
Subversion Repositories System09

[/] [System09/] [trunk/] [rtl/] [System09_Xess_XSA-3S1000/] [System09_Xess_XSA-3S1000.vhd] - Diff between revs 114 and 115

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Rev 114 Rev 115
Line 137... Line 137...
   use unisim.vcomponents.all;
   use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity system09 is
entity system09 is
    CLKA       : in  Std_Logic;  -- 100MHz Clock input
    CLKA       : in  Std_Logic;  -- 100MHz Clock input
--    CLKB         : in  Std_Logic;  -- 50MHz Clock input
         SW2_N        : in  Std_logic;  -- Master Reset input (active low)
         SW2_N        : in  Std_logic;  -- Master Reset input (active low)
         SW3_N        : in  Std_logic;  -- Non Maskable Interrupt input (active low)
         SW3_N        : in  Std_logic;  -- Non Maskable Interrupt input (active low)
         -- PS/2 Keyboard
         -- PS/2 Keyboard
         ps2_clk      : inout Std_logic;
         ps2_clk      : inout Std_logic;
Line 158... Line 159...
         RS232_TXD    : out Std_Logic;
         RS232_TXD    : out Std_Logic;
    RS232_CTS    : in  Std_Logic;
    RS232_CTS    : in  Std_Logic;
    RS232_RTS    : out Std_Logic;
    RS232_RTS    : out Std_Logic;
         -- Status 7 segment LED
         -- Status 7 segment LED
--       S            : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
         S            : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    -- SDRAM side
    -- SDRAM side
    SDRAM_clkfb  : in  std_logic;            -- feedback SDRAM clock after PCB delays
    SDRAM_clkfb  : in  std_logic;            -- feedback SDRAM clock after PCB delays
    SDRAM_clkout : out std_logic;            -- clock to SDRAM
    SDRAM_clkout : out std_logic;            -- clock to SDRAM
    SDRAM_CKE    : out std_logic;            -- clock-enable to SDRAM
    SDRAM_CKE    : out std_logic;            -- clock-enable to SDRAM
Line 201... Line 202...
    -- Slot 2 $E1C0 - $E1FF
    -- Slot 2 $E1C0 - $E1FF
         slot2_cs_n   : out std_logic;
         slot2_cs_n   : out std_logic;
--       slot2_irq    : in  std_logic;
--       slot2_irq    : in  std_logic;
-- CPU Debug Interface signals
--    cpu_reset_o     : out Std_Logic;
--    cpu_clk_o       : out Std_Logic;
--    cpu_rw_o        : out std_logic;
--    cpu_vma_o       : out std_logic;
--    cpu_halt_o      : out std_logic;
--    cpu_hold_o      : out std_logic;
--    cpu_firq_o      : out std_logic;
--    cpu_irq_o       : out std_logic;
--    cpu_nmi_o       : out std_logic;
--    cpu_addr_o      : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
--    cpu_data_in_o   : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
--    cpu_data_out_o  : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
         -- Disable Flash
         -- Disable Flash
         FLASH_CE_N   : out std_logic
         FLASH_CE_N   : out std_logic
end system09;
end system09;
Line 214... Line 229...
architecture rtl of system09 is
architecture rtl of system09 is
  -- constants
  -- constants
  constant SYS_Clock_Frequency  : integer := 50000000;  -- FPGA System Clock
  constant PIX_Clock_Frequency  : integer := 25000000;  -- VGA Pixel Clock
  -- SDRAM
  constant CPU_Clock_Frequency  : integer := 25000000;  -- CPU Clock
  constant MEM_CLK_FREQ         : natural := 100_000; -- operating frequency of Memory in KHz
  constant BAUD_Rate            : integer := 57600;       -- Baud Rate
  constant SYS_CLK_DIV          : real    := 2.0;    -- divisor for FREQ (can only be 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0)
  constant ACIA_Clock_Frequency : integer := BAUD_Rate * 16;
  constant PIPE_EN              : boolean := false;  -- if true, enable pipelined read operations
  constant MAX_NOP              : natural := 10000;  -- number of NOPs before entering self-refresh
  constant MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS : boolean := false;  -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
  constant DATA_WIDTH           : natural := 16;     -- host & SDRAM data width
  constant NROWS                : natural := 8192;   -- number of rows in SDRAM array
  constant NCOLS                : natural := 512;    -- number of columns in SDRAM array
  constant HADDR_WIDTH          : natural := 24;     -- host-side address width
  constant SADDR_WIDTH          : natural := 13;     -- SDRAM-side address width
  constant SYS_CLK_FREQ         : natural := ((MEM_CLK_FREQ*2)/integer(SYS_CLK_DIV*2.0))*1000;  -- FPGA System Clock
  constant CPU_CLK_FREQ         : natural := 25_000_000;  -- CPU Clock (Hz)
  constant CPU_CLK_DIV          : natural := (SYS_CLK_FREQ/CPU_CLK_FREQ);
  constant VGA_CLK_FREQ         : natural := 25_000_000;  -- VGA Pixel Clock
  constant VGA_CLK_DIV          : natural := ((MEM_CLK_FREQ*1000)/VGA_CLK_FREQ);
  constant BAUD_RATE            : integer := 57600;       -- Baud Rate
  constant ACIA_CLK_FREQ        : integer := BAUD_RATE * 16;
  constant TRESET               : natural := 300;      -- min initialization interval (us)
  constant RST_CYCLES           : natural := 1+(TRESET*(MEM_CLK_FREQ/1_000));  -- SDRAM power-on initialization interval
  type hold_state_type is ( hold_release_state, hold_request_state );
  type hold_state_type is ( hold_release_state, hold_request_state );
  -- Signals
  -- Signals
  signal rst_n          :  Std_logic;  -- Master Reset input (active low)
  signal nmi_n          :  Std_logic;  -- Non Maskable Interrupt input (active low)
  signal rom_cs         : Std_logic;
  signal rom_cs         : Std_logic;
  signal rom_data_out   : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
  signal rom_data_out   : Std_Logic_Vector(7 downto 0);
  -- Flex Memory & Monitor Stack
  -- Flex Memory & Monitor Stack
Line 255... Line 285...
  signal keyboard_irq      : std_logic;
  signal keyboard_irq      : std_logic;
  -- RAM
  -- RAM
  signal ram_cs         : std_logic; -- memory chip select
  signal ram_cs         : std_logic; -- memory chip select
  signal ram_data_out   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal ram_data_out   : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal ram_rd_req     : std_logic; -- ram read request        (asynch set on ram read, cleared falling CPU clock edge)
  signal ram_wr_req     : std_logic; -- ram write request (set on rising CPU clock edge, asynch clear on acknowledge) 
  signal ram_hold       : std_logic; -- hold off slow accesses
  signal ram_hold       : std_logic; -- hold off slow accesses
  signal ram_release    : std_logic; -- Release ram hold
  -- CPU Interface signals
  -- CPU Interface signals
  signal cpu_reset      : Std_Logic;
  signal cpu_reset      : Std_Logic;
  signal cpu_clk        : Std_Logic;
  signal cpu_clk        : Std_Logic;
  signal cpu_rw         : std_logic;
  signal cpu_rw         : std_logic;
Line 312... Line 345...
  signal ide_cs        : std_logic; -- IDE CF interface
  signal ide_cs        : std_logic; -- IDE CF interface
  signal ether_cs      : std_logic;     -- Ethernet interface
  signal ether_cs      : std_logic;     -- Ethernet interface
  signal slot1_cs      : std_logic;     -- Expansion slot 1
  signal slot1_cs      : std_logic;     -- Expansion slot 1
  signal slot2_cs      : std_logic;     -- Expansion slot 2
  signal slot2_cs      : std_logic;     -- Expansion slot 2
  constant  FREQ                 :     natural := 100_000; -- operating frequency in KHz
  constant  CLK_DIV              :     real    := 2.0;    -- divisor for FREQ (can only be 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0)
  constant  PIPE_EN              :     boolean := false;  -- if true, enable pipelined read operations
  constant  MAX_NOP              :     natural := 10000;  -- number of NOPs before entering self-refresh
  constant  MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS :     boolean := false;  -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
  constant  DATA_WIDTH           :     natural := 16;     -- host & SDRAM data width
  constant  NROWS                :     natural := 8192;   -- number of rows in SDRAM array
  constant  NCOLS                :     natural := 512;    -- number of columns in SDRAM array
  constant  HADDR_WIDTH          :     natural := 24;     -- host-side address width
  constant  SADDR_WIDTH          :     natural := 13;     -- SDRAM-side address width
  signal   rst_i        : std_logic;     -- internal reset signal
  signal   rst_i        : std_logic;     -- internal reset signal
  signal   clk_i        : std_logic;     -- internal master clock signal
  signal   clk_i        : std_logic;     -- internal master clock signal
  signal   lock         : std_logic;     -- SDRAM clock DLL lock indicator
  signal   lock         : std_logic;     -- SDRAM clock DLL lock indicator
  -- signals that go through the SDRAM host-side interface
  -- signals that go through the SDRAM host-side interface
Line 341... Line 360...
  signal hAddr          : std_logic_vector(HADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);  -- host address bus
  signal hAddr          : std_logic_vector(HADDR_WIDTH-1 downto 0);  -- host address bus
  signal hDIn           : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);  -- host-side data to SDRAM
  signal hDIn           : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);  -- host-side data to SDRAM
  signal hDOut          : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);  -- host-side data from SDRAM
  signal hDOut          : std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);  -- host-side data from SDRAM
  signal hRd            : std_logic;        -- host-side read control signal
  signal hRd            : std_logic;        -- host-side read control signal
  signal hWr            : std_logic;        -- host-side write control signal
  signal hWr            : std_logic;        -- host-side write control signal
  signal hUds          : std_logic;        -- host-side upper data strobe
  signal hLds          : std_logic;        -- host-side lower data strobe
  signal rdPending      : std_logic;        -- read operation pending in SDRAM pipeline
  signal rdPending      : std_logic;        -- read operation pending in SDRAM pipeline
  type ram_rd_type is (rd_state0, rd_state1, rd_state2, rd_state3);
  type ram_type is (ram_state_0,
  type ram_wr_type is (wr_state0, wr_state1, wr_state2, wr_state3, wr_state4);
                    ram_state_rd1, ram_state_rd2,
  signal ram_rd_state   : ram_rd_type;
  signal ram_wr_state   : ram_wr_type;
                                                  ram_state_3 );
  signal ram_state     : ram_type;
--  signal BaudCount    : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
--  signal BaudCount    : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
  signal CountL         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
  signal CountL         : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
  signal clk_count      : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
  signal clk_count     : natural range 0 to CPU_CLK_DIV;
  signal Clk25          : std_logic;
  signal Clk25          : std_logic;
  signal pix_clk        : std_logic;
  signal vga_clk       : std_logic;
-- CPU09 CPU core
-- CPU09 CPU core
Line 447... Line 470...
component ACIA_Clock
component ACIA_Clock
  generic (
  generic (
     SYS_CLK_FREQ  : integer :=  SYS_Clock_Frequency;
     SYS_CLK_FREQ  : integer :=  SYS_CLK_FREQ;
          ACIA_CLK_FREQ : integer := ACIA_Clock_Frequency
          ACIA_CLK_FREQ : integer := ACIA_CLK_FREQ
  port (
  port (
     clk      : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock Input
     clk      : in  Std_Logic;  -- System Clock Input
          acia_clk : out Std_logic   -- ACIA Clock output
          ACIA_clk : out Std_logic   -- ACIA Clock output
end component;
end component;
Line 465... Line 488...
component keyboard
component keyboard
  KBD_CLK_FREQ : integer := CPU_Clock_Frequency
  KBD_CLK_FREQ : integer := CPU_CLK_FREQ
  clk             : in    std_logic;
  clk             : in    std_logic;
  rst             : in    std_logic;
  rst             : in    std_logic;
  cs              : in    std_logic;
  cs              : in    std_logic;
Line 488... Line 511...
-- Video Display Unit.
-- Video Display Unit.
component vdu8
component vdu8
        VDU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY    : integer := CPU_Clock_Frequency; -- HZ
        VDU_CLK_FREQ           : integer := CPU_CLK_FREQ; -- HZ
        VGA_CLOCK_FREQUENCY    : integer := PIX_Clock_Frequency; -- HZ
        VGA_CLK_FREQ           : integer := VGA_CLK_FREQ; -- HZ
             VGA_HOR_CHARS          : integer := 80; -- CHARACTERS
             VGA_HOR_CHARS          : integer := 80; -- CHARACTERS
             VGA_VER_CHARS          : integer := 25; -- CHARACTERS
             VGA_VER_CHARS          : integer := 25; -- CHARACTERS
             VGA_PIXELS_PER_CHAR    : integer := 8;  -- PIXELS
             VGA_PIX_PER_CHAR       : integer := 8;  -- PIXELS
             VGA_LINES_PER_CHAR     : integer := 16; -- LINES
             VGA_LIN_PER_CHAR       : integer := 16; -- LINES
             VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH     : integer := 40; -- PIXELS
             VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH     : integer := 40; -- PIXELS
             VGA_HOR_SYNC           : integer := 96; -- PIXELS
             VGA_HOR_SYNC           : integer := 96; -- PIXELS
             VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH    : integer := 24; -- PIXELS
             VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH    : integer := 24; -- PIXELS
             VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH     : integer := 13; -- LINES
             VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH     : integer := 13; -- LINES
             VGA_VER_SYNC           : integer := 1;  -- LINES
             VGA_VER_SYNC           : integer := 2;  -- LINES
             VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH    : integer := 36  -- LINES
             VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH    : integer := 35  -- LINES
                -- control register interface
                -- control register interface
      vdu_clk      : in  std_logic;      -- CPU Clock - 25MHz
      vdu_clk      : in  std_logic;      -- CPU Clock - 25MHz
      vdu_rst      : in  std_logic;
      vdu_rst      : in  std_logic;
Line 580... Line 603...
    data_in  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
    data_in  : in  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
         data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
         data_out : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)
end component;
end component;
component XSASDRAMCntl
component XSASDRAMCntl
    FREQ                 :     natural := FREQ;        -- operating frequency in KHz
    FREQ                 :     natural := MEM_CLK_FREQ;-- operating frequency in KHz
    CLK_DIV              :     real    := CLK_DIV;     -- divisor for FREQ (can only be 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0)
    CLK_DIV              :     real    := SYS_CLK_DIV; -- divisor for FREQ (can only be 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 8.0 or 16.0)
    PIPE_EN              :     boolean := PIPE_EN;     -- if true, enable pipelined read operations
    PIPE_EN              :     boolean := PIPE_EN;     -- if true, enable pipelined read operations
    MAX_NOP              :     natural := MAX_NOP;     -- number of NOPs before entering self-refresh
    MAX_NOP              :     natural := MAX_NOP;     -- number of NOPs before entering self-refresh
    MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS :     boolean := MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS;  -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
    MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS :     boolean := MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_ROWS;  -- if true, allow an active row in each bank
    DATA_WIDTH           :     natural := DATA_WIDTH;  -- host & SDRAM data width
    DATA_WIDTH           :     natural := DATA_WIDTH;  -- host & SDRAM data width
    NROWS                :     natural := NROWS;       -- number of rows in SDRAM array
    NROWS                :     natural := NROWS;       -- number of rows in SDRAM array
Line 603... Line 627...
    clk2x                : out std_logic;  -- double-speed host clock
    clk2x                : out std_logic;  -- double-speed host clock
    lock                 : out std_logic;  -- true when host clock is locked to master clock
    lock                 : out std_logic;  -- true when host clock is locked to master clock
    rst                  : in  std_logic;  -- reset
    rst                  : in  std_logic;  -- reset
    rd                   : in  std_logic;  -- initiate read operation
    rd                   : in  std_logic;  -- initiate read operation
    wr                   : in  std_logic;  -- initiate write operation
    wr                   : in  std_logic;  -- initiate write operation
    uds                  : in  std_logic;  -- upper data strobe
    lds                  : in  std_logic;  -- lower data strobe
    earlyOpBegun         : out std_logic;  -- read/write/self-refresh op begun     (async)
    earlyOpBegun         : out std_logic;  -- read/write/self-refresh op begun     (async)
    opBegun              : out std_logic;  -- read/write/self-refresh op begun (clocked)
    opBegun              : out std_logic;  -- read/write/self-refresh op begun (clocked)
    rdPending            : out std_logic;  -- read operation(s) are still in the pipeline
    rdPending            : out std_logic;  -- read operation(s) are still in the pipeline
    done                 : out std_logic;  -- read or write operation is done
    done                 : out std_logic;  -- read or write operation is done
    rdDone               : out std_logic;  -- read done and data is available
    rdDone               : out std_logic;  -- read done and data is available
Line 688... Line 714...
         rw        => cpu_rw,
         rw        => cpu_rw,
    addr      => cpu_addr(0),
    addr      => cpu_addr(0),
         data_in    => cpu_data_out,
         data_in    => cpu_data_out,
         data_out   => acia_data_out,
         data_out   => acia_data_out,
    irq       => acia_irq,
    irq       => acia_irq,
         RxC       => acia_clk,
         RxC       => acia_clk,
         TxC       => acia_clk,
         TxC       => acia_clk,
         RxD       => rxd,
         RxD       => rxd,
         TxD       => txd,
         TxD       => txd,
         DCD_n     => dcd_n,
         DCD_n     => dcd_n,
Line 701... Line 726...
my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock
my_ACIA_Clock : ACIA_Clock
  generic map(
  generic map(
    SYS_CLK_FREQ  => SYS_Clock_Frequency,
         ACIA_CLK_FREQ => ACIA_Clock_Frequency
  port map(
  port map(
    clk        => Clk_i,
    clk        => Clk_i,
    acia_clk   => acia_clk
    acia_clk   => acia_clk
Line 716... Line 741...
-- PS/2 Keyboard Interface
-- PS/2 Keyboard Interface
my_keyboard : keyboard
my_keyboard : keyboard
   generic map (
   generic map (
        KBD_CLK_FREQ => CPU_Clock_frequency
   port map(
   port map(
        clk          => cpu_clk,
        clk          => cpu_clk,
        rst          => cpu_reset,
        rst          => cpu_reset,
        cs           => keyboard_cs,
        cs           => keyboard_cs,
Line 738... Line 763...
-- Video Display Unit instantiation
-- Video Display Unit instantiation
my_vdu : vdu8
my_vdu : vdu8
  generic map(
  generic map(
      VDU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY    => CPU_Clock_Frequency, -- HZ
      VDU_CLK_FREQ           => CPU_CLK_FREQ, -- HZ
      VGA_CLOCK_FREQUENCY    => PIX_Clock_Frequency, -- HZ
      VGA_CLK_FREQ           => VGA_CLK_FREQ, -- HZ
           VGA_HOR_CHARS          => 80, -- CHARACTERS
           VGA_HOR_CHARS          => 80, -- CHARACTERS
           VGA_VER_CHARS          => 25, -- CHARACTERS
           VGA_VER_CHARS          => 25, -- CHARACTERS
           VGA_PIXELS_PER_CHAR    => 8,  -- PIXELS
           VGA_PIX_PER_CHAR       => 8,  -- PIXELS
           VGA_LINES_PER_CHAR     => 16, -- LINES
           VGA_LIN_PER_CHAR       => 16, -- LINES
           VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH     => 40, -- PIXELS
           VGA_HOR_BACK_PORCH     => 40, -- PIXELS
           VGA_HOR_SYNC           => 96, -- PIXELS
           VGA_HOR_SYNC           => 96, -- PIXELS
           VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH    => 24, -- PIXELS
           VGA_HOR_FRONT_PORCH    => 24, -- PIXELS
           VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH     => 13, -- LINES
           VGA_VER_BACK_PORCH     => 13, -- LINES
           VGA_VER_SYNC           => 1,  -- LINES
           VGA_VER_SYNC           => 2,  -- LINES
           VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH    => 36  -- LINES
           VGA_VER_FRONT_PORCH    => 35  -- LINES
  port map(
  port map(
                -- Control Registers
                -- Control Registers
                vdu_clk       => cpu_clk,                                        -- 12.5 MHz System Clock in
                vdu_clk       => cpu_clk,                                        -- 12.5 MHz System Clock in
Line 763... Line 788...
                vdu_addr      => cpu_addr(2 downto 0),
                vdu_addr      => cpu_addr(2 downto 0),
                vdu_data_in   => cpu_data_out,
                vdu_data_in   => cpu_data_out,
                vdu_data_out  => vdu_data_out,
                vdu_data_out  => vdu_data_out,
      -- vga port connections
      -- vga port connections
      vga_clk       => pix_clk,                                  -- 25 MHz VDU pixel clock
      vga_clk       => vga_clk,                                  -- 25 MHz VDU pixel clock
      vga_red_o     => vga_red_o,
      vga_red_o     => vga_red_o,
      vga_green_o   => vga_green_o,
      vga_green_o   => vga_green_o,
      vga_blue_o    => vga_blue_o,
      vga_blue_o    => vga_blue_o,
      vga_hsync_o   => vga_hsync_n,
      vga_hsync_o   => vga_hsync_n,
      vga_vsync_o   => vga_vsync_n
      vga_vsync_o   => vga_vsync_n
Line 822... Line 847...
  -- Instantiate the SDRAM controller that connects to the memory tester
  -- Instantiate the SDRAM controller that connects to the memory tester
  -- module and interfaces to the external SDRAM chip.
  -- module and interfaces to the external SDRAM chip.
  u1 : xsaSDRAMCntl
  u1 : xsaSDRAMCntl
    generic map(
    generic map(
      FREQ                 => FREQ,
      FREQ                 => MEM_CLK_FREQ,
                CLK_DIV              => SYS_CLK_DIV,
      PIPE_EN              => PIPE_EN,
      PIPE_EN              => PIPE_EN,
      DATA_WIDTH           => DATA_WIDTH,
                MAX_NOP              => MAX_NOP,
      DATA_WIDTH           => DATA_WIDTH,
      NROWS                => NROWS,
      NROWS                => NROWS,
      NCOLS                => NCOLS,
      NCOLS                => NCOLS,
      HADDR_WIDTH          => HADDR_WIDTH,
      HADDR_WIDTH          => HADDR_WIDTH,
      SADDR_WIDTH          => SADDR_WIDTH
      SADDR_WIDTH          => SADDR_WIDTH
Line 841... Line 868...
      clk2x                => open,     -- synchronized doubled master clock
      clk2x                => open,     -- synchronized doubled master clock
      lock                 => lock,     -- DLL lock indicator
      lock                 => lock,     -- DLL lock indicator
      rst                  => rst_i,    -- reset
      rst                  => rst_i,    -- reset
      rd                   => hRd,      -- host-side SDRAM read control from memory tester
      rd                   => hRd,      -- host-side SDRAM read control from memory tester
      wr                   => hWr,      -- host-side SDRAM write control from memory tester
      wr                   => hWr,      -- host-side SDRAM write control from memory tester
      uds                  => hUds,     -- host-side SDRAM upper data strobe
      lds                  => hLds,     -- host-side SDRAM lower data strobe
      rdPending            => rdPending,-- read operation to SDRAM is in progress
      rdPending            => rdPending,-- read operation to SDRAM is in progress
      opBegun              => opBegun,  -- indicates memory read/write has begun
      opBegun              => opBegun,  -- indicates memory read/write has begun
      earlyOpBegun         => earlyBegun,  -- early indicator that memory operation has begun
      earlyOpBegun         => earlyBegun,  -- early indicator that memory operation has begun
      rdDone               => rdDone,   -- indicates SDRAM memory read operation is done
      rdDone               => rdDone,   -- indicates SDRAM memory read operation is done
      done                 => ramDone, -- indicates SDRAM memory read or write operation is done
      done                 => ramDone, -- indicates SDRAM memory read or write operation is done
Line 870... Line 899...
cpu_clk_buffer : BUFG port map(
cpu_clk_buffer : BUFG port map(
    i => Clk25,
    i => Clk25,
         o => cpu_clk
         o => cpu_clk
pix_clk_buffer : BUFG port map(
vga_clk_buffer : BUFG port map(
    i => Clk25,
    i => Clk25,
         o => pix_clk
         o => vga_clk
-- Process to decode memory map
-- Process to decode memory map
mem_decode: process( cpu_clk,
mem_decode: process( cpu_addr, cpu_rw, cpu_vma,
                     cpu_addr, cpu_rw, cpu_vma,
Line 1055... Line 1083...
-- 16-bit Peripheral Bus
-- 16-bit Peripheral Bus
-- 6809 Big endian
-- 6809 Big endian
-- ISA bus little endian
-- ISA bus little endian
-- Not sure about IDE interface
-- Not sure about IDE interface
peripheral_bus: process( clk_i, cpu_reset, cpu_rw, cpu_addr, cpu_data_out )
peripheral_bus: process( clk_i, cpu_reset, cpu_rw, cpu_addr, cpu_data_out,
                         pb_cs, pb_wreg, pb_rreg )
  pb_wru <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and (not cpu_addr(0));
  pb_wru <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and (not cpu_addr(0));
  pb_wrl <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and      cpu_addr(0) ;
  pb_wrl <= pb_cs and (not cpu_rw) and      cpu_addr(0) ;
  pb_rdu <= pb_cs and      cpu_rw  and (not cpu_addr(0));
  pb_rdu <= pb_cs and      cpu_rw  and (not cpu_addr(0));
  pb_rdl <= pb_cs and      cpu_rw  and      cpu_addr(0) ;
  pb_rdl <= pb_cs and      cpu_rw  and      cpu_addr(0) ;
Line 1126... Line 1155...
end process;
end process;
-- Hold Peripheral bus accesses for a few cycles
-- Hold Peripheral bus accesses for a few cycles
peripheral_bus_hold: process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, pb_rdu, pb_wrl, ether_rdy )
peripheral_bus_hold: process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, pb_rdu, pb_wrl ) --, ether_rdy )
    if cpu_reset = '1' then
    if cpu_reset = '1' then
                 pb_release    <= '0';
                 pb_release    <= '0';
                 pb_count      <= "0000";
                 pb_count      <= "0000";
            pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
            pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
         elsif cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk='1' then
         elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then
  -- The perpheral bus hold signal should be generated on 
  -- The perpheral bus hold signal should be generated on 
  -- 16 bit bus read which will be on even byte reads or 
  -- 16 bit bus read which will be on even byte reads or 
  -- 16 bit bus write which will be on odd byte writes.
  -- 16 bit bus write which will be on odd byte writes.
Line 1151... Line 1180...
                                 pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
                                 pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
                         end if;
                         end if;
                 when hold_request_state =>
                 when hold_request_state =>
                         if pb_count = "0000" then
                         if pb_count = "0000" then
            if ether_rdy = '1' then
--            if ether_rdy = '1' then
              pb_release    <= '1';
              pb_release    <= '1';
                                  pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
                                  pb_hold_state <= hold_release_state;
            end if;
--            end if;
                       pb_count <= pb_count - "0001";
                       pb_count <= pb_count - "0001";
                         end if;
                         end if;
       when others =>
       when others =>
Line 1177... Line 1206...
end process;
end process;
-- Interrupts and other bus control signals
-- Interrupts and other bus control signals
interrupts : process( lock, rst_n, nmi_n,
interrupts : process( SW3_N,
                                                         pb_cs, pb_hold, pb_release,
                                                         pb_cs, pb_hold, pb_release, ram_hold,
                                                         ram_cs, ram_hold,
--                                                       ether_irq, 
         cpu_reset <= (not rst_n) or (not lock); -- CPU reset is active high
    pb_hold   <= pb_cs and (not pb_release);
    pb_hold   <= pb_cs and (not pb_release);
    cpu_irq   <= acia_irq or keyboard_irq;
    cpu_irq   <= acia_irq or keyboard_irq;
         cpu_nmi   <= trap_irq or not( nmi_n );
         cpu_nmi    <= trap_irq or not( SW3_N );
         cpu_firq  <= timer_irq;
         cpu_firq  <= timer_irq;
         cpu_halt  <= '0';
         cpu_halt  <= '0';
         cpu_hold  <= pb_hold or ram_hold;
         cpu_hold  <= pb_hold or ram_hold;
    FLASH_CE_N <= '1';
end process;
end process;
-- Flash 7 segment LEDS
-- Flash 7 segment LEDS
my_led_flasher: process( Clk_i, rst_n, CountL )
my_led_flasher: process( clk_i, rst_i, CountL )
    if rst_n = '0' then
    if rst_i = '1' then
                   CountL <= "000000000000000000000000";
                   CountL <= "000000000000000000000000";
    elsif(Clk_i'event and Clk_i = '1') then
    elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
                   CountL <= CountL + 1;
                   CountL <= CountL + 1;
    end if;
    end if;
--       S(7 downto 0) <= CountL(23 downto 16);
--       S(7 downto 0) <= CountL(23 downto 16);
end process;
end process;
-- Generate a 25 MHz Clock from 50 MHz
-- Generate CPU & Pixel Clock from Memory Clock
my_prescaler : process( Clk_i, clk_count )
my_prescaler : process( clk_i, clk_count )
  if Clk_i'event and Clk_i = '1' then
  if rising_edge( clk_i ) then
    clk_count(0) <= not clk_count(0);
    if clk_count = 0 then
           clk_count <= CPU_CLK_DIV-1;
      clk_count <= clk_count - 1;
         end if;
    if clk_count = 0 then
            clk25 <= '0';
    elsif clk_count = (CPU_CLK_DIV/2) then
            clk25 <= '1';
    end if;
  end if;
  end if;
  Clk25 <= clk_count(0);
end process;
end process;
-- Push buttons
-- Reset button and reset timer
my_switch_assignments : process( SW2_N, SW3_N, rst_n )
my_switch_assignments : process( rst_i, SW2_N, lock )
  rst_n    <= SW2_N;
  rst_i <= not SW2_N;
  rst_i    <= not rst_n;
  cpu_reset <= rst_i or (not lock);
  nmi_n    <= SW3_N;
  -- Disable Flash memory
  FLASH_CE_N    <= '1';
end process;
end process;
-- RS232 signals:
-- RS232 signals:
Line 1283... Line 1317...
  VGA_blue(1)  <= vga_blue_o;
  VGA_blue(1)  <= vga_blue_o;
  VGA_blue(2)  <= vga_blue_o;
  VGA_blue(2)  <= vga_blue_o;
end process;
end process;
-- SDRAM assignments
-- SDRAM read write control
my_sdram_assignments : process( cpu_clk, clk_i, cpu_reset,
my_sdram_rw : process( clk_i, cpu_reset,
                                opBegun, rdDone, wrDone,
                       opBegun, ramDone,
                                                                                  ram_rd_state, ram_wr_state,
                                cpu_addr, dat_addr,
                       ram_rd_req, ram_wr_req )
                                cpu_data_out, hDout,
                                                                                  ram_cs, cpu_rw, ram_hold )
  if( cpu_reset = '1' ) then
  if( cpu_reset = '1' ) then
    hWr    <= '0';
         hRd    <= '0';
         hRd    <= '0';
         wrDone <= '0';
    hWr        <= '0';
         ram_wr_state <= wr_state0;
         ram_hold   <= '0';
         ram_rd_state <= rd_state0;
         ram_state  <= ram_state_0;
  elsif( clk_i'event and clk_i='0' ) then
  elsif( falling_edge(clk_i) ) then
         -- read state machine
         -- ram state machine
    case ram_rd_state is
    case ram_state is
    when rd_state0 =>
    when ram_state_0 =>
           if (ram_hold = '1') and (cpu_rw = '1') then
                if ram_rd_req = '1' then
        ram_hold   <= '1';
                  hRd          <= '1';
                  hRd          <= '1';
                  ram_rd_state <= rd_state1;
                  ram_state  <= ram_state_rd1;
      elsif ram_wr_req = '1' then
             ram_hold   <= '1';
        hWr        <= '1';
             ram_state  <= ram_state_wr1;
      end if;
      end if;
    when rd_state1 =>
    when ram_state_rd1 =>
           if opBegun = '1' then
           if opBegun = '1' then
                  ram_rd_state <= rd_state2;
                  hRd        <= '0';
                  ram_state  <= ram_state_rd2;
      end if;
      end if;
    when rd_state2 =>
    when ram_state_rd2 =>
           if rdDone = '1' then
           if ramDone = '1' then
                  hRd <= '0';
                  ram_hold   <= '0';
                  ram_rd_state <= rd_state3;
                  ram_state  <= ram_state_3;
                end if;
                end if;
    when rd_state3 =>
    when ram_state_wr1 =>
           if rdDone = '0' then
           if opBegun = '1' then
                  ram_rd_state <= rd_state0;
                  ram_hold   <= '0';
                  hWr        <= '0';
                  ram_state  <= ram_state_3;
      end if;
    when ram_state_3 =>
           if ram_release = '1' then
                  ram_state  <= ram_state_0;
      end if;
      end if;
         when others =>
         when others =>
                hRd          <= '0';
                hRd          <= '0';
                ram_rd_state <= rd_state0;
                hWr        <= '0';
                ram_hold   <= '0';
                ram_state  <= ram_state_0;
         end case;
         end case;
  end if;
end process;
         -- Write state machine
-- SDRAM Address and data bus assignments
    case ram_wr_state is
my_sdram_addr_data : process( cpu_addr, dat_addr,
                                cpu_data_out, hDout )
    when wr_state0 =>
           if (ram_hold = '1') and (cpu_rw = '0') then
  hAddr(23 downto 19)  <= "00000";
                  hWr          <= '1';
  hAddr(18 downto 11)  <= dat_addr;
        wrDone       <= '0';
  hAddr(10 downto 0)   <= cpu_addr(11 downto 1);
                  ram_wr_state <= wr_state1;
  hUds                 <= not cpu_addr(0);
  hLds                 <=     cpu_addr(0);
  if cpu_addr(0) = '0' then
     hDin( 7 downto 0) <= (others=>'0');
     hDin(15 downto 8) <= cpu_data_out;
     ram_data_out      <= hDout(15 downto 8);
     hDin( 7 downto 0) <= cpu_data_out;
     hDin(15 downto 8) <= (others=>'0');
     ram_data_out      <= hDout( 7 downto 0);
      end if;
      end if;
end process;
    when wr_state1 =>
           if opBegun = '1' then
-- Hold RAM until falling CPU clock edge
                  hWr          <= '0';
        wrDone       <= '0';
ram_bus_hold: process( cpu_clk, cpu_reset, ram_hold )
                  ram_wr_state <= wr_state2;
    if ram_hold = '1' then
                 ram_release   <= '0';
         elsif falling_edge(cpu_clk) then
                 ram_release   <= '1';
      end if;
      end if;
end process;
    when wr_state2 =>
                hWr          <= '0';
      wrDone       <= '0';
                ram_wr_state <= wr_state3;
    when wr_state3 =>
                hWr          <= '0';
      wrDone       <= '1';
                ram_wr_state <= wr_state4;
    when wr_state4 =>
                hWr          <= '0';
      wrDone       <= '0';
                ram_wr_state <= wr_state0;
         when others =>
                hWr          <= '0';
      wrDone       <= '0';
                ram_wr_state <= wr_state0;
         end case;
  end if;
  -- Strobe host RD and WR signals high on RAM select
-- CPU read data request on rising CPU clock edge
  -- Return low when cycle has started
  if( cpu_reset = '1' ) then
ram_read_request: process( hRd, cpu_clk, ram_cs, cpu_rw, ram_release )
         ram_hold     <= '0';
  elsif( cpu_clk'event and cpu_clk='1' ) then
         if hRd = '1' then
                ram_rd_req   <= '0';
         elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then
           if (ram_cs = '1') and (cpu_rw = '1') and (ram_release = '1') then
                  ram_rd_req   <= '1';
      end if;
         end if;
end process;
    -- Hold is intitiated when the RAM is selected
-- CPU write data to RAM valid on rising CPU clock edge
    -- and released when access cycle is complete
         if (ram_hold = '0') and (ram_cs = '1') then
ram_write_request: process( hWr, cpu_clk, ram_cs, cpu_rw, ram_release )
                ram_hold <= '1';
    elsif (ram_hold = '1') and ((rdDone = '1') or (wrDone = '1')) then
    if hWr = '1' then
                ram_hold <= '0';
                 ram_wr_req   <= '0';
         elsif rising_edge(cpu_clk) then
                if (ram_cs = '1') and (cpu_rw = '0') and (ram_release = '1') then
                  ram_wr_req   <= '1';
    end if;
    end if;
  end if;
  end if;
end process;
  hAddr(23 downto 20) <= "0000";
  hAddr(19 downto 12) <= dat_addr;
  hAddr(11 downto 0)  <= cpu_addr(11 downto 0);
  hDin(7 downto 0)    <= cpu_data_out;
  hDin(15 downto 8)   <= (others => '0');
  ram_data_out        <= hDout(7 downto 0);
status_leds : process( rst_i, cpu_reset, lock )
    S(0) <= rst_i;
         S(1) <= cpu_reset;
         S(2) <= lock;
         S(3)   <= countL(23);
         S(7 downto 4) <= "0000";
end process;
end process;
--debug_proc : process( cpu_reset, cpu_clk, cpu_rw, cpu_vma,
--                      cpu_halt, cpu_hold,
--                      cpu_firq, cpu_irq, cpu_nmi,
--                      cpu_addr, cpu_data_out, cpu_data_in )
--  cpu_reset_o    <= cpu_reset;
--  cpu_clk_o      <= cpu_clk;
--  cpu_rw_o       <= cpu_rw;
--  cpu_vma_o      <= cpu_vma;
--  cpu_halt_o     <= cpu_halt;
--  cpu_hold_o     <= cpu_hold;
--  cpu_firq_o     <= cpu_firq;
--  cpu_irq_o      <= cpu_irq;
--  cpu_nmi_o      <= cpu_nmi;
--  cpu_addr_o     <= cpu_addr;
--  cpu_data_out_o <= cpu_data_out;
--  cpu_data_in_o  <= cpu_data_in;
--end process;
end rtl; --===================== End of architecture =======================--
end rtl; --===================== End of architecture =======================--
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