
Subversion Repositories neorv32

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 2 to Rev 3
    Reverse comparison

Rev 2 → Rev 3

0,0 → 1,60
# Abort if any command returns != 0
set -e
# Project home folder
homedir="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )"
# The directories of the hw source files
# Show GHDL version
ghdl -v
# List files
echo "Simulation source files:"
ls -al $srcdir_core
ls -al $srcdir_sim
# Analyse sources; libs and images at first!
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_package.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_application_image.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_bootloader_image.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_boot_rom.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_clic.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_alu.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_bus.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_control.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_cp_muldiv.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_decompressor.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_cpu_regfile.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_devnull.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_dmem.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_gpio.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_imem.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_mtime.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_pwm.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_spi.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_top.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_trng.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_twi.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_uart.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_wdt.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_core/neorv32_wishbone.vhd
ghdl -a --work=neorv32 $srcdir_sim/*.vhd
# Prepare simulation output files
touch neorv32.testbench_uart.out
chmod 777 neorv32.testbench_uart.out
touch neorv32.devnull.out
chmod 777 neorv32.devnull.out
# Run simulation
ghdl -e --work=neorv32 neorv32_tb
ghdl -r --work=neorv32 neorv32_tb --stop-time=4ms --ieee-asserts=disable --assert-level=error
1,6 → 1,11
-- #################################################################################################
-- # << NEORV32 - Simple Testbench with UART-to-Console module >> #
-- # << NEORV32 - Simple Testbench >> #
-- # ********************************************************************************************* #
-- # This testbench provides a virtual UART receiver connected to the processor's uart_txd_o #
-- # signals. The received chars are shown in the simulator console and also written to a file #
-- # ("neorv32.testbench_uart.out"). #
-- # Futhermore, this testbench provides a simple RAM connected to the external Wishbone bus. #
-- # ********************************************************************************************* #
-- # BSD 3-Clause License #
-- # #
-- # Copyright (c) 2020, Stephan Nolting. All rights reserved. #
52,25 → 57,17
constant f_clock_c : real := 100000000.0; -- main clock in Hz
constant f_clock_nat_c : natural := 100000000; -- main clock in Hz
constant baud_rate_c : real := 19200.0; -- standard UART baudrate
constant wb_mem_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"F0000000"; -- wishbone memory base address
constant wb_mem_size_c : natural := 256; -- wishbone memory size in bytes
constant wb_mem_base_addr_c : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"F0000000"; -- wishbone memory base address
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- textio --
file file_uart_tx_out : text open write_mode is "neorv32.sim_uart.out";
-- --
file file_uart_tx_out : text open write_mode is "neorv32.testbench_uart.out";
-- internal configuration --
constant baud_val_c : real := f_clock_c / baud_rate_c;
constant f_clk_c : natural := natural(f_clock_c);
-- reduced ASCII table --
type ascii_t is array (0 to 94) of character;
constant ascii_lut : ascii_t := (' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', ''', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-',
'.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A',
'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U',
'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i',
'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~');
-- generators --
signal clk_gen, rst_gen : std_ulogic := '0';
106,12 → 103,14
signal wb_cpu : wishbone_t;
-- Wishbone memory --
-- Wishbone memory, SimCom --
type wb_mem_file_t is array (0 to wb_mem_size_c/4-1) of std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wb_mem_file : wb_mem_file_t := (others => (others => '0'));
signal rb_en : std_ulogic;
signal r_data : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wb_acc_en : std_ulogic;
signal wb_mem_file : wb_mem_file_t := (others => (others => '0'));
signal rb_en : std_ulogic;
signal r_data : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wb_acc_en : std_ulogic;
signal wb_mem_rdata : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal wb_mem_ack : std_ulogic;
158,7 → 157,8
IO_PWM_USE => true, -- implement pulse-width modulation unit (PWM)?
IO_WDT_USE => true, -- implement watch dog timer (WDT)?
IO_CLIC_USE => true, -- implement core local interrupt controller (CLIC)?
IO_TRNG_USE => false -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_TRNG_USE => false, -- implement true random number generator (TRNG)?
IO_DEVNULL_USE => true -- implement dummy device (DEVNULL)?
port map (
-- Global control --
195,18 → 195,22
ext_ack_o => open -- external interrupt request acknowledge
-- twi termination --
-- TWI termination --
twi_scl <= 'H';
twi_sda <= 'H';
-- Wishbone read-back --
wb_cpu.rdata <= wb_mem_rdata;
wb_cpu.ack <= wb_mem_ack;
wb_cpu.err <= '0';
-- Console UART Receiver ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
uart_rx_console: process(clk_gen)
variable i, j : integer;
variable line_tmp : line;
variable i : integer;
variable l : line;
-- "UART" --
if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
-- synchronizer --
221,7 → 225,6
end if;
if (uart_rx_baud_cnt = 0.0) then
-- adapt to the inter-frame pause - which is not implemented in the neo430 uart ;)
if (uart_rx_bitcnt = 1) then
uart_rx_baud_cnt <= round(0.5 * baud_val_c);
230,21 → 233,17
if (uart_rx_bitcnt = 0) then
uart_rx_busy <= '0'; -- done
i := to_integer(unsigned(uart_rx_sreg(8 downto 1)));
j := i - 32;
if (j < 0) or (j > 95) then
j := 0; -- undefined = SPACE
end if;
if (i < 32) or (j > 32+95) then
report "UART TX: (" & integer'image(i) & ")"; -- print code
if (i < 32) or (i > 32+95) then -- printable char?
report "SIM_UART TX: (" & integer'image(i) & ")"; -- print code
report "UART TX: " & ascii_lut(j); -- print ASCII
report "SIM_UART TX: " & character'val(i); -- print ASCII
end if;
if (i = 10) then -- Linux line break
writeline(file_uart_tx_out, line_tmp);
writeline(file_uart_tx_out, l);
elsif (i /= 13) then -- Remove additional carriage return
write(line_tmp, ascii_lut(j));
write(l, character'val(i));
end if;
uart_rx_sreg <= uart_rx_sync(4) & uart_rx_sreg(8 downto 1);
264,7 → 263,7
if rising_edge(clk_gen) then
rb_en <= wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_acc_en and (not wb_cpu.we); -- read-back control
wb_cpu.ack <= wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_acc_en; -- wishbone acknowledge
wb_mem_ack <= wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_acc_en; -- wishbone acknowledge
if ((wb_cpu.cyc and wb_cpu.stb and wb_acc_en and wb_cpu.we) = '1') then -- valid write access
for i in 0 to 3 loop
if (wb_cpu.sel(i) = '1') then
280,7 → 279,7
wb_acc_en <= '1' when (wb_cpu.addr >= wb_mem_base_addr_c) and (wb_cpu.addr < std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(wb_mem_base_addr_c) + wb_mem_size_c)) else '0';
-- output gate --
wb_cpu.rdata <= r_data when (rb_en = '1') else (others=> '0');
wb_cpu.err <= '0';
wb_mem_rdata <= r_data when (rb_en = '1') else (others=> '0');
end neorv32_tb_rtl;

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