Subversion Repositories versatile_library
Compare Revisions
- This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
- from Rev 90 to Rev 86
- ↔ Reverse comparison
Rev 90 → Rev 86
3713,7 → 3713,7
`ifdef RAM_BE |
`define MODULE ram_be |
module `BASE`MODULE ( d, adr, be, re, we, q, clk); |
module `BASE`MODULE ( d, adr, be, we, q, clk); |
`undef MODULE |
parameter data_width = 32; |
3722,7 → 3722,6
input [(data_width-1):0] d; |
input [(addr_width-1):0] adr; |
input [(data_width/8)-1:0] be; |
input re; |
input we; |
output reg [(data_width-1):0] q; |
input clk; |
3757,8 → 3756,7
if(be[1]) ram[adr][1] <= d[15:8]; |
if(be[0]) ram[adr][0] <= d[7:0]; |
end |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
q <= ram[adr]; |
end |
`else |
3773,7 → 3771,6
endgenerate |
always @ (posedge clk) |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
`endif |
3781,7 → 3778,7
// Function to access RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function [31:0] get_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
get_mem = ram[addr]; |
endfunction // get_mem |
3788,8 → 3785,8
// Function to write RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function set_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [data_width-1:0] data; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
input [dw-1:0] data; |
ram[addr] = data; |
endfunction // set_mem |
4686,8 → 4683,7
input clk, rst; |
reg [adr_width-1:0] adr; |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
generate |
if (max_burst_width==0) begin : inst_0 |
reg ack_o; |
4699,6 → 4695,8
ack_o <= cyc_i & stb_i & !ack_o; |
end else begin |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
reg [1:0] last_cycle; |
localparam idle = 2'b00; |
localparam cyc = 2'b01; |
4716,7 → 4714,7
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (we_i) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
(last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
adr[max_burst_width-1:0]; |
assign ack_o = (last_cycle==cyc | last_cycle==ws) & stb_i; |
assign ack_o = last_cycle == cyc; |
end |
endgenerate |
5467,7 → 5465,6
.d(wbs_dat_i), |
.adr(adr), |
.be(wbs_sel_i), |
.re(wbs_stb_i), |
.we(wbs_we_i & wbs_ack_o), |
.q(wbs_dat_o), |
.clk(wb_clk) |
1235,7 → 1235,7
q <= ram[adr]; |
end |
endmodule |
module vl_ram_be ( d, adr, be, re, we, q, clk); |
module vl_ram_be ( d, adr, be, we, q, clk); |
parameter data_width = 32; |
parameter addr_width = 6; |
parameter mem_size = 1<<addr_width; |
1242,7 → 1242,6
input [(data_width-1):0] d; |
input [(addr_width-1):0] adr; |
input [(data_width/8)-1:0] be; |
input re; |
input we; |
output reg [(data_width-1):0] q; |
input clk; |
1272,8 → 1271,7
if(be[1]) ram[adr][1] <= d[15:8]; |
if(be[0]) ram[adr][0] <= d[7:0]; |
end |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
q <= ram[adr]; |
end |
`else |
assign cke = {data_width/8{we}} & be; |
1285,20 → 1283,19
end |
endgenerate |
always @ (posedge clk) |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
`endif |
// Function to access RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function [31:0] get_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
get_mem = ram[addr]; |
endfunction // get_mem |
// Function to write RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function set_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [data_width-1:0] data; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
input [dw-1:0] data; |
ram[addr] = data; |
endfunction // set_mem |
endmodule |
1961,7 → 1958,6
output ack_o; |
input clk, rst; |
reg [adr_width-1:0] adr; |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
generate |
if (max_burst_width==0) begin : inst_0 |
reg ack_o; |
1972,6 → 1968,7
else |
ack_o <= cyc_i & stb_i & !ack_o; |
end else begin |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
reg [1:0] last_cycle; |
localparam idle = 2'b00; |
localparam cyc = 2'b01; |
1989,7 → 1986,7
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (we_i) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
(last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
adr[max_burst_width-1:0]; |
assign ack_o = (last_cycle==cyc | last_cycle==ws) & stb_i; |
assign ack_o = last_cycle == cyc; |
end |
endgenerate |
generate |
2588,7 → 2585,6
.d(wbs_dat_i), |
.adr(adr), |
.be(wbs_sel_i), |
.re(wbs_stb_i), |
.we(wbs_we_i & wbs_ack_o), |
.q(wbs_dat_o), |
.clk(wb_clk) |
57,8 → 57,7
input clk, rst; |
reg [adr_width-1:0] adr; |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
generate |
if (max_burst_width==0) begin : inst_0 |
reg ack_o; |
70,6 → 69,8
ack_o <= cyc_i & stb_i & !ack_o; |
end else begin |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
reg [1:0] last_cycle; |
localparam idle = 2'b00; |
localparam cyc = 2'b01; |
87,7 → 88,7
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (we_i) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
(last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
adr[max_burst_width-1:0]; |
assign ack_o = (last_cycle==cyc | last_cycle==ws) & stb_i; |
assign ack_o = last_cycle == cyc; |
end |
endgenerate |
838,7 → 839,6
.d(wbs_dat_i), |
.adr(adr), |
.be(wbs_sel_i), |
.re(wbs_stb_i), |
.we(wbs_we_i & wbs_ack_o), |
.q(wbs_dat_o), |
.clk(wb_clk) |
1343,7 → 1343,7
q <= ram[adr]; |
end |
endmodule |
module vl_ram_be ( d, adr, be, re, we, q, clk); |
module vl_ram_be ( d, adr, be, we, q, clk); |
parameter data_width = 32; |
parameter addr_width = 6; |
parameter mem_size = 1<<addr_width; |
1350,7 → 1350,6
input [(data_width-1):0] d; |
input [(addr_width-1):0] adr; |
input [(data_width/8)-1:0] be; |
input re; |
input we; |
output reg [(data_width-1):0] q; |
input clk; |
1380,8 → 1379,7
if(be[1]) ram[adr][1] <= d[15:8]; |
if(be[0]) ram[adr][0] <= d[7:0]; |
end |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
q <= ram[adr]; |
end |
`else |
assign cke = {data_width/8{we}} & be; |
1393,20 → 1391,19
end |
endgenerate |
always @ (posedge clk) |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
`endif |
// Function to access RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function [31:0] get_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
get_mem = ram[addr]; |
endfunction // get_mem |
// Function to write RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function set_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [data_width-1:0] data; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
input [dw-1:0] data; |
ram[addr] = data; |
endfunction // set_mem |
endmodule |
2066,7 → 2063,6
output ack_o; |
input clk, rst; |
reg [adr_width-1:0] adr; |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
generate |
if (max_burst_width==0) begin : inst_0 |
reg ack_o; |
2077,6 → 2073,7
else |
ack_o <= cyc_i & stb_i & !ack_o; |
end else begin |
wire [max_burst_width-1:0] to_adr; |
reg [1:0] last_cycle; |
localparam idle = 2'b00; |
localparam cyc = 2'b01; |
2094,7 → 2091,7
assign adr_o[max_burst_width-1:0] = (we_i) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
(last_cycle==idle | last_cycle==eoc) ? adr_i[max_burst_width-1:0] : |
adr[max_burst_width-1:0]; |
assign ack_o = (last_cycle==cyc | last_cycle==ws) & stb_i; |
assign ack_o = last_cycle == cyc; |
end |
endgenerate |
generate |
2693,7 → 2690,6
.d(wbs_dat_i), |
.adr(adr), |
.be(wbs_sel_i), |
.re(wbs_stb_i), |
.we(wbs_we_i & wbs_ack_o), |
.q(wbs_dat_o), |
.clk(wb_clk) |
102,7 → 102,7
`ifdef RAM_BE |
`define MODULE ram_be |
module `BASE`MODULE ( d, adr, be, re, we, q, clk); |
module `BASE`MODULE ( d, adr, be, we, q, clk); |
`undef MODULE |
parameter data_width = 32; |
111,7 → 111,6
input [(data_width-1):0] d; |
input [(addr_width-1):0] adr; |
input [(data_width/8)-1:0] be; |
input re; |
input we; |
output reg [(data_width-1):0] q; |
input clk; |
146,8 → 145,7
if(be[1]) ram[adr][1] <= d[15:8]; |
if(be[0]) ram[adr][0] <= d[7:0]; |
end |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
q <= ram[adr]; |
end |
//E2_else |
162,7 → 160,6
endgenerate |
always @ (posedge clk) |
if (re) |
q <= ram[adr]; |
//E2_endif |
170,7 → 167,7
// Function to access RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function [31:0] get_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
get_mem = ram[addr]; |
endfunction // get_mem |
177,8 → 174,8
// Function to write RAM (for use by Verilator). |
function set_mem; |
// verilator public |
input [addr_width-1:0] addr; |
input [data_width-1:0] data; |
input [aw-1:0] addr; |
input [dw-1:0] data; |
ram[addr] = data; |
endfunction // set_mem |