
Subversion Repositories zipcpu

Compare Revisions

  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 66 to Rev 69
    Reverse comparison

Rev 66 → Rev 69

13,7 → 13,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
35,7 → 35,7
module pipemem(i_clk, i_rst, i_pipe_stb,
module pipemem(i_clk, i_rst, i_pipe_stb, i_lock,
i_op, i_addr, i_data, i_oreg,
o_busy, o_pipe_stalled, o_valid, o_err, o_wreg, o_result,
o_wb_cyc_gbl, o_wb_cyc_lcl,
42,9 → 42,9
o_wb_stb_gbl, o_wb_stb_lcl,
o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err, i_wb_data);
input i_clk, i_rst;
input i_pipe_stb;
input i_pipe_stb, i_lock;
// CPU interface
input i_op;
input [31:0] i_addr;
58,8 → 58,10
output reg [4:0] o_wreg;
output reg [31:0] o_result;
// Wishbone outputs
output reg o_wb_cyc_gbl, o_wb_stb_gbl;
output reg o_wb_cyc_lcl, o_wb_stb_lcl, o_wb_we;
output wire o_wb_cyc_gbl;
output reg o_wb_stb_gbl;
output wire o_wb_cyc_lcl;
output reg o_wb_stb_lcl, o_wb_we;
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_wb_addr;
output reg [31:0] o_wb_data;
// Wishbone inputs
66,6 → 68,7
input i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err;
input [31:0] i_wb_data;
reg r_wb_cyc_gbl, r_wb_cyc_lcl;
reg [3:0] rdaddr, wraddr;
wire [3:0] nxt_rdaddr;
reg [(5-1):0] fifo_oreg [0:15];
92,13 → 95,13
//= ((i_addr[31:8]!=24'hc00000)||(i_addr[7:5]!=3'h0));
initial cyc = 0;
initial o_wb_cyc_lcl = 0;
initial o_wb_cyc_gbl = 0;
initial r_wb_cyc_lcl = 0;
initial r_wb_cyc_gbl = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
o_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
o_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
r_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
r_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
o_wb_stb_gbl <= 1'b0;
o_wb_stb_lcl <= 1'b0;
cyc <= 1'b0;
116,14 → 119,14
if (((i_wb_ack)&&(nxt_rdaddr == wraddr))||(i_wb_err))
o_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
o_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
r_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
r_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
cyc <= 1'b0;
end else if (i_pipe_stb) // New memory operation
begin // Grab the wishbone
o_wb_cyc_lcl <= lcl_stb;
o_wb_cyc_gbl <= gbl_stb;
r_wb_cyc_lcl <= lcl_stb;
r_wb_cyc_gbl <= gbl_stb;
o_wb_stb_lcl <= lcl_stb;
o_wb_stb_gbl <= gbl_stb;
cyc <= 1'b1;
162,4 → 165,26
assign o_pipe_stalled = (cyc)
reg lock_gbl, lock_lcl;
initial lock_gbl = 1'b0;
initial lock_lcl = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
lock_gbl <= (i_lock)&&((r_wb_cyc_gbl)||(lock_gbl));
lock_lcl <= (i_lock)&&((r_wb_cyc_lcl)||(lock_gbl));
assign o_wb_cyc_gbl = (r_wb_cyc_gbl)||(lock_gbl);
assign o_wb_cyc_lcl = (r_wb_cyc_lcl)||(lock_lcl);
end else begin
assign o_wb_cyc_gbl = (r_wb_cyc_gbl);
assign o_wb_cyc_lcl = (r_wb_cyc_lcl);
end endgenerate
0,0 → 1,306
// Filename: idecode_deprecated.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: This RTL file specifies how the original instruction set was
// to be decoded into a machine understandable microcode. It has
// been drawn out of zipcpu.v in an effort to provide some encapsulation,
// some of measuring its performance independently, and some means of
// updating it without impacting everything else (much).
// It has since been deprecated by a newer version of the instruction
// set architecture.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
`define CPU_CC_REG 4'he
`define CPU_PC_REG 4'hf
module idecode_deprecated(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled,
i_instruction, i_gie, i_pc, i_pf_valid, i_illegal,
o_phase, o_illegal,
o_pc, o_gie, o_R, o_A, o_B,
o_I, o_zI, o_cond, o_wF, o_op,
o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break, o_lock,
o_wR, o_rA, o_rB,
o_early_branch, o_branch_pc
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled;
input [31:0] i_instruction;
input i_gie;
input [(AW-1):0] i_pc;
input i_pf_valid, i_illegal;
output wire o_phase;
output reg o_illegal;
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_pc;
output reg o_gie;
output wire [6:0] o_R;
output reg [6:0] o_A, o_B;
output wire [31:0] o_I;
output reg o_zI;
output reg [3:0] o_cond;
output reg o_wF;
output reg [3:0] o_op;
output wire o_ALU, o_DV, o_FP;
output reg o_M, o_break, o_lock;
output reg o_wR, o_rA, o_rB;
output wire o_early_branch;
output wire [(AW-1):0] o_branch_pc;
assign o_phase = 1'b0;
assign o_R = { (o_A[6]), (o_A[5]), o_A[4:0] };
// PIPELINE STAGE #2 :: Instruction Decode
// Variable declarations
reg [23:0] r_I;
reg r_zI; // true if dcdI == 0
reg r_early_branch;
reg [(AW-1):0] r_branch_pc;
assign o_early_branch = r_early_branch;
assign o_branch_pc = r_branch_pc;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_ce)&&(i_instruction[27:24]==`CPU_PC_REG))
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
// First case, a move to PC instruction
if ((i_instruction[31:28] == 4'h2)
// Offsets of the PC register *only*
&&(i_instruction[19:16] == `CPU_PC_REG)
&&(i_instruction[23:21]==3'h0)) // Unconditional
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
end else // Next case, an Add Imm -> PC instruction
if ((i_instruction[31:28] == 4'ha) // Add
&&(~i_instruction[20]) // Immediate
&&(i_instruction[23:21]==3'h0)) // Always
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
end else // Next case: load Immediate to PC
if (i_instruction[31:28] == 4'h3)
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
end else
if (i_ce) r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
if (AW == 24)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
if (i_instruction[31]) // Add
r_branch_pc <= i_pc
+ { {(AW-20){i_instruction[19]}}, i_instruction[19:0] }
+ {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else if (~i_instruction[28]) // 4'h2 = MOV
r_branch_pc <= i_pc+{ {(AW-15){i_instruction[14]}}, i_instruction[14:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
else // if (i_instruction[28]) // 4'h3 = LDI
r_branch_pc <= i_pc+{ i_instruction[23:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else begin
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
if (i_instruction[31]) // Add
r_branch_pc <= i_pc
+ { {(AW-20){i_instruction[19]}}, i_instruction[19:0] }
+ {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else if (~i_instruction[28]) // 4'h2 = MOV
r_branch_pc <= i_pc+{ {(AW-15){i_instruction[14]}}, i_instruction[14:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else // if (i_instruction[28]) // 4'h3 = LDI
r_branch_pc <= i_pc+{ {(AW-24){i_instruction[23]}}, i_instruction[23:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end end else begin // No early branching
// wire o_early_branch;
// wire [(AW-1):0] o_branch_pc;
assign o_early_branch = 1'b0;
assign o_branch_pc = {(AW){1'b0}};
end endgenerate
wire [4:0] w_A, w_B;
wire w_mpy, w_wF, w_ldixx, w_zI;
wire [3:0] w_op;
wire [23:0] w_I;
assign w_op= i_instruction[31:28];
assign w_I = (w_op == 4'h2) ?
{ {(9){i_instruction[14]}},i_instruction[14:0] }
: ((w_op == 4'h3) ? { i_instruction[23:0] }
: ((w_op == 4'h4) ? { 8'h00, i_instruction[15:0] }
: (((w_op[3:1]==3'h3)&&(i_instruction[20])) ?
{ {(8){i_instruction[15]}},i_instruction[15:0] }
: (((w_op[3:1]==3'h3)&&(~i_instruction[20])) ?
{ {(4){i_instruction[19]}},i_instruction[19:0] }
: (i_instruction[20]) ?
{ {(8){i_instruction[15]}},i_instruction[15:0] }
: { {(4){i_instruction[19]}},i_instruction[19:0] }
assign w_zI = (w_I == 0);
assign w_mpy = ((w_op == 4'h4)&&(i_instruction[27:25]!=3'h7));
assign w_ldixx = ((w_op == 4'h4)&&(i_instruction[27:24]==4'hf));
// 4 LUTs
assign w_A = { (((w_op==4'h2)&&(~i_gie))?i_instruction[20]:i_gie),
// 1 LUT
assign w_B = { (((w_op==4'h2)&&(~i_gie))?i_instruction[15]:i_gie),
(i_instruction[19:16]) };
// Don't change the flags on conditional instructions,
// UNLESS: the conditional instruction was a CMP or TST instruction.
// 8 LUTs
assign w_wF= (w_op[3:1]==3'h0)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
o_pc <= i_pc +{{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1}; // i.e. dcd_pc+1
// Record what operation we are doing
o_op <= (w_op == 4'h3) ? 4'h2
: ((w_op == 4'h4) ?
((i_instruction[27:24]==4'he) ? 4'h2
:((i_instruction[27:24]==4'hf) ?
(i_instruction[20]? 4'h7:4'h6)
:(i_instruction[20]? 4'h4:4'h3)))
: w_op);
// Default values
o_A <= {(w_A[3:0]==`CPU_CC_REG),(w_A[3:0]==`CPU_PC_REG),w_A};
o_B <= {(w_B[3:0]==`CPU_CC_REG),(w_B[3:0]==`CPU_PC_REG),w_B};
o_M <= (w_op[3:1] == 3'h3);
r_I <= w_I;
o_zI<= w_zI;
o_wF <= w_wF;
// 4 LUTs
o_rA <= (w_op[3:0] != 4'h2)
&&(w_op[3:0] != 4'h3)
&&((w_op[3:0] != 4'h4)||(i_instruction[27:24]!=4'he))
&&(w_op[3:0] != 4'h6);
// function of 11 bits, -- ugly
o_rB <= (w_op[3:0] != 4'h3) // Don't read for LDI
// Don't read for LODxx, NOOP, or MPYxI
&&((w_op[3:0] != 4'h4)
// Always read on MOVE, or when OpB requests it
// Always write back ... unless we are doing a store,
// 4 LUTs
o_wR <= (w_op[3:1] != 3'h0)
&&(w_op[3:0] != 4'h7)
&&((w_op[3:0] != 4'h4)
||(i_instruction[27:24] != 4'he));
o_illegal <= i_illegal;
// Set the condition under which we do this operation
// The top four bits are a mask, the bottom four the
// value the flags must equal once anded with the mask
o_cond <= (i_instruction[31:28]==4'h3)? 4'h8
: { (i_instruction[23:21]==3'h0),
4'h2: begin // Move instruction
4'h3: begin // Load immediate
o_op <= 4'h2;
4'h4: begin // Multiply, LDI[HI|LO], or NOOP/BREAK
if (i_instruction[27:24] == 4'he)
// NOOP instruction
// Might also be a break. Big
// instruction set hole here.
o_illegal <= (i_illegal)||(i_instruction[23:3] != 0);
end else if (i_instruction[27:24] == 4'hf)
begin // Load partial immediate(s)
// o_op <= { 3'h3, instruction[20] };
end else begin
// Actual multiply instruction
// dcdA_rd <= 1'b1;
// dcdB_rd <= (i_instruction[19:16] != 4'hf);
// o_op[3:0] <= (i_instruction[20])? 4'h4:4'h3;
end end
default: begin
o_gie <= i_gie;
initial o_break = 1'b0;
initial o_lock = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
begin // 6 LUTs
o_break <= (i_instruction[31:0] == 32'h4e000001);
o_lock <= (i_instruction[31:0] == 32'h4e000002);
assign o_I = { {(32-24){r_I[23]}}, r_I};
assign o_ALU = (~o_M);
assign o_DV = 1'b0;
assign o_FP = 1'b0;
0,0 → 1,359
// Filename: idecode.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: This RTL file specifies how instructions are to be decoded
// into their underlying meanings. This is specifically a version
// designed to support a "Next Generation", or "Version 2" instruction
// set as (currently) activated by the OPT_NEW_INSTRUCTION_SET option
// in cpudefs.v.
// I expect to (eventually) retire the old instruction set, at which point
// this will become the default instruction set decoder.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
`define CPU_CC_REG 4'he
`define CPU_PC_REG 4'hf
`include "cpudefs.v"
module idecode(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled,
i_instruction, i_gie, i_pc, i_pf_valid,
o_phase, o_illegal,
o_pc, o_gie,
o_dcdR, o_dcdA, o_dcdB, o_I, o_zI,
o_cond, o_wF,
o_op, o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break, o_lock,
o_wR, o_rA, o_rB,
o_early_branch, o_branch_pc
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled;
input [31:0] i_instruction;
input i_gie;
input [(AW-1):0] i_pc;
input i_pf_valid, i_illegal;
output wire o_phase;
output reg o_illegal;
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_pc;
output reg o_gie;
output reg [6:0] o_dcdR, o_dcdA, o_dcdB;
output wire [31:0] o_I;
output reg o_zI;
output reg [3:0] o_cond;
output reg o_wF;
output reg [3:0] o_op;
output reg o_ALU, o_M, o_DV, o_FP, o_break, o_lock;
output reg o_wR, o_rA, o_rB;
output wire o_early_branch;
output wire [(AW-1):0] o_branch_pc;
wire dcdA_stall, dcdB_stall, dcdF_stall;
wire o_dcd_early_branch;
wire [(AW-1):0] o_dcd_branch_pc;
reg o_dcdI, o_dcdIz;
wire [4:0] w_op;
wire w_ldi, w_mov, w_cmptst, w_ldixx, w_ALU;
wire [4:0] w_dcdR, w_dcdB, w_dcdA;
wire w_dcdR_pc, w_dcdR_cc;
wire w_dcdA_pc, w_dcdA_cc;
wire w_dcdB_pc, w_dcdB_cc;
wire [3:0] w_cond;
wire w_wF, w_dcdM, w_dcdDV, w_dcdFP;
wire w_wR, w_rA, w_rB, w_wR_n;
wire [31:0] iword;
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
reg [16:0] r_nxt_half;
assign iword = (o_phase)
// set second half as a NOOP ... but really
// shouldn't matter
? { r_nxt_half[16:7], 1'b0, r_nxt_half[6:0], 5'b11000, 3'h7, 6'h00 }
: i_instruction;
assign iword = { 1'b0, i_instruction[30:0] };
assign w_op= iword[26:22];
assign w_mov = (w_op == 5'h0f);
assign w_ldi = (w_op[4:1] == 4'hb);
assign w_cmptst = (w_op[4:1] == 4'h8);
assign w_ldixx = (w_op[4:1] == 4'h4);
assign w_ALU = (~w_op[4]);
// 4 LUTs
assign w_dcdR = { ((~iword[31])&&(w_mov)&&(~i_gie))?iword[18]:i_gie,
iword[30:27] };
// 4 LUTs
assign w_dcdB = { ((~iword[31])&&(w_mov)&&(~i_gie))?iword[13]:i_gie,
iword[17:14] };
// 0 LUTs
assign w_dcdA = w_dcdR;
// 2 LUTs, 1 delay each
assign w_dcdR_pc = (w_dcdR == {i_gie, `CPU_PC_REG});
assign w_dcdR_cc = (w_dcdR == {i_gie, `CPU_CC_REG});
// 0 LUTs
assign w_dcdA_pc = w_dcdR_pc;
assign w_dcdA_cc = w_dcdR_cc;
// 2 LUTs, 1 delays each
assign w_dcdB_pc = (w_dcdB[3:0] == `CPU_PC_REG);
assign w_dcdB_cc = (w_dcdB[3:0] == `CPU_CC_REG);
// Under what condition will we execute this
// instruction? Only the load immediate instruction
// is completely unconditional.
// 3+4 LUTs
assign w_cond = (w_ldi) ? 4'h8 :
: { (iword[21:19]==3'h0), iword[21:19] };
// 1 LUT
assign w_dcdM = (w_op[4:1] == 4'h9);
// 1 LUT
assign w_dcdDV = (w_op[4:1] == 4'ha);
// 1 LUT
assign w_dcdFP = (w_op[4:3] == 2'b11)&&(w_dcdR[3:1] != 3'h7);
// 4 LUT's--since it depends upon FP/NOOP condition (vs 1 before)
// Everything reads A but ... NOOP/BREAK/LOCK, LDI, LOD, MOV
assign w_rA = (w_dcdFP)
// Divide's read A
// ALU read's A, unless it's a MOV to A
// This includes LDIHI/LDILO
// STO's read A
// Test/compares
||(w_op[4:1]== 4'h8);
// 1 LUTs -- do we read a register for operand B? Specifically, do
// we need to stall if the register is not (yet) ready?
assign w_rB = (w_mov)||((iword[18])&&((~w_ldi)&&(~w_ldixx)));
// 1 LUT: All but STO, NOOP/BREAK/LOCK, and CMP/TST write back to w_dcdR
assign w_wR_n = ((w_dcdM)&&(w_op[0]))
assign w_wR = ~w_wR_n;
// 1-output bit (5 Opcode bits, 3 out-reg bits, 3 condition bits)
// This'd be 4 LUTs, save that we have the carve out for NOOPs
assign w_wF = (w_cmptst)
// Bottom 13 bits: no LUT's
// w_dcd[12: 0] -- no LUTs
// w_dcd[ 13] -- 2 LUTs
// w_dcd[17:14] -- (5+i0+i1) = 3 LUTs, 1 delay
// w_dcd[22:18] : 5 LUTs, 1 delay (assuming high bit is o/w determined)
reg [22:0] r_I;
wire [22:0] w_I, w_fullI;
wire w_Iz;
assign w_fullI = (w_ldi) ? { iword[22:0] } // LDI
:((w_mov) ?{ {(23-13){iword[12]}}, iword[12:0] } // Move
:((~iword[18]) ? { {(23-18){iword[17]}}, iword[17:0] }
: { {(23-14){iword[13]}}, iword[13:0] }
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
wire [5:0] w_halfI;
assign w_halfI = (w_ldi) ? iword[5:0]
:((iword[5]) ? 6'h00 : {iword[4],iword[4:0]});
assign w_I = (iword[31])? {{(23-6){w_halfI[5]}}, w_halfI }:w_fullI;
assign w_I = w_fullI;
assign w_Iz = (w_I == 0);
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
// The o_phase parameter is special. It needs to let the software
// following know that it cannot break/interrupt on an o_phase asserted
// instruction, lest the break take place between the first and second
// half of a VLIW instruction. To do this, o_phase must be asserted
// when the first instruction half is valid, but not asserted on either
// a 32-bit instruction or the second half of a 2x16-bit instruction.
reg r_phase;
initial r_phase = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst) // When no instruction is in the pipe, phase is zero
r_phase <= 1'b0;
else if (i_ce)
r_phase <= (o_phase)? 1'b0:(i_instruction[31]);
// Phase is '1' on the first instruction of a two-part set
// But, due to the delay in processing, it's '1' when our output is
// valid for that first part, but that'll be the same time we
// are processing the second part ... so it may look to us like a '1'
// on the second half of processing.
assign o_phase = r_phase;
assign o_phase = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
if (~o_phase)
o_gie<= i_gie;
// i.e. dcd_pc+1
o_pc <= i_pc+{{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
o_illegal <= (i_illegal);
o_illegal <= ((i_illegal) || (i_instruction[31]));
o_gie<= i_gie;
o_pc <= i_pc+{{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
if ((IMPLEMENT_MPY!=1)&&(w_op[4:1]==4'h5))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
if ((IMPLEMENT_DIVIDE==0)&&(w_dcdDV))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
else if ((IMPLEMENT_DIVIDE!=0)&&(w_dcdDV)&&(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
if ((IMPLEMENT_FPU!=0)&&(w_dcdFP)&&(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
else if ((IMPLEMENT_FPU==0)&&(w_dcdFP))
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
// Under what condition will we execute this
// instruction? Only the load immediate instruction
// is completely unconditional.
o_cond <= w_cond;
// Don't change the flags on conditional instructions,
// UNLESS: the conditional instruction was a CMP
// or TST instruction.
o_wF <= w_wF;
// Record what operation/op-code (4-bits) we are doing
// Note that LDI magically becomes a MOV
// instruction here. That way it's a pass through
// the ALU. Likewise, the two compare instructions
// CMP and TST becomes SUB and AND here as well.
// We keep only the bottom four bits, since we've
// already done the rest of the decode necessary to
// settle between the other instructions. For example,
// o_FP plus these four bits uniquely defines the FP
// instruction, o_DV plus the bottom of these defines
// the divide, etc.
o_op <= (w_ldi)? 4'hf:w_op[3:0];
// Default values
o_dcdR <= { w_dcdR_cc, w_dcdR_pc, w_dcdR};
o_dcdA <= { w_dcdA_cc, w_dcdA_pc, w_dcdA};
o_dcdB <= { w_dcdB_cc, w_dcdB_pc, w_dcdB};
o_wR <= w_wR;
o_rA <= w_rA;
o_rB <= w_rB;
r_I <= w_I;
o_zI <= w_Iz;
o_ALU <= (w_ALU)||(w_ldi)||(w_cmptst); // 1 LUT
o_M <= w_dcdM;
o_DV <= w_dcdDV;
o_FP <= w_dcdFP;
o_break <= (w_op[4:3]==2'b11)&&(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7)&&(w_op[2:0]==3'b001);
o_lock <= (w_op[4:3]==2'b11)&&(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7)&&(w_op[2:0]==3'b010);
if ((w_op[4:3]==2'b11)&&(w_dcdR[3:1]==3'h7)
o_illegal <= 1'b1;
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
r_nxt_half <= { iword[31], iword[13:5],
((iword[21])? iword[20:19] : 2'h0),
iword[4:0] };
reg r_early_branch;
reg [(AW-1):0] r_branch_pc;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_ce)&&(w_dcdR_pc)&&(w_cond[3]))
if ((w_op == 5'hf)&&(w_dcdB_pc)&&(w_dcdA_pc))
begin // Move (X+PC) to PC
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
end else if (w_op[4:1] == 4'hb) // LDI to PC
begin // LDI x,PC
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
end else if ((w_op[4:0] == 5'h00)&&(~w_rB)&&(w_dcdA_pc))
begin // Add x,PC
r_early_branch <= 1'b1;
end else begin
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (i_ce)
r_early_branch <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
if (w_op[4:1] == 4'hb)
r_branch_pc <= {{(AW-23){w_I[22]}},w_I};
r_branch_pc <= i_pc+{{(AW-23){w_I[22]}},w_I}
assign o_early_branch = r_early_branch;
assign o_branch_pc = r_branch_pc;
end else begin
assign o_early_branch = 1'b0;
assign o_branch_pc = {(AW){1'b0}};
end endgenerate
assign o_I = { {(32-22){r_I[22]}}, r_I[21:0] };
15,7 → 15,7
// error signal).
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
37,7 → 37,7
module memops(i_clk, i_rst, i_stb,
module memops(i_clk, i_rst, i_stb, i_lock,
i_op, i_addr, i_data, i_oreg,
o_busy, o_valid, o_err, o_wreg, o_result,
o_wb_cyc_gbl, o_wb_cyc_lcl,
44,9 → 44,9
o_wb_stb_gbl, o_wb_stb_lcl,
o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err, i_wb_data);
input i_clk, i_rst;
input i_stb;
input i_stb, i_lock;
// CPU interface
input i_op;
input [31:0] i_addr;
59,8 → 59,11
output reg [4:0] o_wreg;
output reg [31:0] o_result;
// Wishbone outputs
output reg o_wb_cyc_gbl, o_wb_stb_gbl;
output reg o_wb_cyc_lcl, o_wb_stb_lcl, o_wb_we;
output wire o_wb_cyc_gbl;
output reg o_wb_stb_gbl;
output wire o_wb_cyc_lcl;
output reg o_wb_stb_lcl;
output reg o_wb_we;
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_wb_addr;
output reg [31:0] o_wb_data;
// Wishbone inputs
67,26 → 70,29
input i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err;
input [31:0] i_wb_data;
reg r_wb_cyc_gbl, r_wb_cyc_lcl;
wire gbl_stb, lcl_stb;
assign lcl_stb = (i_stb)&&(i_addr[31:8]==24'hc00000)&&(i_addr[7:5]==3'h0);
assign gbl_stb = (i_stb)&&((i_addr[31:8]!=24'hc00000)||(i_addr[7:5]!=3'h0));
initial r_wb_cyc_gbl = 1'b0;
initial r_wb_cyc_lcl = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
o_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
o_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
end else if ((o_wb_cyc_gbl)||(o_wb_cyc_lcl))
r_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
r_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
end else if ((r_wb_cyc_gbl)||(r_wb_cyc_lcl))
if ((i_wb_ack)||(i_wb_err))
o_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
o_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
r_wb_cyc_gbl <= 1'b0;
r_wb_cyc_lcl <= 1'b0;
end else if (i_stb) // New memory operation
begin // Grab the wishbone
o_wb_cyc_lcl <= lcl_stb;
o_wb_cyc_gbl <= gbl_stb;
r_wb_cyc_lcl <= lcl_stb;
r_wb_cyc_gbl <= gbl_stb;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (o_wb_cyc_gbl)
120,4 → 126,25
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_wb_ack)
o_result <= i_wb_data;
reg lock_gbl, lock_lcl;
initial lock_gbl = 1'b0;
initial lock_lcl = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
lock_gbl <= (i_lock)&&((r_wb_cyc_gbl)||(lock_gbl));
lock_lcl <= (i_lock)&&((r_wb_cyc_lcl)||(lock_lcl));
assign o_wb_cyc_gbl = (r_wb_cyc_gbl)||(lock_gbl);
assign o_wb_cyc_lcl = (r_wb_cyc_lcl)||(lock_lcl);
end else begin
assign o_wb_cyc_gbl = (r_wb_cyc_gbl);
assign o_wb_cyc_lcl = (r_wb_cyc_lcl);
end endgenerate
20,7 → 20,7
// can trap on it if necessary.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
47,18 → 47,18
// mode which this prefetch does not support. In non--pipelined mode, the
// flash will require (16+6+6)*2 = 56 clocks plus 16 clocks per word read,
// or 72 clocks to fetch one instruction.
module prefetch(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_pc, i_aux,
module prefetch(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled_n, i_pc, i_aux,
o_i, o_pc, o_aux, o_valid, o_illegal,
o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err, i_wb_data);
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce;
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_stalled_n;
input [(AW-1):0] i_pc;
input [(AUX_WIDTH-1):0] i_aux;
output reg [31:0] o_i;
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_pc;
output reg [(AUX_WIDTH-1):0] o_aux;
output wire o_valid, o_illegal;
output reg o_valid, o_illegal;
// Wishbone outputs
output reg o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb;
output wire o_wb_we;
96,7 → 96,7
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst) // Set the address to guarantee the result is invalid
o_wb_addr <= 1'b0;
o_wb_addr <= {(AW){1'b1}};
else if ((i_ce)&&(~o_wb_cyc))
o_wb_addr <= i_pc;
always @(posedge i_clk)
108,8 → 108,17
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack))
o_pc <= o_wb_addr;
initial o_valid = 1'b0;
initial o_illegal = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack))
o_valid <= (i_pc == o_wb_addr)&&(~i_wb_err);
o_illegal <= i_wb_err;
end else if (i_stalled_n)
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_illegal <= 1'b0;
assign o_valid = (i_pc == o_pc)&&(i_aux == o_aux)&&(~o_wb_cyc);
assign o_illegal = (o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_err);
0,0 → 1,135
// Filename: div.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: Provide an Integer divide capability to the Zip CPU.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
// `include "cpudefs.v"
module div(i_clk, i_rst, i_wr, i_signed, i_numerator, i_denominator,
o_busy, o_valid, o_err, o_quotient, o_flags);
parameter BW=32, LGBW = 5;
input i_clk, i_rst;
// Input parameters
input i_wr, i_signed;
input [(BW-1):0] i_numerator, i_denominator;
// Output parameters
output reg o_busy, o_valid, o_err;
output reg [(BW-1):0] o_quotient;
output wire [3:0] o_flags;
reg [(2*BW-2):0] r_divisor;
reg [(BW-1):0] r_dividend;
wire [(BW):0] diff; // , xdiff[(BW-1):0];
assign diff = r_dividend - r_divisor[(BW-1):0];
// assign xdiff= r_dividend - { 1'b0, r_divisor[(BW-1):1] };
reg r_sign, pre_sign, r_z, r_c;
reg [(LGBW):0] r_bit;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
o_busy <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
end else if (i_wr)
o_busy <= 1'b1;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
end else if (o_busy)
if ((r_bit == 6'h0)||(o_err))
o_busy <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= (o_err)||(~r_sign);
end else if (r_sign)
// if (o_err), o_valid is already one.
// if not, o_valid has not yet become one.
o_valid <= (~o_err); // 1'b1;
// r_sign <= 1'b0;
end else begin
o_busy <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_err <= 1'b0;
else if (o_busy)
o_err <= (r_divisor == 0);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_wr)
o_quotient <= 0;
// r_bit <= { 1'b1, {(LGBW){1'b0}} };
r_bit <= { 1'b0, {(LGBW){1'b1}} };
r_divisor <= { i_denominator, {(BW-1){1'b0}} };
r_dividend <= i_numerator;
r_sign <= 1'b0;
pre_sign <= i_signed;
r_z <= 1'b1;
end else if (pre_sign)
// r_bit <= r_bit - 1;
r_sign <= ((r_divisor[(2*BW-2)])^(r_dividend[(BW-1)]));;
if (r_dividend[BW-1])
r_dividend <= -r_dividend;
if (r_divisor[(2*BW-2)])
r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW-1)] <= -r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW-1)];
pre_sign <= 1'b0;
end else if (o_busy)
r_bit <= r_bit - 1;
r_divisor <= { 1'b0, r_divisor[(2*BW-2):1] };
if (|r_divisor[(2*BW-2):(BW)])
end else if (diff[BW])
end else begin
r_dividend <= diff[(BW-1):0];
o_quotient[r_bit[(LGBW-1):0]] <= 1'b1;
r_z <= 1'b0;
end else if (r_sign)
r_sign <= 1'b0;
o_quotient <= -o_quotient;
// Set Carry on an exact divide
wire w_n;
always @(posedge i_clk)
r_c <= (o_busy)&&((diff == 0)||(r_dividend == 0));
assign w_n = o_quotient[(BW-1)];
assign o_flags = { 1'b0, w_n, r_c, r_z };
26,7 → 26,7
// these exceptions yet.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
4,10 → 4,13
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose:
// Purpose: This supports the instruction set reordering of operations
// created by the second generation instruction set, as well as
// the new operations of POPC (population count) and BREV (bit reversal).
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
29,7 → 32,7
module cpuops(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_valid, i_op, i_a, i_b, o_c, o_f, o_valid,
module cpuops(i_clk,i_rst, i_ce, i_valid, i_op, i_a, i_b, o_c, o_f, o_valid,
parameter IMPLEMENT_MPY = 1;
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce;
54,16 → 57,36
assign w_lsr_result = (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00
: ( { i_a, 1'b0 } >> (i_b[4:0]) );// LSR
// Bit reversal pre-logic
wire [31:0] w_brev_result;
genvar k;
for(k=0; k<32; k=k+1)
assign w_brev_result[k] = i_b[31-k];
// Popcount pre-logic
wire [31:0] w_popc_result;
assign w_popc_result[5:0]=
({5'h0,i_b[ 0]}+{5'h0,i_b[ 1]}+{5'h0,i_b[ 2]}+{5'h0,i_b[ 3]})
+({5'h0,i_b[ 4]}+{5'h0,i_b[ 5]}+{5'h0,i_b[ 6]}+{5'h0,i_b[ 7]})
+({5'h0,i_b[ 8]}+{5'h0,i_b[ 9]}+{5'h0,i_b[10]}+{5'h0,i_b[11]})
assign w_popc_result[31:6] = 26'h00;
// Prelogic for our flags registers
wire z, n, v;
reg c, pre_sign, set_ovfl;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
set_ovfl =((((i_op==4'h0)||(i_op==4'h8)) // SUB&CMP
&&(i_a[31] != i_b[31]))
||((i_op==4'ha)&&(i_a[31] == i_b[31])) // ADD
||(i_op == 4'hd) // LSL
||(i_op == 4'hf)); // LSR
if (i_ce) // 1 LUT
set_ovfl =(((i_op==4'h0)&&(i_a[31] != i_b[31]))//SUB&CMP
||((i_op==4'h2)&&(i_a[31] == i_b[31])) // ADD
||(i_op == 4'h6) // LSL
||(i_op == 4'h5)); // LSR
// A 4-way multiplexer can be done in one 6-LUT.
80,20 → 103,22
pre_sign <= (i_a[31]);
c <= 1'b0;
4'b?000:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,i_a} - {1'b0,i_b};// CMP/SUB
4'b?001: o_c <= i_a & i_b; // BTST/And
// 4'h3: There's a hole here for the unimplemented MPYU,
// 4'h4: and here for the unimplemented MPYS
4'h5: o_c <= w_rol_result; // ROL
4'h6: o_c <= { i_a[31:16], i_b[15:0] }; // LODILO
4'h7: o_c <= { i_b[15: 0], i_a[15:0] }; // LODIHI
4'ha: { c, o_c } <= i_a + i_b; // Add
4'hb: o_c <= i_a | i_b; // Or
4'hc: o_c <= i_a ^ i_b; // Xor
4'hd: { c, o_c } <= (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00 : {1'b0, i_a } << i_b[4:0]; // LSL
4'he: { o_c, c } <= w_asr_result[32:0]; // ASR
4'hf: { o_c, c } <= w_lsr_result[32:0]; // LSR
default: o_c <= i_b; // MOV, LDI
4'b0000:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,i_a}-{1'b0,i_b};// CMP/SUB
4'b0001: o_c <= i_a & i_b; // BTST/And
4'b0010:{c,o_c } <= i_a + i_b; // Add
4'b0011: o_c <= i_a | i_b; // Or
4'b0100: o_c <= i_a ^ i_b; // Xor
4'b0101:{o_c,c } <= w_lsr_result[32:0]; // LSR
4'b0110:{c,o_c } <= (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00 : {1'b0, i_a } << i_b[4:0]; // LSL
4'b0111:{o_c,c } <= w_asr_result[32:0]; // ASR
4'b1000: o_c <= { i_b[15: 0], i_a[15:0] }; // LODIHI
4'b1001: o_c <= { i_a[31:16], i_b[15:0] }; // LODILO
// 4'h1010: The unimplemented MPYU,
// 4'h1011: and here for the unimplemented MPYS
4'b1100: o_c <= w_brev_result; // BREV
4'b1101: o_c <= w_popc_result; // POPC
4'b1110: o_c <= w_rol_result; // ROL
default: o_c <= i_b; // MOV, LDI
end else begin
100,10 → 125,12
// Multiply pre-logic
wire signed_mpy;
assign signed_mpy = i_op[0];
wire signed [16:0] w_mpy_a_input, w_mpy_b_input;
wire signed [33:0] w_mpy_result;
assign w_mpy_a_input = { ((i_a[15])&&(i_op[2])), i_a[15:0] };
assign w_mpy_b_input = { ((i_b[15])&&(i_op[2])), i_b[15:0] };
assign w_mpy_a_input ={ ((i_a[15])&&(signed_mpy)), i_a[15:0] };
assign w_mpy_b_input ={ ((i_b[15])&&(signed_mpy)), i_b[15:0] };
assign w_mpy_result = w_mpy_a_input * w_mpy_b_input;
116,20 → 143,22
pre_sign <= (i_a[31]);
c <= 1'b0;
4'b?000:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,i_a} - {1'b0,i_b};// CMP/SUB
4'b?001: o_c <= i_a & i_b; // BTST/And
4'h3: { c, o_c } <= {1'b0,w_mpy_result[31:0]}; // MPYU
4'h4: { c, o_c } <= {1'b0,w_mpy_result[31:0]}; // MPYS
4'h5: o_c <= w_rol_result; // ROL
4'h6: o_c <= { i_a[31:16], i_b[15:0] }; // LODILO
4'h7: o_c <= { i_b[15: 0], i_a[15:0] }; // LODIHI
4'ha: { c, o_c } <= i_a + i_b; // Add
4'hb: o_c <= i_a | i_b; // Or
4'hc: o_c <= i_a ^ i_b; // Xor
4'hd: { c, o_c } <= (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00 : {1'b0, i_a } << i_b[4:0]; // LSL
4'he: { o_c, c } <= w_asr_result[32:0]; // ASR
4'hf: { o_c, c } <= w_lsr_result[32:0]; // LSR
default: o_c <= i_b; // MOV, LDI
4'b0000:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,i_a}-{1'b0,i_b};// CMP/SUB
4'b0001: o_c <= i_a & i_b; // BTST/And
4'b0010:{c,o_c } <= i_a + i_b; // Add
4'b0011: o_c <= i_a | i_b; // Or
4'b0100: o_c <= i_a ^ i_b; // Xor
4'b0101:{o_c,c } <= w_lsr_result[32:0]; // LSR
4'b0110:{c,o_c } <= (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00 : {1'b0, i_a } << i_b[4:0]; // LSL
4'b0111:{o_c,c } <= w_asr_result[32:0]; // ASR
4'b1000: o_c <= { i_b[15: 0], i_a[15:0] }; // LODIHI
4'b1001: o_c <= { i_a[31:16], i_b[15:0] }; // LODILO
4'b1010:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,w_mpy_result[31:0]}; // MPYU
4'b1011:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,w_mpy_result[31:0]}; // MPYS
4'b1100: o_c <= w_brev_result; // BREV
4'b1101: o_c <= w_popc_result; // POPC
4'b1110: o_c <= w_rol_result; // ROL
default: o_c <= i_b; // MOV, LDI
end endgenerate
0,0 → 1,204
// Filename: pfcache2.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: Keeping our CPU fed with instructions, at one per clock and
// with no stalls. An unusual feature of this cache is the
// requirement that the entire cache may be cleared (if necessary).
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
module pfcache(i_clk, i_rst, i_new_pc, i_clear_cache,
// i_early_branch, i_from_addr,
i_stall_n, i_pc, o_i, o_pc, o_v,
o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err, i_wb_data,
input i_clk, i_rst, i_new_pc;
input i_clear_cache;
input i_stall_n;
input [(AW-1):0] i_pc;
output reg [(BUSW-1):0] o_i;
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_pc;
output wire o_v;
output reg o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb;
output wire o_wb_we;
output reg [(AW-1):0] o_wb_addr;
output wire [(BUSW-1):0] o_wb_data;
input i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_err;
input [(BUSW-1):0] i_wb_data;
output reg o_illegal;
// Fixed bus outputs: we read from the bus only, never write.
// Thus the output data is ... irrelevant and don't care. We set it
// to zero just to set it to something.
assign o_wb_we = 1'b0;
assign o_wb_data = 0;
reg r_v;
(* ram_style = "distributed" *)
reg [(BUSW-1):0] cache [0:((1<<CW)-1)];
reg [(AW-CW-1):0] tags [0:((1<<(CW-PW))-1)];
reg [((1<<(CW-PW))-1):0] vmask;
reg [(AW-1):0] lastpc;
reg [(CW-1):0] rdaddr;
reg [(AW-1):CW] tagval;
reg [(AW-1):PW] lasttag, illegal_cache;
initial o_i = 32'h76_00_00_00; // A NOOP instruction
initial o_pc = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (~r_v)
o_i <= cache[lastpc[(CW-1):0]];
o_pc <= lastpc;
end else if ((i_stall_n)||(i_new_pc))
o_i <= cache[i_pc[(CW-1):0]];
o_pc <= i_pc;
initial tagval = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_stall_n)
tagval <= tags[i_pc[(CW-1):PW]];
// i_pc will only increment when everything else isn't stalled, thus
// we can set it without worrying about that. Doing this enables
// us to work in spite of stalls. For example, if the next address
// isn't valid, but the decoder is stalled, get the next address
// anyway.
initial lastpc = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((r_v)||(i_clear_cache)||(i_new_pc))
lastpc <= i_pc;
initial lasttag = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
lasttag <= i_pc[(AW-1):PW];
wire r_v_from_pc, r_v_from_last;
assign r_v_from_pc = ((i_pc[(AW-1):PW] == lasttag)
&&(tagval == i_pc[(AW-1):CW])
assign r_v_from_last = ((lastpc[(AW-1):PW] == lasttag)
&&(tagval == lastpc[(AW-1):CW])
reg [1:0] delay;
initial delay = 2'h3;
initial r_v = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||(i_clear_cache)||(i_new_pc)||(r_v))
r_v <= r_v_from_pc;
delay <= 2'h2;
end else begin
r_v <= r_v_from_last;
if (o_wb_cyc)
delay <= 2'h2;
else if (delay != 0)
delay <= delay - 1;
assign o_v = (r_v)&&(~i_new_pc);
initial o_wb_cyc = 1'b0;
initial o_wb_stb = 1'b0;
initial o_wb_addr = {(AW){1'b0}};
initial rdaddr = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||(i_clear_cache))
o_wb_cyc <= 1'b0;
o_wb_stb <= 1'b0;
end else if (o_wb_cyc)
if ((o_wb_stb)&&(~i_wb_stall))
if (o_wb_addr[(PW-1):0] == {(PW){1'b1}})
o_wb_stb <= 1'b0;
o_wb_addr[(PW-1):0] <= o_wb_addr[(PW-1):0]+1;
if (i_wb_ack)
rdaddr <= rdaddr + 1;
if ((rdaddr[(PW-1):0] == {(PW){1'b1}})||(i_wb_err))
o_wb_cyc <= 1'b0;
tags[o_wb_addr[(CW-1):PW]] <= o_wb_addr[(AW-1):CW];
// else if (rdaddr[(PW-1):1] == {(PW-1){1'b1}})
// tags[lastpc[(CW-1):PW]] <= lastpc[(AW-1):CW];
end else if ((~r_v)&&(delay==0)
&&((tagval != lastpc[(AW-1):CW])
o_wb_cyc <= 1'b1;
o_wb_stb <= 1'b1;
o_wb_addr <= { lastpc[(AW-1):PW], {(PW){1'b0}} };
rdaddr <= { lastpc[(CW-1):PW], {(PW){1'b0}} };
// Can't initialize an array, so leave cache uninitialized
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack))
cache[rdaddr] <= i_wb_data;
// VMask ... is a section loaded?
initial vmask = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||(i_clear_cache))
vmask <= 0;
else if ((~r_v)&&(tagval != lastpc[(AW-1):CW])&&(delay == 0))
vmask[lastpc[(CW-1):PW]] <= 1'b0;
else if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_ack)&&(rdaddr[(PW-1):0] == {(PW){1'b1}}))
vmask[rdaddr[(CW-1):PW]] <= 1'b1;
initial illegal_cache = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||(i_clear_cache))
illegal_cache <= 0;
else if ((o_wb_cyc)&&(i_wb_err))
illegal_cache <= lastpc[(AW-1):PW];
initial o_illegal = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_stall_n)
o_illegal <= (illegal_cache == lastpc[(AW-1):PW]);
0,0 → 1,164
// Filename: cpuops_deprecated.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: This is the ALU within the Zip CPU. This particular version,
// however, has been deprecated in favor of the newer instruction
// set. The primary difference is that this instruction set doesn't
// offer the bit reversal or population count instructions, and the
// newer ALU reorders the opcodes.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
module cpuops_deprecated(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_valid, i_op, i_a, i_b,
o_c, o_f, o_valid, o_illegal);
parameter IMPLEMENT_MPY = 1;
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce;
input [3:0] i_op;
input [31:0] i_a, i_b;
input i_valid;
output reg [31:0] o_c;
output wire [3:0] o_f;
output reg o_valid;
output wire o_illegal;
// Rotate-left pre-logic
wire [63:0] w_rol_tmp;
assign w_rol_tmp = { i_a, i_a } << i_b[4:0];
wire [31:0] w_rol_result;
assign w_rol_result = w_rol_tmp[63:32]; // Won't set flags
// Shift register pre-logic
wire [32:0] w_lsr_result, w_asr_result;
assign w_asr_result = (|i_b[31:5])? {(33){i_a[31]}}
: ( {i_a, 1'b0 } >>> (i_b[4:0]) );// ASR
assign w_lsr_result = (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00
: ( { i_a, 1'b0 } >> (i_b[4:0]) );// LSR
wire z, n, v;
reg c, pre_sign, set_ovfl;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
set_ovfl =((((i_op==4'h0)||(i_op==4'h8)) // SUB&CMP
&&(i_a[31] != i_b[31]))
||((i_op==4'ha)&&(i_a[31] == i_b[31])) // ADD
||(i_op == 4'hd) // LSL
||(i_op == 4'hf)); // LSR
// A 4-way multiplexer can be done in one 6-LUT.
// A 16-way multiplexer can therefore be done in 4x 6-LUT's with
// the Xilinx multiplexer fabric that follows.
// Given that we wish to apply this multiplexer approach to 33-bits,
// this will cost a minimum of 132 6-LUTs.
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
pre_sign <= (i_a[31]);
c <= 1'b0;
4'b?000:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,i_a} - {1'b0,i_b};// CMP/SUB
4'b?001: o_c <= i_a & i_b; // BTST/And
// 4'h3: There's a hole here for the unimplemented MPYU,
// 4'h4: and here for the unimplemented MPYS
4'h5: o_c <= w_rol_result; // ROL
4'h6: o_c <= { i_a[31:16], i_b[15:0] }; // LODILO
4'h7: o_c <= { i_b[15: 0], i_a[15:0] }; // LODIHI
4'ha: { c, o_c } <= i_a + i_b; // Add
4'hb: o_c <= i_a | i_b; // Or
4'hc: o_c <= i_a ^ i_b; // Xor
4'hd: { c, o_c } <= (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00 : {1'b0, i_a } << i_b[4:0]; // LSL
4'he: { o_c, c } <= w_asr_result[32:0]; // ASR
4'hf: { o_c, c } <= w_lsr_result[32:0]; // LSR
default: o_c <= i_b; // MOV, LDI
end else begin
// Multiply pre-logic
wire signed [16:0] w_mpy_a_input, w_mpy_b_input;
wire signed [33:0] w_mpy_result;
assign w_mpy_a_input = { ((i_a[15])&&(i_op[2])), i_a[15:0] };
assign w_mpy_b_input = { ((i_b[15])&&(i_op[2])), i_b[15:0] };
assign w_mpy_result = w_mpy_a_input * w_mpy_b_input;
// The master ALU case statement
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_ce)
pre_sign <= (i_a[31]);
c <= 1'b0;
4'b?000:{c,o_c } <= {1'b0,i_a} - {1'b0,i_b};// CMP/SUB
4'b?001: o_c <= i_a & i_b; // BTST/And
4'h3: { c, o_c } <= {1'b0,w_mpy_result[31:0]}; // MPYU
4'h4: { c, o_c } <= {1'b0,w_mpy_result[31:0]}; // MPYS
4'h5: o_c <= w_rol_result; // ROL
4'h6: o_c <= { i_a[31:16], i_b[15:0] }; // LODILO
4'h7: o_c <= { i_b[15: 0], i_a[15:0] }; // LODIHI
4'ha: { c, o_c } <= i_a + i_b; // Add
4'hb: o_c <= i_a | i_b; // Or
4'hc: o_c <= i_a ^ i_b; // Xor
4'hd: { c, o_c } <= (|i_b[31:5])? 33'h00 : {1'b0, i_a } << i_b[4:0]; // LSL
4'he: { o_c, c } <= w_asr_result[32:0]; // ASR
4'hf: { o_c, c } <= w_lsr_result[32:0]; // LSR
default: o_c <= i_b; // MOV, LDI
end endgenerate
reg r_illegal;
always @(posedge i_clk)
r_illegal <= (i_ce)&&((i_op == 4'h3)||(i_op == 4'h4));
assign o_illegal = r_illegal;
end else
assign o_illegal = 1'b0;
assign z = (o_c == 32'h0000);
assign n = (o_c[31]);
assign v = (set_ovfl)&&(pre_sign != o_c[31]);
assign o_f = { v, n, c, z };
initial o_valid = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
o_valid <= 1'b0;
o_valid <= (i_ce)&&(i_valid);
32,8 → 32,42
// to the spec.pdf for accurate and up to date information.)
// In general, the pipelining is controlled by three pieces of logic
// per stage: _ce, _stall, and _valid. _valid means that the stage
// holds a valid instruction. _ce means that the instruction from the
// previous stage is to move into this one, and _stall means that the
// instruction from the previous stage may not move into this one.
// The difference between these control signals allows individual stages
// to propagate instructions independently. In general, the logic works
// as:
// assign (n)_ce = (n-1)_valid && (~(n)_stall)
// always @(posedge i_clk)
// if ((i_rst)||(clear_pipeline))
// (n)_valid = 0
// else if (n)_ce
// (n)_valid = 1
// else if (n+1)_ce
// (n)_valid = 0
// assign (n)_stall = ( (n-1)_valid && ( pipeline hazard detection ) )
// || ( (n)_valid && (n+1)_stall );
// and ...
// always @(posedge i_clk)
// if (n)_ce
// (n)_variable = ... whatever logic for this stage
// Note that a stage can stall even if no instruction is loaded into
// it.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
69,11 → 103,13
`define CPU_CC_REG 4'he
`define CPU_PC_REG 4'hf
`define CPU_BUSERR_BIT 10
`define CPU_TRAP_BIT 9
`define CPU_ILL_BIT 8
`define CPU_FPUERR_BIT 12 // Floating point error flag, set on error
`define CPU_DIVERR_BIT 11 // Divide error flag, set on divide by zero
`define CPU_BUSERR_BIT 10 // Bus error flag, set on error
`define CPU_TRAP_BIT 9 // User TRAP has taken place
`define CPU_ILL_BIT 8 // Illegal instruction
`define CPU_BREAK_BIT 7
`define CPU_STEP_BIT 6
`define CPU_STEP_BIT 6 // Will step one or two (VLIW) instructions
`define CPU_GIE_BIT 5
`define CPU_SLEEP_BIT 4
// Compile time defines
81,11 → 117,6
`include "cpudefs.v"
// `define DEBUG_SCOPE
module zipcpu(i_clk, i_rst, i_interrupt,
// Debug interface
i_halt, i_clear_pf_cache, i_dbg_reg, i_dbg_we, i_dbg_data,
104,12 → 135,20
parameter RESET_ADDRESS=32'h0100000, ADDRESS_WIDTH=24,
parameter IMPLEMENT_MPY = 1;
parameter IMPLEMENT_MPY = 0;
parameter EARLY_BRANCHING = 1;
parameter EARLY_BRANCHING = 0;
input i_clk, i_rst, i_interrupt;
// Debug interface -- inputs
input i_halt, i_clear_pf_cache;
155,7 → 194,7
// Condition codes
reg [3:0] flags, iflags;
wire [10:0] w_uflags, w_iflags;
wire [12:0] w_uflags, w_iflags;
reg trap, break_en, step, gie, sleep;
reg ill_err_u, ill_err_i;
163,6 → 202,9
wire ill_err_u, ill_err_i;
reg ibus_err_flag, ubus_err_flag;
wire idiv_err_flag, udiv_err_flag;
wire ifpu_err_flag, ufpu_err_flag;
wire ihalt_phase, uhalt_phase;
// The master chip enable
wire master_ce;
173,9 → 215,9
// Variable declarations
reg [(AW-1):0] pf_pc;
reg new_pc, op_break;
reg new_pc;
wire clear_pipeline;
assign clear_pipeline = new_pc || i_clear_pf_cache; // || op_break;
assign clear_pipeline = new_pc || i_clear_pf_cache;
wire dcd_stalled;
wire pf_cyc, pf_stb, pf_we, pf_busy, pf_ack, pf_stall, pf_err;
192,33 → 234,25
reg opvalid, opvalid_mem, opvalid_alu, op_wr_pc;
wire op_stall, dcd_ce;
reg [3:0] dcdOp;
reg [4:0] dcdA, dcdB;
reg dcdA_cc, dcdB_cc, dcdA_pc, dcdB_pc;
reg [3:0] dcdF;
reg dcdA_rd, dcdA_wr, dcdB_rd, dcdvalid,
dcdM, dcdF_wr, dcd_gie, dcd_break;
reg [(AW-1):0] dcd_pc;
reg [23:0] r_dcdI;
reg dcd_zI; // true if dcdI == 0
reg opvalid_div, opvalid_fpu;
wire op_stall, dcd_ce, dcd_phase;
wire [3:0] dcdOp;
wire [4:0] dcdA, dcdB, dcdR;
wire dcdA_cc, dcdB_cc, dcdA_pc, dcdB_pc, dcdR_cc, dcdR_pc;
wire [3:0] dcdF;
wire dcdR_wr, dcdA_rd, dcdB_rd,
dcdALU, dcdM, dcdDV, dcdFP,
dcdF_wr, dcd_gie, dcd_break, dcd_lock;
reg r_dcdvalid;
wire dcdvalid;
wire [(AW-1):0] dcd_pc;
wire [31:0] dcdI;
wire dcd_zI; // true if dcdI == 0
wire dcdA_stall, dcdB_stall, dcdF_stall;
reg dcd_clear_bus;
reg dcd_illegal;
reg dcd_early_branch_stb, dcd_early_branch;
reg [(AW-1):0] dcd_branch_pc;
wire dcd_early_branch_stb, dcd_early_branch;
wire dcd_illegal;
wire dcd_early_branch;
wire [(AW-1):0] dcd_branch_pc;
237,22 → 271,21
wire [31:0] w_opA, w_opB;
wire [31:0] opA_nowait, opB_nowait, opA, opB;
reg opR_wr, opR_cc, opF_wr, op_gie;
wire [10:0] opFl;
wire [12:0] opFl;
reg [5:0] r_opF;
wire [7:0] opF;
reg [2:0] opF_cp;
wire op_ce;
wire op_ce, op_phase;
// Some pipeline control wires
reg opA_alu, opA_mem;
reg opB_alu, opB_mem;
reg op_clear_bus;
reg op_illegal;
reg op_break;
wire op_lock;
262,7 → 295,8
reg [(AW-1):0] alu_pc;
reg alu_pc_valid;;
reg alu_pc_valid;
wire alu_phase;
wire alu_ce, alu_stall;
wire [31:0] alu_result;
wire [3:0] alu_flags;
287,8 → 321,23
wire [31:0] mem_data, mem_result;
reg [4:0] mem_last_reg; // Last register result to go in
wire div_ce, div_error, div_busy, div_valid;
wire [31:0] div_result;
wire [3:0] div_flags;
assign div_ce = (master_ce)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(opvalid_div)
wire fpu_ce, fpu_error, fpu_busy, fpu_valid;
wire [31:0] fpu_result;
wire [3:0] fpu_flags;
assign fpu_ce = (master_ce)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(opvalid_fpu)
// PIPELINE STAGE #5 :: Write-back
318,37 → 367,68
// PIPELINE STAGE #2 :: Instruction Decode
// Calculate stall conditions
assign dcd_ce = (pf_valid)&&(~dcd_stalled)&&(~clear_pipeline);
assign dcd_stalled = (dcdvalid)&&(
assign dcd_ce = ((~dcdvalid)||(~dcd_stalled))&&(~clear_pipeline);
assign dcd_ce = 1'b1;
assign dcd_stalled = (dcdvalid)&&(op_stall);
// If not pipelined, there will be no opvalid_ anything, and the
// op_stall will be false, dcdX_stall will be false, thus we can simply
// do a ...
assign dcd_stalled = 1'b0;
// PIPELINE STAGE #3 :: Read Operands
// Calculate stall conditions
assign op_stall = ((opvalid)&&(~master_ce))||(
wire op_lock_stall;
assign op_stall = (opvalid)&&( // Only stall if we're loaded w/validins
// Stall if we're stopped, and not allowed to execute
// an instruction
// (~master_ce) // Already captured in alu_stall
// Stall if going into the ALU and the ALU is stalled
// i.e. if the memory is busy, or we are single
// stepping
// stepping. This also includes our stalls for
// op_break and op_lock, so we don't need to
// include those as well here.
// Stall if the divide is busy, since we can't have
// two parallel stages writing back at the same time
// Same for the floating point unit
// ||((opvalid_alu)&&(mem_rdbusy)) // part of alu_stall
// Stall if we are going into memory with an operation
// that cannot be pipelined, and the memory is
// already busy
// Stall if we are going into memory with a pipeable
// operation, but the memory unit declares it is
// not going to accept any more pipeline operations
||((opvalid_mem)&&( op_pipe)&&(mem_pipe_stalled))
// Stall if we've got a read going with an
// unknown output (known w/in the memory module)
// Or if we need to wait for an operand A
// to be ready to read
// Likewise for B, also includes logic
// regarding immediate offset (register must
// be in register file if we need to add to
// an immediate)
// Or if we need to wait on flags to work on the
// CC register
assign op_ce = (dcdvalid)&&((~opvalid)||(~op_stall))&&(~clear_pipeline);
assign op_stall = (opvalid)&&(~master_ce);
assign op_ce = (dcdvalid);
assign op_ce = (dcdvalid)&&((~opvalid)||(~op_stall));
// PIPELINE STAGE #4 :: ALU / Memory
363,12 → 443,22
// 4. Last case: Stall if we would otherwise move a break instruction
// through the ALU. Break instructions are not allowed through
// the ALU.
assign alu_stall = (((~master_ce)||(mem_rdbusy))&&(opvalid_alu)) //Case 1&2
// Old case #3--this isn't an ALU stall though ...
||((opvalid_alu)&&(wr_reg_ce)&&(wr_reg_id[4] == op_gie)
&&(wr_write_cc)) // Case 3
||((opvalid_alu)&&(op_break)); // Case 3
assign alu_ce = (master_ce)&&(~mem_rdbusy)&&(opvalid_alu)&&(~alu_stall)&&(~clear_pipeline);
assign alu_ce = (master_ce)&&(opvalid_alu)
assign alu_stall = ((~master_ce)&&(opvalid_alu))
assign alu_ce = (master_ce)&&(opvalid_alu)&&(~alu_stall);
375,12 → 465,22
// Note: if you change the conditions for mem_ce, you must also change
// alu_pc_valid.
assign mem_ce = (master_ce)&&(opvalid_mem)&&(~clear_pipeline)
assign mem_ce = (master_ce)&&(opvalid_mem)&&(~mem_stalled)
// If we aren't pipelined, then no one will be changing what's in the
// pipeline (i.e. clear_pipeline), while our only instruction goes
// through the ... pipeline.
assign mem_ce = (master_ce)&&(opvalid_mem)
assign mem_stalled = (~master_ce)||((opvalid_mem)&&(
// Stall waiting for flags to be valid
// Or waiting for a write to the PC register
// Or CC register, since that can change the
388,6 → 488,7
||((wr_reg_ce)&&(wr_reg_id[4] == op_gie)
assign mem_stalled = (mem_busy)||((opvalid_mem)&&(
// Stall waiting for flags to be valid
395,7 → 496,10
// Or CC register, since that can change the
// PC as well
||((wr_reg_ce)&&(wr_reg_id[4] == op_gie)&&((wr_write_pc)||(wr_write_cc)))));
assign mem_stalled = (opvalid_mem)&&(~master_ce);
406,276 → 510,100
wire pf_ce;
assign pf_ce = (~dcd_stalled);
assign pf_ce = (~pf_valid)&&(~dcdvalid)&&(~opvalid)&&(~alu_valid);
prefetch #(ADDRESS_WIDTH)
pf(i_clk, i_rst, (pf_ce), pf_pc, gie,
pf(i_clk, i_rst, (pf_ce), (~dcd_stalled), pf_pc, gie,
instruction, instruction_pc, instruction_gie,
pf_valid, pf_illegal,
pf_cyc, pf_stb, pf_we, pf_addr, pf_data,
pf_ack, pf_stall, pf_err, i_wb_data);
initial r_dcdvalid = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_dcdvalid <= 1'b0;
else if (dcd_ce)
r_dcdvalid <= (pf_valid)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&((~r_dcdvalid)||(~dcd_early_branch));
else if ((op_ce)||(clear_pipeline))
r_dcdvalid <= 1'b0;
assign dcdvalid = r_dcdvalid;
`else // Pipe fetch
pf(i_clk, i_rst, (new_pc)||((dcd_early_branch)&&(dcdvalid)),
// dcd_pc,
? dcd_branch_pc:pf_pc,
instruction, instruction_pc, pf_valid,
pf_cyc, pf_stb, pf_we, pf_addr, pf_data,
pf_ack, pf_stall, pf_err, i_wb_data,
pf(i_clk, i_rst, (new_pc)|(dcd_early_branch_stb),
pf(i_clk, i_rst, (new_pc)||((dcd_early_branch)&&(dcdvalid)),
i_clear_pf_cache, ~dcd_stalled,
instruction, instruction_pc, pf_valid,
pf_cyc, pf_stb, pf_we, pf_addr, pf_data,
pf_ack, pf_stall, pf_err, i_wb_data,
assign instruction_gie = gie;
initial dcdvalid = 1'b0;
initial r_dcdvalid = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
dcdvalid <= 1'b0;
if ((i_rst)||(clear_pipeline))
r_dcdvalid <= 1'b0;
else if (dcd_ce)
dcdvalid <= (~clear_pipeline)&&(~dcd_early_branch_stb);
else if ((~dcd_stalled)||(clear_pipeline)||(dcd_early_branch))
dcdvalid <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((dcd_ce)&&(instruction[27:24]==`CPU_PC_REG)&&(master_ce))
dcd_early_branch <= 1'b0;
// First case, a move to PC instruction
if ((instruction[31:28] == 4'h2)
// Offsets of the PC register *only*
&&(instruction[19:16] == `CPU_PC_REG)
&&(instruction[23:21]==3'h0)) // Unconditional
dcd_early_branch_stb <= 1'b1;
dcd_early_branch <= 1'b1;
// r_dcdI <= { {(17){instruction[14]}}, instruction[14:0] };
end else // Next case, an Add Imm -> PC instruction
if ((instruction[31:28] == 4'ha) // Add
&&(~instruction[20]) // Immediate
&&(instruction[23:21]==3'h0)) // Always
dcd_early_branch_stb <= 1'b1;
dcd_early_branch <= 1'b1;
// r_dcdI <= { {(4){instruction[19]}}, instruction[19:0] };
end else // Next case: load Immediate to PC
if (instruction[31:28] == 4'h3)
dcd_early_branch_stb <= 1'b1;
dcd_early_branch <= 1'b1;
// r_dcdI <= { instruction[23:0] };
end else
if (dcd_ce) dcd_early_branch <= 1'b0;
dcd_early_branch_stb <= 1'b0;
if (AW == 24)
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (dcd_ce)
if (instruction[31]) // Add
dcd_branch_pc <= instruction_pc
+ { {(AW-20){instruction[19]}}, instruction[19:0] }
+ {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else if (~instruction[28]) // 4'h2 = MOV
dcd_branch_pc <= instruction_pc+{ {(AW-15){instruction[14]}}, instruction[14:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
else // if (instruction[28]) // 4'h3 = LDI
dcd_branch_pc <= instruction_pc+{ instruction[23:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else begin
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (dcd_ce)
if (instruction[31]) // Add
dcd_branch_pc <= instruction_pc
+ { {(AW-20){instruction[19]}}, instruction[19:0] }
+ {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else if (~instruction[28]) // 4'h2 = MOV
dcd_branch_pc <= instruction_pc+{ {(AW-15){instruction[14]}}, instruction[14:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end else // if (instruction[28]) // 4'h3 = LDI
dcd_branch_pc <= instruction_pc+{ {(AW-24){instruction[23]}}, instruction[23:0] } + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
end endgenerate
assign dcd_early_branch_stb = 1'b0;
assign dcd_early_branch = 1'b0;
assign dcd_branch_pc = {(AW){1'b0}};
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (dcd_ce)
dcd_pc <= instruction_pc
+{{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1}; // i.e. dcd_pc+1
// Record what operation we are doing
dcdOp <= instruction[31:28];
// Default values
dcdA[4:0] <= { instruction_gie, instruction[27:24] };
dcdB[4:0] <= { instruction_gie, instruction[19:16] };
dcdA_cc <= (instruction[27:24] == `CPU_CC_REG);
dcdB_cc <= (instruction[19:16] == `CPU_CC_REG);
dcdA_pc <= (instruction[27:24] == `CPU_PC_REG);
dcdB_pc <= (instruction[19:16] == `CPU_PC_REG);
dcdM <= 1'b0;
// Don't change the flags on conditional instructions,
// UNLESS: the conditional instruction was a CMP
// or TST instruction.
dcdF_wr <= ((instruction[23:21]==3'h0)
||(instruction[31:29] == 3'h0));
dcdF_wr <= 1'b1;
r_dcdvalid <= (pf_valid)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&((~r_dcdvalid)||(~dcd_early_branch));
else if (op_ce)
r_dcdvalid <= 1'b0;
assign dcdvalid = r_dcdvalid;
dcd_clear_bus <= 1'b0;
dcd_illegal <= pf_illegal;
// Set the condition under which we do this operation
// The top four bits are a mask, the bottom four the
// value the flags must equal once anded with the mask
dcdF <= { (instruction[23:21]==3'h0), instruction[23:21] };
4'h2: begin // Move instruction
if (~instruction_gie)
dcdA[4] <= instruction[20];
dcdB[4] <= instruction[15];
dcdA_wr <= 1'b1;
dcdA_rd <= 1'b0;
dcdB_rd <= 1'b1;
r_dcdI <= { {(9){instruction[14]}}, instruction[14:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[14:0] == 0);
dcdF_wr <= 1'b0; // Don't write flags
4'h3: begin // Load immediate
dcdA_wr <= 1'b1;
dcdA_rd <= 1'b0;
dcdB_rd <= 1'b0;
r_dcdI <= { instruction[23:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[23:0] == 0);
dcdF_wr <= 1'b0; // Don't write flags
dcdF <= 4'h8; // This is unconditional
dcdOp <= 4'h2;
4'h4: begin // Multiply, LDI[HI|LO], or NOOP/BREAK
// Don't write flags except for multiplies
// and then only if they are unconditional
dcdF_wr <= ((instruction[27:25] != 3'h7)
instruction_decoder(i_clk, (i_rst)||(clear_pipeline),
dcd_ce, dcd_stalled, instruction, instruction_gie,
instruction_pc, pf_valid, pf_illegal, dcd_phase,
dcd_illegal, dcd_pc, dcd_gie,
{ dcdR_cc, dcdR_pc, dcdR },
{ dcdA_cc, dcdA_pc, dcdA },
{ dcdB_cc, dcdB_pc, dcdB },
dcdI, dcd_zI, dcdF, dcdF_wr, dcdOp,
dcdALU, dcdM, dcdDV, dcdFP, dcd_break, dcd_lock,
dcdR_wr,dcdA_rd, dcdB_rd,
// Don't write flags except for multiplies
dcdF_wr <= (instruction[27:25] != 3'h7);
instruction_decoder(i_clk, (i_rst)||(clear_pipeline),
dcd_ce, dcd_stalled, instruction, instruction_gie,
instruction_pc, pf_valid, pf_illegal, dcd_phase,
dcd_illegal, dcd_pc, dcd_gie,
{ dcdR_cc, dcdR_pc, dcdR },
{ dcdA_cc, dcdA_pc, dcdA },
{ dcdB_cc, dcdB_pc, dcdB },
dcdI, dcd_zI, dcdF, dcdF_wr, dcdOp,
dcdALU, dcdM, dcdDV, dcdFP, dcd_break, dcd_lock,
dcdR_wr,dcdA_rd, dcdB_rd,
r_dcdI <= { 8'h00, instruction[15:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[15:0] == 0);
if (instruction[27:24] == 4'he)
// NOOP instruction
dcdA_wr <= 1'b0;
dcdA_rd <= 1'b0;
dcdB_rd <= 1'b0;
dcdOp <= 4'h2;
// Might also be a break. Big
// instruction set hole here.
dcd_illegal <= (pf_illegal)||(instruction[23:1] != 0);
end else if (instruction[27:24] == 4'hf)
begin // Load partial immediate(s)
dcdA_wr <= 1'b1;
dcdA_rd <= 1'b1;
dcdB_rd <= 1'b0;
dcdA[4:0] <= { instruction_gie, instruction[19:16] };
dcdA_cc <= (instruction[19:16] == `CPU_CC_REG);
dcdA_pc <= (instruction[19:16] == `CPU_PC_REG);
dcdOp <= { 3'h3, instruction[20] };
end else begin
// Actual multiply instruction
r_dcdI <= { 8'h00, instruction[15:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[15:0] == 0);
dcdA_rd <= 1'b1;
dcdB_rd <= (instruction[19:16] != 4'hf);
dcdOp[3:0] <= (instruction[20])? 4'h4:4'h3;
end end
4'b011?: begin // LOD/STO or Load/Store
dcdF_wr <= 1'b0; // Don't write flags
dcdA_wr <= (~instruction[28]); // Write on loads
dcdA_rd <= (instruction[28]); // Read on stores
dcdB_rd <= instruction[20];
if (instruction[20])
r_dcdI <= { {(8){instruction[15]}}, instruction[15:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[15:0] == 0);
end else begin
r_dcdI <= { {(4){instruction[19]}}, instruction[19:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[19:0] == 0);
dcdM <= 1'b1; // Memory operation
dcd_clear_bus <= (instruction[23:21]==3'h0);
default: begin
dcdA_wr <= (instruction[31])||(instruction[31:28]==4'h5);
dcdA_rd <= 1'b1;
dcdB_rd <= instruction[20];
if (instruction[20])
r_dcdI <= { {(8){instruction[15]}}, instruction[15:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[15:0] == 0);
end else begin
r_dcdI <= { {(4){instruction[19]}}, instruction[19:0] };
dcd_zI <= (instruction[19:0] == 0);
end end
dcd_gie <= instruction_gie;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (dcd_ce)
dcd_break <= (instruction[31:0] == 32'h4e000001);
else if ((clear_pipeline)||(~dcdvalid)) // SHOULDNT THIS BE ||op_ce?
dcd_break <= 1'b0;
reg [23:0] r_opI;
reg [4:0] op_B;
695,10 → 623,10
&&(dcdB == op_B) // Same address register
&&((dcdF[2:0] == opF_cp) // Same condition
||(opF_cp == 3'h0)) // or no prev condition
&&((r_dcdI == r_opI)||(r_dcdI==r_opI+24'h1));
&&((dcdI[23:0] == r_opI)||(dcdI[23:0]==r_opI+24'h1));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce) // &&(dcdvalid))
r_opI <= r_dcdI;
r_opI <= dcdI[23:0];
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce) // &&(dcdvalid))
op_B <= dcdB;
727,10 → 655,10
else if (dcdA_pc)
r_opA <= w_pcA_v;
else if (dcdA_cc)
r_opA <= { w_opA[31:11], (dcd_gie)?w_uflags:w_iflags };
r_opA <= { w_opA[31:13], (dcdA[4])?w_uflags:w_iflags };
r_opA <= w_opA;
end else if (opvalid)
begin // We were going to pick these up when they became valid,
// but for some reason we're stuck here as they became
740,8 → 668,7
wire [31:0] dcdI, w_opBnI, w_pcB_v;
assign dcdI = { {(8){r_dcdI[23]}}, r_dcdI };
wire [31:0] w_opBnI, w_pcB_v;
if (AW < 32)
assign w_pcB_v = {{(32-AW){1'b0}}, (dcdB[4] == dcd_gie)?dcd_pc:upc };
752,13 → 679,13
assign w_opBnI = (~dcdB_rd) ? 32'h00
: (((wr_reg_ce)&&(wr_reg_id == dcdB)) ? wr_reg_vl
: ((dcdB_pc) ? w_pcB_v
: ((dcdB_cc) ? { w_opB[31:11], (dcd_gie)?w_uflags:w_iflags}
: ((dcdB_cc) ? { w_opB[31:13], (dcdB[4])?w_uflags:w_iflags}
: w_opB)));
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce) // &&(dcdvalid))
r_opB <= w_opBnI + dcdI;
else if ((opvalid)&&(
779,11 → 706,23
begin // Set the flag condition codes, bit order is [3:0]=VNCZ
3'h0: r_opF <= 6'h00; // Always
// These were remapped as part of the new instruction
// set in order to make certain that the low order
// two bits contained the most commonly used
// conditions: Always, LT, Z, and NZ.
3'h1: r_opF <= 6'h24; // LT
3'h2: r_opF <= 6'h11; // Z
3'h3: r_opF <= 6'h10; // NE
3'h4: r_opF <= 6'h30; // GT (!N&!Z)
3'h5: r_opF <= 6'h20; // GE (!N)
3'h1: r_opF <= 6'h11; // Z
3'h2: r_opF <= 6'h10; // NE
3'h3: r_opF <= 6'h20; // GE (!N)
3'h4: r_opF <= 6'h30; // GT (!N&!Z)
3'h5: r_opF <= 6'h24; // LT
3'h6: r_opF <= 6'h02; // C
3'h7: r_opF <= 6'h08; // V
793,6 → 732,8
if (op_ce)
opF_cp[2:0] <= dcdF[2:0];
wire w_opvalid;
assign w_opvalid = (~clear_pipeline)&&(dcdvalid);
initial opvalid = 1'b0;
initial opvalid_alu = 1'b0;
initial opvalid_mem = 1'b0;
812,19 → 753,25
// Hence, the test on dcd_stalled here. If we must
// wait until our operands are valid, then we aren't
// valid yet until then.
opvalid<= (~clear_pipeline)&&(dcdvalid)&&(~dcd_stalled);
opvalid<= w_opvalid;
opvalid_mem <= (dcdM)&&(~dcd_illegal)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(dcdvalid)&&(~dcd_stalled);
opvalid_alu <= ((~dcdM)||(dcd_illegal))&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(dcdvalid)&&(~dcd_stalled);
opvalid_alu <= ((dcdALU)||(dcd_illegal))&&(w_opvalid);
opvalid_mem <= (dcdM)&&(~dcd_illegal)&&(w_opvalid);
opvalid_div <= (dcdDV)&&(~dcd_illegal)&&(w_opvalid);
opvalid_fpu <= (dcdFP)&&(~dcd_illegal)&&(w_opvalid);
opvalid_alu <= (~dcdM)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(dcdvalid)&&(~dcd_stalled);
opvalid_mem <= (dcdM)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(dcdvalid)&&(~dcd_stalled);
opvalid_alu <= (dcdALU)&&(w_opvalid);
opvalid_mem <= (dcdM)&&(w_opvalid);
opvalid_div <= (dcdDV)&&(w_opvalid);
opvalid_fpu <= (dcdFP)&&(w_opvalid);
end else if ((~op_stall)||(clear_pipeline))
end else if ((clear_pipeline)||(alu_ce)||(mem_ce)||(div_ce)||(fpu_ce))
opvalid <= 1'b0;
opvalid_alu <= 1'b0;
opvalid_mem <= 1'b0;
opvalid_div <= 1'b0;
opvalid_fpu <= 1'b0;
// Here's part of our debug interface. When we recognize a break
843,47 → 790,109
else if ((clear_pipeline)||(~opvalid))
op_break <= 1'b0;
reg r_op_lock, r_op_lock_stall;
initial r_op_lock_stall = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_op_lock_stall <= 1'b0;
r_op_lock_stall <= (~opvalid)||(~op_lock)
assign op_lock_stall = r_op_lock_stall;
initial r_op_lock = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_op_lock <= 1'b0;
else if ((op_ce)&&(dcd_lock))
r_op_lock <= 1'b1;
else if ((op_ce)||(clear_pipeline))
r_op_lock <= 1'b0;
assign op_lock = r_op_lock;
end else begin
assign op_lock_stall = 1'b0;
assign op_lock = 1'b0;
end endgenerate
assign op_lock_stall = 1'b0;
assign op_lock = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
op_illegal <= dcd_illegal;
op_illegal <=(dcd_illegal)||((dcd_lock)&&(IMPLEMENT_LOCK == 0));
op_illegal <= (dcd_illegal)||(dcd_lock);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce)
opF_wr <= (dcdF_wr)&&((~dcdR_cc)||(~dcdR_wr))&&(~dcd_early_branch);
opR_wr <= (dcdR_wr)&&(~dcd_early_branch);
op_wr_pc <= ((dcdR_wr)&&(dcdR_pc)
&&(dcdR[4] == dcd_gie))
end else begin
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce)
// Will we write the flags/CC Register with
// our result?
opF_wr <= (dcdF_wr)&&((~dcdR_cc)||(~dcdR_wr));
// Will we be writing our results into a
// register?
opR_wr <= dcdR_wr;
op_wr_pc <= ((dcdR_wr)&&(dcdR_pc)
&&(dcdR[4] == dcd_gie));
end endgenerate
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce)
opn <= dcdOp; // Which ALU operation?
// opM <= dcdM; // Is this a memory operation?
opF_wr <= (dcdF_wr)&&((~dcdA_cc)||(~dcdA_wr))&&(~dcd_early_branch);
opR_wr <= (dcdA_wr)&&(~dcd_early_branch);
// Will we write the flags/CC Register with our result?
opF_wr <= (dcdF_wr)&&((~dcdA_cc)||(~dcdA_wr));
// Will we be writing our results into a register?
opR_wr <= dcdA_wr;
// What register will these results be written into?
opR <= dcdA;
opR_cc <= (dcdA_wr)&&(dcdA_cc)&&(dcdA[4]==dcd_gie);
opR <= dcdR;
opR_cc <= (dcdR_cc)&&(dcdR_wr)&&(dcdR[4]==dcd_gie);
// User level (1), vs supervisor (0)/interrupts disabled
op_gie <= dcd_gie;
op_wr_pc <= ((dcdA_wr)&&(dcdA_pc)&&(dcdA[4] == dcd_gie))&&(~dcd_early_branch);
op_wr_pc <= ((dcdA_wr)&&(dcdA_pc)&&(dcdA[4] == dcd_gie));
op_pc <= (dcd_early_branch)?dcd_branch_pc:dcd_pc;
// op_pc <= dcd_pc;
op_clear_bus <= dcd_clear_bus;
assign opFl = (op_gie)?(w_uflags):(w_iflags);
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
reg r_op_phase;
initial r_op_phase = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||(clear_pipeline))
r_op_phase <= 1'b0;
else if (op_ce)
r_op_phase <= dcd_phase;
assign op_phase = r_op_phase;
assign op_phase = 1'b0;
// This is tricky. First, the PC and Flags registers aren't kept in
// register set but in special registers of their own. So step one
// is to select the right register. Step to is to replace that
896,7 → 905,7
// We'll create a flag here to start our coordination. Once we
// define this flag to something other than just plain zero, then
// the stalls will already be in place.
initial opA_alu = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce)
916,7 → 925,7
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (mem_ce)
mem_last_reg <= opR;
assign opA = ((opA_alu)&&(alu_wr)) ? alu_result
: ( ((opA_mem)&&(mem_valid))?mem_result
: r_opA );
924,20 → 933,15
assign opA = r_opA;
assign dcdA_stall = (dcdvalid)&&(dcdA_rd)&&(
// Skip the requirement on writing back opA
// Stall on memory, since we'll always need to stall for a
// memory access anyway
((opvalid)&&(opR_wr)&&(opR == dcdA))
||((mem_rdbusy)&&(mem_last_reg == dcdA))
// There are no pipeline hazards, if we aren't pipelined
assign dcdA_stall = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (op_ce)
opB_alu <= (opvalid_alu)&&(opR == dcdB)&&(opR_wr)&&(dcdB_rd)&&(dcd_zI);
956,8 → 960,8
assign opB = r_opB;
assign dcdB_stall = (dcdvalid)&&(dcdB_rd)&&(
// Stall on memory ops writing to my register
// (i.e. loads), or on any write to my
// register if I have an immediate offset
978,12 → 982,13
// will write to opB
((opvalid)&&(opR_wr)&&(opR == dcdB))
||((mem_rdbusy)&&(mem_last_reg == dcdB))
// No stalls without pipelining, 'cause how can you have a pipeline
// hazard without the pipeline?
assign dcdB_stall = 1'b0;
assign dcdF_stall = (dcdvalid)&&((~dcdF[3])||(dcdA_cc)||(dcdB_cc))
assign dcdF_stall = (dcdvalid)&&((~dcdF[3])
990,10 → 995,52
// PIPELINE STAGE #4 :: Apply Instruction
cpuops #(IMPLEMENT_MPY) doalu(i_clk, i_rst, alu_ce,
(opvalid_alu), opn, opA, opB,
alu_result, alu_flags, alu_valid, alu_illegal_op);
cpuops_deprecated #(IMPLEMENT_MPY) doalu(i_clk, i_rst, alu_ce,
(opvalid_alu), opn, opA, opB,
alu_result, alu_flags, alu_valid, alu_illegal_op);
div thedivide(i_clk, i_rst, div_ce, opn[0],
opA, opB, div_busy, div_valid, div_error, div_result,
end else begin
assign div_error = 1'b1;
assign div_busy = 1'b0;
assign div_valid = 1'b0;
assign div_result= 32'h00;
assign div_flags = 4'h0;
end endgenerate
// sfpu thefpu(i_clk, i_rst, fpu_ce,
// opA, opB, fpu_busy, fpu_valid, fpu_err, fpu_result,
// fpu_flags);
assign fpu_error = 1'b1;
assign fpu_busy = 1'b0;
assign fpu_valid = 1'b0;
assign fpu_result= 32'h00;
assign fpu_flags = 4'h0;
end else begin
assign fpu_error = 1'b1;
assign fpu_busy = 1'b0;
assign fpu_valid = 1'b0;
assign fpu_result= 32'h00;
assign fpu_flags = 4'h0;
end endgenerate
assign set_cond = ((opF[7:4]&opFl[3:0])==opF[3:0]);
initial alF_wr = 1'b0;
initial alu_wr = 1'b0;
1013,11 → 1060,26
alu_wr <= (i_halt)&&(i_dbg_we);
alF_wr <= 1'b0;
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
reg r_alu_phase;
initial r_alu_phase = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (alu_ce)
if (i_rst)
r_alu_phase <= 1'b0;
else if ((alu_ce)||(mem_ce)||(div_ce)||(fpu_ce))
r_alu_phase <= op_phase;
assign alu_phase = r_alu_phase;
assign alu_phase = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((alu_ce)||(div_ce)||(fpu_ce))
alu_reg <= opR;
else if ((i_halt)&&(i_dbg_we))
alu_reg <= i_dbg_reg;
reg [31:0] dbg_val;
reg dbgv;
always @(posedge i_clk)
1051,8 → 1113,30
alu_pc_valid <= ((alu_ce)
wire bus_lock;
reg r_bus_lock;
initial r_bus_lock = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_bus_lock <= 1'b0;
else if ((op_ce)&&(op_lock))
r_bus_lock <= 1'b1;
else if (~opvalid_mem)
r_bus_lock <= 1'b0;
assign bus_lock = r_bus_lock;
end else begin
assign bus_lock = 1'b0;
end endgenerate
assign bus_lock = 1'b0;
pipemem #(AW) domem(i_clk, i_rst, mem_ce,
pipemem #(AW,IMPLEMENT_LOCK) domem(i_clk, i_rst, mem_ce, bus_lock,
(opn[0]), opB, opA, opR,
mem_busy, mem_pipe_stalled,
mem_valid, bus_err, mem_wreg, mem_result,
1062,7 → 1146,7
mem_ack, mem_stall, mem_err, i_wb_data);
memops #(AW) domem(i_clk, i_rst, mem_ce,
memops #(AW,IMPLEMENT_LOCK) domem(i_clk, i_rst, mem_ce, bus_lock,
(opn[0]), opB, opA, opR,
mem_valid, bus_err, mem_wreg, mem_result,
1106,13 → 1190,15
// Further, alu_wr includes (set_cond), so we don't need to
// check for that here either.
assign wr_reg_ce = (~alu_illegal)&&((alu_wr)&&(~clear_pipeline))||(mem_valid);
assign wr_reg_ce = (~alu_illegal)&&((alu_wr)&&(~clear_pipeline))||(mem_valid)||(div_valid)||(fpu_valid);
assign wr_reg_ce = ((alu_wr)&&(~clear_pipeline))||(mem_valid);
assign wr_reg_ce = ((alu_wr)&&(~clear_pipeline))||(mem_valid)||(div_valid)||(fpu_valid);
// Which register shall be written?
// COULD SIMPLIFY THIS: by adding three bits to these registers,
// One or PC, one for CC, and one for GIE match
// Note that the alu_reg is the register to write on a divide or
// FPU operation.
assign wr_reg_id = (alu_wr)?alu_reg:mem_wreg;
// Are we writing to the CC register?
assign wr_write_cc = (wr_reg_id[3:0] == `CPU_CC_REG);
1119,7 → 1205,10
// Are we writing to the PC?
assign wr_write_pc = (wr_reg_id[3:0] == `CPU_PC_REG);
// What value to write?
assign wr_reg_vl = (alu_wr)?((dbgv)?dbg_val: alu_result) :mem_result;
assign wr_reg_vl = (alu_wr)?((dbgv)?dbg_val: alu_result)
:((mem_valid) ? mem_result
:((div_valid) ? div_result
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (wr_reg_ce)
regset[wr_reg_id] <= wr_reg_vl;
1128,14 → 1217,11
// Write back to the condition codes/flags register ...
// When shall we write to our flags register? alF_wr already
// includes the set condition ...
assign wr_flags_ce = (alF_wr)&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(~alu_illegal);
assign w_uflags = { ubus_err_flag, trap, ill_err_u, 1'b0, step, 1'b1, sleep, ((wr_flags_ce)&&(alu_gie))?alu_flags:flags };
assign w_iflags = { ibus_err_flag, trap, ill_err_i,break_en, 1'b0, 1'b0, sleep, ((wr_flags_ce)&&(~alu_gie))?alu_flags:iflags };
assign w_uflags = { ubus_err_flag, trap, ill_err_u, 1'b0, step, 1'b1, sleep, ((wr_flags_ce)&&(alu_gie))?alu_flags:flags };
assign w_iflags = { ibus_err_flag, trap, ill_err_i, break_en, 1'b0, 1'b0, sleep, ((wr_flags_ce)&&(~alu_gie))?alu_flags:iflags };
assign wr_flags_ce = ((alF_wr)||(div_valid)||(fpu_valid))&&(~clear_pipeline)&&(~alu_illegal);
assign w_uflags = { ufpu_err_flag, udiv_err_flag, ubus_err_flag, trap, ill_err_u, 1'b0, step, 1'b1, sleep, ((wr_flags_ce)&&(alu_gie))?alu_flags:flags };
assign w_iflags = { ifpu_err_flag, idiv_err_flag, ibus_err_flag, trap, ill_err_i,break_en, 1'b0, 1'b0, sleep, ((wr_flags_ce)&&(~alu_gie))?alu_flags:iflags };
// What value to write?
always @(posedge i_clk)
// If explicitly writing the register itself
1143,13 → 1229,15
flags <= wr_reg_vl[3:0];
// Otherwise if we're setting the flags from an ALU operation
else if ((wr_flags_ce)&&(alu_gie))
flags <= alu_flags;
flags <= (div_valid)?div_flags:((fpu_valid)?fpu_flags
: alu_flags);
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((wr_reg_ce)&&(~wr_reg_id[4])&&(wr_write_cc))
iflags <= wr_reg_vl[3:0];
else if ((wr_flags_ce)&&(~alu_gie))
iflags <= alu_flags;
iflags <= (div_valid)?div_flags:((fpu_valid)?fpu_flags
: alu_flags);
// The 'break' enable bit. This bit can only be set from supervisor
// mode. It control what the CPU does upon encountering a break
1175,8 → 1263,11
assign o_break = ((break_en)||(~op_gie))&&(op_break)
assign o_break = (((break_en)||(~op_gie))&&(op_break)
1193,12 → 1284,19
// set the sleep bit and switch to supervisor mode in the same
// instruction: users are not allowed to halt the CPU.
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||((i_interrupt)&&(gie)))
if ((i_rst)||(w_switch_to_interrupt))
sleep <= 1'b0;
else if ((wr_reg_ce)&&(wr_write_cc)&&(~alu_gie))
// In supervisor mode, we have no protections. The
// supervisor can set the sleep bit however he wants.
sleep <= wr_reg_vl[`CPU_SLEEP_BIT];
// Well ... not quite. Switching to user mode and
// sleep mode shouold only be possible if the interrupt
// flag isn't set.
// Thus: if (i_interrupt)&&(wr_reg_vl[GIE])
// don't set the sleep bit
// otherwise however it would o.w. be set
sleep <= (wr_reg_vl[`CPU_SLEEP_BIT])
else if ((wr_reg_ce)&&(wr_write_cc)&&(wr_reg_vl[`CPU_GIE_BIT]))
// In user mode, however, you can only set the sleep
// mode while remaining in user mode. You can't switch
1217,16 → 1315,20
// The GIE register. Only interrupts can disable the interrupt register
assign w_switch_to_interrupt = (gie)&&(
// On interrupt (obviously)
// If we are stepping the CPU
// If we encounter a break instruction, if the break
// enable isn't set.
// On an illegal instruction
// If we write to the CC register
1248,12 → 1350,9
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
trap <= 1'b0;
else if ((gie)&&(wr_reg_ce)&&(~wr_reg_vl[`CPU_GIE_BIT])
else if ((alu_gie)&&(wr_reg_ce)&&(~wr_reg_vl[`CPU_GIE_BIT])
&&(wr_write_cc)) // &&(wr_reg_id[4]) implied
trap <= 1'b1;
// else if ((i_halt)&&(i_dbg_we)&&(i_dbg_reg[3:0] == `CPU_CC_REG)
// &&(~i_dbg_data[`CPU_GIE_BIT]))
// trap <= i_dbg_data[`CPU_TRAP_BIT];
else if (w_release_from_interrupt)
trap <= 1'b0;
1317,6 → 1416,103
else if ((bus_err)&&(alu_gie))
ubus_err_flag <= 1'b1;
reg r_idiv_err_flag, r_udiv_err_flag;
// Supervisor/interrupt divide (by zero) error flag -- this will
// crash the CPU if ever set. This bit is thus available for us
// to be able to tell if/why the CPU crashed.
initial r_idiv_err_flag = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_idiv_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if ((dbgv)&&(wr_reg_id == {1'b0, `CPU_CC_REG})
r_idiv_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if ((div_error)&&(div_valid)&&(~alu_gie))
r_idiv_err_flag <= 1'b1;
// User divide (by zero) error flag -- if ever set, it will
// cause a sudden switch interrupt to supervisor mode.
initial r_udiv_err_flag = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_udiv_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if (w_release_from_interrupt)
r_udiv_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if (((~alu_gie)||(dbgv))&&(wr_reg_ce)
r_udiv_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if ((div_error)&&(alu_gie)&&(div_valid))
r_udiv_err_flag <= 1'b1;
assign idiv_err_flag = r_idiv_err_flag;
assign udiv_err_flag = r_udiv_err_flag;
end else begin
assign idiv_err_flag = 1'b0;
assign udiv_err_flag = 1'b0;
end endgenerate
// Supervisor/interrupt floating point error flag -- this will
// crash the CPU if ever set.
reg r_ifpu_err_flag, r_ufpu_err_flag;
initial r_ifpu_err_flag = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_ifpu_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if ((dbgv)&&(wr_reg_id == {1'b0, `CPU_CC_REG})
r_ifpu_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if ((fpu_error)&&(fpu_valid)&&(~alu_gie))
r_ifpu_err_flag <= 1'b1;
// User floating point error flag -- if ever set, it will cause
// a sudden switch interrupt to supervisor mode.
initial r_ufpu_err_flag = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_ufpu_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if (w_release_from_interrupt)
r_ufpu_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if (((~alu_gie)||(dbgv))&&(wr_reg_ce)
r_ufpu_err_flag <= 1'b0;
else if ((fpu_error)&&(alu_gie)&&(fpu_valid))
r_ufpu_err_flag <= 1'b1;
assign ifpu_err_flag = r_ifpu_err_flag;
assign ufpu_err_flag = r_ufpu_err_flag;
end else begin
assign ifpu_err_flag = 1'b0;
assign ufpu_err_flag = 1'b0;
end endgenerate
`ifdef OPT_VLIW
reg r_ihalt_phase, r_uhalt_phase;
initial r_ihalt_phase = 0;
initial r_uhalt_phase = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (~alu_gie)
r_ihalt_phase <= alu_phase;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (alu_gie)
r_uhalt_phase <= alu_phase;
else if (w_release_from_interrupt)
r_uhalt_phase <= 1'b0;
assign ihalt_phase = r_ihalt_phase;
assign uhalt_phase = r_uhalt_phase;
assign ihalt_phase = 1'b0;
assign uhalt_phase = 1'b0;
// Write backs to the PC register, and general increments of it
// We support two: upc and ipc. If the instruction is normal,
1350,8 → 1546,15
pf_pc <= upc;
else if ((wr_reg_ce)&&(wr_reg_id[4] == gie)&&(wr_write_pc))
pf_pc <= wr_reg_vl[(AW-1):0];
else if (dcd_ce)
else if ((~new_pc)&&((dcd_early_branch)&&(dcdvalid)))
pf_pc <= dcd_branch_pc + 1;
else if ((new_pc)||((~dcd_stalled)&&(pf_valid)))
pf_pc <= pf_pc + {{(AW-1){1'b0}},1'b1};
else if ((alu_pc_valid)&&(~clear_pipeline))
pf_pc <= alu_pc;
initial new_pc = 1'b1;
always @(posedge i_clk)
1378,7 → 1581,7
o_dbg_reg <= {{(32-AW){1'b0}},(i_dbg_reg[4])?upc:ipc};
else if (i_dbg_reg[3:0] == `CPU_CC_REG)
o_dbg_reg[10:0] <= (i_dbg_reg[4])?w_uflags:w_iflags;
o_dbg_reg[12:0] <= (i_dbg_reg[4])?w_uflags:w_iflags;
o_dbg_reg[`CPU_GIE_BIT] <= gie;
1390,7 → 1593,7
o_dbg_reg <= (i_dbg_reg[4])?upc:ipc;
else if (i_dbg_reg[3:0] == `CPU_CC_REG)
o_dbg_reg[10:0] <= (i_dbg_reg[4])?w_uflags:w_iflags;
o_dbg_reg[12:0] <= (i_dbg_reg[4])?w_uflags:w_iflags;
o_dbg_reg[`CPU_GIE_BIT] <= gie;
1418,7 → 1621,8
always @(posedge i_clk)
o_debug <= {
pf_pc[3:0], flags,
pf_valid, dcdvalid, opvalid, alu_valid, mem_valid,
op_ce, alu_ce, mem_ce,
1432,6 → 1636,13
// opA[23:20], opA[3:0],
gie, sleep,
i_rst, master_ce, (new_pc),
pf_valid, pf_illegal,
op_ce, dcd_ce, dcdvalid, dcd_stalled,
pf_cyc, pf_stb, pf_we, pf_ack, pf_stall, pf_err,
pf_pc[7:0], pf_addr[7:0]
60,7 → 60,7
// watchdog-timers,
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
108,7 → 108,6
// Slice LUTs ZipSystem ZipCPU
// With Counters 3315 2432
// Without Counters 2796 2046
// Now, where am I placing all of my peripherals?
173,6 → 172,22
parameter RESET_ADDRESS=24'h0100000, ADDRESS_WIDTH=24,
// Derived parameters
input i_clk, i_rst;
200,6 → 215,44
wire [31:0] ext_idata;
// Handle our interrupt vector generation/coordination
wire [14:0] main_int_vector, alt_int_vector;
wire ctri_int, tma_int, tmb_int, tmc_int, jif_int, dmac_int;
wire mtc_int, moc_int, mpc_int, mic_int,
utc_int, uoc_int, upc_int, uic_int;
assign main_int_vector = { {(9-EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS){1'b0}},
i_ext_int, ctri_int,
tma_int, tmb_int, tmc_int,
jif_int, dmac_int };
assign main_int_vector = { i_ext_int[8:0], ctri_int,
tma_int, tmb_int, tmc_int,
jif_int, dmac_int };
assign alt_int_vector = { 7'h00,
mtc_int, moc_int, mpc_int, mic_int,
utc_int, uoc_int, upc_int, uic_int };
assign alt_int_vector = { 15'h00 };
assign alt_int_vector = { {(7-(EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS-9)){1'b0}},
mtc_int, moc_int, mpc_int, mic_int,
utc_int, uoc_int, upc_int, uic_int };
assign alt_int_vector = { {(15-(EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS-9)){1'b0}},
i_ext_int[(EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS-1):9] };
// Delay the debug port by one clock, to meet timing requirements
wire dbg_cyc, dbg_stb, dbg_we, dbg_addr, dbg_stall;
wire [31:0] dbg_idata, dbg_odata;
286,7 → 339,7
// Values:
// 0x0003f -> cmd_addr mask
// 0x00040 -> reset
// 0x00080 -> PIC interrrupts enabled
// 0x00080 -> PIC interrrupt pending
// 0x00100 -> cmd_step
// 0x00200 -> cmd_stall
// 0x00400 -> cmd_halt
293,11 → 346,21
// 0x00800 -> cmd_clear_pf_cache
// 0x01000 -> cc.sleep
// 0x02000 -> cc.gie
// 0x10000 -> External interrupt line is high
assign cmd_data = { 7'h00, {(9-EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS){1'b0}}, i_ext_int,
1'b0, cmd_halt, (~cpu_dbg_stall), 1'b0,
pic_data[15], cpu_reset, cmd_addr };
// 0x04000 -> External (PIC) interrupt line is high
// Other external interrupts follow
assign cmd_data = { {(16-EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS){1'b0}},
cpu_dbg_cc, // 4 bits
1'b0, cmd_halt, (~cpu_dbg_stall), 1'b0,
pic_data[15], cpu_reset, cmd_addr };
assign cmd_data = { i_ext_int[15:0], cpu_dbg_cc,
1'b0, cmd_halt, (~cpu_dbg_stall), 1'b0,
pic_data[15], cpu_reset, cmd_addr };
wire cpu_gie;
assign cpu_gie = cpu_dbg_cc[1];
333,17 → 396,13
reg [(AW-1):0] r_wdbus_data;
wire [31:0] wdbus_data;
wire [14:0] wdbus_ignored_data;
wire reset_wdbus_timer, wdbus_int, wdbus_ack_ignored, wdbus_stall;
wire reset_wdbus_timer, wdbus_int;
assign reset_wdbus_timer = ((o_wb_cyc)&&((o_wb_stb)||(i_wb_ack)));
// o_wb_cyc, o_wb_stb, o_wb_we, o_wb_addr, o_wb_data,
// i_wb_ack, i_wb_stall, i_wb_data, i_wb_err,
ziptimer #(15) watchbus(i_clk, (cpu_reset), o_wb_cyc,
reset_wdbus_timer, reset_wdbus_timer, 1'b1, 15'h2000,
wdbus_ack_ignored, wdbus_stall, wdbus_ignored_data,
wbwatchdog #(14) watchbus(i_clk,(cpu_reset)||(reset_wdbus_timer),
o_wb_cyc, 14'h2000, wdbus_int);
initial r_wdbus_data = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (wdbus_int)
if ((wdbus_int)||(cpu_ext_err))
r_wdbus_data = o_wb_addr;
assign wdbus_data = { {(32-AW){1'b0}}, r_wdbus_data };
initial wdbus_ack = 1'b0;
362,7 → 421,7
// for an overall counter.
// Master task counter
wire mtc_ack, mtc_stall, mtc_int;
wire mtc_ack, mtc_stall;
wire [31:0] mtc_data;
zipcounter mtask_ctr(i_clk, (~cpu_halt), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_TASK_CTR),
370,7 → 429,7
mtc_ack, mtc_stall, mtc_data, mtc_int);
// Master Operand Stall counter
wire moc_ack, moc_stall, moc_int;
wire moc_ack, moc_stall;
wire [31:0] moc_data;
zipcounter mmstall_ctr(i_clk,(cpu_op_stall), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_MSTL_CTR),
378,7 → 437,7
moc_ack, moc_stall, moc_data, moc_int);
// Master PreFetch-Stall counter
wire mpc_ack, mpc_stall, mpc_int;
wire mpc_ack, mpc_stall;
wire [31:0] mpc_data;
zipcounter mpstall_ctr(i_clk,(cpu_pf_stall), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_PSTL_CTR),
386,7 → 445,7
mpc_ack, mpc_stall, mpc_data, mpc_int);
// Master Instruction counter
wire mic_ack, mic_stall, mic_int;
wire mic_ack, mic_stall;
wire [31:0] mic_data;
zipcounter mins_ctr(i_clk,(cpu_i_count), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `MSTR_INST_CTR),
398,7 → 457,7
// be reset any time a task is given control of the CPU.
// User task counter
wire utc_ack, utc_stall, utc_int;
wire utc_ack, utc_stall;
wire [31:0] utc_data;
zipcounter utask_ctr(i_clk,(~cpu_halt)&&(cpu_gie), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_TASK_CTR),
406,7 → 465,7
utc_ack, utc_stall, utc_data, utc_int);
// User Op-Stall counter
wire uoc_ack, uoc_stall, uoc_int;
wire uoc_ack, uoc_stall;
wire [31:0] uoc_data;
zipcounter umstall_ctr(i_clk,(cpu_op_stall)&&(cpu_gie), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_MSTL_CTR),
414,7 → 473,7
uoc_ack, uoc_stall, uoc_data, uoc_int);
// User PreFetch-Stall counter
wire upc_ack, upc_stall, upc_int;
wire upc_ack, upc_stall;
wire [31:0] upc_data;
zipcounter upstall_ctr(i_clk,(cpu_pf_stall)&&(cpu_gie), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_PSTL_CTR),
422,7 → 481,7
upc_ack, upc_stall, upc_data, upc_int);
// User instruction counter
wire uic_ack, uic_stall, uic_int;
wire uic_ack, uic_stall;
wire [31:0] uic_data;
zipcounter uins_ctr(i_clk,(cpu_i_count)&&(cpu_gie), sys_cyc,
(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `USER_INST_CTR),
469,7 → 528,7
// The DMA Controller
wire dmac_int, dmac_stb, dc_err;
wire dmac_stb, dc_err;
wire [31:0] dmac_data;
wire dmac_ack, dmac_stall;
wire dc_cyc, dc_stb, dc_we, dc_ack, dc_stall;
477,7 → 536,6
wire [(AW-1):0] dc_addr;
wire cpu_gbl_cyc;
assign dmac_stb = (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr[4]);
wbdmac #(AW) dma_controller(i_clk,
sys_cyc, dmac_stb, sys_we,
487,11 → 545,16
dc_cyc, dc_stb, dc_we, dc_addr, dc_data,
dc_ack, dc_stall, ext_idata, dc_err,
// External device interrupts
{ {(32-EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS){1'b0}}, i_ext_int },
{ 1'b0, alt_int_vector, 1'b0,
main_int_vector[14:1], 1'b0 },
// DMAC interrupt, for upon completion
// Whether or not the CPU wants the bus
// Whether or not the CPU wants the bus, and
// thus we must kick the DMAC off.
// However, the logic required for this
// override never worked well, so here
// we just don't use it.
// cpu_gbl_cyc);
reg r_dmac_ack;
always @(posedge i_clk)
509,33 → 572,50
assign dmac_int = 1'b0;
wire ctri_sel;
reg ctri_ack;
assign ctri_sel = (sys_cyc)&&(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `CTRINT);
always @(posedge i_clk)
ctri_ack <= ctri_sel;
// Counter Interrupt controller
reg ctri_ack;
wire ctri_stall, ctri_int, ctri_sel;
wire [7:0] ctri_vector;
wire ctri_stall;
wire [31:0] ctri_data;
assign ctri_sel = (sys_cyc)&&(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `CTRINT);
assign ctri_vector = { mtc_int, moc_int, mpc_int, mic_int,
utc_int, uoc_int, upc_int, uic_int };
icontrol #(8) ctri(i_clk, cpu_reset, (ctri_sel)&&(sys_addr==`CTRINT),
sys_data, ctri_data, ctri_vector, ctri_int);
always @(posedge i_clk)
ctri_ack <= ctri_sel;
icontrol #(8) ctri(i_clk, cpu_reset, (ctri_sel),
sys_data, ctri_data, alt_int_vector[7:0],
end else begin
icontrol #(8+(EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS-9))
ctri(i_clk, cpu_reset, (ctri_sel),
sys_data, ctri_data,
end endgenerate
assign ctri_stall = 1'b0;
reg ctri_ack;
wire ctri_stall, ctri_int;
wire [31:0] ctri_data;
assign ctri_stall = 1'b0;
assign ctri_data = 32'h0000;
assign ctri_int = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
ctri_ack <= (sys_cyc)&&(sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `CTRINT);
wire ctri_stall, ctri_int;
wire [31:0] ctri_data;
assign ctri_stall = 1'b0;
assign ctri_data = 32'h0000;
assign ctri_int = 1'b0;
end else begin
ctri(i_clk, cpu_reset, (ctri_sel),
sys_data, ctri_data,
end endgenerate
542,7 → 622,7
// Timer A
wire tma_ack, tma_stall, tma_int;
wire tma_ack, tma_stall;
wire [31:0] tma_data;
ziptimer timer_a(i_clk, cpu_reset, ~cmd_halt,
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `TIMER_A), sys_we,
552,7 → 632,7
// Timer B
wire tmb_ack, tmb_stall, tmb_int;
wire tmb_ack, tmb_stall;
wire [31:0] tmb_data;
ziptimer timer_b(i_clk, cpu_reset, ~cmd_halt,
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `TIMER_B), sys_we,
562,7 → 642,7
// Timer C
wire tmc_ack, tmc_stall, tmc_int;
wire tmc_ack, tmc_stall;
wire [31:0] tmc_data;
ziptimer timer_c(i_clk, cpu_reset, ~cmd_halt,
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `TIMER_C), sys_we,
572,7 → 652,7
wire jif_ack, jif_stall, jif_int;
wire jif_ack, jif_stall;
wire [31:0] jif_data;
zipjiffies jiffies(i_clk, ~cmd_halt,
sys_cyc, (sys_stb)&&(sys_addr == `JIFFIES), sys_we,
583,14 → 663,22
// The programmable interrupt controller peripheral
wire pic_interrupt;
wire [(5+EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS):0] int_vector;
assign int_vector = { i_ext_int, ctri_int, tma_int, tmb_int, tmc_int,
jif_int, dmac_int };
icontrol #(6+EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS) pic(i_clk, cpu_reset,
sys_data, pic_data,
int_vector, pic_interrupt);
icontrol #(6+EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS) pic(i_clk, cpu_reset,
sys_data, pic_data,
main_int_vector[(6+EXTERNAL_INTERRUPTS-1):0], pic_interrupt);
end else begin
icontrol #(15) pic(i_clk, cpu_reset,
sys_data, pic_data,
main_int_vector[14:0], pic_interrupt);
end endgenerate
wire pic_stall;
assign pic_stall = 1'b0;
reg pic_ack;
607,7 → 695,8
wire [31:0] cpu_dbg_data;
assign cpu_dbg_we = ((dbg_cyc)&&(dbg_stb)&&(~cmd_addr[5])
thecpu(i_clk, cpu_reset, pic_interrupt,
cpu_halt, cmd_clear_pf_cache, cmd_addr[4:0], cpu_dbg_we,
dbg_idata, cpu_dbg_stall, cpu_dbg_data,
708,7 → 797,7
assign sys_stall = (tma_stall | tmb_stall | tmc_stall | jif_stall
| wdt_stall | ctri_stall | actr_stall
| pic_stall | dmac_stall | wdbus_stall);
| pic_stall | dmac_stall);
assign cpu_stall = (sys_stall)|(cpu_ext_stall);
assign sys_ack = (tmr_ack|wdt_ack|ctri_ack|actr_ack|pic_ack|dmac_ack|wdbus_ack);
assign cpu_ack = (sys_ack)||(cpu_ext_ack);
9,7 → 9,7
# Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
# Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
# Gisselquist Technology, LLC
32,7 → 32,7
.PHONY: all
all: zipsystem zipbones cpudefs.h
all: zipsystem zipbones cpudefs.h div
CORED:= core
PRPHD:= peripherals
41,16 → 41,20
$(PRPHD)/wbdmac.v $(PRPHD)/icontrol.v \
$(PRPHD)/zipcounter.v $(PRPHD)/zipjiffies.v \
$(PRPHD)/ziptimer.v $(PRPHD)/ziptrap.v \
$(CORED)/zipcpu.v $(CORED)/cpuops.v \
$(CORED)/zipcpu.v $(CORED)/cpuops.v $(CORED)/idecode.v \
$(CORED)/pipefetch.v $(CORED)/prefetch.v \
$(CORED)/pfcache.v \
$(CORED)/memops.v $(CORED)/pipemem.v \
$(AUXD)/busdelay.v \
$(AUXD)/wbdblpriarb.v $(AUXD)/wbpriarbiter.v
$(AUXD)/wbdblpriarb.v $(AUXD)/wbpriarbiter.v \
$(CORED)/idecode.v $(CORED)/cpuops.v
VZIP := zipbones.v cpudefs.v \
$(CORED)/zipcpu.v $(CORED)/cpuops.v \
$(CORED)/zipcpu.v $(CORED)/cpuops.v $(CORED)/idecode.v \
$(CORED)/pipefetch.v $(CORED)/prefetch.v \
$(CORED)/pfcache.v \
$(CORED)/memops.v $(CORED)/pipemem.v \
$(AUXD)/busdelay.v $(AUXD)/wbdblpriarb.v
$(AUXD)/busdelay.v $(AUXD)/wbdblpriarb.v \
$(CORED)/idecode.v $(CORED)/cpuops.v
VOBJ := obj_dir
62,17 → 66,25
verilator -cc -y $(CORED) -y $(PRPHD) -y $(AUXD) zipbones.v
$(VOBJ)/Vzipbones.h: $(VOBJ)/Vzipbones.cpp
$(VOBJ)/Vdiv.cpp: $(CORED)/div.v
verilator -cc -y $(CORED) -y $(PRPHD) -y $(AUXD) $(CORED)/div.v
$(VOBJ)/Vdiv.h: $(VOBJ)/Vdiv.cpp
$(VOBJ)/Vzipsystem__ALL.a: $(VOBJ)/Vzipsystem.cpp $(VOBJ)/Vzipsystem.h
cd $(VOBJ); make -f
cd $(VOBJ); make --no-print-directory -f
$(VOBJ)/Vzipbones__ALL.a: $(VOBJ)/Vzipbones.cpp $(VOBJ)/Vzipbones.h
cd $(VOBJ); make -f
cd $(VOBJ); make --no-print-directory -f
$(VOBJ)/Vdiv__ALL.a: $(VOBJ)/Vdiv.cpp $(VOBJ)/Vdiv.h
cd $(VOBJ); make --no-print-directory -f
cpudefs.h: cpudefs.v
echo "// " > $@
echo "// Do not edit this file, it is automatically generated!" >> $@
echo "// " >> $@
grep "^\`" $^ | sed -e '{ s/^`/#/ }' >> $@
@echo "Building cpudefs.h"
@echo "// " > $@
@echo "// Do not edit this file, it is automatically generated!" >> $@
@echo "// " >> $@
@grep "^\`" $^ | sed -e '{ s/^`/#/ }' >> $@
.PHONY: zipsystem
zipsystem: $(VOBJ)/Vzipsystem__ALL.a
80,6 → 92,9
.PHONY: zipbones
zipbones: $(VOBJ)/Vzipbones__ALL.a
.PHONY: div
div: $(VOBJ)/Vdiv__ALL.a
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(VOBJ) cpudefs.h
23,7 → 23,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
32,7 → 32,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
19,7 → 19,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
40,7 → 40,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
24,7 → 24,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
53,24 → 53,6
// it handles various instructions within the set:
// OPT_CONDITIONAL_FLAGS controls whether or not a conditional instruction
// is allowed to set flags. If conditional instructions can set flags, then
// strings of conditional instructions will die whenever a flag setting
// instruction is executed. If they cannot, then you can execute a string
// of functions with no further conditions in them. Set this flag to enable
// strings of instructions, as these can be a lot cheaper than the pipeline
// stalls associated with a conditional branch.
// This option will likely be changed in the future so that "CMP" and "TST"
// instructions set the flags even if they are conditional, to allow multiple
// conditions to be tested at once.
// I recommend setting this flag
// OPT_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION is part of a new section of code that is supposed
// to recognize illegal instructions and interrupt the CPU whenever one such
// instruction is encountered. The goal is to create a soft floating point
99,6 → 81,54
// OPT_DIVIDE controls whether or not the divide instruction is built and
// included into the ZipCPU by default. Set this option and a parameter will
// be set that causes the divide unit to be included. (This parameter may
// still be overridden, as with any parameter ...) If the divide is not
// included and OPT_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION is set, then the multiply will create
// an illegal instruction exception that will send the CPU into supervisor
// mode.
`define OPT_DIVIDE
// OPT_IMPLEMENT_FPU will (one day) control whether or not the floating point
// unit (once I have one) is built and included into the ZipCPU by default.
// At that time, if this option is set then a parameter will be set that
// causes the floating point unit to be included. (This parameter may
// still be overridden, as with any parameter ...) If the floating point unit
// is not included and OPT_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION is set, then as with the
// multiply and divide any floating point instruction will result in an illegal
// instruction exception that will send the CPU into supervisor mode.
// OPT_NEW_INSTRUCTION_SET controls whether or not the new instruction set
// is in use. The new instruction set contains space for floating point
// operations, signed and unsigned divide instructions, as well as bit reversal
// and ... at least two other operations yet to be defined. The decoder alone
// uses about 70 fewer LUTs, although in practice this works out to 12 fewer
// when all works out in the wash. Further, floating point and divide
// instructions will cause an illegal instruction exception if they are not
// implemented--so software capability can be built to use these instructions
// immediately, even if the hardware is not yet ready.
// This option is likely to go away in the future, obsoleting the previous
// instruction set, so I recommend setting this option and switching to the
// new instruction set as soon as possible.
// OPT_SINGLE_FETCH controls whether or not the prefetch has a cache, and
// whether or not it can issue one instruction per clock. When set, the
// prefetch has no cache, and only one instruction is fetched at a time.
137,27 → 167,39
// OPT_PRECLEAR_BUS allows an upcoming, unconditional, LOD/STO instruction
// to kick the prefetch off the memory bus so that the LOD/STO instruction may
// use the bus without waiting for the prefetch cycle to complete. While it
// sounds like this should speed things up, it isn't clear that it speeds up
// programs that much--often the bus gets precleared for the LOD/STO, only
// to have the next instruction stall because it wasn't loaded in time.
// OPT_PIPELINED is the natural result and opposite of using the single
// instruction fetch unit. If you are not using that unit, the ZipCPU will
// be pipelined. The option is defined here more for readability than
// anything else, since OPT_PIPELINED makes more sense than OPT_SINGLE_FETCH,
// well ... that and it does a better job of explaining what is going on.
// While I recommend setting this flag, that recommendation may change in the
// future.
// In other words, leave this define alone--lest you break the ZipCPU.
// OPT_TRADITIONAL_PFCACHE allows you to switch between one of two prefetch
// caches. If enabled, a more traditional cache is implemented. This more
// traditional cache (currently) uses many more LUTs, but it also reduces
// the stall count tremendously over the alternative hacked pipeline cache.
// (The traditional pfcache is also pipelined, whereas the pipeline cache
// implements a windowed approach to caching.)
// If you have the fabric to support this option, I recommend including it.
// OPT_EARLY_BRANCHING is an attempt to execute a BRA statement as early
// as possible, to avoid as many pipeline stalls on a branch as possible.
// It's not tremendously successful yet--BRA's suffer 3 stalls instead of 5,
// It's not tremendously successful yet--BRA's still suffer stalls,
// but I intend to keep working on this approach until the number of stalls
// gets down to one or (ideally) zero. That way a "BRA" can be used as the
// compiler's branch prediction optimizer: BRA's don't stall, while branches on
// conditions will always suffer about 5 stalls or so.
// gets down to one or (ideally) zero. (With the OPT_TRADITIONAL_PFCACHE, this
// gets down to a single stall cycle ...) That way a "BRA" can be used as the
// compiler's branch prediction optimizer: BRA's barely stall, while branches
// on conditions will always suffer about 4 stall cycles or so.
// I recommend setting this flag, so as to turn early branching on.
181,26 → 223,50
// OPT_SINGLE_CYCLE controls how the Zip CPU handles operations where the
// second of two instructions uses a register output from the first of the
// two. If set, there will be no stalling between such a pair of instructions.
// If not set, the CPU will insert a stall between such a pair to give the
// result time to propagate to the second instruction. Other than the existence
// of a stall, the CPU will still yield the same results for the same
// instructions.
// The purpose of this is really timing: With this option defined, a logical
// or combinatorial mux is placed prior to the input of the ALU. This mux,
// together with whatever ALU operation is to take place, must both fit within
// one clock cycle. If they cannot be made to fit within the one clock cycle,
// then either the clock must be slowed down so that they can fit, or this
// flag needs to be turned off (not set) to get rid of the mux--hence speeding
// up the clock while slowing down some instructions.
// The new instruction set also defines a set of very long instruction words.
// Well, calling them "very long" instruction words is probably a misnomer,
// although we're going to do it. They're really 2x16-bit instructions---
// instruction words that pack two instructions into one word. (2x14 bit
// really--'cause you need a bit to note the instruction is a 2x instruction,
// and then 3-bits for the condition codes ...) Set OPT_VLIW to include these
// double instructions as part of the new instruction set. These allow a single
// instruction to contain two instructions within. These instructions are
// designed to get more code density from the instruction set, and to hopefully
// take some pain off of the performance of the pre-fetch and instruction cache.
// These new instructions, however, also necessitate a change in the Zip
// CPU--the Zip CPU can no longer execute instructions atomically. It must
// now execute non-VLIW instructions, or VLIW instruction pairs, atomically.
// This logic has been added into the ZipCPU, but it has not (yet) been
// tested thoroughly.
// Oh, and the assembler, the debugger, and the object file dumper, and the
// simulator all need to be updated as well ....
`define OPT_VLIW
// Now let's talk about peripherals for a moment. These next two defines
// control whether the DMA controller is included in the Zip System, and
// whether or not the 8 accounting timers are also included. Set these to
// include the respective peripherals, comment them out not to.
// `define DEBUG_SCOPE
`endif // CPUDEFS_H
9,7 → 9,7
// need to be implemented off-module.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
47,7 → 47,7
parameter RESET_ADDRESS=32'h0100000, ADDRESS_WIDTH=32,
input i_clk, i_rst;
// Wishbone master
104,7 → 104,7
always @(posedge i_clk)
cmd_reset <= ((dbg_cmd_write)&&(i_dbg_data[6]));
initial cmd_halt = 1'b1;
initial cmd_halt = START_HALTED;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
cmd_halt <= (START_HALTED == 1)? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
79,7 → 79,7
// register.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright: 2015
111,8 → 111,7
o_mwb_cyc, o_mwb_stb, o_mwb_we, o_mwb_addr, o_mwb_data,
i_mwb_ack, i_mwb_stall, i_mwb_data, i_mwb_err,
parameter ADDRESS_WIDTH=32, LGMEMLEN = 10,
input i_clk;
137,7 → 136,13
// An interrupt to be set upon completion
output reg o_interrupt;
// Need to release the bus for a higher priority user
input i_other_busmaster_requests_bus;
// This logic had lots of problems, so it is being
// removed. If you want to make sure the bus is available
// for a higher priority user, adjust the transfer length
// accordingly.
// input i_other_busmaster_requests_bus;
reg cfg_wp; // Write protect
169,8 → 174,7
if ((o_mwb_stb)&&(~i_mwb_stall))
nwritten <= nwritten+1;
if ((nwritten == nread-1)
if (nwritten == nread-1)
// Wishbone interruptus
o_mwb_stb <= 1'b0;
else if (cfg_incd) begin
205,8 → 209,7
nacks <= nacks+1;
if ((nacks == {1'b0, cfg_blocklen_sub_one})
||(bus_nacks <= cfg_len-1)
||(bus_nacks <= cfg_len-1))
// Wishbone interruptus
o_mwb_stb <= 1'b0;
else if (cfg_incs) begin
10,6 → 10,10
// some amount of flash to be copied into this on-chip RAM,
// and then access it with nearly zero latency.
// Status: This file is no longer being used as an active file within
// the ZipCPU project. It's an older file from an idea that
// never really caught traction.
// Interface:
// FlashCache sits on the Wishbone bus as both a slave and a master.
// Slave requests for memory will get mapped to a local RAM, from which
35,7 → 39,7
// less than the copy address.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
23,7 → 23,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
41,7 → 41,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
41,7 → 41,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
48,7 → 48,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
71,7 → 71,7
module icontrol(i_clk, i_reset, i_wr, i_proc_bus, o_proc_bus,
i_brd_ints, o_interrupt_strobe);
i_brd_ints, o_interrupt);
parameter IUSED = 15;
input i_clk, i_reset;
input i_wr;
78,7 → 78,7
input [31:0] i_proc_bus;
output wire [31:0] o_proc_bus;
input [(IUSED-1):0] i_brd_ints;
output reg o_interrupt_strobe;
output wire o_interrupt;
reg [(IUSED-1):0] r_int_state;
reg [(IUSED-1):0] r_int_enable;
127,6 → 127,7
assign o_proc_bus = { r_gie, r_int_enable, r_any, r_int_state };
end endgenerate
reg int_condition;
initial int_condition = 1'b0;
initial o_interrupt_strobe = 1'b0;
145,5 → 146,8
o_interrupt_strobe <= 1'b1;
end else
o_interrupt_strobe <= 1'b0;
assign o_interrupt = r_interrupt;
49,7 → 49,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Tecnology, LLC
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
0,0 → 1,76
// Filename: wbwatchdog.v
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: A Zip timer, redesigned to be a bus watchdog
// This is a **really** stripped down Zip Timer. All options for external
// control have been removed. This timer may be reset, and ... that's
// about it. The goal is that this stripped down timer be used as a bus
// watchdog element. Even at that, it's not really fully featured. The
// rest of the important features can be found in the zipsystem module.
// As a historical note, the wishbone watchdog timer began as a normal
// timer, with some fixed inputs. This makes sense, if you think about it:
// if the goal is to interrupt a stalled wishbone transaction by inserting
// a bus error, then you can't use the bus to set it up or configure it
// simply because the bus in question is ... well, unreliable. You're
// trying to make it reliable.
// The problem with using the ziptimer in a stripped down implementation
// was that the fixed inputs caused the synthesis tool to complain about
// the use of registers values would never change. This solves that
// problem by explicitly removing the cruft that would otherwise
// just create synthesis warnings and errors.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
// your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
module wbwatchdog(i_clk, i_rst, i_ce, i_timeout, o_int);
parameter BW = 32;
input i_clk, i_rst, i_ce;
// Inputs (these were at one time wishbone controlled ...)
input [(BW-1):0] i_timeout;
// Interrupt line
output reg o_int;
reg [(BW-1):0] r_value;
initial r_value = 0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if (i_rst)
r_value <= i_timeout[(BW-1):0];
else if ((i_ce)&&(~o_int))
r_value <= r_value + {(BW){1'b1}}; // r_value - 1;
// Set the interrupt on our last tick.
initial o_int = 1'b0;
always @(posedge i_clk)
if ((i_rst)||(~i_ce))
o_int <= 1'b0;
o_int <= (r_value == { {(BW-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1 });

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