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--Eric Sands
--Eric Sands
--of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
--of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
--under the direction of Dr. Lippold Haken
--under the direction of Dr. Lippold Haken
--Heavily based off of HDL examples provided by XESS Corporation
--Based in part on Doug Hodson's work which in turn
--Based in part on Doug Hodson's work which in turn
--was based off of the XSOC from Gray Research LLC.
--was based off of the XSOC from Gray Research LLC.
--release under the GNU General Public License
--release under the GNU General Public License
--and kindly hosted by
--and kindly hosted by
library IEEE;
library IEEE;
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use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use WORK.common.all;
use WORK.common.all;
use WORK.xsasdram.all;
use WORK.xsasdram.all;
use WORK.sdram.all;
use WORK.sdram.all;
use WORK.vga_pckg.all;
entity gpuChip is
entity gpuChip is
FREQ : natural := 50_000; -- frequency of operation in KHz
FREQ : natural := 50_000; -- frequency of operation in KHz
CLK_DIV : real := 1.0; -- divisor for FREQ (can only be 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0)
PIPE_EN : boolean := true; -- enable fast, pipelined SDRAM operation
PIPE_EN : boolean := true; -- enable fast, pipelined SDRAM operation
MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS: boolean := true; -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS: boolean := true; -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
CLK_DIV : real := 1.0; -- SDRAM Clock div
NROWS : natural := 4096; -- number of rows in the SDRAM
NROWS : natural := 4096; -- number of rows in the SDRAM
NCOLS : natural := 512; -- number of columns in each SDRAM row
NCOLS : natural := 256; -- number of columns in each SDRAM row
SADDR_WIDTH : natural := 12;
SADDR_WIDTH : natural := 12;
DATA_WIDTH : natural := 16; -- SDRAM databus width
ADDR_WIDTH : natural := 22; -- host-side address width
VGA_CLK_DIV : natural := 1; -- pixel clock = FREQ / CLK_DIV
PIXEL_WIDTH : natural := 8; -- width of a pixel in memory
NUM_RGB_BITS : natural := 2; -- #bits in each R,G,B component of a pixel
PIXELS_PER_LINE : natural := 800; -- width of image in pixels
LINES_PER_FRAME : natural := 600; -- height of image in scanlines
FIT_TO_SCREEN : boolean := true; -- adapt video timing to fit image width x
PORT_TIME_SLOTS : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000000"
PORT_TIME_SLOTS : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000000"
pin_clkin : in std_logic; -- main clock input from external clock source
pin_clkin : in std_logic; -- main clock input from external clock source
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constant YES: std_logic := '1';
constant YES: std_logic := '1';
constant NO: std_logic := '0';
constant NO: std_logic := '0';
constant HI: std_logic := '1';
constant HI: std_logic := '1';
constant LO: std_logic := '0';
constant LO: std_logic := '0';
constant DATA_WIDTH: natural := 16;
constant ADDR_WIDTH: natural := 23;
-- memory state management variables
type VGAStateType is (
VGA_IDLE, -- finished just waiting for a request
VGA_READ0, -- Buffer states which may or may not all be executed
--internal signals
--internal signals
signal VGAState_r, VGAState_nxt: VGAStateType;
signal hAddr_r, hAddr_nxt : std_logic_vector (ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host address bus
signal sysClk : std_logic; -- system clock
signal sysClk : std_logic; -- system clock
signal sysReset : std_logic; -- system reset
signal sysReset : std_logic; -- system reset
signal int_clk_by2 : std_logic; --intermediate clock (divide by 2)
signal int_clk_by2 : std_logic; --intermediate clock (divide by 2)
signal int_clk_by4 : std_logic; --intermediate clock (divide by 4)
signal int_clk_by4 : std_logic; --intermediate clock (divide by 4)
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signal hAddr0, hAddr1 : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side address bus
signal hAddr0, hAddr1 : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side address bus
signal hDIn0, hDIn1 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data to SDRAM
signal hDIn0, hDIn1 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data to SDRAM
signal hDOut0, hDOut1 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data from SDRAM
signal hDOut0, hDOut1 : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- host-side data from SDRAM
signal rd0, rd1 : std_logic; -- host-side read control signal
signal rd0, rd1 : std_logic; -- host-side read control signal
signal wr0, wr1 : std_logic; -- host-side write control signal
signal wr0, wr1 : std_logic; -- host-side write control signal
-- SDRAM host side signals
-- SDRAM host side signals
signal sdram_bufclk : std_logic; -- buffered input (non-DLL) clock
signal sdram_bufclk : std_logic; -- buffered input (non-DLL) clock
signal sdram_clk1x : std_logic; -- internal master clock signal
signal sdram_clk1x : std_logic; -- internal master clock signal
signal sdram_clk2x : std_logic; -- doubled clock
signal sdram_clk2x : std_logic; -- doubled clock
signal sdram_lock : std_logic; -- SDRAM clock DLL lock indicator
signal sdram_lock : std_logic; -- SDRAM clock DLL lock indicator
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signal sdram_rdDone : std_logic; -- host-side read completed signal
signal sdram_rdDone : std_logic; -- host-side read completed signal
signal sdram_hAddr : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host address bus
signal sdram_hAddr : std_logic_vector(ADDR_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host address bus
signal sdram_hDIn : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host-side data to SDRAM
signal sdram_hDIn : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host-side data to SDRAM
signal sdram_hDOut : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host-side data from SDRAM
signal sdram_hDOut : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); -- host-side data from SDRAM
signal sdram_status : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- SDRAM controller status
signal sdram_status : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- SDRAM controller status
-- vga signals
signal vga_clk : std_logic; -- global clock
signal vga_vack : std_logic; -- video data DMA acknowledge
signal vga_pixels_in : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- video data in
signal vga_vreq : std_logic; -- video data DMA request
signal vga_vreset : std_logic; -- video data reset DMA counter request
--Need to reiterate the VGA component as it is written in Verilog
component vga
clk: in std_logic; -- global clock
rst: in std_logic; -- global async reset
vack: in std_logic; -- video data DMA acknowledge
pixels_in: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- video data in
vreq: out std_logic; -- video data DMA request
vreset: out std_logic; -- video data reset DMA counter request
hsync_n: out std_logic; -- active low horz sync
vsync_n: out std_logic; -- active low vert sync
r: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- red
g: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- green
b: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) -- blue
end component;
-- VGA related signals
signal eof : std_logic; -- end-of-frame signal from VGA controller
signal full : std_logic; -- indicates when the VGA pixel buffer is full
signal vga_address : unsigned(ADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- SDRAM address counter
signal rst_n : std_logic; --VGA reset (active low)
-- Beginning of Submodules
-- Beginning of Submodules
-- All instances of submodules and signals associated with them
-- All instances of submodules and signals associated with them
-- are declared within. Signals not directly associated with
-- are declared within. Signals not directly associated with
-- submodules are declared elsewhere.
-- submodules are declared elsewhere.
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-- Instantiate the VGA module
-- Instantiate the VGA module
-- Instance Module
u3: vga
u3: vga
generic map (
port map(
port map(
clk => vga_clk,
rst => rst_i,
rst => sysReset,
clk => sdram_clk1x, -- use the resync'ed master clock so VGA generator is in sync with SDRAM
vack => vga_vack,
wr => rdDone0, -- write to pixel buffer when the data read from SDRAM is available
pixels_in => vga_pixels_in,
pixel_data_in => hDOut0, -- pixel data from SDRAM
vreq => vga_vreq,
full => full, -- indicates when the pixel buffer is full
vreset => vga_vreset,
eof => eof, -- indicates when the VGA generator has finished a video frame
hsync_n => pin_hsync_n,
r => pin_red, -- RGB components (output)
vsync_n => pin_vsync_n,
r => pin_red,
g => pin_green,
g => pin_green,
b => pin_blue
b => pin_blue,
hsync_n => pin_hsync_n, -- horizontal sync
vsync_n => pin_vsync_n, -- vertical sync
blank => open
-- End of Submodules
-- End of Submodules
-- Begin Top Level Module
-- Begin Top Level Module
sysClk <= sdram_clk1x; -- use SDRAM_CLK1X as the system clock
rst_i <= sysReset;
rst_i <= sysReset;
pin_ce_n <= '1'; -- disable Flash RAM
pin_ce_n <= '1'; -- disable Flash RAM
rd0 <= not full; -- negate the full signal for use in controlling the SDRAM read operation
hDIn0 <= "0000000000000000000000";
wr0 <= '0';
hAddr0 <= std_logic_vector(vga_address);
-- cascaded clock dividers
if (rising_edge(sysClk)) then
if (int_clk_by2 = HI) then
int_clk_by2 <= LO;
int_clk_by2 <= HI;
end if;
end if;
end process;
if (rising_edge(int_clk_by2)) then
if (vga_clk = HI) then
vga_clk <= LO;
vga_clk <= HI;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- -- cascaded clock dividers
-- process(sysClk)
-- begin
-- if (rising_edge(sysClk)) then
-- if (int_clk_by2 = HI) then
-- int_clk_by2 <= LO;
-- else
-- int_clk_by2 <= HI;
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
-- process(int_clk_by4)
-- process(int_clk_by2)
-- begin
-- begin
-- if (rising_edge(int_clk_by4)) then
-- if (rising_edge(int_clk_by2)) then
-- if (vga_clk = HI) then
-- if (vga_clk = HI) then
-- vga_clk <= LO;
-- vga_clk <= LO;
-- else
-- else
-- vga_clk <= HI;
-- vga_clk <= HI;
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
-- end process;
-- connect internal registers to external busses
-- connect internal registers to external busses
-- Port1 is reserved for VGA
-- Port1 is reserved for VGA
hAddr0 <= hAddr_r; -- memory address bus driven by memory address register
vga_pixels_in <= hDOut0;
-- memory controller state machine
-- update the SDRAM address counter
-- "process" the change in status of various signals
process(sysReset, VGAState_r, done0, vga_vreq, vga_vreset)
if rising_edge(sdram_clk1x) then
-- have we been reset?
if eof = YES then
if (sysReset = YES) then
vga_address <= "0000000000000000000000"; -- reset the address at the end of a video frame
VGAState_nxt <= VGA_IDLE;
elsif earlyOpBegun0 = YES then
hAddr_nxt <= "00000000000000000000000";
vga_address <= vga_address + 1; -- go to the next address once the read of the current address has begun
rd0 <= NO;
vga_vack <= NO;
rd0 <= NO; -- default no memory read
wr0 <= NO; -- default no memory write
vga_vack <= NO; -- default no ack of new data to vga circuit
VGAState_nxt <= VGAState_r;
hAddr_nxt <= hAddr_r; -- next address is the same as current address
if (vga_vreset = YES) then -- reset address?
hAddr_nxt <= "00000000000000000000000";
end if;
case VGAState_r is
-- memory idle, just waiting around for a request
when VGA_IDLE =>
if (vga_vreq = YES) then
vga_vack <= NO;
VGAState_nxt <= VGA_READ0; -- move to read state
end if;
-- read from memory
when VGA_READ0 =>
rd0 <= YES; -- keep asserting read signal
if (done0 = YES) then
vga_vack <= YES;
VGAState_nxt <= VGA_READ1;
end if;
end if;
when VGA_READ1 =>
rd0 <= YES;
vga_vack <= YES;
VGAState_nxt <= VGA_READ2;
when VGA_READ2 =>
rd0 <= YES;
vga_vack <= YES;
VGAState_nxt <= VGA_READ3;
when VGA_READ3 =>
rd0 <= YES;
vga_vack <= YES;
hAddr_nxt <= hAddr_r + 1; -- increment address counter
VGAState_nxt <= VGA_IDLE; -- whole state machine is synchronized to
-- VGA_clk
end case;
end if;
end process;
process(sysClk, sysReset)
if (sysReset=YES) then
VGAState_r <= VGA_IDLE;
hAddr_r <= "00000000000000000000000";
elsif (rising_edge(sysClk)) then
VGAState_r <= VGAState_nxt;
hAddr_r <= hAddr_nxt;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- synchronous reset. internal reset flag is set active by config. bitstream
-- and then gets reset after DLL clocks start.
if (rising_edge(sdram_bufclk)) then
if (rising_edge(sdram_bufclk)) then
if sdram_lock='0' then
if sdram_lock='0' then
sysReset <= '1'; -- keep in reset until DLLs start up
sysReset <= '1'; -- keep in reset until DLLs start up
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sysReset <= not pin_pushbtn; -- push button will reset
sysReset <= not pin_pushbtn; -- push button will reset
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
end arch;
end arch;
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