
Subversion Repositories vhdl_wb_tb

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Rev 4 → Rev 3

/vhdl/tc_top.vhd File deleted \ No newline at end of file
3,28 → 3,30
---- VHDL Wishbone TESTBENCH ----
---- ----
---- This file is part of the vhdl_wb_tb project ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- This file contains the stimulator module of the design. ----
---- Modify the stimulator to stimulate your DUT ----
---- The stimulator is controlled by the testcase (tc_xxxx files)----
---- via a wishbone bus. ----
---- This file contains the top functional module of the design ----
---- under test. The top functional module will be enclosed by ----
---- the top module for synthesis or the tb_top for simulation. ----
---- The top module can contain some synthesis specific code, ----
---- where the tb_top contains simulation specific code. ----
---- ----
---- To Do: ----
---- - ----
---- ----
---- Author(s): ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- ----
-- SVN information
-- $URL: $
-- $Revision: $
-- $Date: $
-- $Author: $
-- $Id: $
---- SVN information
---- $URL: $
---- $Revision: $
---- $Date: $
---- $Author: $
---- $Id: $
---- ----
---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
---- ----
122,6 → 124,6
signals_o <= s_register0(signals_o'left downto 0);
end rtl; --stimulator
---- end of file ----
-- end of file
5,24 → 5,31
---- This file is part of the vhdl_wb_tb project ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- This file contains constants for the test bench, such as ----
---- register definitions. ----
---- This file contains the highest (top) module of the test ----
---- bench. ----
---- It instantiates the design under test (DUT), instantiates ----
---- the stimulator module for test vector generation, ----
---- instantiates the verifier module for result comparison, ----
---- instantiates the test case top (testcase_top) bfm, ----
---- interconnects all three components, generates DUT-external ----
---- clocks and resets. ----
---- ----
---- To Do: ----
---- - ----
---- ----
---- Author(s): ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- ----
-- SVN information
-- $URL: $
-- $Revision: $
-- $Date: $
-- $Author: $
-- $Id: $
---- SVN information
---- $URL: $
---- $Revision: $
---- $Date: $
---- $Author: $
---- $Id: $
---- ----
---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
---- ----
75,6 → 82,6
constant verifier_register2_c : integer := verifier_base_c + 16#0000_0008#;
end package;
---- end of file ----
-- end of file
3,14 → 3,10
---- VHDL Wishbone TESTBENCH ----
---- ----
---- This file is part of the vhdl_wb_tb project ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- This file contains the highest (top) module for simulation. ----
---- Like tb_top it instantiates the core_top module and ----
---- provides parameters/generics. Where the top module provides ----
---- parameters for synthesis this file provides parameters for ----
---- simulation. ----
---- ----
---- This file contains the highest (top) module of the test ----
---- bench. ----
---- It instantiates the design under test (DUT), instantiates ----
---- the stimulator module for test vector generation, ----
---- instantiates the verifier module for result comparison, ----
22,16 → 18,17
---- - ----
---- ----
---- Author(s): ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- ----
---- SVN information
---- $URL: $
---- $Revision: $
---- $Date: $
---- $Author: $
---- $Id: $
-- SVN information
-- $URL: $
-- $Revision: $
-- $Date: $
-- $Author: $
-- $Id: $
---- ----
---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
74,10 → 71,13
-- in the tc_xxx files.
end entity tb_top;
-- architecture ------------------------------------------------------
architecture rtl of tb_top is
constant g_wb_clock_period : time := 20.0 ns; -- 50 mhz
-- signal declaration
signal s_wb_bfm_out : wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- from testcase_top
signal s_wb_bfm_in : wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- to testcase_top
100,8 → 100,11
signal s_stimulus : std_logic_vector(number_of_stimulus_signals_c-1 downto 0);
signal s_verify : std_logic_vector(number_of_verify_signals_c-1 downto 0);
-- other signals
wb_clock_generator : process -- required for test bench wb bus; 50mhz is standard
125,7 → 128,7
s_wb_reset <= s_wb_reset_p2;
-- instance of test case "player"; runs tc_xxxx modules
tc_top_inst : entity work.tc_top
testcase_top_inst : entity work.testcase_top
port map (
wb_o => s_wb_bfm_out,
wb_i => s_wb_bfm_in
197,7 → 200,7
signals_i => s_verify
end rtl;
---- end of file ----
end rtl;
-- end of file
5,26 → 5,31
---- This file is part of the vhdl_wb_tb project ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- This file contains the one test sequence for the test bench.----
---- Several test sequences shall be stored in several tc_xxxx ----
---- files. This file contains the architecture for the tc_top ----
---- enity, lcated in tc_top.vhd. ----
---- This file contains the highest (top) module of the test ----
---- bench. ----
---- It instantiates the design under test (DUT), instantiates ----
---- the stimulator module for test vector generation, ----
---- instantiates the verifier module for result comparison, ----
---- instantiates the test case top (testcase_top) bfm, ----
---- interconnects all three components, generates DUT-external ----
---- clocks and resets. ----
---- ----
---- To Do: ----
---- - ----
---- ----
---- Author(s): ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- ----
-- SVN information
-- $URL: $
-- $Revision: $
-- $Date: $
-- $Author: $
-- $Id: $
---- SVN information
---- $URL: $
---- $Revision: $
---- $Date: $
---- $Author: $
---- $Id: $
---- ----
---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
---- ----
63,15 → 68,16
use work.tb_pkg.all;
-- architecture ------------------------------------------------------
architecture tc_xxxx of tc_top is
architecture tc_xxxx of testcase_top is
-- local constant definitions
tc_xxxx_proc : process
-- standard signal initialization
wb_o <= wb_bfm_master_out_idle_c;
82,7 → 88,7
wait for 400 ns;
wait until rising_edge(wb_i.clk);
report "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
report "-- tc_xxxx: ADD_DESCRIPTION_HERE --";
134,23 → 140,22
wait until rising_edge(wb_i.clk);
wb_read (verifier_register2_c, 16#0000_0005#, wb_i, wb_o);
wait for 1 us;
-- =================================================
report "-- tc_xxxx finished";
-- =================================================
wait for 400 ns;
report "test case tc_xxxx completed successfully"; --severity failure;
report "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
report "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
wait for 100 ns;
if (exit_simulator_at_tc_end_c/="1") then
std.env.stop; -- pause simulation
std.env.finish; -- stop simulation
end if;
std.env.stop; -- pause simulation
--std.env.finish; -- stop simulation; end modelsim
end process tc_xxxx_proc;
end tc_xxxx;
---- end of file ----
-- end of file
5,27 → 5,28
---- This file is part of the vhdl_wb_tb project ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- This file contains the verifier module which monitors the ----
---- DUTs responses. It is controlled via a wishbone interface ----
---- by the tc_xxxx files. ----
---- It can check the signals by itself or forward information ----
---- To the tc_xxxx files. ----
---- This file contains the top functional module of the design ----
---- under test. The top functional module will be enclosed by ----
---- the top module for synthesis or the tb_top for simulation. ----
---- The top module can contain some synthesis specific code, ----
---- where the tb_top contains simulation specific code. ----
---- ----
---- To Do: ----
---- - ----
---- ----
---- Author(s): ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- ----
-- SVN information
-- $URL: $
-- $Revision: $
-- $Date: $
-- $Author: $
-- $Id: $
---- SVN information
---- $URL: $
---- $Revision: $
---- $Date: $
---- $Author: $
---- $Id: $
---- ----
---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
---- ----
75,14 → 76,14
end verifier;
-- architecture ----------------------------------------------------------------
architecture rtl of verifier is
-- signal declaration
signal s_register0 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal s_register1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wb_o.ack <= '1';
126,7 → 127,8
end process;
end rtl; --verifier
---- end of file ----
-- end of file
12,17 → 12,18
---- - ----
---- ----
---- Author(s): ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- - Sinx, ----
---- ----
-- SVN information
-- $URL: $
-- $Revision: $
-- $Date: $
-- $Author: $
-- $Id: $
---- SVN information
---- $URL: $
---- $Revision: $
---- $Date: $
---- $Author: $
---- $Id: $
---- ----
---- Copyright (C) 2018 Authors and OPENCORES.ORG ----
---- ----
107,36 → 108,36
tgc => (others=>'0'),
we => '0'
-- BUS FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------
-- generate single write cycle
procedure wb_write(
address_i : in integer; -- address to write to
data_i : in integer; -- data value to be written
signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals
signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- incoming wb signals
display_error_message_i : in integer range 0 to 2 := 1; -- verbose mode; 0=no output, 1=error only, 2= all
additional_error_message_i : in string := ""
PROCEDURE wb_write(
address_i : IN integer; -- address to write to
data_i : IN integer; -- data value to be written
SIGNAL i : IN wishbone_bfm_master_in_t; -- incoming wb signals
SIGNAL o : OUT wishbone_bfm_master_out_t; -- incoming wb signals
display_error_message_i : IN integer range 0 to 2 := 1; -- verbose mode; 0=no output, 1=error only, 2= all
additional_error_message_i : IN string := ""
-- generate single read cycle and verify read word with expected_data_i
procedure wb_read(
address_i : in integer;
expected_data_i : in integer;
signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t;
display_error_message_i : in integer range 0 to 4 := 1; -- verbose mode; 0=no output, 1=error only, 2= all, 3=use expected_data_mask_i, 4=show difference read to exp.
additional_error_message_i : in string := "";
expected_data_mask_i : in integer := 0
PROCEDURE wb_read(
address_i : IN INTEGER;
expected_data_i : IN INTEGER;
SIGNAL i : IN wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
SIGNAL o : OUT wishbone_bfm_master_out_t;
display_error_message_i : IN integer range 0 to 4 := 1; -- verbose mode; 0=no output, 1=error only, 2= all, 3=use expected_data_mask_i, 4=show difference read to exp.
additional_error_message_i : IN STRING := "";
expected_data_mask_i : IN INTEGER := 0
-- generate single read cycle and return read data via read_data_o
procedure wb_read(
address_i : in integer;
read_data_o : out std_logic_vector (wishbone_address_width_c-1 downto 0);
signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t
PROCEDURE wb_read(
address_i : IN INTEGER;
read_data_o : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (wishbone_address_width_c-1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL i : IN wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
SIGNAL o : OUT wishbone_bfm_master_out_t
145,16 → 146,16
package body wishbone_bfm_pkg is
procedure wb_write(
address_i : in integer;
data_i : in integer;
signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t;
display_error_message_i : in integer range 0 to 2 := 1;
additional_error_message_i : in string := ""
) is
PROCEDURE wb_write(
address_i : IN integer;
data_i : IN integer;
SIGNAL i : IN wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
SIGNAL o : OUT wishbone_bfm_master_out_t;
display_error_message_i : IN integer range 0 to 2 := 1;
additional_error_message_i : IN string := ""
) IS
o.adr <= to_std_logic_vector(address_i, wishbone_address_width_c);
o.dat <= to_std_logic_vector(data_i, wishbone_address_width_c);
o.we <= '1';
166,29 → 167,29
o.stb <= '1';
o.tga <= (others => '0');
o.tgc <= (others => '0');
if (display_error_message_i = 2) then
report "writing :" & to_string(data_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " to: " & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
IF (display_error_message_i = 2) THEN
REPORT "Writing :" & to_string(data_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " to: " & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
end if;
wait until falling_edge(i.clk);
WAIT UNTIL falling_edge(i.clk);
-- wait for ack
while i.ack = '0' loop
wait until falling_edge(i.clk);
end loop;
wait until rising_edge(i.clk);
WHILE i.ack = '0' LOOP
WAIT UNTIL falling_edge(i.clk);
WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(i.clk);
o <= wb_bfm_master_out_idle_c; -- reset bus
end wb_write;
END wb_write;
procedure wb_read(
address_i : in integer;
read_data_o : out std_logic_vector (wishbone_address_width_c-1 downto 0);
signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t
) is
PROCEDURE wb_read(
address_i : IN INTEGER;
read_data_o : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (wishbone_address_width_c-1 DOWNTO 0);
SIGNAL i : IN wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
SIGNAL o : OUT wishbone_bfm_master_out_t
) IS
o.adr <= to_std_logic_vector(address_i, wishbone_address_width_c);
o.dat <= (others => 'U');
o.we <= '0';
200,60 → 201,60
o.stb <= '1';
o.tga <= (others => '0');
o.tgc <= (others => '0');
wait until falling_edge(i.clk);
WAIT UNTIL falling_edge(i.clk);
-- ack handling
while (i.ack = '0') loop
wait until falling_edge(i.clk);
end loop;
WHILE (i.ack = '0') LOOP
WAIT UNTIL falling_edge(i.clk);
read_data_o := i.dat;
wait until rising_edge(i.clk);
WAIT UNTIL rising_edge(i.clk);
o <= wb_bfm_master_out_idle_c; -- reset bus
end wb_read;
END wb_read;
procedure wb_read(
address_i : in integer;
expected_data_i : in integer;
signal i : in wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
signal o : out wishbone_bfm_master_out_t;
display_error_message_i : in integer range 0 to 4 := 1;
additional_error_message_i : in string := "";
expected_data_mask_i : in integer := 0
) is
PROCEDURE wb_read(
address_i : IN INTEGER;
expected_data_i : IN INTEGER;
SIGNAL i : IN wishbone_bfm_master_in_t;
SIGNAL o : OUT wishbone_bfm_master_out_t;
display_error_message_i : IN integer range 0 to 4 := 1;
additional_error_message_i : IN STRING := "";
expected_data_mask_i : IN INTEGER := 0
) IS
variable readdata_v : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
variable diff_v : integer;
wb_read(address_i,readdata_v,i,o); -- read from bus
diff_v := to_integer(readdata_v) - expected_data_i;
if (display_error_message_i = 1) then -- output errors only
if (readdata_v /= to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) then
report "error" & additional_error_message_i & ": expected data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
IF (display_error_message_i = 1) THEN -- output errors only
IF (readdata_v /= to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) THEN
REPORT "ERROR" & additional_error_message_i & ": Expected data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
" was: 0x" & to_string(expected_data_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " but read: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_address_width_c/4)
severity error;
end if;
elsif (display_error_message_i = 2) then -- output all
report additional_error_message_i & ": read data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
ELSIF (display_error_message_i = 2) THEN -- Output all
REPORT additional_error_message_i & ": Read data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
" was: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4)
severity note;
elsif (display_error_message_i = 3) then -- output filter
if ((readdata_v and to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_mask_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) /=
to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) then
report additional_error_message_i & ": read data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
ELSIF (display_error_message_i = 3) THEN -- Output Filter
IF ((readdata_v AND to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_mask_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) /=
to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) THEN
REPORT additional_error_message_i & ": Read data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
" was: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4)
severity note;
end if;
elsif display_error_message_i = 4 then
if (readdata_v /= to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) then
report "error" & additional_error_message_i & ": expected data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
" was: 0x" & to_string(expected_data_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " but read: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " diff: " & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_address_width_c/4)
severity error;
end if;
end if;
end wb_read;
ELSIF display_error_message_i = 4 THEN
IF (readdata_v /= to_std_logic_vector(expected_data_i, wishbone_address_width_c)) THEN
REPORT "ERROR" & additional_error_message_i & ": Expected data at address 0x" & to_string(address_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) &
" was: 0x" & to_string(expected_data_i, 16, wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " but read: 0x" & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_address_width_c/4) & " Diff: " & to_string(readdata_v,16,wishbone_address_width_c/4)
END wb_read;
end package body;

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