
Subversion Repositories thor

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 58 to Rev 59
    Reverse comparison

Rev 58 → Rev 59

26,9 → 26,6
`define TRUE 1'b1
`define FALSE 1'b0
`define BRK 6'd0
`define FLT_EXF 9'd497
`define FLT_IBE 9'd509
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Small, 64 line cache memory (2kiB) made from distributed RAM. Access is
37,7 → 34,7
module FT64_L1_icache_mem(rst, clk, wr, en, lineno, i, o, ov, invall, invline);
parameter pLines = 64;
parameter pLineWidth = 288;
parameter pLineWidth = 290;
localparam pLNMSB = pLines==128 ? 6 : 5;
input rst;
input clk;
50,6 → 47,8
input invall;
input invline;
integer n;
(* ram_style="distributed" *)
reg [pLineWidth-1:0] mem [0:pLines-1];
reg [pLines-1:0] valid0;
62,6 → 61,11
reg [pLines-1:0] valid7;
reg [pLines-1:0] valid8;
initial begin
for (n = 0; n < pLines; n = n + 1)
mem[n][289:288] <= 2'b00;
always @(posedge clk)
if (wr & en[0]) mem[lineno][31:0] <= i[31:0];
always @(posedge clk)
79,7 → 83,7
always @(posedge clk)
if (wr & en[7]) mem[lineno][255:224] <= i[255:224];
always @(posedge clk)
if (wr & en[8]) mem[lineno][287:256] <= i[287:256];
if (wr & en[8]) mem[lineno][289:256] <= i[289:256];
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
valid0 <= 64'd0;
306,7 → 310,7
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module FT64_L1_icache(rst, clk, nxt, wr, wr_ack, en, wadr, adr, i, o, hit, invall, invline);
module FT64_L1_icache(rst, clk, nxt, wr, wr_ack, en, wadr, adr, i, o, fault, hit, invall, invline);
parameter pSize = 2;
parameter CAMTAGS = 1'b0; // 32 way
parameter FOURWAY = 1'b1;
320,14 → 324,15
input [8:0] en;
input [37:0] adr;
input [37:0] wadr;
input [287:0] i;
input [289:0] i;
output reg [47:0] o;
output reg [1:0] fault;
output hit;
input invall;
input invline;
wire [287:0] ic;
reg [287:0] i1, i2;
wire [289:0] ic;
reg [289:0] i1, i2;
wire [8:0] lv; // line valid
wire [pLNMSB:0] lineno;
wire [pLNMSB:0] wlineno;
343,7 → 348,7
always @(posedge clk)
wr2 <= wr1;
always @(posedge clk)
i1 <= i[287:0];
i1 <= i[289:0];
always @(posedge clk)
i2 <= i1;
always @(posedge clk)
421,6 → 426,8
//always @(radr or ic0 or ic1)
always @(adr or ic)
o <= ic >> {adr[4:1],4'h0};
always @*
fault <= ic[289:288];
assign wr_ack = wr2;
429,13 → 436,14
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module FT64_L2_icache_mem(clk, wr, lineno, sel, i, o, ov, invall, invline);
module FT64_L2_icache_mem(clk, wr, lineno, sel, i, fault, o, ov, invall, invline);
input clk;
input wr;
input [8:0] lineno;
input [2:0] sel;
input [63:0] i;
output [287:0] o;
input [1:0] fault;
output [289:0] o;
output reg ov;
input invall;
input invline;
446,6 → 454,7
reg [63:0] mem2 [0:511];
reg [63:0] mem3 [0:511];
reg [31:0] mem4 [0:511];
reg [1:0] memf [0:511];
reg [511:0] valid;
reg [8:0] rrcl;
453,8 → 462,10
wire [8:0] cache_line;
integer n;
initial begin
for (n = 0; n < 512; n = n + 1)
for (n = 0; n < 512; n = n + 1) begin
valid[n] <= 0;
memf[n] <= 2'b00;
always @(posedge clk)
466,11 → 477,11
if (wr) begin
3'd0: mem0[lineno] <= i;
3'd1: mem1[lineno] <= i;
3'd2: mem2[lineno] <= i;
3'd3: mem3[lineno] <= i;
3'd4: mem4[lineno] <= i[31:0];
3'd0: begin mem0[lineno] <= i; memf[lineno] <= fault; end
3'd1: begin mem1[lineno] <= i; memf[lineno] <= memf[lineno] | fault; end
3'd2: begin mem2[lineno] <= i; memf[lineno] <= memf[lineno] | fault; end
3'd3: begin mem3[lineno] <= i; memf[lineno] <= memf[lineno] | fault; end
3'd4: begin mem4[lineno] <= i[31:0]; memf[lineno] <= memf[lineno] | fault; end
481,7 → 492,7
always @(posedge clk)
ov <= valid[lineno];
assign o = {mem4[rrcl],mem3[rrcl],mem2[rrcl],mem1[rrcl],mem0[rrcl]};
assign o = {memf[rrcl],mem4[rrcl],mem3[rrcl],mem2[rrcl],mem1[rrcl],mem0[rrcl]};
508,7 → 519,7
input exv_i;
input [63:0] i;
input err_i;
output [287:0] o;
output [289:0] o;
output hit;
input invall;
input invline;
519,6 → 530,7
reg wr1,wr2;
reg [2:0] sel1,sel2;
reg [63:0] i1,i2;
reg [1:0] f1, f2;
reg [37:0] last_adr;
// Must update the cache memory on the cycle after a write to the tag memmory.
533,7 → 545,11
sel2 <= sel1;
always @(posedge clk)
last_adr <= adr;
always @(posedge clk)
f1 <= {err_i,exv_i};
always @(posedge clk)
f2 <= f1;
reg [3:0] rdackx;
always @(posedge clk)
if (rst)
547,10 → 563,8
assign rd_ack = rdackx[3] & ~(last_adr!=adr || wr || wr1 || wr2);
// An exception is forced to be stored in the event of an error loading the
// the instruction line.
always @(posedge clk)
i1 <= err_i ? {2{15'd0,1'b0,`FLT_IBE,2'b00,`BRK}} : exv_i ? {2{15'd0,1'b0,`FLT_EXF,2'b00,`BRK}} : i;
i1 <= i;
always @(posedge clk)
i2 <= i1;
564,6 → 578,7
22,12 → 22,15
// ============================================================================
// The following line is to enable simulation versions of some modules.
// Comment out for synthesis.
`define SIM 1'b1
//`define SUPPORT_SMT 1'b1
`define SUPPORT_VECTOR 1'b1
//`define SUPPORT_VECTOR 1'b1
//`define SUPPORT_DCI 1'b1 // dynamically compressed instructions
//`define DEBUG_LOGIC 1'b1
`define L1_ICACHE_SIZE 4 // 2 or 4 for 2 or 4 kB
`define L1_ICACHE_SIZE 2 // 2 or 4 for 2 or 4 kB
// One way to tweak the size of the core a little bit is to limit the number
// of address bits processed. The test system for instance has only 512MB of
55,15 → 58,15
// register file, the number of ports on the instruction cache, and how
// many entries are contained in the fetch buffers. It also indirectly
// affects how many instructions are queued.
`define WAYS 2 // number of ways parallel (1-3 3 not working yet)
`define NUM_IDU 2 // number of instruction decode units (1-3)
`define NUM_ALU 2 // number of ALU's (1-2)
`define NUM_MEM 2 // number of memory queues (1-3)
`define NUM_FPU 2 // number of floating-point units (0-2)
`define WAYS 1 // number of ways parallel (1-3 3 not working yet)
`define NUM_IDU 1 // number of instruction decode units (1-3)
`define NUM_ALU 1 // number of ALU's (1-2)
`define NUM_MEM 1 // number of memory queues (1-3)
`define NUM_FPU 1 // number of floating-point units (0-2)
// Note that even with just a single commit bus, multiple instructions may
// commit if they do not target any registers. Up to three instruction may
// commit even with just a single bus.
`define NUM_CMT 2 // number of commit busses (1-2)
`define NUM_CMT 1 // number of commit busses (1-2)
// Comment out the following to remove FCU enhancements (branch predictor, BTB, RSB)
`define FCU_ENH 1
// Comment out the following to remove bypassing logic on the functional units
303,6 → 303,8
`define EXR 8'h7F
`define NOP_INSN {42'd0,`NOP}
`define INSN_FLT_EXF 16'h1180
`define INSN_FLT_IBE 16'h10A0
`define CSR_CR0 11'h000
`define CSR_HARTID 11'h001
72,8 → 72,8
expand[7:6] = 2'b10;
expand[15:8] = {3'd1,cinstr[11:8],cinstr[5]};
expand[16] = 1'b0;
expand[19:17] = 3'd0;
expand[23:20] = 4'd1;
expand[20:17] = 4'd0;
expand[23:21] = 3'd1;
expand[31:24] = 8'd0;
// LDI
91,7 → 91,11
parameter NMAP = QENTRIES;
parameter BRANCH_PRED = 1'b0;
parameter SUP_TXE = 1'b0;
parameter SUP_VECTOR = 1'b1;
parameter SUP_VECTOR = 1'b0;
parameter DBW = 64;
parameter ABW = 32;
parameter AMSB = ABW-1;
466,7 → 470,7
reg [47:0] iqentry_instr[0:QENTRIES-1]; // instruction opcode
reg [2:0] iqentry_insln[0:QENTRIES-1]; // instruction length
reg [7:0] iqentry_exc [0:QENTRIES-1]; // only for branches ... indicates a HALT instruction
reg [RBIT:0] iqentry_tgt [0:QENTRIES-1]; // Rt field or ZERO -- this is the instruction's target (if any)
reg [RBIT:0] iqentry_tgt[0:QENTRIES-1]; // Rt field or ZERO -- this is the instruction's target (if any)
reg [7:0] iqentry_vl [0:QENTRIES-1];
reg [5:0] iqentry_ven [0:QENTRIES-1]; // vector element number
reg [63:0] iqentry_a0 [0:QENTRIES-1]; // argument 0 (immediate)
871,9 → 875,9
parameter B_DCacheLoadWait1 = 5'd4;
parameter B_DCacheLoadWait2 = 5'd5;
parameter B_DCacheLoadResetBusy = 5'd6;
parameter B7 = 5'd7;
parameter B_ICacheAck = 5'd7;
parameter B8 = 5'd8;
parameter B9 = 5'd9;
parameter B_ICacheNack = 5'd9;
parameter B10 = 5'd10;
parameter B11 = 5'd11;
parameter B12 = 5'd12;
897,11 → 901,11
parameter IC1 = 4'd1;
parameter IC2 = 4'd2;
parameter IC3 = 4'd3;
parameter IC4 = 4'd4;
parameter IC_WaitL2 = 4'd4;
parameter IC5 = 4'd5;
parameter IC6 = 4'd6;
parameter IC7 = 4'd7;
parameter IC8 = 4'd8;
parameter IC_Next = 4'd8;
parameter IC9 = 4'd9;
parameter IC10 = 4'd10;
parameter IC3a = 4'd11;
917,10 → 921,11
reg [2:0] iccnt;
reg L1_wr0,L1_wr1,L1_wr2;
reg L1_invline;
wire [1:0] ic0_fault,ic1_fault,ic2_fault;
reg [8:0] L1_en;
reg [37:0] L1_adr, L2_adr;
reg [287:0] L2_rdat;
wire [287:0] L2_dato;
reg [289:0] L2_rdat;
wire [289:0] L2_dato;
reg L2_xsel;
generate begin : gRegfileInst
1054,10 → 1059,11
.adr(icstate==IDLE||icstate==IC8 ? {pcr[5:0],pc0} : L1_adr),
.adr(icstate==IDLE||icstate==IC_Next ? {pcr[5:0],pc0} : L1_adr),
1071,10 → 1077,11
.adr(icstate==IDLE||icstate==IC8 ? (thread_en ? {pcr[5:0],pc1}: {pcr[5:0],pc0plus6} ): L1_adr),
.adr(icstate==IDLE||icstate==IC_Next ? (thread_en ? {pcr[5:0],pc1}: {pcr[5:0],pc0plus6} ): L1_adr),
1091,10 → 1098,11
.adr(icstate==IDLE||icstate==IC8 ? (thread_en ? {pcr[5:0],pc2} : {pcr[5:0],pc0plus12}) : L1_adr),
.adr(icstate==IDLE||icstate==IC_Next ? (thread_en ? {pcr[5:0],pc2} : {pcr[5:0],pc0plus12}) : L1_adr),
1110,7 → 1118,7
.wr(bstate==B7 && ack_i),
.wr(bstate==B_ICacheAck && ack_i),
1653,7 → 1661,7
if (insn0a[`INSTRUCTION_OP]==`BRK && insn0a[23:21]==3'd0 && insn0a[7:6]==2'b00)
insn0 <= {8'd1,3'd0,4'b0,1'b0,`FLT_PRIV,2'b00,`BRK};
insn0 <= insn0a;
insn0 <= ic0_fault[1] ? `INSN_FLT_IBE : ic0_fault[0] ? `INSN_FLT_EXF : insn0a;
insn0 <= `NOP_INSN;
1666,7 → 1674,7
if (insn1a[`INSTRUCTION_OP]==`BRK && insn1a[23:21]==3'd0 && insn1a[7:6]==2'b00)
insn1 <= {8'd1,3'd0,4'b0,1'b0,`FLT_PRIV,2'b00,`BRK};
insn1 <= insn1a;
insn1 <= ic1_fault[1] ? `INSN_FLT_IBE : ic1_fault[0] ? `INSN_FLT_EXF : insn1a;
insn1 <= `NOP_INSN;
1679,7 → 1687,7
if (insn2a[`INSTRUCTION_OP]==`BRK && insn1a[23:21]==3'd0 && insn2a[7:6]==2'b00)
insn2 <= {8'd1,3'd0,4'b0,1'b0,`FLT_PRIV,2'b00,`BRK};
insn2 <= insn2a;
insn2 <= ic2_fault[1] ? `INSN_FLT_IBE : ic2_fault[0] ? `INSN_FLT_EXF : insn2a;
insn2 <= `NOP_INSN;
3871,6 → 3879,106
) begin
iqentry_alu0_issue[head7] = `TRUE;
else if (could_issue[head8] && iqentry_alu[head8]
&& (!(iqentry_v[head1] && iqentry_sync[head1]) || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!(iqentry_v[head2] && iqentry_sync[head2]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head3] && iqentry_sync[head3]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head4] && iqentry_sync[head4]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head5] && iqentry_sync[head5]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head6] && iqentry_sync[head6]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head7] && iqentry_sync[head7]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_v[head6])
) begin
iqentry_alu0_issue[head8] = `TRUE;
else if (could_issue[head9] && iqentry_alu[head9]
&& (!(iqentry_v[head1] && iqentry_sync[head1]) || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!(iqentry_v[head2] && iqentry_sync[head2]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head3] && iqentry_sync[head3]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head4] && iqentry_sync[head4]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head5] && iqentry_sync[head5]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head6] && iqentry_sync[head6]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head7] && iqentry_sync[head7]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_v[head6]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head8] && iqentry_sync[head8]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_v[head6])
&& (!iqentry_v[head7])
) begin
iqentry_alu0_issue[head9] = `TRUE;
4663,6 → 4771,106
) begin
iqentry_fcu_issue[head7] = `TRUE;
else if (could_issue[head8] && iqentry_fc[head8]
&& (!(iqentry_v[head1] && iqentry_sync[head1]) || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!(iqentry_v[head2] && iqentry_sync[head2]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head3] && iqentry_sync[head3]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head4] && iqentry_sync[head4]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head5] && iqentry_sync[head5]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head6] && iqentry_sync[head6]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head7] && iqentry_sync[head7]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_v[head6])
) begin
iqentry_fcu_issue[head8] = `TRUE;
else if (could_issue[head9] && iqentry_fc[head9]
&& (!(iqentry_v[head1] && iqentry_sync[head1]) || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!(iqentry_v[head2] && iqentry_sync[head2]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head3] && iqentry_sync[head3]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head4] && iqentry_sync[head4]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head5] && iqentry_sync[head5]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head6] && iqentry_sync[head6]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head7] && iqentry_sync[head7]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_v[head6]))
&& (!(iqentry_v[head8] && iqentry_sync[head8]) ||
&& (!iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_v[head6])
&& (!iqentry_v[head7])
) begin
iqentry_fcu_issue[head9] = `TRUE;
5103,6 → 5311,310
&& !(iqentry_fc[head4]||iqentry_canex[head4])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head5]||iqentry_canex[head5])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head6]||iqentry_canex[head6]));
memissue[ head8 ] = ~iqentry_stomp[head8] && iqentry_memready[ head8 ] // addr and data are valid
// ... and no preceding instruction is ready to go
&& issue_count < `NUM_MEM
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head0]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head1]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head2]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head3]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head4]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head5]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head6]
// ... and there is no address-overlap with any preceding instruction
&& (!iqentry_mem[head0] || (iqentry_agen[head0] & iqentry_out[head0]) || iqentry_done[head0]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head0] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head0][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head0] || iqentry_done[head0])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || (iqentry_agen[head1] & iqentry_out[head1]) || iqentry_done[head1]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head1] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head1][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head1] || iqentry_done[head1])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || (iqentry_agen[head2] & iqentry_out[head2]) || iqentry_done[head2]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head2] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head2][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head2] || iqentry_done[head2])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || (iqentry_agen[head3] & iqentry_out[head3]) || iqentry_done[head3]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head3] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head3][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head3] || iqentry_done[head3])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || (iqentry_agen[head4] & iqentry_out[head4]) || iqentry_done[head4]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head4] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head4][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head4] || iqentry_done[head4])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head5] || (iqentry_agen[head5] & iqentry_out[head5]) || iqentry_done[head5]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head5] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head5][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head5] || iqentry_done[head5])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head6] || (iqentry_agen[head6] & iqentry_out[head6]) || iqentry_done[head6]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head6] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head6][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head6] || iqentry_done[head6])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head7] || (iqentry_agen[head7] & iqentry_out[head7]) || iqentry_done[head7]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head7] && (iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head7][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head7] || iqentry_done[head7])))
&& (iqentry_rl[head8] ? (iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0] || !iqentry_mem[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1] || !iqentry_mem[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2] || !iqentry_mem[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3] || !iqentry_mem[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4] || !iqentry_mem[head4])
&& (iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5] || !iqentry_mem[head5])
&& (iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6] || !iqentry_mem[head6])
&& (iqentry_done[head7] || !iqentry_v[head7] || !iqentry_mem[head7])
: 1'b1)
// ... if a preivous op has the aquire bit set
&& !(iqentry_aq[head0] && iqentry_v[head0])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head1] && iqentry_v[head1])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head2] && iqentry_v[head2])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head3] && iqentry_v[head3])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head4] && iqentry_v[head4])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head5] && iqentry_v[head5])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head6] && iqentry_v[head6])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head7] && iqentry_v[head7])
// ... and there isn't a barrier, or everything before the barrier is done or invalid
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head1] && iqentry_memsb[head1]) || (iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head2] && iqentry_memsb[head2]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head3] && iqentry_memsb[head3]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head4] && iqentry_memsb[head4]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head5] && iqentry_memsb[head5]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head6] && iqentry_memsb[head6]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head7] && iqentry_memsb[head7]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5])
&& (iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6])
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head1] && iqentry_memdb[head1]) || (!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head2] && iqentry_memdb[head2]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head3] && iqentry_memdb[head3]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head4] && iqentry_memdb[head4]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head5] && iqentry_memdb[head5]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head6] && iqentry_memdb[head6]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head5] || iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head7] && iqentry_memdb[head7]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head5] || iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head6] || iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6])
// ... and, if it is a SW, there is no chance of it being undone
&& (iqentry_load[head8] ||
&& !(iqentry_fc[head1]||iqentry_canex[head1])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head2]||iqentry_canex[head2])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head3]||iqentry_canex[head3])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head4]||iqentry_canex[head4])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head5]||iqentry_canex[head5])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head6]||iqentry_canex[head6])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head7]||iqentry_canex[head7])
memissue[ head9 ] = ~iqentry_stomp[head9] && iqentry_memready[ head9 ] // addr and data are valid
// ... and no preceding instruction is ready to go
&& issue_count < `NUM_MEM
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head0]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head1]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head2]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head3]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head4]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head5]
//&& ~iqentry_memready[head6]
// ... and there is no address-overlap with any preceding instruction
&& (!iqentry_mem[head0] || (iqentry_agen[head0] & iqentry_out[head0]) || iqentry_done[head0]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head0] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head0][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head0] || iqentry_done[head0])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || (iqentry_agen[head1] & iqentry_out[head1]) || iqentry_done[head1]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head1] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head1][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head1] || iqentry_done[head1])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || (iqentry_agen[head2] & iqentry_out[head2]) || iqentry_done[head2]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head2] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head2][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head2] || iqentry_done[head2])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || (iqentry_agen[head3] & iqentry_out[head3]) || iqentry_done[head3]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head3] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head3][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head3] || iqentry_done[head3])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || (iqentry_agen[head4] & iqentry_out[head4]) || iqentry_done[head4]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head4] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head4][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head4] || iqentry_done[head4])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head5] || (iqentry_agen[head5] & iqentry_out[head5]) || iqentry_done[head5]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head5] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head5][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head5] || iqentry_done[head5])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head6] || (iqentry_agen[head6] & iqentry_out[head6]) || iqentry_done[head6]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head6] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head6][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head6] || iqentry_done[head6])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head7] || (iqentry_agen[head7] & iqentry_out[head7]) || iqentry_done[head7]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head7] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head7][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head7] || iqentry_done[head7])))
&& (!iqentry_mem[head8] || (iqentry_agen[head8] & iqentry_out[head8]) || iqentry_done[head8]
|| (iqentry_a1_v[head8] && (iqentry_a1[head9][AMSB:3] != iqentry_a1[head8][AMSB:3] || iqentry_out[head8] || iqentry_done[head8])))
&& (iqentry_rl[head9] ? (iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0] || !iqentry_mem[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1] || !iqentry_mem[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2] || !iqentry_mem[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3] || !iqentry_mem[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4] || !iqentry_mem[head4])
&& (iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5] || !iqentry_mem[head5])
&& (iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6] || !iqentry_mem[head6])
&& (iqentry_done[head7] || !iqentry_v[head7] || !iqentry_mem[head7])
&& (iqentry_done[head8] || !iqentry_v[head8] || !iqentry_mem[head8])
: 1'b1)
// ... if a preivous op has the aquire bit set
&& !(iqentry_aq[head0] && iqentry_v[head0])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head1] && iqentry_v[head1])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head2] && iqentry_v[head2])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head3] && iqentry_v[head3])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head4] && iqentry_v[head4])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head5] && iqentry_v[head5])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head6] && iqentry_v[head6])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head7] && iqentry_v[head7])
&& !(iqentry_aq[head8] && iqentry_v[head8])
// ... and there isn't a barrier, or everything before the barrier is done or invalid
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head1] && iqentry_memsb[head1]) || (iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head2] && iqentry_memsb[head2]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head3] && iqentry_memsb[head3]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head4] && iqentry_memsb[head4]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head5] && iqentry_memsb[head5]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head6] && iqentry_memsb[head6]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head7] && iqentry_memsb[head7]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5])
&& (iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head8] && iqentry_memsb[head8]) ||
((iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5])
&& (iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6])
&& (iqentry_done[head7] || !iqentry_v[head7])
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head1] && iqentry_memdb[head1]) || (!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head2] && iqentry_memdb[head2]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head3] && iqentry_memdb[head3]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head4] && iqentry_memdb[head4]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head5] && iqentry_memdb[head5]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head6] && iqentry_memdb[head6]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head5] || iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head7] && iqentry_memdb[head7]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head5] || iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head6] || iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6]))
&& (!(iqentry_iv[head8] && iqentry_memdb[head8]) ||
((!iqentry_mem[head0] || iqentry_done[head0] || !iqentry_v[head0])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head1] || iqentry_done[head1] || !iqentry_v[head1])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head2] || iqentry_done[head2] || !iqentry_v[head2])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head3] || iqentry_done[head3] || !iqentry_v[head3])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head4] || iqentry_done[head4] || !iqentry_v[head4])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head5] || iqentry_done[head5] || !iqentry_v[head5])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head6] || iqentry_done[head6] || !iqentry_v[head6])
&& (!iqentry_mem[head7] || iqentry_done[head7] || !iqentry_v[head7])
// ... and, if it is a SW, there is no chance of it being undone
&& (iqentry_load[head9] ||
&& !(iqentry_fc[head1]||iqentry_canex[head1])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head2]||iqentry_canex[head2])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head3]||iqentry_canex[head3])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head4]||iqentry_canex[head4])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head5]||iqentry_canex[head5])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head6]||iqentry_canex[head6])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head7]||iqentry_canex[head7])
&& !(iqentry_fc[head8]||iqentry_canex[head8])
5565,7 → 6077,7
always @*
for (n = 0; n < QENTRIES; n = n + 1)
iqentry_memready[n] <= (iqentry_v[n] & iqentry_memopsvalid[n] & ~iqentry_memissue[n] & ~iqentry_done[n] & ~iqentry_out[n] & ~iqentry_stomp[n]);
iqentry_memready[n] <= (iqentry_v[n] & iqentry_iv[n] & iqentry_memopsvalid[n] & ~iqentry_memissue[n] & ~iqentry_done[n] & ~iqentry_out[n] & ~iqentry_stomp[n]);
assign outstanding_stores = (dram0 && dram0_store) ||
(dram1 && dram1_store) ||
6558,7 → 7070,7
iqentry_res [ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] <= alu0_bus;
iqentry_exc [ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] <= alu0_exc;
iqentry_done[ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] <= !iqentry_mem[ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] && alu0_done;
iqentry_cmt[ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] <= !iqentry_mem[ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] && alu0_done;
iqentry_cmt [ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] <= !iqentry_mem[ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] && alu0_done;
iqentry_out [ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] <= `INV;
iqentry_agen[ alu0_id[`QBITS] ] <= `VAL;//!iqentry_fc[alu0_id[`QBITS]]; // RET
alu0_dataready <= FALSE;
6569,7 → 7081,7
iqentry_res [ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] <= alu1_bus;
iqentry_exc [ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] <= alu1_exc;
iqentry_done[ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] <= !iqentry_mem[ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] && alu1_done;
iqentry_cmt[ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] <= !iqentry_mem[ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] && alu1_done;
iqentry_cmt [ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] <= !iqentry_mem[ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] && alu1_done;
iqentry_out [ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] <= `INV;
iqentry_agen[ alu1_id[`QBITS] ] <= `VAL;//!iqentry_fc[alu0_id[`QBITS]]; // RET
alu1_dataready <= FALSE;
6633,7 → 7145,7
fcu_clearbm <= `TRUE;
if (mem1_available && dramA_v && iqentry_v[ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] && iqentry_load[ dramA_id[`QBITS] ]) begin
if (mem1_available && dramA_v && iqentry_v[ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] && iqentry_load[ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] && !iqentry_stomp[dramA_id[`QBITS]]) begin
iqentry_res [ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] <= dramA_bus;
iqentry_exc [ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] <= dramA_exc;
iqentry_done[ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] <= `VAL;
6641,7 → 7153,7
iqentry_cmt [ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] <= `VAL;
iqentry_aq [ dramA_id[`QBITS] ] <= `INV;
if (mem2_available && `NUM_MEM > 1 && dramB_v && iqentry_v[ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] && iqentry_load[ dramB_id[`QBITS] ]) begin
if (mem2_available && `NUM_MEM > 1 && dramB_v && iqentry_v[ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] && iqentry_load[ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] && !iqentry_stomp[dramB_id[`QBITS]]) begin
iqentry_res [ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] <= dramB_bus;
iqentry_exc [ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] <= dramB_exc;
iqentry_done[ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] <= `VAL;
6649,7 → 7161,7
iqentry_cmt [ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] <= `VAL;
iqentry_aq [ dramB_id[`QBITS] ] <= `INV;
if (mem3_available && `NUM_MEM > 2 && dramC_v && iqentry_v[ dramC_id[`QBITS] ] && iqentry_load[ dramC_id[`QBITS] ]) begin
if (mem3_available && `NUM_MEM > 2 && dramC_v && iqentry_v[ dramC_id[`QBITS] ] && iqentry_load[ dramC_id[`QBITS] ] && !iqentry_stomp[dramC_id[`QBITS]]) begin
iqentry_res [ dramC_id[`QBITS] ] <= dramC_bus;
iqentry_exc [ dramC_id[`QBITS] ] <= dramC_exc;
iqentry_done[ dramC_id[`QBITS] ] <= `VAL;
7074,7 → 7586,7
// grab requests that have finished and put them on the dram_bus
if (mem1_available && dram0 == `DRAMREQ_READY) begin
dramA_v <= dram0_load;
dramA_v <= dram0_load && !iqentry_stomp[dram0_id[`QBITS]];
dramA_id <= dram0_id;
dramA_exc <= dram0_exc;
dramA_bus <= fnDati(dram0_instr,dram0_addr,rdat0);
7084,7 → 7596,7
// dramA_v <= `INV;
if (mem2_available && dram1 == `DRAMREQ_READY && `NUM_MEM > 1) begin
dramB_v <= dram1_load;
dramB_v <= dram1_load && !iqentry_stomp[dram1_id[`QBITS]];
dramB_id <= dram1_id;
dramB_exc <= dram1_exc;
dramB_bus <= fnDati(dram1_instr,dram1_addr,rdat1);
7094,12 → 7606,26
// dramB_v <= `INV;
if (mem3_available && dram2 == `DRAMREQ_READY && `NUM_MEM > 2) begin
dramC_v <= dram2_load;
dramC_v <= dram2_load && !iqentry_stomp[dram2_id[`QBITS]];
dramC_id <= dram2_id;
dramC_exc <= dram2_exc;
dramC_bus <= fnDati(dram2_instr,dram2_addr,rdat2);
if (dram2_store) $display("m[%h] <- %h", dram2_addr, dram2_data);
// Squash load results for stomped on instructions
if (iqentry_stomp[dram0_id[`QBITS]])
dram0_load <= `FALSE;
if (`NUM_MEM > 1)
if (iqentry_stomp[dram1_id[`QBITS]])
dram1_load <= `FALSE;
if (`NUM_MEM > 2)
if (iqentry_stomp[dram2_id[`QBITS]])
dram2_load <= `FALSE;
// else
// dramC_v <= `INV;
7405,7 → 7931,7
// If the bus unit is busy doing an update involving L1_adr or L2_adr
// we have to wait.
if (bstate != B7 && bstate != B9) begin
if (bstate != B_ICacheAck && bstate != B_ICacheNack) begin
if (!ihit0) begin
L1_adr <= {pcr[5:0],pc0[31:5],5'h0};
L2_adr <= {pcr[5:0],pc0[31:5],5'h0};
7445,14 → 7971,14
IC2: icstate <= IC3;
IC3: icstate <= IC3a;
IC3a: icstate <= IC4;
// If data was in the L2 cache already there's no need to wait on the
// BIU to retrieve data. It can be determined if the hit signal was
// already active when this state was entered in which case waiting
// will do no good.
// The IC machine will stall in this state until the BIU has loaded the
// L2 cache.
IC3a: icstate <= IC_WaitL2;
// If data was in the L2 cache already there's no need to wait on the
// BIU to retrieve data. It can be determined if the hit signal was
// already active when this state was entered in which case waiting
// will do no good.
// The IC machine will stall in this state until the BIU has loaded the
// L2 cache.
if (ihitL2 && picstate==IC3a) begin
L1_en <= 9'h1FF;
L1_wr0 <= TRUE;
7462,7 → 7988,7
L2_rdat <= L2_dato;
icstate <= IC5;
else if (bstate!=B9)
else if (bstate!=B_ICacheNack)
else begin
L1_en <= 9'h1FF;
7470,7 → 7996,8
L1_wr1 <= TRUE && `WAYS > 1;
L1_wr2 <= TRUE && `WAYS > 2;
L1_adr <= L2_adr;
L2_rdat <= L2_dato;
// L2_rdat set below while loading cache line
//L2_rdat <= L2_dato;
icstate <= IC5;
7482,11 → 8009,12
icstate <= IC6;
IC6: icstate <= IC7;
IC7: icstate <= IC8;
IC8: begin
icstate <= IDLE;
icnxt <= TRUE;
IC7: icstate <= IC_Next;
icstate <= IDLE;
icnxt <= TRUE;
default: icstate <= IDLE;
7493,10 → 8021,23
if (mem1_available && dram0_load)
`DRAMSLOT_BUSY: dram0 <= dram0 + !dram0_unc;
3'd2: dram0 <= dram0 + 3'd1;
3'd3: dram0 <= dram0 + 3'd1;
3'd4: if (dhit0) dram0 <= `DRAMREQ_READY; else dram0 <= `DRAMSLOT_REQBUS;
dram0 <= dram0 + !dram0_unc;
dram0 <= dram0 + 3'd1;
dram0 <= dram0 + 3'd1;
if (iqentry_v[dram0_id[`QBITS]] && !iqentry_stomp[dram0_id[`QBITS]]) begin
if (dhit0)
dram0 <= `DRAMREQ_READY;
else begin
dram0_load <= `FALSE;
7505,10 → 8046,23
if (mem2_available && dram1_load && `NUM_MEM > 1)
`DRAMSLOT_BUSY: dram1 <= dram1 + !dram1_unc;
3'd2: dram1 <= dram1 + 3'd1;
3'd3: dram1 <= dram1 + 3'd1;
3'd4: if (dhit1) dram1 <= `DRAMREQ_READY; else dram1 <= `DRAMSLOT_REQBUS;
dram1 <= dram1 + !dram1_unc;
dram1 <= dram1 + 3'd1;
dram1 <= dram1 + 3'd1;
if (iqentry_v[dram1_id[`QBITS]] && !iqentry_stomp[dram1_id[`QBITS]]) begin
if (dhit1)
dram1 <= `DRAMREQ_READY;
else begin
dram1_load <= `FALSE;
7517,10 → 8071,23
if (mem3_available && dram2_load && `NUM_MEM > 2)
`DRAMSLOT_BUSY: dram2 <= dram2 + !dram2_unc;
3'd2: dram2 <= dram2 + 3'd1;
3'd3: dram2 <= dram2 + 3'd1;
3'd4: if (dhit2) dram2 <= `DRAMREQ_READY; else dram2 <= `DRAMSLOT_REQBUS;
dram2 <= dram2 + !dram2_unc;
dram2 <= dram2 + 3'd1;
dram2 <= dram2 + 3'd1;
if (iqentry_v[dram2_id[`QBITS]] && !iqentry_stomp[dram2_id[`QBITS]]) begin
if (dhit2)
dram2 <= `DRAMREQ_READY;
else begin
dram2_load <= `FALSE;
7923,7 → 8490,7
ol_o <= ol[0];
L2_adr <= {pcr[5:0],L1_adr[31:5],5'h0};
L2_xsel <= 1'b0;
bstate <= B7;
bstate <= B_ICacheAck;
// Terminal state for a store operation.
8080,7 → 8647,7
// Ack state for instruction cache load
if (ack_i|err_i) begin
errq <= errq | err_i;
exvq <= exvq | exv_i;
8089,9 → 8656,17
// L1_wr1 <= `TRUE;
// L1_adr <= L2_adr;
if (err_i)
L2_rdat <= {9{11'b0,4'd7,1'b0,`FLT_IBE,2'b00,`BRK}};
L2_rdat <= {18{`INSN_FLT_IBE}};
L2_rdat <= {dat_i[31:0],{4{dat_i}}};
3'd0: L2_rdat[63:0] <= dat_i;
3'd1: L2_rdat[127:64] <= dat_i;
3'd2: L2_rdat[191:128] <= dat_i;
3'd3: L2_rdat[255:192] <= dat_i;
3'd4: L2_rdat[287:256] <= dat_i[31:0];
default: ;
//L2_rdat <= {dat_i[31:0],{4{dat_i}}};
iccnt <= iccnt + 3'd1;
//stb_o <= `LOW;
if (iccnt==3'd3)
8103,7 → 8678,7
stb_o <= `LOW;
sel_o <= 8'h00;
icl_o <= `LOW;
bstate <= B9;
bstate <= B_ICacheNack;
else begin
L2_adr[4:3] <= L2_adr[4:3] + 2'd1;
8111,7 → 8686,7
L2_xsel <= 1'b1;
L1_wr0 <= `FALSE;
L1_wr1 <= `FALSE;
8549,15 → 9124,16
if (|panic && ~outstanding_stores) begin
for (n = 0; n < QENTRIES; n = n + 1)
if (branchmiss) begin
if (!setpred[n]) begin
iqentry_instr[n][`INSTRUCTION_OP] <= `NOP;
iqentry_done[n] <= `VAL;
iqentry_cmt[n] <= `VAL;
iqentry_done[n] <= iqentry_v[n];
iqentry_cmt[n] <= iqentry_v[n];
if (snr) begin
seq_num <= 32'd0;
seq_num1 <= 32'd0;
1312,9 → 1312,6
// So
// addi r1,r2,#$12345678
// Becomes:
// ldiq1 r52,#$00123
// oriq0 r52,#$45678
// addi r1,r2,r52
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void process_riop(int64_t opcode6)
4572,6 → 4569,7
case tk_ibne: process_ibne(0x26,2); break;
case tk_inc: process_inc(0x1A); break;
case tk_if: pif1 = inptr-2; doif(); break;
case tk_ifdef: pif1 = inptr - 5; doifdef(); break;
case tk_itof: process_itof(0x15); break;
case tk_iret: process_iret(0xC8000002); break;
case tk_isnull: process_rop(0x0C); break;
1510,7 → 1510,7
// Cut out the if statement
p1 = pif1;
p1 = inptr = pif1;
while(*inptr) {
1526,13 → 1526,13
// If the if was false cut out the code between
// if and endif
if (val==0 && !codecut) {
inptr = pif1;
else {
// remove endif but leave remaining text
inptr = p2;
1542,7 → 1542,7
// cut out code between if and else
// and keep going until endif
if (val==0) {
inptr = pif1;
codecut = true;
1549,7 → 1549,7
else {
// remove the else from text
// and keep going until endif
inptr = p2;
1576,11 → 1576,12
int64_t val;
if (getIdentifier()==0)
printf("Expecting an identifier %d.\n", lineno);
val = (find_symbol(lastid)!=nullptr);
val = (find_symbol(lastid)!=nullptr);
pif2 = inptr;
pif2 = inptr;
1590,7 → 1591,7
if (getIdentifier()==0)
printf("Expecting an identifier %d.\n", lineno);
val = (find_symbol(lastid)==nullptr);
val = (find_symbol(lastid)==nullptr);
pif2 = inptr;
1,4 → 1,5
#pragma once
void process_macro();
void doif();
void doifdef();

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