OPC(7 downto 6);

    +507	                    Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +508	                    Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +509	                    Q_DDDDD <= "11" & I_OPC(5 downto 4) & "0";


    +511	                    Q_WE_D <= "11";

    +512	                    Q_WE_F <= '1';

    +513	                end if; -- I_OPC(9) = 0/1


    +515	            when "100110" =>

    +516	                --

    +517	                --  1001 1000 AAAA Abbb - CBI

    +518	                --  1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC

    +519	                --  1001 1010 AAAA Abbb - SBI

    +520	                --  1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS

    +521	                --

    +522	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS;

    +523	                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;

    +524	                Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9);   -- set/clear


    +526	                -- IMM = AAAAAA + 0x20

    +527	                --

    +528	                Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 3);

    +529	                Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01";


    +531	                Q_RD_M <= I_T0;

    +532	                Q_WE_M <= "00";

    +533	                if ((I_OPC(8) = '0') ) then     -- CBI or SBI

    +534	                    Q_WE_M(0) <= '1';

    +535	                else                            -- SBIC or SBIS

    +536	                    if (I_T0 = '0') then

    +537	                        Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T;

    +538	                    end if;

    +539	                end if;


    +541	            when "100111" => -- MUL

    +542	                --

    +543	                --  1001 11rd dddd rrrr - MUL

    +544	                --

    +545	                 Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT;

    +546	                 Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= "000"; --  -MUL UU;

    +547	                 Q_WE_01 <= '1';

    +548	                 Q_WE_F <= '1';


    +550	            when "101100" | "101101" =>

    +551	                --

    +552	                -- 1011 0AAd dddd AAAA - IN

    +553	                --

    +554	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q;

    +555	                Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN;

    +556	                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;


    +558	                -- IMM = AAAAAA

    +559	                --     + 010000 (0x20)

    +560	                Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +561	                Q_IMM(4) <= I_OPC(9);

    +562	                Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01" + ('0' & I_OPC(10 downto 10));


    +564	                Q_WE_D <= "01";


    +566	            when "101110" | "101111" =>

    +567	                --

    +568	                -- 1011 1AAr rrrr AAAA - OUT

    +569	                --

    +570	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q;

    +571	                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;


    +573	                -- IMM = AAAAAA

    +574	                --     + 010000 (0x20)

    +575	                --

    +576	                Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +577	                Q_IMM(4) <= I_OPC(9);

    +578	                Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01" + ('0' & I_OPC(10 downto 10));

    +579	                Q_WE_M <= "01";


    +581	            when "110000" | "110001" | "110010" | "110011" =>

    +582	                --

    +583	                -- 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RJMP

    +584	                --

    +585	                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11)

    +586	                                & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001";

    +587	                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;


    +589	            when "110100" | "110101" | "110110" | "110111" =>

    +590	                --

    +591	                -- 1101 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RCALL

    +592	                --

    +593	                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11)

    +594	                                & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001";

    +595	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_1;

    +596	                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP;

    +597	                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;

    +598	                Q_WE_M <= "11";     -- both PC bytes

    +599	                Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';


    +601	            when "111000" | "111001" | "111010" | "111011" => -- LDI

    +602	                --

    +603	                -- 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK - LDI Rd, K

    +604	                --

    +605	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q;

    +606	                Q_DDDDD <= '1' & I_OPC(7 downto 4);     -- 16..31

    +607	                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +608	                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +609	                Q_WE_D <= "01";


    +611	            when "111100" | "111101" =>

    +612	                --

    +613	                -- 1111 00kk kkkk kbbb - BRBS

    +614	                -- 1111 01kk kkkk kbbb - BRBC

    +615	                --       v

    +616	                -- bbb: status register bit

    +617	                -- v: value (set/cleared) of status register bit

    +618	                --

    +619	                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9)

    +620	                                & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9)

    +621	                                & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9 downto 3)) + X"0001";

    +622	                Q_PC_OP <= PC_BCC;


    +624	            when "111110" =>

    +625	                --

    +626	                -- 1111 100d dddd 0bbb - BLD

    +627	                -- 1111 101d dddd 0bbb - BST

    +628	                --

    +629	                if I_OPC(9) = '0' then  -- BLD: T flag to register

    +630	                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BLD;

    +631	                    Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +632	                else                    -- BST: register to T flag

    +633	                    Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;

    +634	                    Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(10);

    +635	                    Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(8 downto 4);

    +636	                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS;

    +637	                    Q_WE_F <= '1';

    +638	                end if;


    +640	            when "111111" =>

    +641	                --

    +642	                -- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC

    +643	                -- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS

    +644	                --

    +645	                -- like SBIC, but and general purpose regs instead of I/O regs.

    +646	                --

    +647	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS;

    +648	                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;

    +649	                Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9);   -- set/clear bit

    +650	                Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(8 downto 4);

    +651	                if (I_T0 = '0') then

    +652	                    Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T;

    +653	                end if;


    +655	            when others =>

    +656	        end case;

    +657	    end if;

    +658	    end process;


    +660	end Behavioral;





+ +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_1.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_1.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_1.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_1.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_1.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/25_Listing_of_status_reg.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/25_Listing_of_status_reg.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/25_Listing_of_status_reg.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_status_reg.vhd + + + + +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ +

25 LISTING OF status_reg.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    Register - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    16:15:54 12/26/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the status register of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	library IEEE;

    + 28	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 31

    + 32	entity status_reg is

    + 33	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 34

    + 35	            I_COND      : in  std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0);

    + 36	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 37	            I_FLAGS     : in  std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 38	            I_WE_F      : in  std_logic;

    + 39	            I_WE_SR     : in  std_logic;

    + 40

    + 41	            Q           : out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 42	            Q_CC        : out std_logic);

    + 43	end status_reg;

    + 44

    + 45	architecture Behavioral of status_reg is

    + 46

    + 47	signal L                : std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 48	begin

    + 49

    + 50	    process(I_CLK)

    + 51	    begin

    + 52	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 53	            if (I_WE_F = '1') then          -- write flags (from ALU)

    + 54	                L <= I_FLAGS;

    + 55	            elsif (I_WE_SR = '1') then      -- write I/O

    + 56	                L <= I_DIN;

    + 57	            end if;

    + 58	        end if;

    + 59	    end process;

    + 60

    + 61	    cond: process(I_COND, L)

    + 62	    begin

    + 63	        case I_COND(2 downto 0) is

    + 64	            when "000"  => Q_CC <= L(0) xor I_COND(3);

    + 65	            when "001"  => Q_CC <= L(1) xor I_COND(3);

    + 66	            when "010"  => Q_CC <= L(2) xor I_COND(3);

    + 67	            when "011"  => Q_CC <= L(3) xor I_COND(3);

    + 68	            when "100"  => Q_CC <= L(4) xor I_COND(3);

    + 69	            when "101"  => Q_CC <= L(5) xor I_COND(3);

    + 70	            when "110"  => Q_CC <= L(6) xor I_COND(3);

    + 71	            when others => Q_CC <= L(7) xor I_COND(3);

    + 72	        end case;

    + 73	    end process;

    + 74

    + 75	    Q <= L;

    + 76

    + 77	end Behavioral;

    + 78




+ +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_2.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_2.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_2.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_2.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/opcode_fetch_2.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/11_Listing_of_avr_fpga.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/11_Listing_of_avr_fpga.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/11_Listing_of_avr_fpga.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_avr_fpga.vhd + + + + +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ +

11 LISTING OF avr_fpga.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:     avr_fpga - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:     13:51:24 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:     top level of a CPU

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity avr_fpga is

    + 34	    port (  I_CLK_100   : in  std_logic;

    + 35	            I_SWITCH    : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 36	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 37

    + 38	            Q_LEDS      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 39	            Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

    + 40	            Q_TX        : out std_logic);

    + 41	end avr_fpga;

    + 42

    + 43	architecture Behavioral of avr_fpga is

    + 44

    + 45	component cpu_core

    + 46	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 47	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 48	            I_INTVEC    : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 49	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 50

    + 51	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 52	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 53	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 54	            Q_ADR_IO    : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 55	            Q_RD_IO     : out std_logic;

    + 56	            Q_WE_IO     : out std_logic);

    + 57	end component;

    + 58

    + 59	signal  C_PC            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 60	signal  C_OPC           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 61	signal  C_ADR_IO        : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 62	signal  C_DOUT          : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 63	signal  C_RD_IO         : std_logic;

    + 64	signal  C_WE_IO         : std_logic;

    + 65

    + 66	component io

    + 67	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 68	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 69	            I_ADR_IO    : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 70	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 71	            I_RD_IO     : in  std_logic;

    + 72	            I_WE_IO     : in  std_logic;

    + 73	            I_SWITCH    : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 74	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 75

    + 76	            Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);

    + 77	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 78	            Q_INTVEC    : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);

    + 79	            Q_LEDS      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 80	            Q_TX        : out std_logic);

    + 81

    + 82	end component;

    + 83

    + 84	signal N_INTVEC         : std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 85	signal N_DOUT           : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 86	signal N_TX             : std_logic;

    + 87	signal N_7_SEGMENT      : std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);

    + 88

    + 89	component segment7

    + 90	    port ( I_CLK        : in  std_logic;

    + 91

    + 92	           I_CLR        : in  std_logic;

    + 93	           I_OPC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 94	           I_PC         : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 95

    + 96	           Q_7_SEGMENT  : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0));

    + 97	end component;

    + 98

    + 99	signal S_7_SEGMENT      : std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0);


    +101	signal L_CLK            : std_logic := '0';

    +102	signal L_CLK_CNT        : std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0) := "000";

    +103	signal L_CLR            : std_logic;            -- reset,  active low

    +104	signal L_CLR_N          : std_logic := '0';     -- reset,  active low

    +105	signal L_C1_N           : std_logic := '0';     -- switch debounce, active low

    +106	signal L_C2_N           : std_logic := '0';     -- switch debounce, active low


    +108	begin


    +110	    cpu : cpu_core

    +111	    port map(   I_CLK       => L_CLK,

    +112	                I_CLR       => L_CLR,

    +113	                I_DIN       => N_DOUT,

    +114	                I_INTVEC    => N_INTVEC,


    +116	                Q_ADR_IO    => C_ADR_IO,

    +117	                Q_DOUT      => C_DOUT,

    +118	                Q_OPC       => C_OPC,

    +119	                Q_PC        => C_PC,

    +120	                Q_RD_IO     => C_RD_IO,

    +121	                Q_WE_IO     => C_WE_IO);


    +123	    ino : io

    +124	    port map(   I_CLK       => L_CLK,

    +125	                I_CLR       => L_CLR,

    +126	                I_ADR_IO    => C_ADR_IO,

    +127	                I_DIN       => C_DOUT,

    +128	                I_RD_IO     => C_RD_IO,

    +129	                I_RX        => I_RX,

    +130	                I_SWITCH    => I_SWITCH(7 downto 0),

    +131	                I_WE_IO     => C_WE_IO,


    +133	                Q_7_SEGMENT => N_7_SEGMENT,

    +134	                Q_DOUT      => N_DOUT,

    +135	                Q_INTVEC    => N_INTVEC,

    +136	                Q_LEDS      => Q_LEDS(1 downto 0),

    +137	                Q_TX        => N_TX);


    +139	    seg : segment7

    +140	    port map(   I_CLK       => L_CLK,

    +141	                I_CLR       => L_CLR,

    +142	                I_OPC       => C_OPC,

    +143	                I_PC        => C_PC,


    +145	                Q_7_SEGMENT => S_7_SEGMENT);


    +147	    -- input clock scaler

    +148	    --

    +149	    clk_div : process(I_CLK_100)

    +150	    begin

    +151	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK_100)) then

    +152	            L_CLK_CNT <= L_CLK_CNT + "001";

    +153	            if (L_CLK_CNT = "001") then

    +154	                L_CLK_CNT <= "000";

    +155	                L_CLK <= not L_CLK;

    +156	            end if;

    +157	        end if;

    +158	    end process;


    +160	    -- reset button debounce process

    +161	    --

    +162	    deb : process(L_CLK)

    +163	    begin

    +164	        if (rising_edge(L_CLK)) then

    +165	            -- switch debounce

    +166	            if ((I_SWITCH(8) = '0') or (I_SWITCH(9) = '0')) then    -- pushed

    +167	                L_CLR_N <= '0';

    +168	                L_C2_N  <= '0';

    +169	                L_C1_N  <= '0';

    +170	            else                                                    -- released

    +171	                L_CLR_N <= L_C2_N;

    +172	                L_C2_N  <= L_C1_N;

    +173	                L_C1_N  <= '1';

    +174	            end if;

    +175	        end if;

    +176	    end process;


    +178	    L_CLR <= not L_CLR_N;


    +180	    Q_LEDS(2) <= I_RX;

    +181	    Q_LEDS(3) <= N_TX;

    +182	    Q_7_SEGMENT  <= N_7_SEGMENT when (I_SWITCH(7) = '1') else S_7_SEGMENT;

    +183	    Q_TX <= N_TX;


    +185	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/23_Listing_of_register_file.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/23_Listing_of_register_file.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/23_Listing_of_register_file.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_register_file.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

23 LISTING OF register_file.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    RegisterFile - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    12:43:34 10/28/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    a register file (16 register pairs) of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	use work.common.ALL;

    + 34

    + 35	entity register_file is

    + 36	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 37

    + 38	            I_AMOD      : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 39	            I_COND      : in  std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 40	            I_DDDDD     : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 41	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 42	            I_FLAGS     : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 43	            I_IMM       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 44	            I_RRRR      : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 1);

    + 45	            I_WE_01     : in  std_logic;

    + 46	            I_WE_D      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 47	            I_WE_F      : in  std_logic;

    + 48	            I_WE_M      : in  std_logic;

    + 49	            I_WE_XYZS   : in  std_logic;

    + 50

    + 51	            Q_ADR       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 52	            Q_CC        : out std_logic;

    + 53	            Q_D         : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 54	            Q_FLAGS     : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 55	            Q_R         : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 56	            Q_S         : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 57	            Q_Z         : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

    + 58	end register_file;

    + 59

    + 60	architecture Behavioral of register_file is

    + 61

    + 62	component reg_16

    + 63	    port (  I_CLK       : in    std_logic;

    + 64

    + 65	            I_D         : in    std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 66	            I_WE        : in    std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 67

    + 68	            Q           : out   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0));

    + 69	end component;

    + 70

    + 71	signal R_R00            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 72	signal R_R02            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 73	signal R_R04            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 74	signal R_R06            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 75	signal R_R08            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 76	signal R_R10            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 77	signal R_R12            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 78	signal R_R14            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 79	signal R_R16            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 80	signal R_R18            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 81	signal R_R20            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 82	signal R_R22            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 83	signal R_R24            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 84	signal R_R26            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 85	signal R_R28            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 86	signal R_R30            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 87	signal R_SP             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);    -- stack pointer

    + 88

    + 89	component status_reg is

    + 90	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 91

    + 92	            I_COND      : in  std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0);

    + 93	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 94	            I_FLAGS     : in  std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 95	            I_WE_F      : in  std_logic;

    + 96	            I_WE_SR     : in  std_logic;

    + 97

    + 98	            Q           : out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 99	            Q_CC        : out std_logic);

    +100	end component;


    +102	signal S_FLAGS          : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);


    +104	signal L_ADR            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +105	signal L_BASE           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +106	signal L_DDDD           : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 1);

    +107	signal L_DSP            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +108	signal L_DX             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +109	signal L_DY             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +110	signal L_DZ             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +111	signal L_PRE            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +112	signal L_POST           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +113	signal L_S              : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +114	signal L_WE_SP_AMOD     : std_logic;

    +115	signal L_WE             : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    +116	signal L_WE_A           : std_logic;

    +117	signal L_WE_D           : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    +118	signal L_WE_D2          : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +119	signal L_WE_DD          : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    +120	signal L_WE_IO          : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    +121	signal L_WE_MISC        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    +122	signal L_WE_X           : std_logic;

    +123	signal L_WE_Y           : std_logic;

    +124	signal L_WE_Z           : std_logic;

    +125	signal L_WE_SP          : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +126	signal L_WE_SR          : std_logic;

    +127	signal L_XYZS           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);


    +129	begin


    +131	    r00: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 1 downto  0), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R00);

    +132	    r02: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 3 downto  2), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R02);

    +133	    r04: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 5 downto  4), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R04);

    +134	    r06: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 7 downto  6), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R06);

    +135	    r08: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 9 downto  8), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R08);

    +136	    r10: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(11 downto 10), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R10);

    +137	    r12: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(13 downto 12), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R12);

    +138	    r14: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(15 downto 14), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R14);

    +139	    r16: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(17 downto 16), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R16);

    +140	    r18: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(19 downto 18), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R18);

    +141	    r20: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(21 downto 20), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R20);

    +142	    r22: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(23 downto 22), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R22);

    +143	    r24: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(25 downto 24), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R24);

    +144	    r26: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(27 downto 26), I_D => L_DX,  Q => R_R26);

    +145	    r28: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(29 downto 28), I_D => L_DY,  Q => R_R28);

    +146	    r30: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(31 downto 30), I_D => L_DZ,  Q => R_R30);

    +147	    sp:  reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE_SP,            I_D => L_DSP, Q => R_SP);


    +149	    sr: status_reg

    +150	    port map(   I_CLK       => I_CLK,

    +151	                I_COND      => I_COND,

    +152	                I_DIN       => I_DIN(7 downto 0),

    +153	                I_FLAGS     => I_FLAGS,

    +154	                I_WE_F      => I_WE_F,

    +155	                I_WE_SR     => L_WE_SR,

    +156	                Q           => S_FLAGS,

    +157	                Q_CC        => Q_CC);


    +159	    -- The output of the register selected by L_ADR.

    +160	    --

    +161	    process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04, R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14,

    +162	            R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30,

    +163	            R_SP, S_FLAGS, L_ADR(6 downto 1))

    +164	    begin

    +165	        case L_ADR(6 downto 1) is

    +166	            when "000000" => L_S <= R_R00;

    +167	            when "000001" => L_S <= R_R02;

    +168	            when "000010" => L_S <= R_R04;

    +169	            when "000011" => L_S <= R_R06;

    +170	            when "000100" => L_S <= R_R08;

    +171	            when "000101" => L_S <= R_R10;

    +172	            when "000110" => L_S <= R_R12;

    +173	            when "000111" => L_S <= R_R14;

    +174	            when "001000" => L_S <= R_R16;

    +175	            when "001001" => L_S <= R_R18;

    +176	            when "001010" => L_S <= R_R20;

    +177	            when "001011" => L_S <= R_R22;

    +178	            when "001100" => L_S <= R_R24;

    +179	            when "001101" => L_S <= R_R26;

    +180	            when "001110" => L_S <= R_R28;

    +181	            when "001111" => L_S <= R_R30;

    +182	            when "101111" => L_S <= R_SP ( 7 downto 0) & X"00";     -- SPL

    +183	            when others   => L_S <= S_FLAGS & R_SP (15 downto 8);   -- SR/SPH

    +184	        end case;

    +185	    end process;


    +187	    -- The output of the register pair selected by I_DDDDD.

    +188	    --

    +189	    process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04, R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14,

    +190	            R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30,

    +191	            I_DDDDD(4 downto 1))

    +192	    begin

    +193	        case I_DDDDD(4 downto 1) is

    +194	            when "0000" => Q_D <= R_R00;

    +195	            when "0001" => Q_D <= R_R02;

    +196	            when "0010" => Q_D <= R_R04;

    +197	            when "0011" => Q_D <= R_R06;

    +198	            when "0100" => Q_D <= R_R08;

    +199	            when "0101" => Q_D <= R_R10;

    +200	            when "0110" => Q_D <= R_R12;

    +201	            when "0111" => Q_D <= R_R14;

    +202	            when "1000" => Q_D <= R_R16;

    +203	            when "1001" => Q_D <= R_R18;

    +204	            when "1010" => Q_D <= R_R20;

    +205	            when "1011" => Q_D <= R_R22;

    +206	            when "1100" => Q_D <= R_R24;

    +207	            when "1101" => Q_D <= R_R26;

    +208	            when "1110" => Q_D <= R_R28;

    +209	            when others => Q_D <= R_R30;

    +210	        end case;

    +211	    end process;


    +213	    -- The output of the register pair selected by I_RRRR.

    +214	    --

    +215	    process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04,  R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14,

    +216	            R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30, I_RRRR)

    +217	    begin

    +218	        case I_RRRR is

    +219	            when "0000" => Q_R <= R_R00;

    +220	            when "0001" => Q_R <= R_R02;

    +221	            when "0010" => Q_R <= R_R04;

    +222	            when "0011" => Q_R <= R_R06;

    +223	            when "0100" => Q_R <= R_R08;

    +224	            when "0101" => Q_R <= R_R10;

    +225	            when "0110" => Q_R <= R_R12;

    +226	            when "0111" => Q_R <= R_R14;

    +227	            when "1000" => Q_R <= R_R16;

    +228	            when "1001" => Q_R <= R_R18;

    +229	            when "1010" => Q_R <= R_R20;

    +230	            when "1011" => Q_R <= R_R22;

    +231	            when "1100" => Q_R <= R_R24;

    +232	            when "1101" => Q_R <= R_R26;

    +233	            when "1110" => Q_R <= R_R28;

    +234	            when others => Q_R <= R_R30;

    +235	        end case;

    +236	    end process;


    +238	    -- the base value of the X/Y/Z/SP register as per I_AMOD.

    +239	    --

    +240	    process(I_AMOD(2 downto 0), I_IMM, R_SP, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30)

    +241	    begin

    +242	        case I_AMOD(2 downto 0) is

    +243	            when AS_SP  => L_BASE <= R_SP;

    +244	            when AS_Z   => L_BASE <= R_R30;

    +245	            when AS_Y   => L_BASE <= R_R28;

    +246	            when AS_X   => L_BASE <= R_R26;

    +247	            when AS_IMM => L_BASE <= I_IMM;

    +248	            when others => L_BASE <= X"0000";

    +249	        end case;

    +250	    end process;


    +252	    -- the value of the X/Y/Z/SP register after a potential PRE-decrement

    +253	    -- (by 1 or 2) and POST-increment (by 1 or 2).

    +254	    --

    +255	    process(I_AMOD(5 downto 3), I_IMM)

    +256	    begin

    +257	        case I_AMOD(5 downto 3) is

    +258	            when AO_0   => L_PRE <= X"0000";    L_POST <= X"0000";

    +259	            when AO_i   => L_PRE <= X"0000";    L_POST <= X"0001";

    +260	            when AO_ii  => L_PRE <= X"0000";    L_POST <= X"0002";

    +261	            when AO_q   => L_PRE <= I_IMM;      L_POST <= X"0000";

    +262	            when AO_d   => L_PRE <= X"FFFF";    L_POST <= X"FFFF";

    +263	            when AO_dd  => L_PRE <= X"FFFE";    L_POST <= X"FFFE";

    +264	            when others => L_PRE <= X"0000";    L_POST <= X"0000";

    +265	        end case;

    +266	    end process;


    +268	    L_XYZS <= L_BASE + L_POST;

    +269	    L_ADR  <= L_BASE + L_PRE;


    +271	    L_WE_A <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR(15 downto 5) = "00000000000") else '0';

    +272	    L_WE_SR    <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR = X"005F") else '0';

    +273	    L_WE_SP_AMOD <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(2 downto 0) = AS_SP) else '0';

    +274	    L_WE_SP(1) <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR = X"005E") else L_WE_SP_AMOD;

    +275	    L_WE_SP(0) <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR = X"005D") else L_WE_SP_AMOD;


    +277	    L_DX  <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(26) = '1')        else I_DIN;

    +278	    L_DY  <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(28) = '1')        else I_DIN;

    +279	    L_DZ  <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(30) = '1')        else I_DIN;

    +280	    L_DSP <= L_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WS) else I_DIN;


    +282	    -- the WE signals for the differen registers.

    +283	    --

    +284	    -- case 1: write to an 8-bit register addressed by DDDDD.

    +285	    --

    +286	    -- I_WE_D(0) = '1' and I_DDDDD matches,

    +287	    --

    +288	    L_WE_D( 0) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00000") else '0';

    +289	    L_WE_D( 1) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00001") else '0';

    +290	    L_WE_D( 2) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00010") else '0';

    +291	    L_WE_D( 3) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00011") else '0';

    +292	    L_WE_D( 4) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00100") else '0';

    +293	    L_WE_D( 5) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00101") else '0';

    +294	    L_WE_D( 6) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00110") else '0';

    +295	    L_WE_D( 7) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00111") else '0';

    +296	    L_WE_D( 8) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01000") else '0';

    +297	    L_WE_D( 9) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01001") else '0';

    +298	    L_WE_D(10) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01010") else '0';

    +299	    L_WE_D(11) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01011") else '0';

    +300	    L_WE_D(12) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01100") else '0';

    +301	    L_WE_D(13) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01101") else '0';

    +302	    L_WE_D(14) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01110") else '0';

    +303	    L_WE_D(15) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01111") else '0';

    +304	    L_WE_D(16) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10000") else '0';

    +305	    L_WE_D(17) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10001") else '0';

    +306	    L_WE_D(18) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10010") else '0';

    +307	    L_WE_D(19) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10011") else '0';

    +308	    L_WE_D(20) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10100") else '0';

    +309	    L_WE_D(21) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10101") else '0';

    +310	    L_WE_D(22) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10110") else '0';

    +311	    L_WE_D(23) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10111") else '0';

    +312	    L_WE_D(24) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11000") else '0';

    +313	    L_WE_D(25) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11001") else '0';

    +314	    L_WE_D(26) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11010") else '0';

    +315	    L_WE_D(27) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11011") else '0';

    +316	    L_WE_D(28) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11100") else '0';

    +317	    L_WE_D(29) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11101") else '0';

    +318	    L_WE_D(30) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11110") else '0';

    +319	    L_WE_D(31) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11111") else '0';


    +321	    --

    +322	    -- case 2: write to a 16-bit register pair addressed by DDDD.

    +323	    --

    +324	    -- I_WE_DD(1) = '1' and L_DDDD matches,

    +325	    --

    +326	    L_DDDD <= I_DDDDD(4 downto 1);

    +327	    L_WE_D2 <= I_WE_D(1) & I_WE_D(1);

    +328	    L_WE_DD( 1 downto  0) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0000") else "00";

    +329	    L_WE_DD( 3 downto  2) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0001") else "00";

    +330	    L_WE_DD( 5 downto  4) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0010") else "00";

    +331	    L_WE_DD( 7 downto  6) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0011") else "00";

    +332	    L_WE_DD( 9 downto  8) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0100") else "00";

    +333	    L_WE_DD(11 downto 10) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0101") else "00";

    +334	    L_WE_DD(13 downto 12) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0110") else "00";

    +335	    L_WE_DD(15 downto 14) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0111") else "00";

    +336	    L_WE_DD(17 downto 16) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1000") else "00";

    +337	    L_WE_DD(19 downto 18) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1001") else "00";

    +338	    L_WE_DD(21 downto 20) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1010") else "00";

    +339	    L_WE_DD(23 downto 22) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1011") else "00";

    +340	    L_WE_DD(25 downto 24) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1100") else "00";

    +341	    L_WE_DD(27 downto 26) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1101") else "00";

    +342	    L_WE_DD(29 downto 28) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1110") else "00";

    +343	    L_WE_DD(31 downto 30) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1111") else "00";


    +345	    --

    +346	    -- case 3: write to an 8-bit register pair addressed by an I/O address.

    +347	    --

    +348	    -- L_WE_A = '1' and L_ADR(4 downto 0) matches

    +349	    --

    +350	    L_WE_IO( 0) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00000") else '0';

    +351	    L_WE_IO( 1) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00001") else '0';

    +352	    L_WE_IO( 2) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00010") else '0';

    +353	    L_WE_IO( 3) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00011") else '0';

    +354	    L_WE_IO( 4) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00100") else '0';

    +355	    L_WE_IO( 5) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00101") else '0';

    +356	    L_WE_IO( 6) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00110") else '0';

    +357	    L_WE_IO( 7) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00111") else '0';

    +358	    L_WE_IO( 8) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01000") else '0';

    +359	    L_WE_IO( 9) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01001") else '0';

    +360	    L_WE_IO(10) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01010") else '0';

    +361	    L_WE_IO(11) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01011") else '0';

    +362	    L_WE_IO(12) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01100") else '0';

    +363	    L_WE_IO(13) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01101") else '0';

    +364	    L_WE_IO(14) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01110") else '0';

    +365	    L_WE_IO(15) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01111") else '0';

    +366	    L_WE_IO(16) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10000") else '0';

    +367	    L_WE_IO(17) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10001") else '0';

    +368	    L_WE_IO(18) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10010") else '0';

    +369	    L_WE_IO(19) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10011") else '0';

    +370	    L_WE_IO(20) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10100") else '0';

    +371	    L_WE_IO(21) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10101") else '0';

    +372	    L_WE_IO(22) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10110") else '0';

    +373	    L_WE_IO(23) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10111") else '0';

    +374	    L_WE_IO(24) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11000") else '0';

    +375	    L_WE_IO(25) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11001") else '0';

    +376	    L_WE_IO(26) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11010") else '0';

    +377	    L_WE_IO(27) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11011") else '0';

    +378	    L_WE_IO(28) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11100") else '0';

    +379	    L_WE_IO(29) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11101") else '0';

    +380	    L_WE_IO(30) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11110") else '0';

    +381	    L_WE_IO(31) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11111") else '0';


    +383	    -- case 4 special cases.

    +384	    -- 4a. WE_01 for register pair 0/1 (multiplication opcode).

    +385	    -- 4b. I_WE_XYZS for X (register pairs 26/27) and I_AMOD matches

    +386	    -- 4c. I_WE_XYZS for Y (register pairs 28/29) and I_AMOD matches

    +387	    -- 4d. I_WE_XYZS for Z (register pairs 30/31) and I_AMOD matches

    +388	    --

    +389	    L_WE_X <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WX) else '0';

    +390	    L_WE_Y <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WY) else '0';

    +391	    L_WE_Z <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WZ) else '0';

    +392	    L_WE_MISC <= L_WE_Z & L_WE_Z &      -- -Z and Z+ address modes  r30

    +393	                 L_WE_Y & L_WE_Y &      -- -Y and Y+ address modes  r28

    +394	                 L_WE_X & L_WE_X &      -- -X and X+ address modes  r26

    +395	                 X"000000" &            -- never                    r24 - r02

    +396	                 I_WE_01 & I_WE_01;     -- multiplication result    r00


    +398	    L_WE <= L_WE_D or L_WE_DD or L_WE_IO or L_WE_MISC;


    +400	    Q_S <= L_S( 7 downto 0) when (L_ADR(0) = '0') else L_S(15 downto 8);

    +401	    Q_FLAGS <= S_FLAGS;

    +402	    Q_Z <= R_R30;

    +403	    Q_ADR <= L_ADR;


    +405	end Behavioral;





+ +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toc.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toc.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/toc.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ + + + +html/toc + + + + +

01 Introduction and Overview


02 Top Level


03 Pipelining


04 Cpu Core


05 Opcode Fetch


06 Data Path


07 Opcode Decoder


08 IO


09 Toolchain Setup


10 Listing of alu vhd


11 Listing of avr fpga.vhd


12 Listing of baudgen.vhd


13 Listing of common.vhd


14 Listing of cpu core.vhd


15 Listing of data mem.vhd


16 Listing of data path.vhd


17 Listing of io.vhd


18 Listing of opc deco.vhd


19 Listing of opc fetch.vhd


20 Listing of prog mem content.vhd


21 Listing of prog mem.vhd


22 Listing of reg 16.vhd


23 Listing of register file.vhd


24 Listing of segment7.vhd


25 Listing of status reg.vhd


26 Listing of uart rx.vhd


27 Listing of uart tx.vhd


28 Listing of RAMB4 S4 S4.vhd


29 Listing of test tb.vhd


30 Listing of avr fpga.ucf


31 Listing of Makefile


32 Listing of hello.c


33 Listing of make


34 Listing of end


+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/lecture.css =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/lecture.css (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/lecture.css (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +table { + border: none; +} + +table.ttop { + border: none; + width: 100%; +} +th { + background-color: #e0e0e0; + padding-left: 1em; + padding-right: 1em; + border: none; + text-align: left; +} + +th.tpre { + background-color: #e0e0f0; + padding-left: 1em; + padding-right: 1em; + border: none; + text-align: left; + width: 33%; +} + +th.ttop { + background-color: #e0e0f0; + padding-left: 1em; + padding-right: 1em; + border: none; + text-align: center; + width: 34%; +} + +th.tnxt { + background-color: #e0e0f0; + padding-left: 1em; + padding-right: 1em; + border: none; + width: 33%; + text-align: right; +} + +td { + background-color: #e0e0e0; + padding-left: 1em; + padding-right: 1em; + border: none; +} + +pre.cmd { + width: 60em; + font-weight: bold; + color: blue; + background-color: #e0e0e0; + padding-left: 1em; + margin-left: 2em; + border: ridge black; + border-width: 4px; +} + +pre.vhdl { + width: 60em; + font-weight: bold; + color: #e00080; + background-color: #e0e0e0; + padding-left: 1em; + margin-left: 2em; + border: ridge black; + border-width: 4px; +} + +pre.filename { + width: 60em; + font-weight: bold; + color: black; + background-color: #e0e0e0; + padding-left: 0; + margin-left: 0; + border: none; +} + +p.toc { + text-align: center; +} + +// example styles (not used, remove when finished. +/* + * * Style sheet for the HTML 4.0 specification + * * $Id: default.css,v 1.13 1999/03/08 17:25:02 ijacobs Exp $ + * */ + +div.example { + width: 100%; + color: black; +} +div.dtd-example { + width: 100%; + color: black; +} +tt.example { + color: maroon; + margin-left: 1em; +} +div.dtd-fragment { + width: 100%; + border: none; + background-color: #eee; +} +pre.dtd-fragment { + margin-left: 0; +} +pre.dtd { + color: black; + margin-left: 0; +} +div.illegal-example { + width: 100%; + color: red; + border: solid red; +} +div.illegal-example p { + color: black; +} +div.deprecated-example { + width: 100%; + color: red; + border: solid rgb(255,165,0); /* orange */ +} +div.deprecated-example p { + color: black; +} +div.note { + color: green; + margin-left: 1em; +} +p.note { + color: green; + margin-left: 1em; +} +ul.toc { + list-style-type: none; +} + +a.normref { + color : red; +} + +a.informref { + color : green; +} + +DIV.subtoc {padding: 1em; border: solid thin; margin: 1em 0; + background: #ddd} + + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/13_Listing_of_common.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/13_Listing_of_common.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/13_Listing_of_common.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_common.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

13 LISTING OF common.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    common

    + 23	-- Create Date:    13:51:24 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    constants shared by different modules.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;

    + 30

    + 31	package common is

    + 32

    + 33	    -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 34

    + 35	    -- ALU operations

    + 36	    --

    + 37	    constant ALU_ADC    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000";

    + 38	    constant ALU_ADD    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00001";

    + 39	    constant ALU_ADIW   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00010";

    + 40	    constant ALU_AND    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00011";

    + 41	    constant ALU_ASR    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00100";

    + 42	    constant ALU_BLD    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00101";

    + 43	    constant ALU_BIT_CS : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00110";

    + 44	    constant ALU_COM    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00111";

    + 45	    constant ALU_DEC    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01000";

    + 46	    constant ALU_EOR    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01001";

    + 47	    constant ALU_MV_16  : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01010";

    + 48	    constant ALU_INC    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01011";

    + 49	    constant ALU_INTR   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01100";

    + 50	    constant ALU_LSR    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01101";

    + 51	    constant ALU_D_MV_Q : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01110";

    + 52	    constant ALU_R_MV_Q : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01111";

    + 53	    constant ALU_MULT   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10000";

    + 54	    constant ALU_NEG    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10001";

    + 55	    constant ALU_OR     : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10010";

    + 56	    constant ALU_PC_1   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10011";

    + 57	    constant ALU_PC_2   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10100";

    + 58	    constant ALU_ROR    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10101";

    + 59	    constant ALU_SBC    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10110";

    + 60	    constant ALU_SBIW   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10111";

    + 61	    constant ALU_SREG   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11000";

    + 62	    constant ALU_SUB    : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11001";

    + 63	    constant ALU_SWAP   : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11010";

    + 64

    + 65	    -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 66	    --

    + 67	    -- PC manipulations

    + 68	    --

    + 69	    constant PC_NEXT    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";    -- PC += 1

    + 70	    constant PC_BCC     : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";    -- PC ?= IMM

    + 71	    constant PC_LD_I    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";    -- PC = IMM

    + 72	    constant PC_LD_Z    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";    -- PC = Z

    + 73	    constant PC_LD_S    : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";    -- PC = (SP)

    + 74	    constant PC_SKIP_Z  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "101";    -- SKIP if Z

    + 75	    constant PC_SKIP_T  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110";    -- SKIP if T

    + 76

    + 77	    -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 78	    --

    + 79	    -- Addressing modes. An address mode consists of two sub-fields,

    + 80	    -- which are the source of the address and an offset from the source.

    + 81	    -- Bit 3 indicates if the address will be modified.

    + 82

    + 83	    -- address source

    + 84	    constant AS_SP  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";     -- SP

    + 85	    constant AS_Z   : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";     -- Z

    + 86	    constant AS_Y   : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";     -- Y

    + 87	    constant AS_X   : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";     -- X

    + 88	    constant AS_IMM : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";     -- IMM

    + 89

    + 90	    -- address offset

    + 91	    constant AO_0   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "000";     -- as is

    + 92	    constant AO_Q   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "010";     -- +q

    + 93	    constant AO_i   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "001";     -- +1

    + 94	    constant AO_ii  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "011";     -- +2

    + 95	    constant AO_d   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "101";     -- -1

    + 96	    constant AO_dd  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "111";     -- -2

    + 97	    --                                                   |

    + 98	    --                                                +--+

    + 99	    -- address updated ?                              |

    +100	    --                                                v

    +101	    constant AM_WX : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_X;  -- X ++ or --

    +102	    constant AM_WY : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_Y;  -- Y ++ or --

    +103	    constant AM_WZ : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_Z;  -- Z ++ or --

    +104	    constant AM_WS : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_SP;  -- SP ++/--


    +106	    -- address modes used

    +107	    --

    +108	    constant AMOD_ABS : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_IMM;  -- IMM

    +109	    constant AMOD_X   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_X;  -- (X)

    +110	    constant AMOD_Xq  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q  & AS_X;  -- (X+q)

    +111	    constant AMOD_Xi  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_X;  -- (X++)

    +112	    constant AMOD_dX  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_X;  -- (--X)

    +113	    constant AMOD_Y   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_Y;  -- (Y)

    +114	    constant AMOD_Yq  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q  & AS_Y;  -- (Y+q)

    +115	    constant AMOD_Yi  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_Y;  -- (Y++)

    +116	    constant AMOD_dY  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_Y;  -- (--Y)

    +117	    constant AMOD_Z   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_Z;  -- (Z)

    +118	    constant AMOD_Zq  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q  & AS_Z;  -- (Z+q)

    +119	    constant AMOD_Zi  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_Z;  -- (Z++)

    +120	    constant AMOD_dZ  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_Z;  -- (--Z)

    +121	    constant AMOD_SPi : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_SP; -- (SP++)

    +122	    constant AMOD_SPii: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_ii & AS_SP; -- (SP++)

    +123	    constant AMOD_dSP : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_SP; -- (--SP)

    +124	    constant AMOD_ddSP: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_dd & AS_SP; -- (--SP)


    +126	    -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    +128	    -- Stack pointer manipulations.

    +129	    --

    +130	    constant SP_NOP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";

    +131	    constant SP_ADD1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";

    +132	    constant SP_ADD2: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";

    +133	    constant SP_SUB1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";

    +134	    constant SP_SUB2: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";


    +136	    -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    +137	    --

    +138	    -- ALU multiplexers.

    +139	    --

    +140	    constant RS_REG : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";

    +141	    constant RS_IMM : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "01";

    +142	    constant RS_DIN : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10";


    +144	    -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    +145	    --

    +146	    -- Multiplier variants. F means FMULT (as opposed to MULT).

    +147	    -- S and U means signed vs. unsigned operands.

    +148	    --

    +149	    constant MULT_UU  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";

    +150	    constant MULT_SU  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";

    +151	    constant MULT_SS  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";

    +152	    constant MULT_FUU : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";

    +153	    constant MULT_FSU : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110";

    +154	    constant MULT_FSS : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "111";


    +156	    -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    +158	end common;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/01_Introduction_and_Overview.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/01_Introduction_and_Overview.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/01_Introduction_and_Overview.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ + + + +html/Introduction_and_Overview + + + + +

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+ +


+ +

This lecture describes in detail how you can design a CPU (actually +an embedded system) in VHDL. + +

The CPU has an instruction set similar to the instruction set of the +popular 8-bit CPUs made by Atmel. The instruction set is described in + We use +an existing CPU so that we can reuse a software tool chain (avr-gcc) +for this kind of CPU and focus on the hardware aspects of the design. +At the end of the lecture, however, you will be able to design your own +CPU with a different instruction set. + +

We will not implement the full instruction set; only the fraction needed +to explain the principles, and to run a simple "Hello world" program (and +probably most C programs) will be described. + +

1.1 Prerequisites

+ +

Initially you will need two programs: + +


These two programs allow you to design the CPU and simulate its functions. + +

Later on, you will need a FPGA toolchain for creating FPGA design files +and to perform timing simulations. For this lecture we assume that the +free Xilinx Webpack tool chain is used ( +The latest version of the Xilinx Webpack provides ISE 11 (as of Nov. 2009) +but we used ISE 10.1 because we used an FPGA board providing a good old +Spartan 2E FPGA (actually an xc2s300e device) which is no longer supported +in ISE 11. + +

Once the CPU design is finished, you need a C compiler that generates code +for the AVR CPU. For downloading avr-gcc, start here: + + + +

In order to try out the CPU, you will need some FPGA board +and a programming cable. We used a Memec "Spartan-IIE LC Development Kit" +board and an Avnet "Parallel Cable 3" for this purpose. +These days you will want to use a more recent development environment. +When the hardware runs, the final thing to get is a software toolchain, +for example avr-gcc for the instruction set and memory layout +used in this lecture. Optional, but rather helpful, is eclipse +( with the AVR plugin. + +

Another important prerequisite is that the reader is familiar with +VHDL to some extent. You do not need to be a VHDL expert in order +to follow this lecture, but you should not be a VHDL novice either. + +

1.2 Other useful links.

+ +

A good introduction into VHDL design with open source tools can +be found here: + + + +

1.3 Structure of this Lecture

+ +

This lecture is organized as a sequence of lessons. The first lessons will +describe the VHDL files of the CPU design in a top-down fashion. + +

Then follows a lesson on how to compile, simulate and build the design. + +

Finally there is a listing of all design files with line numbers. +Pieces of these design files will be spread over +the different lessons and explained there in detail. In the end, all code +lines in the appendix should have been explained, with the exception of +comments, empty lines and the like. Repetitions such as the structure +of VHDL files or different opcodes that are implemented in the same way, +will only be described once. + +

All source files are provided (without line numbers) in a tar file +that is stored next to this lecture. + +

1.4 Naming Conventions

+ +

In all lessons and in the VHDL source files, the following conventions +are used: + +

VHDL entities and components and VHDL keywords are written in lowercase. +Signal names and variables are written in UPPERCASE. +Each signal has a prefix according to the following rules: + +

+ +
I_for inputs of a VHDL entity. +
Q_for outputs of a VHDL entity. +
L_for local signals that are generated by a VHDL construct (e.g. by a signal assignment). +
x_with an uppercase x for signals generated by an instantiated entity. +

For every instantiated component we choose an uppercase letter x (other than +I, L, or Q). All signals driven by the component then get the prefix Q_ +(if the instantiated component drives an output of the entity being defined) +or the prefix x_ (if the component drives an internal signal). + +

Apart from the prefix, we try to keep the name of a signal the +same across different VHDL files. Unless the prefix matters, we will +use the signal name without its prefix in our descriptions. + +

Another convention is that we use one VHLD source file for every +entity that we define and that the name of the file (less the +.vhd extension) matches the entity name. + +

1.5 Directory Structure

+ +

Create a directory of your choice. In that directory, mkdir the following +sub-directories: + +

+ +
appfor building the program that will run on the CPU (i.e. hello.c) +
simufor object files generated by ghdl +
srcfor VHDL source files of the CPU and avr_fpga.ucf +
testfor a VHDL testbench +
toolsfor tools end_conv and make_mem +
workworking directory for ghdl +

Initially the directory should look like this: + +


    +# ls -R .






































+ +

1.6 Other Useful Tools

+ +

This lecture was prepared with 3 excellent tools: + +

  • vim 7.1.38 for preparing the text of the lecture, +
  • txt2html 2.46 for converting the text into html, and +
  • dia 0.5 for drawing the figures. +

Table of ContentNext Lesson
+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/06_Data_Path.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/06_Data_Path.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/06_Data_Path.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,1314 @@ + + + +html/Data_Path + + + + +

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+ +


+ +

In this lesson we will describe the data path of the CPU. We discuss +the basic elements of the data path, but without reference to particular +instructions. The implementation of instructions will be discussed in the +next lesson. In this lesson we are more interested in the capabilities +of the data path. + +

The data path consists of 3 major components: a register file, +an ALU (arithmetic/logic unit), and the data memory: + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

6.1 Register File

+ +

The AVR CPU has 32 general purpose 8-bit registers. Most opcodes use +individual 8-bit registers, but some that use a pair of registers. The +first register of a register pair is always an even register, while the +other register of a pair is the next higher odd register. Instead of using +32 8-bit registers, we use 16 16-bit register pairs. Each register pair +consists of two 8-bit registers. + +

6.1.1 Register Pair

+ +

A single register pair is defined as: + +

+ +


    + 32	entity reg_16 is

    + 33	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 34

    + 35	            I_D         : in  std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);

    + 36	            I_WE        : in  std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0);

    + 37

    + 38	            Q           : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));

    + 39	end reg_16;




+ +

+ +

The Q output provides the current value of the register pair. There is +no need for a read strobe, because (unlike I/O devices) reading the current +value of a register pair has no side effects. + +

The register pair can be written by setting one or both bits of the WE +input. If both bits are set then the all 16 bits of D are written; the +low byte to the even register and the higher byte to the odd register of the +pair. If only one bit is set then the register corresponding then the bit set +in WE defines the register to be written (even bit = even register, +odd bit = odd register) and the value to be written is in the lower byte +of DIN: + +

+ +


    + 46	    process(I_CLK)

    + 47	    begin

    + 48	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 49	            if (I_WE(1) = '1') then

    + 50	                L(15 downto 8) <= I_D(15 downto 8);

    + 51	            end if;

    + 52	            if (I_WE(0) = '1') then

    + 53	                L( 7 downto 0) <= I_D( 7 downto 0);

    + 54	            end if;

    + 55	        end if;

    + 56	    end process;




+ +

+ +

6.1.2 The Status Register

+ +

The status register is an 8-bit register. This register can be updated by +writing to address 0x5F. Primarily it is updated, however, as a side +effect of the execution of ALU operations. If, for example, an +arithmetic/logic instruction produces a result of 0, then the zero flag +(the second bit in the status register) is set. An arithmetic overflow +in an ADD instruction causes the carry bit to be set, and so on. +The status register is declared as: + +

+ +


    + 32	entity status_reg is

    + 33	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 34

    + 35	            I_COND      : in  std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0);

    + 36	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 37	            I_FLAGS     : in  std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 38	            I_WE_F      : in  std_logic;

    + 39	            I_WE_SR     : in  std_logic;

    + 40

    + 41	            Q           : out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0);

    + 42	            Q_CC        : out std_logic);

    + 43	end status_reg;




+ +

+ +

If WE_FLAGS is '1' then the status register is updated as a result +of an ALU operation; the new value of the status register is provided on the +FLAGS input which comes from the ALU. + +

If WE_SR is '1' then the status register is updated as a result +of an I/O write operation (like OUT or STS); the new value of the +status register is provided on the DIN input. + +

The output Q of the status register holds the current value of the register. +In addition there is a CC output that is '1' when the condition +indicated by the COND input is fulfilled. This is used for conditional +branch instructions. COND comes directly from the opcode for a branch +instruction (bit 10 of the opcode for the "polarity" and bits 2-0 of the +opcode for the bit of the status register that is being tested). + +

6.1.3 Register File Components

+ +

The register file consists of 16 general purpose register pairs r00 to +r30, a stack pointer sp, and an 8-bit status register sr: + +

+ +


    +131	    r00: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 1 downto  0), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R00);

    +132	    r02: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 3 downto  2), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R02);

    +133	    r04: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 5 downto  4), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R04);

    +134	    r06: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 7 downto  6), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R06);

    +135	    r08: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 9 downto  8), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R08);

    +136	    r10: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(11 downto 10), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R10);

    +137	    r12: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(13 downto 12), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R12);

    +138	    r14: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(15 downto 14), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R14);

    +139	    r16: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(17 downto 16), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R16);

    +140	    r18: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(19 downto 18), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R18);

    +141	    r20: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(21 downto 20), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R20);

    +142	    r22: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(23 downto 22), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R22);

    +143	    r24: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(25 downto 24), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R24);

    +144	    r26: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(27 downto 26), I_D => L_DX,  Q => R_R26);

    +145	    r28: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(29 downto 28), I_D => L_DY,  Q => R_R28);

    +146	    r30: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(31 downto 30), I_D => L_DZ,  Q => R_R30);




+ +


    +147	    sp:  reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE_SP,            I_D => L_DSP, Q => R_SP);




+ +


    +149	    sr: status_reg

    +150	    port map(   I_CLK       => I_CLK,

    +151	                I_COND      => I_COND,

    +152	                I_DIN       => I_DIN(7 downto 0),

    +153	                I_FLAGS     => I_FLAGS,

    +154	                I_WE_F      => I_WE_F,

    +155	                I_WE_SR     => L_WE_SR,

    +156	                Q           => S_FLAGS,

    +157	                Q_CC        => Q_CC);




+ +

+ +

Each register pair drives a 16-bit signal according to the (even) number +of the register pair in the register file: + +

+ +


    + 71	signal R_R00            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 72	signal R_R02            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 73	signal R_R04            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 74	signal R_R06            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 75	signal R_R08            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 76	signal R_R10            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 77	signal R_R12            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 78	signal R_R14            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 79	signal R_R16            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 80	signal R_R18            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 81	signal R_R20            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 82	signal R_R22            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 83	signal R_R24            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 84	signal R_R26            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 85	signal R_R28            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 86	signal R_R30            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 87	signal R_SP             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);    -- stack pointer




+ +

+ +

6.1.4 Addressing of General Purpose Registers

+ +

We address individual general purpose registers by a 5-bit value. +Normally an opcode using an individual general purpose 8-bit register +has a 5 bit field which is the address of the register. The opcode decoder +transfers this field to its DDDDD or RRRRR output. For some opcodes +not all 32 registers can be used, but only 16 (e.g. ANDI) or 8 (e.g. MUL). +In these cases the register field in the opcode is smaller and the opcode +decoder fills in the missing bits. Some opcodes imply particular registers +(e.g. some LPM variant), and again the opcode decoder fills in the implied +register number. + +

An opcode may address no, one, two, or three registers or pairs. +If one register is addressed, then the number of that register is +encoded in the DDDDD signal.
+If two (or more) registers are used, then one (normally the destination +register) is encoded in the DDDDD signal and the other (source) is encoded +in the RRRRR signal. Opcodes with 3 registers (e.g. MUL) use an implied +destination register pair (register pair 0) and two source registers encoded +in the DDDDD and RRRRR signals. + +

6.1.5 Addressing of General Purpose Register Pairs

+ +

We address register pairs by addressing the even register of the pair. +The address of a register pair is therefore a 5-bit value with the lowest +bit cleared. The opcode normally only has a 4-bit field for a register pair +and the lowest (cleared) bit is filled in by the opcode decoder. Like +for individual registers it can happen that not all 16 register pairs can +be addresses (e.g. ADIW). This is handles in the same way as for individual +registers. + +

In the AVR context, the register pairs R26, R28, and R30 are also called +(pointer registers) X, Y, and Z respectively. + +

6.1.6 Requirements on the Register File

+ +

If we go through the opcodes of the AVR CPU, then we see the +capabilities that the register file must provide for general purpose +registers (or register pairs): + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
CapabilityOpcode (example)
Read one register, read/write another registerADD Rd, Rr
Write one register, read/write another registerLD Rd, (X+)
Write one register, read another registerLD Rd, (X)
Read/write one registerASR Rd
Read one register, read another registerCMP Rd, Rr
Read one register, read another registerLD Rd, Rr
Read one registerIN Rd, A
Write one registerOUT A, Rr
+ +

6.1.7 Reading Registers or Register Pairs

+ +

There are 4 cases: + +

  • Read register or register pair addresses by DDDDD. +
  • Read register or register pair addresses by RRRRR. +
  • Read register addressed by the current I/O address. +
  • Read X, Y, or Z pointer implied by the addressing mode AMOD. +
  • Read the Z pointer implied by the instruction (IJMP or ICALL). +

Some of these cases can happen simultaneously. For example the ICALL +instruction reads the Z register (the target address of the call) while +it pushed the current PC onto the stack. Likewise, ST may need the +X, Y, or Z for address calculations and a general purpose register that +is to be stored in memory. For this reason we provide 5 different outputs +in the register file. These outputs are addressing the general purpose +registers differently (and they can be used in parallel): + +

  • Q_D is the content of the register addressed by DDDDD. +
  • Q_R is the content of the register pair addressed by RRRR. +
  • Q_S is the content of the register addressed by ADR. +
  • Q_ADR is an address defined by AMOD (and may use X, Y, or Z). +
  • Q_X is the content of the Z register. +

Q_D is one of the register pair signals as defined by DDDDD. We read the +entire pair; the selection of the even/odd register within the pair is done +later in the ALU based on DDDDD(0): + +

+ +


    +189	    process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04, R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14,

    +190	            R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30,

    +191	            I_DDDDD(4 downto 1))

    +192	    begin

    +193	        case I_DDDDD(4 downto 1) is

    +194	            when "0000" => Q_D <= R_R00;

    +195	            when "0001" => Q_D <= R_R02;

    +196	            when "0010" => Q_D <= R_R04;

    +197	            when "0011" => Q_D <= R_R06;

    +198	            when "0100" => Q_D <= R_R08;

    +199	            when "0101" => Q_D <= R_R10;

    +200	            when "0110" => Q_D <= R_R12;

    +201	            when "0111" => Q_D <= R_R14;

    +202	            when "1000" => Q_D <= R_R16;

    +203	            when "1001" => Q_D <= R_R18;

    +204	            when "1010" => Q_D <= R_R20;

    +205	            when "1011" => Q_D <= R_R22;

    +206	            when "1100" => Q_D <= R_R24;

    +207	            when "1101" => Q_D <= R_R26;

    +208	            when "1110" => Q_D <= R_R28;

    +209	            when others => Q_D <= R_R30;

    +210	        end case;

    +211	    end process;




+ +

+ +

Q_R is one of the register pair signals as defined by RRRR: + +

+ +


    +215	    process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04,  R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14,

    +216	            R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30, I_RRRR)

    +217	    begin

    +218	        case I_RRRR is

    +219	            when "0000" => Q_R <= R_R00;

    +220	            when "0001" => Q_R <= R_R02;

    +221	            when "0010" => Q_R <= R_R04;

    +222	            when "0011" => Q_R <= R_R06;

    +223	            when "0100" => Q_R <= R_R08;

    +224	            when "0101" => Q_R <= R_R10;

    +225	            when "0110" => Q_R <= R_R12;

    +226	            when "0111" => Q_R <= R_R14;

    +227	            when "1000" => Q_R <= R_R16;

    +228	            when "1001" => Q_R <= R_R18;

    +229	            when "1010" => Q_R <= R_R20;

    +230	            when "1011" => Q_R <= R_R22;

    +231	            when "1100" => Q_R <= R_R24;

    +232	            when "1101" => Q_R <= R_R26;

    +233	            when "1110" => Q_R <= R_R28;

    +234	            when others => Q_R <= R_R30;

    +235	        end case;

    +236	    end process;




+ +

+ +

The general purpose registers, but also the stack pointer and the status +register, are mapped into the data memory space: + +

+ + + + + + + + + +
0x00 - 0x1Fgeneral purpose CPU registers.
0x20 - 0x5Cmiscellaneous I/O registers.
0x5Dstack pointer low
0x5Estack pointer high
0x5Fstatus register
0x60 - 0xFFFFdata memory
+ +

If an address corresponding to a register in the register file (i.e. a +general purpose register, the stack pointer, or the status register is read, +then the register shall be returned.
+For example, LD Rd, R22 shall give the same result as LDS Rd, 22. + +

The 8-bit Q_S output contains the register addresses by ADR: + +

+ +


    +161	    process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04, R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14,

    +162	            R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30,

    +163	            R_SP, S_FLAGS, L_ADR(6 downto 1))

    +164	    begin

    +165	        case L_ADR(6 downto 1) is

    +166	            when "000000" => L_S <= R_R00;

    +167	            when "000001" => L_S <= R_R02;

    +168	            when "000010" => L_S <= R_R04;

    +169	            when "000011" => L_S <= R_R06;

    +170	            when "000100" => L_S <= R_R08;

    +171	            when "000101" => L_S <= R_R10;

    +172	            when "000110" => L_S <= R_R12;

    +173	            when "000111" => L_S <= R_R14;

    +174	            when "001000" => L_S <= R_R16;

    +175	            when "001001" => L_S <= R_R18;

    +176	            when "001010" => L_S <= R_R20;

    +177	            when "001011" => L_S <= R_R22;

    +178	            when "001100" => L_S <= R_R24;

    +179	            when "001101" => L_S <= R_R26;

    +180	            when "001110" => L_S <= R_R28;

    +181	            when "001111" => L_S <= R_R30;

    +182	            when "101111" => L_S <= R_SP ( 7 downto 0) & X"00";     -- SPL

    +183	            when others   => L_S <= S_FLAGS & R_SP (15 downto 8);   -- SR/SPH

    +184	        end case;

    +185	    end process;





+ +

+ +

6.1.8 Writing Registers or Register Pairs

+ +

In order to write a register, we need to select the proper input (data +source) and the proper WE signal. For most registers, the only possible +data source is DIN which comes straight from the ALU. The pointer +register pairs X, Y, and Z, however, can also be changed as a side effect +of the post-increment (X+, Y+, Z+) and pre-decrement (-X, -Y, -Z) +addressing modes of the LDS and STS instructions. The addressing modes are +discussed in more detail in the next chapter; here it suffices to note that +the X, Y, and #Z #registers get there data from DX, DY, and DZ, +respectively rather than from DIN. + +

There is a total of 4 cases where general purpose registers are written. +Three of these cases that are applicable to all general purpose registers +and one case collects special cases for particular registers (the register +numbers are then implied). + +

We compute a 32 bit write enable signal for each of the four cases and OR +them together. + +

The first case is a write to an 8-bit register addressed by DDDDD. +For this case we create the signal WE_D: + +

+ +


    +288	    L_WE_D( 0) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00000") else '0';

    +289	    L_WE_D( 1) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00001") else '0';

    +290	    L_WE_D( 2) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00010") else '0';

    +291	    L_WE_D( 3) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00011") else '0';

    +292	    L_WE_D( 4) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00100") else '0';

    +293	    L_WE_D( 5) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00101") else '0';

    +294	    L_WE_D( 6) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00110") else '0';

    +295	    L_WE_D( 7) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00111") else '0';

    +296	    L_WE_D( 8) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01000") else '0';

    +297	    L_WE_D( 9) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01001") else '0';

    +298	    L_WE_D(10) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01010") else '0';

    +299	    L_WE_D(11) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01011") else '0';

    +300	    L_WE_D(12) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01100") else '0';

    +301	    L_WE_D(13) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01101") else '0';

    +302	    L_WE_D(14) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01110") else '0';

    +303	    L_WE_D(15) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01111") else '0';

    +304	    L_WE_D(16) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10000") else '0';

    +305	    L_WE_D(17) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10001") else '0';

    +306	    L_WE_D(18) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10010") else '0';

    +307	    L_WE_D(19) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10011") else '0';

    +308	    L_WE_D(20) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10100") else '0';

    +309	    L_WE_D(21) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10101") else '0';

    +310	    L_WE_D(22) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10110") else '0';

    +311	    L_WE_D(23) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10111") else '0';

    +312	    L_WE_D(24) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11000") else '0';

    +313	    L_WE_D(25) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11001") else '0';

    +314	    L_WE_D(26) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11010") else '0';

    +315	    L_WE_D(27) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11011") else '0';

    +316	    L_WE_D(28) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11100") else '0';

    +317	    L_WE_D(29) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11101") else '0';

    +318	    L_WE_D(30) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11110") else '0';

    +319	    L_WE_D(31) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11111") else '0';




+ +

+ +

The second case is a write to a 16-bit register pair addressed by DDDD +(DDDD is the four upper bits of DDDDD). For this case we create +signal WE_DD: + +

+ +


    +326	    L_DDDD <= I_DDDDD(4 downto 1);

    +327	    L_WE_D2 <= I_WE_D(1) & I_WE_D(1);

    +328	    L_WE_DD( 1 downto  0) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0000") else "00";

    +329	    L_WE_DD( 3 downto  2) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0001") else "00";

    +330	    L_WE_DD( 5 downto  4) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0010") else "00";

    +331	    L_WE_DD( 7 downto  6) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0011") else "00";

    +332	    L_WE_DD( 9 downto  8) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0100") else "00";

    +333	    L_WE_DD(11 downto 10) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0101") else "00";

    +334	    L_WE_DD(13 downto 12) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0110") else "00";

    +335	    L_WE_DD(15 downto 14) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0111") else "00";

    +336	    L_WE_DD(17 downto 16) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1000") else "00";

    +337	    L_WE_DD(19 downto 18) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1001") else "00";

    +338	    L_WE_DD(21 downto 20) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1010") else "00";

    +339	    L_WE_DD(23 downto 22) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1011") else "00";

    +340	    L_WE_DD(25 downto 24) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1100") else "00";

    +341	    L_WE_DD(27 downto 26) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1101") else "00";

    +342	    L_WE_DD(29 downto 28) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1110") else "00";

    +343	    L_WE_DD(31 downto 30) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1111") else "00";




+ +

+ +

The third case is writing to the memory mapped I/O space of the general +purpose registers. It is similar to the first case, but now we select +the register by ADR instead of DDDDD. When reading from the I/O mapped +register above we did not check if ADR was completely correct (and different +addresses could read the same register. This was OK, since some multiplexer +somewhere else would discard the value read for addresses outside the range +from 0x00 to 0x1F. When writing we have to be more careful and check the +range by means of WE_A. For the third case we use signal WE_IO: + +

+ +


    +350	    L_WE_IO( 0) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00000") else '0';

    +351	    L_WE_IO( 1) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00001") else '0';

    +352	    L_WE_IO( 2) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00010") else '0';

    +353	    L_WE_IO( 3) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00011") else '0';

    +354	    L_WE_IO( 4) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00100") else '0';

    +355	    L_WE_IO( 5) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00101") else '0';

    +356	    L_WE_IO( 6) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00110") else '0';

    +357	    L_WE_IO( 7) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00111") else '0';

    +358	    L_WE_IO( 8) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01000") else '0';

    +359	    L_WE_IO( 9) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01001") else '0';

    +360	    L_WE_IO(10) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01010") else '0';

    +361	    L_WE_IO(11) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01011") else '0';

    +362	    L_WE_IO(12) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01100") else '0';

    +363	    L_WE_IO(13) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01101") else '0';

    +364	    L_WE_IO(14) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01110") else '0';

    +365	    L_WE_IO(15) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01111") else '0';

    +366	    L_WE_IO(16) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10000") else '0';

    +367	    L_WE_IO(17) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10001") else '0';

    +368	    L_WE_IO(18) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10010") else '0';

    +369	    L_WE_IO(19) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10011") else '0';

    +370	    L_WE_IO(20) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10100") else '0';

    +371	    L_WE_IO(21) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10101") else '0';

    +372	    L_WE_IO(22) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10110") else '0';

    +373	    L_WE_IO(23) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10111") else '0';

    +374	    L_WE_IO(24) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11000") else '0';

    +375	    L_WE_IO(25) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11001") else '0';

    +376	    L_WE_IO(26) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11010") else '0';

    +377	    L_WE_IO(27) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11011") else '0';

    +378	    L_WE_IO(28) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11100") else '0';

    +379	    L_WE_IO(29) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11101") else '0';

    +380	    L_WE_IO(30) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11110") else '0';

    +381	    L_WE_IO(31) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11111") else '0';




+ +

+ +

The last case for writing is handled by WE_MISC. +The various multiplication opcodes write their result to register pair 0; +this case is indicated the the WE_01 input. Then we have the pre-decrement +and post-increment addressing modes that update the X, Y, or Z register: + +

+ +


    +389	    L_WE_X <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WX) else '0';

    +390	    L_WE_Y <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WY) else '0';

    +391	    L_WE_Z <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WZ) else '0';

    +392	    L_WE_MISC <= L_WE_Z & L_WE_Z &      -- -Z and Z+ address modes  r30

    +393	                 L_WE_Y & L_WE_Y &      -- -Y and Y+ address modes  r28

    +394	                 L_WE_X & L_WE_X &      -- -X and X+ address modes  r26

    +395	                 X"000000" &            -- never                    r24 - r02

    +396	                 I_WE_01 & I_WE_01;     -- multiplication result    r00




+ +

+ +

The final WE signal is then computed by or'ing the four cases above: + +

+ +


    +398	    L_WE <= L_WE_D or L_WE_DD or L_WE_IO or L_WE_MISC;




+ +

+ +

The stack pointer can be updated from two sources: from DIN as a memory +mapped I/O or implicitly from XYZS by addressing modes (e.g. for +CALL, RET, PUSH, and POP instructions) that write to the SP (AM_WS). + +

+ +


    +280	    L_DSP <= L_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WS) else I_DIN;




+ +

+ +

The status register can be written as memory mapped I/O from the DIN input +or from the FLAGS input (from the ALU). The WE_SR input (for memory +mapped I/O) and the WE_FLAGS input (for flags set as side effect of +ALU operations) control from where the new value comes: + +

+ +


    +272	    L_WE_SR    <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR = X"005F") else '0';




+ +

+ +


    +152	                I_DIN       => I_DIN(7 downto 0),

    +153	                I_FLAGS     => I_FLAGS,

    +154	                I_WE_F      => I_WE_F,




+ +

+ +

6.1.9 Addressing Modes

+ +

The CPU provides a number of addressing modes. An addressing mode is a way +to compute an address. The address specifies a location in the program memory, +the data memory, the I/O memory, or some general purpose register. Computing +an address can have side effects such as incrementing or decrementing a +pointer register. + +

The addressing mode to be used (if any) is encoded in the AMOD signal. +The AMOD signal consists of two sub-fields: the address source and the +address offset. + +

There are 5 possible address sources: + +

+ +


    + 84	    constant AS_SP  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000";     -- SP

    + 85	    constant AS_Z   : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001";     -- Z

    + 86	    constant AS_Y   : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010";     -- Y

    + 87	    constant AS_X   : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011";     -- X

    + 88	    constant AS_IMM : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100";     -- IMM




+ +

+ +

The address sources AS_SP, AS_X, AS_Y, and AS_Z are the stack pointer, +the X register pair, the Y register pair, or the Z register pair. +The AS_IMM source is the IMM input (which was computed from the opcode +in the opcode decoder). + +

There are 6 different address offsets. An address offset can imply a side +effect like incrementing or decrementing the address source. The lowest +bit of the address offset indicates whether a side effect is intended or not: + +

+ +


    + 91	    constant AO_0   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "000";     -- as is

    + 92	    constant AO_Q   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "010";     -- +q

    + 93	    constant AO_i   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "001";     -- +1

    + 94	    constant AO_ii  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "011";     -- +2

    + 95	    constant AO_d   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "101";     -- -1

    + 96	    constant AO_dd  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "111";     -- -2




+ +

+ +

The address offset AO_0 does nothing; the address source is not modified. +Address offset AO_Q adds some constant q to the address source; the constant +q is provided on the IMM input (thus derived from the opcode). +Address offsets AO_i resp. AO_ii increment the address source after the +operation by 1 resp. 2 bytes. The address computed is the address source. +Address offsets AO_d resp. AO_dd decrement the address source before the +operation by 1 resp. 2 bytes. The address computed is the address source +minus 1 or 2. + +

The constants AM_WX, AM_WY, AM_WZ, and AM_WS respectively indicate if +the X, Y, Z, or SP registers will be updated and are used to decode +the WE_XYZS signal to the register concerned and to select the proper +inputs: + +

+ +


    +389	    L_WE_X <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WX) else '0';

    +390	    L_WE_Y <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WY) else '0';

    +391	    L_WE_Z <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WZ) else '0';

    +392	    L_WE_MISC <= L_WE_Z & L_WE_Z &      -- -Z and Z+ address modes  r30

    +393	                 L_WE_Y & L_WE_Y &      -- -Y and Y+ address modes  r28

    +394	                 L_WE_X & L_WE_X &      -- -X and X+ address modes  r26




+ +

+ +


    +277	    L_DX  <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(26) = '1')        else I_DIN;

    +278	    L_DY  <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(28) = '1')        else I_DIN;

    +279	    L_DZ  <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(30) = '1')        else I_DIN;

    +280	    L_DSP <= L_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WS) else I_DIN;




+ +

+ +

Not all combinations of address source and address offset occur; only +the following combinations are needed: + +

+ +


    +108	    constant AMOD_ABS : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_IMM; -- IMM

    +109	    constant AMOD_X   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_X;   -- (X)

    +110	    constant AMOD_Xq  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q  & AS_X;   -- (X+q)

    +111	    constant AMOD_Xi  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_X;   -- (X++)

    +112	    constant AMOD_dX  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_X;   -- (--X)

    +113	    constant AMOD_Y   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_Y;   -- (Y)

    +114	    constant AMOD_Yq  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q  & AS_Y;   -- (Y+q)

    +115	    constant AMOD_Yi  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_Y;   -- (Y++)

    +116	    constant AMOD_dY  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_Y;   -- (--Y)

    +117	    constant AMOD_Z   : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0  & AS_Z;   -- (Z)

    +118	    constant AMOD_Zq  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q  & AS_Z;   -- (Z+q)

    +119	    constant AMOD_Zi  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_Z;   -- (Z++)

    +120	    constant AMOD_dZ  : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_Z;   -- (--Z)

    +121	    constant AMOD_SPi : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i  & AS_SP;  -- (SP++)

    +122	    constant AMOD_SPii: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_ii & AS_SP;  -- (SP++)

    +123	    constant AMOD_dSP : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d  & AS_SP;  -- (--SP)

    +124	    constant AMOD_ddSP: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_dd & AS_SP;  -- (--SP)




+ +

+ +

The following figure shows the computation of addresses: + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

6.2 Data memory

+ +

The data memory is conceptually an 8-bit memory. However, some instructions +(e.g. CALL, RET) write two bytes to consecutive memory locations. We do the +same trick as for the program memory and divide the data memory into an +even half and an odd half. The only new thing is a multiplexer at the input: + +

+ +


    +179	    L_DIN_E <= I_DIN( 7 downto 0) when (I_ADR(0) = '0') else I_DIN(15 downto 8);

    +180	    L_DIN_O <= I_DIN( 7 downto 0) when (I_ADR(0) = '1') else I_DIN(15 downto 8);




+ +

+ +

The multiplexer is needed because the data memory is a read/write memory +while the program memory was read-only. The multiplexer swaps the upper +and lower bytes of DIN when writing to odd addresses. + +

6.3 Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU)

+ +

The most obvious component of a CPU is the ALU where all arithmetic and +logic operations are computed. We do a little trick here and implement +the data move instructions (MOV, LD, ST, etc.) as ALU operations +that simply moves the data source to the output of the ALU. +The data move instructions can use the same data paths as the arithmetic +and logic instructions. + +

If we look at the instructions set of the CPU then we see that a number +of instructions are quite similar. We use these similarities to reduce +the number of different instructions that need to be implemented in the ALU. + +

  • Some instructions have 8-bit and 16-bit variants (e.g. ADD and ADIW). +
  • Some instructions have immediate variants (e.g. CMP and CMPI). +
  • Some instructions differ only in whether they update the destination + register or not (e.g. CMP and SUB). +

The ALU is a completely combinational circuit and therefore it has +no clock input. We can divide the ALU into a number of blocks that +are explained in the following. + +

6.3.1 D Input Multiplexing. + +

We have seen earlier that the D input of the ALU is the output of the +register pair addressed by DDDDD[4:1] and that the D0 input of the ALU +is DDDDD[0]: + +

+ +


    +178	                Q_D         => F_D,




+ +

+ +


    +146	                I_D         => F_D,

    +147	                I_D0        => I_DDDDD(0),




+ +

+ +

If D0 is zero, then the lower byte of the ALU operation comes from +the even register regardless of the size (8-bit or 16-bit) of the operation. +If D0 is odd, then the lower byte of the ALU operation comes from the +odd register of the pair (and must be an 8-bit operation since register pairs +always have the lowest bit of DDDDD cleared. + +

The upper byte of the operation (if any) is always the odd register of the pair. + +

We can therefore compute the lower byte, called D8, from D and D0: + +

+ +


    +356	    L_D8 <= I_D(15 downto 8) when (I_D0 = '1') else I_D(7 downto 0);




+ +

+ +

6.3.2 R and IMM Input Multiplexing. + +

Multiplexing of the R input works like multiplexing of the D input. +Some opcodes can have immediate operand instead of a register addressed +by RRRRR. We compute the signal R8 for opcodes that cannot have +an immediate operand, and RI8 for opcodes that can have an immediate +operand. + +

This is some fine tuning of the design: the MULT opcodes can take +a while to compute but cannot have an immediate operand. It makes +therefore sense to have a path from the register addressed by RRRRR +to the multiplier and to put the register/immediate multiplexer +outside that critical path through the ALU. + +

+ +


    +357	    L_R8 <= I_R(15 downto 8) when (I_R0 = '1') else I_R(7 downto 0);

    +358	    L_RI8 <= I_IMM           when (I_RSEL = RS_IMM) else L_R8;




+ +

+ +

6.3.3 Arithmetic and Logic Functions

+ +

The first step in the computation of the arithmetic and logic functions +is to compute a number of helper values. The reason for computing them +beforehand is that we need these values several times, +either for different but similar opcodes (e.g. CMP and SUB) but also +for the result and for the flags of the same opcode. + +

+ +


    +360	    L_ADIW_D  <= I_D + ("0000000000" & I_IMM(5 downto 0));

    +361	    L_SBIW_D  <= I_D - ("0000000000" & I_IMM(5 downto 0));

    +362	    L_ADD_DR  <= L_D8 + L_RI8;

    +363	    L_ADC_DR  <= L_ADD_DR + ("0000000" & I_FLAGS(0));

    +364	    L_ASR_D   <= L_D8(7) & L_D8(7 downto 1);

    +365	    L_AND_DR  <= L_D8 and L_RI8;

    +366	    L_DEC_D   <= L_D8 - X"01";

    +367	    L_INC_D   <= L_D8 + X"01";

    +368	    L_LSR_D   <= '0' & L_D8(7 downto 1);

    +369	    L_NEG_D   <= X"00" - L_D8;

    +370	    L_NOT_D   <= not L_D8;

    +371	    L_OR_DR   <= L_D8 or L_RI8;

    +372	    L_PROD    <= (L_SIGN_D & L_D8) * (L_SIGN_R & L_R8);

    +373	    L_ROR_D   <= I_FLAGS(0) &  L_D8(7 downto 1);

    +374	    L_SUB_DR  <= L_D8 - L_RI8;

    +375	    L_SBC_DR  <= L_SUB_DR - ("0000000" & I_FLAGS(0));

    +376	    L_SIGN_D  <= L_D8(7) and I_IMM(6);

    +377	    L_SIGN_R  <= L_R8(7) and I_IMM(5);

    +378	    L_SWAP_D  <= L_D8(3 downto 0) & L_D8(7 downto 4);

    +379	    L_XOR_DR  <= L_D8 xor L_R8;




+ +

+ +

Most values should be obvious, but a few deserve an explanation: +There is a considerable number of multiplication functions that only differ +in the signedness of their operands. Instead of implementing a different +8-bit multiplier for each opcode, we use a common signed 9-bit multiplier +for all opcodes. The opcode decoder sets bits 6 and/or 5 of the IMM input +if the D operand and/or the R operand is signed. The signs of the +operands are then SIGN_D and SIGN_R; they are 0 for unsigned operations. +Next the signs are prepended to the operands so that each operand is 9-bit +signed. If the operand was unsigned (and the sign was 0) then the new signed +9-bit operand is positive. If the operand was signed and positive (and the +sign was 0 again) then the new operand is positive again. If the operand was +signed and negative, then the sign was 1 and the new operand is also negative. + +

6.3.4 Output and Flag Multiplexing

+ +

The necessary computations in the ALU have already been made in the previous +section. What remains is to select the proper result and setting the flags. +The output DOUT and the flags are selected by ALU_OP. We take the +first two values of ALU_OP as an example and leave the remaining ones +as an exercise for the reader. + +

+ +


    +118	    process(L_ADC_DR, L_ADD_DR, L_ADIW_D, I_ALU_OP, L_AND_DR, L_ASR_D,

    +119	            I_BIT, I_D, L_D8, L_DEC_D, I_DIN, I_FLAGS, I_IMM, L_MASK_I,

    +120	            L_INC_D, L_LSR_D, L_NEG_D, L_NOT_D, L_OR_DR, I_PC, L_PROD,

    +121	            I_R, L_RI8, L_RBIT, L_ROR_D, L_SBIW_D, L_SUB_DR, L_SBC_DR,

    +122	            L_SIGN_D, L_SIGN_R, L_SWAP_D, L_XOR_DR)

    +123	    begin

    +124	        Q_FLAGS(9) <= L_RBIT xor not I_BIT(3);      -- DIN[BIT] = BIT[3]

    +125	        Q_FLAGS(8) <= ze(L_SUB_DR);                 -- D == R for CPSE

    +126	        Q_FLAGS(7 downto 0) <= I_FLAGS;

    +127	        L_DOUT <= X"0000";


    +129	        case I_ALU_OP is

    +130	            when ALU_ADC =>

    +131	                L_DOUT <= L_ADC_DR & L_ADC_DR;

    +132	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7));   -- Carry

    +133	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADC_DR);                         -- Zero

    +134	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADC_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +135	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7));   -- Overflow

    +136	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7));   -- Signed

    +137	                Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_D8(3), L_RI8(3), L_ADC_DR(3));   -- Halfcarry


    +139	            when ALU_ADD =>

    +140	                L_DOUT <= L_ADD_DR & L_ADD_DR;

    +141	                Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7));   -- Carry

    +142	                Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADD_DR);                         -- Zero

    +143	                Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADD_DR(7);                          -- Negative

    +144	                Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7));   -- Overflow

    +145	                Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7));   -- Signed

    +146	                Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_D8(3), L_RI8(3), L_ADD_DR(3));   -- Halfcarry




+ +

+ +

First of all, the default values for the flags and the ALU output are chosen. +The default of L_OUT is 0, while the default for O_FLAGS is I_FLAGS. This +means that all flags that are not explicitly changed remain the same. +The upper two flag bits are set according to specific needs of certain +skip instructions (CPSE, SBIC, SBIS, SBRC, and SBRS). + +

Then comes a big case statement for which we explain only the first two cases, +ALU_ADC and ALU_ADD. + +

The expected value of DOUT was already computed as L_ADC_DR +in the previous section and this value is assigned to DOUT. + +

After that the flags that can change in the execution of the ADC opcode +are computed. The computation of flags is very similar for a number of +different opcodes. We have therefore defined functions cy(), ze(), +ov(), and si() for the usual way of computing these flags: + +

The half-carry flags is computed like the carry flag but on bits 3 rather +than bits 7 of the operands and result. + +

The next example is ADD. It is similar to ADC, but now L_ADD_DR +is used instead of L_ADC_DR. + +

6.3.5 Individual ALU Operations

+ +

The following table briefly describes how the DOUT output of the ALU +is computed for the different ALU_OP values. + +

+ +
ALU_ADCD + R + Carry8-bit +
ALU_ADDD + R8-bit +
ALU_ADIWD + IMM16-bit +
ALU_ANDD and R8-bit +
ALU_ASRD >> 18-bit +
ALU_BLDT-flag << IMM8-bit +
ALU_BST(set T-flag)8-bit +
ALU_COMnot D8-bit +
ALU_DECD - 18-bit +
ALU_EORD xor R8-bit +
ALU_INDIN8-bit +
ALU_INCD + 18-bit +
ALU_LSRD >> 18-bit +
ALU_D_MOV_QD16-bit +
ALU_R_MOV_QR16-bit +
ALU_MULTD * R16-bit +
ALU_NEG0 - D8-bit +
ALU_ORA or R8-bit +
ALU_PCPC16-bit +
ALU_PC_1PC + 116-bit +
ALU_PC_2PC + 216-bit +
ALU_RORD rotated right8-bit +
ALU_SBCD - R - Carry8-bit +
ALU_SBIWD - IMM16-bit +
ALU_SREG(set a flag)8-bit +
ALU_SUBD - R8-bit +
ALU_SWAPD[3:0] & D[7:4]8-bit +

For all 8-bit computations, the result is placed onto the upper and +onto the lower byte of L_DOUT. This saves a multiplexer at the +inputs of the registers. + +

The final result of the ALU is obtained by multiplexing the local result +L_DOUT and DIN based on I_RSEL. + +

+ +


    +381	    Q_DOUT <= (I_DIN & I_DIN) when (I_RSEL = RS_DIN) else L_DOUT;




+ +

+ +

We could have placed this multiplexer at the R input (combined with the +multiplexer for the DIN input) or at the DOUT output. Placing it at +the output gives a better timing, since the opcodes using the DIN input +do not perform ALU operations. + +

6.3.5 Temporary Z and T Flags

+ +

There are two opcodes that use the value of the Z flag (CPSE) or +the #T flag (SBIC, SBIS) without setting them. For timing +reasons, they are executed in two cycles - one cycle for performing a +comparison or a bit access and a second cycle for actually making the +decision to skip the next instruction or not. + +

For this reason we have introduced copies of the Z and T flags and called +them FLAGS_98. They store the values of these flags within an instruction, +but without updating the status register. The two flags are computed in +the ALU: + +

+ +


    +124	        Q_FLAGS(9) <= L_RBIT xor not I_BIT(3);      -- DIN[BIT] = BIT[3]

    +125	        Q_FLAGS(8) <= ze(L_SUB_DR);                 -- D == R for CPSE




+ +

+ +

+ +

The result is stored in the data path: + +


    +195	    flg98: process(I_CLK)

    +196	    begin

    +197	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    +198	            L_FLAGS_98 <= A_FLAGS(9 downto 8);

    +199	        end if;

    +200	    end process;




+ +

+ +

6.4 Other Functions

+ +

Most of the data path is contained in its components alu, register_file, +and data_mem. A few things are written directly in VHDL and shall be +explained here. + +

Some output signals are driven directly from inputs or from instantiated +components: + +

+ +


    +231	    Q_ADR     <= F_ADR;

    +232	    Q_DOUT    <= A_DOUT(7 downto 0);

    +233	    Q_INT_ENA <= A_FLAGS(7);

    +234	    Q_OPC     <= I_OPC;

    +235	    Q_PC      <= I_PC;




+ +

+ +

The address space of the data memory is spread over the register file (general +purpose registers, stack pointer, and status register), the data RAM, and the +external I/O registers outside of the data path. The external I/O registers +reach from 0x20 to 0x5C (including) and the data RAM starts at 0x60. We +generate write enable signals for these address ranges, and a read strobe for +external I/O registers. We also control the multiplexer at the input of the +ALU by the address output of the register file: + +

+ +


    +237	    Q_RD_IO   <= '0'                    when (F_ADR < X"20")

    +238	            else (I_RD_M and not I_PMS) when (F_ADR < X"5D")

    +239	            else '0';

    +240	    Q_WE_IO   <= '0'                    when (F_ADR < X"20")

    +241	            else I_WE_M(0)              when (F_ADR < X"5D")

    +242	            else '0';

    +243	    L_WE_SRAM <= "00"   when  (F_ADR < X"0060") else I_WE_M;

    +244	    L_DIN     <= I_DIN  when (I_PMS = '1')

    +245	            else F_S    when  (F_ADR < X"0020")

    +246	            else I_DIN  when  (F_ADR < X"005D")

    +247	            else F_S    when  (F_ADR < X"0060")

    +248	            else M_DOUT(7 downto 0);




+ +

+ +

Most instructions that modify the program counter (other than incrementing +it) use addresses that are being provided on the IMM input (from the +opcode decoder).
+The two exceptions are the IJMP instruction where the new PC value is the +value of the Z register pair, and the RET and RETI instructions where the +new PC value is popped from the stack. The new value of the PC (if any) is +therefore: + +

+ +


    +252	    Q_NEW_PC <= F_Z    when I_PC_OP = PC_LD_Z       -- IJMP, ICALL

    +253	           else M_DOUT when I_PC_OP = PC_LD_S       -- RET, RETI

    +254	           else I_JADR;                             -- JMP adr




+ +

+ +

Conditional branches use the CC output of the register file in order to +decide whether the branch shall be taken or not. The opcode decoder +drives the COND input according to the relevant bit in the status register +(I_COND[2:0]) and according to the expected value (COND[3]) of that bit. + +

The LOAD_PC output is therefore '1' for unconditional branches and CC +for conditional branches: + +

+ +


    +205	    process(I_PC_OP, F_CC)

    +206	    begin

    +207	        case I_PC_OP is

    +208	            when PC_BCC  => Q_LOAD_PC <= F_CC;      -- maybe (PC on I_JADR)

    +209	            when PC_LD_I => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1';       -- yes: new PC on I_JADR

    +210	            when PC_LD_Z => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1';       -- yes: new PC in Z

    +211	            when PC_LD_S => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1';       -- yes: new PC on stack

    +212	            when others  => Q_LOAD_PC <= '0';       -- no.

    +213	        end case;

    +214	    end process;




+ +

+ +

When a branch is taken (in the execution stage of the pipeline), then the next +instruction after the branch is about to be decoded in the opcode decoder +stage. This instruction must not be executed, however, and we therefore +invalidate it by asserting the SKIP output. +Another case where instructions need to be invalidated are skip instructions +(CPSE, SBIC, SBIS, SBRC, and SBRS). These instructions do not +modify the PC, but they nevertheless cause the next instruction to be +invalidated: + +

+ +


    +218	    process(I_PC_OP, L_FLAGS_98, F_CC)

    +219	    begin

    +220	        case I_PC_OP is

    +221	            when PC_BCC    => Q_SKIP <= F_CC;           -- if cond met

    +222	            when PC_LD_I   => Q_SKIP <= '1';            -- yes

    +223	            when PC_LD_Z   => Q_SKIP <= '1';            -- yes

    +224	            when PC_LD_S   => Q_SKIP <= '1';            -- yes

    +225	            when PC_SKIP_Z => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(8);  -- if Z set

    +226	            when PC_SKIP_T => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(9);  -- if T set

    +227	            when others    => Q_SKIP <= '0';            -- no.

    +228	        end case;

    +229	    end process;




+ +

+ +

This concludes the discussion of the data path. We have now installed +the environment that is needed to execute opcodes. + +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/14_Listing_of_cpu_core.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/14_Listing_of_cpu_core.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/14_Listing_of_cpu_core.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_cpu_core.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

14 LISTING OF cpu_core.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    cpu_core - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    13:51:24 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    the instruction set implementation of a CPU.

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity cpu_core is

    + 34	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 35	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 36	            I_INTVEC    : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 37	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 38

    + 39	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 40	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 41	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 42	            Q_ADR_IO    : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 43	            Q_RD_IO     : out std_logic;

    + 44	            Q_WE_IO     : out std_logic);

    + 45	end cpu_core;

    + 46

    + 47	architecture Behavioral of cpu_core is

    + 48

    + 49	component opc_fetch

    + 50	    port(   I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 51

    + 52	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 53	            I_INTVEC    : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 54	            I_NEW_PC    : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 55	            I_LOAD_PC   : in  std_logic;

    + 56	            I_PM_ADR    : in  std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);

    + 57	            I_SKIP      : in  std_logic;

    + 58

    + 59	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 60	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 61	            Q_PM_DOUT   : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 62	            Q_T0        : out std_logic);

    + 63	end component;

    + 64

    + 65	signal F_PC             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 66	signal F_OPC            : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 67	signal F_PM_DOUT        : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    + 68	signal F_T0             : std_logic;

    + 69

    + 70	component opc_deco is

    + 71	    port (  I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 72

    + 73	            I_OPC       : in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 74	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 75	            I_T0        : in  std_logic;

    + 76

    + 77	            Q_ALU_OP    : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 78	            Q_AMOD      : out std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 79	            Q_BIT       : out std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 80	            Q_DDDDD     : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 81	            Q_IMM       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 82	            Q_JADR      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 83	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 84	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    + 85	            Q_PC_OP     : out std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);

    + 86	            Q_PMS       : out std_logic;  -- program memory select

    + 87	            Q_RD_M      : out std_logic;

    + 88	            Q_RRRRR     : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 89	            Q_RSEL      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 90	            Q_WE_01     : out std_logic;

    + 91	            Q_WE_D      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 92	            Q_WE_F      : out std_logic;

    + 93	            Q_WE_M      : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    + 94	            Q_WE_XYZS   : out std_logic);

    + 95	end component;

    + 96

    + 97	signal D_ALU_OP         : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    + 98	signal D_AMOD           : std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    + 99	signal D_BIT            : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    +100	signal D_DDDDD          : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    +101	signal D_IMM            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +102	signal D_JADR           : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +103	signal D_OPC            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +104	signal D_PC             : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +105	signal D_PC_OP          : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

    +106	signal D_PMS            : std_logic;

    +107	signal D_RD_M           : std_logic;

    +108	signal D_RRRRR          : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    +109	signal D_RSEL           : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +110	signal D_WE_01          : std_logic;

    +111	signal D_WE_D           : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +112	signal D_WE_F           : std_logic;

    +113	signal D_WE_M           : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +114	signal D_WE_XYZS        : std_logic;


    +116	component data_path

    +117	    port(   I_CLK       : in    std_logic;


    +119	            I_ALU_OP    : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    +120	            I_AMOD      : in  std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0);

    +121	            I_BIT       : in  std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    +122	            I_DDDDD     : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    +123	            I_DIN       : in  std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +124	            I_IMM       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +125	            I_JADR      : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +126	            I_PC_OP     : in  std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0);

    +127	            I_OPC       : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +128	            I_PC        : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +129	            I_PMS       : in  std_logic;  -- program memory select

    +130	            I_RD_M      : in  std_logic;

    +131	            I_RRRRR     : in  std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);

    +132	            I_RSEL      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +133	            I_WE_01     : in  std_logic;

    +134	            I_WE_D      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +135	            I_WE_F      : in  std_logic;

    +136	            I_WE_M      : in  std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0);

    +137	            I_WE_XYZS   : in  std_logic;


    +139	            Q_ADR       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +140	            Q_DOUT      : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +141	            Q_INT_ENA   : out std_logic;

    +142	            Q_LOAD_PC   : out std_logic;

    +143	            Q_NEW_PC    : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +144	            Q_OPC       : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +145	            Q_PC        : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +146	            Q_RD_IO     : out std_logic;

    +147	            Q_SKIP      : out std_logic;

    +148	            Q_WE_IO     : out std_logic);

    +149	end component;


    +151	signal R_INT_ENA        : std_logic;

    +152	signal R_NEW_PC         : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

    +153	signal R_LOAD_PC        : std_logic;

    +154	signal R_SKIP           : std_logic;

    +155	signal R_ADR            : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);


    +157	-- local signals

    +158	--

    +159	signal L_DIN            : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0);

    +160	signal L_INTVEC_5       : std_logic;


    +162	begin


    +164	    opcf : opc_fetch

    +165	    port map(   I_CLK       => I_CLK,


    +167	                I_CLR       => I_CLR,

    +168	                I_INTVEC(5) => L_INTVEC_5,

    +169	                I_INTVEC(4 downto 0) => I_INTVEC(4 downto 0),

    +170	                I_LOAD_PC   => R_LOAD_PC,

    +171	                I_NEW_PC    => R_NEW_PC,

    +172	                I_PM_ADR    => R_ADR(11 downto 0),

    +173	                I_SKIP      => R_SKIP,


    +175	                Q_PC        => F_PC,

    +176	                Q_OPC       => F_OPC,

    +177	                Q_T0        => F_T0,

    +178	                Q_PM_DOUT   => F_PM_DOUT);


    +180	    odec : opc_deco

    +181	    port map(   I_CLK       => I_CLK,


    +183	                I_OPC       => F_OPC,

    +184	                I_PC        => F_PC,

    +185	                I_T0        => F_T0,


    +187	                Q_ALU_OP    => D_ALU_OP,

    +188	                Q_AMOD      => D_AMOD,

    +189	                Q_BIT       => D_BIT,

    +190	                Q_DDDDD     => D_DDDDD,

    +191	                Q_IMM       => D_IMM,

    +192	                Q_JADR      => D_JADR,

    +193	                Q_OPC       => D_OPC,

    +194	                Q_PC        => D_PC,

    +195	                Q_PC_OP     => D_PC_OP,

    +196	                Q_PMS       => D_PMS,

    +197	                Q_RD_M      => D_RD_M,

    +198	                Q_RRRRR     => D_RRRRR,

    +199	                Q_RSEL      => D_RSEL,

    +200	                Q_WE_01     => D_WE_01,

    +201	                Q_WE_D      => D_WE_D,

    +202	                Q_WE_F      => D_WE_F,

    +203	                Q_WE_M      => D_WE_M,

    +204	                Q_WE_XYZS   => D_WE_XYZS);


    +206	    dpath : data_path

    +207	    port map(   I_CLK       => I_CLK,


    +209	                I_ALU_OP    => D_ALU_OP,

    +210	                I_AMOD      => D_AMOD,

    +211	                I_BIT       => D_BIT,

    +212	                I_DDDDD     => D_DDDDD,

    +213	                I_DIN       => L_DIN,

    +214	                I_IMM       => D_IMM,

    +215	                I_JADR      => D_JADR,

    +216	                I_OPC       => D_OPC,

    +217	                I_PC        => D_PC,

    +218	                I_PC_OP     => D_PC_OP,

    +219	                I_PMS       => D_PMS,

    +220	                I_RD_M      => D_RD_M,

    +221	                I_RRRRR     => D_RRRRR,

    +222	                I_RSEL      => D_RSEL,

    +223	                I_WE_01     => D_WE_01,

    +224	                I_WE_D      => D_WE_D,

    +225	                I_WE_F      => D_WE_F,

    +226	                I_WE_M      => D_WE_M,

    +227	                I_WE_XYZS   => D_WE_XYZS,


    +229	                Q_ADR       => R_ADR,

    +230	                Q_DOUT      => Q_DOUT,

    +231	                Q_INT_ENA   => R_INT_ENA,

    +232	                Q_NEW_PC    => R_NEW_PC,

    +233	                Q_OPC       => Q_OPC,

    +234	                Q_PC        => Q_PC,

    +235	                Q_LOAD_PC   => R_LOAD_PC,

    +236	                Q_RD_IO     => Q_RD_IO,

    +237	                Q_SKIP      => R_SKIP,

    +238	                Q_WE_IO     => Q_WE_IO);


    +240	    L_DIN <= F_PM_DOUT when (D_PMS = '1') else I_DIN(7 downto 0);

    +241	    L_INTVEC_5 <= I_INTVEC(5) and R_INT_ENA;

    +242	    Q_ADR_IO <= R_ADR(7 downto 0);


    +244	end Behavioral;





+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/12_Listing_of_baudgen.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/12_Listing_of_baudgen.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/12_Listing_of_baudgen.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_baudgen.vhd + + + + +

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+ +

12 LISTING OF baudgen.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    baudgen - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    13:51:24 11/07/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    fixed baud rate generator

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity baudgen is

    + 34	    generic(clock_freq  : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 35		        baud_rate   : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0));

    + 36	    port(   I_CLK       : in  std_logic;

    + 37

    + 38	            I_CLR       : in  std_logic;

    + 39	            Q_CE_1      : out std_logic;    -- baud x  1 clock enable

    + 40	            Q_CE_16     : out std_logic);   -- baud x 16 clock enable

    + 41	end baudgen;

    + 42

    + 43

    + 44	architecture Behavioral of baudgen is

    + 45

    + 46	constant BAUD_16        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := baud_rate & "0000";

    + 47	constant LIMIT          : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := clock_freq - BAUD_16;

    + 48

    + 49	signal L_CE_16          : std_logic;

    + 50	signal L_CNT_16         : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

    + 51	signal L_COUNTER        : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

    + 52

    + 53	begin

    + 54

    + 55	    baud16: process(I_CLK)

    + 56	    begin

    + 57	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 58	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 59	                L_COUNTER <= X"00000000";

    + 60	            elsif (L_COUNTER >= LIMIT) then

    + 61	                L_COUNTER <= L_COUNTER - LIMIT;

    + 62	            else

    + 63	                L_COUNTER <= L_COUNTER + BAUD_16;

    + 64	            end if;

    + 65	        end if;

    + 66	    end process;

    + 67

    + 68	    baud1: process(I_CLK)

    + 69	    begin

    + 70	        if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 71	            if (I_CLR = '1') then

    + 72	                L_CNT_16 <= "0000";

    + 73	            elsif (L_CE_16 = '1') then

    + 74	                L_CNT_16 <= L_CNT_16 + "0001";

    + 75	            end if;

    + 76	        end if;

    + 77	    end process;

    + 78

    + 79	    L_CE_16 <= '1' when (L_COUNTER >= LIMIT) else '0';

    + 80	    Q_CE_16 <= L_CE_16;

    + 81	    Q_CE_1 <= L_CE_16 when L_CNT_16 = "1111" else '0';

    + 82

    + 83	end behavioral;

    + 84




+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/07_Opcode_Decoder.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/07_Opcode_Decoder.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/07_Opcode_Decoder.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,982 @@ + + + +html/Opcode_Decoder + + + + +

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+ +


+ +

In this lesson we will describe the opcode decoder. We will also learn +how the different instructions provided by the CPU will be implemented. We +will not describe every opcode, but rather groups of instructions whose +individual instructions are rather similar. + +

The opcode decoder is the middle state of our CPU pipeline. Therefore its +inputs are defined by the outputs of the previous stage and its outputs +are defined by the inputs of the next stage. + +

7.1 Inputs of the Opcode Decoder

+ +
  • CLK is the clock signal. The opcode decoder is a pure pipeline stage + so that no internal state is kept between clock cycles. The output of + the opcode decoder is a pure function of its inputs. +
  • OPC is the opcode being decoded. +
  • PC is the program counter (the address in the program memory from + which OPC was fetched). +
  • T0 is '1' in the first cycle of the execution of the opcode. This allows + for output signals of two-cycle instructions that are different in the + first and the second cycle. +

7.2 Outputs of the Opcode Decoder

+ +

Most data buses of the CPU are contained in the data path. In contrast, +most control signals are generated in the opcode decoder. We start with +a complete list of these control signals and their purpose. There are +two groups of signals: select signals and write enable signals. Select +signals are used earlier in the execution of the opcode for controlling +multiplexers. The write enable signals are used at the end of the execution +to determine where results shall be stored. Select signals are generally +more time-critical that write enable signals. + +

The select signals are: + +

  • ALU_OP defines which particular ALU operation (like ADD, ADC, AND, + ...) the ALU shall perform. +
  • AMOD defines which addressing mode (like absolute, Z+, -SP, etc.)shall + be used for data memory accesses. +
  • BIT is a bit value (0 or 1) and a bit number used in bit instructions. +
  • DDDDD defines the destination register or register pair (if any) + for storing the result of an operation. It also defines the first + source register or register pair of a dyadic instructions. +
  • IMM defines an immediate value or branch address that is computed + from the opcode. +
  • JADR is a branch address. +
  • OPC is the opcode being decoded, or 0 if the opcode was invalidated + by means of SKIP. +
  • PC is the PC from which OPC was fetched. +
  • PC_OP defines an operation to be performed on the PC (such as branching). +
  • PMS is set when the address defined by AMOD is a program memory address + rather than a data memory address. +
  • RD_M is set for reads from the data memory. +
  • RRRRR defines the second register or register pair of a dyadic + instruction. +
  • RSEL selects the source of the second operand in the ALU. + This can be a register (on the R input), an immediate value (on + the IMM input), or data from memory or I/O (on the DIN input). +

The write enable signals are: + +

  • WE_01 is set when register pair 0 shall be written. This is used for + multiplication instructions that store the multiplication product in + register pair 0. +
  • WE_D is set when the register or register pair DDDDD shall be written. + If both bits are set then the entire pair shall be written and DDDDD[0] + is 0. Otherwise WE_D[1] is 0, and one of the registers (as defined by + DDDDD[0]) shall be written, +
  • WE_F is set when the status register (flags) shall be written. +
  • WE_M is set when the memory (including memory mapped general purpose + registers and I/O registers) shall be written. If set, then the AMOD + output defines how to compute the memory address. +
  • WE_XYZS is set when the stack pointer or one of the pointer register pairs + X, Y, or Z shall be written. Which of these register is meant is + encoded in AMOD. +

7.3 Structure of the Opcode Decoder

+ +

The VHDL code of the opcode decoder consists essentially of a huge case +statement. At the beginning of the case statement there is a section +assigning a default value to each output. Then follows a case statement that +decodes the upper 6 bits of the opcode: + +

+ +


    + 66	    process(I_CLK)

    + 67	    begin

    + 68	    if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then

    + 69	        --

    + 70	        -- set the most common settings as default.

    + 71	        --

    + 72	        Q_ALU_OP  <= ALU_D_MV_Q;

    + 73	        Q_AMOD    <= AMOD_ABS;

    + 74	        Q_BIT     <= I_OPC(10) & I_OPC(2 downto 0);

    + 75	        Q_DDDDD   <= I_OPC(8 downto 4);

    + 76	        Q_IMM     <= X"0000";

    + 77	        Q_JADR    <= I_OPC(31 downto 16);

    + 78	        Q_OPC     <= I_OPC(15 downto  0);

    + 79	        Q_PC      <= I_PC;

    + 80	        Q_PC_OP   <= PC_NEXT;

    + 81	        Q_PMS     <= '0';

    + 82	        Q_RD_M    <= '0';

    + 83	        Q_RRRRR   <= I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    + 84	        Q_RSEL    <= RS_REG;

    + 85	        Q_WE_D    <= "00";

    + 86	        Q_WE_01   <= '0';

    + 87	        Q_WE_F    <= '0';

    + 88	        Q_WE_M    <= "00";

    + 89	        Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    + 90

    + 91	        case I_OPC(15 downto 10) is

    + 92	            when "000000" =>




+ +

... + +


    +653	            when others =>

    +654	        end case;

    +655	    end if;

    +656	    end process;




+ +

+ +

7.4 Default Values for the Outputs

+ +

The opcode decoder generates quite a few outputs. A typical instruction, +however, only sets a small fraction of them. For this reason we provide a +default value for all outputs before the top level case statement, +as shown above.
+For each instruction we then only need to specify those outputs that +differ from the default value. + +

Every default value is either constant or a function of an input. +Therefore the opcode decoder is a typical "stateless" pipeline stage. +The default values are chosen so that they do not change +anything in the other stages (except incrementing the PC, of course). +In particular, the default values for all write enable signals are '0'. + +

7.5 Checklist for the Design of an Opcode.

+ +

Designing an opcode starts with asking a number of questions. The answers +are found in the specification of the opcode. The answers identify the outputs +that need to be set other than their default values. +While the instructions are quite different, the questions are always the same: + +

  1. What operation shall the ALU perform? + Set ALU_OP and Q_WE_F accordingly. +
  2. Is a destination register or destination register pair used? + If so, set DDDDD (and WE_D if written). +
  3. Is a second register or register pair involved? + If so, set RRRRR. +
  4. Does the opcode access the memory? + If so, set AMOD, PMS, RSEL, RD_M, WE_M, and WE_XYZS accordingly. +
  5. Is an immediate or implied operand used? + If so, set IMM and RSEL. +
  6. Is the program counter modified (other than incrementing it)? + If so, set PC_OP and SKIP. +
  7. Is a bit number specified in the opcode ? + If so, set BIT. +
  8. Are instructions skipped? + If so, set SKIP. +

Equipped with this checklist we can implement all instructions. We +start with the simplest instructions and proceed to the more complex +instructions. + +

7.6 Opcode Implementations

+ +

7.6.1 The NOP instruction

+ +

The simplest instruction is the NOP instruction which does - nothing. +The default values set for all outputs do nothing either so there is +no extra VHDL code needed for this instruction. + +

7.6.2 8-bit Monadic Instructions

+ +

We call an instruction monadic if its opcode contains one register +number and if the instructions reads the register before computing +a new value for it. + +

Only items 1. and 2. in our checklist apply. The default value for +DDDDD is already correct. Thus only ALU_OP, WE_D, and WE_F +need to be set. We take the DEC Rd instruction as an example: + +

+ +


    +465	                                --

    +466	                                --  1001 010d dddd 1010 - DEC

    +467	                                --

    +468	                                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_DEC;

    +469	                                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +470	                                Q_WE_F <= '1';




+ +

+ +

All monadic arithmetic/logic instructions are implemented in the same way; +they differ by their ALU_OP. + +

7.6.3 8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register

+ +

We call an instruction dyadic if its opcode contains two data sources +(a data source being a register number or an immediate operand). +As a consequence of the two data sources, dyadic instructions +occupy a larger fraction of the opcode space than monadic functions. + +

We take the ADD Rd, Rr opcode as an example. + +

Compared to the monadic functions now item 3. in the checklist applies +as well. This would mean we have to set RRRRR but by chance the default +value is already correct. Therefore: + +

+ +


    +165	                --

    +166	                -- 0000 11rd dddd rrrr - ADD

    +167	                --

    +168	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADD;

    +169	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +170	                Q_WE_F <= '1';




+ +

+ +

The dyadic instructions do not use the I/O address space and therefore they +completely execute inside the data path. The following figure shows the +signals in the data path that are used by the ADD Rd, Rr instruction: + +

+ +

The opcode for ADD Rd, Rr is 0000 11rd dddd rrrr. +The opcode decoder extracts the 'd' bits into the DDDDD signal (blue), +the 'r' bits into the RRRRR signal (red), and computes ALU_OP, WE_D, +and WE_F from the remaining bits (green) as above. + +

The register file converts the register numbers Rd and Rr that are +encoded in the DDDDD and RRRRR signals to the contents of the register +pairs at its D and R outputs. The lowest bit of the DDDDD and RRRRR +signals also go to the ALU (inputs D0 and R0) where the odd/even register +selection from the two register pairs is performed. + +

The decoder also selects the proper ALU_OP from the opcode, which is +ALU_ADD in this example. With this input, the ALU computes the sum of the +its D and R inputs and drives its DOUT (pink) with the sum. +It also computes the flags as defined for the ADD opcode. + +

The decoder sets the WE_D and WE_F inputs of the register file +so that the DOUT and FLAGS outputs of the ALU are written back to the +register file. + +

All this happens within a single clock cycle, so that the next instruction +can be performed in the next clock cycle. + +

The other dyadic instructions are implemented similarly. +Two instructions, CMP and CPC, deviate a little since they do not set +WE_D. Only the flags are set as a result of the comparison. +Apart from that, CMP and CPC are identical to the SUB and SBC; +they don't have their own ALU_OP but use those of the SUB and SBC +instructions. + +

The MOV Rd, Rr instruction is implemented as a dyadic function. +It ignores it first argument and does not set any flags. + +

7.6.4 8-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate

+ +

Some of the dyadic instructions have an immediate operand (i.e. the operand is +contained in the opcode) rather than using a second register. For such +instructions, for example ANDI, we extract the immediate operand from the +opcode and set RSEL. Since the immediate operand takes quite some space in +the opcode, the register range was restricted a little and hence the default +DDDDD value needs a modification. + +

+ +


    +263	                --

    +264	                -- 0111 KKKK dddd KKKK - ANDI

    +265	                --

    +266	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND;

    +267	                Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +268	                Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +269	                Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1';    -- Rd = 16...31

    +270	                Q_WE_D <= "01";

    +271	                Q_WE_F <= '1';




+ +

+ +

7.6.5 16-bit Dyadic Instructions

+ +

Some of the dyadic 8-bit instructions have 16-bit variants, for example ADIW. +The second operand of these 16-bit variants can be another register pair or an +immediate operand. + +

+ +


    +499	                    --

    +500	                    --  1001 0110 KKdd KKKK - ADIW

    +501	                    --  1001 0111 KKdd KKKK - SBIW

    +502	                    --

    +503	                    if (I_OPC(8) = '0') then    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADIW;

    +504	                    else                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBIW;

    +505	                    end if;

    +506	                    Q_IMM(5 downto 4) <= I_OPC(7 downto 6);

    +507	                    Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0);

    +508	                    Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM;

    +509	                    Q_DDDDD <= "11" & I_OPC(5 downto 4) & "0";


    +511	                    Q_WE_D <= "11";

    +512	                    Q_WE_F <= '1';




+ +

+ +

These instructions are implemented similar to their 8-bit relatives, but +in contrast to them both WE_D bits are set. This causes the entire +register pair to be updated. LDI and MOVW are also implemented as +16-bit dyadic instruction. + +

7.6.6 Bit Instructions

+ +

There are some instructions that are very similar to monadic functions +(in that they refer to only one register) but have a small immediate operand +that addresses a bit in that register. Unlike dyadic functions with immediate +operands, these bit instructions do not use the register/immediate +multiplexer in the ALU (they don't have a register counterpart for the +immediate operand). Instead, the bit number from the instruction is provided +on the BIT output of the opcode decoder. +The BIT output has 4 bits; in addition to the (lower) 3 bits needed to +address the bit concerned, the fourth (upper) bit indicates the value +(bit set or bit cleared) of the bit for those instructions that need it. + +

The ALU operations related to these bit instructions are ALU_BLD and +ALU_BIT_CS. + +

ALU_BLD stores the T bit of the status register into a bit in a general +purpose register; this is used to implement the BLD instruction. + +

ALU_BIT_CS is a dual-purpose function. + +

The first purpose is to copy a bit in a general purpose register into the +T flag of the status register. This use of ALU_BIT_CS is selected by +setting (only) the WE_F signal so that the status register is updated +with the new T flag. The BST instruction is implemented this way. The +the bit value in BIT[3] is ignored. + +

The second purpose is to set or clear a bit in an I/O register. +The ALU first computes a bitmask where only the bit indicated +by BIT[2:0] is set. Depending on BIT[3] the register is then or'ed with +the mask or and'ed with the complement of the mask. This sets or clears +the bit in the current value of the register. This use of ALU_BIT_CS +is selected by WE_M so the I/O register is updated with the new value. +The CBI and SBI instructions are implemented this way. + +

ALU_BIT_CS is also used by the skip instructions SBRC and SBRC that are +described in the section about branching. + +

7.6.7 Multiplication Instructions

+ +

There is a zoo of multiplication instructions that differ in the +signedness of their operands (MUL, MULS, MULSU) and in whether +the final result is shifted (FMUL, FMULS, and FMULSU) or not. +The opcode decoder sets certain bits in the IMM signal to indicate the +type of multiplication: + +

+ +
IMM(7) = 1shift (FMULxx) +
IMM(6) = 1Rd is signed +
IMM(5) = 1Rr is signed +

We also set the WE_01 instead of the WE_D signal because the +multiplication result is stored in register pair 0 rather than in the +Rd register of the opcode. + +

+ +


    +129	                        --

    +130	                        -- 0000 0011 0ddd 0rrr - _MULSU  SU "010"

    +131	                        -- 0000 0011 0ddd 1rrr - FMUL    UU "100"

    +132	                        -- 0000 0011 1ddd 0rrr - FMULS   SS "111"

    +133	                        -- 0000 0011 1ddd 1rrr - FMULSU  SU "110"

    +134	                        --

    +135	                        Q_DDDDD(4 downto 3) <= "10";    -- regs 16 to 23

    +136	                        Q_RRRRR(4 downto 3) <= "10";    -- regs 16 to 23

    +137	                        Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT;

    +138	                        if I_OPC(7) = '0' then

    +139	                            if I_OPC(3) = '0' then

    +140	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SU;

    +141	                            else

    +142	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FUU;

    +143	                            end if;

    +144	                        else

    +145	                            if I_OPC(3) = '0' then

    +146	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSS;

    +147	                            else

    +148	                                Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSU;

    +149	                            end if;

    +150	                        end if;

    +151	                        Q_WE_01 <= '1';

    +152	                        Q_WE_F <= '1';




+ +

+ +

7.6.8 Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O

+ +

Instructions that write to memory or I/O registers need to set AMOD. +AMOD selects the pointer register involved (X, Y, Z, SP, or none). +If the addressing mode involves a pointer register and updates it, then +WE_XYZS needs to be set as well. + +

The following code fragment shows a number of store functions and how +AMOD is computed: + +

+ +


    +333	                    --

    +334	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0000 - STS

    +335	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0001 - ST Z+. Rr

    +336	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0010 - ST -Z. Rr

    +337	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1000 - ST Y. Rr

    +338	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1001 - ST Y+. Rr

    +339	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1010 - ST -Y. Rr

    +340	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1100 - ST X. Rr

    +341	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1101 - ST X+. Rr

    +342	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1110 - ST -X. Rr

    +343	                    -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1111 - PUSH Rr

    +344	                    --

    +345	                    Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q;

    +346	                    Q_WE_M <= "01";

    +347	                    Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';

    +348	                    case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is

    +349	                        when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;  Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +350	                        when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;

    +351	                        when "0010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dZ;

    +352	                        when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi;

    +353	                        when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY;

    +354	                        when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +355	                        when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi;

    +356	                        when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX;

    +357	                        when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dSP;

    +358	                        when others =>

    +359	                    end case;




+ +

+ +

ALU_OP is set to ALU_D_MOV_Q. This causes the source register +indicated by DDDDD to be switched through the ALU unchanged so that is +shows up at the input of the data memory and of the I/O block. We set +WE_M so that the value of the source register will be written. + +

Write instructions to memory execute in a single cycle. + +

7.6.9 Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O

+ +

Instructions that read from memory set AMOD and possibly WE_XYZS in the +same way as instructions writing to memory. + +

The following code fragment shows a number of load functions: + +

+ +


    +297	                Q_IMM <= I_OPC(31 downto 16);   -- absolute address for LDS/STS

    +298	                if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then        -- LDD / POP

    +299	                    --

    +300	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0000 - LDS

    +301	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0001 - LD Rd, Z+

    +302	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0010 - LD Rd, -Z

    +303	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0100 - (ii)  LPM Rd, (Z)

    +304	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0101 - (iii) LPM Rd, (Z+)

    +305	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0110 - ELPM Z        --- not mega8

    +306	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0111 - ELPM Z+       --- not mega8

    +307	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1001 - LD Rd, Y+

    +308	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1010 - LD Rd, -Y

    +309	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1100 - LD Rd, X

    +310	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1101 - LD Rd, X+

    +311	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1110 - LD Rd, -X

    +312	                    -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1111 - POP Rd

    +313	                    --

    +314	                    Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN;

    +315	                    Q_RD_M <= I_T0;

    +316	                    Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0;

    +317	                    Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0;

    +318	                    Q_PMS <= (not I_OPC(3)) and I_OPC(2) and (not I_OPC(1));

    +319	                    case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is

    +320	                        when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;  Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +321	                        when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;

    +322	                        when "0100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +323	                        when "0101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi;

    +324	                        when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi;

    +325	                        when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY;

    +326	                        when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X;    Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +327	                        when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi;

    +328	                        when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX;

    +329	                        when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPi;

    +330	                        when others =>                      Q_WE_XYZS <= '0';

    +331	                    end case;




+ +

+ +

The data read from memory now comes from the DIN input. We therefore +set RSEL to RS_DIN. The data read from the memory is again switched +through the ALU unchanged, but we use ALU_R_MOV_Q instead of ALU_D_MOV_Q +because the data from memory is now routed via the multiplexer for R8 +rather than via the multiplexer for D8. We generate RD_M instead of WE_M +since we are now reading and not writing. The result is stored in the +register indicated by DDDDD, so we set WE_D. + +

One of the load instructions is LPM which reads from program store rather +then from the data memory. For this instruction we set PMS. + +

Unlike store instructions, load instructions execute in two cycles. The reason +is the internal memory modules which need one clock cycle to produce a result. +We therefore generate the WE_D and WE_XYZS only on the second of the +two cycles. + +

7.6.10 Jump and Call Instructions

+ + Unconditional Jump to Absolute Address

+ +

The simplest case of a jump instruction is JMP, an unconditional jump to +an absolute address: + +

The target address of the jump follows after the instruction. Due to our +odd/even trick with the program memory, the target address is provided on +the upper 16 bits of the opcode and we need not wait for it. We copy the +target address from the upper 16 bits of the opcode to the IMM output. +Then we set PC_OP to PC_LD_I: + +

+ +


    +478	                                --

    +479	                                --  1001 010k kkkk 110k - JMP (k = 0 for 16 bit)

    +480	                                --  kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk

    +481	                                --

    +482	                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;




+ +

+ +

The execution stage will then cause the PC to be loaded from its JADR input: + +

+ +


    +209	            when PC_LD_I => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1';       -- yes: new PC on I_JADR




+ +

+ +

The next opcode after the JMP is already in the pipeline and would be +executed next. We invalidate the next opcode so that it will not be +executed: + +

+ +


    +222	            when PC_LD_I   => Q_SKIP <= '1';            -- yes




+ +

+ +

An instruction similar to JMP is IJMP. The difference is that the target +address of the jump is not provided as an immediate address following the +opcode, but is the content of the Z register. This case is handled by a +different PC_OP: + +

+ +


    +450	                                --

    +451	                                --  1001 0100 0000 1001 IJMP

    +452	                                --  1001 0100 0001 1001 EIJMP   -- not mega8

    +453	                                --  1001 0101 0000 1001 ICALL

    +454	                                --  1001 0101 0001 1001 EICALL   -- not mega8

    +455	                                --

    +456	                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_Z;




+ +

+ +

The execution stage, which contains the Z register, performs the +selection of the target address, as we have already seen in the discussion +of the data path. + + Unconditional Jump to Relative Address

+ +

The RJMP instruction is similar to the JMP instruction. The target +address of the jump is, however, an address relative to the current PC +(plus 1). We sign-extend the relative address (by replicating OPC(11) +until a 16-bit value is reached) and add the current PC. + +

+ +


    +580	                --

    +581	                -- 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RJMP

    +582	                --

    +583	                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11)

    +584	                                & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001";

    +585	                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;




+ +

+ +

The rest of RJMP is the same as for JMP. + + Conditional Jump to Relative Address

+ +

There is a number of conditional jump instructions that differ by the +bit in the status register that controls whether the branch is taken or not. +BRCS and BRCC branch if bit 0 (the carry flag) is set resp. cleared. +BREQ and BRNE branch if bit 1 (the zero flag) is set resp. cleared, +and so on. + +

There is also a generic form where the bit number is an operand of the +opcode. BRBS branches if a status register flag is set while BRBC +branches if a bit is cleared. This means that BRCS, BREQ, ... are +just different names for the BRBS instruction, while BRCC, BRNE, ... +are different name for the BRBC instruction. + +

The relative address (i.e. the offset from the PC) for BRBC/BRBS is +shorter (7 bit) than for RJMP (12 bit). Therefore the sign bit of the +offset is replicated more often in order to get a 16-bit signed offset +that can be added to the PC. + +

+ +


    +610	                --

    +611	                -- 1111 00kk kkkk kbbb - BRBS

    +612	                -- 1111 01kk kkkk kbbb - BRBC

    +613	                --       v

    +614	                -- bbb: status register bit

    +615	                -- v: value (set/cleared) of status register bit

    +616	                --

    +617	                Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9)

    +618	                                & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9)

    +619	                                & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9 downto 3)) + X"0001";

    +620	                Q_PC_OP <= PC_BCC;




+ +

+ +

The decision to branch or not is taken in the execution stage, because +at the time where the conditional branch is decoded, the relevant bit +in the status register is not yet valid. + + Call Instructions

+ +

Many unconditional jump instructions have "call" variant. The "call" +variant are executed like the corresponding jump instruction. In +addition (and at the same time), the PC after the instruction is pushed +onto the stack. We take CALL, the brother of JMP as an example: + +

+ +


    +485	                                --

    +486	                                --  1001 010k kkkk 111k - CALL (k = 0)

    +487	                                --  kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk

    +488	                                --

    +489	                                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_2;

    +490	                                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP;

    +491	                                Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;

    +492	                                Q_WE_M <= "11";     -- both PC bytes

    +493	                                Q_WE_XYZS <= '1';




+ +

+ +

The new things are an ALU_OP of ALU_PC_2. The ALU adds 2 to the PC, +since the CALL instructions is 2 words long. The RCALL instruction, +which is only 1 word long would use ALU_PC_1 instead. AMOD is +pre-decrement of the SP by 2 (since the return address is 2 bytes long). +Both bits of WE_M are set since we write 2 bytes. + + Skip Instructions

+ +

Skip instructions do not modify the PC, but they invalidate the next +instruction. Like for conditional branch instructions, the condition +is checked in the execution stage. + +

We take SBIC as an example: + +

+ +


    +516	                --

    +517	                --  1001 1000 AAAA Abbb - CBI

    +518	                --  1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC

    +519	                --  1001 1010 AAAA Abbb - SBI

    +520	                --  1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS

    +521	                --

    +522	                Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS;

    +523	                Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS;

    +524	                Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9);   -- set/clear


    +526	                -- IMM = AAAAAA + 0x20

    +527	                --

    +528	                Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 3);

    +529	                Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01";


    +531	                Q_RD_M <= I_T0;

    +532	                if ((I_OPC(8) = '0') ) then     -- CBI or SBI

    +533	                    Q_WE_M(0) <= '1';

    +534	                else                            -- SBIC or SBIS

    +535	                    if (I_T0 = '0') then        -- second cycle.

    +536	                        Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T;

    +537	                    end if;

    +538	                end if;




+ +

+ +

First of all, AMOD, IMM, and RSEL are set such that the value +from the I/O register indicated by IMM reaches the ALU. +ALU_OP and BIT are set such that the relevant bit reaches +FLAGS_98(9) in the data path. The access of the bit followed by a +skip decision would have taken too long for a single cycle. +We therefore extract the bit in the first cycle and store it in +the FLAGS_98(9) signal in the data path. In the next cycle, +the decision to skip or not is taken. + +

The PC_OP of PC_SKIP_T causes the SKIP output of the execution stage +to be raised if FLAGS_98(9) is set: + +

+ +


    +226	            when PC_SKIP_T => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(9);  -- if T set




+ +

+ +

A similar instruction is CPSE, which skips the next instruction when a +comparison (rather than a bit in an I/O register) indicates equality. +It works like a CP instruction, but raises SKIP in the execution stage +rather than updating the status register. + + Interrupts

+ +

We have seen earlier, that the opcode fetch stage inserts "interrupt +instructions" into the pipeline when an interrupt occurs. These interrupt +instructions are similar to CALL instructions. In contrast to CALL +instructions, however, we use ALU_INTR instead of ALU_PC_2. This +copies the PC (rather than PC + 2) to the output of the ALU (due to +the fact that we have overridden a valid instruction and want to continue +with exactly that instruction after returning from the interrupt, Another +thing that ALU_INTR does is to clear the I flag in the status register. + +

The interrupt opcodes are implemented as follows: + +

+ +


    + 95	                        --

    + 96	                        -- 0000 0000 0000 0000 - NOP

    + 97	                        -- 0000 0000 001v vvvv - INTERRUPT

    + 98	                        --

    + 99	                        if (I_OPC(5)) = '1' then   -- interrupt

    +100	                            Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR;

    +101	                            Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP;

    +102	                            Q_JADR <= "0000000000" & I_OPC(4 downto 0) & "0";

    +103	                            Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I;

    +104	                            Q_WE_F <= '1';

    +105	                            Q_WE_M <= "11";

    +106	                        end if;




+ +

+ +

7.6.11 Instructions Not Implemented

+ +

A handful of instructions was not implemented. The reasons for not +implementing them is one of the following: + +

  1. The instruction is only available in particular devices, typically due + to extended capabilities of these devices (EICALL, EIJMP, ELPM). +
  2. The instruction uses capabilities that are somewhat unusual in + general (BREAK, DES, SLEEP, WDR). +

These instructions are normally not generated by C/C++ compilers, but +need to be generated by means of #asm directives. At this point the +reader should have learned enough to implement these functions when needed. + +

7.7 Index of all Instructions

+ +

The following table lists all CPU instructions and a reference +to the chapter where they are (supposed to be) described. + +

+ +
ADC7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
ADD7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
ADIW7.6.516-bit Dyadic Instructions +
AND7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
ANDI7.6.48-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate +
ASR7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
BCLR7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
BLD7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
BRcc7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
BREAK7.6.11Instructions Not Implemented +
BSET7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
BST7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
CALL7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
CBI7.6.6Bit Instructions +
CBR-see ANDI +
CL<flag>-see BCLR +
CLR-see LDI +
COM7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
CP7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
CPC7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
CPI7.6.48-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate +
CPSE7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
DEC7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
DES7.6.11Instructions Not Implemented +
EICALL7.6.11Instructions Not Implemented +
EIJMP7.6.11Instructions Not Implemented +
ELPM7.6.11Instructions Not Implemented +
EOR7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
FMUL[SU]7.6.7Multiplication Instructions +
ICALL7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
IN7.6.9Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O +
INC7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
IJMP7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
JMP7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
LDD7.6.9Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O +
LDI7.6.516-bit Dyadic Instructions +
LDS7.6.9Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O +
LSL7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
LSR7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
MOV7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
MOVW7.6.516-bit Dyadic Instructions +
MUL[SU]7.6.7Multiplication Instructions +
NEG7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
NOP7.6.1The NOP instruction +
NOT7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
OR7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
ORI7.6.48-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate +
OUT7.6.8Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O +
POP7.6.9Instructions Reading From Memory or I/O +
PUSH7.6.8Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O +
RCALL7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
RET7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
RETI7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
RJMP7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
ROL7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
SBC7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
SBCI7.6.48-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate +
SBI7.6.6Bit Instructions +
SBIC7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
SBIS7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
SBIW7.6.516-bit Dyadic Instructions +
SBR-see ORI +
SBRC7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
SBRS7.6.10Jump and Call Instructions +
SE<flag>-see BSET +
SER-see LDI +
SLEEP7.6.11Instructions Not Implemented +
SPM7.6.8Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O +
STD7.6.8Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O +
STS7.6.8Instructions Writing To Memory or I/O +
SUB7.6.38-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Register +
SUBI7.6.48-bit Dyadic Instructions, Register/Immediate +
SWAP7.6.28-bit Monadic Instructions +
WDR7.6.11Instructions Not Implemented +

This concludes the discussion of the CPU. In the next lesson we will +proceed with the input/output unit. + +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/avr_fpga.png =================================================================== Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/avr_fpga.png =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/avr_fpga.png (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/avr_fpga.png (revision 2)
cpu_lecture/trunk/html/avr_fpga.png Property changes : Added: svn:mime-type ## -0,0 +1 ## +application/octet-stream \ No newline at end of property Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/index.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/index.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/index.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + +


How to design your own CPU on FPGAs with VHDL

+ +

A Lecture by Dr. Juergen Sauermann

+ +Table of Content

+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/09_Toolchain_Setup.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/09_Toolchain_Setup.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/09_Toolchain_Setup.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,1163 @@ + + + +html/Toolchain_Setup + + + + +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ +


+ +

In this lesson we will learn how to set up a toolchain on a Linux box. +We will not describe, however, how the tools are downloaded and installed. +The installation of a tools is normally described in the documentation +that comes with the tool. + +

Places from where tools can be downloaded were already presented in the +first lecture. + +

The following figure gives an overview of the entire flow. We show source files +in yellow, temporary files in white and tools in green. + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

We start with a C source file hello.c. This file is compiled with avr-gcc, +a gcc variant that generates opcodes for the AVR CPU. The compilation +produces 2 output files: hello.lss and hello.hex. + +

hello.lss is a listing file and may optionally be post-processed by the +tool end_conv which converts the little-endian format of hello.lss into +a slightly different format that is more in line with the way gtkwave shows +the hex values of signals. + +

The main purpose of the compilation is to produce hello.hex. hello.hex +contains the opcodes produced from hello.c in Intel-Hex format. + +

hello.hex is then fed into make_mem. make_mem is a tool that converts +the Intel-Hex format into VHDL constants. These constants are used to +initialize the block RAM modules of the program memory. The output of +make_mem is memory_content.vhd (which, as you certainly remember, +was included by prog_mem.vhd). + +

At this point, there are two possible ways to proceed. You could do a +functional simulation or a timing simulation. + +

8.1 Functional Simulation

+ +

Initially you will be concerned mostly with the functional simulation. +On this branch you debug the VHDL code until it looks functionally OK. +In order to perform the functional simulation, you need 3 sorts of VHDL files: + +

  1. The VHLD source files that were discussed in the previous lessons, +
  2. the memory_content.vhd just described, and +
  3. a testbench that mimics the board containing the FPGA to be (test_tb.vhd, + and a VHDL implementation of device specific components used (in our case + this is only RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd). Both files are provided in the directory + called test. +

All these VHDL files are then processed by ghdl. ghdl produces a single +output file testbench in directory simu. testbench is an executable +file. testbench is then run in order to produces a gzip'ed vcd (value change +dump) file called testbench.vcdgz. + +

The last step is visualize testbench.vcdgz by means of the tool gtkwave. +gtkwave is similar to the ModelSim provided by Xilinx, but it has +two advantages: it does not bother the user with licence installations +(even in the "free" versions provided by Xilinx) and it runs under Linux. +There are actually more advantages of the ghdl/gtkwave combination; +after having used both tools in the past the author definitely prefers +ghdl/gtkwave. + +

An example output of the functional simulation that shows the operation +our CPU: + +

+ +

+ +

+ +

We can compare the CPU signals shown with the assembler code being executed. +The CPU is executing inside the C function uart_puts(): + +

+ +


    +156	00000095: (uart_puts):

    +157	  95:	01AC        	movw	r20, r24

    +158	  96:	C003        	rjmp	 0x9A   	; 0x134 

    +159	  97:	9B5D        	sbis	0x0b, 5	; 11

    +160	  98:	CFFE        	rjmp	 0x97   	; 0x12e 

    +161	  99:	B92C        	out	0x0c, r18	; 12

    +162	  9A:	01FC        	movw	r30, r24

    +163	  9B:	9601        	adiw	r24, 0x01	; 1

    +164	  9C:	9124        	lpm	r18, Z

    +165	  9D:	2322        	and	r18, r18

    +166	  9E:	F7C1        	brne	 0x97   	; 0x12e 

    +167	  9F:	1B84        	sub	r24, r20

    +168	  A0:	0B95        	sbc	r25, r21

    +169	  A1:	9701        	sbiw	r24, 0x01	; 1

    +170	  A2:	9508        	ret




+ +

+ +

8.2 Timing Simulation and FPGA Configuration

+ +

After the CPU functions correctly, the design can be fed into the Xilinx +toolchain. This toolchain is better described in the documentation that +comes with it, so we don't go to too much detail here. + +

We used Webpack 10.1, which can be downloaded from Xilinx. + +

The first step is to set up a project in the ISE project navigator with +the proper target device. Then the VHDL files in the src directory are +added to the project. Next the Synthesize and Implementation steps +of the design flow are run. + +

If this is successful, then we can generate a programming file. There are +a number of ways to configure Xilinx FPGAs, and the type of programming file +needed depends on the particular way of configuring the device. The board +we used for testing the CPU had a serial PROM and therefore we generated +a programming file for the serial PROM on the board. The FPGA would then +load from the PROM on start-up. Other ways of configuring the device are +via JTAG, which is also quite handy during debugging. + +

The entire build process is a little lengthy (and the devil is known to +hide in the details). We therefore go through the entire design flow in +a step-by-step fashion. + +

8.3 Downloading and Building the Tools

+ +
  • Download and install ghdl. +
  • Download and install gtkwave. +
  • Download and install the Xilinx toolchain. +
  • Build the make_mem tool. The source is this: +

+ +


    +  1	#include "assert.h"

    +  2	#include "stdio.h"

    +  3	#include "stdint.h"

    +  4	#include "string.h"

    +  5

    +  6	const char * hex_file = 0;

    +  7	const char * vhdl_file = 0;

    +  8

    +  9	uint8_t buffer[0x10000];

    + 10

    + 11	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 12	uint32_t

    + 13	get_byte(const char *  cp)

    + 14	{

    + 15	uint32_t value;

    + 16	const char cc[3] = { cp[0], cp[1], 0 };

    + 17	const int cnt = sscanf(cc, "%X", &value);

    + 18	   assert(cnt == 1);

    + 19	   return value;

    + 20	}

    + 21	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 22	void

    + 23	read_file(FILE * in)

    + 24	{

    + 25	   memset(buffer, 0xFF, sizeof(buffer));

    + 26	char line[200];

    + 27	   for (;;)

    + 28	       {

    + 29	         const char * s = fgets(line, sizeof(line) - 2, in);

    + 30	         if (s == 0)   return;

    + 31	         assert(*s++ == ':');

    + 32	         const uint32_t len     = get_byte(s);

    + 33	         const uint32_t ah      = get_byte(s + 2);

    + 34	         const uint32_t al      = get_byte(s + 4);

    + 35	         const uint32_t rectype = get_byte(s + 6);

    + 36	         const char * d = s + 8;

    + 37	         const uint32_t addr = ah << 8 | al;

    + 38

    + 39	         uint32_t csum = len + ah + al + rectype;

    + 40	         assert((addr + len) <= 0x10000);

    + 41	         for (uint32_t l = 0; l < len; ++l)

    + 42	             {

    + 43	               const uint32_t byte = get_byte(d);

    + 44	               d += 2;

    + 45	               buffer[addr + l] = byte;

    + 46	               csum += byte;

    + 47	             }

    + 48

    + 49	         csum = 0xFF & -csum;

    + 50	         const uint32_t sum = get_byte(d);

    + 51	         assert(sum == csum);

    + 52	       }

    + 53	}

    + 54	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 55	void

    + 56	write_vector(FILE * out, bool odd, uint32_t mem, uint32_t v)

    + 57	{

    + 58	const uint8_t * base = buffer;

    + 59

    + 60	   // total memory is 2 even bytes, 2 odd bytes, 2 even bytes, ...

    + 61	   //

    + 62	   if (odd)   base += 2;

    + 63

    + 64	   // total memory is 4 kByte organized into 8 memories.

    + 65	   // thus each of the 16 vectors covers 256 bytes.

    + 66	   //

    + 67	   base += v*256;

    + 68

    + 69	   // memories 0 and 1 are the low byte of the opcode while

    + 70	   // memories 2 and 3 are the high byte.

    + 71	   //

    + 72	   if (mem >= 2)   ++base;

    + 73

    + 74	const char * px = odd ? "po" : "pe";

    + 75	   fprintf(out, "constant %s_%u_%2.2X : BIT_VECTOR := X\"", px, mem, v);

    + 76	   for (int32_t d = 63; d >= 0; --d)

    + 77	       {

    + 78	         uint32_t q = base[4*d];

    + 79	         if (mem & 1)   q >>= 4;     // high nibble

    + 80	         else           q &= 0x0F;   // low nibble

    + 81	         fprintf(out, "%X", q);

    + 82	       }

    + 83

    + 84	   fprintf(out, "\";\r\n");

    + 85	}

    + 86	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 87	void

    + 88	write_mem(FILE * out, bool odd, uint32_t mem)

    + 89	{

    + 90	const char * px = odd ? "po" : "pe";

    + 91

    + 92	   fprintf(out, "-- content of %s_%u --------------------------------------"

    + 93	                "--------------------------------------------\r\n", px, mem);

    + 94

    + 95	   for (uint32_t v = 0; v < 16; ++v)

    + 96	       write_vector(out, odd, mem, v);

    + 97

    + 98	   fprintf(out, "\r\n");

    + 99	}

    +100	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +101	void

    +102	write_file(FILE * out)

    +103	{

    +104	   fprintf(out,

    +105	"\r\n"

    +106	"library IEEE;\r\n"

    +107	"use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;\r\n"

    +108	"\r\n"

    +109	"package prog_mem_content is\r\n"

    +110	"\r\n");


    +112	   for (uint32_t m = 0; m < 4; ++m)

    +113	       write_mem(out, false, m);


    +115	   for (uint32_t m = 0; m < 4; ++m)

    +116	       write_mem(out, true,  m);


    +118	   fprintf(out,

    +119	"end prog_mem_content;\r\n"

    +120	"\r\n");

    +121	}

    +122	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +123	int

    +124	main(int argc, char * argv[])

    +125	{

    +126	   if (argc > 1)   hex_file = argv[1];

    +127	   if (argc > 2)   vhdl_file = argv[2];


    +129	FILE * in = stdin;

    +130	   if (hex_file)   in = fopen(hex_file, "r");

    +131	   assert(in);

    +132	   read_file(in);

    +133	   fclose(in);


    +135	FILE * out = stdout;

    +136	   if (vhdl_file)   out = fopen(vhdl_file, "w");

    +137	   write_file(out);

    +138	   assert(out);

    +139	}

    +140	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------




+ +

+ +

The command to build the tool is: + +

+ +


    +# Build makemem.

    +g++ -o make_mem



+ +

+ +

  • Build the end_conv tool. The source is this: +

+ +


    +  1	#include "assert.h"

    +  2	#include "ctype.h"

    +  3	#include "stdio.h"

    +  4	#include "string.h"

    +  5

    +  6	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  7	int

    +  8	main(int argc, const char * argv)

    +  9	{

    + 10	char buffer[2000];

    + 11	int pc, val, val2;

    + 12

    + 13	   for (;;)

    + 14	       {

    + 15	         char * s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, stdin);

    + 16	         if (s == 0)   return 0;

    + 17

    + 18	         // map lines '  xx:' and 'xxxxxxxx; to 2* the hex value.

    + 19	         //

    + 20	         if (

    + 21	             (isxdigit(s[0]) || s[0] == ' ') &&

    + 22	             (isxdigit(s[1]) || s[1] == ' ') &&

    + 23	             (isxdigit(s[2]) || s[2] == ' ') &&

    + 24	              isxdigit(s[3]) && s[4] == ':')   // '  xx:'

    + 25	            {

    + 26	              assert(1 == sscanf(s, " %x:", &pc));

    + 27	              if (pc & 1)       printf("%4X+:", pc/2);

    + 28	              else              printf("%4X:", pc/2);

    + 29	              s += 5;

    + 30	            }

    + 31	         else if (isxdigit(s[0]) && isxdigit(s[1]) && isxdigit(s[2]) &&

    + 32	                  isxdigit(s[3]) && isxdigit(s[4]) && isxdigit(s[5]) &&

    + 33	                  isxdigit(s[6]) && isxdigit(s[7]))             // 'xxxxxxxx'

    + 34	            {

    + 35	              assert(1 == sscanf(s, "%x", &pc));

    + 36	              if (pc & 1)   printf("%8.8X+:", pc/2);

    + 37	              else          printf("%8.8X:", pc/2);

    + 38	              s += 8;

    + 39	            }

    + 40	         else                             // other: copy verbatim

    + 41	            {

    + 42	              printf("%s", s);

    + 43	              continue;

    + 44	            }

    + 45

    + 46	          while (isblank(*s))   printf("%c", *s++);

    + 47

    + 48	          // endian swap.

    + 49	          //

    + 50	          while (isxdigit(s[0]) &&

    + 51	                 isxdigit(s[1]) &&

    + 52	                          s[2] == ' ' &&

    + 53	                 isxdigit(s[3]) &&

    + 54	                 isxdigit(s[4]) &&

    + 55	                          s[5] == ' ')

    + 56	             {

    + 57	              assert(2 == sscanf(s, "%x %x ", &val, &val2));

    + 58	              printf("%2.2X%2.2X  ", val2, val);

    + 59	              s += 6;

    + 60	             }

    + 61

    + 62	         char * s1 = strstr(s, ".+");

    + 63	         char * s2 = strstr(s, ".-");

    + 64	         if (s1)

    + 65	            {

    + 66	              assert(1 == sscanf(s1 + 2, "%d", &val));

    + 67	              assert((val & 1) == 0);

    + 68	              sprintf(s1, " 0x%X", (pc + val)/2 + 1);

    + 69	              printf(s);

    + 70	              s = s1 + strlen(s1) + 1;

    + 71	            }

    + 72	         else if (s2)

    + 73	            {

    + 74	              assert(1 == sscanf(s2 + 2, "%d", &val));

    + 75	              assert((val & 1) == 0);

    + 76	              sprintf(s2, " 0x%X", (pc - val)/2 + 1);

    + 77	              printf(s);

    + 78	              s = s2 + strlen(s2) + 1;

    + 79	            }

    + 80

    + 81	         printf("%s", s);

    + 82	       }

    + 83	}

    + 84	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------




+ +

+ +

The command to build the tool is: + +

+ +


    +# Build end_conv.

    +g++ -o end_conv



+ +

+ +

8.4 Preparing the Memory Content

+ +

We write a program hello.c that prints "Hello World" to the serial line. + +

The source is this: + +

+ +


    +  1	#include "stdint.h"

    +  2	#include "avr/io.h"

    +  3	#include "avr/pgmspace.h"

    +  4

    +  5	#undef F_CPU

    +  6	#define F_CPU 25000000UL

    +  7	#include "util/delay.h"

    +  8

    +  9

    + 10	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 11	    //                                                                      //

    + 12	   //   print char cc on UART.                                             //

    + 13	  //    return number of chars printed (i.e. 1).                          //

    + 14	 //                                                                      //

    + 15	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 16	uint8_t

    + 17	uart_putc(uint8_t cc)

    + 18	{

    + 19	    while ((UCSRA & (1 << UDRE)) == 0)      ;

    + 20	    UDR = cc;

    + 21	    return 1;

    + 22	}

    + 23

    + 24	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 25	    //                                                                      //

    + 26	   //   print char cc on 7 segment display.                                //

    + 27	  //    return number of chars printed (i.e. 1).                          //

    + 28	 //                                                                      //

    + 29	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 30	// The segments of the display are encoded like this:

    + 31	//

    + 32	//

    + 33	//      segment     PORT B

    + 34	//      name        Bit number

    + 35	//      ----A----   ----0----

    + 36	//      |       |   |       |

    + 37	//      F       B   5       1

    + 38	//      |       |   |       |

    + 39	//      ----G----   ----6----

    + 40	//      |       |   |       |

    + 41	//      E       C   4       2

    + 42	//      |       |   |       |

    + 43	//      ----D----   ----3----

    + 44	//

    + 45	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 46

    + 47	#define SEG7(G, F, E, D, C, B, A)   (~(G<<6|F<<5|E<<4|D<<3|C<<2|B<<1|A))

    + 48

    + 49	uint8_t

    + 50	seg7_putc(uint8_t cc)

    + 51	{

    + 52	uint16_t t;

    + 53

    + 54	    switch(cc)

    + 55	    {                   //   G F E D C B A

    + 56	    case ' ':   PORTB = SEG7(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);        break;

    + 57	    case 'E':   PORTB = SEG7(1,1,1,1,0,0,1);        break;

    + 58	    case 'H':   PORTB = SEG7(1,1,1,0,1,1,0);        break;

    + 59	    case 'L':   PORTB = SEG7(0,1,1,1,0,0,0);        break;

    + 60	    case 'O':   PORTB = SEG7(0,1,1,1,1,1,1);        break;

    + 61	    default:    PORTB = SEG7(1,0,0,1,0,0,1);        break;

    + 62	    }

    + 63

    + 64	    // wait 800 + 200 ms. This can be quite boring in simulations,

    + 65	    // so we wait only if DIP switch 6 is closed.

    + 66	    //

    + 67	    if (!(PINB & 0x20))     for (t = 0; t < 800; ++t)   _delay_ms(1);

    + 68	    PORTB = SEG7(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

    + 69	    if (!(PINB & 0x20))     for (t = 0; t < 200; ++t)   _delay_ms(1);

    + 70

    + 71	    return 1;

    + 72	}

    + 73

    + 74	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 75	    //                                                                      //

    + 76	   //   print string s on UART.                                            //

    + 77	  //    return number of chars printed.                                   //

    + 78	 //                                                                      //

    + 79	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 80	uint16_t

    + 81	uart_puts(const char * s)

    + 82	{

    + 83	const char * from = s;

    + 84	uint8_t cc;

    + 85	    while ((cc = pgm_read_byte(s++)))   uart_putc(cc);

    + 86	    return s - from - 1;

    + 87	}

    + 88

    + 89	     //----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 90	    //                                                                      //

    + 91	   //   print string s on 7 segment display.                               //

    + 92	  //    return number of chars printed.                                   //

    + 93	 //                                                                      //

    + 94	//----------------------------------------------------------------------//

    + 95	uint16_t

    + 96	seg7_puts(const char * s)

    + 97	{

    + 98	const char * from = s;

    + 99	uint8_t cc;

    +100	    while ((cc = pgm_read_byte(s++)))   seg7_putc(cc);

    +101	    return s - from - 1;

    +102	}


    +104	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +105	int

    +106	main(int argc, char * argv[])

    +107	{

    +108	    for (;;)

    +109	    {

    +110	        if (PINB & 0x40)    // DIP switch 7 open.

    +111	            {

    +112	                // print 'Hello world' on UART.

    +113	                uart_puts(PSTR("Hello, World!\r\n"));

    +114	            }

    +115	        else                // DIP switch 7 closed.

    +116	            {

    +117	                // print 'HELLO' on 7-segment display

    +118	                seg7_puts(PSTR("HELLO "));

    +119	            }

    +120	    }

    +121	}

    +122	//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------




+ +

+ +

The commands to create hello.hex and hello.css are: + +

+ +


    +# Compile and link hello.c.

    +avr-gcc -Wall -Os -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -mmcu=atmega8 \

    +    -DF_CPU=33333333UL -MMD -MP -MF"main.d" -MT"main.d" -c -o"main.o" "main.c"

    +avr-gcc -Wl,-Map, -mmcu=atmega8 -o"AVR_FPGA.elf"  ./main.o


    +# Create an opcode listing.

    +avr-objdump -h -S AVR_FPGA.elf  >"AVR_FPGA.lss"


    +# Create intel hex file.

    +avr-objcopy -R .eeprom -O ihex AVR_FPGA.elf  "AVR_FPGA.hex"



+ +

+ +

Create hello.css1, a better readable from of hello.css: + +

+ +


    +# Create hello.css1.

    +./end_conv < hello.css > hello.css1



+ +

+ +

Create prog_mem_content.vhd. + +

+ +


    +# Create prog_mem_content.vhd.

    +./make_mem < hello.hex > src/prog_mem_content.vhd



+ +

+ +

8.5 Performing the Functional Simulation

+ +

8.5.1 Preparing a Testbench

+ +

We prepare a testbench in which we instantiate the top-level FPGA design +of the CPU. The test bench provides a clock signal and a reset signal +for the CPU: + +

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    alu - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    16:47:24 12/29/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    arithmetic logic unit of a CPU

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity testbench is

    + 34	end testbench;

    + 35

    + 36	architecture Behavioral of testbench is

    + 37

    + 38	component avr_fpga

    + 39	    port (  I_CLK_100   : in  std_logic;

    + 40	            I_SWITCH    : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 41	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 42

    + 43	            Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

    + 44	            Q_LEDS      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 45	            Q_TX        : out std_logic);

    + 46	end component;

    + 47

    + 48	signal L_CLK_100            : std_logic;

    + 49	signal L_LEDS               : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 50	signal L_7_SEGMENT          : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

    + 51	signal L_RX                 : std_logic;

    + 52	signal L_SWITCH             : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 53	signal L_TX                 : std_logic;

    + 54

    + 55	signal	L_CLK_COUNT         : integer := 0;

    + 56

    + 57	begin

    + 58

    + 59	    fpga: avr_fpga

    + 60	    port map(   I_CLK_100   => L_CLK_100,

    + 61	                I_SWITCH    => L_SWITCH,

    + 62	                I_RX        => L_RX,

    + 63

    + 64	                Q_LEDS      => L_LEDS,

    + 65	                Q_7_SEGMENT => L_7_SEGMENT,

    + 66	                Q_TX        => L_TX);

    + 67

    + 68	    process -- clock process for CLK_100,

    + 69	    begin

    + 70	        clock_loop : loop

    + 71	            L_CLK_100 <= transport '0';

    + 72	            wait for 5 ns;

    + 73

    + 74	            L_CLK_100 <= transport '1';

    + 75	            wait for 5 ns;

    + 76	        end loop clock_loop;

    + 77	    end process;

    + 78

    + 79	    process(L_CLK_100)

    + 80	    begin

    + 81	        if (rising_edge(L_CLK_100)) then

    + 82	            case L_CLK_COUNT is

    + 83	                when 0 => L_SWITCH <= "0011100000";   L_RX <= '0';

    + 84	                when 2 => L_SWITCH(9 downto 8) <= "11";

    + 85	                when others =>

    + 86	            end case;

    + 87	            L_CLK_COUNT <= L_CLK_COUNT + 1;

    + 88	        end if;

    + 89	    end process;

    + 90	end Behavioral;

    + 91




+ +

+ +

8.5.2 Defining Memory Modules

+ +

We also need a VHDL file that implements the Xilinx primitives that +we use. This is only one: the memory module RAMB4_S4_S4: + +

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    prog_mem - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    14:09:04 10/30/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    a block memory module

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity RAMB4_S4_S4 is

    + 34	    generic(INIT_00 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 35	                                  &  "00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 36	            INIT_01 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 37	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 38	            INIT_02 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 39	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 40	            INIT_03 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 41	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 42	            INIT_04 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 43	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 44	            INIT_05 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 45	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 46	            INIT_06 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 47	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 48	            INIT_07 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 49	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 50	            INIT_08 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 51	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 52	            INIT_09 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 53	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 54	            INIT_0A : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 55	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 56	            INIT_0B : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 57	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 58	            INIT_0C : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 59	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 60	            INIT_0D : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 61	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 62	            INIT_0E : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 63	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000";

    + 64	            INIT_0F : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000"

    + 65	                                  & X"00000000000000000000000000000000");

    + 66

    + 67	    port(   ADDRA   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 68	            ADDRB   : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 69	            CLKA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 70	            CLKB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 71	            DIA     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 72	            DIB     : in  std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 73	            ENA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 74	            ENB     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 75	            RSTA    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 76	            RSTB    : in  std_ulogic;

    + 77	            WEA     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 78	            WEB     : in  std_ulogic;

    + 79

    + 80	            DOA     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 81	            DOB     : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));

    + 82	end RAMB4_S4_S4;

    + 83

    + 84	architecture Behavioral of RAMB4_S4_S4 is

    + 85

    + 86	function cv(A : bit) return std_logic is

    + 87	begin

    + 88	   if (A = '1') then return '1';

    + 89	   else              return '0';

    + 90	   end if;

    + 91	end;

    + 92

    + 93	function cv1(A : std_logic) return bit is

    + 94	begin

    + 95	   if (A = '1') then return '1';

    + 96	   else              return '0';

    + 97	   end if;

    + 98	end;

    + 99

    +100	signal DATA : bit_vector(4095 downto 0) :=

    +101	    INIT_0F & INIT_0E & INIT_0D & INIT_0C & INIT_0B & INIT_0A & INIT_09 & INIT_08 &

    +102	    INIT_07 & INIT_06 & INIT_05 & INIT_04 & INIT_03 & INIT_02 & INIT_01 & INIT_00;


    +104	begin


    +106	    process(CLKA, CLKB)

    +107	    begin

    +108	        if (rising_edge(CLKA)) then

    +109	            if (ENA = '1') then

    +110	                DOA(3) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "11")));

    +111	                DOA(2) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "10")));

    +112	                DOA(1) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "01")));

    +113	                DOA(0) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "00")));

    +114	                if (WEA = '1') then

    +115	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "11")) <= cv1(DIA(3));

    +116	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "10")) <= cv1(DIA(2));

    +117	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "01")) <= cv1(DIA(1));

    +118	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRA & "00")) <= cv1(DIA(0));

    +119	                end if;

    +120	           end if;

    +121	        end if;


    +123	        if (rising_edge(CLKB)) then

    +124	            if (ENB = '1') then

    +125	                DOB(3) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "11")));

    +126	                DOB(2) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "10")));

    +127	                DOB(1) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "01")));

    +128	                DOB(0) <= cv(DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "00")));

    +129	                if (WEB = '1') then

    +130	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "11")) <= cv1(DIB(3));

    +131	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "10")) <= cv1(DIB(2));

    +132	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "01")) <= cv1(DIB(1));

    +133	                    DATA(conv_integer(ADDRB & "00")) <= cv1(DIB(0));

    +134	                end if;

    +135	            end if;

    +136	        end if;

    +137	    end process;


    +139	end Behavioral;





+ +

+ +

8.5.3 Creating the testbench executable

+ +

We assume the following file structure: + +

  • a test directory that contains the testbench (test_tb.vhd) and the + memory module (RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd). +
  • a src directory that contains all other VHDL files. +
  • a simu directory (empty). +
  • A Makefile like this: +

+ +


    +  1	PROJECT=avr_core

    +  2

    +  3	# the vhdl source files (except testbench)

    +  4	#

    +  5	FILES		+= src/*.vhd

    +  6

    +  7	# the testbench sources and binary.

    +  8	#

    +  9	SIMFILES	= test/test_tb.vhd test/RAMB4_S4_S4.vhd

    + 10	SIMTOP		= testbench

    + 11

    + 12	# When to stop the simulation

    + 13	#

    + 14	# GHDL_SIM_OPT	= --assert-level=error

    + 15	GHDL_SIM_OPT	= --stop-time=40us

    + 16

    + 17	SIMDIR		= simu

    + 18

    + 19	FLAGS		= --ieee=synopsys --warn-no-vital-generic -fexplicit --std=93c

    + 20

    + 21	all:

    + 22		make compile

    + 23		make run 2>& 1 | grep -v std_logic_arith

    + 24		make view

    + 25

    + 26	compile:

    + 27		@mkdir -p simu

    + 28		@echo -----------------------------------------------------------------

    + 29		ghdl -i $(FLAGS) --workdir=simu --work=work $(SIMFILES) $(FILES)

    + 30		@echo

    + 31		@echo -----------------------------------------------------------------

    + 32		ghdl -m $(FLAGS) --workdir=simu --work=work $(SIMTOP)

    + 33		@echo

    + 34		@mv $(SIMTOP) simu/$(SIMTOP)

    + 35

    + 36	run:

    + 37		@$(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP) $(GHDL_SIM_OPT) --vcdgz=$(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP).vcdgz

    + 38

    + 39	view:

    + 40		gunzip --stdout $(SIMDIR)/$(SIMTOP).vcdgz | gtkwave --vcd

    + 41

    + 42	clean:

    + 43		ghdl --clean --workdir=simu

    + 44




+ +

+ +


+ +


    +# Run the functional simulation.




+ +

+ +

It will take a moment, but then a gtkwave window like the one shown +earlier in this lesson will appear. It my look a little different due +due to different default settings (like background color). In that +window you can add new signals from the design that you would like +to investigate, remove signals you are not interested in, and so on. +At the first time, no signals will be shown; you can add some by selecting +a component instance at the right, selecting a signal in that component, +and then pushing the append button on the right. + +

The make command has actually made 3 things: + +

  • make compile (compile the VHLD files) +
  • make run (run the simulation), and +
  • make view +

The first two steps (which took most of the total time) need only be run +after changes to the VHDL files. + +

8.6 Building the Design

+ +

When the functional simulation looks OK, it is time to implement the design +and check the timing. We describe this only briefly, since the Xilinx +documentation of the Xilinx toolchain is a much better source of +information. + +

8.6.1 Creating an UCF file

+ +

Before implementing the design, we need an UCF file. That file +describes timing requirements, pin properties (like pull-ups for our +DIP switch), and pin-to-signal mappings: + +

+ +


    +  1	NET     I_CLK_100       PERIOD = 10 ns;

    +  2	NET     L_CLK           PERIOD = 35 ns;

    +  3

    +  4	NET     I_CLK_100       TNM_NET = I_CLK_100;

    +  5	NET     L_CLK           TNM_NET = L_CLK;

    +  6

    +  7	NET     I_CLK_100       LOC = AA12;

    +  8	NET     I_RX            LOC = M3;

    +  9	NET     Q_TX            LOC = M4;

    + 10

    + 11	# 7 segment LED display

    + 12	#

    + 13	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<0>  LOC = V3;

    + 14	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<1>  LOC = V4;

    + 15	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<2>  LOC = W3;

    + 16	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<3>  LOC = T4;

    + 17	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<4>  LOC = T3;

    + 18	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<5>  LOC = U3;

    + 19	NET     Q_7_SEGMENT<6>  LOC = U4;

    + 20

    + 21	# single LEDs

    + 22	#

    + 23	NET     Q_LEDS<0>       LOC = N1;

    + 24	NET     Q_LEDS<1>       LOC = N2;

    + 25	NET     Q_LEDS<2>       LOC = P1;

    + 26	NET     Q_LEDS<3>       LOC = P2;

    + 27

    + 28	# DIP switch(0 ... 7) and two pushbuttons (8, 9)

    + 29	#

    + 30	NET     I_SWITCH<0>     LOC = H2;

    + 31	NET     I_SWITCH<1>     LOC = H1;

    + 32	NET     I_SWITCH<2>     LOC = J2;

    + 33	NET     I_SWITCH<3>     LOC = J1;

    + 34	NET     I_SWITCH<4>     LOC = K2;

    + 35	NET     I_SWITCH<5>     LOC = K1;

    + 36	NET     I_SWITCH<6>     LOC = L2;

    + 37	NET     I_SWITCH<7>     LOC = L1;

    + 38	NET     I_SWITCH<8>     LOC = R1;

    + 39	NET     I_SWITCH<9>     LOC = R2;

    + 40

    + 41	NET     I_SWITCH<*>     PULLUP;

    + 42




+ +

+ +

8.6.2 Synthesis and Implementation

+ +
  • Start the ISE project manager and open a new project with the desired + FPGA device. +
  • Add the VHDL files and the UCF file in the src directory to the + project (Project->Add Source). +
  • Synthesize and implement the design (Process->Implement top Module). +

This generates a number of reports, netlists, and other files. +There should be no errors. There will be warnings though, including +timing constraints that are not met. + +

It is important to understand the reason for each warning. Warnings often +point to faults in the design. + +

The next thing to check is the timing reports. We were lucky: + +

+ +


    +#Timing report fragment:


    +Timing constraint: NET "L_CLK" PERIOD = 35 ns HIGH 50%;


    + 676756190 paths analyzed, 2342 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints

    + 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors)

    + Minimum period is  34.981ns.




    +Timing constraint: NET "I_CLK_100_BUFGP/IBUFG" PERIOD = 10 ns HIGH 50%;


    + 19 paths analyzed, 11 endpoints analyzed, 0 failing endpoints

    + 0 timing errors detected. (0 setup errors, 0 hold errors)

    + Minimum period is   3.751ns.




    +All constraints were met.



+ +

+ +

This tells us that we have enough slack on the crystal CLK_100 signal +(8.048ns would allow for up to 124 MHz). We had specified a period +of 35 ns irequirement for the CPU clock: + +

+ +


    +  2	NET     L_CLK           PERIOD = 35 ns;




+ +

+ +

The CPU runs at 25 MHz, or 40 ns. The 35 ns come from the 40 ms minus +a slack of 5 ns. With some tweaking of optimization options, we could +have reached 33 MHz, but then the slack would have been pretty small. + +

However, we rather stay on th safe side. + +

8.7 Creating a Programming File

+ +

Next we double-click "Generate Programming file" in the ISE project navigator. +This generates a file avr_fpga.bit in the project directory. This can also +be run from a Makefile or from the command line (the command is bitgen). + +

8.8 Configuring the FPGA

+ +

At this point, we have the choice between configuring the FPGA directly +via JTAG, or flashing an EEPROM and then loading the FPGA from the EEPROM. + +

8.8.1 Configuring the FPGA via JTAG Boundary Scan

+ +

Configuring the FPGA can be done with the Xilinx tool called impact. +The file needed by impact is avr_fpga.bit from above. The configuration +loaded via JTAG will be lost when the FPGA looses power. + +

Choose "Boundary Scan" in impact, select the FPGA and follow the instructions. + +

8.8.2 Flashing PROMs

+ +

In theory this can also be done from ISE. In practice it could (and actually +did) happen that the programming cable (I use an old parallel 3 cable) +is not detected by impact. + +

Before flashing the PROM, the avr_fpga.bit from the previous step needs to +translated into a format suitable for the PROM. My PROM is of the serial +variety, so I start impact, choose "PROM File Formatter" and follow the +instructions. + +

After converting avr_fpga.bit into, for example, avr_fpga.mcs, the +PROM can be flashed. Like before choose "Boundary Scan" in #impact. This +time, however, you select the PROM and not the FPGA, and follow the +instructions. + +

This concludes the description of the design flow and also of the CPU. +The remaining lessons contain the complete listings of all sources files +discussed in this lectures. + +

Thank you very much for your attention. + +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/html/29_Listing_of_test_tb.vhd.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/html/29_Listing_of_test_tb.vhd.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/html/29_Listing_of_test_tb.vhd.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ + + + +html/Listing_of_test_tb.vhd + + + + +

Previous LessonTable of ContentNext Lesson
+ +

29 LISTING OF test_tb.vhd

+ +


    +  1	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    +  2	--

    +  3	-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann

    +  4	--

    +  5	--  This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    +  6	--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

    +  7	--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    +  8	--  (at your option) any later version.

    +  9	--

    + 10	--  This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    + 11	--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    + 13	--  GNU General Public License for more details.

    + 14	--

    + 15	--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

    + 16	--  along with this code (see the file named COPYING).

    + 17	--  If not, see

    + 18	--

    + 19	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 20	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 21	--

    + 22	-- Module Name:    alu - Behavioral

    + 23	-- Create Date:    16:47:24 12/29/2009

    + 24	-- Description:    arithmetic logic unit of a CPU

    + 25	--

    + 26	-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    + 27	--

    + 28	library IEEE;

    + 29	use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;



    + 32

    + 33	entity testbench is

    + 34	end testbench;

    + 35

    + 36	architecture Behavioral of testbench is

    + 37

    + 38	component avr_fpga

    + 39	    port (  I_CLK_100   : in  std_logic;

    + 40	            I_SWITCH    : in  std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 41	            I_RX        : in  std_logic;

    + 42

    + 43	            Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

    + 44	            Q_LEDS      : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 45	            Q_TX        : out std_logic);

    + 46	end component;

    + 47

    + 48	signal L_CLK_100            : std_logic;

    + 49	signal L_LEDS               : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

    + 50	signal L_7_SEGMENT          : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

    + 51	signal L_RX                 : std_logic;

    + 52	signal L_SWITCH             : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

    + 53	signal L_TX                 : std_logic;

    + 54

    + 55	signal	L_CLK_COUNT         : integer := 0;

    + 56

    + 57	begin

    + 58

    + 59	    fpga: avr_fpga

    + 60	    port map(   I_CLK_100   => L_CLK_100,

    + 61	                I_SWITCH    => L_SWITCH,

    + 62	                I_RX        => L_RX,

    + 63

    + 64	                Q_LEDS      => L_LEDS,

    + 65	                Q_7_SEGMENT => L_7_SEGMENT,

    + 66	                Q_TX        => L_TX);

    + 67

    + 68	    process -- clock process for CLK_100,

    + 69	    begin

    + 70	        clock_loop : loop

    + 71	            L_CLK_100 <= transport '0';

    + 72	            wait for 5 ns;

    + 73

    + 74	            L_CLK_100 <= transport '1';

    + 75	            wait for 5 ns;

    + 76	        end loop clock_loop;

    + 77	    end process;

    + 78

    + 79	    process(L_CLK_100)

    + 80	    begin

    + 81	        if (rising_edge(L_CLK_100)) then

    + 82	            case L_CLK_COUNT is

    + 83	                when 0 => L_SWITCH <= "0011100000";   L_RX <= '0';

    + 84	                when 2 => L_SWITCH(9 downto 8) <= "11";

    + 85	                when others =>

    + 86	            end case;

    + 87	            L_CLK_COUNT <= L_CLK_COUNT + 1;

    + 88	        end if;

    + 89	    end process;

    + 90	end Behavioral;

    + 91




+ +

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+ + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/prog_mem_content.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/prog_mem_content.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/prog_mem_content.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; + +package prog_mem_content is + +-- content of pe_0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant pe_0_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"F180C8135798FC118181E0CA1010905100EF1D2C5F8CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC"; +constant pe_0_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF3E5864BEFFF1194EECFF8514CE3811F180B810"; +constant pe_0_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_0_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +-- content of pe_1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant pe_1_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"3F930800000088842808F0CBEA0ADA0FB1DC1072644000000000000000000000"; +constant pe_1_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFAC9CBC0DC0C0DC8F0ED109C2FF00833F9308B2"; +constant pe_1_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_1_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +-- content of pe_2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant pe_2_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"F7100B00000044404050F0007606760000F54AC0C05444444444444444444444"; +constant pe_2_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0101B55F5117B71141335B711F0505F7100B72"; +constant pe_2_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_2_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +-- content of pe_3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant pe_3_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"4FEECBCCCCCC33FFFF9EC000F3CEF39EEEBE2062624999999999999999999999"; +constant pe_3_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC00009EEBE9990F90909990F90CC9E04FEECBF3"; +constant pe_3_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant pe_3_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +-- content of po_0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant po_0_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"3F1A0560796F99750980CDCCE1D001D2A0D4F047C0C333333333333333333336"; +constant po_0_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF6EAE400D48FFE081B2CFF1421CDC098F1A05F8"; +constant po_0_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_0_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +-- content of po_1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant po_1_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"82082B8888885408888985000B1B1B00EACD1065604555555555555555555553"; +constant po_1_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0F00D1CD01DCC82508C0082025A9B22082B83"; +constant po_1_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_1_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +-- content of po_2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant po_2_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"0F7609BCC88F400424409B444720072096F0E01FF8C000000000000000000000"; +constant po_2_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF4F4000F05111B36001337B369B107CF7609F7"; +constant po_2_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_2_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +-- content of po_3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +constant po_3_00 : BIT_VECTOR := X"E59EE9EEEEEEFFC3333EB999909EE09CEEBEB026644000000000000000000000"; +constant po_3_01 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC9C9CEEBE99901290C0999129B90EF359EE9E0"; +constant po_3_02 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_03 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_04 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_05 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_06 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_07 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_08 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_09 : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_0A : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_0B : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_0C : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_0D : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_0E : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; +constant po_3_0F : BIT_VECTOR := X"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"; + +end prog_mem_content; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/cpu_core.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/cpu_core.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/cpu_core.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: cpu_core - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 13:51:24 11/07/2009 +-- Description: the instruction set implementation of a CPU. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity cpu_core is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_INTVEC : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_ADR_IO : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_RD_IO : out std_logic; + Q_WE_IO : out std_logic); +end cpu_core; + +architecture Behavioral of cpu_core is + +component opc_fetch + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_INTVEC : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_NEW_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_LOAD_PC : in std_logic; + I_PM_ADR : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); + I_SKIP : in std_logic; + + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PM_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_T0 : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal F_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal F_OPC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal F_PM_DOUT : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal F_T0 : std_logic; + +component opc_deco is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_OPC : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_T0 : in std_logic; + + Q_ALU_OP : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + Q_AMOD : out std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + Q_BIT : out std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + Q_DDDDD : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + Q_IMM : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_JADR : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC_OP : out std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0); + Q_PMS : out std_logic; -- program memory select + Q_RD_M : out std_logic; + Q_RRRRR : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + Q_RSEL : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_WE_01 : out std_logic; + Q_WE_D : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_WE_F : out std_logic; + Q_WE_M : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_WE_XYZS : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal D_ALU_OP : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); +signal D_AMOD : std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); +signal D_BIT : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); +signal D_DDDDD : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); +signal D_IMM : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal D_JADR : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal D_OPC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal D_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal D_PC_OP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); +signal D_PMS : std_logic; +signal D_RD_M : std_logic; +signal D_RRRRR : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); +signal D_RSEL : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); +signal D_WE_01 : std_logic; +signal D_WE_D : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); +signal D_WE_F : std_logic; +signal D_WE_M : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); +signal D_WE_XYZS : std_logic; + +component data_path + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_ALU_OP : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_AMOD : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_BIT : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + I_DDDDD : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_IMM : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_JADR : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PC_OP : in std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0); + I_OPC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PMS : in std_logic; -- program memory select + I_RD_M : in std_logic; + I_RRRRR : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_RSEL : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_01 : in std_logic; + I_WE_D : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_F : in std_logic; + I_WE_M : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_XYZS : in std_logic; + + Q_ADR : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_INT_ENA : out std_logic; + Q_LOAD_PC : out std_logic; + Q_NEW_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_RD_IO : out std_logic; + Q_SKIP : out std_logic; + Q_WE_IO : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal R_INT_ENA : std_logic; +signal R_NEW_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_LOAD_PC : std_logic; +signal R_SKIP : std_logic; +signal R_ADR : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + +-- local signals +-- +signal L_DIN : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal L_INTVEC_5 : std_logic; + +begin + + opcf : opc_fetch + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + + I_CLR => I_CLR, + I_INTVEC(5) => L_INTVEC_5, + I_INTVEC(4 downto 0) => I_INTVEC(4 downto 0), + I_LOAD_PC => R_LOAD_PC, + I_NEW_PC => R_NEW_PC, + I_PM_ADR => R_ADR(11 downto 0), + I_SKIP => R_SKIP, + + Q_PC => F_PC, + Q_OPC => F_OPC, + Q_T0 => F_T0, + Q_PM_DOUT => F_PM_DOUT); + + odec : opc_deco + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + + I_OPC => F_OPC, + I_PC => F_PC, + I_T0 => F_T0, + + Q_ALU_OP => D_ALU_OP, + Q_AMOD => D_AMOD, + Q_BIT => D_BIT, + Q_DDDDD => D_DDDDD, + Q_IMM => D_IMM, + Q_JADR => D_JADR, + Q_OPC => D_OPC, + Q_PC => D_PC, + Q_PC_OP => D_PC_OP, + Q_PMS => D_PMS, + Q_RD_M => D_RD_M, + Q_RRRRR => D_RRRRR, + Q_RSEL => D_RSEL, + Q_WE_01 => D_WE_01, + Q_WE_D => D_WE_D, + Q_WE_F => D_WE_F, + Q_WE_M => D_WE_M, + Q_WE_XYZS => D_WE_XYZS); + + dpath : data_path + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + + I_ALU_OP => D_ALU_OP, + I_AMOD => D_AMOD, + I_BIT => D_BIT, + I_DDDDD => D_DDDDD, + I_DIN => L_DIN, + I_IMM => D_IMM, + I_JADR => D_JADR, + I_OPC => D_OPC, + I_PC => D_PC, + I_PC_OP => D_PC_OP, + I_PMS => D_PMS, + I_RD_M => D_RD_M, + I_RRRRR => D_RRRRR, + I_RSEL => D_RSEL, + I_WE_01 => D_WE_01, + I_WE_D => D_WE_D, + I_WE_F => D_WE_F, + I_WE_M => D_WE_M, + I_WE_XYZS => D_WE_XYZS, + + Q_ADR => R_ADR, + Q_DOUT => Q_DOUT, + Q_INT_ENA => R_INT_ENA, + Q_NEW_PC => R_NEW_PC, + Q_OPC => Q_OPC, + Q_PC => Q_PC, + Q_LOAD_PC => R_LOAD_PC, + Q_RD_IO => Q_RD_IO, + Q_SKIP => R_SKIP, + Q_WE_IO => Q_WE_IO); + + L_DIN <= F_PM_DOUT when (D_PMS = '1') else I_DIN(7 downto 0); + L_INTVEC_5 <= I_INTVEC(5) and R_INT_ENA; + Q_ADR_IO <= R_ADR(7 downto 0); + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/baudgen.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/baudgen.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/baudgen.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: baudgen - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 13:51:24 11/07/2009 +-- Description: fixed baud rate generator +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity baudgen is + generic(clock_freq : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + baud_rate : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0)); + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_CLR : in std_logic; + Q_CE_1 : out std_logic; -- baud x 1 clock enable + Q_CE_16 : out std_logic); -- baud x 16 clock enable +end baudgen; + + +architecture Behavioral of baudgen is + +constant BAUD_16 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := baud_rate & "0000"; +constant LIMIT : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := clock_freq - BAUD_16; + +signal L_CE_16 : std_logic; +signal L_CNT_16 : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); +signal L_COUNTER : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + +begin + + baud16: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_COUNTER <= X"00000000"; + elsif (L_COUNTER >= LIMIT) then + L_COUNTER <= L_COUNTER - LIMIT; + else + L_COUNTER <= L_COUNTER + BAUD_16; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + baud1: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_CNT_16 <= "0000"; + elsif (L_CE_16 = '1') then + L_CNT_16 <= L_CNT_16 + "0001"; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + L_CE_16 <= '1' when (L_COUNTER >= LIMIT) else '0'; + Q_CE_16 <= L_CE_16; + Q_CE_1 <= L_CE_16 when L_CNT_16 = "1111" else '0'; + +end behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/prog_mem.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/prog_mem.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/prog_mem.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: prog_mem - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 14:09:04 10/30/2009 +-- Description: the program memory of a CPU. +-- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +-- the content of the program memory. +-- +use work.prog_mem_content.all; + +entity prog_mem is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_WAIT : in std_logic; + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- word address + I_PM_ADR : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- byte address + + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PM_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0)); +end prog_mem; + +architecture Behavioral of prog_mem is + +constant zero_256 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000" + & X"00000000000000000000000000000000"; + +component RAMB4_S4_S4 + generic(INIT_00 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_01 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_02 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_03 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_04 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_05 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_06 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_07 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_08 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_09 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0A : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0B : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0C : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0D : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0E : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0F : bit_vector := zero_256); + + port( ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); + ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); + CLKA : in std_ulogic; + CLKB : in std_ulogic; + DIA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + DIB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + ENA : in std_ulogic; + ENB : in std_ulogic; + RSTA : in std_ulogic; + RSTB : in std_ulogic; + WEA : in std_ulogic; + WEB : in std_ulogic; + + DOA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + DOB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); +end component; + +signal M_OPC_E : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal M_OPC_O : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal M_PMD_E : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal M_PMD_O : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + +signal L_WAIT_N : std_logic; +signal L_PC_0 : std_logic; +signal L_PC_E : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1); +signal L_PC_O : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1); +signal L_PMD : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_PM_ADR_1_0 : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + +begin + + pe_0 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => pe_0_00, INIT_01 => pe_0_01, INIT_02 => pe_0_02, + INIT_03 => pe_0_03, INIT_04 => pe_0_04, INIT_05 => pe_0_05, + INIT_06 => pe_0_06, INIT_07 => pe_0_07, INIT_08 => pe_0_08, + INIT_09 => pe_0_09, INIT_0A => pe_0_0A, INIT_0B => pe_0_0B, + INIT_0C => pe_0_0C, INIT_0D => pe_0_0D, INIT_0E => pe_0_0E, + INIT_0F => pe_0_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_E(3 downto 0), DOB => M_PMD_E(3 downto 0)); + + pe_1 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => pe_1_00, INIT_01 => pe_1_01, INIT_02 => pe_1_02, + INIT_03 => pe_1_03, INIT_04 => pe_1_04, INIT_05 => pe_1_05, + INIT_06 => pe_1_06, INIT_07 => pe_1_07, INIT_08 => pe_1_08, + INIT_09 => pe_1_09, INIT_0A => pe_1_0A, INIT_0B => pe_1_0B, + INIT_0C => pe_1_0C, INIT_0D => pe_1_0D, INIT_0E => pe_1_0E, + INIT_0F => pe_1_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_E(7 downto 4), DOB => M_PMD_E(7 downto 4)); + + pe_2 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => pe_2_00, INIT_01 => pe_2_01, INIT_02 => pe_2_02, + INIT_03 => pe_2_03, INIT_04 => pe_2_04, INIT_05 => pe_2_05, + INIT_06 => pe_2_06, INIT_07 => pe_2_07, INIT_08 => pe_2_08, + INIT_09 => pe_2_09, INIT_0A => pe_2_0A, INIT_0B => pe_2_0B, + INIT_0C => pe_2_0C, INIT_0D => pe_2_0D, INIT_0E => pe_2_0E, + INIT_0F => pe_2_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_E(11 downto 8), DOB => M_PMD_E(11 downto 8)); + + pe_3 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => pe_3_00, INIT_01 => pe_3_01, INIT_02 => pe_3_02, + INIT_03 => pe_3_03, INIT_04 => pe_3_04, INIT_05 => pe_3_05, + INIT_06 => pe_3_06, INIT_07 => pe_3_07, INIT_08 => pe_3_08, + INIT_09 => pe_3_09, INIT_0A => pe_3_0A, INIT_0B => pe_3_0B, + INIT_0C => pe_3_0C, INIT_0D => pe_3_0D, INIT_0E => pe_3_0E, + INIT_0F => pe_3_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_E, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_E(15 downto 12), DOB => M_PMD_E(15 downto 12)); + + po_0 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => po_0_00, INIT_01 => po_0_01, INIT_02 => po_0_02, + INIT_03 => po_0_03, INIT_04 => po_0_04, INIT_05 => po_0_05, + INIT_06 => po_0_06, INIT_07 => po_0_07, INIT_08 => po_0_08, + INIT_09 => po_0_09, INIT_0A => po_0_0A, INIT_0B => po_0_0B, + INIT_0C => po_0_0C, INIT_0D => po_0_0D, INIT_0E => po_0_0E, + INIT_0F => po_0_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_O(3 downto 0), DOB => M_PMD_O(3 downto 0)); + + po_1 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => po_1_00, INIT_01 => po_1_01, INIT_02 => po_1_02, + INIT_03 => po_1_03, INIT_04 => po_1_04, INIT_05 => po_1_05, + INIT_06 => po_1_06, INIT_07 => po_1_07, INIT_08 => po_1_08, + INIT_09 => po_1_09, INIT_0A => po_1_0A, INIT_0B => po_1_0B, + INIT_0C => po_1_0C, INIT_0D => po_1_0D, INIT_0E => po_1_0E, + INIT_0F => po_1_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_O(7 downto 4), DOB => M_PMD_O(7 downto 4)); + + po_2 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => po_2_00, INIT_01 => po_2_01, INIT_02 => po_2_02, + INIT_03 => po_2_03, INIT_04 => po_2_04, INIT_05 => po_2_05, + INIT_06 => po_2_06, INIT_07 => po_2_07, INIT_08 => po_2_08, + INIT_09 => po_2_09, INIT_0A => po_2_0A, INIT_0B => po_2_0B, + INIT_0C => po_2_0C, INIT_0D => po_2_0D, INIT_0E => po_2_0E, + INIT_0F => po_2_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_O(11 downto 8), DOB => M_PMD_O(11 downto 8)); + + po_3 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => po_3_00, INIT_01 => po_3_01, INIT_02 => po_3_02, + INIT_03 => po_3_03, INIT_04 => po_3_04, INIT_05 => po_3_05, + INIT_06 => po_3_06, INIT_07 => po_3_07, INIT_08 => po_3_08, + INIT_09 => po_3_09, INIT_0A => po_3_0A, INIT_0B => po_3_0B, + INIT_0C => po_3_0C, INIT_0D => po_3_0D, INIT_0E => po_3_0E, + INIT_0F => po_3_0F) + port map(ADDRA => L_PC_O, ADDRB => I_PM_ADR(11 downto 2), + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => "0000", DIB => "0000", + ENA => L_WAIT_N, ENB => '1', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => '0', WEB => '0', + DOA => M_OPC_O(15 downto 12), DOB => M_PMD_O(15 downto 12)); + + -- remember I_PC0 and I_PM_ADR for the output mux. + -- + pc0: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + Q_PC <= I_PC; + L_PM_ADR_1_0 <= I_PM_ADR(1 downto 0); + if ((I_WAIT = '0')) then + L_PC_0 <= I_PC(0); + end if; + end if; + end process; + + L_WAIT_N <= not I_WAIT; + + -- we use two memory blocks _E and _O (even and odd). + -- This gives us a quad-port memory so that we can access + -- I_PC, I_PC + 1, and PM simultaneously. + -- + -- I_PC and I_PC + 1 are handled by port A of the memory while PM + -- is handled by port B. + -- + -- Q_OPC(15 ... 0) shall contain the word addressed by I_PC, while + -- Q_OPC(31 ... 16) shall contain the word addressed by I_PC + 1. + -- + -- There are two cases: + -- + -- case A: I_PC is even, thus I_PC + 1 is odd + -- case B: I_PC + 1 is odd , thus I_PC is even + -- + L_PC_O <= I_PC(10 downto 1); + L_PC_E <= I_PC(10 downto 1) + ("000000000" & I_PC(0)); + Q_OPC(15 downto 0) <= M_OPC_E when L_PC_0 = '0' else M_OPC_O; + Q_OPC(31 downto 16) <= M_OPC_E when L_PC_0 = '1' else M_OPC_O; + + L_PMD <= M_PMD_E when (L_PM_ADR_1_0(1) = '0') else M_PMD_O; + Q_PM_DOUT <= L_PMD(7 downto 0) when (L_PM_ADR_1_0(0) = '0') + else L_PMD(15 downto 8); + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/io.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/io.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/io.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: io - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 13:59:36 11/07/2009 +-- Description: the I/O of a CPU (uart and general purpose I/O lines). +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity io is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_ADR_IO : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_SWITCH : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_RD_IO : in std_logic; + I_RX : in std_logic; + I_WE_IO : in std_logic; + + Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_INTVEC : out std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + Q_LEDS : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_TX : out std_logic); +end io; + +architecture Behavioral of io is + +component uart + generic(CLOCK_FREQ : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + BAUD_RATE : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0)); + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_RD : in std_logic; + I_WE : in std_logic; + I_RX : in std_logic; + I_TX_DATA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + + Q_RX_DATA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + Q_RX_READY : out std_logic; + Q_TX : out std_logic; + Q_TX_BUSY : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal U_RX_READY : std_logic; +signal U_TX_BUSY : std_logic; +signal U_RX_DATA : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + +signal L_INTVEC : std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); +signal L_LEDS : std_logic; +signal L_RD_UART : std_logic; +signal L_RX_INT_ENABLED : std_logic; +signal L_TX_INT_ENABLED : std_logic; +signal L_WE_UART : std_logic; + +begin + urt: uart + generic map(CLOCK_FREQ => std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(25000000, 32)), + BAUD_RATE => std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned( 38400, 28))) + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + I_CLR => I_CLR, + I_RD => L_RD_UART, + I_WE => L_WE_UART, + I_TX_DATA => I_DIN(7 downto 0), + I_RX => I_RX, + + Q_TX => Q_TX, + Q_RX_DATA => U_RX_DATA, + Q_RX_READY => U_RX_READY, + Q_TX_BUSY => U_TX_BUSY); + + -- IO read process + -- + iord: process(I_ADR_IO, I_SWITCH, + U_RX_DATA, U_RX_READY, L_RX_INT_ENABLED, + U_TX_BUSY, L_TX_INT_ENABLED) + begin + -- addresses for mega8 device (use iom8.h or #define __AVR_ATmega8__). + -- + case I_ADR_IO is + when X"2A" => Q_DOUT <= -- UCSRB: + L_RX_INT_ENABLED -- Rx complete int enabled. + & L_TX_INT_ENABLED -- Tx complete int enabled. + & L_TX_INT_ENABLED -- Tx empty int enabled. + & '1' -- Rx enabled + & '1' -- Tx enabled + & '0' -- 8 bits/char + & '0' -- Rx bit 8 + & '0'; -- Tx bit 8 + when X"2B" => Q_DOUT <= -- UCSRA: + U_RX_READY -- Rx complete + & not U_TX_BUSY -- Tx complete + & not U_TX_BUSY -- Tx ready + & '0' -- frame error + & '0' -- data overrun + & '0' -- parity error + & '0' -- double dpeed + & '0'; -- multiproc mode + when X"2C" => Q_DOUT <= U_RX_DATA; -- UDR + when X"40" => Q_DOUT <= -- UCSRC + '1' -- URSEL + & '0' -- asynchronous + & "00" -- no parity + & '1' -- two stop bits + & "11" -- 8 bits/char + & '0'; -- rising clock edge + + when X"36" => Q_DOUT <= I_SWITCH; -- PINB + when others => Q_DOUT <= X"AA"; + end case; + end process; + + -- IO write process + -- + iowr: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_RX_INT_ENABLED <= '0'; + L_TX_INT_ENABLED <= '0'; + elsif (I_WE_IO = '1') then + case I_ADR_IO is + when X"38" => Q_7_SEGMENT <= I_DIN(6 downto 0); -- PORTB + L_LEDS <= not L_LEDS; + when X"40" => -- handled by uart + when X"41" => -- handled by uart + when X"43" => L_RX_INT_ENABLED <= I_DIN(0); + L_TX_INT_ENABLED <= I_DIN(1); + when others => + end case; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + -- interrupt process + -- + ioint: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_INTVEC <= "000000"; + else + if (L_RX_INT_ENABLED and U_RX_READY) = '1' then + if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then -- no interrupt pending + L_INTVEC <= "101011"; -- _VECTOR(11) + end if; + elsif (L_TX_INT_ENABLED and not U_TX_BUSY) = '1' then + if (L_INTVEC(5) = '0') then -- no interrupt pending + L_INTVEC <= "101100"; -- _VECTOR(12) + end if; + else -- no interrupt + L_INTVEC <= "000000"; + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + L_WE_UART <= I_WE_IO when (I_ADR_IO = X"2C") else '0'; -- write UART UDR + L_RD_UART <= I_RD_IO when (I_ADR_IO = X"2C") else '0'; -- read UART UDR + + Q_LEDS(1) <= L_LEDS; + Q_LEDS(0) <= not L_LEDS; + Q_INTVEC <= L_INTVEC; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/data_mem.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/data_mem.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/data_mem.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: data_mem - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 14:09:04 10/30/2009 +-- Description: the data mempry of a CPU. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity data_mem is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_ADR : in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_WE : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end data_mem; + +architecture Behavioral of data_mem is + +constant zero_256 : bit_vector := X"00000000000000000000000000000000" + & X"00000000000000000000000000000000"; +constant nine_256 : bit_vector := X"99999999999999999999999999999999" + & X"99999999999999999999999999999999"; + +component RAMB4_S4_S4 + generic(INIT_00 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_01 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_02 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_03 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_04 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_05 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_06 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_07 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_08 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_09 : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0A : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0B : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0C : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0D : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0E : bit_vector := zero_256; + INIT_0F : bit_vector := zero_256); + + port( DOA : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + DOB : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + ADDRA : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); + ADDRB : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); + CLKA : in std_ulogic; + CLKB : in std_ulogic; + DIA : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + DIB : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + ENA : in std_ulogic; + ENB : in std_ulogic; + RSTA : in std_ulogic; + RSTB : in std_ulogic; + WEA : in std_ulogic; + WEB : in std_ulogic); +end component; + +signal L_ADR_0 : std_logic; +signal L_ADR_E : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1); +signal L_ADR_O : std_logic_vector(10 downto 1); +signal L_DIN_E : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal L_DIN_O : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal L_DOUT_E : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal L_DOUT_O : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal L_WE_E : std_logic; +signal L_WE_O : std_logic; + +begin + + sr_0 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256, + INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256, + INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256, + INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256, + INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256, + INIT_0F => nine_256) + + port map( ADDRA => L_ADR_E, ADDRB => "0000000000", + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => L_DIN_E(3 downto 0), DIB => "0000", + ENA => '1', ENB => '0', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => L_WE_E, WEB => '0', + DOA => L_DOUT_E(3 downto 0), DOB => open); + + sr_1 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256, + INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256, + INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256, + INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256, + INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256, + INIT_0F => nine_256) + + port map( ADDRA => L_ADR_E, ADDRB => "0000000000", + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => L_DIN_E(7 downto 4), DIB => "0000", + ENA => '1', ENB => '0', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => L_WE_E, WEB => '0', + DOA => L_DOUT_E(7 downto 4), DOB => open); + + sr_2 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256, + INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256, + INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256, + INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256, + INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256, + INIT_0F => nine_256) + + port map( ADDRA => L_ADR_O, ADDRB => "0000000000", + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => L_DIN_O(3 downto 0), DIB => "0000", + ENA => '1', ENB => '0', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => L_WE_O, WEB => '0', + DOA => L_DOUT_O(3 downto 0), DOB => open); + + sr_3 : RAMB4_S4_S4 --------------------------------------------------------- + generic map(INIT_00 => nine_256, INIT_01 => nine_256, INIT_02 => nine_256, + INIT_03 => nine_256, INIT_04 => nine_256, INIT_05 => nine_256, + INIT_06 => nine_256, INIT_07 => nine_256, INIT_08 => nine_256, + INIT_09 => nine_256, INIT_0A => nine_256, INIT_0B => nine_256, + INIT_0C => nine_256, INIT_0D => nine_256, INIT_0E => nine_256, + INIT_0F => nine_256) + + port map( ADDRA => L_ADR_O, ADDRB => "0000000000", + CLKA => I_CLK, CLKB => I_CLK, + DIA => L_DIN_O(7 downto 4), DIB => "0000", + ENA => '1', ENB => '0', + RSTA => '0', RSTB => '0', + WEA => L_WE_O, WEB => '0', + DOA => L_DOUT_O(7 downto 4), DOB => open); + + + -- remember ADR(0) + -- + adr0: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + L_ADR_0 <= I_ADR(0); + end if; + end process; + + -- we use two memory blocks _E and _O (even and odd). + -- This gives us a memory with ADR and ADR + 1 at th same time. + -- The second port is currently unused, but may be used later, + -- e.g. for DMA. + -- + + L_ADR_O <= I_ADR(10 downto 1); + L_ADR_E <= I_ADR(10 downto 1) + ("000000000" & I_ADR(0)); + + L_DIN_E <= I_DIN( 7 downto 0) when (I_ADR(0) = '0') else I_DIN(15 downto 8); + L_DIN_O <= I_DIN( 7 downto 0) when (I_ADR(0) = '1') else I_DIN(15 downto 8); + + L_WE_E <= I_WE(1) or (I_WE(0) and not I_ADR(0)); + L_WE_O <= I_WE(1) or (I_WE(0) and I_ADR(0)); + + Q_DOUT( 7 downto 0) <= L_DOUT_E when (L_ADR_0 = '0') else L_DOUT_O; + Q_DOUT(15 downto 8) <= L_DOUT_E when (L_ADR_0 = '1') else L_DOUT_O; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/opc_deco.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/opc_deco.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/opc_deco.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,659 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: opc_deco - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 16:05:16 10/29/2009 +-- Description: the opcode decoder of a CPU. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +use work.common.ALL; + +entity opc_deco is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_OPC : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_T0 : in std_logic; + + Q_ALU_OP : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + Q_AMOD : out std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + Q_BIT : out std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + Q_DDDDD : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + Q_IMM : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_JADR : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC_OP : out std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0); + Q_PMS : out std_logic; -- program memory select + Q_RD_M : out std_logic; + Q_RRRRR : out std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + Q_RSEL : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_WE_01 : out std_logic; + Q_WE_D : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_WE_F : out std_logic; + Q_WE_M : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_WE_XYZS : out std_logic); +end opc_deco; + +architecture Behavioral of opc_deco is + +begin + + process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + -- + -- set the most common settings as default. + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; + Q_BIT <= I_OPC(10) & I_OPC(2 downto 0); + Q_DDDDD <= I_OPC(8 downto 4); + Q_IMM <= X"0000"; + Q_JADR <= I_OPC(31 downto 16); + Q_OPC <= I_OPC(15 downto 0); + Q_PC <= I_PC; + Q_PC_OP <= PC_NEXT; + Q_PMS <= '0'; + Q_RD_M <= '0'; + Q_RRRRR <= I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_RSEL <= RS_REG; + Q_WE_D <= "00"; + Q_WE_01 <= '0'; + Q_WE_F <= '0'; + Q_WE_M <= "00"; + Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; + + case I_OPC(15 downto 10) is + when "000000" => + case I_OPC(9 downto 8) is + when "00" => + -- + -- 0000 0000 0000 0000 - NOP + -- 0000 0000 001v vvvv - INTERRUPT + -- + if (I_OPC(5)) = '1' then -- interrupt + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP; + Q_JADR <= "0000000000" & I_OPC(4 downto 0) & "0"; + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + Q_WE_M <= "11"; + end if; + + when "01" => + -- + -- 0000 0001 dddd rrrr - MOVW + -- + Q_DDDDD <= I_OPC(7 downto 4) & "0"; + Q_RRRRR <= I_OPC(3 downto 0) & "0"; + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MV_16; + Q_WE_D <= "11"; + + when "10" => + -- + -- 0000 0010 dddd rrrr - MULS + -- + Q_DDDDD <= "1" & I_OPC(7 downto 4); + Q_RRRRR <= "1" & I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT; + Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SS; + Q_WE_01 <= '1'; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when others => + -- + -- 0000 0011 0ddd 0rrr - _MULSU SU "010" + -- 0000 0011 0ddd 1rrr - FMUL UU "100" + -- 0000 0011 1ddd 0rrr - FMULS SS "111" + -- 0000 0011 1ddd 1rrr - FMULSU SU "110" + -- + Q_DDDDD(4 downto 3) <= "10"; -- regs 16 to 23 + Q_RRRRR(4 downto 3) <= "10"; -- regs 16 to 23 + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT; + if I_OPC(7) = '0' then + if I_OPC(3) = '0' then + Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_SU; + else + Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FUU; + end if; + else + if I_OPC(3) = '0' then + Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSS; + else + Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= MULT_FSU; + end if; + end if; + Q_WE_01 <= '1'; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + end case; + + when "000001" | "000010" => + -- + -- 0000 01rd dddd rrrr - CPC = SBC without Q_WE_D + -- 0000 10rd dddd rrrr - SBC + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBC; + Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(11); -- write Rd if SBC. + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "000011" => + -- + -- 0000 11rd dddd rrrr - ADD + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADD; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "000100" => -- CPSE + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB; + Q_RD_M <= I_T0; + if (I_T0 = '0') then -- second cycle. + Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_Z; + end if; + + when "000101" | "000110" => + -- + -- 0001 01rd dddd rrrr - CP = SUB without Q_WE_D + -- 0000 10rd dddd rrrr - SUB + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB; + Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(11); -- write Rd if SUB. + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "000111" => + -- + -- 0001 11rd dddd rrrr - ADC + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADC; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "001000" => + -- + -- 0010 00rd dddd rrrr - AND + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "001001" => + -- + -- 0010 01rd dddd rrrr - EOR + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_EOR; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "001010" => -- OR + -- + -- 0010 10rd dddd rrrr - OR + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_OR; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "001011" => + -- + -- 0010 11rd dddd rrrr - MOV + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + + when "001100" | "001101" | "001110" | "001111" + | "010100" | "010101" | "010110" | "010111" => + -- + -- 0011 KKKK dddd KKKK - CPI + -- 0101 KKKK dddd KKKK - SUBI + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SUB; + Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; + Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1'; -- Rd = 16...31 + Q_WE_D <= '0' & I_OPC(14); + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "010000" | "010001" | "010010" | "010011" => + -- + -- 0100 KKKK dddd KKKK - SBCI + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBC; + Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; + Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1'; -- Rd = 16...31 + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "011000" | "011001" | "011010" | "011011" => + -- + -- 0110 KKKK dddd KKKK - ORI + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_OR; + Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; + Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1'; -- Rd = 16...31 + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "011100" | "011101" | "011110" | "011111" => + -- + -- 0111 KKKK dddd KKKK - ANDI + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_AND; + Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; + Q_DDDDD(4) <= '1'; -- Rd = 16...31 + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "100000" | "100001" | "100010" | "100011" + | "101000" | "101001" | "101010" | "101011" => + -- + -- LDD (Y + q) == LD (y) if q == 0 + -- + -- 10q0 qq0d dddd 1qqq LDD (Y + q) + -- 10q0 qq0d dddd 0qqq LDD (Z + q) + -- 10q0 qq1d dddd 1qqq SDD (Y + q) + -- 10q0 qq1d dddd 0qqq SDD (Z + q) + -- L/ Z/ + -- S Y + -- + Q_IMM(5) <= I_OPC(13); + Q_IMM(4 downto 3) <= I_OPC(11 downto 10); + Q_IMM(2 downto 0) <= I_OPC( 2 downto 0); + + if (I_OPC(3) = '0') then Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zq; + else Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yq; + end if; + + Q_RD_M <= not I_OPC(9); -- '1' if LDD + Q_WE_M <= '0' & I_OPC(9); -- "01" if STD + + when "100100" => + Q_IMM <= I_OPC(31 downto 16); -- absolute address for LDS/STS + if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then -- LDD / POP + -- + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0000 - LDS + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0001 - LD Rd, Z+ + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0010 - LD Rd, -Z + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0100 - (ii) LPM Rd, (Z) + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0101 - (iii) LPM Rd, (Z+) + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0110 - ELPM Z --- not mega8 + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 0111 - ELPM Z+ --- not mega8 + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1001 - LD Rd, Y+ + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1010 - LD Rd, -Y + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1100 - LD Rd, X + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1101 - LD Rd, X+ + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1110 - LD Rd, -X + -- 1001 00-0d dddd 1111 - POP Rd + -- + Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN; + Q_RD_M <= I_T0; + Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0; + Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0; + Q_PMS <= (not I_OPC(3)) and I_OPC(2) and (not I_OPC(1)); + case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is + when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; + when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi; + when "0100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; + when "0101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi; + when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi; + when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY; + when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; + when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi; + when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX; + when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPi; + when others => Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; + end case; + else -- STD / PUSH + -- + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0000 - STS + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0001 - ST Z+. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 0010 - ST -Z. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1000 - ST Y. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1001 - ST Y+. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1010 - ST -Y. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1100 - ST X. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1101 - ST X+. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1110 - ST -X. Rr + -- 1001 00-1r rrrr 1111 - PUSH Rr + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q; + Q_WE_M <= "01"; + Q_WE_XYZS <= '1'; + case I_OPC(3 downto 0) is + when "0000" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; + when "0001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Zi; + when "0010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dZ; + when "1001" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Yi; + when "1010" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dY; + when "1100" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_X; Q_WE_XYZS <= '0'; + when "1101" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Xi; + when "1110" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dX; + when "1111" => Q_AMOD <= AMOD_dSP; + when others => + end case; + end if; + + when "100101" => + if (I_OPC(9) = '0') then + if (I_OPC(3) = '0') then + -- + -- 1001 010d dddd 0000 - COM + -- 1001 010d dddd 0001 - NEG + -- 1001 010d dddd 0010 - SWAP + -- 1001 010d dddd 0011 - INC + -- 1001 010d dddd 0101 - ASR + -- 1001 010d dddd 0110 - LSR + -- 1001 010d dddd 0111 - ROR + -- + case I_OPC(2 downto 0) is + when "000" => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_COM; + when "001" => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_NEG; + when "010" => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SWAP; + when "011" => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INC; + when "101" => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ASR; + when "110" => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_LSR; + when "111" => Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ROR; + when others => + end case; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + else + case I_OPC(2 downto 0) is + when "000" => + if (I_OPC(8)) = '0' then + -- + -- 1001 0100 0sss 1000 - BSET + -- 1001 0100 1sss 1000 - BCLR + -- + Q_BIT(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 4); + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SREG; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + else + -- + -- 1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET + -- 1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI + -- 1001 0101 1000 1000 - SLEEP + -- 1001 0101 1001 1000 - BREAK + -- 1001 0101 1100 1000 - LPM [ R0,(Z) ] + -- 1001 0101 1101 1000 - ELPM not mega8 + -- 1001 0101 1110 1000 - SPM + -- 1001 0101 1111 1000 - SPM #2 + -- 1001 0101 1010 1000 - WDR + -- + case I_OPC(7 downto 4) is + when "0000" => -- RET + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPii; + if (I_T0 = '1') then + Q_RD_M <= '1'; + else + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_S; + Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0; + end if; + + when "0001" => -- RETI + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_INTR; + Q_IMM(6) <= '1'; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_SPii; + if (I_T0 = '1') then + Q_RD_M <= '1'; + else + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_S; + Q_WE_XYZS <= not I_T0; + end if; + + when "1000" => -- (i) LPM R0, (Z) + Q_DDDDD <= "00000"; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z; + Q_PMS <= '1'; + Q_WE_D <= '0' & not I_T0; + + when "1110" => -- SPM + Q_DDDDD <= "00000"; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_Z; + Q_PMS <= '1'; + Q_WE_M <= "01"; + + when "1111" => -- SPM #2 + -- page write: not su[pported + + when others => + end case; + end if; + + when "001" => + -- + -- 1001 0100 0000 1001 IJMP + -- 1001 0100 0001 1001 EIJMP -- not mega8 + -- 1001 0101 0000 1001 ICALL + -- 1001 0101 0001 1001 EICALL -- not mega8 + -- + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_Z; + if (I_OPC(8) = '1') then -- ICALL + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_1; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP; + Q_WE_M <= "11"; + Q_WE_XYZS <= '1'; + end if; + + when "010" => + -- + -- 1001 010d dddd 1010 - DEC + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_DEC; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "011" => + -- + -- 1001 0100 KKKK 1011 - DES -- not mega8 + -- + + when "100" | "101" => + -- + -- 1001 010k kkkk 110k - JMP (k = 0 for 16 bit) + -- kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk + -- + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; + + when "110" | "111" => + -- + -- 1001 010k kkkk 111k - CALL (k = 0) + -- kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_2; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP; + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; + Q_WE_M <= "11"; -- both PC bytes + Q_WE_XYZS <= '1'; + + when others => + end case; + end if; + else + -- + -- 1001 0110 KKdd KKKK - ADIW + -- 1001 0111 KKdd KKKK - SBIW + -- + if (I_OPC(8) = '0') then Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_ADIW; + else Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_SBIW; + end if; + Q_IMM(5 downto 4) <= I_OPC(7 downto 6); + Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; + Q_DDDDD <= "11" & I_OPC(5 downto 4) & "0"; + + Q_WE_D <= "11"; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + end if; -- I_OPC(9) = 0/1 + + when "100110" => + -- + -- 1001 1000 AAAA Abbb - CBI + -- 1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC + -- 1001 1010 AAAA Abbb - SBI + -- 1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; + Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9); -- set/clear + + -- IMM = AAAAAA + 0x20 + -- + Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(7 downto 3); + Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01"; + + Q_RD_M <= I_T0; + if ((I_OPC(8) = '0') ) then -- CBI or SBI + Q_WE_M(0) <= '1'; + else -- SBIC or SBIS + if (I_T0 = '0') then -- second cycle. + Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T; + end if; + end if; + + when "100111" => -- MUL + -- + -- 1001 11rd dddd rrrr - MUL + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_MULT; + Q_IMM(7 downto 5) <= "000"; -- -MUL UU; + Q_WE_01 <= '1'; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + + when "101100" | "101101" => + -- + -- 1011 0AAd dddd AAAA - IN + -- + Q_RSEL <= RS_DIN; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; + + -- IMM = AAAAAA + -- + 010000 (0x20) + Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_IMM(4) <= I_OPC(9); + Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01" + ('0' & I_OPC(10 downto 10)); + + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + + when "101110" | "101111" => + -- + -- 1011 1AAr rrrr AAAA - OUT + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_D_MV_Q; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; + + -- IMM = AAAAAA + -- + 010000 (0x20) + -- + Q_IMM(3 downto 0) <= I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_IMM(4) <= I_OPC(9); + Q_IMM(6 downto 5) <= "01" + ('0' & I_OPC(10 downto 10)); + Q_WE_M <= "01"; + + when "110000" | "110001" | "110010" | "110011" => + -- + -- 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RJMP + -- + Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) + & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001"; + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; + + when "110100" | "110101" | "110110" | "110111" => + -- + -- 1101 kkkk kkkk kkkk - RCALL + -- + Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) & I_OPC(11) + & I_OPC(11 downto 0)) + X"0001"; + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_PC_1; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ddSP; + Q_PC_OP <= PC_LD_I; + Q_WE_M <= "11"; -- both PC bytes + Q_WE_XYZS <= '1'; + + when "111000" | "111001" | "111010" | "111011" => -- LDI + -- + -- 1110 KKKK dddd KKKK - LDI Rd, K + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_R_MV_Q; + Q_RSEL <= RS_IMM; + Q_DDDDD <= '1' & I_OPC(7 downto 4); -- 16..31 + Q_IMM(7 downto 0) <= I_OPC(11 downto 8) & I_OPC(3 downto 0); + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + + when "111100" | "111101" => + -- + -- 1111 00kk kkkk kbbb - BRBS + -- 1111 01kk kkkk kbbb - BRBC + -- v + -- bbb: status register bit + -- v: value (set/cleared) of status register bit + -- + Q_JADR <= I_PC + (I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) + & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9) + & I_OPC(9) & I_OPC(9 downto 3)) + X"0001"; + Q_PC_OP <= PC_BCC; + + when "111110" => + -- + -- 1111 100d dddd 0bbb - BLD + -- 1111 101d dddd 0bbb - BST + -- + if I_OPC(9) = '0' then -- BLD: T flag to register + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BLD; + Q_WE_D <= "01"; + else -- BST: register to T flag + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; + Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(10); + Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(8 downto 4); + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS; + Q_WE_F <= '1'; + end if; + + when "111111" => + -- + -- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC + -- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS + -- + -- like SBIC, but and general purpose regs instead of I/O regs. + -- + Q_ALU_OP <= ALU_BIT_CS; + Q_AMOD <= AMOD_ABS; + Q_BIT(3) <= I_OPC(9); -- set/clear bit + Q_IMM(4 downto 0) <= I_OPC(8 downto 4); + if (I_T0 = '0') then + Q_PC_OP <= PC_SKIP_T; + end if; + + when others => + end case; + end if; + end process; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: uart_baudgen - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 14:34:27 11/07/2009 +-- Description: a UART and a fixed baud rate generator. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity uart is + generic(CLOCK_FREQ : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + BAUD_RATE : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0)); + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + + I_RD : in std_logic; + I_WE : in std_logic; + + I_TX_DATA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + I_RX : in std_logic; + + Q_TX : out std_logic; + Q_RX_DATA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + Q_RX_READY : out std_logic; + Q_TX_BUSY : out std_logic); +end uart; + +architecture Behavioral of uart is + +component baudgen + generic(CLOCK_FREQ : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + BAUD_RATE : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0)); + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_CLR : in std_logic; + + Q_CE_1 : out std_logic; + Q_CE_16 : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal B_CE_1 : std_logic; +signal B_CE_16 : std_logic; + +component uart_rx + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_CE_16 : in std_logic; + I_RX : in std_logic; + + Q_DATA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + Q_FLAG : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal R_RX_FLAG : std_logic; + +component uart_tx + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_CE_1 : in std_logic; + I_DATA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + I_FLAG : in std_logic; + + Q_TX : out std_logic; + Q_FLAG : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal L_RX_OLD_FLAG : std_logic; +signal L_TX_FLAG : std_logic; +signal L_TX_FLAGQ : std_logic; +signal L_TX_DATA : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +signal L_RX_READY : std_logic; + +begin + + Q_RX_READY <= L_RX_READY; + Q_TX_BUSY <= L_TX_FLAG xor L_TX_FLAGQ; + + baud: baudgen + generic map(CLOCK_FREQ => CLOCK_FREQ, + BAUD_RATE => BAUD_RATE) + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + + I_CLR => I_CLR, + Q_CE_1 => B_CE_1, + Q_CE_16 => B_CE_16); + + rx: uart_rx + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + I_CLR => I_CLR, + I_CE_16 => B_CE_16, + I_RX => I_RX, + + Q_DATA => Q_RX_DATA, + Q_FLAG => R_RX_FLAG); + + tx: uart_tx + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + I_CLR => I_CLR, + I_CE_1 => B_CE_1, + I_DATA => L_TX_DATA, + I_FLAG => L_TX_FLAG, + + Q_TX => Q_TX, + Q_FLAG => L_TX_FLAGQ); + + process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_TX_FLAG <= '0'; + L_TX_DATA <= X"33"; + else + if (I_RD = '1') then -- read Rx data + L_RX_READY <= '0'; + end if; + + if (I_WE = '1') then -- write Tx data + L_TX_FLAG <= not L_TX_FLAG; + L_TX_DATA <= I_TX_DATA; + end if; + + if (R_RX_FLAG /= L_RX_OLD_FLAG) then + L_RX_READY <= '1'; + end if; + + L_RX_OLD_FLAG <= R_RX_FLAG; + end if; + end if; + end process; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/status_reg.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/status_reg.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/status_reg.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: Register - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 16:15:54 12/26/2009 +-- Description: the status register of a CPU. +-- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity status_reg is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_COND : in std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); + I_FLAGS : in std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); + I_WE_F : in std_logic; + I_WE_SR : in std_logic; + + Q : out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); + Q_CC : out std_logic); +end status_reg; + +architecture Behavioral of status_reg is + +signal L : std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); +begin + + process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_WE_F = '1') then -- write flags (from ALU) + L <= I_FLAGS; + elsif (I_WE_SR = '1') then -- write I/O + L <= I_DIN; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + cond: process(I_COND, L) + begin + case I_COND(2 downto 0) is + when "000" => Q_CC <= L(0) xor I_COND(3); + when "001" => Q_CC <= L(1) xor I_COND(3); + when "010" => Q_CC <= L(2) xor I_COND(3); + when "011" => Q_CC <= L(3) xor I_COND(3); + when "100" => Q_CC <= L(4) xor I_COND(3); + when "101" => Q_CC <= L(5) xor I_COND(3); + when "110" => Q_CC <= L(6) xor I_COND(3); + when others => Q_CC <= L(7) xor I_COND(3); + end case; + end process; + + Q <= L; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/avr_fpga.ucf =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/avr_fpga.ucf (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/avr_fpga.ucf (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +NET I_CLK_100 PERIOD = 10 ns; +NET L_CLK PERIOD = 35 ns; + +NET I_CLK_100 TNM_NET = I_CLK_100; +NET L_CLK TNM_NET = L_CLK; + +NET I_CLK_100 LOC = AA12; +NET I_RX LOC = M3; +NET Q_TX LOC = M4; + +# 7 segment LED display +# +NET Q_7_SEGMENT<0> LOC = V3; +NET Q_7_SEGMENT<1> LOC = V4; +NET Q_7_SEGMENT<2> LOC = W3; +NET Q_7_SEGMENT<3> LOC = T4; +NET Q_7_SEGMENT<4> LOC = T3; +NET Q_7_SEGMENT<5> LOC = U3; +NET Q_7_SEGMENT<6> LOC = U4; + +# single LEDs +# +NET Q_LEDS<0> LOC = N1; +NET Q_LEDS<1> LOC = N2; +NET Q_LEDS<2> LOC = P1; +NET Q_LEDS<3> LOC = P2; + +# DIP switch(0 ... 7) and two pushbuttons (8, 9) +# +NET I_SWITCH<0> LOC = H2; +NET I_SWITCH<1> LOC = H1; +NET I_SWITCH<2> LOC = J2; +NET I_SWITCH<3> LOC = J1; +NET I_SWITCH<4> LOC = K2; +NET I_SWITCH<5> LOC = K1; +NET I_SWITCH<6> LOC = L2; +NET I_SWITCH<7> LOC = L1; +NET I_SWITCH<8> LOC = R1; +NET I_SWITCH<9> LOC = R2; + +NET I_SWITCH<*> PULLUP; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/alu.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/alu.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/alu.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: alu - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 13:51:24 11/07/2009 +-- Description: arithmetic logic unit of a CPU +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.std_logic_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.std_logic_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +use work.common.ALL; + +entity alu is + port ( I_ALU_OP : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_BIT : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + I_D : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_D0 : in std_logic; + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_FLAGS : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_IMM : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_R : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_R0 : in std_logic; + I_RSEL : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + + Q_FLAGS : out std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end alu; + +architecture Behavioral of alu is + +function ze(A: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return std_logic is +begin + return not (A(0) or A(1) or A(2) or A(3) or + A(4) or A(5) or A(6) or A(7)); +end; + +function cy(D, R, S: std_logic) return std_logic is +begin + return (D and R) or (D and not S) or (R and not S); +end; + +function ov(D, R, S: std_logic) return std_logic is +begin + return (D and R and (not S)) or ((not D) and (not R) and S); +end; + +function si(D, R, S: std_logic) return std_logic is +begin + return S xor ov(D, R, S); +end; + +signal L_ADC_DR : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D + R + Carry +signal L_ADD_DR : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D + R +signal L_ADIW_D : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- D + IMM +signal L_AND_DR : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D and R +signal L_ASR_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- (signed D) >> 1 +signal L_D8 : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D(7 downto 0) +signal L_DEC_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D - 1 +signal L_DOUT : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_INC_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D + 1 +signal L_LSR_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- (unsigned) D >> 1 +signal L_MASK_I : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- 1 << IMM +signal L_NEG_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- 0 - D +signal L_NOT_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- 0 not D +signal L_OR_DR : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D or R +signal L_PROD : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); -- D * R +signal L_R8 : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- odd or even R +signal L_RI8 : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- R8 or IMM +signal L_RBIT : std_logic; +signal L_SBIW_D : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- D - IMM +signal L_ROR_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D rotated right +signal L_SBC_DR : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D - R - Carry +signal L_SIGN_D : std_logic; +signal L_SIGN_R : std_logic; +signal L_SUB_DR : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D - R +signal L_SWAP_D : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D swapped +signal L_XOR_DR : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); -- D xor R + +begin + + dinbit: process(I_DIN, I_BIT(2 downto 0)) + begin + case I_BIT(2 downto 0) is + when "000" => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(0); L_MASK_I <= "00000001"; + when "001" => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(1); L_MASK_I <= "00000010"; + when "010" => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(2); L_MASK_I <= "00000100"; + when "011" => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(3); L_MASK_I <= "00001000"; + when "100" => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(4); L_MASK_I <= "00010000"; + when "101" => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(5); L_MASK_I <= "00100000"; + when "110" => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(6); L_MASK_I <= "01000000"; + when others => L_RBIT <= I_DIN(7); L_MASK_I <= "10000000"; + end case; + end process; + + process(L_ADC_DR, L_ADD_DR, L_ADIW_D, I_ALU_OP, L_AND_DR, L_ASR_D, + I_BIT, I_D, L_D8, L_DEC_D, I_DIN, I_FLAGS, I_IMM, L_MASK_I, + L_INC_D, L_LSR_D, L_NEG_D, L_NOT_D, L_OR_DR, I_PC, L_PROD, + I_R, L_RI8, L_RBIT, L_ROR_D, L_SBIW_D, L_SUB_DR, L_SBC_DR, + L_SIGN_D, L_SIGN_R, L_SWAP_D, L_XOR_DR) + begin + Q_FLAGS(9) <= L_RBIT xor not I_BIT(3); -- DIN[BIT] = BIT[3] + Q_FLAGS(8) <= ze(L_SUB_DR); -- D == R for CPSE + Q_FLAGS(7 downto 0) <= I_FLAGS; + L_DOUT <= X"0000"; + + case I_ALU_OP is + when ALU_ADC => + L_DOUT <= L_ADC_DR & L_ADC_DR; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7)); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADC_DR); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADC_DR(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7)); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADC_DR(7)); -- Signed + Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_D8(3), L_RI8(3), L_ADC_DR(3)); -- Halfcarry + + when ALU_ADD => + L_DOUT <= L_ADD_DR & L_ADD_DR; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7)); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADD_DR); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADD_DR(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7)); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_D8(7), L_RI8(7), L_ADD_DR(7)); -- Signed + Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_D8(3), L_RI8(3), L_ADD_DR(3)); -- Halfcarry + + when ALU_ADIW => + L_DOUT <= L_ADIW_D; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_ADIW_D(15) and not I_D(15); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ADIW_D(15 downto 8)) and + ze(L_ADIW_D(7 downto 0)); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_ADIW_D(15); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_D(15) and not L_ADIW_D(15); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= (L_ADIW_D(15) and not I_D(15)) + xor (I_D(15) and not L_ADIW_D(15)); -- Signed + + when ALU_AND => + L_DOUT <= L_AND_DR & L_AND_DR; + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_AND_DR); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_AND_DR(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_AND_DR(7); -- Signed + + when ALU_ASR => + L_DOUT <= L_ASR_D & L_ASR_D; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_D8(0); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ASR_D); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_D8(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= L_D8(0) xor L_D8(7); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_D8(0); -- Signed + + when ALU_BLD => -- copy T flag to DOUT + case I_BIT(2 downto 0) is + when "000" => L_DOUT( 0) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT( 8) <= I_FLAGS(6); + when "001" => L_DOUT( 1) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT( 9) <= I_FLAGS(6); + when "010" => L_DOUT( 2) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT(10) <= I_FLAGS(6); + when "011" => L_DOUT( 3) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT(11) <= I_FLAGS(6); + when "100" => L_DOUT( 4) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT(12) <= I_FLAGS(6); + when "101" => L_DOUT( 5) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT(13) <= I_FLAGS(6); + when "110" => L_DOUT( 6) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT(14) <= I_FLAGS(6); + when others => L_DOUT( 7) <= I_FLAGS(6); + L_DOUT(15) <= I_FLAGS(6); + end case; + + when ALU_BIT_CS => -- copy I_DIN to T flag + Q_FLAGS(6) <= L_RBIT xor not I_BIT(3); + if (I_BIT(3) = '0') then -- clear + L_DOUT(15 downto 8) <= I_DIN and not L_MASK_I; + L_DOUT( 7 downto 0) <= I_DIN and not L_MASK_I; + else -- set + L_DOUT(15 downto 8) <= I_DIN or L_MASK_I; + L_DOUT( 7 downto 0) <= I_DIN or L_MASK_I; + end if; + + when ALU_COM => + L_DOUT <= L_NOT_D & L_NOT_D; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= '1'; -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(not L_D8); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= not L_D8(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_D8(7); -- Signed + + when ALU_DEC => + L_DOUT <= L_DEC_D & L_DEC_D; + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_DEC_D); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_DEC_D(7); -- Negative + if (L_D8 = X"80") then + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '1'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_DEC_D(7); -- Signed + else + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_DEC_D(7); -- Signed + end if; + + when ALU_EOR => + L_DOUT <= L_XOR_DR & L_XOR_DR; + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_XOR_DR); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_XOR_DR(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_XOR_DR(7); -- Signed + + when ALU_INC => + L_DOUT <= L_INC_D & L_INC_D; + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_INC_D); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_INC_D(7); -- Negative + if (L_D8 = X"7F") then + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '1'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_INC_D(7); -- Signed + else + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_INC_D(7); -- Signed + end if; + + when ALU_INTR => + L_DOUT <= I_PC; + Q_FLAGS(7) <= I_IMM(6); -- ena/disable interrupts + + when ALU_LSR => + L_DOUT <= L_LSR_D & L_LSR_D; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_D8(0); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_LSR_D); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= '0'; -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= L_D8(0); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_D8(0); -- Signed + + when ALU_D_MV_Q => + L_DOUT <= L_D8 & L_D8; + + when ALU_R_MV_Q => + L_DOUT <= L_RI8 & L_RI8; + + when ALU_MV_16 => + L_DOUT <= I_R(15 downto 8) & L_RI8; + + when ALU_MULT => + Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_PROD(15); -- Carry + if I_IMM(7) = '0' then -- MUL + L_DOUT <= L_PROD(15 downto 0); + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_PROD(15 downto 8)) -- Zero + and ze(L_PROD( 7 downto 0)); + else -- FMUL + L_DOUT <= L_PROD(14 downto 0) & "0"; + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_PROD(14 downto 7)) -- Zero + and ze(L_PROD( 6 downto 0) & "0"); + end if; + + when ALU_NEG => + L_DOUT <= L_NEG_D & L_NEG_D; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= not ze(L_D8); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_NEG_D); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_NEG_D(7); -- Negative + if (L_D8 = X"80") then + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '1'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= not L_NEG_D(7); -- Signed + else + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_NEG_D(7); -- Signed + end if; + Q_FLAGS(5) <= L_D8(3) or L_NEG_D(3); -- Halfcarry + + when ALU_OR => + L_DOUT <= L_OR_DR & L_OR_DR; + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_OR_DR); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_OR_DR(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= '0'; -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= L_OR_DR(7); -- Signed + + when ALU_PC_1 => -- ICALL, RCALL + L_DOUT <= I_PC + X"0001"; + + when ALU_PC_2 => -- CALL + L_DOUT <= I_PC + X"0002"; + + when ALU_ROR => + L_DOUT <= L_ROR_D & L_ROR_D; + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_ROR_D); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= I_FLAGS(0); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_FLAGS(0) xor L_D8(0); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= I_FLAGS(0); -- Signed + + when ALU_SBC => + L_DOUT <= L_SBC_DR & L_SBC_DR; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_SBC_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7)); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_SBC_DR) and I_FLAGS(1); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_SBC_DR(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_SBC_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7)); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_SBC_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7)); -- Signed + Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_SBC_DR(3), L_RI8(3), L_D8(3)); -- Halfcarry + + when ALU_SBIW => + L_DOUT <= L_SBIW_D; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= L_SBIW_D(15) and not I_D(15); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_SBIW_D(15 downto 8)) and + ze(L_SBIW_D(7 downto 0)); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_SBIW_D(15); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_D(15) and not L_SBIW_D(15); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= (L_SBIW_D(15) and not I_D(15)) + xor (I_D(15) and not L_SBIW_D(15)); -- Signed + + when ALU_SREG => + case I_BIT(2 downto 0) is + when "000" => Q_FLAGS(0) <= I_BIT(3); + when "001" => Q_FLAGS(1) <= I_BIT(3); + when "010" => Q_FLAGS(2) <= I_BIT(3); + when "011" => Q_FLAGS(3) <= I_BIT(3); + when "100" => Q_FLAGS(4) <= I_BIT(3); + when "101" => Q_FLAGS(5) <= I_BIT(3); + when "110" => Q_FLAGS(6) <= I_BIT(3); + when others => Q_FLAGS(7) <= I_BIT(3); + end case; + + when ALU_SUB => + L_DOUT <= L_SUB_DR & L_SUB_DR; + Q_FLAGS(0) <= cy(L_SUB_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7)); -- Carry + Q_FLAGS(1) <= ze(L_SUB_DR); -- Zero + Q_FLAGS(2) <= L_SUB_DR(7); -- Negative + Q_FLAGS(3) <= ov(L_SUB_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7)); -- Overflow + Q_FLAGS(4) <= si(L_SUB_DR(7), L_RI8(7), L_D8(7)); -- Signed + Q_FLAGS(5) <= cy(L_SUB_DR(3), L_RI8(3), L_D8(3)); -- Halfcarry + + when ALU_SWAP => + L_DOUT <= L_SWAP_D & L_SWAP_D; + + when others => + end case; + end process; + + L_D8 <= I_D(15 downto 8) when (I_D0 = '1') else I_D(7 downto 0); + L_R8 <= I_R(15 downto 8) when (I_R0 = '1') else I_R(7 downto 0); + L_RI8 <= I_IMM when (I_RSEL = RS_IMM) else L_R8; + + L_ADIW_D <= I_D + ("0000000000" & I_IMM(5 downto 0)); + L_SBIW_D <= I_D - ("0000000000" & I_IMM(5 downto 0)); + L_ADD_DR <= L_D8 + L_RI8; + L_ADC_DR <= L_ADD_DR + ("0000000" & I_FLAGS(0)); + L_ASR_D <= L_D8(7) & L_D8(7 downto 1); + L_AND_DR <= L_D8 and L_RI8; + L_DEC_D <= L_D8 - X"01"; + L_INC_D <= L_D8 + X"01"; + L_LSR_D <= '0' & L_D8(7 downto 1); + L_NEG_D <= X"00" - L_D8; + L_NOT_D <= not L_D8; + L_OR_DR <= L_D8 or L_RI8; + L_PROD <= (L_SIGN_D & L_D8) * (L_SIGN_R & L_R8); + L_ROR_D <= I_FLAGS(0) & L_D8(7 downto 1); + L_SUB_DR <= L_D8 - L_RI8; + L_SBC_DR <= L_SUB_DR - ("0000000" & I_FLAGS(0)); + L_SIGN_D <= L_D8(7) and I_IMM(6); + L_SIGN_R <= L_R8(7) and I_IMM(5); + L_SWAP_D <= L_D8(3 downto 0) & L_D8(7 downto 4); + L_XOR_DR <= L_D8 xor L_R8; + + Q_DOUT <= (I_DIN & I_DIN) when (I_RSEL = RS_DIN) else L_DOUT; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/reg_16.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/reg_16.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/reg_16.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: Register - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 12:37:55 10/28/2009 +-- Description: a register pair of a CPU. +-- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity reg_16 is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_D : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); + I_WE : in std_logic_vector ( 1 downto 0); + + Q : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)); +end reg_16; + +architecture Behavioral of reg_16 is + +signal L : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) := X"7777"; +begin + + process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_WE(1) = '1') then + L(15 downto 8) <= I_D(15 downto 8); + end if; + if (I_WE(0) = '1') then + L( 7 downto 0) <= I_D( 7 downto 0); + end if; + end if; + end process; + + Q <= L; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/register_file.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/register_file.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/register_file.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: RegisterFile - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 12:43:34 10/28/2009 +-- Description: a register file (16 register pairs) of a CPU. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +use work.common.ALL; + +entity register_file is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_AMOD : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_COND : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + I_DDDDD : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_FLAGS : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_IMM : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_RRRR : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 1); + I_WE_01 : in std_logic; + I_WE_D : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_F : in std_logic; + I_WE_M : in std_logic; + I_WE_XYZS : in std_logic; + + Q_ADR : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_CC : out std_logic; + Q_D : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_FLAGS : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_R : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_S : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_Z : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end register_file; + +architecture Behavioral of register_file is + +component reg_16 + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_D : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_WE : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + + Q : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end component; + +signal R_R00 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R02 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R04 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R06 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R08 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R10 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R12 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R14 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R16 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R18 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R20 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R22 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R24 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R26 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R28 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_R30 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal R_SP : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- stack pointer + +component status_reg is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_COND : in std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); + I_FLAGS : in std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); + I_WE_F : in std_logic; + I_WE_SR : in std_logic; + + Q : out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0); + Q_CC : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal S_FLAGS : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + +signal L_ADR : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_BASE : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_DDDD : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 1); +signal L_DSP : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_DX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_DY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_DZ : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_PRE : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_POST : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_S : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_WE_SP_AMOD : std_logic; +signal L_WE : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal L_WE_A : std_logic; +signal L_WE_D : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal L_WE_D2 : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); +signal L_WE_DD : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal L_WE_IO : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal L_WE_MISC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal L_WE_X : std_logic; +signal L_WE_Y : std_logic; +signal L_WE_Z : std_logic; +signal L_WE_SP : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); +signal L_WE_SR : std_logic; +signal L_XYZS : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + +begin + + r00: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 1 downto 0), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R00); + r02: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 3 downto 2), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R02); + r04: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 5 downto 4), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R04); + r06: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 7 downto 6), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R06); + r08: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE( 9 downto 8), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R08); + r10: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(11 downto 10), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R10); + r12: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(13 downto 12), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R12); + r14: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(15 downto 14), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R14); + r16: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(17 downto 16), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R16); + r18: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(19 downto 18), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R18); + r20: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(21 downto 20), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R20); + r22: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(23 downto 22), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R22); + r24: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(25 downto 24), I_D => I_DIN, Q => R_R24); + r26: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(27 downto 26), I_D => L_DX, Q => R_R26); + r28: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(29 downto 28), I_D => L_DY, Q => R_R28); + r30: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE(31 downto 30), I_D => L_DZ, Q => R_R30); + sp: reg_16 port map(I_CLK => I_CLK, I_WE => L_WE_SP, I_D => L_DSP, Q => R_SP); + + sr: status_reg + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + I_COND => I_COND, + I_DIN => I_DIN(7 downto 0), + I_FLAGS => I_FLAGS, + I_WE_F => I_WE_F, + I_WE_SR => L_WE_SR, + Q => S_FLAGS, + Q_CC => Q_CC); + + -- The output of the register selected by L_ADR. + -- + process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04, R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14, + R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30, + R_SP, S_FLAGS, L_ADR(6 downto 1)) + begin + case L_ADR(6 downto 1) is + when "000000" => L_S <= R_R00; + when "000001" => L_S <= R_R02; + when "000010" => L_S <= R_R04; + when "000011" => L_S <= R_R06; + when "000100" => L_S <= R_R08; + when "000101" => L_S <= R_R10; + when "000110" => L_S <= R_R12; + when "000111" => L_S <= R_R14; + when "001000" => L_S <= R_R16; + when "001001" => L_S <= R_R18; + when "001010" => L_S <= R_R20; + when "001011" => L_S <= R_R22; + when "001100" => L_S <= R_R24; + when "001101" => L_S <= R_R26; + when "001110" => L_S <= R_R28; + when "001111" => L_S <= R_R30; + when "101111" => L_S <= R_SP ( 7 downto 0) & X"00"; -- SPL + when others => L_S <= S_FLAGS & R_SP (15 downto 8); -- SR/SPH + end case; + end process; + + -- The output of the register pair selected by I_DDDDD. + -- + process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04, R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14, + R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30, + I_DDDDD(4 downto 1)) + begin + case I_DDDDD(4 downto 1) is + when "0000" => Q_D <= R_R00; + when "0001" => Q_D <= R_R02; + when "0010" => Q_D <= R_R04; + when "0011" => Q_D <= R_R06; + when "0100" => Q_D <= R_R08; + when "0101" => Q_D <= R_R10; + when "0110" => Q_D <= R_R12; + when "0111" => Q_D <= R_R14; + when "1000" => Q_D <= R_R16; + when "1001" => Q_D <= R_R18; + when "1010" => Q_D <= R_R20; + when "1011" => Q_D <= R_R22; + when "1100" => Q_D <= R_R24; + when "1101" => Q_D <= R_R26; + when "1110" => Q_D <= R_R28; + when others => Q_D <= R_R30; + end case; + end process; + + -- The output of the register pair selected by I_RRRR. + -- + process(R_R00, R_R02, R_R04, R_R06, R_R08, R_R10, R_R12, R_R14, + R_R16, R_R18, R_R20, R_R22, R_R24, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30, I_RRRR) + begin + case I_RRRR is + when "0000" => Q_R <= R_R00; + when "0001" => Q_R <= R_R02; + when "0010" => Q_R <= R_R04; + when "0011" => Q_R <= R_R06; + when "0100" => Q_R <= R_R08; + when "0101" => Q_R <= R_R10; + when "0110" => Q_R <= R_R12; + when "0111" => Q_R <= R_R14; + when "1000" => Q_R <= R_R16; + when "1001" => Q_R <= R_R18; + when "1010" => Q_R <= R_R20; + when "1011" => Q_R <= R_R22; + when "1100" => Q_R <= R_R24; + when "1101" => Q_R <= R_R26; + when "1110" => Q_R <= R_R28; + when others => Q_R <= R_R30; + end case; + end process; + + -- the base value of the X/Y/Z/SP register as per I_AMOD. + -- + process(I_AMOD(2 downto 0), I_IMM, R_SP, R_R26, R_R28, R_R30) + begin + case I_AMOD(2 downto 0) is + when AS_SP => L_BASE <= R_SP; + when AS_Z => L_BASE <= R_R30; + when AS_Y => L_BASE <= R_R28; + when AS_X => L_BASE <= R_R26; + when AS_IMM => L_BASE <= I_IMM; + when others => L_BASE <= X"0000"; + end case; + end process; + + -- the value of the X/Y/Z/SP register after a potential PRE-decrement + -- (by 1 or 2) and POST-increment (by 1 or 2). + -- + process(I_AMOD(5 downto 3), I_IMM) + begin + case I_AMOD(5 downto 3) is + when AO_0 => L_PRE <= X"0000"; L_POST <= X"0000"; + when AO_i => L_PRE <= X"0000"; L_POST <= X"0001"; + when AO_ii => L_PRE <= X"0000"; L_POST <= X"0002"; + when AO_q => L_PRE <= I_IMM; L_POST <= X"0000"; + when AO_d => L_PRE <= X"FFFF"; L_POST <= X"FFFF"; + when AO_dd => L_PRE <= X"FFFE"; L_POST <= X"FFFE"; + when others => L_PRE <= X"0000"; L_POST <= X"0000"; + end case; + end process; + + L_XYZS <= L_BASE + L_POST; + L_ADR <= L_BASE + L_PRE; + + L_WE_A <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR(15 downto 5) = "00000000000") else '0'; + L_WE_SR <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR = X"005F") else '0'; + L_WE_SP_AMOD <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(2 downto 0) = AS_SP) else '0'; + L_WE_SP(1) <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR = X"005E") else L_WE_SP_AMOD; + L_WE_SP(0) <= I_WE_M when (L_ADR = X"005D") else L_WE_SP_AMOD; + + L_DX <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(26) = '1') else I_DIN; + L_DY <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(28) = '1') else I_DIN; + L_DZ <= L_XYZS when (L_WE_MISC(30) = '1') else I_DIN; + L_DSP <= L_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WS) else I_DIN; + + -- the WE signals for the differen registers. + -- + -- case 1: write to an 8-bit register addressed by DDDDD. + -- + -- I_WE_D(0) = '1' and I_DDDDD matches, + -- + L_WE_D( 0) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00000") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 1) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00001") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 2) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00010") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 3) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00011") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 4) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00100") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 5) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00101") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 6) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00110") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 7) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "00111") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 8) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01000") else '0'; + L_WE_D( 9) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01001") else '0'; + L_WE_D(10) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01010") else '0'; + L_WE_D(11) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01011") else '0'; + L_WE_D(12) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01100") else '0'; + L_WE_D(13) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01101") else '0'; + L_WE_D(14) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01110") else '0'; + L_WE_D(15) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "01111") else '0'; + L_WE_D(16) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10000") else '0'; + L_WE_D(17) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10001") else '0'; + L_WE_D(18) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10010") else '0'; + L_WE_D(19) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10011") else '0'; + L_WE_D(20) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10100") else '0'; + L_WE_D(21) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10101") else '0'; + L_WE_D(22) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10110") else '0'; + L_WE_D(23) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "10111") else '0'; + L_WE_D(24) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11000") else '0'; + L_WE_D(25) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11001") else '0'; + L_WE_D(26) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11010") else '0'; + L_WE_D(27) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11011") else '0'; + L_WE_D(28) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11100") else '0'; + L_WE_D(29) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11101") else '0'; + L_WE_D(30) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11110") else '0'; + L_WE_D(31) <= I_WE_D(0) when (I_DDDDD = "11111") else '0'; + + -- + -- case 2: write to a 16-bit register pair addressed by DDDD. + -- + -- I_WE_DD(1) = '1' and L_DDDD matches, + -- + L_DDDD <= I_DDDDD(4 downto 1); + L_WE_D2 <= I_WE_D(1) & I_WE_D(1); + L_WE_DD( 1 downto 0) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0000") else "00"; + L_WE_DD( 3 downto 2) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0001") else "00"; + L_WE_DD( 5 downto 4) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0010") else "00"; + L_WE_DD( 7 downto 6) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0011") else "00"; + L_WE_DD( 9 downto 8) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0100") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(11 downto 10) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0101") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(13 downto 12) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0110") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(15 downto 14) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "0111") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(17 downto 16) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1000") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(19 downto 18) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1001") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(21 downto 20) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1010") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(23 downto 22) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1011") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(25 downto 24) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1100") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(27 downto 26) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1101") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(29 downto 28) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1110") else "00"; + L_WE_DD(31 downto 30) <= L_WE_D2 when (L_DDDD = "1111") else "00"; + + -- + -- case 3: write to an 8-bit register pair addressed by an I/O address. + -- + -- L_WE_A = '1' and L_ADR(4 downto 0) matches + -- + L_WE_IO( 0) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00000") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 1) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00001") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 2) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00010") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 3) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00011") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 4) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00100") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 5) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00101") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 6) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00110") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 7) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "00111") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 8) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01000") else '0'; + L_WE_IO( 9) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01001") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(10) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01010") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(11) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01011") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(12) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01100") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(13) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01101") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(14) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01110") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(15) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "01111") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(16) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10000") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(17) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10001") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(18) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10010") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(19) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10011") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(20) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10100") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(21) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10101") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(22) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10110") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(23) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "10111") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(24) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11000") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(25) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11001") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(26) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11010") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(27) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11011") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(28) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11100") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(29) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11101") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(30) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11110") else '0'; + L_WE_IO(31) <= L_WE_A when (L_ADR(4 downto 0) = "11111") else '0'; + + -- case 4 special cases. + -- 4a. WE_01 for register pair 0/1 (multiplication opcode). + -- 4b. I_WE_XYZS for X (register pairs 26/27) and I_AMOD matches + -- 4c. I_WE_XYZS for Y (register pairs 28/29) and I_AMOD matches + -- 4d. I_WE_XYZS for Z (register pairs 30/31) and I_AMOD matches + -- + L_WE_X <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WX) else '0'; + L_WE_Y <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WY) else '0'; + L_WE_Z <= I_WE_XYZS when (I_AMOD(3 downto 0) = AM_WZ) else '0'; + L_WE_MISC <= L_WE_Z & L_WE_Z & -- -Z and Z+ address modes r30 + L_WE_Y & L_WE_Y & -- -Y and Y+ address modes r28 + L_WE_X & L_WE_X & -- -X and X+ address modes r26 + X"000000" & -- never r24 - r02 + I_WE_01 & I_WE_01; -- multiplication result r00 + + L_WE <= L_WE_D or L_WE_DD or L_WE_IO or L_WE_MISC; + + Q_S <= L_S( 7 downto 0) when (L_ADR(0) = '0') else L_S(15 downto 8); + Q_FLAGS <= S_FLAGS; + Q_Z <= R_R30; + Q_ADR <= L_ADR; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart_rx.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart_rx.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart_rx.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Create Date: 14:22:28 11/07/2009 +-- Design Name: +-- Module Name: uart_rx - Behavioral +-- Description: a UART receiver. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity uart_rx is + PORT( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_CE_16 : in std_logic; -- 16 times baud rate + I_RX : in std_logic; -- Serial input line + + Q_DATA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); + Q_FLAG : out std_logic); -- toggle on every byte received +end uart_rx; + +architecture Behavioral of uart_rx is + +signal L_POSITION : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- sample position +signal L_BUF : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); +signal L_FLAG : std_logic; +signal L_SERIN : std_logic; -- double clock the input +signal L_SER_HOT : std_logic; -- double clock the input + +begin + + -- double clock the input data... + -- + process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_SERIN <= '1'; + L_SER_HOT <= '1'; + else + L_SERIN <= I_RX; + L_SER_HOT <= L_SERIN; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + process(I_CLK, L_POSITION) + variable START_BIT : boolean; + variable STOP_BIT : boolean; + variable STOP_POS : boolean; + + begin + START_BIT := L_POSITION(7 downto 4) = X"0"; + STOP_BIT := L_POSITION(7 downto 4) = X"9"; + STOP_POS := STOP_BIT and L_POSITION(3 downto 2) = "11"; -- 3/4 of stop bit + + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_FLAG <= '0'; + L_POSITION <= X"00"; -- idle + L_BUF <= "1111111111"; + Q_DATA <= "00000000"; + elsif (I_CE_16 = '1') then + if (L_POSITION = X"00") then -- uart idle + L_BUF <= "1111111111"; + if (L_SER_HOT = '0') then -- start bit received + L_POSITION <= X"01"; + end if; + else + L_POSITION <= L_POSITION + X"01"; + if (L_POSITION(3 downto 0) = "0111") then -- 1/2 bit + L_BUF <= L_SER_HOT & L_BUF(9 downto 1); -- sample data + -- + -- validate start bit + -- + if (START_BIT and L_SER_HOT = '1') then -- 1/2 start bit + L_POSITION <= X"00"; + end if; + + if (STOP_BIT) then -- 1/2 stop bit + Q_DATA <= L_BUF(9 downto 2); + end if; + elsif (STOP_POS) then -- 3/4 stop bit + L_FLAG <= L_FLAG xor (L_BUF(9) and not L_BUF(0)); + L_POSITION <= X"00"; + end if; + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + Q_FLAG <= L_FLAG; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/data_path.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/data_path.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/data_path.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: data_path - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 13:24:10 10/29/2009 +-- Description: the data path of a CPU. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.std_logic_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.std_logic_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +use work.common.ALL; + +entity data_path is + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_ALU_OP : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_AMOD : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_BIT : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + I_DDDDD : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_IMM : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_JADR : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_OPC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PC_OP : in std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0); + I_PMS : in std_logic; -- program memory select + I_RD_M : in std_logic; + I_RRRRR : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_RSEL : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_01 : in std_logic; + I_WE_D : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_F : in std_logic; + I_WE_M : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_XYZS : in std_logic; + + Q_ADR : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_INT_ENA : out std_logic; + Q_LOAD_PC : out std_logic; + Q_NEW_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_RD_IO : out std_logic; + Q_SKIP : out std_logic; + Q_WE_IO : out std_logic); +end data_path; + +architecture Behavioral of data_path is + +component alu + port ( I_ALU_OP : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_BIT : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + I_D : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_D0 : in std_logic; + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_FLAGS : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_IMM : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_R : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_R0 : in std_logic; + I_RSEL : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + + Q_FLAGS : out std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end component; + +signal A_DOUT : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal A_FLAGS : std_logic_vector( 9 downto 0); + +component register_file + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_AMOD : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_COND : in std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + I_DDDDD : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_FLAGS : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_IMM : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_RRRR : in std_logic_vector( 4 downto 1); + I_WE_01 : in std_logic; + I_WE_D : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + I_WE_F : in std_logic; + I_WE_M : in std_logic; + I_WE_XYZS : in std_logic; + + Q_ADR : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_CC : out std_logic; + Q_D : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_FLAGS : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_R : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_S : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_Z : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end component; + +signal F_ADR : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal F_CC : std_logic; +signal F_D : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal F_FLAGS : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal F_R : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal F_S : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal F_Z : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + +component data_mem + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_ADR : in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_WE : in std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); +end component; + +signal M_DOUT : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + +signal L_DIN : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal L_WE_SRAM : std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); +signal L_FLAGS_98 : std_logic_vector( 9 downto 8); + +begin + + alui : alu + port map( I_ALU_OP => I_ALU_OP, + I_BIT => I_BIT, + I_D => F_D, + I_D0 => I_DDDDD(0), + I_DIN => L_DIN, + I_FLAGS => F_FLAGS, + I_IMM => I_IMM(7 downto 0), + I_PC => I_PC, + I_R => F_R, + I_R0 => I_RRRRR(0), + I_RSEL => I_RSEL, + + Q_FLAGS => A_FLAGS, + Q_DOUT => A_DOUT); + + regs : register_file + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + + I_AMOD => I_AMOD, + I_COND(3) => I_OPC(10), + I_COND(2 downto 0)=> I_OPC(2 downto 0), + I_DDDDD => I_DDDDD, + I_DIN => A_DOUT, + I_FLAGS => A_FLAGS(7 downto 0), + I_IMM => I_IMM, + I_RRRR => I_RRRRR(4 downto 1), + I_WE_01 => I_WE_01, + I_WE_D => I_WE_D, + I_WE_F => I_WE_F, + I_WE_M => I_WE_M(0), + I_WE_XYZS => I_WE_XYZS, + + Q_ADR => F_ADR, + Q_CC => F_CC, + Q_D => F_D, + Q_FLAGS => F_FLAGS, + Q_R => F_R, + Q_S => F_S, -- Q_Rxx(F_ADR) + Q_Z => F_Z); + + sram : data_mem + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + + I_ADR => F_ADR(10 downto 0), + I_DIN => A_DOUT, + I_WE => L_WE_SRAM, + + Q_DOUT => M_DOUT); + + -- remember A_FLAGS(9 downto 8) (within the current instruction). + -- + flg98: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + L_FLAGS_98 <= A_FLAGS(9 downto 8); + end if; + end process; + + -- whether PC shall be loaded with NEW_PC or not. + -- I.e. if a branch shall be taken or not. + -- + process(I_PC_OP, F_CC) + begin + case I_PC_OP is + when PC_BCC => Q_LOAD_PC <= F_CC; -- maybe (PC on I_JADR) + when PC_LD_I => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1'; -- yes: new PC on I_JADR + when PC_LD_Z => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1'; -- yes: new PC in Z + when PC_LD_S => Q_LOAD_PC <= '1'; -- yes: new PC on stack + when others => Q_LOAD_PC <= '0'; -- no. + end case; + end process; + + -- whether the next instruction shall be skipped or not. + -- + process(I_PC_OP, L_FLAGS_98, F_CC) + begin + case I_PC_OP is + when PC_BCC => Q_SKIP <= F_CC; -- if cond met + when PC_LD_I => Q_SKIP <= '1'; -- yes + when PC_LD_Z => Q_SKIP <= '1'; -- yes + when PC_LD_S => Q_SKIP <= '1'; -- yes + when PC_SKIP_Z => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(8); -- if Z set + when PC_SKIP_T => Q_SKIP <= L_FLAGS_98(9); -- if T set + when others => Q_SKIP <= '0'; -- no. + end case; + end process; + + Q_ADR <= F_ADR; + Q_DOUT <= A_DOUT(7 downto 0); + Q_INT_ENA <= A_FLAGS(7); + Q_OPC <= I_OPC; + Q_PC <= I_PC; + + Q_RD_IO <= '0' when (F_ADR < X"20") + else (I_RD_M and not I_PMS) when (F_ADR < X"5D") + else '0'; + Q_WE_IO <= '0' when (F_ADR < X"20") + else I_WE_M(0) when (F_ADR < X"5D") + else '0'; + L_WE_SRAM <= "00" when (F_ADR < X"0060") else I_WE_M; + L_DIN <= I_DIN when (I_PMS = '1') + else F_S when (F_ADR < X"0020") + else I_DIN when (F_ADR < X"005D") + else F_S when (F_ADR < X"0060") + else M_DOUT(7 downto 0); + + -- compute potential new PC value from Z, (SP), or IMM. + -- + Q_NEW_PC <= F_Z when I_PC_OP = PC_LD_Z -- IJMP, ICALL + else M_DOUT when I_PC_OP = PC_LD_S -- RET, RETI + else I_JADR; -- JMP adr + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/avr_fpga.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/avr_fpga.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/avr_fpga.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: avr_fpga - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 13:51:24 11/07/2009 +-- Description: top level of a CPU +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity avr_fpga is + port ( I_CLK_100 : in std_logic; + I_SWITCH : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); + I_RX : in std_logic; + + Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); + Q_LEDS : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); + Q_TX : out std_logic); +end avr_fpga; + +architecture Behavioral of avr_fpga is + +component cpu_core + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_INTVEC : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_ADR_IO : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_RD_IO : out std_logic; + Q_WE_IO : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal C_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal C_OPC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal C_ADR_IO : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal C_DOUT : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal C_RD_IO : std_logic; +signal C_WE_IO : std_logic; + +component io + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_ADR_IO : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_DIN : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_RD_IO : in std_logic; + I_WE_IO : in std_logic; + I_SWITCH : in std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + I_RX : in std_logic; + + Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0); + Q_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_INTVEC : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); + Q_LEDS : out std_logic_vector( 1 downto 0); + Q_TX : out std_logic); +end component; + +signal N_INTVEC : std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); +signal N_DOUT : std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); +signal N_TX : std_logic; +signal N_7_SEGMENT : std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0); + +component segment7 + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_OPC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + + Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0)); +end component; + +signal S_7_SEGMENT : std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0); + +signal L_CLK : std_logic := '0'; +signal L_CLK_CNT : std_logic_vector( 2 downto 0) := "000"; +signal L_CLR : std_logic; -- reset, active low +signal L_CLR_N : std_logic := '0'; -- reset, active low +signal L_C1_N : std_logic := '0'; -- switch debounce, active low +signal L_C2_N : std_logic := '0'; -- switch debounce, active low + +begin + + cpu : cpu_core + port map( I_CLK => L_CLK, + I_CLR => L_CLR, + I_DIN => N_DOUT, + I_INTVEC => N_INTVEC, + + Q_ADR_IO => C_ADR_IO, + Q_DOUT => C_DOUT, + Q_OPC => C_OPC, + Q_PC => C_PC, + Q_RD_IO => C_RD_IO, + Q_WE_IO => C_WE_IO); + + ino : io + port map( I_CLK => L_CLK, + I_CLR => L_CLR, + I_ADR_IO => C_ADR_IO, + I_DIN => C_DOUT, + I_RD_IO => C_RD_IO, + I_RX => I_RX, + I_SWITCH => I_SWITCH(7 downto 0), + I_WE_IO => C_WE_IO, + + Q_7_SEGMENT => N_7_SEGMENT, + Q_DOUT => N_DOUT, + Q_INTVEC => N_INTVEC, + Q_LEDS => Q_LEDS(1 downto 0), + Q_TX => N_TX); + + seg : segment7 + port map( I_CLK => L_CLK, + I_CLR => L_CLR, + I_OPC => C_OPC, + I_PC => C_PC, + + Q_7_SEGMENT => S_7_SEGMENT); + + -- input clock scaler + -- + clk_div : process(I_CLK_100) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK_100)) then + L_CLK_CNT <= L_CLK_CNT + "001"; + if (L_CLK_CNT = "001") then + L_CLK_CNT <= "000"; + L_CLK <= not L_CLK; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + -- reset button debounce process + -- + deb : process(L_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(L_CLK)) then + -- switch debounce + if ((I_SWITCH(8) = '0') or (I_SWITCH(9) = '0')) then -- pushed + L_CLR_N <= '0'; + L_C2_N <= '0'; + L_C1_N <= '0'; + else -- released + L_CLR_N <= L_C2_N; + L_C2_N <= L_C1_N; + L_C1_N <= '1'; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + L_CLR <= not L_CLR_N; + + Q_LEDS(2) <= I_RX; + Q_LEDS(3) <= N_TX; + Q_7_SEGMENT <= N_7_SEGMENT when (I_SWITCH(7) = '1') else S_7_SEGMENT; + Q_TX <= N_TX; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart_tx.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart_tx.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/uart_tx.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: uart_tx - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 14:21:59 11/07/2009 +-- Description: a UART receiver. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity uart_tx is + port( I_CLK : in std_logic; + I_CLR : in std_logic; -- RESET + I_CE_1 : in std_logic; -- BAUD rate clock enable + I_DATA : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- DATA to be sent + I_FLAG : in std_logic; -- toggle to send data + Q_TX : out std_logic; -- Serial output line + Q_FLAG : out std_logic); -- Transmitting Flag +end uart_tx; + +architecture Behavioral of uart_tx is + +signal L_BUF : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); +signal L_TODO : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- bits to send +signal L_FLAG : std_logic; + +begin + + process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + Q_TX <= '1'; + L_BUF <= "11111111"; + L_TODO <= "0000"; + L_FLAG <= I_FLAG; -- idle + elsif (I_CE_1 = '1') then + if (L_TODO /= "0000") then -- transmitting + Q_TX <= L_BUF(0); -- next bit + L_BUF <= '1' & L_BUF(7 downto 1); + if (L_TODO = "0001") then + L_FLAG <= I_FLAG; + end if; + L_TODO <= L_TODO - "0001"; + elsif (L_FLAG /= I_FLAG) then -- new byte + Q_TX <= '0'; -- start bit + L_BUF <= I_DATA; -- data bits + L_TODO <= "1001"; + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + + Q_FLAG <= L_FLAG; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/common.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/common.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/common.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: common +-- Create Date: 13:51:24 11/07/2009 +-- Description: constants shared by different modules. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; + +package common is + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + + -- ALU operations + -- + constant ALU_ADC : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00000"; + constant ALU_ADD : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00001"; + constant ALU_ADIW : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00010"; + constant ALU_AND : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00011"; + constant ALU_ASR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00100"; + constant ALU_BLD : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00101"; + constant ALU_BIT_CS : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00110"; + constant ALU_COM : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "00111"; + constant ALU_DEC : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01000"; + constant ALU_EOR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01001"; + constant ALU_MV_16 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01010"; + constant ALU_INC : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01011"; + constant ALU_INTR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01100"; + constant ALU_LSR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01101"; + constant ALU_D_MV_Q : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01110"; + constant ALU_R_MV_Q : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "01111"; + constant ALU_MULT : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10000"; + constant ALU_NEG : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10001"; + constant ALU_OR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10010"; + constant ALU_PC_1 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10011"; + constant ALU_PC_2 : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10100"; + constant ALU_ROR : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10101"; + constant ALU_SBC : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10110"; + constant ALU_SBIW : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "10111"; + constant ALU_SREG : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11000"; + constant ALU_SUB : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11001"; + constant ALU_SWAP : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11010"; + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- + -- PC manipulations + -- + constant PC_NEXT : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; -- PC += 1 + constant PC_BCC : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001"; -- PC ?= IMM + constant PC_LD_I : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010"; -- PC = IMM + constant PC_LD_Z : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011"; -- PC = Z + constant PC_LD_S : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100"; -- PC = (SP) + constant PC_SKIP_Z : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "101"; -- SKIP if Z + constant PC_SKIP_T : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110"; -- SKIP if T + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- + -- Addressing modes. An address mode consists of two sub-fields, + -- which are the source of the address and an offset from the source. + -- Bit 3 indicates if the address will be modified. + + -- address source + constant AS_SP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; -- SP + constant AS_Z : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001"; -- Z + constant AS_Y : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010"; -- Y + constant AS_X : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011"; -- X + constant AS_IMM : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100"; -- IMM + + -- address offset + constant AO_0 : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "000"; -- as is + constant AO_Q : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "010"; -- +q + constant AO_i : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "001"; -- +1 + constant AO_ii : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "011"; -- +2 + constant AO_d : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "101"; -- -1 + constant AO_dd : std_logic_vector(5 downto 3) := "111"; -- -2 + -- | + -- +--+ + -- address updated ? | + -- v + constant AM_WX : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_X; -- X ++ or -- + constant AM_WY : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_Y; -- Y ++ or -- + constant AM_WZ : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_Z; -- Z ++ or -- + constant AM_WS : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := '1' & AS_SP; -- SP ++/-- + + -- address modes used + -- + constant AMOD_ABS : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0 & AS_IMM; -- IMM + constant AMOD_X : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0 & AS_X; -- (X) + constant AMOD_Xq : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q & AS_X; -- (X+q) + constant AMOD_Xi : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i & AS_X; -- (X++) + constant AMOD_dX : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d & AS_X; -- (--X) + constant AMOD_Y : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0 & AS_Y; -- (Y) + constant AMOD_Yq : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q & AS_Y; -- (Y+q) + constant AMOD_Yi : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i & AS_Y; -- (Y++) + constant AMOD_dY : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d & AS_Y; -- (--Y) + constant AMOD_Z : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_0 & AS_Z; -- (Z) + constant AMOD_Zq : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_Q & AS_Z; -- (Z+q) + constant AMOD_Zi : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i & AS_Z; -- (Z++) + constant AMOD_dZ : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d & AS_Z; -- (--Z) + constant AMOD_SPi : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_i & AS_SP; -- (SP++) + constant AMOD_SPii: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_ii & AS_SP; -- (SP++) + constant AMOD_dSP : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_d & AS_SP; -- (--SP) + constant AMOD_ddSP: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := AO_dd & AS_SP; -- (--SP) + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + + -- Stack pointer manipulations. + -- + constant SP_NOP : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; + constant SP_ADD1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "001"; + constant SP_ADD2: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010"; + constant SP_SUB1: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011"; + constant SP_SUB2: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100"; + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- + -- ALU multiplexers. + -- + constant RS_REG : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00"; + constant RS_IMM : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "01"; + constant RS_DIN : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10"; + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + -- + -- Multiplier variants. F means FMULT (as opposed to MULT). + -- S and U means signed vs. unsigned operands. + -- + constant MULT_UU : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "000"; + constant MULT_SU : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "010"; + constant MULT_SS : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "011"; + constant MULT_FUU : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "100"; + constant MULT_FSU : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "110"; + constant MULT_FSS : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := "111"; + + ----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +end common; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/COPYING =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/COPYING (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/COPYING (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,675 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Copyright (C) + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/segment7.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/segment7.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/segment7.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: segment7 - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 12:52:16 11/11/2009 +-- Description: a 7 segment LED display interface. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity segment7 is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_OPC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + + Q_7_SEGMENT : out std_logic_vector( 6 downto 0)); +end segment7; + +-- Signal Loc Alt +--------------------------- +-- SEG_LED(0) V3 A +-- SEG_LED(1) V4 B +-- SEG_LED(2) W3 C +-- SEG_LED(3) T4 D +-- SEG_LED(4) T3 E +-- SEG_LED(5) U3 F +-- SEG_LED(6) U4 G +-- +architecture Behavioral of segment7 is + +function lmap(VAL: std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0)) + return std_logic_vector is +begin + case VAL is -- 6543210 + when "0000" => return "0111111"; -- 0 + when "0001" => return "0000110"; -- 1 + when "0010" => return "1011011"; -- 2 + when "0011" => return "1001111"; -- 3 + when "0100" => return "1100110"; -- 4 ----A---- ----0---- + when "0101" => return "1101101"; -- 5 | | | | + when "0110" => return "1111101"; -- 6 F B 5 1 + when "0111" => return "0000111"; -- 7 | | | | + when "1000" => return "1111111"; -- 8 +---G---+ +---6---+ + when "1001" => return "1101111"; -- 9 | | | | + when "1010" => return "1110111"; -- A E C 4 2 + when "1011" => return "1111100"; -- b | | | | + when "1100" => return "0111001"; -- C ----D---- ----3---- + when "1101" => return "1011110"; -- d + when "1110" => return "1111001"; -- E + when others => return "1110001"; -- F + end case; +end; + +signal L_CNT : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0); +signal L_OPC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_POS : std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0); + +begin + + process(I_CLK) -- 20 MHz + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + if (I_CLR = '1') then + L_POS <= "0000"; + L_CNT <= X"0000000"; + Q_7_SEGMENT <= "1111111"; + else + L_CNT <= L_CNT + X"0000001"; + if (L_CNT = X"0C00000") then + Q_7_SEGMENT <= "1111111"; -- blank + elsif (L_CNT = X"1000000") then + L_CNT <= X"0000000"; + L_POS <= L_POS + "0001"; + case L_POS is + when "0000" => -- blank + Q_7_SEGMENT <= "1111111"; + when "0001" => + L_PC <= I_PC; -- sample PC + L_OPC <= I_OPC; -- sample OPC + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC(15 downto 12)); + when "0010" => + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC(11 downto 8)); + when "0011" => + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC( 7 downto 4)); + when "0100" => + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_PC( 3 downto 0)); + when "0101" => -- minus + Q_7_SEGMENT <= "0111111"; + when "0110" => + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC(15 downto 12)); + when "0111" => + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC(11 downto 8)); + when "1000" => + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC( 7 downto 4)); + when "1001" => + Q_7_SEGMENT <= not lmap(L_OPC( 3 downto 0)); + L_POS <= "0000"; + when others => + L_POS <= "0000"; + end case; + end if; + end if; + end if; + end process; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/src/opc_fetch.vhd =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/src/opc_fetch.vhd (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/src/opc_fetch.vhd (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Dr. Juergen Sauermann +-- +-- This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +-- (at your option) any later version. +-- +-- This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +-- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +-- GNU General Public License for more details. +-- +-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +-- along with this code (see the file named COPYING). +-- If not, see +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +-- Module Name: opc_fetch - Behavioral +-- Create Date: 13:00:44 10/30/2009 +-- Description: the opcode fetch stage of a CPU. +-- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- +library IEEE; +use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL; +use IEEE.std_logic_ARITH.ALL; +use IEEE.std_logic_UNSIGNED.ALL; + +entity opc_fetch is + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_CLR : in std_logic; + I_INTVEC : in std_logic_vector( 5 downto 0); + I_LOAD_PC : in std_logic; + I_NEW_PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + I_PM_ADR : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); + I_SKIP : in std_logic; + + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + Q_PM_DOUT : out std_logic_vector( 7 downto 0); + Q_T0 : out std_logic); +end opc_fetch; + +architecture Behavioral of opc_fetch is + +component prog_mem + port ( I_CLK : in std_logic; + + I_WAIT : in std_logic; + I_PC : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); + I_PM_ADR : in std_logic_vector (11 downto 0); + + Q_OPC : out std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); + Q_PC : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); + Q_PM_DOUT : out std_logic_vector ( 7 downto 0)); +end component; + +signal P_OPC : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); +signal P_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); + +signal L_INVALIDATE : std_logic; +signal L_LONG_OP : std_logic; +signal L_NEXT_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_PC : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); +signal L_T0 : std_logic; +signal L_WAIT : std_logic; + +begin + + pmem : prog_mem + port map( I_CLK => I_CLK, + + I_WAIT => L_WAIT, + I_PC => L_NEXT_PC, + I_PM_ADR => I_PM_ADR, + + Q_OPC => P_OPC, + Q_PC => P_PC, + Q_PM_DOUT => Q_PM_DOUT); + + lpc: process(I_CLK) + begin + if (rising_edge(I_CLK)) then + L_PC <= L_NEXT_PC; + L_T0 <= not L_WAIT; + end if; + end process; + + L_NEXT_PC <= X"0000" when (I_CLR = '1') + else L_PC when (L_WAIT = '1') + else I_NEW_PC when (I_LOAD_PC = '1') + else L_PC + X"0002" when (L_LONG_OP = '1') + else L_PC + X"0001"; + + -- Two word opcodes: + -- + -- 9 3210 + -- 1001 000d dddd 0000 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - LDS + -- 1001 001d dddd 0000 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - SDS + -- 1001 010k kkkk 110k kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - JMP + -- 1001 010k kkkk 111k kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk - CALL + -- + L_LONG_OP <= '1' when (((P_OPC(15 downto 9) = "1001010") and + (P_OPC( 3 downto 2) = "11")) -- JMP, CALL + or ((P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100100") and + (P_OPC( 3 downto 0) = "0000"))) -- LDS, STS + else '0'; + + -- Two cycle opcodes: + -- + -- 1001 000d dddd .... - LDS etc. + -- 1001 0101 0000 1000 - RET + -- 1001 0101 0001 1000 - RETI + -- 1001 1001 AAAA Abbb - SBIC + -- 1001 1011 AAAA Abbb - SBIS + -- 1111 110r rrrr 0bbb - SBRC + -- 1111 111r rrrr 0bbb - SBRS + -- + L_WAIT <= '0' when (L_INVALIDATE = '1') + else '0' when (I_INTVEC(5) = '1') + else L_T0 when ((P_OPC(15 downto 9) = "1001000" ) -- LDS etc. + or (P_OPC(15 downto 8) = "10010101") -- RET etc. + or ((P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "100110") -- SBIC, SBIS + and P_OPC(8) = '1') + or (P_OPC(15 downto 10) = "111111")) -- SBRC, SBRS + else '0'; + + L_INVALIDATE <= I_CLR or I_SKIP; + + Q_OPC <= X"00000000" when (L_INVALIDATE = '1') + else P_OPC when (I_INTVEC(5) = '0') + else (X"000000" & "00" & I_INTVEC); -- "interrupt opcode" + + Q_PC <= P_PC; + Q_T0 <= L_T0; + +end Behavioral; + Index: cpu_lecture/trunk/index.html =================================================================== --- cpu_lecture/trunk/index.html (nonexistent) +++ cpu_lecture/trunk/index.html (revision 2) @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + +


How to design your own CPU on FPGAs with VHDL

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A Lecture by Dr. Juergen Sauermann

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