
Subversion Repositories zipcpu

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  • This comparison shows the changes necessary to convert path
    from Rev 208 to Rev 209
    Reverse comparison

Rev 208 → Rev 209

6,3 → 6,4
1,165 → 1,199
# Filename: Makefile
# Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
# Purpose: This makefile builds the final verilator simulation of the
# zipsystem. Specifically, it builds the final C++ portion
# of the simulator, and thus the final simulator executable.
# This simulator depends upon the libelf and ncurses libraries.
# Useful targets of this makefile include:
# zippy_tb (default)
# This is the test bench program / simulator that is built by
# this directory.
# test
# Runs the simulator on a test program found in the trunk/sw/zasm
# directory. That program needs to be built via 'make test' in
# that directory before this make test will work. Changes to the
# test itself will require a 'make test' in trunk/sw/zasm as well
# as 'make test' in this directory.
# The test itself consists of two tests. The first, the "step"
# test, tests whether the test works via "step"ing the CPU.
# This would be the interface to the CPU were the CPU placed in
# a device.
# The second test is an internal test which works by just running
# the CPU without step instructions.
# In either case the test is over upon reaching either a HALT
# or a BUSY instruction. A HALT instruction indicates success,
# BUSY a failure.
# stest
# Runs the test in "step" mode as described above.
# itest
# Runs the test file in interactive mode. The CPU will not
# execute any instructions without user interaction. This is
# useful for actually debugging the test. The other two modes
# are useful for quickly determining that the CPU does (or
# doesn't) work.
# dhrystone
# Runs a hand-optimized version of the dhrystone benchmark.
# Using the instructions at the top of the dhrystone assembly
# file, you should be able to convert the result to DMIPS or even
# div_tb
# A raw test bench to test the divide unit separate from the
# rest of the CPU. This test will fail with a failed assert()
# if unsuccessful, or complete with no error (but lots of
# debugging output) if successful. To actually run this test,
# you'll need to run ./div_tb (no arguments necessary).
# mpy_tb
# A raw test bench to test the multiply instructions within the
# cpuops (ALU) unit separate from the rest of the CPU. For more
# details, look at the usage statement wtihin mpy_tb.
# pfcache_tb
# zipmmu_tb
# Like div_tb, this is another raw component test bench. In this
# case, zipmmu_tb tests whether or not the MMU works when
# separated from the rest of the CPU.
# pdump
# zippy_tb can be configured to produce a profile output that is
# very useful when debugging the Dhrystone benchmark. (It is
# so configured by default.) This file will be name pfile.bin.
# pdump is a very simple program designed to read this file and
# produce some (very raw) information from it. To use this,
# type pdump and the name of the executable file, such as
# ../asm/zipdhry.z, and examine how many times each instruction
# was executed, and how many stalls took place between each
# instruction and the next.
# clean
# Removes all products of compilation--specifically zippy_tb,
# pdump and div_tb.
# Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
# Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## Filename: Makefile
## Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
## Purpose: This makefile builds the final verilator simulation of the
## zipsystem. Specifically, it builds the final C++ portion
## of the simulator, and thus the final simulator executable.
## This simulator depends upon the libelf and ncurses libraries.
## Useful targets of this makefile include:
## zipsys_tb (default)
## This is the test bench program / simulator that is built by
## this directory. This is based upon the ZipSystem.
## zipbones_tb (default)
## This is the test bench program / simulator that is built by
## this directory--save that this ones uses the ZipBones.
## test
## Runs the simulator on a test program found in the trunk/sw/zasm
## directory. That program needs to be built via 'make test' in
## that directory before this make test will work. Changes to the
## test itself will require a 'make test' in trunk/sw/zasm as well
## as 'make test' in this directory.
## The test itself consists of two tests. The first, the "step"
## test, tests whether the test works via "step"ing the CPU.
## This would be the interface to the CPU were the CPU placed in
## a device.
## The second test is an internal test which works by just running
## the CPU without step instructions.
## In either case the test is over upon reaching either a HALT
## or a BUSY instruction. A HALT instruction indicates success,
## BUSY a failure.
## stest
## Runs the test in "step" mode as described above.
## itest
## Runs the test file in interactive mode. The CPU will not
## execute any instructions without user interaction. This is
## useful for actually debugging the test. The other two modes
## are useful for quickly determining that the CPU does (or
## doesn't) work.
## dhrystone
## Runs a hand-optimized version of the dhrystone benchmark.
## Using the instructions at the top of the dhrystone assembly
## file, you should be able to convert the result to DMIPS or even
## div_tb
## A raw test bench to test the divide unit separate from the
## rest of the CPU. This test will fail with a failed assert()
## if unsuccessful, or complete with no error (but lots of
## debugging output) if successful. To actually run this test,
## you'll need to run ./div_tb (no arguments necessary).
## mpy_tb
## A raw test bench to test the multiply instructions within the
## cpuops (ALU) unit separate from the rest of the CPU. For more
## details, look at the usage statement wtihin mpy_tb.
## pfcache_tb
## zipmmu_tb
## Like div_tb, this is another raw component test bench. In this
## case, zipmmu_tb tests whether or not the MMU works when
## separated from the rest of the CPU.
## pdump
## zipsys_tb can be configured to produce a profile output that is
## very useful when debugging the Dhrystone benchmark. (It is
## so configured by default.) This file will be name pfile.bin.
## pdump is a very simple program designed to read this file and
## produce some (very raw) information from it. To use this,
## type pdump and the name of the executable file, such as
## ../asm/zipdhry.z, and examine how many times each instruction
## was executed, and how many stalls took place between each
## instruction and the next.
## clean
## Removes all products of compilation--specifically zipsys_tb,
## pdump and div_tb.
## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
# This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
# your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
## Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
## <> for a copy.
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
all: zippy_tb pdump div_tb mpy_tb pfcache_tb # zipmmu_tb
all: zipsys_tb zipbones_tb pdump div_tb mpy_tb pfcache_tb # zipmmu_tb
CXX := g++
CFLAGS := -Wall -Og -g
CFLAGS := -Wall -Og -g -D__WORDSIZE=64
OBJDIR := obj-pc
ZASM := ../../sw/zasm
RTLD := ../../rtl
RTLOBJD := $(RTLD)/obj_dir
BENCHOBJD:= ../../bench/rtl/obj_dir
ifneq ($(VERILATOR_ROOT),)
VERILATOR_ROOT ?= $(shell bash -c 'verilator -V|grep VERILATOR_ROOT | head -1 | sed -e " s/^.*=\s*//"')
export $(VERILATOR)
VDEFS := $(shell ./
VINCS := -I$(VROOT)/include -I$(VROOT)/include/vltstd
ZLIBSRCS:= zipelf.cpp twoc.cpp byteswap.cpp
SOURCES := $(ZLIBSRCS) pdump.cpp zippy_tb.cpp memsim.cpp
SOURCES := $(ZLIBSRCS) pdump.cpp zipcpu_tb.cpp memsim.cpp
ZDSMSRCS:= zopcodes.cpp
ZOBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(subst .cpp,.o,$(ZLIBSRCS) $(ZDSMSRCS)))
SIMSRCS := zippy_tb.cpp memsim.cpp $(ZLIBSRCS) $(ZDMSRCS)
SIMSRCS := memsim.cpp $(ZLIBSRCS) $(ZDMSRCS)
SIMOBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(subst .cpp,.o,$(SIMSRCS) $(ZDSMSRCS)))
SYSOBJS := $(OBJDIR)/zipsys_tb.o $(SIMOBJS)
BONOBJS := $(OBJDIR)/zipbones_tb.o $(SIMOBJS)
VLSRCS := verilated.cpp verilated_vcd_c.cpp
VLOBJS := $(OBJDIR)/verilated.o $(OBJDIR)/verilated_vcd_c.o
VLIB := $(addprefix $(VROOT)/include/,$(VLSRCS))
RAWLIB := $(RTLOBJD)/Vzipsystem__ALL.a
LIBS := $(RAWLIB) -lncurses -lelf
TESTF := $(ZASM)/z.out
RAWSYSLIB := $(RTLOBJD)/Vzipsystem__ALL.a
RAWBONLIB := $(RTLOBJD)/Vzipbones__ALL.a
SYSLIBS := $(RAWSYSLIB) -lncurses -lelf
BONLIBS := $(RAWBONLIB) -lncurses -lelf
TESTF := ../../bench/asm/simtest
DHRYSTONEF := ../asm/zipdhry.z
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(VDEFS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/zipsys_tb.o: zipcpu_tb.cpp
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(VDEFS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/zipbones_tb.o: zipcpu_tb.cpp
$(CXX) -DZIPBONES $(VDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(ZASM)/%.cpp
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: $(VROOT)/include/%.cpp
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -c $< -o $@
zippy_tb: $(SIMOBJS) $(VLOBJS) $(RAWLIB)
zipsys_tb: $(SYSOBJS) $(VLOBJS) $(RAWSYSLIB)
zipbones_tb: $(BONOBJS) $(VLOBJS) $(RAWBONLIB)
div_tb: div_tb.cpp twoc.cpp $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vdiv__ALL.a testb.h
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) div_tb.cpp twoc.cpp $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vdiv__ALL.a -o $@
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(VDEFS) $(INCS) div_tb.cpp twoc.cpp $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vdiv__ALL.a -o $@
mpy_tb: mpy_tb.cpp twoc.cpp $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vcpuops__ALL.a testb.h
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) mpy_tb.cpp twoc.cpp $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vcpuops__ALL.a -o $@
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(VDEFS) $(INCS) mpy_tb.cpp twoc.cpp $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vcpuops__ALL.a -o $@
zipmmu_tb: zipmmu_tb.cpp $(VLIB) $(BENCHOBJD)/Vzipmmu_tb__ALL.a
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -I$(BENCHOBJD) zipmmu_tb.cpp $(VLIB) $(BENCHOBJD)/Vzipmmu_tb__ALL.a -o $@
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(VDEFS) $(INCS) -I$(BENCHOBJD) zipmmu_tb.cpp $(VLIB) $(BENCHOBJD)/Vzipmmu_tb__ALL.a -o $@
pfcache_tb: $(OBJDIR)/pfcache_tb.o $(OBJDIR)/memsim.o $(OBJDIR)/byteswap.o
pfcache_tb: $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vpfcache__ALL.a
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) -I$(RTLOBJD) $(OBJDIR)/pfcache_tb.o $(OBJDIR)/memsim.o $(OBJDIR)/byteswap.o $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vpfcache__ALL.a -o $@
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(VDEFS) $(INCS) -I$(RTLOBJD) $(OBJDIR)/pfcache_tb.o $(OBJDIR)/memsim.o $(OBJDIR)/byteswap.o $(VLIB) $(RTLOBJD)/Vpfcache__ALL.a -o $@
pdump: pdump.cpp $(ZOBJS) $(OBJDIR)/zopcodes.o $(OBJDIR)/pdump.o
pdump: $(ZASM)/zopcodes.h testb.h byteswap.h zipelf.h
166,26 → 200,32
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(INCS) $(OBJDIR)/pdump.o $(ZOBJS) -lelf -o $@
.PHONY: stest
stest: zippy_tb
./zippy_tb -s $(TESTF)
stest: zipsys_tb
./zipsys_tb -s $(TESTF)
.PHONY: itest
itest: zippy_tb
./zippy_tb $(TESTF)
itest: zipsys_tb
./zipsys_tb $(TESTF)
.PHONY: test
test: zippy_tb stest
./zippy_tb -a $(TESTF)
test: zipsys_tb stest
./zipsys_tb -a $(TESTF)
.PHONY: dhrystone
dhrystone: zippy_tb
./zippy_tb -a $(DHRYSTONEF)
dhrystone: zipsys_tb
./zipsys_tb -a $(DHRYSTONEF)
define build-depends
@echo "Building dependencies"
@$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCS) -MM $(VLIB) $(SOURCES) > $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt
@$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCS) -MM zipcpu_tb.cpp $(VLIB) $(SOURCES) > $(OBJDIR)/sysdepends.txt
@$(CXX) -DZIPBONES $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCS) -MM zipcpu_tb.cpp $(VLIB) $(SOURCES) > $(OBJDIR)/bondepends.txt
@sed -e 's/^zipcpu_tb.o: /zipsys_tb.o: /' < $(OBJDIR)/sysdepends.txt > $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt
@sed -e 's/^zipcpu_tb.o: /zipbones_tb.o: /' < $(OBJDIR)/bondepends.txt >> $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt
@sed -e 's/^.*.o: /$(OBJDIR)\/&/' < $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt > $(OBJDIR)/depends.txt
@rm $(OBJDIR)/xdepends.txt
@rm $(OBJDIR)/sysdepends.txt
@rm $(OBJDIR)/bondepends.txt
tags: $(VLIB) $(SOURCES)
195,8 → 235,9
depends: tags $(OBJDIR)/
define mk-objdir
@bash -c "if [ ! -e $(OBJDIR) ]; then mkdir -p $(OBJDIR)/; fi"
$(OBJDIR)/depends.txt: $(OBJDIR)/ depends
203,6 → 244,7
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(OBJDIR)/
rm -rf ./zippy_tb pdump div_tb mpy_tb
rm -rf ./zipsys_tb ./zipbones_tb pdump div_tb mpy_tb
rm -rf pfcache_tb
-include $(OBJDIR)/depends.txt
0,0 → 1,25
## The ZipCPU's Simulator
This directory contains the basic ZipCPU simulator.
Ok, even this isn't the *best* simulator of the ZipCPU. While this simulator
*is* fully functional, it only simulates the
[ZipCPU](../../rtl/core/zipcpu.v), encased in either the
or the [ZipBones](../../rtl/zipbones.v),
plus [memory](memsim.cpp). This simulator doesn't handle any interactions
with the
[flash](,qspiflash), the
[serial port](, the
[SD-card](, etc. All of these interactions
(and more) are available from the
within the
[ZBasic repository](
However, this simulator *is* very basic to the CPU's functionality. If you
just want to know if the CPU works by itself, if it can properly execute the
instructions given to it--even to the point of testing
interrupts etc, then this simulation will work. It's just not fully
functional for testing all of the other peripheral components necessary
to make a CPU useful.
1,4 → 1,4
// Filename: div_tb.cpp
10,7 → 10,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
24,11 → 24,16
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include <signal.h>
42,6 → 47,22
#include "verilated.h"
#include "Vdiv.h"
#define VVAR(A) div__DOT_ ## A
#define VVAR(A) v__DOT_ ## A
#define r_busy VVAR(_r_busy)
#define pre_sign VVAR(_pre_sign)
#define r_sign VVAR(_r_sign)
#define r_z VVAR(_r_z)
#define r_bit VVAR(_r_bit)
#define last_bit VVAR(_last_bit)
#define r_dividend VVAR(_r_dividend)
#define r_divisor VVAR(_r_divisor)
#define vdiff VVAR(_diff)
#include "testb.h"
// #include "twoc.h"
74,30 → 95,30
void dbgdump(void) {
char outstr[2048], *s;
sprintf(outstr, "Tick %4ld %s%s%s%s%s%s%s %2d(%s= 0)",
sprintf(outstr, "Tick %4lld %s%s%s%s%s%s%s %2d(%s= 0)",
(unsigned long long)m_tickcount,
(m_core->o_busy)?"B":" ",
(m_core->v__DOT__r_busy)?"R":" ",
(m_core->r_busy)?"R":" ",
(m_core->o_valid)?"V":" ",
(m_core->i_wr)?"W":" ",
(m_core->v__DOT__pre_sign)?"+":" ",
(m_core->v__DOT__r_sign)?"-":" ",
(m_core->v__DOT__r_z)?"Z":" ",
(m_core->pre_sign)?"+":" ",
(m_core->r_sign)?"-":" ",
(m_core->r_z)?"Z":" ",
s = &outstr[strlen(outstr)];
sprintf(s, "%s\n%10s %40s",s, "Div","");
s = &s[strlen(s)];
bprint( s, 32, m_core->v__DOT__r_dividend);
bprint( s, 32, m_core->r_dividend);
sprintf(s, "%s\n%10s ",s, "Div"); s = &s[strlen(s)];
bprint( s, 64, m_core->v__DOT__r_divisor);
bprint( s, 64, m_core->r_divisor);
sprintf(s, "%s\n%10s %40s",s, "Q",""); s=&s[strlen(s)];
bprint( s, 32, m_core->o_quotient); s = &s[strlen(s)];
sprintf(s, "%s\n%10s %38s",s, "Diff","");
bprint( s, 33, m_core->v__DOT__diff); s = &s[strlen(s)];
bprint( s, 33, m_core->vdiff); s = &s[strlen(s)];
strcat(s, "\n");
118,7 → 139,7
DIVASSERT(m_core->o_busy == 0);
// Request a divide
m_core->i_rst = 0;
m_core->i_reset = 0;
m_core->i_wr = 1;
m_core->i_signed = (issigned)?1:0;
m_core->i_numerator = n;
6,8 → 6,7
// Purpose: This creates a memory like device to act on a WISHBONE bus.
// It doesn't exercise the bus thoroughly, but does give some
// exercise to the bus to see whether or not the bus master
// can control it.
// exercise to the bus to see whether or not the bus master can control it.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
28,7 → 27,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
1,4 → 1,4
// Filename: mpy_tb.cpp
12,7 → 12,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
26,11 → 26,16
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include <signal.h>
37,6 → 42,7
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
44,6 → 50,13
#include "verilated.h"
#include "Vcpuops.h"
#define VVAR(A) cpuops__DOT_ ## A
#define VVAR(A) v__DOT_ ## A
#include "testb.h"
#include "cpudefs.h"
// #include "twoc.h"
56,12 → 69,12
// ~CPUOPS_TB(void) {}
// Calls TESTB<>::reset to reset the core. Makes sure the i_ce line
// Calls TESTB<>::reset to reset the core. Makes sure the i_stb line
// is low during this reset.
void reset(void) {
// m_flash.debug(false);
m_core->i_ce = 0;
m_core->i_stb = 0;
80,10 → 93,10
void dbgdump(void) {
char outstr[2048], *s;
sprintf(outstr, "Tick %4ld %s%s ",
(m_core->i_rst)?"R":" ",
(m_core->i_ce)?"CE":" ");
sprintf(outstr, "Tick %4lld %s%s ",
(unsigned long long)m_tickcount,
(m_core->i_reset)?"R":" ",
(m_core->i_stb)?"CE":" ");
switch(m_core->i_op) {
case 0: strcat(outstr, " SUB"); break;
case 1: strcat(outstr, " AND"); break;
112,26 → 125,37
s = &outstr[strlen(outstr)];
#define mpy_result VVAR(_mpy_result)
sprintf(s, "1,MPY[][][%016lx]",
(unsigned long)m_core->mpy_result);
s = &outstr[strlen(outstr)];
sprintf(s, "2,MPY[%016lx][%016lx][%016lx]",
#define MPY2VAR(A) VVAR(_thempy__DOT__IMPY__DOT__MPN1__DOT__MPY2CK__DOT_ ## A)
#define r_mpy_a_input MPY2VAR(_r_mpy_a_input)
#define r_mpy_b_input MPY2VAR(_r_mpy_b_input)
#define mpy_result VVAR(_mpy_result)
s = &outstr[strlen(outstr)];
sprintf(s, "3,MPY[%08x][%08x][%016lx], P[%d]",
#define MPY3VAR(A) VVAR(_thempy__DOT__IMPY__DOT__MPN1__DOT__MPN2__DOT__MPY3CK__DOT_ ## A)
#define r_mpy_a_input MPY3VAR(_r_mpy_a_input)
#define r_mpy_b_input MPY3VAR(_r_mpy_b_input)
#define r_smpy_result MPY3VAR(_r_smpy_result)
#define mpypipe MPY3VAR(_mpypipe)
sprintf(s, "3,MPY[%08x][%08x][%016llx], P[%d]",
(long long)m_core->r_smpy_result,
#if(OPT_MULTIPLY != 1)
if (m_core->v__DOT__this_is_a_multiply_op)
#define this_is_a_multiply_op ((m_core->i_stb)&&(((m_core->i_op&0xe) == 5)||((m_core->i_op&0x0f)==0xc))) // VVAR(_this_is_a_multiply_op)
if (this_is_a_multiply_op)
strcat(s, " MPY-OP");
170,7 → 194,7
// we tick things once more.
void clear_ops(void) {
m_core->i_ce = 0;
m_core->i_stb = 0;
m_core->i_op = 0;
do {
189,7 → 213,7
// the CPU may need to do that if a jump is made and the pipeline needs
// to be cleared.
unsigned op(int op, int a, int b) {
uint32_t op(int op, int a, int b) {
// Make sure we start witht he core idle
if (m_core->o_valid)
196,18 → 220,18
// Set the arguments to the CPUOPS core to get a multiple
// started
m_core->i_ce = 1;
m_core->i_stb = 1;
m_core->i_op = op;
m_core->i_a = a;
m_core->i_b = b;
unsigned long now = m_tickcount;
uint64_t now = m_tickcount;
// Tick once to get it going
// Clear the input arguments to the multiply
m_core->i_ce = 0;
m_core->i_stb = 0;
m_core->i_a = 0;
m_core->i_b = 0;
219,8 → 243,8
// be using. OPT_MULTIPLY is *supposed* to be equal to this
// number.
if((m_tickcount - now)!=OPT_MULTIPLY) {
printf("%ld ticks seen, %d ticks expected\n",
m_tickcount-now, OPT_MULTIPLY);
printf("%lld ticks seen, %d ticks expected\n",
(unsigned long long)(m_tickcount-now), OPT_MULTIPLY);
240,18 → 264,20
// against a local multiply on the local (host) machine. If there's
// any mismatch, an error message is printed and the test fails.
void mpy_test(int a, int b) {
const int OP_MPY = 0x08, OP_MPYSHI=0xb, OP_MPYUHI=0x0a;
long ia, ib, sv;
unsigned long ua, ub, uv;
const int OP_MPY = 0x0c, OP_MPYSHI=0xb, OP_MPYUHI=0x0a;
const bool debug = false;
int64_t ia, ib, sv;
uint64_t ua, ub, uv;
unsigned r, s, u;
if (debug)
printf("MPY-TEST: 0x%08x x 0x%08x\n", a, b);
ia = (long)a; ib = (long)b; sv = ia * ib;
ua = ((unsigned long)a)&0x0ffffffffu;
ub = ((unsigned long)b)&0x0ffffffffu;
ua = ((uint64_t)a)&0x0ffffffffu;
ub = ((uint64_t)b)&0x0ffffffffu;
uv = ua * ub;
r = op(OP_MPY, a, b);
262,13 → 288,13
// Let's check our answers, and see if we got the right results
if ((r ^ sv)&0x0ffffffffu) {
printf("TEST FAILURE(MPY), MPY #1\n");
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016lx\n", r, sv);
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016llx\n", r, (long long)sv);
} if ((r ^ uv)&0x0ffffffffu) {
printf("TEST FAILURE(MPY), MPY #2\n");
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016lx\n", r, uv);
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016llx\n", r, (unsigned long long)uv);
276,13 → 302,13
if ((s^(sv>>32))&0x0ffffffffu) {
printf("TEST FAILURE(MPYSHI), MPY #3\n");
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016lx\n", s, sv);
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016llx\n", s, (long long)sv);
} if ((u^(uv>>32))&0x0ffffffffu) {
printf("TEST FAILURE(MPYUHI), MPY #4\n");
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016lx\n", u, uv);
printf("Comparing 0x%08x to 0x%016llx\n", u, (unsigned long long)uv);
2,7 → 2,7
// Filename: pdump.cpp
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU core
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: Disassemble machine code files onto the stdout file. Unlike
// the zip-objdump program that is part of the binutils suite, this
29,7 → 29,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
38,7 → 38,10
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
54,58 → 57,43
return a.clks < b.clks;
typedef struct { unsigned clks, hits, addr; } insn_stat;
typedef std::map<unsigned, insn_stat *> vcd_profile;
void dump_file(const char *fn) {
const int NZIP = 4096;
char lna[NZIP], lnb[NZIP];
FILE *pf;
unsigned addr=0x0100000, mina = -1, maxa = 0,
*pfcnt = NULL, *pfclk = NULL;
unsigned addr=0x0100000;
vcd_profile vp;
pf = fopen("pfile.bin","rb");
if (pf) {
ALT *pfalt;
unsigned buf[2], total_clks = 0;
unsigned buf[2];
while(2 == fread(buf, sizeof(unsigned), 2, pf)) {
if (mina > buf[0])
mina = buf[0];
if (maxa < buf[0])
maxa = buf[0];
addr = buf[0];
if (vp.count(addr)>0) {
vp[addr]->clks += buf[1];
} else {
insn_stat *is;
is = new insn_stat;
is->hits = 1;
is->clks = buf[1];
is->addr = addr;
vp[addr] = is;
addr = mina;
pfcnt = new unsigned[(maxa+2-mina)];
pfclk = new unsigned[(maxa+2-mina)];
pfalt = new ALT[(maxa+2-mina)];
unsigned ncnt = maxa+2-mina;
for(int i=0; i<(int)ncnt; i++)
pfcnt[i] = pfclk[i] = 0;
for(int i=0; i<(int)ncnt; i++)
pfalt[i].addr = pfalt[i].clks = 0;
while(2 == fread(buf, sizeof(unsigned), 2, pf)) {
pfclk[buf[0]-addr] += buf[1];
pfalt[buf[0]-addr].clks += buf[1];
pfalt[buf[0]-addr].addr = buf[0];
total_clks += buf[1];
printf("%08x\n", buf[0]);
} fclose(pf);
printf("%08x (%8d) total clocks\n", total_clks, total_clks);
std::sort(&pfalt[0], &pfalt[ncnt], altcmp);
for(int i=0; i<(int)ncnt; i++)
printf("%08x: %8d\n", pfalt[i].addr, pfalt[i].clks);
printf("%s:\n", fn);
if (iself(fn)) {
ELFSECTION **secpp=NULL, *secp;
unsigned entry;
double cpi;
unsigned entry;
elfread(fn, entry, secpp);
for(int i=0; secpp[i]->m_len; i++) {
secp = secpp[i];
112,22 → 100,27
for(unsigned j=0; j<secp->m_len; j+=4) {
uint32_t w, a;
a = secp->m_start+(j<<2);
w = buildword((const unsigned char *)&secp->m_data[(j<<2)]);
a = secp->m_vaddr+j;
w = buildword((const unsigned char *)&secp->m_data[j]);
zipi_to_double_string(a, w, lna, lnb);
// printf("%s\n", ln);
printf("%08x[%08x-%08x]: (0x%08x %c%c%c%c) ",
a, maxa, mina, w,
printf("%08x: (0x%08x %c%c%c%c) ", a, w,
isgraph((w>>24)&0x0ff)?((w>>24)&0x0ff) : '.',
isgraph((w>>16)&0x0ff)?((w>>16)&0x0ff) : '.',
isgraph((w>> 8)&0x0ff)?((w>> 8)&0x0ff) : '.',
isgraph((w )&0x0ff)?((w )&0x0ff) : '.'
if ((a>=mina)&&(a<maxa)&&(pfcnt))
printf("%8d %8d ", pfcnt[a-mina], pfclk[a-mina]);
if (vp.count(a)>0) {
insn_stat *is = vp[a];
cpi = is->clks / (double)is->hits;
printf("%8d %8d %4.1f ", is->hits, is->clks, cpi);
} else
printf("%23s", "");
printf("%s\n", lna);
if (lnb[0])
printf("-%24s%s\n", "", lnb);
printf("-%50s%s\n", "", lnb);
1,4 → 1,4
// Filename: pfcache_tb.cpp
12,7 → 12,7
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
26,11 → 26,16
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
#include <signal.h>
74,8 → 79,8
// is low during this reset.
void reset(void) {
m_core->i_rst = 0;
m_core->i_pc = RAMBASE;
m_core->i_reset = 0;
m_core->i_pc = RAMBASE<<2;
m_core->i_new_pc = 0;
m_core->i_clear_cache = 1;
m_core->i_stall_n = 1;
139,16 → 144,16
if (m_core->o_v) {
if (m_core->o_valid) {
uint32_t pc, insn;
pc = m_core->o_pc;
insn = m_core->o_i;
if (insn != m_mem[pc & (RAMWORDS-1)]) {
insn = m_core->o_insn;
if (insn != m_mem[(pc>>2) & (RAMWORDS-1)]) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERR: PF[%08x] = %08x != %08x\n", pc,
insn, m_mem[pc & (RAMWORDS-1)]);
insn, m_mem[(pc>>2) & (RAMWORDS-1)]);
assert(insn == m_mem[pc & (RAMWORDS-1)]);
assert(insn == m_mem[(pc>>2) & (RAMWORDS-1)]);
159,16 → 164,16
void fetch_insn(void) {
uint32_t timeout = 0;
if ((m_core->o_v)&&(m_core->i_stall_n))
if ((m_core->o_valid)&&(m_core->i_stall_n))
m_core->i_rst = 0;
m_core->i_reset = 0;
m_core->i_new_pc = 0;
m_core->i_clear_cache = 0;
m_core->i_stall_n = 1;
do {
} while((!m_core->o_v)&&(!m_core->o_illegal)&&(timeout++ < MAXTIMEOUT));
} while((!m_core->o_valid)&&(!m_core->o_illegal)&&(timeout++ < MAXTIMEOUT));
if (timeout >= MAXTIMEOUT)
m_bomb = true;
180,28 → 185,28
void skip_fetch(void) {
uint32_t prevalid, insn;
if ((m_core->o_v)&&(m_core->i_stall_n))
if ((m_core->o_valid)&&(m_core->i_stall_n))
m_core->i_rst = 0;
m_core->i_reset = 0;
m_core->i_new_pc = 0;
m_core->i_clear_cache = 0;
m_core->i_stall_n = 0;
insn = m_core->o_i;
prevalid= m_core->o_v;
insn = m_core->o_insn;
prevalid= m_core->o_valid;
if (prevalid) {
// if (!m_core->o_v) {
// if (!m_core->o_valid) {
// fprintf(stderr, "ERR: VALID dropped on stall!\n");
// closetrace();
// assert(m_core->o_v);
// assert(m_core->o_valid);
// }
if (insn != m_core->o_i) {
if (insn != m_core->o_insn) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERR: VALID INSN CHANGED on stall!\n");
assert(insn == m_core->o_i);
assert(insn == m_core->o_insn);
213,7 → 218,7
void jump(unsigned target) {
uint32_t timeout = 0;
m_core->i_rst = 0;
m_core->i_reset = 0;
m_core->i_new_pc = 1;
m_core->i_clear_cache = 0;
m_core->i_stall_n = 1;
224,12 → 229,12
m_core->i_new_pc = 0;
m_core->i_stall_n = 0;
while((!m_core->o_v)&&(timeout++ < MAXTIMEOUT))
while((!m_core->o_valid)&&(timeout++ < MAXTIMEOUT))
if (timeout >= MAXTIMEOUT)
m_bomb = true;
if (m_core->o_v)
if (m_core->o_valid)
assert(m_core->o_pc == target);
249,7 → 254,7
// Simulate running straight through code
for(int i=0; i<130; i++) {
259,7 → 264,7
// Now, let's bounce around through the cache
for(int j=0; j<20; j++) {
for(int i=0; i<130; i++) {
// printf("FETCH\n");
298,7 → 303,7
uint32_t target = rand() & (RAMWORDS-1);
target += RAMBASE;
// printf("JUMP TO %08x\n", target);
} else if ((v & 3)==2) {
// printf("SKIP\n");
2,7 → 2,7
// Filename: testb.h
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU core
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: A wrapper for a common interface to a clocked FPGA core
// begin exercised in Verilator.
34,6 → 34,8
#ifndef TESTB_H
#define TESTB_H
41,11 → 43,13
#include <stdint.h>
#include <verilated_vcd_c.h>
#define TBASSERT(TB,A) do { if (!(A)) { (TB).closetrace(); } assert(A); } while(0);
template <class VA> class TESTB {
VA *m_core;
VA *m_core;
VerilatedVcdC* m_trace;
unsigned long m_tickcount;
uint64_t m_tickcount;
TESTB(void) : m_trace(NULL), m_tickcount(0l) {
m_core = new VA;
54,7 → 58,7
eval(); // Get our initial values set properly.
virtual ~TESTB(void) {
if (m_trace) m_trace->close();
delete m_core;
m_core = NULL;
70,6 → 74,7
virtual void closetrace(void) {
if (m_trace) {
delete m_trace;
m_trace = NULL;
87,22 → 92,28
// logic depends. This forces that logic to be recalculated
// before the top of the clock.
if (m_trace) m_trace->dump(10*m_tickcount-2);
if (m_trace) m_trace->dump((vluint64_t)(10*m_tickcount-2));
m_core->i_clk = 1;
if (m_trace) m_trace->dump(10*m_tickcount);
if (m_trace) m_trace->dump((vluint64_t)(10*m_tickcount));
m_core->i_clk = 0;
if (m_trace) m_trace->dump(10*m_tickcount+5);
if (m_trace) {
virtual void reset(void) {
m_core->i_rst = 1;
m_core->i_reset = 1;
m_core->i_rst = 0;
m_core->i_reset = 0;
// printf("RESET\n");
unsigned long tickcount(void) {
return m_tickcount;
1,20 → 1,20
// Filename: twoc.cpp
// Project: A Doubletime Pipelined FFT
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: Some various two's complement related C++ helper routines.
// Specifically, these help extract signed numbers from
// packed bitfields, while guaranteeing that the upper bits
// are properly sign extended (or not) as desired.
// packed bitfields, while guaranteeing that the upper bits are properly
// sign extended (or not) as desired.
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015,2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
27,7 → 27,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
35,7 → 35,9
#include "twoc.h"
long sbits(const long val, const int bits) {
1,8 → 1,8
// Filename: twoc.h
// Project: A Doubletime Pipelined FFT
// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
// Purpose: Some various two's complement related C++ helper routines.
// Specifically, these help extract signed numbers from
12,9 → 12,9
// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
// Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// Copyright (C) 2015,2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
27,7 → 27,7
// for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory, run make with no
// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
// <> for a copy.
35,7 → 35,9
#ifndef TWOC_H
#define TWOC_H
0,0 → 1,65
## Filename:
## Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
## Purpose: To determine whether or not the verilator prefix for internal
## variables is v__DOT__ or the name of the top level followed by
## __DOT__. If it is the later, output -DNEW_VERILATOR, else be silent.
## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## Copyright (C) 2017, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
## <> for a copy.
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on,
if [[ -x ${VERILATOR_ROOT}/bin/verilator ]];
export VERILATOR=${VERILATOR_ROOT}/bin/verilator
if [[ ! -x ${VERILATOR} ]];
export VERILATOR=verilator
if [[ ! -x `which ${VERILATOR}` ]];
echo "Verilator not found in environment or in path"
exit -1
VVERLINE=`${VERILATOR} -V | grep -i ^Verilator`
VVER=`echo ${VVERLINE} | cut -d " " -f 2`
LATER=`echo $VVER \>= 3.9 | bc`
if [[ $LATER > 0 ]];
exit 0 Property changes : Added: svn:executable ## -0,0 +1 ## +* \ No newline at end of property Index: zipcpu_tb.cpp =================================================================== --- zipcpu_tb.cpp (nonexistent) +++ zipcpu_tb.cpp (revision 209) @@ -0,0 +1,2692 @@ +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Filename: zipcpu_tb.cpp +// +// Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core +// +// Purpose: A bench simulator for the CPU. Eventually, you should be +// able to give this program the name of a piece of compiled +// code to load into memory. For now, we hand assemble with the computers +// help. +// +// +// Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D. +// Gisselquist Technology, LLC +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// Copyright (C) 2015-2018, Gisselquist Technology, LLC +// +// This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or +// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published +// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at +// your option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT +// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or +// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License +// for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no +// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see +// for a copy. +// +// License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on, +// +// +// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +// +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "verilated.h" +#include "verilated_vcd_c.h" + +#ifdef ZIPBONES +#include "Vzipbones.h" +#define SIMCLASS Vzipbones +#else +#define ZIPSYSTEM +#include "Vzipsystem.h" +#define SIMCLASS Vzipsystem +#endif + +#include "cpudefs.h" + +#include "testb.h" +#include "zipelf.h" +// #include "twoc.h" +// #include "qspiflashsim.h" +#include "byteswap.h" +#include "memsim.h" +#include "zopcodes.h" + +#define CMD_REG 0 +#define CMD_DATA 4 +#define CMD_GO 0 +#define CMD_GIE (1<<13) +#define CMD_SLEEP (1<<12) +#define CMD_CLEAR_CACHE (1<<11) +#define CMD_HALT (1<<10) +#define CMD_STALL (1<<9) +#define CMD_INT (1<<7) +#define CMD_RESET (1<<6) +#define CMD_STEP ((1<<8)|CMD_HALT) +#define CPU_HALT CMD_HALT +#define CPU_sPC 15 + +#define KEY_ESCAPE 27 +#define KEY_RETURN 10 +#define CTRL(X) ((X)&0x01f) + +#define MAXERR 10000 + + +// Some versions of Verilator require a prefix starting with the top level +// module name, rather than v__DOT__.... For these versions of Verilator, +// you will need to replace these variable prefixes with either +// zipsystem__DOT__... +// or +// zipbones__DOT__... + +#ifdef NEW_VERILATOR +#ifdef ZIPBONES +#define VVAR(A) zipbones__DOT_ ## A +#else +#define VVAR(A) zipsystem__DOT_ ## A +#endif +#else +#define VVAR(A) v__DOT_ ## A +#endif + +#define CPUVAR(A) VVAR(_thecpu__DOT_ ##A) + +#ifdef OPT_DCACHE +/// + // dcache + #define MEMVAR(A) CPUVAR(_MEM_DCACHE__DOT__docache__DOT_ ## A) +/// +#elif defined(OPT_PIPELINED_BUS_ACCESS) +/// + // pipemem + #define MEMVAR(A) CPUVAR(_NO_CACHE__DOT__MEM__DOT__domem__DOT_ ## A) + #define mem_wraddr MEMVAR(_wraddr) + #define mem_rdaddr MEMVAR(_rdaddr) +/// +#else +/// + // memops + #define MEMVAR(A) CPUVAR(_NO_CACHE__DOT__MEM__DOT__domem__DOT_ ## A) +#endif + +#define cpu_halt VVAR(_cmd_halt) +#define cmd_reset VVAR(_cmd_reset) +#define cmd_step VVAR(_cmd_step) +#define cmd_addr VVAR(_cmd_addr) + +#ifdef OPT_SINGLE_FETCH +#define early_branch VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__GEN_EARLY_BRANCH_LOGIC__DOT__r_early_branch) +#else +#define early_branch VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__GEN_EARLY_BRANCH_LOGIC__DOT__r_early_branch) +#endif +#define early_branch_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__GEN_EARLY_BRANCH_LOGIC__DOT__r_branch_pc) + +#define dcdRmx VVAR(_thecpu__DOT____Vcellout__instruction_decoder____pinNumber15) +#define dcdA VVAR(_thecpu__DOT____Vcellout__instruction_decoder____pinNumber15) +#define dcdB VVAR(_thecpu__DOT____Vcellout__instruction_decoder____pinNumber16) + +#define new_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__new_pc) +#define cpu_ipc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__ipc) +#define cpu_upc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__SET_USER_PC__DOT__r_upc) +#define pf_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_pc) + +// PF +#define pf_cyc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_cyc) +#define pf_stb VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_stb) +#define pf_we VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_we) +#define pf_addr VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_addr) +#define pf_ack VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_ack) +#define pf_valid VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_valid) +#define pf_illegal VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_illegal) +#define pf_vmask VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf__DOT__valid_mask) +#define pf_r_v VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf__DOT__r_v) +// #define pf_illegal VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf__DOT__pf_illegal) +#define pf_tagsrc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf__DOT__rvsrc) +#define pf_tagipc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf__DOT__tagvalipc) +#define pf_tagvallst VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf__DOT__tagvallst) +#define pf_lastpc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf__DOT__lastpc) +#define pf_instruction VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_instruction) + +// Decode +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED +#define dcd_ce VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_ce) +#else +#define dcd_ce VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_stalled)^1 +#endif +#define dcd_stalled VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_stalled) +#define dcd_gie VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__SET_GIE__DOT__r_gie) +#define dcd_illegal VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_illegal) +#define dcd_valid VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__r_valid) +#define dcd_opn VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_opn) +#define dcd_rA VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_rA) +#define dcd_rB VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_rB) +#define dcdR VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__w_dcdR) +#define dcdRpc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__w_dcdR_pc) +#define dcdRcc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__w_dcdR_cc) +#define dcd_wR VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_wR) +#define dcd_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_pc) +#define dcd_wF VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_wF) +#define dcd_M VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_M) + +// Op +#define op_ce VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_ce) +#define op_illegal VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_illegal) +#define op_valid VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_valid) +#define op_valid_mem VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_valid_mem) +#define op_valid_alu VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_valid_alu) +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED +#define op_R VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_R) +#define op_stall VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_stall) +#else +#define op_R dcdR +#endif +#define op_wR VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_wR) +#define op_wF VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_wF) + +#define master_stall VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__master_stall) +// ALU +#define alu_ce VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_ce) +#define alu_valid VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_valid) +// #define alu_stall VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_stall) +#define alu_wF VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_wF) +#define alu_pc_valid VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_pc_valid) +#define alu_flags VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_flags) +#define alu_wR VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_wR) +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED +#define alu_illegal VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__SET_ALU_ILLEGAL__DOT__r_alu_illegal) +#else +#define alu_illegal op_illegal +#endif +#define set_cond VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__set_cond) + +// MEM +#define mem_valid CPUVAR(_mem_valid) +#define mem_pc_valid CPUVAR(_mem_pc_valid) +#define mem_ce CPUVAR(_mem_ce) +#define mem_cyc MEMVAR(_cyc) +#define mem_rdbusy CPUVAR(_mem_rdbusy) +#define mem_wreg CPUVAR(_mem_wreg) + +// DIV +#ifdef OPT_DIVIDE + #define div_valid CPUVAR(_div_valid) + #define div_ce CPUVAR(_div_ce) + #define div_busy CPUVAR(_div_busy) +#endif + +// +#define wr_reg_id CPUVAR(_wr_reg_id) +#define wr_reg_ce CPUVAR(_wr_reg_ce) +#define wr_gpreg_vl CPUVAR(_wr_gpreg_vl) +#ifdef OPT_DIVIDE +#define wr_spreg_vl CPUVAR(_wr_spreg_vl) +#else +#define wr_spreg_vl wr_gpreg_vl +#endif +#define wr_reg_ce CPUVAR(_wr_reg_ce) +#define wr_flags_ce CPUVAR(_wr_flags_ce) +#define w_iflags CPUVAR(_w_iflags) +#define w_uflags CPUVAR(_w_uflags) + +// Op-Sim instructions +#define cpu_sim VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_sim) +#define cpu_sim_immv VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_sim_immv) + +// +#define r_sleep VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__sleep) + +#define master_ce VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__master_ce) +#define op_break VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__r_op_break) +#define op_F VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_F) +// +#define regset VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__regset) +#define cpu_regs regset + + +#ifdef OPT_CIS +#define dcd_phase VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_phase) +#define op_phase VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__OPT_CIS_OP_PHASE__DOT__r_op_phase) +#define alu_phase VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__GEN_ALU_PHASE__DOT__r_alu_phase) +#endif + +#ifdef OPT_SINGLE_FETCH +#define pf_instruction_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_addr)<<2 +#else +#define pf_instruction_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_instruction_pc) +#endif + + +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED +#define op_Av VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_Av) +#define op_Bv VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_Bv) +#define alu_gie dcd_gie +#define alu_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__GEN_ALU_PC__DOT__r_alu_pc) +#define op_Aid VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_Aid) +#define op_Bid VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_Bid) +#else +#define op_Av VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__r_op_Av) +#define op_Bv VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__r_op_Bv) +#define alu_gie dcd_gie +#define alu_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_pc) +#endif +#define op_gie dcd_gie + +#define r_op_pc VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_pc) + +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM +#define dbg_cyc VVAR(_dbg_cyc) +#define dbg_stb VVAR(_dbg_stb) +#define dbg_we VVAR(_dbg_we) +#define dbg_idata VVAR(_dbg_idata) +#define cpu_stall VVAR(_cpu_stall) +#define cpu_interrupt VVAR(_MAIN_PIC__DOT__pic__DOT__r_interrupt) +#define cpu_idata VVAR(_cpu_idata) +#define tick_counter m_core->VVAR(_jiffies__DOT__r_counter) +#define dbg_addr VVAR(_dbg_addr) +#else +#define dbg_cyc i_dbg_cyc +#define dbg_stb i_dbg_stb +#define dbg_we i_dbg_we +#define dbg_idata i_dbg_data +#define cpu_stall i_wb_stall +#define cpu_interrupt i_ext_int +#define cpu_idata i_wb_data +#define tick_counter tickcount() +#define dbg_addr i_dbg_addr +#endif + +#define r_gie VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__SET_GIE__DOT__r_gie) +#define pic_data VVAR(_pic_data) +#define r_value VVAR(_r_value) +#define watchbus VVAR(_watchbus__DOT__r_value) +#define watchdog VVAR(_watchdog__DOT__r_value) +#define wdbus_data VVAR(_r_wdbus_data) +#define int_state VVAR(_MAIN_PIC__DOT__pic__DOT__r_int_state) +#define alt_int_state VVAR(_ALT_PIC__DOT__ctri__DOT__r_int_state) +#define timer_a VVAR(_timer_a__DOT__r_value) +#define timer_b VVAR(_timer_b__DOT__r_value) +#define timer_c VVAR(_timer_c__DOT__r_value) +#define jiffies VVAR(_jiffies__DOT__r_counter) +#define utc_data VVAR(_utc_data) +#define uoc_data VVAR(_uoc_data) +#define upc_data VVAR(_upc_data) +#define uic_data VVAR(_uic_data) +#define mtc_data VVAR(_mtc_data) +#define moc_data VVAR(_moc_data) +#define mpc_data VVAR(_mpc_data) +#define mic_data VVAR(_mic_data) + +#define r_wb_cyc_gbl MEMVAR(_r_wb_cyc_gbl) +#define r_wb_cyc_lcl MEMVAR(_r_wb_cyc_lcl) +#define r_wb_stb_gbl VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_stb_gbl) +#define r_wb_stb_lcl VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_stb_lcl) +#define mem_stb_gbl VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_stb_gbl) +#define mem_stb_lcl VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_stb_lcl) +#define mem_we VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_we) +#define mem_ack VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_ack) +#define mem_stall VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_stall) +#define mem_data VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_data) +#define mem_addr VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_addr) +#define mem_result VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__mem_result) +#define op_pipe VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__GEN_OP_PIPE__DOT__r_op_pipe) +#define dcd_pipe VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__GEN_OPIPE__DOT__r_pipe) +#define op_A_alu VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_A_alu) +#define op_B_alu VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_B_alu) +#define op_A_mem VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_A_mem) +#define op_B_mem VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__op_B_mem) +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED +#define op_opn VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__r_op_opn) +#else +#define op_opn dcd_opn +#endif +#define alu_result VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_result) +#define alu_busy VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__doalu__DOT__r_busy) +#define alu_reg VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__alu_reg) +#define switch_to_interrupt VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__w_switch_to_interrupt) +#define release_from_interrupt VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__w_release_from_interrupt) +#define break_en VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__break_en) +#define dcd_break VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_break) + +/* +// We are just a raw CPU with memory. There is no flash. +#define LGFLASHLEN 24 +#define FLASHBASE 0x01000000 +#define FLASHWORDS (1<>2) + +class SPARSEMEM { +public: + bool m_valid; + unsigned int m_a, m_d; +}; + +class ZIPSTATE { +public: + bool m_valid, m_gie, m_last_pc_valid; + unsigned int m_sR[16], m_uR[16]; +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + unsigned int m_p[20]; +#endif + unsigned int m_last_pc, m_pc, m_sp; + SPARSEMEM m_smem[5]; // Nearby stack memory + SPARSEMEM m_imem[5]; // Nearby instruction memory + ZIPSTATE(void) : m_valid(false), m_last_pc_valid(false) {} + + void step(void) { + m_last_pc_valid = true; + m_last_pc = m_pc; + } +}; + +extern FILE *gbl_dbgfp; +FILE *gbl_dbgfp = NULL; + +// No particular "parameters" need definition or redefinition here. +class ZIPCPU_TB : public TESTB { +public: + unsigned long m_mem_size; + MEMSIM m_mem; + // QSPIFLASHSIM m_flash; + FILE *m_dbgfp, *m_profile_fp; + bool dbg_flag, m_bomb, m_show_user_timers, m_console, m_exit; + int m_cursor, m_rcode; + unsigned long m_last_instruction_tickcount; + ZIPSTATE m_state; + + ZIPCPU_TB(void) : m_mem_size(RAMWORDS), m_mem(m_mem_size) { + m_rcode = 0; + m_exit = false; + if (true) { + m_dbgfp = fopen("debug.txt", "w"); + dbg_flag = true; + gbl_dbgfp = m_dbgfp; + } else { + m_dbgfp = NULL; + dbg_flag = false; + gbl_dbgfp = NULL; + } + + if(true) { + opentrace("trace.vcd"); + } else { + m_trace = NULL; + } + + m_bomb = false; + m_cursor = 0; + m_show_user_timers = false; + + m_last_instruction_tickcount = 0l; + if (true) { + m_profile_fp = fopen("pfile.bin","wb"); + } else { + m_profile_fp = NULL; + } + } + + ~ZIPCPU_TB(void) { + if (m_dbgfp) + fclose(m_dbgfp); + if (m_profile_fp) + fclose(m_profile_fp); + if (m_trace) + m_trace->close(); + } + + void reset(void) { + // m_flash.debug(false); + TESTB::reset(); + } + + void step(void) { + wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_STEP); + m_state.step(); + } + + void read_raw_state(void) { + m_state.m_valid = false; + for(int i=0; i<16; i++) + m_state.m_sR[i] = cmd_read(i); + for(int i=0; i<16; i++) + m_state.m_uR[i] = cmd_read(i+16); +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + for(int i=0; i<20; i++) + m_state.m_p[i] = cmd_read(i+32); +#endif + + m_state.m_gie = wb_read(CMD_REG) & CMD_GIE; + m_state.m_pc = (m_state.m_gie) ? (m_state.m_uR[15]):(m_state.m_sR[15]); + m_state.m_sp = (m_state.m_gie) ? (m_state.m_uR[13]):(m_state.m_sR[13]); + + if (m_state.m_last_pc_valid) + m_state.m_imem[0].m_a = m_state.m_last_pc; + else + m_state.m_imem[0].m_a = m_state.m_pc - 1; + m_state.m_imem[0].m_d = m_mem[m_state.m_imem[0].m_a & 0x0fffff]; + m_state.m_imem[0].m_valid = ((m_state.m_imem[0].m_a & 0xfff00000)==0x00100000); + m_state.m_imem[1].m_a = m_state.m_pc; + m_state.m_imem[1].m_valid = ((m_state.m_imem[1].m_a & 0xfff00000)==0x00100000); + m_state.m_imem[1].m_d = m_mem[m_state.m_imem[1].m_a & 0x0fffff]; + + for(int i=1; i<4; i++) { + if (!m_state.m_imem[i].m_valid) { + m_state.m_imem[i+1].m_valid = false; + m_state.m_imem[i+1].m_a = m_state.m_imem[i].m_a+1; + continue; + } + m_state.m_imem[i+1].m_a = zop_early_branch( + m_state.m_imem[i].m_a, + m_state.m_imem[i].m_d); + m_state.m_imem[i+1].m_d = m_mem[m_state.m_imem[i].m_a & 0x0fffff]; + m_state.m_imem[i+1].m_valid = ((m_state.m_imem[i].m_a&0xfff00000)==0x00100000); + } + + m_state.m_smem[0].m_a = m_state.m_sp; + for(int i=1; i<5; i++) + m_state.m_smem[i].m_a = m_state.m_smem[i-1].m_a+1; + for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { + m_state.m_smem[i].m_valid = + (m_state.m_imem[i].m_a > 0x10000); + m_state.m_smem[i].m_d = m_mem[m_state.m_imem[i].m_a & 0x0fffff]; + } + m_state.m_valid = true; + } + + void read_raw_state_cheating(void) { + m_state.m_valid = false; + for(int i=0; i<16; i++) + m_state.m_sR[i] = m_core->regset[i]; + m_state.m_sR[14] = (m_state.m_sR[14]&0xffffe000)|m_core->w_iflags; + m_state.m_sR[15] = m_core->cpu_ipc; + for(int i=0; i<16; i++) + m_state.m_uR[i] = m_core->regset[i+16]; + m_state.m_uR[14] = (m_state.m_uR[14]&0xffffe000)|m_core->w_uflags; + m_state.m_uR[15] = m_core->cpu_upc; + + m_state.m_gie = m_core->r_gie; + m_state.m_pc = (m_state.m_gie) ? (m_state.m_uR[15]):(m_state.m_sR[15]); + m_state.m_sp = (m_state.m_gie) ? (m_state.m_uR[13]):(m_state.m_sR[13]); + +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + m_state.m_p[0] = m_core->pic_data; + m_state.m_p[1] = m_core->watchdog; + if (!m_show_user_timers) { + m_state.m_p[2] = m_core->watchbus; + } else { + // The last bus error address + m_state.m_p[2] = m_core->wdbus_data; + } + + m_state.m_p[3] = m_core->alt_int_state; + m_state.m_p[4] = m_core->timer_a; + m_state.m_p[5] = m_core->timer_b; + m_state.m_p[6] = m_core->timer_c; + m_state.m_p[7] = m_core->jiffies; + + m_state.m_p[ 8] = m_core->utc_data; + m_state.m_p[ 9] = m_core->uoc_data; + m_state.m_p[10] = m_core->upc_data; + m_state.m_p[11] = m_core->uic_data; + + m_state.m_p[12] = m_core->mtc_data; + m_state.m_p[13] = m_core->moc_data; + m_state.m_p[14] = m_core->mpc_data; + m_state.m_p[15] = m_core->mic_data; +#endif + } + + void showval(int y, int x, const char *lbl, unsigned int v, bool c) { + if (c) + mvprintw(y,x, ">%s> 0x%08x<", lbl, v); + else + mvprintw(y,x, " %s: 0x%08x ", lbl, v); + } + + void dispreg(int y, int x, const char *n, unsigned int v, bool c) { + // 4,4,8,1 = 17 of 20, +3 = 19 + if (c) + mvprintw(y, x, ">%s> 0x%08x<", n, v); + else + mvprintw(y, x, " %s: 0x%08x ", n, v); + } + + void dbgreg(FILE *fp, int id, const char *n, unsigned int v) { + /* + if ((id == 14)||(id == 14+16)) { + //char buf[64]; + //fprintf(fp, " %s:", + fprintf(fp, " %s: 0x%08x ", n, v); + } else + */ + fprintf(fp, " %s: 0x%08x ", n, v); + } + + void showreg(int y, int x, const char *n, int r, bool c) { + if (r < 16) + dispreg(y, x, n, m_state.m_sR[r], c); + else + dispreg(y, x, n, m_state.m_uR[r-16], c); + move(y,x+17); + +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + addch( ((r == (int)(dcd_Aid()&0x01f))&&(m_core->dcd_valid) + &&(m_core->dcd_rA)) + ?'a':((c)?'<':' ')); + addch( ((r == (int)(dcd_Bid()&0x01f))&&(m_core->dcd_valid) + &&(m_core->dcd_rB)) + ?'b':' '); + addch( ((r == m_core->wr_reg_id) + &&(m_core->wr_reg_ce)) + ?'W':' '); +#else + addch( ((r == m_core->wr_reg_id) + &&(m_core->wr_reg_ce)) + ?'W':((c)?'<':' ')); +#endif + } + + void showins(int y, const char *lbl, const int ce, const int valid, + const int gie, const int stall, const unsigned int pc, + const bool phase) { + char la[80], lb[80]; + unsigned iv = m_mem[pc >> 2]; + bool cisw = (iv & 0x80000000)?true:false; + + if (ce) + mvprintw(y, 0, "Ck "); + else + mvprintw(y, 0, " "); + if (stall) + printw("Stl "); + else + printw(" "); + printw("%s%c 0x%08x", lbl, ((cisw)&&(phase))?'/':':', pc); + + if (valid) { + if (gie) attroff(A_BOLD); + else attron(A_BOLD); + zipi_to_double_string(pc, iv, la, lb); + if ((!cisw)||(phase)) + printw(" %-24s", la); + else + printw(" %-24s", lb); + } else { + attroff(A_BOLD); + printw(" (0x%08x)%28s", iv,""); + } + attroff(A_BOLD); + } + + void dbgins(const char *lbl, const int ce, const int valid, + const int gie, const int stall, const unsigned int pc, + const bool phase, const bool illegal) { + char la[80], lb[80]; + + if (!m_dbgfp) + return; + + if (ce) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "%s Ck ", lbl); + else + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "%s ", lbl); + if (stall) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "Stl "); + else + fprintf(m_dbgfp, " "); + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "0x%08x%s: ", pc, (phase)?"/P":" "); + + if (valid) { + zipi_to_double_string(pc, m_mem[pc>>2], la, lb); + if ((phase)||((m_mem[pc>>2]&0x80000000)==0)) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, " %-24s", la); + else + fprintf(m_dbgfp, " %-24s", lb); + } else { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, " (0x%08x)", m_mem[pc]); + } if (illegal) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, " (Illegal)"); + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "\n"); + } + + void show_state(void) { + int ln= 0; + + read_raw_state_cheating(); + + mvprintw(ln,0, "Peripherals-SS"); ln++; + printw(" %s", + // (m_core->pf_illegal)?"PI":" ", + (m_core->dcd_illegal)?"DI":" " + ); + +#ifdef OPT_EARLY_BRANCHING + printw(" %s", + (m_core->early_branch)?"EB":" "); + if (m_core->early_branch) + printw(" 0x%08x", m_core->early_branch_pc); + else printw(" %10s", ""); + // printw(" %s", (m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT____Vcellinp__pf____pinNumber3)?"-> P3":" "); +#endif + +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + showval(ln, 0, "PIC ", m_state.m_p[0], (m_cursor==0)); + showval(ln,20, "WDT ", m_state.m_p[1], (m_cursor==1)); + // showval(ln,40, "CACH", m_core->v__DOT__manualcache__DOT__cache_base, (m_cursor==2)); + + if (!m_show_user_timers) { + showval(ln,40, "WBUS", m_core->watchbus, false); + } else { + // showval(ln,40, "UBUS", m_core->v__DOT__r_wdbus_data, false); + showval(ln,40, "UBUS", m_core->watchbus, false); + } + + showval(ln,60, "PIC2", m_state.m_p[3], (m_cursor==3)); + + ln++; + showval(ln, 0, "TMRA", m_state.m_p[4], (m_cursor==4)); + showval(ln,20, "TMRB", m_state.m_p[5], (m_cursor==5)); + showval(ln,40, "TMRC", m_state.m_p[6], (m_cursor==6)); + showval(ln,60, "JIF ", m_state.m_p[7], (m_cursor==7)); + + + if (!m_show_user_timers) { + ln++; + showval(ln, 0, "MTSK", m_state.m_p[12], (m_cursor==8)); + showval(ln,20, "MOST", m_state.m_p[13], (m_cursor==9)); + showval(ln,40, "MPST", m_state.m_p[14], (m_cursor==10)); + showval(ln,60, "MICT", m_state.m_p[15], (m_cursor==11)); + } else { + ln++; + showval(ln, 0, "UTSK", m_state.m_p[ 8], (m_cursor==8)); + showval(ln,20, "UOST", m_state.m_p[ 9], (m_cursor==9)); + showval(ln,40, "UPST", m_state.m_p[10], (m_cursor==10)); + showval(ln,60, "UICT", m_state.m_p[11], (m_cursor==11)); + } +#else + ln += 2; +#endif + + ln++; + mvprintw(ln, 40, "%s %s", + (m_core->cpu_halt)? "CPU-HALT": " ", + (m_core->cmd_reset)?"CPU-RESET":" "); ln++; + mvprintw(ln, 40, "%s %s %s 0x%02x %s %s", + (m_core->cpu_halt)? "HALT": " ", + (m_core->cmd_reset)?"RESET":" ", + (m_core->cmd_step)? "STEP" :" ", + (m_core->cmd_addr)&0x3f, + (m_core->master_ce)? "*CE*" :"(ce)", + (m_core->cmd_reset)? "*RST*" :"(rst)"); + if (m_core->r_gie) + attroff(A_BOLD); + else + attron(A_BOLD); + mvprintw(ln, 0, "Supervisor Registers"); + ln++; + + showreg(ln, 0, "sR0 ", 0, (m_cursor==12)); + showreg(ln,20, "sR1 ", 1, (m_cursor==13)); + showreg(ln,40, "sR2 ", 2, (m_cursor==14)); + showreg(ln,60, "sR3 ", 3, (m_cursor==15)); ln++; + + showreg(ln, 0, "sR4 ", 4, (m_cursor==16)); + showreg(ln,20, "sR5 ", 5, (m_cursor==17)); + showreg(ln,40, "sR6 ", 6, (m_cursor==18)); + showreg(ln,60, "sR7 ", 7, (m_cursor==19)); ln++; + + showreg(ln, 0, "sR8 ", 8, (m_cursor==20)); + showreg(ln,20, "sR9 ", 9, (m_cursor==21)); + showreg(ln,40, "sR10", 10, (m_cursor==22)); + showreg(ln,60, "sR11", 11, (m_cursor==23)); ln++; + + showreg(ln, 0, "sR12", 12, (m_cursor==24)); + showreg(ln,20, "sSP ", 13, (m_cursor==25)); + + unsigned int cc = m_state.m_sR[14]; + if (false) { + mvprintw(ln,40, "%ssCC : 0x%08x", + (m_cursor==26)?">":" ", cc); + } else { + char cbuf[32]; + + sprintf(cbuf, "%ssCC :%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", + (m_cursor==26)?">":" ", + (cc&0x01000)?"FE":"", + (cc&0x00800)?"DE":"", + (cc&0x00400)?"BE":"", + (cc&0x00200)?"TP":"", + (cc&0x00100)?"IL":"", + (cc&0x00080)?"BK":"", + ((m_state.m_gie==0)&&(cc&0x010))?"HLT":""); + mvprintw(ln,40, "%-14s",cbuf); + mvprintw(ln, 54, "%s%s%s%s", + (cc&8)?"V":" ", + (cc&4)?"N":" ", + (cc&2)?"C":" ", + (cc&1)?"Z":" "); + } + showval(ln,60, "sPC ", m_state.m_sR[15], (m_cursor==27)); + mvprintw(ln,60,"%s", + (m_core->wr_reg_id == 0x0e) + &&(m_core->wr_reg_ce) + ?"V" + :(((m_core->wr_flags_ce) + &&(!m_core->alu_gie))?"+" + :" ")); + ln++; + + if (m_core->r_gie) + attron(A_BOLD); + else + attroff(A_BOLD); + mvprintw(ln, 0, "User Registers"); + mvprintw(ln, 42, "DCDR=%02x %s%s", + m_core->dcdR, + (m_core->dcd_wR)?"W":" ", + (m_core->dcd_wF)?"F":" "); + mvprintw(ln, 62, "OPR =%02x %s%s", + m_core->op_R, + (m_core->op_wR)?"W":" ", + (m_core->op_wF)?"F":" "); + ln++; + showreg(ln, 0, "uR0 ", 16, (m_cursor==28)); + showreg(ln,20, "uR1 ", 17, (m_cursor==29)); + showreg(ln,40, "uR2 ", 18, (m_cursor==30)); + showreg(ln,60, "uR3 ", 19, (m_cursor==31)); ln++; + + showreg(ln, 0, "uR4 ", 20, (m_cursor==32)); + showreg(ln,20, "uR5 ", 21, (m_cursor==33)); + showreg(ln,40, "uR6 ", 22, (m_cursor==34)); + showreg(ln,60, "uR7 ", 23, (m_cursor==35)); ln++; + + showreg(ln, 0, "uR8 ", 24, (m_cursor==36)); + showreg(ln,20, "uR9 ", 25, (m_cursor==37)); + showreg(ln,40, "uR10", 26, (m_cursor==38)); + showreg(ln,60, "uR11", 27, (m_cursor==39)); ln++; + + showreg(ln, 0, "uR12", 28, (m_cursor==40)); + showreg(ln,20, "uSP ", 29, (m_cursor==41)); + cc = m_state.m_uR[14]; + if (false) { + mvprintw(ln,40, "%cuCC : 0x%08x", + (m_cursor == 42)?'>':' ', cc); + } else { + char cbuf[32]; + sprintf(cbuf, "%cuCC :%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", + (m_cursor == 42)?'>':' ', + (cc & 0x1000)?"FE":"", + (cc & 0x0800)?"DE":"", + (cc & 0x0400)?"BE":"", + (cc & 0x0200)?"TP":"", + (cc & 0x0100)?"IL":"", + (cc & 0x0040)?"ST":"", + ((m_state.m_gie)&&(cc & 0x010))?"SL":""); + mvprintw(ln,40, "%-14s",cbuf); + mvprintw(ln, 54, "%s%s%s%s", + (cc&8)?"V":" ", + (cc&4)?"N":" ", + (cc&2)?"C":" ", + (cc&1)?"Z":" "); + } + showval(ln,60, "uPC ", m_state.m_uR[15], (m_cursor==43)); + mvprintw(ln,60,"%s", + (m_core->wr_reg_id == 0x1e) + &&(m_core->wr_reg_ce) + ?"V" + :(((m_core->wr_flags_ce) + &&(m_core->alu_gie))?"+" + :" ")); + + attroff(A_BOLD); + ln+=1; + +#ifdef OPT_SINGLE_FETCH + ln++; + mvprintw(ln, 0, "PF BUS: %3s %3s %s @0x%08x[0x%08x] -> %s %s %08x", + (m_core->pf_cyc)?"CYC":" ", + (m_core->pf_stb)?"STB":" ", + " ", // (m_core->pf_we )?"WE":" ", + (m_core->pf_addr<<2), + 0, // (m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__pf_data), + (m_core->pf_ack)?"ACK":" ", + " ",//(m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__pf_stall)?"STL":" ", + (m_core->cpu_idata)); ln++; +#else +#ifdef OPT_DOUBLE_FETCH +#else + + mvprintw(ln, 0, "PFCACH: v=%08x, %s%s, tag=%08x, pf_pc=%08x, lastpc=%08x", + m_core->pf_vmask, + (m_core->pf_r_v)?"V":" ", + (m_core->pf_illegal)?"I":" ", + (m_core->pf_tagsrc) + ?(m_core->pf_tagipc) + :(m_core->pf_tagvallst), + m_core->pf_pc, + m_core->pf_lastpc); + +#endif + ln++; + mvprintw(ln, 0, "PF BUS: %3s %3s %s @0x%08x[0x%08x] -> %s %s %08x", + (m_core->pf_cyc)?"CYC":" ", + (m_core->pf_stb)?"STB":" ", + " ", // (m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__pf_we )?"WE":" ", + (m_core->pf_addr<<2), + 0, // (m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__pf_data), + (m_core->pf_ack)?"ACK":" ", + (pfstall())?"STL":" ", + (m_core->cpu_idata)); ln++; +#endif + + mvprintw(ln, 0, "MEMBUS: %3s %3s %s @0x%08x[0x%08x] -> %s %s %08x", + (m_core->r_wb_cyc_gbl)?"GCY" + :((m_core->r_wb_cyc_lcl)?"LCY":" "), + (m_core->mem_stb_gbl)?"GSB" + :((m_core->mem_stb_lcl)?"LSB":" "), + (m_core->mem_we )?"WE":" ", + (m_core->mem_addr<<2), + (m_core->mem_data), + (m_core->mem_ack)?"ACK":" ", + (m_core->mem_stall)?"STL":" ", + (m_core->mem_result)); +// #define OPT_PIPELINED_BUS_ACCESS +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED_BUS_ACCESS +#ifndef OPT_DCACHE + printw(" %x%x%c%c", + (m_core->mem_wraddr), + (m_core->mem_rdaddr), + (m_core->op_pipe)?'P':'-', + (mem_pipe_stalled())?'S':'-'); ln++; +#else + ln++; +#endif +#else + ln++; +#endif + +#define pformem_owner VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pformem__DOT__r_a_owner) + mvprintw(ln, 0, "SYSBS%c: %3s %3s %s @0x%08x[0x%08x] -> %s %s %08x %s", + (m_core->pformem_owner)?'M':'P', + (m_core->o_wb_cyc)?"CYC":" ", + (m_core->o_wb_stb)?"STB":" ", + (m_core->o_wb_we )?"WE":" ", + (m_core->o_wb_addr<<2), + (m_core->o_wb_data), + (m_core->i_wb_ack)?"ACK":" ", + (m_core->i_wb_stall)?"STL":" ", + (m_core->i_wb_data), + (m_core->i_wb_err)?"(ER!)":" "); ln+=2; +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED_BUS_ACCESS + mvprintw(ln-1, 0, "Mem CE: %d = %d%d%d%d%d, stall: %d = %d%d(%d|%d%d|..)", + (m_core->mem_ce), + (m_core->master_ce), //1 + (m_core->op_valid_mem), //0 + (!m_core->new_pc), //1 + // (!m_core->clear_pipeline), //1 + (m_core->set_cond), //1 + (!mem_stalled()), //1 + + (mem_stalled()), + (m_core->op_valid_mem), + (m_core->master_ce), + (mem_pipe_stalled()), + (!m_core->op_pipe), + (m_core->mem_cyc) + ); + printw(" op_pipe = %d", m_core->dcd_pipe); + // mvprintw(4,4,"r_dcdI = 0x%06x", + // (m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__dcdI)&0x0ffffff); +#endif + mvprintw(4,42,"0x%08x", m_core->pf_instruction); +#ifdef OPT_SINGLE_CYCLE + printw(" A:%c%c B:%c%c", + (m_core->op_A_alu)?'A':'-', + (m_core->op_A_mem)?'M':'-', + (m_core->op_B_alu)?'A':'-', + (m_core->op_B_mem)?'M':'-'); +#else + printw(" A:xx B:xx"); +#endif + printw(" PFPC=%08x", m_core->pf_pc); + + + showins(ln, "I ", +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + !m_core->dcd_stalled, +#else + 1, +#endif + m_core->pf_valid, + //m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__instruction_gie, + m_core->r_gie, + 0, + (m_core->pf_instruction_pc), + true); ln++; + // m_core->pf_pc); ln++; + + showins(ln, "Dc", + m_core->dcd_ce, m_core->dcd_valid, + m_core->dcd_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + m_core->dcd_stalled, +#else + 0, +#endif +#ifdef OPT_CIS + ((m_core->dcd_phase) ? + (m_core->dcd_pc+2):m_core->dcd_pc) -4, + m_core->dcd_phase +#else + m_core->dcd_pc - 4, + false +#endif + ); ln++; + if (m_core->dcd_illegal) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"I"); + else if (m_core->dcd_M) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"M"); + + showins(ln, "Op", + m_core->op_ce, + m_core->op_valid, + m_core->op_gie, +#ifdef op_stall + m_core->op_stall, +#else + 0, +#endif +#ifdef OPT_CIS + op_pc()+((m_core->op_phase)?4:0), + m_core->op_phase +#else + op_pc(), false +#endif + ); ln++; + if (m_core->op_illegal) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"I"); + else if (m_core->op_valid_mem) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"M"); + else if (m_core->op_valid_alu) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"A"); + + if (m_core->op_valid_mem) { + showins(ln, "Mm", + m_core->mem_ce, + m_core->mem_pc_valid, + m_core->alu_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + m_core->mem_stall, +#else + 0, +#endif + alu_pc(), +#ifdef OPT_CIS + m_core->alu_phase +#else + false +#endif + ); + } else { + showins(ln, "Al", + m_core->alu_ce, + m_core->alu_pc_valid, + m_core->alu_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + alu_stall(), +#else + 0, +#endif + alu_pc(), +#ifdef OPT_CIS + m_core->alu_phase +#else + false +#endif + ); + } ln++; + if (m_core->wr_reg_ce) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"W"); + else if (m_core->alu_valid) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,(m_core->alu_wR)?"w":"V"); + else if (m_core->mem_valid) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"v"); + else if (m_core->alu_illegal) + mvprintw(ln-1,10,"I"); + // else if (m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__alu_illegal_op) + // mvprintw(ln-1,10,"i"); + + mvprintw(ln-5, 65,"%s %s", + (m_core->op_break)?"OB":" ", + (m_core->new_pc)?"CLRP":" "); + mvprintw(ln-4, 48, + (m_core->new_pc)?"new-pc":" "); + printw("(%s:%02x,%x)", + (m_core->set_cond)?"SET":" ", + (m_core->op_F&0x0ff), + (m_core->op_gie) + ? (m_core->w_uflags) + : (m_core->w_iflags)); + + printw("(%s%s%s:%02x)", + (m_core->op_wF)?"OF":" ", + (m_core->alu_wF)?"FL":" ", + (m_core->wr_flags_ce)?"W":" ", + (m_core->alu_flags)); +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + mvprintw(ln-3, 48, "Op(%x)%8x,%8x->", + m_core->op_opn, + m_core->op_Aid, m_core->op_Bid); +#else + mvprintw(ln-3, 48, ""); +#endif + if (m_core->alu_valid) + printw("%08x", m_core->alu_result); + else + printw("%8s",""); + mvprintw(ln-1, 48, "%s%s%s ", + (m_core->alu_valid)?"A" + :((m_core->alu_busy)?"a":" "), +#ifdef OPT_DIVIDE + (m_core->div_valid)?"D" + :((m_core->div_busy)?"d":" "), + (m_core->div_valid)?"F" + :((m_core->div_busy)?"f":" ") +#else + " ", " " +#endif + ); + if ((m_core->mem_ce)||(m_core->mem_valid)) { + printw("MEM: %s%s %s%s %s %-5s", + (m_core->op_valid_mem)?"M":" ", + (m_core->mem_ce)?"CE":" ", + (m_core->mem_we)?"Wr ":"Rd ", + (mem_stalled())?"PIPE":" ", + (m_core->mem_valid)?"V":" ", + zip_regstr[(m_core->mem_wreg&0x1f)^0x10]); + } else { + printw("%18s", ""); + } + } + + void show_user_timers(bool v) { + m_show_user_timers = v; + } + + unsigned int cmd_read(unsigned int a) { + int errcount = 0; + if (m_dbgfp) { + dbg_flag= true; + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "CMD-READ(%d)\n", a); + } + wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_HALT|(a&0x3f)); + while(((wb_read(CMD_REG) & CMD_STALL) == 0)&&(errcount= MAXERR) { + endwin(); + + printf("ERR: errcount >= MAXERR on wb_read(a=%x)\n", a); + // printf("Clear-Pipeline = %d\n", m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__clear_pipeline); +#define r_halted VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__r_halted) + printf("cpu-dbg-stall = %d\n", m_core->r_halted); + printf("pf_cyc = %d\n", m_core->pf_cyc); + printf("mem_cyc_gbl = %d\n", (m_core->r_wb_cyc_gbl)); + printf("mem_cyc_lcl = %d\n", m_core->r_wb_cyc_lcl); + printf("op_valid = %d\n", m_core->op_valid); + printf("dcd_valid = %d\n", m_core->dcd_valid); + printf("dcd_ce = %d\n", m_core->dcd_ce); +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + printf("dcd_stalled = %d\n", m_core->dcd_stalled); +#endif + printf("pf_valid = %d\n", m_core->pf_valid); +// #ifdef OPT_EARLY_BRANCHING + // printf("dcd_early_branch=%d\n", m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__instruction_decoder__DOT__genblk1__DOT__r_early_branch); +// #endif + + exit(-2); + } + + assert(errcount < MAXERR); + unsigned int v = wb_read(CMD_DATA); + + if (dbg_flag) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "CMD-READ(%d) = 0x%08x\n", a, v); + dbg_flag = false; + return v; + } + + void cmd_write(unsigned int a, int v) { + int errcount = 0; + if ((a&0x0f)==0x0f) + dbg_flag = true; + wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_HALT|(a&0x3f)); + while(((wb_read(CMD_REG) & CMD_STALL) == 0)&&(errcount < MAXERR)) + errcount++; + assert(errcount < MAXERR); + if (dbg_flag) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "CMD-WRITE(%d) <= 0x%08x\n", a, v); + wb_write(CMD_DATA, v); + } + + bool halted(void) { + return (m_core->cpu_halt != 0); + } + + void read_state(void) { + int ln= 0; + bool gie; + + read_raw_state(); + if (m_cursor < 0) + m_cursor = 0; +#ifdef ZIPBONES + else if (m_cursor >= 32) + m_cursor = 31; +#else + else if (m_cursor >= 44) + m_cursor = 43; +#endif + + mvprintw(ln,0, "Peripherals-RS"); + mvprintw(ln,40,"%-40s", "CPU State: "); + { + unsigned int v = wb_read(CMD_REG); + mvprintw(ln,51, ""); + if (v & 0x010000) + printw("EXT-INT "); + if ((v & 0x003000) == 0x03000) + printw("Halted "); + else if (v & 0x001000) + printw("Sleeping "); + else if (v & 0x002000) + printw("User Mod "); + if (v & 0x008000) + printw("Break-Enabled "); + if (v & 0x000080) + printw("PIC Enabled "); + } ln++; +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + showval(ln, 0, "PIC ", m_state.m_p[0], (m_cursor==0)); + showval(ln,20, "WDT ", m_state.m_p[1], (m_cursor==1)); + showval(ln,40, "WBUS", m_state.m_p[2], false); + showval(ln,60, "PIC2", m_state.m_p[3], (m_cursor==3)); + ln++; + showval(ln, 0, "TMRA", m_state.m_p[4], (m_cursor==4)); + showval(ln,20, "TMRB", m_state.m_p[5], (m_cursor==5)); + showval(ln,40, "TMRC", m_state.m_p[6], (m_cursor==6)); + showval(ln,60, "JIF ", m_state.m_p[7], (m_cursor==7)); + + ln++; + if (!m_show_user_timers) { + showval(ln, 0, "MTSK", m_state.m_p[12], (m_cursor==8)); + showval(ln,20, "MMST", m_state.m_p[13], (m_cursor==9)); + showval(ln,40, "MPST", m_state.m_p[14], (m_cursor==10)); + showval(ln,60, "MICT", m_state.m_p[15], (m_cursor==11)); + } else { + showval(ln, 0, "UTSK", m_state.m_p[ 8], (m_cursor==8)); + showval(ln,20, "UMST", m_state.m_p[ 9], (m_cursor==9)); + showval(ln,40, "UPST", m_state.m_p[10], (m_cursor==10)); + showval(ln,60, "UICT", m_state.m_p[11], (m_cursor==11)); + } +#else + ln += 2; +#endif + + ln++; + ln++; + unsigned int cc = m_state.m_sR[14]; + if (m_dbgfp) fprintf(m_dbgfp, "CC = %08x, gie = %d\n", cc, + m_core->r_gie); + gie = (cc & 0x020); + if (gie) + attroff(A_BOLD); + else + attron(A_BOLD); + mvprintw(ln, 0, "Supervisor Registers"); + ln++; + + dispreg(ln, 0, "sR0 ", m_state.m_sR[ 0], (m_cursor==12)); + dispreg(ln,20, "sR1 ", m_state.m_sR[ 1], (m_cursor==13)); + dispreg(ln,40, "sR2 ", m_state.m_sR[ 2], (m_cursor==14)); + dispreg(ln,60, "sR3 ", m_state.m_sR[ 3], (m_cursor==15)); ln++; + + dispreg(ln, 0, "sR4 ", m_state.m_sR[ 4], (m_cursor==16)); + dispreg(ln,20, "sR5 ", m_state.m_sR[ 5], (m_cursor==17)); + dispreg(ln,40, "sR6 ", m_state.m_sR[ 6], (m_cursor==18)); + dispreg(ln,60, "sR7 ", m_state.m_sR[ 7], (m_cursor==19)); ln++; + + dispreg(ln, 0, "sR8 ", m_state.m_sR[ 8], (m_cursor==20)); + dispreg(ln,20, "sR9 ", m_state.m_sR[ 9], (m_cursor==21)); + dispreg(ln,40, "sR10", m_state.m_sR[10], (m_cursor==22)); + dispreg(ln,60, "sR11", m_state.m_sR[11], (m_cursor==23)); ln++; + + dispreg(ln, 0, "sR12", m_state.m_sR[12], (m_cursor==24)); + dispreg(ln,20, "sSP ", m_state.m_sR[13], (m_cursor==25)); + + if (true) { + mvprintw(ln,40, "%ssCC : 0x%08x", + (m_cursor==26)?">":" ", cc); + } else { + char cbuf[32]; + sprintf(cbuf, "%ssCC :%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", + (m_cursor==26)?">":" ", + (cc&0x01000)?"FE":"", + (cc&0x00800)?"DE":"", + (cc&0x00400)?"BE":"", + (cc&0x00200)?"TP":"", + (cc&0x00100)?"IL":"", + (cc&0x00080)?"BK":"", + ((m_state.m_gie==0)&&(cc&0x010))?"HLT":""); + mvprintw(ln,40, "%-14s",cbuf); + mvprintw(ln, 54, "%s%s%s%s", + (cc&8)?"V":" ", + (cc&4)?"N":" ", + (cc&2)?"C":" ", + (cc&1)?"Z":" "); + } + dispreg(ln,60, "sPC ", cmd_read(15), (m_cursor==27)); + ln++; + + if (gie) + attron(A_BOLD); + else + attroff(A_BOLD); + mvprintw(ln, 0, "User Registers"); + mvprintw(ln, 42, "DCDR=%02x %s", + m_core->dcdR, (m_core->dcd_wR)?"W":" "); + mvprintw(ln, 62, "OPR =%02x %s%s", + m_core->op_R, + (m_core->op_wR)?"W":" ", + (m_core->op_wF)?"F":" "); + ln++; + dispreg(ln, 0, "uR0 ", m_state.m_uR[ 0], (m_cursor==28)); + dispreg(ln,20, "uR1 ", m_state.m_uR[ 1], (m_cursor==29)); + dispreg(ln,40, "uR2 ", m_state.m_uR[ 2], (m_cursor==30)); + dispreg(ln,60, "uR3 ", m_state.m_uR[ 3], (m_cursor==31)); ln++; + + dispreg(ln, 0, "uR4 ", m_state.m_uR[ 4], (m_cursor==32)); + dispreg(ln,20, "uR5 ", m_state.m_uR[ 5], (m_cursor==33)); + dispreg(ln,40, "uR6 ", m_state.m_uR[ 6], (m_cursor==34)); + dispreg(ln,60, "uR7 ", m_state.m_uR[ 7], (m_cursor==35)); ln++; + + dispreg(ln, 0, "uR8 ", m_state.m_uR[ 8], (m_cursor==36)); + dispreg(ln,20, "uR9 ", m_state.m_uR[ 9], (m_cursor==37)); + dispreg(ln,40, "uR10", m_state.m_uR[10], (m_cursor==38)); + dispreg(ln,60, "uR11", m_state.m_uR[11], (m_cursor==39)); ln++; + + dispreg(ln, 0, "uR12", m_state.m_uR[12], (m_cursor==40)); + dispreg(ln,20, "uSP ", m_state.m_uR[13], (m_cursor==41)); + cc = m_state.m_uR[14]; + if (false) { + mvprintw(ln,40, "%cuCC : 0x%08x", + (m_cursor == 42)?'>':' ', cc); + } else { + char cbuf[32]; + sprintf(cbuf, "%cuCC :%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", + (m_cursor == 42)?'>':' ', + (cc & 0x1000)?"FE":"", + (cc & 0x0800)?"DE":"", + (cc & 0x0400)?"BE":"", + (cc & 0x0200)?"TP":"", + (cc & 0x0100)?"IL":"", + (cc & 0x0040)?"ST":"", + ((m_state.m_gie)&&(cc & 0x010))?"SL":""); + mvprintw(ln,40, "%-14s", cbuf); + mvprintw(ln, 54, "%s%s%s%s", + (cc&8)?"V":" ", + (cc&4)?"N":" ", + (cc&2)?"C":" ", + (cc&1)?"Z":" "); + } + dispreg(ln,60, "uPC ", m_state.m_uR[15], (m_cursor==43)); + + attroff(A_BOLD); + ln+=2; + + ln+=3; + + showins(ln, "I ", +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + !m_core->dcd_stalled, +#else + 1, +#endif + m_core->pf_valid, + m_core->r_gie, + 0, + m_core->pf_instruction_pc, + true); ln++; + // m_core->pf_pc); ln++; + + showins(ln, "Dc", + m_core->dcd_ce, m_core->dcd_valid, + m_core->dcd_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + m_core->dcd_stalled, +#else + 0, +#endif +#ifdef OPT_CIS + ((m_core->dcd_phase) ? + (m_core->dcd_pc+2):m_core->dcd_pc) -4, + m_core->dcd_phase +#else + m_core->dcd_pc-4, + false +#endif + ); ln++; + + showins(ln, "Op", + m_core->op_ce, + m_core->op_valid, + m_core->op_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + m_core->op_stall, +#else + 0, +#endif +#ifdef OPT_CIS + op_pc()+((m_core->op_phase)?4:0), + m_core->op_phase +#else + op_pc(), + false +#endif + ); ln++; + + if (m_core->op_valid_mem) { + showins(ln, "Mm", + m_core->mem_ce, + m_core->mem_pc_valid, + m_core->alu_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + m_core->mem_stall, +#else + 0, +#endif + alu_pc(), +#ifdef OPT_CIS + m_core->alu_phase +#else + false +#endif + ); + } else { + showins(ln, "Al", + m_core->alu_ce, + m_core->alu_pc_valid, + m_core->alu_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + alu_stall(), +#else + 0, +#endif + alu_pc(), +#ifdef OPT_CIS + m_core->alu_phase +#else + false +#endif + ); + } ln++; + } + + void tick(void) { + int gie = m_core->r_gie; + /* + m_core->i_qspi_dat = m_flash(m_core->o_qspi_cs_n, + m_core->o_qspi_sck, + m_core->o_qspi_dat); + */ + + int stb = m_core->o_wb_stb, maskb = (RAMBASE-1); + unsigned addr = m_core->o_wb_addr<<2; + + m_core->i_wb_err = 0; + if ((addr & (~maskb))!=RAMBASE) + stb = 0; + if ((m_core->o_wb_cyc)&&(m_core->o_wb_stb)&&(!stb)) { + m_core->i_wb_ack = 1; + m_core->i_wb_err = 1; + m_bomb = (m_tickcount > 20); + if (m_dbgfp) fprintf(m_dbgfp, + "BOMB!! (Attempting to access %08x/%08x->%08x)\n", + addr, RAMBASE, ((addr)&(~maskb))); + } else if ((!m_core->o_wb_cyc)&&(m_core->o_wb_stb)) { + if (m_dbgfp) fprintf(m_dbgfp, + "BOMB!! (Strobe high, CYC low)\n"); + m_bomb = true; + } + + if ((dbg_flag)&&(m_dbgfp)) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "BUS %s %s %s @0x%08x/[0x%08x 0x%08x] %s %s\n", + (m_core->o_wb_cyc)?"CYC":" ", + (m_core->o_wb_stb)?"STB":" ", + (m_core->o_wb_we)?"WE":" ", + (m_core->o_wb_addr<<2), + (m_core->o_wb_data), + (m_core->i_wb_data), + (m_core->i_wb_stall)?"STALL":" ", + (m_core->i_wb_ack)?"ACK":" "); + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "DBG %s %s %s @0x%08x/%d[0x%08x] %s %s [0x%08x] %s %s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s\n", + (m_core->i_dbg_cyc)?"CYC":" ", + (m_core->i_dbg_stb)?"STB": + ((m_core->dbg_stb)?"DBG":" "), + ((m_core->i_dbg_we)?"WE":" "), + (m_core->i_dbg_addr),0, + m_core->i_dbg_data, + (m_core->o_dbg_ack)?"ACK":" ", + (m_core->o_dbg_stall)?"STALL":" ", + (m_core->o_dbg_data), + (m_core->cpu_halt)?"CPU-HALT ":"", + (m_core->r_halted)?"CPU-DBG_STALL":"", + (m_core->dcd_valid)?"DCDV ":"", + (m_core->op_valid)?"OPV ":"", + (m_core->pf_cyc)?"PCYC ":"", + (m_core->r_wb_cyc_gbl)?"GC":" ", + (m_core->r_wb_cyc_lcl)?"LC":" ", + (m_core->alu_wR)?"ALUW ":"", + (m_core->alu_ce)?"ALCE ":"", + (m_core->alu_valid)?"ALUV ":"", + (m_core->mem_valid)?"MEMV ":""); +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + fprintf(m_dbgfp, " SYS %s %s %s @0x%08x/%d[0x%08x] %s [0x%08x]\n", +#define sys_cyc VVAR(_sys_cyc) +#define sys_stb VVAR(_sys_stb) +#define sys_we VVAR(_sys_we) +#define sys_addr VVAR(_sys_addr) +#define sys_data VVAR(_sys_data) +#define dbg_ack VVAR(_dbg_ack) +#define dbg_addr VVAR(_dbg_addr) + (m_core->sys_cyc)?"CYC":" ", + (m_core->sys_stb)?"STB":" ", + (m_core->sys_we)?"WE":" ", + (m_core->sys_addr<<2), + (m_core->dbg_addr<<2), + (m_core->sys_data), + (m_core->dbg_ack)?"ACK":" ", + (m_core->cpu_idata)); +#endif + } + + if (m_dbgfp) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "CEs %d/0x%08x,%d/0x%08x DCD: ->%02x, OP: ->%02x, ALU: halt=%d ce=%d, valid=%d, wr=%d Reg=%02x, IPC=%08x, UPC=%08x\n", + m_core->dcd_ce, + m_core->dcd_pc, + m_core->op_ce, + op_pc(), + dcd_Aid()&0x01f, + m_core->op_R, + m_core->cpu_halt, + m_core->alu_ce, + m_core->alu_valid, + m_core->alu_wR, + m_core->alu_reg, + m_core->cpu_ipc, + m_core->cpu_upc); + + if ((m_dbgfp)&&(!gie)&&(m_core->release_from_interrupt)) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "RELEASE: int=%d, %d/%02x[%08x] ?/%02x[0x%08x], ce=%d %d,%d,%d\n", + m_core->cpu_interrupt, + m_core->wr_reg_ce, + m_core->wr_reg_id, + m_core->wr_spreg_vl, + m_core->cmd_addr<<2, + m_core->dbg_idata, + m_core->master_ce, + m_core->alu_wR, + m_core->alu_valid, + m_core->mem_valid); + } else if ((m_dbgfp)&&(gie)&&(m_core->switch_to_interrupt)) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "SWITCH: %d/%02x[%08x] ?/%02x[0x%08x], ce=%d %d,%d,%d, F%02x,%02x\n", + m_core->wr_reg_ce, + m_core->wr_reg_id, + m_core->wr_spreg_vl, + m_core->cmd_addr<<2, + m_core->dbg_idata, + m_core->master_ce, + m_core->alu_wR, + m_core->alu_valid, + m_core->mem_valid, + m_core->w_iflags, + m_core->w_uflags); + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "\tbrk=%s %d,%d\n", + (m_core->master_ce)?"CE":" ", + m_core->break_en, + m_core->op_break); + } else if ((m_dbgfp)&& + ((m_core->op_break) + ||(m_core->alu_illegal) + ||(m_core->dcd_break))) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "NOT SWITCHING TO GIE (gie = %d)\n", gie); + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "\tbrk=%s breaken=%d,dcdbreak=%d,opbreak=%d,alu_illegal=%d\n", + (m_core->master_ce)?"CE":" ", + m_core->break_en, + m_core->dcd_break, + m_core->op_break, + m_core->alu_illegal); + } + + if (m_dbgfp) { + // if(m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__clear_pipeline) + // fprintf(m_dbgfp, "\tClear Pipeline\n"); + if(m_core->new_pc) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "\tNew PC\n"); + } + + if (m_dbgfp) { + unsigned long v = m_tickcount; + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "----------- TICK (%08lx) ----------%s\n", + v, (m_bomb)?" BOMBED!!":""); + } + m_mem(m_core->o_wb_cyc, m_core->o_wb_stb, m_core->o_wb_we, + m_core->o_wb_addr & (maskb>>2), m_core->o_wb_data, m_core->o_wb_sel & 0x0f, + m_core->i_wb_ack, m_core->i_wb_stall,m_core->i_wb_data); + + TESTB::tick(); + + if ((m_core->cpu_sim) + &&(m_core->op_valid) + &&(m_core->alu_ce) + &&(!m_core->new_pc)) { + execsim(m_core->cpu_sim_immv); + } + + if ((m_dbgfp)&&(gie != m_core->r_gie)) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "SWITCH FROM %s to %s: sPC = 0x%08x uPC = 0x%08x pf_pc = 0x%08x\n", + (gie)?"User":"Supervisor", + (gie)?"Supervisor":"User", + m_core->cpu_ipc, + m_core->cpu_upc, + m_core->pf_pc); + } if (m_dbgfp) { +#ifdef OPT_TRADITIONAL_PFCACHE + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "PFCACHE %s(%08x,%08x%s),%08x - %08x %s%s%s\n", + (m_core->new_pc)?"N":" ", + m_core->pf_pc, + m_core->early_branch_pc, + ((m_core->early_branch) + &&(m_core->dcd_valid) + &&(!m_core->new_pc))?"V":"-", + m_core->pf_lastpc, + m_core->pf_instruction_pc, + (m_core->pf_r_v)?"R":" ", + (m_core->pf_valid)?"V":" ", + (m_core->pf_illegal)?"I":" "); +#endif + dbgins("Dc - ", + m_core->dcd_ce, m_core->dcd_valid, + m_core->dcd_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + m_core->dcd_stalled, +#else + 0, +#endif +#ifdef OPT_CIS + (m_core->dcd_phase)?(m_core->dcd_pc-2) + :(m_core->dcd_pc-4), + m_core->dcd_phase, +#else + m_core->dcd_pc-4, false, +#endif + m_core->dcd_illegal); + if (m_dbgfp) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "\t\t\tR[%2d] = (*Dc=%d%s)[ A[%2d], B[%2d] + %08x], dcd_pc = %08x\n", + m_core->dcdR, + m_core->dcd_opn, + (m_core->dcd_M)?"M":" ", +#define dcd_I VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__dcd_I) + m_core->dcdB &0x0f, + m_core->dcdA &0x0f, + m_core->dcd_I, + m_core->dcd_pc); + } + dbgins("Op - ", + m_core->op_ce, + m_core->op_valid, + m_core->op_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + m_core->op_stall, +#else + 0, +#endif + op_pc(), +#ifdef OPT_CIS + m_core->op_phase, +#else + false, +#endif + m_core->op_illegal); + if (m_dbgfp) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "\t\t\t(*OP=%d)[ A = 0x%08x , B = 0x%08x ], op_pc= %08x\n", + m_core->op_opn, + m_core->op_Av, + m_core->op_Bv, + m_core->r_op_pc); + } + dbgins("Al - ", + m_core->alu_ce, + m_core->alu_pc_valid, + m_core->alu_gie, +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + alu_stall(), +#else + 0, +#endif + alu_pc(), +#ifdef OPT_CIS + m_core->alu_phase, +#else + false, +#endif + m_core->alu_illegal); + if (m_core->wr_reg_ce) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "WB::Reg[%2x] <= %08x\n", + m_core->wr_reg_id, + m_core->wr_gpreg_vl); + if (m_core->wr_flags_ce) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "WB::Flags <= %02x\n", + m_core->alu_flags); + + } + +#ifdef OPT_DIVIDE + if ((m_dbgfp)&&((m_core->div_valid) + ||(m_core->div_ce) + ||(m_core->div_busy) + )) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "DIV: %s %s %s %s[%2x] GP:%08x/SP:%08x %s:0x%08x\n", + (m_core->div_ce)?"CE":" ", + (m_core->div_busy)?"BUSY":" ", + (m_core->div_valid)?"VALID":" ", + (m_core->wr_reg_ce)?"REG-CE":" ", + m_core->wr_reg_id, + m_core->wr_gpreg_vl, + m_core->wr_spreg_vl, + (m_core->alu_pc_valid)?"PCV":" ", + alu_pc()); + + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "ALU-PC: %08x %s %s\n", + alu_pc(), + (m_core->alu_pc_valid)?"VALID":"", + (m_core->alu_gie)?"ALU-GIE":""); + } +#endif + +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM +#define dma_state VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__dma_state) +#define dc_cyc VVAR(_dc_cyc) +#define dc_stb VVAR(_dc_stb) +#define dc_ack VVAR(_dc_ack) +#define dc_err VVAR(_dc_err) +#define dc_addr VVAR(_dc_addr) +#define dc_data VVAR(_dc_data) +#define dma_last_read_req VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__last_read_request) +#define dma_last_read_ack VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__last_read_ack) +#define dma_nracks VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__nracks) +#define dma_nread VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__nread) +#define dma_last_write_req VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__last_write_request) +#define dma_last_write_ack VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__last_write_ack) +#define dma_nwacks VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__nwacks) +#define dma_nwritten VVAR(_dma_controller__DOT__nwritten) + if (m_core->dma_state) { + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "DMA[%d]%s%s%s%s@%08x,%08x [%d%d/%4d/%4d] -> [%d%d/%04d/%04d]\n", + m_core->dma_state, + (m_core->dc_cyc)?"C":" ", + (m_core->dc_stb)?"S":" ", + (m_core->dc_ack)?"A":" ", + (m_core->dc_err)?"E":" ", + m_core->dc_addr<<2, + (m_core->dc_data), + m_core->dma_last_read_req, + m_core->dma_last_read_ack, + m_core->dma_nracks, + m_core->dma_nread, + m_core->dma_last_write_req, + m_core->dma_last_write_ack, + m_core->dma_nwacks, + m_core->dma_nwritten); + } +#endif + if (((m_core->alu_pc_valid) + ||(m_core->mem_pc_valid)) + &&(!m_core->new_pc)) { + unsigned long iticks = m_tickcount - m_last_instruction_tickcount; + if (m_profile_fp) { + unsigned buf[2]; + buf[0] = alu_pc(); + buf[1] = iticks; + fwrite(buf, sizeof(unsigned), 2, m_profile_fp); + } + m_last_instruction_tickcount = m_tickcount; + } + } + + bool test_success(void) { + if ((m_exit)&&(m_rcode == 0)) + return true; + return ((!m_core->r_gie) + &&(m_core->r_sleep)); + } + + unsigned op_pc(void) { + return m_core->r_op_pc-4; + } + + bool pfstall(void) { + return((!(m_core->pformem_owner)) + ||(m_core->cpu_stall)); + } + unsigned dcd_Aid(void) { + return (m_core->dcdA); + } + unsigned dcd_Bid(void) { + return (m_core->dcdB); + } + + bool op_valid(void) { + return (m_core->op_valid !=0); + } + + bool mem_busy(void) { + // return m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__mem_busy; +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + return m_core->mem_cyc; +#else + return 0; +#endif + } + + bool mem_stalled(void) { + bool a, b, c, d, wr_write_cc, wr_write_pc, op_gie; + + wr_write_cc=((m_core->wr_reg_id&0x0f)==0x0e); + wr_write_pc=((m_core->wr_reg_id&0x0f)==0x0f); + op_gie = m_core->op_gie; + +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED_BUS_ACCESS + //a = m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__mem_pipe_stalled; + a = mem_pipe_stalled(); + b = (!m_core->op_pipe)&&(mem_busy()); +#else + a = false; + b = false; +#endif + d = ((wr_write_pc)||(wr_write_cc)); + c = ((m_core->wr_reg_ce) + &&(((m_core->wr_reg_id&0x010)?true:false)==op_gie) + &&d); + d =(m_core->op_valid_mem)&&((a)||(b)||(c)); + return ((!m_core->master_ce)||(d)); + } + + unsigned alu_pc(void) { + /* + unsigned r = op_pc(); + if (m_core->op_valid) + r--; + return r; + */ + return m_core->alu_pc-4; + } + + int alu_stall(void) { + bool stall; +#ifdef OP_PIPELINED + stall = (m_core->master_stall)||(m_core->mem_rdbusy); + stall = (stall)&& m_core->op_valid_alu; + stall = (stall)|| ((m_core->wr_reg_ce)&&(m_core->wr_write_cc)); +#else + stall = (m_core->master_stall)&&(m_core->op_valid_alu); +#endif + /* + unsigned r = op_pc(); + if (m_core->op_valid) + r--; + return r; + */ + return (stall)?1:0; + } + +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED_BUS_ACCESS + bool mem_pipe_stalled(void) { + int r = 0; + r = ((m_core->r_wb_cyc_gbl) + ||(m_core->r_wb_cyc_lcl)); + r = r && ((m_core->mem_stall) + ||( + ((!m_core->mem_stb_gbl) + &&(!m_core->mem_stb_lcl)))); + return r; + // return m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__mem_pipe_stalled; + } +#endif + + bool test_failure(void) { + if ((m_exit)&&(m_rcode != 0)) + return true; + if (m_core->r_sleep) + return false; + return false; + } + + void wb_write(unsigned a, unsigned int v) { + int errcount = 0; + mvprintw(0,35, "%40s", ""); + mvprintw(0,40, "wb_write(%d,%x)", a, v); + m_core->i_dbg_cyc = 1; + m_core->i_dbg_stb = 1; + m_core->i_dbg_we = 1; + m_core->i_dbg_addr = (a>>2) & 1; + m_core->i_dbg_data = v; + + while((errcount++ < 100)&&(m_core->o_dbg_stall)) + tick(); + tick(); + + m_core->i_dbg_stb = 0; + while((errcount++ < 100)&&(!m_core->o_dbg_ack)) + tick(); + + // Release the bus + m_core->i_dbg_cyc = 0; + m_core->i_dbg_stb = 0; + tick(); + mvprintw(0,35, "%40s", ""); + mvprintw(0,40, "wb_write -- complete"); + + + if (errcount >= 100) { + if (m_dbgfp) fprintf(m_dbgfp, "WB-WRITE: ERRCount = %d, BOMB!!\n", errcount); + m_bomb = true; + } + } + + unsigned long wb_read(unsigned a) { + unsigned int v; + int errcount = 0; + mvprintw(0,35, "%40s", ""); + mvprintw(0,40, "wb_read(0x%08x)", a); + m_core->i_dbg_cyc = 1; + m_core->i_dbg_stb = 1; + m_core->i_dbg_we = 0; + m_core->i_dbg_addr = (a>>2) & 1; + + while((errcount++<100)&&(m_core->o_dbg_stall)) + tick(); + tick(); + + m_core->i_dbg_stb = 0; + while((errcount++<100)&&(!m_core->o_dbg_ack)) + tick(); + v = m_core->o_dbg_data; + + // Release the bus + m_core->i_dbg_cyc = 0; + m_core->i_dbg_stb = 0; + tick(); + + mvprintw(0,35, "%40s", ""); + mvprintw(0,40, "wb_read = 0x%08x", v); + + if (errcount >= 100) { + if (m_dbgfp) fprintf(m_dbgfp, "WB-READ: ERRCount = %d, BOMB!!\n", errcount); + m_bomb = true; + } + return v; + } + + void cursor_up(void) { +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + if (m_cursor > 3) + m_cursor -= 4; +#else + if (m_cursor > 12+3) + m_cursor =- 4; +#endif + } void cursor_down(void) { + if (m_cursor < 40) + m_cursor += 4; + } void cursor_left(void) { +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + if (m_cursor > 0) + m_cursor--; +#else + if (m_cursor > 12) + m_cursor--; +#endif + else m_cursor = 43; + } void cursor_right(void) { +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + if (m_cursor < 43) + m_cursor++; + else m_cursor = 0; +#else + if (m_cursor < 43) + m_cursor++; + else m_cursor = 12; +#endif + } + + int cursor(void) { return m_cursor; } + + void jump_to(ZIPI address) { + if (m_dbgfp) + fprintf(m_dbgfp, "JUMP_TO(%08x) ... Setting PC to %08x\n", address, address & -4); +#ifdef OPT_SINGLE_FETCH + m_core->new_pc = 1; + m_core->pf_pc = address; +#else + m_core->pf_pc = address & -4; +#define pf_request_address VVAR(_thecpu__DOT__pf_request_address) + m_core->pf_request_address = address; +#endif + // m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__clear_pipeline = 1; + m_core->new_pc = 1; + } + + void dump_state(void) { + if (m_dbgfp) + dump_state(m_dbgfp); + } + + void dump_state(FILE *fp) { + if (!fp) + return; + fprintf(fp, "FINAL STATE: %s\n", + (m_state.m_gie)?"GIE(User-Mode)":"Supervisor-mode"); + fprintf(fp, "Supervisor Registers\n"); + for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { + char str[16]; + if (i==13) + sprintf(str, "sSP"); + else if (i==14) + sprintf(str, "sCC"); + else if (i==15) + sprintf(str, "sPC"); + else // if (i<=12) + sprintf(str, "s-%2d", i); + dbgreg(fp, i, str, m_state.m_sR[i]); + if ((i&3)==3) + fprintf(fp, "\n"); + } + fprintf(fp, "User Registers\n"); + for(int i=0; i<16; i++) { + char str[16]; + if (i==13) + sprintf(str, "uSP"); + else if (i==14) + sprintf(str, "uCC"); + else if (i==15) + sprintf(str, "uPC"); + else // if (i<=12) + sprintf(str, "u-%2d", i); + dbgreg(fp, i, str, m_state.m_uR[i]); + if ((i&3)==3) + fprintf(fp, "\n"); + } + } + + void dump(const uint32_t *regp) { + uint32_t uccv, iccv; + + if (!m_console) + return; + + fflush(stderr); + fflush(stdout); + printf("ZIPM--DUMP: "); + if (m_core->r_gie) + printf("Interrupts-enabled\n"); + else + printf("Supervisor mode\n"); + printf("\n"); + + iccv = m_core->w_iflags; + uccv = m_core->w_uflags; + + printf("sR0 : %08x ", regp[0]); + printf("sR1 : %08x ", regp[1]); + printf("sR2 : %08x ", regp[2]); + printf("sR3 : %08x\n",regp[3]); + printf("sR4 : %08x ", regp[4]); + printf("sR5 : %08x ", regp[5]); + printf("sR6 : %08x ", regp[6]); + printf("sR7 : %08x\n",regp[7]); + printf("sR8 : %08x ", regp[8]); + printf("sR9 : %08x ", regp[9]); + printf("sR10: %08x ", regp[10]); + printf("sR11: %08x\n",regp[11]); + printf("sR12: %08x ", regp[12]); + printf("sSP : %08x ", regp[13]); + printf("sCC : %08x ", iccv); + printf("sPC : %08x\n",regp[15]); + + printf("\n"); + + printf("uR0 : %08x ", regp[16]); + printf("uR1 : %08x ", regp[17]); + printf("uR2 : %08x ", regp[18]); + printf("uR3 : %08x\n",regp[19]); + printf("uR4 : %08x ", regp[20]); + printf("uR5 : %08x ", regp[21]); + printf("uR6 : %08x ", regp[22]); + printf("uR7 : %08x\n",regp[23]); + printf("uR8 : %08x ", regp[24]); + printf("uR9 : %08x ", regp[25]); + printf("uR10: %08x ", regp[26]); + printf("uR11: %08x\n",regp[27]); + printf("uR12: %08x ", regp[28]); + printf("uSP : %08x ", regp[29]); + printf("uCC : %08x ", uccv); + printf("uPC : %08x\n",regp[31]); + printf("\n"); + fflush(stderr); + fflush(stdout); + } + + + void execsim(const uint32_t imm) { + uint32_t *regp = m_core->cpu_regs; + int rbase; + rbase = (m_core->r_gie)?16:0; + + fflush(stdout); + if ((imm & 0x03fffff)==0) + // Ignore a NOOP + return; + // fprintf(stderr, "SIM-INSN(0x%08x)\n", imm); + if ((imm & 0x0fffff)==0x00100) { + // SIM Exit(0) + m_rcode = 0; + m_exit = true; + } else if ((imm & 0x0ffff0)==0x00310) { + // SIM Exit(User-Reg) + int rcode; + rcode = regp[(imm&0x0f)+16] & 0x0ff; + m_rcode = rcode; + m_exit = true; + } else if ((imm & 0x0ffff0)==0x00300) { + // SIM Exit(Reg) + int rcode; + rcode = regp[(imm&0x0f)+rbase] & 0x0ff; + m_rcode = rcode; + m_exit = true; + } else if ((imm & 0x0fff00)==0x00100) { + // SIM Exit(Imm) + int rcode; + rcode = imm & 0x0ff; + m_exit = true; + m_rcode = rcode; + } else if ((imm & 0x0fffff)==0x002ff) { + // Full/unconditional dump + if (m_console) { + printf("SIM-DUMP\n"); + dump(regp); + } + } else if ((imm & 0x0ffff0)==0x00200) { + // Dump a register + if (m_console) { + int rid = (imm&0x0f)+rbase; + //printf("%8lu @%08x R[%2d] = 0x%08x\n", + // m_time_ps/1000, + // m_core->cpu_ipc, rid, regp[rid]); + printf("R[%2d] = 0x%08x\n", rid&0x0f,regp[rid]); + } + } else if ((imm & 0x0ffff0)==0x00210) { + // Dump a user register + if (m_console) { + int rid = (imm&0x0f); + /* + printf("%8lu @%08x uR[%2d] = 0x%08x\n", + m_time_ps/1000, m_core->cpu_ipc, + rid, regp[rid+16]); + */ + printf("uR[%2d] = 0x%08x\n", + rid, regp[rid+16]); + } + } else if ((imm & 0x0ffff0)==0x00230) { + // SOUT[User Reg] + if (m_console) { + int rid = (imm&0x0f)+16; + printf("%c", regp[rid]&0x0ff); + } + } else if ((imm & 0x0fffe0)==0x00220) { + // SOUT[User Reg] + if (m_console) { + int rid = (imm&0x0f)+rbase; + printf("%c", regp[rid]&0x0ff); + } + } else if ((imm & 0x0fff00)==0x00400) { + if (m_console) { + // SOUT[Imm] + printf("%c", imm&0x0ff); + } + } else { // if ((insn & 0x0f7c00000)==0x77800000) + if (m_console) { + uint32_t immv = imm & 0x03fffff; + // Simm instruction that we dont recognize + // if (imm) + // printf("SIM 0x%08x\n", immv); + printf("SIM 0x%08x (ipc = %08x, upc = %08x)\n", immv, + m_core->cpu_ipc, + m_core->cpu_upc); + } + } if (m_console) + fflush(stdout); + } + + +}; + +void get_value(ZIPCPU_TB *tb) { + int wy, wx, ra; + int c = tb->cursor(); + + wx = (c & 0x03) * 20 + 9; + wy = (c>>2); + if (wy >= 3+4) + wy++; + if (wy > 3) + wy += 2; + wy++; + + if (c >= 12) + ra = c - 12; + else + ra = c + 32; + + bool done = false; + char str[16]; + int pos = 0; str[pos] = '\0'; + while(!done) { + int chv = getch(); + switch(chv) { + case KEY_ESCAPE: + pos = 0; str[pos] = '\0'; done = true; + break; + case KEY_RETURN: case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: + done = true; + break; + case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_BACKSPACE: + if (pos > 0) pos--; + break; + case CTRL('L'): redrawwin(stdscr); break; + case KEY_CLEAR: + pos = 0; + break; + case '0': case ' ': str[pos++] = '0'; break; + case '1': str[pos++] = '1'; break; + case '2': str[pos++] = '2'; break; + case '3': str[pos++] = '3'; break; + case '4': str[pos++] = '4'; break; + case '5': str[pos++] = '5'; break; + case '6': str[pos++] = '6'; break; + case '7': str[pos++] = '7'; break; + case '8': str[pos++] = '8'; break; + case '9': str[pos++] = '9'; break; + case 'A': case 'a': str[pos++] = 'A'; break; + case 'B': case 'b': str[pos++] = 'B'; break; + case 'C': case 'c': str[pos++] = 'C'; break; + case 'D': case 'd': str[pos++] = 'D'; break; + case 'E': case 'e': str[pos++] = 'E'; break; + case 'F': case 'f': str[pos++] = 'F'; break; + } + + if (pos > 8) + pos = 8; + str[pos] = '\0'; + + attron(A_NORMAL | A_UNDERLINE); + mvprintw(wy, wx, "%-8s", str); + if (pos > 0) { + attron(A_NORMAL | A_UNDERLINE | A_BLINK); + mvprintw(wy, wx+pos-1, "%c", str[pos-1]); + } + attrset(A_NORMAL); + } + + if (pos > 0) { + int v; + v = strtoul(str, NULL, 16); + if (!tb->halted()) { + switch(ra) { + case 15: + tb->m_core->cpu_ipc = v; + if (!tb->m_core->r_gie) { + tb->jump_to(v); + // tb->m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__clear_pipeline = 1; + tb->m_core->alu_pc_valid = 0; +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + // tb->m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__dcd_ce = 0; + tb->m_core->dcd_valid = 0; +#endif + tb->m_core->op_valid = 0; + } + break; + case 31: + tb->m_core->cpu_upc = v; + if (tb->m_core->r_gie) { + tb->jump_to(v); + // tb->m_core->v__DOT__thecpu__DOT__clear_pipeline = 1; + tb->m_core->alu_pc_valid = 0; +#ifdef OPT_PIPELINED + tb->m_core->dcd_valid = 0; +#endif + tb->m_core->op_valid = 0; + } + break; +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + case 32: tb->m_core->pic_data = v; break; + case 33: tb->m_core->watchdog = v; break; + // case 34: tb->m_core->v__DOT__manualcache__DOT__cache_base = v; break; + case 35: tb->m_core->int_state = v; break; + case 36: tb->m_core->timer_a = v; break; + case 37: tb->m_core->timer_b = v; break; + case 38: tb->m_core->timer_c = v; break; + case 39: tb->m_core->jiffies = v; break; + case 44: tb->m_core->utc_data = v; break; + case 45: tb->m_core->uoc_data = v; break; + case 46: tb->m_core->upc_data = v; break; + case 47: tb->m_core->uic_data = v; break; +#else + case 32: case 33: case 34: case 35: + case 36: case 37: case 38: case 39: + case 40: case 41: case 42: case 43: + case 44: case 45: case 46: case 47: + break; +#endif + default: + tb->m_core->regset[ra] = v; + break; + } + } else + tb->cmd_write(ra, v); + } +} + + + +void usage(void) { + printf("USAGE: zippy_tb [-a] \n"); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tWhere testfile.out is an output file from the assembler.\n"); + printf("\tThis file needs to be in a raw format and not an ELF\n"); + printf("\texecutable. It will be inserted into memory at a memory\n"); + printf("\taddress of 0x0100000. The memory device itself, the only\n"); + printf("\tdevice supported by this simulator, occupies addresses from\n"); + printf("\t0x0100000 to 0x01fffff.\n"); + printf("\n"); + printf("\t-a\tSets the testbench to run automatically without any\n"); + printf("\t\tuser interaction.\n"); + printf("\n"); + printf("\tUser Commands:\n"); + printf("\t\tWhen the test bench is run interactively, the following\n"); + printf("\t\tkey strokes are recognized:\n"); + printf("\t\t\'h\'\tHalt the processor using the external interface.\n"); + printf("\t\t\'g\'\tLet the processor run at full throttle with no.\n"); + printf("\t\t\tuser intervention.\n"); + printf("\t\t\'q\'\tQuit the simulation.\n"); + printf("\t\t\'r\'\tReset the processor.\n"); + printf("\t\t\'s\'\tStep the CPU using the external stepping command\n"); + printf("\t\t\tThis may consume more than one tick.\n"); + printf("\t\t\'t\'\tClock a single tick through the system.\n"); +} + +bool signalled = false; + +void sigint(int v) { + signalled = true; +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) { + Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv); + ZIPCPU_TB *tb = new ZIPCPU_TB(); + bool autorun = false, exit_on_done = false, autostep=false; + ZIPI entry = RAMBASE; + + signal(SIGINT, sigint); + + if (argc <= 1) { + usage(); + exit(-1); + } else { + for(int argn=1; argnm_len; i++) { + const char *data; + + secp = secpp[i]; + assert(secp->m_start >= RAMBASE); + assert(secp->m_start+secp->m_len <= RAMBASE+RAMWORDS); + assert((secp->m_len & 3)==0); + + data = &secp->m_data[0]; + tb->m_mem.load((secp->m_start-RAMBASE)>>2, data, secp->m_len); + } + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "No access to %s, or unknown arg\n", argv[argn]); + exit(-2); + } + } + } + + + if (autorun) { + bool done = false; + + printf("Running in non-interactive mode\n"); + tb->m_console = true; + tb->reset(); + tb->m_core->cpu_halt = 1; + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_HALT|CMD_RESET|15); + tb->wb_write(CMD_DATA, entry); + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, 15); + tb->m_bomb = false; + while(!done) { + tb->tick(); + + /* + printf("PC = %08x:%08x (%08x)\n", + tb->m_core->cpu_ipc, + tb->m_core->cpu_upc, + tb->m_core->alu_pc); + */ + + done = (tb->test_success())||(tb->test_failure()); + done = done || signalled; + } + } else if (autostep) { + bool done = false; + + printf("Running in non-interactive mode, via step commands\n"); + tb->m_console = true; + tb->reset(); + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_HALT|CMD_RESET|CPU_sPC); + tb->wb_write(CMD_DATA, entry); + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, CPU_sPC); + tb->m_bomb = false; + while(!done) { + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_STEP); + /* + printf("PC = %08x:%08x (%08x)\n", + tb->m_core->cpu_ipc, tb->m_core->cpu_upc, + tb->m_core->alu_pc); + */ + done = (tb->test_success())||(tb->test_failure()); + done = done || signalled; + } + } else { // Interactive + initscr(); + raw(); + noecho(); + keypad(stdscr, true); + + // tb->reset(); + // for(int i=0; i<2; i++) + // tb->tick(); + tb->m_core->cmd_reset = 1; + tb->m_core->cpu_halt = 1; + tb->tick(); + + tb->m_core->cmd_reset = 0; + tb->m_core->cpu_halt = 0; + tb->tick(); + tb->jump_to(entry); + tb->tick(); + tb->jump_to(entry); + tb->tick(); + tb->jump_to(entry); + + + // For debugging purposes: do we wish to skip some number of + // instructions to fast forward to a time of interest?? + for(int i=0; i<0; i++) { + tb->m_core->cpu_halt = 0; + tb->tick(); + } + + int chv = 'q'; + + bool done = false, halted = true, manual = true, + high_speed = false; + + halfdelay(1); + // tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_HALT | CMD_RESET); + // while((tb->wb_read(CMD_REG) & (CMD_HALT|CMD_STALL))==(CMD_HALT|CMD_STALL)) + // tb->show_state(); + + while(!done) { + if ((high_speed)&&(!manual)&&(!halted)) { + // chv = getch(); + + struct pollfd fds[1]; + fds[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO; + fds[0].events = POLLIN; + + if (poll(fds, 1, 0) > 0) + chv = getch(); + else + chv = ERR; + + } else { + chv = getch(); + } + switch(chv) { + case 'h': case 'H': + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_HALT); + if (!halted) + erase(); + halted = true; + break; + case 'G': + high_speed = true; + // cbreak(); + case 'g': + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, 0); + if (halted) + erase(); + halted = false; + manual = false; + break; + case 'm': + tb->show_user_timers(false); + break; + case 'q': case 'Q': + done = true; + break; + case 'r': case 'R': + if (manual) + tb->reset(); + else + tb->wb_write(CMD_REG, CMD_RESET|CMD_HALT); + halted = true; + erase(); + break; + case 's': + if (!halted) + erase(); + tb->step(); + manual = false; + halted = true; + // if (high_speed) + // halfdelay(1); + high_speed = false; + break; + case 'S': + if ((!manual)||(halted)) + erase(); + manual = true; + halted = true; + // if (high_speed) + // halfdelay(1); + high_speed = false; + tb->m_core->cpu_halt = 0; + tb->m_core->cmd_step = 1; + tb->eval(); + tb->tick(); + break; + case 'T': // + if ((!manual)||(halted)) + erase(); + manual = true; + halted = true; + // if (high_speed) + // halfdelay(1); + high_speed = false; + tb->m_core->cpu_halt = 1; + tb->m_core->cmd_step = 0; + tb->eval(); + tb->tick(); + break; + case 't': + if ((!manual)||(halted)) + erase(); + manual = true; + halted = false; + // if (high_speed) + // halfdelay(1); + high_speed = false; + tb->m_core->cpu_halt = 0; + tb->tick(); + break; + case 'u': + tb->show_user_timers(true); + break; + case KEY_IC: case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_RETURN: + get_value(tb); + break; + case KEY_UP: tb->cursor_up(); break; + case KEY_DOWN: tb->cursor_down(); break; + case KEY_LEFT: tb->cursor_left(); break; + case KEY_RIGHT: tb->cursor_right(); break; + case CTRL('L'): redrawwin(stdscr); break; + case ERR: case KEY_CLEAR: + default: + if (!manual) + tb->tick(); + } + + if (manual) { + tb->show_state(); + } else if (halted) { + if (tb->m_dbgfp) + fprintf(tb->m_dbgfp, "\n\nREAD-STATE ******\n"); + tb->read_state(); + } else + tb->show_state(); + + if (tb->m_core->i_reset) + done =true; + if ((tb->m_bomb)||(signalled)) + done = true; + + if (exit_on_done) { + if (tb->test_success()) + done = true; + if (tb->test_failure()) + done = true; + } + } + endwin(); + } +#ifdef MANUAL_STEPPING_MODE + else { // Manual stepping mode + tb->jump_to(entry); + tb->show_state(); + + while('q' != tolower(chv = getch())) { + tb->tick(); + tb->show_state(); + + if (tb->test_success()) + break; + else if (tb->test_failure()) + break; + else if (signalled) + break; + } + } +#endif + + printf("\n"); + if (tb->test_failure()) { + tb->dump_state(); + } + +#ifdef ZIPSYSTEM + printf("Clocks used : %08x\n", tb->m_core->mtc_data); + printf("Instructions Issued : %08x\n", tb->m_core->mic_data); + printf("Tick Count : %08lx\n", tb->m_tickcount); + if (tb->m_core->mtc_data != 0) + printf("Instructions / Clock: %.2f\n", + (double)tb->m_core->mic_data + / (double)tb->m_core->mtc_data); +#endif + + int rcode = 0; + if (tb->m_bomb) { + printf("TEST BOMBED\n"); + rcode = -1; + } else if (tb->test_success()) { + printf("SUCCESS!\n"); + } else if (tb->test_failure()) { + rcode = -2; + printf("TEST FAILED!\n"); + } else + printf("User quit\n"); + delete tb; + exit(rcode); +} + Index: zipmmu_tb.cpp =================================================================== --- zipmmu_tb.cpp (revision 208) +++ zipmmu_tb.cpp (revision 209) @@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License // for more details. // +// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +// with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no +// target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see +// for a copy. +// // License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on, // // @@ -42,10 +47,46 @@ #include "Vzipmmu_tb.h" #define MMUFLAG_RONW 8 // Read only (not writeable) -#define MMUFLAG_ACCS 4 // Accessed +#define MMUFLAG_EXE 4 // Page may be executed #define MMUFLAG_CCHE 2 // Cachable -#define MMUFLAG_THSP 1 // Page has this context +#define MMUFLAG_ACCS 1 // Accessed +#define ROFLAG 8 // This page is read-only +#define EXFLAG 4 // This page is executable +#define CHFLAG 2 // This page may be cached +#define AXFLAG 1 // This page has been accessed since loading +#define setup_stb i_ctrl_cyc_stb +#define setup_ack o_rtn_ack +#define setup_stall o_rtn_stall +#define setup_data o_rtn_data +#define mem_cyc v__DOT__mem_cyc +#define mem_stb v__DOT__mem_stb +#define mem_we v__DOT__mem_we +#define mem_r_we v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_we +#define mem_r_valid v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_valid +#define mem_addr v__DOT__mem_addr +#define mem_err v__DOT__mem_err +#define wr_vtable v__DOT__mut__DOT__wr_vtable +#define wr_ptable v__DOT__mut__DOT__wr_ptable +#define wr_control v__DOT__mut__DOT__wr_control +#define z_context __PVT__mut__DOT__z_context +#define context_word v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_context_word +#define r_pending v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_pending +#define r_we v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_we +#define r_valid v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_valid +#define r_addr v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_addr +#define r_data v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_data + +#define R_CONTROL 0 +#define R_STATUS 4 +#define R_TABLESZ(LGSZ) (8<>(LGPGSZ-4))<<4)&((1<::tick(); @@ -69,47 +109,43 @@ if ((m_debug)&&(writeout)) { printf("%08lx-MMU: ", m_tickcount); - printf("(%s%s%s%s) %08x (%s%s%s)%08x%s %s %08x/%08x %s%s%s%s%s", - (m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb)?"CT":" ", + printf("(%s%s%s%s%s%s) %08x (%s%s%s)%08x%s %s %08x/%08x %s%s%s%s", + (m_core->setup_stb)?"CT":" ", (m_core->i_wbm_cyc)?"CYC":" ", (m_core->i_wbm_stb)?"STB":" ", (m_core->i_wb_we)?"WE":" ", + (m_core->i_gie)?"IE":" ", + (m_core->i_exe)?"EX":" ", (m_core->i_wb_addr), - (m_core->v__DOT__mem_cyc)?"CYC":" ", - (m_core->v__DOT__mem_stb)?"STB":" ", -#define v__DOT__mem_we v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_we - (m_core->v__DOT__mem_we)?"WE":" ", - (m_core->v__DOT__mem_addr), - (m_core->v__DOT__mem_err)?"ER":" ", + (m_core->mem_cyc)?"CYC":" ", + (m_core->mem_stb)?"STB":" ", + (m_core->mem_we)?"WE":" ", + (m_core->mem_addr), + (m_core->mem_err)?"ER":" ", (m_core->i_wb_we)?"<-":"->", (m_core->i_wb_we)?m_core->i_wb_data:m_core->o_rtn_data, - (m_core->v__DOT__mem_we)?m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_data:m_core->v__DOT__mem_odata, + (m_core->mem_we)?m_core->r_data:m_core->v__DOT__mem_odata, (m_core->o_rtn_stall)?"STALL":" ", - (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__setup_ack)?"S":" ", (m_core->o_rtn_ack )?"ACK":" ", (m_core->o_rtn_miss)?"MISS":" ", (m_core->o_rtn_err )?"ERR":" "); - printf("[%d,%d]", - m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__wr_vtable, - m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__wr_ptable); - printf("[%d,%d,%04x]", - m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__wr_control, - m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__z_context, + printf("[%c]", + (m_core->wr_control)?'C' + :(m_core->wr_vtable)?'V' + :(m_core->wr_ptable)?'P' + :'-'); + printf("[%c,%04x]", + (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__kernel_context)?'K' + :(m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__z_context)?'Z':'-', m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_context_word); - /* - printf("[%08x,%08x-%08x]", - m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__w_vtable_reg, - m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__w_ptable_reg, - m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__setup_data); - */ printf(" %s[%s%s@%08x,%08x]", - (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_pending)?"R":" ", - (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_we)?"W":" ", - (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_valid)?"V":" ", - (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_addr), - (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_data)); - printf("@%2x[%s%s%s][%s%s%s%s]", + (m_core->r_pending)?"R":" ", + (m_core->r_we)?"W":" ", + (m_core->r_valid)?"V":" ", + (m_core->r_addr), + (m_core->r_data)); + printf("@%2x[%s%s%s][%s%s%s%s%s]", (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__s_tlb_addr), (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__s_pending)?"P":" ", (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__s_tlb_hit)?"HT":" ", @@ -117,33 +153,37 @@ (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__ro_flag)?"RO":" ", (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__simple_miss)?"SM":" ", (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__ro_miss)?"RM":" ", + (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__exe_miss)?"EX":" ", (m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__table_err)?"TE":" "); //(m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__cachable)?"CH":" "); /* printf(" M[%016lx]", m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_tlb_match); - printf(" P[%3d] = 0x%08x, V=0x%08x, C=0x%08x, CTXT=%04x", + */ + printf(" P[%3d%c] = 0x%03x, V=0x%03x, C=0x%04x, CTXT=%04x", m_last_tlb_index, + ((m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__tlb_valid>>m_last_tlb_index)&1)?'V':'u', m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__tlb_pdata[m_last_tlb_index], m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__tlb_vdata[m_last_tlb_index], m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__tlb_cdata[m_last_tlb_index], m_core->v__DOT__mut__DOT__r_context_word); - */ printf("\n"); } } void reset(void) { - m_core->i_rst = 1; + m_core->i_reset = 1; m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 0; + m_core->i_gie = 0; + m_core->i_exe = 0; m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 0; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 0; tick(); - m_core->i_rst = 0; + m_core->i_reset = 0; } void wb_tick(void) { - m_core->i_rst = 0; + m_core->i_reset = 0; m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 0; m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 0; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 0; @@ -153,7 +193,11 @@ } unsigned operator[](unsigned a) { - a &= ((1<>2)&(msk); +// printf("OP[] ----> %08x\n", a); return m_core->v__DOT__ram__DOT__mem[a]; } @@ -164,12 +208,19 @@ printf("WB-READS(%08x)\n", a); - m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 1; + m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 0; m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 0; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 0; m_core->i_wb_we = 0; - m_core->i_wb_addr= a; + m_core->i_wb_addr= a>>2; + if (m_core->i_gie) { + m_core->i_gie = 0; + wb_tick(); + } + + m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 1; + if (m_core->o_rtn_stall) { while((errcount++ < BOMBCOUNT)&&(m_core->o_rtn_stall)) tick(); @@ -209,16 +260,25 @@ printf("WB-WRITES(%08x,%08x)\n", a,v); - m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 1; + m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 0; + m_core->i_exe = 0; m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 0; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 0; m_core->i_wb_we = 1; - m_core->i_wb_addr= a; + m_core->i_wb_addr= a>>2; m_core->i_wb_data= v; + m_core->i_wb_sel= 15; - if (a & 0x080) - m_last_tlb_index = (a>>1)&0x3f; + if (m_core->i_gie) { + m_core->i_gie = 0; + wb_tick(); + } + m_core->i_ctrl_cyc_stb = 1; + + if (a & 0x0200) + m_last_tlb_index = (a>>3)&0x3f; + if (m_core->o_rtn_stall) { while((errcount++ < BOMBCOUNT)&&(m_core->o_rtn_stall)) tick(); @@ -260,7 +320,7 @@ m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 1; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 1; m_core->i_wb_we = 0; - m_core->i_wb_addr= a; + m_core->i_wb_addr= a>>2; if (m_core->o_rtn_stall) { while((errcount++ < BOMBCOUNT)&&(m_core->o_rtn_stall)) { @@ -345,7 +405,7 @@ m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 1; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 1; m_core->i_wb_we = 0; - m_core->i_wb_addr = a; + m_core->i_wb_addr = a>>2; rdidx =0; cnt = 0; inc = 1; @@ -417,8 +477,9 @@ m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 1; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 1; m_core->i_wb_we = 1; - m_core->i_wb_addr= a; + m_core->i_wb_addr= a>>2; m_core->i_wb_data= v; + m_core->i_wb_sel= 15; if (m_core->o_rtn_stall) while((errcount++ < BOMBCOUNT)&&(m_core->o_rtn_stall)) { @@ -497,8 +558,9 @@ m_core->i_wbm_cyc = 1; m_core->i_wbm_stb = 1; m_core->i_wb_we = 1; + m_core->i_wb_sel= 15; for(unsigned stbcnt=0; stbcnti_wb_addr= a+stbcnt; + m_core->i_wb_addr= (a>>2)+stbcnt; m_core->i_wb_data= buf[stbcnt]; errcount = 0; @@ -592,26 +654,30 @@ int LGTBL, LGPGSZ, LGCTXT; int c; unsigned base; - bool hdebug = tb->debug(); + // bool hdebug = tb->debug(); - tb->debug(false); - c=tb->setup_read(0); + // tb->debug(false); + c=tb->setup_read(R_CONTROL); printf("CONTEXT-REG = %08x\n", c); LGTBL = ((c>>24)&15); - LGPGSZ= (((c>>20)&15)+8)&31; + LGPGSZ= (((c>>20)&15)+10)&31; // In bytes LGCTXT= (((c>>16)&15)+1)&31; c &= ((1< %08xP %s%s\n", - idx, c, va, pa, + printf("INSTALL[%2d] %04x:%03x[%04x]%xV -> %03x[%04x]%xP %s%s\n", + idx, c, + (va>>LGPGSZ), LOCONTEXT(c)>>4, flags, + (pa>>LGPGSZ), HICONTEXT(c)>>4, 0, (flags&MMUFLAG_RONW)?"RO":" ", (flags&MMUFLAG_CCHE)?"Cachable":""); - tb->setup_write(base , va|(( c &0x0ff)<<4)|flags); - tb->setup_write(base+1, pa|(((c>>8)&0x0ff)<<4)|flags); - tb->debug(hdebug); + tb->setup_write(base , va|(LOCONTEXT(c))|flags); + tb->setup_write(base+4, pa|(HICONTEXT(c))); + // tb->debug(hdebug); + tb->tick(); + tb->m_core->i_gie = 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { @@ -619,6 +685,7 @@ ZIPMMU_TB *tb = new ZIPMMU_TB; unsigned *rdbuf; // *mbuf; unsigned mlen = (1<opentrace("zipmmu_tb.vcd"); printf("Giving the core 2 cycles to start up\n"); @@ -636,66 +703,76 @@ uload(mlen, rdbuf); - int LGADR, LGTBL, LGPGSZ, LGCTXT, sr; + int LGADR, LGTBL, LGPGSZ, LGCTXT, sr, PAGESZ; - c=tb->setup_read(0); + c=tb->setup_read(R_CONTROL); printf("CONTROL-REG = %08x\n = %2d\n", c, c); - sr = tb->setup_read(1); + sr = tb->setup_read(R_STATUS); printf("STATUS-REG = %08x = %2d\n", sr, sr); LGADR = (((c>>28)&15)+17)&31; LGTBL = ((c>>24)&15); - LGPGSZ= (((c>>20)&15)+8)&31; + LGPGSZ= (((c>>20)&15)+10)&31; + PAGESZ= 1ul<>16)&15)+1)&31; printf("LGADR = %08x = %2d\n", LGADR, LGADR); printf("LGTBL = %08x = %2d\n", LGTBL, LGTBL); printf("LGPGSZ = %08x = %2d\n", LGPGSZ, LGPGSZ); printf("LGCTXT = %08x = %2d\n", LGCTXT, LGCTXT); + printf("PAGESZ = %08x = %2d\n", PAGESZ, PAGESZ); // First, let's make sure we can read/write the context printf("\n\nTest: Can we read/write the context register?\n"); - tb->setup_write(0,0x01fec); - c=tb->setup_read(0); - printf("CONTEXT = %08x (0x1fec?)\n", c&0x0ffff); - if ((c&0x0ffff) != 0x01fec) + tb->setup_write(R_CONTROL,CONTEXT); + c=tb->setup_read(R_CONTROL); + printf("CONTEXT = %04x (0x%04x)\n", c &0x0ffff, CONTEXT & 0x0ffff); + if ((c&0x0ffff) != CONTEXT) goto test_failure; // Load the table with TLB misses printf("\n\nTest: Can we load the table with TLB misses? (%d entries)\n", (1<setup_write((2<setup_write((2<setup_write(R_VENTRY(i), (LOCONTEXT(c)) + |(((1<setup_write(R_PENTRY(i), (HICONTEXT(c)) + |(((1<setup_read((2<setup_read((2< %08x\n", i, v, p); - if (v != (unsigned)(0x00f72+(((1<setup_read(R_VENTRY(i)); + p=tb->setup_read(R_PENTRY(i)); + + printf("TBL[%2d] = %08x -> %08x", i, v, p); + printf("\tEXPECTING %08x -> %08x\n", + (unsigned)((LOCONTEXT(c))|(((1<m_core->i_gie = 1; + tb->tick(); tberr = false; - tb->wb_write(0xffffffff, 0x0fe, &tberr); + tb->wb_write(0xfffffffc, 0x0fe, &tberr); if ((!tberr)||(!tb->miss())||(tb->err())) { printf("TBERR = %s\nMISS = %s\nERR = %s\n", (tberr)?"true":"false", (tb->miss())?"true":"false", (tb->err())?"true":"false"); goto test_failure; - } + } printf("-- PASS\n\n"); tberr = false; - install_page(tb, 0, 0x0ffffffff, (1<wb_write(0xffffffff, 0x0fe, &tberr); @@ -704,46 +781,48 @@ (tberr)?"true":"false", (tb->miss())?"true":"false", (tb->err())?"true":"false"); goto test_failure; - } + } printf("-- PASS\n\n"); tberr = false; printf("\n\nTest: What if we make this into a writeable page?\n"); - install_page(tb, 0, 0xffffffff, (1<wb_write(0xffffffff, 0x0fe, &tberr); + install_page(tb, 0, 0xfffffffc, (4<m_core->i_gie = 1; + tb->m_core->i_exe = 0; + tb->wb_write(0xfffffff8, 0x0fe, &tberr); if (tberr) { printf("TBERR = %s\nMISS = %s\nERR = %s\n", (tberr)?"true":"false", (tb->miss())?"true":"false", (tb->err())?"true":"false"); goto test_failure; - } + } printf("-- PASS\n\n"); printf("\n\nTest: Is the next access done w/in a single clock?\n"); - tb->wb_write(0xfffffff7, 0xdeadbeef, &tberr); + tb->wb_write(0xfffffffc, 0xdeadbeef, &tberr); if (tberr) { printf("TBERR = %s\nMISS = %s\nERR = %s\n", (tberr)?"true":"false", (tb->miss())?"true":"false", (tb->err())?"true":"false"); goto test_failure; - } + } printf("-- PASS\n\n"); tberr = false; printf("\n\nTest: What if we make this into a writeable page?\n"); - install_page(tb, 0, 0xffffffff, (1<wb_write(0xffffffff, 0x0fe, &tberr); - if ((tberr)||((*tb)[0x0fff]!=0x0fe)) { + install_page(tb, 0, 0xffffffff, (4<wb_write(0xfffffffc, 0x0fe, &tberr); + if ((tberr)||((*tb)[0x0ffc]!=0x0fe)) { unsigned v; - v = ((*tb)[0x0fff]!=0x0fe); + v = ((*tb)[0x0ffc]!=0x0fe); printf("V = 0x%08x (!= 0x0fe?)\nTBERR = %s\nMISS = %s\nERR = %s\n", v, (tberr)?"true":"false", (tb->miss())?"true":"false", (tb->err())?"true":"false"); goto test_failure; - } + } printf("-- PASS\n\n"); tberr = false; printf("\n\nTest: How about a read from the same location?\n"); { unsigned v; - v = tb->wb_read(0xffffffff, &tberr); + v = tb->wb_read(0xfffffffc, &tberr); if ((tberr)||(v != 0x0fe)) { printf("V = 0x%08x (!= 0x0fe?)\nTBERR = %s\nMISS = %s\nERR = %s\n", v, @@ -751,48 +830,49 @@ (tb->err())?"true":"false"); goto test_failure; } - } + } printf("-- PASS\n\n"); - printf("Test: Burst write, within page\n"); - tb->setup_write(0, 0x0dad); - install_page(tb, 0, ((0x0ffffffffl)&(-(1l<setup_write(R_CONTROL, 0x0dad); +#define TEST_VPAGE ((0x0ffffffffl)&(-(1l<wb_write(((0xffffffff)&(-(1l<wb_write(TEST_VPAGE-2*(1<miss())?"true":"false", (tb->err())?"true":"false"); - printf("STATUS= %08x\n", tb->setup_read(1)); + printf("STATUS= %08x\n", tb->setup_read(R_STATUS)); goto test_failure; } for(unsigned i=0; iwb_read(((0xffffffff)&(-(1<wb_read(TEST_VPAGE-2*(1<miss())?"true":"false", (tb->err())?"true":"false"); - printf("STATUS= %08x\n", tb->setup_read(1)); + printf("STATUS= %08x\n", tb->setup_read(R_STATUS)); goto test_failure; } for(unsigned i=0; i
. Property changes : Added: svn:ignore ## -0,0 +1,13 ## +zipbones_tb +zipmmu_tb +zipsys_tb +debug.txt +div_tb +mpy_tb +obj-pc +pdump +pfcache_tb +*.vcd +*.bin +tags +*.vcd

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