
Subversion Repositories forwardcom

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 56 to Rev 57
    Reverse comparison

Rev 56 → Rev 57

0,0 → 1,432
/**************************** emulator6.cpp ********************************
* Author: Agner Fog
* date created: 2018-02-18
* Last modified: 2021-02-19
* Version: 1.11
* Project: Binary tools for ForwardCom instruction set
* Description:
* Emulator: System functions
* Copyright 2018-2021 GNU General Public License
#include "stdafx.h"
// Data encoding names
// Interrupt names
SIntTxt interruptNames[] = {
// Error interrupts
{INT_UNKNOWN_INST, "Unknown instruction"},
{INT_WRONG_PARAMETERS, "Illegal instruction code"},
{INT_ACCESS_READ, "Memory read access violation"},
{INT_ACCESS_WRITE, "Memory write access violation"},
{INT_ACCESS_EXE, "Memory execute access violation"},
{INT_CALL_STACK, "Call stack overflow or underflow"},
{INT_ARRAY_BOUNDS, "Array bounds violation"},
{INT_MISALIGNED_JUMP, "Jump to misaligned address"},
{INT_MISALIGNED_MEM, "Misaligned memory address"},
// Software traps. Not necessarily supported
{INT_OVERFL_UNSIGN, "Unsigned integer overflow"},
{INT_OVERFL_SIGN, "Signed integer overflow"},
{INT_OVERFL_FLOAT, "Floating point overflow"},
{INT_FLOAT_INVALID, "Floating point invalid operation"},
{INT_FLOAT_UNDERFL, "Floating point underflow"},
{INT_FLOAT_NAN_LOSS, "Floating point NAN in compare or conversion to integer"},
{0xFFFF, "Filler interrupt"},
// System function names
SIntTxt systemFunctionNames[] = {
{SYSF_EXIT, "exit"}, // terminate program
{SYSF_ABORT, "abort"}, // abort program
{SYSF_TIME, "time"}, // time in seconds since jan 1, 1970
// input/output functions
{SYSF_PUTS, "puts"}, // write string to stdout
{SYSF_PUTCHAR, "putchar"}, // write character to stdout
{SYSF_PRINTF, "printf"}, // write formatted output to stdout
{SYSF_FPRINTF, "fprintf"}, // write formatted output to file
{SYSF_SNPRINTF, "snprintf"}, // write formatted output to string buffer
{SYSF_FOPEN, "fopen"}, // open file
{SYSF_FREAD, "fread"}, // read from file
{SYSF_FWRITE, "fwrite"}, // write to file
{SYSF_FFLUSH, "fflush"}, // flush file
{SYSF_FEOF, "feof"}, // check if end of file
{SYSF_FTELL, "ftell"}, // get file position
{SYSF_FSEEK, "fseek"}, // set file position
{SYSF_FERROR, "ferror"}, // get file error
{SYSF_GETCHAR, "getchar"}, // read character from stdin
{SYSF_FGETC, "fgetc"}, // read character from file
{SYSF_FGETS, "fgets"}, // read string from file
{SYSF_SCANF, "scanf"}, // read formatted input from stdio
{SYSF_FSCANF, "fscanf"}, // read formatted input from file
{SYSF_SSCANF, "sscanf"}, // read formatted input from string buffer
{SYSF_REMOVE, "remove"}, // delete file
// number of entries in list
const int numSystemFunctionNames = sizeof(systemFunctionNames) / sizeof(SIntTxt);
// interrupt or trap
// To trace a runtime error, set a breakpoint here
void CThread::interrupt(uint32_t n) {
// check if error is disabled
uint32_t capabbit = 0; // bit in capabilities register
switch (n) {
case INT_BREAKPOINT: // debug breakpoint
case INT_UNKNOWN_INST: // unknown instruction
capabbit = 1;
case INT_WRONG_PARAMETERS: // unsupported parameters for instruction
case INT_CALL_STACK: // call stack overflow or underflow
capabbit = 2;
case INT_ACCESS_READ: // memory access violation, read
capabbit = 8;
case INT_ACCESS_WRITE: // memory access violation, write
capabbit = 0x10;
case INT_ACCESS_EXE: // memory access violation, execute
capabbit = 8;
case INT_ARRAY_BOUNDS: // array bounds overflow, unsigned
capabbit = 4;
case INT_MISALIGNED_MEM: // misaligned memory access.
capabbit = 0x20;
case INT_MISALIGNED_JUMP: // jump to an address not divisible by 4
capabbit = 0;
if (perfCounters[perf_type_of_first_error] == 0) {
// save first error
perfCounters[perf_type_of_first_error] = bitScanReverse(capabbit);
uint8_t instrLength = pInstr->i[0] >> 30; if (instrLength == 0) instrLength = 1;
perfCounters[perf_address_of_first_error] = ((ip - ip0) >> 2) - instrLength;
if (!(capabilyReg[disable_errors_capability_register] & capabbit)) {
terminate = true; // stop execution unless error is disabled
if (listFileName && cmd.maxLines != 0) { // write interrupt to debug output
const char * iname = Lookup(interruptNames, n);
if (terminate) listOut.put(". Terminating");
// give error message if compiled for 32 bit
void checkVa_listSize() {
// C variable argument list va_list is not compatible with ForwardCom in 32 bit mode
if (sizeof(void*) < 8) { // 32 bit host system. va_list has 32-bit entries except for %f
puts("\nError: forw must be compiled in 64 bit mode. printf function may fail\n");
} */
// check if system function has access to a particular address
uint64_t CThread::checkSysMemAccess(uint64_t address, uint64_t size, uint8_t rd, uint8_t rs, uint8_t mode) {
// rd = register pointing to beginning of shared memory area, rs = size of shared memory area
// mode = SHF_READ or SHF_WRITE
// return value is possibly reduced size, or zero if no access
if ((rd | rs) == 0) return 0; // no access if both are r0
uint64_t base = registers[rd]; // beginning of shared area
uint64_t bsize = registers[rs]; // size of shared area
if (address + size < address) size = ~address; // avoid overflow
if (base + bsize < base) bsize = ~base; // avoid overflow
if ((rd & rs & 0x1F) != 0x1F) { // share all if both are r31
// check if within shared area
if (address < base) return 0;
if (address + size > base + bsize) size = base + bsize - address;
// check application's memory map
uint32_t index = mapIndex3;
// find index
while (address < memoryMap[index].startAddress) {
if (index > 0) index--;
else return 0;
while (address >= memoryMap[index+1].startAddress) {
if (index+2 < memoryMap.numEntries()) index++;
else return 0;
// check read/write permission
if ((memoryMap[index].access_addend & mode) != mode) return 0;
// check if multiple map entries covered
uint32_t index2 = index;
while (address + size >= memoryMap[index2+1].startAddress
&& index2+2 < memoryMap.numEntries()
&& (memoryMap[index2+1].access_addend & mode) == mode) {
uint64_t size2 = memoryMap[index2+1].startAddress - address; // maximum possible size
if (size < size2) size = size2;
return size;
// emulate fprintf with ForwardCom argument list
int CThread::fprintfEmulated(FILE * stream, const char * format, uint64_t * argumentList) {
// a ForwardCom argument list is compatible with a va_list in 64-bit windows but not in Linux
static CMemoryBuffer fstringbuf; // buffer containing format string
fstringbuf.setSize(0); // discard any previously stored string
fstringbuf.pushString(format); // copy format string
// split the format string into substrings with a single format specifier in each
uint32_t arg = 0; // argument index
int returnValue; // return value;
int returnSum = 0; // sum of return values;
char * startp; // start of current substring in format string
char * percentp1; // percent sign in current substring
char * percentp2; // next percent sign starting next substring
startp = fstringbuf.getString(0); // start of string buffer
percentp1 = startp; // search for first % sign
while (true) {
percentp1 = strchr(percentp1, '%');
if (percentp1 && percentp1[1] == '%') percentp1 += 2; // skip "%%" which is not a format code
else break;
// loop for substrings of format string containing only one format specifier each
do {
char c = 0; // format character
int asterisks = 0;
bool isString = false;
if (percentp1) {
percentp2 = percentp1 + 1; // search for next % sign
while (true) {
percentp2 = strchr(percentp2, '%');
if (percentp2 && percentp2[1] == '%') percentp2 += 2; // skip "%%" which is not a format code
else break;
if (percentp2) *percentp2 = 0; // put temporary end of string at next % sign
// check if argument is a string, and count asterisks
int i = 1;
while (true) {
c = percentp1[i++]; // read character in format specifier
if (c == 0) break; // end of string
if (c == '*') asterisks++; // count asterisks
c |= 0x20; // lower case
if (c == 's') isString = true; // %s means string
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') break; // a letter terminates the format specifier
else {
percentp2 = 0;
uint64_t argument = argumentList[arg]; // The argument list can contain any type of argument with size up to 64 bits
union {
uint64_t a;
double d;
} uu;
if (isString) argument += (uint64_t)memory; // translate string address
// Print current argument with format substring.
if (asterisks) { // asterisks indicate extra arguments
if (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'f' || c == 'g') {
// floating point argument
if (asterisks == 1) {
uu.a = argumentList[arg+1];
returnValue = fprintf(stream, startp, argument, uu.d, argumentList[arg+2]);
else { // asterisks = 2
uu.a = argumentList[arg+2];
returnValue = fprintf(stream, startp, argument, argumentList[arg+1], uu.d);
else { // integer argument
returnValue = fprintf(stream, startp, argument, argumentList[arg+1], argumentList[arg+2]);
arg += asterisks + 1;
else {
if (c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'f' || c == 'g') {
// floating point argument
uu.a = argument;
returnValue = fprintf(stream, startp, uu.d);
else {
returnValue = fprintf(stream, startp, argument);
if (returnValue < 0) return returnValue; // return error
else returnSum += returnValue; // sum of return values
if (percentp2) *percentp2 = '%'; // re-insert next % sign
startp = percentp1 = percentp2;
while (startp); // loop to next substring
return returnSum; // return total number of characters written
// entry for system calls
void CThread::systemCall(uint32_t mod, uint32_t funcid, uint8_t rd, uint8_t rs) {
if (listFileName) {
// debug listing
listOut.put("system call: ");
if (mod == SYSM_SYSTEM) { // search for function name
for (int i = 0; i < numSystemFunctionNames; i++) {
if (systemFunctionNames[i].a == funcid) { // name is in list
// name not found. write id
listOut.putHex(mod); listOut.put(":"); listOut.putHex(funcid);
uint64_t temp; // temporary
uint64_t dsize; // data size
const char * str = 0; // string
if (mod == SYSM_SYSTEM) {// system function
// dispatch by function id
switch (funcid) {
case SYSF_EXIT: // terminate program
cmd.mainReturnValue = (int)registers[0];
terminate = true; break;
case SYSF_ABORT: // abort program
cmd.mainReturnValue = (int)registers[0];
terminate = true; break;
case SYSF_TIME: // time
temp = time(0);
if (registers[0] && checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], 8, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE)) *(uint64_t*)(memory + registers[0]) = temp;
registers[0] = temp; break;
case SYSF_PUTS: // write string to stdout
str = (const char*)memory + registers[0];
if (strlen(str) > checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], -1, rd, rs, SHF_READ)) {
else puts(str);
case SYSF_PUTCHAR: // write character to stdout
case SYSF_PRINTF: // write formatted output to stdout
registers[0] = fprintfEmulated(stdout, (const char*)memory + registers[0], (uint64_t*)(memory + registers[1]));
case SYSF_FPRINTF: // write formatted output to file
registers[0] = fprintfEmulated((FILE *)(registers[0]), (const char*)memory + registers[1], (uint64_t*)(memory + registers[2]));
case SYSF_SNPRINTF: // write formatted output to string buffer
// this works only in 64 bit windows
dsize = registers[1]; // size of data to read
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], dsize, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE) < dsize) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_WRITE); // write access violation
ret = 0;
else ret = snprintf((char*)memory + registers[0], registers[1], (const char*)memory + registers[2], (const char*)memory + registers[3]);
registers[0] = ret;
case SYSF_FOPEN: // open file
registers[0] = (uint64_t)fopen((const char*)memory + registers[0], (const char*)memory + registers[1]);
registers[0] = (uint64_t)fclose((FILE*)registers[0]);
case SYSF_FREAD: // read from file
dsize = registers[1] * registers[2]; // size of data to read
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], dsize, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE) < dsize) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_WRITE); // write access violation
registers[0] = 0;
else registers[0] = (uint64_t)fread(memory + registers[0], (size_t)registers[1], (size_t)registers[2], (FILE *)(size_t)registers[3]);
case SYSF_FWRITE: // write to file
dsize = registers[1] * registers[2]; // size of data to write
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], dsize, rd, rs, SHF_READ) < dsize) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_READ); // write access violation
registers[0] = 0;
else registers[0] = (uint64_t)fwrite(memory + registers[0], (size_t)registers[1], (size_t)registers[2], (FILE *)(size_t)registers[3]);
case SYSF_FFLUSH: // flush file
registers[0] = (uint64_t)fflush((FILE *)registers[0]);
case SYSF_FEOF: // check if end of file
registers[0] = (uint64_t)feof((FILE *)registers[0]);
case SYSF_FTELL: // get file position
registers[0] = (uint64_t)ftell((FILE *)registers[0]);
case SYSF_FSEEK: // set file position
registers[0] = (uint64_t)fseek((FILE *)registers[0], (long int)registers[1], (int)registers[2]);
case SYSF_FERROR: // get file error
registers[0] = (uint64_t)ferror((FILE *)registers[0]);
case SYSF_GETCHAR: // read character from stdin
registers[0] = (uint64_t)getchar();
case SYSF_FGETC: // read character from file
registers[0] = (uint64_t)fgetc((FILE *)registers[0]);
case SYSF_FGETS: // read string from file
dsize = registers[1]; // size of data to read
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], dsize, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE) < dsize) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_WRITE); // write access violation
registers[0] = 0;
else {
registers[0] = (uint64_t)fgets((char *)(memory+registers[0]), (int)registers[1], (FILE *)registers[2]);
case SYSF_GETS_S: // read string from stdin
dsize = registers[1]; // size of data to read
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], dsize, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE) < dsize) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_WRITE); // write access violation
registers[0] = 0;
else {
char * r = fgets((char *)(memory+registers[0]), (int)registers[1], stdin);
if (r == 0) registers[0] = 0; // registers[0] unchanged if success
case SYSF_SCANF: // read formatted input from stdio
ret = vscanf((char *)(memory+registers[0]), (va_list)(memory + registers[1]));
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], ret, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE) < ret) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_WRITE); // write access violation
registers[0] = ret;
case SYSF_FSCANF: // read formatted input from file
ret = vfscanf((FILE *)registers[0], (char *)(memory+registers[1]), (va_list)(memory + registers[2]));
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], ret, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE) < ret) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_WRITE); // write access violation
registers[0] = ret;
case SYSF_SSCANF: // read formatted input from string buffer
ret = vsscanf((char *)(memory+registers[0]), (char *)(memory+registers[1]), (va_list)(memory + registers[2]));
if (checkSysMemAccess(registers[0], ret, rd, rs, SHF_WRITE) < ret) {
interrupt(INT_ACCESS_WRITE); // write access violation
registers[0] = ret;
break; */
case SYSF_REMOVE: // delete file
registers[0] = (uint64_t)remove((char *)(memory+registers[0]));

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