Line 130... |
Line 130... |
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library work;
library work;
use work.common.all;
use work.common.all;
use WORK.xsasdram.all;
library unisim;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity system09 is
entity system09 is
CLKA : in Std_Logic; -- 100MHz Clock input
CLKA : in Std_Logic; -- 100MHz Clock input
-- CLKB : in Std_Logic; -- 50MHz Clock input
-- CLKB : in Std_Logic; -- 50MHz Clock input
SW2_N : in Std_logic; -- Master Reset input (active low)
SW2_N : in Std_logic; -- Master Reset input (active low)
SW3_N : in Std_logic; -- Non Maskable Interrupt input (active low)
SW3_N : in Std_logic; -- Non Maskable Interrupt input (active low)
-- PS/2 Keyboard
ps2_clk : inout Std_logic;
ps2_dat : inout Std_Logic;
-- CRTC output signals
vga_vsync_n : out Std_Logic;
vga_hsync_n : out Std_Logic;
vga_blue : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
vga_green : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
vga_red : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- RS232 Port
-- RS232 Port
RS232_RXD : in Std_Logic;
RS232_RXD : in Std_Logic;
RS232_TXD : out Std_Logic;
RS232_TXD : out Std_Logic;
RS232_CTS : in Std_Logic;
RS232_RTS : out Std_Logic;
-- Status 7 segment LED
-- Status 7 segment LED
S : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
S : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
-- SDRAM side
SDRAM_clkfb : in std_logic; -- feedback SDRAM clock after PCB delays
SDRAM_clkout : out std_logic; -- clock to SDRAM
SDRAM_CKE : out std_logic; -- clock-enable to SDRAM
SDRAM_CS_N : out std_logic; -- chip-select to SDRAM
SDRAM_RAS_N : out std_logic; -- SDRAM row address strobe
SDRAM_CAS_N : out std_logic; -- SDRAM column address strobe
SDRAM_WE_N : out std_logic; -- SDRAM write enable
SDRAM_BA : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- SDRAM bank address
SDRAM_A : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- SDRAM row/column address
SDRAM_D : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- data from SDRAM
SDRAM_DQMH : out std_logic; -- enable upper-byte of SDRAM databus if true
SDRAM_DQML : out std_logic; -- enable lower-byte of SDRAM databus if true
-- Peripheral I/O bus $E100 - $E1FF
PB_RD_N : out std_logic;
PB_WR_N : out std_logic;
PB_A : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
PB_D : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- IDE Compact Flash $E100 - $E13F
ide_dmack_n : out std_logic;
ide_cs0_n : out std_logic;
ide_cs1_n : out std_logic;
-- Ethernet $E140 - $E17F
ether_cs_n : out std_logic;
ether_aen : out std_logic; -- Ethernet address enable not
ether_bhe_n : out std_logic; -- Ethernet bus high enable
ether_clk : in std_logic; -- Ethernet clock
ether_rdy : in std_logic; -- Ethernet ready
ether_irq : in std_logic; -- Ethernet irq - Shared with BAR6
-- Slot 1 $E180 - $E1BF
slot1_cs_n : out std_logic;
-- slot1_irq : in std_logic;
-- Slot 2 $E1C0 - $E1FF
slot2_cs_n : out std_logic;
-- slot2_irq : in std_logic;
-- CPU Debug Interface signals
-- CPU Debug Interface signals
-- cpu_reset_o : out Std_Logic;
-- cpu_reset_o : out Std_Logic;
-- cpu_clk_o : out Std_Logic;
-- cpu_clk_o : out Std_Logic;
-- cpu_rw_o : out std_logic;
-- cpu_rw_o : out std_logic;
Line 216... |
Line 165... |
-- cpu_nmi_o : out std_logic;
-- cpu_nmi_o : out std_logic;
-- cpu_addr_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- cpu_addr_o : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- cpu_data_in_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- cpu_data_in_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- cpu_data_out_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- cpu_data_out_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Disable Flash
FLASH_CE_N : out std_logic
end system09;
end system09;
-- Architecture for System09
-- Architecture for System09
Line 369... |
Line 316... |
ram_state_rd1, ram_state_rd2,
ram_state_rd1, ram_state_rd2,
ram_state_3 );
ram_state_3 );
signal ram_state : ram_type;
signal ram_state : ram_type;
signal flash_ce_n : std_logic;
signal rs232_cts : Std_Logic;
signal rs232_rts : Std_Logic;
signal ether_cs_n : std_logic;
signal ether_aen : std_logic;
signal ether_bhe_n : std_logic;
signal slot1_cs_n : std_logic;
signal slot2_cs_n : std_logic;
-- signal BaudCount : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-- signal BaudCount : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal CountL : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal CountL : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
signal clk_count : natural range 0 to CPU_CLK_DIV;
signal clk_count : natural range 0 to CPU_CLK_DIV;
signal Clk25 : std_logic;
signal Clk25 : std_logic;
signal vga_clk : std_logic;
signal vga_clk : std_logic;
-- CPU09 CPU core
-- CPU09 CPU core
Line 399... |
Line 356... |
halt: in std_logic;
halt: in std_logic;
hold: in std_logic
hold: in std_logic
end component;
end component;
-- 4K Block RAM Monitor ROM
-- 4K Block RAM Monitor ROM
-- $F000 - $FFFF
component mon_rom
component mon_rom
Port (
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
Line 417... |
Line 375... |
data_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
data_in : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
data_in : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)
end component;
end component;
-- 8KBytes Block RAM for FLEX9
-- 8KBytes Block RAM for FLEX9
-- $C000 - $DFFF
-- $C000 - $DFFF
component flex_ram
component flex_ram
Port (
Port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
Line 458... |
Line 416... |
TxC : in Std_Logic; -- Transmit Baud Clock
TxC : in Std_Logic; -- Transmit Baud Clock
RxD : in Std_Logic; -- Receive Data
RxD : in Std_Logic; -- Receive Data
TxD : out Std_Logic; -- Transmit Data
TxD : out Std_Logic; -- Transmit Data
DCD_n : in Std_Logic; -- Data Carrier Detect
DCD_n : in Std_Logic; -- Data Carrier Detect
CTS_n : in Std_Logic; -- Clear To Send
CTS_n : in Std_Logic; -- Clear To Send
RTS_n : out Std_Logic ); -- Request To send
RTS_n : out Std_Logic -- Request To send
end component;
end component;
-- ACIA Clock divider
-- ACIA Clock divider
Line 480... |
Line 438... |
ACIA_clk : out Std_logic -- ACIA Clock output
ACIA_clk : out Std_logic -- ACIA Clock output
end component;
end component;
-- PS/2 Keyboard
component keyboard
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
rw : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic;
data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
irq : out std_logic;
kbd_clk : inout std_logic;
kbd_data : inout std_logic
end component;
-- Video Display Unit.
component vdu8
VDU_CLK_FREQ : integer := CPU_CLK_FREQ; -- HZ
VGA_CLK_FREQ : integer := VGA_CLK_FREQ; -- HZ
VGA_HOR_CHARS : integer := 80; -- CHARACTERS
VGA_VER_CHARS : integer := 25; -- CHARACTERS
VGA_PIX_PER_CHAR : integer := 8; -- PIXELS
VGA_LIN_PER_CHAR : integer := 16; -- LINES
VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH : integer := 40; -- PIXELS
VGA_HOR_SYNC : integer := 96; -- PIXELS
VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH : integer := 24; -- PIXELS
VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH : integer := 13; -- LINES
VGA_VER_SYNC : integer := 2; -- LINES
VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH : integer := 35 -- LINES
-- control register interface
vdu_clk : in std_logic; -- CPU Clock - 25MHz
vdu_rst : in std_logic;
vdu_cs : in std_logic;
vdu_rw : in std_logic;
vdu_addr : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
vdu_data_in : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
vdu_data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- vga port connections
vga_clk : in std_logic; -- VGA Pixel Clock - 25 MHz
vga_red_o : out std_logic;
vga_green_o : out std_logic;
vga_blue_o : out std_logic;
vga_hsync_o : out std_logic;
vga_vsync_o : out std_logic
end component;
-- Timer module
-- Timer module
Line 584... |
Line 479... |
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
irq : out std_logic
irq : out std_logic
end component;
end component;
-- Dynamic Address Translation Registers
-- Dynamic Address Translation Registers
component dat_ram
component dat_ram
port (
port (
clk : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
cs : in std_logic;
Line 604... |
Line 499... |
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;
end component;
component XSASDRAMCntl
FREQ : natural := MEM_CLK_FREQ;-- operating frequency in KHz
CLK_DIV : real := SYS_CLK_DIV; -- divisor for FREQ (can only be 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0)
PIPE_EN : boolean := PIPE_EN; -- if true, enable pipelined read operations
MAX_NOP : natural := MAX_NOP; -- number of NOPs before entering self-refresh
MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS : boolean := MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS; -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
DATA_WIDTH : natural := DATA_WIDTH; -- host & SDRAM data width
NROWS : natural := NROWS; -- number of rows in SDRAM array
NCOLS : natural := NCOLS; -- number of columns in SDRAM array
HADDR_WIDTH : natural := HADDR_WIDTH; -- host-side address width
SADDR_WIDTH : natural := SADDR_WIDTH -- SDRAM-side address width
-- host side
clk : in std_logic; -- master clock
bufclk : out std_logic; -- buffered master clock
clk1x : out std_logic; -- host clock sync'ed to master clock (and divided if CLK_DIV>1)
clk2x : out std_logic; -- double-speed host clock
lock : out std_logic; -- true when host clock is locked to master clock
rst : in std_logic; -- reset
rd : in std_logic; -- initiate read operation
wr : in std_logic; -- initiate write operation
uds : in std_logic; -- upper data strobe
lds : in std_logic; -- lower data strobe
earlyOpBegun : out std_logic; -- read/write/self-refresh op begun (async)
opBegun : out std_logic; -- read/write/self-refresh op begun (clocked)
rdPending : out std_logic; -- read operation(s) are still in the pipeline
done : out std_logic; -- read or write operation is done
rdDone : out std_logic; -- read done and data is available
hAddr : in std_logic_vector(HADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- address from host
hDIn : in std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- data from host
hDOut : out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- data to host
status : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- diagnostic status of the FSM
-- SDRAM side
sclkfb : in std_logic; -- clock from SDRAM after PCB delays
sclk : out std_logic; -- SDRAM clock sync'ed to master clock
cke : out std_logic; -- clock-enable to SDRAM
cs_n : out std_logic; -- chip-select to SDRAM
ras_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM row address strobe
cas_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM column address strobe
we_n : out std_logic; -- SDRAM write enable
ba : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- SDRAM bank address bits
sAddr : out std_logic_vector(SADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- SDRAM row/column address
sData : inout std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- SDRAM in/out databus
dqmh : out std_logic; -- high databits I/O mask
dqml : out std_logic -- low databits I/O mask
end component;
-- Clock buffer
-- Clock buffer
component BUFG
component BUFG
Port (
Port (
i: in std_logic;
i: in std_logic;
o: out std_logic
o: out std_logic
end component;
end component;
-- Instantiation of internal components
-- Instantiation of internal components
my_cpu : cpu09 port map (
my_cpu : cpu09
port map (
clk => cpu_clk,
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
rst => cpu_reset,
vma => cpu_vma,
vma => cpu_vma,
addr => cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
addr => cpu_addr(15 downto 0),
rw => cpu_rw,
rw => cpu_rw,
Line 685... |
Line 532... |
nmi => cpu_nmi,
nmi => cpu_nmi,
halt => cpu_halt,
halt => cpu_halt,
hold => cpu_hold
hold => cpu_hold
my_rom : mon_rom port map (
my_rom : mon_rom
port map (
clk => cpu_clk,
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
rst => cpu_reset,
cs => rom_cs,
cs => rom_cs,
rw => '1',
rw => '1',
addr => cpu_addr(11 downto 0),
addr => cpu_addr(11 downto 0),
data_in => cpu_data_out,
data_in => cpu_data_out,
data_out => rom_data_out
data_out => rom_data_out
my_flex : flex_ram port map (
my_flex : flex_ram
port map (
clk => cpu_clk,
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
rst => cpu_reset,
cs => flex_cs,
cs => flex_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
rw => cpu_rw,
addr => cpu_addr(12 downto 0),
addr => cpu_addr(12 downto 0),
data_out => flex_data_out,
data_out => flex_data_out,
data_in => cpu_data_out
data_in => cpu_data_out
my_acia : acia6850 port map (
my_acia : acia6850
port map (
clk => cpu_clk,
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
rst => cpu_reset,
cs => acia_cs,
cs => acia_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
rw => cpu_rw,
addr => cpu_addr(0),
addr => cpu_addr(0),
Line 723... |
Line 573... |
DCD_n => dcd_n,
DCD_n => dcd_n,
CTS_n => cts_n,
CTS_n => cts_n,
RTS_n => rts_n
RTS_n => rts_n
my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock
my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock
generic map(
generic map(
port map(
port map(
clk => Clk_i,
clk => Clk_i,
acia_clk => acia_clk
acia_clk => acia_clk
-- PS/2 Keyboard Interface
my_keyboard : keyboard
generic map (
port map(
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
cs => keyboard_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
addr => cpu_addr(0),
data_in => cpu_data_out(7 downto 0),
data_out => keyboard_data_out(7 downto 0),
irq => keyboard_irq,
kbd_clk => ps2_clk,
kbd_data => ps2_dat
-- Video Display Unit instantiation
my_vdu : vdu8
generic map(
port map(
-- Control Registers
vdu_clk => cpu_clk, -- 12.5 MHz System Clock in
vdu_rst => cpu_reset,
vdu_cs => vdu_cs,
vdu_rw => cpu_rw,
vdu_addr => cpu_addr(2 downto 0),
vdu_data_in => cpu_data_out,
vdu_data_out => vdu_data_out,
-- vga port connections
vga_clk => vga_clk, -- 25 MHz VDU pixel clock
vga_red_o => vga_red_o,
vga_green_o => vga_green_o,
vga_blue_o => vga_blue_o,
vga_hsync_o => vga_hsync_n,
vga_vsync_o => vga_vsync_n
-- Timer Module
-- Timer Module
my_timer : timer port map (
my_timer : timer
port map (
clk => cpu_clk,
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
rst => cpu_reset,
cs => timer_cs,
cs => timer_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
rw => cpu_rw,
addr => cpu_addr(0),
addr => cpu_addr(0),
Line 817... |
Line 606... |
-- Bus Trap Interrupt logic
-- Bus Trap Interrupt logic
my_trap : trap port map (
my_trap : trap
port map (
clk => cpu_clk,
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
rst => cpu_reset,
cs => trap_cs,
cs => trap_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
rw => cpu_rw,
vma => cpu_vma,
vma => cpu_vma,
Line 829... |
Line 619... |
data_in => cpu_data_out,
data_in => cpu_data_out,
data_out => trap_data_out,
data_out => trap_data_out,
irq => trap_irq
irq => trap_irq
my_dat : dat_ram
my_dat : dat_ram port map (
port map (
clk => cpu_clk,
clk => cpu_clk,
rst => cpu_reset,
rst => cpu_reset,
cs => dat_cs,
cs => dat_cs,
rw => cpu_rw,
rw => cpu_rw,
addr_hi => cpu_addr(15 downto 12),
addr_hi => cpu_addr(15 downto 12),
addr_lo => cpu_addr(3 downto 0),
addr_lo => cpu_addr(3 downto 0),
data_in => cpu_data_out,
data_in => cpu_data_out,
data_out => dat_addr(7 downto 0)
data_out => dat_addr(7 downto 0)
-- Instantiate the SDRAM controller that connects to the memory tester
-- module and interfaces to the external SDRAM chip.
u1 : xsaSDRAMCntl
generic map(
port map(
-- Host Side
clk => CLKA, -- master clock from external clock source (unbuffered)
bufclk => open, -- buffered master clock output
clk1x => clk_i, -- synchronized master clock (accounts for delays to external SDRAM)
clk2x => open, -- synchronized doubled master clock
lock => lock, -- DLL lock indicator
rst => rst_i, -- reset
rd => hRd, -- host-side SDRAM read control from memory tester
wr => hWr, -- host-side SDRAM write control from memory tester
uds => hUds, -- host-side SDRAM upper data strobe
lds => hLds, -- host-side SDRAM lower data strobe
rdPending => rdPending,-- read operation to SDRAM is in progress
opBegun => opBegun, -- indicates memory read/write has begun
earlyOpBegun => earlyBegun, -- early indicator that memory operation has begun
rdDone => rdDone, -- indicates SDRAM memory read operation is done
done => ramDone, -- indicates SDRAM memory read or write operation is done
hAddr => hAddr, -- host-side address from memory tester to SDRAM
hDIn => hDIn, -- test data pattern from memory tester to SDRAM
hDOut => hDOut, -- SDRAM data output to memory tester
status => open, -- SDRAM controller state (for diagnostics)
-- SDRAM Side
sclkfb => SDRAM_clkfb, -- clock feedback with added external PCB delays
sclk => SDRAM_clkout, -- synchronized clock to external SDRAM
cke => SDRAM_cke, -- SDRAM clock enable
cs_n => SDRAM_cs_n, -- SDRAM chip-select
ras_n => SDRAM_ras_n, -- SDRAM RAS
cas_n => SDRAM_cas_n, -- SDRAM CAS
we_n => SDRAM_we_n, -- SDRAM write-enable
ba => SDRAM_ba, -- SDRAM bank address
sAddr => SDRAM_A, -- SDRAM address
sData => SDRAM_D, -- SDRAM databus
dqmh => SDRAM_dqmh, -- SDRAM DQMH
dqml => SDRAM_dqml -- SDRAM DQML
cpu_clk_buffer : BUFG port map(
cpu_clk_buffer : BUFG
port map(
i => Clk25,
i => Clk25,
o => cpu_clk
o => cpu_clk
vga_clk_buffer : BUFG port map(
i => Clk25,
o => vga_clk
-- Process to decode memory map
-- Process to decode memory map
Line 938... |
Line 673... |
ide_cs <= '0';
ide_cs <= '0';
ether_cs <= '0';
ether_cs <= '0';
slot1_cs <= '0';
slot1_cs <= '0';
slot2_cs <= '0';
slot2_cs <= '0';
ram_cs <= '0';
ram_cs <= '0';
if cpu_addr( 15 downto 8 ) = "11111111" then
if cpu_addr( 15 downto 8 ) = "11111111" then -- $FFxx
cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out;
cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out;
dat_cs <= cpu_vma; -- write DAT
dat_cs <= cpu_vma; -- write DAT
rom_cs <= cpu_vma; -- read ROM
rom_cs <= cpu_vma; -- read ROM
-- Sys09Bug Monitor ROM $F000 - $FFFF
-- Sys09Bug Monitor ROM $F000 - $FFFF
elsif dat_addr(3 downto 0) = "1111" then -- $XF000 - $XFFFF
elsif dat_addr(3 downto 0) = "1111" then -- $XF000 - $XFFFF
cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out;
cpu_data_in <= rom_data_out;
Line 1019... |
Line 756... |
-- Remaining 6 slots reserved for non SWTPc Peripherals
-- Remaining 6 slots reserved for non SWTPc Peripherals
when others => -- $E0A0 to $E0FF
when others => -- $E0A0 to $E0FF
end case;
end case;
-- XST-3.0 Peripheral Bus goes here
-- XST-3.0 Peripheral Bus goes here
-- $E100 to $E1FF
-- $E100 to $E1FF
-- Four devices
-- Four devices
-- IDE, Ethernet, Slot1, Slot2
-- IDE, Ethernet, Slot1, Slot2
Line 1055... |
Line 793... |
-- Nothing else
-- Nothing else
when others =>
when others =>
end case;
end case;
-- $E200 to $EFFF reserved for future use
-- $E200 to $EFFF reserved for future use
when others =>
when others =>
end case;
end case;
-- Flex RAM $0C000 - $0DFFF
-- Flex RAM $0C000 - $0DFFF
elsif dat_addr(7 downto 1) = "0000110" then -- $0C000 - $0DFFF
elsif dat_addr(7 downto 1) = "0000110" then -- $0C000 - $0DFFF
cpu_data_in <= flex_data_out;
cpu_data_in <= flex_data_out;
flex_cs <= cpu_vma;
flex_cs <= cpu_vma;
-- Everything else is RAM
-- Everything else is RAM
cpu_data_in <= ram_data_out;
cpu_data_in <= ram_data_out;
ram_cs <= cpu_vma;
ram_cs <= cpu_vma;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- 16-bit Peripheral Bus
-- 6809 Big endian
-- ISA bus little endian
-- Not sure about IDE interface
peripheral_bus: process( clk_i, cpu_reset, cpu_rw, cpu_addr, cpu_data_out,
pb_cs, pb_wreg, pb_rreg )
pb_wru <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and (not cpu_addr(0));
pb_wrl <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and cpu_addr(0) ;
pb_rdu <= pb_cs and cpu_rw and (not cpu_addr(0));
pb_rdl <= pb_cs and cpu_rw and cpu_addr(0) ;
pb_a <= cpu_addr(5 downto 1);
-- Register upper byte from CPU on first CPU write
-- and lower byte from the peripheral bus on first CPU read
if cpu_reset = '1' then
pb_wreg <= (others => '0');
pb_rreg <= (others => '0');
elsif clk_i'event and clk_i ='1' then
if pb_wru = '1' then
pb_wreg <= cpu_data_out;
end if;
if pb_rdu = '1' then
pb_rreg <= pb_d(7 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
-- Peripheral bus read and write strobes are
-- Syncronized with the 50 MHz clock
-- and are asserted until the peripheral bus hold is released
if cpu_reset = '1' then
pb_wr_n <= '1';
pb_rd_n <= '1';
elsif clk_i'event and clk_i ='1' then
if pb_hold = '1' then
pb_wr_n <= not pb_wrl;
pb_rd_n <= not pb_rdu;
pb_wr_n <= '1';
pb_rd_n <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- The peripheral bus will be an output
-- the registered even byte on data(15 downto 8)
-- and the CPU odd bytes on data(7 downto 0)
-- on odd byte writes
if pb_wrl = '1' then
pb_d <= pb_wreg & cpu_data_out;
pb_d <= (others => 'Z');
end if;
-- On even byte reads,
-- the CPU reads the low (even) byte of the peripheral bus
-- On odd byte reads,
-- the CPU reads the registered (odd byte) input from the peripheral bus
if pb_rdu = '1' then
pb_data_out <= pb_d(15 downto 8);
elsif pb_rdl = '1' then
pb_data_out <= pb_rreg;
pb_data_out <= (others => '0');
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- Hold Peripheral bus accesses for a few cycles
peripheral_bus_hold: process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, pb_rdu, pb_wrl ) --, ether_rdy )
if cpu_reset = '1' then
pb_release <= '0';
pb_count <= "0000";
pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then
-- The perpheral bus hold signal should be generated on
-- 16 bit bus read which will be on even byte reads or
-- 16 bit bus write which will be on odd byte writes.
case pb_hold_state is
when hold_release_state =>
pb_release <= '0';
if (pb_rdu = '1') or (pb_wrl = '1') then
pb_count <= "0100";
pb_hold_state <= hold_request_state;
elsif (pb_rdl = '1') or (pb_wru = '1') then
pb_release <= '1';
pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
end if;
when hold_request_state =>
if pb_count = "0000" then
-- if ether_rdy = '1' then
pb_release <= '1';
pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
-- end if;
pb_count <= pb_count - "0001";
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end process;
-- Compact Flash Control
compact_flash: process( ide_cs, cpu_addr )
ide_cs0_n <= not( ide_cs ) or cpu_addr(4);
ide_cs1_n <= not( ide_cs and cpu_addr(4));
ide_dmack_n <= '1';
end process;
-- Interrupts and other bus control signals
-- Interrupts and other bus control signals
interrupts : process( SW3_N,
interrupts : process( SW3_N,
Line 1224... |
Line 841... |
cpu_halt <= '0';
cpu_halt <= '0';
cpu_hold <= pb_hold or ram_hold;
cpu_hold <= pb_hold or ram_hold;
FLASH_CE_N <= '1';
FLASH_CE_N <= '1';
end process;
end process;
-- Flash 7 segment LEDS
-- Flash 7 segment LEDS
my_led_flasher: process( clk_i, rst_i, CountL )
my_led_flasher: process( clk_i, rst_i, CountL )
Line 1244... |
Line 860... |
-- Generate CPU & Pixel Clock from Memory Clock
-- Generate CPU & Pixel Clock from Memory Clock
my_prescaler : process( clk_i, clk_count )
my_prescaler : process( clk_i, clk_count )
if rising_edge( clk_i ) then
if rising_edge( clk_i ) then
if clk_count = 0 then
if clk_count = 0 then
clk_count <= CPU_CLK_DIV-1;
clk_count <= CPU_CLK_DIV-1;
clk_count <= clk_count - 1;
clk_count <= clk_count - 1;
end if;
end if;
if clk_count = 0 then
if clk_count = 0 then
clk25 <= '0';
clk25 <= '0';
elsif clk_count = (CPU_CLK_DIV/2) then
elsif clk_count = (CPU_CLK_DIV/2) then
clk25 <= '1';
clk25 <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
-- Reset button and reset timer
-- Reset button and reset timer
Line 1300... |
Line 913... |
slot1_cs_n <= not slot1_cs;
slot1_cs_n <= not slot1_cs;
slot2_cs_n <= not slot2_cs;
slot2_cs_n <= not slot2_cs;
end process;
end process;
-- VGA ouputs
my_vga_assignments : process( vga_red_o, vga_green_o, vga_blue_o )
VGA_red(0) <= vga_red_o;
VGA_red(1) <= vga_red_o;
VGA_red(2) <= vga_red_o;
VGA_green(0) <= vga_green_o;
VGA_green(1) <= vga_green_o;
VGA_green(2) <= vga_green_o;
VGA_blue(0) <= vga_blue_o;
VGA_blue(1) <= vga_blue_o;
VGA_blue(2) <= vga_blue_o;
end process;
-- SDRAM read write control
my_sdram_rw : process( clk_i, cpu_reset,
opBegun, ramDone,
ram_rd_req, ram_wr_req )
if( cpu_reset = '1' ) then
hRd <= '0';
hWr <= '0';
ram_hold <= '0';
ram_state <= ram_state_0;
elsif( falling_edge(clk_i) ) then
-- ram state machine
case ram_state is
when ram_state_0 =>
if ram_rd_req = '1' then
ram_hold <= '1';
hRd <= '1';
ram_state <= ram_state_rd1;
elsif ram_wr_req = '1' then
ram_hold <= '1';
hWr <= '1';
ram_state <= ram_state_wr1;
end if;
when ram_state_rd1 =>
if opBegun = '1' then
hRd <= '0';
ram_state <= ram_state_rd2;
end if;
when ram_state_rd2 =>
if ramDone = '1' then
ram_hold <= '0';
ram_state <= ram_state_3;
end if;
when ram_state_wr1 =>
if opBegun = '1' then
ram_hold <= '0';
hWr <= '0';
ram_state <= ram_state_3;
end if;
when ram_state_3 =>
if ram_release = '1' then
ram_state <= ram_state_0;
end if;
when others =>
hRd <= '0';
hWr <= '0';
ram_hold <= '0';
ram_state <= ram_state_0;
end case;
end if;
end process;
-- SDRAM Address and data bus assignments
my_sdram_addr_data : process( cpu_addr, dat_addr,
cpu_data_out, hDout )
hAddr(23 downto 19) <= "00000";
hAddr(18 downto 11) <= dat_addr;
hAddr(10 downto 0) <= cpu_addr(11 downto 1);
hUds <= not cpu_addr(0);
hLds <= cpu_addr(0);
if cpu_addr(0) = '0' then
hDin( 7 downto 0) <= (others=>'0');
hDin(15 downto 8) <= cpu_data_out;
ram_data_out <= hDout(15 downto 8);
hDin( 7 downto 0) <= cpu_data_out;
hDin(15 downto 8) <= (others=>'0');
ram_data_out <= hDout( 7 downto 0);
end if;
end process;
-- Hold RAM until falling CPU clock edge
ram_bus_hold: process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, ram_hold )
if ram_hold = '1' then
ram_release <= '0';
elsif falling_edge(cpu_clk) then
ram_release <= '1';
end if;
end process;
-- CPU read data request on rising CPU clock edge
-- CPU read data request on rising CPU clock edge
ram_read_request: process( hRd, cpu_clk, ram_cs, cpu_rw, ram_release )
ram_read_request: process( hRd, cpu_clk, ram_cs, cpu_rw, ram_release )
Line 1443... |
Line 942... |
ram_wr_req <= '1';
ram_wr_req <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end process;
status_leds : process( rst_i, cpu_reset, lock )
status_leds : process( rst_i, cpu_reset, lock )
S(0) <= rst_i;
S(0) <= rst_i;
S(1) <= cpu_reset;
S(1) <= cpu_reset;
S(2) <= lock;
S(2) <= lock;
Line 1473... |
Line 970... |
-- cpu_addr_o <= cpu_addr;
-- cpu_addr_o <= cpu_addr;
-- cpu_data_out_o <= cpu_data_out;
-- cpu_data_out_o <= cpu_data_out;
-- cpu_data_in_o <= cpu_data_in;
-- cpu_data_in_o <= cpu_data_in;
--end process;
--end process;
end rtl; --===================== End of architecture =======================--
end rtl; --===================== End of architecture =======================--
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