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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 213 to Rev 214
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Rev 213 → Rev 214

6,11 → 6,11
# combobox v2.3 August 16, 2003
# a combobox / dropdown listbox (pick your favorite name) widget
# a combobox / dropdown listbox (pick your favorite name) widget
# written in pure tcl
# this code is freely distributable without restriction, but is
# provided as-is with no warranty expressed or implied.
# this code is freely distributable without restriction, but is
# provided as-is with no warranty expressed or implied.
# thanks to the following people who provided beta test support or
# patches to the code (in no particular order):
20,9 → 20,9
# Fred Rapp Christopher Nelson
# Eric Galluzzo Jean-Francois Moine Oliver Bienert
# A special thanks to Martin M. Hunt who provided several good ideas,
# and always with a patch to implement them. Jean-Francois Moine,
# Todd Helfter and John Jackson were also kind enough to send in some
# A special thanks to Martin M. Hunt who provided several good ideas,
# and always with a patch to implement them. Jean-Francois Moine,
# Todd Helfter and John Jackson were also kind enough to send in some
# code patches.
# ... and many others over the years.
96,11 → 96,11
# Results:
# All state variables are set to their default values; all of
# All state variables are set to their default values; all of
# the option database entries will exist.
# Returns:
# empty string
proc ::combobox::Init {} {
163,15 → 163,15
set scanCommands [list mark dragto]
# why check for the Tk package? This lets us be sourced into
# why check for the Tk package? This lets us be sourced into
# an interpreter that doesn't have Tk loaded, such as the slave
# interpreter used by pkg_mkIndex. In theory it should have no
# side effects when run
# side effects when run
if {[lsearch -exact [package names] "Tk"] != -1} {
#- this initializes the option database. Kinda gross, but it works
#- (I think).
#- (I think).
# the image used for the button...
212,7 → 212,7
# bar.
# NB: we need to be sure and pick a window that doesn't already
# exist...
# exist...
scrollbar $tmpWidget
set sb_width [winfo reqwidth $tmpWidget]
set bbg [$tmpWidget cget -background]
222,7 → 222,7
# we want darn near all options, so we'll go ahead and do
# them all. No harm done in adding the one or two that we
# don't use.
entry $tmpWidget
entry $tmpWidget
foreach foo [$tmpWidget configure] {
# the cursor option is special, so we'll save it in
# a special way
344,12 → 344,12
# focus procs take a widget as their only parameter and we
# want to make sure the right window gets used (for shift-
# tab we want it to appear as if the event was generated
# on the frame rather than the entry.
# on the frame rather than the entry.
bind $widgets(entry) <Tab> \
"::combobox::tkTabToWindow \[tk_focusNext $widgets(entry)\]; break"
bind $widgets(entry) <Shift-Tab> \
"::combobox::tkTabToWindow \[tk_focusPrev $widgets(this)\]; break"
# this makes our "button" (which is actually a label)
# do the right thing
bind $widgets(button) <ButtonPress-1> [list $widgets(this) toggle]
376,7 → 376,7
# these events need to be passed from the entry widget
# to the listbox, or otherwise need some sort of special
# handling.
# handling.
foreach event [list <Up> <Down> <Tab> <Return> <Escape> \
<Next> <Prior> <Double-1> <1> <Any-KeyPress> \
<FocusIn> <FocusOut>] {
396,7 → 396,7
# ::combobox::Build --
# This does all of the work necessary to create the basic
# combobox.
# combobox.
# Arguments:
450,7 → 450,7
# we need it in order to set some default options.
set widgets(this) [frame $w -class Combobox -takefocus 0]
set widgets(entry) [entry $w.entry -takefocus 1]
set widgets(button) [label $w.button -takefocus 0]
set widgets(button) [label $w.button -takefocus 0]
# this defines all of the default options. We get the
# values from the option database. Note that if an array
513,7 → 513,7
# arbitrary values...)
# NB: we are going to use the frame to handle the relief
# of the widget as a whole, so the entry widget will be
# of the widget as a whole, so the entry widget will be
# flat. This makes the button which drops down the list
# to appear "inside" the entry widget.
532,7 → 532,7
$widgets(entry) configure \
-borderwidth 0 \
-relief flat \
-highlightthickness 0
-highlightthickness 0
$widgets(dropdown) configure \
-borderwidth $options(-elementborderwidth) \
548,7 → 548,7
# trace variable ::combobox::${w}::entryTextVariable w \
# [list ::combobox::EntryTrace $w]
# do some window management foo on the dropdown window
wm overrideredirect $widgets(dropdown) 1
wm transient $widgets(dropdown) [winfo toplevel $w]
555,7 → 555,7
wm group $widgets(dropdown) [winfo parent $w]
wm resizable $widgets(dropdown) 0 0
wm withdraw $widgets(dropdown)
# this moves the original frame widget proc into our
# namespace and gives it a handy name
rename ::$w $widgets(frame)
563,12 → 563,12
# now, create our widget proc. Obviously (?) it goes in
# the global namespace. All combobox widgets will actually
# share the same widget proc to cut down on the amount of
# bloat.
# bloat.
proc ::$w {command args} \
"eval ::combobox::WidgetProc $w \$command \$args"
# ok, the thing exists... let's do a bit more configuration.
# ok, the thing exists... let's do a bit more configuration.
if {[catch "::combobox::Configure [list $widgets(this)] [array get options]" error]} {
catch {destroy $w}
error "internal error: $error"
597,9 → 597,9
upvar ::combobox::${w}::oldValue oldValue
# for all of these events, if we have a special action we'll
# do that and do a "return -code break" to keep additional
# do that and do a "return -code break" to keep additional
# bindings from firing. Otherwise we'll let the event fall
# on through.
# on through.
switch $event {
"<MouseWheel>" {
611,11 → 611,11
# will be 120. The intent is to scroll one line at a time.
$widgets(listbox) yview scroll [expr {-($D/120)}] units
"<Any-KeyPress>" {
# if the widget is editable, clear the selection.
# this makes it more obvious what will happen if the
# if the widget is editable, clear the selection.
# this makes it more obvious what will happen if the
# user presses <Return> (and helps our code know what
# to do if the user presses return)
if {$options(-editable)} {
692,7 → 692,7
::combobox::Select $widgets(this) \
[$widgets(listbox) curselection]
return -code break;
747,7 → 747,7
# ::combobox::DestroyHandler {w} --
# Cleans up after a combobox widget is destroyed
# Arguments:
769,7 → 769,7
# our widget
namespace delete ::combobox::$w
rename $w {}
return ""
843,9 → 843,9
# did we find a match? If so, do some additional munging...
if {$index != -1} {
# we need to find the part of the first item that is
# we need to find the part of the first item that is
# unique WRT the second... I know there's probably a
# simpler way to do this...
# simpler way to do this...
set nextIndex [expr {$index + 1}]
set nextItem [lindex $list $nextIndex]
870,7 → 870,7
} else {
set marker [string length $pattern]
} else {
set marker end
set index 0
886,7 → 886,7
} elseif {!$exact} {
# this means we found something, but it isn't an exact
# match. If we find something that *is* an exact match we
# don't need to do the following, since it would merely
# don't need to do the following, since it would merely
# be replacing the data in the entry widget with itself
set oldstate [$widgets(entry) cget -state]
$widgets(entry) configure -state normal
922,7 → 922,7
upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options
# the catch is because I'm sloppy -- presumably, the only time
# an error will be caught is if there is no selection.
# an error will be caught is if there is no selection.
if {![catch {set data [$widgets(listbox) get [lindex $index 0]]}]} {
::combobox::SetValue $widgets(this) $data
940,7 → 940,7
# ::combobox::HandleScrollbar --
# causes the scrollbar of the dropdown list to appear or disappear
# based on the contents of the dropdown listbox
961,7 → 961,7
set hlimit $options(-maxheight)
} else {
set hlimit $options(-height)
switch $action {
"grow" {
979,7 → 979,7
"crop" {
# this means the window was cropped and we definitely
# this means the window was cropped and we definitely
# need a scrollbar no matter what the user wants
pack forget $widgets(listbox)
pack $widgets(vsb) -side right -fill y -expand n
1016,7 → 1016,7
proc ::combobox::ComputeGeometry {w} {
upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets
upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options
if {$options(-height) == 0 && $options(-maxheight) != "0"} {
# if this is the case, count the items and see if
# it exceeds our maxheight. If so, set the listbox
1035,7 → 1035,7
# compute height and width of the dropdown list
set bd [$widgets(dropdown) cget -borderwidth]
set height [expr {[winfo reqheight $widgets(dropdown)] + $bd + $bd}]
if {[string length $options(-dropdownwidth)] == 0 ||
if {[string length $options(-dropdownwidth)] == 0 ||
$options(-dropdownwidth) == 0} {
set width [winfo width $widgets(this)]
} else {
1059,8 → 1059,8
# screen, so will the list. If you want to change the behavior,
# simply change the if statement... (and be sure to update this
# comment!)
set x [expr {$rootx + $vrootx}]
if {0} {
set x [expr {$rootx}]
if {0} {
set rightEdge [expr {$x + $width}]
if {$rightEdge > $screenWidth} {
set x [expr {$screenWidth - $width}]
1068,8 → 1068,8
if {$x < 0} {set x 0}
# the y coordinate is the rooty plus vrooty offset plus
# the height of the static part of the widget plus 1 for a
# the y coordinate is the rooty plus vrooty offset plus
# the height of the static part of the widget plus 1 for a
# tiny bit of visual separation...
set y [expr {$rooty + $vrooty + [winfo reqheight $widgets(this)] + 1}]
set bottomEdge [expr {$y + $height}]
1082,7 → 1082,7
if {$y < 0} {
# this means it extends beyond our screen. How annoying.
# Now we'll try to be real clever and either pop it up or
# down, depending on which way gives us the biggest list.
# down, depending on which way gives us the biggest list.
# then, we'll trim the list to fit and force the use of
# a scrollbar
1094,7 → 1094,7
# glued to the top or bottom of the screen)
if {$rooty > [expr {$screenHeight / 2}]} {
# we are in the lower half of the screen --
# we are in the lower half of the screen --
# pop it up. Y is zero; that parts easy. The height
# is simply the y coordinate of our widget, minus
# a pixel for some visual separation. The y coordinate
1113,7 → 1113,7
# force a scrollbar
HandleScrollbar $widgets(this) crop
if {$y < 0} {
1136,7 → 1136,7
# Arguments:
# w widget pathname
# subwidget pathname of the subwidget
# subwidget pathname of the subwidget
# command subwidget command to be executed
# args arguments to the command
1173,13 → 1173,13
# ::combobox::WidgetProc --
# This gets uses as the widgetproc for an combobox widget.
# This gets uses as the widgetproc for an combobox widget.
# Notice where the widget is created and you'll see that the
# actual widget proc merely evals this proc with all of the
# arguments intact.
# Note that some widget commands are defined "inline" (ie:
# within this proc), and some do most of their work in
# within this proc), and some do most of their work in
# separate procs. This is merely because sometimes it was
# easier to do it one way or the other.
1206,7 → 1206,7
[list ::combobox::DoInternalWidgetCommand $widgets(this)]
if {$command == "list"} {
# ok, the next argument is a list command; we'll
# ok, the next argument is a list command; we'll
# rip it from args and append it to command to
# create a unique internal command
1332,12 → 1332,12
# the focus there when we're done
set oldFocus [focus]
# ok, tweak the visual appearance of things and
# ok, tweak the visual appearance of things and
# make the list pop up
$widgets(button) configure -relief sunken
wm deiconify $widgets(dropdown)
wm deiconify $widgets(dropdown)
update idletasks
raise $widgets(dropdown)
raise $widgets(dropdown)
# force focus to the entry widget so we can handle keypress
# events for traversal
1361,7 → 1361,7
# what a man's gotta do.
grab -global $widgets(this)
# fake the listbox into thinking it has focus. This is
# fake the listbox into thinking it has focus. This is
# necessary to get scanning initialized properly in the
# listbox.
event generate $widgets(listbox) <B1-Enter>
1393,7 → 1393,7
# hides the listbox
$widgets(button) configure -relief raised
wm withdraw $widgets(dropdown)
wm withdraw $widgets(dropdown)
# select the data in the entry widget. Not sure
# why, other than observation seems to suggest that's
1405,7 → 1405,7
# magic tcl stuff (see tk.tcl in the distribution
# magic tcl stuff (see tk.tcl in the distribution
# lib directory)
1447,7 → 1447,7
# args zero or more option/value pairs (or a single option)
# Results:
# Performs typcial "configure" type requests on the widget
proc ::combobox::Configure {w args} {
1484,7 → 1484,7
return $results
# one argument means we are looking for configuration
# information on a single option
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
1498,13 → 1498,13
return $results
# if we have an odd number of values, bail.
# if we have an odd number of values, bail.
if {[expr {[llength $args]%2}] == 1} {
# hmmm. An odd number of elements in args
error "value for \"[lindex $args end]\" missing"
# Great. An even number of options. Let's make sure they
# Great. An even number of options. Let's make sure they
# are all valid before we do anything. Note that Canonize
# will generate an error if it finds a bogus option; otherwise
# it returns the canonical option name
1637,7 → 1637,7
$widgets(frame) configure -highlightthickness $newValue
set options($option) $newValue
-image {
if {[string length $newValue] > 0} {
puts "old button width: [$widgets(button) cget -width]"
1645,7 → 1645,7
-image $newValue \
-width [expr {[image width $newValue] + 2}]
puts "new button width: [$widgets(button) cget -width]"
} else {
$widgets(button) configure -image ::combobox::bimage
1729,7 → 1729,7
# why I chose to use a label, but that answer is
# lost to antiquity)
if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} {
$widgets(button) configure -state disabled
$widgets(button) configure -state disabled
} else {
1767,7 → 1767,7
$widgets(entry) configure -xscrollcommand $newValue
set options($option) $newValue
if {$updateVisual} {UpdateVisualAttributes $w}
1775,12 → 1775,12
# ::combobox::UpdateVisualAttributes --
# sets the visual attributes (foreground, background mostly)
# based on the current state of the widget (normal/disabled,
# sets the visual attributes (foreground, background mostly)
# based on the current state of the widget (normal/disabled,
# editable/non-editable)
# why a proc for such a simple thing? Well, in addition to the
# various states of the widget, we also have to consider the
# various states of the widget, we also have to consider the
# version of tk being used -- versions from 8.4 and beyond have
# the notion of disabled foreground/background options for various
# widgets. All of the permutations can get nasty, so we encapsulate
1787,7 → 1787,7
# it all in one spot.
# note also that we don't handle all visual attributes here; just
# the ones that depend on the state of the widget. The rest are
# the ones that depend on the state of the widget. The rest are
# handled on a case by case basis
# Arguments:
1805,7 → 1805,7
set foreground $options(-foreground)
set background $options(-background)
} elseif {$options(-state) == "disabled"} {
set foreground $options(-disabledforeground)
1814,16 → 1814,16
$widgets(entry) configure -foreground $foreground -background $background
$widgets(listbox) configure -foreground $foreground -background $background
$widgets(button) configure -foreground $foreground
$widgets(button) configure -foreground $foreground
$widgets(vsb) configure -background $background -troughcolor $background
$widgets(frame) configure -background $background
# we need to set the disabled colors in case our widget is disabled.
# We could actually check for disabled-ness, but we also need to
# check whether we're enabled but not editable, in which case the
# we need to set the disabled colors in case our widget is disabled.
# We could actually check for disabled-ness, but we also need to
# check whether we're enabled but not editable, in which case the
# entry widget is disabled but we still want the enabled colors. It's
# easier just to set everything and be done with it.
if {$::tcl_version >= 8.4} {
$widgets(entry) configure \
-disabledforeground $foreground \
1835,7 → 1835,7
# ::combobox::SetValue --
# sets the value of the combobox and calls the -command,
# sets the value of the combobox and calls the -command,
# if defined
# Arguments:
1877,7 → 1877,7
set oldValue $newValue
# call the associated command. The proc will handle whether or
# call the associated command. The proc will handle whether or
# not to actually call it, and with what args
CallCommand $w $newValue
1901,7 → 1901,7
proc ::combobox::CallCommand {w newValue} {
upvar ::combobox::${w}::widgets widgets
upvar ::combobox::${w}::options options
# call the associated command, if defined and -commandstate is
# set to "normal"
if {$options(-commandstate) == "normal" && \
1919,7 → 1919,7
# Arguments:
# value value to be converted
# value value to be converted
# errorValue a default value to be returned in case of an error
# Returns:
1945,16 → 1945,16
# bind .combobox <blah> {doSomething [::combobox::convert %W -x %x]}
# Note that this procedure is *not* exported, but is intended for
# public use. It is not exported because the name could easily
# clash with existing commands.
# public use. It is not exported because the name could easily
# clash with existing commands.
# Arguments:
# w a widget path; typically the actual result of a %W
# w a widget path; typically the actual result of a %W
# substitution in a binding. It should be either a
# combobox widget or one of its subwidgets
# args should one or more of the following arguments or
# args should one or more of the following arguments or
# pairs of arguments:
# -x <x> will convert the value <x>; typically <x> will
1969,7 → 1969,7
# a list of the requested values. For example, a single -w will
# result in a list of one items, the name of the combobox widget.
# Supplying "-x 10 -y 20 -W" (in any order) will return a list of
# three values: the converted x and y values, and the name of
# three values: the converted x and y values, and the name of
# the combobox widget.
proc ::combobox::convert {w args} {
2023,7 → 2023,7
# ::combobox::Canonize --
# takes a (possibly abbreviated) option or command name and either
# takes a (possibly abbreviated) option or command name and either
# returns the canonical name or an error
# Arguments:
2143,7 → 2143,7
# Results:
# A string which as all of the elements joined with ", " or
# A string which as all of the elements joined with ", " or
# the word " or "
proc ::combobox::HumanizeList {list} {
2163,7 → 2163,7
# This is some backwards-compatibility code to handle TIP 44
# ( For all private tk commands
# used by this widget, we'll make duplicates of the procs in the
# combobox namespace.
# combobox namespace.
# I'm not entirely convinced this is the right thing to do. I probably
# shouldn't even be using the private commands. Then again, maybe the
2185,4 → 2185,3
# end of combobox.tcl
630,8 → 630,15
wm resizable . 0 0
# Close the window
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
if {[tk_messageBox -message "Quit?" -type yesno] eq "yes"} {
# Breakpoint configuration window #
1661,6 → 1661,15
.code.text tag config highlightBRK2_DIS -background $color(Brk2_disabled)
# Close the window
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {
if {[tk_messageBox -message "Quit?" -type yesno] eq "yes"} {

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