`include "ethmac_defines.v"
`include "ethmac_defines.v"
module ethmac
module ethmac
// WISHBONE common
// WISHBONE common
wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o,
wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, wb_dat_i, wb_dat_o,
// WISHBONE slave
// WISHBONE slave
wb_adr_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o,
wb_adr_i, wb_sel_i, wb_we_i, wb_cyc_i, wb_stb_i, wb_ack_o, wb_err_o,
// WISHBONE master
// WISHBONE master
m_wb_adr_o, m_wb_sel_o, m_wb_we_o,
m_wb_adr_o, m_wb_sel_o, m_wb_we_o,
m_wb_dat_o, m_wb_dat_i, m_wb_cyc_o,
m_wb_dat_o, m_wb_dat_i, m_wb_cyc_o,
m_wb_stb_o, m_wb_ack_i, m_wb_err_i,
m_wb_stb_o, m_wb_ack_i, m_wb_err_i,
m_wb_cti_o, m_wb_bte_o,
m_wb_cti_o, m_wb_bte_o,
mtx_clk_pad_i, mtxd_pad_o, mtxen_pad_o, mtxerr_pad_o,
mtx_clk_pad_i, mtxd_pad_o, mtxen_pad_o, mtxerr_pad_o,
mrx_clk_pad_i, mrxd_pad_i, mrxdv_pad_i, mrxerr_pad_i, mcoll_pad_i, mcrs_pad_i,
mrx_clk_pad_i, mrxd_pad_i, mrxdv_pad_i, mrxerr_pad_i, mcoll_pad_i, mcrs_pad_i,
mdc_pad_o, md_pad_i, md_pad_o, md_padoe_o,
mdc_pad_o, md_pad_i, md_pad_o, md_padoe_o,
// Bist
// Bist
`ifdef ETH_BIST
`ifdef ETH_BIST
// debug chain signals
// debug chain signals
mbist_si_i, // bist scan serial in
mbist_si_i, // bist scan serial in
mbist_so_o, // bist scan serial out
mbist_so_o, // bist scan serial out
mbist_ctrl_i // bist chain shift control
mbist_ctrl_i // bist chain shift control
parameter Tp = 1;
parameter Tp = 1;
// WISHBONE common
// WISHBONE common
input wb_clk_i; // WISHBONE clock
input wb_clk_i; // WISHBONE clock
input wb_rst_i; // WISHBONE reset
input wb_rst_i; // WISHBONE reset
input [31:0] wb_dat_i; // WISHBONE data input
input [31:0] wb_dat_i; // WISHBONE data input
output [31:0] wb_dat_o; // WISHBONE data output
output [31:0] wb_dat_o; // WISHBONE data output
output wb_err_o; // WISHBONE error output
output wb_err_o; // WISHBONE error output
// WISHBONE slave
// WISHBONE slave
input [11:2] wb_adr_i; // WISHBONE address input
input [11:2] wb_adr_i; // WISHBONE address input
input [3:0] wb_sel_i; // WISHBONE byte select input
input [3:0] wb_sel_i; // WISHBONE byte select input
input wb_we_i; // WISHBONE write enable input
input wb_we_i; // WISHBONE write enable input
input wb_cyc_i; // WISHBONE cycle input
input wb_cyc_i; // WISHBONE cycle input
input wb_stb_i; // WISHBONE strobe input
input wb_stb_i; // WISHBONE strobe input
output wb_ack_o; // WISHBONE acknowledge output
output wb_ack_o; // WISHBONE acknowledge output
// WISHBONE master
// WISHBONE master
output [31:0] m_wb_adr_o;
output [31:0] m_wb_adr_o;
output [3:0] m_wb_sel_o;
output [3:0] m_wb_sel_o;
output m_wb_we_o;
output m_wb_we_o;
input [31:0] m_wb_dat_i;
input [31:0] m_wb_dat_i;
output [31:0] m_wb_dat_o;
output [31:0] m_wb_dat_o;
output m_wb_cyc_o;
output m_wb_cyc_o;
output m_wb_stb_o;
output m_wb_stb_o;
input m_wb_ack_i;
input m_wb_ack_i;
input m_wb_err_i;
input m_wb_err_i;
wire [29:0] m_wb_adr_tmp;
wire [29:0] m_wb_adr_tmp;
output [2:0] m_wb_cti_o; // Cycle Type Identifier
output [2:0] m_wb_cti_o; // Cycle Type Identifier
output [1:0] m_wb_bte_o; // Burst Type Extension
output [1:0] m_wb_bte_o; // Burst Type Extension
// Tx
// Tx
input mtx_clk_pad_i; // Transmit clock (from PHY)
input mtx_clk_pad_i; // Transmit clock (from PHY)
output [3:0] mtxd_pad_o; // Transmit nibble (to PHY)
output [3:0] mtxd_pad_o; // Transmit nibble (to PHY)
output mtxen_pad_o; // Transmit enable (to PHY)
output mtxen_pad_o; // Transmit enable (to PHY)
output mtxerr_pad_o; // Transmit error (to PHY)
output mtxerr_pad_o; // Transmit error (to PHY)
// Rx
// Rx
input mrx_clk_pad_i; // Receive clock (from PHY)
input mrx_clk_pad_i; // Receive clock (from PHY)
input [3:0] mrxd_pad_i; // Receive nibble (from PHY)
input [3:0] mrxd_pad_i; // Receive nibble (from PHY)
input mrxdv_pad_i; // Receive data valid (from PHY)
input mrxdv_pad_i; // Receive data valid (from PHY)
input mrxerr_pad_i; // Receive data error (from PHY)
input mrxerr_pad_i; // Receive data error (from PHY)
// Common Tx and Rx
// Common Tx and Rx
input mcoll_pad_i; // Collision (from PHY)
input mcoll_pad_i; // Collision (from PHY)
input mcrs_pad_i; // Carrier sense (from PHY)
input mcrs_pad_i; // Carrier sense (from PHY)
// MII Management interface
// MII Management interface
input md_pad_i; // MII data input (from I/O cell)
input md_pad_i; // MII data input (from I/O cell)
output mdc_pad_o; // MII Management data clock (to PHY)
output mdc_pad_o; // MII Management data clock (to PHY)
output md_pad_o; // MII data output (to I/O cell)
output md_pad_o; // MII data output (to I/O cell)
output md_padoe_o; // MII data output enable (to I/O cell)
output md_padoe_o; // MII data output enable (to I/O cell)
output int_o; // Interrupt output
output int_o; // Interrupt output
// Bist
// Bist
`ifdef ETH_BIST
`ifdef ETH_BIST
input mbist_si_i; // bist scan serial in
input mbist_si_i; // bist scan serial in
output mbist_so_o; // bist scan serial out
output mbist_so_o; // bist scan serial out
input [`ETH_MBIST_CTRL_WIDTH - 1:0] mbist_ctrl_i; // bist chain shift control
input [`ETH_MBIST_CTRL_WIDTH - 1:0] mbist_ctrl_i; // bist chain shift control