
Subversion Repositories wbddr3

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 20 to Rev 21
    Reverse comparison

Rev 20 → Rev 21

0,0 → 1,37
# Description
The purpose of this core is to provide a GPL wishbone core capable of commanding
a DDR3 memory, such as the one used on Digilent's Arty board, at full speed.
A particular design goal is that consecutive reads or writes should take only one additional clock cycle per read or write. My eventual goal is to build this so that it will support my OpenArty project.
Since the DDR3 memory specification is dated August, 2009, memory chips have
been built to this specification. However, since the DDR3 SDRAM's are rather
complex, and there is a lot of work required to manage them, controllers for
DDR3 SDRAM's are primarily in the realm of proprietary.
The lack of a good open source DDR3 SDRAM controller leaves an FPGA engineer
with the choice of building a controller for a very complex interface from
scratch, or accepting a less than optimal controller built by Xilinx's Memory
Interface Generator and then converting the result to an open source bus, such
as the wishbone.
This core is designed to meet that need: it is both open (GPL), as well as
wishbone compliant. Further, this core offers 32-bit granularity to an interface that would otehrwise offer only 128-bit granularity. This core also offers complete pipelined performance. Because of the pipeline interface, this core is
appropriate for filling cache linse. Because the core also offers non-pipelined
performance, it is also appropriate for random access from a CPU--whether by a
write-through cache, or a CPU working without a cache.
# Current status
As anyone knows who has worked with DDR3 memory controllers will know, this is
a difficult and complex project. There are lots of parts and pieces to is.
Currently, a large portion (not all) of the Verilog code has been built,
together with what should be a very thorough Verilator test bench. The
Verilator code successfully brings the memory out of a reset condition, and
runs it through a variety of paces.
So, today, the code works within Verilator and appears to match the
specification of the DDR3 bus.
The core does not (yet) work on any physical hardware. This task remains.
41,8 → 41,8
YYMMDD := `date +%Y%m%d`
RTLD := ../../rtl
VOBJDR := $(RTLD)/obj_dir
VROOT ?= $(shell bash -c 'verilator -V|grep VERILATOR_ROOT | head -1 | sed -e " s/^.*=\s*//"')
# /usr/share/verilator
VERILATOR_ROOT ?= $(shell bash -c 'verilator -V|grep VERILATOR_ROOT | head -1 | sed -e " s/^.*=\s*//"')
VINC := -I$(VROOT)/include -I$(VOBJDR)
CFLAGS := -Wall -c -Og -g -I. $(VINC)
SOURCES := pddrsim.cpp ddrsdramsim.cpp ddrsdram_tb.cpp
1,9 → 1,8
// Filename: wbddrsdram.v
// Project: A wishbone controlled DDR3 SDRAM memory controller.
// Used in: OpenArty, an entirely open SoC based upon the Arty platform
// Project: ZipVersa, Versa Brd implementation using ZipCPU infrastructure
// Purpose: To control a DDR3-1333 (9-9-9) memory from a wishbone bus.
// In our particular implementation, there will be two command
18,10 → 17,10
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2019, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
31,7 → 30,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
42,43 → 41,8
// Possible commands to the DDR3 memory. These consist of settings for the
// bits: o_wb_cs_n, o_wb_ras_n, o_wb_cas_n, and o_wb_we_n, respectively.
`define DDR_MRSET 4'b0000
`define DDR_REFRESH 4'b0001
`define DDR_PRECHARGE 4'b0010
`define DDR_ACTIVATE 4'b0011
`define DDR_WRITE 4'b0100
`define DDR_READ 4'b0101
`define DDR_ZQS 4'b0110
`define DDR_NOOP 4'b0111
//`define DDR_DESELECT 4'b1???
`default_nettype none
// In this controller, 24-bit commands tend to be passed around. These
// 'commands' are bit fields. Here we specify the bits associated with
// the bit fields.
`define DDR_RSTDONE 24 // End the reset sequence?
`define DDR_RSTTIMER 23 // Does this reset command take multiple clocks?
`define DDR_RSTBIT 22 // Value to place on reset_n
`define DDR_CKEBIT 21 // Should this reset command set CKE?
// Refresh command bit fields
`define DDR_RFTIMER 22
`define DDR_RFBEGIN 21
`define DDR_CMDLEN 21
`define DDR_CSBIT 20
`define DDR_RASBIT 19
`define DDR_CASBIT 18
`define DDR_WEBIT 17
`define DDR_NOPTIMER 16 // Steal this from BA bits
`define DDR_BABITS 3 // BABITS are really from 18:16, they are 3 bits
`define DDR_ADDR_BITS 14
module wbddrsdram(i_clk, i_reset,
// Wishbone inputs
i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we, i_wb_addr, i_wb_data,
86,10 → 50,10
// Wishbone outputs
o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall, o_wb_data,
// Memory command wires
o_ddr_reset_n, o_ddr_cke, o_ddr_bus_oe,
o_ddr_reset_n, o_ddr_cke, // o_ddr_bus_oe,
o_ddr_cmd_a, o_ddr_cmd_b, o_ddr_cmd_c, o_ddr_cmd_d,
// And the data wires to go with them ....
o_ddr_data, i_ddr_data, o_bus);
o_ddr_data, i_ddr_data);
// These parameters are not really meant for adjusting from the
// top level. These are more internal variables, recorded here
// so that things can be automatically adjusted without much
96,23 → 60,70
// problem.
parameter CKRP = 0;
parameter BUSNOW = 2, BUSREG = BUSNOW-1;
localparam AW = 24;
localparam CMDW = 28;
localparam LANES = 2;
localparam DW = LANES * 8 * 8;
localparam DDRDW = LANES * 8 * 8; // 8b per lane, 2 side ea of 4cyc
// Possible commands to the DDR3 memory. These consist of settings
// for the bits: o_wb_cs_n, o_wb_ras_n, o_wb_cas_n, and o_wb_we_n,
// respectively.
localparam [3:0] DDR_MRSET = 4'b0000;
localparam [3:0] DDR_REFRESH = 4'b0001;
localparam [3:0] DDR_PRECHARGE = 4'b0010;
localparam [3:0] DDR_ACTIVATE = 4'b0011;
localparam [3:0] DDR_WRITE = 4'b0100;
localparam [3:0] DDR_READ = 4'b0101;
localparam [3:0] DDR_ZQS = 4'b0110;
localparam [3:0] DDR_NOOP = 4'b0111;
// localparam [3:0] DDR_DESELECT = 4'b1???;
// In this controller, 24-bit commands tend to be passed around. These
// 'commands' are bit fields. Here we specify the bits associated with
// the bit fields.
localparam DDR_RSTDONE = 24;// End the reset sequence?
localparam DDR_RSTTIMER = 23;// Does this reset command take multiple clocks?
localparam DDR_RSTBIT = 22;// Value to place on reset_n
localparam DDR_CKEBIT = 21;// Should this reset command set CKE?
// Refresh command bit fields
localparam DDR_PREREFRESH_STALL = 24;
localparam DDR_NEEDREFRESH = 23;
localparam DDR_RFTIMER = 22;
localparam DDR_RFBEGIN = 21;
localparam DDR_CMDLEN = 21;
localparam DDR_CSBIT = 20;
localparam DDR_RASBIT = 19;
localparam DDR_CASBIT = 18;
localparam DDR_WEBIT = 17;
localparam DDR_NOPTIMER = 16; // Steal this from BA bits
localparam DDR_BABITS = 3; // BABITS are really from 18:16, they are 3 bits
localparam DDR_ADDR_BITS = 14;
localparam LGNROWS = 14,
localparam LGFIFOLN = 3;
localparam FIFOLEN = 8;
// The commands (above) include (in this order):
// o_ddr_cs_n, o_ddr_ras_n, o_ddr_cas_n, o_ddr_we_n,
// o_ddr_dqs, o_ddr_dm, o_ddr_odt
input i_clk, // *MUST* be at 200 MHz for this to work
input wire i_clk, // *MUST* be at 200 MHz for this to work
// Wishbone inputs
input i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we;
input wire i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we;
// The bus address needs to identify a single 128-bit word of interest
input [23:0] i_wb_addr;
input [127:0] i_wb_data;
input [15:0] i_wb_sel;
input wire [AW-1:0] i_wb_addr;
input wire [DW-1:0] i_wb_data;
input wire [DW/8-1:0] i_wb_sel;
// Wishbone responses/outputs
output reg o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall;
output reg [127:0] o_wb_data;
output reg o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall;
output reg [DW-1:0] o_wb_data;
// DDR memory command wires
output reg o_ddr_reset_n, o_ddr_cke;
output reg [1:0] o_ddr_bus_oe;
// CMDs are:
// 4 bits of CS, RAS, CAS, WE
// 3 bits of bank
122,182 → 133,271
// 1 bit of ODT
// ----
// 27 bits total
output wire [26:0] o_ddr_cmd_a, o_ddr_cmd_b,
o_ddr_cmd_c, o_ddr_cmd_d;
output reg [127:0] o_ddr_data;
input [127:0] i_ddr_data;
output reg o_bus;
reg [2:0] cmd_pipe;
reg [1:0] nxt_pipe;
output wire [CMDW-1:0] o_ddr_cmd_a, o_ddr_cmd_b,
o_ddr_cmd_c, o_ddr_cmd_d;
output reg [DDRDW-1:0] o_ddr_data;
input wire [DDRDW-1:0] i_ddr_data;
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_bus <= (i_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_stb)&&(!o_wb_stall);
integer ik, jk;
(* keep *) reg reset_override, reset_ztimer,
// Reset Logic
// Reset logic should be simple, and is given as follows:
// note that it depends upon a ROM memory, reset_mem, and an address into that
// memory: reset_address. Each memory location provides either a "command" to
// the DDR3 SDRAM, or a timer to wait until the next command. Further, the
// timer commands indicate whether or not the command during the timer is to
// be set to idle, or whether the command is instead left as it was.
reg reset_override, reset_ztimer, maintenance_override;
reg [3:0] reset_address;
reg [(`DDR_CMDLEN-1):0] reset_cmd, cmd_a, cmd_b, cmd_c, cmd_d,
reg [3:0] reset_address;
reg [DDR_CMDLEN-1:0] reset_cmd, cmd_a, cmd_b, cmd_c, cmd_d,
refresh_cmd, maintenance_cmd;
reg [24:0] reset_instruction;
reg [16:0] reset_timer;
reg [24:0] reset_instruction;
reg [16:0] reset_timer;
wire [16:0] w_ckXPR, w_ckRFC_first;
wire [13:0] w_MR0, w_MR1, w_MR2;
reg need_refresh, pre_refresh_stall;
reg refresh_ztimer;
reg [16:0] refresh_counter;
reg [2:0] refresh_addr;
reg [24:0] refresh_instruction;
reg [2:0] cmd_pipe;
reg [1:0] nxt_pipe;
// Our chosen timing doesn't require any more resolution than one
// bus clock for ODT. (Of course, this really isn't necessary, since
// we aren't using ODT as per the MRx registers ... but we keep it
// around in case we change our minds later.)
reg [2:0] drive_dqs;
reg [5:0] dqs_pattern;
reg [8*LANES-1:0] ddr_dm;
reg pipe_stall;
// The pending transaction
reg [DW-1:0] r_data;
reg r_pending, r_we;
reg [LGNROWS-1:0] r_row;
reg [LGNBANKS-1:0] r_bank;
reg [9:0] r_col;
reg [DW/8-1:0] r_sel;
// The pending transaction, one further into the pipeline. This is
// the stage where the read/write command is actually given to the
// interface if we haven't stalled.
reg [DW-1:0] s_data;
reg s_pending, s_we;
reg [LGNROWS-1:0] s_row, s_nxt_row;
reg [LGNBANKS-1:0] s_bank, s_nxt_bank;
reg [9:0] s_col;
reg [DW/8-1:0] s_sel;
// Can we preload the next bank?
reg [LGNROWS-1:0] r_nxt_row;
reg [LGNBANKS-1:0] r_nxt_bank;
// wire w_precharge_all;
reg [(1<<LGNBANKS)-1:0] bank_status;
reg [LGNROWS-1:0] bank_address [0:7];
reg [(LGFIFOLN-1):0] bus_fifo_head, bus_fifo_tail;
reg [DW-1:0] bus_fifo_data [0:BUSNOW];
reg [DW/8-1:0] bus_fifo_sel [0:BUSNOW];
reg pre_ack;
reg [BUSNOW:0] bus_active, bus_read, bus_ack;
reg dir_stall;
// Reset Logic
// Reset logic should be simple, and is given as follows:
// note that it depends upon a ROM memory, reset_mem, and an address
// into that memory: reset_address. Each memory location provides
// either a "command" to the DDR3 SDRAM, or a timer to wait until
// the next command. Further, the timer commands indicate whether
// or not the command during the timer is to be set to idle, or whether
// the command is instead left as it was.
parameter [24:0] INITIAL_RESET_INSTRUCTION = { 4'h4, DDR_NOOP, 17'd40_000 };
initial reset_override = 1'b1;
initial reset_address = 4'h0;
initial reset_cmd <= { DDR_NOOP, INITIAL_RESET_INSTRUCTION[16:0]};
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
reset_override <= 1'b1;
reset_cmd <= { `DDR_NOOP, reset_instruction[16:0]};
end else if ((reset_ztimer)&&(reset_override))
if (reset_instruction[`DDR_RSTDONE])
reset_override <= 1'b0;
reset_cmd <= reset_instruction[20:0];
if (i_reset)
reset_override <= 1'b1;
end else if ((reset_ztimer)&&(reset_override))
if (reset_instruction[DDR_RSTDONE])
reset_override <= 1'b0;
reset_cmd <= reset_instruction[20:0];
initial reset_ztimer = 1'b0; // Is the timer zero?
initial reset_timer = 17'h02;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
if (i_reset)
reset_ztimer <= 1'b0;
reset_timer <= 17'd2;
end else if (reset_override)
if (!reset_ztimer)
reset_ztimer <= 1'b0;
reset_timer <= 17'd2;
end else if (!reset_ztimer)
reset_ztimer <= (reset_timer == 17'h01);
reset_timer <= reset_timer - 17'h01;
end else if (reset_instruction[`DDR_RSTTIMER])
reset_timer <= reset_timer - 17'h01;
end else if (reset_instruction[DDR_RSTTIMER])
reset_ztimer <= 1'b0;
reset_timer <= reset_instruction[16:0];
reset_ztimer <= (reset_instruction[16:0]==0);
reset_timer <= reset_instruction[16:0];
end else
reset_ztimer <= 1'b1;
wire [16:0] w_ckXPR, w_ckRFC_first;
wire [13:0] w_MR0, w_MR1, w_MR2;
assign w_MR0 = 14'h0210;
assign w_MR1 = 14'h0044;
assign w_MR2 = 14'h0040;
assign w_ckXPR = 17'd12; // Table 68, p186: 56 nCK / 4 sys clks= 14(-2)
assign w_MR0 = 14'h0210;
assign w_MR1 = 14'h0044;
assign w_MR2 = 14'h0040;
assign w_ckXPR = 17'd12;// Table 68, p186: 56 nCK / 4 sys clks= 14(-2)
assign w_ckRFC_first = 17'd11; // i.e. 52 nCK, or ckREFI
function [24:0] get_reset_instruction;
input [3:0] i_addr;
case(i_addr) // RSTDONE, TIMER, CKE, ??
// 1. Reset asserted (active low) for 200 us. (@80MHz)
// INITIAL_RESET_INSTRUCTION = { 4'h4, DDR_NOOP, 17'd40_000 };
4'h0: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h4, DDR_NOOP, 17'd16_000 };
// 2. Reset de-asserted, wait 500 us before asserting CKE
4'h1: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h6, DDR_NOOP, 17'd40_000 };
// 3. Assert CKE, wait minimum of Reset CKE Exit time
4'h2: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h7, DDR_NOOP, w_ckXPR };
// 4. Set MR2. (4 nCK, no TIMER, but needs a NOOP cycle)
4'h3: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h3, DDR_MRSET, 3'h2, w_MR2 };
// 5. Set MR1. (4 nCK, no TIMER, but needs a NOOP cycle)
4'h4: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h3, DDR_MRSET, 3'h1, w_MR1 };
// 6. Set MR0
4'h5: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h3, DDR_MRSET, 3'h0, w_MR0 };
// 7. Wait 12 nCK clocks, or 3 sys clocks
4'h6: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h7, DDR_NOOP, 17'd1 };
// 8. Issue a ZQCL command to start ZQ calibration, A10 is high
4'h7: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h3, DDR_ZQS, 6'h0, 1'b1, 10'h0};
// 9. Wait for both tDLLK and tZQinit completed, both are
// 512 cks. Of course, since every one of these commands takes
// two clocks, we wait for one quarter as many clocks (minus
// two for our timer logic)
4'h8: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h7, DDR_NOOP, 17'd126 };
// 10. Precharge all command
4'h9: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h3, DDR_PRECHARGE, 6'h0, 1'b1, 10'h0 };
// 11. Wait 5 memory clocks (8 memory clocks) for the precharge
// to complete. A single NOOP here will have us waiting
// 8 clocks, so we should be good here.
4'ha: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h3, DDR_NOOP, 17'd0 };
// 12. A single Auto Refresh commands
4'hb: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h3, DDR_REFRESH, 17'h00 };
// 13. Wait for the auto refresh to complete
4'hc: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h7, DDR_NOOP, w_ckRFC_first };
4'hd: get_reset_instruction = { 4'h7, DDR_NOOP, 17'd3 };
get_reset_instruction ={4'hb, DDR_NOOP, 17'd00_000 };
initial reset_instruction = INITIAL_RESET_INSTRUCTION;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
reset_instruction <= { 4'h4, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd40_000 };
else if (reset_ztimer) case(reset_address) // RSTDONE, TIMER, CKE, ??
// 1. Reset asserted (active low) for 200 us. (@80MHz)
4'h0: reset_instruction <= { 4'h4, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd16_000 };
// 2. Reset de-asserted, wait 500 us before asserting CKE
4'h1: reset_instruction <= { 4'h6, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd40_000 };
// 3. Assert CKE, wait minimum of Reset CKE Exit time
4'h2: reset_instruction <= { 4'h7, `DDR_NOOP, w_ckXPR };
// 4. Set MR2. (4 nCK, no TIMER, but needs a NOOP cycle)
4'h3: reset_instruction <= { 4'h3, `DDR_MRSET, 3'h2, w_MR2 };
// 5. Set MR1. (4 nCK, no TIMER, but needs a NOOP cycle)
4'h4: reset_instruction <= { 4'h3, `DDR_MRSET, 3'h1, w_MR1 };
// 6. Set MR0
4'h5: reset_instruction <= { 4'h3, `DDR_MRSET, 3'h0, w_MR0 };
// 7. Wait 12 nCK clocks, or 3 sys clocks
4'h6: reset_instruction <= { 4'h7, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd1 };
// 8. Issue a ZQCL command to start ZQ calibration, A10 is high
4'h7: reset_instruction <= { 4'h3, `DDR_ZQS, 6'h0, 1'b1, 10'h0};
//11.Wait for both tDLLK and tZQinit completed, both are
// 512 cks. Of course, since every one of these commands takes
// two clocks, we wait for one quarter as many clocks (minus
// two for our timer logic)
4'h8: reset_instruction <= { 4'h7, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd126 };
// 12. Precharge all command
4'h9: reset_instruction <= { 4'h3, `DDR_PRECHARGE, 6'h0, 1'b1, 10'h0 };
// 13. Wait 5 memory clocks (8 memory clocks) for the precharge
// to complete. A single NOOP here will have us waiting
// 8 clocks, so we should be good here.
4'ha: reset_instruction <= { 4'h3, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd0 };
// 14. A single Auto Refresh commands
4'hb: reset_instruction <= { 4'h3, `DDR_REFRESH, 17'h00 };
// 15. Wait for the auto refresh to complete
4'hc: reset_instruction <= { 4'h7, `DDR_NOOP, w_ckRFC_first };
4'hd: reset_instruction <= { 4'h7, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd3 };
reset_instruction <={4'hb, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd00_000 };
if (i_reset)
reset_instruction <= INITIAL_RESET_INSTRUCTION;
else if (reset_ztimer)
reset_instruction <= get_reset_instruction(reset_address);
initial reset_address = 4'h0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
reset_address <= 4'h0;
else if ((reset_ztimer)&&(reset_override)&&(!reset_instruction[`DDR_RSTDONE]))
reset_address <= reset_address + 4'h1;
if (i_reset)
reset_address <= 4'h0;
else if (reset_ztimer && reset_override &&
reset_address <= reset_address + 4'h1;
// Refresh Logic
// Okay, let's investigate when we need to do a refresh. Our plan will be to
// do a single refreshes every tREFI seconds. We will not push off refreshes,
// nor pull them in--for simplicity. tREFI = 7.8us, but it is a parameter
// in the number of clocks (2496 nCK). In our case, 7.8us / 12.5ns = 624 clocks
// (not nCK!)
// Note that 160ns are needed between refresh commands (JEDEC, p172), or
// 52 clocks @320MHz. After this time, no more refreshes will be needed for
// (2496-52) clocks (@ 320 MHz), or (624-13) clocks (@80MHz).
// This logic is very similar to the refresh logic, both use a memory as a
// script.
reg need_refresh, pre_refresh_stall;
reg refresh_ztimer;
reg [16:0] refresh_counter;
reg [2:0] refresh_addr;
reg [24:0] refresh_instruction;
// Refresh Logic
// Okay, let's investigate when we need to do a refresh. Our plan
// will be to do a single refreshes every tREFI seconds. We will not
// push off refreshes, nor pull them in--for simplicity.
// tREFI = 7.8us, but it is a parameter in the number of clocks
// (2496 nCK). In our case,
// 7.8us / 12.5ns = 624 clocks (not nCK!)
// Note that 160ns are needed between refresh commands (JEDEC, p172),
// or 52 clocks @320MHz. After this time, no more refreshes will be
// needed for (2496-52) clocks (@ 320 MHz), or (624-13) clocks (@80MHz).
// This logic is very similar to the refresh logic, both use a memory
// as a script.
initial refresh_addr = 3'h0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (reset_override)
refresh_addr <= 3'h0;
else if (refresh_ztimer)
refresh_addr <= refresh_addr + 3'h1;
else if (refresh_instruction[`DDR_RFBEGIN])
refresh_addr <= 3'h0;
if (reset_override)
refresh_addr <= 3'h0;
else if (refresh_ztimer)
refresh_addr <= refresh_addr + 3'h1;
else if (refresh_instruction[DDR_RFBEGIN])
refresh_addr <= 3'h0;
initial refresh_ztimer = 1'b0;
initial refresh_counter = 17'd4;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (reset_override)
refresh_ztimer <= 1'b0;
refresh_counter <= 17'd4;
end else if (!refresh_ztimer)
refresh_ztimer <= (refresh_counter == 17'h1);
refresh_counter <= (refresh_counter - 17'h1);
end else if (refresh_instruction[`DDR_RFTIMER])
refresh_ztimer <= 1'b0;
refresh_counter <= refresh_instruction[16:0];
if (reset_override)
refresh_ztimer <= 1'b0;
refresh_counter <= 17'd4;
end else if (!refresh_ztimer)
refresh_ztimer <= (refresh_counter == 17'h1);
refresh_counter <= (refresh_counter - 17'h1);
end else if (refresh_instruction[DDR_RFTIMER])
refresh_ztimer <= (refresh_instruction[16:0] == 0);
refresh_counter <= refresh_instruction[16:0];
wire [16:0] w_ckREFI;
assign w_ckREFI = 17'd1560; // == 6240/4
wire [16:0] w_ckREFI_left, w_ckRFC_nxt, w_wait_for_idle,
// We need to wait for the bus to become idle from whatever state
// it is in. The difficult time for this measurement is assuming
// a write was just given. In that case, we need to wait for the
305,107 → 405,119
// recovery time) or 6 nCK clocks from the end of the write. This
// works out to seven idle bus cycles from the time of the write
// command, or a count of 5 (7-2).
assign w_pre_stall_counts = 17'd3; //
assign w_wait_for_idle = 17'd0; //
assign w_ckREFI_left[16:0] = 17'd624 // The full interval
-17'd13 // Minus what we've already waited
localparam [16:0] PRE_STALL_COUNTS = 17'd3;
localparam [16:0] WAIT_FOR_IDLE = 0;
localparam [16:0] PRIOR_WAIT = 13;
localparam [16:0] REFRESH_INTERVAL = 624;
localparam [16:0] w_ckREFI_left = REFRESH_INTERVAL
- PRIOR_WAIT // Minus what we've already waited
assign w_ckRFC_nxt[16:0] = 17'd12-17'd3;
localparam [16:0] w_ckRFC_nxt = 17'd12-17'd3;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (reset_override)
refresh_instruction <= { 4'h2, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd1 };
else if (refresh_ztimer)
case(refresh_addr)//NEED-REFRESH, HAVE-TIMER, BEGIN(start-over)
localparam w_wait_for_idle = WAIT_FOR_IDLE;
localparam w_pre_stall_counts = PRE_STALL_COUNTS;
parameter [24:0] INITIAL_REFRESH_INSTRUCTION = { 4'h2, DDR_NOOP, 17'd1 };
function [24:0] get_refresh_instruction;
input [2:0] i_refaddr;
// Bit fields are:
// DDR_RFTIMER = 22;
// DDR_RFBEGIN = 21;
// Command, 20:17
// timer value, 16:0
// First, a number of clocks needing no refresh
3'h0: refresh_instruction <= { 4'h2, `DDR_NOOP, w_ckREFI_left };
3'h0: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'h2, DDR_NOOP, w_ckREFI_left };
// Then, we take command of the bus and wait for it to be
// guaranteed idle
3'h1: refresh_instruction <= { 4'ha, `DDR_NOOP, w_pre_stall_counts };
3'h2: refresh_instruction <= { 4'hc, `DDR_NOOP, w_wait_for_idle };
3'h1: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'ha, DDR_NOOP, w_pre_stall_counts };
3'h2: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'hc, DDR_NOOP, w_wait_for_idle };
// Once the bus is idle, all commands complete, and a minimum
// recovery time given, we can issue a precharge all command
3'h3: refresh_instruction <= { 4'hc, `DDR_PRECHARGE, 17'h0400 };
3'h3: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'hc, DDR_PRECHARGE, 17'h0400 };
// Now we need to wait tRP = 3 clocks (6 nCK)
3'h4: refresh_instruction <= { 4'hc, `DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
3'h5: refresh_instruction <= { 4'hc, `DDR_REFRESH, 17'h00 };
3'h6: refresh_instruction <= { 4'he, `DDR_NOOP, w_ckRFC_nxt };
3'h7: refresh_instruction <= { 4'h2, `DDR_NOOP, 17'd12 };
3'h4: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'hc, DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
3'h5: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'hc, DDR_REFRESH, 17'h00 };
3'h6: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'he, DDR_NOOP, w_ckRFC_nxt };
3'h7: get_refresh_instruction = { 4'h2, DDR_NOOP, 17'd12 };
// default:
// refresh_instruction <= { 4'h1, `DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
// refresh_instruction = { 4'h1, DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
initial refresh_instruction = INITIAL_REFRESH_INSTRUCTION;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (reset_override)
// refresh_instruction <= { 4'h2, DDR_NOOP, 17'd1 };
refresh_instruction <= INITIAL_REFRESH_INSTRUCTION;
else if (refresh_ztimer)
refresh_instruction <= get_refresh_instruction(refresh_addr);
// Note that we don't need to check if (reset_override) here since
// refresh_ztimer will always be true if (reset_override)--in other
// words, it will be true for many, many, clocks--enough for this
// logic to settle out.
initial refresh_cmd = INITIAL_REFRESH_INSTRUCTION[20:0];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (refresh_ztimer)
refresh_cmd <= refresh_instruction[20:0];
if (reset_override)
else if (refresh_ztimer)
refresh_cmd <= refresh_instruction[20:0];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (refresh_ztimer)
need_refresh <= refresh_instruction[`DDR_NEEDREFRESH];
if (reset_override)
else if (refresh_ztimer)
need_refresh <= refresh_instruction[DDR_NEEDREFRESH];
initial pre_refresh_stall = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (refresh_ztimer)
pre_refresh_stall <= refresh_instruction[`DDR_PREREFRESH_STALL];
if (reset_override)
pre_refresh_stall <= 1'b0;
else if (refresh_ztimer)
pre_refresh_stall <= refresh_instruction[DDR_PREREFRESH_STALL];
reg [1:0] drive_dqs;
// Our chosen timing doesn't require any more resolution than one
// bus clock for ODT. (Of course, this really isn't necessary, since
// we aren't using ODT as per the MRx registers ... but we keep it
// around in case we change our minds later.)
reg [15:0] ddr_dm;
// The pending transaction
reg [127:0] r_data;
reg r_pending, r_we;
reg [13:0] r_row;
reg [2:0] r_bank;
reg [9:0] r_col;
reg [15:0] r_sel;
// Open Banks
// Let's keep track of any open banks. There are 8 of them to keep
// track of.
// A precharge requires 1 clocks at 80MHz to complete.
// An activate also requires 1 clocks at 80MHz to complete.
// By the time we log these, they will be complete.
// Precharges are not allowed until the maximum of:
// 2 clocks (200 MHz) after a read command
// 4 clocks after a write command
initial begin
for(ik=0; ik< (1<<LGNBANKS); ik=ik+1)
bank_status[ik] = 0;
bank_address[ik] = 0;
// The pending transaction, one further into the pipeline. This is
// the stage where the read/write command is actually given to the
// interface if we haven't stalled.
reg [127:0] s_data;
reg s_pending, s_we;
reg [13:0] s_row, s_nxt_row;
reg [2:0] s_bank, s_nxt_bank;
reg [9:0] s_col;
reg [15:0] s_sel;
// Can we preload the next bank?
reg [13:0] r_nxt_row;
reg [2:0] r_nxt_bank;
// Open Banks
// Let's keep track of any open banks. There are 8 of them to keep track of.
// A precharge requires 1 clocks at 80MHz to complete.
// An activate also requires 1 clocks at 80MHz to complete.
// By the time we log these, they will be complete.
// Precharges are not allowed until the maximum of:
// 2 clocks (200 MHz) after a read command
// 4 clocks after a write command
wire w_precharge_all;
reg [CKRP:0] bank_status [0:7];
reg [13:0] bank_address [0:7];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (cmd_pipe[0])
422,46 → 534,45
bank_status[s_nxt_bank] <= 1'b0;
if (maintenance_override)
if (i_reset || maintenance_override)
bank_status[0] <= 1'b0;
bank_status[1] <= 1'b0;
bank_status[2] <= 1'b0;
bank_status[3] <= 1'b0;
bank_status[4] <= 1'b0;
bank_status[5] <= 1'b0;
bank_status[6] <= 1'b0;
bank_status[7] <= 1'b0;
// All banks get precharged on any refresh
// (or reset) event
for(ik = 0; ik < (1<<LGNBANKS); ik = ik+1)
bank_status[ik] <= 0;
`ifdef FORMAL
always @(*)
assert(nxt_pipe != 2'b11);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (cmd_pipe[1])
bank_address[s_bank] <= s_row;
else if (nxt_pipe[1])
bank_address[s_nxt_bank] <= s_nxt_row;
if (cmd_pipe[1])
bank_address[s_bank] <= s_row;
else if (nxt_pipe[1])
bank_address[s_nxt_bank] <= s_nxt_row;
// Data BUS information
// Our purpose here is to keep track of when the data bus will be
// active. This is separate from the FIFO which will contain the
// data to be placed on the bus (when so placed), in that this is
// a group of shift registers--every position has a location in time,
// and time always moves forward. The FIFO, on the other hand, only
// moves forward when data moves onto the bus.
reg [BUSNOW:0] bus_active, bus_read, bus_ack;
// Data BUS information
// Our purpose here is to keep track of when the data bus will be
// active. This is separate from the FIFO which will contain the
// data to be placed on the bus (when so placed), in that this is
// a group of shift registers--every position has a location in
// time, and time always moves forward. The FIFO, on the other
// hand, only moves forward when data moves onto the bus.
initial bus_active = 0;
initial bus_ack = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
472,49 → 583,93
// Will this position on the bus get a wishbone acknowledgement?
bus_ack[BUSNOW:0] <= { bus_ack[(BUSNOW-1):0], 1'b0 };
if (cmd_pipe[2])
if (cmd_pipe[2]) // && !i_reset && i_wb_cyc)
bus_active[0]<= 1'b1; // Data transfers in one clocks
bus_ack[0] <= 1'b1;
bus_ack[0] <= 1'b1;
bus_read[0] <= !s_we;
if (i_reset || !i_wb_cyc)
bus_ack <= 0;
// Now, let's see, can we issue a read command?
wire pre_valid;
assign pre_valid = !maintenance_override;
reg pipe_stall;
// Can we issue a read command?
initial { r_pending, s_pending, pipe_stall, o_wb_stall } = 4'b0001;
initial nxt_pipe = 0;
initial cmd_pipe = 0;
initial dir_stall = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
r_pending <= (i_wb_stb)&&(~o_wb_stall)
r_pending <= (i_wb_stb)&&(!o_wb_stall)
if (~pipe_stall)
dir_stall <= (i_wb_stb && !o_wb_stall && r_pending
&& r_we != i_wb_we);
if (pipe_stall && dir_stall)
dir_stall <= 1;
if (!pipe_stall && !dir_stall)
s_pending <= r_pending;
if (~pipe_stall)
if (!pipe_stall && !dir_stall)
if (r_pending)
pipe_stall <= 1'b1;
o_wb_stall <= 1'b1;
if (!bank_status[r_bank][0])
o_wb_stall <= i_wb_stb;
// Won't happen. pipe_stall = |cmd_pipe[1:0]
if (cmd_pipe[1] && s_bank == r_bank
&& s_row == r_row)
cmd_pipe <= 3'b100;
if (nxt_pipe[1] && s_nxt_bank == r_bank
&& s_nxt_row == r_row)
// Row was just activated via nxt_pipe,
// we can proceed immediately with
/// reading or writing
cmd_pipe <= 3'b100;
pipe_stall <= 1'b0;
o_wb_stall <= 1'b0;
end else if (nxt_pipe[0]&& s_nxt_bank == r_bank)
// Row is deactivated, and must be
// activated
cmd_pipe <= 3'b010;
else if (bank_address[r_bank] != r_row)
else if (!bank_status[r_bank]
|| s_nxt_bank != r_bank))
// Row is deactivated, and must be
// activated
cmd_pipe <= 3'b010;
else if((bank_address[r_bank] != r_row
&& s_nxt_bank == r_bank)
&& s_nxt_row != r_row))
// The wrong row is activated. We
// must precharge this row and
// then activate it on the next cycle
cmd_pipe <= 3'b001; // Read in two clocks
else begin
// If the "nxt_pipe" logic just handled
// deactivating this row, then
// go directly to activating the right
// row
if (nxt_pipe[0] && (s_nxt_bank == r_bank))
cmd_pipe <= 3'b010;
end else begin
cmd_pipe <= 3'b100; // Read now
pipe_stall <= 1'b0;
o_wb_stall <= 1'b0;
if (!bank_status[r_nxt_bank][0])
if (!bank_status[r_nxt_bank])
nxt_pipe <= 2'b10;
else if (bank_address[r_nxt_bank] != r_row)
nxt_pipe <= 2'b01; // Read in two clocks
530,17 → 685,25
end else begin // if (pipe_stall)
pipe_stall <= (s_pending)&&(cmd_pipe[0]);
o_wb_stall <= (s_pending)&&(cmd_pipe[0]);
if (!r_pending)
o_wb_stall <= i_wb_stb;
o_wb_stall <= (s_pending)&&(cmd_pipe[0]);
cmd_pipe <= { cmd_pipe[1:0], 1'b0 };
nxt_pipe[0] <= (cmd_pipe[0])&&(nxt_pipe[0]);
nxt_pipe[1] <= ((cmd_pipe[0])&&(nxt_pipe[0])) ? 1'b0
: ((cmd_pipe[1])?(|nxt_pipe[1:0]) : nxt_pipe[0]);
if ((cmd_pipe[1:0] & nxt_pipe) != 2'b00)
nxt_pipe <= nxt_pipe;
nxt_pipe <= nxt_pipe << 1;
if (pre_refresh_stall)
o_wb_stall <= 1'b1;
if (~pipe_stall)
if (need_refresh)
nxt_pipe <= 0;
if (!o_wb_stall)
r_we <= i_wb_we;
r_data <= i_wb_data;
555,13 → 718,10
// i_wb_addr[3] is the 64-bit long word selector of 128-bits
// pre-emptive work
r_nxt_row <= (i_wb_addr[9:7]==3'h7)
? (i_wb_addr[23:10]+14'h1)
: i_wb_addr[23:10];
r_nxt_bank <= i_wb_addr[9:7]+3'h1;
{ r_nxt_row, r_nxt_bank } <= i_wb_addr[23:7] + 1;
if (~pipe_stall)
if (!pipe_stall)
// Moving one down the pipeline
s_we <= r_we;
569,51 → 729,73
s_row <= r_row;
s_bank <= r_bank;
s_col <= r_col;
s_sel <= (r_we)?(~r_sel):16'h00;
s_sel <= (r_we) ? (~r_sel):16'h00;
// pre-emptive work
s_nxt_row <= r_nxt_row;
s_nxt_bank <= r_nxt_bank;
if (r_pending)
// pre-emptive work
s_nxt_row <= r_nxt_row;
s_nxt_bank <= r_nxt_bank;
if (i_reset || !i_wb_cyc)
r_pending <= 1'b0;
s_pending <= 1'b0;
cmd_pipe <= 0;
nxt_pipe <= 0;
pipe_stall <= 0;
if (i_reset || reset_override)
o_wb_stall <= 1'b1;
// Okay, let's look at the last assignment in our chain. It should
// look something like:
initial o_ddr_reset_n = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
o_ddr_reset_n <= 1'b0;
else if (reset_ztimer)
o_ddr_reset_n <= reset_instruction[DDR_RSTBIT];
// Okay, let's look at the last assignment in our chain. It should look
// something like:
initial o_ddr_cke = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
o_ddr_reset_n <= 1'b0;
else if (reset_ztimer)
o_ddr_reset_n <= reset_instruction[`DDR_RSTBIT];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
o_ddr_cke <= 1'b0;
else if (reset_ztimer)
o_ddr_cke <= reset_instruction[`DDR_CKEBIT];
if (i_reset)
o_ddr_cke <= 1'b0;
else if (reset_ztimer)
o_ddr_cke <= reset_instruction[DDR_CKEBIT];
initial maintenance_override = 1'b1;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
maintenance_override <= 1'b1;
maintenance_override <= (reset_override)||(need_refresh);
if (i_reset)
maintenance_override <= 1'b1;
maintenance_override <= (reset_override)||(need_refresh);
initial maintenance_cmd = { `DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
initial maintenance_cmd = { DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
maintenance_cmd <= { `DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
maintenance_cmd <= (reset_override)?reset_cmd:refresh_cmd;
if (i_reset)
maintenance_cmd <= { DDR_NOOP, 17'h00 };
maintenance_cmd <= (reset_override) ? reset_cmd:refresh_cmd;
initial cmd_a = 0;
initial cmd_b = 0;
initial cmd_c = 0;
initial cmd_d = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
// We run our commands by timeslots, A, B, C, and D in that
// order.
// Timeslot A always contains any maintenance commands we might
// have.
// Timeslot A always contains any maintenance commands we
// might have.
// Timeslot B always contains any precharge command, excluding
// the maintenance precharge-all command.
// Timeslot C always contains any activate command
627,25 → 809,40
cmd_a <= maintenance_cmd;
cmd_b <= { `DDR_PRECHARGE, s_nxt_bank, s_nxt_row[13:11], 1'b0, s_nxt_row[9:0] };
cmd_b[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1; // Deactivate, unless ...
cmd_b <= { DDR_PRECHARGE, s_nxt_bank, s_nxt_row[LGNROWS-1:11],
1'b0, s_nxt_row[9:0] };
cmd_b[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1; // Deactivate, unless ...
if (cmd_pipe[0])
cmd_b <= { `DDR_PRECHARGE, s_bank, s_row[13:11], 1'b0, s_row[9:0] };
cmd_b[`DDR_CSBIT] <= (!cmd_pipe[0])&&(!nxt_pipe[0]);
cmd_b <= { DDR_PRECHARGE, s_bank, s_row[LGNROWS-1:11],
1'b0, s_row[9:0] };
cmd_b[DDR_CSBIT] <= (!cmd_pipe[0])&&(!nxt_pipe[0]);
cmd_c <= { `DDR_ACTIVATE, s_nxt_bank, s_nxt_row[13:11], 1'b0, s_nxt_row[9:0] };
cmd_c[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1; // Disable command, unless ...
// Prevent us from deactivating the same bank twice by
// accident
if (cmd_pipe[0] && !bank_status[s_bank])
cmd_b[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1; // Disable
else if (!cmd_pipe[0]&& nxt_pipe[0] && !bank_status[s_nxt_bank])
cmd_b[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1; // Disable
// 3rd position: Activate a row, either the next one,
// or the one we currently need and are already waiting on
cmd_c <= { DDR_ACTIVATE, s_nxt_bank, s_nxt_row[LGNROWS-1:0] };
cmd_c[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1; // Disable command, unless ...
if (cmd_pipe[1])
cmd_c <= { `DDR_ACTIVATE, s_bank, s_row[13:0] };
cmd_c <= { DDR_ACTIVATE, s_bank, s_row[LGNROWS-1:0] };
else if (nxt_pipe[1])
cmd_c[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b0;
cmd_c[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b0;
if (cmd_pipe[2])
cmd_d[(`DDR_WEBIT-1):0] <= { s_bank, 3'h0, 1'b0, s_col };
cmd_d[`DDR_CSBIT] <= !(cmd_pipe[2]);
// 4th position: Actually issue any read/write commands
cmd_d[DDR_WEBIT-1:0] <= { s_bank, 3'h0, 1'b0, s_col };
cmd_d[DDR_CSBIT] <= !cmd_pipe[2];
// Now, if the maintenance mode must override whatever we are
653,55 → 850,53
// to the CS_N bit, or bit[20], since this will activate or
// deactivate the rest of the command--making the rest
// either relevant (CS_N=0) or irrelevant (CS_N=1) as we need.
if (!i_wb_cyc)
cmd_d[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
if (maintenance_override)
begin // Over-ride all commands. Make them deselect commands,
// save for the maintenance timeslot.
cmd_a[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b0;
cmd_b[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
cmd_c[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
cmd_d[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
cmd_a[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b0;
// cmd_b[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
// cmd_c[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
// cmd_d[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
end else
cmd_a[`DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1; // Disable maintenance timeslot
cmd_a[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1; // Disable maintenance timeslot
if (i_reset)
cmd_a[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
cmd_b[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
cmd_c[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
cmd_d[DDR_CSBIT] <= 1'b1;
`define LGFIFOLN 3
`define FIFOLEN 8
reg [(`LGFIFOLN-1):0] bus_fifo_head, bus_fifo_tail;
reg [127:0] bus_fifo_data [0:(`FIFOLEN-1)];
reg [15:0] bus_fifo_sel [0:(`FIFOLEN-1)];
reg pre_ack;
// The bus R/W FIFO
wire w_bus_fifo_read_next_transaction;
assign w_bus_fifo_read_next_transaction = (bus_ack[BUSREG]);
initial for(jk=0; jk<=BUSNOW; jk=jk+1)
{ bus_fifo_data[jk], bus_fifo_sel[jk] } = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
pre_ack <= 1'b0;
if (reset_override)
for(ik=1; ik<=BUSNOW; ik=ik+1)
bus_fifo_head <= {(`LGFIFOLN){1'b0}};
bus_fifo_tail <= {(`LGFIFOLN){1'b0}};
end else begin
if ((s_pending)&&(!pipe_stall))
bus_fifo_head <= bus_fifo_head + 1'b1;
{ bus_fifo_sel[BUSNOW-ik+1], bus_fifo_data[BUSNOW-ik+1] }
<= { bus_fifo_sel[BUSNOW-ik], bus_fifo_data[BUSNOW-ik] };
if (w_bus_fifo_read_next_transaction)
bus_fifo_tail <= bus_fifo_tail + 1'b1;
pre_ack <= 1'b1;
bus_fifo_data[bus_fifo_head] <= s_data;
bus_fifo_sel[bus_fifo_head] <= s_sel;
{ bus_fifo_data[0], bus_fifo_sel[0] } <= { s_data, s_sel };
if (!s_pending || pipe_stall)
bus_fifo_sel[0] <= 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_ddr_data <= bus_fifo_data[BUSREG];
initial ddr_dm = -1;
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_ddr_data <= bus_fifo_data[bus_fifo_tail];
ddr_dm <= (bus_ack[BUSREG])? bus_fifo_sel[BUSREG]
: (!bus_read[BUSREG] ? {(8*LANES){1'b1}}: {(8*LANES){1'b0}});
initial drive_dqs = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
ddr_dm <= (bus_ack[BUSREG])? bus_fifo_sel[bus_fifo_tail]
: ((!bus_read[BUSREG])? 16'hffff: 16'h0000);
always @(posedge i_clk)
drive_dqs[1] <= (bus_active[(BUSREG)])
708,27 → 903,598
drive_dqs[0] <= (bus_active[BUSREG:(BUSREG-1)] != 2'b00)
&&(bus_read[BUSREG:(BUSREG-1)] == 2'b00);
// Is the strobe on during the last clock?
o_ddr_bus_oe[0] <= (|bus_active[BUSREG:(BUSREG-1)])&&(!bus_read[BUSREG]);
// Is data transmitting the bus throughout?
o_ddr_bus_oe[1] <= (bus_active[BUSREG])&&(!bus_read[BUSREG]);
drive_dqs[2] <= (bus_active[(BUSREG)])&&(!bus_read[(BUSREG)])
// Add a postamble ... if we drove DQS in the
// last clock, then drive it now
dqs_pattern[5:4] <= 2'b11;
dqs_pattern[3:2] <= 2'b10;
dqs_pattern[1:0] <= 2'b00;
if (bus_active[BUSREG]&& !bus_read[BUSREG])
dqs_pattern[5:4] <= 2'b10;
dqs_pattern[1:0] <= 2'b10;
// First command
assign o_ddr_cmd_a = { cmd_a, drive_dqs[1], ddr_dm[15:12], drive_dqs[0] };
assign o_ddr_cmd_a = {cmd_a,drive_dqs[2],ddr_dm[6*LANES-1 +: 2*LANES],
dqs_pattern[5:4] };
// Second command (of four)
assign o_ddr_cmd_b = { cmd_b, drive_dqs[1], ddr_dm[11: 8], drive_dqs[0] };
assign o_ddr_cmd_b = {cmd_b,drive_dqs[1],ddr_dm[4*LANES-1 +: 2*LANES],
dqs_pattern[3:2] };
// Third command (of four)
assign o_ddr_cmd_c = { cmd_c, drive_dqs[1], ddr_dm[ 7: 4], drive_dqs[0] };
assign o_ddr_cmd_c = {cmd_c,drive_dqs[1],ddr_dm[2*LANES +: 2*LANES],
dqs_pattern[3:2] };
// Fourth command (of four)--occupies the last timeslot
assign o_ddr_cmd_d = { cmd_d, drive_dqs[0], ddr_dm[ 3: 0], drive_dqs[0] };
assign o_ddr_cmd_d = {cmd_d,drive_dqs[0],ddr_dm[0*LANES +: 2*LANES],
dqs_pattern[1:0] };
assign w_precharge_all = (cmd_a[`DDR_CSBIT:`DDR_WEBIT]==`DDR_PRECHARGE)
initial o_wb_ack = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset || !i_wb_cyc)
o_wb_ack <= 0;
o_wb_ack <= bus_ack[BUSNOW];
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_wb_ack <= pre_ack;
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_wb_data <= i_ddr_data;
///// Formal methods section
`ifdef FORMAL
reg f_past_valid;
initial f_past_valid = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
f_past_valid <= 1;
// Bus interface(s)
localparam F_LGDEPTH = 4;
wire [F_LGDEPTH-1:0] f_nreqs, f_nacks, f_outstanding;
localparam F_STB = 2+AW+DW+DW/8-1;
localparam F_PKTCOL = DW+DW/8;
localparam F_PKTBANK = F_PKTCOL + 10 - 3;
reg [F_STB:0] f_rwb_packet, f_swb_packet, f_cwb_packet;
wire [F_STB:0] f_iwb_packet;
wire [LGNROWS-1:0] rwb_row, swb_row, cwb_row;
wire [LGNBANKS-1:0] rwb_bank, swb_bank, cwb_bank;
wire [9:0] rwb_col, swb_col, cwb_col;
wire [LGNROWS+LGNBANKS-1:0] rwb_next, swb_next;
(* anyconst *) reg [LGNBANKS-1:0] f_const_bank;
fwb_slave #(.AW(AW), .DW(DW),
fwb(i_clk, i_reset,
i_wb_cyc, i_wb_stb, i_wb_we, i_wb_addr, i_wb_data, i_wb_sel,
o_wb_ack, o_wb_stall, o_wb_data, 1'b0,
f_nreqs, f_nacks, f_outstanding);
// Reset Logic
reg [4:0] f_reset_addr, f_reset_next, f_reset_active;
reg [24:0] f_reset_insn, f_reset_next_insn, f_reset_active_insn;
// function [24:0] get_reset_instruction;
always @(*)
if (reset_override)
assert(reset_address <= 4'hf);
assert(reset_address == 4'hf);
initial f_reset_addr = 5'h10;
initial f_reset_next = 5'h10;
initial f_reset_active = 5'h10;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset)
f_reset_addr <= 5'h10;
f_reset_next <= 5'h10;
f_reset_active <= 5'h10;
end else if (reset_ztimer)
if (reset_override && !reset_instruction[DDR_RSTDONE])
f_reset_addr <= f_reset_addr + 1;
f_reset_addr[4]<= 1'b0;
f_reset_next <= { 1'b0, f_reset_addr[3:0] };
f_reset_active <= f_reset_next;
always @(*)
if (f_reset_addr == 5'h10)
assert(f_reset_next == 5'h10);
assert(f_reset_active == 5'h10);
end else if (f_reset_active == 5'h10)
assert(f_reset_addr[4:0] == 5'h1);
assert(f_reset_next[4:0] == 5'h0);
end else if (f_reset_active == 5'hf)
assert(f_reset_next == 5'h0f);
assert(f_reset_active == 5'h0f);
end else if (f_reset_next == 5'hf)
assert(f_reset_addr == 5'h0f);
assert(f_reset_active == 5'h0e);
end else
assert(f_reset_next[3:0]+1 == f_reset_addr[3:0]);
assert(f_reset_active[3:0]+1 == f_reset_next[3:0]);
always @(*)
assert(f_reset_addr <= 5'h10);
assert(f_reset_next <= 5'h10);
assert(f_reset_active <= 5'h10);
always @(*)
if (reset_timer != 0)
else if (!reset_override)
always @(*)
if (f_reset_addr == 5'h10)
f_reset_insn = get_reset_instruction(f_reset_addr[3:0]);
always @(*)
if (f_reset_next == 5'h10)
f_reset_next_insn = INITIAL_RESET_INSTRUCTION;
f_reset_next_insn = get_reset_instruction(f_reset_next[3:0]);
always @(*)
if (f_reset_active == 5'h10)
f_reset_active_insn= INITIAL_RESET_INSTRUCTION;
f_reset_active_insn= get_reset_instruction(f_reset_active[3:0]);
always @(*)
assert(reset_instruction == f_reset_next_insn);
always @(*)
if (f_reset_active_insn[DDR_RSTTIMER])
assert(reset_ztimer == (reset_timer == 0));
assert(reset_timer <= f_reset_active_insn[16:0]);
always @(*)
if (f_reset_active_insn[DDR_RSTDONE])
assert(reset_override == 1'b0);
always @(*)
if (reset_override)
if (f_reset_next == 5'h10)
assert(reset_cmd == { DDR_NOOP, f_reset_active_insn[16:0]});
assert(reset_cmd == f_reset_active_insn[20:0]);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (!reset_override && $past(!reset_override))
always @(posedge i_clk)
assert(reset_address == f_reset_addr[3:0]);
// Refresh Logic
reg [3:0] f_refresh_addr, f_refresh_next, f_refresh_active;
reg [24:0] f_refresh_next_insn, f_refresh_active_insn;
initial f_refresh_addr = 4'h8;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (reset_override)
// refresh_instruction <= { 4'h2, DDR_NOOP, 17'd1 };
f_refresh_addr <= 4'h8;
else if (refresh_ztimer)
f_refresh_addr <= f_refresh_addr + 1;
f_refresh_addr[3] <= 1'b0;
initial f_refresh_next = 4'h8;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (reset_override)
f_refresh_next <= 4'h8;
else if (refresh_ztimer)
if (f_refresh_addr == 4'h8)
f_refresh_next <= 4'h0;
f_refresh_next <= f_refresh_addr;
initial f_refresh_active = 4'h8;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (reset_override)
f_refresh_active <= 4'h8;
else if (refresh_ztimer)
f_refresh_active <= f_refresh_next;
wire [3:0] f_refresh_next_plus_one, f_refresh_active_plus_one;
assign f_refresh_next_plus_one = f_refresh_next + 1;
assign f_refresh_active_plus_one = f_refresh_active + 1;
always @(*)
assert(refresh_addr == f_refresh_addr[2:0]);
assert(f_refresh_addr <= 4'h8);
assert(f_refresh_next <= 4'h8);
assert(f_refresh_active <= 4'h8);
if (f_refresh_addr == 4'h8)
assert(f_refresh_next == 4'h8);
assert(f_refresh_active == 4'h8);
end else if (f_refresh_next == 4'h8)
assert(f_refresh_addr == 4'h1);
assert(f_refresh_active == 4'h8);
end else begin
assert(f_refresh_addr < 4'h8);
assert(f_refresh_next < 4'h8);
assert(f_refresh_active <= 4'h8);
if (f_refresh_next > 0)
assert(f_refresh_next_plus_one[2:0] == f_refresh_addr[2:0]);
if (f_refresh_active == 4'h8)
assert(f_refresh_next[2:0] == 3'h0);
assert(f_refresh_active_plus_one[2:0] == f_refresh_next[2:0]);
always @(*)
if (f_refresh_next == 4'h8)
f_refresh_next_insn = INITIAL_REFRESH_INSTRUCTION;
f_refresh_next_insn =get_refresh_instruction(f_refresh_next[2:0]);
if (f_refresh_active == 4'h8)
f_refresh_active_insn = INITIAL_REFRESH_INSTRUCTION;
f_refresh_active_insn =get_refresh_instruction(f_refresh_active[2:0]);
always @(*)
assert(f_refresh_next_insn == refresh_instruction);
always @(*)
if (!reset_override)
assert(pre_refresh_stall == f_refresh_active_insn[DDR_PREREFRESH_STALL]);
always @(*)
assert(need_refresh == f_refresh_active_insn[DDR_NEEDREFRESH]);
always @(*)
if (!reset_override)
assert(need_refresh == f_refresh_active_insn[DDR_NEEDREFRESH]);
assert(pre_refresh_stall == f_refresh_active_insn[DDR_PREREFRESH_STALL]);
if (f_refresh_addr == 4'h8)
assert(refresh_counter <= 4);
else if (f_refresh_active_insn[DDR_RFTIMER])
assert(refresh_counter <= f_refresh_active_insn[16:0]);
assert(refresh_counter == 0 && refresh_ztimer);
assert(refresh_cmd == f_refresh_active_insn[20:0]);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_past_valid && $past(!i_reset && reset_override))
// assert(refresh_cmd == f_refresh_next_insn[20:0]);
assert(refresh_cmd == INITIAL_REFRESH_INSTRUCTION[20:0]);
// Data logic
assign f_iwb_packet = { i_wb_stb, i_wb_we, i_wb_addr, i_wb_data, i_wb_sel };
always @(*)
if (i_reset)
assume(o_wb_stall && f_outstanding == 0);
else if (i_wb_cyc)
assert(f_outstanding == (r_pending ? 1:0)+ (s_pending ? 1:0)
+ (bus_ack[0] ? 1:0) + (bus_ack[1] ? 1:0)
+ (bus_ack[2] ? 1:0)
+ (o_wb_ack ? 1:0));
always @(*)
if (reset_override)
assert(f_outstanding == 0 && o_wb_stall);
initial f_rwb_packet = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset || !i_wb_cyc)
f_rwb_packet <= 0;
else if (!o_wb_stall)
f_rwb_packet <= f_iwb_packet;
else if (!pipe_stall)
f_rwb_packet <= 0;
initial f_swb_packet = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset || !i_wb_cyc)
f_swb_packet <= 0;
else if (!pipe_stall)
f_swb_packet <= f_rwb_packet;
initial f_cwb_packet = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_reset || !i_wb_cyc)
f_cwb_packet <= 0;
else if (!pipe_stall)
f_cwb_packet <= f_swb_packet;
f_cwb_packet <= 0;
// Make sure the packet contents are what they should be
assign rwb_row = f_rwb_packet[F_STB-2:F_PKTROW];
assign rwb_bank = f_rwb_packet[F_PKTROW-1 :F_PKTBANK];
assign rwb_col = { f_rwb_packet[F_PKTBANK-1:F_PKTCOL], 3'h0 };
assign rwb_next = { rwb_row, rwb_bank }+1;
always @(*)
if (f_rwb_packet[F_STB])
assert(r_we == f_rwb_packet[F_STB-1]);
assert(r_row == rwb_row);
assert(r_bank == rwb_bank);
assert(r_col == rwb_col);
assert(r_data == f_rwb_packet[DW+DW/8-1:DW/8]);
assert(r_sel == f_rwb_packet[DW/8-1:0]);
assert({ r_nxt_row, r_nxt_bank } == rwb_next);
end else
assign swb_row = f_swb_packet[F_STB-2:F_PKTROW];
assign swb_bank = f_swb_packet[F_PKTROW-1 :F_PKTBANK];
assign swb_col = { f_swb_packet[F_PKTBANK-1:F_PKTCOL], 3'h0 };
assign swb_next = { swb_row, swb_bank }+1;
always @(*)
if (f_swb_packet[F_STB])
assert(f_swb_packet[F_STB-1] == s_we);
assert(s_row == swb_row);
assert(s_bank == swb_bank);
assert(s_col == swb_col);
assert(f_swb_packet[DW+DW/8-1:DW/8] == { s_data});
if (f_swb_packet[F_STB-1])
assert(f_swb_packet[DW/8-1:0] == ~s_sel);
assert(s_sel == 0);
assert(cmd_pipe != 0);
assert({ s_nxt_row, s_nxt_bank } == swb_next);
end else
assign cwb_row = f_cwb_packet[F_STB-2:F_PKTROW];
assign cwb_bank = f_cwb_packet[F_PKTROW-1 :F_PKTBANK];
assign cwb_col = { f_cwb_packet[F_PKTBANK-1:F_PKTCOL], 3'h0 };
always @(*)
if (f_cwb_packet[F_STB])
if (f_cwb_packet[F_STB-1])
// A write command
assert(cmd_d[DDR_CSBIT:DDR_WEBIT] == DDR_WRITE);
assert(bus_ack[0] == 1);
assert(bus_read[0] == 0);
assert(bus_fifo_sel[0] == (~f_cwb_packet[0 +: DW/8]));
assert(bus_fifo_data[0] == f_cwb_packet[DW/8 +: DW]);
end else begin
// A read command
assert(cmd_d[DDR_CSBIT:DDR_WEBIT] == DDR_READ);
assert(bus_ack[0] == 1);
assert(bus_read[0] == 1);
assert(bank_status[cwb_bank] || need_refresh);
assert(bank_address[cwb_bank] == cwb_row);
assert(cmd_d[DDR_WEBIT-1:0] ==
{cwb_bank, 3'h0, 1'b0, cwb_col });
|| (cmd_b[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] != cwb_bank));
end else if (f_past_valid)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_past_valid && $past(bus_ack[BUSREG]))
assert(ddr_dm == bus_fifo_sel[BUSNOW]);
else if (f_past_valid && $past(!bus_read[BUSREG]))
always @(*)
if (!r_pending && !s_pending)
assert(cmd_pipe == 0);
// assert(nxt_pipe == 0);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_past_valid && !$past(i_reset))
if ($past(f_cwb_packet[F_STB:F_STB-1] == 2'b11))
// Following a write
else if ($past(f_cwb_packet[F_STB:F_STB-1] == 2'b10))
// Following a read
assert(drive_dqs[1:0] == 2'b00);
always @(*)
assert(dir_stall == (r_pending && s_pending && r_we != s_we));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_past_valid && $past(bank_status[f_const_bank] != 0))
// Can't re-activate an active bank
||(cmd_b[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] != f_const_bank));
||(cmd_c[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] != f_const_bank));
||(cmd_d[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] != f_const_bank));
always @(posedge i_clk)
// if (f_past_valid && !(&bank_status[f_const_bank]))
if (f_past_valid && $past(!bank_status[f_const_bank]))
// Can't de-activate an inactive bank
||(cmd_b[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] !=f_const_bank));
||(cmd_c[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] !=f_const_bank));
||(cmd_d[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] !=f_const_bank));
if (!need_refresh)
// Can't read or write from a inactive bank
assert(((cmd_d[DDR_CSBIT:DDR_WEBIT] != DDR_WRITE)
||(cmd_d[DDR_WEBIT-1:DDR_WEBIT-LGNBANKS] !=f_const_bank));
always @(*)
if (need_refresh && !cmd_a[DDR_CSBIT]
always @(*)
if (pipe_stall && r_pending)
always @(*)
assert(pipe_stall == (|cmd_pipe[1:0]));
always @(*)
assert(refresh_ztimer == (refresh_counter == 0));
always @(*)
3'b000: begin end
3'b001: begin end
3'b010: begin end
3'b100: begin end
default: assert(0);
always @(*)
casez({ drive_dqs, dqs_pattern })
// These are the good patterns
// In their proper progression
{ 3'b001, 6'b????00 }: begin end
{ 3'b111, 6'b101010 }: begin end
{ 3'b100, 6'b11???? }: begin end
// It is possible to have an empty
// cycle between write cycles, then
// you'd have a drive_dqs of 101
{ 3'b101, 6'b11??00 }: begin end
// Don't care, 'cause nothing's driven
{ 3'b000, 6'b?????? }: begin end
// Everything else is disallowed
default: assert(0);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_past_valid && $past(drive_dqs == 3'b001))
assert(drive_dqs == 3'b111);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (f_past_valid && $past(drive_dqs == 3'b111))
// (Careless) problem limiting assumption section

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