Subversion Repositories minsoc
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 123 to Rev 124
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 123 → Rev 124
53,6 → 53,14
// |
// TASKS registers to communicate with interfaces |
// |
reg design_ready; |
reg uart_echo; |
`ifdef UART |
reg [40*8-1:0] line; |
reg [12*8-1:0] hello; |
reg new_line; |
reg new_char; |
`endif |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
reg [7:0] eth_rx_data [0:1535]; //receive buffer ETH (max packet 1536) |
reg [7:0] eth_tx_data [0:1535]; //send buffer ETH (max packet 1536) |
72,6 → 80,8
initial begin |
reset = ~RESET_LEVEL; |
clock = 1'b0; |
design_ready = 1'b0; |
uart_echo = 1'b1; |
minsoc_top_0.clk_adjust.clk_int = 1'b0; |
156,22 → 166,31
// |
// Testbench START |
// |
design_ready = 1'b1; |
fork |
begin |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
get_mac(); |
if ( { eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+1] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+2] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+3] } == 32'hFF2B4050 ) |
$display("eth-nocache firmware started."); |
`endif |
end |
begin |
#2000000; |
`ifdef UART |
`ifdef TEST_UART |
$display("Testing UART interface..."); |
@ (posedge new_line); |
$display("UART data received."); |
hello = line[12*8-1:0]; |
//sending character A to UART, B expected |
$display("Testing UART interrupt..."); |
uart_echo = 1'b0; |
uart_send(8'h41); //Character A |
`endif |
`ifdef ETHERNET |
@ (posedge new_char); |
if ( line[7:0] == "B" ) |
$display("UART interrupt working."); |
else |
$display("UART interrupt failed."); |
uart_echo = 1'b1; |
if ( hello == "Hello World." ) |
$display("UART interface test completed, firmware behaving correclty."); |
else |
$display("UART interface test completed, UART firmware failed."); |
$display("Testing Ethernet interface..."); |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+0] = 8'hBA; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+1] = 8'h87; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+2] = 8'hAA; |
179,9 → 198,26
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+4] = 8'hCC; |
eth_tx_data[ETH_HDR+5] = 8'hDD; |
$display("Sending an Ethernet package to the system and waiting for the data to be output from UART..."); |
send_mac(6); |
$display("This takes a long time, if you want to stop it, type ctrl+c and type in finish afterwards."); |
repeat(3+40) @ (posedge new_line); |
$display("Ethernet test completed."); |
$display("Stopping simulation."); |
$finish; |
`endif |
$display("Stopping simulation."); |
$finish; |
`endif |
end |
begin |
get_mac(); |
if ( { eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+1] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+2] , eth_rx_data[ETH_HDR+3] } == 32'hFF2B4050 ) |
$display("Ethernet firmware started correctly."); |
`endif |
end |
join |
end |
289,7 → 325,7
//UART |
`ifdef UART |
localparam UART_TX_WAIT = (`FREQ / `UART_BAUDRATE); |
task uart_send; |
input [7:0] data; |
296,13 → 332,13
integer i; |
begin |
uart_srx = 1'b0; |
repeat (UART_TX_WAIT) @ (posedge clock); |
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i = i + 1 ) begin |
uart_srx = data[i]; |
repeat (UART_TX_WAIT) @ (posedge clock); |
end |
uart_srx = 1'b0; |
repeat (UART_TX_WAIT) @ (posedge clock); |
uart_srx = 1'b1; |
end |
endtask |
309,36 → 345,53
//UART Monitor (prints uart output on the terminal) |
// Something to trigger the task |
always @(posedge clock) |
uart_decoder; |
initial |
begin |
new_line = 1'b0; |
new_char = 1'b0; |
end |
always @ (posedge clock) |
if ( design_ready ) |
uart_decoder; |
task uart_decoder; |
integer i; |
reg [7:0] tx_byte; |
begin |
new_char = 1'b0; |
// Wait for start bit |
while (uart_stx == 1'b1) |
@(uart_stx); |
// Wait for start bit |
while (uart_stx == 1'b1) |
@(uart_stx); |
repeat (UART_TX_WAIT+(UART_TX_WAIT/2)) @ (posedge clock); |
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i = i + 1 ) begin |
tx_byte[i] = uart_stx; |
repeat (UART_TX_WAIT) @ (posedge clock); |
end |
for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i = i + 1 ) begin |
tx_byte[i] = uart_stx; |
end |
//Check for stop bit |
if (uart_stx == 1'b0) begin |
//$display("* WARNING: user stop bit not received when expected at time %d__", $time); |
// Wait for return to idle |
while (uart_stx == 1'b0) |
@(uart_stx); |
//$display("* USER UART returned to idle at time %d",$time); |
end |
// display the char |
$write("%c", tx_byte); |
end |
//Check for stop bit |
if (uart_stx == 1'b0) begin |
//$display("* WARNING: user stop bit not received when expected at time %d__", $time); |
// Wait for return to idle |
while (uart_stx == 1'b0) |
@(uart_stx); |
//$display("* USER UART returned to idle at time %d",$time); |
end |
// display the char |
new_char = 1'b1; |
if ( uart_echo ) |
$write("%c", tx_byte); |
if ( new_line ) |
line = ""; |
if ( tx_byte == "\n" ) |
new_line = 1'b1; |
else begin |
line = { line[39*8-1:0], tx_byte}; |
new_line = 1'b0; |
end |
end |
endtask |
//~UART Monitor |
`endif // !UART |
436,7 → 489,7
reg [7:0] eth_tx_data_data_out; // data for reading from RX memory |
begin |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
#1 eth_rx_dv = 1; |
eth_rx_dv = 1; |
// set initial rx memory address |
eth_tx_data_addr_in = start_addr; |
444,8 → 497,8
// send preamble |
for (rx_cnt = 0; (rx_cnt < (preamble_len << 1)) && (rx_cnt < 16); rx_cnt = rx_cnt + 1) |
begin |
#1 eth_rxd = preamble_data[3:0]; |
#1 preamble_data = preamble_data >> 4; |
eth_rxd = preamble_data[3:0]; |
preamble_data = preamble_data >> 4; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
452,8 → 505,8
// send SFD |
for (rx_cnt = 0; rx_cnt < 2; rx_cnt = rx_cnt + 1) |
begin |
#1 eth_rxd = sfd_data[3:0]; |
#1 sfd_data = sfd_data >> 4; |
eth_rxd = sfd_data[3:0]; |
sfd_data = sfd_data >> 4; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
460,15 → 513,12
// send packet's addresses, type/length, data and FCS |
for (rx_cnt = 0; rx_cnt < len; rx_cnt = rx_cnt + 1) |
begin |
#1; |
eth_tx_data_data_out = eth_tx_data[eth_tx_data_addr_in[21:0]]; |
eth_rxd = eth_tx_data_data_out[3:0]; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
#1; |
eth_rxd = eth_tx_data_data_out[7:4]; |
eth_tx_data_addr_in = eth_tx_data_addr_in + 1; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
#1; |
end |
if (plus_drible_nibble) |
begin |
477,7 → 527,7
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |
#1 eth_rx_dv = 0; |
eth_rx_dv = 0; |
@(posedge eth_rx_clk); |
end |