
Subversion Repositories mod_sim_exp

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 43 to Rev 37
    Reverse comparison

Rev 43 → Rev 37

63,7 → 63,7
end mod_sim_exp_core_tb;
architecture test of mod_sim_exp_core_tb is
constant CLK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns;
constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic := '1';
file input : text open read_mode is "src/sim_input.txt";
70,18 → 70,6
file output : text open write_mode is "out/sim_output.txt";
-- Core parameters
constant C_NR_BITS_TOTAL : integer := 1536;
constant C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL : integer := 96;
constant C_NR_STAGES_LOW : integer := 32;
constant C_SPLIT_PIPELINE : boolean := true;
-- extra calculated constants
constant NR_BITS_HIGH : integer := C_NR_BITS_TOTAL-NR_BITS_LOW;
-- Signals for multiplier core memory space
signal core_rw_address : std_logic_vector (8 downto 0);
117,9 → 105,9
while (true) loop
clk <= '0';
wait for CLK_PERIOD/2;
wait for clk_period/2;
clk <= '1';
wait for CLK_PERIOD/2;
wait for clk_period/2;
end loop;
end process;
266,7 → 254,7
write(Lw, base_width);
writeline(output, Lw);
case (base_width) is
when C_NR_BITS_TOTAL => when NR_BITS_HIGH => when NR_BITS_LOW =>
when nr_bits_total => when nr_bits_high => when nr_bits_low =>
when others =>
write(Lw, string'("=> incompatible base width!!!")); writeline(output, Lw);
assert false report "incompatible base width!!!" severity failure;
343,9 → 331,9
write(Lw, string'("----- Selecting pipeline: "));
writeline(output, Lw);
case (base_width) is
when C_NR_BITS_TOTAL => core_p_sel <= "11"; write(Lw, string'(" Full pipeline selected"));
when NR_BITS_HIGH => core_p_sel <= "10"; write(Lw, string'(" Upper pipeline selected"));
when NR_BITS_LOW => core_p_sel <= "01"; write(Lw, string'(" Lower pipeline selected"));
when nr_bits_total => core_p_sel <= "11"; write(Lw, string'(" Full pipeline selected"));
when nr_bits_high => core_p_sel <= "10"; write(Lw, string'(" Upper pipeline selected"));
when nr_bits_low => core_p_sel <= "01"; write(Lw, string'(" Lower pipeline selected"));
when others =>
write(Lw, string'(" Invallid bitwidth for design"));
assert false report "impossible basewidth!" severity failure;
438,7 → 426,7
write(Lw, string'(ToString(timer)));
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => expected time is "));
write(Lw, (C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL+(2*(base_width-1)))*CLK_PERIOD);
write(Lw, (nr_stages_total+(2*(base_width-1)))*clk_period);
writeline(output, Lw);
if (gt0(base_width-1 downto 0) = data_read(base_width-1 downto 0)) then
write(Lw, string'(" => gt0 is correct!")); writeline(output, Lw);
471,7 → 459,7
write(Lw, string'(ToString(timer)));
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => expected time is "));
write(Lw, (C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL+(2*(base_width-1)))*CLK_PERIOD);
write(Lw, (nr_stages_total+(2*(base_width-1)))*clk_period);
writeline(output, Lw);
if (gt1(base_width-1 downto 0) = data_read(base_width-1 downto 0)) then
write(Lw, string'(" => gt1 is correct!")); writeline(output, Lw);
504,7 → 492,7
write(Lw, string'(ToString(timer)));
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => expected time is "));
write(Lw, (C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL+(2*(base_width-1)))*CLK_PERIOD);
write(Lw, (nr_stages_total+(2*(base_width-1)))*clk_period);
writeline(output, Lw);
if (R(base_width-1 downto 0) = data_read(base_width-1 downto 0)) then
write(Lw, string'(" => (R)mod m is correct!")); writeline(output, Lw);
537,7 → 525,7
write(Lw, string'(ToString(timer)));
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => expected time is "));
write(Lw, (C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL+(2*(base_width-1)))*CLK_PERIOD);
write(Lw, (nr_stages_total+(2*(base_width-1)))*clk_period);
writeline(output, Lw);
if (gt01(base_width-1 downto 0) = data_read(base_width-1 downto 0)) then
write(Lw, string'(" => gt01 is correct!")); writeline(output, Lw);
583,7 → 571,7
write(Lw, string'(ToString(timer)));
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => expected time is "));
write(Lw, ((C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL+(2*(base_width-1)))*CLK_PERIOD*7*exponent_width)/4);
write(Lw, ((nr_stages_total+(2*(base_width-1)))*clk_period*7*exponent_width)/4);
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => Done"));
core_run_auto <= '0';
624,7 → 612,7
write(Lw, string'(ToString(timer)));
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => expected time is "));
write(Lw, (C_NR_STAGES_TOTAL+(2*(base_width-1)))*CLK_PERIOD);
write(Lw, (nr_stages_total+(2*(base_width-1)))*clk_period);
writeline(output, Lw);
when 12 => -- check with result
667,12 → 655,6
-- Multiplier core instance
the_multiplier : mod_sim_exp.mod_sim_exp_pkg.mod_sim_exp_core
generic map(
port map(
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
1,5 → 1,5
---- multiplier_tb ----
---- mod_sim_exp_core_tb ----
---- ----
---- This file is part of the ----
---- Modular Simultaneous Exponentiation Core project ----
6,13 → 6,13
---- ----
---- ----
---- Description ----
---- testbench for the Montgomery multiplier ----
---- Performs some multiplications to verify the design ----
---- Takes input parameters from sim_mult_input.txt and writes ----
---- result and output to sim_mult_output.txt ----
---- testbench for the modular simultaneous exponentiation ----
---- core. Performs some exponentiations to verify the design ----
---- Takes input parameters from sim_input.txt en writes ----
---- result and output to sim_output.txt ----
---- ----
---- Dependencies: ----
---- - mont_multiplier ----
---- - multiplier_core ----
---- ----
---- Authors: ----
---- - Geoffrey Ottoy, DraMCo research group ----
63,7 → 63,8
end multiplier_tb;
architecture test of multiplier_tb is
constant CLK_PERIOD : time := 10 ns;
constant nr_stages : integer := 96;
constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic := '1';
file input : text open read_mode is "src/sim_mult_input.txt";
70,37 → 71,27
file output : text open write_mode is "out/sim_mult_output.txt";
-- Core parameters
-- Signals for multiplier core memory space
constant NR_BITS_TOTAL : integer := 1536;
constant NR_STAGES_TOTAL : integer := 96;
constant NR_STAGES_LOW : integer := 32;
constant SPLIT_PIPELINE : boolean := true;
constant n : integer := 1536;
constant t : integer := 96;
constant tl : integer := 0;
-- extra calculated constants
constant NR_BITS_HIGH : integer := NR_BITS_TOTAL-NR_BITS_LOW;
-- the width of the input operand for the mulitplier test
constant TEST_NR_BITS : integer := NR_BITS_LOW;
-- Signals for multiplier core memory space
-- data busses
signal xy : std_logic_vector(NR_BITS_TOTAL-1 downto 0); -- x and y operand data bus RAM -> multiplier
signal m : std_logic_vector(NR_BITS_TOTAL-1 downto 0); -- modulus data bus RAM -> multiplier
signal r : std_logic_vector(NR_BITS_TOTAL-1 downto 0); -- result data bus RAM <- multiplier
signal xy : std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- x and y operand data bus RAM -> multiplier
signal m : std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- modulus data bus RAM -> multiplier
signal r : std_logic_vector(n-1 downto 0); -- result data bus RAM <- multiplier
-- control signals
signal p_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- operand selection
signal result_dest_op : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- result destination operand
signal ready : std_logic;
signal start : std_logic;
signal load_op : std_logic;
signal p_sel : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- operand selection
signal result_dest_op : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- result destination operand
signal ready : std_logic;
signal start : std_logic;
signal load_op : std_logic;
signal load_x : std_logic;
signal load_m : std_logic;
signal load_result : std_logic;
signal load_m : std_logic;
signal load_result : std_logic;
110,9 → 101,9
while (true) loop
clk <= '0';
wait for CLK_PERIOD/2;
wait for clk_period/2;
clk <= '1';
wait for CLK_PERIOD/2;
wait for clk_period/2;
end loop;
end process;
137,10 → 128,12
-- variables to read file
variable L : line;
variable Lw : line;
variable x_op : std_logic_vector((NR_BITS_TOTAL-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable y_op : std_logic_vector((NR_BITS_TOTAL-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable m_op : std_logic_vector((NR_BITS_TOTAL-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable result : std_logic_vector((NR_BITS_TOTAL-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable x_op : std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable y_op : std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable m_op : std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable result : std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable one : std_logic_vector(2047 downto 0) := std_logic_vector(conv_unsigned(1, 2048));
variable data_read : std_logic_vector(2047 downto 0) := (others=>'0');
variable good_value : boolean;
variable param_count : integer := 0;
151,18 → 144,8
m <= (others=>'0');
start <='0';
reset <= '0';
p_sel <= "11";
load_x <= '0';
write(Lw, string'("----- Selecting pipeline: "));
writeline(output, Lw);
case (TEST_NR_BITS) is
when NR_BITS_TOTAL => p_sel <= "11"; write(Lw, string'(" Full pipeline selected"));
when NR_BITS_HIGH => p_sel <= "10"; write(Lw, string'(" Upper pipeline selected"));
when NR_BITS_LOW => p_sel <= "01"; write(Lw, string'(" Lower pipeline selected"));
when others =>
write(Lw, string'(" Invallid bitwidth for design"));
assert false report "impossible basewidth!" severity failure;
end case;
writeline(output, Lw);
-- Generate active high reset signal
reset <= '1';
175,8 → 158,8
next when L(1)='-'; -- skip comment lines
-- read input values
case param_count is
when 0 =>
hread(L, x_op(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0), good_value);
when 0 => -- base width
hread(L, x_op, good_value);
assert good_value report "Can not read x operand" severity failure;
assert false report "Simulating multiplication" severity note;
write(Lw, string'("----------------------------------------------"));
188,21 → 171,21
write(Lw, string'("----- Variables used:"));
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'("x: "));
hwrite(Lw, x_op(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0));
hwrite(Lw, x_op);
writeline(output, Lw);
when 1 =>
hread(L, y_op(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0), good_value);
hread(L, y_op, good_value);
assert good_value report "Can not read y operand" severity failure;
write(Lw, string'("y: "));
hwrite(Lw, y_op(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0));
hwrite(Lw, y_op);
writeline(output, Lw);
when 2 =>
hread(L, m_op(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0), good_value);
hread(L, m_op, good_value);
assert good_value report "Can not read m operand" severity failure;
write(Lw, string'("m: "));
hwrite(Lw, m_op(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0));
hwrite(Lw, m_op);
writeline(output, Lw);
-- load in x
226,17 → 209,17
wait until rising_edge(clk);
writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" Computed result: "));
hwrite(Lw, r(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0));
hwrite(Lw, r);
writeline(output, Lw);
when 3 =>
hread(L, result(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0), good_value);
hread(L, result, good_value);
assert good_value report "Can not read result" severity failure;
write(Lw, string'(" Read result: "));
hwrite(Lw, result(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0));
hwrite(Lw, result);
writeline(output, Lw);
if (r(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0) = result(TEST_NR_BITS-1 downto 0)) then
if (r = result) then
write(Lw, string'(" => result is correct!")); writeline(output, Lw);
write(Lw, string'(" => Error: result is incorrect!!!")); writeline(output, Lw);
264,10 → 247,9
the_multiplier : mont_multiplier
generic map(
n => n,
nr_stages => t,
stages_low => tl
port map(
core_clk => clk,

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